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Gearless Transmission - 2

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree


Bachelor of Technology


Mechanical Engineering

Submitted by

AMIT JAISWAL (5808614)

Under the esteemed guidance of

DR. .........................,B.Tech, M.Tech.,Ph.D

Head of Department


Mechanical Engineering

.................................. ENGINEERING COLLEGE

(Affiliated to ...................................... University)


Sr. No. Description Page No.

Candidates declaration 4

Certificate 5

Acknowledgment 6

Role and Responsibilities 7

Personal engineering activity 8

1. Chapter 1: Introduction 9-11

2. Chapter 2: Literature Review 12-14

3. Chapter 3: Construction 15-34

4. Chapter 4: Working 35-37

5. Chapter 5: Application 38

6. Chapter 6: Cost Estimation 39

7. Chapter 6: Conclusion 42


I hereby certify that the work which is being presented by Amit Jaiswal, Ajay
Singh Chauhan, Rajeev Kumar, Raman Kumar, Vijay Kumar in partial fulfillment
of requirement for the award of degree of B.Tech. in MECHANICAL
KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA is an authentic record of my
own work carried out under the supervision of Er. Harish Kumar Sharma (HOD)
and Er. Vikas Kunnar.

Project Member:

Amit Jaiswal [5808614]

Ajay Singh Chauhan [5808615]
Rajeev Kumar [5808608]
Raman Kumar [5808606]
Vijay Kumar [5808613]


This is certify that the dissertation entitled GEARLESS TRANSMISSION by

Department of mechanical engineering, Kalpi Institute Of Technology, Ambala in
the partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of Degree of Bachelor of
Technology in mechanical engineering is a record of bonafide work done by him
under my supervision and guidance during the session 2014-15. This work has not
been submitted to any other university or institute for the award of any degree or

Head of department & project Guide


Department of mechanical engineering

Role and Responsibilities

My roles and responsibilities includes:

Prepare a requirement document to reach expectations of project and to

come up with functionalities which are needed to be implemented.
Documentation of expected output for various aspects with accepted margin
error was also documented.
To design overall system based on workflow requirements.
Discussion with the project guide and Head of Department on ways to
improve the design and to optimize performance.
Choosing suitable components and methods based on the configurations
availability and requirements.
Testing and remedies.

As a trainee mechanical engineer, I wanted to work on a project work that would

showcase my engineering knowledge. I got the opportunity to work on
GEARLESS TRANSMISSION. This project was very important as it evaluated
my skills and talents in my company.


As a mechanical engineer, before undertaking any task I checked the feasibility of

the project. In this project, my role is as team members. This report provides an
insight into the design and fabrication of a GEARLESS TRANSMISSION.

I wanted to know more details of the project before commencing; hence, I

researched the topic thoroughly by referring to journals and articles online.
Additionally, I obtained more information by taking references about the topic.



To days world requires speed on each and every field. Hence rapidness and quick working is the
most important. Now a days for achieving rapidness, various machines and equipments are
manufactured by man. Engineer is constantly conformed to the challenges of bringing ideas and
design in to reality.

New machine and techniques are being developed continuously to manufacture various products
at cheaper rates and high quality. The project GEARLESS TRANSMISSION being compact
and portable equipment, which is skilful and is having something practice in the transmitting
power at right angle without any gears being manufactured. Most of the material is made
available by our college. The parts can be easily made in our college-shop its price is also less.
this project gives us knowledge, experience, skill and new ideas of the manufacturing. It is a
working project and having guarantee of the success. This project is the equipment useful to
improve the quality of the gear being manufactured and can be made in less time, hence we have
selected this project el-bow mechanism is an ingenious link mechanism of slider and kinematic
chain principle. This is also called as gearless transmission mechanism this mechanism is very
useful for transmitting motion at right angles. However in certain industrial application gearless
transmission at right angle can also work at obtuse or accurate angle plane can be compared to
worm and worm gear or bevel and pinion gear which are invariably used in the industry for
numerous application. The main feature for mechanism comparatively high efficiency between
the input and the output power shafts with regards to the gear efficiencies.

It has elaborately discussed in detail in the entire books o engineering that the gear drives have
very low mechanical efficiencies. Since Factor relating to under frictional Forces between the
mating gear teeth, the erratic hunting of the gears, the back lash between the teeth cannot be
overcome and hence the efficiency cannot be more than 55% Of recent gears of warm bevel type
are being manufactured in poly propylene and epoxy material where the Frictional Forces are
comparatively eliminated. Even though such gears are used for relatively small applications the
efficiency is not more than 42%.

