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Minimatura: - Zapis Nagrania

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Rozdzia 1 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 2


Speaker 1: Here. Try this on. Shop assistant: Good afternoon, can I help you?
Speaker 2: Mascara? Can I? Teenage boy: Yes, please. Im looking for some earrings.
Speaker 1: Of course. People have to try the make-up on Shop assistant: Right. Well, these would look good on
before they buy it, don't they? you. Youll need to have your ears pierced,
Speaker 2: I guess so. though.
Speaker 1: It'll look good on you. You want to look good for Teenage boy: Oh, no! They arent for me. Theyre for my
Mark's party tonight, don't you? girlfriend.
Speaker 2: To be honest, I really dont feel like going out Shop assistant: Oh, I see. What about these?
tonight. Im exhausted. Teenage boy: Theyre a bit old-fashioned. My mum wears
Speaker 1: I know what you mean. Maths went really slowly earrings like that.
this morning and then we had a French test. Shop assistant: Does your girlfriend prefer long or short
Thank goodness its the weekend and we can earrings?
have a lie in tomorrow. Teenage boy: erwell. Im not sure. Long, I think. Hey,
Speaker 2: I cant. I have to work in the cafe in the morning. these silver skeletons are cool.
Speaker 1: Id like to work here selling make-up. I come Shop assistant: Are you sure, sir? They arent for everyone.
here every day on my way home. If it was open in Teenage boy: No, youre probably right. I tell you what.
the morning, I would come here before school for Could you choose something for me?
some free mascara and lipstick!
Speaker 2: And Mrs Peters would send you to the bathroom
Speaker: This is a wonderful advert. You probably recognize
to wash it all off!
Speaker 1: Thats true. Let me look at you. Hey! You look it. Its an advert for sun cream. Here we see two
identical women sitting by a swimming pool.
great. Youre going to be the star of the party!
The only difference is that one has a nice tan and
TWO the other is pale. However, look more closely and
Boy: Mum, can I have a word? youll see that isnt the case. The tanned woman
Mum: Of course. What is it? has slightly longer, nicer hair. She is slimmer than
Boy: Well, you know my band have got a concert on the other woman. Even her swimming costume is
Saturday? slightly more stylish. None of these differences is
Mum: Yes? noticeable unless you really look closely. Its brilliant
Boy: Well, I want to look special. and really works. Id buy this sun cream. Would you?
Mum: Oh no. You arent going to have a tattoo, are you?
Boy: No, no, but you know I had my ears pierced last
Speaker: I hate the way I look! I started going grey when
Mum: Yes, without telling us. Your dad still cant believe it. I was at school. When I left university, I started
Boy: Well, I was wondering if I can wear your big silver dying my hair so no-one at work knows my real hair
colour. They just think its a horrible orange brown
earrings. You know the ones you got when you were
colour! Sometimes, I wish I was bald so I wouldnt
a Goth.
Mum: Let me think about it. Theyre very special. Your dad have to worry so much about grey roots showing. If
I stopped using the dye, though, the change
bought them for me.
would be so sudden that people would think
THREE I was seriously ill and there would be all sorts of
Speaker: Sometimes, I wonder whats wrong with comments about it.
the younger generation. I mean, I admire them in
some ways. They are incredibly tolerant compared
to people in my day but why do they look so
terrible? It doesnt matter what the new fashion is,
youngsters seem to follow it blindly. Tattoos,
piercings, clothes that dont fit! I know we had
weird styles when I was young but we looked
normal compared to some kids today. Maybe Im
just getting old!

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 2 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 3

Becky: Hi, Chris. Hows your new flat?

Chris: Hi, Becky. Its OK but I have to share a room. Mikes
OK but sometimes Id like to be on my own.
Becky: Really? I get lonely when my family are out. Hey!
Hows the housework?
Chris: Not bad. Each week, we have different duties. So, this
week, Ive got to do the cooking and washing up.
Becky: Thats great. My parents should do that with my
brother. Do you both do what youre supposed to?
Chris: Yes, but I have to tell Mike several times. This week he
has to clean the bathroom.
Becky: And?
Chris: Well, I wouldnt come round for a bath if I were you!
Becky: Right! Where is the flat?
Chris: Its on the outskirts of the town, by the old car factory.
Becky: You dont live there, do you? Thats a terrible area!
Chris: What do you expect? Im a student. Anyway, are you
going to move out?
Becky: I dont think so, no. I even felt homesick on school
trips. Im going to stay at home for a few more years
and save as much as possible. Then Ill use the money
as a deposit and buy somewhere of my own and not
out by the old car factory! What about you? Are you
going to buy a place to live?
Chris: Ive never thought about it. I want to go abroad when
I finish my studies. Thats as far forward as Im thinking
at the moment.

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 3 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 4


Speaker: Right. Before we start, I want you to listen very Speaker: Ive been at this school for five years. Five years of
carefully. This is not a normal classroom and this is wearing the same black skirt, white blouse, black
not a normal lesson. There are things in here that jumper and green and blue striped tie. Well, not
can be dangerous and things that we will do which anymore! Im now in the sixth form and, as long
can make them even more dangerous. Anyone who as I wear something smart, Im free to choose
ignores or disobeys the rules will be told to leave whatever style and colour I like. Cool!
immediately. Chemistry can be a fascinating subject
but only if you take care. OK. Open your books and
write this down

Speaker: I know you try hard but, if you dont mind me saying
so, I think youd do better just by organising your
studies more effectively. If I were you, Id take a day
off today and make a revision timetable. If you
follow it, youll know that you are prepared when
the exams come along. Make sure you plan some
breaks, too. You have to relax sometimes!

Speaker: I feel very strange today. Its the first day of the new
school year and here I am on my way to the beach
with my friends, driving slowly past the school
gates. I saw Mrs Taylor, my old History teacher,
earlier. She didnt smile. Perhaps shes forgotten me
already. Im so glad that university doesnt start until
October. The weather is too good for studying!

Speaker: Good afternoon. Thank you for coming. As you
know, the school is planning some major changes
for the next school year. One idea that we would
like to introduce is to allow girl students for the first
time in our history. Of course, we would like to hear
your opinions on this as it will be your sons who are
affected by any change.

Speaker: I hate Mondays. We start with double Physics and
then have Maths, English, French and double
History. Im always tired after the weekend and I just
dont understand Physics at all. Thats why Im here,
playing truant. Ill go in at half past ten. Mr Taylor,
the Maths teacher is also my form teacher. I cant
skip his classes.

