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Unilever Training Development

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Submitted By:

Muhammad Arif Chief HR officer

Aamir Rafiq Training Specialist officer

Muhammad Shahzad Recruitment officer

Asghar Ali Job Analyst officer

Ali Waqas Compensation officer

Muhammad Sohail Labour Relation officer

Date Submitted: 24-05-2009


Training & Development is the field concerned with organizational activities aimed
at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. It
has been known by several names, including employee development, human resource
development, and learning & development.

Training & Development ensures that randomness in organizational setting is reduced,

and learning or behavioral change takes place in structured format. The conflicts at
workplace, with perhaps the most devastating career consequences, are those that take
place between employees and their bosses. Training an employee to get along well
with authority and with people who entertain diverse points of view is one of the best
guarantees of long-term success.

Training & Development encompasses three main activities: training, education, and
development. These three are often considered to be synonymous; however, they
encompass three separate, although interrelated, activities: -
1. Training: This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job
that an individual currently holds.
2. Education: This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may
potentially hold in the future, and is evaluated against those jobs.

3. Development: This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization
employing the individual, or that the individual is part of, may partake in the
future, and is almost impossible to evaluate.

Most of the organizations never used to believe in training before. They were holding
the traditional view that managers are born and not made. There were also some views
that training is a very costly affair and not worth the time and efforts involved.
Organizations used to believe more in executive pinching. But now the scenario
seems to be changing. Organizations have now realized the importance of corporate
training. Training is now considered as more of retention tool than a cost.1

Name of the Project : Professional skills Development
Professional skills training ensures you have the expertise needed for your Career
Area. There’s a skills programme for each function, often with e-learning packages to
help you transfer what you’ve learned to your everyday work.

Professional skills
Training takes place both at your company and on a national level with other

Professional Skills is the first of a series of programmes that continues as you

develop. These are courses that often target specific areas of professional
development, such as:


 Marketing Foundation Programme

 Brand Building Excellence
 Integrated Brand Communication


 Finance Academy Foundation Programme

 Value Creation Workshop
 Innovative Business Partnering

Professional qualifications

Of course, we recognise that people joining the Unilever Graduate Leadership

Programme come from a number of backgrounds. Some will have experience of
business; others will not. So we offer a firm grounding, with business induction
programmes. Through these they learn about operating company and gain a broad
overview of Unilever’s corporate strategy and growth objectives.

In some functions employees study for professional qualifications, such as CIMA for
Financial Management and CIPD for Human Resources. Unilever also support Supply
Chain graduates in gaining Chartered Engineer status (IEE, IMechE and IChemE).

Moreover Some courses for the lower level employees will also be offered so that
they maybe educated about the current needs of the organization.

Training and Development is a Process

So often when we design a plan, the plan becomes the end rather than the means. The
plan is a general guide -- the real treasure found from implementing your plan is the
learning you achieve. Learning is an ongoing process. Look at learning as a process
and you enjoy the long time during the journey rather than the short time at the
destination. 2

Location: Institute of business Administration (IBA)

The IBA offers full-time business programs both at the Main and City Campus. It also
offers a variety of part-time programs at the City Campus in the evenings. It is not
uncommon to find entrepreneurs, practicing managers, government employees and
technocrats all attending this programs. The diversity in their work backgrounds
makes interaction, inside as well as outside the class, a rich and educational
experience. Specialized executive education programs are conducted by the newly
established Center for Executive Education (IBA-CEE) for professionals from the
corporate world.

The programs will be offered with the coordination of Unilever Pakistan and IBA
Lahore. The funding for the project will be allocated by the Unilever Pakistan and the
employee who will be given the Training will be employed on key positions of the

Authorities responsible for:

Stakeholders in Training & Development

The "stakeholders" in training and development are categorized into several classes: -
 The sponsors of training and development are senior managers of the
 The clients of training and development are business planners. Line managers
are responsible for coaching, resources, and performance.

 The participants are those who actually undergo the processes.

 The facilitators are Human Resource Management staff.

 The providers are specialists in the field.

Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivations, which sometimes conflict
with the agendas and motivations of the others.1

Plan provision
The Training and Development is a 3 month program for the senior employees so that
the above mentioned courses will be beneficial for them. Unilever offers training
session of employees every year based on the requirement of the Business. Hence the
cost allocation and expenditure is specified in the Annual Financial Report. The
participants will be accommodated in the hostels of the Unilever and IBA and will be
provided basic facilities of Travelling and recreation.

Project objectives
Objectives of Training & Development
 Principal Objective - To make sure there is availability of a skilled and
willing workforce to an organization and enlighten the partakers more about their
organization, its aspirations, challenges, and the business background in which it
operates. This will help us make the human resources cognizant of the functions
of different sections.

 Individual Objectives – To help employees in achieving their personal goals,

this in turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization. To train them
to be aware of the significance of communication and enthusiasm in their day-to-
day work as a tool for better organizational climate and morale. To see that once
they go back after attending training, they feel that they belong to the

 Organizational Objectives – To assist the organization with its primary

objective by bringing individual effectiveness. To develop friendship, fellowship,
support and trusteeship among trainees.

 Functional Objectives – To maintain the department’s contribution at a level
suitable to the organization’s needs. Improved skills and capability of the trainers
to associate inputs to outputs.

 Societal Objectives – To ensure that an organization is ethically and socially

responsible to the needs and challenges of the society.

Description, justification and technical parameters

The two campuses are spread over 80 acres. These compare in size and splendor to
any campus of a world-class institution of higher learning. The facilities are
immaculately maintained in line with the IBA tradition of excellence in all facets of
its activities.

The IBA Main Campus is a large complex of buildings spread around lush green
sprawling lawns, which serves as a backdrop to an extremely conducive environment
for academic pursuit. It houses the program offices, faculty offices, a library, an
auditorium, two computer labs and eleven classrooms.

The City Campus is in the heart of the business district of the city. Apart from housing
20 classrooms, it has a library, an auditorium, conference and seminar rooms, and four
computer labs. The City Campus is also home to the Evening Program, which is
attended mainly by professional managers. The classrooms at both the campuses are
large and airy, and are fully-equipped with modern audiovisual facilities, to enhance
the learning experience and make it more interactive. All facilities at both campuses
are accessible to the students, faculty and course participants. The IBA’s computing
facilities are being continuously upgraded to keep them in sync with fast paced
advance in computing technologies. The IBA believes that a modern IT environment
for students, faculty and administration is absolutely essential for providing quality.3

The IBA's IT department provides computing facilities to staff, faculty, and students.
It also develops plans with objectives and actions that help achieve a highly
competitive and technology-intensive environment for the institute. Some of the
services provided by this department include E-mail and Internet Service, IT Help
Desk, Audio Visual Support, and Printing Services


The IBA provider residential facilities for out-of-town full IBA students. The hostel is
spread over and area of 1.75 acres with lush green lawns and is a short walk from the
Main Campus. The hostel provides single accommodation for its students and has one
hundred rooms.

The hostel provides many facilities to its residents: it is equipped with a gymnasium
and an indoor table tennis room. Students use the TV Lounge, which is equipped with
a big screen television and a satellite decoder, to socialize and to play indoor games

Three month training will be provided in the IBA and the sponsorships will be
provided by different departments of the organization.

Capital cost estimates


Residential/other Total
No. of Unit Fees
Charges Residential/ Total
Items Members per
other Charges
per course member (Per member) Charges

Foundation 15,550
Programme 5 30000 150,000 227750

Brand Building
Excellence 15,550 30000 300000 455500

Integrated 15,550
Communication 10 30000 300000 455500


Foundation 15,550
5 30000 150,000 227750

10 15,550 30000 300000 455500

Business 10 15,550
Partnering 30000 300000 455500

Sources of financing

The amount of equity to be financed from each source

 Sponsors own resources 90%

 Federal government 0%
 Provincial government 0%
 DFI's/banks 10%
 General public 0%
 Foreign equity (indicate partner agency) 0%
 NGO’s/beneficiaries 0%
 Others 0%

Project benefits and analysis


The newly-acquired skills and knowledge undergo modifications to fit the work
condition. Participants may find their organizations offering support to use the
training and also the support for continuing contact with the training institution. On
the other hand, they may step into a quagmire of distrust. More effective behavior of
people on the job is the prime objective of the training process conducted by an
organization as a whole.

