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CL 0617

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Vol. 74 No.

6 June 2017

Country Living

Berachah Valley
Planter: Martin row cleaners & closers. Gas. $75. New Paris 937-248-5953
Precision corn & bean units. JD 200 radar
pop. monitor. Works great. $6,000. West HAWKLINE 5 rotary cutter, $700; Gravely
Alexandria 937-902-9670 L with attachment, $450; winch, port.,
110V, $200; JD top link, $400; Craftsman
WANTED: Straw to bale in Union Twp. & table saw, $75; Yellow Springs 937-572-
surrounding areas. West Milton 937-875- 5486
1220; 937-698-3541
WANTED TO BUY: Old motorcycle parts
366 BALES 2nd cutting mixed & related items. License plates, helmets,
clover/grass hay. $4.60/bale. Bradford leather jackets, etc. Ft. Recovery 419-
937-448-2439 305-6191

Contents FREE LITTLE TIKES yard play set.

Russia 937-726-5460
TRUEFORM compression stocks; pond
raft. Pictures available. Lima 419-647-
Cover Picture Country Kitchen JD 1590 drill opener blades. Used.
Ansonia 937-337-7901; 937-238-7901 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge
savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20
48 G ALLIS Tractor: Manual lift. Recent
greenville farm This is a strawberry lovers favorite paint/rear tires. Runs great. $3,000. West
years. Call for catalog & brochures.
Russia 937-238-6661
time of year, and Karen Blochers Alexandria 937-902-9670
power of the past recipe for Strawberry Rhubarb Coffee 7500 DIESEL & 8500 Gas Generators:
FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain

July 6-9
fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435
Laura 937-459-0394
Cake had our mouths watering. Youll
Darke Co. Fairgrounds find her recipe on Page 45, along with
Greenville, Ohio a delicious casserole recipe sure to
be a family-pleaser!
Classic Tractors
entertainment Share Your Favorite Recipe
Berachah valley With Our Readers
Hope to see you there! And Have A Chance To win $5

Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION
P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318
937-473-2028 937-473-2029 FAX: 937-473-2500
When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include
your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)

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Return Address Again!
240 Mary Jones
118 Chestnut St.
Self-Stick Springfield, MA 01103

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Add 75 Postage & Handling
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Arens Corp.
Send order now to:
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Covington, Ohio 45318
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6840 N. St. Rt. 48 Covington, Ohio
Open Weekdays 8 - 5 (closed 12-1 for lunch) Closed Saturdays

Ebberts Is Your Complete Source

For Cover Crop Seed
Protect the soil surface from erosion and improve water infiltration
Raise soil organic matter levels and improve soil physical properties

Call and we will send our 2017 Cover Crop Guide and Price List!
Foliar Feed your Corn and Soybean Crop when you apply
a post herbicide. aids in the relief of plant stress.
MicroBlitz contains a liquid pure grade fertilizer 11-8-5, plus Boron,
Copper, Iron, Manganese, Moly and Zinc. Rate 1-2 quart/acre.
Available in 2-1/2 or 275 gallon tote. $13.95/gallon.

Bag Fertilizer: 30-3-9 w/40% S.C.U.: Excellent for lawns or pasture

15-15-15: General purpose for lawn or garden
8-32-16: Good starter for lawns or waterways

EbbErts stocks A Full linE

oF lAwn turFgrAssEs & FiEld grAssEs
turf-type Fescue Mixtures ditch Mixture Horse Pasture Mixture
kentucky bluegrass Mixture waterway Mixture with t.t. Fescue Perennial ryegrass Mixture
WINPOWER P.T.O Generator: On cart, WANTED TO BUY: Horses; Ponies;
18 KW continuous, 30 KW start, 72 Saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622
amps. Ronk disconnect & cord. $1,200.
Yorkshire 419-852-0378 FIRST CUTTING Hay & Wheat Straw:
Easy pick-up or we can deliver. Text/call
NEW HOLLAND 472 haybine, 7 cut. 419-303-5681
$1,950. Grader blade for Allis Chalmers
WD and newer tractors. $275. Hamilton CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE:
513-726-4736 Trucking & spreading available. 937-564-
03 CF27RL CRUISER by Crossroads
5th Wheel: One slide-out. Beautiful. EC! REFRIGERATOR: 18.9 cu. ft., $75; post
Stored in garage w/heat & A/C. Used 6 hole driver, 2 handle, $40. New Paris
times. Greenville 937-548-0463 937-248-5953

" "
" $ ! " $ !
$ % %
! $ & $ # "!
$ ! "! " ! # " !