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 4 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 5


Woman: Thank you for coming. Before we start, Id like to Speaker: I worked for forty-two years and never took a day
find out a little bit about you so could you fill in this off sick. It was physical work but I was in good
form and give me some idea of the kind of job you condition. I still am. I enjoyed being a part of
are looking for and what experience youve had in a team of workers. When I retired, it took a long
the past? time for me to adjust. I didnt really need the salary
Man: Will it really be helpful? but I missed the work and I missed the company of
Woman: I hope so. I can help you to create a CV, search my workmates. I even asked for my old job back but
for vacancies on one of the computers here and the manager had already taken someone else on.
fill in an application form. Hopefully, therell be Thats why I do voluntary work now. It gives my life
something of interest and we can have you back in some purpose.
employment as soon as possible.
Man: I hope so. Im not used to being out of work.
Speaker: We had a meeting with the careers advisor at
TWO school today. We each had fifteen minutes. I was
Speaker: What we are looking for is someone who is able surprised how much we were able to discuss. She
to work as part of a team and to be able to work told me how to prepare for an interview and how
under pressure. Your CV indicates that you have to act during it. She also helped me write a CV.
the qualities and experience we are interested I already knew exactly what I want to do after I leave
in. Could I just ask you about other qualities you school so she was also able to give me some advice
possess? First of all, do you believe you would about the qualifications I will need for a successful
make a good manager and, if so, why? career and where I can get some work experience.
I really enjoyed it and learned a lot.
Speaker: Brothers and sisters. We have put up with falling
living standards for a number of years. We have
taken on extra duties and we have seen our friends
and colleagues lose their jobs. However, this
latest offer is the last straw. A one percent rise in
wages whilst our shifts are increased by an hour
a day? We urge you to vote against this offer and
to consider going on strike unless we get what we

Young man: I dont know how Im going to find a job when
I graduate. How did you do it?
Woman: When I left university, I moved to London.
I applied for hundreds of jobs.
Young man: How did you survive?
Woman: I signed on at a job agency. When I had
interviews, I could choose not to work but apart
from that I was sent all over London and did
everything from cleaning to secretarial work.
Young man: So, it was a good experience?
Woman: Definitely. I think it was the range of jobs on
my CV which caught the eye of my current

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 5 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 6

Max: Jess. Can you do me a favour?

Jess: What?
Max: Ive got a date with Kelly this evening. Could you walk
the dog for me? I want to get ready and make myself
look nice.
Jess: You? Im the one who spends half their life in
the bathroom, not you!
Max: Well, this is special. How about it?
Jess: What do I get?
Max: What do you suggest?
Jess: OK, you look after Dan on Friday when mum and dad
go out. I hate babysitting.
Max: On Friday? No way. I always meet my friends on
Jess: I thought you said it was up to me!
Max: Ill babysit on Saturday.
Jess: Er, Max. Its your turn on Saturday. Mum and dad are
going to the theatre and Im going to a party. If you
want me to help you today, youll have to help me.
Max: But, a half hour dog walk for four hours babysitting.
Thats not fair!
Jess: OK. My last offer. You take the dog for a walk every
day next week. Morning and evening, whatever
the weather.
Max: (reluctantly) OK, its a deal. Just wait until you want me
to do you a favour.
Jess: I did, last month, remember. I wanted to borrow your
old hat for a fancy dress party. You never wear it but
you didnt let me.
Max: I love that hat! It was a present from Nicole.
Jess: Sylvia.
Max: Alright, Sylvia. But it was a present. Anyway, lets not
have a row now. The dog wants to go out and Ive got
to get ready for my date.

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 6 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 7

Anna: Paul, what shall we prepare for the meal on Saturday?

How about something traditional like a leg of lamb or
a roast chicken?
Paul: Well, Im sure theyd love both but, if I was going to
eat at someones house, Id like to try something that
Ive never eaten before.
Anna: Yes, but you eat anything! I remember that octopus
you had in Greece. Yuk!
Paul: It was gorgeous. How can you say Yuk. You didnt
even try it!
Anna: Well, it looked awful.
Paul: Anyway, I wasnt suggesting octopus. I have no idea
how to cook it or even if you can buy it here. I was
thinking of a curry.
Anna: (happier) Oh right. The supermarket has got a nice
selection of sauces in jars. I like the Korma sauce. It
isnt too hot and its lovely and creamy and very tasty.
Paul: No! Not out of a jar. I was looking at some recipes
on the Internet. Here, look. We need ginger, curry
powder, chilli, cu
Anna: Wait a minute. Im sure these spices are all lovely but
Ive never even heard of some of them.
Paul: The Indian grocer sells all of them.
Anna: But it will take ages. Youll be in the kitchen all
Paul: No, I wont. Ill prepare everything the night before
and let the flavours get into the meat. On Saturday, we
just need to heat it up and cook some rice. So, Ill be
free to chat and
Anna: Vacuum the floor and clean the bathroom.
Paul: Oh, right. Yes. Great.

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 7 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 8


Speaker: I was at the new shopping centre on Friday. Can Speaker: Hi, Mum. Its Jessie here. Mum, Ive just finished
you put your head back a bit? Lovely. There are work. We had a training session which was quite
so many shops. There are cafes and cinemas. Oh, interesting. Anyway, I came to the shopping centre
sorry. Was that your ear? The prices are quite high, to get my hair cut. I put my card in the cashpoint
though. I wont be buying my clothes there. Right, and the machine took my card. I dont know what
finished. You look great. That style really suits you. to do. The banks are closed on Saturdays. Should
Just let me put some spray on it before you go out I stay here or come home? What if my card comes
into the wind and rain. out again and someone else gets it. Please ring
back when you can.
Speaker: Im not against advertising but sometimes they go
too far. Thats why wed like you to sign this petition
against adverts during childrens TV programmes.
Its unfair on children because they cant get what
they see and its unfair on parents because there is
so much pressure on them to buy things. It wouldnt
be so bad if the things being advertised were
books or healthy food but they never are. So, can
we count on your support? Will you sign this?

Speaker: I was in the shopping centre this morning and when
I tried to use my credit card, the shop assistant
said that it was stolen. I tried to phone your
customer service number but no-one answered
and the police came to question me. I havent
reported it stolen. What if Id been on holiday in
a foreign country? Im very unhappy with what has
happened and I think I deserve an explanation and
an apology.

Speaker: Hi. Let me help you. First of all, press this button.
Thats right. Now you can start. Put the first
packet here and make sure the bar code is facing
down. When you hear the beep, you will see
the price information on the screen and you can
put the packet over here. If you need to weigh
some fruit or vegetables or if you have any other
problems, please call me. Ill be here somewhere.
I know it all seems a bit complicated to start with
but its better than queuing, isnt it?

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 8 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 9


Speaker 1: Jack. Where are you? Speaker 1: Excuse me, Ive been here an hour. Were tired
Speaker 2: I missed the 9am flight. I have to wait for the 2pm and well miss the train if we arent quick.
flight which gets in at 4pm. Speaker 2: Where have you come from?
Speaker 1: You mean youre still in Milan? Speaker 1: From London. We landed an hour ago. Were
Speaker 2: Yes. I wish Id gone by train now. The night train waiting for two red suitcases, one large, one
gets into Paris at 8am and the train from there small. They have grey handles and the stickers
only takes two and a half hours. from check-in of course.
Speaker 1: Well, Im at the airport. Do you want me to wait? Speaker 2: Please, come with me and Ill fill out a missing
Speaker 2: No! I didnt know you were going to meet me. cases form. This way.
Ill catch a bus from the airport. I should arrive by Speaker 1: Just a minute. I think those are our suitcases, on
8pm, if Im lucky. that belt over there. How did they get there? Isnt
there any security in this airport?
Speaker 1: Hi. Where are you going?
Speaker 2: Exeter.
Speaker 1: I can take you as far as Dorchester.
Speaker 2: Great. Thanks. Its good to find someone who
will stop. Ive been here for three hours. I nearly
caught the bus but Im glad I waited.
Speaker 1: I used to do the same when I was young.
I couldnt afford train tickets.
Speaker 2: Really? I could go by train but I find people who
stop to give lifts so more interesting.
Speaker 1: Dont your parents worry about you?
Speaker 2: A little but I used to have a motorbike so, in their
opinion, anything is better than that!

Speaker: I work in London but I have to commute. I get up
at half past six and catch the 7.15 train. It only takes
forty-five minutes but there are never any free
seats. When we get to London there is a mad rush
for the underground. Thats even more crowded.
Id like to walk but its too far. Luckily, I have time
before work to have a coffee and relax. At the end
of the day, I sometimes go out with my colleagues.
Then I can go home on a quieter train.