The El-bow Mechanism transmits the I/P power towards the O/P side such away that the angular
Forces produced in the slacks are simply transmitted with the help of pins which takes up the I/P
power and the right angle drive is transferred towards the O/P slack and pin assembly.

Hence very little friction plays while the power is being transmitted; the Hunting and back lash
one absent. Therefore, it is appreciated that efficiency as high as90-92% are possible in gear less
transmission mechanism.

Here we are going to show two applications of El-bow mechanism. How it will become work,
which we are showing by cutting the wood by attaching the wood cutter at the output shaft as
well as we are also making it as compressor. It will suck the air from atmosphere, compressor it
& delivers it at high pressure. As we were calculate the result obtained is we can get the
compressed air at pressure2 bar.

The first application of this mechanism was made use of the Big Ben Clock having four dials
on the tower of London. This clock was installed some Time between 1630 to 1635 AD. And
still it is functioning in good condition.

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The gearless drive is capable of transmitting motion at any fixed angle between 0* to 90*. This
desired effect is also possible with help of bevel gearless differ to a great extent not only in their
manufacturing method or working principle but also in other aspects etc. the aspects have been
discussed below:


Bevel gears, which are straight teeth or spiral teeth are manufactured on special purposes
machines like Gearless machines. These required large amount of calculation and every pair or
set of gear are made together and there is no interchangeability.
The gearless drive has this advantage that it can be machined and manufactured on conventional machines
an it provide complete freedom of interchangeability.


A gear comprises of a frustum of a cone with teeth out on its periphery. The driving gear mounted on the input
shaft meshes with the driven gear and thus provides motion at right angle to the input shaft .The working of the
gearless drive has been explained in the earlier chapter and it obviously very different from the above.

Starting with the principle that failure id the result of the stress i.e. condition more severe then the
material can with stand. The various type of failures such as pitting, corrosion, erosion, fatigue etc.

12 | P a g e
Cause the wearing of the gear tooth resulting in the tooth leads to the replacement of the entire gear
set, which is very expensive.
The effect of pitting, erosion, corrosion etc. will be present in the gearless drive also but the
effect of these will be not be as severe as inthe case of geared drive, failure will take place in the
pi s ton e.g...Either bending or crack. Of the pins, but the main advantage is that only particular
pin will have to be replaced instead of case of failure.


The material chosen for any component must

(a) be easily available
(b) be capable of being processed in the desired examinations and
(c) have the necessary physical properties. The gears generally fail due to bending, fatigue and
impact and the gears are also responsible for the failure of the components in the gears have to
very carefully determined since it may lead to pitting.

A few open gears drives are lubricated by grease but gear units are usually totally enclosed and oil
lubricated. The arrangement for lubrication is simple and easy, since it requires only a leak proof
housing in which the gears are placed and oil is filled. This lubricating also acts as cooling medium. The heat
generated and it then spreads to other areas. In the gearless drive lubrication and cooling plays a very
major role.
The efficiency of the mechanism is affected by lubrication. Although the system of lubrication
and cooling complex as discussed in the next chapter but gives good result. Due to sliding
contract, between pins and cylinders, heat generated is more and thus effective cooling is a must.


The gear drive is capable of transmitting very high torque as compared to the gearless drive which is meant only
for low torque applications.

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Designed life represents the total period of operation, regardless of any variations of torque or
speed, which may occur during that the time industrial.
The geared drive is capable of giving an efficiency of about 40% and certain errors like
backlash, hunting etc..cannot be eliminated.
In the gearless drive, although the life has not been calculated but it is assumed that its life will be in comparison to
that of geared drive but its efficiency couldbe as high as 85 % to 92%with proper lubrication and cooling.

VIII) Comparison of this drive with gear drive infinite no of speed can be available which can not
to easily possible in gearbox.

IX) Optimum machining is important which require exact machining speed for particular
operation which is very difficult to gain for gear drive but can easily available by this drives
increase the following.

1)Tool life
3)Energy saving.

X) The different speed at eight angle ( 0 to 90) is possible which is not easily possible in gear drive.

XI) Efficiency can be increased by increasing no of pins, by precise machining, selecting

suitable material and proper lubrication.

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The proper selection of material for the different part of a machine is the main objective in the
fabrication of machine. For a design engineer it is must that he be familiar with the effect, which the
manufacturing process and heat treatment have on the properties of materials. The Choice of
material for engineering purposes depends upon the following factors:

1.Availability of the materials.

2. Suitability of materials for the working condition in service.
3.The cost of materials.
4.Physical and chemical properties of material.
5.Mechanical properties of material.

