This document provides information about a voltage regulator model SES-12, including:
- Technical specifications such as input/output voltages and currents, regulation, response time, and temperature range.
- Features of the regulator like voltage adjustment, frequency roll off, oscillation control, and over excitation limit settings.
- A diagram showing proper interconnection of the regulator.
- Instructions for operation of a single generator and parallel operation of multiple generators, along with potential issues that could occur during parallel operation.
- Details on using the accessory input and droop circuit for shared reactive power control during parallel operation.
This document provides information about a voltage regulator model SES-12, including:
- Technical specifications such as input/output voltages and currents, regulation, response time, and temperature range.
- Features of the regulator like voltage adjustment, frequency roll off, oscillation control, and over excitation limit settings.
- A diagram showing proper interconnection of the regulator.
- Instructions for operation of a single generator and parallel operation of multiple generators, along with potential issues that could occur during parallel operation.
- Details on using the accessory input and droop circuit for shared reactive power control during parallel operation.
This document provides information about a voltage regulator model SES-12, including:
- Technical specifications such as input/output voltages and currents, regulation, response time, and temperature range.
- Features of the regulator like voltage adjustment, frequency roll off, oscillation control, and over excitation limit settings.
- A diagram showing proper interconnection of the regulator.
- Instructions for operation of a single generator and parallel operation of multiple generators, along with potential issues that could occur during parallel operation.
- Details on using the accessory input and droop circuit for shared reactive power control during parallel operation.
This document provides information about a voltage regulator model SES-12, including:
- Technical specifications such as input/output voltages and currents, regulation, response time, and temperature range.
- Features of the regulator like voltage adjustment, frequency roll off, oscillation control, and over excitation limit settings.
- A diagram showing proper interconnection of the regulator.
- Instructions for operation of a single generator and parallel operation of multiple generators, along with potential issues that could occur during parallel operation.
- Details on using the accessory input and droop circuit for shared reactive power control during parallel operation.
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131, 8th Main, 3rd Phase
Peenya Industrial Area
BANGALORE-560 058 Ph: 080-28393703, 41170448 Fax: 080-41170447 E-mail: INDEX 1) GENERAL INFORMATION 2) TECHINICAL SPECIFICATION 3) FEATURE PROVIDED 4) INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM 5) OPERATION 6) PARALLELOPERATION AMG GENERATORS 7) STATIC TEST PROCEDURE 8) TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART VOLTAGE REGULATOR MODEL: SES-12 GENERAL INFORMATION This AVR is a compact, medium power Full wave rectified AVR designed to give excellent performance with both LT & HT generators upto 10MVA. This AVR is capable of building up the voltage with a very low residual voltage say from 1.5V to 2V AC at power input terminals. This AVR has built in settable protective features for under speed and over excitation. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION POWER INPUT VOLTAGE : 240 V AC FREQUENCY : 50/60Hz BURDEN : 2.5kVA
DROOP : 10% max. for 5A/1A
(derived through line CT) from ‘Y’ Ph.
VOLTAGE : ± 0.5% at Regulator
REGULATION sensing terminals.
VOLTAGE DRIFT : <± 1% for 40ºC change in
ambient. UNDER SPEED : Settable between 40 Hz to PROTECTION(FRO) 55Hz.
BUILD-UP (at power : 1.5V AC (typical)
input terminals) 2.5V AC (guaranteed)
VOLTAGE VARIATION: ± 10% (Typ) with 10K pot.
RESPONSE : Response time abt 70ms
RECOVERY : Closed loop voltage recovery at m/c terminals betw 0.5 to 2 sec depending on size of ACG. ACCESSORY INPUT : ± 4.5V DC will change terminal voltage by ± 15% (approx.). The accessory input must be isolate.
EXCITATION CURRENT: Inverse Time delayed settable
LIMIT betw 2A to 12A.
TEMP. OPERATION : -20ºC to +60ºC
FEATURES PROVIDED The main Features are as follows:
1) V-Trim : Voltage Adjustment
2) FRO : Frequency Roll off 3) STAB : Oscillation control 4) O-Exc : Over Excitation Limit 5) ACC : Accessory Input 6) QDC : Droop V-TRIM: Using this pot, voltage can be adjusted within ± 10% of rated voltage. Clockwise increases the setting and anti-clockwise decrease the setting. FRO : Using this pot, we can set the frequency at which the voltage starts dropping. Clockwise decreases the setting and anti-clockwise increases the setting. STAB : Using this pot, we can control the oscillation. Clockwise leads the voltage stable and anticlockwise leads the voltage to oscillation. Too many clockwise will leads to more damping. O-Exc : Using this pot we can fix the band of excitation current at which the voltage starts dropping. Clockwise increases the setting and anti-clockwise decreases the setting. ACC : Set to change the terminal voltage by ±15% for ± 4.5VDC input. QDC : Set to produce 4% droop(16V) for 5Amps input current from ’V’ phase. INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM OPERATION After connecting the AVR as per the Interconnection diagram and after attaining the machine at full speed, Switch ‘ON’ the AVR and voltage will build-up upto rated voltage. Note: Before switching ‘ON’ the AVR keep V-Trim pot in middle position. Droop CT to be shorted for Solo operation. After voltage build-up trim the voltage using V- Trim pot upto the rated voltage. Adjust the stability pot provided inside the unit to get good response and recovery time i.e., turn STAB pot anticlockwise till voltage starts hunting and again turn clockwise till voltage stops hunting. From this point turn slightly more clockwise to avoid hunting on load and load removal. Check all the parameters at No-Load conditions and when found O.K. load the machine upto rated kVA. Check all the parameters at Full Load condition. PARALLEL OPERATION AMONG GENERATORS During parallel operation the generator sets active & reactive loads according to the droop characteristics in the prime mover. So, it is required to share the loads in proportion to their individual ratings. ALTERNATOR kVAR SHARING Just as equality of droop characteristics decides KW sharing in engine (governors), equality of KVAR sharing is decided by voltage droops provided. PARALLEL OPERATION 1. PRE PARALLEL OPERATION 2. PARALLEL PROCEDURE. 3. PARALLELING PROBLEMS. 4. PARALLEL OPERATION THROUGH ACCESSORY INPUT. 1. PRE PARALLEL OPERATION It is essential that the paralleling droop signal from the CT bears proper phase relationship with respect to the sensing input. Verify that 110V sensing is derived across U & V Phases only through (PT) or directly (415V) and the droop CT installed in W Phase only. The droop CT should be in excess of 5VA rating and wound for CL 1.0 accuracy.