Speaker: I went to Morocco from Spain. On the boat, I had to
queue for an immigration card. It was a boring way
to spend the journey. Luckily, someone told me to
get an exit card too. When I came back, there was
a big queue to leave Morocco. Some people hadnt
got exit cards. When they finally reached the front
of the queue, they had to go and get one. They
argued angrily but couldnt get past the officials.
I was very relieved to have my card. Some of them
missed the ferry the last one of the day!

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 9 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 10

Lisa: I went to see The Fourth World last night.

Mike: Oh yes? What did you think?
Lisa: Well, I was a bit confused actually. There were too
many characters and I didnt understand the ending.
Have you seen it?
Mike: No, but Ive read the book. I know what you mean.
I had to read it twice before I understood what was
going on. I can lend it to you if you like.
Lisa: Id love to but I really havent got time at the moment.
Im in a play at school and every spare moment is
taken up with rehearsals and learning my lines. I felt
guilty about going to the cinema yesterday.
Mike: What play is it?
Lisa: 'Macbeth'.
Mike: Are you playing Lady Macbeth?
Lisa: No, Im one of the witches.
Mike: (laughs) Great casting! I must come and see it. When
is it on?
Lisa: In June, at the end of the school year if were
ready. The boy playing Macbeth has dropped out.
The teacher who is directing the play is too strict and
critical. She destroyed his confidence. Shes the same
with all of us.
Mike: You should have a meeting with her and tell her. Shes
probably more nervous than you are and doesnt
Lisa: Thats not a bad idea. I think Ill suggest it to the rest
of the cast. I dont get it. Shes a really nice teacher
Mike: Well, Id better be going. Our band needs a new
drummer and were interviewing someone in a few
Lisa: Good luck. I hope he or she is good.
Mike: Thanks. All the best with the play too.

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 10 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 11

Speaker: The match has finished and the players are still
arguing with the referee. Hes warning them
that they can still get a red card. Here in the TV
studios, we can see the incident from different
angles and we can see that the player dived
but the referee cant see that. He has to make
an immediate decision. Hes wrong but its not his
fault. Unfortunately, professional players sometimes
forget the rules of fair play.

Speaker: I cant believe it. I have never run so fast in my life.
I was thinking of giving up sprinting and taking up
something else but now Im going to concentrate
on the 100 metres and the 200 metres. I might even
turn professional one day. The best thing is not that
I finished first but that my time was the fastest ever
by someone from this school. Im famous!

Speaker: When people take up tennis, they soon learn how
to hit the ball over the net. They can get quite
good. Thats why they are so critical of professionals
who make mistakes. They think we should be
perfect. I train for hours every day, Im the third
best player in the world but Im still human. The
atmosphere in the stadium affects me. Some days
Im just not feeling a hundred per cent. People
should be more understanding.

Speaker: Running a marathon is a great feeling. I took up
running about twenty years ago and Ive been in
many marathons. Im not a professional runner but
I love it. However, while I would recommend it to
anyone, it is important to take care. People have
collapsed and even died after races. You must do
a lot of training first, starting with shorter distances,
and you should also have a check up to make sure
you are fit enough to take part.

Speaker: I played football for many years until my knees
started hurting too much. Since I gave up, I have
tried to find something else I could do. Last week,
I bought a set of golf clubs and went out to play.
It was great. I love it. Ive been twice now although
Im not very good. I think I might have broken
a record for the number of balls lost!

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 11 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 12


Girl: How are you feeling? Speaker 1: Shall we go outside for a few minutes?
Boy: Much better. The doctor said I should be able to go Speaker 2: Yes, OK. The nurse wont be back for half an hour.
home next week. Speaker 1: Do you want a cigarette?
Girl: Thats great. How was the operation? Speaker 2: No. Ive given up. My daughter was always going
Boy: Everything went fine. When I woke up, I felt a bit dizzy on at me to stop. And my parents both died
but there was no pain. young because of smoking. Im trying to get
Girl: So, youll be back at school soon? better, not worse.
Boy: Not too soon. Ill have about two weeks at home Speaker 1: Youre not here because of smoking.
before I go back so three weeks from now. Speaker 2: I know but I dont want to have to come back
Girl: Youll be bored. here with something more serious. Lets go to
Boy: Not as bored as I am in here. Theres no wifi in my the cafeteria and get a cup of tea instead.
TWO Speaker: I read a report about fructose today. Food
Boy: Theres a virus going round at school. There were only companies claim that their products are healthier
15 people in my class. and more natural when they use fructose. Thats
Mum: But youre OK? because it is the sugar that you get in fruit or honey.
Boy: Well, I do feel a bit sick, actually. Maybe I should stay Some experts, though, say that it is a major cause
off for a couple of days. Just until the weekend. of obesity. It goes straight into your bloodstream
Mum: You feel sick? and, if you have too much, it turns to fat. Thats
Boy: Yes, and dizzy. In fact I feel really bad. I cant why you shouldnt drink too much fruit juice. Yes, it
concentrate on my homework. I think Ill go to bed contains vitamin C but it also contains a lot of sugar.
Mum: Thats a real shame. I bought your favourite chocolate
cake. Oh well, I guess your dad and I can eat it.
Boy: Well, actually, Im not THAT bad!

Speaker: When I was in Greece, I was bitten by a spider. It
hurt but Ive been stung and bitten several times in
my life without any problems so I ignored it. I woke
up in agony. My arm was very swollen. I put on
some ointment and took a painkiller. I was insured
but I didnt want to spend my last day of holiday
in a hospital waiting room. When I got back to
England, my doctor gave me some injections and
now, three months later, theres just a small red spot
to remind me of it.

Speaker: What should you do if you feel ill at the weekend
but it isnt anything too serious? Most clinics
only open from Monday to Friday. You could go
to an emergency clinic and try to see a different
doctor, although it is often impossible because
of the waiting lists. You could go to a hospital but
the queues are even worse there. In my opinion,
the best thing to do is to go to a chemists, where
you wont have to wait too long, and ask for some
non-prescription medicine. Then spend the rest of
the weekend in bed.

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 12 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 13


Speaker: Now, I dont know if any of you have been here Speaker: Nigel, its Max. Stop watching the television. This is
before but, in these rooms, you will be able to see important. Do you remember the CDs we tried to
a number of electronic gadgets. Youll probably be return to the shop because they were scratched?
surprised by the size of the mobile phones, which You complained but they refused to refund our
arent very mobile, and the television screens, which money. Well, Im here doing an experiment and
are very small. Some of the items date back to I just spilt some chemicals on one of them. When
the nineteenth century. Your teacher has asked me I looked at it, the scratches had disappeared and
to give you these question sheets to fill in so you it played perfectly. I tried again with three more
can discuss your visit in your next lesson. So, shall CDs with the same result. I think Ive accidentally
we start? found a magic CD restorer. We just need a good
advertising slogan and we can make a fortune!
TWO Come quickly and let me show you.
Speaker: Youve seen the SMART computerized fridge
monitor on TV and now you can buy one. The
monitor sends warnings to your computer or mobile
phone when you start to run out of food in your
fridge. The SMART monitor is easier to use than
other monitors, it has more functions and it is
cheaper. In fact, it makes other fridge monitors look
like museum exhibits. Available online or from all
good electronic shops.

