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Manual de Ingenieria 963

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963 Engineering Manual

(Applies to v3.72 software)

Author: Trend Technical Publications
Issue: 13
Date: 07-Nov-2016
Part Number: TE200637
Copyright: 2016 Honeywell Technologies Srl, ECC Division. All rights reserved.
This manual contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this manual may be
reproduced, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any language or computer language, or transmitted
in any form whatsoever without the prior consent of the publisher.

Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental & Energy Solutions Division of Honeywell Technologies Srl,
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About This Manual

1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ............................................................................................................................... 13
1.1 Conventions Used in this Manual .............................................................................................................. 13
1.2 Contacting Trend........................................................................................................................................ 14

2 WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 3.70 ............................................................................................................... 15

3 ABOUT 963 ..................................................................................................................................................... 17

3.1 963 Lite ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1.1 Schematics ...................................................................................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Alarm Handling .............................................................................................................................. 18
3.1.3 Users and Workgroups .................................................................................................................... 20
3.1.4 Mean Kinetic Temperature Calculation .......................................................................................... 21
3.2 963 Server .................................................................................................................................................. 22
3.2.1 Server Operation ............................................................................................................................. 23
3.3 963 SMS Direct .......................................................................................................................................... 24
3.4 963 SNMP .................................................................................................................................................. 24
3.5 Compatibility ............................................................................................................................................. 26

4 SECURE 963 ................................................................................................................................................... 27

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 27
4.2 Disaster Recovery Planning ....................................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Physical and Environmental Considerations .............................................................................................. 27
4.4 Security Updates and Service Packs .......................................................................................................... 27
4.5 Virus Protection ......................................................................................................................................... 27
4.6 Network Planning and Security.................................................................................................................. 27
4.7 Virtual Environments ................................................................................................................................. 27
4.8 Securing Wireless Devices ......................................................................................................................... 27
4.9 System Monitoring ..................................................................................................................................... 28
4.10 Securing Access to the Operating System .................................................................................................. 28
4.11 Securing Access to the MS SQL Server ..................................................................................................... 28
4.12 Security Features ........................................................................................................................................ 28
4.12.1 Protecting personal data in the 963 database .................................................................................. 28
4.12.2 Access Control ................................................................................................................................ 28
4.13 Securing 963 .............................................................................................................................................. 28
4.13.1 HTTPS Server ................................................................................................................................. 28
4.14 963 Security Check List ............................................................................................................................. 29

5 ENGINEERING 963 ....................................................................................................................................... 31

5.1 Plan the System .......................................................................................................................................... 31
5.1.1 Obtain Information about the System ............................................................................................. 32
5.1.2 Plan Client Access .......................................................................................................................... 33
5.1.3 Plan the Schematic Pages ................................................................................................................ 35
5.1.4 Plan Occupation Time Handling ..................................................................................................... 39
5.1.5 Plan the System Security ................................................................................................................ 40
5.1.6 Plan the Alarm Handling ................................................................................................................ 42
5.1.7 Plan Scheduled Events .................................................................................................................... 46
5.1.8 Decide What WEB Sites can be Accessed ...................................................................................... 46
5.2 Decide the Engineering Method ................................................................................................................. 47
5.3 Create a New Project .................................................................................................................................. 48
5.3.1 Enable Project Handling ................................................................................................................. 48
5.4 Configure Security Settings ....................................................................................................................... 49
5.4.1 Configure Operating System Security ............................................................................................ 49
5.4.2 Configure 963 Security ................................................................................................................... 52
5.4.3 Configure SQL Server .................................................................................................................... 63
5.4.4 Remote Access and Network Security ............................................................................................ 63
5.5 Configure Automatic Archiving ................................................................................................................. 64
5.5.1 Manually Archive the 963 Database ............................................................................................... 67
5.5.2 Configure 963 to Shrink the Database on Startup ........................................................................... 68
5.6 Assemble the Necessary Files .................................................................................................................... 68
5.6.1 Create Analogue Graphic Files ....................................................................................................... 69

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About This Manual

5.6.2 Create Animation Files ................................................................................................................... 69

5.6.3 Create Backdrop Files .................................................................................................................... 70
5.6.4 Determine the Backdrop Size ......................................................................................................... 71
5.6.5 Create Files for Active Content ...................................................................................................... 71
5.6.6 Create Graphics Files...................................................................................................................... 71
5.6.7 Create HTML Files ......................................................................................................................... 72
5.6.8 Create Point Template Files ........................................................................................................... 72
5.6.9 Create Script Files .......................................................................................................................... 73
5.6.10 Create Sound Files .......................................................................................................................... 76
5.7 Configure the Device Viewer .................................................................................................................... 76
5.7.1 Make the Required Points Available .............................................................................................. 76
5.7.2 Import Site Information from SET ................................................................................................. 83
5.7.3 Add Lans and Controllers ............................................................................................................... 84
5.7.4 Remove Unwanted Items from the Device Viewer ........................................................................ 85
5.7.5 Edit Labels ...................................................................................................................................... 85
5.7.6 Set Up the PIN Sent to Controllers ................................................................................................. 85
5.7.7 Set Up a Value's PIN Level ............................................................................................................ 86
5.7.8 Set Up a Value's Units .................................................................................................................... 86
5.7.9 Set Up Dynamic Menus .................................................................................................................. 87
5.8 Configure Graph Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 89
5.8.1 Add a Graph Definition .................................................................................................................. 89
5.8.2 Delete a Graph Definition............................................................................................................... 90
5.8.3 Edit a Graph Definition .................................................................................................................. 91
5.9 Configure the Schematic Pages ................................................................................................................. 97
5.9.1 Set Up the Schematic Template Page ............................................................................................. 98
5.9.2 Create the Page Navigation Structure ............................................................................................. 98
5.9.3 Specify Object Defaults ................................................................................................................ 102
5.9.4 Configure a Schematic Page ......................................................................................................... 102
5.10 Configure Print Templates ....................................................................................................................... 121
5.11 Configure the Web Browser Display ....................................................................................................... 122
5.11.1 Create Links to HTML Pages ....................................................................................................... 122
5.11.2 Delete Links to HTML Pages ....................................................................................................... 123
5.11.3 Edit Links to HTML Pages ........................................................................................................... 123
5.12 Configure Occupation Times ................................................................................................................... 123
5.12.1 Create the Diary Navigation Structure.......................................................................................... 123
5.12.2 Set Up Normal Operating Times for a Diary Group ..................................................................... 128
5.12.3 Link Time zones to a Diary Group ............................................................................................... 129
5.12.4 View Schedules in a BACnet Device ........................................................................................... 129
5.13 Configure the Users ................................................................................................................................. 130
5.13.1 Add a Workgroup ......................................................................................................................... 130
5.13.2 Set Up the User Template Page .................................................................................................... 132
5.13.3 Add a User .................................................................................................................................... 133
5.14 Configure Scheduled Events .................................................................................................................... 134
5.14.1 Add a Scheduled Event................................................................................................................. 134
5.14.2 Delete a Scheduled Event ............................................................................................................. 136
5.14.3 Edit a Scheduled Event ................................................................................................................. 136
5.15 Scheduled Event Examples ...................................................................................................................... 136
5.15.1 Automatically Calculate a Sensor's Mean Kinetic Temperature .................................................. 136
5.15.2 Automatically Print a Graph ......................................................................................................... 137
5.15.3 Automatically Print a Page ........................................................................................................... 137
5.15.4 Automatically Print a Value ......................................................................................................... 138
5.15.5 Automatically Record a Graph ..................................................................................................... 138
5.15.6 Automatically Record Data to a Text File .................................................................................... 140
5.15.7 Automatically Send an SMS Message .......................................................................................... 140
5.15.8 Synchronise Controller Times to the PC Clock ............................................................................ 140
5.16 Configure Alarm Handling ...................................................................................................................... 141
5.16.1 Enable/Disable Alarm Handling ................................................................................................... 141
5.16.2 Enable/Disable Alarm Logging .................................................................................................... 141
5.16.3 Enable/Disable Alarm Printing ..................................................................................................... 141
5.16.4 Add Standard Alarm Groups and Filters ...................................................................................... 142
5.16.5 Add a Retransmission Destination................................................................................................ 142

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5.16.6 Add an Alarm Filter ...................................................................................................................... 149

5.16.7 Add an Alarm Group .................................................................................................................... 156
5.16.8 Set Up the Default Alarm Group .................................................................................................. 168
5.16.9 Set Up Alarm Priorities ................................................................................................................. 168
5.16.10 Set up 963 to Receive Alarms from a Remote TCP/IP Site .......................................................... 172
5.16.11 Set up 963 to Handle Retransmitted Alarms from a 945 Supervisor ............................................ 172
5.16.12 Specify which Alarms are Auto Actioned .................................................................................... 173
5.16.13 Specify which Alarms are Displayed with a Red Bell .................................................................. 174
5.16.14 Specify Extra Text for Alarms ...................................................................................................... 174
5.16.15 Specify Extra Text for Alarm Labels ............................................................................................ 177
5.16.16 Add Alarm Codes ......................................................................................................................... 178
5.16.17 Restore Default Alarm Codes ....................................................................................................... 179
5.17 Configure 963 Server ............................................................................................................................... 179
5.17.1 Convert Bitmaps to JPEG Format ................................................................................................. 179
5.17.2 Display Last Login Date and Time ............................................................................................... 179
5.17.3 Display PC Names Instead of IP Addresses ................................................................................. 180
5.17.4 Specify what is Displayed when the Server is Accessed .............................................................. 180
5.17.5 Specify the Schematic Window Size ............................................................................................ 180
5.17.6 Specify the Schematics Applet Size .............................................................................................. 180
5.17.7 Specify the Number of Points Sent to Clients ............................................................................... 181
5.17.8 Specify the Server's TCP/IP Port .................................................................................................. 181
5.18 Configure Web Server Settings ................................................................................................................ 182
5.18.1 Disabling HTTPS port .................................................................................................................. 182
5.18.2 Import an HTTPS certificate ......................................................................................................... 182
5.18.3 Create a Self-Signed Certificate .................................................................................................... 183
5.18.4 Export Current Certificate ............................................................................................................. 184
5.18.5 Import Current Certificate ............................................................................................................. 185
5.19 Configure 963 Settings ............................................................................................................................. 186
5.19.1 Specify the Autodialling Devices 963 Can Use ............................................................................ 186
5.19.2 Automatically Backup the 963 Database ...................................................................................... 187
5.19.3 Change the Database Location ...................................................................................................... 188
5.19.4 Specifying the Project Directory ................................................................................................... 189
5.19.5 Specifying the Alternative Project Directory ................................................................................ 189
5.19.6 Configure 963 to Backup to a Network Location ......................................................................... 189
5.19.7 Display Confirm Message when adjusting a Dynamic Object ...................................................... 189
5.19.8 Configure 963 to Detach from the Database ................................................................................. 189
5.19.9 Configure 963 to Operate with IQ1 Series Controllers ................................................................. 189
5.19.10 Configure TOPS Start up and Shutdown ...................................................................................... 190
5.19.11 Display Labels in the Alarm Viewer ............................................................................................. 191
5.19.12 Enable/Disable Modem Polling .................................................................................................... 191
5.19.13 Enable/Disable Beeping ................................................................................................................ 191
5.19.14 Hide Auto Actioned Alarms ......................................................................................................... 191
5.19.15 Specifying Batch Refreshing ........................................................................................................ 192
5.19.16 Specifying Touch Screen Display Options ................................................................................... 193
5.19.17 Specify Communications Timeouts .............................................................................................. 193
5.19.18 Specifying the ANC Settings ........................................................................................................ 193
5.19.19 Specify the Number of Alarms displayed in Clients History ........................................................ 194
5.19.20 Specifying the Retries Settings ..................................................................................................... 194
5.19.21 Specifying the BACnet Driver Settings ........................................................................................ 194
5.19.22 Specify File Management ............................................................................................................. 194
5.19.23 Specify the Days to Keep Old Cleared Alarms ............................................................................. 195
5.19.24 Enable Local Alarm Lookup ......................................................................................................... 195
5.19.25 Enable Localised Alarm description ............................................................................................. 195
5.19.26 Hide Information Centre ............................................................................................................... 195
5.19.27 Specify the Graphic Point Settings ............................................................................................... 195
5.19.28 Specify How Long 963 Keeps Alarms For ................................................................................... 196
5.19.29 Enable the Compact Graph Option ............................................................................................... 196
5.19.30 Specify Global or Local Comments when Actioning Alarms ....................................................... 196
5.19.31 Disable Tool Tips for Objects ....................................................................................................... 197
5.19.32 Specify How Many Values are Retrieved for a Precision Log ..................................................... 197
5.19.33 Specifying the Timeouts ............................................................................................................... 197

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5.19.34 Display Dialler Activity................................................................................................................ 197

5.19.35 Specify How the Tree View Appears in the Diary Display .......................................................... 198
5.19.36 Specifying Precision Resolution for Logging ............................................................................... 198
5.19.37 Specifying the Number of Decimals for Server Graph ................................................................. 198
5.19.38 Specify Logging of all Remote Alarm Acknowledgements ......................................................... 198
5.19.39 Specifying How to Reset Audit Lan ............................................................................................. 198
5.19.40 Specify Intelligent Plot Labelling ................................................................................................. 199
5.19.41 Specify Paper Width ..................................................................................................................... 199
5.19.42 Specify Printer Baud Rate ............................................................................................................ 199
5.19.43 Specify the Adjustment Confirmation .......................................................................................... 199
5.19.44 Specify the Colour of the Network Comms Status Lights ............................................................ 200
5.19.45 Specify the Configuration Parameters that can be Adjusted......................................................... 200
5.19.46 Specify the Icon Size .................................................................................................................... 201
5.19.47 Specify the Maximum Number of Alarms that Are Stored .......................................................... 201
5.19.48 Specify the Number of Stop Bits .................................................................................................. 202
5.19.49 Specify the Page for List Printing ................................................................................................. 202
5.19.50 Specify the Page Printer ............................................................................................................... 203
5.19.51 Specify the Precision Logging Protocol ....................................................................................... 203
5.19.52 Specify the Print Template for Alarm Priority Statistics .............................................................. 203
5.19.53 Specify the Print Template for Graphs ......................................................................................... 204
5.19.54 Specify the Print Template for Schematics ................................................................................... 205
5.19.55 Specify What is Displayed in the Alarm Points Window ............................................................. 205
5.20 Set up Clients ........................................................................................................................................... 206
5.20.1 Establish a TCP/IP Connection to the Server ............................................................................... 206
5.20.2 Install a Suitable Browser ............................................................................................................. 206
5.20.3 Add a Shortcut to the Server ......................................................................................................... 206
5.20.4 Install the JAVA Runtime Environment ....................................................................................... 207
5.20.5 Allow Popups ............................................................................................................................... 208
5.20.6 Configure Proxy Server Settings .................................................................................................. 208
5.21 Test the Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 208
5.21.1 Change the Apparent PIN Level ................................................................................................... 208
5.21.2 Emulate an Alarm Action ............................................................................................................. 208
5.22 Backup the Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 209

APPENDICIES ....................................................................................................................................................... 211

A1 APPENDIX 1 - ACTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 211

A1.1 Action Availability .................................................................................................................................. 214
A1.2 Specifying Actions ................................................................................................................................... 216
A1.2.1 Specifying the ? Action ................................................................................................................ 216
A1.2.2 Specifying the ARCHIVEDATA Action ..................................................................................... 217
A1.2.3 Specifying the AUDIT_LAN Action ............................................................................................ 218
A1.2.4 Specifying the BACKUPDB Action ............................................................................................ 222
A1.2.5 Specifying the BACKUPFILE Action .......................................................................................... 223
A1.2.6 Specifying the BALLOON Action ............................................................................................... 223
A1.2.7 Specifying the BEEP Action ........................................................................................................ 224
A1.2.8 Specifying the BROWSER_POPUP Action ................................................................................. 224
A1.2.9 Specifying the CALCULATEMKT Action .................................................................................. 225
A1.2.10 Specifying the CALCULATEMKTDATE Action ....................................................................... 227
A1.2.11 Specifying the CHANGEPASSWORD Action ............................................................................ 228
A1.2.12 Specifying the CHANGEPIN Action ........................................................................................... 229
A1.2.13 Specifying the COMMAND Action ............................................................................................. 229
A1.2.14 Specifying the CONFIG Action ................................................................................................... 229
A1.2.15 Specifying the COPYFILE Action ............................................................................................... 230
A1.2.16 Specifying the CREATEDIRECTORY Action ............................................................................ 231
A1.2.17 Specifying the DELETE Action ................................................................................................... 231
A1.2.18 Specifying the DELETEHISTORICDATA Action ...................................................................... 231
A1.2.19 Specifying the DOCUMENT Action ............................................................................................ 232
A1.2.20 Specifying the DROPALLLINES Action..................................................................................... 232
A1.2.21 Specifying the DROPTHISLINE Action ...................................................................................... 232
A1.2.22 Specifying the EXECUTESMS Action ........................................................................................ 233

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A1.2.23 Specifying the EXECUTESQL Action ......................................................................................... 233

A1.2.24 Specifying the EXIT Action ......................................................................................................... 234
A1.2.25 Specifying the FIT2PAGE Action ................................................................................................ 234
A1.2.26 Specifying the FORCECLOSE Action ......................................................................................... 234
A1.2.27 Specifying the GOTO Action ....................................................................................................... 234
A1.2.28 Specifying the GOTO Alarms Action ........................................................................................... 235
A1.2.29 Specifying the GOTO Config Action ........................................................................................... 236
A1.2.30 Specifying the GOTO Devices Action .......................................................................................... 236
A1.2.31 Specifying the GOTO Diary Action ............................................................................................. 236
A1.2.32 Specifying the GOTO NEXT Action ............................................................................................ 236
A1.2.33 Specifying the GOTO PREVIOUS Action ................................................................................... 237
A1.2.34 Specifying the GOTO Scheduler Action....................................................................................... 237
A1.2.35 Specifying the GOTO Users Action ............................................................................................. 237
A1.2.36 Specifying the GOTO Web Action ............................................................................................... 237
A1.2.37 Specifying the HIDENAVIGATOR Action ................................................................................. 237
A1.2.38 Specifying the HOTSPOTS Action .............................................................................................. 238
A1.2.39 Specifying the INPUTSTRING Action ........................................................................................ 238
A1.2.40 Specifying the KILLMSG Action ................................................................................................. 239
A1.2.41 Specifying the LEARNSITE Action ............................................................................................. 239
A1.2.42 Specifying the LICENSE Action .................................................................................................. 240
A1.2.43 Specifying the LOGINAS Action ................................................................................................. 240
A1.2.44 Specifying the LOGMSG Action .................................................................................................. 241
A1.2.45 Specifying the LOGOUT Action .................................................................................................. 242
A1.2.46 Specifying the MESSAGE Action ................................................................................................ 242
A1.2.47 Specifying the PLAY Action ........................................................................................................ 244
A1.2.48 Specifying the POPUP Action ...................................................................................................... 244
A1.2.49 Specifying the PRINTAFILE Action ............................................................................................ 246
A1.2.50 Specifying the PRINTGRAPH Action ......................................................................................... 246
A1.2.51 Specifying the PRINTGRAPH96 Action...................................................................................... 247
A1.2.52 Specifying the PRINTLINE Action .............................................................................................. 248
A1.2.53 Specifying the PRINTPAGE Action ............................................................................................. 249
A1.2.54 Specifying the PRINTPAGEAUTO Action .................................................................................. 249
A1.2.55 Specifying the PRINTPAGEPREVIEW Action ........................................................................... 251
A1.2.56 Specifying the PRINTQUERY Action ......................................................................................... 252
A1.2.57 Specifying the PRINTSETUP Action ........................................................................................... 252
A1.2.58 Specifying the QUERYTOTEXTFILE Action ............................................................................. 252
A1.2.59 Specifying the RECORD Action .................................................................................................. 253
A1.2.60 Specifying the RECORDAUTO_COMPACT Action .................................................................. 254
A1.2.61 Specifying the RECORDAUTO_PRECISION Action ................................................................. 255
A1.2.62 Specifying the RECORDSCHEMATIC Action ........................................................................... 255
A1.2.63 Specifying the RECORDTOTEXT Action ................................................................................... 256
A1.2.64 Specifying the REMOTE Action .................................................................................................. 258
A1.2.65 Specifying the RESOLUTION Action ......................................................................................... 259
A1.2.66 Specifying the RETRANSMIT Action ......................................................................................... 259
A1.2.67 Specifying the RUN Action .......................................................................................................... 261
A1.2.68 Specifying the RUN_ADJUSTMENT_SET Action ..................................................................... 262
A1.2.69 Specifying the SCRIPT Action ..................................................................................................... 263
A1.2.70 Specifying the SEND Action ........................................................................................................ 264
A1.2.71 Specifying the SENDAUTO Action ............................................................................................. 265
A1.2.72 Specifying the SETGENERIC Action .......................................................................................... 266
A1.2.73 Specifying the SETIOPORT Action ............................................................................................. 266
A1.2.74 Specifying the SHOWNAVIGATOR Action ............................................................................... 267
A1.2.75 Specifying the SLEEP Action ....................................................................................................... 267
A1.2.76 Specifying the USERS_LOGOUT Action .................................................................................... 267
A1.2.77 Specifying the VIEWFILTER Action ........................................................................................... 267
A1.2.78 Specifying the VIEWGRAPH Action ........................................................................................... 268
A1.2.79 Specifying the VIEWPOINTS Action .......................................................................................... 269
A1.2.80 Specifying the VIEWQUERY Action .......................................................................................... 270
A1.2.81 Specifying the VIEWQUERYEX Action ..................................................................................... 271
A1.2.82 Specifying the WEB Action .......................................................................................................... 272
A1.2.83 Specifying the WINEXEC Action ................................................................................................ 273

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A1.2.84 Specifying the WINEXECU Action ............................................................................................. 273

A1.2.85 Specifying the WRITESTRING Action ....................................................................................... 274
A1.2.86 Specifying the WRITETOTEXTFILE Action .............................................................................. 275

A2 APPENDIX 2 - ALARM CODES ............................................................................................................... 277

A3 APPENDIX 3 - THE 963 DATABASE ....................................................................................................... 281

A3.1 Actions Table ........................................................................................................................................... 281
A3.2 AllDetailsForLans View .......................................................................................................................... 282
A3.3 AllDetailsForOutstation View ................................................................................................................. 282
A3.4 CountAllAlarms View ............................................................................................................................. 283
A3.5 GetAllLabelsFromPoint View ................................................................................................................. 284
A3.6 LabelsFromController View .................................................................................................................... 285
A3.7 LastAlarmDetailsByTime View .............................................................................................................. 286
A3.8 PointValue Table ..................................................................................................................................... 287
A3.9 StrategyList Table .................................................................................................................................... 287

A4 APPENDIX 4 - TROUBLE SHOOTING ................................................................................................... 289

A4.1 Display Communication Statistics ........................................................................................................... 289
A4.2 Display Debugdat.txt ............................................................................................................................... 289
A4.3 Display Messages To/From the Client ..................................................................................................... 289
A4.4 Display the Last 100 Autodialled Messages ............................................................................................ 289
A4.5 Display the Last 100 TCP Messages ....................................................................................................... 289
A4.6 Display Trace_io.txt................................................................................................................................. 290
A4.7 Log Communications ............................................................................................................................... 290
A4.8 Log SMS Activity .................................................................................................................................... 290
A4.9 View Device Properties ........................................................................................................................... 291
A4.10 Problems with Defragmentation Programs .............................................................................................. 291
A4.11 Problems with Virus Scanning and Anti Spyware Programs ................................................................... 291
A4.12 Extended Logging Communications Error Codes ................................................................................... 292

A5 APPENDIX 5 - INI FILE SETTINGS ........................................................................................................ 293

A5.1 TCOMMSRV.INI .................................................................................................................................... 293
A5.1.1 [ALARMS] Section ...................................................................................................................... 293
A5.1.2 [ANC] Section .............................................................................................................................. 294
A5.1.3 [GROUPING] Section .................................................................................................................. 294
A5.1.4 [IO] Section .................................................................................................................................. 295
A5.1.5 [NETWORK] Section................................................................................................................... 295
A5.1.6 [RETRIES] Section ...................................................................................................................... 295
A5.1.7 [TIMEOUTS] Section .................................................................................................................. 296
A5.2 S2.INI ...................................................................................................................................................... 297
A5.2.1 [AlarmPrinting] Section ............................................................................................................... 297
A5.2.2 [ALARMQUICKFILTER] Section .............................................................................................. 297
A5.2.3 [ALARMS] Section ...................................................................................................................... 298
A5.2.4 [BACnetDriver] Section ............................................................................................................... 298
A5.2.5 [ClientAlarmViewer] Section ....................................................................................................... 298
A5.2.6 [COLOURS] Section .................................................................................................................... 298
A5.2.7 [COMMS] Section........................................................................................................................ 299
A5.2.8 [CONFIGMODE] Section ............................................................................................................ 299
A5.2.9 [DATABASE] Section ................................................................................................................. 299
A5.2.10 [DeviceDiscovery] Section ........................................................................................................... 299
A5.2.11 [DeviceViewer] Section ............................................................................................................... 300
A5.2.12 [DIARY] Section .......................................................................................................................... 300
A5.2.13 [Dialler Status] Section ................................................................................................................. 300
A5.2.14 [DYNAMICOBJECTS] Section ................................................................................................... 300
A5.2.15 [EMAIL] Section .......................................................................................................................... 301
A5.2.16 [EXTRA] Section ......................................................................................................................... 301
A5.2.17 [FilesNotAllowedToView] ........................................................................................................... 302
A5.2.18 [GenericAddresses] Section ......................................................................................................... 302
A5.2.19 [GRAPHS] Section ....................................................................................................................... 302
A5.2.20 [ICONS] Section .......................................................................................................................... 302
A5.2.21 [IPADDRESS] Section ................................................................................................................. 302

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A5.2.22 [LANGUAGE] Section ................................................................................................................. 303

A5.2.23 [LOGGING] Section ..................................................................................................................... 303
A5.2.24 [LonBatchComms] Section ........................................................................................................... 303
A5.2.25 [PrintTemplate] Section ................................................................................................................ 304
A5.2.26 [NormalBatchComms] Section ..................................................................................................... 304
A5.2.27 [retransmission] Section ................................................................................................................ 305
A5.2.28 [Scheduler] Section ....................................................................................................................... 305
A5.2.29 [SchedulerFilterSearch] Section ................................................................................................... 305
A5.2.30 [Schematics] Section ..................................................................................................................... 305
A5.2.31 [SMS] Section ............................................................................................................................... 305
A5.2.32 [SOUND] Section ......................................................................................................................... 305
A5.2.33 [StaticObjects] Section.................................................................................................................. 305
A5.2.34 [TCPIP] Section ............................................................................................................................ 306
A5.2.35 [TEXTFILEMANAGE] Section ................................................................................................... 306
A5.2.36 [TSS] Section ................................................................................................................................ 306
A5.2.37 [UNSECUREFILETYPES] Section ............................................................................................. 307
A5.2.38 [WebAlarms] Section.................................................................................................................... 307
A5.2.39 [WebServer] Section ..................................................................................................................... 307

A6 APPENDIX 6 - OBJECT ATTRIBUTES ................................................................................................... 309

A6.1 Specifying the Analogue File Attribute.................................................................................................... 310
A6.2 Specifying the Autosize Attribute ............................................................................................................ 310
A6.3 Specifying the Background Colour Attribute ........................................................................................... 311
A6.4 Specifying the Colour Attribute ............................................................................................................... 311
A6.5 Specifying the Command Attribute .......................................................................................................... 312
A6.6 Specifying the Connection Attribute ........................................................................................................ 312
A6.7 Specifying the Decimal Places Attribute.................................................................................................. 312
A6.8 Specifying the Display Analogue Graphic Attribute ................................................................................ 313
A6.9 Specifying the Display as Attribute ......................................................................................................... 313
A6.10 Specifying the Font Attribute ................................................................................................................... 313
A6.11 Specifying the Framerate Attribute .......................................................................................................... 313
A6.12 Specifying the Height Attribute ............................................................................................................... 314
A6.13 Specifying the Item Attribute ................................................................................................................... 314
A6.14 Specifying the Label Attribute ................................................................................................................. 314
A6.15 Specifying the LAN Attribute .................................................................................................................. 315
A6.16 Specifying the On Error Attribute ............................................................................................................ 315
A6.17 Specifying the Outstation Attribute .......................................................................................................... 316
A6.18 Specifying the Outstation Template Attribute .......................................................................................... 316
A6.19 Specifying the Overridden Off Attribute.................................................................................................. 316
A6.20 Specifying the Overridden On Attribute .................................................................................................. 318
A6.21 Specifying the PIN Attribute .................................................................................................................... 319
A6.22 Specifying the Refresh View Attribute .................................................................................................... 319
A6.23 Specifying the Shadow Attribute ............................................................................................................. 319
A6.24 Specifying the To Display Attribute ........................................................................................................ 320
A6.25 Specifying the Tooltip Attribute .............................................................................................................. 321
A6.26 Specifying the Transparency Attribute..................................................................................................... 321
A6.27 Specifying the Units Attribute.................................................................................................................. 321
A6.28 Specifying the Use Generic Attribute ...................................................................................................... 322
A6.29 Specifying the Visible Attribute ............................................................................................................... 322
A6.30 Specifying the When In Alarm Attribute ................................................................................................. 323
A6.31 Specifying the When OFF Attribute ........................................................................................................ 324
A6.32 Specifying the When On Attribute ........................................................................................................... 325
A6.33 Specifying the While Waiting Attribute ................................................................................................... 326
A6.34 Specifying the Width Attribute ................................................................................................................ 327

A7 APPENDIX 7 - RUN SET AND 963 ON THE SAME PC ......................................................................... 329

A8 APPENDIX 8 - SHORTCUT KEYS ........................................................................................................... 331

A9 APPENDIX 9 - USE A 963 VALUE IN EXCEL ........................................................................................ 333

A10 APPENDIX 10 - VARIABLES................................................................................................................... 335

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 9

About This Manual

A10.1 Variable Availability................................................................................................................................ 338

A10.2 Using Variables in Action Codes ............................................................................................................. 340
A10.3 Using Variables in Alarm Action Codes.................................................................................................. 340
A10.4 Using Variables in Schematic Displays ................................................................................................... 341
A10.5 Using the ? Variable ................................................................................................................................ 341
A10.6 Using the == Variable .............................................................................................................................. 342
A10.7 Using the 962CODED Variable............................................................................................................... 342
A10.8 Using the 963CODED Variable............................................................................................................... 343
A10.9 Using the ALARMASXML Variable ...................................................................................................... 343
A10.10 Using the ALARMCODE Variable ......................................................................................................... 344
A10.11 Using the ALARMDESC Variable .......................................................................................................... 344
A10.12 Using the ALARMGROUP Variable ...................................................................................................... 344
A10.13 Using the ALL Variable .......................................................................................................................... 345
A10.14 Using the ALLLABELS Variable ........................................................................................................... 345
A10.15 Using the ASCII Variable ........................................................................................................................ 346
A10.16 Using the BORDER Variable .................................................................................................................. 346
A10.17 Using the CALCULATEMKTDATE Variable ....................................................................................... 347
A10.18 Using the CNC Variable .......................................................................................................................... 347
A10.19 Using the CONNECTION Variable ........................................................................................................ 348
A10.20 Using the COUNTNEWALARMS Variable ........................................................................................... 348
A10.21 Using the DATA Variable ....................................................................................................................... 348
A10.22 Using the DEVICE_IP Variable .............................................................................................................. 348
A10.23 Using the DEVICE_LABEL Variable ..................................................................................................... 348
A10.24 Using the DEVICE_LAN Variable ......................................................................................................... 349
A10.25 Using the DEVICE_LOADNUMBER Variable ...................................................................................... 349
A10.26 Using the DEVICE_MAJOR_VERSION Variable ................................................................................. 349
A10.27 Using the DEVICE_MINOR_VERSION Variable ................................................................................. 349
A10.28 Using the DEVICE_OS Variable............................................................................................................. 349
A10.29 Using the DEVICE_PARAM Variable.................................................................................................... 350
A10.30 Using the DEVICE_TELE Variable ........................................................................................................ 350
A10.31 Using the DLLVERSION Variable ......................................................................................................... 350
A10.32 Using the DTYPE Variable ..................................................................................................................... 350
A10.33 Using the ERROR Variable ..................................................................................................................... 351
A10.34 Using the ESC Variable ........................................................................................................................... 351
A10.35 Using the EXTRAINFO1 Variable .......................................................................................................... 351
A10.36 Using the EXTRAINFO2 Variable .......................................................................................................... 351
A10.37 Using the FILEINFO Variable................................................................................................................. 352
A10.38 Using the FLASH Variable ...................................................................................................................... 352
A10.39 Using the FLASHBORDER Variable...................................................................................................... 352
A10.40 Using the FNAME Variable .................................................................................................................... 352
A10.41 Using the FORPNC Variable ................................................................................................................... 353
A10.42 Using the FREE Variable ........................................................................................................................ 353
A10.43 Using the GOUPTREE Variable ............................................................................................................. 354
A10.44 Using the GRAPHLEGEND Variable ..................................................................................................... 354
A10.45 Using the INVERT Variable .................................................................................................................... 355
A10.46 Using the IP Variable ............................................................................................................................... 355
A10.47 Using the IQ.V2LOG.TLR Variable ....................................................................................................... 355
A10.48 Using the IQ.V2LOG.TRC Variable ....................................................................................................... 356
A10.49 Using the IQVALUE Variable................................................................................................................. 357
A10.50 Using the ISDIARYIDNOCC Variable ................................................................................................... 357
A10.51 Using the ISDIARYIDOCC Variable ...................................................................................................... 358
A10.52 Using the ISDIARYNOCC Variable ....................................................................................................... 358
A10.53 Using the ISDIARYOCC Variable .......................................................................................................... 358
A10.54 Using the LABEL Variable ..................................................................................................................... 359
A10.55 Using the LAN Variable .......................................................................................................................... 359
A10.56 Using the LANLABEL Variable ............................................................................................................. 359
A10.57 Using the LFNAME Variable .................................................................................................................. 359
A10.58 Using the LIVE Variable ......................................................................................................................... 360
A10.59 Using the MEMREPORT Variable ......................................................................................................... 360
A10.60 Using the ML Variable ............................................................................................................................ 361
A10.61 Using the MODBY Variable ................................................................................................................... 361

10 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

About This Manual

A10.62 Using the MODTIME Variable................................................................................................................ 361

A10.63 Using the MODULE Variable.................................................................................................................. 361
A10.64 Using the NEWLINE Variable ................................................................................................................ 362
A10.65 Using the NEWMSG Variable ................................................................................................................. 362
A10.66 Using the OPTION Variable .................................................................................................................... 362
A10.67 Using the OS Variable ............................................................................................................................. 362
A10.68 Using the OSLABEL Variable ................................................................................................................. 362
A10.69 Using the OSVERSION Variable ............................................................................................................ 363
A10.70 Using the PAGEDIR Variable ................................................................................................................. 363
A10.71 Using the PCDATE Variable ................................................................................................................... 363
A10.72 Using the PCDAY Variable ..................................................................................................................... 363
A10.73 Using the PCHOUR Variable .................................................................................................................. 363
A10.74 Using the PCMIN Variable ...................................................................................................................... 364
A10.75 Using the PCMONTH Variable ............................................................................................................... 364
A10.76 Using the PCSEC Variable ...................................................................................................................... 364
A10.77 Using the PCTIME Variable .................................................................................................................... 364
A10.78 Using the PCWKDAY Variable .............................................................................................................. 364
A10.79 Using the PCYEAR Variable ................................................................................................................... 365
A10.80 Using the PNAME Variable ..................................................................................................................... 365
A10.81 Using the PRINTAREA Variable ............................................................................................................ 365
A10.82 Using the RESOLUTION Variable.......................................................................................................... 365
A10.83 Using the SERIALNO Variable ............................................................................................................... 365
A10.84 Using the SERVERSTATUS Variable .................................................................................................... 366
A10.85 Using the SHORTADJUDESC Variable ................................................................................................. 366
A10.86 Using the SHORTTIME Variable ............................................................................................................ 366
A10.87 Using the SITE Variable .......................................................................................................................... 366
A10.88 Using the SQLVALUE Variable.............................................................................................................. 367
A10.89 Using the SYSTEM Variable ................................................................................................................... 367
A10.90 Using the TAB Variable........................................................................................................................... 367
A10.91 Using the TELE Variable ......................................................................................................................... 367
A10.92 Using the TESTVALUE Variable............................................................................................................ 368
A10.93 Using the TIME Variable ......................................................................................................................... 368
A10.94 Using the TIMEON Variable ................................................................................................................... 368
A10.95 Using the TIMEONFULL Variable ......................................................................................................... 368
A10.96 Using the TIMESPEC x Variable ............................................................................................................ 369
A10.97 Using the USER Variable ........................................................................................................................ 370
A10.98 Using the VALUE Variable ..................................................................................................................... 370
A10.99 Using the VER Variable ........................................................................................................................... 370

A11 APPENDIX 11 - DATABASE UPGRADE SCRIPTS .............................................................................. 371

A12 APPENDIX 12 - EDIT INI FILES............................................................................................................. 373

INDEX...................................................................................................................................................................... 377

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 11

About This Manual

12 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

About This Manual


This manual applies to 963 version 3.72. It provides a description of engineering 963. It is divided into several sections.
For details about Installing and licensing 963 see the '963 Installation Instructions' (TG201026).
About 963
This section describes 963, and how it works.
Engineering 963
This section describes the process of engineering a 963 Supervisor and describes how to perform all the
necessary tasks.
963 Actions
This section describes the different 963 actions.
Alarm Codes
This section describes the different alarms that 963 may receive or generate and the associated alarm codes.
963 Database
This section describes the 963's database.
INI File Settings
This section describes the different INI file settings used by 963.
963 Object Attributes
This section describes the attributes associated with dynamic objects and static objects.
Run SET and 963 on the same PC
This section describes how SET and 963 can be run on the same PC.
Shortcut Keys
This section lists 963's shortcut keys.
Use a 963 Value in Excel
This section describes how to use a 963 value in Excel.
963 Variables
This section describes the different variables that are available to 963.
It is recommended that the Engineering section be read before trying to perform any engineering to ensure that the
engineering process is fully understood.
The 963 uses Open Source Software provided by Third Parties. For more information, refer to "963-open-source-
license.txt" which is available on the DVD as well as in the install directory.
1.1 Conventions Used in this Manual
There are numerous items and instructions in this manual, the conventions below are designed to make it quick and
easy to find and understand the information.
Menu commands are in bold type.
Buttons and options in dialogue box that you need to select are in bold type.
The names of text boxes and dialogue boxes are in bold type.
Key combinations that you should press appear in normal type. If joined with a plus sign (+), press and hold
the first key while you press the remaining one(s). For example CTRL+P indicates holding down the control
key while pressing P.
Text you should enter is in Italic type.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 13

About This Manual

1.2 Contacting Trend

Head Office
Trend Control Systems Limited
Albery House
Springfield Road
West Sussex
RH12 2PQ
Tel: +44 (0) 1403 211888
Fax: +44 (0) 1403 241608
Details of regional offices can be found on our Web site.
Our company web site ( provides information about our products and us. Accredited partners
should contact our support web site (
Technical Support
Our support department provides technical support during normal office hours. Before contacting them ensure that
you have your Technical Support PIN number available, without this we will be unable to provide you with any
Tel: +44 (0) 1403 226600
Fax: +44 (0) 1403 226310
Technical Publications
Please send any comments on this or any other Trend technical publication to

14 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

What's New in Version 3.70


New Features + Enhancements
Support for Windows 10.
Note: Windows 10 installations require an internet connection in order to download required system
components that cannot be redistributed on the DVD or Pnet download.
Support for large numbers from IQ4:963 now supports double precision numbers and numbers with more
than 10 digits that can be received from an IQ4.
Filter on Navigator: The Navigator has a filter option to help with the location of information on large
Start-up diagnostics: Start-up diagnostics provide additional help when 963 fails to connect to the database.
It identifies the following: and enables the user to correct the details
Back-end SQL service cannot be found
Server PC cannot be found
Database cannot be found
Improved display scalability: The way the 963 Window scales the display has been improved.
Security enhancements:
Master recovery password: The new master recovery password enables recovery when all members
of the System Administrator group are locked out. It separates the SQL server password from the
master reset password, providing additional security.
Self -signed certificate warning: A warning is displayed if the 963s web server is using a self-signed
Strong passwords for database and master passwords: The database and master passwords must now
be at least 8 characters long, and include both upper and lower case characters.
Temporary lock out after a number of failed log in attempts: After a set number of failed log in
attempts a user will be locked out of the system for a short period of time. The interval increases
with each failure. A system Administrator user can unlock a user at any time with the option to reset
their password.
Main SQL password must be configured during installation.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 15

What's New in Version 3.70

16 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

About 963

3 ABOUT 963
963 is a Windows based software package designed to provide a complete management interface for the supervision
of buildings where IQ system building control systems are installed. It enables the user to monitor HVAC
equipment/building services, and make changes to the way the building is controlled using colour graphics displays.
Fault reporting, analysis, and data recording features promote efficient HVAC equipment operation and effective
energy use.
The information and adjustments available to a user can be exactly tailored to that users needs. This means that an
operator is never presented with more data or options than he requires, thus eliminating a major source of potential
confusion. However, for those whose job function demands it, access can be provided to every point on the BMS.
It provides features such as strong passwords, and calculation of mean kinetic temperature that assist with compliance
to the FDAs regulation 21 CFR Part 11.
There are four different variants of 963 each offering slightly different features for individual types of users.
963 Lite
963 Lite is the basic variant of 963 and provides the ability for monitor an IQ system, make adjustments, and
monitor alarms.
963 Server
963 Server provides exactly the same facilities as 963 Lite but allows information to be accessed over a
TCP/IP network, with a web browser.
963 SMS Direct
963 SMS Direct provides features of as 963 Lite, or 963 Server if the server version is licensed. In addition,
it provides the ability to retransmit alarms to a GSM phone using SMS text messaging. To use 963 SMS the
personal computer running 963 must be connected to the supplied GSM modem.
963 SNMP
963 SNMP provides features of as 963 Lite, or 963 Server if the server version is licensed. In addition, it
provides the ability to retransmit alarms in SNMP format.
The version of 963 is determined by the licence that is purchased. The different versions can be purchased in
conjunction with each other with exception of 963 Lite, and 963 Server, i.e. it is possible to have 963 Lite with SMS.
All variants of 963 are compatible with the Trend Open Protocol Server (TOPS) which enables 963 to communicate
with BACnet devices.
3.1 963 Lite
963 Lite is the basic version of 963 and provides the ability to monitor an IQ system, make adjustments, and monitor
alarms. It provides features such as strong passwords, and calculation of mean kinetic temperature that assist with
compliance to the FDAs regulation 21 CFR Part 11.
Schematic Page Display
The Schematic Page Display provides information in a graphics form, allowing the user to view information and
make adjustments to HVAC equipment or control parameters simply by clicking the mouse button. Other actions such
as data recording or the display of graphs can also be initiated from a schematic page. Each page can include text,
buttons, and graphics to ensure that the display is easy to understand. 963 also has a built in web browser that enables
any HTML, or web page to be displayed, this facility can be integrated with the schematic pages to increase the amount
of information available to the user e.g. CCTV etc.
Access to Entire IQ System
Access to the devices on the IQ network is available from the Device Viewer which display enables inputs, outputs,
adjustments, time zones, and critical alarms from the selected part of the system without the need for any engineering.
Adjustments can be made, and graphs accessed from this display enabling the engineer to adjust system parameters
not available on schematic pages quickly and easily.
Alarm Handling
The 963s advanced alarm handling facilities process incoming alarms and decides what action is to be taken, ensuring
immediate notification of alarm conditions. Different actions can be taken on receipt of an alarm. Alarms can be
displayed in the Alarm Viewer, categorised, logged, and retransmitted e.g. using email, pager, or SMS.
Control of Operating Times
System operating times can be defined using the Diary Display. It easily handles both large and small systems,
automatically downloading the occupation times to different areas, allowing different working areas to use different
operating times. The facility for global setting of holidays and non occupation allow particular days to be easily set
up to operate different times from the standard.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 17

About 963

Data Recording
Data logged in IQ controllers can be recorded to an SQL Server database for long term review. Recording can be
carried out manually, or automatically to ensure that data is regularly recorded. It is also possible to record the live
data from a schematic page automatically.
Compatibility with TOPS
963 can be used in conjunction with the Trend Open Protocol Server (TOPS) to provide the usual 963 functionality
plus communications with BACnet devices. Values from BACnet devices can be included in schematic pages,
adjustments made, and alarms received from the BACnet devices.
3.1.1 Schematics
Schematics provide the main interface between the user and the IQ system in the form of colour graphics displays that
enable the user to look at HVAC equipment parameters, or make adjustments. Each schematic page can display values
and parameters obtained from one or more IQ system devices on the system along with graphic representations of the
building/HVAC equipment etc. that they come from.
Each page can contain a backdrop, which is a graphic over which all the other objects are displayed. Live values from
the IQ system are included by adding a dynamic object to the page, and other information such a static text, and
graphics are added by inserting static objects.
Dynamic objects can be represented on the pages, either as text, or as a graphic (using analogue graphic files). When
the object is displayed as text, if the user has the authority to make an adjustment, or the parameter can be graphed the
text will appear as a button to indicate that the object can be selected.
Static objects enable text, and graphics to be displayed on the page. They can also allow the user to perform a particular
action such as go to another page, log in, or enter configuration mode on a particular controller. If they have been
configured in this way, they will also appear as a button to indicate that the object can be selected.
System variables such as date and time can be included on the page by using variables in the codes that defined the
objects on the page. It is also possible to include a map of a particular LAN or the internetwork in a similar way.
Movement between pages can be performed either using button on the page, or using the Navigator which displays a
tree structure that enable the user to navigate to all the pages that have access to.
3.1.2 Alarm Handling
963s alarm handling receives alarms and other error indications from other devices on the IQ system, and internal
alarms from itself and deals with them according to the way in which the alarm handling has been configured. When
the 963 receives an alarm it can log the alarm, print it out, and perform a particular action. The action taken can be
different for users viewing the alarm on the 963 itself, or from a web browser.
Alarms from other devices are generated when a device that has been configured to send its alarms to the 963 goes
into an alarm condition or an alarm condition is cleared. An internal alarm occurs when something occurs on the 963
that is worth noting. It may be something normal such as a user has logged on, or it could indicate that data recording
has failed, or an adjustment that effects the way in which 963 operates has been made.
When the 963 receives an alarm either from another device, or an internal alarm is generated it uses filters to catch
alarms, each filter contains a definition of the alarms it will catch. Each filter is then assigned to the groups that specify
the actions that are to be carried out when the alarms caught by the filter occur. Filters can be associated with more
than one group, allowing several different actions to be triggered by the same alarm. Alarms that are not caught by
any filter will cause the actions defined in the Default Alarm Group to be carried out.
The diagram below illustrates what happens when 963 receives an alarm.

18 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

About 963

The diagram below illustrates what happens when 963 receives an alarm.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 19

About 963

An alarm sent to 963 is received by 963s comms handler (TCCOMSRV), which sends the alarm to its alarm buffer
(alarmbuf.x). Once this has been successfully completed, the comms handler sends a low-level acknowledgement to
the controller to tell it that the alarm has been received.
Once this has occurred, the alarms are read from the comms handlers alarm buffer by 963s alarm handler, and
displayed in the Incoming Alarms list in the Alarm Viewer.
When the alarms have been displayed in the Incoming Alarms list in the Alarm Viewer they are placed in the alarms
handlers buffer (dbbuf.x) until they can be processed.
At this point, if the alarm handling has been disabled, i.e. the Check this box to perform alarm actions and display
alarm panels check box is cleared, no further action will be taken. If alarm handling is enabled; which is normally
the case, the alarms will be processed as quickly as possible. The alarm handler will take each alarm from buffer and
process it before moving on to the next one. Once the alarm has been processed, it will be visible in the Alarm
If alarm logging is enabled, i.e. the Check this box to log alarm to the database check box selected, the alarm will
be stored in the database before the further alarm processing is performed.
Next, the alarm is then matched against all the filters that have been set up. If any matches are found the actions
defined for each of the groups associated with the filters that caught the alarm will be carried out. If an alarm group
has more than one filter associated with it if any one of the filters catches an alarm, the actions defined by the group
are carried out.
If the alarm is not caught by a filter it will be caught by the default alarm group, and the action defined carried out.
3.1.3 Users and Workgroups
Access to 963 is controlled by users and workgroups. Users enable 963 to provide different information to different
users, and prevent unauthorised people from accessing certain information, and making changes to the system. Every
person who is to use 963 must have a user name and password.
The 963 is shipped with a two users 'System Administrator' and 'Default'. The 'Default' user is logged onto the system
when all other users have logged off, timed out, or the 963 is run. When the 963 is first installed this user has limited
access. The first time 963 is run the 'System Administrator' user is created in the 'System Administrator' workgroup.
This user has access to everything.
A password is not required to log in as the 'Default' user. The password generated for the 'System Administrator user
is generated randomly.
The page displayed when the 'Default' user is logged on is very important because it is the page displayed when no
one is using 963. This page should allow each user to log in. It may also provide information such as the temperature
in the location of 963, or perhaps the date and time.
Each user of 963 is in a workgroup. The workgroup specifies the users access rights. It determines what displays the
user has access to, and what they can change. It also specifies a PIN level, which is used to decide if they have access
to objects on a page, or values on the Device Viewer. This PIN level is compared with the PIN Level of objects on a
page (static objects, or dynamic objects, or values on the Device Viewer). If the users PIN level is equal to or greater
than the PIN attribute of the object or parameter they will have access to the object. In the case of static objects this
means that the object is visible to the user, in the case of dynamic objects, and values on the Device Viewer the user
can adjust them. Initially the PIN attribute of dynamic objects and values on the Device Viewer come from the
controller. The PIN attribute of dynamic objects can be edited as required, but if the PIN attribute of values on the
Device Viewer is changed; their value in the controller strategy is changed.
Another level of security is the ability to restrict the access to top-level folders to particular users. This means that
pages of sensitive information can be hidden from those who should not or do not need to access them.
These two things prevent users from seeing or changing information for which they do not possess authority. PINs
(users) in the controllers give another level of protection. These are set up in the controllers themselves, and are used
to prevent unauthorised changes to parameters within the controller. Any device (such as 963) wishing to adjust data
in a controller set up with its own PINs (PIN protection enabled) must know the 4 digit PIN. It is therefore necessary
to tell 963 what this PIN is. Although it can be specified individually for each device on the system, most sites will
normally share a common PIN in the controllers.
There are three different approaches to configuring users and workgroups; a different user can be created for each
person who is going to use 963, for each top-level folder, or for each type of use. Whatever approach is taken, it is
recommended that the number of users with configuration rights be kept to a minimum (i.e. 1 or 2).
To ensure that details of users etc remain secure, only users with System Administrator access rights are able to
make any changes to users on the system. Details of passwords etc are encrypted to ensure that even if someone
accesses the password storage location they will be unable to understand the password information.

20 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

About 963

963 maintains an audit trial of changes that are made which effect system performance; it records who made the
change, what the change was and when it occurred. This auditing cannot be turned off, and the events can be
configured to generate an alarm action to ensure that an attempt to breach of security does not go undetected. The
table below lists the events that are recorded in the audit trail.
Area Event Logged
Alarm Filters Adding, removing and editing.
Alarm Groups Adding, removing and editing.
Automatic data recording Any automatic data recording function also raises events on success and failure.
Diary Downloads Automatic downloads.
Exceptions Adding, removing and editing.
IQ parameters Changes through the 963-user interface.
Normal times Adding, removing and editing.
Program Start up, and shutdown.
Retransmission Adding, removing and editing.
Scheduled action Adding, removing and editing
Security Logging in, logging out, when a user is locked out an alarm is reported.
Site, LAN, Controller or Item. Deleting and editing.
Diary groups Adding, removing and editing.
Users Adding, removing and changing the password.
Workgroups Adding, removing and editing.
Note that changes made in the IQ configuration through 963 are not logged. Configuration mode can be disabled by
the System Administrator. The controllers themselves can raise alarms when users make changes.
To ensure maximum security it is recommended that the PC running 963 be configured prevent unauthorised access
both to the PC, and files on it using standard Windows security features. This is described in the Configure Windows
Security section of this manual.
3.1.4 Mean Kinetic Temperature Calculation
The Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) is defined as the isothermal temperature that corresponds to the kinetic effects
of a time-temperature distribution. It is used to monitor the average temperature of drugs whilst being stored in the
pharmaceutical industry. The calculation of MKT by 963 can be performed using one of two 963 actions either on a
scheduled basis, or on demand. The following formula is used for the calculation.

= The Mean Kinetic Temperature in K.

= The high temperature in K during the 1st week.

= The low temperature in K during the 1st week.

= The high temperature in K during the nth week.

= The low temperature in K during the nth week.

n = The total number of weeks.
T = The absolute temperature in K.
Scheduled MKT Calculations
In order to calculate the MKT in this way, the 963 scheduler must be used to run the CALCULATEMKT action at the
required times. This action enables the MKT to be calculated for a sensor over a specified period, and stored in a
virtual sensor.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 21

About 963

In order to perform the calculation the sensor must be logged in the IQ controller and the data must be recorded by
963. If the data recorded by 963 is not complete e.g. only the last 4 days of readings are available, or there is a gap in
the data, the MKT will not be calculated and an alarm (MKFL) will be raised. 963 cannot detect if data has been lost
due to the controller being turned off and the MKT will be calculated using the available data and an alarm is not
generated. If the calculation is performed correctly an MKOK alarm is generated.
Note that the action is only compatible with data logged in the IQ controller using synchronised logs.
The virtual sensor used to store the result of the calculation can either be specified manually, or you can allow 963 to
choose it. The virtual sensor has High and Low Alarm Limits that enable an alarm (HMKT, and LMKT) to be
generated if the MKT value is outside the required range. The high and low alarm limits are tested against the new
MKT value when the scheduled MKT calculation is executed. If the MKT value is found to exceed the alarm limits
an alarm is triggered.
Once a scheduled MKT action has been executed the result it can be viewed in the Device Viewer or placed upon a
schematic page.
On Demand MKT Calculations
In order to calculate the MKT in this way, a static object on a schematic page must be set up to perform the
CALCULATEMKTDATE action when it is selected. This action calculates the MKT for the specified sensor
between two dates. The calculated value is displayed in a message box. The action never writes the value to a database.
If any parameters are left out of the action, 963 will ask the user for the parameters when the action is executed.
In order to perform the calculation the sensor must be logged in the IQ controller and the data must be recorded by
963. If the data recorded by 963 is not complete e.g. only the last 4 days of readings are available, or there is a gap in
the data, the MKT will not be calculated and an alarm (MKFL) will be raised. 963 cannot detect if data has been lost
due to the controller being turned off and the MKT will be calculated using the available data and an alarm is not
generated. If the calculation is performed correctly an MKOK alarm is generated.
Note that the action is only compatible with data logged in the IQ controller using synchronised logs.
The result of an on demand MKT calculation can also be displayed as part on a schematic page by using the
CALCULATEMKTDATE variable in the To Display attribute. The calculation will be recalculated every time the
schematic page is reactivated.
3.2 963 Server
963 Server provides exactly the same facilities as 963 Lite plus the ability to act as a web server enabling a client to
display information from the 963 in a web browser. When viewing a page in a web browser, the user may make
adjustments, view graphs, move from page to page, enter configuration mode on a device, make changes to Diary
groups, or carry out other actions in a similar way to working on the 963 itself. The 963 allows full client-server
operation. This means the 963 can provide information to a number of client machines over a TCP/IP network.
When operating as a server, the 963 automatically converts the information and passes it to the client machine for
display in a web browser when requested. This means that no additional engineering is required to provide the benefits
of the 963 across the business. Client machines do not require any additional software to be installed, providing they
have a connection to a TCP/IP network, and a web browser installed.
963 Server operates in two modes, graphic mode and text mode depending on the type of web browser accessing the
server. Graphic mode requires Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 greater, or Firefox 3.5 or greater, and the Java
runtime environment J2SE 7.0 or greater. The browser must have JAVA script enabled. Other browsers are only able
to access the server in text mode. The server can be accessed from web browsers on PCs, PDAs (running Windows
Mobile 2003 Second Edition or greater), Smartphones (running Window Mobile 5 or greater), and the Nokia 9210i
although full client functionality is only available on PCs that meet the requirements for graphic mode. Other devices
are only able to use text mode.
Note that the 963 has not been tested with all devices and Trend cannot guarantee a particular devices compatibility
with the 963 server.
The schematic display enables access to any of the 963s schematic pages subject to their security. When in graphics
mode they will appear virtually the same on the client as they do on the 963 server. There is no Navigator on the
client; navigation must be provided through buttons engineered directly on the pages.
In text mode graphics are not displayed, the page is reproduced as 3 tables containing live data (dynamic objects),
actions, and additional information (static objects). There are a number of different text mode layouts to allow for
different device types. The appropriate layout for the client device is automatically selected. Each layout provides the
same functionality, but data displayed varies to accommodate different screen sizes and aspect ratios.

22 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

About 963

Alarm Viewer
The Alarm Viewer is only available in graphic mode, it displays the alarms that have been received, and providing
the user has authority enables them to be acknowledged. Colours are used to indicate whether the alarm is a set alarm
or a cleared alarm. A red bell indicates a set alarm, and a green bell indicates a cleared alarm. If the alarm has been
actioned a bell with appear with a tick over it. Alarms can also cause an alarm panel to be displayed on the client PC
to draw the user's attention to the alarm.
It has two tabs: Alarm History, and Incoming alarms. The Alarm History stores the all the alarms in the database
that have been processed whether or not they have been actioned by the user. The alarms can be viewed in
chronological order or a summary view. The Alarm History is colour coded to indicate whether or not the alarm is
current, red indicates that the alarm is current. The Incoming Alarms contains the last 100 alarms received.
The Device Viewer
The Device Viewer is only available in graphic mode, it displays all inputs, outputs, adjustments, and occupation
times on the system that have been learnt. This information can be restricted to parameters in a particular device, LAN,
or site. Changes can be made to any of the adjustments or occupation times if the user has the correct authority. These
changes are limited by a PIN level, which is the same as that defined for the parameter in the device itself. Single trace
graphs of selected parameters can be displayed. It also provides access to the configuration mode of IQ system devices
that support that feature.
Note that it is not possible to learn the system from a client.
When operating in graphics mode graphs can be displayed from buttons on schematic pages or from the Device View
in the same way as on the server. When operating in text mode a table of the graphs values is displayed instead.
System Security
The 963s security system is fully implemented users when accessed from a client users are required to login in which
determines their level of access to the system.
For more detailed description of how 963 Server provides information to clients see the Server Operation section of
this manual.
3.2.1 Server Operation
963 Server operates as a web server making the information on its schematic pages available in HTML format over a
TCP/IP network. This means that the information can be accessed by any web browser from anywhere in the world
(using the Internet), providing 963 and the Ethernet network to which it is connected have been configured
When a client accesses the 963 Server, the server will either display the index.htm page, or prompt for the user to
login (depending on how the server has been engineered). If the page that is displayed contains values from the IQ
system, 963 will request those values. When they are available, they will be passed to the client where Java applets
downloaded from the server will replicate any dynamic objects on the page.

The diagram above shows four separate data flows:

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 23

About 963

Request for page

When the user connects to the server, a request is sent to the 963 Server to display a particular page.
Request for IQ System Data
Because the page contains values from the IQ system the 963 Server requests that data from the IQ system.
IQ System Data
When the controllers receive the request for data from the 963 Server, they send the data to the 963 server.
Page Data
Once the 963 Server has received the IQ system data, it passes it, along with information about the page (such as
graphics), to the client for display.
It provides features such as strong passwords, and calculation of mean kinetic temperature that assist with compliance
to the FDAs regulation 21 CFR Part 11.
It provides maximum protection for the data it stores, and the system it is controlling. 963 imposes a strong password
regime, which requires the user to regularly change their password to prevent it becoming known by others. When a
user changes their password 963 will check to see that the specified password is longer than the minimum password
length, and uses a mixture of letters and numbers. If a user incorrectly enters their password more than a specified
number of times they will be locked out of the system, and must get the system administrator to unlock them.
If 963 is also operating as a server it is possible to restrict the access users have to the system to read only if this is
what is required.
3.3 963 SMS Direct
963 SMS Direct provides the same features as 963 Lite, or 963 Server if the server version is licensed. In addition, it
provides the ability to retransmit alarms to a GSM phone using SMS text messaging. To use 963 SMS Direct the PC
running 963 must be connected to the supplied GSM modem. 963 SMS Direct is not reliant on any particular network.
Therefore it should make no difference what mobile phone network you use. The networks used to test 963 SMS were
O2 (BT Cellnet) and Vodafone.
963 SMS Direct has built in alarm handling. If transmission is successful, a TXOK alarm will be generated. A typical
TXOK alarm will have the text successfully sent text message in the description as well as the corresponding phone
number in the module label field. If the transmission fails, a TXFL alarm will be generated. A typical TXFL alarm
will have the text 'Failed to retransmit message for destination (Error sending text message! Error reading from comms
port!)' as the description.
If there is a problem communicating with the modem an alarm will also be generated by 963. For instance, as soon as
there is a problem communicating with the modem a SYST alarm will be created with the description as 'SMS device
not detected. Last recorded signal strength: 0'. The 963 regularly checks the signal strength and will generate a SYST
alarm if it finds it cannot get a good enough signal.
If 963 re-establishes contact with the modem after a failure it will generate another SYST alarm to tell the user that
communication has been re-established. This alarm would have the following description text 'SMS device detected.
Last recorded signal strength: 100'.
Note that 963 SMS Direct cannot receive SMS text messages.
3.4 963 SNMP
963 SNMP provides features of as 963 Lite, or 963 Server if the server version is licensed. In addition, it provides the
ability to retransmit alarms in SNMP format.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard network protocol created to allow IT device information
(performance, fault conditions, status etc.) to be communicated to Network Management Systems (NMSs). 963 SNMP
supports SNMPv1.
SNMP has been included in 963 because IQ systems are increasingly used to monitor and control the environment of
critical IT systems. Large, IT intensive users already have sophisticated NMSs in place to monitor their systems and
control the fault tracking, engineer callout functions etc. Using 963 SNMP, key alarms related to the IT systems can
be forwarded from the Trend IQ system into the NMSs to provide early warnings of system faults, such as HVAC
failure etc.
An SNMP-managed network consists of three key components: managed devices, agents, and network-management
systems (NMSs).

24 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

About 963

A managed device is a network node that contains an SNMP agent and that resides on a managed network.
Managed devices collect and store management information and make this information available to NMSs
using SNMP. Managed devices, sometimes called network elements, can be routers and access servers,
switches and bridges, hubs, computer hosts, or printers.
An agent is a network-management software module that resides in a managed device. An agent has local
knowledge of management information and translates that information into a form compatible with SNMP.
An NMS executes applications that monitor and control managed devices. NMSs provide the bulk of the
processing and memory resources required for network management. One or more NMSs must exist on any
managed network.
The 963 behaves as an agent.
There are 4 basic commands used to pass data between the agents, devices and NMSs: 'read', 'write', 'trap', and
The 'read' command is used by NMSs to read specific data from a device.
The 'write' command is used by NMSs to adjust specific data in the devices.
The 'trap' command is used by agents and devices to send events to NMSs.
The 'traversal' command is used by NMS to discover details about the devices.
The 963 only supports the trap command i.e. it may not be interrogated by NMSs (it cannot respond to SNMP
Note extended character sets are not supported.
For answers to frequently asked questions about 963 SNMP see the 963 SNMP Information Sheet (TG200929).

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 25

About 963

3.5 Compatibility
IQ System: 963 can display all devices on the IQ System connected using Lans, internetworks, autodialled links, and
TCP/IP links in the Device Viewer. It provides access to all parameters in all IQ system devices that support text
communications. Parameters within other 963 supervisors engineering tools and network displays are inaccessible.
IQL controller parameters can be accessed using a 3xtend/EINC L, fieldbus device parameters can be accessed using
an FNC. It can communicate over IQ system LANs and internetworks including remote TCP/IP sites, autodialled links
(PSTN) or digital networks (PSDN). It will not operate on network running at 1k2 or 4k8 baud rates. Graphs are
available from IQ controllers, and TOPS devices, however there are some limitations on the graphs that are available
see the table below for details.

Device Graphs available from

IQ1 series controllers Sensors 1 to 99
IQ2 series controllers Sensors 1 to 99
Pre IQ3 v2.1 controllers Sensors 1 to 99
IQeco v1.0 controllers Sensors 1 to 99, and plot modules.
IQeco v2.0 or greater controllers All plot modules and any module with a value logged by a plot module.
IQ3 v2.1 or greater controllers All plot modules and any module with a value logged by a plot module
IQ4NC series controllers and IQ422 All plot modules and any module with a value logged by a plot module
TOPS v1.0 BACnet devices No graph support
TOPS v1.1 or greater BACnet devices All plot modules and any module linked to a plot module
Communications: It provides compatibility with 8-bit communications from IQ system devices that support 8-bit
comms (IQ3 and IQ4 controllers, 3xtend/EINC Ls, and IQView v1.2). 8-bit comms allows the use of extended
character sets across the IQ system. The extended character sets are not supported in line printing (alarm printing).
SET: It is possible for both SET and 963 to be installed and run on the same PC at the same time however only one
will be able to communicate with a BACnet network. For more details see the 'Run SET and 963 on the same PC'
section of this manual.
TOPS: The 963 is compatible with the Trend Open Protocol Server, and when used with TOPS, 963 can display and
adjust parameters from devices on the BACnet network to which TOPS is connected, and receive alarms from those
devices. For details of the BACnet capabilities of 963 when used in conjunction with TOPS see the 963 and TOPS
Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (TP201011).

26 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Secure 963

4 SECURE 963
4.1 Introduction
The purpose of the Security Manual is to provide the information necessary for those involved in the installation and
maintenance of a product or system to understand the requirements for configuring and managing the security of the
product or system
4.2 Disaster Recovery Planning
When developing the disaster recovery plan ensure that it includes ALL data required to restore system operation. A
typical 963 installation consists of both configuration data and historic data:
Configuration data is held in the 963 database and also in the form of: schematic pages; graphics,
animation, script and analogue text files, INI files. All configuration files can be found in the current 963
project directory with the exception of the 963 database which may be configured to a separate location
(remote SQL server).
Historic data, consisting of alarms and controller log values, is stored in the 963 database and potentially
local archive data files.
For more information on database backup/restore refer to the following:
963 User Guide (TC200635)- Backup the Database
963 User Guide (TC200635)- Restore a Backed up Database
4.3 Physical and Environmental Considerations
The PC running 963 should be secured against unauthorised physical access.
4.4 Security Updates and Service Packs
Ensure the PC running 963 and any client devices have the latest operating system updates installed, and the latest
version of 963 is being used.
Trend software is tested against the latest service packs and updates applicable at the time of release. For significant
operating system and Java updates / service packs, please check the Trend Partners web site: for any compatibility issues.
4.5 Virus Protection
Ensure the PC running 963 and any client devices are running virus protection software, and the virus definitions are
kept up-to-date.
Some virus protection software has been shown to have an adverse impact on the performance of 963. In such cases
request that the 963 directory be excluded from on-access scan.
Further details can be found on the Trend Partners web site:
4.6 Network Planning and Security
If 963 is to be connected to an Ethernet network follow the guidelines in the 'General Security Best Practice for Trend
IP Based Products Information Sheet' (TP201331).
It is recommended that the Ethernet network used by the BMS system is separated from the normal office network
using an air gap, or virtual private network. Physical access to the Ethernet network infrastructure must be restricted.
You must also ensure that the installation complies with your companys IT policy.
For any 963 installation the use of a Firewall and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) from a reputable provider of
security products is recommended. Follow best practice for the products chosen as well as any corporate IT policy
where the installation is made. Lock down the products to the particular port youve configured for 963 HTTPS and
HTTP (see Engineering Manual 4.18 Configure Web Server Settings).
4.7 Virtual Environments
Follow best practice for the products chosen as well as any corporate IT policy where the installation is made. Refer
to the installation instructions for details of Virtual Environments tested with 963.
4.8 Securing Wireless Devices
If a wireless network is being used it must be secured according to your companys IT policy.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 27

Secure 963

4.9 System Monitoring

For any 963 installation Trend Controls recommends the use of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) from a reputable
provider of security products. Follow best practice for the products chosen as well as any corporate IT policy where
the installation is made.
963 only logs changes made to its own configuration and adjustments to the Trend control system. Many IDS and
firewall products offer a complete solution for recording all the traffic coming in and out of the 963 PC, providing
users with the ability to record all activity at the lowest level.
4.10 Securing Access to the Operating System
Ensure the PC running the 963 and any PCs used for 963 clients are secured according to your companies IT policy
and the advice provided by the operating system's manufacturer.
4.11 Securing Access to the MS SQL Server
To secure SQL server access follow the guidelines in the 'General Security Best Practice for Trend IP Based Products
Information Sheet' (TP201331) and the advice provided by Microsoft.
Before changing SQL Server login details and connectivity, ensure 963 is configured appropriately. Failure to do so
could result in 963 being unable to start up correctly. 963s database creation, backup, restore and archive functions
all require access to the local file system. If you intend to use these built-in functions, SQL Server will require write-
access to the 963 project directory.
Further details can be found in the 963 Engineering Manual (TE200637)
4.12 Security Features
4.12.1 Protecting personal data in the 963 database
Potentially sensitive data is not protected by encryption. If the data stored in 963 is sensitive and is strictly required
to be protected from being read by those not authorized to read it, Trend recommends encrypting the SQL database
as a whole as described by Microsoft.
963 user passwords are protected with a one-way, non-reversible hash. However, anyone with access to backup or
copy of the database taken from a site can load the file on a local copy of SQL Server and view other personal
information stored by 963 such as names, email addresses and SMS contact details.
4.12.2 Access Control
All 963 files should be protected from read and write access by people and software not authorized. Trend
recommends following best practice for securing the operating system and file system.
If Windows users are granted access to the filing system location of the 963 project then is possible for them to
inadvertently or deliberately, open, delete or edit any of the configuration and data files of independently of their 963
workgroup settings.
4.13 Securing 963
The 963 software should be configured during installation and operation following best practice. Instructions for
locking down the configuration of a 963 can be found in the following documents:
963 Engineering Manual TE200 637 - Configure Security Settings.
963 Installation Instructions TG201026 - Configure 963 to launch under Non-Admin User (Applicable for
Windows 7 and 8 only).
963 User Guide (TC200635) - Manage Your User Account
963 User Guide (TC200635) - Administer a 963 System
4.13.1 HTTPS Server
If the 963 web server is used; it is strongly recommended that is configured to use HTTPS rather than HTTP (see
Engineering Manual 4.18 Configure Web Server Settings). The web server is configured to use HTTPS by default.

28 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Secure 963

4.14 963 Security Check List

Latest version of 963 is being used.
963 installation files and serial numbers are included in disaster recovery plan.
The PC running 963 should be secured against unauthorised physical access.
The Ethernet network the PC is on is secured. The use of firewalls and intrusion detection systems is
The PC is running latest version of operating system with all updates and service packs.
The PC is running virus protection software.
Appropriate user accounts set up on PC and access to files is restricted to only those who are authorized.
MS SQL Server security best practices are followed.
963 is configured to use HTTPS using a certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority.
963 users are configured as required.
Ensure 963 is configured to backup data regularly to a secure location as per your companys backup

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Secure 963

30 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

Although it is possible to use 963 without the need for engineering, if the user wants to make use of all its features, it
must be engineered. This section describes how to engineer 963. It is arranged in the order of the recommended
engineering path with each aspect explained in detail.
The engineering process is shown below:
Plan the System
Decide the Engineering Method
Create a New Project
Configure Security Settings
Assemble the Necessary Files
Configure Automatic Archiving
Configure the Device Viewer
Make the required points available
Configure Graph Definitions
Configure the Schematic Pages
Configure Print Templates
Configure the Web Browser Display
Configure Occupation Times
Configure the Users
Configure Scheduled Events
Configure Alarm Handling
Configure 963 Server (963 Server Only)
Configure 963 Settings
Move the Configuration to the Destination PC
Set up any Client Devices (963 Server Only)
Test the Configuration
Backup the Configuration
The 963 is a user orientated system and it should be as simple as possible for a user to find information. Although the
configuration is totally flexible, it is strongly recommended that these guidelines be followed.
5.1 Plan the System
Before you start, it is important to plan the system. This will enable the engineering work to be carried out more
effectively, ensuring that the work is completed as quickly as possible.
Obtain Information about the system
Before starting to design a 963 system you must obtain all the necessary information from the user, HVAC equipment
specifications, documentation and any other available source. This will help to provide a good understanding of how
the system is intended to work.
Plan Client Access
If 963 Server is to be accessed by clients, the way in which they are to access the server must be considered.
Plan the Schematic Pages
Planning the required schematic pages is probably the most important part of designing a 963 system. Schematics
provide the user with the information that is needed and give the first impression of the system, so they should look
good. When planning the schematics, you must decide which information is to be displayed and how it is to be
displayed, whether or not the page will provide adjustment of setpoints etc. You must also decide how the page is to
be accessed. Is it called from another schematic? Which pages if any does it provide access to?
Plan Occupation Time Handling
On a large site, many areas will work different times and, therefore, require different occupation times to be set up.
Different diary groups can be set up for each set of working times. These are then linked to time zones within the
controllers that are to operate those times.
Plan the System Security
Because of the amount of information 963 makes easily available to users, some of which may be critical, it is
necessary to prevent unauthorised people from making changes, or from accessing certain information. You must
therefore decide who is going to access the system, what type of information they will be able to access, and what
adjustments they will be able to carry out.
For details about how 963s security works see the Users and Workgroups Explained section of this manual.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 31

Engineering 963

Plan the Alarm Handling

One very important function of a Building Management System is to report when it is not working correctly. The 963
allows different actions to be taken depending on the alarm that is received. The choice of alarm actions is based on
what is required by the user but will usually depend on the alarm type, and how important it may be. It is therefore
important to decide how each alarm that may be received from the system is to be actioned.
For details about how 963s alarm handling works, see the Alarm Handling Explained section of this manual.
Plan Scheduled Events
963 can perform tasks at regular intervals. This is useful for recording data logged in controllers, or perhaps
synchronising the controller times with that of the PC clock.
Decide What Web Sites can be Accessed
If use is to be made of 963s web browser, you need to decide which users are to have access to it, and which web
sites or HTML pages are to be made available.
5.1.1 Obtain Information about the System
Before starting to design the system, it is recommended that you obtain the following:
The structure of the Building Energy Management System
The physical structure of the building
The building HVAC equipment layout
A basic understanding of the actual HVAC equipment
The information that exists within the system
A basic understanding of the various control strategies
The alarm handling requirements
The security requirements of the system
The type of information that is to be printed
The intended operation times of each area of HVAC equipment
The project manual
Having obtained all this information you should now analyse it all and decide exactly what the user wants 963 to do
and how that can be achieved. There are no rules for this, but with the above information and this manual, the task
will be easier.
The Structure of the Building Energy Management System
A good knowledge of the BEMS system will ensure all necessary parameters that need to be available are displayed.
This information is also vital when planning the groups, as it is necessary to know which devices are autodialled, what
their phone numbers are, their function and what information is contained within them.
The Physical Structure of the Building
Knowledge of the building structure will enable the design of the page navigation structure to resemble the building
in which the BEMS has been installed (i.e. schematic pages could be floor plans of the building with temperatures etc
displayed on them.)
The Building HVAC equipment Layout
Knowledge of the HVAC equipment layout will enable the design of HVAC equipment schematics to match the
HVAC equipment that is operated by the BEMS.
A Basic Understanding of the Actual HVAC equipment
A good understanding of the HVAC equipment and how it operates not only ensures that the location of information
that is to be displayed is known, but helps 963 to be engineered in a logical way.
The Information that Exists within the System
This will ensure that you are aware of all the information that is available from the system, and where it is kept, so
that it can be included on a page.
A Basic Understanding of the Various Control Strategies
This information will provide you with the specific location of information from the system, such as outside air
temperature, a particular setpoint, or how the HVAC equipment is controlled by the IQ system.
The Alarm Handling Requirements
This information should include which alarms are going to be received by 963 and what action should be taken. This
will speed up the design of alarm groups, retransmission destinations and filters. Good alarm rationalisation can be
used by 963 to make important alarms more identifiable.
The Security Requirements of the System
Knowledge of the security requirements of the system is necessary so that workgroups, users and associated PIN
numbers can be defined.

32 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

The Type of Information that is to be printed

The type of information that is to be printed is quite important as it affects the choice of printer(s) that are attached to
963. If a large amount of graphics is to be printed, then a printer capable of producing quality graphics should be used.
The Intended Occupation Times
Knowledge of the occupation times of both the system and the supervisor is necessary for configuring the occupation
times. It is necessary to know when the 963 is to be manned if alarm retransmission is to be used to the full.
The Project Manual
Access to the project manual may prove useful when designing the system because it will point out any peculiarities
of that particular project.
It is important to have the technical documentation produced by us to ensure that the system is correctly understood
in detail, and to provide a reference to additional information not supplied in this manual.
It is essential to understand the requirements of the user and obtaining the above information will help provide you
with this understanding. To make the best use of this information, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the
IQ system, especially how strategies work and how the network is designed.
5.1.2 Plan Client Access
If the 963 is to be accessed by clients, the way in which they are to access it must be considered. The following things
should be taken into account: browser type, what is displayed when the 963 Server is accessed, and what HTML pages
are required.
Browser Type
The type of browser used to access the server will affect the features available to the client. Therefore the type of
browser should ensure that the required features are supported. Only Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 or greater,
or Firefox 3.5 or greater (recommended Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 or greater) and the Java runtime
environment J2SE 7.0 or greater will provide full client functionality (graphic mode). The browser must have JAVA
script enabled. Other browsers will provide a restricted set of features (text mode). The table below lists the differences
between graphic mode and text mode.
Feature Graphic Mode Text Mode
Schematic Pages The page is displayed virtually the same as Graphics are not displayed; the page is
on the server, however there may be some reproduced as 3 tables containing live data
slight differences in the appearance of the (dynamic objects), actions, and static
page. WMF and EMF format graphics are objects.
not supported. Both dynamic and static Static objects, which perform
objects as well as the backdrop will be unsupported actions, are not displayed.
displayed. Active content such as Excel files is not
Static objects, which perform unsupported supported.
actions, are not displayed. Active content
such as Excel files is not supported.
963 Actions The following actions are supported The following actions are supported
Adjustment of values Fully supported. Fully supported.
Display of graphs Allows the following: A table of the graphs values is displayed.
Display plot traces from controllers.
Display saved graph definitions
when launched from an action on a
Load recorded data from the active
963 database (not archived
Display a dynamically updating point

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 33

Engineering 963

Feature Graphic Mode Text Mode

Movement between pages Fully supported. Fully supported.
Access to device configuration Fully supported. Fully supported.
Viewing/acknowledgement of Fully supported however only the GOTO, Not supported
alarms MESSAGE, PLAY, and WEB actions are
available for use with
viewing/acknowledging alarms.
Adjustment of controller Fully supported. Fully supported.
occupation times
System security Fully supported. Fully supported.
Device Viewer Only allows viewing of information plus Not Supported
the facility to adjust values, graph values,
and enter configuration mode on pre IQ3
controllers. It is not possible to learn the
What is displayed when the 963 Server is Accessed?
You must also consider what is displayed when the client first accesses the 963 Server. When the 963 Server is
accessed by a client, it will display the 963 Servers Default Page unless an HTML page called Index.htm is present
in the 963s HTML directory in which case this will be displayed instead.
If an index.htm page is used it must enable the user to access the 963 Servers Default Page or allow the user to log
in using the LOGINAS action. This page should be modified so that it displays the required information. This can be
done using any HTML editor. Because this page is a standard HTML page, it can include any HTML function, e.g.
Java script, web cameras etc. The table below lists the type of information that should be on the page, and the required
HTML code.
Type of Information HTML Code
Ability to log in Hyperlink to /LOGINAS
Link to the 963s on line user information. Hyperlink to /html/webHelp/963_manu.htm.
Once the user logs in the 963s Start up Page is displayed. If the user is authorised to view alarms this will contain
the Alarm Viewer, if they are not authorised to view alarms it will be blank. If the user only has access to schematics
the Schematic Page Display is displayed.
What HTML pages are required?
Pages created in HTML will display much faster in a browser, because they do not need to be converted. Therefore,
for certain types of information, e.g. navigation pages, it is more efficient to use HTML pages instead of normal 963
pages. This may make client access to the 963 faster, so consider using them where possible. They can be created
using any propriety HTML editor. However, HTML pages cannot be displayed by 963 (other than in its web browser).

34 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

5.1.3 Plan the Schematic Pages

There are two main parts of planning the schematic pages. The first is planning the page navigation structure and the
second is designing the page content.
Plan the Page Navigation Structure
The first stage in planning the schematic pages is to design the page navigation structure. This helps define what pages
are to be used and how they relate to each other. When designing this structure, it is recommended that you draw it
out in a tree structure.

The page navigation structure provides a way of organising pages, into folders so that they can be located quickly
using the Navigator. It consists of a number of folders. Each folder can contain other folders and/or pages. The pages
and folders should be named so that they describe their contents. Top-level folders are used to group pages that contain
similar types of information; folders can be used to subdivide top-level folders (and other folders). A good way of
organising pages is geographically e.g. building name, floor number, etc. You could also organise them in terms of
the type of user that is to access them e.g. 'Security', 'Engineer' etc, or use a combination of the two.
When designing the structure you must also consider any necessary security requirements. You may want to prevent
certain users from accessing particular pages e.g. a normal office worker would not normally have access to pages
containing security information, or data about system performance. Top-level folders enable access to information to
be restricted. If a user is not authorised to access a top-level folder, it will not be displayed in the navigation structure.
A user can only display pages in the top-level folders that they have access to. A top-level folder should be created
for each group of pages for which access is to be restricted. This provides the most flexible way of controlling access.
Pages that are not in a folder can be created. These are known as top-level pages and are accessible by all users; for
this reason, it is recommended that top-level pages do not contain sensitive information.
The page navigation structure example above shows three top-level folders ('Floor Plans', 'Plantrooms', and 'Security'.
The 'Floor Plans' folder contains schematic pages that represent the floor plans. It is subdivided using two other folders
('Albery House', and 'Foundry Lane'), enabling the floor plans to be grouped by the building to which they apply.
These folders contain the actual pages. The 'Plantrooms' folder contains two pages, each of which provides information
about a different HVAC equipment room. The 'Security' folder contains a single page that provides information
necessary for the security checks. There is also a top-level page 'Trend Towers' that contains general information about
the building.
Because the 'Trend Towers' page is a top-level page, it is available to all users. However, the three top-level folders
can have their access restricted. For example, the floor plans may be accessible to everyone, but the plantroom
information restricted to engineers, and the security information available to only the security guards.

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Engineering 963

Designing the Page Content

Having decided what pages are required, you need to decide what is to be included on each one. A good method of
designing the page is to sketch each one on a piece of paper, and annotate it to indicate the different parameters
associated with each object on the page. Decide whether the pages make full use of 963 graphical capabilities to
present information (e.g. floor plans, HVAC equipment mimics etc) or simple text lists. Remember if a page is to be
accessed from a client, the client may not support full graphical displays, and not all features are available. The table
below lists the things that can be placed on a schematic page.
What can be displayed Description Client Access
Active content Active content can now be displayed directly on a page. This allows the
following file types to be integrated into the page, SWF, HTML, DOC,
For this feature to work it is necessary to have the application associated
with the file type installed, it may also take some time for the information
to be displayed. Other objects should not be placed on top of active
Backdrops Backdrop files are standard graphics files sized so that they exactly fill
the Data Display. Any object placed on the page will overlay the
Buttons that perform 963 Buttons can be added that can perform 963 actions. When these buttons
actions are selected by the user the specified action is carried out.
Note that not all the actions are supported when the page is accessed
from a client. See the Action Availability section of this manual for
more details.
Data from the IQ system Live values from the IQ system. When these points are selected, they
can be adjusted, of graphed depending on the type of value. They can
also be represented by a graphic by using analogue graphic files. A map
of a specified Lan and controller status can also be displayed. Values for
which the user specifies the controller from which the values are
obtained can be added.
Graphics Graphics can be added to the page to make the information easier to
understand. The following file formats are supported: BMP, GIF, JPEG, Not WMF and
WMF, and EMF files. EMF
Graphics that perform 963 Graphics can be added to the page to make the information easier to
actions understand that can perform 963 actions when they are selected by the Not WMF and
user. The following file formats can be used BMP, GIF, JPEG, WMF, EMF
and EMF files.
Note that not all the actions are supported when the page is accessed
from a client. See the Action Availability section of this manual for
more details.
Graphs Graphs of values from the IQ system can be displayed on a page. It is
possible to display a graph definition that has been previously saved, or
a graph of an individual sensor.
Number of Points
The first thing to do is to decide what information from the IQ system is to be included on the page. You can use the
information from earlier to help you. Do not over populate the page with live values, as this will increase the time
taken for the page to display, and could cause problems with communications on the IQ network if too many values
are used. The maximum number of values from IQ controllers is 60 to 80, and for IQL controllers 30 values from 15
different IQLs.
How points are displayed
The next thing to do is to decide how the value is to appear on the page. The 963 enables values from the IQ system
to be displayed in several different ways. This is illustrated in the table below.
Displayed as Description
Text When a value is displayed as text, there are several different options that specify exactly
what is displayed: Label only, Label, value, and units, Value only, Value and units, and
Specified text (for digital values, and alarm conditions).
Graphic If the value is digital, a graphic can be used to represent the value in each of its two states
Analogue Graphic Analogue graphics allow a sequence of bitmaps to be displayed in response to a changing
value. For example, a graphic representing a tank could fill depending on the value of the
associated point, or pipes could change colour.