The variable droop resistor or potentiometer mounted
inside the AVR is set to give about 4% droop for 5A input or 1A input. Before attempting to parallel operate 2 or more gensets it is recommended that the following tests be performed: 1. Run the set on no load and adjust the voltage to normal rated value. 2. Verify that the paralleling CT secondary is not shorted. 3. Apply 25% to 100% load to the set at UNITY PF. The generator output should change less than +/-1%. 4. If the generator output changes more than 1% check the paralleling CT connection and the phase in which it is installed. 5. Apply 25% to 100% load at 0.8pf. Voltage should drop from 4 to 6% with rated load. If the voltage rises instead of drooping reverse the CT sensing leads. During the above tests verify that the voltage and the speed do not drift or oscillate erratically. PARALLEL PROCEDURE The oncoming generator voltage phase sequence must be the same as that of the bus to which it is to be paralleled. 1. Adjust the voltage of the oncoming generator (the generator to be paralleled) to match the bus voltage. 2. Adjust the oncoming prime mover speed so that its frequency is slightly faster than the load bus. 3. Observing the Synchroscope, close the oncoming generator circuit breaker when the generator is in phase with that of the bus ( slightly less than 12 ‘O’ clock position of synchroscope allowing for circuit breaker closure time). 4. Immediately after closing the breaker, observe the line ammeter. It should be well within the rated current reading. If not immediately reopen the circuit breaker and completely review the connections. 5. If operation is normal after paralleling adjust prime mover speed control so that the generator takes no load, thereby avoiding the possibility of the reverse power relay tripping the generator from the bus. 6. Adjust voltage & speed so that the generator is taking its share of KW & KVAR. 7. If, two or more generators using the same type AVRs are on a common bus vary the bus load and make voltage, speed and parallel droop compensation adjustments as necessary to obtain the most optimum sharing. PARALLELING PROBLEMS If after paralleling with the bus, improper operation results, try first to determine which control system is faulty the voltage or the speed control. A high ammeter reading or circuit breakers opening may occur in either case. Immediately after closing the on coming generator circuit breaker observe KVAR & KW readings. A large KVAR reading (positive or negative) indicates faulty voltage regulating system. An unbalanced KW reading may indicate a faulty speed regulating system. By and large, all paralleling problems are caused by incorrect system interconnections If the KVAR drifts upward upon paralleling then the CT is not in circuit or connected reverse. If KVAR drifts downwards when the machine is paralleled to the bus (KW varied from 0 to 100%) by more than 10%, the paralleling CT is in wrong phase. PARALLEL OPERATION THROUGH ACCESSORY INPUT Applying a DC voltage of ±4.5V at the Accessory input will vary the terminal voltage approximately by 15%. The Accessory input to the regulator must be wired with the Autosynchroniser/PLC controls in such a way as to result stable operation. Before parallel operation, the accessory input could be used for voltage matching purposes and after parallel operation for sharing or balancing KVARs. It is important to take care of the polarity of accessory input such that the desired result is achieved. Reverse polarity condition will lead to runaway conditions. The accessory input should always be used in conjunction with the droop circuit. The droop circuit ensures proper stability of parallel operation while the accessory input maintains the desired KVARs on a closed loop basis. STATIC TEST PROCEDURE 1) Connect the AVR as shown in the diagram. 2) Ensure that the variac is in minimum position. 3) Switch ‘ON’ the 415V, 3phase supply to the variac. 4) Keep V-Trim pot in minimum position. 5) Switch ‘ON’ the AVR switch and slowly vary the variac. 6) The lamp starts glowing slowly, further increase the voltage till it co-incides the set value and the lamp goes off. 7) Turn V-Trim pot fully clockwise again the lamp will glow slowly. 8) Increase the voltage through variac, the lamp should remain ‘ON’. 8) Measure the voltage at terminals 1 and 2 and keep the voltage at 110V. 9) Turn FRO pot provided in the PCB anticlockwise slowly then the lamp should go off and turning clockwise the lamp should again glow. 10) It is difficult to see stability effect in static test, so it has to be carried out only in closed looped.