Speaker: I bought this interactive whiteboard from you last
month. Its been nothing but trouble ever since.
My lessons have been a nightmare as it keeps
breaking down and the children get restless. In
your advertisement, you said I could change it for
a better model for free if I had any problems with
it but your assistant has just told me that I cant.
Either you honour our agreement or I will contact
the TV show Consumer Affairs.

Speaker: The DynaTAC mobile phone was the first to be
made commercially available. It was 25 cm tall,
not including its antenna, and it weighed 790g.
As you can see, it wasnt very mobile. The battery
only allowed thirty minutes of talking time before
it needed to be charged and the price? The cost,
in 1983, was an astonishing $3995. On todays
programme, we are going to look at the origins of
the mobile phone, which can be traced back much
further, to Germany in 1918.

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Rozdzia 13 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 14

Man: Another expensive electricity bill!

Woman: We should get solar panels fitted to the roof.
Man: Its not sunny enough here. Anyway, they would
cost a fortune.
Woman: They dont have to be expensive and they are more
efficient than you think. They work quite well even
when it is cloudy.
Man: And what about the cost? Ten thousand pounds or
more, I would imagine.
Woman: Well, Ive read about a company that gives you
the panels and puts them up for free.
Man: Impossible!
Woman: No, it isnt. Look, Ill show you the website. See.
Theyve already fitted panels on over 25,000 homes
in Britain.
Man: But why would they do that?
Woman: Well, the government wants us all to move away
from using fossil fuels, right. So, they pay people to
produce electricity from solar panels. So, you get
free electricity for your own use and, if you generate
more electricity than you need, you can sell it back
to the government.
Man: What a crazy idea! But I still dont understand why
a company would give us free solar panels.
Woman: They get the money from the extra electricity. After
a few years, it pays for the panels and, after that,
they earn money.
Man: I see. So we wouldnt earn anything ourselves?
Woman: No, but wed have much lower bills. For nothing.
Man: Right. Lets phone them and ask them to put
the panels up.

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Rozdzia 14 MiniMatura Zapis nagrania

Track 15

Speaker: The promises this government made before
the election were completely untrue. Wages are
falling, taxes are going up and unemployment is at
a record high. This has led to an increase in crime
and attacks on immigrants who are being unfairly
blamed for these problems. Thats why we are
calling on all our members to come out on strike
next Friday to show our leaders that we have had

Speaker: Many people are worried about rising crime rates
and that is understandable. However, we are
winning the battle. Last year, we made more arrests
than ever before but not because crime rates are
going up but because we are now able to find
criminals more easily using scientific advances.

Speaker: We have seen people lose their jobs. We have seen
huge numbers of immigrants taking the jobs of
our own citizens. We have seen homelessness and
increases in crimes. The party in power have done
nothing for the people of this country but we will.
Vote for us, vote for a better future.

Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen. You have heard
the evidence. You know that Mr Engleton has been
in prison before. However, you have also heard two
alibis. Im sure you will agree that it would be very
unfair to find someone guilty and sentence them to
time in prison for a crime that we cant be sure they

Speaker: I am very happy here. Since I arrived, I have found
a place to live, I have got a job and I have made
many friends. I miss my home country but I am
determined to make a success of my new life. My
only worry is for the safety of my wife and children.
There are too many burglaries and thefts here.

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Test maturalny 1
Cz pisemna. Poziom podstawowy. Zadanie 1 Zapis nagrania
Track 16

Adam: Hi, Cathy. What did you think of the maths test?
Cathy: Not too bad. It was difficult but we all knew it would
Adam: Well, I know Mr Stevens likes setting hard tests but
that was much worse than usual. I couldnt believe it.
It was impossible.
Cathy: I think we both know the reason for that.
Adam: What do you mean?
Cathy: Well, you didnt study for it. You know how important
these tests are but you still couldnt be bothered. You
just dont care.
Adam: But I do care. Sometimes I dont know whats wrong
with me. I mean, I know I need to get good results
but other things just seem to get in the way of
studying. Now Ive got two weeks of nail-biting
before I find out how I did. You must be nervous too.
Cathy: Not really. For one thing, I think I did alright. The
main reason, though, is that Im going to drama
school next year. Ive already been accepted so
nothing can stop me now, not even bad marks.
Adam: But you still always try your best! Youre amazing!
Cathy: Well, to save you worrying for two weeks, why dont
we compare what we wrote in the test?
Adam: No way! I never do that. Its too depressing. No, Id
rather wait for the results. Now Im going to relax.
Play a few computer games and watch a DVD.
Cathy: Wait a minute. Its me thats just finished my last test.
Youve got history tomorrow.
Adam: Oh yes, I forgot about that.

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Track 17

Speaker: Today was my first day with a job agency. I was sent
to a hotel and my job was to wash dishes and to tidy
up the restaurant after meals. It was surprisingly
enjoyable and I worked hard and learned quickly.
I think I was a good advert for the agency because
the woman who trained me said I was the best
worker theyd had all year. Im going back there
tomorrow. Great!

Speaker: I used to work in an office, training new staff
and showing them around. Last month, though,
my manager told me I wasnt needed anymore.
I couldnt believe it. I didnt want to be unemployed
so I signed on with a job agency. Its better than
nothing but I dont like going to different places
every day. I never get to know anyone and its tiring
having to learn new things every day.

Speaker: Our company uses a lot of agency workers. Its
good in a way because when we need people
we can get them and when we dont need them,
no-one loses their job. The agency just sends them
somewhere else. The main problem is that every
day there is someone new who I have to show what
to do. Its exhausting because there are always
a few problems to sort out.

Speaker: If you are young, flexible and havent yet decided
on a permanent career, then it may be a good
idea not to look for a full-time job. Working for
an employment agency offers several benefits.
Firstly, variety. It can be boring and tiring doing
the same thing every day. Doing different things
keeps you fresh and interested and, of course, you
can never be made unemployed. Just choose your
agency carefully. Some are better than others.

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Track 18


Sue: Hi, Rob. Hows it going? Speaker: Its my grandmothers birthday today. I usually
Rob: (speaking and eating at the same time) Fine, thanks. forget birthdays so this year I made sure I bought
Do you want a sandwich? a present in good time. I wrapped it up and put it in
Sue: No, thanks. Ive just eaten. my wardrobe. Then I forgot all about it. I sent a card
Rob: Really? When? and a letter but not the present. My grandmother
Sue: I had a cake at my computer. phoned me earlier but I was out. I planned to
Rob: Dont let Mr Johnson see you. He hates people eating phone her when I got home but I started doing my
at their desks. homework and it slipped my mind. Now its 11 p.m.
Sue: I know but I didnt have time for a break today. Anyway, and shell be asleep. Oh well, Ill send her an email
Mr Johnson left the office after lunch and didnt come and shell be able to read it tomorrow.
Rob: Really? Now I know why everyone was so relaxed! And
Speaker: A new hotel opens its doors in London today. The
I was working hard all afternoon! Oh well, never mind.
Skylark is the biggest hotel in Europe with over
Right, Ive finished. I feel better now. Time to go home.
8,000 rooms. It also has six gyms, four swimming
Can I give you a lift anywhere?
Sue: No, its OK. Ive got my bike. pools and eighteen restaurants. Room prices start
Rob: OK, see you tomorrow. at 185 for a single room and go up to 8,000 for
Sue: Yeah, bye. a luxury suite with its own dining room and chef.
Not everyone is happy, though, and the hotels
TWO owners have been forced to apologise to local
Speaker: Its not fair. I want to go out but mum says I cant. residents and businesses for building work which
Ive tried to help her as much as possible. She has gone on six months longer than expected.
doesnt even have to cook dinner for me now that
Ive got a part-time job in a restaurant. Today is my
Sara: Hi Ellen. I like your skirt.
first free day of the week. The problem is that mum
Ellen: Thanks, Sara! Why arent you wearing something
and dad are going out and Ive got to stay in with
more casual? Did you forget that today was a non-
my younger brother Jack and make sure he eats his
uniform day?
dinner and tidies his room.
Sara: No but my mum made me wear it. She says that if
THREE I go to school, I should wear my uniform. I hope Im
Speaker: Weekly Whirl is a new Sunday tabloid newspaper not the only one.
for people who love reading gossip about Ellen: Well, I havent seen anyone else in uniform yet!
celebrities. The paper has lots of stories and photos Whats in your bag? A change of clothes?
in it. The problem is that some of the stories arent Sara: No. My maths and English books.
true. Sometimes, these are probably genuine Ellen: Theres an exam today.
mistakes but, often, it seems that the writers are Sara: I know but only this morning. Weve got lessons this
making things up. It means that the paper always afternoon.
has exciting headlines but how many people are Ellen: Er, no we havent. Didnt you read the note? From
going to keep reading a work of fiction, especially twelve oclock, were free to do what we want.
when they can find so much on the Internet for Sara: Really? I didnt realise.