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Engineering 963

The decision about how a point is to appear on the page is mainly down to what the user wants. For a basic level user
it may be more appropriate to use allot of graphics, whereas for an engineer it may be more appropriate to make more
use of text.
Which points can be adjusted?
You must decide which points on the page are to be adjustable, and if they are, which users can adjust them. For
example, you may want basic users to see the value, but only engineers to be able or make an adjustment. If a user is
able to adjust a value displayed as text it will appear as a button, providing a visual indicator that adjustment is
possible. The appearance of points displayed as graphics will not change if they are adjustable so there will be no
visual indicator therefore you should provide some other indicator, or provide another way of adjusting the value.
The Backdrop
The backdrop is displayed behind any other items on the page. Therefore, it is important to design it correctly.
Complex backdrops often make it difficult to see information placed on top of them, so keep your design simple. Try
using a plain backdrop, and then assemble other graphics on top of it. Alternatively, the backdrop could provide the
entire graphic content of the page e.g. a floor plan with values placed on the page at the appropriate places.
If the page is to be accessed from a client you should ensure that you use colours that are supported by the browser.
Large backdrops will take a long time to load in the client, so try to keep the file size as small as possible. This can be
done by reducing the number of colours, or perhaps the physical size of the backdrop, for example, a strip along the
top of the page.
Access to Other Pages
The first thing to decide is: is the page going to directly provide access to other pages, or will the user be navigating
to pages using the Navigator.
If the user is to navigate to pages using the Navigator, then it is not necessary to provide links to other pages on the
page itself. If the page is to provide access to other pages, it is necessary to decide what these pages are and which
users will be able to access them. Links to other pages can be displayed as either buttons or graphics. Whatever method
is used; it should be clear what the objects function is. To prevent access to these pages, a pin level can be defined
for the link.
In order to make the page easy to understand keep the number of links to other pages to a minimum, this is also
important if the page is to be accessed in text mode. You could create one page that is displayed when a user logs on
which provides links to all the pages that are relevant to them. Alternatively, provide buttons that enable the user to
navigate around the page navigation structure.
What Actions can be carried out from the page?
963 has a number of actions that the user can carry out by clicking a button or graphic on the page, for a complete list
see the Actions section of this manual. The table below lists the most common ones.
Description 963 action to use
Change the current users password. CHANGEPASSWORD
Enter configuration mode on a specified device. CONFIG
Drop any autodialled links. DROPALLLINES
Query a database and display the results. EXECUTESQL
Move between pages. GOTO
Allow a specified user to log in. LOGINAS
Log out LOGOUT
Print a graph. PRINTGRAPH
Print the current page. PRINTPAGE
Run a script file. SCRIPT
Send a standard write text comms message to be sent to a specific device. SEND
Display a window containing all the current alarms for a specified alarm filter. VIEWFILTER
Display a window containing specific points from a specified device. VIEWPOINTS
Graph of all the points on the current page. VIEWGRAPH
Display a window containing all the values on the current page. VIEWPOINTS
Displays the result of the specified SQL query on the 963 database. VIEWQUERY
Go to a specified URL. WEB
Run a specified Windows based application. WINEXEC
Note that not all actions are supported when accessing pages from a client see the Action Availability section of this
manual for details.

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Engineering 963

Client Access
If the page is to be accessed by a client it is necessary to consider the web browser that is to be used as this affects
how the information is displayed. When accessed by a client using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 or greater,
or Firefox 3.5 or greater, and the Java runtime environment J2SE 7.0 or greater the server will operate in graphic mode
displaying the schematic pages virtually the same as on the server. The browser must have JAVA script enabled. Other
browsers are only able to access the server in text mode, which displays the schematic pages as 3 tables containing
live data (dynamic objects), actions, and additional information (static objects). There are a number of different text
mode layouts to allow for different device types (PCs, PDAs and Smartphones etc). The appropriate layout for the
client device is automatically selected. Each layout provides the same functionality, but data displayed varies to
accommodate different screen sizes and aspect ratio. Therefore, pages that are to be accessed with browser or device
that is only compatible with text mode should be created in a way that is suitable for a text only display.
If the page is to be accessed by a client you should try to keep the number of points that are displayed as a graphic to
a minimum to reduce the time taken to display the page.
If the page is to be accessed by a client, not all of the actions can be performed. The table below lists the 963 actions
that are supported in a client.
Action Description
CONFIG Provides access to the configuration mode of a specified device on the network.
DROPALLLINES Causes 963 to drop any autodialled link immediately. This action is not available in text mode.
EXECUTESMS Sends an SMS text message to a specified telephone number. This action is not available in text
(963 SMS Direct mode.
GOTO Displays a specified page.
GOTO Diary Displays the Diary Display with the specified diary group visible. This action is not available in
text mode.
GOTO NEXT Displays the next page in the history of visited pages. This action is not available in text mode.
GOTO PREVIOUS Displays the previous page in the history of visited pages. This action is not available in text
LOGINAS Allows a specified user to log in.
LOGOUT Logs the current user out of 963. This action is not available in text mode.
MESSAGE Displays a message box for a specified length of time, or until the user clicks on OK. This action
is not available in text mode.
PLAY Plays either WAV or MIDI files. This action is not available in text mode.
POPUP Displays the specified schematic page in a pop-up window. This action is not available in text
SEND Sends a standard write text comms message to a specific device on the IQ network. When the
message is sent, 963 will beep, and record an event in the alarm database that can be seen in the
Alarm Display, indicating that the message has been sent.
SENDAUTO Sends a standard write text comms message to a specific device on the IQ network. This action
is not available in text mode.
SETGENERIC Enables the device from which generic dynamic objects obtain their value to be specified by the
user. This action is not available in text mode.
VIEWGRAPH Displays a window containing the specified graph definition. This action is not available in text
VIEWPOINTS Displays a window containing particular values on the current page. This action is not available
in text mode.
VIEWQUERY Displays the result of the specified SQL query on the 963 database.
WEB Displays the specified WEB page (HTML file).
If graph definitions are to be loaded from a client not all of the graph features are available from a client graph. Graph
definitions loaded from a client may appear different to when they are displayed on the server. Client graphs do not
support more than one axis, if a definition that uses more than one axis is loaded from a client all the traces will use
the same axis.

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Engineering 963

5.1.4 Plan Occupation Time Handling

The actual occupation times of the system will probably have been decided by the user and you should already know
what areas of the site are to use what occupation times. The strategy within the IQ controllers will indicate which time
zones control the occupation of particular pieces of HVAC equipment. The strategy designer may already have
configured the normal occupation times. If this is the case, the 963 can be prevented from downloading the normal
occupation time. It is necessary to link the time zone within the controller to times that are stored in the 963 so that
any changes to occupation times made using the 963 are downloaded to the correct place.
963 stores the occupation times in diary groups. These contain both normal occupation times (standard week), and
any exceptions to the normal occupation times. Therefore, it is necessary to create a diary group for each unique set
of occupation times, and link it to the time zones in the controllers that are to use those times.
Note that a diary group cannot define the times for a mixture of IQ3 and IQ4 controllers, and pre IQ3 controllers
unless the group is limited to only allowing three periods of occupancy.
Before creating these groups, you should consider how the user would locate a set of occupation times. 963 allows a
navigation structure to be defined so that a particular set of occupation times can be located quickly. This structure
consists of a number of folders, and each folder can contain other folders and/or diary groups. The diary groups and
folders should be named so that they describe their contents. A good way of deciding the name for a diary group or
folder is to try to find something the time zones have in common that can be used to identify them. Having decided
on a name for the diary group, try to build a tree structure of folders so that the times can be easily located e.g. group
them by location, function or a combination of the two. The diagram below shows an example of the type of structure
that could be used.

There is a folder for each site (Chichester, Portsmouth, and Horsham), and a folder for each area within each site
(Customer Area, and Staff Area). Then there are groups linking time zones with similar operating times together
(Bakery, and Offices).
The 963 also allows you to link workgroups to a set of occupation times (diary group). This enables users to be
prevented from logging on at particular times. If you are going to take advantage of this feature, a diary group that
contains the times the users can log in should be set up. In a similar way alarm retransmission destinations can be
linked to a diary group allowing the alarms that are to be sent to that destination to be saved until a particular time
(e.g. at night) and then sent.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 39

Engineering 963

5.1.5 Plan the System Security

Planning the system security is very important to ensure that users are not able to access information that they should
not see or that they cannot make unauthorised changes. The security system enables you to determine 963 displays
the user has access to, and what they can see and do in those displays to be specified.
There are three main parts of planning the system security. The first is planning the workgroups, the second is to
decide what users are required, and the third is to determine the security that has been used in the controllers
If your site requires a high level of security it is recommended that you also follow the recommendations in the
'Configure Security Settings' section of this manual.
Plan the Workgroups
Access rights should be assigned for groups of users who have similar roles e.g. HVAC equipment Engineers.
Workgroups are created and set up with the access rights for each group of users, and the different users assigned to
workgroups. Therefore, the first stage in planning the system security is to decide which workgroups are required.
Workgroups should be named so that it is easy to understand what access rights they have. 963 is shipped with a two
workgroups Default, and 'System Administrator' which cannot be deleted, other workgroups must be added for each
different unique set of access rights.
The table below lists the different parameters available, and the access rights assigned to the 'Default', and 'System
Administrator' workgroups.
Details Parameters Description Default System
Start-up page The page that is displayed when a user logs on. - -
Inactivity Time The period of time for which 963 is left unused before 15 0
the users in the workgroup are logged off.
Link to Diary Specifies whether user in the workgroup can only log - -
in during the occupancy of a specified diary group,
and defines that group.
PIN Level The PIN level used to decide if the users have access -1 99
to objects on a page, or can adjust values on the
Device Viewer.
When Logged in do this Action What action is carried out when a user logs on. - -
Workgroup Name The name of the workgroup. Default System Administrator
Max Session time The maximum time a user is permitted to use the web 1440 1400
client before they must re-enter their login
credentials. Use this setting to prevent sessions being
left open by automated refreshes.
The view access rights determine which of the 963s displays the users can access.
View Access Description Default System Administrator
Alarms Specifies whether the users can access the Alarm Viewer.
Device Viewer Specifies whether the users can access the Device Viewer.
Diary Specifies whether the users can access the Diary Display.
IQ Configuration Specifies whether the users can access the Configuration
Display Mode and configure IQ controllers.
Scheduler Specifies whether the users can access the Event Scheduler
Web Specifies whether the users can access the Web Browser
The configuration access rights determine what the user can do.
Access Right Description Default System Administrator
Access Help Files Specifies whether the users can access the 963s
help files.

40 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

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Access Right Description Default System Administrator

Add/Remove Schematic Pages Specifies whether the users can add or remove
folders and pages.
Note that users with this access right are able to
see all pages and folders.
Can action alarms Specifies whether the users can action alarms
Can clear alarms Specifies whether the users can clear alarms.
Can move and size window Specifies whether the users can move or resize the
963 Window.
Close Program Specifies whether the users can close 963.
Configure Alarm Handling Specifies whether the users can configure alarm
Configure Controller Points Specifies whether the users can edit the labels,
units and PIN levels of items in the Device Viewer.
Configure Data Recording Specifies whether the users can set up automatic
data recording.
Configure Device Viewer Specifies whether the users can configure the
Device Viewer. They are able to learn sites, add
sites, collect labels, label sites, Lans, and
controllers and delete sites, Lans, and controllers.
Configure Diary Groups Specifies whether the users can configure the Diary
Configure Diary Occupation Specifies whether the users can configure
Times occupation times.
Configure Client Auto Execute Specifies whether the users can configure client
Alarm auto execute alarm.
Configure Graphs Specifies whether the users can set up graph
Configure Scheduler Events Specifies whether the users can configure the
Event Scheduler Display.
Configure Schematic Pages Specifies whether the users can configure the
schematic pages that they are able to see.
Configure SMS Specifies whether the users can configure SMS
settings (963 SMS Direct only).
Configure Web Browser Specifies whether the users can configure the Web
Browser Display.
Display Comms Window Specifies whether the users can display
communications information.
Full Web Access Specifies whether the users have full access (i.e.
can make adjustments) from a client.
Maximize window Causes the 963 Window to be maximised.
Read-only Web Access Specifies whether the users have read only access
(i.e. cannot make adjustments) from a client.
Show Menu Bar Specifies whether the Menu Bar is displayed when
users in the workgroup are logged in.
Show min/max buttons Specifies whether the minimise and maximise
buttons ( ) are displayed.
Supervisor is top most window Causes 963 to be displayed on top of all other
The folder access rights determine what top-level folders the users have access to. The System Administrator
workgroup will always have access to all folders and pages, the 'Default' workgroup will have access to the 'Welcome',
and '963 Folder', however this can be changed if required.
When deciding on the PIN level that is to be given to the workgroup, you should ensure that it is high enough to enable
them to adjust points on a page, or use objects that have had a PIN level assigned.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 41

Engineering 963

The Diary Access Rights determine which of the 963's diary groups the users can view and modify. The Diary Access
Rights enables the users to access various diary groups. Depending on the permissions defined, the user can access all
or selected diary groups.
For a user to access the diary groups, the following two conditions must be met:
The pin level defined for the user must be same or more than the pin level defined for the diary group.
The user must be given the access rights for the diary groups using the Diary tab in the Workgroup Information
dialogue box.

Note: To access the diary displays using the web client, the user must have the Full Web Access permissions along
with the same or higher pin level and the diary access rights.
Decide What Users are Required
The 963 is shipped with two users, the Default user, and 'System Administrator. The 'Default' user has the access
rights defined in the Default workgroup, and requires no password. This user is logged on when all other users have
logged off, have timed out, or 963 is run. The 'System Administrator' has the access rights defined in the 'System
Administrator' workgroup. The 963 the password is generated randomly.
It is necessary to create other users with the access rights that they need. You will already have decided what
workgroups are going to be used, and their access rights, now you must decide what users are to be added to the
system, and which workgroup they are to be associated with.
There are several ways to decide what users are required; probably the most simple is to create a different user for
each person who is going to use 963. Another is to create a user for each type of user e.g. Security, Building Manager,
Engineer etc. Whatever method you choose you should carefully consider what access rights they require, and
associate them with the correct workgroup.
Determine the Security that has been used in the Controllers
If PIN protection has been set up in the controllers on the system, 963 will need to send a PIN to controllers that have
PIN protected enabled when it makes an adjustment. This PIN must match a PIN in the controller with a PIN Level
of at least 99.
You will need to find out what controllers have had PIN protection enabled, and what the level 99 PIN is for each one.
The strategy designer should be able to provide this information. A simple tip for making the set up of the Device
Viewer easier is to make the level 99 PIN the same in all controllers that have PIN protection enabled.
5.1.6 Plan the Alarm Handling
One very important function of a Building Management System is to report when it is not working correctly.
Therefore, it is important to plan 963's alarm handling carefully, to ensure that all alarms are handled appropriately,
without overloading either the system or the user with alarms. There are several stages required in planning the alarm
Decide the Default Alarm Action
Work out what Alarms will be Received
Decide on the Alarm Actions
Decide on the Required Alarm Groups
Decide on the Required Alarm Retransmission Destinations
Decide on the Required Alarm Filters
Which Alarm Filters are linked to each Alarm Group
What alarm priorities are required?

42 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

Decide the Default Alarm Action

The first thing to decide is the default alarm action; this is the action 963 will take for any alarm it receives which is
not handled in a specific way. To ensure that the system is not overloaded with alarms, the default action should be
something simple that does not affect system performance, or require user intervention; e.g. 963 could beep. The
default alarm action is specified in the 'Default Alarm Group' and when the 963 is first installed is to beep.
Work out what Alarms will be Received
Once the default alarm action has been decided, it is necessary to work out what alarms 963 is likely to receive. The
table below lists the type of alarms 963 may receive.
Alarm Type Description
963 Internal Alarms These are alarms generated by 963 when particular events occur.
Critical Alarms These are special alarm conditions set up in a controller's strategy that produce specific text
General Alarms These are alarms generated by a controller when it detects a general alarm condition within
firmware e.g. CONL alarms.
Item Alarms These are alarms generated by a particular module within the controller strategy. Normally due
to a faulty HVAC equipment condition, e.g. a sensor high alarm (HIGH).
Network Alarms These are generated by the communications nodes on the IQ network, and indicate a network
fault, e.g. Lan broken alarms.
Retransmitted Alarms These are alarms that have already been received by another supervisor that have been
forwarded to 963.
For a full list of the alarms that 963 may receive, see the Alarm Codes section of this manual.
The strategy designer will be able to provide information about which sorts of alarms are configured to be sent to the
963, and what action should be taken.
Decide on the Alarm Actions
Having decided what alarms the 963 is likely to receive; a suitable action must be determined for each alarm. To do
this it may be useful to list the alarms that are to be received, and decide on the required action. The action taken can
be any 963 action, some of the most common are to display an alarm panel, log the alarm to a file, display a particular
page, or retransmit the alarm to another destination, e.g. to notify an engineer.
When making the decision you should ask the following questions.
What is the urgency of the alarm?
Who needs to know about this?
How are they to be informed of the alarm?
What needs to be done about the alarm?
The 963 enables a different action to be carried out depending on the occupation status of a particular diary group.
This means that during periods when the 963 is unmanned, the alarms can be sent to another destination, e.g. a
supervisor that is manned, or pager etc.
Note that if the 963 is to receive buffer ready events (BBUF) from plot modules that are being recorded by 963 should
be configured to record the logged data when the BBUF event is received to prevent data loss as described in the
'Record Logged Data when a BBUF Event is Received' section of this manual.
Decide on the Required Alarm Groups
Once the actions that are to be carried out for each alarm have been decided it is necessary to decide on the required
alarm groups. A different alarm group must be created for each unique set of alarm actions. The alarm groups should
be named so that the actions they carry out are easily understood. This task should be relatively easy if time has been
spent deciding the alarm actions. 963 is shipped with a number of standard alarm groups listed in the table below
which can be installed by clicking Alarm Groups / Filters in the Alarm Viewer's Setup tab. If required these alarms
groups can be edited or deleted.
Name Alarm Filters Action
963 963 Secure specific 963 Secure specific alarms Print to default printer
963 - Alarm retransmission failure 963 - Alarm retransmission failure Display orange alarm panel, and print
to default printer.
963 - Critical alarms 963 - Critical alarms Display orange alarm panel, and print
to default printer.
963 - Device specific 963 - Autodialler alarms Display orange alarm panel, and print
963 - General Controller faults to default printer.
963 - ID Access system alarms

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Engineering 963

Name Alarm Filters Action

963 - Network communication 963 - Network Alarms Display orange alarm panel, and print
to default printer.
963 - Scheduled action failed 963 - Data logging failed Display orange alarm panel, and print
963 - Diary download failed to default printer.
963 - Scheduler action failed
963 - Strategy specific 963 - Digital Input Alarms Display orange alarm panel, and print
963 - Driver Alarms to default printer.
963 - Loop OK
963 - Loop failed alarms
963 - Sensor Alarms
963 - User activity 963 - User adjustments 963 - User activity
(login/logout/adjustments) 963 - User login/logout (login/logout/adjustments)
963 - Startup/shutdown
963 - Service Pin 963- Service Pins Displays a message indicating that a
service PIN alarm has been received.
The 963 also supplied with 'Default Alarm Group' which is activated when 963 it receives alarm that is not caught by
other alarm groups. This alarm group is set to BEEP, and print to the default printer. If required this can be edited, but
cannot be deleted.
Decide on the Required Alarm Retransmission Destinations
If any of the alarms require retransmission, information about the destinations must be obtained. For example, if
alarms are to be retransmitted to another 963 then its network address is required. If an e-mail is to be sent to an
engineer, details about the SMTP server that is to be used are required, as well as the e-mail address itself. Each
destination should be named so that it is easily identifiable. E.g. 'Retransmit to'.
Decide on the Required Alarm Filters
An alarm filter is required for each set of alarms that are to carry out the same action. To work out which alarms can
be caught by a single filter; firstly take all the alarms that are to perform the same action, and then try to find a single
parameter, or set of parameters, that uniquely identify them. A single filter can be used to catch all of these alarms. If
this is not possible, it may be necessary to create several different filters to catch the alarms for which the same action
is required. Alarm filters are ORed together, i.e. if the any filter associated with the alarm group matches the alarm,
the specified actions will be carried out.963 is supplied with a number of standard alarm filters listed in the table below
that are used by the standard alarm groups, or are can be used in your own alarm groups. These filters can be installed
by clicking Alarm Groups / Filters in the Alarm Viewer's Setup tab.
Name Filter Settings Used in Group(s)
963 - Alarm Alarm Code TXFL 963 - Alarm
retransmission retransmission failure
963 - Alarm Alarm Code TXOK
963 - Autodialler Alarm Code AANR,AONL,BTNR,LINR,MONR,PGNR 963 - Device specific
963 - Catch all Use as exclusion Cleared
Filter occurred alarms Selected
Filter clear alarms Selected
Tele *
Lan *
OS *
Alarm Code *
Module code or label text *
Text of the alarm *
Alarm priority *
963 - Critical Alarm Code SCRI,CCRI 963 - Critical alarms
963 - Data Alarm Code DLFL 963 - Scheduled action
logging failed failed

44 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

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Name Filter Settings Used in Group(s)

963 - Data Alarm Code DLOK
logging OK
963 - Diary Alarm Code DYFL 963 - Scheduled action
download failed failed
963 - Diary Alarm Code DYOK
download OK
963 - Digital Alarm Code DI=0,DI=1,CDI0,CDI1 963 - Strategy specific
Input Alarms
963 - Driver Alarm Code CDGT,CMNT,SDGT,MINT 963 - Strategy specific
963 - General Alarm Code CONL,FDRT,FLER,FPIA,FPRM,FRAM,F 963 - Device specific
controller faults RTC,FSWR,FTKA, FTKP,HELP,NKBL
963 - ID Access Alarm Code DRAC,DRFC,DRFS,DRHC,DRHS,DROC, 963 - Device specific
system alarms DROS,DRSC, DRSF,DRVS
963 - Internal Alarm Code SYST
system alarms
963 - Loop failed Alarm Code SDEV 963 - Strategy specific
963 - Loop OK Alarm Code CSDV 963 - Strategy specific
963 - Network Alarm Code NKBK,NKCH,NKDA,NKFL,NKHD,NKO 963 - Network
Alarms K,NKSV,NKUR,DVDD, DVOK communication
963 - Scheduler Text of the alarm Scheduler command completed*
action completed description
963 - Scheduler Text of the alarm Scheduler command failed* 963 - Scheduled action
action failed description failed
963 Secure Alarm Code CLKU,CLMK,CHMK,CONF,HMKT,LKU 963 - 963 Secure specific
specific alarms R,LMKT,MKFL,MKOK
963 - Sensor Alarm Code OUTL, LOW, 963 - Strategy specific
963 - Alarm Code SHDN,STUP 963 - User activity
Startup/shutdow (login/logout/adjustment
n s)
963 - User Alarm Code ADJF,ADJU 963 - User activity
adjustments (login/logout/adjustment
963 - User Alarm Code LGOF,LGON 963 - User activity
login/logout (login/logout/adjustment
963 - Service Pin Alarm Code SPIN 963 - Service Pins
Remember alarm filters can also be used to view alarms, in either the Alarm Viewer or using the VIEWFILTER
action. Therefore, alarm filters should also be created for this.
Which Alarm Filters are linked to each Alarm Group
Once all the required alarm groups, and alarm filters have been organised, the alarm filters that are associated with
each alarm group must be specified. This should be quite simple; list each alarm group and assign the required filters
to it. Remember, the alarm filters assigned to a particular group are ORed together. This means that if an alarm is
matched by any of the filters the action specified by the group will be carried out.
What alarm priorities are required
Alarm priorities indicate how important a particular alarm is. The priority of an alarm can be set in the range 1 to 255
where 1 is the most important. This allows more alarms to be sorted by importance. In the Alarm Viewer alarms of
a particular priority can be displayed in a certain colour, e.g. priority 1 alarms can be displayed in red.
The priority of the alarm is determined in one of two places, the controller, or the 963. Alarms from IQ4 controllers,
IQ3 controllers, and IQ2 controllers version 3.0 or greater have their priority determined by the alarm handling strategy
within the controller and 963 will not override this. For IQ2 controllers less than version 3.0 the alarm is assigned the
priority assigned to the first filter that catches it.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 45

Engineering 963

5.1.7 Plan Scheduled Events

Scheduled events enable any of 963s actions to be run automatically at specified times. This allows the automatic
recording of graphs, synchronising the controller times with the PC clock, a page to be printed at a set time page. 963
will also add scheduled events for the download of occupation times from the Diary and for any MKT that are required.
When planning the scheduled events there are several things to do. The first is to decide what events are to be
performed regularly, and then when they are to be performed. It is recommended that a scheduled event be created
using the ARCHIVEDATA action to regularly archive the 963's database.
It is important not to have a large number of scheduled events occurring because this could cause problems with
communications and system performance. You should also try to schedule these events when the 963 is unmanned,
as performing the scheduled event will affect the 963's performance. However, care should be taken to ensure that
scheduled events that require user intervention are not scheduled when the supervisor is unmanned. If this is done, all
963 functions will be halted until the response is received. Therefore, it is recommended that scheduled events do not
require input from the user.
5.1.8 Decide What WEB Sites can be Accessed
The Web Browser Display allows HTML pages to be displayed. By default, the Web Browser Display has some
pages set up, e.g. our web site. It is necessary to configure the display to allow access to the required HTML pages.
These pages could be on the company Intranet, the PCs hard drive or on the Internet.

46 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

5.2 Decide the Engineering Method

Once the system has been planned, you should decide on how the engineering of the 963 system is to be carried out.
Three methods can be used:
Online engineering requires 963 to be connected to the IQ system. The 963 is configured in this way if the
engineering machine is in constant communication with the IQ system, and has the advantage of being able
to display live values from the system during engineering.
Off-line Using Previously Learned System Information
Off-line engineering, using previously learned system information, is very similar to engineering online,
because it has access to all the parameters from the system, previously stored in a database. This means that
engineering can be carried out off site, whilst having access to all the parameters on the system. Engineering
in this way does require that initially the system is connected and the information learnt. This could be done
over an autodialled link, or it could be done whilst on site, and the database file later copied onto the machine
being used for engineering.
Off-line without Learned System Information
Off-line engineering without using previously learned system information enables 963 to be configured
without ever learning the system, or without having to visit the site. When engineering in this way, the system
information about points on the system must be entered when the dynamic object is added to the page, or can
be imported from SET.
You should select the one that best suits your work practices, or the requirements of the job. Use the flow chart to help
you decide.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 47

Engineering 963

5.3 Create a New Project

If you are to be working on more than one 963 configuration, or have previously engineered a 963 on the PC it is
necessary to create a new project.
Note that if working on more than one configuration you should enable project handling.
To create a new project if you are working on more than one project.
1. Create a directory for the project.
2. Copy all the .INI files from the \Support Files\963 Blank System\ folder on the 963 DVD into the directory
that has just been created.
3. Ensure that project handling is enabled.
4. Run 963 when the Browse for Folder dialogue box is displayed navigate to the directory you have just
created and click OK.
5. 963 will run and create the necessary subdirectories.
6. If you will want to make use of the 963s configuration pages copy the pages\963 folder\configure 963
directory from the 963s install directory into the directory for your project.
To create a new project in the 963s install directory.
1. Delete i96X_data.mdf, and i96X_log.ldf in the database subdirectory.
2. Delete any unwanted pages, graphic files etc by deleting the files from the 963s subdirectories.
5.3.1 Enable Project Handling
Normally 963 will automatically open the configuration stored in the directory in which it is installed (install
directory). For normal operation this does not cause a problem, but does not enable you to work on more than one
configuration. If you want to work on more than one configuration project handling must be enabled. When project
handling is enabled 963 will display a standard file open dialogue box that enables the required project to be selected.
The directory in which the project is stored must contain all the 963 data files.
To enable project handling:
1. Edit the [EXTRA] section of the S2.INI file as below:
SelectProjectDir=<project handling>
<project handling> specifies whether project handling is enabled. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.

48 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

5.4 Configure Security Settings

This section describes how to make the 963 more secure. In most situations only a small number of the
recommendations will be required. The security requirements of each site should be considered on a case-by-case
basis and applied using industry (IT) security best practice. Security best practice advice is to enable the minimum
access required for the software/system to function. Whilst this may take longer to configure, as the system will need
to be locked down after installation, the security benefits in the long term out way the initial commissioning
You should read this section and determine the security precautions required for your installation. The information in
this section is of particular relevance to the following sites:
Sites using 963 for a pharmaceutical application, where a requirement exists for the site to be CFR 21 Part
11 compliant.
Sites where the 963 supervisor is hosted on the Internet.
Sites where security plays an important role in daily operation, for example financial or MOD installations.
There are three different areas that required configuration to fully secure the 963:
SQL Server
Network infrastructure for remote access
The diagram below provides an overview of the configuration tasks and how various security levels interact.

5.4.1 Configure Operating System Security

To secure the 963 it is necessary to configure operating system's security, a secure approach to operating system
security is advised. This section describes basic security recommendations for computers running the Windows
operating system. Security implication for Windows Vista are not considered, however the basic principles are still
valid. The following areas of the operating system should be configured appropriately for the site.
Windows File Protection
Windows User Accounts and Workgroups
File Sharing
Screen Savers
Locking the Workstation
Adjusting the Local Security Policy
Security Patches & Hot Fixes
For further information on securing your version of Windows operating system please consult the system help files
or access
Trend is not responsible for the content of external internet sites. Windows File Protection
Windows has built in file protection via the user/workgroup options. It is recommended that NTFS be used as your
filing system under the operating system.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 49

Engineering 963 Windows User Accounts and Workgroups

It is recommended that each person that is to use the PC running 963 have their own user name and password for
logging on to the PC (Windows user account). The passwords should have the following attributes:
Be at least eight characters long.
Use a mixture of upper and lower case characters, e.g. A and a.
Use some numeric characters, e.g. IlikeFruit7.
Be significantly different from previously used passwords.
Should not use common or guessable names associated with yourself.
All the user accounts should be set to lock if the password is incorrectly entered more than a specified number of
It is important in normal operation that the PC operates under a user account with the minimum required access rights.
User accounts with higher privileges should only be used when changes are required to the system configuration. It is
recommended that users who are to only use the 963 for general operation should be a member of the 'Power Users'
workgroup or 'Standard user' workgroup if 963 is configured to run under non-admin account. Users that are to perform
administrative tasks on the 963 (for example engineering the system, adding schematic pages and files) should be a
member of the 'Administrator' workgroup.
The permissions of the workgroup used by normal operators of 963 ('Power Users') should be configured to prevent
the user from adding or deleting files from the folders within the 963 directory, with the exception of 963\database
and any other 963 directory that may be used to store automatic database backups, for example 963\Back_up.The
User ('Standard User') requires full permission for 963 installation directory if 963 is configured to run under non-
admin account.
The Windows users that are to run 963 must have access to SQL server. If the user is an 'Administrator' user (is a
member of the 'Administrator' workgroup) it will have access to SQL server. However if the user is not is a member
of the 'Administrator' workgroup it is necessary to give the user access to SQL server this can be done by either making
the user a power user (in the 'Power Users' Windows workgroup) and setting 963 to connect to SQL server in mixed
mode, or giving the user access to SQL server, and connecting to SQL server in Windows authentication mode, this
is the more secure option, but requires more configuration. For details of how to configure this see the 'Configure the
Windows User to have Access to SQL Server' section of the 963 Installation Instructions (TG201026). If 963 is
configured to run under non-admin account then it necessary to set 963 to connect to SQL server using Mixed
authentication mode (SQL authentication). File Sharing
It is recommended that folders are not shared over the network. For example, \\mycomputername\C$ from the run
menu allows full access to another Administrators hard drive, if youre logged in as Administrator.
Note that to remove file/drive sharing, refer the Operating system help. Screen Savers
It is recommended that the screen savers have password protection enabled, thus, when the screen saver is executed,
the user must enter their Windows password before the screen saver exits. This is especially useful for when leaving
your workstation without having to lock it.
Note that to enable password protection, refer the Operating system help. Locking the Workstation
Every time you leave your workstation remember to lock it by pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE and clicking Lock
Note that your computer can then only then be unlocked by either your Windows login or an administrator. Adjusting the Local Security Policy
It is recommended that the computers Local Security Policy is set up to define basic password requirements, how
many log in attempts are allowed before the user account is locked out, what auditing is carried out, and user rights.
Browsing through the options allows the Administrator to set up the maximum password age, enforce password history
etc. The Audit Policy is located under the Local Policy. It is from here that several audit events can be switched on.
This will be covered further in the Auditing section of this manual.
There are several different sections to edit in the security policy including:

50 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

Account Policies
Under Account Policies are two sub policies that apply to user accounts:
Password Policy
The Password Policy allows the user to set up basic password requirements such as the minimum password
length and maximum password age. It is recommended the minimum password length should be set to eight
Account Lockout Policy
A user with an account that has been locked out cannot log on again. The mechanism for doing so is similar
to 963s security system. If the user enters the password incorrectly a certain number of times, the account is
then locked out until the Administrator unlocks the account and allows the user access again. The parameters
in this policy allow the user to specify duration for the lockout period. It is recommended that the user
accounts should be set to lock if the password is incorrectly entered more than a specified number of times.
Local policies
The Local Policy has three sub policies:
Audit Policy
Auditing is covered in the 'Auditing' section of this manual. However, it is important to enable all the options
located in this policy so that all the account changing auditing features are enabled.
User Rights Assignment
The User Rights Assignment policy is a very important part of setting up some the more advanced security
features within Windows . It includes several entries for choosing the user rights for different workgroups.
For example, the Shut down the system entry allows the user to specify the workgroups that are allowed to
shutdown the computer.
Security Options
The entries specified in this section are advanced security options and should not be altered unless the user
is an expert in Windows operating system security.
Note that if Domain level policy settings are defined, they will override the local policy security settings. Auditing
Auditing is the process that tracks the activities of users by recording selected types of events in the security log of a
server or workstation. General auditing can be activated by editing the computers Local Security Policy see the
'Adjusting the Local Security Policy' section of this manual.
Auditing and logging will not prevent misuse. However, audit logs can be useful when attempting to understand what
has gone wrong on the system and help prevent these issues in the future. It is important to balance the level of logging
with the ultimate reduction in system performance.
Auditing can also be set up on individual files. For example, the 963 database. Each time the user interacts with the
file it will be recorded in the auditing logs
To set up file auditing on an individual file:
1. Right click on the file for which auditing information is to be recorded and click Properties.
2. Click the Security tab.
3. Click Advanced.
4. Click the Auditing tab.
5. Remove the Everyone workgroup from the auditing entries and add a user from a workgroup you have
specified, e.g. Administrator.
6. A list of different auditing options to monitor is displayed. Select everything in the list for both Successful
and Failed.
7. Click OK.
The auditing is now set up for when a user from that workgroup is logged on the PC and accessing that file. Each time
the user interacts with the file will be recorded in the auditing logs. To test this edit the file and use Event Viewer to
examine the events captured. Event Viewer
Windows has an in-built auditing tool, the Event Viewer, which is used for reviewing audits. To run the Event
Viewer, click Start, then click Run and type eventvwr in the displayed dialogue box. There are three different types
of logs located in Event Viewer including:
Application Log
This log contains events captured from applications running on the computer. For example, error accessing
a database.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 51

Engineering 963

System Log
This log contains events captured from system components. For example, if a device driver for a sound card
fails to load.
Security Log
This log records such events as invalid logon attempts.
To further analyse the auditing information kept in the system logs, save the log as a comma separated file, this can
then be imported into Microsoft Excel. Security Patches & Hot Fixes
It is important to regularly update the operating system with all recommended hot fixes, and service packs as
recommended by Microsoft. If possible enable Windows updates and regularly check for system updates.
5.4.2 Configure 963 Security
There are a number of things that can be done to maximise the 963's security.
Set up the Database User Password
Ensure 963 Does not Use Mixed Mode to Connect to SQL Server unless 963 is configured to run under non-
admin account
Enforce a Strong Password Policy
Specify File Types Allowed through the Web Server (963 Server Only)
Specify File Types not Allowed through the Web Server (963 Server Only
Specify which IP Addresses can Access the 963 Server (963 Server Only)
Prevent Users Logging in more the Once (963 Server Only)
Prevent Client Use of VIEWQUERY (963 Server Only)
Prevent Client Use of VIEWQUERYEX (963 Server Only)
Protect Against Cross Site Scripting (963 Server Only)
Remove Links to Trend Web Sites
Specify Whether Passwords Must be Entered to Action Alarms
Configure External HTTP Links to Use a 'Bounce' Page Ensure 963 Does not Use Mixed Mode to Connect to SQL Server
When 963 is installed it is set to connect to SQL Server using Windows authentication mode as this is the most secure
method of connection. Therefore to ensure maximum security you should ensure that 963 is not connecting to SQL
Server using mixed mode.
To ensure that 963 is not connecting to SQL server in mixed mode:
1. Run 963.
2. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.
3. On the Database menu click Properties. The Database Properties dialogue box is displayed.

4. Ensure that the Using SQL Server Authentication check box in NOT selected.
5. Click OK.

52 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Set up the Database User Password

The database user password is used by 963 for connecting to the database if the 963 is connecting to SQL server in
SQL Authentication mode. It is configured during installation but can be changed.
Note that to secure SQL Server it is recommended to operate using Windows Authentication and not SQL Server
and Windows Authentication mode (mixed mode). Mixed mode allows applications to log on to the SQL application
using their own database user and password, Windows authentication mode only allows SQL to operate with the
operating system privileges of the user account currently logged onto the PC.
To set up the database user password:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.
2. On the Database menu click Properties. The Database Properties dialogue box is displayed.

3. If it is not selected select the Using SQL Server Authentication check box.
4. Click Set database user password. The Change Database User Password dialogue box is displayed.

5. In the Please enter a new database password box enter the required password.
6. In the Please re-enter your new password box enter the password.
7. Click OK.
8. A dialogue box indicating that the password has been changed is displayed; click OK to return to the
Database Properties dialogue box.
9. Click OK. The 963 dialogue box is displayed.

10. If the Using SQL Server Authentication check box was selected in step (3) clear it.
Caution failure to clear the Using SQL Server Authentication check box when SQL Server is operating
in Windows Authentication Mode will prevent 963 from running.
11. Click OK.
12. Restart 963.
Important: A record of the database user password must be kept in a safe place (e.g. a firesafe)

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 53

Engineering 963 Set up the Master Recovery Password

The master recovery password enables users to be unblocked in the event that all system administrator users are
blocked. It is configured during installation but can be changed.
To set up the master recovery password:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Users to select the User Display.
3. Right click System Administrator and select Properties. The Workgroup Information dialogue box is
4. Click the System Administrator tab. The dialogue box changes.

5. Click Change Master Password. The New Master User password dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the Password box enter the required password.

5. In the Confirmation box re-enter the password.
6. Click OK.
Important: A record of the database user password must be kept in a safe place (e.g. a firesafe)

54 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Enforce a Strong Password Policy

It is recommended a strong password policy is enforced. A password policy defines, but is not limited to:
Recommended password cycle time.
Unique user names & passwords for each user of the system.
Password disclosure rules.
The use of strong passwords.
Identity confirmation rules when a remote client requests to be unlocked.
Identity confirmation rules when a remote client requests a password change.
Password Expiry
Minimum Password Length
Number of Retries
Strong passwords have the following attributes:
Be at least eight characters long.
Use a mixture of upper and lower case characters, e.g. A and a.
Use some numeric characters, e.g. IlikeFruit7.
Be significantly different from previously used passwords.
Should not use common or personal names associated with yourself.
963 requires that a password contains both upper and lower case characters, will check to see that the password
confirms to the minimum length, and will not allow a password to be reused. Specify Password Expiry
The length of time before a user is forced to change their password must be specified to ensure that users regularly
change their passwords.
To specify the password expiry:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Users to select the User Display.
3. Right-click the System Administrator workgroup, and click Properties. The Workgroup Information
dialogue box is displayed.
4. Click the System Administrator tab. The dialogue box changes.

5. Select the required length of time for password date expiry using the Select an interval for new password
6. Click OK.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 55

Engineering 963 Specify the Minimum Password Length

The minimum length for passwords can be specified. It is recommended that passwords have at least seven characters.
If the password length has been changed any user logging on will have their password validated against the new
criteria. If it is found to be below the new length the user will be forced to change their password.
To specify the minimum password length:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Users to select the User Display.
3. Right-click the System Administrator workgroup, and click Properties. The Workgroup Information
dialogue box is displayed.
4. Click the System Administrator tab. The dialogue box changes.

5. In the Minimum password length box enter the minimum length for passwords, range 1 to 30.
6. Click OK. Specify the Number of Password Retries
The maximum number of attempts a user is allowed to make to correctly enter their password before that user is
blocked, default = 20.
To specify the number of password retries:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Users to select the User Display.
3. Right-click the System Administrator workgroup, and click Properties. The Workgroup Information
dialogue box is displayed.
4. Click the System Administrator tab. The dialogue box changes.

5. In the Number of password retries box enter the required number of retries.
6. Click OK.

56 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Specify File Types Allowed through the Web Server

963 Server Only. Before a user has logged on the 963 Server will only allow JPG, BMP, HTM, XML, XSL, or HTML
files through the web server, all other files type are blocked. However, if HTML pages accessed before the user logs
in are created using other content (e.g. shock wave files .SWF) the file extensions of these files specified to allow
them through the web server.
To specify the types of file allowed through the web server before the user logs in:
1. Edit the [UNSECUREFILETYPES] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<File Extension>=1
<File Extension> is the file extension of files that are to be allowed through.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 57

Engineering 963 Specify File Types not Allowed through the Web Server
963 Server Only. Once a user has logged on the 963 Server allows all file types through the web server except EXE,
Dll, Ckn, Ini, Dat, Mdb, Mdf, Ndf, Ldf, and scc. To increase the level of security it is recommended that the following
file types are also prevented from passing through the web server once the user has logged on.
41s bak bat
bmp cab chm
class cnt db
dll emf ent
hlp ldf key
log manifest mib
ngn rll rst
sql sql1 tlb
tmp tpl tss
xco xls
To specify the types of file not allowed through the web server before the user logs in:
1. Edit the [FilesNotAllowedToView] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<File Extension>=1
<File Extension> is the file extension of files that are not to be allowed through.
E.g. To block the files extensions specified above:

58 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Prevent Client Users from Logging in More Than Once

It is possible to prevent users logging in from more than once client at a time. This adds additional security when using
963 Server. When enabled if a user tries to log in from more than one client at a time he will not be allowed to do so,
and is displayed a message asking them to contact the system administrator who can then log them out from the other
session. Users who have the rights to configure workgroups and users, who belong to the 'System Administrator'
workgroup will be logged out of a previous session if they attempt to log in from another client.
To prevent client users logging in more than once:
1. Edit the [WebServer] section of the S2.INI file as below:
BlockMultipleActiveSessions=<Client Access>
<Client Access> specifies whether users can log in from more than client at a time. 1 restricts multiple logins,
0 allows multiple logins.
BlockMultipleActiveSessions=1 Specify which IP Addresses can Access the 963 Server
963 Server Only. If the 963 is to act as a web server you may wish to restrict the PCs that can access the 963s from
a Web browser. This is achieved by specifying the default access to the server, i.e. all blocked, or all allowed. Then
specifying any IP address that are exceptions to the default i.e. to allow a particular IP address when the default is all
The following entry should be added to the [IPADDRESS] section of the INI file to implement this feature:
0 = Deny all IP addresses.
1 = Allow all IP addresses.
<>=0 would be prevented from accessing the 963 server.
<>=1 would be allowed to access the 963 server.
For example the following will prevent access to all IP addresses except and
To specify default access to the 963 Server:
1. Edit the [IPADDRESS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<access> specifies the default access to the 963 server. 0 blocks access to all IP addresses by, 1 to allow
access to all IP addresses.
To specify exceptions to the default access:
1. Edit the [IPADDRESS] section of the S2.INI to add a key for each exception to the default access. The name
of the key is the IP address. If default access is all blocked specify any IP addresses that are to have access.
The value of the key should be set to `1`. If default access is all allowed specify any IP addresses that are to
be blocked. The value of the key should be set to `0`.
For example the following will prevent access to all IP addresses except and

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 59

Engineering 963 Prevent Users Logging in more than Once

963 Server Only. The BlockMultipleActiveSessions command specifies if a user can simultaneously log in from a
client machine more than once. When configured, a user already logged in attempting to login a second time is
presented with a warning message:
"Sorry, you have already logged into 963. Please contact your system administrator."
This prevents more than one person accessing the 963 server simultaneously with the same user account.
If a system administrator is already logged in and attempts to login again then their previous session will be expired
and a new session set up. This is to prevent administrators locking themselves out. Administrator users are the users
who belong to the System Administrator workgroup in 963.
To prevent users logging in more than once:
1. Edit the [WebServer] section of the S2.INI file as below:
BlockMultipleActiveSessions =1
Note that to help prevent a user becoming locked out by this feature, the administrator should configure their
workgroup with a timeout and the user be advised to explicitly logout from the server when finishing with a client
session. This can be achieved ensuring a LOGOUT button is configured on all schematic pages. Prevent Client Use of VIEWQUERY
963 Server Only. The VIEWQUERY action is generally used to perform a database query on the 963 alarm database,
using the specified SQL command and displays the results in a window. The 963 VIEWQUERY action uses SQLs
SELECT statement and can be used to interrogate the database. SQL commands can be very powerful, however, as
these commands will be run outside of 963, for increased security it is recommended to prevent their operation on
web clients.
To prevent client use of the VIEWQUERY action:
1. Edit the [WebServer] section of the S2.INI file as below:
963 Server Only. The VIEWQUERYEX action performs a database query on an external database, using the specified SQL
command and displays the results in a window. The 963 VIEWQUERYEX action uses SQLs SELECT statement to
interrogate the external database. SQL commands can be very powerful, however, as these commands will be run outside
of 963, for increased security it is recommended to prevent their operation on web clients.
To prevent client use of the VIEWQUERYEX action:
1. Edit the [WebServer] section of the S2.INI file as below:
VIEWQUERYEX=0 Protect Against Cross Site Scripting
963 Server Only. The DISPLAYUSERTEXTBACK command specifies whether a client user is allowed to view
information on the server that has been entered from another client machine. This entry protects the 963 web server
against cross site scripting (XSS), whereby a malicious remote client attempts to embed Java script into the server that
could be run by a subsequent user accessing the server.
When implemented the following functionality will be removed from the client view of the server:
The server status page will show a more limited number of entries.
The remote site connections will not be available to view.
When the licence count exceed message is displayed to the administrator no details of last user action
are displayed.
When using the IQ Configuration viewer the command text (i.e. S1) will not be reflected back on the
client screen with the results from that command.
To protect against cross site scripting:
1. Edit the [WebServer] section of the S2.INI file as below:

60 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Remove Links to Trend Web Sites

The StripExternalUrl command removes hyper links to the Trend web sites, which are found on a number of the
default pages. This is recommended as linking to directly to external web sites may expose some 963 security
information. See the 'Configure External HTTP Links to Use a 'Bounce' Page' section of this manual for more details.
Note that this feature only removes links to Trend web sites that are a standard part of 963 not any links that may
have been added e.g. on schematic pages.
To remove links to Trend web sites:
1. Edit the [WebServer] section of the S2.INI file as below:
StripExternalUrl=1 Specify Whether Passwords Must be Entered to Action Alarms
It is possible to specify whether users must enter their password when they action alarms.
To specify whether users must enter their password to action an alarm:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Users to select the User Display.
3. Right-click the System Administrator workgroup, and click Properties. The Workgroup Information
dialogue box is displayed.
4. Click the System Administrator tab. The dialogue box changes.

5. If the user is to be prompted for their password before they can action an alarm select the Users must re-
enter password to action alarms check box.
6. Click OK.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 61

Engineering 963 Configure External HTTP Links to Use a 'Bounce' Page

If using a reverse proxy server or Content switch to provide an encrypted channel (SSL) for 963 web communications,
it is not recommended to have direct links to external web sites, in particular HTTP links. HTTP uses a referrer field
to inform the new website where the user has come from, this referrer field is transmitted outside of the secure channel.
If references are required to external websites on schematic pages, such as, it is recommended
to use a Bounce HTML page stored within the 963\HTML project directory. Using basic HTML commands, the
intermediate page can either present the user with a series of manual links to select or automatically transfer them to
the external web site. The page can be created using any web page editing package, e.g. Microsoft Word or Front Page
Express. This intermediate Bounce page will ensure the referrer field does not include information relating to the

To Configure external links to use a bounce page:

1. Create the bounce page using any HTML editor. The page should include a link to the required URL(s), or
automatically transfer them to the required web site.
2. Save the page in the 'HTML' subdirectory of the directory in which 963 is installed.
3. Add a static object on the schematic which users the WEB action to link to the bounce page.
If required more than one bounce page may be used to allow for different links, or sets of links.

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Engineering 963

5.4.3 Configure SQL Server

In order to maximise the security of the 963 it is necessary to configure the SQL Server - refer to the 'Products Using
SQL Server' section of the General Security Best Practice for Trend IP Based Products Information Sheet (TP201331). Configure 963 to use Windows Authentication Mode
To configure 963 to use Windows Authentication mode:
1. Log in to the PC as Administrator.
2. Log in to 963.
3. On the Database menu click Properties. The Database Properties dialogue box is displayed.

4. Ensure that the Using SQL Server Authentication check box is cleared.
5. Click OK.
6. Close 963.
7. Configure the SQL server to run in Windows Authentication mode only - refer to the 'Run SQL Server in
Windows Authentication Mode' section of the General Security Best Practice for Trend IP Based Products
Information Sheet (TP201331).
5.4.4 Remote Access and Network Security
The web server must be configured independently of 963. For SSL operation, a certificate is required. Certificates
contain encryption keys for SSL and are also the means by which a client recognises websites as being authentic.
Certificates are tied to the domain name of the web server, time limited, and are issued by a trusted authority. When
a web browser connects to a web server, the certificate keys are checked for authenticity. Only when the certificate
confirms the domain it serves, the browser displays the SSL indicators. Any mismatch or expiration can cause the
browser to display a message advising the user that this site should not be trusted.
For a typical 963 server running on an internal network, this process may be considered complex and/or costly to
manage. In such cases, you can opt to create your own self-signed certificates using the 963 web server configuration
utility. A self-signed certificate provides the SSL encryption and basic identification. However, it is not recognised as
a trusted site by any client web browser. It is possible to overcome this by manually exporting the certificate and
importing it into every web client browser that connects to 963. 963 will generate two certificates, a current certificate
for identifying the site, and a server certificate. It is the current certificate that should be exported into the client
However, for sites with more demanding security requirements or when wishing to access the 963 remotely over the
web it is recommended additional steps are taken to secure the system as described in the 'Using a VPN with Trend
Systems Information Sheet' (TP201333).

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 63

Engineering 963

5.5 Configure Automatic Archiving

It is recommended that a scheduled event be created using the ARCHIVEDATA action to regularly archive the 963's
database to prevent the database from becoming too large.
This process archives historic data (graph data, recorded schematics and alarms) within the supervisor to an external
data source. The data can either be deleted from the 963s database or kept for future reference. The archived graph
data can be played back using the Load recorded data option in the Graph Window. The archived schematic data
can be played back using the View recorded data option on the Data Recording menu. It is recommended that a
scheduled event be created using the ARCHIVEDATA action to regularly archive the 963's database.
During the ARCHIVEDATA process the database size is actually increased to enable the process to occur. This size
increase can be as much as 10 or more times. Once the process is complete the database size will be reduced by SQL
Server's database maintenance process within 24 hours. However this can be done manually by setting 963 to shrink
the database on startup, and restarting 963. Before carrying out the ARCHIVEDATA process you should ensure that
there is enough disk space is available. External disk drives can be used for this purpose.
Archiving of a large database for the first time will take a long time. Therefore it is recommended that the database
be archived manually prior to setting up automatic archiving.
To configure automatic archiving:
1. Log in.
2. Manually archive the database.
Note that for large database this may take some time so it should be carried out when the supervisor is not

3. Click or on the Mode menu click Scheduler to select the Event Scheduler Display.
4. Click New. The Configure Scheduled Action dialogue box is displayed.

5. Click Choose action in the Configure the required command for scheduling area. The What action
dialogue box is displayed.

6. In the list click ARCHIVEDATA. The Archive Historic Data dialogue box is displayed.
7. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes.

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Engineering 963

8. Specify the location and name for the backup file by typing the path and filename into the File Name box. If
required 963 variables can be used to help specify the path and filename. The default is to back up the file to
the directory in which 963 is installed, the filename is trend96X and includes the date and time. The location
of the file can also be specified by clicking Choose file location and browsing to the required directory. To
return to the default settings click Generate default file name.
9. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes.

10. Select either All, Last Day, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year or Custom data range to specify the data
that is to be archived. If Custom data range is selected click Choose Date to display another dialogue box
and click the start date for the date range. Click Next and click the last date in the range and click Finish.
Note that by setting All, Last Day, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year or Custom data range will trigger to
archive the data just that period only. Rest all data will remain untouched. Eg. Last Year will archive just
that last year (ie: from today backwards one year). Data older than last year will remain untouched.
11. Click Finish.
12. A dialogue box is displayed asking if data is to be deleted from the database, click Yes to archive the data
and delete it from the original database, or click No to just archive it. The What action dialogue box is
Note if data is not removed from the database its size will not be reduced.
13. Click OK.
14. Specify what happens if the action fails, in the OPTIONAL: Choose an action to perform if the required
command fails area of the dialogue box. To specify no action click Do Nothing. To generate an alarm click
Set to default. To specify an action click Choose action to display the What action dialogue box, click the
required action from the list, and click OK.
15. Specify what happens when action succeeds in the OPTIONAL: Choose an action to perform if the
required command is successful area of the dialogue box. To specify no action, click Do Nothing. To
generate an alarm, click Set to default. To specify an action click Choose action to display the What action
dialogue box click the required action from the list, and click OK.
16. Click Next>. A dialogue box is displayed.

17. In the First event box enter the date and time when the event is to first occur in the following format:
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss
To specify the event to occur now, click Now.
18. Select the Do you wish to repeat this action check box.
19. In the Choose an interval list click the interval at which it is to be repeated. This interval should be dependent
on the site. You should monitor how fast the database size increases, and set this to an appropriate time. If
unsure select 'Week' or 'Month', the interval can always be changed later. 963 recommends an option based
on the configuration settings.
20. In the..and how many times to repeat it list click how many times the event is to occur.

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Engineering 963

21. If Day or Week was specified as the interval, specify the day(s) of the week that the event is to occur. If Day
was selected, all seven days can be selected. If Week was selected, only one day can be selected.
22. Click Next>. A dialogue box is displayed.

23. Check that the event is set up correctly, and then click Finish.
24. Configure 963 to shrink the database on startup.
Note: It is strongly recommended that the DELETEHISTORIC DATA command be executed to prevent the database
from becoming too large.

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Engineering 963

5.5.1 Manually Archive the 963 Database

If 963 is using the supplied version of SQL Server (SQL Express) 963 will check the database size on daily basis. If
it exceeds 75% usage then a SYST alarm is generated, if it exceeds the 95% usage then along with the SYST alarm a
message box will be displayed advising that it is time to archive the database or to upgrade to a full version of SQL
server. The SYST alarm can be used to make the user aware of the problem enabling the database to be archived. If
this occurs it will be necessary to archive the database.
The archive process archives historic data (graph data, recorded schematics and alarms) within the supervisor to an
external data source. The data can either be deleted from the 963s database or kept for future reference. The archived
graph data can be played back using the Load recorded data option in the Graph Window. The archived schematic
data can be played back using the View recorded data option on the Data Recording menu. It is recommended that
a scheduled event be created using the ARCHIVEDATA action to regularly archive the 963's database.
During the ARCHIVEDATA process the database size is actually increased to enable the process to occur. This size
increase can be as much as 10 or more times. Once the process is complete the database size will be reduced by SQL
Server's database maintenance process within 24 hours. However this can be done manually by setting 963 to shrink
the database on, and restarting 963. Before carrying out the ARCHIVEDATA process you should ensure that there is
enough disk space is available. External disk drives can be used for this purpose.
Archiving of a large database for the first time will take a long time.
To manually archive the 963's database:
1. Log in.
2. On the Database menu click Archive Data. The Archive Historic Data dialogue box is displayed.
3. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes.

4. Specify the location and name for the backup file by typing the path and filename into the File Name box. If
required 963 variables can be used to help specify the path and filename. The default is to back up the file to
the directory in which 963 is installed, the filename is trend96X and includes the date and time. The location
of the file can also be specified by clicking Choose file location and browsing to the required directory. To
return to the default settings click Generate default file name.
5. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes.

6. Select either All, Last Day, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year or Custom data range to specify the data
that is to be archived. If Custom data range is selected click Choose Date to display another dialogue box
and click the start date for the date range. Click Next and click the last date in the range and click Finish.

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Engineering 963

Note that by setting All, Last Day, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year or Custom data range will trigger to
archive the data just that period only. Rest all data will remain untouched. Eg. Last Year will archive just
that last year (ie: from today backwards one year). Data older than last year will remain untouched.
7. Click Finish.
8. A dialogue box is displayed asking if data is to be deleted from the database, click Yes to archive the data
and delete it from the original database, or click No to just archive it. The What action dialogue box is
Note if data is not removed from the database its size will not be reduced.
5.5.2 Configure 963 to Shrink the Database on Startup
The 963 can be configured to shrink the database on startup. This useful if the database has been archived and SQL
has not yet reduced the database size.
Caution setting this option will increase the time taken for the 963 to start up. This time may be quite
considerable for a large database that has not been compacted.
To configure 963 to shrink the database on startup:
1. Edit the [DATABASE] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<shrink> specifies whether the database is compacted on startup. 1 = compacted, 0 = not compacted
5.6 Assemble the Necessary Files
Having planned the system and designed the pages, alarm handling etc you should assemble the necessary backdrop,
graphic, sound, animation, and script files that are required.
Backdrop files are standard files sized so that they exactly fill the Data Display. Graphic files are used for graphics
on pages, buttons etc. Sound files are standard WAV, and MIDI files used to provide an audible aspect to 963s
operation, e.g. when a particular alarm occurs. Animation files enable animated pictures and text to be included on
schematic pages. Script files enable 963 to perform a sequence of actions. Active content files allow the content of
files types such as Excel and Word to be integrated into a schematic page.
Some of the files you require may already exist e.g. company logos or ones used on previous 963 projects. In which
case they should be copied to the appropriate sub-directory of the directory in which 963 is installed. The required
sub-directory for each type of file is described in the table below.
File Type Location
Analogue Graphics Analogue
Animation Animation
Backdrop Backdrops
Active Content Other
Graphics BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, and EMF.
Point Templates Template
Script Scripts
Sound WAV files wav, and MIDI files midi
If the required files do not exist, then it will be necessary to create them. For details about creating the different files
required by 963 see the next few sections of this manual.

68 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

5.6.1 Create Analogue Graphic Files

Analogue Graphic files are text files that define which graphic is displayed for a particular value of the associated
analogue parameter. Each graphic is defined on a separate line in the file. The files are created by using any text editor
(e.g. notepad).
An example of an analogue graphic file is shown below:

This will display the bitmap 1.bmp when the value is less than 29, when the value is between 29 and 39 it will display
2.bmp, and when it is above 39 it will display 3.bmp.
To create an analogue graphic file:
1. Create a sub-directory in the install directory called analogue.
2. Create a sub-directory in the analogue directory for the file.
3. Move the graphics files that will be referenced into that directory.
4. Run the text editor.
5. Type the references for each bitmap on a separate line in the text editor, in the format shown below:
Where <Value> specifies the value below which the specified bitmap file will be displayed, and <Bitmap>
specifies the path and filename of the bitmap, e.g.

This specifies a bitmap file called '10.bmp' in the 'myfirsttank' sub-directory of the 'analogue' directory of the
install directory to be displayed while the value is below or equal to 29. The first bitmap is the default, and
will be displayed when the value is below the bottom of the range.
The value can also be a decimal number, e.g.

This specifies a bitmap file called '04.bmp' in the 'myfirsttank' sub-directory of the 'analogue' directory of the
install directory to be displayed while the value is below or equal to 32.25.
6. Save the file in the same directory as the graphics files it references with the .analogue file extension.
5.6.2 Create Animation Files
Animation files are text files that define an animation for a schematic page. The animation is made up of a number of
different frames, where the animation moves from frame to frame. Each frame is defined on a separate line in the
animation file as either a piece of text, a bitmap, or sound file (WAV file). Animation files can be created using any
text editor (e.g. notepad).
An example of an animation file that animates a piece of text is shown below:
Select Here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>Select Here>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Select Here

This file displays the words 'Select Here' with arrows before and after. The display changes between 'Select
Here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' and '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Select Here'.
An example of an animation file that animates a bitmap is shown below:

This file displays an animation of a boiler flame that is made up of 5 graphics files in the animation boiler directory.
To create animation files using a text editor:
1. Create a sub-directory in the 'animation' sub-directory of the install directory for the animation. It is
recommended that no more than 5 bitmaps be used in a single animation.
2. Move the graphics files for the animation file into that directory.
3. Run the text editor.
4. Type references for each bitmap piece of text or sound file on a separate line in the text editor. Be careful not
to leave an empty line at the end of the file because it will be interpreted as a blank frame.

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When specifying graphics, the path and filename of the file, minus the install directory part of the pathname
e.g. c:\program files\trend control systems\963 should not be entered. If a graphic file that does not exist is
referred to, 963 will treat that reference as text, and display that instead of the file. Animation files can also
contain a mixture of text and graphics.
5. Save the file in the same directory as the graphics files it references with the .animation file extension.
Tip: 963 will automatically create animation files when it enters page configuration mode if it detects a folder in its
animation directory that contains files. labelled1.BMP, 2.BMP etc, or Click here to update lists is selected in the
Configuration dialogue box.
5.6.3 Create Backdrop Files
The 963 uses standard files for the backdrops of schematic pages. It is possible to use BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, and
EMF files (WMF and EMF Files are not supported in the client).
They can be created using any proprietary software package that is capable of producing the required format file.
Although paint type packages can be used, the best results are obtained using a vector graphics package and
exporting/saving the image in the required format. The exact appearance of the backdrop depends on the monitor, the
Windows desktop scheme, the width of the menu bar, the size of the Windows border, and even the number of colours.
It is therefore recommended that the backdrop files are created on a PC with a configuration similar to that of the PC
on which 963 is to run. The table below lists some things to remember when creating backdrop files.
Area Remember This
Design When creating a backdrop it is important to remember that it is to be a backdrop. Complex
backdrops often make it difficult to see information placed on top of them, so keep your design
If a page is to consist of a number of static graphics put them on the backdrop rather than adding
each one as an individual object.
Size in Pixels The backdrop should exactly fill the display area of the schematic page without causing scroll bars.
The 963 provides a facility for determining the current size of the schematic page.
Colours Although 963 supports 24 bit colour bitmaps, it is important to consider the colours that are used
to ensure that the result in 963 is as you would expect. If the backdrop is to be used on pages that
are to be accessed from a client you should ensure that you use colours that are supported by the
Size in Bytes Backdrop files can easily get very large especially if they utilise photographs etc. The larger the
file size, the longer the page will take to load especially if it is being accessed from a client.
Therefore, it is recommended that the file size be kept to a minimum. Try reducing the number of
colours, this will greatly reduce the file size, and may not affect the appearance.
To create a backdrop file:
1. Decide what the backdrop is to show.
2. Determine the required size in pixels of the file.
3. Using the software package of your choice create the file. Remember to set the image size to the required
number of pixels.
4. Save the file in the required format.
5. Move it to the backdrops sub-directory of the install directory.
Tip: Once you have determined the size of the backdrop file create a template file specifying the size in pixels that
can be used as a basis for other files.
Remember to keep the original file so that changes can be made in the future.

70 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

5.6.4 Determine the Backdrop Size

The backdrop file should be sized to suit the screen on which it is going to be displayed. 963 can determine the required
size for the backdrop file.
To get 963 to determine the backdrop size:
1. Press F1 to display the Information Centre.

2. Click . The Information Centre dialogue box is displayed. This contains the required size for the

5.6.5 Create Files for Active Content

Files for active content such as Word and Excel are created using those applications in the normal way and saved in
the other sub-directory in the install directory. 963 supports the following files for active content:
For more details about creating the HTML files for use with 963 see the Create HTML Files section of this manual.
5.6.6 Create Graphics Files
963 uses standard files for the all the graphics on a schematic page. It is possible to use BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, and
EMF files (WMF and EMF Files are not supported in the client).
They can be created using any proprietary software package that is capable of producing the required format. Although
paint type packages can be used, the best results are obtained using a vector graphics package and exporting/saving
the image in the required format. The exact appearance of the graphic depends on the monitor, the Windows desktop
scheme, the width of the menu bar, the size of the border, and even the number of colours. It is therefore recommended
that the bitmap be created on a PC with a configuration similar to that of the PC on which 963 is to run. The table
below lists some things to remember when creating graphics files.
Area Remember This
Colours Although 963 supports 24 bit colour bitmaps, it is important to consider the colours that are used to
ensure that the result in 963 is as you would expect. If the graphic is to be used on pages that are to be
accessed from a client you should ensure that you use colours that are supported by the browser.
File format If the page on which a graphic is to be used is intended to be accessed from a client it is recommended
that JPEG files be used.
Size in Graphics files can easily get very large especially of they utilise photographs etc. The larger the file size,
Bytes the longer the page will take to load especially if it is being accessed from a client. Therefore, it is
recommended that the file size be kept to a minimum. Try reducing the number of colours this will
greatly reduce the file size, and may not affect the appearance that much.
To create a graphics file:
1. Using the software package of your choice, create the file. Remember to set the image size to the required
number of pixels.
2. Save the file in the required format.
3. Move it to the required sub-directory of the install directory.
File Type Sub-directory
Remember to keep the original so that changes can be made in the future.

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Engineering 963

5.6.7 Create HTML Files

If the HTML pages are to be included on a schematic page they need to be created using any HTML editor, and should
be saved in the html directory of the directory in which 963 is installed. Anything that can be included on an HTML
page can be used on these pages.
If 963 Server is being used and an 'index.htm' page is required it must be created. HTML pages can be used to provide
a navigation structure to enable the user to locate the required information. When creating HTML pages for this
purpose it is possible to use some of the 963 actions on the page.
Action Description
CONFIG Provides access to the configuration mode of a specified device on the network.
GOTO Displays a specified page.
LOGINAS Allows a specified user to log in.
LOGOUT Logs the current user out of 963.
MESSAGE Displays a message box for a specified length of time, or until the user clicks on OK.
PLAY Plays either WAV or MIDI files.
SEND Sends a standard write text comms message to a specific device on the IQ network. When the
message is sent, 963 will beep, and record an event in the alarm database that can be seen in the
Alarm Display, indicating that the message has been sent.
SENDAUTO Sends a standard write text comms message to a specific device on the IQ network.
VIEWPOINTS Displays a window containing particular values on the current page.
VIEWQUERY Displays the result of the specified SQL query on the 963 database.
SENDAUTO Enables a standard write text comms message to be sent to a specific device on the IQ network.
POPUP Displays the specified schematic page in a pop-up window.
VIEWGRAPH Displays a window containing the specified graph definition.
DROPALLLINES Causes 963 to drop any autodialled link immediately.
WEB Displays the specified web page (HTML file).
To create the required HTML pages:
1. Using the HTML editor of your choice create or edit the pages as required. If any of the 963 actions are used
they must be prefixed with a forward slash '/'.
/LOGINAS 963 Client User

This would enable a user called '963 Client User' to log in.
2. Save them in the 'html' sub-directory of the install directory.
3. If any of the HTML pages contain references to file types other than JPG, BMP, HTM, XML, XSL, or HTML
these files types must be added to the unsecure file types list.
5.6.8 Create Point Template Files
Points Template Files allow you to create a list of points which can be displayed either by holding down the CTRL
key when clicking a dynamic object, or from a button using the VIEWPOINTS action.
The file contains a label for the window and a list of points. The template file is purely a list of points to be displayed.
The Lan and controller references are used to link the template file with the correct controller. This file can then be
applied to any number of controllers that share the same strategy - i.e. IQL controllers. An example of a points template
file is shown below:
Floor 1
D5,Floor 1 Htg Valve,,0
K1,Floor 1 Occ SetPt,DegC,10
S10,Floor 1 Supply Temp,DegC,0
S11,Floor 1 Return Temp,DegC,0

In the example above, the label for the window is 'Floor 1' it will display the value of driver 5, knob 1, and sensors 10
and 11. The line specifying the points should be in the format shown below:
<Module>,<Label>,<Units>,<PIN Level>
<Module> specifies the type of module, and module number (e.g. S1 specifies sensor 1). <Label> specifies the label
of the module (e.g. Sensor 1); <Units> specifies the units used for the module (e.g. DegC). <PIN Level> specifies the
minimum PIN level required by the user to adjust the item.

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To create a point template file:

1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Display the items that are to be displayed in the points window. Do not worry about selecting the controller
the file only specifies the item e.g. S1 for sensor 1.
4. Click the required items to highlight them. More than one item can be selected by holding down the CTRL
key and clicking the required items.
5. Once all the items have been selected, right-click any of the selected items, and click Add Selected Point(s)
to Template File. The Save all data to file dialogue box is displayed.

6. In the box enter the path and filename of the template file. By default, the directory for these files is the
template directory within install directory.
7. If the file is to overwrite an existing file of the same name select the Tick here to overwrite, else it will add
to the file check box. If this check box is not selected the select points will be added to the existing file.
8. Click the Label tab.
9. In the box enter the text that is to appear in the menu bar of the points window.
10. Click OK.
5.6.9 Create Script Files
Script files enable 963 to carry out specified sequence of actions when a particular event occurs, such as an alarm, or
a button is selected. These actions are described in the '963 Actions' section of this manual. A script file is a text file
that defines the actions that are performed. Each different action is on a separate line in the file, for example.
GOTO Pages\Floor Plans\Floor 1.tss
MESSAGE Albery House Alarm, <ALARMDESC>,0,!,65025,255
SLEEP 1000
PLAY wav\Fire.wav

The table below describes each line of the script file.

Command Description
GOTO Pages\Floor Plans\Floor 1.tss Display the Floor 1.tss page
MESSAGE Albery House Alarm, <ALARMDESC>,0,!,65025,255 Displays a message.
BEEP Make a beep sound
SLEEP 1000 Pause for 1000 Ms
PLAY wav\Fire.wav Play the fire.wav file
If this file were saved as fire.txt, a button could be set up on a schematic page with the following action command:
SCRIPTS scripts\fire.txt

When selected this button would run the script file 'fire.txt'.
Script files can be created using any text editor (e.g. notepad) simply by typing in the text specifying the required
action the required action as described in the Specifying Actions section of this manual. Each action is specified on
a separate line. They can ask a question, and perform a different task depending on the user's response, or can include
a variable value.
To create a script file:
1. Run the text editor.
2. Type the code for each action that is to be performed on a separate line in the text editor, in the format shown
<ACTION> <Optional Parameter>
<ACTION> is the action that is to be performed; it should be specified in capitals. A full list of the actions
and what they do is provided in the 963 Actions section of this manual. <Optional Parameter> specifies
any additional information required to carry out the command e.g. for the GOTO action the optional
parameter would specify the page 963 would go to. Details of the optional parameters required for each action
can be found in the individual section for that action.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 73

Engineering 963

GOTO pages\getting started.tss

Specifies the 'GOTO' action and tells 963 to display the Getting Started page in the 'pages' sub-directory of
the install directory.
For full details of the format of the code used to specify each action, see the 963 Actions section of this
manual. 963 variables can be used as described in the Using Variables in Action Codes section of this
manual to enable information from the PC, or alarms received by 963 to be included in a 963 action. This
allows the action to be modified according to the value returned. For example, the default alarm action could
be set up to display a message box with the text customised to indicate the type of alarm. The ? variable
can be used to include a user response, and ISDIARYNOCC and ISDIARYOCC variables can be used to
prevent particular actions being carried out at particular times.
3. Save the file in the scripts sub-directory of the install directory with a .TXT file extension.
Note that the use of script files is not supported when viewing the page in a web browser. Asking Questions in a Script File
A script file can ask a question, and perform a different task depending on the user response. To cause the script file
to ask a question the line in the file should be in the form shown below:

The ? at the beginning of the line indicates that the text following is a question. <Question> is the actual text of the
question. The question will always be asked in a Yes/No message box. (E.g.'? Are You Sure' will display a message
box asking 'Are You Sure', with two buttons Yes, and No. If the user clicks Yes the next line of code will be executed,
if No is selected the line after is executed e.g.
?Display boiler 1 information
Goto pages\boiler 1.tss
MESSAGE Information, You did not want to view the boiler information,0,!,65025,255

The code above will display a message box asking if the user wants to view boiler 1 information. If he clicks Yes, the
schematic page 'boiler 1.tss' is displayed; if he selects No a message box containing the text You did not want to view
the boiler information is displayed. Using Command Line Parameters in a Script File
When running a script file parameters can be included in the action code that runs the script file. These values are used
in the script.
SCRIPT <Filename> [<argument list>]

<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the script file that is to be run. <argument list> specifies parameters
that are to be passed into the script file. If there is more than one parameter they should be separated by a comma ,.
To include these parameters in the script enter the following code in the script at the required place:

Where n specifies the variable number. The variable number is determined by the order in the argument list i.e. the
first argument in the argument list would be referenced by <PARAM1>, and the second by <PARAM2>. E.g.
SLEEP 1000

If the above script was in a file called params.txt the following command would run the script file params.txt
display a message box reading WARNING, and then 1 second later display a message reading Boiler Overheat.
SCRIPT scripts\parameters.txt [WARNING,Boiler Overheat] Using Variables in Script Files

Variable values can be included in a script file to allow common actions to be modified according to the value returned.
To include a variable value insert required variable code in the appropriate place. The variable codes are listed in the
Using Variables in Action Codes section of this manual.
For example the ISDIARYOCC and ISDIARYNOCC variables can be used to prevent particular actions in the script
file being carried out at particular times as shown below:
<ISDIARYOCC Floor 1> GOTO Pages\Samples\Floor1Normal.tss
<ISDIARYNOCC Floor 1> GOTO Pages\Samples\Floor1Security.tss

The code above in a script file would cause 963 to display the Floor1Normal page when the normal occupation times
for the Floor 1 diary group where occupied, and the Floor1Security page when the normal occupation times for
the Floor 1 diary group where unoccupied.

74 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Running a Script File from another Script File

Script files can run other script files. There are two ways of running script files from another script file each can be
used to achieve a different result.
Wait until the First Script File Finishes
963 can run a script file from one script file and wait until the first script finishes before running the second by using
the SCRIPT action. This is explained below.
SCRIPT scripts\SCRIPT2.txt
SLEEP 10000

SLEEP 5000

SCRIPT1 displays a message box then starts SCRIPT2 using the code:
SCRIPT scripts\SCRIPT2.txt

Because SCRIPT1 is running, SCRIPT2 will wait until SCRIPT1 completes before it starts. If we look at the time-
line, this is what the user would see:
Time Message Title Message
00:00 SCRIPT1 Starting
00:10 SCRIPT1 Finishing
00:10 SCRIPT2 Starting
00:15 SCRIPT2 Finishing
Run the Second Script and Pause the First
The 963 can run the second script while pausing the first until the second finishes when the first script will continue.
This is achieved by using <INLINE> keyword in the script action. This is explained below continuing the previous
example. SCRIPT1 is modified to included <INLINE> in the command that runs SCRIPT2.
SLEEP 10000

When run SCRIPT2 will in effect be inserted into SCRIPT1 e.g.

SLEEP 5000
SLEEP 10000

The effect of this can be seen by looking at the time-line.

Time Message Title Message
00:00 SCRIPT1 Starting
00:00 SCRIPT2 Starting
00:05 SCRIPT2 Finishing
00:15 SCRIPT1 Finishing
This provides a more predicable sequence of events than if the second script waits until the first finishes before starting.
CAUTION: Using the <INLINE>keyword as part of a SCRIPT action on a static object will lock the 963 user
interface until the script has been completed.

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Engineering 963

5.6.10 Create Sound Files

The 963 supports standard WAV and MIDI files. They can be created in using any suitable method, for example,
using a microphone connected to the PC. All the WAV files should be stored in the wav sub-directory of the install
directory, and all MIDI files in the midi sub-directory.
5.7 Configure the Device Viewer
The Device Viewer must be set up so that all points on the system to which 963 is to have access are available, and
to specify the PIN sent to controllers which have PIN protection enabled.
To configure the Device Viewer:
1. Make the required points available.
2. Learn the Local site. This is not required if 963 is to only access remote sites.
3. Add any other sites from which the 963 is to obtain information.
Note that it is recommended that there is a maximum of 20 sites in the Device Viewer.
4. Add Lans and controllers that are not yet available.
Note that Lans will need to be learnt, and controllers will need to be updated.
5. Remove items that are not to be accessed from the Device Viewer.
6. If required edit the labels of items on the Device Viewer.
7. Set up the PIN to be sent to any devices that have PIN protection enabled in their strategies.
8. If required, set up the PIN level for the values in the Device Viewer.
9. Set up the units for values displayed in the Device Viewer.
If the system changes after the Device Viewer is configured, it will be necessary check the information in the Device
Viewer is correct and if necessary reconfigure it following the procedure above. If a point is removed from the
controller 963 will not delete from its database when the device is re-learnt. This is to ensure that any logged data
associated with the point is not lost. If the point is no longer required (does not exist in the controller, and there is no
logged data associated with it) the point can be deleted from the Device Viewer manually. Deleting the point from
the Device Viewer will delete any associated logged data and alarms.
5.7.1 Make the Required Points Available
If before the schematic pages are engineered the required points are made available to 963 the process of configuring
the schematic pages will be much easier. This is done by learning the network, or importing information from SET.
If it is not possible to make the points available the schematic pages can still be configured by specifying the
Connection, LAN, Outstation, and Item attributes for any dynamic object that is added to the page. This does require
knowledge of the finished system and the system will have to be learned once the system is available. Make the Required Points Available by Learning the Network
The necessary points can be made available to the 963 by learning the network.
To make the required points available by learning the network:
1. Connect to the IQ network.
2. Learn the Local site. This is not required if 963 is to only access remote sites, or 963 is to only access a TOPS
3. Add a TOPS Site. (Only if 963 is to communicate with non Trend devices e.g. BACnet devices)
4. Add any remote sites.
5. Learn unlearnt sites.
6. Collect the labels from all the sites.
7. If engineering off-line using previously learned system information move the site information onto the PC
being used for engineering, and edit the site to ensure the connection is correct.

76 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Learn the Local Site

To enable values to be available to the 963 it is necessary to learn the local site. When the site is learnt 963 will learn
the local site structure including internetworks, and supervisors.
To learn the local site:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. In the Navigator right-click Local Site not learnt and on the displayed menu click Learn my local site. If
the site has already been learnt 963 will relearn the site go to (6) if the site has not been learned the Label
dialogue is displayed.

4. In the box enter the sites label.

5. Click OK. The Information Centre is displayed, to indicate the status of the operation.
Note that this operation may take some time on a large site. To cancel the operation at any time click Cancel
Command in the Information Centre.
6. Once the 963 has learnt the local site, its structure will be displayed in the Navigator. The structure will
display the Lan number and identifier of each device. If the network contains any IQL controllers it displays
the Lan number and virtual address.
Note that values will not be available until the labels have been collected. Add a TOPS Site
If 963 is to access a TOPS site (e.g. when access to a BACnet site is required), a TOPS site must be added as a TCP/IP
Remote Site. To access the TOPS site the PC running 963 must be able to access a TOPS that has been installed and
licensed. TOPS v3.2 onwards password is mandatory for TOPS station to run. User will be prompted to set password
first time when you launch 963 after installing TOPS v3.2. See the appropriate TOPS Installation Instructions manual
(TE201036) for details. For values from the TOPS site to be available the appropriate TOPS driver must be configured
correctly. See the appropriate TOPS Driver configuration manual for details.
If adding the site to provide access to TOPS so that the driver can be configured then it will be necessary to relearn
the site once the TOPS driver has been configured.
To add a TOPS site:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the Navigator outside the network tree, and click Add new site. The Add new site dialogue box
is displayed.

4. In the Site Name box enter the name of the site.

5. Leave the Site GUID box empty.
6. Select the IP Connection check box. Do not select Local Site.
7. If you want 963 to access the site and learn the structure now, select the Learn Network check box.

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Engineering 963

8. Click Next. The IP Connection dialogue box is displayed.

9. In the IP Address or hostname box enter the IP address or hostname of the PC running TOPS this will
normally be the same PC as the one running 963 in which case enter
Note that a hostname should be used if a DHCP server is being used on the system to setup the IP settings of
the PC running TOPS if it is not the local PC.
10. In the Start Port box enter the port number of the TOPS virtual CNC (normally 10101).
11. In the End Port box enter the port number of the TOPS virtual CNC (normally 10101).
12. Select the Permanent Connection check box. The Idle Time box is greyed out.
13. If TOPS is running on another PC, and the connection is to be made through a firewall, select the Are you
connected via a Firewall? check box.
14. If TOPS is running on another PC, and the connection is to be made through a firewall, enter the MAC
Address of the device that the 963 is to use to make the connection to the site in the Mac Address box.
15. If TOPS is running on another PC, and the connection is to be made through a firewall, enter the IP address
of the firewall in the Firewall IP Address box.
16. If TOPS is running on another PC, and the connection is to be made through a firewall, and the connection
to the firewall is to be made using a different port to the ones specified in (10 and 11) select the Port check
box and enter the required port number in the Port box.
Note that the firewall must be configured to route the messages on the specified port to the IP address of the
PC running TOPS. If the PC running TOPS is protected by a firewall, this must also be configured to route
messages on the specified port to the device.
17. Click Finish. If the Learn Network check box was selected 963 will attempt to communicate with the site,
and learn the network structure. The Information Centre is displayed to indicate the status of the operation.
This may take some time on a large site. To cancel the operation at any time click Cancel Command in the
Information Centre. Once the 963 has learnt the site, its structure will be displayed in the Navigator.
Note that values will not be available until the labels have been collected.
If TOPS is bound into the Trend site connection to can be made via any vCNC on the site however it is strongly
recommended that the connection is made via the vCNC in TOPS as described above.

78 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Add an Autodialled Remote Site

If the 963 is to access autodialled sites, it is necessary for each site to be added to the Device Viewer. This must be
done manually for every autodialled site. 963 can access up to 16 separate autodialled sites at one time providing that
there are enough autodialling devices available to the 963. One autodialling device is required for each connection.
To add an autodialled site:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the Navigator outside the network tree, and click Add new site. The Add new site dialogue box
is displayed.

4. In the Site Name box enter the name of the site.

5. In the Site GUID box enter the machine-readable site code for the site. The machine-readable site code must
be enclosed in curly brackets ({}).
If required the site code can be copied from Project Details dialogue box in SET or from the Site Code
Manager applet and pasted into the Site GUID box.
6. Select the Telephone check box.
7. If you want 963 to access the autodialled site and learn the structure now, select the Learn Network check
8. Click Next. The Telephone dialogue box is displayed.

9. Click InterNetwork, or Local LAN to specify the location of the autodialling device on the autodialled site.
If Local LAN was selected, enter the Lan number in the Number box.
10. In the Telephone box enter the number of the site. The number may be up to 20-characters in length.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 seconds pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
11. If there is more than one type of autodialler specify the type that the 963 is to use to dial out. This autodialler
MUST be of a type that is compatible with the autodialler at the far end. Any Dialler enables the 963 to use
any autodialler in the specified location.

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Engineering 963

12. Click Finish. If the Learn Network check box was selected 963 will attempt to communicate with the site,
and learn the network structure. The Information Centre is displayed to indicate the status of the operation.
This may take some time on a large site. To cancel the operation at any time click Cancel Command in the
Information Centre. Once the 963 has learnt the site, its structure will be displayed in the Navigator.
Note that values will not be available until the labels have been collected. Add a TCP/IP Remote Site
If the 963 is to access a site other than the local site over a TCP/IP connection, it must be added as a TCP/IP Remote
Site. For the link to work, it must be possible for a TCP/IP connection to be made between the PC running the 963
and the device containing the virtual CNC to which 963 is to connect. This requires the correct installation and set up
of the Ethernet networks to which both the 963 and device are connected. Details of these types of connections can be
found in the IQ System Ethernet Products Engineering Guide (TE200369).
To add a remote TCP/IP site:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the Navigator outside the network tree, and click Add new site. The Add new site dialogue box
is displayed.

4. In the Site Name box enter the name of the site.

5. If the site has an IQ3 controller with v1.2 firmware or IQ4 controller in the Site GUID box enter the machine-
readable site code for the site. The machine-readable site code must be enclosed in curly brackets ({}).
If required the site code can be copied from Project Details dialogue box in SET or from the Site Code
Manager applet and pasted into the Site GUID box.
6. Select the IP Connection check box.
7. If you want 963 to access the site and learn the structure now, select the Learn Network check box.
8. Click Next. The IP Connection dialogue box is displayed.

9. In the IP Address or hostname box enter the IP address or hostname of the device containing the virtual
CNC 963 is to use to make the connection to the site.
Note that a hostname should be used if a DHCP server is being used on the system to setup the IP settings of
the device containing the virtual CNC. You should also remember that EINCs and IQ3 controllers earlier
than v1.3 do not support hostname addressing.
10. In the Start Port box enter the port number of the first virtual CNC in the range of virtual CNCs to which
963 can connect (e.g. 10005).

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11. In the End Port box enter the port number of the last virtual CNC in the range of virtual CNCs to which 963
can connect (e.g. 10008).
12. In the Idle Time box enter the time in seconds between the last messages being sent and the connection being
dropped. If the connection is to remain permanently connected select the Permanent Connection check box.
The Idle Time box is greyed out.
13. If the TCP/IP connection is to be made through a firewall, select the Are you connected via a Firewall?
check box.
14. If the TCP/IP connection is to be made through a firewall, enter the MAC Address of the device that the 963
is to use to make the connection to the site in the Mac Address box.
15. If the TCP/IP connection is to be made through a firewall, enter the IP address of the firewall in the Firewall
IP Address box.
16. If the connection to the firewall is to be made using a different port to the ones specified in (10 and 11) select
the Port check box and enter the required port number in the Port box.
Note that the firewall must be configured to route the messages on the specified port to the IP address of the
device containing the virtual CNC if a firewall is protecting it. If the device containing the virtual CNC is
protected by a firewall, this must be configured to route messages on the specified port to the device.
17. Click Finish. If the Learn Network check box was selected 963 will attempt to communicate with the site,
and learn the network structure. The Information Centre is displayed to indicate the status of the operation.
This may take some time on a large site. To cancel the operation at any time click Cancel Command in the
Information Centre. Once the 963 has learnt the site, its structure will be displayed in the Navigator.
Note that values will not be available until the labels have been collected. Learn a Site or Lan
If a site or Lan has been changed since the information about it was obtained, or a site or Lan has Learn Me next to
it, the information must be learned.
To learn a site or Lan:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the site or Lan that is to be learned, and click Learn, or Learn my local site for the local site.
The Information Centre is displayed to indicate the status of the operation.
Note that this operation may take some time on a large site. To cancel the operation at any time click Cancel
Command in the Information Centre. Move the Site Information onto a Different PC
The information about the site is stored in a database file therefore all that is required to move the site information
onto a different PC is to move that file from one PC to the other.
To move the site information onto a different PC:
1. Using a suitable method of transferring files from one PC to another, copy the i96X_data.mdf and
i96X_log.ldf files located in the database directory on to the required PC.
Caution: This will overwrite any existing site information on the PC.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 81

Engineering 963 Collect a Site's Labels

To enable points from a particular site to be available to the 963, for engineering collect them from the devices on the
site. The 963 collects the labels, units, and PIN levels from all modules for which the labels have been set up in the
strategy. If the strategy in a controller is changed it will be necessary to collect the labels from that controller again.
This operation may take some time on a large site, or over an autodialled link.
To collect a sites labels for all module types:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. If the site's labels have already been collected, and you have modified them manually and want to prevent
them being overwritten right click the site and click Overwrite existing data entries ensuring that it is
4. Right-click the site whose labels are to be learnt and click Collect Labels, and then click From all Module
Types. The Information Centre is displayed, to indicate the status of the operation. To cancel the operation
at any time click Cancel Command in the Information Centre.
To collect a sites labels from specific module types:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. If the site's labels have already been collected, and you have modified them manually and want to prevent
them being overwritten right click the site and click Overwrite existing data entries ensuring that it is
4. Right-click the site whose labels are to be learnt and click Collect Labels, and then click From Specific
Module Types. The Select Module Types dialogue box is displayed.