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COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING is not acceptable for publication and the free classified
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1) Ads calling for the purchase, sale or rental of real estate; 2) Ads calling for the sale
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automatically reject offers to give away, sell, trade or breed pets. All of these types of ads are
acceptable at commercial rates at 50 cents per word.
CHAINSAW SCULPTURES 4 SALE: ALLIS CHALMERS All Crop 60 pull-type SHAVER 8 post driver, $1,350; PTO FOR SALE: Freezer beef custom
Stumps in your yard or items on display. combine. Complete & running, or for gen., Generac, 80/40 kW, on trailer, processed by the half or quarter. Call for restoration. Has orig. spoke rims. Ft. $2,000; skid steer 42 forks, $550; lifting prices. Eaton 937-456-4803
Richmond 765-977-4563; 937-839-4183. Loramie 937-489-9949 boom, $250. Yellow Springs 937-572-
Photos on facebook. See Dayle keith 5486 NH DUAL RAkE HITCH: $400; Skid Steer
Lewis. HAY, Alfalfa-Timothy-Clover Mix: $3 & up Tracks, 10x16.5 rubber on pads $1,250;
per bale. Vandalia 937-313-3925 MC ROTARY SCYTHE: 7 cut, w/window SS Carry All, $450; Woods 9000 3 pt.
3-PT. HEAVY-DUTY TILLER: Up to 100 attach. Cuts well. $1,200. Hamilton 513- backhoe, $4,500. Yellow Springs 937-
HP, 7.5 working width. Used only 2 hrs. WANTED: 25x13-9 tires. Eaton 937-266- 726-4736 572-5486
$5,000. Quincy 937-597 6368 6210
GM HOOD & right fender for 07-14 ALL PURPOSE UTILITY TRAILERS:
JD BACkHOE Attachment #E00093. DISk, MF, 3 pt., 6, $750; PTO gen., 13 GMC Sierra. Used. Blemished. Black. Dump, enclosed, landscape, Bobcat,
Heavy, powerful 14 hoe, 3 bkts. No kW, $1,350; post driver, Danuser, PTO $175 for both. Wapakoneta 419-204- trailers. Call 7 days. Pictures online.
welds. Dozer or 3 pt. $2,750 Wapakoneta driven, $950; JD 620 hood, $250; Delta 7229 Conover 937-362-2068
419-204-7229 band saw, $100. Yellow Springs 937-572-
5486 LOOkING TO BUY home/land/farm NEW CONVEYOR CHAIN for J&M or
LOOkINGTOBUY: Older barn w/land in place in St. Henry or Versailles school McCurry grain elevator, $50. Maria Stein
St. Henry or Versailles School Dist. St. BOBCAT 763 Skidloader: 96, kubota dist. St. Henry 937-564-6670 419-852-7042
Henry 937-564-6670 diesel, 2,400 hrs. 90% tires. 66 bucket.
Runs & looks good. $10,000. Conover CORVAIR PARTS for 60-64 cars. ROTOTILLER: Land Pride 1558-32, 58
CIRCULAR SAW BLADES: (2) 14; (2) 937-362-2068 Doors, windshields, bumper. Troy 937- reverse till, slip clutch, GC! Workhorse.
16; 1 pilot hole. Used on large radial 238-3992; 937-845-2122 Manual included. $1,200. Casstown 937-
arm saw. $55 for entire lot. Troy 937-845- (3) 4 GRAIN AUGERS: 13 long. $50 ea. 418-6710
2122; 937-238-3992 Maria Stein 419-852-7042 PAINT PONY: 11 yr. old gentle gelding,
10.2 hands tall. Very well mannered. OASIS WATER FOUNTAIN: Looks new.
NH 570 SQUARE BALER: 05. Made OLIVER MODEL 26 grain drill, tall rubber, $650. Spotted 2 yr. old mini. donkey Cooler not working. Great for just water
total 13,500 bales. Hyd tension. LN! grass seeder. Vandalia 937-898- 1830 Jenny. $350. Both LOVE attention. fountain. $100, Venedocia 419-203-9014
$13,500. West Alexandria 937-260-9981 WATER WHEEL PLANTER: Model 1716. Houston 937-295-3901
CROSSBOW/SCOPE: 4 arrows, points,
HI-TENSILE WIRE, tighteners, & $1,000. Great shape. Extra punches. WANTED: Blacksmith trip hammer; rope, cocking device, target bag. $350.
springs; black plastic water lines; AC Manual included. Casstown 937-418- anvils; cones; gauge blocks. Decatur, New Paris 937-248-5953
black 4-36 corn head. North Star 419- 6710 Indiana. Neil@260-413-0626
336-7418 ROUTER TABLE w/router, fence. No bits.
IH 3 POINT BACkHOE: Model 3082 Ser. VERMEER ROUND BALER: 5x5 twine $45. Troy 937-845-2122, 937-238-3992
FORkS FOR FORkLIFTS: 36, 42 & A. 15 bucket. VGC! No leaks. $2,500. tie. Made 2,500 bales. Programmable
45. $200 for 48 hyd. cyl., 8-30 stroke. Venedocia, 419-203-9014 box. Great shape. $8,000. (3) JD 20 ft. BUSH HOG 6 Mower: 90HP gear box,
2-4 diam. Wood splitter cyl. $150. wagons. (1) J&M, 20 ft. Oak beds. $800; Rubbermaid 150 gal. water tank,
SEASONED FIREWOOD: All ash wood. $100; horse feeder, 3.5x10, all steel,
Rossburg 937-564-0719 Split small in 17-18 lengths. The more $1,600 ea. West Alexandria 937-260-
9981 custom made, $500. West Alexandria
FOR SALE: Freezer pork by the whole or you buy, the better the price! $160/cord. 937-260-9981
half. Taking orders for fall 2017. Eaton Arcanum 937-459-0128 PROGRESSIVE ALUM. 5 lug wheels,
937-456-4803 15x7, w/centers & lugs. 4-3/4 bolt HUFFY 26 Good Vibrations boys
FENCE STRETCHER: $50. Yorkshire bicycle. GC. $50. Venedocia 419-203-
419-852-0378 pattern. EC! $125. Eaton 937-226-6210