The mechanical properties of the metals are those, which are associated with the ability of the
material to resist mechanical forces and load. We shall now discuss these properties as follows:

1.Strength : It is the ability of a material to resist the externally applied forces

2.Stress: Without breaking or yielding. The internal resistance offered by apart to an externally
applied force is called stress.
3.Stiffness: It is the ability of material to resist deformation under stresses. The modules of
elasticity of the measure of stiffness.
4.Elasticity: It is the property of a material to regain its original shape after deformation when the
external forces are removed. This property is desirable for material used in tools and machines. It
may be noted that steel is more elastic than rubber.
5.Plasticity: It is the property of a material, which retain the deformation produced under load
permanently. This property of material is necessary for forging, in stamping images on coins and in
ornamental work.

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6.Ductility: It is the property of a material enabling it to be drawn into wire with
the application of a tensile force. A ductile material must be both strong and plastic. The ductility
is usually measured by the terms, percentage elongation and percent reduction in area. The
ductile materials commonly used in engineering practice are mild steel, copper, aluminum, nickel,
zinc, tin and lead.
7.Brittleness: It is the property of material opposite to ductile. It is the property of breaking of a
material with little permanent distortion. Brittle materials when subjected to tensile loads snap
off without giving any sensible elongation. Cast iron is a brittle material.
8.Malleability: It is a special case of ductility, which permits material to be rolled or hammered
into thin sheets, a malleable material should be plastic but it is not essential to be so strong. The
malleable materials commonly used in engineering practice are lead, soft steel, wrought iron,
copper and aluminum.
Toughness: It is the property of a material to resist the fracture due to high impact loads like
hammer blows. The toughness of the material decreases when it is heated. It is measured by the amount
of absorbed after being
9.stressed up to the point of fracture. This property is desirable in parts subjected to shock an impact
10.Resilience: It is the property of a material to absorb energy and to resist rock and impact
loads. It is measured by amount of energy absorbed per unit volume within elastic limit. This
property is essential for spring material.
11. Creep: When a part is subjected to a constant stress at high temperature for long period of
time, it will undergo a slow and permanent deformation called creep. This property is considered
in designing internal combustion engines, boilers and turbines.
12.Hardness: It is a very important property of the metals and has a wide verity of meanings. It embraces
many different properties such as resistance to wear scratching, deformation and mach inability
etc. It also means the ability of the metal to cut another metal. The hardness is usually expressed
in numbers, which are dependent on the method of making the test. The hardness of a metal may be
determined by the following test

a) Brinell hardness test

b) Rockwell hardness test

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c) Vickers hardness (also called diamond pyramid) test and
d) Share scaleroscope.

The science of the metal is a specialized and although it over flows in to Real ms of knowledge
it tends to shut away from the general reader. The knowledge of materials and their properties is
of great significance for a design engineer. The machine elements should be made of such a
material which has properties suitable for the conditions of operations. In addition to this a
design engineer must be familiar with the manufacturing processes and the heat treatment shave
on the properties of the materials. In designing the various part of the machine it is necessary to
know how the material will function in service.
For this certain characteristics or mechanical properties mostly used in mechanical engineering
practice are commonly determined from standard tensile tests. In engineering practice, the
machine parts are subjected to various forces, which may be due to either one or more of the following.

1.Energy transmitted
2.Weight of machine
3.Frictional resistance
4.Inertia of reciprocating parts
5.Change of temperature
6.Lack of balance of moving parts

The selection of the materials depends upon the various types of stresses that are set up during
operation. The material selected should with stand it.
Another criteria for selection of metal depend upon the type of load because a machine part resist
load more easily than a live load and live load more easily than a shock load.
Selection of the material depends upon factor of safety, which in turn depends upon the following

1.Reliabilities of properties
2.Reliability of applied load
3.The certainty as to exact mode of failure

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4.The extent of simplifying assumptions
5.The extent of localized
6.The extent of initial stresses set up during manufacturing
7.The extent loss of life if failure occurs
8.The extent of loss of property if failure occurs

Materials selected in m/c

Base plate, motor support, sleeve and shaft
Material used
Mild steel

1.Mild steel is readily available in market

2.It is economical to use
3.It is available in standard sizes
4.It has good mechanical properties i.e. it is easily machinable
5.It has moderate factor of safety, because factor of safety results in unnecessary wastage of
material and heavy selection. Low factor of safety results in unnecessary risk of failure
6.It has high tensile strength
7.Low co-efficient of thermal expansion

Properties of Mild Steel:

M.S. has a carbon content from 0 . 15 % to 0.30%. They are easily wieldable thus can be
hardened only. They are similar to wrought iron in properties.
Both ultimate tensile and compressive strength of these steel increases with increasing carbon
content. They can be easily gas welded or electric or arc welded. With increase in the carbon
percentage weld ability decreases.
Mild steel serve the purpose and was hence was selected because of the above purpose.

