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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING of

Rajasthan Technical University, Kota

Submitted to: Submitted by:


H.O.D (MED) 13EJEME014





I hereby, certify that the work, which is being presented in the Seminar Report, entitled

HYDRO TURBINE (ERECTION &ALIGMENT) in partial fulfilment of the

requirement for the award of Degree of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, submitted in
the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Jaipur Engineering College, Kukas, Jaipur,
Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Rajasthan, is an authentic record of my
work under the supervision of Mr. Arun kumar dubey.

The results embodied in this report have not been submitted by me or anybody else to any
other University or Institute for the award of Degree.



This is to certify that the above statement made by the Student is correct to the best of our


Coordinator P.T.I.V (MED, JEC) HOD, MED (JEC)


I express my sincere thanks to my Seminar guide, Mr. Arun Kumar dubey for guiding me
right from the inception till the successful completion of the seminar. I sincerely
acknowledge him for extending their valuable guidance, support for literature, critical
reviews of seminar and this report and above all for the moral support he provided me at all
stages of the training.

I would also like to thank the supporting staff of Mechanical department, for their help and
cooperation throughout my seminar.

Last but not the least I would like to thank all my Faculty members, friends and family
members who have helped me directly or indirectly in the completion of the project



The Jalgon Maharashtra site of L.D. POWER ENGINEERS located at jalgon Maharashtra.

Erection, setting, adjustment, cantering and alignment of hydro generating unit is a very
complicated and specialized job. This has to be carried by expert. The guide covers planning,
pre-erection activities erection sequence of both horizontal and vertical machine, pre-
commissioning checks, commissioning checks and tests. It also gives tolerance to be
achieved during erection and testing. The erection technologies though explained quite in
detail but as hydro machines are tailor made, the technologies may differ for a particular
machine which has to be obtained from the manufacturer.

1. IEEE Guide for commissioning of Electrical systems in Hydro-electrical Power Plants,

IEEE Standard 1248, IEEE, 1998. 2. Guide for commissioning, operation and maintenance
of Hydraulic Turbines, International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) Standard 545,
IEC, 1976. 3. Installation of Vertical Hydraulic Turbine Driven Generator & Reversible
G/M for Pumped Storage Installation, National Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA) Guide 5.2, NEMA, 1989. 4. Hydro Power Station Generating Equipment and its
Installation by A.N. Goncharov.


erection, testing and commissioning may be divided into three main categories: - Pre-erection
activities to be completed before starting of erection of the plant. - Erection of built in parts of
the plant. - Erection of main operating components of hydro set.


Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................... 3
Abstract. ................................................................................................................................ 4
Contents.. 5

Chapter 1
1.1 purpose.. 7

1.2 reference ...... 7


2.1 Pre-erection activities & Erection of main components.......................................... 8

2.2 Planning &Recording of erection work and technical review.11

Chapter 2



2.1 Hydro Generating Units with Spiral Casing...................... .22

2.1.1 Hydro-Turbine and Accessories22

2.1.2 Hydro Generator and Accessories.26

2.1.3 Horizontal Tubular Generating Set...28

2.1.4 Generating Units with SeparateTurbine and Generator Shaft31

2.2 Hydro-generator & Accessories.................................................................................. 36



FIG.-1 [Goncharov] 10

FIG.-2 [Goncharov] 12

FIG.-3 [Goncharov] 20

FIG.-4 [Goncharov] 24


Table 1(Bar chart) 11

Chapter 1



1.1 Purpose
Erection, setting, adjustment, cantering and alignment of hydro generating unit is a very
complicated and specialized job. This has to be carried by expert and experienced team of
engineers, technicians and helpers. This guide, therefore, has been prepared with intent to
provide guide lines to such team for carrying out erection testing and commissioning of
either horizontal or vertical machines upto 25 MW capacity successfully. The guide covers
planning, pre-erection activities erection sequence of both horizontal and vertical machine,
pre-commissioning checks, commissioning checks and tests. It also gives tolerance to be
achieved during erection and testing. The erection technologies though explained quite in
detail but as hydro machines are tailor made, the technologies may differ for a particular
machine which has to be obtained from the manufacturer.