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BRINLY SINGLE PLOW: Good condition, ALUMINUM 2-MAN Walk Pick (plank): 95 FORd ESCORT: For parts. No title. PAINT PONY FOR SALE: 11 yr. old
$50; Case garden tractor cultivators, 20W x 24 L. $475. Troy 937-845-2122, Good engine/transmission. Make offer. gentle gelding; 10.2 H. tall. Very well
$125. Eaton 937-266-6210 937-238-3992 Eaton 937-456-4803 mannered. $650. Spotted 2 yr. old mini
donkey Jenny. $350. Both LOVE
JOHN dEERE #5 sickle bar mower. $350 attention. Houston 937-295-3901
OMO. Eaton 937-456-6442
FORd 7610 w/ 2846 Bush Hog loader,
HARLEY RAKE: 3 pt., 6, $4,750. 87hp, 2 outlets, 7 bucket, tires LN, 2,600
Chipper Shredder, 4 Wallenstein, 540 hrs. $20,000. West Alexandria 937-260-
PTO, $2,950; Skid Steer bale squeeze, 9981
$1,550; SS Plate, $125 Yellow Springs
937-572-5486 WOOdS BLAdE: 6 angle, tilt, offset,
$350; bale wagon, Pequea 8 bale,
ALL TYPES OF EQUIPMENT: Trailers, $3,500; Jd 911 front mower, $2,000; front
Skidloader, Zero Turn Mowers, tractors, end 67-72 Chevy P/U, $500. Yellow
etc. Call 7 days. Pictures online. Conover Springs 937-572-5486
EMU CHICKS: Pea fowl chicks. New
HEAVY WINCH for Trailer: GC! Hand Weston 937-564-5486
crank. 40 cable. $50. Venedocia 419-
203-9014 UNVERFERTH 275 gravity box on 10-
ton Unverferth gear. $900 OBO. South
Charleston 937-605-5968
16 BUMPER PULL stock trailer w/
reinforced floor. $1,950. Casstown 937-
LATE MOdEL 4020 Jd: diesel, side
console, dual outlets. $11,000
0 +# ',# % !*# -%,-* % OBO/trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
' (&& * # % YAMAHA Golf Cart: GC! $2,200.
0 (, , * * ++-* +"#'! Wapakoneta 419-738-7045
0 * &(. % * ' " 830 CASE-O-MATIC. Rebuilt gas engine.
"#))#'! ' -% Good tires & paint. Nice! Camden 937-
0 *# % (*$ ) ,( 1
0 ' + ) #', ' ' ' WANTEd TO BUY: Late model compact
tractor. Greenville 937-564-1169
-% "#'!
0 " % / ' -**(-' #'! 91 CHEVY CAVALIER CONVERTIBLE:
Blue. Runs good. Good tires, top, & paint.
(-',# + No rust. Union City, IN 937-968-3568
0 ,#+ ,#(' - * ',
69 PONTOON W/30HP Motor: Sell or
0 -%%/ '+-* trade for 5x8 light utility trailer. Russia
Jd 350 MANURE Spreader: LN! 6 Bush
Hog. LN! Jd 616 6 rotary cutter. Hamilton
UNdYEd MULCH: Great for flower beds
& gardens, $12/yd. Greenville 937-621-
400 BU. KILLBROS Wagon: Center
dump, 10.00-20 tires, 12 ton gear,
telescoping tonguel. Good paint. $4,000.
Russia 937-638-0733
AC TRACTOR: 170 W.F. P.S. 3 pt.,
$4,000. Tractor umbrella. LN. Fits any
tractor, $125. 3 pt. rotary mower, 5 H.d.
$400. New Bremen 419-629-3510
WHITE 6 ROW CORN,11 row beans, in
single row. All moving parts replaced by
professionals, $23,750. Coldwater 419-
NH 1465 HAYBINE: Extremely clean.
Looks like new. Used on small acres.
$10,000. Lewisburg 937-423-5453
(2) 9x7 STEEL insulated garage doors,
$90 ea.; (1) 9x8 steel insulated. GC!
$150. St. Marys 937-441-6891
NH 474 7 HAYBINE: $2,900.
Germantown 937-855-3069, 937-371-
NH #68 HAYBALER: $750; NI 201 PTO
manure spreader, $650; Polaris 250cc
ATV, $350; Butler bulk bin, 7 ton, $500.
Rossburg 937-338-3055

