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Assalamualaikum Wr.


Excellency, the representative of PDM Mr./Mrs. ….

Honourable, the principal of Muhammadiyah 1 Full day school, Mrs. Siti Cholilah

Respectable, all of the parents of sixth grade and all of the teachers of SD Muhammadiyah’s


Unforgettable, all of our seniors and our friends whom we love.

First of all, let’s say thanks to Allah SWT who has given us guidance, happiness, healthy, and

mercy so we can attend and participate in this special event without any obstacles. Praise and

salutation upon our prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought us to the path of light from

the darkness in this life.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Rere, and my name is Javi. It’s a precious

chance for me to be your master of ceremony on this very special farewell party entitle


I would like to welcome the representative of PDM, The principal and all of the audience.

1. Well ladies and gentleman, let’s begin this event by reciting “basmalah”.

2. Move on to the next agenda is reciting holy Quran who will be recited by Adri and

Syafa for the Al-quran translation. To adri and Syafa, time is yours.
Thank you Adri and Syafa who have recited the holy Quran, may Allah always bless

us. Aamiin.

3. The next agenda is speech. The first speech will be given by the coordinator of sixth

grades' association. For Mr. … time is yours.

Thank you Mr. …. for the speech.

4. The second speech will be delivered by the principle of Muhammadiyah 1 full day

school bangkalan. For Mrs. Siti Cholilah, time is yours

Thank you for our beloved principle mrs siti cholilah

5. The last speech will be delivered by the representative from PDM Bangkalan. For Mr.

…. Time is yours.

Thank you Mr. …. For the speech

6. Walking to the next agenda, ‘book launching ceremony’ written by all of the sixth

grade students. Proudly present book entitled ‘ ……………………….’

7. The next agenda is performance. The very first performance is the choir from the

sixth grade students. Give a big applause to our beloved sixth grade students!

8. Let’s continue our agenda to Students discharge or farewell procession, for all the

sixth grade students, please take in the line. This agenda will be led by Mrs. Imami

9. The next agenda is the coronation of the best student. This agenda will be led by Mrs.


10. The next agenda is performance of traditional dance from 4A class.

Thank you from the beautiful dance from ….

11. The next performance is pantomime performance by Dila from class 5b

Thank you miss Dila for the fresh performance

12. Let’s move to the next agenda, Muhammadiyah Junior high school socialisation. For

the representative of SMP Muhammadiyah, the time is yours

Thank you for the nice information of junior high school of Muhammadiyah

13. The next is performance from 5B. proudly present 5b, give applause!

Thank you for the great performance

14. Next performance is modern dance from 4b class. Give a loud applause!
Thank you so much for the beautiful performance

15. The next is the special performance from the sixth grade students ‘ Laskar

persahabatan dance’ give a big applause for them !

16. Near to the last agenda, the next is testimonials from the sixth grade students’

representative followed by testimonials from the teacher of sixth grade. For

………………. Time is yours. For Mrs. Imami time is yours

17. Finally we are arrived to the last agenda. The last agenda is closing, let’s close our

great agendas today with reciting ‘hamdalah’

Thank you very much for the nice time and attention we are rere and Javi ask for yours

apologize. Once again thank you very much hope we will meet in other beautiful agenda.

Wassalamualaiku warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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