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Test maturalny 2
Cz pisemna. Poziom podstawowy. Zadanie 1 Zapis nagrania
Track 19

Interviewer: Hi, welcome to Our World, a weekly

programme about local events and news. Next
Monday is Earth Day. There will be lots of
events taking place in our city, and weve got
High School student, Judy Baker, here to tell us
about her involvement in the celebrations on
that day. Judy, good morning.
Judy: Good morning.
Interviewer: So, is your school doing anything for Earth
Judy: Yes, there are lots of things happening.
Different classes are organising different
activities and the whole school is having a litter
collection hour in the local streets.
Interviewer: So, I guess youre going to be helping with all
of that.
Judy: Actually, no. Im a member of the local Earth
Friends and were organising a big recycling
event in the town centre on the same day.
Interviewer: So, youre not going to be at school at all?
Judy: Not this year, no. I was planning to be at school
but I wont actually be there to take part. Its
a shame because itll be a lot of fun but at least
I was able to help them to prepare activities for
the day.
Interviewer: Really? I know Earth Day is important but
I hadnt thought of it as a fun day.
Judy: Oh, it can be. It should be. We respond to new
ideas better when were enjoying ourselves.
Thats the best way to influence people in my
opinion. There are lots of different activities
and events in the town centre for all ages from
pre-school children to retired people. The
planet belongs to all of us.
Interviewer: And Ill be presenting my show from the town
centre next Monday, too.
Judy: Great!

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Test maturalny 2
Cz pisemna. Poziom podstawowy. Zadanie 2 Zapis nagrania
Track 20

Speaker: Todays specials. In our meat section, sausages are
now half price and oven-ready chickens are on sale
for 50p a kilo. In cakes and biscuits, buy one packet
of chocolate creams and get a second packet for
half-price. In the dairy section, low-fat yoghurts are
four for a pound. These offers are for today only.

Speaker: The worst place was the bakery department. Our
supermarket had a real bakery where we baked our
own bread and cakes. They were cheap compared
to local shops and just as good so we were always
busy. It was really hot and we never stopped. The
only good thing was getting free bread and cakes
to take home at the end of the day.

Speaker: Supermarkets can be great places to shop if youre
careful. Try to remember the prices of things you
buy regularly. Sometimes, shops put up their prices
and then put them back down to what they were
before but with a big 20% OFF sign on them!
Another useful tip is to take a calculator to see if
the bigger packets really offer better value than
smaller ones. They dont always.

Speaker: PriceSave would like to thank all their customers
for making the last year the most successful ever.
We have taken on thirty-eight extra staff and were
voted best value small shop of the year. We are now
pleased to be able to tell you that we are opening
a second PriceSave in Worthing on the Sea View
housing estate making it easier for more of you to
get great value shopping at PriceSave.

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Test maturalny 2
Cz pisemna. Poziom podstawowy. Zadanie 3 Zapis nagrania
Track 21


Boy: That sounded great. Almost like on the CD. Boy: So, how was it?
Girl: I thought the guitar was a bit loud. Girl: Great. It was like being on holiday.
Boy: Really? It sounded fine to me but youre the expert. Boy: So, youre a fluent French speaker now, are you?
Girl: Theyve obviously been practising. I saw them last Girl: No, but I spoke nothing but French the whole time.
month and they were awful. Michels family were great and helped me a lot.
Boy: Most of the songs were from their CD so they know Boy: So, when is Michel coming here?
them very well by now and Im sure theyve been Girl: In October. I cant wait. Hell be here for two weeks and
rehearsing for this. Ill be able to speak to him in English.
Girl: Thats true. Its not easy playing to 50,000 people in Boy: I hope he likes our school.
a park with the wind blowing and rain falling. Girl: Im sure he will although theirs was brilliant. Their
language laboratory was amazing.
Speaker: Are you hard-working, organised and energetic?
Would you like to earn good money during Speaker: Welcome to my audioblog. The Journey, Part 3.
the summer holidays? We have twenty vacancies for Im bored. I wish we had come by plane. Instead,
young people aged between 16 and 21 to work at weve been travelling all night and now were
a holiday camp during July and August. Successful crossing the sea from Italy to Sicily. Dad says this
applicants will be expected to be flexible and be is the only place in Europe where the train goes
able to work long hours including evenings and right onto the boat. He wants to leave the train
at weekends. In addition to your salary, you will and go on deck but the doors are locked. We cant
receive free meals and accommodation. Phone even see the sea. Oh well, we bought some food
0134 72637 for more details. at Rome railway station last night. I guess Ill have
a sandwich and a bottle of water and then try to
THREE sleep.
Speaker: Maria was hungry. As she walked along the road,
she could smell pizzas cooking. The smell of cheese
almost knocked her over but there was no point in
stopping. Her pockets were empty. She would have
to see what there was at home. Not pizza, that was
for sure. Even if there had been some, her brother
wouldnt have left her any. Maybe her mum had
cooked. Please, Luke, if mum did cook something,
dont eat it all she thought to herself. Then,
another thought came into her head. What if Luke
had cooked? No. That would never happen!

Woman: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
Man: Yes. I bought this microwave yesterday.
Woman: Yes? Is there something wrong with it?
Man: Im not sure. I read the instructions but it didnt
cook the food I put in it. I even looked on
the Internet for more information but I couldnt
find any. Its probably just me.
Woman: Let me see. oh, yes. I see. The timer isnt
working. Would you like a refund or a new
Man: I think I should try another one to see if I can get it
to work this time.
Woman: OK, just a minute. Ill go and get one.

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Test maturalny 3
Cz pisemna. Poziom podstawowy. Zadanie 1 Zapis nagrania
Track 22

Stella: Today on Football Matters, were talking about

tattoos and my guest is the clean skinned Andy
Jensen. Youre not a tattoo fan, are you?
Andy: Hi, Stella. No. Definitely not.
Stella: I think they can be attractive but agree that
footballers sometimes overdo the artwork.
Andy: Yes, and it can look a real mess, especially when they
just add symbols or pictures in any free space. The
thing that annoys me most are symbols in different
alphabets although they can be quite funny.
Stella: Oh yes. Wasnt it David Beckham who had his wifes
name tattooed on his arm in Chinese symbols?
Andy: It was in Hindi, actually, and it was spelled wrong.
Stella: Thats right. At least hes still with her. I guess not
many players have the name of their club tattooed
on their skin as they never seem to stay in the same
place for long.
Andy: There was one player, Vinnie Jones, who played for
Leeds United. He had their badge tattooed on his
leg, and then, a year later, moved to another club,
Sheffield United, whose fans really dont like Leeds!
Stella: Oh dear! One thing I find strange is that Cristiano
Ronaldo doesnt have any tattoos. He seems like
a tattoo person to me.
Andy: Actually, he talked about this in an interview. The
reason he doesnt have any is that he gives blood
very often. You have to wait twelve months after
having a tattoo before you can give blood because
of the dangers of infection.
Stella: Wow! I didnt realise. I can see that my opinion of
him was wrong. Stay with us as well have more
surprises after the news and weather.