1.2 Reference

1. IEEE Guide for commissioning of Electrical systems in Hydro-electrical Power Plants,

IEEE Standard 1248, IEEE, 1998.

2. Guide for commissioning, operation and maintenance of Hydraulic Turbines,

International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) Standard 545, IEC, 1976.

3. Installation of Vertical Hydraulic Turbine Driven Generator & Reversible G/M for
Pumped Storage Installation, National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
Guide 5.2, NEMA, 1989.

4. Hydro Power Station Generating Equipment and its Installation by A.N. Goncharov.


The entire process of erection, testing and commissioning may be divided into three main
categories: - Pre-erection activities to be completed before starting of erection of the plant. -
Erection of built in parts of the plant. - Erection of main operating components of hydro set.

2.1 Pre-erection Activities Mainly Covers following: - Preparation of a plan to carry out
erection work and sequence of different activities. - Preparation for site storage and pre
assembly of the equipment, construction of roads, accesses for delivery of plant to assembly
area. - Erection of temporary structures, living quarters necessary for carrying out site work
smoothly and speedily. - Arrangement of construction power water, compressed air for the

erection activities. - Arrangement of lighting of erection site and nearby area - Setting layout
of erection bay as shown in fig. 1.

- Ensuring delivery of equipment and materials necessary for continuity of erection work as
per charts and plan.

- Providing hoisting, handling mechanisms, tools and devices for erection as also making
arrangement of transportation of material to the site.

- Arrangement of safety measures protection of workers and equipment during handling,

shifting and installing different components of plant.

- Arrangement of first aid and health checkups for workers.

FIG.-1 [Goncharov]

10 | P a g e
Erection of built in Turbine Parts

Erection of these items starts as soon as the underwater concrete structure has reached the
required elevation below the lining of DT cone. At this stage permanent crane is not available
as such temporary gantry crane has to be installed whose lifting capacity, travel upward,
downward, forward and backward is decided by the size and weight of heaviest and largest
part to be handled by the crane.

Erection of main operating components Erection of main components of unit is started

only after permanent crane is made available. As such civil works are planned in such a way
that availability of main crane matches with the start of assembly and erection of main plant.

2.2 Planning Erection work usually is planned in two stages:-

- The first stage is to prepare a well coordinated over all plans for construction of civil
activities and activities related to erection of hydro mechanical items and hydro generating


- The second stage is the detailed planning stage and it should include following information
concerning erection of main equipment. The amount of installation work by years according
to overall construction of the project Sequence, speed and technologies for erection activities
Requirement as regards workers, engineers, and technicians Basic material and their expected
deliveries to the site. The second stage planning consists in preparing special plan for erection
of main equipment based on overall coordinated construction plan, delivery schedule of main
plant and availability of funds.

This plan should contain following information:

- The technical features of main equipment, weight and size of parts and subassemblies.

11 | P a g e
- A time schedule for carrying out erection work matching with delivery schedule and civil
construction activities for each generating set and for all sets together. This should give
sequence and duration of all critical as well as parallel activities for completion of erection
work as per overall schedule.

- The technological process of assembling and erection of unit.

- Preparation of a chart showing labor requirement and their movement.

- All relevant plan, assembly and erection drawings and details of required technologies.

- Requirement of hoisting, requirement of each part, subassembly and assemblies.

- Requirement of tools, material equipment, electrical energy, compressed air.

- Requirement of special tools devices essential for erection work.

- Requirement and arrangement of safety and industrial health measures.


Mainly two types of horizontal generating unit are used these days: A. Units with turbines
having spiral casing. B. Tubular /Bulb type units there may be other variations also but this
guide will be confined to deal with erection of these two types of hydro units.

1. 2.1 Erection of Horizontal Hydro Units with Spiral Casing

1.2.2 Erection of Hydro Turbine The procedure of installation is as described bellows:

Spiral Casing - Principal axes of the generating set are fixed by reliably secured brackets
and bench marks - The perpendicular position of each component is checked by stretching
piano wires along the principal axes.

First of all proper positioning of spiral casing is done. As this is the base part of generating
unit its correct positioning will determine the correct installation of entire generating set.