Training and development programs are also important to cope up with the changes in
technology and with diversity within the organization. Today because of number of
changes in technological fields, these programs are increasingly emphasizing on
converting the organization to learning organizations and human performance.

Work Environment:
On the other hand, the important aspect of training and development programs is that
it helps to avoid the managerial obsolescence. Organizational problems either major
or minor can be solved our by these programs. These programs also play an important
role managing the changes in organizational structure caused by mergers,
acquisitions, rapid growth, downsizing and outsourcing.2

Implementation of the project

Project will start from the month of June and will be completed in three months. The
remaining parts of the project will be as follows:

 Starting date June 1st 2009.

 First Session June 1-July 15

 First Session Course Assessment July 15th

 Mid Course break July 16 to July 21

 End of Second Session August 31

 Submission of Report by job Analyst September 5

Recreational Activity:
A week recreational trip to Northern Areas will be hosted by the Unilever Pakistan.
The trip will be a part of the learning activity.

The cost of will be allocated on the basis of individual employees:

i. Total no. of visitors 60

ii. Per Night stay(per member) Rs. 4000

iii. Total no. of days 6

iv. Other expenses( Food, Travelling) Rs. 260,000

v. Total estimated cost(approx.) Rs. 500,000


Letter of recognition of effort

Item No. of members Per Unit Cost Total Cost In

25 Rs. 37550 Rs. 938750

Finance Course 25 Rs. 37550 Rs. 938750

Tour Cost 60 Rs. 833 Rs. 50000

Other Cost - - Rs. 5000

Grand Total Rs. 1282500

Organization development, the related field of training and development (T & D)

deals with the design and delivery of learning to improve performance within
After Training the employees by an organization, next step is analyzing their training
and development and issuing them letter of recognition. We have developed a letter of
recognition for the Unilever employees.

24th may, 2009

Asghar Ali

Job Analyst

Unilever Lahore

Dear ..............

I am happy that your recent success to achieve/complete ................................

qualification/course will have been a pleasure to you.

However, I wanted to let you know that I was greatly impressed by your efforts and
attitude in approaching your challenges, and I have every faith that you will succeed
on your next attempt.

Being able to do a difficult task is always pleasurable. Moreover, we appreciate your

interest and effort to complete this training session.

Keep up your excellent efforts.

Best wishes,


Prepared by: _______________

1. Muhammad Shahzad

Recruitment officer

2. Muhammad Sohail

Labour Relation officer

Checked by : _____________
Asghar Ali

Job Analyst officer

Approved by : _________________

Muhammad Arif
Chief HR officer

Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is a process in which one values the employee contribution and
worth to the organization.

The objectives of performance appraisal for Unilever are:

1.To help better current performances

2. To help in development of the employee.

3.To determine training and development needs.

4. To give employee feedback and counsel them

5. To review performance for salary purposes.

Employees across the entire organisation are appraised of their performance. In

Unilever this is done periodically depending on the need of the organization.

The various kinds of performance appraisal systems are:

Personality based performance appraisal system:

Here the appraiser is supposed to rate the personality traits of the person being

This is not in much in organisations as it very subjective and judgmental. It could also
be biased and prejudiced.

Competence based performance appraisal system:

Here the job analysis is used and the employee is appraised for the skills he exhibits.
For e.g. if his job entails dealing with the clients then he is judged foe his
effectiveness in dealing with them. This enables both the organisation and the
employee as to what deficiencies are to be overcome and can be useful in providing
training to the employee to better his performance.

Result based performance appraisal system:

This system concentrates on the final results achieved by the employee irrespective of
his personality or deficiencies. This is totally related to the job and concentrates on the
end results that are more important to the organization.

The HR person must also ensure that line managers are properly trained for carrying
out the appraisal including interviewing techniques and on how to give feedback. The
managers must also be trained to look at the cases objectively outside of their personal
opinion of the candidate.