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/< *=0.: /4201< .@< $ 362/. =;1 70 C 8< <244.:
*;. /< $ 362/. 1A- /7:. *6- */< 12./ 8< 87;< 174. -200.: ?2<1 *=0.:;
*;. /< 874A 1A- /7:. *6- */< *;;.A .:0=;76 :7? ,1788.:

-,*/ 376 374 9,)5.6, 999 -700)435 *31

CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: WANTED: Rear tractor tires, 1 or 2, 12.
Fence Building Trucking & spreading available.
Versailles 937-564-3399
or 13.6x28 1/2 lug or better cond.
Wapakoneta 419-738-8478, 567-356-
15.5x38, 90% tread, w/tubes. $650.
For Rent Versailes 937-658-4855, 937-526-3371
JD SUPER 77 Combine: 643 grain head.
920 grain platform. Arcanum 937-947-
NI 4160 HAY RAKE: 5 bar. $1,400. 1495
Arcanum 937-902-0031 GRIMM HAY TEDDER: PTO drive. Runs
JD SUPER 77 Combine: 643 grain head. good. Union City, IN 765-964-5883
920 grain platform. Arcanum 937-947- 08 CHEVY 3/4 TON: Reg cab, 4x4, 130K
1495 mi. GC. $10,000 New Bremen 419-629-
We have Posts Available
150 bu. New Knoxville 419-516-2908 NICE SMALL SQUARE BALES Wheat
WESTERN OHIO FENCE Straw: $3/bale. Wapakoneta 419-941-
Russia 937-622-2246 1196
5410 N. County Rd. 25-A, Piqua, OH
(250) 5 GAL PLASTIC BUCKETS: 7 BUSH HOG: Needs work. 12
(937) 773-0215
Knapheide utility bed w/ladder rack. Lima cultipacker. Versailles 937-526-4350
419-371-3033 4 SETS (hub, brake, bearing lug nuts) of
ROOSTER FOR SALE: Brookville 937- trailer electric brakes, 5 lug hub. $60 ea
475-3526 All 4 sets $220. St. Paris 937-788-2734