Spiral casing is normally received in two parts and assembled & positioned at site. - Lower
half is installed and adjusted on select beams embedded in concrete in advance. - Then upper
half is placed on it and secured. - Correct position relative to principal axes, elevation &
horizontal position relative to turbine cover plate and inlet flange are adjusted. A level or
plumb line is used for this. - Attention is required in matching centre lines of spiral casing
inlet and penstock. - Once the elevation is adjusted by placing steel blocks beneath its claws,
spiral casing is bolted to the supporting beams.

12 | P a g e
Turbine Operating Mechanism

AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 7 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011 Turbine bearings

- The housing of turbine bearings should be installed together with their base plates on
properly cleaned and levelled surface of foundation.

- The transverse axes of the bearings are found by measurements from the centre line of spiral
casing and are marked on the foundation.

- Installation of bearings is done in accordance with these marks.

- Their elevation is set by placing metal blocks beneath base plates.

- The alignment of bearings and coincidence of their centre line with longitudinal axis of
generator are checked by stretching piano wire through spiral casing along the bearing centre
line centring of horizontal piano wire in spiral casing is checked by micrometers.

- The bearing housings are centred relative to the longitudinal axis of generating set with an
end gauge inserted in the bores for the bearing shells.

- After check of bearing housings, the foundation bolts are secured in their recesses so that
they are located vertically in the centres of holes in base plates and should not move during

- The foundation bolts are then grouted - The supporting beams of spiral casing and draft
tube are also concreted, if not done earlier.

Guide Apparatus

- Trial assembly of guide vanes may be done in its design position.

- Insert bushings in the turbine cover plates and bolt them provisionally.

- The outer ring of labyrinth is mounted on the front cover plate.

- Then this cover plate is placed in position and bolted and secured.

- The joint between cover plate and scroll casing is sealed with rubber cord

- All the guide vanes are then installed in closed position of guide apparatus - Rear cover
plate is mounted and sealed in the same way as front one, and provisionally secured with

- The clearance between guide vane ends and turbine cover plates must be uniform on both
sides and total should be between 0.2 to 0.6 mm.

- These are checked by feeler gauges and adjusted by tightening bolts of bushing flnges.

- There should no clearance between guide vane to guide vane when closed position.

13 | P a g e
- The levers are then installed and regulating ring is installed. The levers are fixed to G.V.
pivots by dowel pins.

- The guide vanes are turned through regulating ring to fully open position and width between
each pair of vanes are measured in this position

Erection of Vertical Hydro generator

(i) Check foundations of the generator:

Check if the location of support is correct with respect to the axis of the set
and axis of the power station.
Check corresponding location of all the openings, ducts and other elements
of foundations.
Check the level marks of the elements of the foundations are correct.
Supporting surfaces of the foundations are smooth and clean, especially at
the places of support of the adjusting wedges of the stator and lower bracket.

(ii) Sequence of Erection

Suspended type:
- Assemble lower bracket and mount it on the foundation along with the
fixed foundation plate. Cantering of bracket should be done with respect to the
axis of hydro set.
- Mount the shims below the brakes and then assemble the brake, pipe lines
etc - Carry out assembly of stator and mount it on the stator foundation.

14 | P a g e
FIG.-3 [Goncharov]

15 | P a g e
Cantering of stator should be done with respect to the axis of hydro set and stator level should
be kept as indicated in the drawing. Carry out laying, jointing and insulation of winding.

AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 31 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011

- Carry out full assembly of rotor in erection bay. - Carry out full assembly of upper bracket
and thrust bearing oil bath at the erection bay.

- With the help of special device the assembly of rotor with shaft shall be carried from
erection bay and lowered inside the stator bore and shall rest on the brakes. The cantering of
rotor is done primarily along the air gap. By adjusting the height of brakes, the shaft flange
level shall be adjusted as indicated in the drawing.

- Mount the assembled upper bracket

- Assemble thrust bearing and mount thrust bearing collar. - Assemble the guide bearings;
adjust zero gap between pad and journal

- Centre generator shaft as per turbine shaft - Transfer the weight of rotor on thrust bearing -
Check the wobbling of thrust bearing mirror disc mounted under thrust collar.