A performance appraisal program (PA program) is important to employees’

professional development, to meeting the company’s or firm’s goals or objectives and,
ultimately, to contributing to the company’s or firm’s bottom line. No employer,
whether a small CPA firm, a Big Four firm, a nonprofit organization, a government
institution or a private or public company, should be exempt from having a formal PA
program. Other benefits that could be derived from having a PA program include
enhanced communications, an opportunity to effectively address performance
problems, and improved employee morale.

Before creating a PA program, there are several factors to consider. The employer
should first determine the objectives for the program. Second, the employer should
develop a plan and timeframe for launching the program. Finally, the employer should
prepare for any obstacles that might appear, and regularly consider ways to improve
the program.

Performance Appraisal in Unilever:

Performance appraisal at Unilever is usually done periodically and after every 1year.
The procedure followed for evaluation, is that the performance appraisal forms are
distributed among the employees, in which they have to fill in the multiple choice
questions related to the level of satisfaction with their co-workers and supervisors.
Everything is done strictly and confidentiality maintained in the Evaluation System so
that the managers can express their views in free and frank manner.

One Performance Appraisal method can highlight only some attributes as the Paired
Comparison Method can only highlight the attributes like leadership, decision making

etc. So Unilever practices mix methods for appraising the performance as they
believe that by doing so many critical incidents can be highlighted.

Techniques for Performance Appraisal at Unilever Pakistan

Rating Scales

The rating scale method offers a high degree of structure for appraisals. Each
employee trait or characteristic is rated on a bipolar scale that usually has several
points ranging from "poor" to "excellent" (or some similar arrangement).

The traits assessed on these scales include employee attributes such as cooperation,
communications ability, initiative, punctuality and technical (work skills) competence.
The nature and scope of the traits selected for inclusion is limited only by the
imagination of the scale's designer, or by the organization's need to know. 3

The greatest advantage of rating scales is that they are structured and standardized.
This allows ratings to be easily compared and contrasted - even for entire workforces.

Each employee is subjected to the same basic appraisal process and rating criteria,
with the same range of responses. This encourages equality in treatment for all
appraises and imposes standard measures of performance across all parts of the
organization. Rating scale methods are easy to use and understand.


Trait Relevance
Are the selected rating-scale traits clearly relevant to the jobs of all the appraisees? It
is inevitable that with a standardised and fixed system of appraisal that certain traits
will have a greater relevance in some jobs than in others.

Systemic Disadvantage
Rating scales, and the traits they purport to measure, generally attempt to encapsulate
all the relevant indicators of employee performance. There is an assumption that all
the true and best indicators of performance are included, and all false and irrelevant
indicators are excluded.

Perceptual Errors
This includes various well-known problems of selective perception (such as the horns
and halos effect) as well as problems of perceived meaning.

This is a common and normal psychological phenomenon. All human beings are
affected by it. In other words, we see in others what we want to see in them.

Perceived Meaning
Problems of perceived meaning occur when appraisers do not share the same opinion
about the meaning of the selected traits and the language used on the rating scales.

Rating Errors
The problem here is not so much errors in perception as errors in appraiser judgment
and motive. Unlike perceptual errors, these errors may be (at times) deliberate.

Essay Method

In the essay method approach, the appraiser prepares a written statement about the
employee being appraised.

The statement usually concentrates on describing specific strengths and weaknesses in

job performance. It also suggests courses of action to remedy the identified problem

The statement may be written and edited by the appraiser alone, or it be composed in
collaboration with the appraisee.

The essay method is far less structured and confining than the rating scale method. It
permits the appraiser to examine almost any relevant issue or attribute of
performance. This contrasts sharply with methods where the appraisal criteria are
rigidly defined.

Appraisers may place whatever degree of emphasis on issues or attributes that they
feel appropriate. Thus the process is open-ended and very flexible. The appraiser is
not locked into an appraisal system the limits expression or assumes that employee
traits can be neatly dissected and scaled.

Essay methods are time-consuming and difficult to administer. Appraisers often find
the essay technique more demanding than methods such as rating scales.