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It is a machine dawned. The main basic difference between mild steel and bright metal is that
mild steel plates and bars are forged in the forging machine by means is not forged. But the
materials are drawn from the dies in the plastic state. Therefore the material has good surface
finish than mild steel and has no carbon deposits on its surface for extrusion and formation of
engineering materials thus giving them a good surface finish and though retaining their metallic



1 FRAME Ms 1 C section 75x 40x 4 mm


3 SHAFT Ms 2 Dia 20mm x 350mm

4 HOUSING Ms 2 Dia 95 mm x 62 mm

5 BENT LINK Ms 3 Dia 10 mm x 240 mm

6 PULLEY CI 2 Dia 45 & 250 mm


8 BELT Leather 1 a-56

9 ANGEL MS 1 35 x 35 x 5 mm





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The subject of MACHINE DESIGN deals with the art of designing machine of structure. A
machine is a combination of resistance bodies with successfully constrained relative motions
which is used for transforming other forms of energy into mechanical energy or transmitting and
modifying available design is to create new and better machines or structures and improving the
existing ones such that it will convert and control motions either with or without transmitting
power. It is the practical application of machinery to the design and construction of machine and
structure. In order to design simple component satisfactorily, a sound knowledge of applied
science is essential. In addition, strength and properties of materials including some metrological
are of prime importance.
knowledge of theory of machine and other branch of applied mechanics is also required in order
to know the velocity. Acceleration and inertia force of the various links in motion, mechanics of
machinery involve the design.

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Consideration in Machine Design When a machine is to be designed the following points to be

considered: -

i)Types of load and stresses caused by the load.

ii)Motion of the parts and kinematics of machine. This deals with the

iii) type of motion i.e. reciprocating . Rotary and oscillatory.

iv) Selection of material & factors like strength, durability, weight, corrosion resistant, weld

ability, machine ability are considered.

v) Form and size of the components.

vi) Frictional resistances and ease of lubrication.

vii) Convience and economical in operation.

viii) use of standard parts.

ix) Facilities available for manufacturing.

x) Cost of making the machine.

xi) Number of machine or product are manufactured


The following are the various manufacturing process used in mechanical engineering.
The process used for the preliminary shaping of the machine component is known as primary
shaping process.

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The process used for giving final shape to the machine component, according to planned
dimensions is known as machining process. The common operation drilling, boring etc.
The process used to provide a good shape surface finish for the machine components are known
as surface finishing processes. The common operation used for the process are polishing,
buffing, lapping etc.
The process used for joining machine components are known as joining process. The common
operation used for this process are soldering, brazing, welding etc.
These are intended to import specific properties to material e.g. heat treatment, hot working, cold
rolling etc.
A welded joint is a permanent joint, which is obtained by the fusion of the edges of the two parts,
to be joined together, with or without the application of pressure and a filler material.
Welding is intensively used in fabrication as an alternative method for casting or forging and as a
replacement for bolted and reverted joints. It is also used as a repair medium.

1) The welded structures are usually lighter than riveted structures.
2)The welded joints provide maximum efficiency which to impossible innervated joints.
3) Alteration and addition can be easily made.
4) As the welded structure is smooth in appearance, it is good looking.
5) In welded structures, tension members are not weakened.
6) In a welded joint has high strength often more than parent metal.

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1) Since there is uneven heating and cooling during fabrication therefore the members may get
distorted as additional stresses may develop.
2) It requires a highly skilled labour and supervision.
3)No provision for expansion and contraction in the frame, therefore there is possibility of
4) The inspection of welding work is difficult than riveting work.


V - belt is mostly used in factories and workshops where a great amount of power is to be
transmitted from one pulley to another then the two pulley sare very near to each other.
The V - belt are made of fabric and cords moulded in rubber and covered in fabric and rubber.
The power is transmitted by the wedging action between the belt and the v groove in the pulley
as sheave.
1) The drive is positive.
2) Since the v - belts are made endless and there is no joint cable, therefore
the drive is smooth.
3) It provides larger life, 3 to 5 years.
4) It can be easily installed and removed.
5) The operation of the belt and pulley is quiet.
6) The belt have the ability to cushion the shack when the machines are started.
7) The wedging action gives high value of limiting friction therefore power transmitted by v -
belts is more than flat belts for the same coefficient of friction, are of contact and allowable
1) The v - belt drive connect be used with large centre distances because of larger weight, for
unit length.
2) The v - belt are not so durable as flat.
3) The construction of pulleys for v - belts is more complicated than pulleys of flat belt.
4)Since the v - belts are subjected to certain amount of creep, therefore not suitable for constant
speed applications.