- Lift the rotor on jacks. Finally centre the stator and upper bracket as per rotor

- Carry out coupling of turbine shaft and generator shaft. - Carry out checking of shaft
alignment and its perpendicularity.

- Carry out repeat checks for air gap between stator and rotor.

- Finalize centring of lower bracket.

- Adjust the gaps in guide bearing of generator

- Carry out inspection and final assembly of thrust bearing and guide bearings.

- Carryout concreting of the foundation.

Umbrella Type Hydro-generator

- Assemble lower bracket and install it on the foundation with fixed foundation plates and
centre with reference to the axis of hydro set and along its height.

- Install the brakes and assemble brake pipelines.

- Carry out the assembly and installation of the stator on the stator foundation with the fixed
foundation plates. Stator is cantered with respect to the axis of hydro set and is adjusted at the
design level. Carry out laying, jointing and insulation of windings.

- Carry out complete assembly of the rotor at erection bay. - Carry out assembly of upper
bracket at erection bay. - Assemble thrust bearing at erection bay and install it in the oil bath
of the lower bracket.

16 | P a g e
- With the help of special device assembled rotor with the shaft is brought from erection bay
and lowered into the stator bore to rest on the thrust bearing. The rotor is centred
preliminarily as per the air gap. By regulating thrust bolts as well as brakes bring the shaft
flange at design level.

AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 32 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011

- Centre the generator shaft with turbine shaft. - Centre the stator with respect to rotor. -
Perform coupling of generator and turbine shafts.

- Mount the assembled upper bracket on the stator and centre it with respect to shaft.

- Assemble the guide bearing. Set zero gap between the surface of the collar and pad.

- Perform checking of the shaft alignment and wobbling of thrust bearing mirror disc.

- Finally centre the stator as per air gap and along height. - Check the cantering of lower

- Adjust air gap in the guide bearings of the generator.

- Perform inspection and final assembly of thrust & guide bearings.

- Carry out concreting of the foundation plates of stator and lower bracket.

- Perform trial spinning of the set.

- Perform drying up the generator.

- Perform high voltage test of the generator and testing of hydro set with load.

17 | P a g e

FIG.-4 [Goncharov]

Preassembly of separate parts is done on a special stand equipped with jacks and provisional
bearing is shown in [FIG.-5].

18 | P a g e
Chapter 2



2.1 Hydro Generating Units with Spiral Casing

2.1.1Hydro-Turbine and Accessories

(i) DT Cone - Check form before installation - Check correct position in unit pit relative to
principal axes

AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 33 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011

- Check elevation

- Check horizontal position as well as verticality

(ii) Spiral Casing - Check form before installation

- Check correct position in unit pit relative to principal axes

- Check elevation

- Check horizontal position relative to turbine cover plate and inlet flange - Check matching
of centre lines of spiral casing inlet and penstocks

(iii) Turbine Operating Mechanism

(a) Turbine Bearing - Check foundation surface, these must have proper level - Check
transverse axes of bearing with respect to centre line of spiral casing.

- Check elevation of bearing housing

- Check alignment of bearing, the centre line of bearing should coincide with longitudinal
axis of generator - Check centering of bearing housing relative to longitudinal axis of
generating set.

(b) Guide apparatus - Check trial assembly of guide apparatus

- Check clearance between guide vane ends and turbine cover plates. This must be uniform
on both sides and total should be between 0.2 to 0.6 mm

- Check there is no clearance between guide to guide vane when in closed position

19 | P a g e
- Measure width between each pair of guide vane in fully open position of guide vanes

- Check guide vane servomotor for its alignment, positioning, elevation and its connection
with regulating ring and also check for proper installed of links & levers between regulating
ring and guide vanes.

(c) Runner and shaft - The centering of shaft relative to labyrinths is to be checked by end
gauge before mounting of runner.

(d) Checking and centering of rotating parts - Measure clearance between shaft and lower
bearing shell with a feeler gauge - Check horizontal position of the rotating turbine parts by
placing levels successively on both bearings. Repeat the same after turning the level through
180o. The two measurements should not be more than one scale division.

AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 34 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011

The permissible inclination of shaft is 0.04 to 0.06 mm/m length.