# #



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-68 :/, 7(9: >,(89 )$ (,!'$ %+ # *+ + !- *+& " &,* &#

,,7 '6;8 ;905,99

Complete Auction Service
!! Antiques Estates
Real Estate Farm Equipment Appraisals
"3(*, '6;8 + ,8, Bradford, Ohio
(5+ % !% Cell: 937-417-4799
Page 10 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

12-Year-Old Entrepreneur Has Sharp Mind for Business

Life these days can be stressful. on the chickens if Kyle is busy with
There never seems to be enough other activities and helps wash and
hours in the day to accomplish every- package the eggs, but for the most
thing on our to do list. But young part he really IS the boss. Once,
Kyle Lamm of Minster certainly has when there was a problem with a bro-
his priorities straight. He has man- ken water main in the barn and his
aged to start up his own chicken oper- Dad and I werent available, Kyle just
ation under the name Kyles handled the problem on his own.
Kluckers while still finding time for You might be wondering what a
his schoolwork and tutoring, playing 12-year-old boy does with the rough-
football, 4-H, and enjoying activities ly 20 dozen eggs his chickens lay
like any other 12-year-old boy. each day. The Lamms made arrange-
Among his daily duties is oversee- ments with Wagners IGA in Minster
ing the care of 300 chickens provid- to purchase the eggs. People appreci-
ing food and water, cleaning their ate farm-fresh eggs, and Kyles eggs
enclosures, and collecting their eggs. can go from the chickens to Wagners
He owns Ameraucanas, Golden IGA in as little as 20 minutes. Thats
Comets, and Rhode Island Reds a rarity in todays egg market.
both show birds and egg-layers. While most of the money Kyle
Although his chickens are kept in the makes goes toward his college fund,
barn, they are considered cage-free as he has taken on the responsibility of
they arent kept in individual cages. paying for his tutor, and gives his sis-
They can go in and out of their laying ter $10 a week for her help. Our son
boxes and roam around, eating and has ADHD and epilepsy, said his
drinking as they please. parents, and running Kyles
Kyles parents, Craig and Jamie Kluckers helps keep him focused. He
Lamm, said people ask if Kyle really has learned how to manage his money
KYLE LAMM has every reason to smile he runs his own successful
does run the business on his own. wisely, but as would be expected of
We help him a little, said his moth- business and is the youngest entrepreneur to sell products at any 12-year-old he holds out $10 of
er, and his sister Abby keeps an eye Wagners IGA! the profits for himself each week.

!" % " &


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Page 11 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
2 BASKET TEDDER: 8 Wheel V Rake. FORD TW 10: Open station. 2 sets
New Paris, Ohio after 5:30 pm or anytime outlets, new engine overhaul, new paint
weekends. 317-557-5099 and restoration, weights, big tires. Best
offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
SUPERIOR 4000 Bu. Grain Bin: Need to
tear down. VGC. Middletown 513-465- JD CORN SHELLER : Model B $125.
4975 Must Go! Blacksmith tools, tongs,
hammers, hardies, Little Giant 25 lb. cone
MM TRACTOR: Model ZA w/4 star motor, mandrel, drill press. Ft. Recovery 419-
15x38 Firestone tires, Model R w/ZA 678 4412
motor. Restored for pulling. Wapakoneta
937-596-5841 FS 07 CAN-AM 650 Mack Camo, 530 mi.
w/60 cycle country snow plow. New
SEASONED FIREWOOD: All hardwood. Carlisle 937-286-1263
$50/load or any amount. We deliver
within 20 mi. for a truckload. Coldwater CASE 580 C. BACKHOE: Working
419-678-3661 machine, needs some repair. $3,500
OBO. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841
WANTED TO BUY: 10-12 weathered
barn siding w/little or no paint. Sidney NH 273 BALER w/ wide pick-up, plus acid
937-570-3282 treatment pkg, $2,450. Wapakoneta 419-
03 NH MODEL TC35D Tractor: Low hrs.
Very nice! $12,500. Lewisburg 937-336- ROW CROP CULT.: 6 row 30, Oliver.
9051 Lewisburg 937-470-3872