5. Clear the check boxes for the module types for which labels are NOT to be collected. To select all module
types select the Select all module types check box.
6. Click OK. A warning saying that labels will not be collected from all module types is displayed. OK will be
greyed out if no module types are selected.
7. Click OK to continue. The Information Centre is displayed, to indicate the status of the operation. To cancel
the operation at any time click Cancel Command in the Information Centre.

82 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Edit a Site Connection

A site's connection can be changed, for example the number used to access an autodialled site can be changed, or a
site can be set up to be autodialled by specifying a number. Details of setting up remote sites are given in the Add
Another Site section of this manual.
To edit a sites connection:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the site whose connection is to be changed, and on the displayed menu click Properties. The Site
Properties dialogue box is displayed.

4. Set up the site details as required.

5. Click Finish. The 963 displays a message asking if you want to update graphs and schematic pages that
reference the site with the new connection information.
6. Click Yes to update the pages and graphs as well, or click No to just update the connection.
5.7.2 Import Site Information from SET
The necessary points can be made available to the 963 by importing information from SET.
To make the required points available by importing the information from SET:
1. Export the site information from SET. SET exports the data to a file called 's2.mdb' in the set projects
2. On the Database menu click Properties to display the Database Properties dialogue box

3. Select the Detach database after Supervisor has been shutdown check box.
4. Click OK.
5. Close 963.
6. Move the file (s2.mdb) into 963s install directory.
7. Make sure all the other 5 .mdb files are in the 963s install directory.
8. Delete the i96x_data.mdf and i96x_log.ldf files from the database subdirectory in the 963s install directory.
9. Run 963. After a while the 963 dialogue box is displayed.

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Engineering 963

10. Click Yes. After a while a dialogue box is displayed.

11. Click Yes. A dialogue box is displayed asking if the database is password protected.

12. Click Yes. The data will be imported. If is it is necessary to remove the password first click No.
13. A dialogue box is displayed when the import process is complete, click OK.
5.7.3 Add Lans and Controllers Add a Controller
Controllers that have not yet been added to the IQ network can be added to the Device Viewer.
To add a controller to the Device Viewer:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the Lan to which the controller is to be added, and on the displayed menu click Add Single
Device. The Network Address dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the network address of the controller number into the box. Range 1, 4 to 9, 11 to 119, and
5. Click OK. The controller will be added to the Device Viewer, with the words 'Learn Me' next to it to indicate
that it has not yet been learned.
If 963 is learning/collecting labels, the controller will not be displayed in the Device Viewer until 963 has finished
the task.
Note that as soon as the controller is added to the IQ network or the configuration is moved on to the final PC, the
controller should be updated. Add a Lan
Lans that have not yet been added to the IQ network can be added to the Device Viewer.
To add a Lan to the Device Viewer:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the site to which the Lan is to be added, and click Add Single Lan. The Network Address
dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the number of the Lan. Range 0, 1, 4 to 9, and 11 to 119.
5. Click OK. The Lan will be added to the Device Viewer; with the words Learn Me next to it to indicate that
the Lan has not yet been learned.
If 963 is learning/collecting labels, the Lan will not be displayed in the Device Viewer until 963 has finished the task.

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Note that as soon as the Lan is added to the IQ network or the configuration is moved on to the final PC, the Lan
should be learned. Update a Controller
If a controller on the network has been changed since information about it was obtained, the information must be
updated. This option retrieves the PROM version etc from the controller.
To update information about a particular controller:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the controller that is to be updated, and click Update. The Information Centre is displayed to
indicate the status of the operation.
Note that this operation may take some time. To cancel the operation at any time click Cancel Command in the
Information Centre.
5.7.4 Remove Unwanted Items from the Device Viewer
It is possible to remove unwanted items from the Device Viewer. For example, if the user does not need to access a
controller from the Device Viewer. Values from deleted items can still be displayed on schematic pages.
To delete a controller from the Device Viewer:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the site, Lan, or controller that is to be deleted, and on the displayed menu click Delete. A
dialogue box is displayed asking for confirmation of the deletion.
4. Click Yes. The selected item will be deleted from the Device Viewer.
5.7.5 Edit Labels
Labels of items in the Device Viewer are normally obtained from the devices when the labels are collected. Sometimes
these labels may not be suitable and it is possible to edit the labels of Lans and controllers to something more suitable.
Lans are identified using their Lan number, and do not have label to provide a more friendly interface to the user Lans
can be given a label, and if the label of a controller is not suitable it can be changed. To change the label of a site it is
necessary to edit the site.
To edit a label:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the required Lan or controller, and click Label. The Labelling dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the label (max 100 characters).

5. Click OK. This change is sent to the device.
Note that it is not possible to change the label of a BACnet device.
5.7.6 Set Up the PIN Sent to Controllers
If the 963 is to be used to adjust values in controllers that have PIN protection enabled, it must send a valid PIN to the
device when it attempts to make the change. It is necessary to define the PIN sent to each device in such a situation.
If the PINs are the same in all devices on a particular Lan or site, the PIN can easily be set to be the same for each
device on that Lan or site.
To set up the PIN sent to controllers:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.

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3. Right-click the site, Lan, or device for which the PIN is to be set and on the displayed menu click Set Pin.
The Setting pins dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the PIN (max 4 digits). This PIN MUST correspond to a level 99 user in the controllers.
5. Click OK.
5.7.7 Set Up a Value's PIN Level
Each value displayed in the Device Viewer has a PIN level associated with it, which is used to determine if a user can
adjust that value. This level is obtained from the controller when the labels are collected. It can be changed.
Note that changing the PIN level in this way changes the PIN level in the controller, which may affect security for
devices such as the NDP, which also use these levels. It is therefore recommended that changes to the PIN level are
made by the strategy designer using SET.
To change a values PIN level:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. In the Pin Level column, right-click the PIN level of the value whose PIN level is to be changed and click
Change PIN Level. The New Pin Level for this point dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the PIN level (0 to 99).

5. Click OK. The new PIN level is sent to the device.
Note that it is not possible to change the PIN level for a BACnet device.
5.7.8 Set Up a Value's Units
Each value on the Device Viewer has a 4-character definition of the units associated with it. This is obtained from the
controller. It can be changed.
Note that changing the units in this way changes the units in the controller which may affect devices such as the NDP,
which also use the units stored in the controller. It is therefore recommended that changes to the units are made by
the strategy designer using SET.
To change a values units:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the value whose units are to be changed and click Change Units. The New unit for point
dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the units (max 4-characters).

5. Click OK. The change is sent to the controller.
Note that it is not possible to change a value's units in a BACnet device.

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5.7.9 Set Up Dynamic Menus

Dynamic menus enable a 963 action to be run from a right click menu on a device in the Device Viewer. They are set
up by creating an .act file. This file defines the text of the menu item, the 963 action that is to be carried out, and the
condition that must be satisfied for the menu to be displayed. The filename of the .act file determines the type of
device the dynamic menu is added to.
An example of an .act file is shown below:
Title=IQ EYE Web Site
This file is called 'IQEYE-Collector.act' and adds a menu item using the text 'IQ EYE Web Site' to any IQ EYE
Collector in the Device Viewer. When the item is selected it opens a web browser window and displays the URL
To set up dynamic menus:
1. Run the text editor.
2. Specify the text used for the menu and the 963 action that is to be used in the format shown below:
Title=<Menu Text>
<Condition> is an optional parameter in the format below that defines the condition under which the menu
item is displayed. If left out the menu item is always displayed for the device type. If the condition is
evaluated to 'True' the menu item will be included on the menu.
<Value 1> <expression> <Value 2>
<Value 1> and <Value 2> are numeric values, or an expression that evaluates to a number. Variables e.g. the
PCHOUR variable can be used.
<expression> can be one of the following:
The condition would return True is the value returned by the DEVICE_OS variable is less than 99.
More than one condition can be used by adding additional conditions on a separate line e.g.
Condition=Condition 1
Condition=Condition 2
Condition=Condition 3
Title=<Menu Text>
If multiple conditions are listed for one item, the menu item is included if all conditions are True (a logical
AND of all the conditions).
<Menu Text> specifies the text that is to be displayed in the menu. Variables e.g. the DATA variable can be
<Action> Specifies the 963 action that is to be run. A full list of the actions what they do and the format of
the code used to specify one is provided in the 963 Actions section of this manual.
3. If more than one menu item is to be added for a device type repeat step (2) for each menu item.

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4. Save the file in the 'CustomActions\DeviceViewer' sub-directory of the install directory with an .ACT file
extension. The file name must be formatted as below:
<Friendly Name>.act
<Friendly Name> must be one of the items in the table below and specifies the device type that the menu is
to be added to.
<Friendly Name> Description
921 921 Supervisor
92x 920 Series Supervisor
940 940 Supervisor
942 942 Supervisor
943-v1 943 v1 Supervisor
943-v1-1 943 v1.1 Supervisor
945 945 Supervisor
95x 950 Series Supervisor
Autodialler Autodial Nod Controller (ANC)
BACnet Generic BACnet device
BINC BACnet Internetwork Node Controller (BINC)
CNC Communication Node Controller (CNC)
FNC Fancoil Node Controller (FNC)
GDP Generic Display Panel (GDP)
LonWorks Generic LONWORKS device
OPCClient Generic OPC Client device
INC Internetwork Node Controller (INC)
IQ100 IQ100 Series Controller
IQ111 IQ111 Controller
IQ131 IQ131 Controller
IQ150-V2 Version 2 IQ150 Controller
IQ150-V3 Version 3 IQ150 Controller
IQ151 IQ151 Controller
IQ2 IQ2 Controller
IQ251 IQ251 Controller
IQ3 IQ3 Controller
IQ4 IQ4 Controller
IQ7x IQ7x Series Controller
IQ9x IQ9x Series Controller
IQeco IQeco Controller
IQEYE-Collector IQ EYE Collector
IQL IQL Series Controller
IQView IQView
LINC LonWorks Internetwork Controller (LINC)
LonWorks Generic LonWorks device
MNC Modem Node Controller (MNC)
Modbus Generic Modbus device
NDP Network Display Panel (NDP)
Non-Trend- Non Trend Supervisor
Novar-Logic-One Novar Logic 1 device
PNC Printer Node Controller (PNC)
Supervisor 963 or 962 Supervisor
TOPS-Generic Generic TOPS device
TrendTool Trend Tool
Unknown Unknown device

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<Friendly Name> Description

5.8 Configure Graph Definitions
The specifications about which traces appear on a graph, how the grid etc is set up can be saved as a graph definition.
These, once created, can be loaded later, either manually by the user, or by 963 using the VIEWGRAPH action. When
a definition is loaded, the set up of the graph is retained, but the latest data will be displayed. This saves time if there
are graph traces that are viewed and analysed in the same way on a regular basis.
There are some restrictions on graphs loaded from a client. Graphs in clients do not support fixed scaling; therefore,
graph definitions loaded from a client may appear different to when they are displayed on the server.
To configure graph definition:
1. Add the required graph definitions.
2. Edit any existing definitions.
3. Delete any unwanted definitions.
5.8.1 Add a Graph Definition
Graph definitions can be added as required.
To add a graph definition using the Graph Manager:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. Click New. The Please enter the label dialogue box is displayed.

Note that if the graph definition is to be loaded from a client a maximum of 5 traces can be added.
3. In the box enter the label for the graph definition. The label can be up to 255 characters long.
4. Click OK.
5. Edit the Graph definition to specify the required traces and the graphs appearance.
6. Once the graph is configured as required click OK. The sensor references, logging intervals, scaling, which
axis for each sensor and charting mode (if selected) will be saved.

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To save a graph as a definition:

1. Display a graph from a schematic page or from the Device Viewer.
2. Set up the traces, axis etc as required.
3. Once the graph is set up as required on the File menu click Save. The Enter a name for this graph
configuration dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the name for the graph definition. The name can be up to 255 characters long.
5. Click OK. The sensor references, logging intervals, scaling, which axis for each sensor and charting mode
(if selected) will be saved.
5.8.2 Delete a Graph Definition
Unwanted graph definitions can be deleted.
To delete a graph definition:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the Graph Definitions box click the graph definition that is to be deleted.
3. Click Delete.

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5.8.3 Edit a Graph Definition

Graph definitions can be edited to add traces, change traces, or change the graphs appearance.
To edit a graph definition:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the Graph Definitions box click the graph definition that is to be edited. The graph definition can now be
edited by adding a trace, deleting a trace, displaying a grid, editing a trace, fix the scaling of the Y axis,
resetting sensor labels, specifying a chart, specifying a precision graph or specifying the label of a graph
Definition. See the appropriate sections of this manual.
3. Once the definition is set up correctly click OK.
Clicking Show full will display the Graph Viewer containing the graph definition as it is currently set up. Add a Trace
A trace can be added to a graph definition.
To add a trace to a graph definition:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the Graph Definitions box click the graph definition that is to be edited.

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3. Click Add Trace. The Edit graph trace dialogue box is displayed.

4. Click Choose a sensor. The Find a point dialogue box is displayed.

5. In the Pick a site box click the site containing the point that is to be graphed.
6. In the Pick a LAN box click the Lan containing the point that is to be graphed.
7. In the Pick an OS box click the controller containing the point that is to be graphed.
8. In the Enter a search box enter the label of the point that is to be graphed. An asterisk * can be used as a
wildcard, to specify any number of any characters.
9. Click Find matching points. All the sensors and plots that match the criteria specified above will be listed
in the Pick a point box.
10. In the Pick a point box click the required value.
11. Click OK to return to the Edit graph trace dialogue box. The details of the selected point are added into the
Label and Point reference boxes.
12. Click Choose an interval.
If only one plot module is associated with the value a dialogue box is displayed, click OK the dialogue
box closes, and that plot module is selected.
If more than one plot module is associated with the value the Plots dialogue box is displayed, click the
plot module recording the data at the required interval, and click OK.
13. Click Left or Right to specify whether the axis is to be on the left or right.
14. Click OK.

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Engineering 963 Delete a Trace

A trace specified in a graph definition can be deleted.
To delete a trace:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the Graph Definitions box click the graph definition that is to be deleted.
3. Click the trace that is to be deleted.
4. Click Delete Trace. A prompt is displayed asking for confirmation of the deletion click Yes. Display a Grid on a Graph
963 can display a vertical and/or horizontal grid on any graph. When a horizontal grid is selected, the grid can be
based on either the left, or right hand axis.
To display a grid:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the Graph Definitions box click the graph definition that is to be edited.
3. Click Left Grid or Right Grid depending which axis is to be used for the grid to display a horizontal grid,
and click X-Grid to display a vertical grid.
4. Click Save.

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Engineering 963 Edit a Trace

A trace specified in a graph definition can be edited.
To edit a trace:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the Graph Definitions box click the graph definition that is to be edited.
3. Click the trace that is to be edited.
4. Click Edit Trace. The Edit graph trace dialogue box is displayed.

5. Edit the trace as required.

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Engineering 963 Fix the Scaling of the Y-Axis

The scaling of the Y-axis can be fixed enabling easy comparison of graphs. When the scale of an axis is fixed if a
value is outside the current range the axis will not be adjusted to plot the value.
To fix the scaling of the Y axis:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the Graph Definitions box click the graph definition that is to be edited.
3. Select the Fix left or Fix right check box, depending for which axis the scaling is to be fixed.
4. In the Max box enter the maximum value for the axis.
5. In the Min box enter the minimum value for the axis.
6. Click Save.
Note that this facility is not supported when a graph definition is loaded from a client. Reset Sensor Labels
The labels of the traces on a graph definition can become different to the label of the sensor in the Device Viewer if
for example, the labels have been changed, or the site relearned. Therefore, it may be necessary to reset the label for
each trace on the graph to the label of the sensor stored in the Device Viewer.
To reset the sensor labels:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. Click Reset sensor labels from database.

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Engineering 963 Specify a Chart

The graph definition can be set to display a chart instead of logged data.
To specify a chart:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the Graph Definitions box click the graph definition that is to be edited.
3. Select the Chart check box.
4. In the Refresh interval box enter the refresh interval in seconds between points on the chart.
5. Click Save. Specify a Precision Graph
The graph definition can be set to display a precision chart instead of logged data.
To specify a precision graph:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the Graph Definitions box click the graph definition that is to be edited.
3. Select the Use Precision check box.
4. Click Save.

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Engineering 963 Specify the Label of a Graph Definition

The label of the graph definition can be specified to describe the graph.
To specify the label:
1. On the Graphs menu click View Graph Manager, or click View Manager in the Graph Viewer, or in the
Graph Viewer click the View Manager. The Graph Management dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the Graph Definitions box click the graph definition that is to be edited.
3. In the Label box enter the label.
4. Click Save.
5.9 Configure the Schematic Pages
Configuring the schematic pages is a very important part of engineering the 963 because it is what the user will see
on a day to day basis. During the planning stage of the project you should have decided on what schematic pages are
required, and what they are to display. The necessary files should have been assembled during the Assemble the
Necessary Files stage and the values made available in the Make the Required Points Available stage.
The first stage in configuring the schematic pages is to configure the template page. All new pages are based on the
template page. Any object on this page is automatically placed onto a new page when it is created, enabling standard
objects to be easily included on all pages.
The second stage is to create the page navigation structure, including folders, and the pages. This structure should
enable each page to be easily located, and allow the necessary security to be provided.
The final stage is to configure the pages themselves by adding the different objects to the page and positioning them
To configure the schematic pages:
1. Set up the schematic template page.
2. Create the page navigation structure.
3. Specify the Object Defaults.
4. Configure the pages.
5. Specify any sound played when a page is displayed.
6. Specify how the pages are refreshed.
7. Check the Display.

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5.9.1 Set Up the Schematic Template Page

The schematic template page defines the objects that are placed on every new page when it is created. This enables
objects to be included on all pages without the need for them to be manually added to each page.
It is set up in exactly the same way as any other page. The table below provides some recommendations about what
you should put on the schematic template page.
What should go on the page How to add it
Ability to log in Static object with the Command attribute set to LOGINAS <?Please enter your
Ability to log off Static object with the Command attribute set to LOGOUT.
Standard graphics e.g. company Added as the backdrop or a static object with the To Display attribute set to specify
logo a bitmap.
Access to 963s online help Static object with the Command attribute set to WINEXEC Winhlp32.exe
c:\Program Files\Trend Control Systems\Documentation\963-
Note that once a page has been created, changes made to the template page WILL NOT be made to existing pages.
Because of this, it is important that it is set up as required before pages are added.
To set up the template page:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. On the File menu point to Open template and click Schematic Template. The schematic template page is
4. Configure the template page in the same way as any schematic page.
5.9.2 Create the Page Navigation Structure
The page navigation structure provides a way of organising pages so that they can be located quickly. Folders are used
to group pages that contain similar types of information. There is no limit to the number of folders. Each folder can
be sub-divided by other folders.
To create the page navigation structure:
1. Create the required folders
2. Create the required pages.
Note that pages can be added by copying . tss files, or directories containing .tss files in to the 'pages' directory (e.g.
from another 963 system). Important if pages are copied from another 963 system, any supporting files (e.g. graphics
etc) must also be copied. Create a Folder
It is possible to create two different types of folder: top-level folders, or a folder within another folder.
To create a top-level folder:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. Click Global and on the File menu click Add Folder, or right-click Global, and on the displayed menu click
Add Folder. The Label dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the name of the folder (max 50-characters). The whole path (including filename) must be
less than 256-characters.
5. Click OK.
To create a folder within another folder:
1. Log in.

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2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. Click the folder that is to contain the new folder and on the File menu click Add Folder, or right-click the
folder that is to contain the new folder and on the displayed menu click Add Folder. The Label dialogue
box is displayed.
4. In the box enter the name of the folder (max 50-characters). The whole path (including filename) must be
less than 256-characters.
5. Click OK. Delete a Folder
To delete a folder:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. Click the on the folder that is to be deleted and on the File menu click Delete, or right-click the folder that is
to be deleted, and click Delete. This displays a dialogue box asking for confirmation of the deletion.
4. Click Yes.
Caution deleting a folder will delete all the pages and folders within it. Move a Folder
To move a folder:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. Navigate down the tree structure in the Navigator to display the required folder.
4. Click the folder that is to be moved, and drag it to the required location.
5. Release the mouse button. Rename a Folder
To rename a folder:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. Click the folder that is to be renamed and on the File menu click Rename, or right-click the folder that is to
be renamed, and click Rename. The Label dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the name of the folder (max 50-characters). The whole path (including filename) must be
less than 256-characters.
5. Click OK.

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Engineering 963 Create a Page

It is possible to create two different types of page, a top-level page, or a page within a folder. There is no limit to the
number of pages on the system (apart from the amount of memory, and disk space on the PC). Access to pages can be
restricted by placing them in a top-level folder, and then restricting access to that folder.
When created, a page contains all the objects on the template page; however changes made to the template page will
not be reflected in pages once they have been created.
To create a top-level page:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. Click Global and on the File menu click Add Schematic, or right-click Global, and on the displayed menu
click Add Schematic. The Label dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the name of the page (max 50-characters). The whole path (including filename) must be less
than 256-characters.
5. Click OK.
To create a page within a folder:
1. Log on.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. Click the folder that is to contain the new page and on the File menu click Add Schematic, or right-click the
folder, and click Add Schematic. The Label dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the box enter the name of the page (max 50-characters). The whole path (including filename) must be less
than 256-characters.
5. Click OK. Delete a Page
To delete a page:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. Click the on the page that is to be deleted and on the File menu click Delete, or right-click the page that is to
be deleted, and click Delete. This displays a dialogue box asking for confirmation of the deletion.
4. Click Yes. Move a Page
To move a folder:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. Navigate down the tree structure in the Navigator to display the required page.
4. Click the page that is to be moved, and choose drag it to the required location.
5. Release the mouse button.

100 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Rename a Page

To rename a page:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. Click the page that is to be renamed and on the File menu click Rename, or right-click the page that is to be
renamed, and click Rename. The Label dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the name of the page (max 50-characters). The whole path (including filename) must be less
than 256-characters.
5. Click OK.
It is also possible to rename a page while in page configuration mode by changing the page properties.
To rename a page by changing the page properties:
1. Enter page configuration mode on the page that is to be renamed.
2. On the File menu click Properties or right-click and click Schematic Properties. The Schematic Properties
dialogue is displayed.

3. In the Name box enter the name of the page (max 50-characters). The whole path (including filename) must
be less than 256-characters, and should not include the following characters: , #, and %.
4. Click OK. Specify a Page Description
It is possible specify a description for a schematic page one it has been created.
To specify a page description:
1. Enter page configuration mode on the page that is to be renamed.
2. On the File menu click Properties or right-click and click Schematic Properties. The Schematic Properties
dialogue is displayed.

3. In the Description box enter the description of the page. Refresh the Page Navigation Structure
The page navigation structure can be refreshed to ensure the latest structure is displayed.

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To refresh the page navigation structure:

1. Log in.
2. Right click on the page navigation structure and choose Refresh View from the menu that is displayed.
5.9.3 Specify Object Defaults
The default values for the attributes of static and dynamic object can be defined. These attributes are assigned to the
object when it is added to a page.
To specify the object defaults:
1. Add an object of the required type (static or dynamic) object to the page.
2. Set up the object's attributes as required by entering them into the appropriate box, selecting a checkbox, or
clicking the required value from a list.
3. Right-click the object and click Make settings for this object default for all new ones.
5.9.4 Configure a Schematic Page
When the pages have been created they all contain the objects from the template page. They must be edited so that
they contain the required information. You should have already decided what information is to go on each page in the
planning stage of the project.
Once objects have been placed on a page they can be moved around to their final position, by dragging the object to
the required position, or they can be moved more accurately using the keys. Objects can be arranged in a
table (useful if you have a number of values from the IQ system on the page). Objects can also be arranged in layers;
enabling one object to be placed over another.
It may also be necessary to specify how the schematic pages refresh the values from the IQ system. Normally, this
will not be necessary, but in some cases where the IQ network is slow, or a large number of points are on the page, it
may be necessary to configure the refresh method.
To configure a page:
1. Enter page configuration mode.
2. Specify the backdrop.
3. Add objects to the page
4. Edit the objects as required, to correctly specify their attributes, and move them into the correct position. Enter Page Configuration Mode
To configure pages it is necessary to enter page configuration mode.
To enter/exit page configuration mode:
1. Log in.
2. View the page that is to be configured.
3. On the Edit menu click Configure Page, or right-click the page, and click Configure Page.
When in page configuration mode, two panes are displayed: the Schematics Config pane, and the Display Object
Editor pane.
The Schematics Config pane has five different tabs that enable items to be added pages by dragging them on to the
Display Object Editor pane enables the attributes for the selected objects to be specified. The attributes can either be
sorted by attribute type by clicking or alphabetically by clicking .
Both the Schematics Config pane and the Display Object Editor pane can be set to automatically be hidden when
not required by clicking . When set to autohide they will automatically reduce it size down to a small tab when the
mouse is not over the top. To switch this off display the appropriate dialogue box and click . They can also be moved
by switching off the autohide feature clicking the bar at the top of the dialogue box and dragging it to the required
position (top, bottom, left or right of the screen), and releasing the mouse button.
Note that it may be necessary to resize the Schematics Config pane to display all options.

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Engineering 963 Specify the Backdrop

A backdrop is a graphic (e.g. floor plan) that is on the page behind everything else and is used as a base for the page.
All objects placed on the screen will appear in front of the backdrop.
To specify the backdrop:
1. Ensure that the file required for the backdrop is on the PC in the backdrops sub-directory of the install
2. Enter page configuration mode for the page that is to be configured.
3. On the Edit menu click Change backdrop image, or right-click the page, and on the displayed menu click
Change Backdrop. The Change Background dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the list click the required file.

5. Click OK.
To remove the backdrop:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that is to be configured.
2. On the Edit menu click Change backdrop image, or right-click the page, and on the displayed menu click
Change Backdrop. The Change Background dialogue box is displayed.
3. In the list click No Backdrop.
4. Click OK. Determine the Size of a Page
The size of a particular page can be determined. This is useful if the page is to be displayed in a client where screen
size is short.
To determine the size of a page:
1. Enter page configuration mode as described in the Enter Page Configuration Mode section of this manual.
2. Display the required page.
3. Right-click the page and on the displayed menu Show page size. Add Objects to the Page
There are two types of objects that can be added to a page:
Dynamic Objects
Dynamic objects are objects that are linked to a particular value on the IQ system. They indicate the value
and status of this value using text, analogue graphics, animations, and bitmaps, as well as enabling the user
to perform certain actions (e.g. adjust the linked value, or display a graph).
Static Objects
Static objects display certain system information, or enable the user to perform an action. They can be
displayed on the pages as text, animations, or bitmaps.
Objects (dynamic or static) can be added to a schematic page in one of three ways:
Copy and Paste of existing objects
Drag and Drop
The Insert menu

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 103

Engineering 963 Add Objects Using Drag and Drop

The Schematic Config dialogue box enables files, IQ system items and 963 items to be dragged onto the page.
Dragging the objects on to the page will automatically create a static or dynamic object as appropriate and define the
objects attributes.
To add objects using drag and drop:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page to which the object is to be added.
2. In the Schematic Config pane box click the required tab depending on what is to be added.
Tab Description
Device Enables values from the IQ system to be added to the page.
Diary Enables a button to go to a particular diary group in the Diary Display to be added to the page.
Explorer Enables files to be located and added to the page, e.g. graphic files. It is particularly useful as
it allows images and files to be previewed using thumbnail views before dragging them onto
the schematic page. It allows images from anywhere on the PC to be used by navigating to the
images. If these images are not in the project directory 963 will automatically copy the image
into the appropriate directory within the Project Directory.
Graphs Enables a graph definition to be added to the page or a button that displays the graph definition.
Users Enables a button allowing a particular user to log in to be added to the page.
3. Click Refresh view to ensure the information is up to date. This option is not available if the Explorer tab
is selected.
4. Locate the object that is to be added to the page.
If the Device Viewer tab is selected click on the part of the system containing the required value all the
IQ system values in the selected part of the system are displayed in the box at the bottom of the tab. It is
possible to search for values with specific labels by selecting the Find match check box and entering
the required label in the Find match box. This restricts the list at the bottom of the tab to values whose
label matches the label you entered.
If the Diary tab is selected click the folder containing the required diary group.
If the Explorer tab is selected it is possible to select a file in a different location by clicking the drive,
or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-clicking the folders in the folder list until
the file is displayed. If the file is located in a directory other than the 963s directory it will automatically
be copied into the appropriate directory in the 963s directory. The way the information in the Explorer
tab is displayed can be specified by clicking and clicking the required option from the displayed
list to specify how the files are to be displayed. It is recommended that Thumbnails is selected as this
provides a preview of graphics files.
Note that it may be necessary to resize the pane to display all options.
If the Graphs tab is selected it is possible to see a preview of the graph by clicking the definition in the
Graph Definitions box and then clicking Click here to preview. To display the full graph click on the
definition the Graph Definitions box and then click Show full.
If the Users tab is selected click the workgroup containing the required user.
5. Click the required item and drag it on to the page. When the objects are added to the page their attributes are
automatically defined.
Tab Item Object Type Attributes Defined
Device IQ system value Dynamic Label attribute set to the points label
Viewer Item, Lan, and node outstation attributes set to specify the
Diary Diary Group Static To Display attribute set to the diary group name, and the
Command attribute set to use the GOTO DIARY action
with the group ID number of the diary group.
Explorer Animation Static To Display attribute set to the filename of animation file.
Backdrop file (Not Static To Display attribute set to the filename of the graphic file.
added as a
Graphic Static To Display attribute set to the filename of graphic file.

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Engineering 963

Tab Item Object Type Attributes Defined

Page Static To Display attribute set to the page name and the
Command attribute set to display that page (GOTO
Script Static To Display attribute set to the name of the script file, and
the Command attribute set to run that file (SCRIPT action).
Script file Static To Display attribute set to the filename of the script file,
and the Command attribute set to use the SCRIPT action
with the script files name filename.
SWF Static To Display attribute set to the filename.
Text Static To Display attribute set to the text.
WAV file Static To Display attribute set to the filename and the Command
attribute set to play that file. (PLAY action).
Graphs Graph Definition Static To Display attribute set to the user name, and the Command
as a button attribute set to use the VIEWGRAPH action with the graph
definition name.
Graph Definition Static To Display attribute set to <GRAPH definition name>.
Users User Static To Display attribute set to the user name and the Command
attribute set to use the LOGINAS action with the user
Attributes not mentioned in the table above will be set to the default value.
Note that driver modules in IQL controllers do not have a value parameter. Therefore if the value of a driver
is required on a schematic page it is necessary to use the value in the strategy that is providing the input to
the driver instead.
6. Specify the object's other attributes as required.
If the page to which the object is being added is to be accessed from a client not all actions should be specified
as the Command, When On, When Off, When In Alarm, On Error, While Waiting, When Overridden Off,
and When Overridden On attributes. For details of which actions can be used see the Action Availability
section of this manual. Static objects that use an action that is not supported by in the client will not be
displayed in the web browser. It is also recommended that the Autosize option is turned off, and the size
specified by manually. For dynamic objects If the value is to appear as text only, and not as a button set the
objects PIN Level attribute to >99.
It is possible to see how the object will appear by testing the page.
Note that objects that display active content e.g. SWF files etc are always placed on top of other objects on
the page.

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Engineering 963 Add Objects Using the Insert Menu

The Insert menu allows you to add either static or dynamic objects as required assigning its object attributes the
default values.
To add objects using the Insert menu:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page to which the object is to be added.
2. On the Insert menu click New dynamic object, New static object or right-click anywhere on the page, and
on the displayed menu point to New Object and click New dynamic object, or New static Object. The
object is added to the page.
3. Specify the object's attributes as required.
If the page to which the object is being added is to be accessed from a client not all actions should be specified
as the Command, When On, When Off, When In Alarm, On Error, While Waiting, When Overridden Off,
and When Overridden On attributes. For details of which actions can be used see the Action Availability
section of this manual. Static objects that use an action that is not supported by in the client will not be
displayed in the web browser. It is also recommended that the Autosize option is turned off, and the size
specified manually. For dynamic objects if the value is to appear as text only, and not as a button, set the
objects PIN Level attribute to >99.
Note that driver modules in IQL controllers do not have a value parameter. Therefore if the value of a driver
is required on a schematic page it is necessary to use the value in the strategy that is providing the input to
the driver instead.
It is possible to see how the object will appear by testing the page.
Note that objects that display active content e.g. SWF files etc are always placed on top of other objects on
the page. Copy and Paste Objects
Objects can be copied and pasted to another location on the same, or another page.
To copy and paste objects:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the object(s) that are to be copied.
2. Select the object(s) that are to be copied.
3. On the Edit menu click Copy, or press CTRL+C, or right-click the objects, and on the displayed menu point
to Edit Objects and click Copy Selected Objects. It is possible to cut the selected objects instead of copying
them by right clicking on the object and on the displayed menu pointing to Edit Objects and clicking Cut
Selected Objects, or pressing CTRL+X.
4. If the object(s) are to be pasted to another page go to the page the object(s) are to be pasted to.
Note that to move between pages it is necessary to exit page configuration mode and then move to the
required page, and re-enter page configuration mode.
5. On the Edit menu click Paste, or press CTRL+V, or right-click the page and on the displayed menu point to
Edit Objects and click Paste Objects. Delete Objects
To delete an object:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the object that is to be deleted.
2. Click the object that is to be deleted and on Edit menu click Delete, press Del, or right-click the object that
is to be deleted, and click Delete. The Delete Object dialogue box is displayed.
3. Click Yes.

106 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Edit Objects

Once objects have been added to a page it is necessary to edit them to so that they are displayed as required. This is
done by specifying the object attributes, and positioning the objects. Specify Object Attributes Specify Object Attributes Using Drag and Drop
Editing the object attributes using drag and drop is quick and easy. For example the value displayed by a dynamic
object can be changed simply by dragging another value onto it, or if a static object currently displays text, dragging
a bitmap onto it will change its To Display attribute to use that bitmap. However, some of the attributes cannot be set
up in this way. To change these attributes it is necessary to use the Display Object Editor.
To specify the attributes using drag and drop:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the object(s) that are to be edited.
2. On the Schematic Config pane click the required tab depending on the item that is to be added. The table
below explains what can be added from each tab.
Tab Description
Device Viewer Enables values from the IQ system to be selected
Diary Enables a diary group to be selected
Explorer Enables a file to be selected.
Graphs Enables a graph definition to be selected.
Users Enables user to be selected.
3. Click Refresh view to ensure the information is up to date. This option is not available if the Explorer tab
is selected.
4. Specify the attributes.
If the Device Viewer tab is selected, click on the part of the system containing the required value. The
IQ system values in the selected part of the system are displayed in the box at the bottom of the tab. It is
possible to search for values with specific labels by selecting the Find match check box and entering
the required label in the Find match box. This restricts the list at the bottom of the tab to values whose
label matches the label you entered.
If the Diary tab is selected click the folder containing the required diary group.
If the Explorer tab is selected it is possible to select a file in a different location by clicking the drive,
or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-clicking the folders in the folder list until
the file is displayed. If the file is located in a directory other than the 963s directory it will automatically
be copied into the appropriate directory in the 963s directory.
If the Graphs tab is selected it is possible to see a preview of the graph by clicking click the definition
in the Graph Definitions box and then clicking Click here to preview. To display the full graph click
on the definition in the Graph Definitions box and then click Show full.
If the Users tab is selected click the workgroup containing the required user.

5. Click the required item and drag it on to the object that is to be edited. The cursor will change to a as the
attribute is being dragged, and then to a when it is over an object onto which it can be dropped.
6. Once the attribute is over the required object release the mouse button.
7. If prompted, specify the attribute that is being specified.
Note that dragging a value onto the object will specify the Label, Units, Connection, Lan, Outstation, and
Item attributes of the value.
If the page to which the object is being added is to be accessed from a client not all actions should be specified
as the Command, When On, When Off, When In Alarm, On Error, While Waiting, When Overridden Off,
and When Overridden On attributes. For details of which actions can be used see the Action Availability
section of this manual. Static objects that use an action that is not supported in the client will not be displayed
in the web browser. It is also recommended that the Autosize option is turned off, and the size specified by
manually. For dynamic objects If the value is to appear as text only and not as a button set the objects PIN
Level attribute to >99.
The 963 Object Attributes section of this manual contains a full description of each of the different object attributes.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 107

Engineering 963 Specify Object Attributes Using the Display Object Editor

The object attributes of dynamic and static objects can be edited using the Display Object Editor pane. This enables
the individual attributes to be specified. If required the Display Object Editor pane can be used to edit more than one
object at a time. If a mixture of static and dynamic objects are selected the attributes for both types of object will
appear in the Display Object Editor pane.
To specify the attributes in the Display Object Editor pane:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the object(s) that are to be edited, as described in
the Enter Page Configuration Mode section of this manual.
2. Select the required objects as described in the Select Objects section of this manual.
3. Specify the object attributes in the Display Object Editor pane by entering the required text, and selecting
the required objects. For details about specifying each attribute see the Object Attributes section of this
If the page to which the object is being added is to be accessed from a client not all actions should be specified
as the Command, When On, When Off, When In Alarm, On Error, While Waiting, When Overridden Off,
and When Overridden On attributes. For details of which actions can be used see the Action Availability
section of this manual. Static objects that use an action that is not supported by in the client will not be
displayed in the web browser. It is also recommended that the Autosize option is turned off, and the size
specified by manually. For dynamic objects If the value is to appear as text only, and not as a button set the
objects PIN Level attribute to >99. Find and Replace Object Attributes
The find and replace option enables all occurrences of a particular piece of text to be replaced with another.
To find and replace object attributes:
1. Enter page configuration mode
2. Specify what is to be included in the find and replace.
To perform the action on all objects on a page, on the Edit menu point to Find and replace and click
On current page, or right-click anywhere on the page and on the displayed menu point to Find and
Replace and click Find and replace on entire page.
To perform the action on the selected objects select the required objects, and on the Edit menu point to
Find and replace and click On pages selected objects, or right-click anywhere on the page, and on
the displayed menu point to Find and Replace and click Find and replace on selection.
To perform the action on all pages on the Edit menu point to Find and replace and click On all pages
The Find and Replace Wizard dialogue box is displayed.

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Engineering 963

3. In the Choose an attribute to replace area select the required option to specify the attribute that is to be
If Text attributes is selected specify the particular attributes that are to be changed, and what they are
to be change to. To change the font, click Set new font, and then click the required one from the drop
down list. To change the size, click Set new size, and then enter required size in the box. To change the
colour, click Set new colour, and the click the required colour from the box. To make the text bold,
italic, shadow, or underline, click Set new style, and then click Bold, Italic, Shadow, or Underline as
If Item was selected it is possible to replace the label and units by selecting the Replace Label, Units
check box.
4. In the look for this box enter what text is to be found. The search can be restricted to all the static and
dynamic objects that match the specified criteria. E.g. To restrict the search of dynamic objects to dynamic
objects with a specific telephone number enter the required number in the Connection box. To restrict the
search of dynamic objects to dynamic objects with a specific Lan number enter the required number in the
LAN box. To restrict the search of dynamic objects to dynamic objects with a specific outstation number
enter the required number in the Outstation box.
5. Click either Exact match or Partial match to specify whether the match is to be an exact or partial match.
6. In the And replace it with this box enter the new text. Leaving this blank leaves the text unchanged. This is
useful if only the text attributes are being changed. An action can be specified by clicking Choose a new
display or action, and then specifying the required file or action from the dialogue box that is displayed.
7. Click OK. Enter Text on More Than One Line
To enter text on more than one line:
1. Click . This will display the keyboard.

2. Enter the first line.

3. Press Enter.
4. Enter the second line.
5. Click Finish to return to the Display dialogue box.
Note that when entering text using the keyboard the length is limited to 250 characters. Reset an Object to Default Settings
An objects attributes can be reset to the default settings for that attribute.
To reset an object to the defaults settings:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the object(s).
2. Select the required object(s).
3. Reset the required settings.
To reset to the default font settings on the Default menu click Reset selection to default fonts or right-
click and on the displayed menu point to Reset Objects and click Reset selected objects to default
To reset to the default display attributes (When On, When off etc.) on the Default menu click Reset
selection to default displays or right-click and on the displayed menu point to Reset Objects and click
Reset selected objects to default displays.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 109

Engineering 963

To reset to the default size attributes (height, width and autosize) on the Default menu click Reset
selection to default sizes or right-click and on the displayed menu point to Reset Objects and click
Reset selected objects to default sizes. Position Objects Align Objects to the Grid
Objects can be aligned to the grid (the size of the object is adjusted so that all the borders fit on the grid).
To align existing objects to the grid:
1. Display the grid as described in the Display the Grid section of this manual.
2. Select the required objects as described in the Select Objects section of this manual.
3. On the Layout menu point to Grid and click Size all objects to grid or right-click anywhere on the page
and on the displayed menu point to Grid and click Fit all objects to grid. Display the Grid
A grid can be displayed on a schematic page while it is being configured to help with the alignment of objects on the
To display the grid:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page.
2. On the Layout point to Grid and click Use Grid, or right-click anywhere on the page and on the displayed
menu point to Grid and click Use Grid. The grid will now be displayed on the page. Enable/Disable Snap to Grid
When a grid is displayed it is possible to snap objects to the grid (top left is aligned to the nearest grid point) when
they are added to the page, or moved.
To enable/disable snap to grid:
1. Display the grid.
2. On the Layout menu point to Grid and click Snap all objects to grid, or right-click anywhere on the page
and on the displayed menu point to Grid and click Snap all objects to grid. Specify the Grid
The spacing, colour etc of the grid can be specified to suit your requirements.
To specify the grid:
1. Display the grid.
2. On the Layout menu point to Grid and click Grid Properties, or right-click anywhere on the page and on
the displayed menu point to Grid and click Grid Properties. The Grid dialogue box is displayed.

3. Specify the grids attributes as required.

To specify the spacing of the grid by drag the horizontal/vertical sliders to the required position, or enter
the required value for the spacing in the X, and Y boxes. To set the horizontal spacing differently to the
vertical spacing clear the Sync X and Y check box. To specify whether the grid appears as lines, or dots
click Dots, or Lines.
To specify the colour of the grid click Choose colour to display the Color dialogue box, click the
required colour, and click OK to return to the Grid dialogue box.
To specify the thickness of the grid enter the required thickness into the Grid Thickness box.
4. Once the grid is correctly specified click OK.

110 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Arrange Objects in a Table

Objects can be arranged in a tabular format. This is useful when adding a number of dynamic objects to a page. It is
possible to either arrange the objects automatically in a table allowing 963 to determine the number of row and
To automatically arrange objects in a table:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the required page.
2. Select the required objects.
3. On the Layout menu click Auto arrange selection, or press CTRL+SHIFT+R. The objects will be arranged
in a table with the number of rows and columns automatically determined by 963 to best suit the display.
To arrange objects in a table with a specific number of rows:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the required page.
2. Select the required objects.
3. On the Layout menu click Arrange selection, press CTRL+R, or right-click one of the selected objects and
on the displayed menu point to Edit Objects and click Arrange Objects. The Arrange in Array of Objects
dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the Rows box enter the number of rows. The 963 automatically adjusts the number of columns to so that
the table can accommodate the number of objects selected.
5. Click OK. Move Objects
Once objects have been placed on a page they can be moved into the required position.
To move objects into position:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the object(s) that are to be moved.
2. Select the required objects.
3. Click the object(s) and drag it into position.
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the object(s) that are to be moved, as described in
the Enter Page Configuration Mode section of this manual.
2. Select the required objects.
3. Use the keys to move the objects as required.
Key Function
Move the selected objects 1 pixel in the direction of the arrow.
Shift+ Move the selected objects 5 pixels in the direction of the arrow.
Ctrl+ Align the selected objects in the direction of the arrow. Move Objects Between Layers
Objects on a page are arranged in layers, one on top of another. It is possible to move objects between layers.
To move objects between layers:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the object(s) that are to be moved.
2. Select the required objects.
3. Right-click one of the selected objects, and select the required option from the displayed menu.
Menu Command Function
Move To Front Moves the object(s) to be on top of all the others.
Move To Back Moves the object(s) to be underneath all the others.
Move Forward Moves the object(s) up one layer.
Move Backward Moves the object(s) down one layer.
Note that, active content (e.g. pdf, xls files etc) will always appear on top of other objects.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 111

Engineering 963 Swap the Positions of Two Objects

The positions of two objects on a page can be swapped.
To swap the positions of two objects:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the object(s) that are to be swapped.
2. Select the two objects whose positions are to be swapped.
3. Press CTRL+S. Select Objects
Once objects have been placed on a page they can be selected to enable operations to be carried out on them.
To select a single object:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page for the page that contains the object that is to be selected.
2. Click the object.
To select multiple objects:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the objects that are to be selected.
2. Drag around the required objects from top left to bottom right, or hold down the CTRL key, and click the
required objects.
To select all objects on the page:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page that contains the objects that are to be selected.
2. On the Edit menu click Select All, or right-click anywhere on the page and on the displayed menu point to
Edit Objects and click Select All. Undo Changes
The last 20 changes made to a schematic page can be undone.
To undo the last action:
1. On the Edit menu click Undo, or press CTRL+Z, or right-click the schematic page and on the displayed
menu point to Edit and click Undo Last Command. Examples Add a Button that Lists Alarms
A button can be added to a page that will display a list alarms matching the specified alarm filter. This is done by
adding a static object to the page with the Command attribute set up to use the VIEWFILTER action.
To add a button that lists alarms:
1. Create the required alarm filter.
2. Add a static object to the page.
3. In the What to display box of the Display Object Editor pane enter the text that is to appear on the button.
4. Specify the Command attribute to use the VIEWFILTER action by clicking in the Command box of the
Display Object Editor pane clicking VIEWFILTER from the list in the What action do you want to run?
box, clicking the required filter in the dialogue box that is displayed, clicking OK and then clicking OK
5. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add a Button that Lists of All the Points on the Page
A button can be added to a page that will display a list of all the points on a page. This is done by adding a static object
to the page with the Command attribute set up to use the VIEWPOINTS action.
To display a list of all the points on a page:
1. Add a static object to the page as described in the Add Objects to the Page section of this manual.
2. In the What to display box of the Display Object Editor pane enter the text that is to appear on the button.
3. Specify the Command attribute to use the VIEWPOINTS action by clicking in the Command box of the
Display Object Editor pane clicking VIEWPOINTS from the list in the What action do you want to run?
and then clicking OK.
4. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add a Button that Lists Specified Points
A button can be added to a page that will display a list specified points for a particular controller. This is useful if a
page is displaying values from a number of controllers using the same strategy to enable easy access to other
parameters in the strategy on a page. This is done by associating an outstation template with the value.
To display a list of specified points:
1. Create the required points template file.

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Engineering 963

2. Add a dynamic object to the page linked to the required analogue value.
3. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Use Outstation Template box to make the object use a
points template file.
4. In the Outstation Template box underneath Use Outstation Template in the Display Object Editor pane
click . The Select Item dialogue box is displayed.
5. Click the required file.
6. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add a Button to a Page
A button ( ) is displayed on a page when a static object is added with the Command attribute defined. When the
page is viewed, the button will be displayed.
To add a button to a page:
1. Add a static object to the page.
2. In the To Display box enter the text that is to appear on the button.
3. Specify the Command attribute to use the required action by clicking in the Command box of the Display
Object Editor pane and clicking the required action from the list, or enter the required code for the action.
Some actions require additional information to be provided. If this is the case, a dialogue box is displayed
enabling the information to be entered.
If the page which the button is being added is to be accessed from a client not all actions should be specified
as the Command attribute. For details of which actions can be used see the Action Availability section of
this manual. Buttons that use an action that is not supported in the client will not be displayed in the web
4. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add a Button to a Popup Schematic
A button can be placed on a page that will display a schematic page in a pop-up window.
To add a pop-up schematic to a page:
1. Add a static object to the page.
2. Specify the Command attribute to use the POPUP action to display the required schematic page.
3. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add a Button to Calculate the Mean Kinetic Temperature to a Page
A button can be added to the page to calculate the Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) for a specified sensor and display
it on the screen, providing the sensor is being recorded by 963.
To add a button to calculate the Mean Kinetic Temperature to a page:
1. Ensure that the sensor for which the Mean Kinetic Temperature is required is being recorded by 963.
2. Add a static object to the page.
3. In the To Display box enter the text that is to appear on the button.
4. In the Command box click . The What action dialogue box is displayed.
5. In the What action do you want to run? box click CALCULATEMKTDATE from the list to specify the
Command attribute to use the CALCULATEMKTDATE action. The Mean Kinetic Temperature dialogue
box is displayed.

6. If the site containing the information is a remote site, in the Connection box enter the telephone number, or
IP address required to access the site
7. In the Lan box enter the Lan containing the required information. Range 0, 1, and 4 to 119 excluding 10.
8. In the Outstation Number box enter the controller containing the required information, range 0, 1, 4 to 119
excluding 10.

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Engineering 963

9. In the Item box enter the number of the sensor for which the MKT is required.
10. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes to allow the start date of the calculation to be specified.
11. Specify the start date of the calculation by selecting the required month and year from the boxes, and then
clicking the required date.
12. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes to allow the end date of the calculation to be specified.
13. Specify the end date of the calculation by selecting the required month and year from the boxes, and then
clicking the required date.
14. Click Finish to return to the What action dialogue box.
15. Click OK to return to the Display Object Editor pane.
16. Set up the object's other attributes as required.
Note that the result of this calculation is not stored. Add a Button to Go to a Generic Page
A button can be added to a page that will display a generic page, and specify the device from which the values are
To go to a generic page and specify the device:
1. Create the required page using generic objects.
2. Specify the Command attribute to link to the required page and define the device by entering the code
described below in the Command box of the Display Object Editor pane.
GOTO <Filename> GENERIC=<Connection>L<Lan Number>O<Controller Address>
<Filename> specifies the page that is to be displayed. <Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies
the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access
the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If
specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When
entering a telephone number it can contain the following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the
local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
GOTO pages\AHU Unit.tss GENERIC=01234567890L99O24
This would display the generic page pages\AHU Unit.tss and tell it to obtain values from controller 24 on
Lan 99 accessed using the phone number 01234567890.
4. Set up the objects other attributes as required.

114 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Add a Coloured Button to a Page

A coloured button can be added to a page by adding a static object with the Command attribute defined, and the
Background Colour attribute set to the required colour.
To add a coloured button to a page:
1. Add a static object to the page.
2. In the To Display box enter the text that is to appear on the button.
3. Specify the Command attribute to use the required action by clicking in the Command box of the Display
Object Editor pane and clicking the required action from the list, or enter the required code for the action.
Some actions require additional information to be provided. If this is the case, a dialogue box is displayed
enabling the information to be entered.
If the page to which the button is being added is to be accessed from a client not all actions should be specified
as the Command attribute. For details of which actions can be used see the Action Availability section of
this manual. Buttons that use an action that is not supported in the client will not be displayed in the web
4. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Background Colour box.
5. In the Colour box underneath Background Colour in the Display Object Editor pane click . The Color
dialogue box is displayed.

6. Click the required colour. To use a custom colour click Custom.

7. Click OK.
8. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add a Graph to a Page
A graph is displayed on a page when a static object is added with either a graph definition, or sensor number specified
as the To Display attribute. When the page is viewed, the graph will be displayed.
To add a graph to a page:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page to which the graph is to be added.
2. Click the Graphs tab in the Schematics Config pane.
3. Click Refresh view to ensure the information is up to date.
4. Click the required graph definition in the Graph Definitions box and drag it onto the page. You will be
prompted whether the graph is to display in a child window.
5. Click Yes to add the graph definition to the page.
6. Set up the objects other attributes as required.
1. Add a static object to the page.
2. Specify the To Display attribute as the required graph definition or sensor number by entering the codes
below in the To Display box in the Display Object Editor pane.
<GRAPH <Graph Name>>
<Graph Name> Is the name of the graph definition that is to be used.
<GRAPH L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address >S<Sensor Number>>
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device for which configuration mode is required (range 0,
1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the
controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). <Sensor Number> specifies the number of the sensor that is to
be graphed. For multiple traces in a graph window use the following format:
<GRAPH L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address>S<Sensor Number>,L<Lan Number> O<Controller
Address>S<Sensor Number>,>
3. Specify the size of the object so that it is large enough for the graph to be visible.
4. Set up the objects other attributes as required.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 115

Engineering 963 Add a Graphic Button To a Page

A graphic button is displayed on a page when a static object is added with the Command attribute defined, and with a
BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, or EMF, specified as the To Display attribute. When the page is viewed, the graphic will be
displayed. Clicking the graphic will cause the specified action to be carried out.
To add a graphic button to a page:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page to which the graph is to be added.
2. Click the Explorer tab in the Schematics Config pane.
3. Click the required graphic file and drag it onto the page. It is possible to select a file in a different location
by clicking the drive, or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-clicking the folders in
the folder list until the file is displayed.
4. Specify the Command attribute to use the required action by clicking in the Command box of the Display
Object Editor pane and clicking the required action from the list, or enter the required code for the action.
Some actions require additional information to be provided. If this is the case, a dialogue box is displayed
enabling the information to be entered.
5. Set up the objects other attributes as required.
1. Add a static object to the page.
2. Specify the To Display attribute as the required bitmap, by clicking in the To display box of the Display
Object Editor pane, then clicking Choose from directory, clicking the required file from the list, clicking
Open, and then clicking OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the Look in
box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
A different graphic can be displayed when the mouse moves over the object, or the mouse button is pressed
over the object. See the Change the Buttons Appearance section of this manual.
3. Specify the Command attribute to use the required action by clicking in the Command box of the Display
Object Editor pane and clicking the required action from the list, or enter the required code for the action.
Some actions require additional information to be provided. If this is the case, a dialogue box is displayed
enabling the information to be entered.
If the page to which the button is being added is to be accessed from a client not all actions should be specified
as the Command attribute. For details of which actions can be used see the Action Availability section of
this manual. Buttons that use an action that is not supported in the client will not be displayed in the web
4. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add a Graphic to a Page
A graphic is displayed on a page when a static object is added with a BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, or EMF, is specified
as the To Display attribute. When the page is viewed, the graphic will be displayed.
To add a graphic to a page:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page to which the graph is to be added.
2. Click the Explorer tab in the Schematics Config pane.
3. Click the required graphic file and drag it onto the page. It is possible to select a file in a different location
by clicking the drive, or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-clicking the folders in
the folder list until the file is displayed.
4. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add Active Content to a Page
Active content enables the content of files such as Word and Excel to be integrated into a schematic page. 963 supports
the following files for active content:
To add active content to a page:
1. Add a static object to the page.
2. Specify the To Display attribute as the required file by clicking in the To display box of the Display
Object Editor pane, then clicking Choose from directory, clicking the required file from the list, clicking
Open, and then clicking OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the Look in
box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
3. Specify the size of the object so that it is large enough for the file to be visible.
4. Set up the objects other attributes as required.

116 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Add an Animation to a Page

An animation is displayed on a page when a static object is added with an animation file specified as the To Display
attribute. When the page is viewed, the animation will be displayed.
To add an animation to a page:
1. Add a static object to the page as described in the Add Objects to the Page section of this manual.
2. Specify the To Display attribute as the required animation, clicking in the To display box of the Display
Object Editor pane, then clicking Choose from directory, clicking the required animation file from the list,
clicking Open, and then clicking OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the
Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
3. Set up the objects other attributes as required.
An animation can also be added to the page by dragging the required animation onto the page from the Configuration
dialogue box. This will add a static object with the animation as the To Display attribute. Add an Invisible Button to a Page
An invisible button can be added to a page.
To add an invisible button to a page:
1. Add a static object to the page.
2. In the To Display box enter the text that is to appear on the button.
3. Specify the Command attribute to use the required action by clicking in the Command box of the Display
Object Editor pane and clicking the required action from the list, or enter the required code for the action.
Some actions require additional information to be provided. If this is the case, a dialogue box is displayed
enabling the information to be entered.
If the page which the button is being added is to be accessed from a client not all actions should be specified
as the Command attribute. For details of which actions can be used see the Action Availability section of
this manual. Buttons that use an action that is not supported in the client will not be displayed in the web
4. In the Display Object Editor pane click No in the Visible box.
5. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add System Variables to a Page
Information about the PC running 963 and the 963 can be displayed on a page. This is done by adding a static object
with a special code as the To Display attribute. When the page is viewed, the code will be replaced with the value.
Code Description
<CNC> Display the Network address of 963.
<DATA> Displays the name of the directory in which 963 is installed.
<FNAME> Display the pages filename.
<FREE drive:\>
Display the amount of free disk space on the drive on which 963 is installed.
<IP> Displays the IP address of the 963 PC.
<LAN Displays the Lan to which 963 is connected.
<MODBY> Displays the name of the user who last modified the page.
<MODTIME> Displays when the page was last modified.
<PAGEDIR> Displays the path name of the current page.
<PCDAY> Displays the day of the month.
<PCHOUR> Displays the hour.
<PCMIN> Displays minutes.
<PCMONTH> Displays the month.
<PCWKDAY> Displays the current day of the week. 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday,
5=Friday, 6=Saturday, and 7=Sunday.
<PCYEAR> Displays the current year.
<PNAME> Displays the page name.
<RESOLUTION> Displays the resolution of the screen.
<TIME> Displays the time.
<TIMEON> Displays the length of time since 963 was run.
<TOKENSUSED> Displays the number of live data points that have been used.

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Code Description
<USER> Displays the name of the user currently logged on.
<VER> Displays the version of 963.
To add system variables to a page:
1. Add a static object to the page.
2. Specify the To Display attribute as the required variable, by clicking in the To display box of the Display
Object Editor pane, clicking the required variable from the list, and clicking OK.
3. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add Text to a Page
Text is displayed on a page when a static object is added with some text specified as the To Display attribute. When
the page is viewed, the text will be displayed.
To add a text to a page:
1. Add a static object to the page.
2. In the To Display box of the Display Object Editor pane enter the text.
3. Set up the objects other attributes as required.
Text can also be added to the page by dragging the required text onto the page from the Schematic Config dialogue
box. This will add a static object with the text as the To Display attribute. Add the Mean Kinetic Temperature to a Page
The Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) for a sensor can be added to the page, providing the sensor is being recorded
by 963. This can be done by adding a static object to the page that calculates the MKT when the page is displayed.
To add the MKT to a page:
1. Ensure that the sensor for which the MKT is required is being recorded by 963.
2. Add a static object to the page as described in the Add Objects to the Page section of this manual.
3. In the To Display box of the Display Object Editor pane specify the To Display attribute to use the
CALCULATEMKTDATE action by entering the command in the format shown below.
<CALCULATEMKTDATE <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address>S<Sensor
Number>,<Start Date>,<End Date>>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the
local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
<Sensor Number> specifies the number of the sensor for which the MKT is required. <Start Date> specifies
the first date in the range for which the MKT is to be calculated. <End Date> specifies the last date in the
range for which the MKT is to be calculated. The code must be enclosed by <>. E.g. <Code>.
CALCULATEMKTDATE L24O20S2,26/12/2001,2/1/2002
This would calculate the MKT for sensor 2 in controller 20, on Lan 24 between 26/12/2001, and 2/1/2002.
Note that the result of this calculation is not stored.
4. Set up the objects other attributes as required.
Tip If the MKT for the sensor has already been calculated using a scheduled event, the virtual sensor can be added to
the page.

118 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Add a Digital Node to a Page

The status of a digital node can be added to a page.
To add a digital value to a page:
1. Add a dynamic object to the page linked to a value in the controller that contains the digital value.
2. Edit the Item attribute specified in the Item box in the Display Object Editor pane to specify the required
digital node. The entry should be in the following format.
B<Node Number>(S<Bit Number>)
Where <Node Number> is the number of the byte containing the digital node and <Bit Number> is the bit
number of the node.
3. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add a Generic Object to a Page
A dynamic object can be added to a page that enables the device from which it obtains its value to be specified by the
user using the SETGENERIC action. This enables generic schematic pages to be created, and used for device that use
the same strategy, e.g. IQLs, or lists of sensors etc can be created.
To add a generic object to a page:
1. Add a dynamic object to the page linked to the required value.
2. In the Use Generic box in the Display Object Editor pane click Yes to make the object use generic
Tip: The Connection, Lan, and Outstation attributes will be greyed out because they are not required as their values
will be determined by the user with the SETGENERIC action, or the optional GENERIC= parameter of the GOTO
action. It is recommended that a button be added to the pages that use the SETGENERIC action to allow the user to
specify the device. It is recommended that any pages containing generic objects should include the details of the
current device, e.g. by adding generic objects with the item attribute set to R(D), R(L) and R(N). Add a Lan Map to a Page
A map of a specified Lan can be displayed on a page.
To add a Lan map to a page:
1. Add a dynamic object to the page.
2. In the Lan box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the number of the Lan that is to be mapped. To map
the internetwork, enter 126, and to map the local Lan enter 0.
3. In the Item box in the Display Object Editor pane enter l (lower case L).
4. In the Decimal Places box in the Display Object Editor pane enter 1.
5. Set up the While Waiting attribute to display a message while the Lan is being mapped, e.g. Wait Lan
mapping in progress.
6. Set up the object's other attributes as required. Add a Value to a Page
A value from the IQ system can be added to a page by adding a dynamic object linked to the required item.
To add a value from the IQ system to a page:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page to which the value is to be added.
2. Click the Device Viewer tab in the Schematics Config pane.
3. Click on the part of the system containing the required value the required all the IQ system values in the
selected part of the system are displayed in the box at the bottom of the tab.
4. Click the required value and drag it onto the page.
5. Set up the objects other attributes as required.
If the page to which the object is being added is to be accessed from a client not all actions should be specified
as the When On, When Off, When In Alarm, On Error, While Waiting, When Overridden Off, and When
Overridden On attributes. For details of which actions can be used see the Action Availability section of
this manual. It is also recommended that the Autosize option is turned off, and the size specified by manually.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 119

Engineering 963 Add an Analogue Graphic to a Page

Analogue graphics allow a sequence of bitmaps to be displayed in response to a changing value.
To add analogue graphics to a page:
1. Add a dynamic object to the page linked to the required value.
2. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Display Analogue Graphic box.
3. In the Analogue File box enter the name if the required analogue file.
4. Set up the objects other attributes as required. Add an Analogue Node to a Page
A value of an analogue node can be added to a page.
To add an analogue value to a page:
1. Add a dynamic object to the page linked to a value in the controller that contains the analogue node.
2. Edit the Item attribute specified in the Item box in the Display Object Editor pane to specify the required
analogue node. The entry should be in the following format.
A<node number>(V)
Where <node number> is the number of the analogue node.
3. Set up the object's other attributes as required. Change the Button's Appearance
It is possible to change the appearance of a graphical button when the mouse is moved over it, held over it, or when it
is selected.
To change the buttons appearance:
1. Add a graphic button to the page.
2. Create a separate bitmap file for the way the button is to appear normally, the way it is to appear when the
mouse is moved over it, and another for when it is selected.
3. Save the graphics in the same directory with the appropriate filename.
Name of file When it is displayed
<filename>.bmp Normal display.
<filename>_o.bmp Displayed when the mouse is moved over the button.
<filename>_d.bmp Displayed when the button is selected.
<filename>_h.bmp Displayed when the mouse is held over the button for more than 4 seconds. Play a Sound When a Page is Displayed
A particular sound file can be played when a particular page is displayed.
To play a sound when a page is displayed:
1. Create the sound file, and save it in the same directory as the file representing the page giving it the same file
name. E.g. to play a sound when a page called First Floor is displayed, save the file as First Floor.wav. Specify an Object's Size
When a new object is added to a page, it defaults to having the Auto size check box selected. This means that the
object will be sized to suit the text that is displayed, or the graphic that is specified. This means if several objects are
displayed on a page the result may be buttons that are all different dimensions, or the size of the button may change
is the displayed text changes. To prevent this, specify the height and width of the object.
To specify the objects size:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. Select the required objects.
3. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
4. Go to the Schematics tab.
5. In the Height of the schematic window on a client box enter the required height of the object in pixels.
6. In the Width of the schematic window on a client box enter the required width of the object in pixels.
7. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
If the object is displaying a graphic, and its size is not correct clearing the Auto size check box will enable the size of
the graphic to be specified.

120 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Restrict Who can Use/See an Object on a Page

It is possible to restrict which users are able to use or see a particular object. To do this you must specify a minimum
PIN Level required to access the object. This enables the object to be set so that all users can access it; no one can
access it, or just users above the specified level. The PIN attribute defines the minimum PIN level of users who can
see/use the object. If the users PIN level is less than the value of this attribute, the object does not appear on the page.
To restrict who can use/see an object on a page:
1. Select the required objects as described in the Select Objects section of this manual.
2. In the PIN box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the required PIN level. Range -1 to 100. -1 means
that anyone can see/use the object, and 100 means that nobody can adjust the value, although it will be visible
to users. Specify How the Pages are Refreshed
Normally, the refreshing of information from the IQ system on pages is controlled by the refresh rate of the individual
dynamic objects. However on pages with more than 100 dynamic objects the values on the page are automatically
sent in batches according to the batch refresh settings.
This can be done in two ways:
Specifying the minimum refresh time for pages with less than 100 points.
Specifying Batch Refreshing for pages with more than 100 points or if you experience problems with loading
values. Setting the Minimum Refresh Time
The minimum refresh time for dynamic objects can be specified to ensure that the information is not updated too often.
This helps reduce the amount of communications on the network. The default value is 30s.
To change the minimum refresh time:
1. Edit the [DYNAMICOBJECTS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
MinRefresh=<refresh time>
<refresh time> specifies the minimum refresh time in seconds.
MinRefresh=8 Check the Display
963 can simulate the different states of dynamic objects to enable the page display to be checked, and the objects
aligned correctly.
To check the display:
1. On the Edit menu click Simulation Mode or right-click the page and click Toggle simulation mode. A
dialogue box is displayed indicating that the 963 is in simulation mode, and values are being retrieved from
a file. To exit simulation mode click Exit Mode.
Once in this mode you can simulate various conditions e.g. when on and when off states, or particular values, or how
the page will respond to a message by right-clicking any dynamic object and choosing the required option from the
menu as described in the table below:
Menu command Description
Simulate -> When on Simulates the When on state for a digital value.
Simulate -> When off Simulates the When off state for a digital value.
Simulate -> Adjust Analogue Value Enables a value to be adjusted and displayed on the page.
Simulate -> Simulate a text comms reply Enables a text comms message to be specified. The page will be
displayed as though that message has been received.
5.10 Configure Print Templates
Print templates allow extra information to be added to a page graph, or alarm priority statistics when printed e.g. the
date and time, or who printed it. Print templates are normal schematic pages that are specified as print templates, and
have an area on them that is to contain the page being printed. When a page, graph, or the alarm priority statistics is
printed out using a template it is printed out inside the defined area with the information on the template around the

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 121

Engineering 963

The 963 is supplied with a number of different print templates which provide some useful options for printing. They
are located in the Navigator for schematics in the Print Templates folder in the 963 Folder.
To create a print template:
1. Add a schematic page.
2. Enter page configuration mode for the page.
3. On the File menu click Properties, or right-click on the page and click Schematic Properties. The
Schematic Properties dialogue box is displayed.

4. Click the Print Template tab.

5. Select the Use schematic as template check box.
6. Click OK. A dialogue box asking if you want to add a print area to the page is added. Click Yes. The area in
which the information that is printed will appear in is added to the page.
7. Resize the print area by clicking the corners, holding the mouse button down, and dragging them until the
print area is the required size. To move the print area, click anywhere inside it, and drag it to the required
8. Add objects as required, to make up the print template. Dynamic objects are not supported on print templates.
If the template is to be used for graphs the graph legends can be printed by adding a static object to the page with the
To Display attribute set to <GRAPHLEGEND>.
5.11 Configure the Web Browser Display
The Web Browser Display allows HTML pages to be displayed. By default it has some pages already set up, for
example our web site. However it is necessary to configure the display to allow access to the required HTML pages.
These pages could be on the company Intranet, the PCs hard drive, or the Internet.
To configure the Web Browser Display:
1. Create links to required HTML pages.
5.11.1 Create Links to HTML Pages
If the 963s built in web browser is to be used to access HTML pages links to the required ones must be added.
To create a link to an HTML page:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Internet to select the Web Browser Display.
3. In the Navigator right-click anywhere in the list of available sites, and click Add URL. The URL Setup
dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the label for the page.

5. Click the URL tab.
6. In the box enter the URL of the HTML page. This can be on the local drive, an Intranet, or the Internet.
7. Click OK.

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Engineering 963

Tip: To help get the URL right, use Internet Explorer to locate the required page, highlight the URL with a mouse,
press CTRL+C to copy it, follow the procedure for creating a link to an HTML page (described above). When entering
the URL, click in the box and press CTRL+V to paste the URL into 963.
Note that 963s WEB action may be used from a schematic page to jump directly to a particular HTML page.
5.11.2 Delete Links to HTML Pages
Unwanted links to HTML pages can be deleted.
To delete a link to an HTML page:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Internet to select the Web Browser Display.
3. Right-click the link that is to be deleted and click Delete.
5.11.3 Edit Links to HTML Pages
Links to HTML pages can be edited.
To edit a link to an HTML page:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Internet to select the Web Browser Display.
3. Right-click the link that is to be edited, and click Edit.
4. Change the parameters as required.
5. Click OK.
Tip: To help get the URL right, use Internet Explorer to locate the required page, highlight the URL with a mouse,
press CTRL+C to copy it, follow the procedure for creating a link to an HTML page (described above). When entering
the URL, click in the box and press CTRL+V to paste the URL into 963.
5.12 Configure Occupation Times
The occupation times for the controllers on the system are configured in the Diary Display. This enables the
occupation times in the controllers on the IQ system to be set up and managed. The normal occupation times can be
defined, along with exceptions to the normal times. 963 will automatically download any exceptions to the normal
occupation times to the controller.
The configuration of the occupation times requires a group for each different set of occupation times to be set up, and
connected to the time zones in the controllers that are to work those times. The normal occupation times (standard
week) for each group must be set up along with any exceptions to those times e.g. bank holidays. It is also necessary
to specify when the times will be downloaded. If the normal occupation times are to be left to the local user to set up
and only exceptions are to be centrally managed 963 can be set on only download exceptions.
To configure the occupation times:
1. Create the diary navigation structure.
2. Set up normal occupation times for each diary group.
3. Exception templates which enable sets of exception times to be predefined e.g. for bank holidays etc which
can be used when adding an exception, or to provide the normal occupation times can be setup as described
in the Setup Exception Templates section of the 963 User Guide (TC200635).
4. Link the time zones to the diary groups.
5. Set up any exceptions to the normal occupation times as described in the Add an Exception section of the
963 User Guide (TC200635).
Note that if configuring the occupation times for a BACnet site it is possible to view the occupation times of the BACnet
devices, see the 'View Occupation Times in BACnet Devices' section of this manual for more details.
5.12.1 Create the Diary Navigation Structure
The diary navigation structure provides a way of logically grouping time zones that are to use the same occupation
times together so that they can be located quickly.
To create the diary navigation structure:
1. Add the required diary folders.
2. Add the required diary groups.

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Engineering 963 Add a Diary Folder

Diary folders allow diary groups to be organised into logical groups, making it much easier for operators to locate the
area they are interested in. It is possible to create two different types of folder: top-level folders, or folders within
other folders.
To create a top-level folder:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Right-click Global and on the displayed menu click Add Folder. The Label dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the folder name (max 50-characters).

5. Click OK.
To create a folder within another folder:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Navigate down the tree structure in the Navigator to display the required folder.
4. Right-click the folder that is to contain the new folder, and on the displayed menu click Add Folder. The
Label dialogue box is displayed.
5. In the box enter the folder name (max 50-characters).
6. Click OK. Delete a Diary Folder
If a diary folder is no longer required it can be deleted.
To delete a diary folder:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Navigate down the tree structure in the Navigator to display the required folder.
4. Right-click the diary folder that is to be deleted, and on the displayed menu Delete. This displays a dialogue
box asking for confirmation of the deletion.
Note you will be asked if you want to delete each item within the folder to be deleted. If you choose not to
delete a particular diary group within the folder it will be moved to the root level.
5. Click Yes. For each item in the folder that is to be deleted. Move a Diary Folder
The position of a diary folder can be changed. Moving a folder will also move any diary folders, and diary groups it
To move a diary folder:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Navigate down the tree structure in the Navigator to display the required diary folder.
4. Click the diary folder that is to be moved, and drag it to the required location.
5. Release the mouse button.

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Engineering 963 Rename a Diary Folder

Diary folders can be renamed.
To rename a diary folder:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Right-click the diary folder whose name is to be changed, and on the displayed menu click Rename. The
Label dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the folder name.

5. Click OK. Add a Diary Group
Diary groups group together time zones that operate the same occupation times. It is possible to create a diary group
inside, or outside of a diary folder.
To create a diary group:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Right click here to create a new group. The Group Settings dialogue box is displayed.

4. Click Global to create a group at the root level, or to create a group inside a folder navigate down the tree
structure to display the required folder and click it.
5. Click Next>.
6. In the Label box enter the group name.
7. In the PIN box enter the PIN Level required to see the group (range 0 to 99).
8. Click Next>.
9. In the Download time boxes enter the time when the normal occupation times should be downloaded to the
controllers. The hour should be specified in the first box and the minutes in the second.
10. In the Retry interval box click the interval between retries.
11. If only the exceptions are to be downloaded select the Only download exceptions check box. A warning
message appears. Click Yes to download only the exceptions. If No is selected, 963 will download both
exceptions, and normal occupation times.

Use this option if you wish to globally control the configuration of holidays etc. but want to leave the normal
times under the control of local users.
12. Click Finish. A dialogue box is displayed asking if you want to link the time zones to the group.

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13. To assign them now click Yes, to leave it for later click No. If Yes is selected a dialogue box is displayed
enabling the time zones to be linked to the diary group.
14. Set up the occupation times for the group.
15. Click OK.
If there are common time schemes in the Global diary group, go to step 16 or else go to step 17.
Note that the Import Time Scheme option is displayed only if there are common time schemes in the Global
diary group.
16. Import Time Schemes.
Select a time scheme to Import Time Scheme Common to Folder. This action will help you import
the common time schemes of the Global group to the new group. Check the Time Scheme check
box to select all the time schemes. To select one time scheme, clear the Time Scheme check box
and select one time scheme.

Note that if there are more than one time schemes with the same name but different time settings, the Select
a Time Scheme dialogue box is displayed. Select the required time scheme.

One time scheme can have one or more time settings.

Note that if you do not select a time scheme, a message is displayed. Click OK to continue.

17. The Please confirm action dialogue box is displayed.

18. Click the required option to either download the changes now, or to configure the download for the groups
scheduled download time.
Note that a diary group can be added by navigating the required position in the Navigator, right-clicking the required
folder and clicking Add from the displayed menu. Delete a Diary Group
To delete a diary group:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Right-click the diary group that is to be deleted, and click Delete. This displays a dialogue box asking for
confirmation of the deletion.
4. Click Yes.

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Engineering 963 Edit a Diary Group

Diary groups can be edited to change their name, PIN level, and download times.
To edit a diary group:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Click the diary group for that is to be edited.
4. Click the Group setup and status tab.
5. Click Edit Group Settings. The Group Settings dialogue box is displayed.

6. Edit the label and PIN as required.

7. Click Next.
8. Edit the download time, retry interval, and exception download as required.
9. Once the required changes have been made click Finish. Move a Diary Group
A diary group can be moved to a different diary folder.
To move a diary group:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Navigate down the tree structure in the Navigator to display the required diary group.
4. Click the diary group that is to be moved, and drag it to the required location.
5. Release the mouse button.

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Engineering 963

5.12.2 Set Up Normal Operating Times for a Diary Group

When the diary group is created, 963 sets the normal occupation times to 8:00 to 17:30 Monday to Friday, and off all
day Saturday and Sunday. These times will be sent to the standard week of the time zones connected to the diary
group. If these times are not suitable, they should be set up as required as shown below.
To set up the normal operating times for a diary group:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Click the diary group for which operating time are to be set up.
4. Click the Time Schemes tab.
5. In the Configured schemes box click Normal Times. The normal times will be displayed in the right of the
6. Click Edit. A dialogue box asking if you are sure you want to edit the default times is displayed, click Yes.
The Diary Week Day Scheme Editor dialogue box is displayed.

7. The colour used to represent days that use these times can be specified by clicking Choose and selecting the
required colour from the dialogue box that is displayed, and clicking OK.
8. Set up the operating times for each day as required by dragging each end of the bar to specify the times. To
add another period click and drag to the right, and then drag each end of the bar to specify the times. To
set occupation for the whole day, right click the day and on the displayed menu click On all day. To set non-
occupation for the whole day, right click the day and on the displayed menu click Off all day. The times can
be specified by clicking the required period and entering the start and stop times in the Start Hours, Start
Minutes, Stop Hours, and Stop Minutes boxes. Two periods can be merged by right clicking a period and
on the displayed menu Merge Left, or Merge right. Occupation times from one day can be copied and then
pasted to another day, or the entire week, by right clicking the day whose times are to be copied, on the
displayed menu clicking Copy Day, then right clicking the day to which the times are to be pasted, and on
the displayed menu clicking Paste Day. To paste the times to the entire week right click and on the displayed
menu click Paste for week, and to paste them just to the working week (Monday to Friday) week right click
and click Paste for working week. A single period can be copied by right clicking it, and on the displayed
menu clicking Copy, it can then be pasted where required in a similar way to pasting the entire day. To set
occupation for the entire week, right click and on the displayed menu click On all week. To set non-
occupation for the entire week, right click and click Off all week. Existing times can be loaded from another
diary group as described in the Load Existing Times section of the 963 User Guide, or loaded from a
controller as described in the Load Times From a Controller section of the 963 User Guide.
Note that for diary groups that are to define the times for pre IQ3 controllers there is a maximum of 3 periods.
9. Once the occupation times are correctly set up, click OK. A dialogue box asking if you want to download
the changes now or configure the scheduler to do it later is displayed, click the required option and then click

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5.12.3 Link Time zones to a Diary Group

The time zones in the controllers that are to use the times specified in each diary group need to be set up.
To set up the time zones for each diary group:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.
3. Click the diary group for which time zones are to be set up.
4. Click the Group setup and status tab.
5. Click Add/Remove IQ zone(s). The Select Zones dialogue box is displayed.

6. Specify the time zones that are to use the times specified by the group by clicking them in the Zones Left

box to, and then clicking . This will move them into the Zones Chosen box. To remove a time zone

from the list, click it in the Zones Chosen box, and then click . To select a range hold down the
SHIFT key and then click the first and last time zones in the range. Clicking Select All will select all the
displays in the list, and clicking Unselect All will deselect all the time zones currently selected in either the
in Zones Chosen, or Zones Left box.
Note that the 963 only supports binary schedules from BACnet devices
7. Once the required time zones have been added, click OK.
Note that the occupation times in the controllers will now be updated with the times specified in the diary
8. Click Send changes to controllers.
5.12.4 View Schedules in a BACnet Device
If using 963 to configure occupation times for BACnet devices it maybe useful to see what the current occupation
times are in the devices, this is done by viewing the device's schedules.
To view schedules in a BACnet device:
1. Connect to TOPS.
2. In the Networks pane click next to Drivers.
3. Click next to BacnetNetwork.
4. Double click the device from which alarms are to be received.
5. Click the Bacnet Schedule Manager tab. The Schedule Manager screen for the device is displayed.
6. In the BACnet schedules pane click the schedule that is to be viewed. The schedule times are displayed in
the lower part of the screen.
Note that it is not possible to change the times from here.

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5.13 Configure the Users

The next stage in the engineering process is to configure the User Display. This defines the different users who can
access their system, and what they can access. You should have already decided what users and workgroups are
required during the planning stage of the project.
To configure the users and workgroups:
1. Add the workgroups.
2. Set up the User Template page.
3. Add the users.
Note that when engineering 963, only users in the System Administrator workgroup will be able to configure users.
5.13.1 Add a Workgroup
A workgroup defines the access rights of the users assigned to it.
To add a workgroup:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Users to select the User Display.
3. Right-click anywhere in the Navigator, and click Add Workgroup. The Workgroup Information dialogue
box is displayed.

4. In the Workgroup Name box enter the workgroups name.

5. If users in the workgroup are to be restricted as to when they can log in select Restrict login hours using
normal times from diary group check box, and select the required diary group from the list.
6. In the Please enter a PIN level and ensure it is between 1 and 99 box enter the PIN level used to decide
if the users in the workgroup have access to objects on a page, or can adjust values on the Device Viewer. It
should be in the range -1 to 99. -1 means that users in the workgroup will not be able to make any adjustments,
even if the adjustments are not PIN protected.
7. In the Please enter the users inactivity time period in minutes (0=never time out) box enter the length of
time in minutes for which 963 is left unused before the users in the workgroup are logged off. It can be set
in the range 0 to 60. 0 means that the user will never be logged off.
Note that it is recommended that the inactivity time of the default workgroup is set to 0. However if it is
necessary to set the display back to a known location after a period of inactivity the inactivity time can be
set up.
8. Specify the action that will be carried out when a user in the workgroup logs on by clicking Choose Action
and clicking the required action from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed, or by entering the required
code into the Please enter an action that will be executed when the user logs into 963 box.
For details about specifying a particular action see the 963 Actions section of this manual.
Note that the RETRANSMIT action should not be specified as the action to be carried out when a user in the
workgroup logs on to send an alarm to another 963 when a user logs on the LGON alarm should be caught
in an alarm filter linked to an alarm group configured with the RETRANSMIT action.
9. Specify the page that will be displayed when a user in the workgroup logs on by clicking Choose Startup
Page and clicking the required page from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed.

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Engineering 963

10. Specify the web session time limit (in minutes). Should a user exceed this limit they will be required to re-
enter their log in details in order to continue.
11. Click the View tab.
12. Specify which of the 963s displays users in the workgroup will have access to by clicking the 963s displays
in the View Access Rights box to highlight them, and then clicking >>. This will move them into the Current
View Access Rights box, enabling users in the workgroup to access those displays. To remove a display
from the list that the users can access, click it in the Current View Access Rights box and then click <<. To
select more than one display hold down the CTRL key, and click the required displays. To select a range
hold down the SHIFT key and then click the first and last display in the range. Clicking Select All will select
all the displays in the list.
13. Click the Configuration tab.
14. In the Config Access Rights box click the required access rights and click >> to specify the access rights of
users in the workgroups. This will move them into the Current Config Access Rights box, assigning those
rights to users in the workgroup. To remove a particular access right from the users, click it in the Current
Config Access Rights box, and click <<. To select more than one access right hold down the CTRL key, and
click the required access rights. To select a range hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the first and last
access right in the range. Clicking Select All will select all the access rights in the list.
Access Right Description Default System
Access Help Files Specifies whether the users can access the 963s help files.
Add/Remove Specifies whether the users can add or remove folders and
Schematic Pages pages.
Note that users with this access right are able to see all pages
and folders.
Can action alarms Specifies whether the users can action alarms
Can clear alarms Specifies whether the users can clear alarms.
Can move and size Specifies whether the users can move or resize the 963
window Window.
Close Program Specifies whether the users can close 963.
Configure Alarm Specifies whether the users can configure alarm handling.
Configure Client Specifies whether the users can configure client auto execute
Auto Execute Alarm alarm.
Configure Specifies whether the users can edit the labels, units and PIN
Controller Points levels of items in the Device Viewer.
Configure Data Specifies whether the users can set up automatic data
Recording recording.
Configure Device Specifies whether the users can configure the Device Viewer.
Viewer They are able to learn sites, add sites, collect labels, label
sites, Lans, and controllers and delete sites, Lans, and
Configure Diary Specifies whether the users can configure the Diary Display.
Configure Diary Specifies whether the users can configure occupation times.
Occupation Times
Configure Graphs Specifies whether the users can set up graph definitions.
Configure Scheduler Specifies whether the users can configure the Event
Events Scheduler Display.
Configure Specifies whether the users can configure the schematic
Schematic Pages pages that they are able to see.
Configure SMS Specifies whether the users can configure SMS settings (963
SMS Direct only).
Configure Web Specifies whether the users can configure the Web Browser
Browser Display.
Display Comms Specifies whether the users can display communications
Window information.
Full Web Access Specifies whether the users have full access (i.e. can make
adjustments) from a client.

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Engineering 963

Access Right Description Default System

Maximize window Causes the 963 Window to be maximised.
Read-only Web Specifies whether the users have read only access (i.e. cannot
Access make adjustments) from a client.
Show Menu Bar Specifies whether the Menu Bar is displayed when users in
the workgroup are logged in.
Show min/max Specifies whether the minimise and maximise buttons (
) are displayed.
Supervisor is top Causes 963 to be displayed on top of all other windows.
most window
15. Click the Folder tab.
16. In the Folder Access Rights box click the top-level folders the users in the workgroup are to have access
and then click >>. This will move them into the Current Folder Access Rights box, allowing to users in the
workgroup to access pages in those top-level folders. To prevent users from accessing pages in a top-level
folder, click it in the Current Folder Access Rights box, and then click <<. To select more than one folder
hold down the CTRL key, and click the required folder. To select a range hold down the SHIFT key and then
click the first and last folder in the range. Clicking Select All will select all the folders in the list.
17. Click the Diary tab.
18. Specify the diary groups for the users in the workgroup to access by clicking the 963s diary groups in the
Diary Access Rights box to highlight them, and then clicking >>. This will move them into the Current
Diary Access Rights box, enabling users in the workgroup to access those diary groups. To remove a diary
group from the list that the users can access, click it in the Current Diary Access Rights box and then click
<<. To select more than one diary group hold down the CTRL key, and click the required diary groups. To
select a range hold down the SHIFT key and then click the first and last diary group in the range. Clicking
Select All will select all the diary groups in the list.
19. Once the workgroup is correctly defined, click OK.
Once a workgroup has been added, it can be edited by right-clicking it and clicking Properties to display the
Workgroup Information dialogue box. Delete a Workgroup
Note that it is not possible to delete the 'System Administrator' workgroup.
To delete a workgroup:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Users to select the User Display.
3. Right-click the workgroup that is to be deleted, and click Delete. This displays a dialogue box asking for
4. Click Yes.
All users within the workgroup will also be deleted.
Ensure that at least one workgroup provides full access rights.
5.13.2 Set Up the User Template Page
It is important to set up the user template page before creating any users to reduce the amount of engineering required.
The user template page defines the objects that are placed on the page that is created for every user. It is set up in
exactly the same way as any other page. The table below lists the objects that should be included in the page.
What should go on the page How to add it
Ability to log in Static object with the Command attribute set to LOGINAS <PNAME>.
Ability to log off Static object with the Command attribute set to LOGOUT.
Ability to change the password Static object with the Command attribute set to CHANGEPASSWORD.
Details about the user e.g. name, Static object set to display the required text.
position, department, extension, and
email address.
Note that once a user has been created, changes made to the user template page WILL NOT be made to existing pages.
Because of this, it is important that it is set up as required before users are added to the system.

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To set up the user template page:

1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page Display.
3. On the File menu point to Open Template and click User Template. The user template page is displayed.
4. Configure the user template page in the same way as any schematic page.
5.13.3 Add a User
A different user needs to be set up for each person (or group) that is going to use 963. It is important that the Default
user is assigned to the workgroup Default that provides minimal access, and to display a page that allows all the
other users to log in. It is recommended that a minimum of two users with full administrative right are configured for
a system as a backup incase someone forgets their password, or when running 963 is locked.
To add a user:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Users to select the User Display.
3. Right-click the workgroup to which the user is to be added and on the displayed menu click Add User. The
Operator name dialogue box is displayed.

