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Headword Part of Speech Ipa (Uk) Example(s) Unit 1 We Are All Friends Now

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Unit 1 We are all friends now

Headword Part of IPA (UK) Definition Example(s)

artistic adjective ɑː(r)ˈtɪstɪk skilful at drawing, You don’t need to be very
painting etc artistic to produce great
adventurous adjective ədˈventʃ(ə)rəs keen to try new or He’s much more
exciting things adventurous than his
younger brother.
alternative means of phrase ɔːlˌtɜː(r)nətɪv a different method of This is an alternative
ˈmiːnz əv doing or achieving means of communication
something cited by teens.

ambitious adjective æmˈbɪʃəs determined to be Her neighbour was an

successful, rich, famous ambitious young lawyer.
be erratic verb phrase biː ɪˈrætɪk to change often or not The growth rate was
follow a regular pattern erratic during the previous
care noun keə(r) effort and attention I can see that a lot of care
has gone into your work.

careful adjective ˈkeə(r)f(ə)l if someone is careful, Teachers have to be

they think about what careful when criticising
they are doing so that pupils.
they do not do anything
wrong or so that they
avoid problems

caring adjective ˈkeərɪŋ kind, helpful, and

sympathetic towards John was a caring and
other people loving father.
climb noun klaɪm an increase in There has been a climb in
temperature, or in the oil prices.
price or level of
communication devices noun kəmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ(ə) pieces of equipment New communication
n dɪˌvaɪsɪz such as phones that devices broaden the
allow people to meaning of what a friend
communicate is.
communication methods phrase kəmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ(ə) ways in which people This document shows the
n ˌmeθədz give information or ranking of the most
make emotions or ideas popular communication
known to one another methods.

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Headword Part of IPA (UK) Definition Example(s)
comparison noun kəmˈpærɪs(ə)n a document, statement
etc which shows how Look at this comparison of
things or people are male and female use of
similar and how they are commercial
different venues
confidence noun ˈkɒnfɪd(ə)ns the belief that you are He’s a nice boy, but he
able to do things well doesn’t have much
confident adjective ˈkɒnfɪd(ə)nt someone who is
confident believes in
their own abilities and She has a confident
so does not feel nervous manner and she states her
or frightened opinions clearly.
conscientious adjective ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs working hard and She's a very conscientious
careful to do things well employee and always
arrives five minutes
before a meeting.

considerate adjective kənˈsɪd(ə)rət thinking about the It was very considerate of

feelings and needs of you to include me.
other people
creative adjective kriˈeɪtɪv someone who is He was a creative genius.
creative has a lot of
imagination and new
decline verb dɪˈklaɪn to become less Attendance at the
conference declined
steadily over the last five
decline noun dɪˈklaɪn a reduction in the We have seen a decline in
amount or quality of sales.
decline steadily verb phrase dɪˌklaɪn ˈstedili to become less at a slow Attendance at the
and gradual rate conference declined
steadily over the last five
decrease verb diːˈkriːs to become less Attendance at the
conference decreased
steadily over the last five
decrease steadily verb phrase diːˌkriːs ˈstedili to become less at a slow Attendance at the
and gradual rate conference decreased
steadily over the last five
dip verb dɪp to become lower in The amount of money
level, amount, or value spent dipped slightly.

dip noun dɪp a reduction in the The dip in the share price
amount or level of wiped £36.8 million off
something the value of the company

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Headword Part of IPA (UK) Definition Example(s)
dip slightly verb phrase ˈdɪp ˌslaɪtli to become a little lower The amount of money
in level, amount, or spent dipped slightly.
drop noun drɒp a fall in the amount or There was a drop in the
value of something price of laptops followed
by a period of stability.

fall verb fɔːl to become lower in The price of laptops fell

level, amount, or value and then levelled off.

fall noun fɔːl an occasion when the There has been a fall in
amount, level, or value profits.
of something falls

fall gradually verb phrase ˌfɔːl ˈɡrædʒuəli to become less at a slow Attendance at the
rate conference fell gradually
over the last five years.