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5)The belt life is greatly influenced with temperature change, improper belt tension and
mismatching of belt lengths.


The project designed and manufactured by us although is only model and has not undergone any
extensive research or study but we are quite confident that it is possible to improve its efficiency
to a considerable extent by improving the manufacturing techniques and also by corporative
certain modifications.
This device can also be used for various other applications besides just transmitting motion at
desired angle those applications have discussed in detailing the following: -
Manufacturing of improving efficiency: -
The main motion is transmitted with the help of a sliding pair which formed between pin & the
cylinder. These pins have to be lapped and cleaned and it should be capable of providing
complete interchangeability similarly with the cylinder, they too have to be hone or lapped so a
to provide smooth surface finish. This will result in less frictional loss and loss heat generation.
Lubrication and cooling are a must in sliding members. One of the simple techniques applied for
lubrication can be to drill oil holes in the cylinder body for fill than up with oil. But this
technique will not be very effective since the weight and use of cylinders will increase.
One of the methods by which efficiency or performance can be enhanced is by increasing the
number of pins. From the working of the mechanism we know that the pin at the inner most
position is the drawing pin the pins the mechanism. Thus if the no. required for the next pin to
attain the inner most position is considerable reduced and thus the performance of the
mechanism &its life increases.
We can also use this transmission system as
1.As lubricating pump while transmitting power.
2.Steam engine (eliminating the crank of shaft & complicated valve system).

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The small change which have to incorporate for this purpose is to place stationary disc at the rear
and it so fits with the cylinder that it avoids leak ages.

The slot position and length is so that adjusted that when pin is at inner most position cylinder
meshes with the suction port & suction of oil is started the slotre mains open till pin given
maximum outward stroke, after that cylinder end is closed by the dics. Now the pin starts moving
inwards and thus compression stroke commences. The delivery slot location is so adjusted that
after the completion of 80 to 85% of compression stroke, the cylinder meshes with the delivery
stroke & thus the compressed fluid is discharged at high pressure. The delivery slot length was
such adjusted that remains in mesh with cylinder for 15to 20% of compression for complete
delivery of the compressed fluid. The suction slot length is adjusted for complete outward stroke
of pin.
Due to such an in built pump we do not require any external pump As soon as mechanism is
started lubrication system automatically starts.
The pump is of the displacement type.
Necessity for lubrication of the mechanism is eliminated.
As a steam engine Modification for the steam engine is same as that for the pump. The only
difference is in position & the size.
Here, the inlet slot position the cylinder just meshes with the inlet slot & high pressure steam is
admitted in the cylinder & thus does work on pin & pushes the pin toward s the outer most
When the pin is at the outer most position, the cylinder meshes with the delivery slot & thus
delivery stroke starts & steam is driven out. After the pin is reached the inner most position again
suction stroke starts.
1)Mechanism is very simply due to elimination of value mechanisms.
2)Mechanism is small & compact.

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3)No crank & crank shaft are necessary.
4)Lesser vibration because the reciprocating force are perfectly balanced.
5)Smooth & high speed operation can be easily obtained by cause of elimination of the value
setting linkage.
1)It is only useful for small power generation.
2)It requires at least six cylinder piston pair.
3)Priming is always necessary for starting the engine.

The general steps to be followed in designing the machine are as followed.

i)Preparation of a statement of the problem indicating the

ii) purpose of the machine.

iii) Selection of groups of mechanism for the desire motion.

iv) Calculation of the force and energy on each machine member.

v) Selection of material.

vi) Determining the size of component drawing and sending for manufacture.

vii) Preparation of component drawing and sending for manufacture.

viii) Manufacturing and assembling the machine.

Testing of the machine and for functioning

Power of motor = H.P = 746 x .25 = 186.5 N- m /s

Rpm of motor = 1440 rpm

Power of motor = P = 186.5 watt.

P = 2 N TP /60

Where, N = Rpm of motor = 1440

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T = Torque transmitted

186.5 = 2140T/60

T = 1.23 N-m

T = 1238 N-mm



The material forces that are developed on any cross section of the shaft give rise to stresses at every
point. The internal or resisting moment gives rise to so called bending stresses.


When the shaft is twisted by the couple such that the axis of the shaft and the axis of the couple
coincides, the shaft is subjected to pure torsion and the stresses at any point of cross section is torsion or
shear stresses.