Note that a user can only be in one workgroup.

4. In the box enter the name of the user. Do not use an apostrophe in the user name.
Note that user names are case sensitive i.e. 'A N Other' is different to 'a n other'.
5. Click OK. The Set New Password dialogue box is displayed.

6. In the Password box enter the users password. When deciding on the password, it is recommended that
passwords have the following attributes:
Be at least seven characters long.
Use a mixture of upper and lower case characters, e.g. A and a. Do not user '&' in the user name as it causes
problems using client features of 963 Server.
Use some numeric characters, e.g. IlikeFruit7.
Be significantly different from previously used passwords.
Should not use common or guessable names associated with yourself, e.g. love or your partners name.
When running 963 it will check to see that the password confirms to the minimum length, and will not allow
a password to be reused, or use one that has been used by another user.
7. In the Confirmation box enter the users password again.
8. Click OK. The user will be added to the selected workgroup. Change a User's Access Rights
Because a users access rights are determined by the workgroup the users access rights can be changed by editing the
workgroup to change the access rights. This will assign the new access rights to all users in the workgroup, and should
only be done if the access rights of all the users in the workgroup are to be changed. If this is not possible the only
way to change the access rights for a particular person is to move the user into a different workgroup.
To move a user into a different workgroup:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.
2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Users to select the User Display.
3. Navigate down the tree structure in the Navigator to display the required user.
4. Click the user that is to be moved, and choose drag it to the required workgroup.
5. Release the mouse button.
Note that sometimes when the tree is redrawn the user may be missing it is necessary to right click the tree and click
Refresh View.

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Engineering 963 Expire a User

When running 963 it is not possible to delete users, to ensure that a complete audit trail is available. Therefore if a
user is no longer required, e.g. the person leaves, or no longer requires access to the 963 they must be expired to ensure
that they can no longer log in to the system. Once a user has been expired, they can never be unexpired.
To expire a user:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Users to select the User Display.
3. Click the workgroup containing the user that is to be expired.
4. Right-click the user that is to be expired, and click Expire User. The Are you sure? dialogue box is

5. Click Yes.
5.14 Configure Scheduled Events
Scheduled events enable any of 963s actions to be run automatically at specified times. E.g. the automatic recording
of graphs, synchronising the controller times with the PC clock, and pages to be printed at a set time. 963 will also
add scheduled events for the download of occupation times from the Diary, and add events to automatically calculate
the mean kinetic temperature for specified sensors.
To configure scheduled events:
1. Add the required scheduled events to the scheduler.
5.14.1 Add a Scheduled Event
Scheduled events enable any of 963s actions to be run automatically at specified times.
Some actions require additional information to be provided. In this case, a dialogue box is displayed that enables the
information to be entered. For more details about specifying actions see the Specifying Actions section of this
manual. The length of the action code should not exceed 256 characters.
All the variable commands, can be used as described in the 963 Variable Availability section of this manual. The
ISDIARYOCC and ISDIARYNOCC variables can be used to prevent particular actions being carried out at particular
To add a scheduled event:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Scheduler to select the Event Scheduler Display.
3. Click New. The Configure Scheduled Action dialogue box is displayed.

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4. Click Choose action in the Configure the required command for scheduling area. The What action
dialogue box is displayed.

5. In the list click the required action.

6. Click OK to return to the Configure Scheduled Action dialogue box.
7. Specify what happens if the action fails, in the OPTIONAL: Choose an action to perform if the required
command fails area of the dialogue box. To specify no action click Do Nothing. To generate an alarm click
Set to default. To specify an action click Choose action to display the What action dialogue box, click the
required action from the list, and click OK.
8. Specify what happens when action succeeds in the OPTIONAL: Choose an action to perform if the
required command is successful area of the dialogue box. To specify no action, click Do Nothing. To
generate an alarm, click Set to default. To specify an action click Choose action to display the What action
dialogue box click the required action from the list, and click OK.
9. Click Next>. A dialogue box is displayed.

10. In the First event box enter the date and time when the event is to first occur in the following format:
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss
To specify the event to occur now, click Now.
11. If the event is to occur more than once, select the Do you wish to repeat this action check box, and go to
step (12). If the event is to only occur once, clear the Do you wish to repeat this action? check box, and go
to step (15).
12. In the Choose an interval list click the interval at which it is to be repeated. 963 recommends an option
based on the configuration settings.
13. In the ..and how many times to repeat it list click how many times the event is to occur.
14. If Day or Week was specified as the interval, specify the day(s) of the week that the event is to occur. If Day
was selected, all seven days can be selected. If Week was selected, only one day can be selected.
15. Click Next>. A dialogue box is displayed.

16. Check that the event is set up correctly, and then click Finish.

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5.14.2 Delete a Scheduled Event

If a scheduled event is no longer required it can be deleted.
To delete a scheduled event:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Scheduler to select the Event Scheduler Display.
3. Right-click the scheduled event that is to be deleted, and click Delete. A dialogue box prompting for
confirmation of the deletion is displayed.
4. Click Yes.
To delete all scheduled events:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Scheduler to select the Event Scheduler Display.
3. Click Delete All items from current list. A dialogue box promoting for confirmation of the deletion is
4. Click Yes.
5.14.3 Edit a Scheduled Event
To edit a scheduled event:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Scheduler to select the Event Scheduler Display.
3. Right-click the event that is to be edited in the scheduler, and on the displayed menu click Edit.
4. Set up the scheduled events action attributes as required.
5. Click Next.
6. Set up the scheduled events time attributes as required.
7. Click Next.
8. Check that the event is set up correctly, and then click Finish.
5.15 Scheduled Event Examples
5.15.1 Automatically Calculate a Sensor's Mean Kinetic Temperature
963 can automatically calculate the Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) for a sensor at regular intervals. This is done
by adding an event to the scheduler that runs the CALCULATEMKT action.
To automatically calculate a sensor's MKT:
1. Ensure that the sensor for which the MKT is required is being recorded by 963.
2. Add a scheduled event, using the CALCULATEMKT action by clicking Choose Action and then in the
What action do you want to run? box clicking CALCULATEMKT. The MKT : Mean Kinetic
Temperature dialogue box is displayed.

3. If the site containing the information is remote enter the telephone number, IP address or host name required
to access it in the Connection box.
4. In the Lan Number box enter number of the Lan containing the required information, range 0, 1, 4 to 119
excluding 10.
5. In the Outstation Number box enter the address of the controller containing the required information, range
0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10.
6. In the Item box enter the number of the sensor for which the MKT is required.
7. In the Label box enter the label of the sensor for which the MKT is required.

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8. Click Next. The dialogue box changes to allow the virtual sensor that is to be used to store the MKT to be
9. Click Automatically pick virtual sensor number to make 963 choose the number of the virtual sensor.
Click Manually input virtual sensor number, and enter the number in the box to specify the number
10. Click Next. The dialogue box changes to allow the high and low alarm limits for the sensor to be specified.
11. In the Low Alarm Limit (Deg C) box enter the low alarm limit for the sensor.
12. In the High Alarm Limit (Deg C) box enter the high alarm limit for the sensor.
13. Click Next. The dialogue box changes to allow the number of days over which the MKT is to be calculated
to be specified.
14. In the Number of days box enter the required number of days.
15. Click Finish to return to the What action dialogue box.
16. Click OK to return to the Configure Scheduled Action dialogue box.
17. Set up the rest of the scheduled events as required. It is recommended that the optional fail action is set up to
ensure that the user is aware if the calculation fails.
It is also possible to configure the automatic calculation of a sensors MKT by right-clicking it in the Device Viewer,
and on the displayed menu clicking Configure Scheduled MKT.
5.15.2 Automatically Print a Graph
963 can be engineered to print graphs at regular intervals. This is done by adding an event to the scheduler that runs
Note that it is recommended not to configure too many graphs that print at the same time, and that the default printer
be set up as required, e.g. landscape/portrait, resolution etc.
To automatically print graphs:
1. Configure the required graph definition showing the required combination of sensors, scaling etc.
2. Add a scheduled event using the PRINTGRAPH, or PRINTGRAPH96 action, scheduled to run as required.
PRINTGRAPH should be used for 1000 point graphs, and PRINTGRAPH96 for 96 point graphs.
PRINTGRAPH <Graph Definition>
<Graph Definition> is the name of the graph definition that is to be printed.
PRINTGRAPH Outside Air Temperature
This example prints a graph defined by the graph definition Outside Air Temperature.
5.15.3 Automatically Print a Page
963 can be engineered to print a page automatically at regular intervals by using a script file similar to the one below,
and running it from the scheduler.
GOTO Pages\My Page 1.tss
SLEEP 30000

The script works by first loading the page into 963, then there is a pause while the values are loaded. The
PRINTPAGEAUTO action is then used to print the page straight to the default printer. The SLEEP time should be
adjusted to suite the local site conditions and you should ensure the default printer is set and configured as required -
landscape/portrait, resolution etc. Because this command loads the schematic into the main window of 963, it is best
to run it at a quiet time of day.
Do not attempt to print a large number of pages in one go, create a number of script files, and schedule each
one at a different time.
To automatically print a page:
1. Create a script file that will print out the required page similar to the one above.
2. Add a scheduled event, using the SCRIPT action as shown below, scheduled to run as required.
SCRIPT <Filename>
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the script file that is to be played.
SCRIPT scripts\samples\page 1.txt
Would run the script file page 1.txt located in the scripts\samples sub-directory of the install directory.

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5.15.4 Automatically Print a Value

963 can be engineered to print a particular value automatically at regular intervals by using a script file similar to the
one below, and running it from the scheduler.
<LIVE L0O24S1(V)>
Sleep 10000
PRINTLINE Sensor 1 in o/s 24 lan 0 is . <LIVE L0O24S1(V)> at <PCHOURS>:<PCMINS>

The first line adds a request for S1(V) to the live values cache of 963 - this returns a `Wait` the first time 963 gets the
request. The next line waits a suitable period (in mS) for the value to be refreshed. The third line prints out a message
including the same LIVE request, which by now should have a value in it.
To automatically print a value:
1. Create a script file that will print out the required value similar to the one above.
2. Add a scheduled event, using the SCRIPT action as shown below, scheduled to run as required.
SCRIPT <Filename>
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the script file that is to be played.
SCRIPT scripts\samples\outside.txt
This would run the script file outside.txt located in the scripts\samples sub-directory of the install
5.15.5 Automatically Record a Graph
963 can automatically record data logged in controllers on the IQ system at specified intervals (e.g. at night when the
system is quiet).
To record logged data automatically:
1. Ensure that the data 963 is to record is being logged in the controller. This should be checked with the strategy
designer if there is any uncertainty.
2. Display a graph from a schematic page or from the Device Viewer and on the Data recording menu click
Configure automatic recording for these sensors.
View the value for which logged data is to be recorded in the Device Viewer, right click the value and click
Configure Data Recording from the displayed menu. If the value is being logged by more than one plotting
channel point to Configure Data Recording and click the required plotting channel.
Note that you can select more than one value for configuring data recording. Press the Ctrl key and select
the required values. Right click and click Configure Data Recording.
A dialogue box is displayed.

3. If precision logs are required click Yes and go to (4) otherwise click No and go to (6). If Yes was selected
the Number of values to collect dialogue box.

4. In the box enter the number of values that are to be collected each time the action is carried out.

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5. Click OK. A dialogue box is displayed.

6. In the First event box enter the date and time when the data is to be first recorded in the following format:
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss
To specify the event to occur now, click Now.
7. If the recording is to be performed more than once, select the Do you wish to repeat this action? check box,
and go to step (9). If the recording is to only be performed once, clear the Do you wish to repeat this action?
check box, and go to step (11).
8. In the Choose an interval box click the interval at which the recording is to occur. 963 recommends an
option based on the configuration settings.
9. In the ..and how many times to repeat it box click how many times recording is to occur.
10. If Day or Week was specified as the interval, select the check box for the day(s) of the week recording is to
occur. If Day was selected, all seven days can be selected. If Week was selected, only one day can be selected.
11. Click Next>. A dialogue box providing a summary of what is to be recorded is displayed.

12. Check that the recording is set up correctly, and then click Finish. A dialogue box is displayed.

13. Click Yes. Either the same settings are applied to all the selected values or an error message is displayed. An
error message is displayed as some of the values may not support the specified interval. You are then
prompted to configure data recording for individual values. Go to step (3) and continue.

Click No to let the settings of the individual values be as is and to manually configure the values. Go to step
(3) and continue.

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5.15.6 Automatically Record Data to a Text File

963 can be engineered to automatically record data logged in a controller to a text file. An example of the recorded
file is shown below.
11 July 2001 18:18:00 21.6432
11 July 2001 18:19:00 21.6200
11 July 2001 18:20:00 21.6200

This is done by adding an event to the scheduler that runs the RECORDTOTEXT action.
To automatically record data to a text file:
1. Ensure that the data 963 is to record, is being logged in the controller.
2. Add a scheduled event, as described in the Add a Scheduled Event section of this manual, using the
RECORDTOTEXT action as shown below, scheduled to run as required.
RECORDTOTEXT 0123 456789L99O24P1[10|1|100],C:\Program Files\Trend Control
Systems\963\L99O24P1 Recorded Data.txt,[TAB],[CR]
Specifies the recording of the last 100 values of a precision log or plot module 1 labelled Outside Air in
device 24 on Lan 99 accessed using the phone number 0123 456789, to a file L99O24P1 Recorded Data.txt
with the fields separate by tabs, and records separated by a carriage return.
5.15.7 Automatically Send an SMS Message
If a pay as you go SIM is being used to send the alarms it is recommended that a scheduled event be set up to send a
regular SMS message to keep the SIM active. Some pay as you go SIM cards will be deactivated by the provider if
they are not used for a period of time.
To automatically send an SMS message:
1. Add a scheduled event, using the EXECUTESMS action as shown below, scheduled to run at the required
interval. If this event is being set up to ensure that a pay as you go SIM remains active the interval should be
less than the period inactivity before the SIM is deactivated.
EXECUTESMS <Connection>,<Message>
<Connection> The phone number to which the message is to be sent including the international code.
<Message> specifies the message that is to be sent. The message can be built up by combining the text, and
963 variables. For details of the 963 variables that can be used see the 963 Variable Availability section of
this manual.
EXECUTESMS 4401234567890, Scheduled SMS test message
This example sends the SMS message Scheduled SMS test message to a GSM phone whose number is
+44012345678901 using the GSM modem connected to the PC.
5.15.8 Synchronise Controller Times to the PC Clock
It is possible for 963 to send out a message every day that synchronises the times in all controllers to that of the time
clock in the computer, using the scheduler. This is done by adding an action to the scheduler that updates the time of
the controller acting as the timemaster.
To synchronise controller times to the PC clock:
1. Add a scheduled event using the SEND action similar as shown below, scheduled to run once a day for an
unlimited period.
SEND L<Lan Number> O<Device Address>
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device to which the message is to be sent (range 0, 1, 4 to
119 excluding 10). <Device Address> specifies the address of the device containing the device to which the
message is to be sent (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
This example above updates the time in controller 44 on Lan 95.
Note that if the controller is PIN protected the PIN must be correctly set up in Device Viewer.

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5.16 Configure Alarm Handling

Configuring the alarm handling is important because one of the main functions of a supervisor is to report when the
system is not working correctly, or there is a fault. During the planning stage of the project you should have decided
on what alarms are to be received, and how each one is to be handled.
To configure alarm handling:
1. Enable/disable alarm handling.
2. Enable/disable alarm logging.
3. Enable/disable alarm printing.
4. If the standard alarm groups and filters are to be used add them.
5. If alarms are to be retransmitted, add the retransmission destinations required.
6. Add the filters necessary to catch the alarms. Remember, these filters can also be used when viewing alarms,
so filters should also be created to group alarms for viewing purposes.
7. Add the necessary alarm groups.
8. Set up the default alarm group.
9. Set up the alarm priorities.
10. If the 963 is to receive alarms from remote sites accessed over a TCP/IP connection it is necessary to set up
963 to receive Alarms from a Remote TCP/IP site.
11. If the 963 is to receive alarms that have been retransmitted from a 945 it is necessary to set up 963 to handle
alarms retransmitted from a 945 Supervisor.
5.16.1 Enable/Disable Alarm Handling
When alarm handling is enabled, alarm actions will be performed, and alarm panels displayed; when it is disabled, no
alarm actions will occur, and alarm panels will not be displayed.
To enable/disable alarm handling:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.
4. Select or clear the Check this box to perform alarm actions and display alarm panels check box. Selected
means enabled.
5.16.2 Enable/Disable Alarm Logging
When enabled, alarm logging stores alarms in the database.
To enable/disable alarm logging:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.
4. Select or clear the Check this box to log alarms to the database check box. Selected means enabled.
5.16.3 Enable/Disable Alarm Printing
When alarm printing is enabled, alarms are printed onto the alarm printer providing printing has been specified in the
Note that disabling printing here will prevent printing of alarms from all groups.
To enable/disable alarm printing:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.
4. Select or clear the Check this box to print incoming alarms check box. Selected means enabled.

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5.16.4 Add Standard Alarm Groups and Filters

The 963 is shipped with standard alarm groups and filters which can be installed if required.
To add standard alarm groups and filters:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.
4. Click Alarm Groups / Filters. A dialogue box is displayed asking if you are sure.
5. Click Yes.
5.16.5 Add a Retransmission Destination
There are seven different types of retransmission destination. The type used depends on where the alarm is to be
retransmitted. This is explained in the table below.
Note that the below retransmission types are available based on your 963 license.
Destination Type Used For
E-mail via SMTP To send an email message to, up to 3 different email address.
E-mail via SMTP with SSL To send an email message to, up to 3 different email address with SSL.
Free format (945 & 963) To retransmit alarms to 963 or 945.
Pager via Trend Modem To send messages, and alarm information to a pager when an alarm occurs.
SMS (963 SMS Direct only) To retransmit alarms using SMS text messaging to a GSM phone. Available only
with 963 SMS Direct.
SNMP (963 SNMP only) To retransmit alarms via SNMP. Available only with 963 SNMP.
Trend text message (PNCs etc) To send standard Trend text message to a specific device on the IQ network. Add a Free format (945 & 963) Retransmission Destination
A Free format (945 & 963) retransmission destination enables 963 to retransmit alarms to another 963, or 945.
To add a Free format (945 & 963) retransmission destination:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Right-click , and click Create a new retransmission destination. The Configure retransmission
destination dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Type box click Free format (945 & 963). The dialogue box will change to allow the appropriate
parameters to be specified.

5. In the Destination label box enter a label for the destination

6. In the Number of retries box enter the number of times 963 will try to send the message.
7. In the Interval between retries (minutes) box enter the length of time between retries in minutes.

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8. In the Alternate destination if this one fails box click an alternate destination for the message to be used if
963 cannot deliver the message after the specified number of retries.
9. In the Maximum batch size box enter how many messages are transmitted at one time to the destination
before 963 will retransmit to another destination. It should be set to a low number for low priority destinations
and a higher number for higher priority destinations.
10. If 963 is to store messages for the destination and send them during the occupancy of a specific diary group,
click the required diary group from the Wait until hours defined in this diary group before sending any
pending alarms box.
Tip: You can configure 2 destinations for the same place if you want one for use when sending high priority
alarms all the time (no link to diary) and another for sending low-priority alarms overnight (linked to a diary
11. In the destination LAN address box enter the number of the Lan containing the device to which the message
is to be sent (1 to 119 excluding 2, 3, and 10).
12. In the destination OS address box enter the network address of the device to which the message is to be
sent (1 to 119 excluding 2, 3, and 10).
13. If the <963CODED > or <962CODED> variable is to be used with the destination ensure that the Extra text
for this message box is empty.
14. In the Timeout in ms(!) box enter the length of time in milli-seconds after the message is sent that 963 will
wait before it logs a message failure.
15. If the device to which the message is to be sent is on a remote site, enter the telephone number or IP address
required to access the device in the Site telephone number box. The IP address must be preceded by IP.
The number may be up to 20-characters in length.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
16. Click Click here to send a text message, use the alarm viewer to monitor the results to test that the
destination is set up correctly by. The results of the transmission will be displayed in the bottom of the Alarm
17. Once the destination is correctly set up click OK.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 143

Engineering 963 Add a Pager via Trend Modem Retransmission Destination

A pager via Trend Modem retransmission destination enables 963 to send messages, and alarm information to a pager
when an alarm occurs.
To add a Pager via Trend Modem retransmission destination:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Right-click , and click Create a new retransmission destination. The Configure retransmission
destination dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Type box click Pager via Trend modem. The dialogue box will change to allow the appropriate
parameters to be specified.

5. In the Destination label box enter a label for the destination.

6. In the Number of retries box enter the number of times 963 will try to send the message.
7. In the Interval between retries (minutes) box enter the length of time between retries in minutes.
8. In the alternate destination if this one fails box click an alternate destination for the message to be used if
963 cannot deliver the message after the specified number of retries.
9. In the Maximum batch size box enter how many messages are transmitted at one time to the destination
before 963 will retransmit to another destination. It should be set to a low number for low priority destinations
and a higher number for higher priority destinations.
10. If the 963 is to store messages for the destination and send them during the occupancy of a specific diary
group, click the required diary group from the Wait until hours defined in this diary group before sending
any pending alarms box.
Tip: You can configure 2 destinations for the same place if you want one for use when sending high priority
alarms all the time (no link to diary) and another for sending low-priority alarms overnight (linked to a diary
11. In the Virtual LAN address box enter the Lan number associated with the pager (1 to 119 excluding 2, 3,
and 10). This is set up in the number table of the autodialling device that is to communicate with the pager.
12. In the Virtual Node address box enter the network address associated with the pager (1 to 119 excluding 2,
3, and 10). This is set up in the number table of the autodialling device that is to communicate with the pager.
13. In the Extra text for this message box enter any text that is to always be included in the message.
14. In the Timeout in milliseconds box the length of time in milli-seconds after the message is sent that 963 will
wait before it logs a message failure.
15. Click Click here to send a text message, use the alarm viewer to monitor the results to test that the
destination is set up correctly. The results of the transmission will be displayed in the bottom of the Alarm
16. Once the destination is correctly set up click OK.

144 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Add a Trend text message (PNCs etc) Retransmission Destination

A Trend text message (PNCs etc) retransmission destination enables 963 to send a standard text message to be sent to
a specific device on the IQ network when an alarm occurs.
To add a Trend text message (PNCs etc) destination:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Right-click , and click Create a new retransmission destination. The Configure retransmission
destination dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Type box click Trend text message (PNCs etc). The dialogue box will change to allow the appropriate
parameters to be specified.

5. In the Destination label box enter a label for the destination.

6. In the Number of retries box enter the number of times 963 will try to send the message.
7. In the Interval between retries (minutes) box enter the length of time between retries in minutes
8. In the alternate destination if this one fails box click an alternate destination for the message to be used if
963 cannot deliver the message after the specified number of retries.
9. In the Maximum batch size box enter how many messages are transmitted at one time to the destination
before 963 will retransmit to another destination. It should be set to a low number for low priority destinations
and a higher number for higher priority destinations.
10. If 963 is to store messages for the destination and send them during the occupancy of a specific diary group,
click the required diary group from the Wait until hours defined in this diary group before sending any
pending alarms box.
Tip: You can configure 2 destinations for the same place if you want one for use when sending high priority
alarms all the time (no link to diary) and another for sending low-priority alarms overnight (linked to a diary
11. If the device to which the message is to be sent is on a remote site, specify the telephone number or IP
address/hostname required to access the device in the Site telephone number box. For devices accessed
using virtual CNC, the IP address or hostname must be prefixed by IP. The number may be up to 20-
characters in length and include the following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
12. In the LAN address box the enter Lan number of the device (1 to 119 excluding 2, 3, and 10).
13. In the Node address box in the network address associated with the pager (1 to 119 excluding 2, 3, and 10).
14. In the Extra text for this message box any text that is to always be included in the message.
15. Click Click here to send a text message, use the alarm viewer to monitor the results to test that the
destination is set up correctly by. The results of the transmission will be displayed in the bottom of the Alarm
16. Once the destination is correctly, set up click OK.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 145

Engineering 963 Add an E-mail via SMTP Retransmission Destination

An E-mail via SMTP retransmission destination enables 963 to send an email message to up to 3 different email
To E-mail via SMTP Retransmission destination:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Right-click , and click Create a new retransmission destination. The Configure retransmission
destination dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Type box click E-mail via SMTP. The dialogue box will change to allow the appropriate parameters
to be specified.

5. In the Destination label box enter a label for the destination.

1. In the Number of retries box enter the number of times 963 will try to send the message.
2. In the Interval between retries (minutes) box enter the length of time between retries in minutes.
3. In the alternate destination if this one fails box click an alternate destination for the message to be used if
963 cannot deliver the message after the specified number of retries.
4. In the Maximum batch size box enter how many messages are transmitted at one time to the destination
before 963 will retransmit to another destination. It should be set to a low number for low priority destinations
and a higher number for higher priority destinations.
5. If the 963 is to store messages for the destination and send them during the occupancy of a specific diary
group, click the required diary group from the Wait until hours defined in this diary group before sending
any pending alarms box.
Tip: You can configure 2 destinations for the same place if you want one for use when sending high priority
alarms all the time (no link to diary) and another for sending low-priority alarms overnight (linked to a diary
11. In the Recipients e-mail address box enter the email address to which the message is to be sent. It should
be in the standard format.
12. In the Senders e-mail address box enter the email address of the sender. It should be in the standard format.
This address is the address to which people can reply to the original message. As 963 cannot receive replies
this address should be set to a person who can deal with the replies e.g. the Building Manager.
13. In the Text for 'subject' field box enter the subject of the message.
Note that variables cannot be used in the subject field.
14. In the Extra text for this message box enter any text that is to always be included in the message.

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15. In the SMTP server name box enter the IP address or name of the SMTP server that is to be used. This
information should be obtained from the IT department responsible for the Ethernet network to which 963 is
Note that if a name is used the PC must be able to resolve the name.
16. In the Server port number box enter the port number used by the SMTP server. This is normally 25 but the
information should be obtained from the IT department responsible for the Ethernet network to which 963 is
17. In the Copy to (1), and Copy to (2) boxes enter the email addresses of additional people who are to receive
the message they should be in the standard format.
18. In the Senders' username box enter the username for the email account that is being used to send the
19. In the Senders' password box enter the password for the email account that is being used to send the
20. Click Click here to send a text message, use the alarm viewer to monitor the results to test that the
destination is set up correctly by. The results of the transmission will be displayed in the bottom of the Alarm
18. Once the destination is correctly set up, click OK. Add an E-mail via SMTP with SSL Retransmission Destination
Ensure that your IT provider has enabled SMTP for 963.
An E-mail via SMTP with SSL retransmission destination enables 963 to send an email message to up to 3 different
email address in a secured protocol.
To E-mail via SMTP with SSL Retransmission destination:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.

3. Right-click , and click Create a new retransmission destination. The Configure retransmission
destination dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Type box click E-mail via SMTP with SSL. The dialogue box will change to allow the appropriate
parameters to be specified.

5. In the Destination label box enter a label for the destination.

6. In the Number of retries box enter the number of times 963 will try to send the message.
7. In the Interval between retries (minutes) box enter the length of time between retries in minutes.
8. In the alternate destination if this one fails box click an alternate destination for the message to be used if
963 cannot deliver the message after the specified number of retries.

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9. In the Maximum batch size box enter how many messages are transmitted at one time to the destination
before 963 will retransmit to another destination. It should be set to a low number for low priority destinations
and a higher number for higher priority destinations.
10. If the 963 is to store messages for the destination and send them during the occupancy of a specific diary
group, click the required diary group from the Wait until hours defined in this diary group before sending
any pending alarms box.
Tip: You can configure 2 destinations for the same place if you want one for use when sending high priority
alarms all the time (no link to diary) and another for sending low-priority alarms overnight (linked to a diary
11. In the Recipients e-mail address box enter the email address to which the message is to be sent. It should
be in the standard format.
12. In the Senders e-mail address box enter the email address of the sender. It should be in the standard format.
This address is the address to which people can reply to the original message. As 963 cannot receive replies
this address should be set to a person who can deal with the replies e.g. the Building Manager.
13. In the Text for 'subject' field box enter the subject of the message.
Note that variables cannot be used in the subject field.
14. In the Extra text for this message box enter any text that is to always be included in the message.
15. In the SMTP server name box enter the IP address or name of the SMTP server that is to be used. This
information should be obtained from the IT department responsible for the Ethernet network to which 963 is
Note that if a name is used the PC must be able to resolve the name.
16. In the Server port number box enter the port number used by the SMTP server. This is normally 465 but
the information should be obtained from the IT department responsible for the Ethernet network to which
963 is connected.
17. In the Copy to (1), and Copy to (2) boxes enter the email addresses of additional people who are to receive
the message they should be in the standard format.
18. In the Senders' username box enter the username for the email account that is being used to send the
19. In the Senders' password box enter the password for the email account that is being used to send the
20. Click Click here to send a text message, use the alarm viewer to monitor the results to test that the
destination is set up correctly by. The results of the transmission will be displayed in the bottom of the Alarm
21. Once the destination is correctly set up, click OK Delete a Retransmission Destination
To delete a retransmission destination:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Double-click to expand the All retransmission destinations section.
4. Right-click the destination that is to be deleted, and click Delete. A dialogue box is displayed asking for
confirmation of the deletion, click Yes.

148 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Edit a Retransmission Destination

Retransmission destinations can be edited.
To edit a retransmission destination:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Double-click to expand the All retransmission destinations section.
4. Right-click the destination that is to be edited, and click Edit. The Configure retransmission destination
dialogue box is displayed.

5. Edit the destinations attributes as required.

6. Click Click here to send a text message, use the alarm viewer to monitor the results to test that the
destination is set up correctly by. The results of the transmission will be displayed in the bottom of the Alarm
7. Once the destination is correctly set up click OK.
5.16.6 Add an Alarm Filter
Alarm filters are used to catch alarms with particular parameters. Each filter has a number of different parameters
used to match the alarms. For details of adding the standard alarm filters see the 'Add Standard Alarm Groups and
Filters' section of this manual.
To add an alarm filter:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.

3. Right-click , and click Create a new filter here. The Alarm filter dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the Filter name box enter the name for the filter.

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5. If the filter is to catch all alarms except the one specified (an exclusion filter) select the Use as exclusion
(NOT) filter check box.
6. If the filter is to catch set alarms, select the Filter occurred alarms check box.
7. If the filter is to catch cleared alarms, select the Filter clear alarms check box.
8. In the Tele box enter the connection string of the site(s) for which alarms are to be matched by the filter. If
required it can be dragged from the Suggested items box.
If the site is autodialled, enter the required telephone number of the site in the box.
E.g. 01234567891
If the site is accessed over Ethernet specify the IP address of the required to access it prefixed by IP.
E.g. IP123.456.7.8
To enter more than one site separate them with a comma ,.
E.g. IP123.456.7.8, O1234567891, Albery House
If the site to be referenced by its label the label should be enter in double quotes.
E.g. Albery House"
Wildcards may be used in the label as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any characters.
? Any single character.
E.g. North* would specify any site with a label starting with the word North.
Floor??? would specify any site with a label starting in the word Floor followed by three characters.
9. In the Lan box enter the Lan number, or label of the device(s) for which alarms are to be matched. If required
it can be dragged from the Suggested items box. The valid Lan addresses are 1 to 119 excluding 2, 3, and
If the Lan to be referenced by its label the label should be enter in double quotes.
E.g.First Floor
Wildcards may be used in the label as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any characters.
? Any single character.
E.g. *Floor* would specify any Lan with the word Floor in its label.
Floor??? would specify any Lan with a label starting in the word Floor followed by three characters.
To enter more than one Lan separate them with a comma ,.
E.g. 20, 24, First Floor
To specify a range of Lans separate the top and bottom of the range with a hyphen -.
E.g. 20-24
10. In the OS box enter the network address of the devices whose alarms are to be matched by the filter. If
required it can be dragged from the Suggested items box. The valid addresses are 1 to 119 excluding 2, 3,
and 10.
If the device is to be referenced by its label the label should be enter in double quotes.
E.g. Boiler Room
To enter more than one address separate them with a comma ,
E.g. 20, 24, Boiler Room

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Engineering 963

To specify a range of addresses separate the top and bottom of the range with a hyphen -.
E.g. 20-24
11. In the Alarm Code box enter the alarm code for the alarms to be matched by the filter. If required it can be
dragged from the Suggested items box.
Note that the alarm code must always be entered as 4 characters even if the alarm code is less than 4
characters. E.g. if 'LOW' should be prefixed with a space ' LOW'.
To enter more than one code separate them with a comma,
Wildcards may be used in the label as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any characters.
? Any single character.
E.g. ??NR would specify any 4-character alarm code ending with the letters NR.
12. In the Text of alarm description box enter the text within the alarm to be matched by the filter. If required
it can be dragged from the Suggested items box.
E.g. Sensor High
Wildcards may be used in the label as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any characters.
? Any single character.
E.g. *Sensor* would specify any alarm containing the word Sensor.
To enter more than one piece of text separate them with a comma ,
E.g. Albery House, Foundry Lane
This text is a piece of text within the incoming alarm message. The position of the text in the alarm
message is dependent on the alarm type.
13. In the Module code or label box enter the module code or label of the modules whose alarms are to be
matched by the filter. If required it can be dragged from the Suggested items box.
If the module(s) are to be referenced by a module code it should be entered in the form below:
<Module><Module Number>
<Module> specifies the type of module using its module identifier (e.g., S specifies sensor modules).
For details of module identifiers see the see the IQ Configuration Reference Manual (90-1533), or the
IQ3/4 Configuration Reference Manual (TE200768). <Module Number> specifies the number of the
E.g. S1
If the module to be referenced by its label the label should be enter in double quotes.
E.g. Outside air Temp
Wildcards may be used in the label as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any characters.
? Any single character.
E.g. *Temp* would specify any module with the word Temp in its label.
To enter more than one module separate them with a comma ,.
E.g. S1,D7,L3, Outside air Temp
To specify a range of modules separate the top and bottom of the range with a hyphen -.
E.g. S1-6

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Engineering 963

To specify all modules of a particular type use the * wildcard in conjunction with the module identifier
as shown below:
<Module Identifier>*
E.g. K*
14. In the Alarm priority box enter the alarm priority of the alarms that are to be matched by the filter to be
specified. If required it can be dragged it from the Suggested items box.
To enter more than one priority separate them with a comma ,.
E.g. 1,7,3
To specify a range of priorities separate the top and bottom of the range with a hyphen -.
E.g. 20-29
15. Once the filter is correctly set up, click OK.
To check the filter click Test for matching alarms. This will display a box containing the alarms currently in the
alarms database that would have been caught by the filter, or clicking Test for matching results alarms which will
display a box containing a list of points whose alarms would be caught by the filter. Delete an Alarm Filter
To delete a filter:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.

3. Double-click to expand the All alarm filters section.

4. Right-click the filter that is to be deleted, and click Delete. A dialogue box is displayed asking for
confirmation of the deletion, click Yes. Edit an Alarm Filter
To edit a filter:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Right-click the filter that is to be edited, and click Edit. The Alarm filter editor dialogue box is displayed.

4. Set up the parameters as required.

5. Once the filter is correctly set up click OK.

152 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Alarm Filter Examples Catch All Adjustments
An alarm filter can be added that will catch all adjustments made.
To add an alarm filter to catch all adjustments:
1. Add an alarm filter and set it up as defined in the table below.
Filter Attribute Value
Alarm Code ADJU
Alarm priority *
Filter name As required E.g. All Knob Adjustments
Lan address *
Module code or label text *
OS *
Tele *
Text of the alarm description *
Use as exclusion Cleared Catch All Alarms Except the ones Specified
An alarm filter can be added that will catch all alarms except the ones specified.
To add an alarm filter to catch all alarms except the ones specified:
1. Add an alarm filter and set it up as defined in the table below.
Filter Attribute Value
Alarm Code *
Alarm priority *
Exclude Selected
Filter name As required E.g. Digital Input Alarms
Lan address *
Module code or label text *
Outstation address *
Telephone number *
Text of the alarm description The text within the alarm to be matched. E.g. Digital Input ON. Catch All Alarms from a Controller
An alarm filter can be added that will catch all alarms from a particular controller.
To add an alarm filter to catch all alarms from a controller:
1. Add an alarm filter and set up it up as defined in the table below.
Filter Attribute Value
Alarm Code *
Alarm priority *
Exclude Cleared
Filter name As required. E.g. Lan 24 Alarms
Lan address Number of Lan for containing the controller (1 to 119 excluding 2, 3,
and 10). E.g. 24 to specify Lan 24.
Module code or label text *
Outstation address Network address of the controller for which the alarms are required (1
to 119 excluding 2, 3, and 10). E.g. 24 to specify the controller at address
Telephone number *
Text of the alarm description * Catch All Alarms from a Lan
An alarm filter can be added that will catch all alarms from a particular Lan.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 153

Engineering 963

To add an alarm filter to catch all alarms from a Lan:

1. Add an alarm filter and set it up as defined in the table below.
Filter Attribute Value
Alarm Code *
Alarm priority *
Exclude Cleared
Filter name As required. E.g. Lan 24 Alarms
Lan address Number of Lan for which the alarms are required (1 to 119 excluding 2, 3,
and 10). E.g. 24 to specify Lan 24.
Module code or label text *
Outstation address *
Telephone number *
Text of the alarm description * Catch All Alarms from a Remote Site
An alarm filter can be added that will catch all from a particular remote site.
To add an alarm filter to catch all alarms from a remote site:
1. Add an alarm filter and set it up as defined in the table below.
Filter Attribute Value
Alarm Code *
Alarm priority *
Exclude Cleared
Filter name As required. E.g. Albery House Alarms
Lan address *
Module code or label text *
Outstation address *
Telephone number Telephone number or IP address of the remote site.
Text of the alarm description * Catch All Alarms with a Particular Alarm Code
An alarm filter can be added that will catch all alarms with a particular alarm code.
To add an alarm filter to catchall alarms with a particular alarm code:
1. Add an alarm filter and set it up as defined in the table below.
Filter Attribute Value
Alarm Code Required alarm code. In the Alarm code box click the alarm from the list, or
enter the required text in the box. Wild cards may be used. E.g. CONL.
Alarm priority *
Exclude Cleared
Filter name As required. E.g. Lan 24 Alarms
Lan address *
Module code or label text *
Outstation address *
Telephone number *
Text of the alarm description *

154 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Catch All Alarms with Specific Alarm Text

An alarm filter can be added that will catch all alarms containing specific alarm text.
To add an alarm filter to catch all alarms containing specific alarm text:
1. Add an alarm filter and set it up as defined in the table below.
Filter Attribute Value
Alarm Code *
Alarm priority *
Exclude Cleared
Filter name As required. E.g. Digital Input Alarms
Lan address *
Module code or label text *
Outstation address *
Telephone number *
Text of the alarm description The text within the alarm to be matched. E.g. Digital Input ON. Catch Buffer Ready Events (BBUF)
An alarm filter can be added that will catch buffer ready events (BBUF). To do this specify the appropriate module in
the 'Module code or label text' section of the filter, and the controller containing the module in the 'Lan address', and
'Outstation address' section of the filter.
To add an alarm filter to catch buffer ready events (BBUF):
1. Add an alarm filter and set it up as defined in the table below.
Filter Attribute Value Notes
Alarm Code BBUF
Alarm priority *
Exclude Cleared
Filter name As required. E.g.
Buffer Full Alarms
Lan address * Recommend that the Lan containing the module
generating the event is specified.
Module code or label text * Recommend that the module generating the event is
Outstation address * Recommend that the controller containing the
module generating the event is specified.
Telephone number *
Text of the alarm description *

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 155

Engineering 963

5.16.7 Add an Alarm Group

Alarm groups enable what happens when an alarm filter associated with that group catches an alarm. A group should
be created for each different action that is to be taken when an alarm occurs. For details of adding the standard alarm
groups see the 'Add Standard Alarm Groups and Filters' section of this manual.
To add an alarm group:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Right-click All alarm groups, and on the displayed menu click Add group. The Alarm Group dialogue
box shown below is displayed.

4. In the Enter the name of the alarm group box enter the name for the group
5. Click Choose next to the Action when occupied (Default) box, and select the required action from the list
in the dialogue box that is displayed, or enter the required code into the Action when occupied (Default)
box to specify the action that is to occur on the 963 when the group is activated. The code used to specify the
action can be a maximum of 250 characters.
Note that if a diary group is to be specified in the Diary group box the action specified in the Action when
not occupied box will be carried out instead during that diary groups non-occupancy period.
For details about specifying a particular action see the 963 Actions section of this manual.
If alarms are to be retransmitted you should ensure that the retransmission does not produce excessive
network traffic.
6. In the Diary group box click the required diary group to specify whether a different action is to occur when
a particular diary group is in non-occupancy. To turn this off, click None. If a different action is to occur
when a particular diary group is in non-occupancy. Specify that action by clicking Choose next to the Action
when not occupied box, and selecting the required action from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed,
or by entering the required code in the Action when not occupied box. The code used to specify the action
can be a maximum of 250 characters.
For details about specifying a particular action see the 963 Actions section of this manual.
7. If the alarm panel is to be displayed when the group is activated, select the Display an alarm panel for
alarms in this group check box.
8. Click Choose, click the required colour in the dialogue box that is displayed, and then click OK to specify
the colour of the alarm panel.
9. If the alarm panel is to beep when the group is activated, select the Beep when alarm panel is active check
10. If a manual alarm action is to be available specify that action by clicking Choose next to the Command
button setting box, and selecting the required action from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed, or by
entering the required code into the Command button setting box.
For details about specifying a particular action see the 963 Actions section of this manual.
11. Click the Alarm to workgroup setup tab.

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Engineering 963

12. In the Do not notify these workgroups box click the required workgroup and then click >> to specify the
workgroups whose users will be notified of the alarm if they are logged in. The workgroup name will be
moved to the Notify these workgroups if logged in box. To prevent users from a particular workgroup being
notified of an alarm, click the workgroup in Notify these workgroups if logged in box, and click <<. To
add all workgroups, click Add All; to remove all workgroups click Remove All.
13. If an action is to be carried out when a user in one of the specified workgroups is logged on click Choose
next to the Action box, and select the required action from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed, or
enter the required code in the Action box. The code used to specify the action can be a maximum of 250
For details about specifying a particular action see the 963 Actions section of this manual.
If the action is required to be carried out if the user logs from a client not all actions can be used. For details
of which actions can be used see the Action Availability section of this manual. Objects that use any of the
other actions will not be displayed.
14. If the user is to be notified of the alarm with a message box when they are logged in on the 963, select the
Popup message on server check box.
15. Click Choose, next to the Present alarms for remote clients in this colour box, click the required colour
in the dialogue box that is displayed, and then click OK to specify the colour of the message box displayed
when the user is logged on using a from a client.
16. Click the Print Options tab.
17. If the alarms are to be printed out select the Print alarms for this group check box.
18. In the Print using this format box enter the message that is to be printed out. This message can include
variable values, and escape characters to define how the message appears on the printout. See the Defining
the Alarm Printout section of this manual for more details. To set this message to be the default message
click Set as Default. To use the default message click Load Default. To reset the message to the factory
default click Restore factory default.
19. If a printer other than the default alarm printer is to be used click Choose printer. The Choose Printer
dialogue box is displayed.

20. In the Select a printer from the list box click the required printer.
21. Click OK.
22. Click the Filters tab.
23. Specify which filters are to be used by the group by adding or removing, filters to the Selected Filters box.
To add a filter, click it in the Available Filters box, and then click >>. To add all the filters click Add All.
To remove a filter from the list, click it in the Selected Filters box, and then click <<. To remove all the
filters, click Remove All.
24. Click OK. Defining the Alarm Printout
The message printed out for each alarm group can be specified by typing the required message in Print using this
format box on Print Options tab of the Alarm Group Editor dialogue box. This message can include text variable
values, and escape characters to define how the message appears on the printout.
The default message is defined below:

It consists of variable values, and some text, and will produce a printout similar to the one shown below:
Outside Air Temp Automatic data recording OK 10/12/2001 14:27:21
Albery House Lan->Forth Floor OS->Boilers
L59O20 S32 DLOK
To define the alarm printout:
1. In the Print using this format box enter the message. The alarm printout is built up by combining the
required text, and 963 variables. For details of the 963 variables that can be used see the 963 Variable
Availability section of this manual.

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Engineering 963

If required the ESC variable can be used to insert escape characters into the printout to format it, e.g. turning
bold printing ON, or inserting a carriage return. The escape characters will vary depending on the printer that
is being used. Check the documentation supplied with the printer for the correct code.
If a laser printer or inkjet printer is being used for the printing of alarms, and you do not want to wait for a
page of alarms to be generated before anything is printed, it is necessary to include the control code for a
new page at the end of the alarm printout using the ESC variable.
To set this message to be the default message click Set as Default. To use the default message click Load
Default. To reset the message to the factory default click Restore factory default. Delete an Alarm Group
To delete an alarm group:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Double-click All alarm groups.
4. Right-click the group that is to be deleted, and click Delete. A dialogue box is displayed asking for
confirmation of the deletion, click Yes. Edit an Alarm Group
An alarm group can be edited.
To edit an alarm group:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Right-click the group that is to be edited, and click Edit. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
4. Set up the parameters as required.
5. Click OK. Alarm Group Examples Display a Message When an Alarm Occurs
963 can be engineered to display a message when an alarm occurs by using the MESSAGE action.
To print a graph when an alarm occurs:
1. Add an alarm group that uses the MESSAGE action as shown below for the Action when occupied (default)
attribute as described in the Add an Alarm Group section of this manual.
MESSAGE System Fault, Ring the Engineer,0,!,65025,255
This example displays a message box titled System Fault containing the text Ring the Engineer until the
user presses OK.
For more information about the MESSAGE action see the Specifying the MESSAGE Action section of this manual. Print a Graph when an Alarm Occurs
963 can be engineered to a print graph when an alarm occurs by using the PRINTGRAPH action. If this facility is to
be used and you should ensure the default printer is set and configured as required - landscape/portrait, resolution etc.
To print a graph when an alarm occurs:
1. Configure the required graph definition showing the required combination of sensors, scaling etc.
2. Add an alarm group, using the PRINTGRAPH action as shown below for the Action when occupied (default)
PRINTGRAPH <Graph Definition>
<Graph Definition> is the name of the graph definition that is to be printed.
PRINTGRAPH Outside Air Temperature
This prints a graph defined by the graph definition Outside Air Temperature.

158 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Print Alarms on a Separate Page

If you are using a laser printer or inkjet printer for the printing of alarms, and do not want to wait for a page of alarms
to be generated before anything is printed, it is necessary to edit the alarm printout to include the control code for a
new page at the end using the ESC variable. See the Defining the Alarm Printout section of this manual for more
Note that each printer has its own escape characters so please consult the printer documentation before setting this
It is strongly recommended that a dot matrix printer be used for alarm printing not laser or inkjet printer. Record Data to a File When an Alarm Occurs
Information about alarms that occur is stored in the 963s database. 963 can be engineered to store information in a
separate file, e.g. for diverting alarms to specific log file when an alarm occurs by using the WRITETOTEXTFILE
action, which is run when an alarm occurs.
To record data to a file when an alarm occurs:
1. Add an alarm group, using the WRITETOTEXTFILE action as shown below for the Action when occupied
(default) attribute.
WRITETOTEXTFILE <Filename>,<Text to Write>|<Overwrite>
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the file to which the message is to be written. <Text to Write>
specifies the message that is to be written. If required variables can be included. <Overwrite> specifies
whether the file is to be overwritten, set to 1 to overwrite the file. If this is left out, the message will be
inserted at the end of the file.
This adds the labels of the selected alarms to the file alarmlog.txt. Record Logged Data when a BBUF Event is Received
Data logged by an IQ controller can be recorded by 963 before it is overwritten by using the
RECORDAUTO_COMPACT action or RECORDAUTO_PRECISION action, which is run when a buffer ready
event (BBUF) is received from the controller.
Note that BBUF events must be used for triggered plot modules to prevent data loss.
To record data to a file when an alarm occurs:
1. Add an alarm group using either the RECORDAUTO_COMPACT action or RECORDAUTO_PRECISION
action, for the Action when occupied (default) attribute, and set it to use an alarm filter that catches BBUF

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 159

Engineering 963 Retransmit Alarms to a 945

An alarm group can be set up to retransmit the alarm to a 945. This is done by configuring the alarm group to use the
RETRANSMIT action specifying the required destination.
If alarms are to be retransmitted, you should ensure that the retransmission does not produce excessive
network traffic.
To retransmit an alarm to a 945:
1. Add a Free format (945 & 963) retransmission destination that specifies the address of the 945 to which the
alarm is to be sent.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.

3. Right-click , and click Add group. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Group Name box enter the name for the group.
5. Click Choose next to the Action when occupied (default) box.
6. Click RETRANSMIT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. A dialogue box listing all the
retransmission destinations is displayed.
7. Click the required destination from the list.
8. Click OK. The Message dialogue box is displayed.
9. In the box enter the required message into the box. The message can be built up by combining the text, and
963 variables.
A <ALARMCODE> occurred at <TIME> from <LABEL> in <OSLABEL>
The code above would send a message similar to the one below:
A HIGH occurred at 14:50 from Outside Air Sensor in Office Block
The default is <ALLLABELS> variable that will include all the labels from the alarm in the message.
For details of the 963 variables that can be used see the 963 Variable Availability section of this manual.
10. Click OK. The What action dialogue box is displayed.
11. Click OK. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
12. Set up the alarm groups other parameters as required.
13. Once the group is set up as required, click OK

160 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Retransmit Alarms to a GSM Phone

If 963 SMS Direct is being used an alarm group can be set up to retransmit alarms as an SMS text message to a GSM
phone. This is done by configuring the alarm group to use the RETRANSMIT action specifying the required
If alarms are to be retransmitted, you should ensure that the retransmission does not produce excessive
network traffic.
To retransmit an alarm to a GSM phone:
1. Add an SMS Retransmission destination that specifies the number of the GSM phone to which the SMS
message is to be sent.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.

3. Right-click and click Add group. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Group Name box enter the name for the group.
5. Click Choose next to the Action when occupied (default) box.
6. Click RETRANSMIT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. A dialogue box listing all the
retransmission destinations is displayed.
7. Click the required destination from the list.
8. Click OK. The Message dialogue box is displayed.
9. In the box enter the required message. The message can be built up by combining the text, and 963 variables.
A <ALARMCODE> occurred at <TIME> from <LABEL> in <OSLABEL>
The code above would send a message similar to the one below:
A HIGH occurred at 14:50 from Outside Air Sensor in Office Block
The default is <ALLLABELS> variable that will include all the labels from the alarm in the message.
For details of the 963 variables that can be used see the 963 Variable Availability section of this manual.
10. Click OK. The What action dialogue box is displayed.
11. Click OK. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
12. Set up the alarm groups other parameters as required.
13. Once the group is set up as required, click OK.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 161

Engineering 963 Retransmit Alarms to a Pager

An alarm group can be set up to retransmit alarms to a pager. This is done by configuring the alarm group to use the
RETRANSMIT action specifying the required destination.
If alarms are to be retransmitted, you should ensure that the retransmission does not produce excessive
network traffic.
To retransmit an alarm to a pager:
1. Add a pager via Trend Modem retransmission destination that specifies the address specified in the
MNC/TMNs number table to communicate with the pager. The time out must be set to >80000.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.

3. Right-click and click Add group. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Group Name box enter the name for the group.
5. Click Choose next to the Action when occupied (default) box.
6. Click RETRANSMIT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. A dialogue box listing all the
retransmission destinations is displayed.
7. Click the required destination from the list.
8. Click OK. The Message dialogue box is displayed.
9. In the box enter the required message into the box. The message can be built up by combining the text, and
963 variables.
A <ALARMCODE> occurred at <TIME> from <LABEL> in <OSLABEL>
The code above would send a message similar to the one below:
A HIGH occurred at 14:50 from Outside Air Sensor in Office Block
The default is <ALLLABELS> variable that will include all the labels from the alarm in the message.
For details of the 963 variables that can be used see the 963 Variable Availability section of this manual.
10. Click OK. The What action dialogue box is displayed.
11. Click OK. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
12. Set up the alarm groups other parameters as required.
13. Once the group is set up as required, click OK.
14. Add a record to the number table of the MNC/TMN that is to communicate with the pager. See the
Autodialling Reference Manual (90-1353), or the /TMN Installation Instructions Configuration

162 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Retransmit Alarms to a PNC

An alarm group can be set up to retransmit alarms to a PNC. This is done by configuring the alarm group to use the
RETRANSMIT action specifying the required destination.
If alarms are to be retransmitted, you should ensure that the retransmission does not produce excessive
network traffic.
To retransmit an alarm to a PNC:
1. Add a Trend text message (PNC) retransmission destination that specifies the address of the PNC to which
the alarm is to be sent.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.

3. Right-click and click Add group. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Group Name box enter the name for the group.
5. Click Choose next to the Action when occupied (default) box.
6. Click RETRANSMIT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. A dialogue box listing all the
retransmission destinations is displayed.
7. Click the required destination from the list.
8. Click OK. The Message dialogue box is displayed.
9. In the Message box enter <FORPNC>. This will automatically configure your alarms to be printed in the
following format:
Site name Lan name Os name
Item label Alarm label Time and date
Coded form of above
10. Click OK. The What action dialogue box is displayed.
11. Click OK. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
12. Set up the alarm groups other parameters as required.
13. Once the group is set up as required, click OK. Retransmit Alarms to an Email Address
An alarm group can be set up to retransmit alarms to an Email address. This is done by configuring the alarm group
to use the RETRANSMIT action specifying the required destination.
If alarms are to be retransmitted, you should ensure that the retransmission does not produce excessive
network traffic.
To retransmit an alarm to an Email Address:
1. Add an E-mail via SMTP retransmission destination or Add an E-mail via SMTP with SSL retransmission
destination that specifies the address of the Email address to which the alarm is to be sent.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Right-click and click Add group. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Group Name box enter the name for the group.
5. Click Choose next to the Action when occupied (default) box.
6. Click RETRANSMIT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. A dialogue box listing all the
retransmission destinations is displayed.
7. Click the required destination from the list.
8. Click OK. The Message dialogue box is displayed.
9. In the box enter the required message. The message can be built up by combining the text, and 963 variables.
A <ALARMCODE> occurred at <TIME> from <LABEL> in <OSLABEL>
The code above would send a message similar to the one below:
A HIGH occurred at 14:50 from Outside Air Sensor in Office Block
The default is <ALLLABELS> variable that will include all the labels from the alarm in the message.
For details of the 963 variables that can be used see the 963 Variable Availability section of this manual.
10. Click OK. The What action dialogue box is displayed.
11. Click OK. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
12. Set up the alarm groups other parameters as required.
13. Once the group is set up as required, click OK.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 163

Engineering 963 Retransmit Alarms to Another 963

An alarm group can be set up to retransmit the alarm to another 963. This is done by configuring the alarm group to
use the RETRANSMIT action specifying the required destination.
If alarms are to be retransmitted, you should ensure that the retransmission does not produce excessive
network traffic.
To retransmit an alarm to another 963:
1. Add a Free format (945 & 963) retransmission destination that specifies the address of the 963 to which the
alarm is to be sent. Ensure that the Extra text for this message box is empty.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.

3. Right-click and click Add group. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Group Name box enter the name for the group.
5. Click Choose next to the Action when occupied (default) box.
6. Click RETRANSMIT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. A dialogue box listing all the
retransmission destinations is displayed.
7. Click the required destination from the list.
8. Click OK. The Message dialogue box is displayed.
9. In the Message box enter <962CODED>.
10. Click OK. The What action dialogue box is displayed.
11. Click OK. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
12. Set up the alarm groups other parameters as required.
13. Once the group is set up as required, click OK. Retransmit Alarms to Multiple Destinations
There are two methods that can be used to retransmit alarms to more than one destination. Method 1 uses a combination
of alarm filters, alarm groups and alarm retransmission destinations. Method 2 is similar but uses a script file that
contains each retransmission command.
Method 1
1. Create an alarm filter to catch the required alarms.
2. Create the required retransmission destinations.
3. Create an alarm group for each alarm destination, and ensure that the same alarm filter is used for each group.
4. Edit first alarm group, and click Choose next to the Action when occupied (default) box.
5. Click RETRANSMIT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. A dialogue box listing all the
retransmission destinations is displayed.
6. Click the required destination from the list, and click OK.
7. Repeat steps (5) and (7) until all alarm groups have been linked to the required alarm destination.
8. Click OK.
This method is useful as you can link the group to a diary group and restrict when the retransmission occur.
Method 2
1. Create an alarm filter to catch the required alarms.
2. Create the required retransmission destinations.
3. Create an alarm group linked to the alarm filter created in step (1).
4. Create a script file with a RETRANSMIT action for each destination. E.g.

The script above would retransmit the alarm to three destinations, BoilerHouse, Security, and
For details of the RETRANSMIT action see the Specifying the RETRANSMIT Action section of this
manual. You can use the command line editor within 963 to help formulate these actions.
5. Edit the alarm group, and click Choose next to the Action when occupied (default) box.
6. Click SCRIPT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. A dialogue box listing all the script files is
7. Click the required file from the list, and click OK.
8. Click OK.

164 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Retransmit Alarms using SNMP

If 963SNMP is being used an alarm group can be set up to retransmit alarms using SNMP. This is done by configuring
the alarm group to use the RETRANSMIT action specifying the required destination.
If alarms are to be retransmitted, you should ensure that the retransmission does not produce excessive
network traffic.
To retransmit an alarm to a SNMP:
1. Enable 963s SNMP functionality with the appropriate licence.
2. Obtain the IP address of the Network Management System (NMS) to which the alarms are to be sent.
3. Decide which alarms are to be forwarded using SNMP.
4. Create alarm filters to catch the required alarms.
5. Add an SNMP retransmission destination that specifies the IP address to which the alarm is to be sent. One
destination can send to a maximum of three NMSs.

6. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.

7. Right-click and click Add group. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
8. In the Group Name box enter the name for the group.
9. Click Choose next to the Action when occupied (default) box.
10. Click RETRANSMIT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. The Select a retransmission
destination dialogue box listing all the retransmission destinations is displayed.
11. Click the required destination that from the list.
12. Click OK. The Message dialogue box is displayed.
13. In the Message box enter <ALARMASXML>. This will automatically configure the alarms as required.
14. Click OK. The What action dialogue box is displayed.
15. Click OK. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
16. Click the Filters tab.
17. Specify the filters that have been set up to catch the required alarms by adding or removing, filters to the
Selected Filters box. To add a filter, click it in the Available Filters box, and then click >>. To add all the
filters click Add all >>. To remove a filter from the list, click it in the Selected Filters box, and then click
<<. To remove all the filters, click << Remove all.
18. Set up the alarm groups other parameters as required.
19. Once the group is set up as required, click OK.
20. The information in each alarms EXTRAINFO1 and EXTRAINFO2 fields is included in the message (trap)
to the NMS these fields can be used for your own specific requirements. E.g. the EXTRAINFO1 field could
be used to group the alarms by type e.g. heating, cooling, ventilation etc, and the text in the EXTRAINFO2
field could be used to specify the severity e.g. 0 clear, 1 Information, 2 Low, 3 Medium, and 4 Critical. To
do this extra text must be added to each alarm being sent using SNMP in either the EXTRAINFO1 or
21. Use the SNMP program manager to configure the destination to process the incoming alarm as required. This
must be done by the person responsible for that network (usually the IT department). 963 sends the alarms
(traps) in the format defined in the '963SNMP.mib' file. The MIB file can be found in the SNMP sub-directory
of the install directory. The alarms contain the following information.
Item Description
Alarm Index The unique reference given to the alarm by 963
Alarm Device The device generating the alarm specified in the format:
<Connection>/L<Lan Number>/O<Controller Address>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site
is accessed over TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is
autodialled. When entering an IP address it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If
specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in double quotes e.g.
IP"Albery House". <Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device, and <Controller
Address> specifies the address of the device.
Date and Time The date and time the alarm occurred in the format:
<YYYY> specifies the year, <MM> specifies the month number, <DD>, specifies
the date of the month, <hh> specifies the hour, <mm> specifies the minutes, and
<ss> specifies the seconds.
Module The module code of the module that is in alarm e.g. S1 for sensor 1.

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Engineering 963

Item Description
Alarm A text description of the alarm.
Alarm Code A 4-character code that specifies the alarm, see the Alarm Codes section of this manual
for more details.
Module Label The label of the module in alarm.
EXTRAINFO1 The text defined in the EXTRAINFO1 field.
EXTRAINFO2 The text defined in the EXTRAINFO2 field.
SNMP does not support secure delivery therefore it is not possible to tell if the alarms (traps) reach the NMS.
For this reason, some customers request a data field that holds a sequential number. Their NMS can then
determine if it has lost an alarm (trap) by looking for gaps in the numbering sequence.
The 963 creates a unique alarm ID which is sequential for all alarms logged. In a typical system, not all
alarms are retransmitted hence those sent via SNMP will have gaps in the sequence. However, if ALL 963
alarms were transmitted then this could be used to satisfy the requirement.
If it is necessary to send a heat beat trap to the NMS so that it knows the 963 is still working configure a
LOGMSG command in the 963 scheduler to create an internal alarm at the required interval. The LOGMSG
details should be set to match the filters created in the alarm viewer so that a new 963 trap is triggered.
Various free tools are available for testing 963 SNMP transmissions.

166 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Retransmit to a Different Destination During Non Occupancy

An alarm group can be set to retransmit to a different destination during the time when the diary group to which it is
linked is in non-occupancy.
If alarms are to be retransmitted, you should ensure that the retransmission does not produce excessive
network traffic.
To retransmit an alarm to a different destination during non occupancy:
1. Add the required retransmission destinations.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.

3. Right-click and click Add group. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
4. In the Group Name box enter the name for the group.
5. Click Choose next to the Action when occupied (default) box.
6. Click RETRANSMIT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. A dialogue box listing all the
retransmission destinations is displayed.
7. Click the required destination from the list.
8. Click OK. The Message dialogue box is displayed.
9. In the box enter the required message. The message can be built up by combining the text, and 963 variables.
A <ALARMCODE> occurred at <TIME> from <LABEL> in <OSLABEL>
The code above would send a message similar to the one below:
A HIGH occurred at 14:50 from Outside Air Sensor in Office Block
The default is <ALLLABELS> variable that will include all the labels from the alarm in the message.
For details of the 963 variables that can be used see the 963 Variable Availability section of this manual.
10. Click OK. The What action dialogue box is displayed.
11. Click OK. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
12. In the Diary group box click the diary group that is to be linked to the alarm group.
13. Click Choose next to the Action when not occupied box.
14. Click RETRANSMIT from the list in the dialogue box that is displayed. A dialogue box listing all the
retransmission destinations is displayed.
15. Click the required destination from the list.
16. Click OK. The Message dialogue box is displayed.
17. In the box enter the required message. The message can be built up by combining the text, and 963 variables.
A <ALARMCODE> occurred at <TIME> from <LABEL> in <OSLABEL>
The code above would send a message similar to the one below:
A HIGH occurred at 14:50 from Outside Air Sensor in Office Block
The default is <ALLLABELS> variable that will include all the labels from the alarm in the message.
For details of the 963 variables that can be used see the 963 Variable Availability section of this manual.
18. Click OK. The What action dialogue box is displayed.
19. Click OK. The Alarm Group Editor dialogue box is displayed.
20. Once the group is set up as required, click OK. Retransmit to a WAP Phone
963 can retransmit alarms to a WAP phone. This is done by retransmitting to an email address that can be accessed
by the phone, therefore the set up is exactly the same as for Retransmitting Alarms to an Email Address.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 167

Engineering 963 Smart Triggered Alarm Actions

An alarm action can be triggered only if a series of other conditions in the controller are also met. For example, only
trigger the alarm action if a combination of IQ and historic data are met. This is done using the TESTVALUE variable
in the alarm action to check the required conditions.
For details of using the TESTVALUE variable see the Using the TESTVALUE Variable section of this manual.
5.16.8 Set Up the Default Alarm Group
The default alarm group determines the action taken by 963 when it receives alarm that is not caught by other alarm
groups. The default alarm action should be something simple that does not affect system performance, or require user
intervention; e.g. the 963 could beep.
To set up the default alarm group:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Double-click All alarm groups.
4. Right-click Default Alarm Group and on the displayed menu click Edit. The Alarm Group dialogue box
is displayed.

5. Specify parameters for the alarm group as required.

5.16.9 Set Up Alarm Priorities
Alarm priorities indicate how important a particular alarm is. The priority of the alarm is determined in one of two
places, the controller, or the 963. Alarms from IQ2 version 3.0 controllers or greater have their priorities determined
by the alarm handling strategy within the controller and 963 will not override this. For IQ2 controllers less than version
3.0 the alarm is assigned the priority by 963.
963 can be configured to display alarms of different priorities in a particular colour, and can defined priorities for
alarms that are received from the controllers without a priority defined.
To set up alarm priorities:
1. Add the required alarm priorities to 963 to specify the colour alarms of each priority are displayed in.
2. If alarms are to be received without priorities defined (IQ2 controllers less than version 3.0) specify the
priority level for those alarms.

168 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963 Add an Alarm Priority

If alarms of different priorities are to be displayed in different colours it is necessary to add the appropriate alarm
To add an alarm priority:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Right-click Alarm Priorities, and on the displayed menu click Add alarm priority. The Add alarm
priority dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the Select the priority level box click the alarm priority that is to be added. Range = 0 to 255. 0 is the
lowest priority.
5. If alarms of this priority are to be displayed in the incoming alarms list select the Display these alarms in
the incoming alarms list check box.
6. Click Choose Colour, and in the displayed dialogue box click the required colour, and click OK. To use a
custom colour click Define Custom Colors>>.
7. Click OK. Delete an Alarm Priority
If a particular alarm priority is no longer required it can be deleted.
To delete an alarm priority:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Double-click Alarm Priorities to expand the Alarm Priorities section.
4. Right-click the priority that is to be deleted, and choose Delete from the displayed menu. A dialogue box is
displayed asking for confirmation of the deletion, click Yes. Edit an Alarm Priority
A particular alarm priority can be edited.
To edit an alarm priority:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Double-click Alarm Priorities to expand the Alarm Priorities section.
4. Right-click the priority that is to be edited, and click Edit.
5. Set up the parameters as required.
6. Once the filter is correctly set up click OK. Specify Alarm Priorities for Early IQ Alarms
If alarms received from IQ controllers less than version 3.0 are to have priorities assigned to them it is necessary to
define the priority level associated with each alarm because it is not included in the alarm itself.
To specify alarms for early IQ alarms:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.

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Engineering 963

4. Click Edit Alarm Priority Table. The Edit alarm priority lookup table dialogue box is displayed.

5. Click New, a new record is created.

6. Click the cell in the priority column for the new record, and in the Field value box enter the required priority
level. This can be any integer in the range 0 to 255. 0 is the lowest priority.
7. Click the cell in the connectionString column for the new record, and specify the connection string of the
site(s) for which alarms are to be assigned the specified priority.
E.g. 01234567891
If the site is accessed over Ethernet specify the IP address of the required to access it prefixed by IP.
E.g. IP123.456.7.8
To specify any site enter *.
8. Click the cell in the lan column for the new record, and specify the Lan number of the device(s) for which
alarms are to be assigned the specified priority. The valid Lan addresses are 1 to 119 excluding 2, 3, and 10.
Wildcards may be used as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any digit
? Any single number.
* would mean any Lan
2? would specify Lans 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29.
9. Click the cell in the os column for the new record, and specify the network address of the devices for which
alarms are to be assigned the specified priority. The valid addresses are 1 to 119 excluding 2, 3, and 10.
Wildcards may be used as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any digit
? Any single number.
* would mean any device
2? would specify devices 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29.
10. Click the cell in the label column for the new record, and specify the label of the module for which alarms
are to be assigned the specified priority.
Boiler Room

170 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

Note that the module cannot be specified using codes.

Wildcards may be used as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any digit
? Any single number.
* would mean any label
*Room would specify any module with a label ending in the word Room.
Boiler?? would specify any module with a label ending starting with the word Boiler followed by any
2 characters.
11. Click the cell in the alarmCode column for the new record, and specify the alarm code for which alarms are
to be assigned the specified priority.
Wildcards may be used as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any digit
? Any single number.
??NR would specify any 4-character alarm code ending with the letters NR.
12. Click OK.
Unwanted alarm priorities can be removed by clicking them in the table, and then clicking Delete.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 171

Engineering 963

5.16.10 Set up 963 to Receive Alarms from a Remote TCP/IP Site

If the 963 is to receive alarms from remote sites accessed over a TCP/IP connection it must be set up to listen for those
alarms on the port number used by the virtual CNC sending the alarms. When a virtual CNC is set to operate in Alarm
mode the port address will default to 2774.
To set the 963 up to listen for alarms:
1. Log in.
2. On the View menu click Information Centre, or press F1 to display the Information Centre.
3. Click . The Communications Window is displayed.
4. Click Configure Comms. The Local Site Connection Setup dialogue box is displayed.

5. Select the Listen for alarms on TCP/IP check box.

6. In the Port Number box enter the port number on which 963 is to listen for alarms. This is the port number
used by the virtual CNC.
Note that any firewalls will need to be configured so that the port number is open in the incoming direction.
7. Click OK.
5.16.11 Set up 963 to Handle Retransmitted Alarms from a 945 Supervisor
If the 963 is to receive alarms that have been retransmitted from a 945 Supervisor, it must be set up as described
To set up 963 to handle retransmitted alarms from a 945 Supervisor:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Ensure that the 945, from which alarms are to be retransmitted appears in the Device Viewer.
4. Right-click the 945, from which alarms are to be retransmitted, and on the displayed menu Update from the
displayed menu. A dummy critical alarm is added. This dummy critical alarm will go into an alarm condition
when a retransmitted alarm is received from that 945.
Note that the 945 must be set up correctly to retransmit the alarm to the 963. This requires the 963 to appear in one
of the 945 Groups in the Outstation Organiser, and be identified as a 945 Issue 2. For details of setting up 945 Groups
see the 945 Supervisor Engineering Manual (TD101379).

172 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Engineering 963

5.16.12 Specify which Alarms are Auto Actioned

There may be a number of alarms that are received by 963 that you wish to be automatically actioned by the supervisor.
This means that they will go straight into the list of historic alarms, without the need for the user to action them.
To specify which alarms are auto actioned:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.
4. Click Alarm Codes. The Edit alarm code lookup table dialogue box shown below is displayed.

5. Scroll down to the code of the alarm that is to be set to be auto actioned.
6. Scroll across to the alarmRequiresAction column.
7. In the alarmRequiresAction column click the cell corresponding to the required alarm.
8. In the Field value box enter 1 to cause the alarm to be auto actioned, or 0 for it to be require user
9. Click OK.
Do not change items in any of the other columns.
Note that setting an alarm to be auto actioned will prevent it being displayed in an alarm panel. However, filters will
catch it, and therefore any actions carried out.
Unwanted alarm codes can be removed by clicking them in the table, and then clicking Delete, and new ones added
by clicking New and then specifying the parameters for the new code.
If required the user can be prevented from seeing automatically actioned alarms by hiding them from all alarm views
except Historic as described in the Hide Auto Actioned Alarms section of this manual.

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Engineering 963

5.16.13 Specify which Alarms are Displayed with a Red Bell

When an item goes into an alarm condition a red bell will be displayed in the bottom right of the status bar. It is
possible to specify which alarms cause this to occur.
To specify which alarms display a red bell:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.
4. Click Alarm Codes. A dialogue box is displayed.

5. Scroll down to the code of the alarm that is to be set to cause a red bell to be displayed.
6. Scroll across to the displaysInRed column.
7. In the displaysInRed column click the cell that corresponds to the required alarm.
8. In the Field value box enter 1 to cause the alarm to display a red bell, or 0 not to display the red bell.
9. Click OK.
Do not change items in any of the other columns.
Unwanted alarm codes can be removed by clicking them in the table, and then clicking Delete, and new ones added
by clicking New and then specifying the parameters for the new code.
5.16.14 Specify Extra Text for Alarms
Two additional text descriptions can be added to in-coming alarms. They can be used to supply additional information
about the alarm to the user. The additional text can be made part of your alarm action using 2 variables:
The 963 matches the parameters of incoming alarms with the details in the table to pick out the required extra
information text. The priority is used to determine the order in which 963 looks for a match. The alarm to which the
extra text is added is determined by matching the following parameters of the incoming alarm.
The text that has the highest priority is used, unless the Matches are cumulative check box is selected. This will
cause all the pieces of extra text that match the parameters of the incoming alarm to be used. If this is the case each
piece of text will be separated by a specified character e.g. new line.
Tip It is recommended if you are retransmitting alarms using SNMP the text in the EXTRAINFO1 field should be
used to group the alarms by type e.g. heating, cooling, ventilation etc, and the text in the EXTRAINFO2 field should
be used to specify the serenity e.g. 0 clear, 1 Information, 2 Low, 3 Medium, and 4 Critical.
To specify extra text:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.

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Engineering 963

4. Click Extra Alarm Text 1 if the extra text is to be added to the <EXTRAINFO1> field, or Extra Alarm
Text 2 if the extra text is to be added to the <EXTRAINFO2>. A dialogue box is displayed.

5. Click New. A new record will be added to the table.

6. Click the cell in the priority column for the new record, and enter the priority level of the alarms that are to
have extra text added. This can be any integer in the range 0 to 255.
7. Click the cell in the connectionString column for the new record, and enter the connection string of the
site(s) for which alarms are to have extra text added.
E.g. 01234567891
If the site is accessed over Ethernet specify the IP address of the required to access it prefixed by IP.
E.g. IP123.456.7.8
To specify any site enter *.
8. Click the cell in the lan column for the new record, and enter the Lan number of the device(s) for which
alarms are to have extra text added. The valid Lan addresses are 1 to 119 excluding 2, 3, and 10.
Wildcards may be used as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any digit
? Any single number.
* would mean any Lan
2? would specify Lans 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29.
9. Click the cell in the os column for the new record, and enter the network address of the devices for which
alarms are to have extra text added. The valid addresses are 1 to 119 excluding 2, 3, and 10.
Wildcards may be used as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any digit
? Any single number.
* would mean any device
2? would specify devices 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29.
10. Click the cell in the label column for the new record, and enter the label of the module for which alarms are
to have extra text added.
E.g. Boiler Room

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Note that the module cannot be specified using codes such as S for sensors, K for knobs etc.
Wildcards may be used as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any digit
? Any single number.
* would mean any label
*Room would specify any module with a label ending in the word Room.
Boiler?? would specify any module with a label ending starting with the word Boiler followed by any
2 characters.
11. Click the cell in the alarmCode column for the new record, and specify the alarm code for which for which
alarms are to have extra text added.
Wildcards may be used as indicated in the table below.
Wildcard Description
* Any number of any digit
? Any single number.
??NR would specify any 4-character alarm code ending with the letters NR.
12. Click the cell in the Extra Info column for the new record, and specify the text that is to be added.
13. Click OK.
14. If all the matching pieces of extra text are to be used is select the Matches are cumulative check box, and
specify the character that is to separate each individual piece of text in the Separator between matching
text box.
Unwanted extra text can be removed by clicking them in the table, and then clicking Delete, and new ones added by
clicking New and then specifying the parameters.

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5.16.15 Specify Extra Text for Alarm Labels

963 can add additional user defined text to the labels of modules included in the alarms received by 963. This allows
users to extend the basic 20-character labels or to interpret coded labels. The additional text is appended to the end of
the item label in square brackets to differentiate it from the original label. This information is only used in the display
and logging of alarms.
To specify extra text for alarm labels:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.
4. Click Module Labels. A dialogue box is displayed.

5. Click New, a new record is created.

6. Click the cell in the LabelMatchString column for the new record, and in the Field value box enter the label
that is to be matched. Wildcards can be used. * specifies any number of any characters, and ? specifies any
single character.
7. Click the cell in the LabelExtraString column for the new record, and the Field value box enter the required
8. Click OK.
Unwanted extra text can be removed by clicking them in the table, and then clicking Delete, and new ones added by
clicking New and then specifying the parameters.

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5.16.16 Add Alarm Codes

If 963 is to receive alarms with non-standard alarm codes e.g. from an interface to another system the codes must be
added to enable 963 to handle the alarm. When 963 receives an alarm with an unknown code it will display a message
to alert the user if this occurs the alarm code can be added.
To add an alarm code:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.
4. Click Alarm Codes. A dialogue box is displayed.

5. Click New, a new record is created.

6. Click the cell in the AlarmCode column for the new record, and enter the 4 character new alarm code. If the
required code is less than 4 character it must be prefixed with spaces e.g. LOW must be prefixed with a single
7. Specify the other settings for the alarm code by entering the appropriate value in each column.
Setting Description
IsRestorable This alarm has a corresponding clear alarm. Set to 1 if the alarm has an associated
clear alarm, otherwise set to 0.
Displays in Red Specifies whether the alarm will appear with a red alarm bell. Set to 1 to cause the
alarm to display a red bell, or 0 not to display the red bell.
alarm requires action Specifies whether the alarm must be acknowledged by the user. Set to 1 to cause
the alarm to be auto actioned, or 0 for it to require user acknowledgement.
attributeCodelookup Set to 1
attributecodelookupitem Leave blank
cleartoid Must be set for clear alarms. Specifies the index for the corresponding SET alarm.
stringRESID Leave blank
Note fields set to 1 will be displayed as T and fields set to 0 will be displayed as F.
8. Click OK.
Unwanted extra text can be removed by clicking them in the table, and then clicking Delete, and new ones added by
clicking New and then specifying the parameters.

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5.16.17 Restore Default Alarm Codes

It may be necessary to restore the default alarm codes if adding additional alarm codes has caused problems, or 963
has displayed a error message indicating that it has received an alarm with an unknown alarm code
To restore default alarm codes:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.
4. Click Restore Default. A dialogue box asking for confirmation is displayed
5. Click Yes. The default alarm codes will be restored. This may take some time.
5.17 Configure 963 Server
If 963 is to function as a server providing information to clients, the way in which the server operates needs to be
To configure 963 Server:
1. Create any HTML Pages.
2. Convert bitmaps to JPG format.
3. Specify whether the last login date and time are displayed in the login page.
4. Specify whether PC names are displayed.
5. Specify what is displayed when the client first accesses the server.
6. Specify the size of the schematic window.
7. Specify the size of the schematic applet.
8. Specify the number of points sent to clients.
9. Specify the servers TCP/IP port.
5.17.1 Convert Bitmaps to JPEG Format
For the graphics on a schematic page to be displayed, they must be converted to JPEG format. This is done dynamically
by 963 Server when a client requests a page. However, this process takes time, slowing down the display of the page.
The load time of pages viewed in a client can be improved if the conversion has already been done.
To convert graphics to JPG format:
1. Using the graphics package of your choice, open each bitmap that is to be accessed by a client, and save it in
JPEG format.
Note that where possible if pages are to be accessed from a client you should use JPEG.
5.17.2 Display Last Login Date and Time
It is possible to display the date and time the user last logged in on the login page.
To display the last login date and time:
1. Edit the [WEBSERVER] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<Display> specifies whether the login date and time is displayed. 1 will display the information, and 0 will
not display the information.

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5.17.3 Display PC Names Instead of IP Addresses

It is possible to configure the 963 Server to display the PC name of clients accessing the 963 Server instead of the IP
address. The default is to display IP addresses.
Note that this is only possible if a DNS server is working on the Ethernet network.
To display PC names instead of IP addresses:
1. Edit the [TCPIP] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<Display> specifies whether PC names or IP addresses are displayed. 1 will display PC names, and 0 will
display IP addresses.
5.17.4 Specify what is Displayed when the Server is Accessed
When the 963 Server is first accessed by a client it will display the HTML page index.htm in the html directory, if it
exists. If the page does not exist 963 Server will display its default page.
If the index.htm page is to be displayed, then it will need to be edited as required using any HTML editor. For details
of creating HTML pages for use with 963 see the Create any HTML Pages section of this manual. If the 963 Server
is to prompt the user to log in then the index.htm file in the html sub-directory of the directory in which 963 is
installed must be deleted.
5.17.5 Specify the Schematic Window Size
The size of the schematic window on the client can be specified. You should ensure that the size of the schematic
applet is correctly specified.
To specify the schematic window size:
1. Edit the [TSS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<width> specifies the width of the schematic window. <height> specifies the height of the schematic window.
5.17.6 Specify the Schematics Applet Size
The size of the schematic applet loaded in the schematics window can be specified. If this is greater than the window
size then scroll bars will appear.
Note that this setting is different to the schematic window size described in the Specify the Schematic Window Size
section of this manual which enables the actual size of the window to be specified. The Schematics Applet Size defines
the size of the Java applet inside the Schematic Window.
To specify the schematic applet size:
1. Edit the [TSS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<width> specifies the width of the schematic applet. <height> specifies the height of the schematic applet.

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5.17.7 Specify the Number of Points Sent to Clients

It is possible to specify the number of points that are sent to the client when a graph is requested. This enables the
amount of data to be reduce it required meaning that the graph will be displayed faster. The default value is 96 values.
To specify the number of points sent to clients:
1. Edit the [WebServer] section of the S2.INI file as below:
NumGraphValues=<number of values>
<number of values> specifies the number of points.
5.17.8 Specify the Server's TCP/IP Port
By default, the 963 Server uses port 80 to provide information to web browsers (this is the standard for web servers).
There may be certain circumstances where this port is not suitable e.g. if the ISS web service is running or the PC
running 963 is also running a web server.
To change the servers TCP/IP port:
1. Edit the [TCPIP] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<Port> specifies required the port number.

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5.18 Configure Web Server Settings

The web server must be configured independently of 963. For SSL operation, a certificate is required.
Certificates contain encryption keys for SSL and are also means by which a client recognises websites as being
authentic. Certificates are tied to the domain name of the web server, time limited, and are issued by a trusted authority.
When a web browser connects to a web server, the certificate keys are checked for authenticity. Only when the
certificate confirms the domain it serves, the browser displays the SSL indicators. Any mismatch or expiration can
cause the browser to display a message advising the user that this site should not be trusted.
For a typical 963 server running on an internal network, this process may be considered complex and/or costly to
manage. In such cases, you can opt to create your own self-signed certificates using the 963 web server configuration
utility. A self-signed certificate provides the SSL encryption and basic identification. However, it is not recognised as
a trusted site by any client web browser. It is possible to overcome this by manually exporting the certificate and
importing it into every web client browser that connects to 963. 963 will generate two certificates, a current certificate
for identifying the site, and a server certificate. It is the current certificate that should be exported into the client
Https is enabled by default. You can disable https provided you accept the associated risks. This 963 Web Server
Configuration dialogue allows the user to configure the port numbers used for HTTP and HTTPS. In the earlier
versions of 963 the HTTP port was specified in the ini file. The configuration is no longer stored in the ini file. If
HTTP and HTTPS are enabled, any requests to the HTTP port will be automatically redirected to the HTTPS port.
If https is selected, a certificate must be associated with the web server. If there are any valid certificates already
installed on the PC, they will appear in the list. 963 will look for certificates that have a usage property specified as
"Server Authentication".
If you do not have a valid certificate or do not wish to use any of the existing ones, then you have two options:
Obtain a valid certificate from the local IT department or purchase one online for your domain and
then import it.
Create a self-signed certificate (you can do this using 963 Supervisor).
5.18.1 Disabling HTTPS port
Https is enabled by default. You can disable https provided you accept the associated risks. Disabling HTTPS may
make your web browser prone to viruses.

To disable HTTPS port:

1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.
2. On the Tools menu, click Configure Web Server. The 963 Web Server Configuration dialogue box is
3. Check the Use HTTP check box to disable the HTTPS port.
5.18.2 Import an HTTPS certificate
This feature is used if you purchase a certificate from a commercial certificate authority, or if a certificate is generated
from another source external to 963. The certificates must be imported to all the client machines. Refer to the
Installation Instructions (TG201026) for more information on the valid and applicable Operating Systems. The built-
in configuration application has an option to allow importing certificates.
To import an https certificate:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.

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2. On the Tools menu, click Configure Web Server. The 963 Web Server Configuration dialogue box is
3. Click Manage Server Certificates. The Server Certificate Manager window is displayed.

4. Click Import Certificate button. The import wizard is displayed.

5. Click Next. The Import HTTPS Certificate screen is displayed.

6. Click Browse to locate and select the .cert file.

7. Click OK.
8. Click Next. A success message is displayed indicating the .cert file was imported successfully.
9. Click OK. The imported certificate appears in the Available HTTPS Certificates list.
Note that only the applicable and valid certificates appear in this list. You must select the applicable
5.18.3 Create a Self-Signed Certificate
For internally based 963 servers, you can create your own self-signed certificates using the 963 web server
configuration utility. A self-signed certificate provides the SSL encryption and basic identification. However, it is not
recognised as a trusted site by any client web browsers. It is possible to overcome this by manually exporting the
certificate and importing it into every web client browser that connects to 963.
In either case, you can set the port number if a non-standard port is required (e.g. to avoid conflicting with an existing
application on the PC).

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To create a self signed certificate:

1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.
2. On the Tools menu, click Configure Web Server. The 963 Web Server Configuration dialogue box is
3. Click Manage Server Certificates. The Server Certificate Manager window is displayed.

4. Click Create self signed Certificate button. The Confirm Site Information dialogue box is displayed

5. Enter the site name in the Site name box.

6. Enter the company name in the Company name box.
Both the site name and company name will be visible in the certificate information in the web browser.
7. Click OK. 963 generates a HTTPS certificate.
8. Click OK to close all the dialogue boxes.
Note: After a certificate is created by the Utility, you dont have to import it. It automatically gets added to
the valid list of certificates applicable for 963.
5.18.4 Export Current Certificate
In scenarios, when you create your own self-signed certificates using the 963 web server configuration utility, the self-
signed certificate will not be not recognised as a trusted site by any clients. To overcome this, you must manually
export the certificate from the 963 and import it to every web client browser that connects to 963.
To export the current certificate:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.
2. On the Tools menu, click Configure Web Server. The 963 Web Server Configuration dialogue box is
3. Click Manage Client Certificates. The Export Client Certificate window is displayed.

4. Click OK. The Save As dialogue box is displayed. Browse to the location the certificate is to be exported to.

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5. Click Save to export the current certificate. A success message is displayed.

6. Click OK.
Note: You may get some Windows firewall messages if you change the port number, enable or disable the port, or
change the certificate being used. Choose the appropriate option to proceed. Click Yes to change the firewall settings.
You can select No if you wish to manually configure the firewall settings. A success message is displayed in case you
choose to configure the firewall settings.
5.18.5 Import Current Certificate
If you have created your own self-signed certificate using the 963 web server configuration utility the 963 server will
not be recognised as a trusted site by any client web browsers. It is possible to overcome this by manually exporting
the certificate and importing it into every web client browser that connects to 963.
To import a current certificate:
1. Follow the instructions for the operating system or browser you are using to import the current certificate
you have created to every client device/PC that is to access the 963's web server.

