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Acs5000 Sop

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Basic Knowledge about ACS5000

Indication on CDP panels of Drives Parameter No.

DE Bearing Temp –

NDE Bearing Temp –

Winding Temp R –

Winding Temp Y –

Winding Temp B –

Speed torque and current – ACT

DC Bus Voltage –

Frequency -

Drive INU ready-It means VCB of converter transformer is healthy and now we may put on the VCB
from Drive Panel.

Drive INU run–It means VCB is Started from Drive Panel through ON Push Button and Drive Is

INU Reference- It means motor Is started from either local or remote through command and
showing the current speed.

The Drive consist of two parts

1. Control Panel
2. Rectifier and Inverter Panel

In Control Panel

1. We have Two PLC units Internal PLC(Lower PLC rack) and External PLC(Upper PLC rack)
a. Internal PLC has to be set as Cluster# 1 and is used for drive internal
communications like drive running status, drive voltage, emergency switch, ground
switch etc. (It has one module bus optical modem, also has 3 Nos. DI cards, 3 Nos.
DO cards and 1 Nos. AI card)
b. External PLC has to be set as Cluster# 3 and is used for drive external
communications i.e. with Rockwell PLC like external OFF command, external ON
command, RTD temperature etc. (It has one module bus optical modem, also has 2
Nos. DI cards, 1 Nos. DO cards, 1 Nos. AO cards and 3 Nos. AI card).
c. Profibus Adapter Module (A2451) for communication with Rockwell PLC.
2. Now the internal PLC communicates with the main control card (A2401) and this control
card has the programme in it which assists the drive to run.
3. This control card is connected with interface card (A2411) which communicates with Phase
modulation interface board INT-2 (used for IGCT switching) (A7411).
4. OEI board (A2951) for showing the drive status of VCB.

In Rectifier and Inverter Panel

1. It consists of three sections A21, A22 and A23.

a. Each section consists of rectifier unit and inverter unit.
b. In Rectifier unit we have 12 diodes (For checking each diode should range the value
in 0.2 to 0.3ohm in forward bias and in reverse bias it should show open).
c. In Inverter unit we have 8 Nos of Diodes and 8 Nos of IGCT. These IGCT firing control
card attached to it and powered by isolated power supply (IPS;230Vac/30Vdc) 2 Nos.
(Blue colour power supply unit G7311 and G7312)
d. Total 5 nos of cards are present in each section.
i. Phase modulation interface board INT-2 (A7411), this card is used for IGCT
switching and it directly communicates with the interface card (A2411).
ii. Earth fault monitoring card (A7221), this card protects the diodes of the
rectifier unit.
iii. Dual voltage sub-print card (A7311), this card provides 24V dc power supply
to all other three cards i.e. phase modulation interface board INT-2, Earth
fault monitoring card and Current Voltage Measuring Interface card.
iv. Current Voltage Measuring Interface card (A7611), this card receives
feedback of voltage and current and accordingly adjusts the same.
v. High Voltage Divider card (U7251), this card measures the DC voltage and
DC current from the DC link and then sends it to the Current Voltage
Measuring Interface card. For checking this card in terminal 1-2-3 check
across two terminal values should be 20 megaohm.

Designation Description Identification Number

G7311 & G7312 IGCT Power Supply (Blue
A7311 Dual Voltage Sub-print KV C758
F7221 EAF (Earth Fault Monitoring UF C765
Card) Board (Diode supervision)
A7411 Phase Modulator Interface UF C921
Board INT-2
A7611 Current Voltage Measuring UF C762
Interface Board (CVMI)
U7251 High Voltage Divider Card XV C770
F7271 & F7272 Short Circuit Supervision Board XV C724
A2401 AMC 34 (Control Card) PP C907
A2411 Interface card INT-2 UF C921
A2451 Profibus Adapted Module NPBA-12
A2951 OEI Board (VCB Status) XV C769
A2501 Module Bus Modem TB820V2


1. CICO in Service and ON also, CICO panel Emergency to be Healthy.

2. No faults in transformers
a. PRV Trip
b. Buchholz Trip
c. Winding temperature Trip
d. Oil temperature Trip
e. Panel Emergency
3. Main VCB in service and panel emergency should be healthy.
4. Drive Panel emergency should be healthy.
5. Drive ground switch should be open (Not operated).
6. LCS emergency should be healthy.

For Ground Switch Operation in ACS5000

1. Door of Rectifier and Inverter panel will not open till the ground switch is closed with earth.
2. Ground switch should be closed only after ground switch LED is yellow glowing and
afterwards we can put on all 3 earth switch closed to earth .

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