In practice the shaft in general are subjected to combination of the above

Two types of stresses. The bending stresses may be due to following

1.Weight of belt

2.Pull of belts

3.Eccentric Mounting

4. Misalignment
The torsional movement on the other hand may be due to direct or indirect twisting. Thus any
cross-section of the shaft is subjected simultaneously of both bending stresses and torsional

27 | P a g e
Following stresses are normally adopted in shaft design

Max tensile stress = 60 N/mm2

Maxm shear stress = 40 N/mm2

Shaft design on basic of study

Considering 25 % overload

Tmax= 1238 x 1.25= 1.525 x 10 3N-mm

The shaft is subject to pure torsional stress

We know T= 3. 14/16 x fs x d3

15250 = 3. 14/ 16 x 70x d3

D =10.20mm

Taking factor of safety = 2

D = 10 x 2 = 20mm

Same torque is transmitted to bent link shaft

So torque on each shaft = T /3 = 15250 /3 = 5083 N mm

T= 3. 14/16x fs xd3

5083 = 3. 14/ 16 x 70x d3

D = 7.17 mm

Taking factor of safety =1.4

D = 7 x 1 .4 = 9.8 =10mm

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Material: - M.S.

The vertical column channel is subjected to bending stress

Stress given by => M/I = f b / y

In above equation first we will find the moment of inertia about x and yAxis

and take the minimum moment of inertia considering the channel of

ISLC 75 x 40 size.

We know the channel is subject to axial compressive loadIn

column section the maximum bending moment occurs at channel of section

M = Ra x L/2

M = 750 x 1500/2

M = 562500 N-mm

We know

F b = M/Z

Z = t (l x b + (b2/6))

Z = 5 (40x 65 + (652/6))

Z = 3304 mm3

Now check bending stress induced in CSection

F b induced = M/Z

F b induced = 562500 /3304 = 170.25 N / mm2

As induced stress value is less than allowable stress value design is safe.

F b = Permissble bending stress = 320 N / mm

F b induced < f b allowable

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Hence our design is safe.


The welded joint is subjected to pure bending moment . so it should be design

for bending stress. We know minimum area of weld or throat area

A = 0.707 x s x l

Where s = size of weld

l = length of weld

A = 0.707 x 5 x ( 75 + 40 + 35 + 58 +35 )

A = 0.707 x 5 x 243

A = 859 mm2

Bending strength of parallel fillet weld P = A x f b

F b = 80 N / mm2

As load applied at the end of lever is 250 N . So moment generated at the

welded joint is

M =P x L= 250x 450= 112500 N mm

we know f b = M /Z

BH3 - bh3
Z = --------------------------------

40753 -35 x 583

Z = ----------------------------------
6 x 75

Z = 209824

Calculating induce stress developed in welded joint

30 | P a g e
F b induced = 112500 / 209824= 0.536 N /mm2

As induce stress is less then allowable stress the design is safe.


Diameter of shaft = D = 20 mm.

Size of weld = s = 4 mm

F s = load/shear area

=600/ .D x t

=600/ x 20 x t

now, t = s.cos 45 = 0.707 s

f s = 9.55/0.7074 N/mm2

f s = 3.37 N/mm2

As induced stress value is less than allowable value, which is 56 N/mm2

So design is safe.

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A drill chuck is a specialised self-centering, three-jaw chuck, usually with capacity of 0.5 in (13
mm) or less and rarely greater than 1 in (25 mm), used to hold drill bits or other rotary tools. This
type of chuck is used on tools ranging from professional equipment to inexpensive hand and
power drills for domestic use; it is the type a person who does not normally work with machine
tools is most likely to be familiar with.

Some high-precision chucks use ball thrust bearings to reduce friction in the closing mechanism
and maximize drilling torque. One brand name for this type of chuck, which is often genericized
in colloquial use although not in catalogs, is Super Chuck.

A pin chuck is a specialized chuck designed to hold small drills (less than 1 mm (0.039 in) in
diameter) that could not be held securely in a normal drill chuck. The drill is inserted into the pin
chuck and tightened; the pin chuck has a shaft which is then inserted into the larger drill chuck to
hold the drill securely. Pin chucks are also used with high-speed rotary tools other than drills,
such as die grinders and jig grinders.

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Drill bits are cutting tools used to remove material to create holes, almost always of circular
cross-section. Drill bits come in many sizes and shape and can create different kinds of holes in
many different materials. In order to create holes drill bits are attached to a drill, which powers
them to cut through the workpiece, typically by rotation. The drill will grasp the upper end of a
bit called the shank in the chuck.

Drill bits come in standard sizes, described in the drill bit sizes article. A comprehensive drill bit
and tap size chart lists metric and imperial sized drill bits alongside the required screw tap sizes.
There are also certain specialized drill bits that can create holes with a non-circular cross-section.