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5.19 Configure 963 Settings

There are a number of settings that affect the way in which the 963 operates. These should be set up as required.
Important if 963 is to read from, or write to files that contain unicode characters it is necessary to set the file
management to use unicode characters as described in the Specify File Management section of this manual.
5.19.1 Specify the Autodialling Devices 963 Can Use
The 963 can be prevented from using particular a autodialling device, or forced to use a particular autodialling device
to dial a particular number.
To prevent 963 using a particular autodialling device:
1. Edit the [GROUPING] section of the TCOMMSRV.INI file as below:
NoDialOut= x<nnn>, x<nnn>
x can be either 'L' to specify the Local Lan, or 'I' to specify the Internetwork <nnn> specifies the network
address of the device. Each separate reference should be separated with a comma ,.
NodialOut=L64, I102
This would prevent 963 using the autodialling device at address 64 on the Local Lan, and the autodialling
device at address 102 on the Internetwork.
To force 963 to use a particular autodialling device for a particular number:
1. Edit the [GROUPING] section of the TCOMMSRV.INI file as below:
<telephone number>=x<nnn>
<telephone number> is the telephone number that is to be dialled. x can be either L to specify the Local Lan,
or I to specify the Internetwork <nnn> specifies the network address of the device.
0123 467890=L64
This would force 963 to use the autodialling device at address 64 on the Local Lan whenever it dialled the
telephone number 0123 467890.

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5.19.2 Automatically Backup the 963 Database

The 963s database can be backed up at regular intervals.
To automatically backup the 963s database:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.
2. On the Database menu click Configure Backup. The Backup database dialogue box is displayed.
3. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes.

4. Specify the location and name of the backed up file by typing the path and filename into the File Name box.
If required 963 variables can be used to help specify the path and filename. The default is to back up the file
to the directory in which 963 is installed, the filename is trend96X and includes the date and time. The
location of the file can also be specified by clicking Choose file location and browsing to the required
directory. To return to the default settings click Generate default file name.
Note that the database can only be backed up to a local drive unless 963 has been correctly configured to
backup to a network location, and the PC running 963 must be logged on to the network using the network
user name specified during that configuration process. An alternative to this is to backup the files locally,
and then copy the files created to the required remote location using a script file.
5. Click Finish. The dialogue box changes.

6. In the First event at box enter the date and time when the backup is to first occur by in the following format:
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss
To specify the event to occur now, click Now.
7. If the backup is to occur more than once, select the Do you wish to repeat this action? check box, and go
to step (10). If the event is to only occur once, clear the Do you wish to repeat this action? check box, and
go to step (13).
8. In the Choose an interval list click the interval at which it is to be repeated. 963 recommends an option
based on the configuration settings.
9. In the ..and how many times to repeat it list click how many times the event is to occur.
10. If Day or Week was specified as the interval, specify the day(s) of the week that the event is to occur. If Day
was selected, all seven days can be selected. If Week was selected, only one day can be selected.
11. Click Next>. A dialogue box describing what has been set up is displayed.
12. Check that everything is set up correctly, and then click Finish.

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5.19.3 Change the Database Location

The location and file name of the database used by 963 can be changed. If the database exists in a new location 963
will use that if not it will create a new blank database. Therefore if you have already carried out some configuration
of 963 that you don't want to lose you should copy the 963's database files to the new location.
To change the database location:
1. Log in.
2. On the Database menu click Properties. The Database Properties dialogue box is displayed.

3. If the database name is to be changed in the Current database name box enter the new database name.
It is NOT recommended that the database name be changed.
4. In the Current database server box specify the location of the SQL Server. A full stop '.' species a local
server. To specify a remote server enter the name of the PC running SQL server, and the instance used in the
form shown below.
<SQL server PC name>\<instance name>
<SQL server PC name> specifies name of the PC on the network on which the SQL Server is installed.
<instance name> specifies instance name used to install the SQL Server.
5. Click Choose directory. A dialogue box that provides you with advice about selecting a new location for
the database is displayed.
6. Click OK. The Browse For Folder dialogue box is displayed.

7. Click the new location of the database, or in the Current database directory box enter the required
directory. If required 963 variables can be used.
8. Click OK. A dialogue box is displayed reminding you that you need to restart 963.
9. Click OK.
10. Run 963. If the database exists 963 will connect to it, if not a dialogue box is displayed informing you that it
can't connect to the database, click Yes to enable 963 to create a new database.

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5.19.4 Specifying the Project Directory

The project directory contains all the configuration settings. The project directory can be specified while you are
setting up the 963. However, you can change it later as well.
To specify the project directory on startup:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. In the General tab, check the Select project directory on startup check box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.5 Specifying the Alternative Project Directory
To specify the alternative project directory:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. In the General tab, check the Use alternative project directory without prompt check box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.6 Configure 963 to Backup to a Network Location
If 963s backup facilities or the BACKUPDB action are to be used to backup the 963s database to a network location
it is necessary to configure the SQL server to run in a Windows user account that has access to the network.
To configure 963 to backup to a network location:
1. Configure SQL Server to run in a Windows user account that has access to the network. Refer to the SQL
Server and operating system documentation for details.
2. Configure the network server to ensure that an appropriate shared folder has been created for the 963 database
backups, and sufficient network permissions have been granted for read and write access to this shared folder.
Note that for the backup to be successful the PC running 963 must be logged on the network using the network user
specified above.
5.19.7 Display Confirm Message when adjusting a Dynamic Object
The 963 can display a message if you modify the settings for a dynamic object.
To display a confirmation message when adjusting a dynamic object:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. In the General tab, check the Display confirm message when adjusting a dynamic object check box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.8 Configure 963 to Detach from the Database
963 can be configured to detach from the database when it is shut down.
To configure 963 to detach from the database:
1. Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup.
2. On the Database menu click Properties. The Database Properties dialogue box is displayed.

3. Select the Detach database after supervisor has been shutdown check box.
4. Click OK.
5.19.9 Configure 963 to Operate with IQ1 Series Controllers
If communication with IQ1 series controllers is required it may be necessary to make some changes to the
TCOMSRV.INI file. IQ1 series controllers are unable to handle the same volume of data as the more recent IQ2, IQ3,
and IQ4 series controllers. To prevent communications errors appearing on the screen there are some recommended
settings needed in TCOMSRV.INI.

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To configure 963 to operate with IQ1 series controllers:

1. Edit the [IO] section of the TCOMMSRV.INI file to appear as below:
5.19.10 Configure TOPS Start up and Shutdown
If TOPS is installed on the same PC as 963 the 963 will attempt to run TOPS on start up, and close TOPS on shutdown.
It is possible to prevent 963 from running TOPS on startup, or closing it on shutdown
Note that if TOPS has been installed on a different PC to 963, the 963 cannot start and stop TOPS, and TOPS must
be run manually as described in the documentation supplied with TOPS.
To configure 963 to automatically start and stop TOPS:
1. Edit the [BACNETDRIVER] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<start> specifies whether the 963 automatically starts TOPS when it is run. 0 963 does not automatically start
TOPS. 1 963 automatically starts TOPS. <stop> specifies whether the 963 automatically stops TOPS when
it is shutdown. 0 963 does not automatically stop TOPS. 1 963 automatically stops TOPS

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5.19.11 Display Labels in the Alarm Viewer

Normally the alarms in the Alarm Viewer are displayed using the codes in the alarm message. 963 can use the labels
specified in its database for devices and items instead. This means the site, Lan and controller labels are used for each
new alarm used in the Alarm Viewer ensuring that it is consistent with those in the Device Viewer.
To display labels in the Alarm Viewer:
1. Edit the [ALARMS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<Display> specifies whether the Alarm Viewer displays labels or alarm codes. 1 will display labels, and 0
will display codes.
5.19.12 Enable/Disable Modem Polling
Modem polling (TMNs, MNCs, and XN28s) can be enabled/disabled (default is enabled). This enables network traffic
to be reduced on sites that have a lot of modems, However to ensure correct operation of the modems it is
recommended that modem polling only be disabled when absolutely necessary.
To enable/disable modem polling:
1. Edit the [ANC] section of the TCOMMSRV.INI file as below:
<poll> specifies whether modem polling is enables/disabled. 1 = enabled, and 0 = disabled.
5.19.13 Enable/Disable Beeping
There is a beep when you shut down or start up the 963. However, you can enable or disable this beep.
To enable/disable beeping:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed
3. In the General tab, check the Enable Beeping check box to enable the beeping or clear the selection to
disable the beeping.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.14 Hide Auto Actioned Alarms
If required alarms that have been set to be automatically actions as described in the Specify which Alarms are Auto
Actioned section of this manual can be hidden from all alarms views except Historic. This is a quick way of
preventing the user from seeing alarms deemed to be unimportant.
To hide auto actioned alarms:
1. Edit the [ALARMS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<hide> specifies whether auto actioned alarms are hidden. 1 = hidden, 0 = displayed

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5.19.15 Specifying Batch Refreshing

Batch refreshing should be used for devices where allot data is being retrieved. Schematic pages with more than 100
dynamic values will automatically batch communication according to the settings. Devices that you want to use batch
refreshing must be specified in the Device Viewer.
Note that LONWORKS devices will always use the settings specified in the [LonBatchComms] section of the S2.INI file.
Set a Device to Use Batch Processing
Specify Batch Refresh Settings Set a Device to Use Batch Refreshing
To set a device to use batch refreshing:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the required controller, and click Set this device to use batch refresh. A dialogue box is

4. Click Yes.
Note that LONWORKS devices will always use the settings specified in the [LonBatchComms] section of the S2.INI file.
To stop a device using batch refreshing:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the required controller, and click Set this device to use batch refresh. A dialogue box is

4. Click Yes. Specify Batch Refresh Settings
To specify the batch refresh settings:
1. Edit the [NormalBatchComms] section of the S2.INI file as below:
BatchInterval=<batch interval>
MaxRequestsBefporePause=<request pause>
<batch interval> specifies the delay in seconds between each batch request (default 1 second). <request
pause> specifies the length of time in seconds before the batch process repeats itself, this is a delay in seconds
before the whole process starts again (default 5 seconds). <interval> specifies the delay in seconds between
each batch request (default 1 second). <size> specifies the number of requests/items per batch (default 10).
Note that LONWORKS devices will always use the settings specified in the [LonBatchComms] section of the S2.INI file.

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5.19.16 Specifying Touch Screen Display Options

The options for touch screen displays in 963 can be specified to use different settings. You can either use a keyboard
or a keypad.
To set the touch screen options:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. In the Touch Screen Display Settings of the General tab, select the required option.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.17 Specify Communications Timeouts
The communications timeout for a device can be specified. For example it may be necessary to increase a device's
communications timeout if the device takes a long time to respond in order to avoid communications timeouts.
To specify a device's communications timeout:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the device for which the communications timeout is to be specified and click Properties. The
Device Properties dialogue box is displayed.

4. Click Set Timeout. The Set Timeout dialogue box is displayed.

5. In the box enter the required communications timeout in seconds.

6. Click OK.
5.19.18 Specifying the ANC Settings
To specify the ANC Settings:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Communications tab and specify the ANC Settings.
Specify the time (in seconds) when there is no communication.
Maximum number of times a value can be refreshed.
Interval time (in seconds) between modem polling.
Time (in seconds) to wait for the modem to dial a new number.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.

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5.19.19 Specify the Number of Alarms displayed in Clients History

The number of alarms that are displayed in the client's alarms history can be specified in 963.
To specify the number of alarms that are displayed in the client's alarms history:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to Alarms tab and specify the number of alarms to be displayed in the Clients alarms history field.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.20 Specifying the Retries Settings
The number of retries for the commonly used actions can be specified in 963.
To specify the Retries Settings:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Communications tab and specify the Retries Settings.
Specify the number of retires for text communications.
Specify the number of retires for local sites
Specify the number of retires for remote sites.
Specify the maximum item requests per message.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.21 Specifying the BACnet Driver Settings
Applicable only if TOPS is installed on the same machine as 963.
963 allows you to configure the BACnet driver settings to run TOPS when 963 is started and to shut down TOPS
when 963 is closed.
To specify the BACnet Settings:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Communications tab and specify the BACnet Driver Settings. You can configure 963 to run TOPS
automatically when 963 is started or to shut down TOPS when 963 is closed. Choose the required option.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action
5.19.22 Specify File Management
The file management determines whether 963 reads and writes ASCII files, or unicode files. The default is to
read/write ASCII files. It is therefore necessary to change the file management to use unicode files if unicode
characters will be read from, or written to e.g. for those using 963 in languages using unicode characters such as
To specify file management:
1. Edit the [TEXTFILEMANAGE] section of the S2.INI file as below:
Filetype=<file type>
<file type> specifies whether 963 reads and writes ASCII files, or unicode files. 0 specifies ASCII files, and
1 specifies unicode files.

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5.19.23 Specify the Days to Keep Old Cleared Alarms

963 can print out alarms to a printer connected to any of the PCs LPT, COM, USB ports, or accessed over the IT
network. This printer is known as the alarm printer. The use of a dot matrix printer is recommended for alarms, which
must be connected to either a parallel, or USB port. Use of inkjet or laser printers for alarm printing is likely to cause
undesirable results e.g. each line of the alarm on a separate page.
To specify the default alarm printer:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Alarm tab and specify the output port to which the default alarm printer is connected in the Output
port to connect to default alarm printer box
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.24 Enable Local Alarm Lookup
This option enables 963 to get alarm descriptions from the lookup table in the database. If this option is not enabled,
the 963 resource file is used to provide the alarm description.
To enable the use of local alarm lookup:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Alarm tab and check the Use Local Alarm Lookup check box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
Note that if the Use Local Alarm Lookup option is checked, the Use Localised Alarm Description is grayed
out. This happens because in this scenario the database uses the alarm description of the same alarm.
5.19.25 Enable Localised Alarm description
The alarm descriptions can be retained when 963 starts up if the localised alarm description option is enabled.
However, you can go back to the previous alarm settings by clicking the Restore Default button in the Setup tab.
To enable the use of localised alarm description:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Alarms tab and check the Use Localised Alarm Description.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
Note that the Use Localised Alarm Description option is grayed out if Use Local Alarm Lookup is checked.
You can choose the Use Localised Alarm Description option only if the Use Local Alarm Lookup option is
not checked.
5.19.26 Hide Information Centre
This option enables the user to select an option to hide the Information Centre after start up. By default, the Information
Centre is displayed on the start up.
To hide the Information Centre after startup:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. In the General tab, check the Hide Information Centre after startup check box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.27 Specify the Graphic Point Settings
The specifications about which traces appear on a graph, how the grid etc is set up can be saved as a graph definition.
These, once created, can be loaded later, either manually by the user, or by 963 using the VIEWGRAPH action. When
a definition is loaded, the set up of the graph is retained, but the latest data will be displayed. This saves time if there
are graph traces that are viewed and analysed in the same way on a regular basis.
There are some restrictions on graphs loaded from a client. Graphs in clients do not support fixed scaling; therefore,
graph definitions loaded from a client may appear different to when they are displayed on the server.
To specify the Graphic Point Settings:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Graphs tab and specify the Graph Points Settings.

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Specify the number of points to collect on the Server in the Number of points to collect on the
Server box.
Specify the number of points to display on web client graph in the Number of points to display on
web client graph box.
Specify the maximum number of points to playback the recorded data in the Max number of points
when recorded data is played back box.
4.Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.28 Specify How Long 963 Keeps Alarms For
The 963 deletes all alarms in its database after a specified period of time. This length of time can be adjusted.
To specify how long 963 stores alarms:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Click the Setup tab.
4. In the How many days to keep alarms in the database box enter the required number of days.
5. If 963 is to remove alarms other than clear alarms, and actioned alarms clear the appropriate check box.
Check box Description
Only purge clear alarms When selected the 963 will only purge clear alarms from the database.
Only purge actioned alarms When selected the 963 will only purge actioned alarms from the database.
6. Click Update.
5.19.29 Enable the Compact Graph Option
The option to compact a graph can be selected. The compact protocol can be either single or double precision. With
single precision the values are sent as a percentage of maximum value minus the minimum value (i.e. maximum error
of 1%); these integer percentage values are each coded and communicated as one ASCII character. The values are
sent back with the start time and period so that the time points are calculated in the supervisor.
Double precision plots use the same algorithm as for the single precision plots, but use two ASCII characters to code
the percentage value and thus have a maximum error of 0.01% (i.e. 0 to 9999). They take approximately twice the
time to communicate.
To enable the compact graph option from device viewer:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Graphs tab and check the Enable compact graph option from device viewer check box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.30 Specify Global or Local Comments when Actioning Alarms
When a user acknowledges an alarm 963 saves the comments and makes them available for use another time. The list
can be set to contain either the comments entered by all users (global), or comments entered by the current user (local).
By default only the comments entered by the current user are displayed.
To specify global or local comments when actioning alarms:
1. Edit the [Alarms] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<comments> specifies whether the list contains previous comments entered by all users, or just the current
user. 1 = current user, 0 = all users.
Displays the comments entered by the current user.

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5.19.31 Disable Tool Tips for Objects

The tool tips can be enabled or disabled for all the objects on a schematic page.
To disable the tool tips for objects:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Schematics tab and check the Don't display tool tips for objects on a schematic page check box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.32 Specify How Many Values are Retrieved for a Precision Log
When the 963 requests the values for a precision log it will ask for the last 96 values. This can be changed.
To specify how many values are retrieved for a precision log:
1. Edit the [GRAPHS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
NumberOfPoints=<number of points>
<number of points> the number of points
To cause 963 to request the last 100 values.
5.19.33 Specifying the Timeouts
The communications timeout for a device can be specified. For example it may be necessary to increase a device's
communications timeout if the device takes a long time to respond in order to avoid communications timeouts.
To specify the Timeouts:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Timeouts tab and specify the various Timeouts.
Enter the Timeout for mapping the local site.
Enter the Initial Timeout for the local site.
Enter the Timeout for autodialled (modem) remote sites.
Enter the Timeout for mapping a remote ATD site
Enter the Timeout for TCP/IP remote sites.
Enter the Timeout for mapping a remote TCP site.
Note that all the values for timeouts are in milli-seconds.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.34 Display Dialler Activity
To display the dialler activity:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. In the General tab, check the Display balloons indicating dialler activity check box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.

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5.19.35 Specify How the Tree View Appears in the Diary Display
It is possible to specify whether the tree view in the Navigator when the Diary Display is displayed is initially expanded,
or collapsed.
To specify how the tree view appears in the Diary Display:
1. Edit the [EXTRA] section of the S2.INI file as below:
ExpandTrees=<expand trees>
<expand trees> specifies whether the tree view is displayed expanded or collapsed. 1 causes the tree to
initially be expanded, 0 causes it to initially be collapsed; the default is 1.
5.19.36 Specifying Precision Resolution for Logging
To specify the Precision resolution for extended logging:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Graphs tab and specify the resolution to be used for extended logging, in the Precision resolution
for extended logging box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.37 Specifying the Number of Decimals for Server Graph
963 allows you to specify the number of decimal places that must appear in the list data on a server graph.
To specify the number of decimals for list data on server graph:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Graphs tab and specify the number of decimal places for list data on server graph in the Number
of decimal places for list data on server graph box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action.
5.19.38 Specify Logging of all Remote Alarm Acknowledgements
The action of remotely acknowledging alarms can be set to cause an event on the server indicating that a particular
user has acknowledged an alarm.
Note that the alarm acknowledgement is always logged in the alarm event list.
To specify logging of all remote acknowledgements:
1. Edit the [WebAlarms] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<log> specifies whether remote alarm acknowledgements are logged. 1 = logged, 0 = not logged.
5.19.39 Specifying How to Reset Audit Lan

The Reset Audit Lan option enables 963 to reset the audit LAN.
When comparing against a list of devices the user is only notified of devices that are missing from the list. For example,
if the nodes in the list were 15-18 and 963 detected devices 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18 on the respective lan, the only
notification will for the missing device (device 16).
Note that the Reset Audit Lan option is enabled only on the Audit Lans. To audit lans, refer to Specifying the Audit
Lan Action section of this manual.
To reset the audit lan:
1. Log in.

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2. Click and right click the LAN for which the audit information is to be reset in the
Navigator list.
3. Select the Reset Audit Lan option. A confirmation message is displayed.
4. Click Yes to reset the Audit LAN information or No to cancel the action
5.19.40 Specify Intelligent Plot Labelling
Intelligent plot labelling enables 963 to add the logging interval to the label of plot modules in the Device Viewer. It
is turned on by default but can be enabled/disabled as required.
To specify intelligent plot labelling:
1. Edit the [DeviceDiscovery] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<enable> specifies whether intelligent plot labelling is enabled/disabled. 1 = enabled, 0 =disabled.
5.19.41 Specify Paper Width
The paper width for the alarm printer can be set to the required width.
To specify the paper width for the alarm printer:
1. Edit the [ALARMS] section of the TCOMMSRV.INI file as below:
<width> specifies the width in columns of the alarm printout.
5.19.42 Specify Printer Baud Rate
If the alarm printer is a serial printer it is necessary to specify the baud rate that is to be used for communication with
the printer.
To specify the Printer Baud Rate:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Supervisor Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.
3. Go to the Alarms tab and specify the baud rate for communications with the alarm printer in the Baud rate
for communications with alarm box.
4. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click OK to save the changes and close the dialogue box, or you may
click Cancel to abort the action
5.19.43 Specify the Adjustment Confirmation
It is possible to specify whether or not 963 asks for confirmation of adjustments to parameters in a controller, the
default is to ask for confirmation.
To specify confirmation of an adjustment:
1. Edit the [DYNAMICOBJECTS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<adjust> specifies whether 963 prompts for confirmation. 1 causes 963 to ask for confirmation, 0 stops 963
asking for confirmation.

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5.19.44 Specify the Colour of the Network Comms Status Lights

The standard grey/red/green colours of the network comms status lights can be changed, e.g. for reasons of nationality.
To change the colour of the network comms status lights:
1. Edit the [COLOURS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<colour> specifies the colour that is to be used using a code which is calculated according to the following
(red value x 1) + (green value x 256) + (blue value x 65536)
The red value, green value, and blue value can be in the range 0 to 255 where 255 is 100% of the colour, and
0 is 0% of the colour.
Red = (255 x 1) + (0 x 256) + (0 x 65536) =255 +0+0 =255
Green = (0 x 1) + (255 x 256) + (0 x 65536) =0 +65280+0 =65280
Blue = (0 x 1) + (0 x 255) + (255 x 65536) =0 +0+16581375=16711680
For a colour made up of 100% red, 50% green, and 25% blue:
(255 x 1) + (128 x 256) + (64 x 65536) =255 +32768+4194304=4227327
NoComms= 8355711
5.19.45 Specify the Configuration Parameters that can be Adjusted
It is possible to specify which configuration parameters can be adjusted from the Device Viewer, or a schematic page
(when the user right-clicks on a dynamic object) for each type of module. The list of parameters that can be adjusted
is stored in a module template file stored in the Template directory. This is a separate file for each module type, called
<module code>. txt. Where <module code> is the letter that identifies the module in configuration mode (e.g. S.txt is
the file that refers to sensor modules). An example of a template is shown below:
Sensor adjustments<XXXX>(%),Please adjust the units from the Device Viewer,text,101
<XXXX>($), Please adjust the label from the Device Viewer,text,101
<XXXX>(V),The current value,Units,100<XXXX>(H),The high alarm,Units,30
<XXXX>(L),The low alarm,Units,30
<XXXX>(N),alarm enable bits (ROLH),text I's and O's only,90
<XXXX>(M),Current alarm status(ROLH),ROLH,99
<XXXX>(O),The offset,units,80
<XXXX>(D),The high delay,mins,60

These files will be used by all controllers, however if required it is possible to set up different files for each different
controller type by creating a sub-directory for each controller type to contain the module templates for that controller
type which will be used instead.
To specify which configuration parameters can be adjusted:
1. Ensure that 963 is not running.
2. Run notepad, and open the appropriate template file from Template directory or one of its sub-directories.
See the table below for details about which file applies to which module type, and which directory applies to
which controller.
3. Edit the file as required. Each line of the file specifies a single configuration parameter. The format of each
line must be as shown below:
<XXXX>(<configuration letter>),<label>,<units>,<PIN level>
Where <configuration letter> is the letter that identifies the parameter in configuration mode, <label> is text
that describes parameter, <units> specifies the units of the parameter, and <PIN level> specifies the PIN level
required to make the adjustment. The PIN level can be in the range -1 to 100, where -1 means that anyone
can adjust the parameter, and 100 means that nobody can adjust it, although it will be visible to users with a
PIN level of 99.

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4. Save the file using the appropriate filenames.

Filename Module Type
d.txt Driver modules
i.txt Digital Input modules
k.txt Knob modules
l.txt Loop modules
m.txt Critical Alarm modules
r.txt Address modules
s.txt Sensor modules
t.txt Time modules
w.txt Switch modules
z.txt Time zone modules
If the module template is to apply to all controller types without a specific controller template it should be
saved in the Template directory. If it is for a particular type of controller it should be saved in an appropriately
named sub-directory of the Template directory, the table below list the sub-directory name for each
controller type.
Directory Name Controller Type
: IQ251
1 IQ150 v2
2 IQ 150 v3
3 IQ151
4 IQ131
5 IQ111
6 IQ100
7 IQ9x
8 IQ7x
G Generic devices
G\B BACnet devices
q IQ3xcite
5.19.46 Specify the Icon Size
It is possible to specify the size of 963s icons to be specified.
To specify the size of the icons:
1. Edit the [ICONS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<size> specifies the size in pixels of the icons
5.19.47 Specify the Maximum Number of Alarms that Are Stored
The maximum number of alarms that are stored in the alarm buffer can be specified.
To specify maximum number of alarms stored in the alarm buffer:
1. Edit the [ALARMS] section of the TCOMMSRV.INI file as below:
<size> specifies the maximum number of alarms that can be stored.

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5.19.48 Specify the Number of Stop Bits

The number of stop bits can be specified.
To specify number of stop bits:
1. Edit the [ALARMS] section of the TCOMMSRV.INI file as below:
StopBits=<stop bits>
<stop bits> specifies the maximum number of stop bits.
5.19.49 Specify the Page for List Printing
The page used for the print out of lists from 963 can be changed.
To change the page used for list printing:
1. Display either the Device Viewer, Alarm History, or Scheduled Event Display.
2. Right-click the Data Display, and on the displayed menu click Page Set up. The Page Setup dialogue box
is displayed.

3. In the Size box click the size of the paper that is to be used.
4. In the Source box click the location of the paper in the printer.
5. In the Header and Footer boxes enter the required header and footer. Codes can be used to include the
special characters as part of the text.
Code Description
&w Window title.
&u Page address (URL).
&d Date in short format (as specified by Regional Settings in Control Panel).
&D Date in long format (as specified by Regional Settings in Control Panel).
&t Time in the format specified by Regional Settings in Control Panel.
&T Time in 24-hour format.
&p Current page number.
&P Total number of pages.
&& A single ampersand (&).
&b The text immediately following these characters as centered.
& The text immediately following the first "&b" as centered, and the text following the second "&b" as
b&b right justified.
6. Click Portrait, or Landscape to specify the orientation of the page.
7. In the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes enter the required values to specify the margins.
8. Click OK.
Note that this setting applies to all lists printed form 963, and because the process uses Internet Explorer the changes
made will also be reflected when you print from Internet Explorer.

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5.19.50 Specify the Page Printer

963 can print out pages, graphs, and the alarm priority statistics on any printer available to which it has access. This
printer is known as the page printer.
To specify the page printer:
1. Display a schematic page.
2. On the File menu point to Print and click Print set up or right-click the page, and on the displayed menu
point to Print and click Print set up. The Print Setup dialogue box is displayed.

3. In the Name box click the required printer from the list.
4. Click OK.
Note that if a user changes the printer when they print out a page, graph, or the alarm priority statistics that printer
will become the page printer.
5.19.51 Specify the Precision Logging Protocol
The precision of the compact protocol can be selected. The compact protocol can be either single or double precision.
With single precision the values are sent as a percentage of maximum value minus the minimum value (i.e. maximum
error of 1%); these integer percentage values are each coded and communicated as one ASCII character. The values
are sent back with the start time and period so that the time points are calculated in the supervisor.
Double precision plots use the same algorithm as for the single precision plots, but use two ASCII characters to code
the percentage value and thus have a maximum error of 0.01% (i.e. 0 to 9999). They take approximately twice the
time to communicate.
Not all controllers support the TIN protocol, therefore it may not always be appropriate to set mode
To specify the precision logging protocol:
1. Edit the [Logging] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<<protocol> specifies the protocol 0=single precision logging, 1 = double precision logging.
5.19.52 Specify the Print Template for Alarm Priority Statistics
The print template used for the print out of the alarm priority statistics can be specified.
To specify the print template used for alarm priority statistics:
1. Display the alarm priority statistics.
2. Click Print Setup. The Print Setup dialogue box is displayed.

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3. Select the Use Template check box.

4. In the Use template box click the required template. The 963 is supplied with a number of different print
templates which provide some useful options for printing. They are located 'Pages\0963 Folder\Print
5. Click OK.
Note that changing the actual printer from here will change the page printer. If a user changes the print template
when they print out the alarm priority statistics that template will be the 963 will remember it, and that will be the
template selected next time.
5.19.53 Specify the Print Template for Graphs
The print template used for the print out of graphs from 963 can be specified.
To specify the print template used for graphs:
1. Display a Graph.
2. On the File menu click Print set up. The Print Setup dialogue box is displayed.

3. Select the Use Template check box.

4. In the Use template box click the required template. The 963 is supplied with a number of different print
templates which provide some useful options for printing. They are located 'Pages\0963 Folder\Print
5. Click OK.
Note that changing the actual printer from here will change the page printer. If a user changes the print template
when they print out a graph that template will be the 963 will remember it, and that will be the template selected next

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5.19.54 Specify the Print Template for Schematics

The print template used for the print out of schematic pages from 963 can be specified.
To specify the print template used for schematics:
1. Display a schematic page.
2. Enter page configuration mode.
3. Right-click the page, and on the displayed menu point to Print and click Print set up. The Print Setup
dialogue box is displayed.

4. Select the Use Template check box.

5. In the Use template box click the required template. The 963 is supplied with a number of different print
templates which provide some useful options for printing. They are located 'Pages\0963 Folder\Print
6. Click OK.
Note that changing the actual printer from here will change the page printer. If a user changes the print template
when they print out a page that template will be the 963 will remember it, and that will be the template selected next
5.19.55 Specify What is Displayed in the Alarm Points Window
The fields from the database that are displayed in the Alarm Points Window when the alarms for a particular point
are viewed from a schematic page can be specified, along with the order in which they appear. The default is to display
all fields.
To specify what is displayed in the alarm points window:
1. Edit the [ALARMS] section of the S2.INI file as below:
<Fieldname> can be the name of any field in the 963s database. To specify all fields enter *. Individual
fields can be separated by commas ','.
The above example would display the siteLabel, lanLabel, controllerLabel, ModuleLabel, theDesc,
IsCurrent, setTime, and clearTime fields in that order in the Alarms Points Window.

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5.20 Set up Clients

To access 963 Server the device running the client must have a suitable web browser installed, and be able to access
the 963 Server over TCP/IP.
To set up a client device:
1. Establish a TCP/IP Connection to the Server.
2. Install a suitable browser.
3. Add a shortcut to the server.
4. Install the JAVA runtime environment.
5. Allow popups.
6. Configure proxy server settings.
5.20.1 Establish a TCP/IP Connection to the Server
The connection of a client to the 963 is made over an Ethernet network using standard TCP/IP protocols. The client
device must be configured to communicate using TCP/IP and be able to access the Ethernet network to which the 963
is connected. A TCP/IP connection must be possible between the two devices. This means that any routers between
the devices must be configured to correctly route the messages between the devices.
If either the Ethernet network to which the 963 Server or the client is connected is protected by a firewall, this must
be configured to allow the messages to pass through and to correctly route them. Both firewalls must be configured
so that the port on which the 963 Server is providing information is open in the direction of client to server. The
firewall protecting the 963 Server must be configured to route messages on that port to the IP Address of the PC
running the 963 Server.
5.20.2 Install a Suitable Browser
To access the 963 Server from a client, a suitable web browser must be installed. This installation should be carried
out according to the installation instructions provided for the browser.
963 Clients may be of any configuration providing they are running TCP/IP networking protocol, and have an Ethernet
card, and have a web browser installed. For full graphics capabilities (graphic mode) Internet Explorer 8 or greater,
or Firefox 3.5 or greater (recommended Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 or greater) and the Java runtime
environment J2SE 6.0 or greater is required. The browser must have JAVA script enabled. Other browsers will provide
a text only display (text mode).
PDAs running Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition or greater (text mode only)
Nokia 9210i, and smartphones running Window Mobile 5 or greater (text mode only).
Note that the 963 has not been tested with all devices and Trend cannot guarantee a particular devices compatibility
with the 963 server.
5.20.3 Add a Shortcut to the Server
To make it easy for users to access the 963 Server a shortcut can be added to the desktop that will automatically run
the browser, and access the server.
To add a shortcut to the server:
1. Right-click a blank part of the desktop and on the displayed menu point to New and click Shortcut. A Create
Shortcut dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the box enter http://<Server Address>

<Server Address> is the IP address, or network name of the server in the Command line box.

206 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

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http://963 server
Note that if the 963 Server has been configured to provide information on a port other than the default of 80,
the port number must be added to the end of the address the browser is using. If the server is protected by a
firewall, the browser should be configured to access the external IP Address of the firewall instead of the IP
address of the PC running 963 Server.
3. Click Next>.
4. In the Select a name for the shortcut box enter a name for the shortcut.
5. Click Finish.
Note that this may not be possible on some operating systems, or the procedure may differ from that described above.
Tip: An alternative to this is to set the browsers default address to that of the 963 Server.
5.20.4 Install the JAVA Runtime Environment
To access 963 Server in graphic mode it is necessary to install the Java runtime environment J2SE 6.0 or greater if
one is not already installed on the PC. This can be downloaded from If a client without the Java
runtime environment J2SE 6.0 or greater installed attempts to connect to the 963 Server the client will automatically
attempt to connect to the internet to download it. During the installation procedure the Oracle JAVA runtime
environment must be registered for use with the correct browser.
Note that this is applicable only for machines that use 963 client.
To enable copy graph:
If your Java version is greater than Java 6 Update 24, perform the following steps to enable copy graph functionality
in 963 client:
1. Open file <java installed path>\lib\security\java.policy.
To open the <java installed path>:
Click Start > Control Panel > Java to view the Java Control panel.

Under the Java tab, click View. The Java Runtime Environment Settings dialog box appears.

Copy the path upto jre as mentioned under Path.

Ensure that the Enabled checkbox is selected. E.g. As shown above, the path will be C:\Program

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Note: Do not copy the entire path.

2. Append \lib\security\java.policy to above path and open the java.policy file.
3. Search for the line that reads: // "standard" properties that can be read by anyone.
4. Insert the following as a new line:
permission java.awt.AWTPermission "accessClipboard";

5. Save the file and restart the all browsers.

5.20.5 Allow Popups
The 963 uses popups for a number of its features. Therefore it is necessary to disable any popup blockers, or configure
them to allow popups from the 963 Server.
5.20.6 Configure Proxy Server Settings
If the client device is using a proxy server to access the internet, and the 963 Server is on the local Lan (i.e. not through
the proxy server) the connection must be set up to bypass the proxy server for local connections.
To configure the proxy server settings:
1. On the Start menu point to Settings and click Control Panel to display the control panel.
2. Double-click Internet Options.
3. Click the Connections tab.
4. Click LAN Settings.
5. Select the Bypass proxy server for local (Intranet) addresses check box.
6. Click OK to return to the Internet Properties dialogue box.
7. Click OK.
5.21 Test the Configuration
Once the configuration is complete, it should be tested to ensure that it functions as expected. It is necessary to check
that the links between pages work correctly, and that they appear as expected, and that the security is set up correctly.
To test the configuration:
1. Go to each page and check that it appears correctly, and test the operations that can be performed from the
page. If pages are to be viewed using a web browser, these should be viewed in a web browser to ensure that
they appear and function as expected.
2. Check how each page appears to users with different PIN levels as described in the Change the Apparent
PIN Level section of this manual.
3. Log in as each user, and check that they have access to the correct pages and views.
4. Check the alarm events as described in the Emulate an Alarm Action section of this manual.
5.21.1 Change the Apparent PIN Level
It is possible for a static object to temporarily change the PIN level for the current user. This static object must have
the Action attribute set to perform the CHANGEPIN action. It is important to give this object a PIN level of -1 so
that it is always accessible. This means that the page can be displayed as it would be seen by different users. This
feature should only be used during the engineering process, and removed before 963 is put into use. The next time
users log in; their normal PIN level will be used.
To change the apparent PIN level:
1. Log in.
2. View the page containing the object that enables the apparent PIN level to be changed.
3. Click the object to display the Security Level dialogue box.
4. In the box enter the required PIN level.
5. Click OK. The PIN level is changed to the one entered, allowing the pages to be seen as they would appear
to a user with that PIN level.
5.21.2 Emulate an Alarm Action
When alarm actions have been set up, it is necessary to check that they are working correctly without actually putting
the value into an alarm condition. To do this, emulate the alarm action.
To emulate an alarm action:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Alarms to select the Alarm Viewer.
3. Right-click the alarm whose alarm action is to be emulated, and on the displayed menu click Replay Alarm
Action. The specified action will now be carried out.

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5.22 Backup the Configuration

Once configuration is complete, a backup should be made, using any proprietary backup software.
The following information should be backed up:
The sub-directories and their contents of the install directory, normally c:\program files\trend control
If there are source files for bitmaps, and backdrop files these should also be backed up.
Once the backup is complete it should be stored in a safe place (e.g. firesafe) so that in the event of damage to 963,
the system can be quickly restored to normal. If any changes are made to 963s configuration, the changes should also
be backed up.
Note that the database directory cannot be copied if the database was not properly detached.

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210 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

This section describes the actions that can be performed when a static object is selected, when a user logs on, when
an alarm occurs etc. It also describes how to specify each action and where they can be used.
Action Description
? Asks a Yes/No question during a script file. If users answer Yes then the following
script command is executed, else it skips onto the NEXT command.
ARCHIVEDATA Archives the historic data within the supervisor to an external data source.
AUDIT_LAN Enables 963 to periodically check for existence of controllers on a specified Lan and
raise an alarm if devices are missing (DVMS alarm), or new ones added (DVNW
BACKUPDB Enables any of the 963s database files to be backed up to a specified directory.
BACKUPFILE Enables a specified file to be backed up to a specified directory.
BALLOON Pops up a small bubble containing some pre-defined text on the Windows task bar.
BEEP Causes 963 to beep.
BROWSER POPUP Launches a web browser in a new window with a specified URL. The size and
position of the window can be specified and the window can be given a name.
CALCULATEMKT Calculates the Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) for the specified sensor over a
specified period and stores it in a virtual sensor.
CALCULATEMKTDATE Calculates the mean kinetic temperature for the specified sensor for a specified date
range. The result of the calculation is for display only it is not stored.
CHANGEPASSWORD Enables the current user to change their password. It displays a sequence of dialogue
boxes asking for the existing password, the new one, and confirmation of the new
CHANGEPIN Enables the PIN level of the current user to be temporarily changed. This enables the
user to see what the pages look like for users with different PIN levels. It displays a
dialogue box that enables the required PIN level to be specified. When the user logs
on the next time his normal PIN level will be used.
COMMAND Displays a dialogue box that enables any 963 action to be launched.
CONFIG Provides access to the configuration mode of a specified device on the network.
COPYFILE Copies a specified file to another directory.
CREATEDIRECTORY Creates a specified directory.
DELETE Deletes a specified file.
DELETEHISTORICDATA Deletes the alarms from the 963s database that are older than a specified number of
DOCUMENT Creates a text file containing a definition of each object on a page.
DROPALLLINES Causes 963 to drop any autodialled link immediately.
DROPTHISLINE The DROPTHISLINE action will force 963 to drop the specified autodialled link.
EXECUTESMS Sends an SMS text message to a specified telephone number.
(963 SMS Direct only)
EXECUTESQL Executes a specified SQL command.
EXIT Closes 963 with an Are you sure message, leaving Windows running.
FIT2PAGE Enables a schematic page to be made to fit completely in the display area, or to be
normal size
FORCECLOSE Closes 963 without any messages, leaving Windows running.
GOTO Displays a specified page.
GOTO Alarms Displays the Alarm Viewer.
GOTO Config Displays the Configuration Mode Display.
GOTO Devices Displays the Device Viewer.
GOTO Diary Displays the Diary Display with the specified diary group visible.
GOTO NEXT Displays the next page in the history of visited pages.
GOTO PREVIOUS Displays the previous page in the history of visited pages.
GOTO Scheduler Displays the Event Scheduler Display.

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Appendix 1 - Actions

Action Description
GOTO Users Displays the User Display.
GOTO Web Displays the Web Browser Display.
HIDENAVIGATOR Hides the Navigator if it is displayed.
HOTSPOTS Briefly displays all the areas on the current page that do something when selected.
INPUTSTRING Displays a dialogue box that enables the user to specify a value that is then written to
a particular place in a specified INI file.
KILLMSG Closes the specified message box.
LEARNSITE Allows a specified site to be learnt in the background.
LICENSE Displays the License dialogue box.
LOGINAS Allows a specified user to log in.
LOGMSG Inserts a message into the alarm database that will be visible in the Alarm Viewer.
LOGOUT Logs the current user out of 963.
MESSAGE Displays a message box for a specified length of time, or until the user clicks on OK.
PLAY Plays either WAV or MIDI files.
POPUP Displays the specified schematic page in a pop-up window.
PRINTAFILE Prints a specified file.
PRINTGRAPH Prints the specified graph.
PRINTGRAPH96 Prints the last 96 values of the specified graph.
PRINTLINE Prints a specified line of text.
PRINTPAGE Prints the current schematic page.
PRINTPAGEAUTO Prints the current schematic page automatically.
PRINTPAGEPREVIEW Displays a preview of how a specified schematic page will look when it is printed.
PRINTQUERY Runs a specified SQL query, and prints the results.
PRINTSETUP Displays a dialogue box that enables the printer used by 963 to print pages, graphs,
and lists to be specified.
QUERYTOTEXTFILE Runs a specified SQL query, and saves the results to a specified text file.
RECORD Records the data stored in a controller for a specified plot or sensor module.
RECORDAUTO_COMPACT Records data from the value of a module specified in an alarm using compact data.
RECORDAUTO_PRECISION Records data from the value of a module specified in an alarm using precision data.
RECORDSCHEMATIC Records data from a schematic page.
RECORDTOTEXT Records the data stored in a controller for a specified plot or sensor module into a text
REMOTE Enables any action to be triggered on a different 963 (remote 963).
RESOLUTION Displays a dialogue box that specifies the size of 963s display area in pixels.
RETRANSMIT Sends a specified message to a particular destination.
RUN Runs a Windows recognised file, e.g. . htm, .doc, .bmp, . xls etc, or if a URL is
specified a web browser is loaded displaying the specified URL.
RUN_ADJUSTMENT_SET Enables a previously saved set of multiple adjustments (adjustment set) to be made
on a regular basis.
SCRIPT Runs the specified script file.
SEND Enables a standard write text comms message to be sent to a specific device on the
IQ network. When the message is sent, 963 will beep, and record an event in the alarm
database that can be seen in the Alarm Viewer, indicating that the message has been
SENDAUTO Enables a standard write text comms message to be sent to a specific device on the
IQ network.
SETGENERIC Enables the device from which generic dynamic objects obtain their value to be
specified by the user.
SETIOPORT Displays the Port Select dialogue box that enables the communications port (that 963
uses to communicate with other IQ system devices) to be set up.
SHOWNAVIGATOR Displays the Navigator if it is hidden.
SLEEP Causes the script file to pause at the current position for the specified number of Ms.
This command should only be used in scripts.

212 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

Action Description
USERS_LOGOUT Logs out all users accessing 963 from a client. It is only available to System
Administrator users, or users in the System Administrator workgroup
VIEWFILTER Displays a window containing of all the current alarms for the specified filter.
VIEWGRAPH Displays a window containing graphs of all the IQ system points on the current page.
If logged information is available in the controller, this will be displayed; otherwise,
live values will be used. If a graph definition is specified the specified graph definition
is displayed.
VIEWPOINTS Displays a window containing all the values on the current page, or the values in the
specified Points Template file.
VIEWQUERY Displays the result of the specified SQL query on the 963 database.
VIEWQUERYEX Displays the result of the specified SQL query on an external database.
WEB Displays the specified web page (HTML file).
WINEXEC Runs the specified Windows based program. A command line entry enables the
specified program to be started with a particular file open.
WINEXECU Runs the specified Windows based program. A command line entry enables the
specified program to be started with a particular file open. The command line can use
unicode characters to specify the file.
WRITESTRING Writes the specified value to the specified INI file.
WRITETOTEXTFILE Writes text to a specified text file.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 213

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.1 Action Availability

The table below lists the different 963 actions indicating where they can be used.
Action Schematic Login Alarm Event Script Dynamic Client Access
Action Action Action Scheduler Files Menus
DROPALLLINES Not text mode
EXECUTESMS Not text mode
(963 SMS Direct only)
GOTO Alarms
GOTO Config
GOTO Devices
GOTO Diary Not text mode
GOTO NEXT Not text mode
GOTO PREVIOUS Not text mode
GOTO Scheduler
GOTO Users
MESSAGE Not text mode

214 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

Action Schematic Login Alarm Event Script Dynamic Client Access

Action Action Action Scheduler Files Menus
PLAY Not text mode
POPUP Not text mode
SENDAUTO Not text mode
SETGENERIC Not text mode
VIEWGRAPH Not text mode
VIEWPOINTS Not text mode
VIEWQUERYEX Not text mode
Actions used in an objects display attributes e.g. 'When On' will not work when accessed by a client.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 215

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2 Specifying Actions

Actions can be specified in two ways:
From a list of actions in a dialogue box.
To specify the action from a list of actions in a dialogue box:
1. Click the required action from the list.
2. Specify any additional parameters in the displayed dialogue box.
The action and any additional parameters can be specified by typing the code into the list, or directly into a
text editor. This is useful if the code is known, or a script file is being created.
3. If variables are to be included in the action code, modify the code to include the required variable in the
appropriate place. For more details see the Using Variables in Action Codes section of this manual.
To specify the action manually:
1. Enter the code in the box or text editor in the format shown below.
<ACTION> <Optional Parameter>
<ACTION> is the action that is to be performed; it should be specified in capitals. <Optional Parameter>
specifies any additional information required to carry out the action.
If required variables can be included in the action code to enable action to be modified according to the value
returned. For more details see the Using Variables in Action Codes section of this manual.
GOTO pages\getting started.tss
Specifies the GOTO action, and tells the 963 to display the Getting Started page in the pages sub-directory
of the install directory.
For details of how to specify each individual action, see the section for the particular action.
A1.2.1 Specifying the ? Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Client Access

The ? action asks a Yes/No question during a script file. If the user answers Yes the following script command is
executed, otherwise it skips onto the next command.
?Would You Like To Take The Tour Again?
SCRIPT scripts\Test Script.txt
MESSAGE Tour Finished,Bye Bye,0,!
This would ask the user the question Would You Like To Take The Tour Again? in a Yes/No dialogue box. If the
user answers Yes the line SCRIPT scripts\Test Script.txt is executed. If they answer No the line MESSAGE Tour
Finished,Bye Bye,0,! is executed.
To specify the ? action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
Where <Question> is the text that is displayed in the dialogue box.

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Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.2 Specifying the ARCHIVEDATA Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The ARCHIVEDATA action enables historic data (graph data, recorded schematics and alarms) within the supervisor
to be archived to read only files with the suffix _sys to a specified location. The data can either be deleted from the
963s database or kept for future reference. Archived graph data can be played back using the Load recorded data
option in the Graph Window. Archived schematic data can be played back using the View recorded data option on
the Data Recording menu. It is recommended that a scheduled event be created using the ARCHIVEDATA action
to regularly archive the 963's database.
During the ARCHIVEDATA process the database size is actually increased to enable the process to occur. This size
increase can be as much as 10 or more times. Once the process is complete the database size will be reduced by SQL
Servers database maintenance process within 24 hours. However this can be done manually by setting 963 to shrink
the database on startup, and restarting 963. Before carrying out the ARCHIVEDATA process you should ensure that
there is enough disk space available. External disk drives can be used for this purpose. Archiving of a large database
for the first time will take a long time. Therefore it is recommended that the database be archived manually prior to
setting up automatic archiving.
CAUTION: If access to the database has been protected this protection is NOT applied to the archived files. If the
data is sensitive you should ensure that procedures are in place to prevent unauthorised access.
Log in as a user in the System Administrator workgroup to use this action.
To specify the ARCHIVEDATA action:
1. Click ARCHIVEDATA from the list of actions. The Archive Historic Data dialogue box is displayed.
2. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes.

3. Specify the location and name of the backed up file by typing the path and filename into the File Name box.
If required 963 variables can be used to help specify the path and filename. The default is to back up the file
to the directory in which 963 is installed, the filename is trend96X and includes the date and time. The
location of the file can also be specified by clicking Choose file location and browsing to the required
directory. To return to the default settings click Generate default file name.
Note that the action will fail if an exclamation mark '!' is used ! in filename.
4. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes.

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Appendix 1 - Actions

5. Select either All, Last Day, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year or Custom data range to specify the data
that is to be archived. If Custom data range is selected click Choose Date to display another dialogue box,
and click the start date for the date range. Click Next and click the last date in the range and click Finish.
Note: By setting All, Last Day, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year or Custom data range will trigger to archive
the data just that period only. Rest all data will remain untouched. Eg. Last Year will archive just that last year
(ie: from today backwards one year). Data older than last year will remain untouched.
6. Click Finish.
7. A dialogue box is displayed asking if data is to be deleted from the database, click Yes to archived the data
and delete it from the original database, or click No to just archive it.
1. Type the code to specify the action in the following format:
ARCHIVEDATA <Path and filename>,<Backup Days>,<Start Date>,<Stop Date>,<Delete Data>
<Path and filename> specifies location and name of the backed up file. If required 963 variables can be used.
<Backup Days> specifies the number of days for which data is to be backed up e.g. 7 would specify the
backup of last weeks data. If a range of dates is to be specified <Backup Days> should be set to -1,<Start
Date>, specifies the date and time of the start of the backup range. <Stop Date> specifies the date and time
of the end of the backup range. <Delete Data> Specifies whether the data is deleted from the database 1 will
delete the data 0 keeps the data.
Note: It is strongly recommended that the DELETEHISTORICDATA command be executed to prevent the database
from becoming too large.
A1.2.3 Specifying the AUDIT_LAN Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The AUDIT_LAN action enables 963 to periodically check for existence of devices on a specified Lan and raise an
alarm if devices are missing (DVMS alarm), or new ones added (DVNW alarm). The action can compare the current
contents of the specified Lan with either the content of the Lan the last time it was audited, the contents of the Lan the
first time it was audited, or against a specified list of devices.
When comparing against a list of devices the user is only notified of devices that are missing from the list. For example,
if the nodes in the list were 15-18 and 963 detected devices 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18 on the respective lan, the only
notification will for the missing device (device 16).
TIP: To change the list used for the comparison for COMPARE_ORIGINAL run the action using the
COMPARE_LAST option this will update list of required devices to the result of the compare last, then return to using
the action with COMPARE_ORIGINAL.
To specify the AUDIT_LAN action:
1. Log in.

2. Click or on the Mode menu click Scheduler to select the Event Scheduler Display.
3. Click New. The Configure Scheduled Action dialogue box is displayed.

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Appendix 1 - Actions

4. Click Choose action in the Configure the required command for scheduling area. The What action
dialogue box is displayed.

5. In the list click AUDIT_LAN. The Audit Lan dialogue box is displayed.

6. Click Next>. The Select Lan dialogue box is displayed.

7. Expand the tree to display the Lan that is to be audited, and click on it.
8. Click Next>. The AUDIT_LAN Configuration dialogue box is displayed.

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Appendix 1 - Actions

9. Select the required option. If 'Compare to Specified' is selected enter the network addresses of the devices
that should be on the Lan separating each with a comma, and ranges of with a hyphen e.g. 15,19,33-40 for
devices 15, 19, 33, 34, 35, 36,37, 38, 39, 40.
Setting Description
Compare to Original Compares the current contents of the specified Lan with the contents of the
Audit Lan the first time it was audited
Compare to Last Audit Compares the current contents of the specified Lan with the content of the
Lan the last time it was audited.
Compare to Specified Compares the current contents of the specified Lan against a specified list
of devices
10. Click Finish to return to the What action dialogue box.
11. Click OK to return to the Configure Scheduled Action dialogue box.
12. Specify what happens if the action fails, in the OPTIONAL : Choose an action to perform if the required
command fails area of the dialogue box. To specify no action click Do Nothing. To generate an alarm click
Set to default. To specify an action click Choose action to display the What action dialogue box, click the
required action from the list, and click OK.
13. Specify what happens when action succeeds in the OPTIONAL : Choose an action to perform if the
required command is successful area of the dialogue box. To specify no action, click Do Nothing. To
generate an alarm, click Set to default. To specify an action click Choose action to display the What action
dialogue box click the required action from the list, and click OK.
14. Click Next>. A dialogue box is displayed.

15. In the First event box enter the date and time when the event is to first occur in the following format:
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss
To specify the event to occur now, click Now.
16. If the event is to occur more than once, select the Do you wish to repeat this action check box, and go to
step (17). If the event is to only occur once, clear the Do you wish to repeat this action? check box, and go
to step (20).
17. In the Choose an interval list click the interval at which it is to be repeated. 963 recommends an option
based on the configuration settings.
18. In the ..and how many times to repeat it list click how many times the event is to occur.
19. If Day or Week was specified as the interval, specify the day(s) of the week that the event is to occur. If Day
was selected, all seven days can be selected. If Week was selected, only one day can be selected.
20. Click Next>. A dialogue box is displayed.

220 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

21. Check that the event is set up correctly, and then click Finish.
Audit Lan can be reset. See the Reset Audit Lan' section to reset the audit lan.
1. Type the code to specify the action in the following format:
AUDIT_LAN <Connection>L<Lan Number>,<Mode>,"<Node List>"
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP "Albery". When entering a telephone number it can contain the following
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan that is to be audited (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the
local Lan.
<Mode> specifies what the current content of the Lan is to be compared against. It can be set the following:
Setting Description
COMPARE_LAST Compares the current contents of the specified Lan with the content of
the Lan the last time it was audited.
COMPARE_ORIGINAL Compares the current contents of the specified Lan with the contents of
the Lan the first time it was audited
COMPARE_SPECIFIED Compares the current contents of the specified Lan against a specified
list of devices
<Node List> is an optional parameter that is required if <Mode> is set to 'COMPARE_SPECIFIED', it
specifies the list of devices that the current content of the Lan is to be compared against. The list specifies
the addresses of the devices. Multiple addresses should be separated by a comma ','. Hyphens can also be
used to signify a range of nodes. E.g. To specify comms nodes 13, 15, 48 to 56 and 99 you would enter the
node list as "13,15,48-56,99".
The code above would compare all the devices on Lan 24 of a remote DHCP site called "Albery-House" with
the results of the last comparison.
AUDIT_LAN IP"Albery-House"L24,COMPARE_SPECIFIED,"26,27,34-56"
The code above would compare all the devices on Lan 24 of a remote DHCP site called "Albery-House"
against the specified list to ensure that devices 26,27, 34 to 56 are present.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 221

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.4 Specifying the BACKUPDB Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The BACKUPDB action enables the 963s entire database to be backed up to a .DAT file on a local drive or networked
drive. To backup to a networked drive 963 must be configured to backup to a network location, and the PC running
963 must be logged on to the network using the network user name specified during that configuration process. An
alternative to this is to backup the files locally, and then copy the files created to the required remote location using a
script file.
CAUTION: If access to the database has been protected this protection is NOT applied to the backup. You should
ensure that procedures are in place to prevent unauthorised access to the backup files.
To specify the BACKUPDB action:
1. Click BACKUPDB from the list of actions. The Backup database dialogue box is displayed.
2. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes.

3. Specify the location and name of the backed up file by typing the path and filename into the File Name box.
If required 963 variables can be used to help specify the path and filename. The default is to back up the file
to the directory in which 963 is installed, the filename is trend96X and includes the date and time. The
location of the file can also be specified by clicking Choose file location and browsing to the required
directory. To return to the default settings click Generate default file name.
4. Click Finish.
1. Type the code to specify the action in the following format:
BACKUPDB <Path and filename>
<Path and filename> specifies location and name of the backed up file. If required 963 variables can be used.
For example:
If the backup is to be made to a network location it is necessary to specify the full network drive location for
the backup; this must not be a mapped network drive. For example:
\\ BackupServerNameUNCFormat\SharedFolderName\BackupFileName.dat

222 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.5 Specifying the BACKUPFILE Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The BACKUPFILE action enables a specified file to be backed up to a specified directory.
To specify the BACKUPFILE action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
BACKUPFILE <Source><Destination>
<Source> specifies the path and filename of the file that is to be backed up, and <Destination> specifies the
path and filename of the backup file. If required 963 variables can be used to help specify the path and
filename. It is not possible to use wild card characters (* and ?).
BACKUPFILE <DATA>\S2.ini,<DATA>\Test Results\s2.ini
Note that the directory to which the file is to be backed up must already exist, if it doesnt, it can be created using the
A1.2.6 Specifying the BALLOON Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The BALLOON pops up a small bubble containing some pre-defined text on the task bar. The bubble originates from
the 963s sys tray icon and is displayed even if the 963 is minimised or hidden.
To specify the BALLOON action:
1. Click BALLOON from the list of actions. The Balloon Popup dialogue box is displayed.
2. Click Next>. The dialogue box changes.

3. In the Message box enter the message that is to appear in the balloon.
4. In the Title box enter the title of the balloon.
5. In the Style box click the required style for the balloon.
Style Description
None Only displays the title text in the title.
Error Displays an in the title.
Warning Displays an in the title.
Info Displays an in the title.
6. In the Timeout box enter the length of time in seconds that the balloon is to be displayed.
7. Click Finish.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 223

Appendix 1 - Actions

1. Type the code to specify the action in the following format:
BALLOON <Message>,<Title>,<Icon>,<Time out>
<Message> Specifies the text that is to appear in the balloon. <Title> the text that appears in the balloons
title. <Icon> Specifies the icon that appears in the balloons title.
<Icon> Description
0 Displays an in the title.
1 Displays an in the title.
2 Only displays the title text in the title.
3 Displays an in the title.
<Time out> The time in seconds that the balloon is to be displayed.
A1.2.7 Specifying the BEEP Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The BEEP action causes the PC running 963 to BEEP. The pitch and length of the BEEP can be altered from within
S2.INI in the install directory, [SOUND] section.
To specify the BEEP action:
1. Click BEEP from the list of actions.
1. Type BEEP.
Note that the default beep must be enabled.
A1.2.8 Specifying the BROWSER_POPUP Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The BROWSER_POPUP action launches a web browser in a new window with a specified URL. The size and position
of the window can be specified and the window can be given a name. If a window of the same name is already open
it is used.
The ability to specify the size and location of the window, and name it is not supported on a client.
To specify the BROWSER_POPUP action:
1. Click BROWSER_POPUP from the list of actions. The Pop up dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the box enter the URL.

3. Click the The X position tab.
4. In the box enter the x coordinate in pixels of the left of the browser window.
5. Click the The Y position tab.
6. In the box enter the y coordinate in pixels of the top of the browser window.
7. Click the The Width tab.
8. In the box enter the width in pixels of the browser window.
9. Click the The Height tab.
10. In the box enter the height in pixels of the browser window.
11. Click the The Window Name tab.
12. In the box enter the name of the window e.g. Graph Window. Window names are case sensitive.
13. Click OK.

224 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

1. Type the code to specify the action in the following format:
<URL> specifies the URL of the HTML file that is to be displayed. <WIN_X> is an optional parameter that
specifies the x coordinate in pixels of the top left of the browser window. <WIN_Y> is an optional parameter
that specifies the y coordinate in pixels of the top left of the browser window. <SIZE_X> is an optional
parameter that specifies the width of the browser window in pixels of the top left of the browser window.
<SIZE_Y> is an optional parameter that specifies the height of the browser window in pixels of the top left
of the browser window. <WINDOW_NAME> is an optional parameter that specifies the name of the window
e.g. Graph Window. Window names are case sensitive, and can contain the following characters A-Z, a-z, 0-
BROWSER_POPUP,100,100,800,800,Browser Window
Launches a browser window 800 x 800 pixels, 100 pixels form the top and left called 'BrowserWindow'.
A1.2.9 Specifying the CALCULATEMKT Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The CALCULATEMKT action available in 963, calculates the Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) for a sensor over
a specified period, and stores it in a virtual sensor. This action can only be used from a scheduled event.
In order to perform the calculation the sensor must be logged in the IQ controller and the data must be recorded by
963. If the data recorded by 963 is not complete e.g. only the last 4 days of readings are available, or there is a gap in
the data, the MKT will not be calculated and an alarm (MKFL) will be raised. 963 cannot detect if data has been lost
due to the controller being turned off and the MKT will be calculated using the available data and an alarm is not
generated. If the calculation is performed correctly an MKOK alarm is generated.
Note that the action is only compatible with data logged in the IQ controller using synchronised logs.
To specify the CALCULATEMKT action:
1. Click CALCULATEMKT from the list of actions. The MKT : Mean Kinetic Temperature dialogue box
is displayed.

2. If the site containing the information is remote in the Connection box enter the IP address or host name if
the site is accessed over TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When
entering an IP address it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be
prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it
can contain the following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
3. In the Lan box enter the Lan containing the required information, range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10.
4. In the Outstation Number box enter the network address of the controller containing the required
information, range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 225

Appendix 1 - Actions

5. In the Item box enter the sensor for which the MKT is required.
6. In the Label box enter the label of the sensor used to store the MKT.
7. Click Next. The dialogue box changes to allow the virtual sensor that is to be used to store the MKT to be
8. Click Automatically pick virtual sensor number to make 963 choose the number select, or click Manually
input virtual sensor number, and enter the number into the box to specify the number yourself.
9. Click Next. The dialogue box changes to allow the high and low alarm limits for the sensor to be specified.
10. In the Low Alarm Limit (Deg C) box enter the low alarm limit for the sensor
11. In the High Alarm Limit (Deg C) box enter the high alarm limit for the sensor.
12. Click Next. The dialogue box changes to allow the number of days over which the MKT is to be calculated
to be specified.
13. In the Number of days box enter the required number of days.
14. Click Finish.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
CALCULATEMKT <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address>S<Sensor
Number>,<Sensor Label>,<Low Alarm>,<High Alarm>,<No of Days>,<Phone Number1> L<Lan
Number1> O<Controller Address1>C<virtual sensor Number>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery". When entering a telephone number it can contain the following
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the
local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
<Sensor Number> specifies the number of the sensor for which the MKT is required. <Sensor
Label>specifies the label of the virtual sensor used to store the MKT. <Low Alarm> specifies the low alarm
limit for the virtual sensor that is to store the calculated value. <High Alarm> specifies the high alarm limit
for the virtual sensor that is to store the calculated value. <No of Days> specifies the number of days over
which the calculation is to be made. <Phone Number1> is an optional parameter that specifies the telephone
number used to access the site of the device containing the virtual sensor if it is autodialled, or the IP address
of the site is accessed over TCP/IP. <Lan Number1> specifies the Lan containing the device containing the
virtual sensor (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the local Lan. <Controller Address1> specifies
the address of the controller containing the virtual sensor (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). <virtual sensor
Number> specifies the number of the virtual sensor used to store the MKT.
CALCULATEMKT L24O20S2,Sensor 2,20.00,30.00,7,1234L24O20X12
This would calculate the MKT for sensor 2 in controller 20, on Lan 24 over a seven day period, and store it
in virtual sensor number 12 for the same device with a low alarm of 20, a high alarm of 30.

226 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.10 Specifying the CALCULATEMKTDATE Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The CALCULATEMKTDATE action available in 963; calculates the Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) for a sensor
between two specified dates. The result of the calculation is for display only it is not stored. The calculation can be
carried from a schematic page, or the Device Viewer.
In order to perform the calculation the sensor must be logged in the IQ controller and the data must be recorded by
963. If the data recorded by 963 is not complete e.g. only the last 4 days of readings are available, or there is a gap in
the data, the MKT will not be calculated and an alarm (MKFL) will be raised. 963 cannot detect if data has been lost
due to the controller being turned off and the MKT will be calculated using the available data and an alarm is not
generated. If the calculation is performed correctly an MKOK alarm is generated.
Note that the action is only compatible with data logged in the IQ controller using synchronised logs.
To specify the CALCULATEMKTDATE action:
1. Click CALCULATEMKTDATE from the list of actions. The MKT : Mean Kinetic Temperature
dialogue box is displayed.

2. If the site containing the information is remote in the Connection box enter the IP address or host name if
the site is accessed over TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When
entering an IP address it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be
prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it
can contain the following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
3. In the Lan box enter the Lan containing the required information, range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10.
4. In the Outstation Number box enter the network address of the controller containing the required
information, range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10.
5. In the Item box enter the sensor for which the MKT is required.
6. Click Next. The dialogue box changes to allow the start date of the calculation to be specified.
7. Specify the start date of the calculation by selecting the required month and year from the boxes, and then
clicking the required date.
8. Click Next. The dialogue box changes to allow the end date of the calculation to be specified.
9. Specify the end date of the calculation by selecting the required month and year from the boxes, and then
clicking the required date.
10. Click Finish.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 227

Appendix 1 - Actions

1. Type the code to specify the action in the following format:
CALCULATEMKTDATE <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address>S<Sensor
Number>,<Start Date>,<End Date>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery". When entering a telephone number it can contain the following
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the
local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
<Sensor Number> specifies the number of the sensor for which the mean kinetic temperature is required.
<Start Date> specifies the first date in the range for which the MKT is to be calculated. <End Date> specifies
the last date in the range for which the mean kinetic temperature is to be calculated.
CALCULATEMKTDATE L24O20S2,26/12/2001,2/1/2002
This would calculate the MKT for sensor 2 in controller 20, on Lan 24 between 26/12/2001, and 2/1/2002.
963 can be set up to prompt the user to enter any of these parameters to enable the user to define what happens
each time by leaving any of the parameters above blank.
CALCULATEMKTDATE ,,26/12/2001,2/1/2002
This would cause 963 to prompt for the site, Lan, and controller address before it calculates the MKT for
sensor 2 between 26/12/2001, and 2/1/2002.
A1.2.11 Specifying the CHANGEPASSWORD Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The CHANGEPASSWORD action enables the current user to change their password. It displays a sequence of
dialogue boxes asking for the existing password, the new one, and confirmation of the new one. For users in the
System Administrator workgroup 963 does not prompt for the existing password. This is to allow administrator users
to change the password of normal users who have forgotten their password.
To specify the CHANGEPASSWORD action:
1. Click CHANGEPASSWORD from the list of actions.

228 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.12 Specifying the CHANGEPIN Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menu Client Access

The CHANGEPIN action enables the PIN level of the current user to be temporarily changed. This enables the user
to see what the pages look like to users with different PIN levels. It displays a dialogue box that enables the required
PIN level to be specified. When the user logs on the next time their normal PIN level will be used.
To specify the CHANGEPIN action:
1. Click CHANGEPIN from the list of actions.
A1.2.13 Specifying the COMMAND Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The COMMAND action displays a dialogue box that enables any 963 action to be launched.
To specify the COMMAND action:
1. Enter COMMAND.
Caution use wisely this gives users access to run ANY 963 action.
A1.2.14 Specifying the CONFIG Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The CONFIG action enables the user to enter configuration mode on a specified device on the network.
To specify the CONFIG action:
1. Click CONFIG from the list of actions. The Config dialogue box is displayed.

2. If the device is on a remote site enter the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over TCP/IP or the
telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address it must be
prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in
double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the following
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
3. Click the LAN tab.
4. Specify the Lan containing the device in the box (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). 0 specifies the local
5. Click the OS tab.
6. Specify the address of the device in the box (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
7. Click OK.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 229

Appendix 1 - Actions

1. Type the code to specify the action in the following format:
CONFIG <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device for which configuration mode is required (range 0,
1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the
controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
CONFIG 0123 456789L99O24
Specifies the configuration mode for device 24 on Lan 99 on an autodialled site accessed using the telephone
number 0123 456789.
Specifies the configuration mode for device 24 on the local Lan.
A1.2.15 Specifying the COPYFILE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menu Client Access

The COPYFILE action copies a specified file to another directory.
To specify the COPYFILE action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
COPYFILE <Source filename>,<Destination Directory>
<Source Filename> specifies the path and filename of the file that is to be copied, and <Destination
Directory> specifies the directory to which it is to be copied to.
COPYFILE <DATA>\S2.ini,<DATA>\Test Results
Would copy a file called S2.INI in the install directory to the directory called Test Results in the install
If required 963 variables can be used to help specify the path and filename. It is not possible to use wild card
characters (* and ?).
Note that the directory to which the file is to be copied to must already exist, if it doesnt, it can be created using the

230 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.16 Specifying the CREATEDIRECTORY Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The CREATEDIRECTORY action enables a specified directory to be created on the hard disk of the PC running 963.
To specify the CREATEDIRECTORY action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
<Directory Name> specifies the full path and name of the directory that is to be created.
Would create a directory called 'backups' in the root of drive c.
If required 963 variables can be used to help specify the directory.
Would create a directory using the current time as a name in the install directory.
A1.2.17 Specifying the DELETE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The DELETE action deletes a specified file.
To specify the DELETE action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
DELETE <Filename>
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the file that is to be deleted.
DELETE C:\dbbuf.0
Would delete the file dbbuf.0 in the root.
If required 963 variables can be used to help specify the path and filename.
A1.2.18 Specifying the DELETEHISTORICDATA Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The DELETEHISTORICDATA action deletes the historic data (alarm, point values, schematic recording
values) from the 963s database that are older than a specified number of days. Eg. When this action is
specified with 365 days as parameter, then it deletes everything except last 365 days. Executing this action
will remove ALL user data in the recorded values table.
To specify the DELETEHISTORICDATA action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
<Number of Days> specifies how many days old the historic data (alarm, point values, schematic recording
values) must be before they are removed from the database.
Would delete all historic data (alarm, point values, schematic recording values) from the 963s database older
than 100 days.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 231

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.19 Specifying the DOCUMENT Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The DOCUMENT action creates a text file called 'document.txt' in the root drive c containing a definition of each
object on the current schematic page.
To specify the DOCUMENT action:
1. Click DOCUMENT from the list of actions.
1. Enter DOCUMENT.
A1.2.20 Specifying the DROPALLLINES Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The DROPALLLINES action will force 963 to drop any autodialled links it has initiated immediately.
To specify the DROPALLLINES action:
1. Click DROPALLLINES from the list of actions.
Note that some modems may not drop the line if virtual addresses are being used by other devices.
A1.2.21 Specifying the DROPTHISLINE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The DROPTHISLINE action will force 963 to drop a specified autodialled link immediately providing it initiated it.
To specify the DROPTHISLINE action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
<Phone Number> The phone number of the connection that is to be dropped.
Note that some modems may not drop the line if virtual addresses are being used by other devices.

232 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.22 Specifying the EXECUTESMS Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The EXECUTESMS action is only available in 963 SMS Direct; it sends an SMS text message to a specified telephone
Note that a GSM modem must be connected to the PC see the Connect the GSM Modem section of the 963 Installation
Instructions (TG201026).
To specify the EXECUTESMS action:
1. Click EXECUTESMS from the list of actions. The EXECUTESMS: Send an SMS text message dialogue
box is displayed.

2. In the box enter the phone number to which the message is to be sent including the international code.
3. Click the Message tab.
4. In the box enter the message that is to be sent in the box. The message can be built up by combining the text,
and 963 variables. For details of the 963 variables that can be used see the 963 Variable Availability section
of this manual.
5. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
EXECUTESMS <Phone Number>,<Message>
<Phone Number> The phone number to which the message is to be sent including the international code.
<Message> specifies the message that is to be sent. The message can be built up by combining the text, and
963 variables. For details of the 963 variables that can be used see the 963 Variable Availability section of
this manual.
EXECUTESMS 4401234567890,There is a problem please attend
This example sends the SMS message There is a problem please attend to a GSM phone whose number is
+44012345678901 using the GSM modem connected to the PC.
A1.2.23 Specifying the EXECUTESQL Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The EXECUTESQL action carries out a specified SQL command.
To specify the EXECUTESQL action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
<SQL Command> is the SQL command that is to be carried out.
Caution can be dangerous especially if using the SQL command DELETE or UPDATE.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 233

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.24 Specifying the EXIT Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The EXIT action closes 963 with an Are you sure? message leaving Windows running.
To specify the EXIT action:
1. Click EXIT from the list of list of actions.
1. Enter EXIT.
A1.2.25 Specifying the FIT2PAGE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The FIT2PAGE action enables a schematic page to be made to fit completely in the display area, or to be normal size.
To specify the FIT2PAGE action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
Optional parameter <x> specifies whether the page is sized to the display area, or normal size. When set to
1 the page will be sized to the display area. When set to 0 the page will be normal size.
Forces all schematic pages to be sized to the display area.
A1.2.26 Specifying the FORCECLOSE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The FORCECLOSE action closes 963 without an Are you sure? message leaving Windows running.
To specify the FORCECLOSE action:
A1.2.27 Specifying the GOTO Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The GOTO action enables a specified schematic page to be displayed.
To specify the GOTO action:
1. Click GOTO from the list of actions. The Select Item dialogue box is displayed listing all the available

2. Click the required page.

234 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
GOTO <Filename> GENERIC=<Connection>L<Lan Number>O<Controller Address>
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the schematic page that is to be displayed. If required 963
variables can be used to help specify the path and filename. The GENERIC= parameter is an optional
parameter used when linking to a generic page that enables the device from which data is retrieved to be
specified. <Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is
accessed over TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering
an IP address it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed
by 'IP' and enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain
the following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the
local Lan.<Controller Address> specifies the address of the controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
Note that =<Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address> are only required when linking to a
generic page, and the device is to be specified.
GOTO pages\getting started.tss
Specifies the GOTO action, and tells it to display the getting started page in the pages sub-directory of
the install directory.
Note that if a page is engineered with a GOTO action and the linked page has user restrictions, a user who
does not have the access rights to the linked page gets an error message if they try to access the linked page

Tip: Generic pages that can be reused in other projects can be created by specifying relative paths in the GOTO
statement. Including <GOUPTREE n> will substitute the path of the directory n levels up into the GOTO statement.
Using <PAGEDIR> will insert the current directory.
A1.2.28 Specifying the GOTO Alarms Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The GOTO Alarms action displays the Alarm Viewer.
To specify the GOTO Alarms action:
1. Enter GOTO Alarms.
Note that the word Alarms is case sensitive.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 235

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.29 Specifying the GOTO Config Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The GOTO Config action displays the Configuration Mode Display.
To specify the GOTO Config action:
1. Enter GOTO Config.
Note that the word Config is case sensitive.
A1.2.30 Specifying the GOTO Devices Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The GOTO Devices action displays the Device Viewer.
To specify the GOTO Devices action:
1. Enter GOTO Devices.
Note that the word Devices is case sensitive.
A1.2.31 Specifying the GOTO Diary Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The GOTO Diary action allows a button to take a user directly to a specific diary group.
To specify the GOTO Diary action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
GOTO Diary <Group ID Number>,<Comment>
<Group ID Number> specifies the number that identifies the group. This can be found by right-clicking the
group icon in the Diary Display. <Comment> specifies the message that is displayed if the group cannot be
GOTO Diary 19
Would cause 963 to go to the Diary Display, and displays the diary group with an identifier of 19.
A1.2.32 Specifying the GOTO NEXT Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The GOTO NEXT action displays the next schematic page that had been selected before. The command is used in
conjunction with GOTO PREVIOUS. It is similar in operation to Internet Explorers Forward button.
To specify the GOTO NEXT action:
1. Click GOTO NEXT from the list of actions.
1. Enter GOTO NEXT.

236 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.33 Specifying the GOTO PREVIOUS Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The GOTO PREVIOUS action displays the schematic page that had been viewed previously. The command is used
in conjunction with GOTO NEXT. It is similar in operation to Internet Explorers Backward button.
To specify the GOTO PREVIOUS action:
1. Click GOTO PREVIOUS from the list of actions.
A1.2.34 Specifying the GOTO Scheduler Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The GOTO Scheduler action displays the Event Scheduler Display.
To specify the GOTO Scheduler action:
1. Enter GOTO Scheduler.
Note that the word 'Scheduler' is case sensitive.
A1.2.35 Specifying the GOTO Users Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The GOTO Users action displays the User Display.
To specify the GOTO Users action:
1. Enter GOTO Users.
Note that the word 'Users' is case sensitive.
A1.2.36 Specifying the GOTO Web Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The GOTO Web action displays the Web Browser Display.
To specify the GOTO Web action:
1. Enter GOTO Web.
Note that the word 'Web' is case sensitive.
A1.2.37 Specifying the HIDENAVIGATOR Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The HIDENAVIGATOR action enables the Navigator to be hidden.
To specify the HIDENAVIGATOR action:
1. Click HIDENAVIGATOR from the list of actions.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 237

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.38 Specifying the HOTSPOTS Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The HOTSPOTS action briefly displays all the items on the current schematic page that can be clicked on (even hidden
To specify the HOTSPOTS action:
1. Click HOTSPOTS from the list of actions.
1. Enter HOTSPOTS.
A1.2.39 Specifying the INPUTSTRING Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The INPUTSTRING action displays a dialogue box that enables the user to specify a value that is then written to a
particular place in a specified INI file. The use of this action eliminates the need for users to open ini files in notepad.
Note that there is no check on what the user types in. 963 will require restarting after changes to INI files.
To specify the INPUTSTRING action:
1. Click INPUTSTRING from the list of actions. The Input String Setup dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the box enter the section within the file to which the value is to be written. It should be entered with square
brackets around it (e.g. [ Offline]).
3. Click the Key tab.
4. In the box enter the value that is to be changed.
5. Click the Filename tab.
6. Specify the path and filename of the INI file containing the value that is to be changed in the box. If required
963 variables can be used to help specify the path and filename. If a path is not specified, the Windows
directory will be used.
7. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
INPUTSTRING <Section>,<Key>,<Filename>
<Section> specifies the section in the INI file to which the value is to be written. <Key> specifies the line in
the specified section whose value is to be modified. <Filename> specifies the path and filename of the INI
file that is to be modified. If required 963 variables can be used to help specify the path and filename. If a
path is not specified, the Windows directory will be used.
INPUTSTRING width, outstationID, c:\program files\trend control systems\963\S2.INI.
This specifies the outstationID line in the width section of the S2.INI file.

238 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.40 Specifying the KILLMSG Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The KILLMSG action closes the specified message box displayed by the MESSAGE action. It should be used to close
a message box when something has finished. For example you could have a script file that starts off by displaying a
please wait message, using the MESSAGE function, then does some lengthy task, then ends by closing the please wait
To specify the KILLMSG action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
KILLMSG <Original MESSAGE Command>
<Original MESSAGE Command> is the MESSAGE command that opened the message box.
KILLMSG System Fault, Ring the Engineer,0,!,65025,255
Will close the message box opened by the following MESSAGE action:
MESSAGE System Fault, Ring the Engineer,0,!,65025,255.
A1.2.41 Specifying the LEARNSITE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The LEARNSITE action allows a specified site to be learnt in the background. This allows the learning of sites to be
scheduled when the system is not being used.
To specify the LEARNSITE action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
For autodialled sites:
LEARNSITE <telephone number>:<Lan Number>,<Collect Labels>,<Add to tree>
<telephone number> is the sites telephone number. <Lan Number> is the Lan number of the Lan that
is to be learnt. <Collect Labels> specifies whether the labels will be collected (1 collects labels, 0 does
not collect labels). <Add to tree> Specifies whether the site will be added to the tree if it is not already
there (adds the site to the tree, 0 does not add it to the tree).
For TCP/IP sites:
LEARNSITE IP<IP Address>:<Port>,<Collect Labels>,<Add to tree>
<IP Address> is the IP address or host name used to access the site. When entering an IP address it must
be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed
in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery".<Port> is the port or range of ports used to connect to the site. Ranges
can be entered by separating the first and last values in the range with a hyphen -. <Collect Labels>
specifies whether the labels will be collected (1 collects labels, 0 does not collect labels). <Add to tree>
Specifies whether the site will be added to the tree if it is not already there (adds the site to the tree, 0
does not add it to the tree).
LEARNSITE 01234567890: 24,1,1
Will learn Lan 24 on the site connected using an autodialled connection with a phone number of
01234567890, add it to the tree, and collect the labels.
LEARNSITE IP100.101.255.3: 10004-10010,0,1
Will learn Lan the site connected IP address using ports 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007,
10008, 10009 or 10010 and add it to the tree, it will not collect the labels.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 239

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.42 Specifying the LICENSE Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The LICENSE action displays the License dialogue box.
To specify the LICENSE action:
1. Click LICENSE from the list of actions.
1. Enter LICENSE.
A1.2.43 Specifying the LOGINAS Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The LOGINAS action allows a specified user to log in.
To specify the LOGINAS action:
1. Click LOGINAS from the list of actions. The LOGINAS dialogue box is displayed.

2. Click the required user.

The list can be filtered by clicking Enable, clicking the field that is to be searched in the Search this field
box, and the entering the text that is to be searched for in the for this text box. The list is filtered to display
only items that match the search criteria.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
LOGINAS <User Name>
<User Name> is the name of the user that is to be allowed to log in.
LOGINAS Engineer
This would display a dialogue box to enable the user Engineer to log in.

240 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.44 Specifying the LOGMSG Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The LOGMSG action generates a message that is logged in the alarm database that will be visible in the audit trail.
To specify the LOGMSG action:
1. Click LOGMSG from the list of actions. The LOGMSG dialogue box shown below is displayed.

2. If the device is on a remote site, enter the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over TCP/IP or the
telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address it must be
prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in
double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the following
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
3. Click the LAN tab.
4. In the box enter the Lan containing the device to which the message relates (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding
5. Note that the device must exist in the tree. If it does no 963 will create one that will be indicated as unknown.
6. Click the OS tab.
7. In the box enter the address of the device to which the message relates (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
8. Click the Text for item code tab.
9. Enter the code for the module to which the message relates. This is in the form:
<Module Type><Module Number>
<Module Type> specifies the type of module using its module identifier. For details of module identifiers
see the IQ Configuration Reference Manual (90-1533), or the IQ3 Configuration Reference Manual
(TE200768). <Module Number> specifies the number of the module.
10. Click the Text to go in the alarm description tab.
11. In the box enter the alarm description.
12. Click the Text to go in the item label field tab.
13. In the box enter the text that describes the item.
14. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
LOGMSG <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address>, <Module Type><Module
Number>, <Alarm Description>, <Item Label>, <Alarm Code>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House".

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 241

Appendix 1 - Actions

When entering a telephone number it can contain the following characters.

Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device the message relates to (range 0, 1, and 4 to 119
excluding 10). <Controller Address> specifies the address of the device the message relates to (range 0, 1,
and 4 to 119 excluding 10). <Module Type> specifies the type of module using its module identifier. For
details of module identifiers see the IQ Configuration Reference Manual (90-1533), or the IQ3 Configuration
Reference Manual (TE200768). <Module Number> specifies the number of the module. <Alarm
Description> specifies text that will be placed in the Alarm Description field in the alarm database. <Item
Label> specifies text that will be placed in the Item Label field in the alarm database. <Alarm Code> is an
optional parameter that enables the user to specify their own 4-character alarm code.
LOGMSG 0123 456789L99O24 S1,Sensor High, Boiler Temperature.
Specifies the alarm description as Sensor High, and the item label as Boiler Temperature for sensor 1 in
device 24 on Lan 99 accessed using the phone number 0123 456789.
A1.2.45 Specifying the LOGOUT Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The LOGOUT action logs the current user out of 963, and automatically logs on the Default user.
To specify the LOGOUT action:
1. Click LOGOUT from the list of actions.
1. Enter LOGOUT.
A1.2.46 Specifying the MESSAGE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The MESSAGE action enables a message box, containing pre-defined text to be displayed on the screen for a specified
length of time, or until the user clicks on OK.
To specify the MESSAGE action:
1. Click MESSAGE from the list of actions. The Message dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the box enter the subject of the message. If required 963 variables can be used in addition to text to help
specify the subject.
3. Click the Message tab.
4. In the box enter the required message (max 80-characters). If required 963 variables can be used in addition
to text to help specify the message.
5. Click the Timeout tab.
6. In the box enter the length of time (in second) the message remains on the screen. 0 specifies no time out (i.e.
box will stay on screen until OK is selected).
7. Click the Exclamation tab.
8. If you want the message box to have an exclamation mark enter ! in the box.

242 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

9. Click the Normal LED Colour tab.

10. In the box enter the code to specify the required colour. The code is calculated according to the following
(red value x 1) + (green value x 255) + (blue value x 65025)
The red value, green value, and blue value can be in the range 0 to 255 where 255 is 100% of the colour, and
0 is 0% of the colour.
Red = (255 x 1) + (0 x 255) + (0 x 65025) =255 +0+0 =255
Green = (0 x 1) + (255 x 255) + (0 x 65025) =0 +65025+0 =65025
Blue = (0 x 1) + (0 x 255) + (255 x 65025) =0 +0+16581375=16581375
For a colour made up of 100% red, 50% green, and 25% blue:
(255 x 1) + (128 x 255) + (64 x 65025) =255 +32640+4161600 =4194495
11. Click the Flash LED Colour tab.
12. In the box enter the code to specify the required colour of the LED when the message box has been updated
in the box. The code is calculated according to the formula described above.
13. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
MESSAGE <Subject>,<Message Text>,<Time out>,<Exclamation>,<Normal Colour>,<Flash Colour>
<Subject> specifies the title of the message box. If required 963 variables can be used in addition to text to help
specify the subject. <Message Text> specifies the text in the message box. If required 963 variables can be used
in addition to text to help specify the message. <Time out> specifies the length of time the box will remain on the
screen. 0 specifies no time out (i.e. box will stay on screen until OK is selected). <Exclamation> specifies whether
the message box contains an exclamation mark. If an exclamation mark is not required it should be left blank, if
one is required is should be set to !. <Normal Colour> is a code that specifies the normal colour of the LED. The
code is calculated according to the following formula:
(red value x 1) + (green value x 255) + (blue value x 65025)
The red value, green value, and blue value can be in the range 0 to 255 where 255 is 100% of the colour, and
0 is 0% of the colour.
Red = (255 x 1) + (0 x 255) + (0 x 65025) =255 +0+0 =255
Green = (0 x 1) + (255 x 255) + (0 x 65025) =0 +65025+0 =65025
Blue = (0 x 1) + (0 x 255) + (255 x 65025) =0 +0+16581375=16581375
For a colour made up of 100% red, 50% green, and 25% blue:
(255 x 1) + (128 x 255) + (64 x 65025) =255 +32640+4161600 =4194495
<Flash Colour> is a code that specifies the colour of the LED when the message box has been updated. The
code is calculated according to the formula described above.
MESSAGE System Fault, Ring the Engineer,0,!,65025,255
Will display a message box titled System Fault containing the text Ring the Engineer and an exclamation
mark until the user presses OK. The LED will normally be green, but when the box is updated, it will be red.
If required variables can be included in the message. See the Using Variable in Action Codes section of
this manual for more details.
MESSAGE Alarm, A <LABEL> failure on <OSLABEL> at <TIME>,0,!,65025,255
This would display a message containing the following information.
A Compressor 2 trip failure on Chiller at 12 September 2001 11:47:00
The information in bold text is extracted from the incoming alarm.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 243

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.47 Specifying the PLAY Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The PLAY action enables either a WAV or MIDI file to be played.
Note that files are buffered and once started they cannot be stopped.
To specify the PLAY action:
1. Click PLAY from the list of actions. The Select Item dialogue box is displayed.

