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New Password B2 UT 6A

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Unit 6 Test | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 06 Listen to five people talking about issues connected with waste. Match speakers 1‒5
with statements A‒F. There is one extra statement.
This speaker mentions …
A false claims made by the waste industry.
B the negative impact of some companies on legislation.
C health problems caused by toxic waste.
D different types of pollution caused by waste.
E a badly organised waste disposal process.
F the mindless consumerism of ordinary people.

1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___

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2 Read the text and complete gaps 1–5 with sentences A–F. There is one extra sentence.
Humans have exploited the natural world for centuries, and human activity has affected the environment
in unprecedented ways. Take a look at some of the worst environmental disasters in modern history.
On 16th March 1978, the Amoco Cadiz, a huge ship carrying over 200,000 tonnes of oil, hit some rocks and sank
near the coast of Brittany, France, causing the largest oil spill disaster ever at the time. 1 ___ Also,
the unfavourable weather conditions at sea prevented rescue teams from getting there quickly. As a result,
the oil combined with sea water caused the formation of a hard asphalt crust on the surface of the water,
which continued to float for several years in some areas protected from strong waves and wind.
Not surprisingly, the massive oil spill resulted in the highest death toll of sea birds and marine creatures ever
recorded. 2 ___ The Amoco Cadiz disaster has so far been the most studied oil spill ever, and a lot of studies
have continued up to the present day.
Another event of catastrophic consequences happened on land. On 3 rd December 1984, the Indian city
of Bhopal saw a tragedy which, although less publicised throughout the world than the Chernobyl nuclear
explosion, is in fact the worst industrial disaster in human history. In the early hours of the morning, a huge
container with an extremely toxic gas got damaged and caused the release of 43 tonnes of the gas into
the atmosphere. Thorough research into the causes took over a year and showed that a large volume of water
had been put into the tank, which led to a chemical reaction and resulted in damage to the tank. 3 ___
Consequently, the toxic gas quickly spread throughout the town, killing thousands of people immediately
and causing the deaths of many thousands later. The exact number of deaths is difficult to establish as official
reports differ from those of environmental organisations.
A similar catastrophe occurred near Baia Mare in Romania. Believed to be one of the worst environmental
disasters in Europe in recent years, the disaster took place on 30 th January 2000. 4 ___ When a dam holding
over 100,000 cubic metres of contaminated water suddenly broke, the poisonous liquid spread all over
the nearby area and got into the Tisza and Danube rivers, causing heavy water pollution in a number of nations
beyond Romania. 5 ___ In further areas, the toxin affected up to 80% of aquatic life, including 20 protected
species of fish. Not surprisingly, when, in 2012, the Romanian government allowed another company to mine
for gold in this area by using the same cyanide method, environmental activists organised a number
of demonstrations to try to prevent a similar disaster from recurring.
Events like these do not seem inevitable and could perhaps have been avoided. They happened because
of a combination of several factors – human oversight, irresponsibility or greed. It’s really up to us to start
taking better care of the environment and not to let human activity destroy our planet.
A It was not designed to hold such an amount of liquid and the contents started seeping into the ground.
B Moreover, the Union Carbide Corporation had built their factory in the city centre despite protests
from local authorities.
C The area was being mined for gold with the use of highly toxic cyanide.
D Most of the animals died in the two-month period following the disaster.
E In the immediate area affected by the disaster, all the river wildlife died.
F Clean-up efforts were delayed by almost two weeks due to the remote location of the area.
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3 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters have been given.
1 You say people should help each other, not only compete, but h____________ realistic is that? I doubt
people will change their attitudes overnight.
2 Once again, I’d like to s____________ the importance of having an effective recycling system.
3 The problem of many people dropping litter in the streets may be c____________ with the fact that
teenagers often copy the behaviour of adults.
4 If adults set a good example, a lot of teenagers w____________ follow in their footsteps.
5 There is e____________ chance that big environmental disasters will continue to occur.
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4 Read the definitions and write the words or phrases.
1 substances used in chemistry that are harmful to living organisms: ____________ ____________
2 a power station that generates energy by using sunlight: ____________ ____________
3 a large area of countryside that is protected by the government to preserve its natural beauty:
____________ ____________
4 the amount of pollution that each person produces: ____________ ____________
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5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 We should try to reduce pollution and tourism to prevent the ______________ (destroy) of coral reefs.
2 People are becoming more and more interested in using ______________ (renew) energy sources,
like wind power or hydropower.
3 ______________ (forest) is mainly caused by people cutting down large areas of woodland for farming.
4 Black rhinos are a critically endangered species, so they need to be saved from ______________ (extinct).
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6 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1 A lot of people still do not have a proper approach _______ environmental problems.
2 The buildings have been equipped _______ special seismic sensors to detect earthquakes.
3 Let’s go _______ a protest march on Sunday. They are protesting against using fossil fuels.
4 A lot of countries are now investing a lot of money _______ clean energy sources.
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7 Complete the sentences with the missing words. Some letters have been given.
1 Carbon dioxide is one of the most common g _ _ _ n _ _ _ s _ gases.
2 Without protection, some animal species will _ _ e out within a decade or two.
3 A lot of countries have introduced a total _ a _ on the ivory trade, resulting in high penalties for selling
or buying it.
4 I _ _ _ n _ _ _ e animal farming has increased in recent decades.
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8 Rewrite the sentences in the third conditional.
1 He failed the test because he didn’t revise for it.
2 We knew the area well, so we didn’t get lost in the mountains.
3 They managed to rescue him because they sent a helicopter.
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9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 If I _____________ (have) a big breakfast, I usually _____________ (not eat) lunch at work.
2 You _____________ (not be) in bed with flu now if you _____________ (take) aspirin two days ago, when
you got wet during our walk.
3 What _____________ (you / change) in your area if you _____________ (become) the mayor of your city?
4 If the public transport _____________ (be) better in our town, fewer people _____________ (use) their
private cars.
5 I _____________ (give) you my notes if you _____________ (help) me with my geography project.
6 If I _____________ (not be) brave enough, I _____________ (not survive) in this job for too long.
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10 Choose the correct answers to complete the mini-dialogues.
1 X: I don’t think you’re allowed to make a fire here.
Y: OK. ___
X: You’d better, or you’ll have to pay a fine.
a I’ll take it off.
b I’ll put it out.
c I’ll make it up.
2 X: Why didn’t you join us on the protest march?
Y: Well, if ___ about it, I would certainly have come.
a I’ve known
b I know
c I’d known
3 X: Do you think they’ll arrive before 8 p.m.?
Y: ___
X: You’re right. They probably won’t make it on time.
a It’s possible.
b It’s probable.
c It’s unlikely.
4 X: Imagine winning a large sum of money. ___
Y: I’d travel round the world.
a What will you do?
b What would you do?
c What had you done?
5 X: I think mum was really happy.
Y: ___ She was smiling all the time and hugging us a lot!
a No doubt.
b No way.
c No good.
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11 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
Ostatnio przeczytałeś/przeczytałaś w lokalnej gazecie artykuł, którego autor krytykuje przeprowadzoną
niedawno w Twojej okolicy akcję na rzecz ochrony przyrody. Napisz list do redakcji (200–250 słów), w którym
wyjaśnisz, dlaczego nie zgadzasz się z krytyką przedstawioną przez autora artykułu, oraz podasz, jakie
pozytywne skutki przyniosła opisana akcja.


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