fall slightly verb phrase ˈfɔːl ˌslaɪtli to become a little lower The amount of money
in level, amount, or spent fell slightly and then
value quickly recovered.
fluctuate verb ˈflʌktʃueɪt to change frequently The growth rate
fluctuated during the
previous year.
fluctuations noun ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃ(ə)nz frequent changes in an Fluctuations in oil prices
amount or level have harmed the
generosity noun ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti kindness, especially in He was known for his
giving things to people generosity to his
generous adjective ˈdʒenərəs giving people more of
your time or money
than is usual or Merton is clearly a warm
expected and generous person.
have access to phrase hæv ˈækses tuto have something Teens who have access to
available to use a smartphone also are
likely to be in daily touch
with their closest friend.

have an impact on phrase hæv ən ˈɪmpæto affect or influence The use of social media
someone or something and mobile devices among
very much teenagers has little impact
on their contact with their
closest friend.

helpful adjective ˈhelpf(ə)l a helpful person helps We stayed in a traditional

you by doing something hotel with very helpful
or by giving you useful staff.
advice or information

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Headword Part of IPA (UK) Definition Example(s)
high noun haɪ the time when Numbers reached a high
something is at its in the year 2009.
highest or greatest level

hit verb hɪt to reach a particular Numbers hit a peak in the

amount, level, or age year 2009.
hit a low verb phrase ˌhɪt ə ˈləʊ to reach the lowest Member numbers hit a
amount or level low in March.
hit a peak verb phrase ˌhɪt ə ˈpiːk to reach the highest Numbers hit a peak in the
amount or level year 2009.
humorous adjective ˈhjuːmərəs funny The teacher read us a
humorous story.
humour noun ˈhjuːmə(r) the quality that makes a  This novel is full of
situation or entertainme humour.
nt funny
impact noun ˈɪmpækt an effect, or an They discussed the impact
influence of mobile devices on
contact between friends.

importance noun ɪmˈpɔː(r)t(ə)ns the fact of being She stressed the

important, or the importance of regular
degree to which contact with friends met
something or someone online.
is important
increase verb ɪnˈkriːs to become larger in Book purchases increased
amount or number steadily over the year.

increase noun ˈɪŋkriːs a rise in the number, There has been a

amount, or degree of significant increase in the
something number of young people
who smoke.
interact (with) verb ˌɪntərˈækt wɪð to communicate with Results of the survey
and react to someone, suggest a certain comfort
often while performing with interacting with
an activity together friends and peers in an
online space for this group
of teens.
knowledge noun ˈnɒlɪdʒ all the facts that
someone knows about a The teacher’s comments
particular subject are designed to help
improve your knowledge
and understanding.
knowledgeable adjective ˈnɒlɪdʒəb(ə)l knowing a lot about
many different subjects He’s extremely
or about one particular knowledgeable about
subject business and finance.
level off verb phrase ˌlev(ə)l ˈɒf to stop becoming more The price of laptops fell
or less, and remain the and then levelled off.

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Headword Part of IPA (UK) Definition Example(s)
low noun ləʊ the time when Member numbers hit a
something is at its low in March.
lowest or smallest level

means noun miːnz a method for doing or This is an alternative

achieving something means of communication
cited by teens.

methods noun ˈmeθədz ways of doing This document shows the

something, especially ranking of the most
planned or established popular communication
ways methods.
patient adjective ˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt someone who is patient It’s difficult to be patient
is able to wait for a long when you’re stuck in a
time or deal with a traffic jam.
difficult situation
without becoming angry
or upset

peak noun piːk the time when Numbers hit a peak in the
something is at its year 2009.
highest or greatest level

plummet verb ˈplʌmɪt if something such as an Visitor numbers to the

amount, rate, or value website plummeted in the
plummets, it suddenly first quarter of the year.
becomes much lower

plunge verb plʌndʒ if something such as an Visitor numbers to the

amount, rate, or value website plunged in the
plunges, it suddenly first quarter of the year.
becomes much lower