2. Click the required file.

1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
PLAY <Filename>
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the sound file that is to be played. If required 963 variables
can be used in addition to text to help specify the file.
PLAY wav\fire.wav
This would play the wav file fire.wav located in the wav sub-directory of the install directory.
A1.2.48 Specifying the POPUP Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The POPUP action enables the specified schematic page to be displayed in a pop-up window.
Caution if linked to an alarm action you could end you creating lots of windows.
To specify the POPUP action:
1. Click POPUP from the list of actions. A dialogue box is displayed listing all the available pages.

244 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

2. Click the required page. The Pop up dialogue box is displayed.

3. In the box enter the width of the window in pixels.

4. Click the Height tab.
5. In the box enter the height of the window in pixels.
6. Click the The X position tab.
7. In the box enter the X co-ordinate of the top left corner of the window.
8. Click the The Y position tab.
9. In the box enter the Y co-ordinate of the top left corner of the window.
10. Click the Fit to size tab.
11. In the box enter the 1 for the window to be sized to fit the contents.
1. Type the code to specify the action in the following format:
POPUP <Filename> GENERIC=<Connection> L<Lan Number>O<Controller
Address>,<Width>,<Height>,<X>,<Y>,<Fit to Size>
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the schematic page that is to be displayed. If required 963
variables can be used in addition to text to help specify the page. The GENERIC= parameter is an optional
parameter used when linking to a generic page that enables the device from which data is retrieved to be
specified. <Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is
accessed over TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering
an IP address it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed
by 'IP' and enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain
the following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the
local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
Note that =<Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address> are only required when linking to a
generic page, and the device is to be specified.
<Width> specifies the width in pixels of the window. <Height> specifies the height in pixels of the window.
<X> specifies the X co-ordinate of the top left corner of the window. <Y> specifies the Y co-ordinate of the
top left corner of the window. <Fit to Size> When set to 1 the window to be sized to fit the contents.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 245

Appendix 1 - Actions

POPUP pages\welcome\welcome.tss,200,200,0,0,0
This display the welcome.tss page in the pages\welcome sub-directory of the install directory in a pop-up
window 200 pixels square in the top left corner.
A1.2.49 Specifying the PRINTAFILE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The PRINTAFILE action enables a specified file to be printed.
Caution you must have the necessary application to print the file.
To specify the PRINTAFILE action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the schematic page that is to be displayed. If required 963
variables can be used in addition to text to help specify the page.
A1.2.50 Specifying the PRINTGRAPH Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The PRINTGRAPH action will load and print a specified 1000 point graph automatically to the PCs default printer
e.g. when an alarm occurs, or at a specified time.
To specify the PRINTGRAPH action:
1. Click PRINTGRAPH from the list of actions. The Please choose a graph definition dialogue box is

2. Click the required graph definition from the list.

The list can be filtered by clicking Enable, clicking the field that is to be searched in the Search this field
box, and entering the text that is to be searched for in the for this text box. The list is filtered to display
only items that match the search criteria.
3. Click OK. Click the required page. The Choose a print template dialogue box is displayed.

4. If a print template is to be used click the required print template.

246 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

5. Click OK. The Choose Printer dialogue box is displayed.

6. In the box click the required printer.

7. Click OK. The Print Landscape dialogue box is displayed.

8. In the box specify whether the page is to be landscape by clicking Yes or No.
9. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
PRINTGRAPH <Graph Definition>,<Template Name>,<Printer Name>,<orientation>
<Graph Definition> is the name of the graph definition that is to be printed. <Template Name> is an optional
parameter that specifies the print template that is to be used. If it is not specified the current page will be
printed as it is without using a print template. <Printer Name> is an optional parameter that specifies the
name of the printer that can be used. If it is not specified the printer specified as the page printer will be used.
<orientation> is an optional parameter that specifies whether the page is printed out in portrait or landscape
0 = portrait, 1 = landscape.
PRINTGRAPH Outside Air Temp,\\Rnd0\techp_laser1
This would print the graph called Outside Air Temp on the printer called \\Rnd0\techp_laser1.
A1.2.51 Specifying the PRINTGRAPH96 Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The PRINTGRAPH96 action will load and print a specified 96 point graph automatically to the PCs default printer
e.g. when an alarm occurs, or at a specified time.
To specify the PRINTGRAPH96 action:
1. Click PRINTGRAPH96 from the list of actions. The Please choose a graph definition dialogue box is

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 247

Appendix 1 - Actions

2. Click the required graph definition from the list.

The list can be filtered by clicking Enable, clicking the field that is to be searched in the Search this field
box, and entering the text that is to be searched for in the for this text box. The list is filtered to display
only items that match the search criteria.
3. Click OK. Click the required page. The Choose a print template dialogue box is displayed.

4. If a print template is to be used click the required print template.

5. Click OK. The Choose Printer dialogue box is displayed.

6. In the box click the required printer.

7. Click OK. The Print Landscape dialogue box is displayed.

8. In the box specify whether the page is to be landscape by clicking Yes or No.
9. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
PRINTGRAPH96 <Graph Definition>,<Template Name>,<Printer Name>,<orientation>
<Graph Definition> is the name of the graph definition that is to be printed. <Template Name> is an optional
parameter that specifies the print template that is to be used. If it is not specified the current page will be
printed as it is without using a print template. <Printer Name> is an optional parameter that specifies the
name of the printer that can be used. If it is not specified the printer specified as the page printer will be used.
<orientation> is an optional parameter that specifies whether the page is printed out in portrait or landscape
0 = portrait, 1 = landscape.
PRINTGRAPH96 Outside Air Temp,\\Rnd0\techp_laser1
This would print the graph called Outside Air Temp on the printer called \\Rnd0\techp_laser1.
A1.2.52 Specifying the PRINTLINE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The PRINTLINE action prints a specified line of text to the printer as specified in OutputDevice= under [ALARMS]
in TCOMMSRV.INI, not the default one. This could be used to printout live dynamic values at specified intervals.
To specify the PRINTLINE action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
PRINTLINE <Text to Print>
<Text to print> specifies the text that is sent to the printer. If required 963 variables can be used in addition
to text to help specify the text.
PRINTLINE Emergency Call the Engineer.

248 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

This code sends the text Emergency Call the Engineer to the printer.
To print dynamic values the PRINTLINE action would need to be incorporated into a script file to allow the
dynamic data to be collected.
<LIVE L0O24S1(V)>
Sleep 10000
PRINTLINE Sensor 1 in o/s 24 lan 0 is . <LIVE L0O24S1(V)> at <PCHOURS>:<PCMINS>
The first line adds a request for S1(V) to the live values cache; this returns a wait the first time 963 gets the
request. The next line waits a suitable period (in mS) for the value to be refreshed. The third line prints out a
message including the same LIVE request, which by now should have a value in it.
A1.2.53 Specifying the PRINTPAGE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The PRINTPAGE action prints out a schematic page enabling the user to select a printer.
To specify the PRINTPAGE action:
1. Click PRINTPAGE from the list of actions.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
PRINTPAGE <Page Name>,<Template Name>
<Page Name> is an optional parameter that specifies the name of the path and filename of the page that is to
be printed. If it is not specified the current page will be printed. <Template Name> is an optional parameter
that specifies the print template that is to be used. If it is not specified the current page will be printed as it is
without using a print template.
This would prompt the user to specify the required printer, and then print the current page.
PRINTPAGE pages\albery house.tss,user name template.tss
This would prompt the user to specify the required printer, and then print the page called albery house.tss
using the print template called user name template.tss.
A1.2.54 Specifying the PRINTPAGEAUTO Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The PRINTPAGEAUTO action prints out a schematic page to the specified printer, without the need for user
To specify the PRINTPAGEAUTO action:
1. Click PRINTPAGEAUTO from the list of actions. A dialogue box is displayed listing all the available

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 249

Appendix 1 - Actions

2. Click the required page. The Choose a print template dialogue box is displayed.

3. If a print template is to be used click the required print template.

4. Click OK. The Choose Printer dialogue box is displayed.

5. In the box click the required printer.

6. Click OK. The Print Landscape dialogue box is displayed.

7. In the box specify whether the page is to be landscape by clicking Yes or No.
8. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
PRINTPAGEAUTO <Page Name>,<Template Name>,<Printer Name>,<Orientation>
<Page Name> is an optional parameter that specifies the name of the path and filename of the page that is to
be printed. If it is not specified the current page will be printed. <Template Name> is an optional parameter
that specifies the print template that is to be used. If it is not specified the current page will be printed as it is
without using a print template. <Printer Name> is an optional parameter that specifies the name of the printer
that can be used. If it is not specified the printer specified as the page printer will be used. <Orientation> is
an optional parameter that specifies whether the page is printed out in portrait or landscape 0 = portrait, 1 =
This would print the current page to the default printer.
PRINTPAGEAUTO pages\albery house.tss,user name template.tss,\\Rnd0\techp_laser1,1
This would print the page called albery house.tss using the print template called user name template.tss on
the printer called \\Rnd0\techp_laser1 in landscape.

250 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.55 Specifying the PRINTPAGEPREVIEW Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The PRINTPAGEPREVIEW action displays the current page as it would look if it were printed. Once the preview is
displayed, it is possible to zoom in and out to view the information in more detail, or to print the page.
To specify the PRINTPAGEPREVIEW action:
1. Click PRINTPAGEPREVIEW from the list of actions. A dialogue box is displayed listing all the available

2. Click the required page. The Choose a print template dialogue box is displayed.

3. If a print template is to be used click the required print template.

4. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
PRINTPAGEPREVIEW <Page Name>,<Template Name>
<Page Name> is an optional parameter that specifies the name of the path and filename of the page that is to
be printed. If it is not specified the current page will be printed. <Template Name> is an optional parameter
that specifies the print template that is to be used. If it is not specified the current page will be printed as it is
without using a print template.
PRINTPAGEPREVIEW pages\albery house.tss,user name template.tss
This would display the page called albery house.tss using the print template called user name template.tss
as it would appear when printed.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 251

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.56 Specifying the PRINTQUERY Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The PRINTQUERY action runs a specified SQL query, and prints out the results to the default printer, without the
need to select a printer. Knowledge of SQL is required to produce the SQL query. Only use SQLs SELECT statement,
which can only be used to interrogate, not change the database.
To specify the PRINTQUERY action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
<SQL Command> is the SQL query that is to be performed.
A1.2.57 Specifying the PRINTSETUP Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

PRINTSETUP action displays a dialogue box that enables the printer used by 963 to print schematic pages, graphs,
and lists to be specified.
To specify the PRINTSETUP action:
1. Click PRINTSETUP from the list of actions.
A1.2.58 Specifying the QUERYTOTEXTFILE Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The QUERYTOTEXTFILE action performs a specified SQL query and saves the results to the specified text file.
Knowledge of SQL is required to produce the SQL query. Only use SQLs SELECT statement, which can only be
used to interrogate, not change the database.
To specify the QUERYTOTEXTFILE action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
QUERYTOTEXTFILE <Filename>,<SQL Command>||<Overwrite>
<SQL Command> is the SQL query that is to be performed. <Filename> specifies the path and filename of
the file to which the results are to be written. If required 963 variables can be used in addition to text to help
specify the path and filename. <Overwrite> specifies whether the file is to be overwritten, set to 1 to overwrite
the file. If this is left out, the message will be inserted at the end of the file.
QUERYTOTEXTFILE <DATA>\ lookup details.txt,SELECT * FROM Lookup||0
This would select everything from the database table called Lookup, and save the result in a file called
lookup details.txt in a sub-directory of the install directory called test results.

252 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.59 Specifying the RECORD Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The RECORD action records the data logged by a specified plot module (although specifying a sensor will cause the
action to record data from the plot module that is logging the sensor's data). It can be used to create an automatic
recording of the data logged in a controller. It is only accessible from the Event Scheduler Display. Generally
automatic graph recording should be set up within the graph dialogue box. If the action fails a Data logging failed
alarm is generated.
It is strongly recommended that data is recorded for plot modules, and the data is only recorded once i.e. do
not record data from the sensor module, and the data from the plot module that is actually logging the sensor's
To specify the RECORD action:
1. Click RECORD from the list of actions. A dialogue box is displayed.

2. If the device is on a remote site, enter the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over TCP/IP or the
telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address it must be
prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in
double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the following
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
3. Click the LAN tab.
4. In the box enter Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). 0 specifies the local Lan.
5. Click the OS tab.
6. In the box enter the address of the device (range 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
7. Click the Item tab.
8. Specify the sensor that is to be recorded. This is in the form:
<Module> specifies the type of module, sensor (S) or plot (P) using its module identifier and module number
(e.g. S1 specifies sensor 1).
9. Click the Label tab.
10. In the box enter the label of the module that is to be recorded.
11. Click OK.
12. If more than one plot module is associated with the value being recorded the Plots dialogue box is displayed,
click the required plot module, and click OK.
13. If a synchronised plot module is selected a dialogue box is displayed asking if a precision log is to be used.
If precision logs are required click Yes otherwise click No. If precision logs were not specified the set up is
complete, if they were a dialogue box is displayed. In the box enter the number of values that are to be
collected each time the action is carried out (maximum value is 1000), and click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
RECORD <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address>, <Module>[<Logging
Interval>|<Precision Logging>|<Number of Values>],<Label>

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 253

Appendix 1 - Actions

<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the sensor (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). 0 specifies the
local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the device containing the sensor (range 1, 4 to 119
excluding 10). <Module> specifies the type of module, sensor (S) or plot (P) using its module identifier and
module number (e.g. S1 specifies sensor 1). <Logging Interval> specifies the logging interval that is to be
used. It can be set to the following values:
Value Logging Interval Value Logging Interval
-1 Any Interval 6 5 minutes
1 15 minutes 7 10 minutes
2 24 hours 8 20 minutes
3 1 minute 9 6 hours
4 1 hour 10 1 second
5 30 minutes
For triggered or change of value, logging interval is -1. And for periodic plots, logging interval is the number
of second between each sample.
If the logging interval is not specified, 963 will use the first log for that sensor that it finds. You should only
specify the logging interval if the sensor is being logged at more one interval.
<Precision Logging> specifies whether precision logging is required. It can be set to 1, or 0. 1 specifies
precision logging, and 0 specifies compact logging. <Precision Logging> must be set to 1 if the action is to
record data from a triggered plot module. <Number of Values> this parameter is only required if precision
logging is being used. It can be set to -1 for triggered plots or any integer between 1 and 1000 for synchronised
plots. When set to -1 963 values logged since the last total record count for are collected. <Label> specifies
the label of the module.
RECORD 0123 456789L99O24S1[7|1|100],,Outside Air
Specifies the recording of a precision log of the last 100 values of sensor 1 labelled Outside Air in device 24
on Lan 99 accessed using the telephone number 0123 456789 that is logged at 10 minute intervals.
A1.2.60 Specifying the RECORDAUTO_COMPACT Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The RECORDAUTO_COMPACT action records the data stored in the plotting channel for the module from which
an alarm has been received using compact data.
It is intended for use when a buffer ready event (BBUF) is received indicating that a particular plotting channel is
nearly full allowing the 963 to record the data from the plotting channel in the controller before it is overwritten see
the 'Record Logged Data when a BBUF Alarm is Received' section of this manual for more details.
To specify the RECORDAUTO_COMPACT action:
1. Click RECORDAUTO_COMPACT from the list of actions.

254 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.61 Specifying the RECORDAUTO_PRECISION Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The RECORDAUTO_PRECISION action records the data stored in the plotting channel for the module from which
an alarm has been received using precision data.
It is intended for use when a buffer ready event (BBUF) is received indicating that a particular plotting channel is
nearly full allowing the 963 to record the data from the plotting channel in the controller before it is overwritten see
the 'Record Logged Data when a BBUF Alarm is Received' section of this manual for more details.
To specify the RECORDAUTO_PRECISION action:
1. Click RECORDAUTO_PRECISION from the list of actions.
A1.2.62 Specifying the RECORDSCHEMATIC Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The RECORDSCHEMATIC action records the data from a schematic page to the 963' database at specified intervals.
The code for the action is in the following form:
<Schematic> specifies the path and filename of the schematic page that is to be recorded
The action must be specified using the Configure page recording command on the Data recording menu available
when a schematic page is displayed, see the 'Record a Schematic Page' section of the 963 User Guide for more details.
This process creates an event in the Event Scheduler Display.
Caution: Pages that are to be recorded can have a maximum of 50 points. Pages larger than this may not be
recorded successfully.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 255

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.63 Specifying the RECORDTOTEXT Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The RECORDTOTEXT action records the data logged by a specified plot module (although specifying a sensor will
cause the action to record data from the plot module that is logging the sensor's data) to a text file for importing into
other programs such as Excel. An example of the recorded file is shown below.
11 July 2001 18:18:00 21.6432
11 July 2001 18:19:00 21.6200
11 July 2001 18:20:00 21.6200

If the action fails a Data logging failed alarm is generated.

Note that for IQ1, IQ2, and pre v2.1 IQ3 series controllers the action the number of values returned may not be the
number specified. You will always get at least the number requested but sometimes more. This is a limitation of the
communications protocol. IQ3 controllers v2.1 or greater, IQ4 controllers, and TOPS v1.1 or greater device the
action works as expected.
963 uses the long date and time format from the local windows setup when putting the date and time into the file. To
change the format of the file these settings in windows would have to be changed.
To specify RECORDTOTEXT action:
1. Click RECORDTOTEXT from the list of actions. The RECORDTOTEXT dialogue box is displayed.

2. If the device is on a remote site, enter the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over TCP/IP or the telephone
number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g.
IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery
House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
3. Click the LAN tab.
4. Specify the Lan containing the device to which the message is being sent in the box (range 0, 1, 4 to 119
excluding 10). 0 specifies the local Lan.
5. Click the OS tab.
6. In the box enter the address of the device to which the message is being sent (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding
7. Click the Item tab.
8. In the box enter the number of the sensor that is to be recorded. This is in the form:
<Module> specifies the type of module, sensor (S) or plot (P) using its module identifier and module number
(e.g. S1 specifies sensor 1).
9. Click the Label tab.
10. In the box enter the label of the sensor that is to be recorded.
11. Click the Filename tab.
12. In the box enter the filename to which the data is to be recorded. If required 963 variables can be used in
addition to text to help specify the filename.
13. Click the Field separator tab.
14. In the box enter the character that is to separate the fields in each record. This can be any printable character
plus a tab, or carriage return. A tab is specified by typing [TAB], a carriage return by typing [CR], and a
comma by typing [COMMA].
15. Click the Record separator tab.

256 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

16. In the box enter the character that is to separate each record. This can be any printable character plus a tab,
or carriage return. A tab is specified by typing [TAB], a carriage return by typing [CR], and a comma by
typing [COMMA].
17. Click OK.
18. If more than one plot module is associated with the value being recorded the Plots dialogue box is displayed,
click the required plot module, and click OK.
19. If a synchronised plot module is selected a dialogue box is displayed asking if a precision log is to be used.
If precision logs are required click Yes otherwise click No. If precision logs were not specified the set up is
complete, if they were a dialogue box is displayed. In the box enter the number of values that are to be
collected each time the action is carried out, and click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
RECORDTOTEXT <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address> S<Sensor
Number>[<Logging Interval>|<Precision Logging>|<Number of Values>,<Sensor Label>
<Filename><Field Separator><Record Separator>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the sensor (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). <Controller
Address> specifies the address of the device containing the sensor (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
<Sensor Number> specifies the number of the sensor. <Logging Interval> specifies the logging interval that
is to be used. It can be set to the following values:
Value Logging Interval Value Logging Interval
-1 Any Interval 6 5 minutes
1 15 minutes 7 10 minutes
2 24 hours 8 20 minutes
3 1 minute 9 6 hours
4 1 hour 10 1 second
5 30 minutes
If the logging interval is not specified, 963 will use the first log for that sensor that it finds.
<Precision Logging> specifies whether precision logging is required. It can be set to 1, or 0. 1 specifies
precision logging, and 0 specifies compact logging. <Precision Logging> must be set to 1 if the action is to
record data from a triggered plot module. <Number of Values> this parameter is only required if precision
logging is being used. It can be set to -1 for triggered plots or any integer between 1 and 1000 for synchronised
plots. When set to -1 963 values logged since the last total record count for are collected. <Label> specifies
the label of the module. <Filename> specifies the name of the file to which the data is to be recorded in the
box. If required 963 variables can be used in addition to text to help specify the filename. <Field separator>
is the character that is to separate the fields in each record. <Record separator> is the character that is to
separate each record in the box.
RECORDTOTEXT 0123 456789L99O24S1[10|1|100],Outside Air,C:\Program Files\Trend Control
Systems\963\L99O24S1 Recorded Data.txt,[TAB],[CR]
Specifies the recording to a file called L99O24S1 Recorded Data.txt of a precision log of the last 100 values of
sensor 1 labelled Outside Air in device 24 on Lan 99 accessed using the telephone number 0123 456789 that is
logged at 10 minute intervals. The fields are separated by tabs, and records separated by a carriage return.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 257

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.64 Specifying the REMOTE Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Items Client Access

The REMOTE action enables any action to be triggered on a different 963 (remote 963).
To specify the REMOTE action:
1. Click REMOTE from the list of actions. The REMOTE dialogue box is displayed.

2. If the remote 963 is on a remote site, enter the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over TCP/IP or
the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address it must be
prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in
double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the following
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
3. Click the LAN tab.
4. Specify the Lan containing the remote 963 in the box (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). 0 specifies the local
5. Click the OS tab.
6. In the box enter the address of the remote 963 (range 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
7. Click the Enter remote command tab.
8. In the box enter the action that is to be carried out by typing the action and its associated parameters box.
This action can be any of the actions defined in this section of the manual.
9. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
REMOTE <Connection> L<Lan number> O<Device Address><Action>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the remote 963 (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). 0 specifies
the local Lan. <Device Address> specifies the address of the remote 963 (range 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
<Action> specifies the action that is to be carried out on the remote 963. This action can be any of the actions
defined in this section of the manual.

258 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

REMOTE 0123 456789L99O24GOTO pages\floor plans\floor 1.tss.

Makes the 963 at address 24 on Lan 99 accessed using the telephone number 0123 456789 go to the Floor
1 schematic page.
REMOTE L0O32MESSAGE HELLO, Can you reset AHU1 frost trip!
Displays a pop-up message box on a 963 supervisor located at address 32, on the local Lan.
A1.2.65 Specifying the RESOLUTION Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The RESOLUTION action displays a dialogue box that specifies the size of the Data Display in pixels. This enables
the correct size for the backdrop to be determined.
To specify the RESOLUTION action:
1. Click RESOLUTION from the list of actions.
A1.2.66 Specifying the RETRANSMIT Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The RETRANSMIT action sends a specified message to a particular retransmission destination. This action enables
alarms to be retransmitted.
To specify the RETRANSMIT action:
1. Ensure that the required destination has been set up.
2. Click RETRANSMIT from the list of actions. A dialogue box is displayed.

3. Click the required destination.

The list can be filtered by clicking Enable, clicking the field that is to be searched in the Search this field
box, and entering the text that is to be searched for in the for this text box. The list is filtered to display
only items that match the search criteria.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 259

Appendix 1 - Actions

4. Click OK. The Message dialogue box is displayed.

5. In the box enter the required message. This can be a simple text message such as An alarm has occurred, or
can use 963 variables and text to generate a meaningful customised message e.g.
A <ALARMCODE> occurred at <TIME> from <LABEL> in <OSLABEL>
The code above would send a message similar to the one below:
A HIGH occurred at 14:50 from Outside Air Sensor in Office Block
The default is the <ALLLABELS> variable that will include all the labels from the alarm in the message.
For details of the 963 variables, see the 963 Variables section of this manual which explains each variable
and where they can be used. Only variables specified for use in alarm action codes can be used.
If the alarm is to be sent to another 963or a 962, and it is required that the alarm appears to the other 963 or
962 as though it has come from the original device, the message should be set to <963CODED>, or
When sending long messages the 963 will automatically split them up into smaller messages for transmission
over the IQ network. The NEWMSG variable can be used to split the message at a specified point. See the
Using the NEWMSG Variable section of this manual for more details.
6. Click OK.
1. Ensure that the required destination has been set up.
2. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
RETRANSMIT <Destination Index>,<(Destination Name)>,<Message>
<Destination Index> specifies the destination index for the required destination, <Destination Name>
specifies the name of the required destination, and <Message> specifies the actual text to be sent to the
specified destination see (5) above for more details.
RETRANSMIT 1,(Building Manager),The Boiler is off-line
Sends the message The Boiler is off-line to the destination called Building Manager, with a destination
index of 1.

260 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.67 Specifying the RUN Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The RUN action enables a Windows recognised file, e.g. . htm, .doc, .bmp, . xls etc, or if a URL is specified a web
browser is loaded displaying the specified URL. This action is different from the WINEXEC action that is for running
EXE applications. This action is useful for linking to IQ 3 web pages in a new instance of Internet Explorer
To specify the RUN action:
1. Click RUN from the list of actions. The Open dialogue box is displayed.

2. Click the file that is to be run. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the Look in
box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
3. Click Open.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
RUN <Destination>
<Destination> specifies the path and filename of the file that is to be run, or the URL that is to be accessed.
If required 963 variables can be used in addition to text to help specify the file.
RUN report.xls
This will run Excel and load the file 'report.xls'.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 261

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.68 Specifying the RUN_ADJUSTMENT_SET Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The RUN_ADJUSTMENT_SET action enables a previously saved set of multiple adjustments (adjustment set) to be
made on a regular basis. The action is only supported in the Event Scheduler.
To specify the RUN_ADJUSTMENT_ACTION action:
1. Click RUN_ADJUSTMENT_SET from the list of actions. The Open dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the folder list click the adjustment set. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in
the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
3. Click Open.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the schematic page that is to be displayed.
RUN_ADJUSTMENT_SET C:\Program Files\Trend Control

262 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.69 Specifying the SCRIPT Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Client Access
With caution
The SCRIPT action enables a script file to be run. This allows several 963 actions to be carried out in a sequence. The
actions need to be prepared using a text editor and saved as a script file, see the Create Script Files section of this
manual for details.
The SCRIPT action can be used as an alarm action, however beware of overloading the system.
To specify the SCRIPT action:
1. Click SCRIPT from the list of actions. The Select Item dialogue box is displayed.

2. Click the required script file.

1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
SCRIPT <Keyword><Filename> [<argument list>]
<Keyword> is an optional code that specifies how the scripts are run when one script run another. If left
blank 963 will run the first script file and then the second for detail about running one script file from another
see the 'Running a Script File from another Script File' section of this manual. It can be set to the following:
Keyword Description
<INLINE> Pauses the first script file and runs the second and restarts the first once the second has finished
CAUTION: Using the <INLINE>keyword as part of a SCRIPT action on a static object will lock the
963 user interface until the script has been completed.
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the script file that is to be run. If required 963 variables can
be used in addition to text to help specify the file.
<argument list> specifies parameters that are to be passed into the script file. If there is more than one
parameter they should be separated by a comma ,.
SCRIPT scripts\Samples\outside.txt
This would run the script file outside.txt located in the scripts\samples sub-directory of the install
SCRIPT scripts\Samples\outside.txt [95,Sensor]
This would run the script file outside.txt located in the scripts\samples sub-directory of the install directory
passing in 95 as the value for <PARM1> in the script file, and Sensor as the value for <PARAM2> in the
script file.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 263

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.70 Specifying the SEND Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The SEND action enables a standard write text comms message to be sent to a specific device on the IQ network.
When the message is sent, the 963 will beep, and record an event in the alarm database that can be seen in audit trail.
Note that if the action is to be used to make an adjustment to a controller that is PIN protected the PIN must be
correctly set up in Device Viewer as described in the Set up the PIN Sent to Controllers section of this manual.
To specify the SEND action:
1. Click SEND from the list of actions. The Send Message to an Outstation dialogue box is displayed.

2. If the device is on a remote site, enter the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over TCP/IP or the
telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address it must be
prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in
double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the following
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
3. Click the Lan tab.
4. In the box enter the Lan containing the device to which the message is being sent (range 0, 1, 4 to 119
excluding 10). 0 specifies the local Lan.
5. Click the OS tab.
6. In the box enter the address of the device to which the message is being sent (range 1, 4 to 119 excluding
7. Click the Message tab.
8. In the box enter the text comms message. The message can be up to 80-characters long. Only standard write
text comms messages can be used.
9. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
SEND <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Device Address><Message>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.

264 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device to which the message is to be sent (range 0, 1, 4 to
119 excluding 10). 0 specifies the local Lan. <Device Address> specifies the address of the device
containing the device to which the message is to be sent (range 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). <Message>
specifies the text comms message. The message can be up to 80-characters long. Only standard write text
comms messages can be used.
SEND 0123 456789L99O24K1(V=21)
Specifies the text comms message K1(V=21) to be sent to device 24 on Lan 99 accessed using the telephone
number 0123 456789.
A1.2.71 Specifying the SENDAUTO Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The SENDAUTO action enables a standard write text comms message to be sent to a specific device on the IQ
Note that if the action is to be used to make an adjustment to a controller that is PIN protected the PIN must be
correctly set up in Device Viewer as described in the Set up the PIN Sent to Controllers section of this manual.
To specify the SENDAUTO action:
1. Click SENDAUTO from the list of actions. The Send Message to an Outstation dialogue box is displayed.

2. If the device is on a remote site, enter the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over TCP/IP or the
telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address it must be
prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in
double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the following
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
3. Click the Lan tab.
4. In the box enter the Lan containing the device to which the message is being sent (range 0, 1, 4 to 119
excluding 10). 0 specifies the local Lan.
5. Click the OS tab.
6. In the box enter the address of the device to which the message is being sent (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding
7. Click the Message tab.
8. In the box enter the text comms message. The message can be up to 80-characters long. Only standard write
text comms messages can be used
9. Click OK.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 265

Appendix 1 - Actions

1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
SENDAUTO <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Device Address><Message>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device to which the message is to be sent (range 0, 1, 4 to
119 excluding 10). 0 specifies the local Lan. <Device Address> specifies the address of the device to which
the message is to be sent (range 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). <Message> specifies the text comms message.
The message can be up to 80-characters long. Only standard write text comms messages can be used.
SENDAUTO 0123 456789L99O24K1(V=21).
Specifies the text comms message K1(V=21) to be sent to device 24 on Lan 99 accessed using the telephone
number 0123 456789.
A1.2.72 Specifying the SETGENERIC Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The SETGENERIC action displays a dialogue box that enables the device from which generic dynamic objects obtain
their value to be specified.
To specify the SETGENERIC action:
1. Click SETGENERIC from the list of actions.
A1.2.73 Specifying the SETIOPORT Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The SETIOPORT action displays the Port Selection dialogue box that enables the communications port that 963 uses
to communicate with other IQ system devices to be set up.
To specify the SETIOPORT action:
1. Click SETIOPORT from the list of list of actions.

266 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.74 Specifying the SHOWNAVIGATOR Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The SHOWNAVIGATOR action enables the Navigator to be displayed if it has been hidden.
To specify the SHOWNAVIGATOR action:
1. Click SHOWNAVIGATOR from the list of actions.
A1.2.75 Specifying the SLEEP Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The SLEEP action is only used in script files. It causes the script file to pause at the current position for the specified
number of seconds. The SLEEP action is ignored when the script file is triggered by an alarm. It should be entered in
the format shown below:
SLEEP <Time>
<Time> is the length of time in Ms.
SLEEP 2000

This causes a pause of 2 Ms to occur in the script file.

A1.2.76 Specifying the USERS_LOGOUT Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The USERS_LOGOUT action logs out all users accessing 963 from a web client. It is only available to System
Administrator users, or users in the System Administrator workgroup. It should be entered in the format shown below:
A1.2.77 Specifying the VIEWFILTER Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The VIEWFILTER action performs a database query from the 963-alarm database using the parameters defined in the
specified alarm filter. This enables particular alarms to be accessed from a button on a schematic page.
To specify the VIEWFILTER action:
1. Click VIEWFILTER from the list of actions. The User-defined alarm filters dialogue box is displayed.

2. Click the required filter.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 267

Appendix 1 - Actions

The list can be filtered by clicking Enable, clicking the field that is to be searched in the Search this field
box, and entering the text that is to be searched for in the for this text box. The list is filtered to display
only items that match the search criteria.
3. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
VIEWFILTER <Filter Name>
<Filter Name> specifies the name of the filter for which the results are to be accessed.
VIEWFILTER Critical Alarms
This would display a list of all the alarms that match the parameters defined in an alarm filter called Critical
A1.2.78 Specifying the VIEWGRAPH Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The VIEWGRAPH action displays a window containing graphs of all the IQ system points on the current page. If
logged information is available in the controller, this will be displayed; otherwise, live values will be used. If a graph
definition is specified in the action, the specified definition will be loaded instead. If the VIEWGRAPH action is used
on a client, it is necessary to specify a specific graph definition.
To specify the VIEWGRAPH action:
1. Click VIEWGRAPH from the list of actions. A dialogue box shown below is displayed.

2. If the action is to load a specific graph definition, click Yes, and go to (3), otherwise click No to complete
the definition.
3. Click the required graph definition from the list in the Please choose a graph definition dialogue box that
is displayed.
4. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
VIEWGRAPH <Graph Definition>
<Graph Definition> is the name of the graph definition that is to be loaded.
VIEWGRAPH Outside Air Sensor
This would display the graph definition Outside Air Sensor.

268 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.79 Specifying the VIEWPOINTS Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The VIEWPOINTS action displays a window containing particular values on the current page.
To specify the VIEWPOINTS action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action
To display a window containing values of all the dynamic objects on the screen.
To display a list of all the dynamic objects, and their current value on the current schematic page that
are linked to the specified IQ module type.
VIEWPOINTS <Module Code>
<Module Code> specifies the type of module that is displayed; it can be any letter that identifies the
module in configuration mode.
This would display a list of all the sensors, and their values that are on the current schematic page.
To display a list of points from an IQ directory module (i.e. the display modules).
VIEWPOINTS <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Device Address> <Directory Module>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed
over TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP
address it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by
'IP' and enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can
contain the following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). 0 specifies
the local Lan. <Device Address> specifies the address of the device (range 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
<Directory Module> specifies the number of the directory module that is to be accessed. Specifying the
VIEWPOINTS action in the format above causes it to display a list of points from an IQ directory module
(i.e. the display modules).
This would display all the items in directory module 2 from Lan 0, outstation 24.
To display a list of the points defined in a specified points template file for the specified controller. This
allows a list of points that can be applied to any number of controllers to be specified. E.g. for the IQL
range of controllers where all controllers share the same strategy.
VIEWPOINTS <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Device Address>,<Template File>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed
over TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP
address it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by
'IP' and enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House".

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 269

Appendix 1 - Actions

When entering a telephone number it can contain the following characters.

Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). 0 specifies
the local Lan. <Device Address> specifies the address of the device (range 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
<Template File> specifies the path and filename of the point template file. See the Create Point
Template Files section for details about creating these files.
VIEWPOINTS 211888L1O43, templates\fcu43.txt
The above example would display a list of items listed in a file labelled fcu43.txt from controller 43
on Lan 1 on an autodialled site.
A1.2.80 Specifying the VIEWQUERY Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The VIEWQUERY action performs a database query on the 963-alarm database, using the specified SQL command
and displays the results in a window. Knowledge of SQL is required to produce the SQL query. It only uses SQLs
SELECT statement, and can only be used to interrogate, not change the database.
To specify the VIEWQUERY action:
1. Click VIEWQUERY from the list of actions. The Write String Setup dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the box enter the database fields that are to be extracted, separate each field with a comma ,.
3. Click the FROM tab.
4. In the box enter the database table from which the data is to be extracted.
5. Click the WHERE tab.
6. In the box enter the SQL command that is to be used to extract the data.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
VIEWQUERY [<Window Title>],<SQL Command>
<Window Title> specifies the title of the window. <SQL Command> is the SQL query that is to be
performed. The SQL command must be in the following order:
SELECT <selected data> FROM <database table> WHERE <query criteria>
SELECT * FROM LastAlarmDetailsByTime WHERE AlarmCode = N'ADJU
This selects all the alarms in the alarms in the LastAlarmDetailsByTime table where the alarm code is
For details about the fields in the alarms database see the Database section of this manual.

270 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.81 Specifying the VIEWQUERYEX Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access
Not text
The VIEWQUERYEX action performs a database query on an external database, using the specified SQL command
and displays the results in a window. Knowledge of SQL is required to produce the SQL query. It only uses SQLs
SELECT statement, and can only be used to interrogate, not change the database.
Note that only archived mdf files can be viewed using this action.
To specify the VIEWQUERYEX action:
1. Click VIEWQUERYEX from the list of actions. The Open dialogue box is displayed.

2. Click the database on which the query is to be run. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or
folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder list until the file is
3. Click Open. The VIEWQUERY dialogue box is displayed.

4. In the box enter the database fields that are to be extracted, separate each field with a comma ,.
5. Click the FROM tab.
6. In the box enter the database table from which the data is to be extracted.
7. Click the WHERE tab.
8. In the box enter the SQL command that is to be used to extract the data.
9. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
VIEWQUERYEX <Database>, <SQL Command>
<Database> specifies the path and filename of the database that is to be queried. <SQL Command> is the
SQL query that is to be performed. The SQL command must be in the following order:
SELECT <selected data> FROM <database table> WHERE <query criteria>
VIEWQUERYEX C:\Program Files\Trend Control Systems\963\i96x_sys.mdf,SELECT * FROM
Alarms WHERE setUser=Default
This selects all the alarms in the alarms database that the Default user acknowledged and displays the,
AlarmCode, theModule, and userText fields from the i96x_sys.mdf database.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 271

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.82 Specifying the WEB Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The WEB action runs the 963 Web Browser Display with any Uniform Resource Locator (URL) displayed. This
could be an HTML page located on the computer's hard drive or if internet access is available, any HTML page on
the web.
Caution: To ensure optimum security you should avoid linking to external web pages from pages displayed by
the 963 web server.
To specify the WEB action:
1. Click WEB from the list of actions. The Browse to Where? dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the box enter the URL.

3. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
<URL> specifies the URL of the HTML file that is to be displayed.
To display the web browser and display our website.
WEB s:\site manuals\lan layout.HTM
To display the web browser and display an HTML page called Lan Layout.HTM from a local drive.
Note that if using a reverse proxy server or content switch to provide an encrypted channel (SSL) for 963 web
communications, it is not recommended to have direct links to external web sites, in particular HTTP links. If
references are required to external websites on schematic pages, such as, it is recommended
to use a Bounce HTML page stored within the 963\HTML project. See the 'Configure External HTTP Links to Use
a 'Bounce' Page' section of this manual for more details.

272 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.83 Specifying the WINEXEC Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The WINEXEC action enables a specified Windows based program to be run. A command line entry enables the
specified program to be started with a particular file open.
To specify the WINEXEC action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
WINEXEC <Program>
<Program> specifies the path and filename of the program that is to be run, and the filename of the file that is to
be opened. If required 963 variables can be used in addition to text to help specify the path and filename.
To execute a Windows based program.
WINEXEC C:\Programfiles\office\excel.exe
To execute a non Windows program.
WINEXEC C:\Programfiles\office\excel.exe D:\recordings\meters.xls
To open a specific file within a program when executed.
A1.2.84 Specifying the WINEXECU Action
Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The WINEXECU action enables a specified Windows based program to be run. A command line entry enables the specified
program to be started with a particular file open. The command line can use unicode characters to specify the file.
To specify the WINEXECU action:
1. Click WINEXECU from the list of actions. The Open dialogue box shown below is displayed.

2. Click the file that is to be run. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the Look in
box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
3. Click Open.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
WINEXECU <Application Path>,<Data File Path>
<Application Path> specifies the path and filename of the program that is to be run. <Data File Path> specifies
the filename of the file that is to be opened. If required 963 variables can be used in addition to text to help
specify the path and filename. Unicode characters can be used. <Data File Path> is optional.
WINEXECU C:\ Programfiles\ . exe
To execute a program called . exe.
WINEXECU C:\Programfiles\office\excel.exe, D:\\ .xls
To open a specific file within a program when executed.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 273

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.85 Specifying the WRITESTRING Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The WRITESTRING action enables a specified value or string to be written into a particular place in a specified INI
file. The use of this action eliminates the need for users to open ini files in notepad.
To specify the WRITESTRING action:
1. Click WRITESTRING from the list of actions. The Write String Setup dialogue box is displayed.

2. In the box enter the section within the file to which the value is to be written. It should be entered with square
brackets around it (e.g. [Offline]).
3. Click the Key tab.
4. In the box enter the value that is to be changed.
5. Click the Value tab.
6. In the box enter the actual value.
7. Click the Filename tab.
8. In the box enter the path and filename of the INI file containing the value that is to be changed. If required
963 variables can be used in addition to text to help specify the path and filename.
Note that if a path is not specified, the Windows directory will be used.
9. Click OK.
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
WRITESTRING <Section>,<Key>,<Value>,<Filename>
<Section> specifies the section in the INI file to which the value is to be written. <Key> specifies the line in
the specified section whose value is to be modified. <Value> specifies the value to which the setting is to be
set. <Filename> specifies the path and filename of the INI file that is to be modified. If required 963 variables
can be used in addition to text to help specify the path and filename.
WRITESTRING [ALARMS], DaysToKeep,50, c:\program files\trend control systems\963\s2.ini
This example enables a user to click the button and change the number of days to keep old acknowledged
alarms for the alarm database to 50. This entry is stored in the [ALARMS] section of S2.ini file located in
the install directory under the DaysToKeep keyword.
WRITESTRING [ANC], NumRefreshes,10, c:\program files\trend control systems\963\Tcommsrv.ini
This would enable a user to click the button and change the number of refreshes 963 will take of an
autodialled site before dropping the line to 10. This entry is stored in the [ANC] section of the tcommsrv.ini
file located in the install directory, under the NumRefreshes keyword.
Note that after ini file changes 963 will need to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

274 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 1 - Actions

A1.2.86 Specifying the WRITETOTEXTFILE Action

Schematic Action Login Action Alarm Action Event Scheduler Script Files Dynamic Menus Client Access

The WRITETOTEXTFILE action enables text messages to be saved to a specific file, e.g. for diverting alarms to
specific log file.
To specify the WRITETOTEXTFILE action:
1. Enter the code to specify the action in the following format:
WRITETOTEXTFILE <Filename>,<Text to Write>||<Overwrite>
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the file to which the message is to be written. <Text to Write>
specifies the message that is to be written. If required 963 variables can be used in addition to text to help
specify the path and filename. <Overwrite> specifies whether the file is to be overwritten, set to 1 to
overwrite the file. If this is left out, the message will be inserted at the end of the file.
WRITETOTEXTFILE c:\963alarms\critial alarms.txt, <ALL>
When set up as an alarm action this example will record all of the alarm details into a file labelled Critical
WRITETOTEXTFILE c:\engineers log\report.txt, <?Enter report>
This example will allow comments to be recorded into a report. <?Enter report> creates a pop up message box allowing
comments to be manually entered.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 275

Appendix 1 - Actions

276 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 2 - Alarm Codes


This section describes the alarm codes that 963 may find in alarms. The table indicates whether they are automatically
actioned by 963, and whether they display a red bell in the Device Viewer.
AlarmCode Description Source Red Bell Auto Action
945 945 Retransmitted Alarm 943
AANR Autodial Not Responding Autodial device
ADJF Adjustment Failed 963
ADJU User Adjustment 963
AONL Autodial Online Autodial device
BBST Change of bit string BACnet Device
BBUF Log buffer ready BACnet Device/IQ controller
BCMF Command failure BACnet Device
BCOS Change of state BACnet Device
BCOV Change of value BACnet Device
BFLT Floating limit BACnet Device
BLIF Life safety change BACnet Device
BOHI High value out of range BACnet Device
BOLO Low value out of range BACnet Device
BOOR Value out of range BACnet Device
BTNR BT Not Responding Autodial device
BUOR Unsigned out of range BACnet Device
CDBN Created new database IQ EYE Collector
CBST Clear change of bit string BACnet Device
CCMF Clear command failure BACnet Device
CCOS Clear change of state BACnet Device
CCRI Clear Critical Alarm IQ controller
CDGT Driver Readback Alarm Cleared IQ controller
CDI0 Clear Digital Input OFF IQ controller
CDI1 Clear Digital Input ON IQ controller
CFBD Config backup file error IQ EYE Collector
CFGC Config Copied from CF Card IQ EYE Collector
CFGL New Config loaded IQ EYE Collector
CFGR Config Rollback OK IQ EYE Collector
CFLT Clear floating limit IQ controller
CGEN Clear general alarm TOPS
CHIH Clear Sensor High Alarm IQ controller
CHMK Clear High MKT Calculation 963
CHOA Clear HOA Override IQ controller
CINH Collector Inhibited IQ EYE Collector
CLIF Clear life safety change BACnet Device
CLKU User lockout cleared 963
CLMK Clear Low MKT Calculation OK 963
CLOW Clear Sensor Low Alarm IQ controller
CMNT Driver Maintenance Cleared IQ controller
COHI Clear high value out of range BACnet Device
COLO Clear low value out of range BACnet Device
CONL Controller Online IQ Controller/IQ EYE Collector
COOR Clear value out of range BACnet Device
COUT Clear Out of limits IQ controller
CPVF Clear Process Variable Fail IQ controller
CSDV Clear Set Point Deviation IQ controller
CSWO Clear Software Override IQ controller
CUOR Clear unsigned out of range BACnet Device
CXI1 General alarm 1 from and XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3
CXI2 General alarm 2 from and XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3
CXI3 General alarm 3 from and XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3

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Appendix 2 - Alarm Codes

AlarmCode Description Source Red Bell Auto Action

CXI4 General alarm 4 from and XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3
CXI5 General alarm 5 from and XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3
CXI6 General alarm 6 from and XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3
DI=0 Digital Input OFF - should be on IQ controller
DI=1 Digital Input ON - should be off IQ controller
DLFL Data logging failed 963
DLGP Data logging gap 963
DLOK Data logging OK 963
DLRC Data logging record count 963
DRAC Door Accessed BACnet Device
DRFC Door Forced Clear BACnet Device
DRFS Door Forced BACnet Device
DRHC Door Held Clear BACnet Device
DRHS Door Held BACnet Device
DROC Door Open Clear BACnet Device
DROS Door Open BACnet Device
DRSC Door Frame Clear BACnet Device
DRSF Door Frame Fail BACnet Device
DRVS Door Override BACnet Device
DVDD Device Dead BACnet Device
DVMS Device Missing 963
DVNW Device New 963
DVOK Device OK IQ controller
DYFL Diary download Failed 963
DYOK Diary download OK 963
F_CF CF Card Failure IQ EYE Collector
F_DB Database Failure IQ EYE Collector
F_OF OS Reload Required (OF) IQ EYE Collector
F_RS OS Reload Required (RS) IQ EYE Collector
FACT Actions Failure IQ EYE Collector
FACW Action Watchdog Reset IQ EYE Collector
FBAT Battery Failure IQ controller
FBST Fault change of bit string BACnet Device
FBUF Fault log buffer ready BACnet Device
FCMF Fault command failure BACnet Device
FCMW Comms Watchdog Reset IQ EYE Collector
FCOM No comms connection IQ EYE Collector
FCOS Fault change of state BACnet Device
FCOV Fault change of value BACnet Device
FDB+ s_err1 unrecoverable database error IQ EYE Collector
FDB2 s_err2 recoverable database error IQ EYE Collector
FDBC Database Corrupted IQ EYE Collector
FDBN Unable to recreate database IQ EYE Collector
FDBP s_err2 database purge error IQ EYE Collector
FDBW Database Watchdog Reset IQ EYE Collector
FDRT Dart chip failed self test IQ controller
FDX1 Report Creation Failure 1 IQ EYE Collector
FDX2 Report Creation Failure 2 IQ EYE Collector
FDX3 Report Creation Failure 3 IQ EYE Collector
FDXC Report Compression Failure IQ EYE Collector
FFLT Fault floating limit BACnet Device
FFTW Ftp watchdog Reset IQ EYE Collector
FLER File Error IQ controller
FLIOC Fail licence IQ controller
FLIF Fault life safety change BACnet Device
FLOG Logging Failure IQ EYE Collector

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Appendix 2 - Alarm Codes

AlarmCode Description Source Red Bell Auto Action

FMOD Modem not responding IQ EYE Collector
FNOC No comms data IQ EYE Collector
FNOM No monitoring data IQ EYE Collector
FOOR Fault value out of range BACnet Device
FPIA PIA Chip failed self test IQ controller
FPRM PROM chip failed self test IQ controller
FRAM RAM failed self test IQ EYE Collector
FREE Free Format Alarm IQ controller
FRTC RTC clock failed IQ controller
FSWR IQ strategy corrupt IQ controller
FTKA Time keeper alarm IQ controller
FTKP Time keeper failed IQ controller
FUOR Fault unsigned out of range BACnet Device
GENL General alarm TOPS
HELP IQ in Help IQ controller
HIGH Sensor High Alarm IQ controller
HMKT High MKT Alarm Occurred 963
HOA HOA Override IQ controller
IPHI Input High IQ controller
IPLO Input Low IQ controller
IPTP Input Tamper IQ controller
LGOF User logged out 963
LGON User logged on 963
LOW Sensor Low IQ controller
LINR Tele. Line Not responding Autodial device
LKUR User locked out 963
LMKT Low MKT Alarm Occurred 963
MINT Driver Maintenance Alarm IQ controller
MKFL MKT calculation error - see alarm log 963
MKOK MKT calculation completed OK 963
MONR Modem not responding Autodial device
NCFG No Config File IQ EYE Collector
NKAA DHCP System switched to auto- IQ controller
NKAL DHCP system switched to link-local mode IQ controller
NKBK Network Broken IQ controller
NKBL Battery Low IQ controller
NKCH Network Changed IQ controller
NKDA Network duplicate address found IQ controller
NKFL Network failed IQ controller
NKHD Deaf Ethernet node Trend device
NKOK Network OK Trend device
NKSV Network Service PIN Trend device
NKUR Unreachable Ethernet node Trend device
O/K Sensor Read Alarm Cleared IQ controller
OPOF Output Off IQ controller
OPON Output On IQ controller
OUTL Sensor Out of Limits IQ controller
PGNR Pager Not Responding IQ controller
PVFL Process Variable Fail IQ controller
RBST Clear fault change of bit string BACnet Device
RCMF Clear fault command failure BACnet Device
RCOS Clear fault change of state BACnet Device
READ Sensor Read Alarm IQ controller
RFLT Clear fault floating limit BACnet Device
RLIF Clear fault life safety change BACnet Device
ROOR Clear fault value out of range BACnet Device
RSTA Collector reset action IQ EYE Collector

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Appendix 2 - Alarm Codes

AlarmCode Description Source Red Bell Auto Action

RSTC CF Detect Reset IQ EYE Collector
RSTD Downgrade Requested IQ EYE Collector
RSTF New Config File IQ EYE Collector
RSTT Time Changed IQ EYE Collector
RSTU Upgrade Requested IQ EYE Collector
RSTZ Reset Requested IQ EYE Collector
RUOR Clear fault unsigned out of range BACnet Device
SCRI Set Critical Alarm IQ controller
SDEV Loop Setpoint Deviation Alarm IQ controller
SDGT Driver Readback Alarm IQ controller
SHDN 963 System Shutdown 963
SPIN Service PIN Alarm IQ controller
STUP 963 System Startup 963
SWO Software Override IQ controller
SYST Internal Event 963
TXFL Retransmission Failed 963
TXOK Retransmission OK 963
UBST User acknowledge change of bit string BACnet Device
UBUF User acknowledge log buffer ready BACnet Device
UCMF User acknowledge command failure BACnet Device
UCOS User acknowledge change of state BACnet Device
UCOV User acknowledge change of value BACnet Device
UFLT User acknowledge floating limit BACnet Device
ULIF User acknowledge life safety change BACnet Device
UOHI User acknowledge high value out of range BACnet Device
UOLO User acknowledge low value out of range BACnet Device
UOOR User acknowledge value out of range BACnet Device
UUOR User acknowledge unsigned out of range BACnet Device
XI1A General alarm 1 from an XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3
XI2A General alarm 2 from an XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3
XI3A General alarm 3 from an XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3
XI4A General alarm 4 from an XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3
XI5A General alarm 5 from an XNC3 has been IQ3/XNC3
XI6A General alarm 6 from an XNC3 has IQ3/XNC3
been sent
Note that the alarm code must always be entered as 4 characters even if the alarm code is less than 4 characters. E.g.
if 'LOW' should be prefixed with a space ' LOW'.

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Appendix 3 - The 963 Database


In versions of 963 prior to version 2.0, there were 5 different databases that were used to store information:
These files used the widespread Microsoft Access database format. Since version 2.0, 963 uses Microsoft SQL Server
based technology. The database server provided with the 963 installation is SQL Server 2012 SP2 Express Edition
with Tools operating in Mixed (SQL) mode and currently supports database sizes up to 10 GB.
Four of the five database files of earlier versions have now been merged into one single database (i96x_data.mdf)
containing all 963 data, while one is now obsolete (S2Comms.mdb). This SQL database contains tables, views and
stored procedures.
Users 963 that utilise the underlying database technology (e.g. through the use of VIEWQUERY or other similar
actions) may need to modify these commands and or actions.
The Point ID
The point ID is a unique key in the database that ties everything together. That is, sensor 14 on controller 33 on Lan
23 will have a unique identification number (for example, 1438). No other point will share this identification number,
it is unique!
Once the identification for a specific point is known, it is very easy to find other information associated with that
point. For example, to view all the adjustments made for a point, the Alarms table could be searched, matching the
required point ID and adjustments alarm code. SQL queries make this task very easy.
Tables and Views
Tables are the raw storage area for data. Views are more user friendly, containing ready to use set of data. Views are
created by joining tables together with the Point ID being used to establish the relationship between tables when
creating these joins. There are a large number of views and tables many the following sections list the tables and views
that maybe useful when creating your SQL queries.
Note that if a full version of SQL Server is already installed then 963 will not upgrade the SQL server. SQL Server
must then be upgraded to a full version of SQL Server 2012 SP2 separately. The installation will install SQL Server
2012 SP2 Express Edition with Tools operating in Mixed (SQL) mode. If 2008 R2 SP2 or SQL Server 2005 Express
edition is installed with MSSQLSERVER instance, it will upgrade to SQL Server 2012 SP2 Express with Tools. If an
earlier SQL version is installed the installation will fail and it will be necessary to uninstall the earlier version before
963 can be installed.
A3.1 Actions Table
The Actions table contains all current actions that appear in the 963 Scheduler. The 963 continuously monitors this
table and performs the actions as and when required.
Field Description
TheIndex Unique ID assigned for respective entry in database.
Command This is the command string that the 963 is to run at the scheduled time.
Start This is the start time of the scheduled action.
theInterval This number that identifies the interval of the scheduled action (how often it will be repeated). 0 =
5 minutes, 1 = 10 minutes, 2 = 15 minutes, 3 = 30 minutes, 4 = 1 hour, 5 = 12 hours, 6 = 24 hours,
7 = 1 week, 8 = 1 month, 9 = 1 year
Mon This a bit field having the value 0 or 1. A value of 1 indicates that the respective action is valid for
Tue This a bit field having the value 0 or 1. A value of 1 indicates that the respective action is valid for
Wed This a bit field having the value 0 or 1. A value of 1 indicates that the respective action is valid for
Thu This a bit field having the value 0 or 1. A value of 1 indicates that the respective action is valid for
Fri This a bit field having the value 0 or 1. A value of 1 indicates that the respective action is valid for

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Appendix 3 - The 963 Database

Field Description
Sat This a bit field having the value 0 or 1. A value of 1 indicates that the respective action is valid for
Sun This a bit field having the value 0 or 1. A value of 1 indicates that the respective action is valid for
NumberOfEvents This is an integer value indicating how many times the action is to run. A value of 0 indicates that
the action is to run indefinitely. 963 will decrement this value each time the action is executed and
will remove the action when it is no longer required.
NextEventAt This is the local time of when the action will next trigger.
OnFailure This is the 963 action that will be executed if the action defined in "Command" fails.
OnSuccess This is the 963 action that will be executed if the action defined in "Command" succeeds.
CreatedBy This is a string of 255 characters or less of the username that created the action.
theExpiryDate This field is reserved for future use and must be set NULL.
A3.2 AllDetailsForLans View
The AllDetailsForLans view holds information for every Lan that has been learnt and stored in the 963 database. The
view is defined as follows:
Field Description
siteID Unique ID assigned for respective entry in database.
siteLabel This is the label for the respective Lan, e.g. "My Supervisor".
siteConnectionString This is the connection string for the given Lan. This is only applicable for remote sites, e.g.
siteRemoteLan This is the device address of the remote connection on the Lan. This is normally 126.
lanID This is an index back to the table of Lans use this to retrieve additional detailed information
about a particular Lan.
lanNo This is the Trend address of the Lan.
DeviceType For internal use only.
theLabel This is the label from INC.
A3.3 AllDetailsForOutstation View
The AllDetailsForOutstation view contains all information about every device learnt and stored in the 963 database.
The view is defined as follows.
Field Description
siteID Unique ID assigned for respective entry in database.
siteLabel This is the label for the respective Lan, e.g. "My Supervisor".
siteConnectionString This is the connection string for the given Lan. This is only applicable for remote
sites, e.g. "IP100.200.300.400".
siteRemoteLAN This is the device address of the remote connection on the Lan. This is normally 126.
lanID This is an index back to the table of Lans use this to retrieve additional detailed
information about a particular Lan.
lanNo This is the Trend address of the Lan.
lanLabel This is the label of the Lan that the respective outstation belongs to.
outstationID This is a unique database ID for the respective outstation.
NodeAddress This is the address of the node on the respective Lan, e.g. 0, 1, 4-9, 11-119 or 126
OSLabel This is the label for the respective outstation.
FWVersionMajor When applicable, this will be the major firmware version number of the device for
the respective outstation.
FMVersionMinor When applicable, this will be the minor firmware version number of the device for
the respective outstation.
DeviceType This field contains the appropriate character code for the respective Trend device for
the outstation. This parameter is case sensitive.
deviceSubType The network type of the device e.g. BACnet. For Trend devices this will be blank.
This parameter is case sensitive.

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Appendix 3 - The 963 Database

Field Description
theLabel The field is identical to OSLabel.
outPin This is the PIN for the respective device.
deviCeResponse This is the Trend text communication response R(C) this normally contains a
description of the device including software version etc.
nodeIpAddrr This contains the IP address of the respective node, e.g. "" or
"#N/A#" if not applicable.
PlotsDiscoveryAttempted This parameter is set to 1 if the associated outstations plot discovery has been
performed (initiated).
overviewDevCommsResponse Contains an overview of the communications settings used for the device. This
response is used to identify the device type, device major version, device minor
version etc.
TimeMasterStatus Status of the time master. Whether the device is acting as Time master.
A3.4 CountAllAlarms View
The CountAllAlarms view is designed to give generalised information of the total frequency, number actioned and
number of cleared alarms for each point/alarm code. The table generated by this view is as follows:
Field Description
AlarmCode This the alarm code for the particular alarm e.g. "ADJU" for adjustment.
alarmCodeID This is the internal alarm code ID for the respective alarm code.
stringResID This is an internal number that identifies the human readable translation for the respective alarm
theDescription This is the description for the respective AlarmCode.
Priority This is the priority number associated with the respective alarm. A value of -1 identifies no
alarm priority.
siteLabel The name of the site for which the alarm is associated to.
connectionString The connection string used to connect to the site for which the alarm code is associated with.
lan The Lan number where the alarm originated from.
os The Outstation number where the alarm originated from.
numActioned This is a count of times that the alarm has been actioned.
theModule The entry here describes the module that is associated with the respective alarm. If the alarm
were an adjustment of a switch 10, W10 may be entered here.
ModuleLabel This is the label associated with the module. For example, if W10 had a label of "Lighting",
"Lighting" would be entered here.
controllerLabel If the alarm/event originated from a controller, the label for that controller (Outstation) will be
entered here.
lanLabel If the alarm/event originated from an outstation, this will be set to the label of the Lan where
the outstation is located.
theCount The total number of alarms.
pointID The ID of the point in alarm as specified by the database.
clearToID The ID for the specific clear alarm.
ModuleType The type of module.
numCleared The number of cleared alarms
ModuleNumber The module number.
alarmRequiresAction Indicates whether the alarm must be acknowledged by the user. When set to 1 the alarm must
be acknowledged by the user.
OriginallyCurrent indicates if the alarm is current. When set to 1 the alarm is current.

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Appendix 3 - The 963 Database

A3.5 GetAllLabelsFromPoint View

The LabelsFromController view contains a list of all points learnt and stored in the 963 database. The view is defined
as follows:
Field Description
theIndex Unique ID assigned for respective entry in database (this is the point ID).
lanID This is a unique number that identifies the respective Lan that the point information in the record
is associated with.
siteID This is a unique number that identifies the respective Site that the point information in the record
is associated with.
LanNo This is the Lan number that the point information in the record is associated with.
outstationID This is a unique number that identifies the respective Outstation (Controller etc) that the point
information in the record is associated with.
NodeAddress This is the node address (e.g. address of the controller) for the respective point.
deviceSubType This field contains the appropriate character code for the respective Trend device for the
outstation. This parameter is case sensitive.
DeviCeResponse Contains a string that identifies the controller.
FWVersionMajor The major firmware version for the device.
FWVersionMinor The minor firmware version for the device.
siteConnectionString This is the site connection string for the respective point. For IP sites this may read something
similar to IP101.102.103.104
item The actual item, for example W1 for switch 1he item is the specific point of interest.
itemtype When appropriate, this field identifies the type of information that the respective record
represents. For example, if the field item is set to W20 (switch 20) the itemtype field would be
set to W for switch.
itemnum Like itemtype, this field contains the index of the respective type. For example, if the field item
as "W20" then itemnum would be set to 20.
theValue unused
theStatus unused
theLabel This is the label that has been collected from the respective outstation e.g. "Outside Temp" for
the respective point.
theUnits This is the units for the respective point (when applicable) e.g. "DegC".
thePasswordLevel This is the PIN level for the respective point.
theType The value in this field varies upon the point type. It is used to determine the subset of the point
type. For example, in the case of a sensor, the value in this field is 0 for analogue, 1 internal
analogue, 2 digital inputs and 3 internal digitals.
DeviceType This field contains the appropriate character code for the respective Trend device (outstation)
for the respective point. For example, this field would be set to "q" if the respective point was
within an IQ3. This parameter is case sensitive
batchMode This field can be either 0 or 1. A value of 1 indicates that the point belongs to an outstation
where batch mode has been enabled.
siteLabel This field contains the name of the site for which the point belongs to.
lanLabel This field contains the name of the Lan for which the outstation of the point belongs to.
osLabel This field contains the name of the outstation for which the respective point belongs to.

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Appendix 3 - The 963 Database

A3.6 LabelsFromController View

The LabelsFromController view contains a list of all points learnt and stored in the 963 database. The view is defined
as follows:
Field Description
theIndex Unique ID assigned for respective entry in database (this is the point ID).
lanID This is a unique number that identifies the respective Lan that the point information in the record
is associated with.
siteID This is a unique number that identifies the respective Site that the point information in the record
is associated with.
LanNo This is the Lan number that the point information in the record is associated with.
outstationID This is a unique number that identifies the respective Outstation (Controller etc) that the point
information in the record is associated with.
NodeAddress This is the node address (e.g. address of the controller) for the respective point.
deviceSubType This field contains the appropriate character code for the respective Trend device for the
outstation. This parameter is case sensitive.
DeviCeResponse Contains a string that identifies the controller.
FWVersionMajor The major firmware version for the device.
FWVersionMinor The minor firmware version for the device.
siteConnectionString This is the site connection string for the respective point. For IP sites this may read something
similar to IP101.102.103.104
item The actual item, for example W1 for switch 1he item is the specific point of interest.
itemtype When appropriate, this field identifies the type of information that the respective record
represents. For example, if the field item is set to W20 (switch 20) the itemtype field would be
set to W for switch.
itemnum Like itemtype, this field contains the index of the respective type. For example, if the field item
as "W20" then itemnum would be set to 20.
theValue unused
theStatus unused
theLabel This is the label that has been collected from the respective outstation e.g. "Outside Temp" for
the respective point.
theUnits This is the units for the respective point (when applicable) e.g. "DegC".
thePasswordLevel This is the PIN level for the respective point.
theType The value in this field varies upon the point type. It is used to determine the subset of the point
type. For example, in the case of a sensor, the value in this field is 0 for analogue, 1 internal
analogue, 2 digital inputs and 3 internal digitals.
DeviceType This field contains the appropriate character code for the respective Trend device (outstation)
for the respective point. For example, this field would be set to "q" if the respective point was
within an IQ3. This parameter is case sensitive.
batchMode This field can be either 0 or 1. A value of 1 indicates that the point belongs to an outstation
where batch mode has been enabled.
siteLabel This field contains the name of the site for which the point belongs to.
lanLabel This field contains the name of the Lan for which the outstation of the point belongs to.
osLabel This field contains the name of the outstation for which the respective point belongs to.

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Appendix 3 - The 963 Database

A3.7 LastAlarmDetailsByTime View

The LastAlarmDetailsByTime view is designed to return the most recent alarms and events. The view is defined as
Field Description
pointID This is the ID for the point where the alarm originated (cross references to additional tables).
alarmCodeID This is the internal 963 ID number for the respective alarm code (these are subject to change).
AlarmCode This is the Trend alarm code for the respective alarm or event; e.g. "LGOF" for logged off.
theDescription This is a human readable description for the respective alarm or event; e.g. "user has logged
originalAlarmTime This is the time and date when the alarm was generated (normally stamped at source). e.g.
"19/05/2006 16:18:14"
userText This field normally contains the comments entered by the operator when the alarm was
TheReceivedTime This field is set to the time and date when 963 received and processed the alarm. e.g.
"19/05/2006 16:18:17"
ackedAlarm This can be either 0 or 1. A value of 1 indicates that the respective alarm has been
Priority This field contains an integer value determining the priority of the respective alarm. If the alarm
has no priority, this will be set to -1.
clearAlarmID This is for internal use only and is used to link paired alarm codes. e.g. LGON to LGOF.
IsRestoreable For internal use only. When set to 1 this indicates that the respective alarm can be restored, i.e.
LGON will be restored when LGOF is present.
theIndex For internal use: key for the respective alarm. This is always unique.
alarmRequiresAction 0 or 1. When set to 1 this indicates that the alarm must me acknowledged by an operator.
clearToID For internal use: establishes a relationship with active alarms and their cleared equivalent.
ackedUser The name of the user that acknowledged the alarm.
ackedTime The time and date when the respective alarm was acknowledged.
ClearAlarmTime The time and date when the respective alarm cleared. This is not applicable for cleared alarms.
connectionString This is the site connection string for the respective point. For IP sites this may read something
similar to IP101.102.103.104
os This is the node address (e.g. address of the controller (outstation)) for the respective point.
lan This is the Lan number that the point information in the record is associated with.
ModuleNumber This field contains the index of the respective type. For example, if the item in question is
Sensor 20 (S20) then the ModuleNumber will be 20.
ModuleType For internal use: code describing where the alarm originated from; e.g. USER for users.
theModule This will be set to the module code, e.g. S for Sensor 20.
siteLabel The label associated with the site where the alarm originated from.
lanLabel The label of the Lan where the alarm originated.
controllerLabel The label associated with the controller where the alarm originated.
lanID For internal use: unique ID associated with the Lan where the alarm originated from.
siteID For internal use: unique ID associated with the site where the alarm originated from.
outstationID For internal use: unique ID associated with the outstation where the alarm originated from.
OriginallyCurrent 0 or 1. When set to 1 the alarm has a corresponding clear alarm e.g. the alarm code LGON has
a corresponding clear code of LGOF and therefore would set this to 1

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Appendix 3 - The 963 Database

A3.8 PointValue Table

The PointValue table contains all current and historical values for recorded points of information.
Field Description
PointID This is a unique key for entries in this table. This is the Point ID.
DataTime This field contains the date and time when the value in DataValue was captured, e.g. "04/04/2006
DataValue This is the value at the time specified in DataTime.
Note the value maybe event data not the actual points value please refer to DataValueType, e.g.
sensor values would have a DataValueType of `2`.
DataValueType This field describes the type of data in DataValue, and can have the following values:
0 = Log-status
1 = Digital-value (DataValue 0=OFF, 1=ON)
2 = Analog-value (DataValue = analogue value)
3 = Enum-value
4 = Unsigned-value
5 = Signed-value
6 = Bitstring-value
7 = Null
8 = Failure
9 = Time-change
10 = Any
DataValueStatus This field contains 8 bits of status information which varies depending on what the point is. For
example, a sensor may have out of range flags.
A3.9 StrategyList Table
The StrategyList table contains a list of all the points within the 963 database. theIndex in this table is the point ID
used when joining tables.
Field Description
theIndex This is a unique key for entries in this table. This is the Point ID.
outstationID This is the ID of the outstation that this point belongs to.
item This is the code identifying the item. For example, this would be S10 for sensor 10.
theValue Used for virtual sensors only.
theStatus Used for virtual sensors only.
theLabel This is the label for the respective point, e.g. "Sensor 10".
theUnits The units for the value for the respective point e.g. "DegC".
thePasswordLevel Pin level for the respective point.
theType Not used.

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Appendix 3 - The 963 Database

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Appendix 4 - Trouble Shooting


A4.1 Display Communication Statistics
963 keeps a log of any errors that occur when communicating with particular devices in a file called iqstats.txt. This
can be imported into other applications when fault finding problem IQs etc.
To display the iqstats.txt file:
1. Display the Communications Window.
2. Click Display statistics. The iqstats.txt file will be displayed.
A4.2 Display Debugdat.txt
If the communications have been logged to the debugdat.txt file it can be displayed.
To display Debugdat.txt:
1. Display the Communications Window.
2. Click Display DEBUGDAT.TXT. The file will be displayed.

A4.3 Display Messages To/From the Client

It is possible display the messages in and out of the client. All messages will be displayed using message boxes on the
screen, and will be sorted by the source IP address.
To display the messages to/from the client:
1. Edit the [Webserver] section of the S2.INI file as below:
ShowComms=<show comms>
HideSystemComms=<hide system comms>
<show comms> specifies whether communications are displayed. 1 causes the messages to be displayed or
0 will hide them. <hide system comms> specifies whether system messages (e.g. applet login tests) which
may not be useful for diagnosing problems are displayed. Enter 0 hides the messages, 1 displays them.
A4.4 Display the Last 100 Autodialled Messages
The last 100 autodialled messages can be displayed.
To display the last 100 autodialled messages:
1. Display the Remote Connection Window.
2. Click Show last 100 ATD messages.
A4.5 Display the Last 100 TCP Messages
The last 100 TCP messages can be displayed.
To display the last 100 TCP messages:
1. Display the Remote Connection Window.
2. Click Show last 100 TCP messages.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 289

Appendix 4 - Trouble Shooting

A4.6 Display Trace_io.txt

If the communications have been logged to the trace_io.txt file it can be displayed.
To display trace_io.txt:
1. Display the Communications Window.
2. Click Display TRACE_IO.TXT. The file will be displayed.

A4.7 Log Communications

The communications can be logged to a text file called traceio.txt. Communications to remote sites over TCP/IP can
be logged to a file called debugdat.txt.
To log the comms to a text file:
1. Display the Communications Window.
2. Select the Log all comms to text file check box.
The communications will be logged to a file called traceio.txt until the box is cleared.
To log the IP comms to a text file:
1. Display the Communications Window.
2. Select the Log TCP/IP to text file check box.
The communications will be logged to a file called debugdat.txt until the box is cleared.
A4.8 Log SMS Activity
The SMS activity can be logged to a text file called smsIO.txt.
To log SMS activity:
1. Display the SMS Activity window.
2. Select the Log to smsIO.txt check box.
The SMS activity will be logged to the file until the box is cleared.

290 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 4 - Trouble Shooting

A4.9 View Device Properties

Information can be displayed about individual devices in the Device Viewer. This can be useful for fault finding 963
To view device properties:
1. Log in.

2. Click , or on the Mode menu click Device Viewer to select the Device Viewer.
3. Right-click the device for which the properties are to be displayed and click Properties. The Device
Properties dialogue box is displayed. Clicking Set Timeout enables the communications timeout to be set.
Set Timeout is only available to users with who are able to configure the Device Viewer.

Note that the information is that stored in the 963's database, and may differ from that actually in the device.
For information directly from the device right click the device and click View Device Details.
A4.10 Problems with Defragmentation Programs
The 963 uses CrypKey to perform the licensing functions. Sometimes after disk defragmentation using Speed Disk
included in Norton utilities the 963 licence is lost, and it is not possible to run 963. This is because if the CrypKey
files are moved during the defragmentation process the licence is invalidated. To prevent this Speed Disk must be
configured not to move the CrypKey files.
Configuring Speed Disk not to move the CrypKey files:
1. Run Speed Disk.
2. On the File menu point to Options, then point to Customize, and then click Unmovable files.
3. Specify *.ENT, *.KEY, and *.RST as unmovable files.
4. Save the changes.
It is probable that other defragmentation programs will cause the same problem. If this occurs you should follow the
instructions provided with the program to specify *.ENT, *.KEY, and *.RST as unmovable files.
A4.11 Problems with Virus Scanning and Anti Spyware Programs
The 963 uses CrypKey to perform the licensing functions. Some anti spyware and virus scanning programs see one
of the crypkey files (crypserv.exe) as a potentially harmful file and delete it. This results in the 963 displaying the
following message No network directory - check crypkey has been configured for this directory and 963 will not
run up.
To prevent this problem from happening again, set up the virus scanner and anti spyware software to exclude the 963
directory and the crypkey files. If it is not possible to configure the software it may be necessary to remove the anti
If this problem has occurred follow the procedure below.
To add the link to the CrypKey service:
1. In the 'c:\program files\trend control systems\963' directory double click 103.bat.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 291

Appendix 4 - Trouble Shooting

A4.12 Extended Logging Communications Error Codes

When loading graphs from a controller, if there is an error an error code may be shown alongside the trace name.

Error Code Definition Description

1004 No Records The controller was reporting that there are no logs available for recovery.
Remedy; Use a different plot module and/or check if logs present in
1006 Log Error Request There was a comms error whilst trying to retrieve log data. Could be a result
of a timeout, bad communications connectivity or lost communications
Remedy; Resolve communications problems.
1009 Log not Synchronised 963 attempted to use a compact log request on a plot that is not synchronised.
Compact log retrieval cannot be used for this plot module.
Remedy; Use precision messages.
1015 No Protocol Support There is no protocol support to retrieve data from a plot module. E.g.
requesting a triggered log using compact is invalid.
Remedy; Use precision comms.
1017 Plot Discovery Error There was an error discovering the controllers plot module.
Remedy; Check communications are okay.
1018 Plot Not Discovered 963 attempted to record data for a plot module that does not exist in the 963
Remedy; Collect labels for the device containing the plot module.

292 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings


There are two .INI files used by 963:
Both of these files are located in the install directory. They contain settings used by 963 to store its operating data, or
to allow experienced users to tune parameters previously hidden in the program code. This section describes the format
of these two files, and the different settings. Not all settings exist by default; they are only required if conditions on a
site demand it.
Format of the INI Files
The INI files are divided into a number of sections. Each of these sections specifies a number of parameters in the
following format:
[section name]
keywordl=setting1, setting2 ......................................
keyword2=setting1, setting2 ......................................

This file contains all settings for controlling the communications with the IQ network, most users will not see, or want
to modify this file. Some of the settings are controlled and written to by the software and others can be directly
modified by an engineer.
Caution: only make changes to this file if you understand what you are doing, and make a backup first.
The file is divided into the following sections.
[ALARMS] Section
[ANC] Section
[GROUPING] Section
[IO] Section
[NETWORK] Section
[RETRIES] Section
[TIMEOUTS] Section
A5.1.1 [ALARMS] Section
963 will generate a SYST alarm in case an alarm module is invalid. A module is validated by a regular expression.
By default regular expression is as follows:

This regular expression can be changed in future by changing following parameters in tcommsrv.ini file.

Keyword Default Description

BAUD 9600 Specifies the baud rate for communications with the alarm printer. For serial printers it is
recommended that this be set to 9600. This is only required if a serial printer is being used.
BufferSize 1000 Specifies the maximum number of alarms that can be stored. The default is 1000. This can
be set to any integer. If it is set to 0 then alarms are not stored and they will not be
acknowledged by the 963. To prevent the buffer from becoming too large it is not
recommended that it be set to larger than 1000.
ColumnsAcross 80 Specifies the width in characters of the column for alarm printing. The default is 80 and it is
recommended that this is not changed.
OutputDevice LPT1 Specifies the output port (COM or serial) to which the default alarm printer is connected, or
the name of the printer used for alarms. This can be set to LPT<n>, or COM<n> where <n>
is the number of the port, or the name of the printer e.g. HP OfficeJet Pro 1150 C to specify
a printer on the same PC called HP OfficeJet Pro 1150 C, or \\anotherPC\HP OfficeJet Pro
1150 C to specify a printer called HP OfficeJet Pro 1150 C on a computer called another
PrintingEnabled FALSE Specifies whether alarm printing is enabled. It is set by 963 when the user switches printing
on or off from the Alarm Viewer. FALSE means that alarm printing is disabled, TRUE
means that it is enabled.
SOCKET 2774 Specifies the socket number on which 963 will listen for alarms sent using TCP/IP. This is
set by 963.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 293

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

Keyword Default Description

StopBits 1 Specifies the number of stop bits used in communications with the alarm printer. For serial
printers it is recommended that this be set to 1.
USETCP 0 Specifies whether the 963 listens for alarms sent using TCP/IP. It is set by 963, 0 means that
the 963 will not listen for the alarm, 1 means that it will.
A5.1.2 [ANC] Section
Keyword Default Description
IdleTimeToDropLine 60 Specifies how long in seconds 963 should wait when there is no comms before it
drops the line. This helps to avoid large telephone bills.
NumRefreshes 10 Specifies then maximum number of times a value can be refreshed before the line is
PollingInterval 60 Specifies the interval, in seconds, between modem polling.
PollModems 1 Enables/disables regular polling of modem status. 1 enables modem polling, 0
disables it. It should only be disabled on sites with large numbers of modems where
there is a problem within network traffic.
SecondsForLineToDrop 2 Specifies how long 963 should wait after sending out a line drop command before
it asks the modem to dial a new number. Increasing this value can slow the switches
from telephone number to telephone number but may make it more reliable. Defaults
to 60 seconds.
A5.1.3 [GROUPING] Section
Keyword Description
Devices Specifies the device list that is presented when adding an autodialled site. Each device type should be
separated by a comma ,. E.g. Devices=MNC, ANC,TMN-H,XN28,TMN-E
NoDialOut Enables 963 to be prevented from dialling out from a specific device. To prevent the use of a device on
the internetwork the entry should take the following format:
I<address on internetwork>
Where <address on internetwork> specifies the address of the device on the internetwork.
This would prevent the use the device at address 102 on the internetwork.
To prevent the use of a device on the local Lan the entry should take the following format:
L<address on local Lan>
Where <address on local Lan> specifies the address of the device on the local Lan.
telephone Forces 963 to use a particular device when dialling the specified telephone number. E.g.
number 0123 467890=L64
This would force 963 to use the autodialling device at address 64 on the Local Lan whenever it dialled
the telephone number 0123 467890.
Each device specified by the Devices keyword must also have an entry that determines the text comms identifier by
inserting an entry in the format shown below:
<Device Type>=<Identifier>
Where <Device Type> specifies the device type e.g. MNC and <Identifier> is the required text comms identifier. It
can be set to any of the following.
Device Type Identifier
ANC x (x is anything else that is not defined).
XN28 X

294 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

It is possible to force 963 to use a particular type of dialler when dialling a specific number by inserting an entry in
the format shown below:
<Phone Number>=<Device Type>
Where <Phone Number> is the telephone number that is being dialled. <Device Type> specifies the type of device
that can be used.
The example above specifies an MNC must be used when dialling the telephone number 6447.
A5.1.4 [IO] Section
Keyword Default Description
BAUD 9600 Specifies the baud rate used to communicate with the node connecting 963 to the
network it can be set to any valid baud rate. However because 963 automatically
scans the baud rates it will not have any effect unless the automatic scanning of the
baud rate has been turned off; (POLLING=0).
COMM 0 Specifies the COM port number used to connect to the IQ network. It can be set to
any valid COM port number. The 963 sets this parameter (range 1, 2, 3,4).
CommsRequestPoolSize 50 Determines the responsiveness of the comms. Increasing this value can improve
comms responsiveness at the expense of using more PC resources.
MaxRequestsPerFrame 0 Sets the maximum number of item requests per message. Removing this entry or
setting it to 0 switches off the safety feature.
MODE 1 Should always be set to 1 unless the 963 is directly connected to an IQ1s local
supervisor port when it should be set to 2.
POLLING 1 Enables the auto-scan baud rate feature to be enabled/disabled. It can be set to 1, or
0. 1 enables the auto-scan baud rate feature, and 0 disables it. This should normally
be set to 1.
SameIQFrameDelay 2000 Specifies the delay in Ms between frames sent to the same device. This can be used
to prevent overloading the device.
SERIALPORTSERVER - Specifies the IP address of the device which 963 is to use to connect to the IQ
network when it is communicating using TCP/IP.
SOCKETFROM 10005 Specifies the first socket in the range of port numbers on the Device to which 963
can connect.
SOCKETTO 10007 Specifies the last socket in the range of port numbers on the device to which 963
can connect.
USETCP 0 Specifies whether the 963 is to connect to the IQ network using TCP/IP. This
parameter is set by 963, when set to 1 963 will communicate using TCP/IP, and
the comport setting (COMM=x) is ignored. When a comport is specified, 963 will
set it to 0.
A5.1.5 [NETWORK] Section
Keyword Default Description
IgnoreNWOK 0 This can be used if 963s main connection is using an EINC with address> 100. If 963 thinks
the network is broken it will stop all comms. Sometimes an EINC at an address >100 can cause
this to occur. Setting this to 1 prevents 963 from stopping comms. In most cases, this should
be left at the default of 0.
A5.1.6 [RETRIES] Section
Keyword Default Description
ConditionalTextComms 1 Number of retries for text comms.
IgnoreDelFail 0 Enables/disables 963 low level retries. 0 enables it, 1 disables it.
LocalSite 1 Number of retries for local sites.
RemoteSites 1 Number of retries for remote sites.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 295

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

A5.1.7 [TIMEOUTS] Section

Keyword Default Description
IP Address Specifies the time out in mS for the TCP/IP remote site accessed via the specified
IP address.
LocalNetworkMap 30000 Specifies the time out in Ms for mapping the local site. Should be increased if the
site continually times out during mapping.
LocalSite 4000 Specifies the initial time out in mS for the local site.
MaxLocalSite 6000 Specifies the upper limit in mS for the time out of the local site.
MinLocalSite 4000 Specifies the lower limit in mS for the time out of the local site.
RemoteATDSites 30000 Specifies the time out in mS for autodialled (modem) remote sites.

RemoteATDNetworkMap 30000 Specifies the time out in Ms for mapping a remote ATD site. Should be increased
if the site continually times out during mapping.
RemoteTCPSites 30000 Specifies the time out in mS for TCP/IP remote sites.
RemoteTCPNetworkMap 30000 Specifies the time out in Ms for mapping a remote TCP site. Should be increased
if the site continually times out during mapping.
TeleLanOs Specifies the time out in mS for the specified device.

For the local site, there are 3 settings- a starting value (LocalSite), then two limits (MinLocalSite) and (MaxLocalSite).
963 will initially use the starting value, and then adjust the time out within the range defined by the MaxLocalSite,
and MinLocalSite settings. If time outs are occurring on schematic pages, it may be necessary to adjust these
parameters. The table below lists the keywords, and their purpose.
It is possible to specify a different time out for a specific device by adding an entry for that device into this section in
the format shown below:
<Phone Number> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address>=<Time out>
<Phone Number> is an optional parameter that specifies the telephone number used to access the site if it is
autodialled. <Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). 0 specifies
the local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10). <Time
out> specifies the time out in mS for that device.
The example above specifies a time out of 60000 mS for device 21 on Lan 99 accessed with the telephone number

296 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

A5.2 S2.INI
This file contains all settings specific to 963. Some of the settings are controlled and written to by the software and
others can be directly modified by an engineer.
Caution: only make changes to this file if you understand what you are doing, and make a backup first.
The file is divided into the following sections:
[AlarmPrinting] Section
[ALARMS] Section
[ClientAlarmViewer] Section
[COLOURS] Section
[COMMS] Section
[Database] Section
[DeviceDiscovery] Section
[DeviceViewer] Section
[DIARY] Section
[EMAIL] Section
[EXTRA] Section
[GenericAddresses] Section
[GRAPHS] Section
[ICONS] Section
[LANGUAGE] Section
[LOGGING] Section
[PrintTemplate] Section
[NormalBatchComms] Section
[retransmission] Section
[Scheduler] Section
[SchedulerFilterSearch] Section
[Schematics] Section
[SMS] Section
[SOUND] Section
[StaticObjects] Section
[TCPIP] Section
[TSS] Section
[WebAlarms] Section
[WebServer] Section
A5.2.1 [AlarmPrinting] Section
Keyword Default Description
PrintText <LABEL><TAB><ALARMDESC><TAB><TIME> The default print layout for alarm groups.
Site -><SITE><TAB>" lan -><LANLABEL><TAB> os -
The [ALARMQUICKFILTER] stores the last 100 manual entries that have been used in the Quick Filter area of the
Alarm History display and can be recalled by the user from selecting the list.
Keyword Default Description
0-99 - The filter information. E.g. 0=OUTL
There is a separate keyword for each
of the 100 filters.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 297

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

A5.2.3 [ALARMS] Section

Keyword Default Description
CumulativeExtraText 0 When set to 1 extra text feature is cumulative, i.e. every
matching item is added to the last.
DaysToKeep 180 The length of time 963 keeps old, cleared alarms. The
database is tested every 24 hours for old alarms.
DefaultAction BEEP The default alarm action, now superseded by the default
alarm group in 963.
ExtraTextSeperator <NEWLINE><TAB> The default text to insert between every matching text item
(see CumulativeExtraText)
HideAutoAction 0 Specifies whether automatically actioned alarms are
hidden. When set to 1 automatically actioned alarms are
hidden from all alarm views except Historic. When set to 0
automatically actioned will be visible.
PointAlarmsSelect * The fields from the alarm database that are displayed in the
Alarm Points window when the alarms for a particular point
are viewed from a schematic page.
PurgeHour Hour 963 started The hour of the day that 963 will purge old alarms.
PurgeOldCurrent 0 When set to 1 963 will purge old alarms even if they are
still current.
PurgeOldUnAcked 0 When set to 1 963 will purge old cleared alarms even if they
are not actioned.
UseLocalLookup 0 When set to 1 963 will get the alarm description from the lookup
table in 963s database even if the incoming alarm is text.
UserLevelAlarmActionComments 1 Specifies whether the list in the Comments box in the Alarm
Action box contains previous comments enter by all users, or
just the current user. 1 = current user, 0 = all users.
A5.2.4 [BACnetDriver] Section
Keyword Default Description
STARTDRIVER 1 When set to 1 963 will automatically run TOPS when it is started providing TOPS has
been installed and licensed.
STOPDRIVER 1 When set to 1 963 will automatically shutdown TOPS when it is closed
A5.2.5 [ClientAlarmViewer] Section
Keyword Default Description
AlarmHistoryCount 50 The number of alarms displayed in the clients alarm history.
A5.2.6 [COLOURS] Section
Keyword Default Description
CommsBusy Red (255) The colour of the comms lights when the comms is busy, specified using a code as
explained below.
CommsOn Green (65280) The colour of the comms lights when there is comms, specified using a code as
explained below.
NoComms Grey (8355711) The colour of the comms lights when there is no comms, specified using a code as
explained below.
The code used to specify the colour is calculated according to the following formula:
(red value x 1) + (green value x 256) + (blue value x 65536)
The red value, green value, and blue value can be in the range 0 to 255 where 255 is 100% of the colour, and 0 is 0%
of the colour.
Red = (255 x 1) + (0 x 256) + (0 x 65536) =255 +0+0 =255
Green = (0 x 1) + (255 x 256) + (0 x 65536) =0 +65280+0 =65280
Blue = (0 x 1) + (0 x 255) + (255 x 65536) =0 +0+16581375=16711680
For a colour made up of 100% red, 50% green, and 25% blue:
(255 x 1) + (128 x 256) + (64 x 65536) =255 +32768+4194304=4227327

298 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

A5.2.7 [COMMS] Section

Keyword Default Description
ShowDiallerBalloons 1 When set to 1 the 963 displays balloons indicating dialler activity. 0 disables this
A5.2.8 [CONFIGMODE] Section
Keyword Default Description
CapsLock 1 When set to 1 the caps lock will be automatically enabled when 963 enters configuration mode
on a device.
A5.2.9 [DATABASE] Section
Keyword Default Description

DbName i96x The name of the database used by 963.