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Test maturalny 3
Cz pisemna. Poziom podstawowy. Zadanie 2 Zapis nagrania
Track 23

Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your patience.
We apologise for the delay which has been caused
by a problem with the music that our students
have recorded for the show. The problem has now
been solved and we will soon be ready to start.
Please return to your seats and we shall start in five

Speaker: Im always nervous before a show. I remember
when I started at acting school that I always loved
rehearsing but always felt sick before going on
stage. I think a lot of musicians and actors feel
the same, even some of the most famous people
in the business. Now that its all over for another
evening, Im much calmer. I can relax at last!

Speaker: I cant believe Im just about to play in my first
concert in a real orchestra. What a feeling! Its
funny. I hated learning to play the violin. My
teachers were really strict and I still remember
the concerts at the end of each year and my
dad with his video camera. Slowly, I got used to
the routine and started to enjoy it in my second
year. Even my teachers seemed more human. One
of them is here tonight. I hope I dont make any

Speaker: Our local theatre group is performing Guys and
Dolls at the moment. Its a great musical comedy.
The theatre group always put on a good show so
I went on the opening night. It was amazing. Its just
a shame that so few people were there. Since then,
Ive been telling everyone they must go. All those
who did have told me how much they enjoyed it.

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Test maturalny 3
Cz pisemna. Poziom podstawowy. Zadanie 3 Zapis nagrania
Track 24


Speaker: There has been an increase in the number of crimes Doctor: Good morning, Mr Smith. Weve got the results of
in the area recently, including muggings, robberies your tests.
and other acts of violence. Why is this? There are Mr Smith: Oh, right.
more CCTV cameras in operation than ever before Doctor: All the allergy tests we took were negative but
and new technology has made it much easier the centre for tropical diseases say you tested
to find evidence. And yet, the police still arent positive for a disease that is quite common in
catching as many people as in the past. In my view, the area you visited.
they should return to the streets and talk to local Mr Smith: Oh.
people and use their computers less. This is real Doctor: Dont worry. You are generally very fit and healthy.
life, not a video game. You eat well and get regular exercise. If you take
these tablets for two weeks, you should quickly
TWO recover. Let me know immediately if you suffer any
Speaker: For fans of Van Gogh, the Kroller-Muller Museum allergic reactions to the tablets and come and see
just under 100 km to the south-east of Amsterdam me in two weeks for some more tests.
is well worth visiting. It is situated in the middle of
a beautiful park with free bicycles available for use
inside each entrance. Inside the museum you can Speaker: There was a time, not long ago, when this was
see paintings by many of the worlds best artists, a healthy, green forest. Now, these beautiful trees
including, of course, Van Gogh himself. There is are all dead or dying. The problem has been
also a wonderful sculpture garden to walk around. caused by the building of factories and the burning
Bring a picnic to avoid the crowded and overpriced of rubbish. The smoke from the chimneys and fires
restaurants in the museum and park. is full of chemicals which have killed the trees. In
a world where deforestation is destroying many of
THREE the great rainforests, I believe we should be more
Boy: Lets have something really nice for dinner. careful about the effect we have on our own trees.
Girl: OK. What about a spicy curry? There are some good
recipes in here.
Boy: Great. Lets get everything together. Chicken, onions, Speaker: You can find really good bargains in second
chilli, red pepper, spices Wait a minute, we havent hand shops like these designer jeans which cost
got any coconut milk. five pounds. I would never buy designer jeans in
Girl: We could make it without. normal shops because of the price but these are
Boy: I think that would be a mistake. The coconut milk will great. Some of the clothes here arent in very good
make a nice sauce. It will be dry without it. condition but at these prices it doesnt matter.
Girl: Well, we could try normal milk. Or cream? The only problem is finding the good clothes in
Boy: Are you sure? amongst all the unfashionable ones that look like
Girl: No, but I dont want to go shopping. If it goes wrong, the sort of thing my grandfather wears. I wouldnt
you can blame me. want to buy them!
Boy: OK.

Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z jzyka angielskiego poziom podstawowy
Test maturalny 1
Cz pisemna. Poziom rozszerzony. Zadanie 1 Zapis nagrania
Track 25

Speaker: Well, the good news is that, according to
the latest figures, the crime rate is falling. The
bad news is that violent crime, including murder,
is up again. Thats why more and more people
are afraid to walk the streets at night. However,
the government doesnt like us to feel unsafe so
they are determined to do something about it.
Are they going to increase the number of police
officers on the street? No, they arent. Are they
going to make punishments more severe? Not at
all. No, a government spokesperson has said that
the government are going to change the way that
crimes are recorded. Im sure well all feel much
safer now!

Speaker: Trevor Baylis is best known as being the inventor
of the wind up radio, an invention that has helped
millions of people around the world who have no
access to electricity. Now he is almost broke. The
reason for this is that manufacturers of such radios
have made slight adjustments to the design and,
by doing so, can claim that theirs is a new idea. Of
course, companies are entitled to use every legal
means of increasing profits that they can. Thats
why its up to politicians to give more protection to
people like Mr Baylis to encourage more people to
become inventors and help the British economy.
We need action now.

Gary: Hi, Cathy. You look great.
Cathy: Thanks. I cant stay long, though. Listen, Gary.
Theres something I have to tell you. Im not sure this
relationship is working out andwell, Ive decided to
stop seeing you.
Gary: But why? Is there someone else?
Cathy: No, no-one else. Hey, Gary. Dont cry. Youll start
me off. You know what Im like once the tears start
flowing. Im like a broken tap. Anyway, I must go.
Helens waiting for me. I think she's taking me to The
Silver Dollar nightclub for my birthday.
Gary: Your birthday? Oh my goodness. It completely
slipped my mind.
Cathy: Well, it isnt the first time. I have never met anyone as
absent-minded as you. Bye, Gary. Take care.

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Cz pisemna. Poziom rozszerzony. Zadanie 2 Zapis nagrania
Track 26

Speaker: I chew my nails. I know I do it and I hate it. I started
when I was a teenager and never stopped despite
getting lots of helpful advice about curing my
habit. I try not to do it in front of other people but
sometimes I try to get away with doing it when Im
alone with my wife. Then I notice her glaring at me
and I quickly stop. My friend told me hed found
a cure on the Internet but Ive never found one
that works. Oh well, everyones got some kind of
annoying habit, even those who say they havent.
You just need to spend some time with them to find
out what it is.

Speaker: I tend to drum my fingers on the table. I know its
annoying but I do it without thinking. Im not sure
theres a cure for it. I know there are websites that
claim they can stop any annoying habit but I dont
believe them. The worst thing is that guests and my
family get upset, especially when theyre talking or
watching television, and I dont even know why they
are annoyed. I need someone to signal to me when
I start so I can stop immediately.