The techniques greatest advantage - freedom of expression - is also its greatest

handicap. The varying writing skills of appraisers can upset and distort the whole
process. The process is subjective and, in consequence, it is difficult to compare and
contrast the results of individuals or to draw any broad conclusions about
organizational needs.

Results Method

MBO (management by objectives) methods of performance appraisal are results-

oriented. That is, they seek to measure employee performance by examining the
extent to which predetermined work objectives have been met.

Once an objective is agreed, the employee is usually expected to self-audit; that is, to
identify the skills needed to achieve the objective. Typically they do not rely on others
to locate and specify their strengths and weaknesses. They are expected to monitor
their own development and progress.

The MBO approach overcomes some of the problems that arise as a result of
assuming that the employee traits needed for job success can be reliably identified and

Instead of assuming traits, the MBO method concentrates on actual outcomes.

If the employee meets or exceeds the set objectives, then he or she has demonstrated
an acceptable level of job performance. Employees are judged according to real
outcomes, and not on their potential for success, or on someone's subjective opinion
of their abilities.

The guiding principle of the MBO approach is that direct results can be observed,
whereas the traits and attributes of employees (which may or may not contribute to
performance) must be guessed at or inferred.

The MBO method recognizes the fact that it is difficult to neatly dissect all the
complex and varied elements that go to make up employee performance.

MBO advocates claim that the performance of employees cannot be broken up into so
many constituent parts - as one might take apart an engine to study it. But put all the
parts together and the performance may be directly observed and measured.

MBO methods of performance appraisal can give employees a satisfying sense of
autonomy and achievement. But on the downside, they can lead to unrealistic
expectations about what can and cannot be reasonably accomplished.

Supervisors and subordinates must have very good "reality checking" skills to use
MBO appraisal methods. They will need these skills during the initial stage of
objective setting, and for the purposes of self-auditing and self-monitoring.

Performance Appraisal Forms of Top management

Section 1

Please complete this form, place it in a sealed envelope, and put it in __________'s
box (managers, owners, whoever will be tallying the results, NOT the person being
reviewed).In order to complete the anonymity of this form, please DO NOT SIGN it
or put your name on it.

Name of person to be reviewed: ___________________________

Review Period: From ________ to ____________

Poor Average Fair Good Excellent

0 1 2 3 4
point point points points points

1. Professionalism

2. Listening Skills

3. Motivation among subordinates

4. How much he gives importance to


5. Is thoughtful and considerate of

staff members

6. Self-control under pressure

7. Will admit it or apologize when


8. Is punctual

9. Leaves personal affairs at home

10. Gives compliments and positive


11. Provides on-the-job training

12. Interaction between staff


13. Lets me know in a fair and

constructive manner when I have
done something wrong

14. Keeps his/her promises

15. the authority to do the job

16. Extraordinary Skills

Section 2
To be filled by the boss and appraised by the higher executives

1. List down the goals you have accomplished in this period:


2. Have you created any new business strategy?


3.Summarize briefly how you feel you have contributed to the smooth running of the

Organization over the past year?


4. What particular strengths do you feel you have and to what extent are they being


5. How would you assess your own ability to be organized and get things done?

Performance Appraisal for Department Managers

Name: ___________ Department & Title: _________

Feedback being provided for: ______________

Please rate on competencies below by writing yes in front of your choice

1.What are the areas of improvement for this employee in your opinion?

2.What do you think should be trained to this employee?

3.At what time the employee behaved against the standards?

Performance Appraisal form for self assessment
Employee Self-Assessment Form

Employee Name: Employee ID:

Current Job Title:

Evaluator’s Name and Title:

Date: (m/d/yy)

1. List your goals for the previous year and your progress on each of them*.

Goals: Completed Expected

On: Completion:

*For any goals not completed, list the obstacles that prevented you from
reaching your goal during the previous year.

2. What department standards did you exceed this past year?

3. What resources do you need to do your job more efficiently and
4. What growth opportunities would you like to pursue in the upcoming
5. List your goals, including time frames, for the upcoming year.
6. What else would you like to discuss during your review?








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