Acs5000 Sop
Acs5000 Sop
Acs5000 Sop
DE Bearing Temp –
Winding Temp R –
Winding Temp Y –
Winding Temp B –
DC Bus Voltage –
Frequency -
Drive INU ready-It means VCB of converter transformer is healthy and now we may put on the VCB
from Drive Panel.
Drive INU run–It means VCB is Started from Drive Panel through ON Push Button and Drive Is
INU Reference- It means motor Is started from either local or remote through command and
showing the current speed.
1. Control Panel
2. Rectifier and Inverter Panel
In Control Panel
1. We have Two PLC units Internal PLC(Lower PLC rack) and External PLC(Upper PLC rack)
a. Internal PLC has to be set as Cluster# 1 and is used for drive internal
communications like drive running status, drive voltage, emergency switch, ground
switch etc. (It has one module bus optical modem, also has 3 Nos. DI cards, 3 Nos.
DO cards and 1 Nos. AI card)
b. External PLC has to be set as Cluster# 3 and is used for drive external
communications i.e. with Rockwell PLC like external OFF command, external ON
command, RTD temperature etc. (It has one module bus optical modem, also has 2
Nos. DI cards, 1 Nos. DO cards, 1 Nos. AO cards and 3 Nos. AI card).
c. Profibus Adapter Module (A2451) for communication with Rockwell PLC.
2. Now the internal PLC communicates with the main control card (A2401) and this control
card has the programme in it which assists the drive to run.
3. This control card is connected with interface card (A2411) which communicates with Phase
modulation interface board INT-2 (used for IGCT switching) (A7411).
4. OEI board (A2951) for showing the drive status of VCB.