Speaker: Its funny, everyone in my family has got the same
annoying habit. We all play with our hair. Even my
dad does it and hes nearly bald! No-one believes
us when we tell them he does it but its true.
Strangely, I dont really notice my mum when she
does it but my sister drives me crazy. Ive tried to
find ways of stopping her but I cant find a cure
anywhere. Maybe I should go to a psychiatrist, not
to cure her but to help me be calmer when Im with

Speaker: At one time I used to talk to myself. It used to
annoy my brother because we shared a bedroom
together and he claimed that I kept him awake at
night. I used to get bullied at school quite a lot
which is why my parents took me to the school
psychologist to try to help me. She was great.
In fact, shes now quite famous and has her own
website. I still have imaginary conversations with
myself but now they are inside my head so no-one
else knows what Im talking about.

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Track 27

Woman: Good afternoon. How can I help you? Woman: Well, planning law does state that you need
Mr Donaldson: Good afternoon. Ive got a problem which permission to build a new structure, to add
Im hoping you can advise me about. an element to an existing structure, like your
I live in Mount Pleasant Street in one of balcony, or to change the use of land or
the detached Victorian houses near the top buildings. Its this last point that concerns
of the hill. you. This law was really introduced to stop
Woman: Oh yes? farmers from converting barns and other
Mr Donaldson: Its got a large garden and, at the bottom of buildings into houses but it does also cover
the garden, theres a shed. Its a large shed. your shed.
We didnt build it. It was there when we Mr Donaldson: What if I refuse? What if I continue the work
bought the house. Anyway, our son is now or let my son live there now?
twenty and still lives at home. Hes got his Woman: Then the council can force you to either
own bedroom but he would like a little more return the shed to its original state or, more
freedom. To be honest, so would we, but we likely, ask you to pull it down completely. If
dont want him to live too far away. you still refuse then you may be faced with
Woman: I see. court action and a heavy fine.
Mr Donaldson: Thats why, for the last six months, weve Mr Donaldson: But thats so unfair. All that work. Is there
been redesigning the shed. We havent nothing you can do?
changed the outside at all but weve made Woman: Im sorry, but thats the law, Mr Donaldson.
two rooms inside; a bed sitting room and The only advice I can give is to apply for
a bathroom. Weve had an electrician in to planning permission and keep your fingers
completely rewire the shed and a plumber crossed.
for the bathroom. There isnt a kitchen,
partly because of the fire risk and, well,
I dont think our son would use a kitchen. Its
cost us about 5,000. Apart from needing
furniture, its all ready for my son to move
in. Weve made sure that it doesnt affect
the neighbours at all. It has even been
completely soundproofed so John, my
son, can play music without worrying about
disturbing anyone.
Woman: Go on.
Mr Donaldson: Well, Ive received a letter from the local
council. I dont know how they heard about
the shed. Probably a neighbour with nothing
better to do than poke their nose into other
peoples business. The council have told
us to halt all work on the shed until I have
applied for planning permission and had it
Woman: I understand.
Mr Donaldson: Can they really stop me? I know about
planning permission. We had to get
permission for a balcony. I understood that.
I had no complaints about that. But this
shed is different, isnt it?

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Track 28

Girl: Hi, Mum
Woman: Hello. Hows your holiday?
Girl: Great. Its incredibly hot, about 35 degrees every
Woman: And what have you been doing?
Girl: Most of the time has been taken up with taking
photos and exploring. Theres one place where you
can climb up and walk along a narrow pathway.
I dont know how they built it up there. It was
amazing and much quieter than down at ground
level. There were birds and a few animals up there
in the highest branches but no insects which was
a pleasant relief.
Woman: Have you been swimming?
Girl: No. We went on a boat trip and really wanted to
cool off in the water but we were warned that it
wouldnt be safe. For one thing, the river currents
are very dangerous and for another there are some
strange creatures which live beneath the surface.
I must go, mum. Speak soon.

Speaker: There will be meetings for all Year 13 students to
discuss careers. Please complete the form you have
been given. This will help us to evaluate your
experiences, qualifications, interests and character.
The section on part-time work should include
unpaid work, for example, working on the school
newspaper. All experience is valuable for your CV
and it will give you something to talk about in
interviews. The meetings will take the form of
an interview with the careers master, Mr Green, who
will try to lead you towards a future which will suit
you and help you to be successful.

Speaker: I went to an exhibition of sculptures last Saturday.
I usually find modern art quite dull but Im glad
I went. The title of the exhibition was Mans place
in the modern world. Most of the sculptures
showed a pessimistic view of mans affect on
the planet. It really made me aware of the dangers
of war, climate change, pollution and things like
that. I had never seen anything like it and was sure
that this was a completely original idea. However,
my friend told me about some similar sculptures
from a different exhibition ten years ago and when
I saw them on the Internet, it was obvious that
the sculptures here had been heavily influenced by
them. Still, they were new for me because I dont go
to many exhibitions.

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Track 29


Speaker: It was a first date with the prettiest girl in my class. Speaker: I went on a double date with a friend. I was
I was nervous and asked my sister for advice so that very apprehensive but she persuaded me and
I wouldnt wear the wrong clothes or make any I eventually agreed. I thought it would be
other stupid mistakes. My sister suggested that embarrassing and I would be too stressed out to
I take Lucy to a restaurant. I wanted to make a good enjoy myself but it was fine. My date was Jack and
impression so I chose the most elegant place in he was very talkative and charming. We met at
town. The meal was delicious but, the prices were a caf and then Elaine, my friend, suggested going
astronomical and, when wed finished, I realised to a disco later. I said Id rather not because I hate
I couldnt afford to pay the bill. My face reddened discos. Jack looked quite gloomy and, when we left
as I asked Lucy for 8 and we hurried out before the caf, I was enjoying myself so much that I said
the waiter found out that we hadnt left a tip. I would go with them. Im glad I did. It would have
Luckily Lucy found the whole incident very amusing. been sad to have gone home alone.
But I didnt!

Speaker: I arranged to go to the cinema with Nick. Id been
feeling depressed because my dog had died so
I thought it would be nice to see a comedy to cheer
myself up. Nick had other ideas. Maybe I should
have tried harder to change his mind but we ended
up watching a violent thriller. Anyway, in the film
there were several brutal scenes, and, finally,
I couldnt take any more. I ran out but, when Nick
found me, instead of being sympathetic, he told me
I was overemotional. I lost my head and stormed
out but, when I had calmed down I realised he was
right and I felt a bit foolish. I rang him later and
apologized and were still together.

Speaker: My girlfriend and I had fallen out and I asked her to
a restaurant to try to make up with her. At first she
refused but she changed her mind after I sent her
some flowers. The restaurant I chose looked nice
from the outside but I should have investigated
more thoroughly before I reserved the table. We
soon realized that we were the only people there
who were under 50. Not only that, but the waiters
were rude, the food was mediocre and the prices
were exorbitant. In the end it brought us back
together. We still laugh about it now but she has
always decided where to go on dates since then.