- Transverse position of bearing housings is also to be checked.

The permissible inclination in transverse direction is 0.1 mm/m length of shaft.

- Check radial clearances between the runner and turbine cover plates (should not exceed 2.5
to 3 mm)

- Check gaps between static and rotating labyrinths (should not exceed 0.5 to 0.6 mm)

- Check axial play of rotating turbine parts through length wise displacement of thrust bearing
to its extreme position

The gap in labyrinths seals should be 5 to 6 mm Axial clearance between thrust collar
and shell should 0.2 to 0.3 mm

- The above checks should be repeated after rotating turbine by 180o & 360o

- Check clearance between turbine shaft and upper bearing shell with 1 mm thick lead wire
of 0.3 to 0.5 mm length. The thickness of flattened wire indicates the clearance on top of

This should not be more than 2% of shaft diameter.

- Check lateral clearance between shaft and lower shell. These should be one & half times
the clearance between upper shell and shaft.

(e) Governor - Check governor for its positioning, elevation, horizontal position, location
relative to turbine - The governor mechanism should be checked for

20 | P a g e
(i) Turning of manual control should be smooth
(ii) Verify tightness of distributors when closed
(iii) Check for absence of backlash in the mechanism of regulating system
(iv) Measure maximum opening of guide vanes
(v) Verify servomotor stroke v/s guide vane opening relation should be as per design

2.1.2 Hydro Generator and Accessories

From design and construction point of view normally following two types of horizontal
hydro generators are available.

(I) Shop assembled

(a) Low power hydro-generator with bearing located directly inside generator housing. Such
generators are delivered duly shop assembled on foundation frame.

(b) Large generators whose bearings are located on separate pedestals are delivered with
generator exciter and bearings assembled on common foundations.

AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 35 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011

(ii) To be assembled in erection bay Large generators are delivered in separate components
viz. shaft with generator rotor, exciter rotor assembled on it, stator frame, exciter frame and
fly wheel (in two parts). First category generators are delivered fully assembled or mounted
on rigid foundation are assembled unblocked after checking alignment and adjustment of its
elevation relative to half coupling of turbine shaft. Second category generators are
completely assembled in erection bay and then installed in unit pit. Following checks are

- Check horizontal position of bearings.

- Check position of stator relative to bearings

- Check elevation and horizontal position by wire centered in the bores of bearing shell.

- Measure gaps between rotor & stator of generator as well as exciter.

- Check centring and positioning of generator rotor and exciter rotor relative to half coupling
of turbine and half coupling of generator respectively

- Final alignment and centring to hydrogenating unit is to be checked after coupling of

generator and turbine shaft. Detail procedure for this is given in Annex-I.

21 | P a g e
2.1.3 Horizontal Tubular Generating Set

All parts forming water passage from speed ring to DT cone of this type of unit is delivered
split horizontally

Only lower halves can be concreted

Alternatively if lower halves are not to be concreted, these should be provided with strong
enough supporting structure. Horizontal tubular generating set may have a single shaft or
separate each for turbine and generator

The installation technology differs greatly depending on whether the annular parts of water
passage are concreted or not and also whether these are single shaft or separate shafts for
turbine and generator

It is preferred maximum preassembly is completed in erection bay and then lifted, carried
and lowered in the unit pit with the help of EOT crane.

1.2.1 Single Shaft Generating Unit Checks for pre-assembly in the erection bay

Check form and dimensions annular parts of generating unit after completion of assembly
in erection bay.

Check form and dimensions of throat ring foundation ring and DT cone.

Check for and dimensions of speed ring

- check inner bore

AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 36 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011

- check horizontality in EB during assembly

- check inner diameter, its cylinder city and concentricity Check preassembly of distributor
assembled with speed ring or on assembly stand for cylinder city, concentricity with inner
distributor ring. Also check elevation.

Check guide vane movement, it should be free

After assembly in pit-check for its correct positioning, elevation matching with unit axes,
its verticality concentricity and horizontality

Check assembled runner in erection bay for form and dimensions

Check generator rotor for its form and dimensions After assembly of stator, rotor and

22 | P a g e
- Check horizontality of shaft - Position of rotor and runner - Check air gaps between stator
and rotor Assembly in pit - Before boxing up of generating unit

Check elevation, centring, concentricity relative to axes

Check cylindricity by stretching piano wire and dropping plumb lines from transverse axis
as soon as the speed ring is lowered, centred and adjusted to its design position.