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Page 12 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
WALK BEHIND BOBCAT MT 50: Hyd. FINCO 12 V. 25 gal. yard or fence row
auger, 3 diff. sizes bits, pallet forks, dirt sprayer w/hand trigger spray wand. $145
bucket, manure bucket, post driver, OBO. Eaton/Richmond, Indiana. 765-
$10,500. Piqua 937-545-0355 965-5246
JD 435 ROUND BALER: Twine & net
wrap, 4x6 bales. VGC! New Carlisle 937-

Smiths GRACO BULLDOG airless paint pump

w/Jaeger 125 compressor, custom made
trailer. Lima 419-371-3033
50 GAL. SPRAYER: Brand new. Fits on 3
pt. hitch, PTO driven pump, ext. arms.
$750. Greenville 937-564-1169
LAB PUPPIES: AKC Reg., shots, vacc.,
de-wormed. Both parents on site. West
Manchester 937-564-4753
JD 4960: Front wheel assist, duals, good
tires, cold A/C. Clean interior, quick hitch,
fenders. 6,690 hrs. $45,000.
Germantown 937-974-6690
! $! % ! NH 258 HAY RAKE: (2) NH 816 chopper
' ' ' "# & $ ' ' ' wagons; (4) 16.5 Lx16.1 tires; (7)
245/70R 19.5 truck tires. Yorkshire 937-
" & $! $ 726-6447
! #" CIH WHEAT, CORN & BEAN: concaves
"# for 1666 series combines. Celia 419-942-
WANTED TO BUY: Round bales of good
quality grass or mixed grass hay. New
Bremen 419-733-5274
HAY BALER: NH MODEL 316: Absolute
EC! Serviced by Apple Farm every year.
Ready to go! Asking $6,300. Gery. Troy
Page 13 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

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Page 14 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

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NH 311 BALER: $4,500; NH 256 rake w/ ALL-TERRAIN TIRES: AT 25x8-12, $20.

dolly wheels, $2,500. Eaton 937-477- Like new. Coldwater 419-678-3289
" '+.$&&" " +,"* ! 0 "*+ $&&"+ 21 KILLBROS HEADER CART: Late
/// ,#" -, #"* &) % (!+')%"#)-+" )' BADGER: BN 2054 blower. New Bremen model. Like new. $2,500 OBO. Russia
419 230-4925 937-638-8088

! % "
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$ ! $
Page 15 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
ANTIQUE WOOD CAROUSEL WANTED: Guitars, banjos, & man- IH 7 MOUNTED sickle mower. 225 bu. 94 JD 750: No-till drill. Dolly wheels, 7
HORSES: Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 dolins. Any cond. Ludlow Falls gravity wagon. 15 JD rotary hoe. 1/2 spacing, tap, loup population monitor.
937-698-6611 Versailles 937-526-4350 VGC. $15,000. Troy 937-216-0025
ANTIQUE Coca-Cola Radio: 24 tall.
Made of Bakelite. Exc. cond. PRICE DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demoli- 16 HAY WAGON; 16 NH elevator. New CENTURY 225 MIG WELDER: GC $600.
REDUCED! Phillipsburg tion, such as old swimming pools, Paris, Ohio, 317-557-5099 after 5:30 or South Charleston 937-605-5968
barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, weekends
937-832-7124 250 BU. GRAVITY WAGON: J&M running
general excavating work. Greenville SHED RENT: For most anything on gears. $750. Arcanum 937-902-0031
4.6 ACRES or 2 Building Lots: At Rt. 937-232-7380 wheels. $1/ft. of length per mo. Also, 94 FORD F-150 w/dual fuel tanks (+)
49 & Blank Rd., Phillipsburg, Ohio.
SEEKING FARMGROUND to rent in mow storage. 4565 Farrington Rd., mPulse cap. Lima 419-371-3033
Darke & surrounding counties. Using Covington. 937-473-3635
98 CLASS A MOTORHOME: 35 manure as fertilizer. Offer competitive
Airstream Land Yacht. One owner. rates. Versailles 937-417-2969
Garaged from day one. EC! 54K mi.
$22K firm. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124
WANTED: Broken or non-running
GEHL Bale Handler: 3 pt. hitch. John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel
BH-1500, with unwrapper. VGC! Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705
$500. West Alexandria 937-839-4071 or