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Track 30

Presenter: Today on Money Matters, were talking to student Cathy: Yes, it is but I think there are signs that things
union leader, Cathy Jenkinson, about student might get better. Student numbers are down this
finances. Welcome, Cathy. year so universities may be forced to reduce their
Cathy: Thank you. fees to attract more people. Young people will
Presenter: So, tell me about the problems students face with also learn from the problems faced by todays
finances. students. Student unions will also learn and be
Cathy: Well, we all know that governments of all parties, able to offer advice and counseling in the future.
have allowed universities in England to charge for Were all learning to live with these changes and
courses. Students may have to face charges of well be able to deal with them better as time
up to 9,000 a year. That, though, is just for their goes on.
studies. They also have to find somewhere to live, Presenter: Thank you very much, Cathy, and good luck.
something to eat and have a bit left for a social Cathy: Thank you.
life. They can borrow money for their course fees,
which they dont have to pay back until they are
earning a good income, but other costs have to
be paid for. That means asking parents or bank
managers for help. Even with a part-time or
a summer job, it can be difficult to survive.
Presenter: I went to college in the eighties and I remember
it being hard but not impossible.
Cathy: Thats true but things are different. You had
free education and money to live on. You
probably were able to get unemployment
benefit in the holidays. I know that those days
are never going to come back. Public opinion
wouldnt allow it and, although I disagree with
the arguments, I understand why people think
the way that they do. Also, accommodation was
much cheaper thirty years ago and all first years
were guaranteed a room in halls of residence for
a fraction of the cost of renting a house or flat.
Holiday jobs are harder to find, nowadays, too.
Presenter: Can students do anything to make their situation
Cathy: Well, I dont want you to think Im blaming
students but, yes, they could make savings. One
thing would be to think carefully about where
to study. Living at home isnt perfect but it does
save a lot of money. People should also consider
the course they choose and how helpful it will be
in the future. When education was free, you could
study something just because it was interesting.
Thats not really an option anymore.
Presenter: Can parents help?
Cathy: Well, I think a lot of parents do but, even if they
give 5,000 a year, which would be very difficult
for many people, their child would still need
another five or ten thousand a year. In other ways,
everyone can help. It is important for children
to learn to cook healthily on a budget and to
manage their finances.
Presenter: So, being a student is a hard life nowadays?

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Track 31

Jasons friend: Hi Jason. What are you up to?
Jason: Nothing much. Just surfing the internet as
always. I was on honest trailers dot com.
Jasons friend: Whats that?
Jason: They take popular films, for example
the latest James Bond or the Twilight series,
and make a trailer that shows all the worst
aspects of the film. You know the voice that
trailers always have. From a terrible book
comes an even worse film Theyre really
hilarious. The Twilight one is excellent.
Jasons friend: I enjoyed part 1 of that. Ive never seen
the other parts. I might rent the DVDs.
Jason: Watch the honest trailer and youll definitely
change your mind!

Speaker: There are more and more supermarkets and they
are all involved in a desperate fight for customers.
Thats why, wherever you shop, youll see posters
advertising the latest bargains and discounts. These
take different forms but they dont always save us
money. Sometimes they tempt people to buy too
much, which means either throwing things away or
eating too much. They may even call something
a bargain when, in fact, it is the same price or
more than it was before. Our advice is to take
care because, often, the only people to benefit
from supermarket bargains are the supermarkets

Speaker: The Millenium Bridge is a beautiful structure, which
crosses the River Thames from St Pauls Cathedral
in the north to the Tate Gallery and Globe Theatre
in the south. It was criticised as being a waste of
money when it was built and it will probably always
be known as The Wobbly Bridge. When it opened
on June 10th 2000, it shook so much that, after just
two days, it was closed again and remained closed
for two years while engineers worked out how to
solve the problem and make the bridge completely
safe. I think it always was but you know how careful
health and safety officials like to be. People still use
the nickname, and many who havent been on it still
believe it will move in windy weather.

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Track 32

Speaker: Our new timetable is out and it isnt too bad.
Luckily, my busiest days are when Im free in
the evening. I would have been very upset if Id
had to stop going to theatre club on Wednesday
afternoons. Im quite content but I know a lot
of people who are less satisfied and even some
who have had to choose between two subjects
because they arent able to fit them both into their
timetable. Maybe the teachers should consult us
before they decide what happens when. Im sure it
would be possible.

Speaker: So, here it is. My new timetable. Well, the most
fortunate thing is that I can still go to piano lessons
on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have to say that it
is slightly better than last years timetable. That
was awful. Probably because the teachers allowed
the students to be involved in drawing it up,
which meant that it became very disorganised.
I must admit that the start to the week is not
ideal with double Maths, double Physics, double
French, English and History all on Monday. Thats
a nightmare of a start to the week. I bet they all give
us homework, too.

Speaker: I think the best thing about my timetable is that all
the worst subjects are on Monday and Tuesday.
Theyre really busy days but, as a result, the week
gets easier and easier as it goes on and we finish
on Friday afternoon with P.E. Last year, we finished
off with Maths and I could never concentrate.
Unfortunately, the language options, French and
Spanish, are timetabled at the same time but I can
do Spanish at school and attend private French
classes in the evenings.

Speaker: This timetable is a work of genius. I couldnt do it.
Weve got so many classes and so many teachers
that I would end up having one teacher teaching
two different lessons at the same time or something
like that. My timetable is nicely balanced with no
really busy days. I never thought I would be able
to choose both Art and Technical Drawing but
the possibility does exist. Im over the moon about
that. School doesnt finish until four oclock on
a Wednesday which means Ill have to practise with
my band on a different day but everyones very
flexible so thats no problem.

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Track 33

Jack: Hey, Fiona, have you heard that the English football Fiona: Well, for a start, there wasnt as much pressure on
team are taking a psychiatrist to the next World Cup. them as there is nowadays. Youve got 24 hours
Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous? a day TV coverage, websites, blogs and everything.
Fiona: Whats wrong with that? At least they are catching Also, many people may have suffered just like now
up with other sports. Its been shown time after time but people didnt understand why and they just had
that positivity can have a major influence in improving to retire. Just because youve never heard of them
performance on the field of play. doesnt mean they didnt exist.
Jack: What, more than a coach or a trainer who Jack: Hey, I think your chimpanzee needs calming down.
concentrates on fitness levels or passing or shooting? Do you fancy a game of tennis or should we go for
If they win, it will be because they are the best team. some therapy first?
Fiona: Not necessarily. It will be because they are the best
prepared. No-one is saying that the psychiatrist
should replace the traditional coach but, working
together, they will be more effective. How often
have you heard that a one or two percent difference
in the way people play can mean the difference
between victory and defeat?
Jack: Yes, but thats a one or two percent difference in
speed, strength or stamina.
Fiona: Not necessarily. Lots of players suffer sudden barren
spells. It happens in golf, in tennis, in athletics, in all
sports. Suddenly a player loses their ability and then,
just as suddenly, they are back to their best. They
havent been injured, theyve just lost their confidence
for one reason or another.
Jack: I know what you mean. People often say that, in
football, a player just needs one goal to give him
back his belief in himself. Often it happens that
the player finally scores one and then, in subsequent
matches, finds the back of the net regularly.
Fiona: You see. So, thats what the psychologist does. Gives
the players confidence. Sports players have always
been so much better than their peers that they
start to believe in their infallibility. Then something
goes wrong and they dont understand why. You
should read The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters.
He has worked with all kinds of sports stars including
the British cycling team before the 2012 Olympics.
He was their head coach.
Jack: Really? He was in charge?
Fiona: No, he was their head coach. Head, brain,
Jack: Oh, I see. Very good. So, what does he say about
Fiona: Nothing, really. Not real ones anyway. He just says
that the emotional, irrational side of your personality
is your chimpanzee which lives in your brain. You have
to train it because it is stronger than you and can be
dangerous if you allow it to run wild.
Jack: So why didnt players in the past need psychiatrists?
If they had a bad run, they trained harder and worked
Copyright and phonographic copyright Pearson Central
out their problems themselves. Europe Spka z ograniczon odpowiedzialnoci, 2014.

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