Check assembly of all other parts for proper positioning, elevation, centring and matching
with unit axes. - After boxing up

Check unit alignment and centring

Check working of guide apparatus and free movement of guide vanes.

Check gaps between parts and journal for all bearing.

2.1.4 Generating Units with Separate Turbine and Generator Shaft

Turbine and generators are assembled separately in erection bay

Check all parts delivered for proper form and dimensions, diameter and their horizontality
or verticality

Check all machined parts for proper machining

Assembly of runner - Check for proper dimensions, diameter, horizontality and

concentricity of shaft and runner

Assembly of generator

AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 37 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011

- Check horizontality, elevation, stator rotor air gaps, bearing settings exciter gaps

After lowering of preassembled runner in pit in position following checks are done

- Horizontal position of shaft and its concentricity with speed ring - Check parallelism of
turbine shaft flange with respect to flange of speed ring. It must be within 0.1 mm.

- Clearances between runner blades and throat ring must be uniform.

- Centring of rotating turbine parts is to be checked.

- After lowering preassembled generator in unit pit following checks are required -
Horizontal position of generator of generator shaft - Concentricity with turbine shaft.

- Parallelity of coupling relative to turbine coupling (0.06 mm) - Alignment of generator and
turbine shaft is carried out before and after coupling

Detailed procedure is given in Annex I. The maximum permissible wobble of shaft is 0.2

23 | P a g e
- Check gaps between stator and rotor 2.0 VERTICAL HYDRO-GENERATING UNIT 2.1
Hydro-Turbine & Accessories.

2.1.5 Embedded Parts

Check positioning, level, elevation of embedded pipe lines and other embedments to be
provided as per drawing

- Check form, centring, elevation of draft tube and draft tube cone.

- Check levelling and centring of speed ring foundation plates - Check centring, levelling,
elevation, axes of speed ring before and after tightening of foundation bolts.

- Check spiral casing for its form, positioning, alignment of inlet piece with penstock -
Pressure testing of spiral casing after assembly in position and anchoring

- Checking centring, levelling, elevation and setting of axes of runner chamber (in case of

- Checking centring, levelling, elevation and setting of axes (in case of Francis) of static

- Checking form, centring and elevation and turbine pit liner

2.1.2 Pre-assemblies in Erection Bay

(a) Preassembly of Top Cover

AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 38 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011

- Check dimensions of top cover - Check form, machined surfaces

- Check by lowering in pit and putting on speed ring flange

- Check fitting and free rotation of guide vanes

- Check top and bottom clearances of guide vane

- After this checking top cover can be taken out and kept in EB

24 | P a g e
(b) Preassembly of runner and shaft

- Check shaft after thorough cleaning for dimension, check both flanges by surface plate,
check machined surface of flanges

- Check runner for its proper shape and dimensions, check labyrinths (upper & lower) in case
of Francis Runner

- Check diameter of assembled runner (Kaplan), carry out pressure testing of runner hub and
seals for leakage, check movement of servo mechanism in EB before trial assembly.

- Check clearances between rotating surfaces of runner and associated static surfaces (runner
chamber in case of Kaplan and labyrinths in case of Francis)

- Check after mounting of top cover on to turbine shaft with runner in Erection bay for its
tightening, doweling, positioning, horizontality and verticality

(c) Guide Bearing

- Check cleaning, form and dimensions of the bearing housing - Check bedding of guide
pads by blue matching with bearing journal

SSSS - Check insulation of bearing pad - Check mounting arrangement of bearing pad

(d) Guide apparatus

(i) Servo motors - Check servomotors for cleaning, check machined surfaces of piston and
cylinder, check seals etc.

(ii) Regulating ring - Check static portion closely - Check rotating porting closely

- Check free movement of rotating ring after assembly - Check all levers, links, bushes for
cleaning and dimensions

(iii) Guide Vanes - Check all guide vanes for dimensions machined journals and general
condition of rubber seal groove etc.