DetachAftershutdown 1 When set to 1 963 will detach from the database when it
is shutdown.
Directory <DATA\Database The directory in which the 963's database is located.
MinSizeDBTableForDefragmentation 50 Specifies minimum size of database tables in MB to
qualify for index defragmentation check.
MixedMode 0 Specifies whether the 963 connects to the database using
Windows Authentication, or SQL Authentication. 1=
SQL Authentication, 0=Windows Authentication.
Restore 0 Specifies whether 963 will restore its database when it is
restarted. 1 = restore, 0= no restore.
Service MSSQLSERVER The name of the SQL service.
Server . Specifies whether 963's database is located locally, or on
a remote server. When set to '.' 963 looks for the database
on locally in the location specified in the Database
Properties dialogue box, see the 'Change the Database
Location' section of this manual. If the database is not
local specify the name of the PC on which it is located.
963 will then look for the database on the specified PC in
the location specified in the Database Properties
dialogue box.
ShrinkDB 1 When set to 1 the 963 will compact the database on start
up. When using this feature 963 must be configured to
detach the database after shutdown.
StopRemindingOfDatabaseMaintenance 0 Specifies whether 963 will send out a maintenance
reminder message or not. The value is set to 1 when Dont
remind me again is clicked. While this value is 1, user
will not get the database maintenance reminder message.
This value remains 1 until 963 starts up next time.
ThresholdForIndexDefragmentation 40 Specifies how fragmented an index is in % to qualify for
index defragmentation.
ThresholdForIndexRebuild 60 Specifies how fragmented an index is in % to qualify for
index rebuild.
Username i96X Specifies the username used to connect to the database
when mixed mode is enabled.
A5.2.10 [DeviceDiscovery] Section
Keyword Default Description
IntelligentPlotLabelling 1 Specifies whether intelligent plot labelling in ON/OFF. 1 = ON, 0 = OFF.
LearnSwitches 1 Specifies whether the labels of switches are learnt when 963 learns labels.
When set to '0' the switch labels are not learnt, when set to '1' they are.
LearnSensors 1 Specifies whether the labels of sensors are learnt when 963 learns labels.
When set to '0' the sensor labels are not learnt, when set to '1' they are.
LearnDrivers 1 Specifies whether the labels of drivers are learnt when 963 learns labels.
When set to '0' the driver labels are not learnt, when set to '1' they are.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 299

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

Keyword Default Description

LearnDigitalDrivers 1 Specifies whether the labels of digital drivers are learnt when 963 learns
labels. When set to '0' the digital driver labels are not learnt, when set to '1'
they are.
LearnKnobs 1 Specifies whether the labels of knobs are learnt when 963 learns labels. When
set to '0' the knobs labels are not learnt, when set to '1' they are.
LearnDigitalInputs 1 Specifies whether the labels of digital inputs are learnt when 963 learns
labels. When set to '0' the digital input labels are not learnt, when set to '1'
they are.
LearnCriticalAlarms 1 Specifies whether the labels of critical alarms are learnt when 963 learns
labels. When set to '0' the critical alarm labels are not learnt, when set to '1'
they are.
LearnZones 1 Specifies whether the labels of timezones are learnt when 963 learns labels.
When set to '0' the timezone labels are not learnt, when set to '1' they are.
LearnPlots 1 Specifies whether the labels of plot modules are learnt when 963 learns
labels. When set to '0' the display and directory module labels are not learnt,
when set to '1' they are.
LearnDisplayAndDirectory 1 Specifies whether the labels of display and directory modules are learnt when
963 learns labels. When set to '0' the display and directory module labels are
not learnt, when set to '1' they are.
IQ3DiscoveryMethodListWalk 0 Specifies whether 963 uses the list walk (used by 963 before v3.10) is used.
When set to '0' the new method is used. When set to '1' the list walk is used.
A5.2.11 [DeviceViewer] Section
Keyword Default Description
CompactLogging 1 Specifies whether the Graph Point option is available when right clicking on a value in
the Device Viewer. This allows the user to be prevented from accessing a compact graph.
1 = Compact log available, 0 = compact log not available.
OverwriteLabels 1 Specifies whether 963 will overwrite existing labels when collecting labels from the system
1= labels overwritten, 0=do not overwrite.
A5.2.12 [DIARY] Section
Keyword Default Description
AlowZoneReuse 0 Specifies whether the timezones can be used by more than one diary group.
0=timezones can only be used by one group, 1=timezones can be used by more than
one group.
RetryIntervalCode 5 If a diary download fails, it will try again after a specified interval. The interval code
can be one of the following code numbers 0= 5 minutes, 1 = 10 minutes, ;2 = 15
minutes, 3 = 30 minutes, 4 = 1 hour, 5 = 12 hours, 6 = 1 day
A5.2.13 [Dialler Status] Section
Keyword Default Description
ShowBalloonInTaskBar 1 Set to 0 to hide the dialler status balloon and set to 1 to see the dialler status balloon.
[Dialler Status]

A5.2.14 [DYNAMICOBJECTS] Section

Keyword Default Description
AdjustConfirm 1 Set to 0 to disable the Are You Sure? message when
adjusting a dynamic object.
CustomBackColour 0 (clear) Default value for the Background Colour attribute.
DefaultAutoResize 1 Default value for the Resize attribute.
DefaultDecPlaces 1 Default value for the Number of decimal places
DefaultDisplayAs Value Default value for the Display as attribute.
DefaultFont Arial Default value for the Font attribute.
DefaultFontBold 1 Default value for the Bold attribute.

300 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

Keyword Default Description

DefaultFontItalic 0 Default value for the Italic attribute.
DefaultFontSize 18 Default value for the Height attribute.
DefaultFontUnderline 0 Default value for the Underline attribute.
DefaultFrameRate 10 Default value for the Framerate attribute.
DefaultHeight 50 Default value for the Height attribute.
DefaultItem S1 Default value for the Item Ref attribute.
DefaultLabel Default value for the Label attribute.
DefaultLan 0 Default value for the Lan attribute.
DefaultOnError <ERROR> Default value for the On Error attribute.
DefaultOs 24 Default value for the Node Address attribute.
DefaultOverridenOff <FLASHBORDER>+Default when off Default value for the Overridden OFF attribute.
DefaultOverridenOn <FLASHBORDER>+Default when on Default value for the Overridden ON attribute.
DefaultPIN -1 Default value for the Pin Level attribute.
DefaultRefresh 30 Default value for the Refresh rate attribute.
DefaultShadow 0 Default value for the Shadow attribute.
DefaultTele 0 Default value for the Tele attribute.
DefaultTextColour 0,0,0 Default value for the text colour attribute
DefaultToolTip Default value for the Tooltip attribute.
DefaultTransColour 0,0,0 Default value for the transparency colour attribute
DefaultTransparent 0 Default value for the Transparency attribute.
DefaultUnits Default value for the Units attribute.
DefaultVisible 1 Default value for the Visible attribute.
DefaultWhenAlarm Alarm Default value for the When In Alarm attribute.
DefaultWhenOff Off Default value for the When Off attribute.
DefaultWhenOn On Default value for the When On attribute.
DefaultWhenWait Wait Default value for the While Waiting attribute.
DefaultWidth 50 Default value for the Width attribute.
MinRefesh 5 Specifies the minimum refresh interval allowed for
dynamic objects in seconds.
UseCustomBackColour 0 Specifies whether a custom colour is used for the
background colour attribute.
A5.2.15 [EMAIL] Section
Keyword Default Description
MimeEnabled 1 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an Internet standard that extends
the format of email to support:
Text in character sets other than ASCII, Non-text attachments, Message bodies with
multiple parts and Header information in non-ASCII character sets.
1=enabled, 0=disabled.
NOTE: This setting is only applicable for sending email via SMTP (without SSL.).
A5.2.16 [EXTRA] Section
Keyword Default Description
AddTrendWebLinks1 When set to 1 963 will automatically add linked to the Trend web site if they have
been deleted. Set to 0 to stop this.
ExpandTrees 1 Causes 963 to initially expand the tree in the Navigator when the Diary Display is
accessed. 1 causes the tree to initially be expanded, 0 causes it to initially be
ForceProjectDir 0 When set to 1 the 963 will use the directory specified by Selected Dir directory
without asking the user.
FORCEZONEENABLE 0 Specifies whether 963 checks the firmware version of an IQ controller before
attempting to adjust its time zone. When set to 0 the check will be carried out,
when set to 1 the check will not be performed.
SelectedDir - Specifies the last project directory used by 963.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 301

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

Keyword Default Description

SelectProjectDir 0 Enables/disables project handling which allows a single 963 to access data from
directories other than its own. 1 enables project handling 0 disables it.
Softkeyboard 0 When set to 1 963 will display links to the software keyboard. For use with touch
Softkeypad 0 When set to 1 963 will display links to the software keypad. For use with touch
A5.2.17 [FilesNotAllowedToView]
This section contains a list of file extensions not allowed through the web server once the user has logged in. By
default, 963 does not allow EXE, Dll, Ckn, Ini, Dat, Mdb, Mdf, Ndf, Ldf, and scc through. To prevent other files types
being allowed through then the file extensions must be added into this section in the format shown below:
<File Extension>=1
<File Extension> is the file extension of files that are to be allowed through.
A5.2.18 [GenericAddresses] Section
Keyword Default Description
GenericLan 0 The Lan of the last device specified by the SETGENERIC action.
GenericOS 24 The network address of the last device specified by the SETGENERIC action.
GenericTele - The telephone number/IP address of the last device specified by the SETGENERIC action.
A5.2.19 [GRAPHS] Section
Keyword Default Description
DpResolution 2 Specifies the number of decimal places used on the server (not client) to display the
values for a graph trace when the graph data is displayed.
NumberOfPoints 96 The number of points collected for a graph on the server when a precision graph is
MaxNumPlaybackPoints - The maximum number of points displayed on a graph when recorded data is played
A5.2.20 [ICONS] Section
This section enables the size of icons. The table below lists the keywords, and their purpose.
Keyword Default Description
Size 32 The size in pixels of the icons displayed in the various lists and the Navigator of 963. Set
lower to see more items/page. Changing this value requires a restart for all lists to be re-
A5.2.21 [IPADDRESS] Section
This section enables access to the 963 server to be restricted. The table below lists the keywords, and their purpose.
Keyword Default Description
DENYONLY 1 When set to 1 the default access for the 963s web server is for all IP addresses to have access.
When set to 0 the default access is to prevent access to all IP addresses.
IP Addresses - The IP addresses allow exceptions to the default access to be set up i.e. if the default accesses
is to block all IP addresses a particular IP address can be granted access.
To specify an address that can access the 963 server enter the IP address followed by 1 in the
format below:

To specify an address that cannot access the 963 server enter the IP address followed by 0 in
the format below:

For example the following will prevent access to all IP addresses except and

302 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

A5.2.22 [LANGUAGE] Section

Keyword Default Description
ValueUnitsBidiCode <LRO>/ <LRE> This enables the config screen to be rendered Left to Right (irrespective
(from v3.62 of the LTR and RTL configuration of the operating system).
5 new variables for - <LRO> - Left to Right Override
RTL languages <RLO> - Right to Left Override
<PDF> - Pop Directional Formatting
<RLE> - Left to Right Embedding
<LRE> - Right to Left Embedding

Where XXX is:

<LRO> * default
This only applies to RTL languages.
When a dynamic point on the server schematics is in a RTL environment and that point is configured to display
VALUE UNITS, the XXX code is appended to the start of the text displayed on the screen.
A5.2.23 [LOGGING] Section
This section enables logging settings to be specified.
Keyword Default Description
ExtendedCompactTIN 0 Specifies the precision of the compact protocol to be selected. The compact protocol
can be either single or double precision. With single precision the values are sent as a
percentage of maximum value minus the minimum value (i.e. maximum error of 1%);
these integer percentage values are each coded and communicated as one ASCII
character. The values are sent back with the start time and period so that the time
points are calculated in the supervisor.
Double precision plots use the same algorithm as for the single precision plots, but
use two ASCII characters to code the percentage value and thus have a maximum
error of 0.01% (i.e. 0 to 9999). They take approximately twice the time to
0=single precision logging, 1 = double precision logging.
Overlap 0 Specifies the number of samples to overlap when requesting data from a plot module
e.g. record data from record count 1-100 then next attempt to record from 90-180 if
overlap was set to 10.
Caution avoid using negative values.
PrecisionResolution 2 Specifies the number of decimal places the controller will return for a value. Can be
set in the range 0 to 9. e.g. 4 would return '4.5613' and 2 would return '4.56'; 0=lets
the controller decide what resolution i.e. don't request any specific resolution.
A5.2.24 [LonBatchComms] Section
This section enables the refreshing of points from LONWORKS devices to be specified.

Keyword Description
BatchInterval The delay in seconds between each batch request (default 1 second)
MaxRequestsBeforePause The length of time in seconds before the batch process repeats itself, this is a delay in
seconds before the whole process starts again (default 5 seconds)
PauseInterval The delay in seconds between each batch request (default 1 second).
BatchSize Specifies the number of requests/items per batch (default 10).

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 303

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

A5.2.25 [PrintTemplate] Section

Keyword Default Description
DefaultPrintTemplate - The name of the default print template.
A5.2.26 [NormalBatchComms] Section
This section enables the refreshing of points from LONWORKS devices to be specified.

Keyword Description
BatchInterval The delay in seconds between each batch request (default 1 second)
MaxRequestsBeforePause The length of time in seconds before the batch process repeats itself, this is a delay in
seconds before the whole process starts again (default 5 seconds)
PauseInterval The delay in seconds between each batch request (default 1 second).
BatchSize Specifies the number of requests/items per batch (default 10).
SchematicSizeForAutoBatch Specifies the number of values on a schematic page before the requests for data are
batched according to the settings above.

304 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

A5.2.27 [retransmission] Section

Keyword Default Description
wipemore 0 Specifies whether 963 adds <<More>> to the first frame of a message that
will not fit into a single Trend frame. 0 = <<More>> added, 1 = <<More>>
not added.
A5.2.28 [Scheduler] Section
This section enables to set the execution order for scheduler actions. 963 executes these actions via two independent
queues. User can enable the order for both these queue using this section.
Keyword Default Description
ActionsSortedByDateTime 0 When set to '0' action picked up based on ascending alphabetical order of
command name and when set to '1' action with earliest due time will picked
up first.

A5.2.29 [SchedulerFilterSearch] Section

This section stores the search strings the user has entered when filtering the Event Scheduler display. There is a
separate key for each search string e.g.
A5.2.30 [Schematics] Section
Keyword Default Description
FitToPage 0 The default setting for the fit to page option.
MaxRecordingretries 2 The number of times it will try to load data on a page before it is recorded.
MinutesAllowedForRecording 2 The length of time in minutes 963 will wait for all the values to be collected
on a page before it is recorded. Default is 2 minutes.
NoToolTips 0 When set to 1 the tooltips are not displayed for objects on a schematic page.
SchemCommsDelay 0 The delay after the page has loaded before any comms are started. Use this to
stop unnecessary comms when users flick from page to page without waiting.
A5.2.31 [SMS] Section
Keyword Default Description
BAUD 9600 The baud rate for communication between the GSM modem and the PC.
PINAttempts 3 The number of times 963 will try to enter a PIN to if one is required to access the SIM.
TIMEOUT 5000 The length of time in Ms 963 will wait for a response from the SMS modem.
A5.2.32 [SOUND] Section
Keyword Default Description
BEEP 0 Enables/disables beeping. 1 enables beeping, 0 disables it.
CLICKDURATION 75 The length of a confirmation beep in mS.
CLICKFREQ 1000 The tone for a confirmation beep. It can be any integer, the lower the number, the
lower the frequency.
ERRORDURATION 300 The length of an error beep in mS.
ERRORFREQ 320 The tone for an Error response beep. It can be any integer, the lower the number,
the lower the frequency.
OKDURATION 75 The length of the beep in mS.
OKFREQ 880 The tone for an OK response beep. It can be any integer, the lower the number,
the lower the frequency.
A5.2.33 [StaticObjects] Section
Keyword Default Description
CustomBackColour 0 Default value for the background colour.
DefaultAutoResize 1 Default value for autosize attribute.
DefaultDisplayAs - Default value for To Display attribute.

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Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

Keyword Default Description

DefaultFont Arial Default value for font used by the attribute.
DefaultFontBold 0 Default value for bold text.
DefaultFontItalic 0 Default value for italic text.
DefaultFontSize 18 Default value for the font size.
DefaultFontUnderline 0 Default value for underlined text attribute.
DefaultFrameRate 10 Default value for Framerate attribute.
DefaultHeight 50 Default value for Height attribute.
DefaultOnTouch - Default value for Command attribute.
DefaultPIN -1 Default value for PIN attribute.
DefaultShadow 0 Default value for shadow attribute.
DefaultTextColour 0,0,0 Default value for the Colour attribute.
DefaultTooltip - Default value for Tooltip attribute.
DefaultTransColour 0,0,0 Default value for the transparency colour
DefaultTransparent 0 Default value for whether the transparency colour is used.
DefaultVisible 1 Default value for the visible attribute.
DefaultWidth 50 Default value for Width attribute.
UseCustomBackColour 0 Default value for the use background colour.
A5.2.34 [TCPIP] Section
Keyword Default Description
ResolveIPs 0 Set to 1 to force 963 to ask for and display PC names rather than IP addresses when remote
clients are accessing the server. YOU MUST HAVE A WORKING DNS (name server).
SERVER 80 Specifies the port (socket) number of the 963 Server. Only change if the port is already in use by
another application on the same PC.
A5.2.35 [TEXTFILEMANAGE] Section
Keyword Default Description
FILETYPE 0 Specifies whether 963 reads and writes ASCII files, or unicode files. The default is to read/write
ASCII files. It is therefore necessary to change the file management to use unicode files if
unicode characters will be read from, or written to e.g. for those using 963 in languages using
unicode characters such as Chinese.
0=ASCII, 1=Unicode
A5.2.36 [TSS] Section
Keyword Default Description
BrowserRefresh 30 Specifies the refresh rate in seconds used by the Device Viewer.
CacheCheckingInterval 30 Specifies the interval in seconds at which the web-cache checks for
unwanted requests
CacheRefresh 30 Specifies the refresh rate in seconds used by the web-server cache.
CacheRetentionTime 90 Specifies the time in seconds the web cache holds onto live value
requests. Default is 90s.
CacheStaleValueTime 3xCacheRefresh Specify how long a value is allowed to stay in the cache before it is
ClientSchematicWindowHeight -1 The height in pixels of the schematic window on a client.
ClientSchematicWindowWidth -1 The width in pixels of the schematic window on a client
GraphRefresh 30 The Default refresh rate in seconds for a graph set to chart mode.
NavigatorWidth - The last size of the Navigator.
SchematicHeight -1 The height in pixels of the schematic applet inside the schematic
window on a client.
SchematicWidth -1 The width in pixels of the schematic applet inside the schematic
window on a client.
XSPACE 2 The vertical gap between objects arranged on a schematic page
using CTRL+R.

306 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

Keyword Default Description

YSPACE 2 The horizontal gap between objects arranged on a schematic page
using CTRL+R.
This section contains a list of file extensions allowed through the web server before the user has logged in. By default,
963 allows GIF, JPG, BMP, HTM, XML, XSL, and HTML files through. If HTML pages use other content, e.g.
Shock Wave files (.SWF) then the file extensions must be added into this section in the format shown below:
<File Extension>=1
<File Extension> is the file extension of files that are to be allowed through.
A5.2.38 [WebAlarms] Section
Keyword Default Description
LogRemoteAcks 0 When set to 1 963 will log all remote alarm acknowledges as new events, allowing any
remote activity to be monitored.
A5.2.39 [WebServer] Section
Keyword Default Description
BlockMultipleActiveSessions 0 Specifies whether a user can log in from more client at the same time 1
restricts the access to one login, 0 allows multiple logins.
DISPLAYLASTLOGINTIME 0 When set to 1 the time and date the user last logged in is displayed on then
log in page. When set to 0 it is not displayed.
DISPLAYUSERTEXTBACK 1 When set to 0 the server status page will not display any XSS data, remote
site connections will not be available to view, only the licence count
exceeded message is displayed not any details, and IQ configuration will
not transmit back the entered text it will only send back the results from that
HideSystemComms 0 Enables the system comms messages to be hidden when ShowComms is set
to 1. 1 causes the messages to be hidden or 0 will display them.
NumGraphValues 96 Enables the number of points sent to a client when a graph is requested to
be specified.
ShowComms 0 Enables the messages in and out of the client to be displayed. All messages
will be displayed using message boxes on the screen, and will be sorted by
the source IP address. 1 causes the messages to be displayed or 0 will hide
StripExternalUrl 1 When set to 1 the external URLs on standard 963 pages are removed. To
enable them set to 0.
VIEWQUERY 1 When set to 0 prevent the VIEWQUERY action being run on a client.
VIEWQUERYEX 0 When set to 0 prevent the VIEWQUERYEX action being run on a client.
WebRequestPoolSize 4xlicence Determines how quickly the web server process requests. To speed up the
count web server increase this value.

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Appendix 5 - INI File Settings

308 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes


This section describes the attributes associated with dynamic objects and static objects. The attributes of each object
determine how it appears on the screen, and how it functions.
Attribute Object Description Supported in Web
Type Browser
Analogue File Dynamic The analogue graphic file that is displayed.
Autosize Static, Specifies whether or not the size of the object is
Dynamic automatically determined by 963, or whether the Height and If the object is to be viewed
Width attributes are used to specify its size. in a web browser, it should
be turned off.
If graphics are to be used to
indicate the status of the
value, it should be turned
Background Static, Specifies whether the background colour is used an d the
Colour Dynamic colour that is used
Colour Static, The colour of the text.
Command Static Specifies what action is carried out when the object is
selected. Actions limited to
Connection Dynamic The telephone number or IP address required to access the
controller containing the value to which the dynamic object
is linked.
Decimal Places Dynamic The number of decimal places after the decimal point that
is displayed on the page.
Display Dynamic Specifies whether the object is displayed as an analogue
analogue graphic.
Display as Dynamic What is displayed on the screen during normal conditions.
Font Static, The font, font size, and other text attributes such as bold
Dynamic italic etc of the text.
Framerate Static, The interval between frames when an animation file is
Dynamic displayed.
Height Static, The height of the object when the Autosize attribute is No.
Item Dynamic The value on the IQ system to which the dynamic object is
linked. It can also perform other special functions such as
obtain a map of a specified Lan.
Label Dynamic The label of the value to which the dynamic object is linked.
LAN Dynamic The Lan number of the controller containing the value to
which the dynamic object is linked.
On Error Dynamic What is displayed when there is a problem getting the value
from the controller.
Outstation Dynamic The address on the network of the controller containing the
value on the IQ system.
Outstation Dynamic The points template file is used to display the points.
PIN Static, The minimum PIN level of users who can see/use the object.
Refresh View Dynamic Specifies how often the value is updated.
Fixed at 30s

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 309

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

Attribute Object Description Supported in Web

Type Browser
Shadow Static, Specifies if the text is displayed in shadow text.
To Display Static How the object appears on the page.
Mouse over, Mouse Hover,
and mouse pressed not
Tooltip Static, The text that is displayed when the mouse is held over the
Dynamic object. Displayed in status bar.
Transparency Static, Enables a colour used in a bitmap file (displayed on its own,
Dynamic or as part of an animation) to be made transparent.
Units Dynamic The engineering units of the value to which the dynamic
object is linked.
Use Generic Dynamic Sets the object to be a generic object that obtains it values
from the device specified by the SETGENERIC action.
Visible Static, Specifies whether the object can be seen on the page.
When In Alarm Dynamic What is displayed when the value on the IQ system to which
the dynamic object is linked is in an alarm condition.
When Off Dynamic What is displayed when the value linked to the object is
OFF (0). Mouse over, Mouse Hover,
and mouse pressed not
When On Dynamic What is displayed when the value linked to the object is ON
(1). Mouse over, Mouse Hover,
and mouse pressed not
When Dynamic What is displayed when the value has been overridden OFF
Overridden Of by the controller.
When Dynamic What is displayed when the value has been overridden ON
Overridden On by the controller.
While Waiting Dynamic What is displayed while 963 is waiting for the value to come
back from the controller.
Width Static, The width of the object when the Autosize attribute is No.
A6.1 Specifying the Analogue File Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the Analogue File attribute specifies the analogue graphic file that is to be used to represent
the value.
To specify the Analogue File attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Display Analogue Graphic box. Click No if an analogue
file is not to be used.
2. In the Analogue File box enter the name if the required analogue file.
A6.2 Specifying the Autosize Attribute
For both dynamic and static objects, the Autosize attribute specifies whether the size of the object is automatically
determined by 963, or whether the Height and Width attributes are used to specify its size. When Autosize is selected,
the size of the object is automatically adjusted by 963; buttons will be sized to suit the text in them, and graphics will
be displayed actual size.
To specify the Autosize attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Autosize box to allow 963 to automatically size the
object, or No to enable the size to be specified.
For dynamic objects if the object is to be on a page that will be viewed in a web browser and graphics are to be used
to indicate the status of the value, the Autosize attribute must be set to No.

310 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

A6.3 Specifying the Background Colour Attribute

For both dynamic and static objects, the Background Colour attribute specifies whether the background colour is used
as a background for the object when it is displayed as text, or the colour of the button if the object can be clicked on
and the colour used.
To specify the Background Colour attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Background Colour box to make the object use a
background colour. Click No if it is not to use a background colour.
2. In the Colour box underneath Background Colour in the Display Object Editor pane click . The Color
dialogue box is displayed.

3. Click the required colour. To use a custom colour click Custom.

4. Click OK.
If the object is viewed from a client, this attribute is ignored.
A6.4 Specifying the Colour Attribute
For both dynamic and static objects, the Colour attribute defines the colour of the objects text.
To specify the Colour attribute:
1. In the Colour box in the Display Object Editor pane click . The Color dialogue box is displayed.

2. Click the required colour. To use a custom colour click Custom.

3. Click OK.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 311

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

A6.5 Specifying the Command Attribute

For static objects only, the Command attribute specifies what happens when the object is selected. The actions are
described in detail in the 963 Actions section of this manual.
Note that not all the actions can be specified to occur when a static object is selected.
If the page to which the object is being added is to be accessed from a client not all actions can be used. For details of
which actions can be used see the Action Availability section of this manual.
To specify the Command attribute:
1. In the Command box in the Display Object Editor pane click . The What action dialogue box is

2. In the What action do you want to run? box click the required action from the list, or enter the required
code for the action as described in the appropriate section of this manual. Some actions require additional
information to be provided. If this is the case, a dialogue box is displayed enabling the information to be
For more details about specifying actions, see the Specifying Actions section of this manual.
A6.6 Specifying the Connection Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the Connection attribute specifies the telephone number, or IP address required to access
the controller containing the value to which the dynamic object is linked. It is only necessary to specify this if the
controller containing the value is on a remote site.
Note that this attribute cannot be specified if the Use Generic attribute is set to 'Yes'.
To specify the Connection attribute:
1. In the Tele box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the required telephone number, IP address or
hostname. When entering an IP address it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a
hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a
telephone number it can contain the following characters. The number may be up to 20-characters in length,
and include the following characters. If the device is on the local site leave this field blank.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
A6.7 Specifying the Decimal Places Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the Decimal Places attribute specifies the number of decimal places after the decimal point
that are displayed on the page.
To specify the Decimal Places attribute:
1. In the Decimal Places box in the Display Object Editor pane enter required number of decimal places. If
set to -1 963 will display the information exactly as it is received.

312 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

A6.8 Specifying the Display Analogue Graphic Attribute

For dynamic objects only, the Display Analogue Graphic attribute specifies whether the value is displayed as an
analogue graphic. Enabling this attribute enables the analogue graphic file to be specified.
To specify the Display Analogue Graphic attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Display Analogue Graphic box to make the object
display an analogue graphic file, or No for it not to display an analogue graphic file.
Note that this attribute does not apply when the dynamic object is linked to a digital value.
A6.9 Specifying the Display as Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the Display as attribute defines exactly what is displayed on the screen during normal
conditions. The value can be displayed on its own, or with/without its label and/or units.
To specify the Display as attribute:
1. In the Display as box in the Display Object Editor pane click the required option. The table below lists the
available options:
Code Description
Label Displays the label of the value.
Label Displays the label of the value followed by the actual value.
Label Displays the label of the value, the actual value, and the units for the value.
Units Displays the units for the value.
Value Displays the actual value.
Value Displays the actual value, and the units for the value.
A6.10 Specifying the Font Attribute
For both dynamic and static objects, the Font attribute specifies the font, font size, and other attributes such as bold
italic etc of the text.
To specify the Font attribute:
1. In the Font box in the Display Object Editor pane click . The Font dialogue box is displayed.

2. Specify the font as required.

If the object is viewed in a web browser, the font sizes are not as flexible as they are in 963. The browser will choose
the nearest available font size to display the text.
Note that the colour of the font cannot be specified here this must be done by specifying the Colour attribute as
described in the Specifying the Colour Attribute section of this manual.
A6.11 Specifying the Framerate Attribute
For both dynamic and static objects, the Framerate attribute specifies the interval between frames when an animation
file is displayed.
To specify the Framerate attribute:
1. In the Framerate box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the required frame rate, or use the up/down
arrow key to increment/decrement the value (range 0 to 100).

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 313

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

A6.12 Specifying the Height Attribute

For both dynamic and static objects, the Height attribute is used to specify the height of the object when the Autosize
attribute is No.
To specify the Height attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click No in the Autosize box.
2. In the Height box in the Display Object Editor enter the required height of the object in pixels.
A6.13 Specifying the Item Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the Item attribute specifies the value on the IQ system to which the dynamic object is linked.
It can also perform other special functions such as obtain a map of a specified Lan. The value will normally be read
directly from the controller.
To specify the Item attribute:
1. In the Item box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the code for the required value. The table below
specifies the format of the code.
Code Description Code Description
K<n> Specifies the value of knob <n>. (e.g. K1 specifies I<n> Specifies the status of digital input <n>.
K1(V)) (e.g. I1 specifies I1(S))
S<n> Specifies the value and alarm status of sensor <n>. W<n> Specifies the status of switch <n>. (e.g.
(e.g. S1 specifies S1(V,M)) W1 specifies W1(S))
D<n> Specifies the value of Driver <n>. (e.g. D1 specifies Z<n> Specifies the occupancy status of zone n.
If values other than those listed in the table above are required, they can be specified in the Item attribute in
the form below:
<Module>(<Module Parameter>)
<Module> specifies the type of module using its module identifier and module number (e.g., S1 specifies
sensor 1). <Module Parameter> specifies the parameter within the module that is to be displayed (e.g. the
value of a sensor). For details of module identifiers and the module parameters see the IQ Configuration
Reference Manual (90-1533), or the IQ3/4 Configuration Reference Manual (TE200768).
To specify a particular digital node the Item attribute should be specified in the form below:
B<Node Number>S<Bit Number>)
<Node Number> is the number of the byte containing the digital node, and <Bit Number> is the bit number
of the node.
To specify a particular analogue node the Item attribute should be specified in the form below:
A<Node Number>(V)
<Node Number> is the number of the analogue node.
The Item attribute can also have some special characters entered that enable special functions.
Code Description
l Displays a map of the specified Lan
A6.14 Specifying the Label Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the Label attribute describes the value to which the dynamic object is linked. It will normally
be read directly from the controller when the network structure is learnt.
To specify the Label attribute:
1. In the Label box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the required label.

314 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

A6.15 Specifying the LAN Attribute

For dynamic objects only, the LAN attribute specifies the Lan number of the controller containing the value to which
the dynamic object is linked. It will normally be read directly from the controller when the network structure is learnt.
Note that this attribute cannot be specified if the Use Generic attribute is set to 'Yes'.
To specify the LAN attribute:
1. In the Lan box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the required Lan number (0, 1, and 4 to 119 excluding
Note that if generic addressing has been specified this attribute cannot be defined. The value specified by the
SETGENERIC action is used.
A6.16 Specifying the On Error Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the On Error attribute specifies what is displayed when there is a problem getting the value
from the controller. It is possible to display a specific piece of text, a bitmap, or animation.
To specify the On Error attribute:
1. In the On Error box in the Display Object Editor pane specify the attribute.
What 963 can do How to set it up
Carry out an action In the On Error box enter the code for the required action in the box. For
details about setting up actions, see the Specifying Actions section of this
Note that the use of actions in this way is not supported on the client.
Display a border around the In the On Error box click and click <BORDER> from the displayed list.
Display a flashing border In the On Error box click and click <FLASHBORDER> from the
around the object displayed list.
Display a graphic file In the On Error box click , then click Choose BMP in the dialogue box
that is displayed click the required file. This method only enables BMP files
in the BMP directory to be used, to use other graphic files click Choose from
directory, select the required file from the list, and then click OK. To specify
a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the Look in box that
contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder list until the file is
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is held
over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed by
create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image.
Display an animation file In the On Error box click , then click Choose Animation in the dialogue
box that is displayed click the required file. This method only enables
animation files in the animation directory to be used, to use other files click
Choose from directory, select the required file from the list, and then click
OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the
Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder
list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is held
over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed by
create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 315

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

What 963 can do How to set it up

Display a system variable In the On Error box click and then select the required code from the list,
or type the required variable into the box. These codes are described in the
963 Variables section of this manual.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and text.
Display text In the On Error box enter the required text.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and text.
Display text in the In the On Error box click and click <INVERT> from the displayed list
transparency colour and then enter the required text
Display text that changes In the On Error box click and click <FLASH> from the displayed list and
colour between the text then enter the required text.
colour and the transparency
Nothing In the On Error box click and click <Nothing> from the displayed list, or
click , and then click Nothing.
A6.17 Specifying the Outstation Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the Outstation attribute specifies the address on the network of the controller containing the
value that is to be displayed. It will normally be read directly from the controller.
Note that this attribute cannot be specified if the Use Generic attribute is set to 'Yes'.
To specify the Outstation attribute:
1. In the Outstation box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the required address (0, 1, and 4 to 119
excluding 10).
Note that if generic addressing has been specified this attribute cannot be defined. The value specified by the
SETGENERIC action is used.
A6.18 Specifying the Outstation Template Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the Outstation Template attribute specifies which points template file is used to display the
points windows when the CTRL key is held down while clicking the object.
To specify the Outstation Template attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Use Outstation Template box to make the object use a
points template file. Click No if it is not to use a point template file.
2. In the Outstation Template box underneath Use Outstation Template in the Display Object Editor pane
click . The Select Item dialogue box is displayed.

3. In the list click the required points template file.

A6.19 Specifying the Overridden Off Attribute
Only for dynamic objects linked to digital values in IQ3 v1.3 or greater and IQ4 controllers, the When Overridden
Off attribute specifies what is displayed or the action that is carried out when the value linked to the object is
overridden OFF by the controller. It is possible to display a specific piece of text, a bitmap, or animation.

316 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

To specify the When Overridden Off attribute:

1. In the When Overridden Off box in the Display Object Editor pane specify the attribute.
What 963 can do How to set it up
Carry out an action In the When Overridden Off box enter the code for the required action in the
box. For details about setting up actions, see the Specifying Actions section
of this manual.
Note that the use of actions in this way is not supported on the client.
Display a border around the In the When Overridden Off box click and click <BORDER> from the
object displayed list.
Display a flashing border In the When Overridden Off box click and click <FLASHBORDER>
around the object from the displayed list.
Display a graphic file In the When Overridden Off box click , then click Choose BMP in the
dialogue box that is displayed click the required file. This method only enables
BMP files in the BMP directory to be used, to use other graphic files click
Choose from directory, select the required file from the list, and then click
OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the
Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder
list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is held
over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed by
create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display an animation file In the When Overridden Off box click , then click Choose Animation in
the dialogue box that is displayed click the required file. This method only
enables animation files in the animation directory to be used, to use other files
click Choose from directory, select the required file from the list, and then
click OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in
the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the
folder list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is held
over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed by
create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display a system variable In the When Overridden Off box click and then select the required code
from the list, or type the required variable into the box. These codes are
described in the 963 Variables section of this manual.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and text.
Display text In the When Overridden Off box enter the required text.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and text.
Display text in the In the When Overridden Off box click and click <INVERT> from the
transparency colour displayed list and then enter the required text
Display text that changes In the When Overridden Off box click and click <FLASH> from the
colour between the text colour displayed list and then enter the required text.
and the transparency colour.
Nothing In the When Overridden Off box click , and then click Nothing.

If the object is viewed from a web browser, the browser will not display a different graphic when the mouse is moved
over the object, or when the mouse button is pressed.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 317

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

A6.20 Specifying the Overridden On Attribute

Only for dynamic objects linked to digital values in IQ3 controllers v1.3 or greater and IQ4 controllers, the When
Overridden On attribute specifies what is displayed or the action that is carried out when the value linked to the object
is overridden ON by the controller. It is possible to display a specific piece of text, a bitmap, or animation.
To specify the When Overridden On attribute:
1. In the When Overridden On box in the Display Object Editor pane specify the attribute.
What 963 can do How to set it up
Carry out an action In the When Overridden On box enter the code for the required action in
the box. For details about setting up actions, see the Specifying Actions
section of this manual.
Note that the use of actions in this way is not supported on the client.
Display a border around the In the When Overridden On box click and click <BORDER> from the
object displayed list.
Display a flashing border In the When Overridden On box click and click <FLASHBORDER>
around the object from the displayed list.
Display a graphic file In the When Overridden On box click , then click Choose BMP in the
dialogue box that is displayed click the required file. This method only
enables BMP files in the BMP directory to be used, to use other graphic files
click Choose from directory, select the required file from the list, and then
click OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in
the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the
folder list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is held
over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed by
create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display an animation file In the When Overridden On box click , then click Choose Animation
in the dialogue box that is displayed click the required file. This method only
enables animation files in the animation directory to be used, to use other
files click Choose from directory, select the required file from the list, and
then click OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder
in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the
folder list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is held
over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed by
create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display a system variable In the When Overridden On box click and then select the required code
from the list, or type the required variable into the box. These codes are
described in the 963 Variables section of this manual.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and text.
Display text In the When Overridden On box enter the required text.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and text.
Display text in the In the When Overridden On box click and click <INVERT> from the
transparency colour displayed list and then enter the required text
Display text that changes In the When Overridden On box click and click <FLASH> from the
colour between the text colour displayed list and then enter the required text.
and the transparency colour.
Nothing In the When Overridden On box click , and then click Nothing.

318 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

If the object is viewed from a web browser, the browser will not display a different graphic when the mouse is moved
over the object, or when the mouse button is pressed.
A6.21 Specifying the PIN Attribute
For both dynamic and static objects, the PIN attribute defines the minimum PIN level of users who can see/use the
object. For dynamic objects if the users PIN level is less than the value of this attribute, clicking the object will have
no effect. For static objects if the users PIN level is less than the value of this attribute, the object does not appear on
the page.
To specify the PIN attribute:
1. In the PIN box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the required PIN level. Range -1 to 100. -1 means
that anyone can see/use the object, and 100 means that nobody can adjust the value, although it will be visible
to users.
A6.22 Specifying the Refresh View Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the Refresh View attribute specifies how often the value from the system is updated.
To specify the Refresh View attribute:
1. In the Refresh View box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the required refresh rate in seconds (any
valid integer).
Setting the refresh rate of an object to 999 forces the refreshing of the page to be controlled by entries in the INI file.
This enables the comms request to be controlled when the page contains allot of dynamic objects.
Note that if the object is to be on a page that will be viewed in a web browser, the value specified here will be ignored
by the web browser, which has its refresh rate fixed at 30 seconds. Values on text mode schematic pages are not
automatically refreshed, and must be manually refreshed using the button on the screen.
A6.23 Specifying the Shadow Attribute
For both dynamic and static objects, the Shadow attribute defines if the text is displayed in shadow text.
To specify the Shadow attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the shadow box to make text display in shadow text, or No
to make it display in normal text.
Note that if the object is to be viewed from a web browser, this attribute is ignored.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 319

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

A6.24 Specifying the To Display Attribute

For static objects only, the To Display attribute defines how the object appears on the page. It is possible to display a
specific piece of text, graphic, animation graph or a system variable.
To specify the To Display attribute:
1. In the To display box in the Display Object Editor pane specify the attribute.
What to display How to set it up
Active Content In the To display box click , then click Choose from directory, click the required
(PDF, HTML, SWF, file from the list, click Open, and then click OK. To specify a file in another directory,
DOC, XLS, XML, or click the drive, or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the
PPT files) folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
Note that objects that display active content e.g. SWF files etc are always placed on
top of other objects on the page.
Graph Enter the name of the graph definition in the To display box, or specify the sensor
using the codes described below:
<GRAPH <Graph Name>>
<Graph Name> Is the name of the graph definition that is to be used.
<GRAPH L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address>S<Sensor Number>>
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device for which configuration mode
is required (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the local Lan. <Controller
Address> specifies the address of the controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
<Sensor Number> specifies the number of the sensor that is to be graphed.
For multiple traces in a graph window use the following format:
<GRAPH L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address>S<Sensor Number>,L<Lan
Number> O<Controller Address>S<Sensor Number>,>
Click OK.
Display a graphic In the To display box click , then click Choose BMP in the dialogue box that is
file displayed click the required file. This method only enables BMP files in the BMP
directory to be used, to use other graphic files click Choose from folder, select the
required file from the list, and then click OK. To specify a file in another directory,
click the drive, or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the
folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is held over the
object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed by create the graphic
and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display an In the To display box click , then click Choose Animation in the dialogue box that
animation file is displayed click the required file. This method only enables animation files in the
animation directory to be used, to use other files click Choose from folder, select the
required file from the list, and then click OK. To specify a file in another directory,
click the drive, or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the
folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is held over the
object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed by create the graphic
and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image

320 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

What to display How to set it up

PDF, HTML, SWF, In the To display box click , then click choose from directory, click the required
DOC, XLS, XML, or file from the list, click Open, and then click OK. To specify a file in another directory,
PPT files click the drive, or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the
folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
Note that objects that display active content e.g. SWF files etc are always placed on
top of other objects on the page.

System variable In the To display box click , and then select the required code from the list, or type
the required variable into the box, and click OK. These codes are described in the 963
Variables section of this manual.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and text.
URL Enter the URL in the To display box.
Text Enter the required text in the To display box.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and text.
Nothing In the To display box click , and then click Nothing.
If the object is viewed from a web browser, the browser will not display a different graphic when the mouse is moved
over the object, or the mouse button is pressed.
If an HTML file is added which contains references to file types other than JPG, BMP, HTM, XML, XSL, or HTML
they must be added to the unsecure file types list.
A6.25 Specifying the Tooltip Attribute
For both dynamic and static objects, the Tooltip attribute defines the text that is displayed when the mouse is held
over the object.
To specify the Tooltip attribute:
1. In the Tooltip box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the text.
If the object viewed from a web browser the text specified here will appear in the status bar.
A6.26 Specifying the Transparency Attribute
For both dynamic and static objects, the Transparency attribute enables a colour used in a bitmap file to be made
transparent, or for the button effect to be turned off if the object is displayed as text.
To specify the Transparency attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Transparency box to make the object the transparency
colour, or No to make it use the normal colour.
2. In the Transparency Colour box in the Display Object Editor pane click . The Color dialogue box is

3. Click the required colour. To use a custom colour click Custom.

4. Click OK.
If the object is viewed from a client, this attribute is ignored.
A6.27 Specifying the Units Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the Units attribute indicates the engineering units to which the dynamic object is linked. It
will normally be read directly from the controller when the network structure is learnt.
To specify the Units attribute:
1. In the Units box in the Display Object Editor pane enter the required text. (Maximum 4 characters).

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 321

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

A6.28 Specifying the Use Generic Attribute

For dynamic objects only, the Use Generic attribute indicates whether the object uses generic addressing, i.e. it obtains
its data from the device specified by the SETGENERIC action. When set to 'Yes' it is not possible to specify the
Connection, LAN, and Outstation attributes.
To specify the Use Generic attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Use Generic box to make the object use generic
addressing, or No to make it use normal addressing.
A6.29 Specifying the Visible Attribute
For both dynamic and static objects, the Visible attribute defines whether or not the object can be seen on the page.
To specify the Visible attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click Yes in the Visible box to allow the object to be seen on the page,
or No to hide the object.
Note that even if the object is not visible, it can still be selected.

322 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

A6.30 Specifying the When In Alarm Attribute

For dynamic objects only, the When in Alarm attribute defines what is displayed when the value on the IQ system to
which the dynamic object is linked is in an alarm condition. It applies only to objects that are linked to sensor values.
The choice is to do nothing, to flash between the value and the alarm code, display text, or a bitmap/animation.
To specify the When In Alarm attribute:
1. In the When In Alarm box in the Display Object Editor pane specify the attribute.
What 963 can do How to set it up
Carry out an action In the When In Alarm box enter the code for the required action in the box. For
details about setting up actions, see the Specifying Actions section of this
Note that the use of actions in this way is not supported on the client.
Display a border around the object In the When In Alarm box click and click <BORDER> from the displayed
Display a flashing border around In the When Overridden On box click and click <FLASHBORDER> from
the object the displayed list.
Display a graphic file In the When In Alarm box click , then click Choose BMP in the dialogue box
that is displayed click the required file. This method only enables BMP files in the
BMP directory to be used, to use other graphic files click Choose from directory,
select the required file from the list, and then click OK. To specify a file in another
directory, click the drive, or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and
double-click the folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is held over
the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed by create the
graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display an animation file In the When In Alarm box click , then click Choose Animation in the
dialogue box that is displayed click the required file. This method only enables
animation files in the animation directory to be used, to use other files click
Choose from directory, select the required file from the list, and then click OK.
To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the Look in box
that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder list until the file
is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is held over
the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed by create the
graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display a system variable In the When In Alarm box click and then select the required code from the
list, or type the required variable into the box. These codes are described in the
963 Variables section of this manual.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and text.
Display text In the When In Alarm box enter the required text.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and text.
Display text in the transparency In the When In Alarm box click and click <INVERT> from the displayed
colour list and then enter the required text
Display text that changes colour In the When In Alarm box click and click <FLASH> from the displayed list
between the text colour and the and then enter the required text.
transparency colour.
Nothing In the When In Alarm box click , and then click Nothing.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 323

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

If the object is viewed from a web browser, the browser will not display a different graphic when the mouse is moved
over the object, or when the mouse button is pressed.
A6.31 Specifying the When OFF Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the When Off attribute specifies what is displayed when the value linked to the object is
OFF (0). It only applies when the object is linked to a digital value. It is possible to display a specific piece of text, a
bitmap, or animation.
To specify the When Off attribute:
1. In the When Off box in the Display Object Editor pane specify the attribute.
What 963 can do How to set it up
Carry out an action In the When Off box enter the code for the required action in the box. For
details about setting up actions, see the Specifying Actions section of this
Note that the use of actions in this way is not supported on the client.
Display a border around the In the When Off box click and click <BORDER> from the displayed
object list.
Display a flashing border around In the When Off box click and click <FLASHBORDER> from the
the object displayed list.
Display a graphic file In the When Off box click , then click Choose BMP in the dialogue box
that is displayed click the required file. This method only enables BMP
files in the BMP directory to be used, to use other graphic files click
Choose from directory, select the required file from the list, and then click
OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the
Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder
list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is
held over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed
by create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display an animation file In the When Off box click , then click Choose Animation in the
dialogue box that is displayed click the required file. This method only
enables animation files in the animation directory to be used, to use other
files click Choose from directory, select the required file from the list,
and then click OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive,
or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the
folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is
held over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed
by create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display a system variable In the When Off box click and then select the required code from the
list, or type the required variable into the box. These codes are described
in the 963 Variables section of this manual.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and
Display text In the When Off box enter the required text.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and
Display text in the transparency In the When Off box click and click <INVERT> from the displayed
colour list and then enter the required text

324 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

What 963 can do How to set it up

Display text that changes colour In the When Off box click and click <FLASH> from the displayed list
between the text colour and the and then enter the required text.
transparency colour.
Nothing In the When Off box click , and then click Nothing.

If the object is viewed from a web browser, the browser will not display a different graphic when the mouse is moved
over the object, or when the mouse button is pressed.
A6.32 Specifying the When On Attribute
Only for dynamic objects linked to digital values, the When On attribute specifies what is displayed or the action that
is carried out when the value linked to the object is ON (1). It only applies when the object is linked to a digital value.
It is possible to display a specific piece of text, a bitmap, or animation.
To specify the When On attribute:
1. In the When On box in the Display Object Editor pane specify the attribute.
What 963 can do How to set it up
Carry out an action In the When On box enter the code for the required action in the box. For
details about setting up actions, see the Specifying Actions section of this
Note that the use of actions in this way is not supported on the client.
Display a border around the In the When On box click and click <BORDER> from the displayed
object list.
Display a flashing border around In the When On box click and click <FLASHBORDER> from the
the object displayed list.
Display a graphic file In the When On box click , then click Choose BMP in the dialogue box
that is displayed click the required file. This method only enables BMP
files in the BMP directory to be used, to use other graphic files click
Choose from directory, select the required file from the list, and then click
OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the
Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder
list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is
held over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed
by create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display an animation file In the When On box click , then click Choose Animation in the
dialogue box that is displayed click the required file. This method only
enables animation files in the animation directory to be used, to use other
files click Choose from directory, select the required file from the list,
and then click OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive,
or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the
folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is
held over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed
by create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display a system variable In the When On box click and then select the required code from the
list, or type the required variable into the box. These codes are described
in the 963 Variables section of this manual.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 325

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

What 963 can do How to set it up

Display text In the When On box enter the required text.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and
Display text in the transparency In the When On box click and click <INVERT> from the displayed
colour list and then enter the required text
Display text that changes colour In the When On box click and click <FLASH> from the displayed list
between the text colour and the and then enter the required text.
transparency colour.
Nothing In the When On box click , and then click Nothing.

If the object is viewed from a web browser, the browser will not display a different graphic when the mouse is moved
over the object, or when the mouse button is pressed.
A6.33 Specifying the While Waiting Attribute
For dynamic objects only, the While Waiting attribute specifies what is displayed while 963 is waiting for the value
to come back from the controller. It is possible to display a specific piece of text, a bitmap, or animation.
To specify the While Waiting attribute:
1. In the While Waiting box in the Display Object Editor pane specify the attribute.
What 963 can do How to set it up
Carry out an action In the While Waiting box enter the code for the required action in the box.
For details about setting up actions, see the Specifying Actions section of
this manual.
Note that the use of actions in this way is not supported on the client.
Display a border around the In the While Waiting box click and click <BORDER> from the
object displayed list.
Display a flashing border around In the While Waiting box click and click <FLASHBORDER> from
the object the displayed list.
Display a graphic file In the While Waiting box click , then click Choose BMP in the dialogue
box that is displayed click the required file. This method only enables BMP
files in the BMP directory to be used, to use other graphic files click
Choose from directory, select the required file from the list, and then click
OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive, or folder in the
Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the folders in the folder
list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is
held over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed
by create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image
Display an animation file In the While Waiting box click , then click Choose Animation in the
dialogue box that is displayed click the required file. This method only
enables animation files in the animation directory to be used, to use other
files click Choose from directory, select the required file from the list,
and then click OK. To specify a file in another directory, click the drive,
or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double-click the
folders in the folder list until the file is displayed.
To display different graphics when the mouse moves over the object, is
held over the object for more than 10s, or when the mouse button is pressed
by create the graphic and save it as using the filenames below.
Mouse Over Object <filename>_o
Mouse held over object for more than 10s <filename>_h
Mouse button pressed over the object <filename>_d
Note that mouse over images must be the same size as the normal image

326 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

What 963 can do How to set it up

Display a system variable In the While Waiting box click and then select the required code from
the list, or type the required variable into the box. These codes are described
in the 963 Variables section of this manual.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and
Display text In the While Waiting box enter the required text.
If required the display can be built up by combining the 963 variables and
Display text in the transparency In the While Waiting box click and click <INVERT> from the
colour displayed list and then enter the required text
Display text that changes colour In the While Waiting box click and click <FLASH> from the displayed
between the text colour and the list and then enter the required text.
transparency colour.
Note that if the attribute is 'blank' is displayed while the object is waiting for a live value.
If the object is viewed from a web browser, the browser will not display a different graphic when the mouse is moved
over the object, or when the mouse button is pressed.
A6.34 Specifying the Width Attribute
For both dynamic and static objects, the Width attribute is used to specify the width of the object when the Autosize
attribute is No.
To specify the Width attribute:
1. In the Display Object Editor pane click No in the Autosize box.
2. In the Width box in the Display Object Editor enter the required width of the object in pixels.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 327

Appendix 6 - Object Attributes

328 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 7 - Run SET and 963 on the same PC


SET and 963 can be installed, and run on the same PC. However, if running both only one will be able to communicate
with a BACnet network. The rule is:
SET v6.2 or greater with the BACnet Network driver installed and TOPS (required for 963 BACnet
communications) cannot run on the same PC at the same time.
Both 963 and SET will start and stop their respective BACnet driver when they are opened and closed. Therefore
running one at a time does not cause a problem. However if both are to be run at the same time the one that is run first
will be able to communicate over BACnet and the other will not. It is possible for 963's BACnet communication
service (TOPS) to run on a different PC to 963 if this is the case then both 963 and SET can run on the same PC, and
both can access BACnet devices.
963 can be configured not to automatically start and stop TOPS as described in the 'Configure TOPS Start up and
Shutdown' section of this manual.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 329

Appendix 7 - Run SET and 963 on the same PC

330 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 8 - Shortcut Keys


You can perform tasks in 963 by using shortcut keys. The table below list the 963 short cut keys.
Press Available in To
Ctrl+s Schematics - configuration Swap the position of 2 selected objects.
Ctrl+r Schematics - configuration Display the array dialogue box.
Ctrl+a Schematics - configuration Selects all the objects on a page.
Ctrl+shift+r Schematics - configuration Automatically arrange the selected objects on a page.
Schematics - configuration Move the selected objects to the left pixel by pixel
Schematics - configuration Move the selected objects to the right pixel by pixel
Schematics - configuration Move the selected objects up pixel by pixel
Schematics - configuration Move the selected objects down pixel by pixel
Shift+ Schematics - configuration Move the selected objects to the left 5 pixels at a time.
Shift+ Schematics - configuration Move the selected objects to the right 5 pixels at a time.
Shift+ Schematics - configuration Move the selected objects up 5 pixels at a time.
Shift+ Schematics - configuration Move the selected objects down 5 pixels at a time.
Ctrl+ Schematics - configuration Align the selected objects to the left.
Ctrl+ Schematics - configuration Align the selected objects to the right.
Ctrl+ Schematics - configuration Align the selected objects to the top.
Ctrl+ Schematics - configuration Align the selected objects to the bottom.
Ctrl+z Schematics - configuration Undo
F12 Any Displays the Navigator, tool bar, menu bar and status bar.
F1 Not Diary and Scheduler Show the Information Centre. Not available from the Diary,
Alarms Viewer, and Device Vie
Alt+F4 Any Close the application - if user rights permit it.
Ctrl+Mouse wheel Schematics & Graphs Zoom in and out
Ctrl+Left click Schematics GOTO button Display the destination of the GOTO in a POPUP window

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 331

Appendix 8 - Shortcut Keys

332 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 9 - Use a 963 Value in Excel


963 has DDE support that enables 963 values to be included Microsoft Excel 2003 and the values to be automatically
To use a 963 value in Excel:
1. Ensure 963 is running.
2. Run Excel.
3. In the required cell in Excel enter the code to specify the 963 value in the following format:
=the963|IQVALUE!' L<Lan Number>O<Controller Address><Module>(<Module Parameter>)
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the value (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the
local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
<Module> specifies the type of module using its module identifier and module number (e.g., S1 specifies
sensor 1). <Module Parameter> specifies the parameter within the module that is to be displayed (e.g. the
value of a sensor). For details of module identifiers and the module parameters see the IQ Configuration
Reference Manual (90-1533), IQ3 Configuration Reference Manual (TE200768), IQ4 Configuration Manual
This receives the value for Lan: 59, Outstation: 24, Sensor: 2. The value will then be updated periodically on
the spreadsheet.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 333

Appendix 9 - Use a 963 Value in Excel

334 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables


Variables are codes that enable information from the PC, or alarms received by 963 to be displayed on a schematic
page, inserted into an alarm message, or included in a 963 action to allow the action to be modified according to the
value returned. For example, the default alarm action could be set up to display a message box with the text customised
to indicate the type of alarm.
Variable Description
? Enables a user response to be included in an action code.
== Enables the length of the result returned by a variable to be fixed. This allows text
messages of a fixed length to be.
962CODED Returns the alarm in a special format for retransmitting to a962.
963CODED Returns the alarm in a special format for retransmitting to another 963.
ALARMASXML Formats the alarm in a format suitable for retransmission using SNMP.
ALARMCODE Returns a 4-character code for the alarm e.g. HIGH, or CHIH.
ALARMDESC Returns the alarm text e.g. high value occ.
ALARMGROUP Returns the name of the alarm group that actioned the alarm.
ALL Returns the entire alarm message.
ALLLABELS Returns the labels of all the alarms parameters.
ASCII Enables an unprintable character to be inserted into a message.
BORDER Displays a border around a dynamic object.
CALCULATEMKTDATE Returns the Mean Kinetic Temperature between two dates on a page using data logged
from a sensor.
CNC Returns the Network address of 963.
CONNECTION Returns either the IP address or telephone number of the site from which the alarm
COUNTNEWALARMS Returns the number of new alarms that have arrived since the alarms were last viewed.
DATA Returns the name of the directory in which 963 is installed.
DEVICE_IP Returns the IP address of the device selected in the navigator.
DEVICE_LABEL Returns label from the 963's database of the device selected in the navigator.
DEVICE_LAN Returns Lan number of the device selected in the navigator.
DEVICE_LOADNUMBER Returns the load number for a Novar Logic 1 device selected in the navigator.
DEVICE_MAJOR_VERSION Returns the devices major version number.
DEVICE_MINOR_VERSION Returns the devices minor version number.
DEVICE_OS Returns the network address of the device selected in the navigator.
DEVICE_PARAM Returns a named parameter from the DEVICESpecificParameter field in the
outstations table for the device selected in the navigator.
DEVICE_TELE Returns the tele address of the device selected in the navigator.
DLLVERSION Returns the version of a specific .dll file.
DTYPE Returns the local IQ system device type.
ERROR Causes a dynamic object to display the communications error text.
ESC Enables an escape character to be inserted in the message.
EXTRAINFO1 Returns any text that has been added to the first extra alarm information field.
EXTRAINFO2 Returns any text that has been added to the second extra alarm information field.
FILEINFO Returns file data on a specified file.
FLASH Causes the text of a dynamic object to flash between the text colour, the transparency
FLASHBORDER Causes a border around a dynamic object to flash.
FNAME Returns the path and filename of the file currently being viewed.
FORPNC Returns the message so that it is suitable for retransmission to a PNC.
FREE Returns the amount of free disk space on the specified drive.
GOUPTREE Returns the path a specified number of levels above the current page.
GRAPHLEGEND Only used when the page is a print template for graphs, it displays the legends of the

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 335

Appendix 10 - Variables

Variable Description
INVERT Causes the text of a dynamic object to be displayed in the transparency/text flash
IP Returns the IP address of the 963.
IQVALUE Returns the specified value from the IQ system.
IQ.V2LOG.TLR Returns the time of the last record for a specified plot module.
IQ.V2LOG.TRC Returns the total record count for a specified plot module.
ISDIARYIDNOCC Prevents the action running when the specified diary group is unoccupied. Diary
identified by ID number.
ISDIARYIDOCC Prevents the action running when the specified diary group is occupied. Diary
identified by ID number.
ISDIARYNOCC Prevents the action running when the specified diary group is unoccupied. Diary
identified by name.
ISDIARYOCC Prevents the action running when the specified diary group is occupied. Diary
identified by name.
LABEL Returns the label of the item in the alarm.
LAN Returns the Lan number to which 963 is connected.
LANLABEL Returns the Lan label of the controller sending the alarm.
LFNAME Returns the filename of the file currently being viewed.
LIVE Returns the live value of the specified value from the IQ system from the web servers
MEMREPORT Returns a general memory report, including a virtual memory report in hexadecimal.
ML Returns the memory load.
MODBY Returns the name of the user who last modified the page.
MODTIME Returns when the page was last modified.
MODULE Returns the module code of the item in alarm
NEWLINE Inserts a new line in the message e.g. to force a new line on a printer.
NEWMSG Forces a new IQ system message when used with the RETRANSMIT command.
OPTION Returns the status of a specific licence option.
OS Returns the address of the controller/device that sent the alarm.
OSLABEL Returns the label of the controller/device that sent the alarm.
OSVERSION Returns the operating system name and version that 963 is running on.
PAGEDIR Returns the path of the current page.
PCDATE Returns the current date.
PCDAY Returns the day of the month.
PCHOUR Returns the hour.
PCMIN Returns minutes.
PCMONTH Returns the month.
PCSEC Returns the current seconds value.
PCTIME Returns the time.
PCWKDAY Returns the current day of the week.
PCYEAR Returns the current year.
PNAME Returns the page name.
PRINTAREA Only used when the page is a print template, it determines the area on the template
that is to include the data.
RESOLUTION Returns the resolution of the screen.
SERIALNO Returns the serial number of the controller that generated the alarm.
SERVERSTATUS Returns the server status.
SHORTADJUDESC Converts the adjust message to a machine readable format required for IQ EYE.

SHORTTIME Returns the date and time of the alarm in short format.
SITE Returns the name of the site containing the alarm.
SQLVALUE Returns the result of the specified SQL query.
SYSTEM Returns the path of the operating systems system directory.

336 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

Variable Description
TAB Inserts a tab character in the message for formatting prints outs.
TELE Returns either the IP address or telephone number of the site from which the alarm
TESTVALUE Enables a test to be included in an action code.
TIME Returns date and time.
TIMEON Returns the length of time since 963 was started.
TIMEONFULL Returns the length of time since 963 was started in an extended format.
TIMESPECx Returns an individual time and date field from an alarm in a number of different
USER Returns the name of the user currently logged on.
VALUE Returns a specified value from an INI file.
VER Returns the version of 963.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 337

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.1 Variable Availability

The table below lists the different 963 variables indicating where they can be used.
Variable Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Dynamic Alarm
Action) Menus Action
Client Server Client Server Codes

338 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

Variable Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Dynamic Alarm

Action) Menus Action
Client Server Client Server Codes

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 339

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.2 Using Variables in Action Codes

963 variables can be included in the codes that define 963 actions to enable information from the PC to be displayed
on a schematic page, or included in a 963 action to allow the action to be modified according to the value returned.
To use a variable in an action code:
1. Specify the action.
2. Modify the action code to include the required variable in the appropriate place.
Tip the length of the value returned by the variable can be fixed using the as described in the Using the == Variable
section of this manual. The ? variable can be used to include user responses in an action code. The ISDIARYOCC
and ISDIARYNOCC variables can be used to prevent particular actions being carried out at particular times.
Note that not all variables can be used in action codes, and not all are supported on clients see the 963 Variable
Availability section of this manual for more details.
A10.3 Using Variables in Alarm Action Codes
963 variables can be included in the codes that define 963 actions that occur when alarms are received to enable
information from the PC or alarm to be include in action or to allow the action to be modified according to the value
There are several different places where alarm actions are defined as listed in the table below:
Alarm Action Description Defined
Default alarm action This action is carried out when an alarm It is defined in the Action when occupied
activates an alarm group unless the group (Default) box on the Alarm Group tab of
has been linked to a diary group in which the Alarm Group dialogue box.
case the action will only be carried out if the
diary group is in occupancy.
Unoccupied alarm action This action is carried out when an alarm It is defined in the Action when not
activates an alarm group that has been occupied box in the Alarm Group
linked to a diary group and that diary group dialogue box.
is in non-occupancy.
Manual Alarm Action This action is carried out by clicking It is defined in the Command button
setting box on the Alarm Group tab of the
Alarm Group dialogue box.
in an alarm panel.
User Action This action is carried out when an alarm It is defined in the Action box on the Alarm
activates an alarm group and a specified to workgroup setup tab of the Alarm
user is logged on. Group dialogue box.
To use a variable in an alarm action code:
1. When the Alarm Group dialogue box is displayed specify the action in the appropriate box.
2. Modify the alarm action code to include the required variable in the appropriate place.
Tip the length of the value returned by the variable can be fixed using the as described in the Using the == Variable
section of this manual.
Note that not all variables can be used in alarm action codes see the 963 Variable Availability section of this manual
for more details.

340 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.4 Using Variables in Schematic Displays

963 variables can be used to display information from the PC on a schematic page. Variables can be used in both static
and dynamic object attributes that define how the object appears on the page as shown in the table below:
Object Type Object Attribute
Static Display
Dynamic Label
When On
When Off
When In Alarm
When Override Off
When Override On
On Error
While Waiting
To include a variable in a schematic display:
1. Enter page configuration mode for the page on which variables are to be displayed.
2. Add a static, or dynamic object.
3. In the appropriate box of the Display Object Editor enter the required variable to define the object attribute.
If required the object attribute can be built up by combining the text, and 963 variables. For details of the 963
variables that can be used see the 963 Variable Availability section of this manual.
4. Click OK.
The length of the value returned by the variable can be fixed using the as described in the Using the == Variable
section of this manual.
A10.5 Using the ? Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes

The ? variable makes it possible include a user response in an action code. This means that the 963 can prompt the
user for information and then include it in the code for a specified action.
Do not specify an action that requires a user response if it is likely to occur when the user is not available to
provide the required response e.g. actions carried out when an alarm occurs, or scheduled actions.
To use the ? variable:
1. Specify the action in the normal way.
2. Edit the code for the action to replace the information that the user is to supply with the code for the question.
The code for the question should be in the format:
<Question> is the text that is displayed in the dialogue box. When 963 sees the code it will ask the question,
and use the answer in the action code.
SEND L<?Enter LAN>O<?Enter OS>S<?Enter Sensor number>(H=<?Enter new high alarm value>)
This would ask the user 4 questions, the Lan number, the outstation number, the sensor number, and the new
high alarm value for that sensor. The replies would then be included in the SEND action to determine which
outstation is to be accessed, and which sensors high alarm value is to be changed and then set it to the
specified value.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 341

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.6 Using the == Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes

The == variable enables the length of the result returned by a variable in an action code to be fixed. This allows text
messages of a fixed length to be created when using the variable in a command feature. If the returned result is greater
than the required value, it will be truncated to the required length, and if it is shorter, it will be padded out with spaces
at the end to make it the required length.
To use the == variable:
1. Add the == variable at the end of the variable before the > as shown below:
<<Variable Code>==<xx>>
<Variable code> is the variable code for which the length is to be fixed. <xx> specifies the number of
characters that are required.
This would return the first 30 characters of the current 963-directory name.
A10.7 Using the 962CODED Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The 962CODED variable returns the alarm in the format shown below which enables it to be retransmitted to 962s or
||*962*||<Connection>||<Lan Number>||<Controller Address>||<Module Type><Module
Number>||<Alarm Code>||<Alarm Time>||
<Connection> is the telephone number used to access the site containing the alarm if it is autodialled or the IP address
of the site is accessed over TCP/IP. <Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device in alarm. <Controller
Address> specifies the address of the controller containing the alarm. <Module Type> specifies the type of module
generating the alarm using its module identifier (e.g., S specifies sensor). <Module Number> specifies the number of
the module generating the alarm in zero based hexadecimal. <Alarm Code> is the 4-character code that specifies the
type of alarms for details of these codes see the Alarm Codes section of this manual. <Alarm Time> specifies the
time of the alarm in the format HH:MM.
To use the 962CODED variable:
1. Click 962CODED.
1. Enter <962CODED>.

342 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.8 Using the 963CODED Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The 963CODED variable returns the alarm in the format shown below which enables it to be retransmitted to other
963s (or 962s).
||*963*||<Connection>||<Lan Number>||<Controller Address>||<Module Type><Module
Number>||<Alarm Code>||<Alarm Time>||
<Connection> is the telephone number used to access the site containing the alarm if it is autodialled or the IP address
of the site is accessed over TCP/IP. <Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device in alarm. <Controller
Address> specifies the address of the controller containing the alarm. <Module Type> specifies the type of module
generating the alarm using its module identifier (e.g., S specifies sensor). <Module Number> specifies the number of
the module generating the alarm in zero based hexadecimal. <Alarm Code> is the 4-character code that specifies the
type of alarms for details of these codes see the Alarm Codes section of this manual. <Alarm Time> specifies the
time of the alarm in the format HH:MM.
To use the 963CODED variable:
1. Click 963CODED.
1. Enter <963CODED>.
A10.9 Using the ALARMASXML Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ALARMASXML variable returns the alarm in the format shown below which enables it to be retransmitted using
<rawalarm alarmdescription="<Alarm Description>" extrainfo1="<Extrainfo1>"
extrainfo2="<Extrainfo2>" receivedtime="<Alarm Time>" alarmgroup="<Alarm Group>"
alarmtype="<Alarm Code>" iscurrent="<Current>" label="<Alarm Label>" lan="<Lan Number>"
lanlabel="<Lan Label>" module="<Module>" os="<Controller Address>" sendtime="<Send Time>"
sitelabel="< SiteLabel>" oslabel="<Controller Label>" tele="<Connection>" alarmindex="<Alarm
<Alarm Description> specifies a text description of the alarm. <Extrainfo1> specifies the text defined in the
EXTRAINFO1 field. <Extrainfo2> specifies the text defined in the EXTRAINFO2 field. <Alarm Time> specifies the
date and time the alarm occurred in the format:
<YYYY> specifies the year, <MM> specifies the month number, <DD>, specifies the date of the month, <hh>
specifies the hour, <mm> specifies the minutes, and <ss> specifies the seconds.
<Alarm Group> The alarm group that sent the alarm. <Alarm Code> is the 4-character code that specifies the type of
alarms for details of these codes see the Alarm Codes section of this manual. <Current> specifies whether the alarm
is current. <Alarm Label> specifies the label of the alarm. <Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device in
alarm. <Lan Label> specifies the label of the Lan containing the device that sent the alarm. <Module> specifies the
module generating the alarm using its module identifier and module number (e.g., S1 specifies sensor 1). <Controller
Address> specifies the address of the controller containing the alarm. <Send Time> specifies the time the alarm was
sent in the format:
<hh> specifies the hour, <mm> specifies the minutes, and <ss> specifies the seconds.
<Site Label> specifies the label of the site containing the device that sent the alarm. <Controller Label> specifies the
label of the controller containing the device that sent the alarm. <Connection> is the telephone number used to access
the site containing the alarm if it is autodialled or the IP address of the site is accessed over TCP/IP. <Alarm Index>
specifies the unique reference given to the alarm by 963.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 343

Appendix 10 - Variables

To use the ALARMASXML variable:

1. Enter <ALARMASXML>.
A10.10 Using the ALARMCODE Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ALARMCODE variable returns the 4-character code for the alarm.
For a list of these codes see the Alarm Codes section of this manual.
To use the ALARMCODE variable:
1. Enter <ALARMCODE>.
A10.11 Using the ALARMDESC Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ALARMDESC variable returns the alarm text.
High Value.
To use the ALARMDESC variable:
1. Enter <ALARMDESC>.
A10.12 Using the ALARMGROUP Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ALARMGROUP variable returns name of the alarm group that actioned the alarm.
To use the ALARMGROUP variable:
1. Enter <ALARMGROUP>.

344 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.13 Using the ALL Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Dynamic Variables Alarm Action Codes
The ALL variable returns the entire alarm message in the format shown below:
T<Connection>L<Lan Number>O<Controller Address> <Module Label> (<Module Type>) <Alarm
Description> <Alarm Time>
<Connection> is the telephone number used to access the site containing the alarm if it is autodialled or the IP address
of the site is accessed over TCP/IP. <Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device in alarm. <Controller
Address> specifies the address of the controller containing the alarm. <Module Label> specifies the label of the
module that sent the alarm. <Module Type> specifies the type of module generating the alarm using its module
identifier (e.g., S specifies sensor). <Module Number> specifies the number of the module generating the alarm.
<Alarm Description> specifies the alarm description. <Alarm Time> specifies the date and time of the alarm in the
<Day of Month> <Month> <Year> <hh>:<mm>:<ss>
<Day of Month> specifies the day of the month. <Month> specifies month <Year> specifies the year, <hh> specifies
the hour, <mm> specifies the minutes and <ss> specifies the seconds.
T01234567890L95O11 Communications (G) IQ3-963 Connection OK->22 July 2003 16:24:04
To use the ALL variable:
1. Enter <ALL>.
A10.14 Using the ALLLABELS Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ALLLABELS variable returns the labels of all the alarms parameters in the format shown below:
<Connection>/<LanNumber>/<ControllerAddress> <Controller Label> (<Module>) <Module
Label>Communications (<Module Type>) <Alarm Description> <Alarm Time>
<Connection> is the telephone number used to access the site containing the alarm if it is autodialled or the IP address
of the site is accessed over TCP/IP. <Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device in alarm. <Controller
Address> specifies the address of the controller containing the alarm. <Controller Label> specifies the label of the
controller that sent the alarm. <Module> specifies the module generating the alarm using its module identifier and
module number (e.g., S1 specifies sensor 1). <Module Label> specifies the label of the module that sent the alarm.
<Alarm Description> specifies the alarm description. <Alarm Time> specifies the date and time of the alarm in the
<Day of Month> <Month> <Year> <hh>:<mm>:<ss>
<Day of Month> specifies the day of the month. <Month> specifies month <Year> specifies the year, <hh> specifies
the hour, <mm> specifies the minutes and <ss> specifies the seconds.
IP171.192.6.230/59/22 Floor 1 Ventilation (W1) Light Switch 22 July 2003 16:28:34
To use the ALLLABELS variable:
1. Enter <ALLLABELS>.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 345

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.15 Using the ASCII Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ASCII variable makes it possible to display unprintable characters, or include them in a message. The variable
enables any ASCII character to be specified.
To use the ASCII variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<ASCII <Code>>
<Code> is the ASCII code for the required character.
<ASCII 127>
This would specify the ASCII character 127.
A10.16 Using the BORDER Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The BORDER variable can only be used in When On, When Off, When In Alarm, On Error, While Waiting, When
Overridden On, and When Overridden Off attributes of a dynamic object. It displays a border around the object.
To use the BORDER variable:
1. Click next to the appropriate box in the Dynamic Editor dialogue box and click <BORDER> in the
displayed list.
1. Enter <BORDER> in the appropriate box in the Dynamic Editor dialogue box.

346 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.17 Using the CALCULATEMKTDATE Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The CALCULATEMKTDATE variable returns the Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) for a sensor between two
specified dates. The result of the calculation is for display only it is not stored.
In order to perform the calculation the sensor must be logged in the IQ controller and the data must be recorded by
963. If the data recorded by 963 is not complete e.g. only the last 4 days of readings are available, or there is a gap in
the data, the MKT will not be calculated and an alarm (MKFL) will be raised. 963 cannot detect if data has been lost
due to the controller being turned off and the MKT will be calculated using the available data and an alarm is not
generated. If the calculation is performed correctly an MKOK alarm is generated.
Note that the action is only compatible with data logged in the IQ controller using synchronised logs.
To use the CALCULATEMKTDATE variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<CALCULATEMKTDATE <Connection> L<LanNumber> O<Controller Address>S<Sensor
Number>,<Start Date>,<End Date>>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the telephone number used to access the site if it is
autodialled, or the IP address of the site is accessed over TCP/IP. It can contain the following characters:
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan containing the device (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10), 0 specifies the
local Lan. <Controller Address> specifies the address of the controller (range 0, 1, 4 to 119 excluding 10).
<Sensor Number> specifies the number of the sensor for which the mean kinetic temperature is required.
<Start Date> specifies the first date in the range for which the MKT is to be calculated. <End Date> specifies
the last date in the range for which the mean kinetic temperature is to be calculated.
CALCULATEMKTDATE L24O20S2,26/12/2001,2/1/2002
This would calculate the MKT for sensor 2 in controller 20, on Lan 24 between 26/12/2001, and 2/1/2002.
963 can be set up to prompt the user to enter any of these parameters to enable the user to define what happens
each time by leaving any of the parameters above blank.
CALCULATEMKTDATE ,,26/12/2001,2/1/2002
This would cause 963 to prompt for the site, Lan, and controller address before it calculates the MKT for
sensor 2 between 26/12/2001, and 2/1/2002.
A10.18 Using the CNC Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The CNC variable returns the network address of the 963.
To use the CNC variable:
1. Enter <CNC>.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 347

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.19 Using the CONNECTION Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The CONNECTION variable returns either the IP address or telephone number of the site from which the alarm
To use the CONNECTION variable:
1. Enter <CONNECTION>.
A10.20 Using the COUNTNEWALARMS Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The COUNTNEWALARMS variable returns the number of alarms that have arrived since the alarms were last
To use the COUNTNEWALARMS variable:
A10.21 Using the DATA Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DATA variable returns the name of the directory in which 963 is installed.
C:\Program Files\Trend Control Systems\963
To use the DATA variable:
1. Enter <DATA>.
A10.22 Using the DEVICE_IP Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DEVICE_IP variable returns the IP address of the device selected in the navigator.
To use the DEVICE_IP variable:
1. Enter <DEVICE_IP>.
A10.23 Using the DEVICE_LABEL Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DEVICE_LABEL variable returns the label from the 963's database of the device selected in the navigator.
To use the DEVICE_LABEL variable:
1. Enter <DEVICE_LABEL>.

348 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.24 Using the DEVICE_LAN Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DEVICE_LAN variable returns Lan number of the device selected in the navigator.
To use the DEVICE_LAN variable:
1. Enter <DEVICE_LAN>.
A10.25 Using the DEVICE_LOADNUMBER Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DEVICE_LOADNUMBER variable returns the load number for a Novar Logic 1 device selected in the navigator.
A null string is returned if the variable is not applicable.
To use the DEVICE_LOADNUMBER variable:
A10.26 Using the DEVICE_MAJOR_VERSION Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DEVICE_MAJOR_VERSION variable returns the devices major version number.
To use the DEVICE_MAJOR_VERSION variable:
A10.27 Using the DEVICE_MINOR_VERSION Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DEVICE_MINOR_VERSION variable returns the devices major version number.
To use the DEVICE_MINOR_VERSION variable:
A10.28 Using the DEVICE_OS Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DEVICE_OS variable returns the network address of the device selected in the navigator.
To use the DEVICE_OS variable:
1. Enter <DEVICE_OS>.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 349

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.29 Using the DEVICE_PARAM Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DEVICE_PARAM variable returns a named parameter from the DEVICESpecificParameter field in the
outstations table for the device selected in the navigator.
To use the DEVICE_PARAM variable:
1. Edit the code for the action in the format:
<DEVICE_PARM <Parameter>>
<Parameter> specifies the parameter that is to be retrieve and can be one of the following:
<Parameter> Description
LoadNumber The load number e.g. 101
ExecutiveIP The IP address of the device e.g. ""
ModuleAddress The network module address e.g. 7
ExecutiveWebServerPort The port number of the device's web server.
A10.30 Using the DEVICE_TELE Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DEVICE_TELE variable returns the tele address of the device selected in the navigator.
To use the DEVICE_TELE variable:
1. Enter <DEVICE_TELE>.
A10.31 Using the DLLVERSION Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DLLVERSION variable returns the version of a specific .dll file.
To use the DLLVERSION variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<DLLVERSION <Filename>>
<Filename> specifies the path and filename of the .dll file.
Note that this information may not be available for all files.
A10.32 Using the DTYPE Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The DTYPE variable returns the letter that specifies the local IQ system device type.
To use the DTYPE variable:
1. Enter <DTYPE>.

350 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.33 Using the ERROR Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ERROR variable can only be used in On Error attribute of a dynamic object. It causes the communications error
text to be displayed.
To use the ERROR variable:
1. Click next to the On Error box in the Dynamic Editor dialogue box and click <ERROR> in the
displayed list.
1. Enter <ERROR> in the On Error box in the Dynamic Editor dialogue box.
A10.34 Using the ESC Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ESC variable makes it possible to insert an escape character in a message.
To use the ESC variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<ESC <Code>>
<Code> is a comma separated list of base 10 ASCII character codes required escape character sequence.
<ESC 65>
This would specify the insert the escape character (ASCII character code 27) and the character 'A' (defined
by base 10 ASCII character code 65).
<ESC 65,66,67,68,69>
This would specify the insert the escape character and the characters 'ABCDE'.
A10.35 Using the EXTRAINFO1 Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The EXTRAINFO1 variable returns any text that has been added to the first extra alarm information field.
To use the EXTRAINFO1 variable:
1. Enter <EXTRAINFO1>.
A10.36 Using the EXTRAINFO2 Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The EXTRAINFO2 variable is only available for use in alarm actions it returns any text that has been added to the
second extra alarm information field.
To use the EXTRAINFO2 variable:
1. Enter <EXTRAINFO2>.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 351

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.37 Using the FILEINFO Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The FILEINFO variable returns file data on a specified file.
c:\Program Files\Trend Control Systems\963\S2.EXE
Created 22 April 2003 13:45:26 Modified 03 June 2003 0:835:00 Size 3120KB
To use the FILEINFO variable:
1. Type <FILEINFO>.
A10.38 Using the FLASH Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The FLASH variable can only be used in When On, When Off, When In Alarm, On Error, While Waiting, When
Overridden On, and When Overridden Off attributes of a dynamic object. It causes the text to flash between the text
colour, the transparency colour.
To use the FLASH variable:
1. Click next to the appropriate box in the Dynamic Editor dialogue box and click <FLASH> in the
displayed list.
1. Enter <FLASH> in the appropriate box in the Dynamic Editor dialogue box.
Note: Ensure that the text colour and the transparency colour are different.
A10.39 Using the FLASHBORDER Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The FLASHBORDER variable can only be used in When On, When Off, When In Alarm, On Error, While Waiting,
When Overridden On, and When Overridden Off attributes of a dynamic object. It causes the border flash between
the text colour, the transparency colour.
To use the FLASHBORDER variable:
1. Click next to the appropriate box in the Dynamic Editor dialogue box and click <FLASHBORDER> in
the displayed list.
1. Enter <FLASHBORDER> in the appropriate box in the Dynamic Editor dialogue box.
A10.40 Using the FNAME Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The FNAME variable returns the path and filename of the schematic page currently being viewed.
c:\Program Files\Trend Control Systems\963\Pages\Albery House\Albery House.tss
To use the FNAME variable:
1. Enter <FNAME>.

352 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.41 Using the FORPNC Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The FORPNC variable returns the alarm using other 963 variables so that it is suitable for retransmission to a PNC.
This would produce a print out similar to the one shown below:
Albery House Level 4 Admin Offices
Room Temperature High Value 23 July 2003 10:39:55

For details about the 963 variables used, see the appropriate sections of this manual.
To use the FORPNC variable:
1. Click FORPNC.
1. Enter <FORPNC>.
A10.42 Using the FREE Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Manus Alarm Action Codes
The FREE variable returns the amount of free disk space (in Mbytes) on the specified drive.
To use the FREE variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<FREE <Drive Letter>:>
<xx> is the number of levels up the tree that is to be returned.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 353

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.43 Using the GOUPTREE Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The GOUPTREE variable returns the path a specified number of levels above the current page. The variable starts
counting levels from 0 upwards, therefore the level directly above a page (parent) is 0. E.g. given the page navigation
structure below if a GOUPTREE variable was used on page Third Floor GOUPTREE 0 would return Floor
Plans\Albery House and GOUPTREE 1 would return Floor Plans.

This makes it possible to create pages that can be reused in other projects or locations by specifying relative paths in
the GOTO statement. Including GOUPTREE will substitute the path a specified number of levels above the current
page into the GOTO action.
To use the GOUPTREE variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<xx> is the number of levels up the tree that is to be returned.
This would return the path 2 levels above the current page.
A10.44 Using the GRAPHLEGEND Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The GRAPHLEGEND variable is only used when the page is a print template for graphs, it displays the legends of
the graph. It can only be used in the To Display attribute of a static object.
To use the GRAPHLEGEND variable:
1. Enter <GRAPHLEGEND> in the What to display box in the Display Object Editor pane.

354 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.45 Using the INVERT Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The INVERT variable can only be used in When On, When Off, When In Alarm, On Error, and While Waiting, When
Overridden On, and When Overridden Off attributes of a dynamic object. It causes the text to be displayed in the
transparency/text flash colour.
To use the INVERT variable:
1. Click next to the appropriate box in the Dynamic Editor dialogue box and click <INVERT> in the
displayed list.
1. Enter <INVERT> in the appropriate box in the Dynamic Editor dialogue box.
A10.46 Using the IP Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The IP variable returns the IP address of the 963 if it is connected to the IQ network using Ethernet.
If more than one network adapter is installed the different IP addresses are separated by a '/'.
To use the IP variable:
1. Enter <IP>.
A10.47 Using the IQ.V2LOG.TLR Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The IQ.V2LOG.TLR variable returns the time of the last record for a specified plot module.
To use the IQ.V2LOG.TLR variable:
1. Type the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<IQ.V2LOG.TLR <Connection> L<Lan Number>O<Controller Address>P<Plot Module Number>>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan of the controller containing the plot module. <Controller Address> specifies
the address of the controller. <Plot Module Number> specifies the module number of the plot module for
which the time of the last record is required.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 355

Appendix 10 - Variables

This would display the time of the last record for plot module 9 from controller 35 on Lan 99 on the local
<IQ.V2LOG.TRC IP"Albery House"L99O35P9>
This would display the time of the last record for plot module 9 from controller 35 on Lan 99 on a site
accessed via a device with a host name of 'Albery House'.
A10.48 Using the IQ.V2LOG.TRC Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The IQ.V2LOG.TRC variable returns the total record count for a specified plot module.
To use the IQ.V2LOG.TRC variable:
1. Type the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<IQ.V2LOG.TRC <Connection> L<Lan Number>O<Controller Address>P<Plot Module Number>>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan of the controller containing the plot module. <Controller Address> specifies
the address of the controller. <Plot Module Number> specifies the module number of the plot module for
which the total record count is required.
This would display the total record count for plot module 9 from controller 35 on Lan 99 on the local site.
<IQ.V2LOG.TRC IP"Albery House"L99O35P9>
This would display the total record count for plot module 9 from controller 35 on Lan 99 on a site accessed
via a device with a host name of 'Albery House'.

