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False Friends 2c2ba Bachillerato

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False friends

Unit 1 Study success Unit 4 Sounds good!

advice /dvas/ (uncountable noun) = recomendacin, moving /muv/ (adjective) = emotivo, conmovedor
consejo He said that it was the most moving concert that he had
Recent research suggests that we ought to ignore this ever been to.
advice. That was a moving film. I couldnt stop crying.
Dont listen to Jeremy. He always gives bad advice. Visiting the cancer patients was a moving experience.
I have a difficult personal problem. Can you give me
success /skses/ (noun) = xito, muy buenos resultados
some advice?
The programmes unconventional teaching methods have
claim /klem/ (verb) = decir, alegar, afirmar, asegurar certainly played a role in its success.
Researchers claim that frequent tests and revision quizzes He attributes his success to hard work.
are a valuable revision aid for students. The play was a great success because all the actors were
He claims that he didnt steal my money, but I dont excellent.
believe him.
They claim that they have found oil in Madrid, but I dont
think that its true. Unit 5 Good job!
relevant /relvnt/ (adjective) = pertinente
Unit 2 Thats a brilliant idea! It is vital to get relevant work experience.
Your argument is not at all relevant and does not offer
currently /krntl/ (adverb) = ahora, en este a solution to the problem.
momento Can you contact the relevant people for the meeting?
Origami is currently being taken up by a growing number
of adults. command /kmnd/ (noun) = dominio
She is currently living in Tokyo. Its not enough to say that you have a good command
A lot of people are currently out of work. of the language.
Unfortunately, his command of English is poor.
engrossing /ngrs/ (adjective) = fascinante, Jane has an amazing command of algebra.
Origami is more than just an engrossing pastime.
This book is really engrossing. Unit 6 A question of sport
I saw an engrossing documentary on TV last night.
arena /rn/ (noun) = estadio; rea para celebrar
combates o actuaciones
Unit 3 Affairs of the heart The first person to appear in the arena is a
pharmaceuticals salesman.
assessment /sesmnt/ (noun) = evaluacin The two gladiators came into the arena.
Chen Xiaomin offers a realistic assessment of the situation. The Basketball Arena for the 2012 Olympics was in
In my school they have a system of continuous Stratford.
confident /knfdnt/ (adjective) = seguro (de uno
He gave us his assessment of the problem but we didnt
mismo); que tiene plena confianza
agree with it.
He looks quietly confident.
major /med/ (adjective) = muy importante Shes a very confident person and responds well to new
Money didnt use to be such a major consideration. challenges.
Air pollution is a major problem in Bangkok. Im confident that we will win the match.
London is one of the worlds major financial centres.

Performance 2 / False Friends Pearson Educacin, S. A., 2013 1

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