- Check all bushes (top and bottom) for dimensions machining and general conditions

AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 39 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011

25 | P a g e
2.1.3 Assembly of Vertical Hydro-turbine in Unit Pit

Check verticality of shaft by piano wire method

- Check centring of shaft and flange level

- Check that top cover is tightened properly and locking pin provided - Check labyrinth
clearances (Francis) and clearance between runner & runner chamber (Kaplan)

- Check guide vane bedding in fully closed position

- Check servomotor stroke between fully open & closed position of guide vanes

- Check relation between GV opening and runner blade opening (Kaplan)

- Check guide bearing for proper clearance between pad & journal

- Check IR value of guide pad insulation

- Check working of GV grease lubrication system

- Check working of repair seal and main shaft gland seals

- Check working of top cover drain system

- Check working of OPU and governing system

- Check leakage of oil through servomotors, turbine guide bearing housing governing system
and all oil pipe lines.

2.2 Hydro-generator & Accessories

2.2.1 Pre-assembly in Erection Bay

(i) Stator- Stator is received from Manufacture:-

- Single piece for smaller dial machines

- Two halves or in three sectors for bigger dial machines After carrying out stator assembly,
laying of coils in slots at joints, making over hang connection check following points: - The
stator is properly dried out

- Carry out dimension checks

- Check circularity of inner bore - Testing of stator as per norms may be carried out to
ascertain proper winding and insulation

(ii) Lower Bracket this may also be received in single piece or two halves. After assembly

- Check for dimensions - Check machined surface

26 | P a g e
AHEC / MNRE / SHP Standards / E&M Works-Guidelines for Erection, Testing and
Commissioning 40 of Small Hydro Power Plants/May 2011

- Check inner bore

- Check levelling of base plates

(iii) Rotor For smaller dial machine rotor is received in fully assembled condition but for
larger diameter machine these are assembled at site in erection. But in any case poles are
assembled in erection bay.

- Check and test all the poles duly assembled before and after soldering of flexible

- Check all the poles are keyed properly and wedged in slots - Check over all dimensions of

2.2.2 Assembly of generator

After lowering and adjusting all turbine parts the lower bracket and stator are lowered one
by one and placed on sole plates

- Check placement, unit axis, inner bore, elevation, setting on foundation plates before
concreting of foundation Rotor is lowered after centring of stator and assembly of thrust
bearing static portion with thrust bearing pads and thrust collar with mirror disc

- Check thrust bearing collar with mirror disc is properly resting on pads - Check deflection
of thrust bearing housing after total load of rotor is rested on thrust bearing pads - Check
verticality, centring, unit axes of rotor shaft.

- Check level, elevation of rotor at top, bottom and middle.

- Check magnetic axis Coupling of Generator and Turbine Shaft: With the help of jack bolts
turbine shaft is pulled up, flanges of both shafts are properly cleaned and then coupled with
each other with coupling bolts .

- Check elongation of coupling bolts

- Check centring, verticality and alignment of couple shafts (Procedure is given in annexure-

- Check assembly of thrust bearing & its coolers, guide bearings and their coolers - Check
assembly of brakes

- Check assembly of excitation system and AVR - Check assembly of upper and lower rotor

- Check assembly of stator coolers

- Check completeness of the assembly, cleaning and painting etc.

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Industrial training plays a vital role in the progress of future engineers. Not only does it
provide insights about the industry concerned, it also bridges the gap between theory and
practical knowledge. I was fortunate that I was provided with an opportunity of undergoing
industrial training at L.D. POWER ENGINEERS jalgon, Maharashtra. The experience gained
during this short period was fascinating to say the least. It was a tremendous feeling to
observe the operation of different equipments and processes. It was overwhelming for us to
notice how such a big Terminal is being monitored and operated with proper coordination to
obtain desired results. During my training I realized that in order to be a successful engineer
one needs to possess a sound theoretical base along with the acumen for effective practical
application of the theory. Thus, I hope that this industrial training serves as a stepping stone
for me in future and help me carve a niche for myself in this field.

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Book provided by company
Material given to me by the company
Fluid mechanics by Dr. r. k. Bansal

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