356 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.49 Using the IQVALUE Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The IQVALUE variable returns the specified value from the IQ system.
To use the IQVALUE variable:
1. Type the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<IQVALUE <Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address><Module>(<Module
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan of the controller containing the value. <Controller Address> specifies the
address of the controller containing the value. <Module> specifies the type of module using its module
identifier and module number (e.g., S1 specifies sensor 1). <Module Parameter> specifies the parameter
within the module that is to be displayed (e.g. the value of a sensor).For details of module identifiers and the
module parameters see the IQ Configuration Reference Manual (90-1533), or the IQ3/4 Configuration
Reference Manual (TE200768).
This would display the value of sensor 9 from controller 35 on Lan 99.
<QVALUE IP"Albery House"L99O35S9(V)>
This would display the value of sensor 9 from controller 35 on Lan 99 on a site accessed via a device with a
host name of 'Albery House'.
A10.50 Using the ISDIARYIDNOCC Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ISDIARYIDNOCC variable makes it possible to prevent a particular action occurring when a diary group
(identified by its identifier) is in non-occupancy.
To use the ISDIARYIDNOCC variable:
1. Prefix the code specifying the action with:
Where <Diary Group ID> specifies the ID of the diary group to which the action is to be linked. The ID of a
diary group can be found by right-clicking it, the ID appears after the group name on the menu that is
<ISDIARYIDNOCC 9> GOTO Pages\Samples\Floor1.tss.
This would cause 963 to display the Floor 1 page only when the normal occupation times for the diary
group with 9 as its identifier where unoccupied.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 357

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.51 Using the ISDIARYIDOCC Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ISDIARYIDOCC variable makes it possible to prevent a particular action occurring when a named diary group
(identified by its identifier) is in non-occupancy.
To use the ISDIARYIDOCC variable:
1. Prefix the code specifying the action with:
Where <Diary Group ID> specifies the ID of the diary group to which the action is to be linked. The ID of a
diary group can be found by right-clicking it, the ID appears after the group name on the menu that is
<ISDIARYIDOCC 9> GOTO Pages\Samples\Floor1.tss.
This would cause 963 to display the Floor 1 page only when the normal occupation times for the diary
group with 9 as its identifier where unoccupied.
A10.52 Using the ISDIARYNOCC Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ISDIARYNOCC variable makes it possible to prevent a particular action occurring when a named diary group is
in non-occupancy.
To use the ISDIARYNOCC variable:
1. Prefix the code specifying the action with:
<ISDIARYNOCC <Diary Group Name>>
Where <Diary Group Name> specifies the name of the diary group to which the action is to be linked.
<ISDIARYNOCC Floor 1> GOTO Pages\Samples\Floor1.tss.
This would cause 963 to display the Floor 1 page only when the normal occupation times for the Floor 1
diary group where unoccupied.
A10.53 Using the ISDIARYOCC Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ISDIARYOCC variable makes it possible to prevent a particular action occurring when a named diary group is
To use the ISDIARYOCC variable:
1. Prefix the code specifying the action with:
<ISDIARYOCC <Diary Group Name>>
Where <Diary Group Name> specifies the name of the diary group to which the action is to be linked.
<ISDIARYOCC Floor 1> GOTO Pages\Samples\Floor1.tss.
This would cause 963 to display the Floor 1 page only when the normal occupation times for the Floor 1
diary group where occupied.

358 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.54 Using the LABEL Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The LABEL variable returns the label of the item in alarm.
To use the LABEL variable:
1. Enter <LABEL>.
A10.55 Using the LAN Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The LAN variable returns the Lan number to which 963 is connected. However when used in an alarm action it will
return the Lan number where the alarm originated.
To use the LAN variable:
1. Enter <LAN>.
A10.56 Using the LANLABEL Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The LANLABEL variable returns the label of the Lan containing the controller sending the alarm.
To use the LANLABEL variable:
1. Enter <LANLABEL>.
A10.57 Using the LFNAME Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The LFNAME variable returns the filename of the page currently being viewed and its location in the file structure
within the install directory.
" Pages\Albery House\Albery House.tss"
To use the LFNAME variable:
1. Enter <LFNAME>.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 359

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.58 Using the LIVE Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The LIVE variable returns the live value of the specified value from the IQ system from the web servers cache.
To use the LIVE variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<LIVE<Connection> L<Lan Number> O<Controller Address><Module>(<Module Parameter>)>
<Connection> is an optional parameter that specifies the IP address or host name if the site is accessed over
TCP/IP or the telephone number required to access the site if it is autodialled. When entering an IP address
it must be prefixed by 'IP' e.g. IP192.186.23.87. If specifying a hostname it must be prefixed by 'IP' and
enclosed in double quotes e.g. IP"Albery House". When entering a telephone number it can contain the
following characters.
Characters Description
0 to 9 Dialling characters.
ABCD#* Considered as dialling characters on some systems.
J or : Wait for secondary dial tone.
K or ; or , 2 second pause (Note on some autodiallers this may be a 1 second pause).
< Pulse dialling.
M or = Tone dialling.
<Lan Number> specifies the Lan of the controller containing the value. <Controller Address> specifies the
address of the controller containing the value. <Module> specifies the type of module using its module
identifier and module number (e.g., S1 specifies sensor 1). <Module Parameter> specifies the parameter
within the module that is to be displayed (e.g. the value of a sensor).
For details of module identifiers and the module parameters see the see the IQ Configuration Reference
Manual (90-1533), or the IQ3 Configuration Reference Manual (TE200768).
This causes the 963 to print out the value of sensor 1 from controller 24 on Lan 20.
A10.59 Using the MEMREPORT Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The MEMREPORT variable returns a general memory report.
97 percent of memory is in use.
There are 261552 total Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 7144 free Kbytes of physical memory.
There are 632488 total Kbytes of paging file.
There are 363232 free Kbytes of paging file.
There are 1fff80 total Kbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1a3e78 free Kbytes of virtual memory
To use the MEMREPORT variable:
1. Enter <MEMREPORT>.

360 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.60 Using the ML Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The ML variable returns the current memory load.
To use the ML variable:
1. Enter <ML>.
A10.61 Using the MODBY Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The MODBY variable returns the name of the user who last modified the page.
To use the MODBY variable:
1. Enter <MODBY>.
A10.62 Using the MODTIME Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The MODTIME variable returns the date and time the page was last modified formatted according to the local settings.
31 October 2007 12:28:54
To use the MODTIME variable:
1. Enter <MODTIME>.
A10.63 Using the MODULE Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The MODULE variable returns the module code of the item in alarm.
This specifies sensor 1.
To use the MODULE variable:
1. Enter <MODULE>.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 361

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.64 Using the NEWLINE Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The NEWLINE variable enables a new line to be inserted in a message e.g. to force a new line on a printer.
To use the NEWLINE variable:
1. Enter <NEWLINE>.
A10.65 Using the NEWMSG Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The NEWMSG variable forces 963 to split a message sent using the RETRANSMIT action when it is sent over the
IQ network. It should be used to force 963 to break up a long message at the point of your choosing avoiding the
more >> messages.
To use the NEWMSG variable:
1. Enter <NEWMSG>.
A10.66 Using the OPTION Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The OPTION returns the status of a specific licence option.
To use the OPTION variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<OPTION <Licence Option>>
<Licence Option> specifies the licence option for which the status is required.
Licence Option Description Licence Option Description
1 Secure 4 SNMP
2 Propack 5 SMS Direct
3 Server
A10.67 Using the OS Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The OS variable returns the address of the controller/device that sent the alarm.
To use the OS variable:
1. Enter <OS>.
A10.68 Using the OSLABEL Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The OSLABEL variable returns the label of the controller/device that sent the alarm.
To use the OSLABEL variable:
1. Enter <OSLABEL>.

362 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.69 Using the OSVERSION Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The OSVERSION returns the operating system name and version that 963 is running on.
Windows OS [Service Pack 2]
To use the OSVERSION variable:
1. Enter <OSVERSION>.
A10.70 Using the PAGEDIR Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PAGEDIR variable returns the path of the current page within the pages sub-directory of the install directory.
Albery House\Boilers
To use the PAGEDIR variable:
1. Enter <PAGEDIR>.
A10.71 Using the PCDATE Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PCDATE variable returns the current date set on the PC as shown below:
<dd> specifies the day of the month, <mm> specifies the current month, and <yy> specifies the current year.
It can be used to create date stamped files.
To use the PCDATE variable:
1. Enter <PCDATE>.
A10.72 Using the PCDAY Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PCDAY variable returns the day of the month set on the PC.
To use the PCDAY variable:
1. Enter <PCDAY>.
A10.73 Using the PCHOUR Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PCHOUR variable returns the hour of the current time on the PC.
To use the PCHOUR variable:
1. Enter <PCHOUR>.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 363

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.74 Using the PCMIN Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PCMIN variable returns the minutes of the current time on the PC.
To use the PCMIN variable:
1. Enter <PCMIN>.
A10.75 Using the PCMONTH Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PCMONTH variable returns the current month set on the PC.
To use the PCMONTH variable:
1. Enter <PCMONTH>.
A10.76 Using the PCSEC Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PCSEC variable returns the seconds of the current time on the PC.
To use the PCSEC variable:
1. Enter <PCSEC>.
A10.77 Using the PCTIME Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PCTIME variable returns the current time on the PC as shown below:
<hh> specifies current hour, and <mm> specifies the current minutes.
It can be used to create time stamped files.
To use the PCTIME variable:
1. Enter <PCTIME>.
A10.78 Using the PCWKDAY Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PCWKDAY variable returns a number that represents the current day of the week set on the PC.
Day Number Day Number
Monday 1 Friday 5
Tuesday 2 Saturday 6
Wednesday 3 Sunday 7
Thursday 4
To use the PCWKDAY variable:
1. Enter <PCWKDAY>.

364 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.79 Using the PCYEAR Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PCYEAR variable returns the current year set on the PC as shown below:
03 would be returned if the year was 2003.
To use the PCYEAR variable:
1. Type <PCYEAR>.
A10.80 Using the PNAME Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PNAME variable returns the name of the page currently being viewed.
To use the PNAME variable:
1. Enter <PNAME>.
A10.81 Using the PRINTAREA Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The PRINTAREA variable is only used when the page is a print template for graphs, it determines the area on the
template that is to include the data. It can only be used in the To Display attribute of a static object.
To use the PRINTAREA variable:
1. Enter <PRINTAREA> in the What to display box in the Display Object Editor pane.
Note that when a page is set as a print template a static object with the To Display attribute set to the PRINTAREA
variable is automatically added.
A10.82 Using the RESOLUTION Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The RESOLUTION variable returns the resolution of the screen.
1130 X 1079
To use the RESOLUTION variable:
1. Enter <RESOLUTION>.
A10.83 Using the SERIALNO Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The SERIALNO variable can only be used in a alarm action code. It returns the serial number of the controller that
generated the alarm.
To use the SERIALNO variable:
1. Enter <SERIALNO>.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 365

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.84 Using the SERVERSTATUS Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The SERVERSTATUS variable returns information about the status of the 963 server.
Clients (1)
Name IP address PC Name Log in time Last activity Last action Session expires at
System Administrator Not Enabled 23/07/2003 11:31:28 23/07/2003 11:31:36 GET
Cache (0)
Tele Item Value Last updated (secs) Last requested (secs

To use the SERVERSTATUS variable:

A10.85 Using the SHORTADJUDESC Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The SHORTADJUESC variable converts the adjust message to a machine readable format required for IQ EYE.
To use the SHORTADJUESC variable:
A10.86 Using the SHORTTIME Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The SHORTTIME variable returns the date and time of the alarm in short format, formatted according to the local
17/04/01 16:49
To use the SHORTTIME variable:
1. Enter <SHORTTIME>.
A10.87 Using the SITE Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The SITE variable returns the name of the site containing the alarm.
To use the SITE variable:
1. Enter <SITE>.

366 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.88 Using the SQLVALUE Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The SQLVALUE variable returns the result of the specified SQL query.
To use the SQLVALUE variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<SQLVALUE <SQL Command>>
Where <SQL Command> is the SQL query that is to be performed. The SQL command must be in the
following order:
SELECT <Selected Data> FROM <Database Table> WHERE <Query Criteria>
<SQLVALUE SELECT COUNT ( theIndex) AS 'Number of alarms' FROM Alarms WHERE
ModuleLabel = 'Boiler lockout' AND setTime BETWEEN DateAdd('d',-1,Now()) AND Now()>
This would return the number of alarms for the module Boiler lockout during the last day the DateAdd
function is subtracting one from the day (d) part of the time Now.
Note that 963 returns the value or text of the first record returned by the SQL, if there is an error then 963 returns the
text of the error.
A10.89 Using the SYSTEM Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The SYSTEM variable returns the path of the operating systems system directory.
To use the SYSTEM variable:
1. Enter <SYSTEM>.
A10.90 Using the TAB Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The TAB makes it possible to include a TAB character in the display, or include one in a message.
To use the TAB variable:
1. Enter <TAB>.
A10.91 Using the TELE Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The TELE variable returns either the IP address or telephone number of the site from which the alarm originated.
To use the TELE variable:
1. Enter <TELE>.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 367

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.92 Using the TESTVALUE Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The TESTVALUE variable makes it possible to prevent a particular action from occurring unless a specified test is
positive, by including a test in the variable code.
To use the TESTVALUE variable:
1. Prefix the code specifying the action with the following code:
<TESTVALUE [<Value to test>] <Test to perform>>
<Value to test> specifies the value that is to be tested. <Test to perform> specifies the value that it must
match for the specified action to be carried out. It can be one of three options; GREATERTHAN xx,
LESSTHAN xx or EQUALTO yy where xx is a number and yy is either text or a number. Both <Value to
test>, and <Test to perform> can be the result of another variable code, or user response.
If more than one <TESTVALUE> variable code is added to an action code, then all the tests must match for
the action to be carried out (the results are ANDed together).
<TESTVALUE [<?Please enter a number>] GREATERTHAN 23>MESSAGE Higher than
This would ask the user to enter a number and if that number was greater than 23 it would use the MESSAGE
action to pop-up a message box containing the text Higher than 23.
A10.93 Using the TIME Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The TIME variable returns the date and time set on the PC formatted according to the local settings.
To use the TIME variable:
1. Enter <TIME>.
A10.94 Using the TIMEON Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The TIMEON variable returns the length of time since 963 was started as shown below:
2 days 4 hours 453 mins 55 secs.
To use the TIMEON variable:
1. Enter <TIMEON>.
A10.95 Using the TIMEONFULL Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The TIMEONFULL variable returns the length of time since 963 was started with each item on a separate line as
shown below:
Total days: 2
Hours: 4
Mins: 43
Secs: 55
To use the TIMEONFULL variable:
1. Enter <TIMEONFULL>.

368 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.96 Using the TIMESPEC x Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The TIMESPEC x variable is only available for use in alarm actions. It enables the time and date information to be
extracted from an alarm in a number of different formats.
To use the TIMESPEC x variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<x> is a code that defines the format of the date and time. The table below defines the various values of x.
Value of <x> Description
#c Long date and time representation, appropriate for current locale. For example: Tuesday,
March 14, 1995, 12:41:29.
#d Day of month as decimal number with leading zeros removed.
#H Hour in 24-hour format with leading zeros removed.
#I Hour in 12-hour format with leading zeros removed.
#j Day of year as decimal number with leading zeros removed.
#m Month as decimal number with leading zeros removed.
#M Minute as decimal number with leading zeros removed.
#S Second as decimal number with leading zeros removed.
#U Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week with leading zeros
#w Weekday as decimal number (0 6; Sunday is 0) with leading zeros removed.
#W Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 53)with leading
zeros removed.
#x Long date representation, appropriate to current locale. For example: Tuesday, March 14,
#Y Year with century, as decimal number with leading zeros removed.
a Abbreviated weekday name
A Full weekday name
b Abbreviated month name
B Full month name
c Date and time representation appropriate for locale
d Day of month as decimal number (01 31)
H Hour in 24-hour format (00 23)
I Hour in 12-hour format (01 12)
j Day of year as decimal number (001 366)
m Month as decimal number (01 12)
M Minute as decimal number (00 59)
p Current locales A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
S Second as decimal number (00 59)
U Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 53)
w Weekday as decimal number (0 6; Sunday is 0)
W Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 53)
x Date representation for current locale
X Time representation for current locale
y Year without century, as decimal number (00 99)
Y Year with century, as decimal number
Z Time-zone name or abbreviation; no characters if time zone is unknown

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 369

Appendix 10 - Variables

A10.97 Using the USER Variable

Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The USER variable returns the name of the user currently logged on.
To use the USER variable:
1. Enter <USER>.
A10.98 Using the VALUE Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The VALUE variable returns a specified value from an INI file.
To use the VALUE variable:
1. Enter the code to specify the variable in the following format:
<VALUE <Section>,<Key>,<Filename>>
<Section> specifies the section in the INI file from which the value is to be read. <Key> specifies the line in
the specified section containing the value. <Filename> specifies the path and filename of the INI file.
<VALUE ALARMS,DaysToKeep,<DATA>\s2.ini>
This would return the value defined in the DaysToKeep key in the ALARMS section of S2.INI in the install
A10.99 Using the VER Variable
Schematic Display Action Codes (Not Alarm Action) Dynamic Menus Alarm Action Codes
The VER variable returns the version of 963.
963 V1.10
To use the VER variable:
1. Enter <VER>.

370 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 11 - Database Upgrade Scripts


When 963 is upgraded the first time it runs it runs script files to upgrade the SQL database. Sometimes this process
does not work correctly and it is necessary to run the scripts manually
Version upgrading Scripts to be run
v2.00 updateTo2.sql, updateTo3.sql, updateTo4.sql, updateTo5.sql, updateTo6.sql,
updateTo7.sql, updateTo8.sql and updateTo9.sql.
v2.10 Scripts required for v2.00 plus:updateTo10.sql, updateTo11.sql, updateTo12.sql,
updateTo13.sql, updateTo14.sql, updateTo15.sql, updateTo16.sql, updateTo17.sql,
updateTo17.sql, updateTo18.sql, updateTo19.sql, updateTo20.sql, updateTo21.sql,
v2.10 SP1 Scripts required for v2.00 and v2.10 plus:updateTo23.sql.
v2.11 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10 and v2.10 SP1 plus:updateTo23.sql.
2.12 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1 and v2.11 plus:updateTo24.sql,
updateTo25.sql, updateTo26.sql, updateTo27.sql, updateTo28.sql, updateTo29.sql,
updateTo30.sql and updateTo31.sql.
v2.20 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11 and v2.12 plus:updateTo32.sql.
v3.00 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12 and v2.20
plus:updateTo33.sql, updateTo34.sql, updateTo35.sql, updateTo36.sql,
updateTo37.sql, updateTo38.sql, updateTo39.sql, updateTo40.sql, updateTo41.sql,
updateTo42.sql, updateTo43.sql and updateTo44.sql.
v3.01 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12, v2.20 and v3.00 plus:
v3.10 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12, v2.20, v3.00 and v3.01
plus:updateTo45.sql, updateTo46.sql, updateTo47.sql, updateTo48.sql,
updateTo49.sql, updateTo50.sql, updateTo51.sql, updateTo52.sql, updateTo53.sql,
updateTo54.sql, updateTo55.sql, updateTo56.sql, updateTo57.sql, updateTo58.sql,
updateTo59.sql, updateTo60.sql, updateTo61.sql, updateTo62.sql, updateTo63.sql,
updateTo64.sql, and insertDefaultFiltersAndAlarmGroups.sql.
v3.20 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12, v2.20, v3.00 and v3.01,
v3.10 plus updateTo65.sql, updateTo66.sql, updateTo67.sql, updateTo68.sql,
updateTo69.sql, updateTo70.sql, updateTo71.sql and updateTo72.sql.
v3.20 SP1 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12, v2.20, v3.00, v3.01 and
v3.10 plus updateTo72.sql.
v3.30 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12, v2.20, v3.00, v3.01, v3.10
and v3.20 SP1 plus updateTo73.sql, updateTo74.sql, updateTo75.sql,
updateTo76.sql, updateTo77.sql, updateTo78.sql, updateTo79.sql, updateTo80.sql,
updateTo81.sql and updateTo82.sql.
v3.40 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12, v2.20, v3.00, v3.01, v3.10,
v3.20 SP1 and v3.30 plus updateTo83.sql, updateTo84.sql, updateTo85.sql,
updateTo86.sql, updateTo87.sql, updateTo88.sql, updateTo89.sql, updateTo90.sql,
updateTo91.sql, updateTo92.sql, updateTo93.sql, updateTo94.sql, updateTo95.sql,
updateTo96.sql, updateTo97.sql, updateTo98.sql, updateTo99.sql, updateTo100.sql,
updateTo101.sql, updateTo102.sql, updateTo103.sql, updateTo104.sql,
updateTo105.sql, and updateTo106.sql
V3.50 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12, v2.20, v3.00, v3.01, v3.10,
v3.20 SP1, v3.30 and v3.40 plus updateTo107.sql, updateTo108.sql,
updateTo109.sql, updateTo110.sql and updateTo111.sql
Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12, v2.20, v3.00, v3.01, v3.10,
V3.60 v3.20 SP1, v3.30, v3.40 and v3.50 plus updateTo112.sql, updateTo113.sql,
updateTo114.sql, updateTo115.sql, updateTo116.sql, updateTo117.sql and
V3.62 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12, v2.20, v3.00, v3.01, v3.10,
v3.20 SP1, v3.30, v3.40, v3.50 and v3.60 plus updateTo119.sql, updateTo120.sql,
updateTo121.sql, updateTo122.sql, and updateTo123.sql.
V3.70 Scripts required for v2.00, v2.10, v2.10 SP1, v2.11, v2.12, v2.20, v3.00, v3.01, v3.10,
v3.20 SP1, v3.30, v3.40, v3.50, v3.62, v3.70, and

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 371

Appendix 11 - Database Upgrade Scripts

372 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 12 - Edit INI Files


963 provides a user interface to enable easy editing of its INI files.
Making changes to the INI file will change the way 963 operates. Changes to the INI files should only be made by an
experienced engineer.
To edit the 963`s INI files:
1. Log in as a System Administrator user.
2. On the Tools menu click Advanced INI Settings. The Supervisor Settings dialogue box is displayed.

3. Click Browse. The Open dialogue box is displayed.

4. Open the required INI file (S2.INI or TCOMMSRV.INI) normally in the c:\program files\trend control
systems\963 folder.
5. Edit the INI file to edit a key`s value, edit a key`s name, add a new key, delete a key, edit a section`s name,
add a new section, or delete a section.
To delete a section:
In the section pane click the section that is to be deleted.
Click Delete. 963 prompts for confirmation of the deletion.
Click Yes.
To add a new section:
Click New Section. The INI file settings dialogue box is displayed.

In the box enter the name of the new section.

Click OK.

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 373

Appendix 12 - Edit INI Files

To edit a section`s name:

In the section pane click the section that is to be edited.
In the Section pane click the section that is to be edited. The INI file settings dialogue box is

In the box enter the new name.

Click OK.
To delete a key:
In the section pane click the section that contains the key that is to be deleted.
In the Key pane click the key that is to be deleted.
Click Delete. 963 prompts for confirmation of the deletion.
Click Yes.
To add a new key:
In the section pane click the section that the key is to be added to.
Click New Key. The INI file settings dialogue box is displayed.

Click the Key tab. The INI file settings dialogue box changes.

In the box enter the key`s name.

Click the Value tab. The INI file settings dialogue box changes.

In the box enter the key`s value.

Click OK.
To edit a key`s name:
In the section pane click the section that contains the key that is to be edited.
In the Key pane click the key that is to be edited. The INI file settings dialogue box is displayed.

Click the Key tab. The INI file settings dialogue box changes.

In the box enter the new name.

Click OK.

374 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016

Appendix 12 - Edit INI Files

To edit a key`s value:

In the section pane click the section that contains the key that is to be edited.
In the Key pane click the key that is to be edited. The INI file settings dialogue box is displayed.

Click the Value tab. The INI file settings dialogue box changes.

In the box enter the new value.

Click OK.
6. Click OK. If the project already exists, only information that is newer than the existing information will be

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 375

Appendix 12 - Edit INI Files

376 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016



? Action ..................................................................................... 216 POPUP ................................................................................. 244

? Variable................................................................................... 341 PRINTAFILE ....................................................................... 246
[Scheduler] Section .................................................................... 305 PRINTGRAPH ..................................................................... 246
== Variable ................................................................................ 342 PRINTGRAPH96 ................................................................. 247
962CODED Variable ................................................................. 342 PRINTLINE ......................................................................... 248
963 PRINTPAGE ........................................................................ 249
Run with SET ....................................................................... 329 PRINTPAGEAUTO ............................................................. 249
963 Secure PRINTPAGEPREVIEW ...................................................... 251
Mean Kinetic Temperature Calculation .................................. 21 PRINTQUERY..................................................................... 252
963 Server .................................................................................... 23 PRINTSETUP ...................................................................... 252
Convert Bitmaps ................................................................... 179 QUERYTOTEXTFILE ........................................................ 252
Port Number.......................................................................... 181 RECORD.............................................................................. 253
Restrict Access........................................................................ 59 RECORDAUTO_PRECISION ............................................ 255
Specify the Number of Points Sent to Clients ....................... 181 RECORDSCHEMATIC ....................................................... 255
963 SMS Direct ........................................................................... 24 RECORDTOTEXT .............................................................. 256
963 SNMP ................................................................................... 24 REMOTE ............................................................................. 258
963CODED Variable ................................................................. 343 RESOLUTION ..................................................................... 259
Access RETRANSMIT .................................................................... 259
Restrict IP Addresses .............................................................. 59 RUN ..................................................................................... 261
Access Rights SCRIPT ................................................................................ 263
Change .................................................................................. 133 SEND Action........................................................................ 264
Action Alarms SENDAUTO ........................................................................ 265
Automatically ....................................................................... 173 SETGENERIC ..................................................................... 266
Actions....................................................................................... 214 SETIOPORT ........................................................................ 266
? 216 SHOWNAVIGATOR........................................................... 267
ARCHIVEDATA.................................................................. 217 SLEEP .................................................................................. 267
AUDIT_LAN ........................................................................ 218 Specifying ..................................................... 340, 341, 342, 346
AUTOCOMPACT_COMPACT ........................................... 254 Unprintable Characters ......................................................... 346
Availability ........................................................................... 214 USERS_LOGOUT ............................................................... 267
BACKUPDB......................................................................... 222 VIEWFILTER ...................................................................... 267
BACKUPFILE ...................................................................... 223 VIEWGRAPH ...................................................................... 268
BALLOON ........................................................................... 223 VIEWPOINTS ..................................................................... 269
BEEP .................................................................................... 224 VIEWQUERY ...................................................................... 270
BROWSER_POPUP ............................................................. 224 VIEWQUERYEX ................................................................ 271
CALCULATEMKT .............................................................. 225 WEB ..................................................................................... 272
CALCULATEMKTDATE ................................................... 227 WINEXEC ........................................................................... 273
CHANGEPASSWORD ........................................................ 228 WINEXECU......................................................................... 273
CHANGEPIN ....................................................................... 229 WRITESTRING ................................................................... 274
COMMAND ......................................................................... 229 WRITETOTEXTFILE ......................................................... 275
CONFIG ............................................................................... 229 Actions Table ............................................................................ 281
COPYFILE ........................................................................... 230 Active Content Files
CREATEDIRECTORY ........................................................ 231 Create ..................................................................................... 71
DELETE ............................................................................... 231 Add
DELETEHISTORICDATA .................................................. 231 Alarm Codes......................................................................... 178
DOCUMENT........................................................................ 232 Alarm Priority ...................................................................... 169
DROPALLLINES ................................................................. 232 Controllers .............................................................................. 84
DROPTHISLINE .................................................................. 232 Graph Definitions ................................................................... 89
EXECUTESMS .................................................................... 233 Lans ........................................................................................ 84
EXECUTESQL..................................................................... 233 Scheduled Events ................................................................. 134
EXIT ..................................................................................... 234 Standard Alarm Filters ......................................................... 142
FIT2PAGE ............................................................................ 234 Standard Alarm Groups ........................................................ 142
FORCECLOSE ..................................................................... 234 Add Objects to a Page
GOTO ................................................................................... 234 Active Content...................................................................... 116
GOTO Alarms ...................................................................... 235 Analogue Graphics ............................................................... 120
GOTO Config ....................................................................... 236 Analogue Nodes ................................................................... 120
GOTO Devices ..................................................................... 236 Animations ........................................................................... 117
GOTO Diary ......................................................................... 236 Buttons .................................................. 112, 113, 114, 115, 116
GOTO NEXT........................................................................ 236 Buttons Schematics .............................................................. 113
GOTO PREVIOUS ............................................................... 237 Coloured Buttons.................................................................. 115
GOTO Scheduler .................................................................. 237 Digital Values ....................................................................... 119
GOTO Users ......................................................................... 237 Dynamic Objects ........................................................... 104, 106
GOTO Web ........................................................................... 237 Excel Documents........................................................... 115, 116
HIDENAVIGATOR ............................................................. 237 Generic Object...................................................................... 119
HOTSPOTS .......................................................................... 238 Graphic Buttons.................................................................... 116
Include User Response .......................................................... 341 Graphics ............................................................................... 116
Include Variables .......................................................... 340, 341 Graphs .................................................................................. 115
Including a Test .................................................................... 368 HTML Files ................................................................... 115, 116
INPUTSTRING .................................................................... 238 Invisible Button .................................................................... 117
KILLMSG ............................................................................ 239 Lan Maps.............................................................................. 119
LEARNSITE......................................................................... 239 Mean Kinetic Temperature ................................................... 118
LICENSE .............................................................................. 240 Popup Schematics................................................................. 113
LOGINAS ............................................................................. 240 PowerPoint Presentations ..................................................... 116
LOGMSG ............................................................................. 241 Static Objects................................................................. 104, 106
LOGOUT .............................................................................. 242 System Variables .................................................................. 117
MESSAGE ............................................................................ 242 Text ...................................................................................... 118
PLAY .................................................................................... 244 URLs .................................................................................... 116

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 377


Value from IQ System .......................................................... 119 Printing ................................................................................. 159

Word Documents .......................................................... 115, 116 Receive from TCP/IP Site .................................................... 172
XML Documents .................................................................. 116 Retransmission ..................................................................... 172
Add Objects to the Device Viewer Test ....................................................................................... 208
Autodialled Site ...................................................................... 79 Alarm Logging
BACnet Site ............................................................................ 77 Disable ................................................................................. 141
Controllers .............................................................................. 84 Enable................................................................................... 141
Lans ........................................................................................ 84 Alarm Points Windows ............................................................. 205
Remote Site....................................................................... 79, 80 Alarm Printing
TCP/IP Site ............................................................................. 80 Disable ................................................................................. 141
TOPS Site ............................................................................... 77 Enable................................................................................... 141
Add Objects to the Diary Display Alarm Printout........................................................................... 159
Diary Folders ........................................................................ 124 Define ................................................................................... 157
Diary Groups ........................................................................ 125 Alarm Priority
Synchronise Times ................................................................ 140 Add ....................................................................................... 169
Add Objects to the Schematic Page Display Early IQ Alarms ................................................................... 169
Analogue Graphics ............................................................... 120 Edit ....................................................................................... 169
Analogue Nodes .................................................................... 120 Alarm Viewer
Animations............................................................................ 117 Display Labels In.................................................................. 191
Buttons.................................................................................. 113 ALARMASXML Variable ........................................................ 343
Digital Values ....................................................................... 119 ALARMCODE Variable ........................................................... 344
Folders .................................................................................... 98 ALARMDESC Variable............................................................ 344
Generic Object ...................................................................... 119 ALARMGROUP Variable ........................................................ 344
Graphic Buttons .................................................................... 116 ALL Variable ............................................................................ 345
Graphics ........................................................................ 115, 116 AllDetailsForLans View ............................................................ 282
Invisible Button .................................................................... 117 AllDetailsForOutstation View ................................................... 282
Lan Maps .............................................................................. 119 ALLLABELS variable .............................................................. 345
Mean Kinetic Temperature ................................................... 118 Analogue File Attribute ............................................................. 310
Page .............................................................................. 100, 101 Analogue Graphic Files
System Variables .................................................................. 117 Add to a Page ....................................................................... 120
Text ....................................................................................... 118 Create ..................................................................................... 69
Top-Level Folders ................................................................... 98 Analogue Nodes
Value from IQ System .......................................................... 119 Add to a Page ....................................................................... 120
Add Objects to the Web Browser Analogue Values
Links to a URL ..................................................................... 122 Add to a Page ........................................................ 104, 106, 120
Links to HTML File .............................................................. 122 Animation
Add Retransmission Destinations Add to a Page ....................................................................... 117
Add ....................................................................... 145, 146, 147 Speed .................................................................................... 313
E-mail via SMTP .......................................................... 146, 147 Animation Files
Free Format (945 & 963) ...................................................... 142 Create ..................................................................................... 69
Pager via Trend Modem ........................................................ 144 Framerate.............................................................................. 313
Trend Text Message (PNC's etc)........................................... 145 Anti Spyware Programs ............................................................. 291
Adjust Apparent PIN Level .................................................................. 208
Confirmation Of.................................................................... 199 ARCHIVEDATA Action .......................................................... 217
Adjustment Confirmation .......................................................... 199 Arrange
Alarm Objects in a Table ................................................................. 111
Available Actions ................................................................. 214 ASCII Files
Available Variables ............................................................... 338 Use ....................................................................................... 194
Handling ............................................................................... 172 ASCII Variable.......................................................................... 346
Retransmit...................... 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168 Asking Questions in a Script File ................................................ 74
Alarm Actions Attributes
Emulate ................................................................................. 208 Analogue File Attribute ........................................................ 310
Alarm Codes Autosize Attribute ................................................................ 310
Add ....................................................................................... 178 Background Colour .............................................................. 311
Restore Default ..................................................................... 179 Colour Attribute ................................................................... 311
Alarm Filter Command Attribute .............................................................. 312
Add Standard ........................................................................ 142 Connection Attribute ............................................................ 312
Delete .................................................................................... 152 Decimal Places Attribute ...................................................... 312
Edit ....................................................................................... 152 Display Analog Graphic Attribute ........................................ 313
Examples .............................................................. 153, 154, 155 Display as Attribute .............................................................. 313
Standard .......................................................................... 42, 142 Font Attribute ....................................................................... 313
Alarm Group Height Attribute.................................................................... 314
Actions .................................................................................. 159 Item Attribute ....................................................................... 314
Delete .................................................................................... 158 Label Attribute ..................................................................... 314
Edit ....................................................................................... 158 LAN Attribute ...................................................................... 315
Examples ....... 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168 On Error Attribute ................................................................ 315
Alarm Groups Outstation Attribute .............................................................. 316
Add Standard ........................................................................ 142 Outstation Template Attribute .............................................. 316
Standard .......................................................................... 42, 142 PIN Attribute ........................................................................ 319
Alarm Handling ........................................................................... 18 Refresh View Attribute......................................................... 319
Actions .................................................................. 158, 159, 208 Shadow Attribute.................................................................. 319
Auto Action Alarms .............................................................. 173 To Display Attribute ............................................................. 320
Configure .................................................61, 172, 173, 174, 177 Tooltip Attribute ................................................................... 321
Default Actions ..................................................................... 168 Transparency ........................................................................ 321
Define the Printout ................................................................ 157 Units Attribute ...................................................................... 321
Disable .................................................................................. 141 Use Generic Attribute ........................................................... 322
Enable ................................................................................... 141 Visible Attribute ................................................................... 322
Keep Alarms ......................................................................... 196 When In Alarm Attribute ...................................................... 323
Plan ......................................................................................... 42 When OFF Attribute ............................................................. 324

378 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016


When On Attribute................................................................ 325 Site Connections ..................................................................... 83

When Overridden Off ........................................................... 316 Units for a Value .................................................................... 86
When Overridden On ............................................................ 318 User Access Rights ............................................................... 133
While Waiting Attribute........................................................ 326 CHANGEPASSWORD Action ................................................. 228
Width Attribute ..................................................................... 327 CHANGEPIN Action ................................................................ 229
AUDIT_LAN Action ................................................................. 218 Chart
Auto Action Alarms ................................................................... 173 Specify ................................................................................... 96
Auto Actioned Alarms Check
Hide ...................................................................................... 191 Communications................................................................... 290
AUTOCOMPACT_COMPACT Action .................................... 254 SMS Activity ........................................................................ 290
Autodialled Sites Client
Add ......................................................................................... 79 Access .................................................................................... 33
Autodialling Devices ................................................................. 186 Available Actions ................................................................. 214
Automatically Available Variables .............................................................. 338
Action Alarms ....................................................................... 173 Configure............................................................... 206, 207, 208
Calculate MKT ..................................................................... 136 Configure PC ........................................................................ 206
Print a Page ........................................................................... 137 CNC Variable ............................................................................ 347
Print Graphs .......................................................................... 137 Codes
Record a Graph ..................................................................... 138 Action ............................................................ 340, 341, 342, 346
Record Data to a Text File .................................................... 140 System Variables ........................................................... 340, 341
Send an SMS Message .......................................................... 140 Collect a Site's Labels ................................................................. 82
Autosize Attribute...................................................................... 310 Colour Attribute ........................................................................ 311
Backdrop Files COMMAND Action .................................................................. 229
Create...................................................................................... 70 Command Attribute ................................................................... 312
Size ......................................................................................... 71 Command Line Parameters in a Script File ................................. 74
Background Colour Attribute..................................................... 311 Communications
Backup Control ................................................................................. 121
BACKUPDB Action ............................................................. 222 Log ....................................................................................... 290
BACKUPFILE Action .......................................................... 223 Messages To/From the Client ............................................... 289
Configuration ........................................................................ 209 Minimum Refresh Time ....................................................... 121
Database................................................................................ 187 Port ....................................................................................... 295
Databases .............................................................................. 222 SMS Activity ........................................................................ 290
Files ...................................................................................... 223 Statistics ............................................................................... 289
Backup to a Network Location .................................................. 189 View ..................................................................................... 289
BACKUPDB Action .................................................................. 222 Window ................................................................................ 290
BACKUPFILE Action ............................................................... 223 Communications Timeout ......................................................... 193
BACnet Device Compact Log
View Occupation Times........................................................ 129 Disable ................................................................................. 300
View Schedules..................................................................... 129 Compatibility............................................................................... 26
BACnet Site CONFIG Action ........................................................................ 229
Add ......................................................................................... 77 Configuration
BALLOON Action .................................................................... 223 Backup ................................................................................. 209
Batch Refresh ............................................................................ 192 Configure
Baud Rate Backup to a Network Location ............................................. 189
Printer ................................................................................... 199 Client ..................................................................... 206, 207, 208
BBUF......................................................................................... 159 Operation with IQ1 Series Controllers.................................. 189
BEEP Action.............................................................................. 224 Print Templates .................................................................... 121
Bitmaps Proxy Server Settings ........................................................... 208
Convert ................................................................................. 179 Confirmation of Adjustments .................................................... 199
BMP Files .................................................................................... 71 Connection Attribute ................................................................. 312
BORDER Variable .................................................................... 346 CONNECTION Variable .......................................................... 348
BROWSER_POPUP Action ...................................................... 224 Contacting Trend ......................................................................... 14
Buffer Full Alarms ..................................................................... 159 Controller
Buttons Add ......................................................................................... 84
Add to a Page ........................................................ 113, 116, 117 Delete ..................................................................................... 85
Calculate MKT ..................................................................... 113 Label ...................................................................................... 85
Change Appearance .............................................................. 120 PIN ......................................................................................... 85
Examples ...................................................... 112, 113, 114, 117 Update .................................................................................... 85
Go To Generic Page .............................................................. 114 Conventions Used in this Manual ................................................ 13
Graphical .............................................................................. 116 Convert
Invisible ................................................................................ 117 Bitmaps ................................................................................ 179
List Specified Points ............................................................. 112 Copy
Specify Colour ...................................................................... 115 Objects ................................................................................. 106
Text on More than One Line ................................................. 109 COPYFILE Action .................................................................... 230
That List Alarms ................................................................... 112 CountAllAlarms View ............................................................... 283
That List Points on the Page.................................................. 112 COUNTNEWALARMS Variable ............................................. 348
To a Popup Schematic .......................................................... 113 Create
CALCULATEMKT Action ....................................................... 225 Active Content Files ............................................................... 71
CALCULATEMKTDATE Action ..................................... 113, 227 Analogue Graphic Files .......................................................... 69
CALCULATEMKTDATE Variable .......................................... 347 Animation Files ...................................................................... 69
Change Backdrop Files........................................................................ 70
A Buttons Appearance .......................................................... 120 Folders .................................................................................... 98
Apparent PIN Level .............................................................. 208 Graphics Files ......................................................................... 71
Database Location................................................................. 188 HTML Files ............................................................................ 72
Graph Trace ............................................................................ 94 HTML Pages .......................................................................... 72
HTML Links ......................................................................... 123 Points Template Files ............................................................. 72
Object Attributes ........................................................... 107, 108 Schematic Page .................................................................... 100
Password ............................................................................... 228 Sound Files ............................................................................. 76
PIN Level for a Value ............................................................. 86 Top-level Folders ................................................................... 98

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 379


Top-level Page ...................................................................... 100 Modem Polling ..................................................................... 191

CREATEDIRECTORY Action ................................................. 231 Disable Compact Logs .............................................................. 300
DATA Variable ......................................................................... 348 Display
Database A Grid on a Graph .................................................................. 93
Archive ................................................................................... 67 A Grid on a Page .................................................................. 110
Detach ................................................................................... 189 A Message When an Alarm Occurs ...................................... 158
Location ................................................................................ 188 Alarms .................................................................................. 112
Name..................................................................................... 188 Buttons ................................................................................. 113
Database Upgrade Scripts .......................................................... 371 Check ................................................................................... 121
DDE ........................................................................................... 333 Communications................................................................... 289
Debugdat.txt .............................................................................. 289 Communications Statistics ................................................... 289
Decide the Engineering Method................................................... 47 Debugdat.txt ......................................................................... 289
Decimal Places Attribute ........................................................... 312 Labels in the Alarm Viewer .................................................. 191
Default Alarm Group Last 100 Autodialled Messages ............................................ 289
Set up .................................................................................... 168 Last 100 TCP Messages ....................................................... 289
Defragmentation Programs Message To/From the Client ................................................ 289
Problems ............................................................................... 291 PC Names ............................................................................. 180
Delete Trace_io.txt .......................................................................... 290
Alarm Filters ......................................................................... 152 Display Analogue Graphic Attribute ......................................... 313
Alarm Groups ....................................................................... 158 Display as Attribute ................................................................... 313
Alarm Priority ....................................................................... 169 DLLVERSION Variable ........................................................... 350
Controllers .............................................................................. 85 DOC Files ................................................................................... 71
Diary Folders ........................................................................ 124 DOCUMENT Action ................................................................ 232
Diary Groups ........................................................................ 126 DROPALLLINES Action ......................................................... 232
Folders .................................................................................... 99 DROPTHISLINE Action........................................................... 232
Graph Definitions ................................................................... 90 DTYPE Variable ....................................................................... 350
Lan .......................................................................................... 85 Dynamic Menus .......................................................................... 87
Links to URLs....................................................................... 123 Dynamic Objects
Objects from a Page .............................................................. 106 Add to a Page ................................................................ 104, 106
Retransmission Destinations ................................................. 148 Defaults ................................................................................ 102
Scheduled Events .................................................................. 136 Delete ................................................................................... 106
Schematic Pages ................................................................... 100 Edit ................................................................................ 107, 108
Site .......................................................................................... 85 Minimum Refresh Time ....................................................... 121
Workgroups .......................................................................... 132 Move ............................................................................. 111, 112
DELETE Action ........................................................................ 231 Restrict Access ..................................................................... 121
DELETEHISTORICDATA Action ........................................... 231 Select .................................................................................... 112
Detach from Database ................................................................ 189 Edit
Determine the Size of a Page ..................................................... 103 Alarm Filters ........................................................................ 152
Device Properties ....................................................................... 291 Alarm Groups ....................................................................... 158
Device Viewer Alarm Priority ...................................................................... 169
Add Autodialled Sites ............................................................. 79 Apparent PIN Level .............................................................. 208
Add BACnet Site .................................................................... 77 Diary Folders ........................................................................ 125
Add Remote Sites ............................................................. 79, 80 Diary Group ......................................................................... 127
Add TOPS Site ....................................................................... 77 Graph Trace ............................................................................ 94
Collect Labels ......................................................................... 82 HTML Links ........................................................................ 123
Learn Local Site ...................................................................... 77 INI Files ............................................................................... 373
Learn Sites & Lans ................................................................. 81 Object Attributes ........................................................... 107, 108
TCP/IP Sites............................................................................ 80 Objects .......................................................................... 107, 108
DEVICE_IP Variable ................................................................ 348 PIN Level for a Value............................................................. 86
DEVICE_LABEL Variable ....................................................... 348 Retransmission Destinations................................................. 149
DEVICE_LAN variable ............................................................. 349 Scheduled Events ................................................................. 136
DEVICE_LOADNUMBER Variable ........................................ 349 Site Connections ..................................................................... 83
DEVICE_MAJOR_VERSION Variable .................................... 349 Units for a Value .................................................................... 86
DEVICE_MINOR_VERSION Variable .................................... 349 Email Address ........................................................................... 163
DEVICE_OS Variable ............................................................... 349 E-mail via SMTP Retransmission Destination
DEVICE_PARAM Variable ...................................................... 350 Add ................................................................................ 146, 147
DEVICE_TELE Variable .......................................................... 350 EMF Files .................................................................................... 71
Diary Display Emulate an Alarm Action .......................................................... 208
Add Diary Groups ......................................................... 125, 129 Enable
Delete Diary Groups ............................................................. 126 Alarm Handling .................................................................... 141
Edit Diary Groups ................................................................. 127 Alarm Logging ..................................................................... 141
Link Time zones ................................................................... 129 Alarm Printing ...................................................................... 141
Move a Diary Group ............................................................. 127 Modem Polling ..................................................................... 191
Diary Folder Snap to Grid ......................................................................... 110
Add ....................................................................................... 124 Engineering Method .................................................................... 47
Delete .................................................................................... 124 Enter
Move ..................................................................................... 124 Page Configuration Mode..................................................... 102
Rename ................................................................................. 125 Text on More Than One Line ............................................... 109
Diary Group Error Codes ............................................................................... 292
Add ....................................................................................... 125 ERROR Variable ....................................................................... 351
Delete .................................................................................... 126 ESC Variable...................................................................... 159, 351
Edit ....................................................................................... 127 Establish a TCP/IP Connection to the Server ............................ 206
Move ..................................................................................... 127 Examples
Digital Value Alarm Filter .......................................................................... 155
Add to a Page ........................................................................ 119 Alarm Filters ......................................................... 153, 154, 155
Disable Alarm Group .......... 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167
Alarm Handling .................................................................... 141 Excel ......................................................................................... 333
Alarm Logging...................................................................... 141 Excel Files ................................................................................... 71
Alarm Printing ...................................................................... 141 EXECUTESMS Action ...................................................... 140, 233

380 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016


EXECUTESQL Action .............................................................. 233 Delete a Trace......................................................................... 93

Exit Edit a Trace ............................................................................ 94
Page Configuration Mode ..................................................... 102 Specify a Label ....................................................................... 97
EXIT Action .............................................................................. 234 Graph Scaling
Expire a User ............................................................................. 134 Fix .......................................................................................... 95
Extended Logging Communications Error Codes ...................... 292 Graphic
Extra Text for Alarm Labels ...................................................... 177 Add to Page .......................................................................... 116
Extra Text for Alarms ................................................................ 174 Graphic Files
EXTRAINFO1 Variable ............................................................ 351 Add to a Page ................................................................ 104, 106
EXTRAINFO2 Variable ............................................................ 351 Create ..................................................................................... 71
FILEINFO Variable ................................................................... 352 Graphical Button ....................................................................... 116
Files GRAPHLEGEND Variable ....................................................... 354
Active Content ........................................................................ 71 Grid
Analogue Graphic ................................................................... 69 Display ................................................................................. 110
Animation ............................................................................... 69 On a Graph ............................................................................. 93
Backdrop................................................................................. 70 Specify ................................................................................. 110
Backup .................................................................................. 187 Height Attribute ........................................................................ 314
Bitmap .................................................................................... 71 Hide Auto Actioned Alarms ...................................................... 191
Graphic ................................................................................... 71 HIDENAVIGATOR Action ...................................................... 237
HTML ..................................................................................... 72 HOTSPOTS Action ................................................................... 238
Points Template ...................................................................... 72 HTML Files ................................................................................. 71
Record Data To ..................................................................... 140 HTML Links ............................................................................. 123
Sound ...................................................................................... 76 Edit ....................................................................................... 123
Find and Replace Icon Size.................................................................................... 201
Object Attributes ................................................................... 108 Import
FIT2PAGE Action ..................................................................... 234 Site Information from SET ..................................................... 83
Fixing the Length of the Returned Value ................................... 342 Improve Load Time ................................................................... 179
FLASH Variable ........................................................................ 352 Including
FLASHBORDER Variable ........................................................ 352 Tests in a Variable Action .................................................... 368
FNAME Variable....................................................................... 352 User Response ...................................................................... 341
Folder Variables ....................................................................... 340, 341
Add ....................................................................................... 124 Variables in Action Codes .................................................... 340
Delete .................................................................................... 124 index.htm .................................................................................. 180
Move ..................................................................................... 124 INI Files
Folders Edit ....................................................................................... 373
Add ......................................................................................... 98 INPUTSTRING Action ............................................................. 238
Create...................................................................................... 98 Install
Delete ...................................................................................... 99 Browser ................................................................................ 206
Move ....................................................................................... 99 JAVA Runtime Environment ............................................... 207
Rename ........................................................................... 99, 125 Intelligent Plot Labelling ........................................................... 199
Top-level ................................................................................. 98 INVERT Variable ..................................................................... 355
Font Attribute ............................................................................ 313 Invisible Buttons ....................................................................... 117
FORCECLOSE Action .............................................................. 234 IP Addresses
FORPNC Variable ..................................................................... 353 Restrict Access ....................................................................... 59
Framerate Attribute .................................................................... 313 IP Alarms .................................................................................. 172
Free Format (945 & 963) Retransmission Destination IP Variable ................................................................................ 355
Add ....................................................................................... 142 IQ.V2LOG.TLR Variable ......................................................... 355
FREE Variable ........................................................................... 353 IQ.V2LOG.TRC Variable ......................................................... 356
Generic Objects IQ1 Series Controllers ............................................................... 189
Add to Page .......................................................................... 119 IQVALUE Variable .................................................................. 357
Generic Page ISDIARYIDNOCC Variable ..................................................... 357
Goto ...................................................................................... 114 ISDIARYIDOCC Variable ........................................................ 358
GIF Files ...................................................................................... 71 ISDIARYNOCC Variable ......................................................... 358
Global or Local Comments when Actioning Alarms ................. 196 ISDIARYOCC Variable ............................................................ 358
GOTO Action ............................................................................ 234 Item Attribute ............................................................................ 314
Examples .............................................................................. 114 JAVA Runtime Environment .................................................... 207
GOTO Alarms Action ................................................................ 235 JPEG Files ................................................................................... 71
GOTO Config Action ................................................................ 236 Keep Alarms ............................................................................. 196
GOTO Devices Action............................................................... 236 KILLMSG Action ..................................................................... 239
GOTO Diary Action .................................................................. 236 Label
GOTO NEXT Action ................................................................. 236 Controllers .............................................................................. 85
GOTO PREVIOUS Action ........................................................ 237 Lans ........................................................................................ 85
GOTO Scheduler Action............................................................ 237 Label Attribute .......................................................................... 314
GOTO Users Action .................................................................. 237 LABEL Variable ....................................................................... 359
GOTO Web Action .................................................................... 237 LabelsFromController View ...................................................... 285
GOUPTREE Variable ................................................................ 354 Lan
Graph Add ......................................................................................... 84
Add to Page .......................................................................... 115 Delete ..................................................................................... 85
Display a Grid ......................................................................... 93 Label ...................................................................................... 85
Fix Scaling .............................................................................. 95 Learn ...................................................................................... 81
Print Automatically ............................................................... 137 LAN Attribute ........................................................................... 315
Record Automatically ........................................................... 138 Lan Maps
Reset Sensor Labels ................................................................ 95 Add to Page .......................................................................... 119
Specify a Chart ....................................................................... 96 LAN Variable ............................................................................ 359
Specify a Precision Graph ....................................................... 96 LANLABEL Variable ............................................................... 359
Graph Definition LastAlarmDetailsByTime View ................................................ 286
Add ......................................................................................... 89 Learn a Site or Lan ...................................................................... 81
Add a Trace............................................................................. 91 LEARNSITE Action ................................................................. 239
Delete ...................................................................................... 90 LFNAME Variable .................................................................... 359

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 381


Licence Visible Attribute ................................................................... 322

Action ................................................................................... 240 When In Alarm Attribute...................................................... 323
Link When OFF Attribute ............................................................. 324
Time zones to Diary Groups ................................................. 129 When On Attribute ............................................................... 325
Listen for Alarms ....................................................................... 172 When Overridden Off ........................................................... 316
LIVE Variable ........................................................................... 360 When Overridden On ........................................................... 318
Load Time ................................................................................. 179 While Waiting Attribute ....................................................... 326
Log Width Attribute .................................................................... 327
Communications ................................................................... 290 Objects
SMS Activity ........................................................................ 290 Arrange in a Table ................................................................ 111
LOGINAS Action ...................................................................... 240 Copy and Paste ..................................................................... 106
LOGMSG Action....................................................................... 241 Delete ................................................................................... 106
LOGOUT Action ....................................................................... 242 Edit ................................................................................ 107, 108
Make the Required Points Available ............................................ 76 Move ............................................................................. 111, 112
Manually Archive 963's Database ................................................ 67 Restrict Access ..................................................................... 121
Map Lans ................................................................................... 119 Select .................................................................................... 112
Maximum Number of Alarms that Are Stored ........................... 201 Size ....................................................................................... 120
MEMREPORT Variable ............................................................ 360 Obtain Information About the System ......................................... 32
MESSAGE Action ..................................................................... 242 Occupation Time Handling
Examples .............................................................................. 158 Plan ........................................................................................ 39
MIDI Files ................................................................................... 76 Occupation Times
MKT ............................................................................................ 21 Set up ................................................................................... 128
Add to a Page ................................................................ 113, 118 On Error Attribute ..................................................................... 315
Calculate Automatically........................................................ 136 OPTION Variable ..................................................................... 362
ML Variable .............................................................................. 361 OS Variable ............................................................................... 362
MODBY Variable ...................................................................... 361 OSLABEL Variable .................................................................. 362
Modem Polling .......................................................................... 191 OSVERSION Variable .............................................................. 363
MODTIME Variable.................................................................. 361 Outstation Attribute ................................................................... 316
MODULE Variable.................................................................... 361 Outstation Template Attribute ................................................... 316
Move Page
Diary Folders ........................................................................ 124 Add ................................................................................ 100, 101
Diary Group .......................................................................... 127 Add Dynamic Objects ................................................... 104, 106
Dynamic Objects........................................................... 111, 112 Add Static Objects ......................................................... 104, 106
Folder ...................................................................................... 99 Arrange Objects.................................................................... 111
Objects Between Layers........................................................ 111 Check the Display ................................................................ 121
Page ...................................................................................... 100 Copy & Paste Objects........................................................... 106
Site Information onto a Different PC ...................................... 81 Create ............................................................................ 100, 101
Static Objects ................................................................ 111, 112 Delete ................................................................................... 100
Multiple Destinations................................................................. 164 Delete Objects ...................................................................... 106
Network Comms Status Lights Display a Grid ...................................................................... 110
Specify Colour ...................................................................... 200 Minimum Refresh Time ....................................................... 121
Network Location Move .................................................................................... 100
Backup To............................................................................. 189 Move Objects ................................................................ 111, 112
NEWLINE Variable .................................................................. 362 Play a Sound ......................................................................... 120
NEWMSG Variable ................................................................... 362 Print ...................................................................................... 137
Normal Occupation Times Refresh ................................................................................. 121
Change .................................................................................. 128 Rename................................................................................. 101
Configure .............................................................................. 128 Size ....................................................................................... 103
Number of Points Sent to Clients ............................................... 181 Swap Object Positions .......................................................... 112
Number of Stop Bits .................................................................. 202 Template............................................................................... 132
Object Attributes Page Configuration Mode
Analogue File Attribute ........................................................ 310 Enter ..................................................................................... 102
Autosize Attribute ................................................................. 310 Exit ....................................................................................... 102
Background Colour ............................................................... 311 Page Navigation Structure
Colour Attribute .................................................................... 311 Add Folder ............................................................................. 98
Command Attribute .............................................................. 312 Create Folder .......................................................................... 98
Connection Attribute............................................................. 312 Delete Folder .......................................................................... 99
Decimal Places Attribute ...................................................... 312 Move Folder ........................................................................... 99
Display Analogue Graphic Attribute ..................................... 313 Move Page ............................................................................ 100
Display as Attribute .............................................................. 313 Refresh ................................................................................. 101
Find & Replace ..................................................................... 108 Rename Folder ....................................................................... 99
Font Attribute........................................................................ 313 Page Printer ............................................................................... 203
Height Attribute .................................................................... 314 PAGEDIR Variable ................................................................... 363
Item Attribute........................................................................ 314 Pager via Trend Modem Retransmission Destination
Label Attribute ...................................................................... 314 Add ....................................................................................... 144
LAN Attribute....................................................................... 315 Paper Width............................................................................... 199
On Error Attribute................................................................. 315 Passwords
Outstation Attribute .............................................................. 316 Expiry Time ........................................................................... 55
Outstation Template Attribute............................................... 316 Minimum Length.................................................................... 56
PIN Attribute ........................................................................ 319 Retries .................................................................................... 56
Refresh View Attribute ......................................................... 319 Paste
Set to Defaults....................................................................... 109 Objects ................................................................................. 106
Shadow Attribute .................................................................. 319 PC Names
Specify Defaults .................................................................... 102 Display ................................................................................. 180
To Display ............................................................................ 320 PCDATE Variable..................................................................... 363
Tooltip Attribute ................................................................... 321 PCDAY Variable....................................................................... 363
Transparency......................................................................... 321 PCHOUR Variable .................................................................... 363
Units Attribute ...................................................................... 321 PCMIN Variable ....................................................................... 364
Use Generic Attribute ........................................................... 322 PCMONTH Variable................................................................. 364

382 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016


PCSEC Variable ........................................................................ 364 Page Navigation Structure .................................................... 101

PCTIME Variable ...................................................................... 364 Pages .................................................................................... 121
PCWKDAY Variable ................................................................ 364 Refresh Time
PCYEAR Variable ..................................................................... 365 Minimum .............................................................................. 121
PDF Files ..................................................................................... 71 Refresh View Attribute ............................................................. 319
Picking out time and date information from an alarm ................ 369 REMOTE Action....................................................................... 258
PIN Remote Alarm Acknowledgements
Sent to Controllers .................................................................. 85 Logging ................................................................................ 198
PIN Attribute ............................................................................. 319 Remote Connection Window..................................................... 289
PIN Level Remote Sites
For a Value ............................................................................. 86 Add ....................................................................................79, 80
Plan The System Rename
Alarm Handling ...................................................................... 42 Diary Folders ........................................................................ 125
Client Access .......................................................................... 33 Folder ..................................................................................... 99
Obtain Information About the System .................................... 32 Page ...................................................................................... 101
Occupation Time Handling ..................................................... 39 Reset
Scheduled Events .................................................................... 46 Object Attributes .................................................................. 109
Schematic Pages ..................................................................... 35 RESOLUTION Action .............................................................. 259
System Security ...................................................................... 40 RESOLUTION Variable ........................................................... 365
Web Access ............................................................................ 46 Restore Default Alarm Codes .................................................... 179
Play a Sound .............................................................................. 120 IP Addresses ........................................................................... 59
PLAY Action ............................................................................. 244 When an Action can Occur ............................................ 134, 358
PNAME Variable....................................................................... 365 Who can See an Object......................................................... 121
Points Template Files Who can Use an Object ........................................................ 121
Create...................................................................................... 72 Retransmission Destination
PointValue Table ....................................................................... 287 Add ................................................................................ 142, 144
POPUP Action ........................................................................... 244 Delete ................................................................................... 148
Examples .............................................................................. 113 Edit ....................................................................................... 149
Popups ....................................................................................... 208 Retransmit
Port Number From 965 .............................................................................. 172
Specify .................................................................................. 181 To a 945 ............................................................................... 160
PowerPoint Files .......................................................................... 71 To a Different Destination During Non Occupancy ............. 167
PPT Files ..................................................................................... 71 To a Pager ............................................................................ 162
Precision Graph To a PNC .............................................................................. 163
Specify .................................................................................... 96 To a WAP Phone .................................................................. 167
Precision Logging Protocol To an email Address ............................................................. 163
Specify .................................................................................. 203 To Another 963 .................................................................... 164
Prevent 963 using an Autodialling Device ................................. 186 To GSM Phone ..................................................................... 161
Prevent Users from Logging in More than Once.......................... 59 To Multiple Destinations ...................................................... 164
Print Via SNMP ............................................................................ 165
Alarms .................................................................................. 159 RETRANSMIT Action.............................................................. 259
Automatically ............................................................... 137, 138 Examples ............................... 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167
Font Size ............................................................................... 202 Run
Graphs........................................................................... 137, 158 SET ...................................................................................... 329
Lists ...................................................................................... 202 SET with 963........................................................................ 329
Pages ..................................................................................... 137 RUN Action .............................................................................. 261
Printer Settings.............................................................. 199, 203 Running a Script File from another Script File ............................ 75
Templates.............................................................................. 203 Scaling
Values ................................................................................... 138 Fix .......................................................................................... 95
Print Alarms on a Separate Page ................................................ 159 Scheduled Events
Print Templates .......................................................... 203, 204, 205 Add ....................................................................................... 134
Alarm Priority Statistics ........................................................ 203 Delete ................................................................................... 136
Configure .............................................................................. 121 Edit ....................................................................................... 136
Graphs................................................................................... 204 Examples ....................................................... 136, 137, 138, 140
Schematics ............................................................................ 205 Plan ........................................................................................ 46
PRINTAFILE Action ................................................................. 246 Schedules .................................................................................. 129
PRINTAREA Variable .............................................................. 365 Schematic Applet Size............................................................... 180
PRINTGRAPH Action .............................................................. 246 Schematic Page
Examples .............................................................................. 158 Delete ................................................................................... 100
PRINTGRAPH96 Action........................................................... 247 Plan ........................................................................................ 35
PRINTLINE Action ................................................................... 248 Rename................................................................................. 101
PRINTPAGE Action.................................................................. 249 Size ....................................................................................... 103
PRINTPAGEAUTO Action ............................................... 137, 249 Schematic Template Page
PRINTPAGEPREVIEW Action ................................................ 251 Set up ..................................................................................... 98
PRINTQUERY Action .............................................................. 252 Schematic Window Size ............................................................ 180
PRINTSETUP Action ................................................................ 252 Schematics .................................................................................. 18
Project Handling SCRIPT Action ......................................................................... 263
Enable ..................................................................................... 48 Examples .............................................................................. 138
Proxy Server .............................................................................. 208 Script Files .................................................................................. 74
QUERYTOTEXTFILE Action .................................................. 252 Asking Questions ................................................................... 74
Receive Alarms from a 945 ....................................................... 172 Command Line Parameters..................................................... 74
Receive Alarms from a Remote TCP/IP Site ............................. 172 Examples ....................................................................... 137, 138
RECORD Action ....................................................................... 253 Run from another.................................................................... 75
Record Data to a File When an Alarm Occurs ........................... 159 Using Variables ...................................................................... 74
RECORDAUTO_PRECISION Action ...................................... 255 Select Objects ............................................................................ 112
RECORDSCHEMATIC Action................................................. 255 SEND Action ............................................................................ 264
RECORDTOTEXT Action ........................................................ 256 Examples .............................................................................. 140
Refresh SENDAUTO Action.................................................................. 265
Dynamic Objects................................................................... 121 Sensor Labels

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 383


Reset ....................................................................................... 95 Password Expiry ..................................................................... 55

SERIALNO Variable ................................................................. 365 Precision Logging Protocol .................................................. 203
Server Operation .......................................................................... 23 Print Template Alarm Priority Statistics ............................... 203
Server Port Number ................................................................... 181 Print Template For Graphs ................................................... 204
SERVERSTATUS Variable ...................................................... 366 Print Template For Schematics ............................................. 205
SET Printer Baud Rate ................................................................. 199
Run ....................................................................................... 329 Schematic Applet Size .......................................................... 180
Set up Schematic Page Description ................................................. 101
963 to Handle Retransmitted Alarms from a 945 Supervisor 172 Schematic Window Size ....................................................... 180
Alarm Printout ...................................................................... 157 Server's TCP/IP Port ............................................................. 181
Automatically Actioned Alarms............................................ 173 The Grid ............................................................................... 110
Default Alarm Group ............................................................ 168 What is Displayed in the Alarm Points Window .................. 205
Normal Operating Times ...................................................... 128 Whether Passwords Must be Entered to Action Alarms ......... 61
PIN Level for a Value ............................................................. 86 Which Alarms are Auto Actioned ........................................ 173
PIN Sent to Controllers ........................................................... 85 Which Alarms are Displayed with a Red Bell ...................... 174
Units for a Value ..................................................................... 86 Specify Actions
User Template Page .............................................................. 132 ? 216
SETGENERIC Action ............................................................... 266 ARCHIVEDATA ................................................................. 217
SETIOPORT Action .................................................................. 266 AUDIT_LAN ....................................................................... 218
Shadow Attribute ....................................................................... 319 AUTOCOMPACT_COMPACT ........................................... 254
SHORTADJUESC Variable ...................................................... 366 BACKUPDB ........................................................................ 222
Shortcut Keys ............................................................................ 331 BACKUPFILE ..................................................................... 223
SHORTTIME Variable .............................................................. 366 BALLOON ........................................................................... 223
SHOWNAVIGATOR Action .................................................... 267 BEEP .................................................................................... 224
Simulation Mode ....................................................................... 121 BROWSER_POPUP ............................................................ 224
Site CALCULATEMKT ............................................................. 225
Add Autodialled ...................................................................... 79 CALCULATEMKTDATE ................................................... 227
Add BACnet ........................................................................... 77 CHANGEPASSWORD ........................................................ 228
Add Remote ...................................................................... 79, 80 CHANGEPIN ....................................................................... 229
Add TCP/IP ............................................................................ 80 COMMAND ........................................................................ 229
Add TOPS............................................................................... 77 CONFIG ............................................................................... 229
Collect Labels ......................................................................... 82 COPYFILE ........................................................................... 230
Delete ...................................................................................... 85 CREATEDIRECTORY ........................................................ 231
Edit Connection ...................................................................... 83 DELETE ............................................................................... 231
Learn ....................................................................................... 81 DELETEHISTORICDATA .................................................. 231
Learn Local ............................................................................. 77 DOCUMENT ....................................................................... 232
Site Information DROPALLLINES ................................................................ 232
Import ..................................................................................... 83 DROPTHISLINE ................................................................. 232
SITE Variable ............................................................................ 366 EXECUTESMS.................................................................... 233
Size of Backdrop Files ................................................................. 71 EXECUTESQL .................................................................... 233
SLEEP Action............................................................................ 267 EXIT .................................................................................... 234
Smart Triggered Alarm Actions ................................................. 168 FIT2PAGE ........................................................................... 234
SMS ..................................................................................... 24, 161 FORCECLOSE .................................................................... 234
SMS Activity GOTO................................................................................... 234
Log........................................................................................ 290 GOTO Alarms ...................................................................... 235
SMS Message GOTO Config....................................................................... 236
Send Automatically............................................................... 140 GOTO Devices ..................................................................... 236
Snap to Grid ............................................................................... 110 GOTO Diary......................................................................... 236
SNMP .......................................................................................... 24 GOTO NEXT ....................................................................... 236
Test Retransmission .............................................................. 165 GOTO PREVIOUS .............................................................. 237
Sound GOTO Scheduler .................................................................. 237
Play ....................................................................................... 120 GOTO Users ......................................................................... 237
Sound Files GOTO Web .......................................................................... 237
Create...................................................................................... 76 HIDENAVIGATOR ............................................................. 237
Location .................................................................................. 76 HOTSPOTS.......................................................................... 238
Specify Including a Test .................................................................... 368
Alarm Priorities for Early IQ Alarms .................................... 169 INPUTSTRING .................................................................... 238
Autodialling Devices 963 Can Use ....................................... 186 KILLMSG ............................................................................ 239
Button Colour ....................................................................... 115 LEARNSITE ........................................................................ 239
Communications Timeout ..................................................... 193 LICENSE ............................................................................. 240
Configuration Parameters that can be Adjusted .................... 200 LOGINAS ............................................................................ 240
Extra Text for Alarm Labels ................................................. 177 LOGMSG ............................................................................. 241
Extra Text for Alarms ........................................................... 174 LOGOUT ............................................................................. 242
Global or Local Comments when Actioning Alarms ............ 196 MESSAGE ........................................................................... 242
How Long 963 Keeps Alarms For ........................................ 196 PLAY ................................................................................... 244
How Many Values are Retrieved for a Precision Log ........... 197 POPUP ................................................................................. 244
How the Tree View Appears in the Diary Display ................ 198 PRINTAFILE ....................................................................... 246
Icon Size ............................................................................... 201 PRINTGRAPH ..................................................................... 246
Intelligent Plot Labelling ...................................................... 199 PRINTGRAPH96 ................................................................. 247
Label of a Graph Definition .................................................... 97 PRINTLINE ......................................................................... 248
Maximum Number of Alarms that Are Stored ...................... 201 PRINTPAGE ........................................................................ 249
Minimum Password Length .................................................... 56 PRINTPAGEAUTO ............................................................. 249
Number of Password Retries ................................................... 56 PRINTPAGEPREVIEW ...................................................... 251
Number of Points Sent to Clients .......................................... 181 PRINTQUERY..................................................................... 252
Number of Stop Bits ............................................................. 202 PRINTSETUP ...................................................................... 252
Page Description ................................................................... 101 QUERYTOTEXTFILE ........................................................ 252
Page for List Printing ............................................................ 202 RECORD.............................................................................. 253
Page Printer........................................................................... 203 RECORDAUTO_PRECISION ............................................ 255
Paper Width .......................................................................... 199 RECORDSCHEMATIC ....................................................... 255

384 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016


RECORDTOTEXT ............................................................... 256 Add to Page .......................................................................... 117

REMOTE .............................................................................. 258 TAB Variable ............................................................................ 367
RESOLUTION ..................................................................... 259 TCP/IP
RETRANSMIT ..................................................................... 259 Server's Port ......................................................................... 181
RUN...................................................................................... 261 TCP/IP Sites
SCRIPT................................................................................. 263 Add ......................................................................................... 80
SEND Action ........................................................................ 264 TELE Variable .......................................................................... 367
SENDAUTO ......................................................................... 265 Templates
SETGENERIC ...................................................................... 266 Page ...................................................................................... 132
SETIOPORT ......................................................................... 266 Print ............................................................... 121, 203, 204, 205
SHOWNAVIGATOR ........................................................... 267 Schematic Page ...................................................................... 98
SLEEP .................................................................................. 267 Test SNMP Retransmission ....................................................... 165
USERS_LOGOUT................................................................ 267 TESTVALUE Variable ............................................................. 368
VIEWFILTER ...................................................................... 267 Text
VIEWGRAPH ...................................................................... 268 Add to a Page ....................................................................... 118
VIEWPOINTS ...................................................................... 269 Values................................................................................... 368
VIEWQUERY ...................................................................... 270 Text File
VIEWQUERYEX ................................................................. 271 Record Data to...................................................................... 140
WEB ..................................................................................... 272 Text Messaging ......................................................................... 161
WINEXEC ............................................................................ 273 Text on More Than One Line .................................................... 109
WINEXECU ......................................................................... 273 Time
WRITESTRING ................................................................... 274 Synchronise with PC ............................................................ 140
WRITETOTEXTFILE .......................................................... 275 TIME Variable .......................................................................... 368
Specify Attributes Time zone
Analogue File........................................................................ 310 Link to Diary Group ............................................................. 129
Autosize ................................................................................ 310 TIMEON Variable..................................................................... 368
Background Colour ............................................................... 311 TIMEONFULL Variable ........................................................... 368
Colour ................................................................................... 311 TIMESPEC x Variable .............................................................. 369
Command.............................................................................. 312 To Display Attribute.................................................................. 320
Connection ............................................................................ 312 Tooltip Attribute........................................................................ 321
Decimal Places...................................................................... 312 Top-Level Folder
Display Analogue Graphic Attribute ..................................... 313 Add ....................................................................................... 124
Display as Attribute .............................................................. 313 Top-level Folders
Font ....................................................................................... 313 Create ..................................................................................... 98
Framerate .............................................................................. 313 Top-level Page
Height ................................................................................... 314 Create ................................................................................... 100
Item ....................................................................................... 314 TOPS
Label ..................................................................................... 314 Start ...................................................................................... 190
LAN ...................................................................................... 315 Stop ...................................................................................... 190
Object's Size ......................................................................... 120 TOPS Site
On Error ................................................................................ 315 Add ......................................................................................... 77
Outstation.............................................................................. 316 Trace
Outstation Template .............................................................. 316 Add to Graph Definition ......................................................... 91
PIN........................................................................................ 319 Delete from Graph Definition ................................................. 93
Refresh View ........................................................................ 319 Edit ......................................................................................... 94
Shadow ................................................................................. 319 Trace_io.txt ............................................................................... 290
To Display ............................................................................ 320 Transparency Attribute .............................................................. 321
Tooltip .................................................................................. 321 Trend Text Message (PNC's etc) Retransmission Destination
Transparency......................................................................... 321 Add ....................................................................................... 145
Units ..................................................................................... 321 Trigger an Action Only if the Problem Occurs a Number of Times
Use Generic .......................................................................... 322 .................................................................................................. 168
Visible................................................................................... 322 Undo
When In Alarm ..................................................................... 323 Changes ................................................................................ 112
When OFF ............................................................................ 324 Unicode Files ............................................................................ 194
When On ............................................................................... 325 Use ....................................................................................... 194
When Overridden Off ........................................................... 316 Units
When Overridden On ............................................................ 318 Set up for a Value ................................................................... 86
While Waiting....................................................................... 326 Units Attribute........................................................................... 321
Width .................................................................................... 327 Unprintable Characters .............................................................. 346
Specify Logging of all Remote Alarm Acknowledgements ....... 198 Update
Specify Object Attributes ................................................... 107, 108 Controllers .............................................................................. 85
Defaults................................................................................. 102 Upgrade Scripts ......................................................................... 371
Specify what is Displayed when the Server is Accessed ............ 180 URL
SQLVALUE Variable................................................................ 367 Delete Links ......................................................................... 123
Static Objects URLS .......................................................................................... 71
Add to a Page ................................................................ 104, 106 Use a 963 Value in Excel .......................................................... 333
Defaults................................................................................. 102 Use Generic Attribute ................................................................ 322
Delete .................................................................................... 106 User Response ........................................................................... 341
Edit ............................................................................... 107, 108 User Template Page .................................................................. 132
Move ............................................................................. 111, 112 Set up ................................................................................... 132
Restrict Access...................................................................... 121 USER Variable .......................................................................... 370
Select .................................................................................... 112 Users ........................................................................................... 20
StrategyList Table ...................................................................... 287 Change Access Rights .......................................................... 133
Swap Object Positions ............................................................... 112 Expire ................................................................................... 134
SWF Files .................................................................................... 71 USERS_LOGOUT Action ........................................................ 267
System Security Using 963 Variables ........................................................... 340, 341
Plan ......................................................................................... 40 ? Variable ............................................................................. 341
SYSTEM Variable ..................................................................... 367 == Variable........................................................................... 342
System Variables 962CODED Variable............................................................ 342

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 385


963CODED Variable ............................................................ 343 SYSTEM Variable ............................................................... 367

ALARMASXML Variable.................................................... 343 TAB Variable ....................................................................... 367
ALARMCODE Variable....................................................... 344 TELE Variable ..................................................................... 367
ALARMDESC Variable ....................................................... 344 TESTVALUE Variable ........................................................ 368
ALARMGROUP Variable .................................................... 344 TIME Variable ..................................................................... 368
ALL Variable ........................................................................ 345 TIMEON Variable ................................................................ 368
ALLLABELS Variable ......................................................... 345 TIMEONFULL Variable ...................................................... 368
ASCII Variable ..................................................................... 346 TIMESPEC x Variable ......................................................... 369
BORDER Variable ............................................................... 346 USER Variable ..................................................................... 370
CALCULATEMKTDATE Variable ..................................... 347 VALUE Variable.................................................................. 370
CNC Variable ....................................................................... 347 VER Variable ....................................................................... 370
CONNECTION Variable ...................................................... 348 Using Command Line Parameters in a Script File ....................... 74
COUNTNEWALARMS Variable......................................... 348 Using the ? Variable .................................................................. 341
DATA Variable..................................................................... 348 Using Variables
DEVICE_IP Variable............................................................ 348 IQ.V2LOG.TLR Variable..................................................... 355
DEVICE_LABEL Variable .................................................. 348 IQ.V2LOG.TRC Variable .................................................... 356
DEVICE_LAN variable ........................................................ 349 Using Variables in Script Files .................................................... 74
DEVICE_LOADNUMBER Variable ................................... 349 Value
DEVICE_MAJOR_VERSION Variable ............................... 349 Add to a Page ....................................................................... 119
DEVICE_MINOR_VERSION Variable ............................... 349 VALUE Variable....................................................................... 370
DEVICE_OS Variable .......................................................... 349 Variables ............................................................................ 340, 341
DEVICE_PARAM Variable ................................................. 350 ? Variable ............................................................................. 341
DEVICE_TELE Variable ..................................................... 350 == Variable........................................................................... 342
DLLVERSION Variable ....................................................... 350 962CODED Variable............................................................ 342
DTYPE Variable ................................................................... 350 963CODED Variable............................................................ 343
ERROR Variable .................................................................. 351 ALARMASXML Variable ................................................... 343
ESC Variable ........................................................................ 351 ALARMCODE Variable ...................................................... 344
EXTRAINFO1 Variable ....................................................... 351 ALARMDESC Variable ....................................................... 344
EXTRAINFO2 Variable ....................................................... 351 ALARMGROUP Variable ................................................... 344
FILEINFO Variable .............................................................. 352 ALL Variable ....................................................................... 345
FLASH Variable ................................................................... 352 ALLLABELS Variable ........................................................ 345
FLASHBORDER Variable ................................................... 352 ASCII ................................................................................... 346
FNAME Variable .................................................................. 352 Availability........................................................................... 338
FORPNC Variable ................................................................ 353 BORDER Variable ............................................................... 346
FREE Variable ...................................................................... 353 CALCULATEMKTDATE Variable .................................... 347
GOUPTREE Variable ........................................................... 354 CNC Variable ....................................................................... 347
GRAPHLEGEND Variable .................................................. 354 CONNECTION Variable ..................................................... 348
INVERT Variable ................................................................. 355 COUNTNEWALARMS Variable ........................................ 348
IP Variable ............................................................................ 355 DATA Variable .................................................................... 348
IQVALUE Variable .............................................................. 357 DEVICE_IP Variable ........................................................... 348
ISDIARYIDNOCC Variable ................................................ 357 DEVICE_LABEL Variable .................................................. 348
ISDIARYIDOCC Variable ................................................... 358 DEVICE_LAN variable ....................................................... 349
ISDIARYNOCC Variable..................................................... 358 DEVICE_LOADNUMBER Variable ................................... 349
ISDIARYOCC Variable ....................................................... 358 DEVICE_MINOR_VERSION Variable ............................... 349
LABEL Variable ................................................................... 359 DEVICE_OS Variable.......................................................... 349
LAN Variable ....................................................................... 359 DEVICE_PARAM Variable................................................. 350
LANLABEL Variable ........................................................... 359 DEVICE_TELE Variable ..................................................... 350
LFNAME Variable ............................................................... 359 DLLVERSION Variable ...................................................... 350
LIVE Variable ...................................................................... 360 DTYPE Variable .................................................................. 350
MEMREPORT Variable ....................................................... 360 ERROR Variable .................................................................. 351
ML Variable.......................................................................... 361 ESC Variable ........................................................................ 351
MODBY Variable ................................................................. 361 EXTRAINFO1 Variable ....................................................... 351
MODTIME Variable............................................................. 361 EXTRAINFO2 Variable ....................................................... 351
MODULE Variable............................................................... 361 FILEINFO Variable.............................................................. 352
NEWLINE Variable.............................................................. 362 FLASH Variable................................................................... 352
NEWMSG Variable .............................................................. 362 FLASHBORDER Variable................................................... 352
OPTION Variable ................................................................. 362 FNAME Variable ................................................................. 352
OS Variable .......................................................................... 362 FORPNC Variable ................................................................ 353
OSLABEL Variable .............................................................. 362 FREE Variable ..................................................................... 353
OSVERSION Variable ......................................................... 363 GOUPTREE Variable .......................................................... 354
PAGEDIR Variable .............................................................. 363 GRAPHLEGEND Variable .................................................. 354
PCDATE Variable ................................................................ 363 INVERT Variable................................................................. 355
PCDAY Variable .................................................................. 363 IP Variable ........................................................................... 355
PCHOUR Variable ............................................................... 363 IQ.V2LOG.TLR Variable..................................................... 355
PCMIN Variable ................................................................... 364 IQ.V2LOG.TRC Variable .................................................... 356
PCMONTH Variable ............................................................ 364 IQVALUE Variable.............................................................. 357
PCSEC Variable ................................................................... 364 ISDIARYIDNOCC Variable ................................................ 357
PCTIME Variable ................................................................. 364 ISDIARYIDOCC Variable ................................................... 358
PCWKDAY Variable............................................................ 364 ISDIARYNOCC Variable .................................................... 358
PCYEAR Variable ................................................................ 365 ISDIARYOCC Variable ....................................................... 358
PNAME Variable .................................................................. 365 LABEL Variable .................................................................. 359
PRINTAREA Variable ......................................................... 365 LAN Variable ....................................................................... 359
RESOLUTION Variable ....................................................... 365 LANLABEL Variable .......................................................... 359
SERIALNO Variable ............................................................ 365 LFNAME Variable ............................................................... 359
SERVERSTATUS Variable.................................................. 366 LIVE Variable ...................................................................... 360
SHORTADJUESC Variable ................................................. 366 MEMREPORT Variable....................................................... 360
SHORTTIME Variable ......................................................... 366 ML Variable ......................................................................... 361
SITE Variable ....................................................................... 366 MODBY Variable ................................................................ 361
SQLVALUE ......................................................................... 367 MODTIME Variable ............................................................ 361

386 963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016


MODULE Variable............................................................... 361 Communications................................................................... 289

NEWLINE Variable.............................................................. 362 Communications Statistics ................................................... 289
NEWMSG Variable .............................................................. 362 Debugdat.txt ......................................................................... 289
OPTION Variable ................................................................. 362 Device Properties ................................................................. 291
OS Variable .......................................................................... 362 Last 100 Autodialled Messages ............................................ 289
OSLABEL Variable .............................................................. 362 Last 100 TCP Messages ....................................................... 289
OSVERSION Variable ......................................................... 363 Messages To/From the Client ............................................... 289
PAGEDIR Variable .............................................................. 363 Occupation Times................................................................. 129
PCDATE Variable ................................................................ 363 Trace_io.txt .......................................................................... 290
PCDAY Variable .................................................................. 363 VIEWFILTER Action ............................................................... 267
PCHOUR Variable ............................................................... 363 Examples .............................................................................. 112
PCMIN Variable ................................................................... 364 VIEWGRAPH Action ............................................................... 268
PCMONTH Variable ............................................................ 364 VIEWPOINTS Action ............................................................... 269
PCSEC Variable ................................................................... 364 Examples .............................................................................. 112
PCTIME Variable ................................................................. 364 VIEWQUERY Action ............................................................... 270
PCWKDAY Variable............................................................ 364 VIEWQUERYEX Action .......................................................... 271
PCYEAR Variable ................................................................ 365 Virus Scanning Programs
PNAME Variable .................................................................. 365 Problems............................................................................... 291
PRINTAREA Variable ......................................................... 365 Visible Attribute ........................................................................ 322
RESOLUTION Variable ....................................................... 365 WAP Phone ............................................................................... 167
SERIALNO Variable ............................................................ 365 WAV Files .................................................................................. 76
SERVERSTATUS Variable.................................................. 366 Web Access
SHORTADJUESC Variable ................................................. 366 Plan ........................................................................................ 46
SHORTTIME Variable ......................................................... 366 WEB Action .............................................................................. 272
SITE Variable ....................................................................... 366 What is Displayed when the Server is Accessed ....................... 180
SQLVALUE Variable ........................................................... 367 When In Alarm Attribute........................................................... 323
SYSTEM Variable ................................................................ 367 When OFF Attribute.................................................................. 324
TAB Variable........................................................................ 367 When ON Attribute ................................................................... 325
TELE Variable ...................................................................... 367 When Overridden Off Attribute................................................. 316
TESTVALUE Variable ......................................................... 368 When Overridden On Attribute ................................................. 318
TIME Variable ...................................................................... 368 While Waiting Attribute ............................................................ 326
TIMEON Variable ................................................................ 368 Width Attribute ......................................................................... 327
TIMEONFULL Variable ...................................................... 368 WINEXEC Action..................................................................... 273
TIMESPEC x Variable.......................................................... 369 WINEXECU Action .................................................................. 273
USER Variable ..................................................................... 370 WMF Files .................................................................................. 71
Using in Action Codes .......................................................... 340 Word Files ................................................................................... 71
Using in Schematic Displays ................................................ 341 Workgroups ................................................................................. 20
Using in Script Files................................................................ 74 Delete ................................................................................... 132
VALUE Variable .................................................................. 370 WRITESTRING Action ............................................................ 274
VER Variable........................................................................ 370 WRITETOTEXTFILE Action ................................................... 275
Varialbes Examples .............................................................................. 159
DEVICE_MAJOR_VERSION Variable ............................... 349 XLS Files .................................................................................... 71
VER Variable ............................................................................ 370 XML Files ................................................................................... 71

963 Engineering Manual TE200637 13, 07-Nov-2016 387

Trend Control Systems Limited
Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 2PQ, UK. Tel:+44 (0)1403 211888 Fax:+44 (0)1403 241608

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