While the term drill may refer to either a drilling machine or a drill bit for use in a drilling
machine. In this article, for clarity, drill bit or bit is used throughout to refer to a bit for use in a
drilling machine, and drill refers always to a drilling machine.

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Here is a wonderful mechanism that carries force through a 90bend.Translating rotational

motion around an axis usually involves gears, which can quickly become complicated, inflexible
and clumsy-looking, often ugly. So, instead of using gears, this technology elegantly converts
rotational motion using a set of cylindrical bars, bent to 90, in a clever, simple and smooth
process that translates strong rotational force even in restricted spaces.

A gearless transmission is provided for transmitting rotational velocity from an input connected
to three bent links. Both the input shaft and the housing have rotational axes. The rotational
axis of the input shaft is disposed at an angle of 90 degree with respect to the rotational axis of
the housing. As a result, rotation of the input shaft results in a processional motion of the axis
of the bent link. The rotary and reciprocating motion of bent link transmit rotation of prime
mover to 90 degree without any gear system to an output shaft without gears. The
transmission includes an input shaft.

The Gearless transmission or El-bow mechanism is a device for transmitting Motions at any
fixed angle between the driving and driven shaft. The synthesis of this mechanism would reveal
that it comprises of a number of pins would be between 3 to 8 the more the pins the
smoother the operation.

These pins slide inside hollow cylinders thus formatting a sliding pair. Our mechanism has 3
such sliding pairs. These cylinders are placed in a Hollow pipe and are fastened at 120* to each
other. This whole assembly is mounted on brackets wooden table. Power is supplied by an
handle bar.

The working of the mechanism is understood by the diagram. An unused form of transmission
of power on shaft located at an angle.

Motion is transmitted from driving to the driven shaft through the roads which are bent to
conform to the angles between the shafts. These roads are located at in the holes equally

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spaced around a circle and they are free to slide in & out as the shaft revolves. This type of
drive is especially suitable where quite operation at high speed is essential but only
recommended for high duty.

The operation of this transmission will be apparent by the action of one rod. During a
revolution. If we assume that driving shaft A is revolving as indicated by arrow the driven
shaft B will rotate counter clockwise. As shaft a turns through half revolution C shown in the
inner and most effective driving position slides out of both shafts A & B.

The first half revolution and rod C then will be at the top then during the remaining half this
rod C slide in wards until it again reaches to inner most position shown in Fig. in the
meanwhile the other roads have of course passed through the same cycle of movements all
rods are successively sliding inwards and outwards.

Although this transmission is an old one many mechanics are skeptical about its operation,
however it is not only practicable but has proved satisfactory for various applications when the
drive is for shafts which are permanently located at given angle. Although this illustration shows
a right angle transmission this drive can be applied also to shafts located at intermediate angle
between 0* and 90*. In making this transmission, it is essential to have the holes for a given rod
located accurately in the same holes must be equally spaced in radial and circumferential
directions, be parallel to each rod should be bent to at angle at which the shaft are to be
located. If the holes drilled in the ends of the shafts have blind or closed ends, there ought to
be a small vent at the bottom of each rod hole for the escape of air compressed by the pumping
action of the rods.

These holes are useful for oiling to avoid blind holes shafts may have enlarged port or shoulder.
This transmission may be provided centrally and in line with the axis of each shaft and provided
with a circular groove at each rod or a cross-pin to permit rotation of the shaft about the rod
simply active as a retaining device for shipping and handling purposed.

As mentioned in first chapter that we are showing two applications of this mechanism at a

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1) As a wood cutting machine The cutter is attached on the output shaft

2) when motion is transmitted through mechanism to output shaft the shaft will
start to rotate at adjusted speed.

The speed is adjusted by means of pulley (i.e..RPM). The cutters will also start to rotate along
with the shaft the because of cutter is 250mm.the through slot introduces in the table for free
rotation of cutter edges in table. Now the feed given to wooden rods or plywood to cut in
desire shape and size. The speed is adjusted by means of pulley ( i.e. ...RPM). The cutters will
also start to rotate along with the shaft the because of cutter is 250mm. the through slot is
introduced in the table.

Now feed given to wooden rods or plywood to cut in desired shape and size.

3) As a air compressor or air pump -> the compressor or and pump also introduced in
our project when the pins inside the drilled holes are reciprocates as well as revolves
along the axis of cylinder it gives the compressor effect. Among the three pins when first pin
goes at inner dead center it sucks the air then it start to move at outer dead center by
revolving, it compresses the air against seal and cylinder head discand does
simultaneously by three pins and we can get continue discharge of air the

4) Mechanical seal is defined as a devise which seals by virtue of axial contact

pressure between two relatively flat surfaces in a plane right angle to the axis of the
shaft. The seal used in EL-BOW m/c compressor is stationary type. It is place between cylinder
and cylinder head.