plunge noun plʌndʒ a sudden reduction in

the amount or level of
something the plunge in oil prices
popularity noun ˌpɒpjʊˈlærəti a situation in which He spoke about the
someone or something popularity of internet
is popular with many friends.
punctual adjective ˈpʌŋktʃuəl arriving or happening at Mrs Marsh liked her
the time agreed on guests to be punctual.
punctuality noun ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti the quality of being Punctuality is important in
punctual this job.
quickly recover verb phrase ˌkwɪkli rɪˈkʌvə(r) to return to a previous The amount of money
good state in a short spent fell slightly and then
period of time quickly recovered.
ranking noun ˈræŋkɪŋ a position on a list that
shows how good This document shows the
someone or something ranking of the most
is compared to others popular communication

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Headword Part of IPA (UK) Definition Example(s)
reach a high verb phrase ˌriːtʃ ə ˈhaɪ to reach the highest Numbers reached a high
amount or level in the year 2009.
reach their lowest point verb phrase riːtʃ ðeə(r) to get to their smallest Member numbers
ˌləʊɪst ˈpɔɪnt amount or level reached their lowest point
in March.
reasons noun ˈriːz(ə)nz facts, situations, or
intentions that explain
why something
happened, why
someone did something, What are the reasons why
or why something is teenagers like using
true commercial venues?
recover verb rɪˈkʌvə(r) to return to a previous The amount of money
good state spent fell slightly and then
quickly recovered.
reliable adjective rɪˈlaɪəb(ə)l a reliable person is Alice can look after the
someone who you can children. She’s very
trust to behave well, reliable.
work hard, or do what
you expect them to do
remain verb rɪˈmeɪn to continue to be in a The number of students
particular situation or applying to the university
condition remained flat over the
remain stable verb phrase rɪˌmeɪn to stay at the same level Prices have remained
ˈsteɪb(ə)l or in the same condition stable.

rise verb raɪz to become larger in Book purchases rose

amount or number gradually over the year.
rise noun raɪz an increase in size,
amount, quality, or the threat of a sudden rise
strength in oil prices
rise gradually verb phrase ˌraɪz ˈɡrædʒuəli to slowly become larger Book purchases rose
in amount or number gradually over the year.

rocket verb ˈrɒkɪt to quickly increase to a Car sales rocketed over

high level the period.
soar verb sɔː(r) to quickly increase to a Car sales soared over the
high level period.
sociable adjective ˈsəʊʃəb(ə)l a sociable person is
friendly and enjoys
being with other people I’m not feeling very
sociable today.
social adjective ˈsəʊʃ(ə)l relating to society and They try to address social
to people’s lives in problems such as
general unemployment and poor

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Headword Part of IPA (UK) Definition Example(s)
society noun səˈsaɪəti people in general living
together in organised
communities, with laws
and traditions
controlling the way that
they behave towards Society has to be prepared
one another to support its elderly
spend time with verb ˌspend ˈtaɪm to stay with someone These teens often spend
wɪð for a period of time time with close friends at
someone’s house.

sporty adjective ˈspɔː(r)ti a sporty person likes Max is very sporty - he

playing sport and plays plays a rugby and tennis.
stablise verb ˈsteɪbəlaɪz to reach a state where The number of students
there are no longer any applying to the university
major changes or stabilised over the
problems decade.
steadily adverb ˈstedili at a slow and gradual Attendance at the
rate conference decreased
steadily over the last five
supportive adjective səˈpɔː(r)tɪv helpful and sympathetic My boss was very
supportive when I was ill.

talent noun ˈtælənt a natural ability for She had an obvious talent
being good at a for music.
particular activity
talented adjective ˈtæləntɪd someone who is Mollie Brown is a highly
talented is very good at talented young designer.
talkative adjective ˈtɔːkətɪv a talkative person talks a Luisa is very talkative, so
lot we had a good chat.
the impact of phrase ðiː ˈɪmpækt əv the effect or influence They discussed the impact
of of mobile devices on
contact between friends.

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