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Burge: Everything Waits For The Lilacs

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Everything   Waits   For   The   Lilacs   was   commissioned   in   “Thaws”    

1996   by   PIANO   SIX,   a   group   of   Canadian   concert   pianists    
that  included  at  the  time:  Angela  Cheng,  Janina  Fialkowska,   The  snowflow  
Marc   André   Hamelin,   Angela   Hewitt,   André   Laplante   and   nearly-­‐April  releases      melting  bright.  
Jon  Kimura  Parker.    Individually  these  artists  had  dedicated    
a  ten-­‐day  period  in  their  annual  calendar  to  present  a  series   Then  a  darkdown  
of   recitals,   school   concerts   and   master   classes   in   com-­‐          needles  and  shells  the  pools.  
munities  that  would  otherwise  not  have  an  opportunity,  or    
at   least   only   rarely,   to   interact   with   international   concert   Swepth  of  suncoursing  sky  
artists.     This   group   has   also   endeavoured   to   promote   steeps  us  in    
Canadian  music  by  actively  performing  and  commissioning            salmon-­‐stream  
music  written  by  a  wide  selection  of  Canadian  composers.                      crop-­‐green  
                               rhubarb-­‐coloured  shrub-­‐tips:  
Everything  Waits  For  The  Lilacs  is  a  brief,  evocative  work   everything  waits  for  the    
that   captures   the   anticipation   of   spring.     The   title   is   taken   lilacs,  heaped  tumbling  –  and  their  warm  
form  the  Margaret  Avison  poem,  “Thaws,”  which  is  found  in   licorice  perfume.  
her   collection   of   poetry   entitled,   Sunblue.     The   Canadian    
climate  is  such  that  it  seems  possible  to  define  the  moment   From  Sunblue  by  Margaret  Avison  ©  Copyright  1978  by    
when  winter  releases  it  grasp  and  the  first  blossoms  unfold.     Lancelot  Press,  Hantsport,  Nova  Scotia.    Used  by  Permission.  
Or   perhaps   it   is   simply   that   the   Canadian   psyche   reaches  
the   point   when   it   cannot   bear   the   snow-­‐bound   landscape  
any   longer   and   the   awareness   of   the   shifting   season  
becomes   heightened.     In   this   case   the   music   echoes  
appropriately   with   a   strong   sense   of   longing   and   desire  
ending   with   a   repeated   chord   that   just   yet,   can’t   seem   to  
break  free  of  the  fading  grasp  of  winter.  
Everything  Waits  For  The  Lilacs  is  gratefully  dedicated  to  
Dorothy   Hare,   a   piano   teacher   in   Calgary   who   was  
influential  in  the  development  of  the  composer’s  musician-­‐
ship   and   training.     The   work   was   given   its   premiere  
performances   by   Janina   Fialkowska   during   her   fall   tour   of  
British   Columbia   in   1997.     Special   thanks   to   Susan  
Griesdale  for  her  help  with  the  graphic  design  for  this  book.  
Everything  Waits  for  the  Lilacs   JBComps-­‐002   ISBN:  978-­‐1-­‐927836-­‐11-­‐8  

Dr.  John  Burge  was  born  in  Dryden  Ontario  in  1961  and  grew  up  in  Calgary  studying  the  piano  with  Dorothy  Hare.    He  holds  three  
degrees   in   Composition   and   Theory   from   the   Universities   of   Toronto   and   British   Columbia   and   since   1987   has   been   teaching   at  
Queen’s   University   in   Kingston,   Ontario,   where   he   is   a   full   professor.     For   his   outstanding   work   as   a   composer   over   the   years,   he   was  
awarded  a  2013  Queen’s  University  Award  for  Excellence  in  Research  and  Scholarship  and  in  2014  was  inducted  as  a  Fellow  in  the  
Royal  Society  of  Canada.    He  has  composed  a  large  body  of  instrumental  and  vocal  music  in  all  genres  and  his  work,  Flanders  Fields  
Reflections,  for  string  orchestra,  received  the  2009  Juno  Award  for  the  Best  Canadian  Classical  Composition.    Burge  loves  working  
with  young  musicians  and  he  is  in  high  demand  as  a  music  festival  adjudicator  and  clinician.    In  recent  years  he  has  joined  the  Red  
Leaf   Pianoworks   collective   and   has   been   performing   solo   piano   recitals   or   lecture/demonstrations   of   his   own   compositions.     A  
passionate   advocate   for   Canadian   music   he   was   an   executive   member   of   the   Canadian   League   of   Composers   from   1993-­‐2007  
(President  from  1998-­‐2006)  and  since  2009  he  has  been  on  the  Board  of  Directors  for  the  SOCAN  Foundation.    

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