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The featured product has its widest application as an extension for a socket wrench. Here the
design makes it easy to reach fasteners in the automotive and other mechanical industries, where direct
access to bolts and screws is often limited.
However, the possible applications for this technology extend into numerous fields. Just think
of the possibilities for power transmission in push bikes, toys and hand-cranked equipment, or
for movement transmission in store and outdoor signage.

1. Driving for all kinds four faced tower clocks. The elbow mechanism was first use in the year
1685 for the famous London tower clock named big ben.
2. The mechanism is invariable used for multiple spindle drilling operation called the gang
3. Used for angular drilling between 0 to 90 degree position.
4. Lubrication pump for C.N.C. lathe machines.
5. The mechanism is very useful for a reaching a drive at a clumsy location.
6. Air blower for electronic and computer machine.
7. The mechanism has found a very usefully use in electronic and computer
technology for multiple.
8. The elbow mechanism is used for movement of periscope in submarines,
9. the year 1685 for the famous London tower clock.

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Cost estimation may be defined as the process of forecasting the expenses that must be
incurred to manufacture a product. These expenses take into a consideration all expenditure
involved in a design and manufacturing with all related services facilities such as pattern
making, tool, making as well as a portion of the general administrative and selling costs.


1.To determine the selling price of a product for a quotation or contract so as to ensure a
reasonable profit to the company.
2.Check the quotation supplied by vendors.
3.Determine the most economical process or material to manufacture the product.
4.To determine standards of production performance that may be used to control the cost.
1.Material cost
2.Machining cost


Material cost estimation gives the total amount required to collect the raw material which has
to be processed or fabricated to desired size and functioning of the components.

These materials are divided into two categories.

1.Material for fabrication:
In this the material in obtained in raw condition and is manufactured or processed to finished
size for proper functioning of the component.
2.Standard purchased parts:

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This includes the parts which was readily available in the market like Allen screws etc. A list is
forecast by the estimation stating the quality, size and standard parts, the weight of raw
material and cost per kg. For the fabricated parts.


This cost estimation is an attempt to forecast the total expenses that may include to
manufacture apart from material cost. Cost estimation of manufactured parts can be
considered as judgment on and after careful consideration which includes labour, material and
factory services required to produce the required part.


The general procedure for calculation of material cost estimation is
1.After designing a project a bill of material is prepared which is divided into two categories.
a. Fabricated components
b. Standard purchased components
2.The rates of all standard items are taken and added up.
3. Cost of raw material purchased taken and added up.

It is the cost of remuneration (wages, salaries, commission, bonus etc.) of the employees of a
concern or enterprise.
Labour cost is classifies as:
1)Direct labour cost
2 )Indirect labour cost


The direct labour cost is the cost of labour that can be identified directly with the manufacture
of the product and allocated to cost centers or cost units. The direct labour is one who counters

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the direct material into sale able product; the wages etc. of such employees constitute direct
labour cost. Direct labour cost may be apportioned to the unit cost of job or either on the basis
of time spend by a worker on the job or as a price for some physical measurement of product.


It is that labour cost which cannot be allocated but which can be apportioned to or absorbed by
cost centers or cost units. This is the cost of labour that does not
alters the construction, confirmation, composition or condition of direct material
but is necessary for the progressive movement and handling of product to the point of dispatch
e.g. maintenance, men, helpers, machine setters, supervisors and foremen etc.
The total labour cost is calculated on the basis of wages paid to the labour for 8 hours per day.

Cost estimation is done as under

Cost of project = (A) material cost + (B) Machining cost + (C) lab our cost
(A) Material cost is calculated as under :-
1) Raw material cost
2) Finished product cost
It includes the material in the form of the Material supplied by the steel authority of India
limited and Indian aluminum co., as the round bars, angles, square rods, plates along with
the strip material form. We have to search for the suitable available material as per the
requirement of designed safe values. We have searched the material as follows:-

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Some successful mechanical devices function smoothly however poor fly they are made while
other does this only by virtue of a accurate construction & fitting of their moving parts.
This projects which looks very simple & easy to construct was actually very difficult to conceive
& imagine without seeing an actual one in practice. It is an event a fact in the creative mental
process nit the forces, which predominate among the schemes of the active tinkers. Motions
demands to be studied first & we have done that very thing.
We find that while acceptable analysis for existing mechanism can often be made quite easily
we cannot without insight & imagination make effective synthesis of new mechanism hence we
are mould to present this our project gear less transmission at 90*(El-bow mechanism) which
we have managed to successfully device after long & hard input in conceiving its working

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