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Speech For MC

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Speech for MC (Master of Ceremony)

Assalaamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable Drs. H. Nur Akhlis, M.Pd. the director of EECC
Honorable all the teachers of EECC
Happy Brothers and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen

First of all let’s pray and thank unto our God Allah SWT who has been giving us mercies and
blessings so we can attend and gather in this nice meeting without any troubles and obstacles.

Then may sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has
guided us from the darkness to the brightness namely Islam religion.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Standing in front of you all, I am as Master of Ceremony, would like to read the agenda this

The first agenda is opening

The second agenda is reading Holy Qur’an, followed by English and Indonesian translators
The third agenda is some speech by some speakers.
The fourth agenda is ..........
And the sixth or the last agenda is closing.

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen

Now we are going to hold the first agenda namely opening, to open this program let’s read
Al-Fatihah together, Al-Fatihah…….
Thank you so much, may Allah make our program run well from opening to closing Amiin

The second agenda is reading holy Qur’an and its translation, I would like to call.
Mr./Mrs. …………… as the reader of Holy Qur’an. Mr./Mrs. …….. as the Indonesian
translator. Mr./Mrs. ……………. As the English translator. Time is yours
Thank you very much, may we get guidance from Allah SWT. amin.

Happy brothers and sisters.

The fourth agenda is speech by some speakers.
The first speaker, I am going to call Mr/Mrs……. …… time is yours
Thank you for your speech, May it be useful for us. Amiin.

Happy brothers and sisters.

We have just listened some speeches by some speakers. Therefore I am sure that you feel
bored and tired now, so we will be entertained by a group op resting program from …….
Please enjoy the show!
Thank you very much. Wow it’s really interesting, isn’t it?
Happy audiences, ladies and gentlemen
The following agenda is ............... To Mr./Mrs. ….
Time is yours.
Thank you very much, hopefully we can more understand. Amiin.

Well ladies and gentlemen. We have just enjoyed agenda by agenda and now we are going to
The fourth or the last agenda, that is closing, we are about to finish our program but before
closing our program I am as MC. Would like to apologize to you because I am as usual and
normal human being I have many mistakes.
Let’s close our program by reading Hamdalah together

And The last I say Wassalaamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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