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Farewell Ceremony (MC Script)

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Event: Farewell ceremony class nine MTs.

DMP/SMP academic year two thousand fourteen, two thousand fifteen

Venue: Zainudin Labay Hall
Date: May 10th, 2015
Day: Saturday

Class Nine Mts. DMP/Junior High, Year Two Thousand Fourteen/Two Thousand Fifteen

All guests please stand up

National Anthem: Indonesia Raya

Excellency the institutional supervisors of Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang

Excellency the institutional secretary of Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang
Excellency the head of Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang
Excellency the headmasters of MTs DMP and Junior High Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang
Honorable heads of departments, directors, managers, coordinators, teacher council and employee of Diniyyah
Puteri Padang Panjang
Respectable parents of students in class nine DMP/SMP
All respectable audience...

Alhamdulillaahi rabbil aalamiin. Wassholaatu wassalaa mu alaa ashrofil anbiyaa i walmursaliin, waalaa aa
lihii washohbihii ajmaiin. Robbisshrohlii shodrii, wayassirlii amri, wahlul uqdatan minlisaanii yafqohuu qaulii.
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Firstly, lets thank the almighty Allah SWT for giving us some mercies and blessings so that we can attend this
agenda without any troubles and obstacles. Secondly, sholawat and salam may always be given to our prophet
Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from stupidity to the cleverness
namely Islam.
Welcome to Farewell Ceremony of Class Nine DMP/Junior High Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang, in the hall of
Zainuddin Labay El Yunussi, on this beautiful Saturday, May tenth Two Thousand and Fifteen, Rajab Twenty
First Fourteen Thirty Six Hijriyah. Lets start this special event by saying Basmalah...
Ladies and gentlemen on this nice occasion, let me deliver the structure of the events today, as follows:
1. Tasmi Al-Quran
2. Diniyyah Puteri Anthem
3. Speech from Junior representative
4. Speech from Senior representative
5. Speech from parent representative
6. Poetry reading
7. Speech from headmaster of MTs DMP Diniyyah Puteri
8. Speech from headmaster of Junior High Diniyyah Puteri
9. Speech and The Big Dream show
10. Tahfidz graduation
11. Souvenir Handover
12. Prayer
13. Entertainment
And now, lets start our event by inviting to the front Novianti Rahmadanis for Tasmi Al-Quran.
(Tasmi Al-Quran)
Thus the beautiful Tasmi Al-Quran delivered by Novianti Rahmadanis, thank you for giving such delightful start
of our occasion.
Diniyyah Puteri anthem.
Thank you for all the hard work and wonderful performance to the choir group.
Our next invitation comes to junior representative. Namirha Anjeni, the floor is yours.
Thus the speech delivered by Namirha Anjeni, thank you.

We invite Hanifah Ummul Khaira as senior representative to deliver some words. The floor is yours.
Thank you Hanifah Ummul Khaira for the speech.
Now we are moving to the fourth agenda, allow us to invite parent representative.
Mr./Mrs .........................................................................., the time and place is yours.
Thank you Mr./Mrs .......................................................................... for such meaningful remarks.
Ladies and gentlemen, lets come to the next remark. Poetry reading by Tia Aztiza. The floor is yours.
Thus the beautiful poetry by Tia Aztiza, thank you.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let us welcome the headmaster of MTs.DMP, Her Excellency Mrs. Meilina Roza to
deliver her speech. Mrs. Meilina, the floor is yours.
Thank you Mrs. Meilina Roza for the wonderful remarks.
We go on to the next agenda. Please join us in welcoming the headmaster of Junior High, Her Excellency Mrs.
Meuthia Nilda to deliver her speech. Mrs. Meuthia, the floor is yours.
Thank you Mrs. Meuthia Nilda for the wonderful speech.
Now we are moving to the next agenda, allow us to invite the head of Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang, Her
Excellency Mrs. Fauziah Fauzan, for a speech and The Big Dream show. Please join us in welcoming Miss
Mrs. Fauziah, the floor is yours.
Thank you Mrs. Fauziah for the wonderful remarks and amazing Big Dream.
Now lets step on to the next agenda, Tahfidz Graduation for Class Nine Mts DMP/SMP Diniyyah Puteri, read
by Mrs. Najmiatul Fijar and Mrs. Nurul Aldi.
Congratulation, Tahfidz graduates. We all hope the Quran memorized will lead to brighter future.
Souvenir handover from Class Nine MTs DMP/SMP to:
Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang
PMDS (Student Council)
UKS (Infirmary)
Prayer, read by ......................................
Thank you ....................................... for leading the prayer that surely has made our event more meaningful.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now in our last agenda. The entertainment session we have been waiting for.
Talempong by nine graders
Choir by class seven and eight
Talempong by eight graders
Choir by students of class nine
Marks the end of entertainment session, we hope all the guests here are entertained. Our next agenda is
handshaking between all students with teachers and employees.
All of the students and employees, please stand up to take your position.
Dear audiences, Ladies and Gentlemen, those are the agendas we have presented to you all today. As we
have finished our farewell ceremony today, we are wishing all the graduates the brightest world-changing
future and longing to Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang.
I as today's MC would like to say thank you very much.
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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