MF 300 Straw Chopper: $200. West INDUSTRIAL COMPANY has full-
Alexandria 937-839-4071 time employment. Laborer, $12/hr.
15 GRAIN HEAD for M or L Gleaner & CDL Driver, $17-$19/hr. Training pro-
other used parts for M & L Gleaner vided. Benefits. Apply at: 15 Industry
combines. 6-row 30 corn head. West Park Court, Tipp City.
Alexandria 937-839-4071 WANTED: Farmground to rent for 17.
30 GREAT PLAINS Drill: Solid stand. Darke & surrounding counties. Rent
$3,800. 77 Oliver. Ready to be payable spring of 17. Versailles
restored. NH folding disk 226 heavy- 937-417-2254
duty front rock flex. West Alexandria WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal
937-839-4071 of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar
5600 FORD: Blue Power Special! paid. Roll-off container services. Call
New restoration. Complete engine for pricing or pick-up. Celina
overhaul. Roll bar & canopy. Dual out- 419-363-2277
lets. Dual power. Beautiful tractor! A-1 JD 4430 130hp tractor w/cab, heat &
condition. $11,500. Best offer or trade. air. Looks good, runs good. Field
Franklin 937-474-9899 ready. Ft. Loramie 419-953-2574 &:103*7 &72-&:8*3 *.89*7 $-*30 *,&1 "74+*88.43&1
884(.&9.43 @ $A 43 '*-&1+ 4+ %-* 7.1149 &2.1> %7:89 1&.3*
FOR SALE: Cub Cadet ZFS60 zero- BENCH VISES: $50 & up. Chain *7,2&3 &741>3 .1*72&3 &3) &(6:*1.3* 7&?.*7 4
turn mower with steering wheel. 60 hoist, 1/4 ton to 10 ton. Rollers are %7:89**8 @$*11*7A <.11 7*(*.;* 8*&1*) '.)8 +47 9-* 7*&1 *89&9*
deck. $2,200. Maria Stein heavy-duty. 10 in. 10 ft. long. $90. .)*39.+.*) &8 +4114<8 &(7*8 247* 47 1*88 4+ &,7.(:19:7&1 7*&1
419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823 Rossburg 937-564-0719 5745*79> <.9- 7*8.)*3(* ':.1).3,8 &3) 49-*7 .2574;*2*398
WTB: MACHINE GUNSLooking for %4<38-.5 4+ 47&2.* $-*1'> 4:39> !-.4 "&7(*1 4
COWS & CALVES: Hereford & Angus %-* 8:'/*(9 7*&1 5745*79> .8 '*.3, 841) @&8 .8A %-* 7*8
NFA transferable Sears, M16s, MACs, crossbreds. Freezer beef. West
H&Ks, etc. Top dollar paid for your old .)*3(* &3) ':.1).3,8 14(&9*) 43 9-* 7*&1 5745*79> <.11 '* 2&)*
Alexandria 937-344-2967
guns gathering dust. New Carlisle &;&.1&'1* +47 5:'1.( .385*(9.43 43 9-* +4114<.3, 9<4 )&9*8 :3*
937-672-9460 3x5 MULCH TRAILER w/3 sides, $&9:7)&> +742 5 2 &3) :3* $:3)&> +742
$200; elec. motors1/4hp, 1/3hp, & 5 2 %-* 8*&1*) '.)8 <.11 '* &((*59*) '> 9-* 1&< +.72 4+
04 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Electra 1/2hp. 8 pie-shape wheel weights. $ 14(&9*) &9 4:79;.*< *39*7 $:.9* $4:9- &.3
Glide Classic: 22K mi. New tires & Englewood 937-789-8996 ;*3:* $.)3*> !-.4 :39.1 5 2 43 7.)&> :3*
battery. EC! Lots of extra chrome. One .))*7 2:89 (1*&71> 8*9 +479- -.8 -*7 '.) .3 & 949&1 )411&7
owner. Brookville 937-687-2235 JD 4425 COMBINE w/grain & corn &24:39 .)8 89&9.3, &3 &24:39 5*7 &(7* <.11 349 '* &((*59*)
head. Russia 937-526-4091 %-* 8*&1*) '.)8 <.11 '* 45*3*) &9 9-* 1&< 4++.(*8 4+ $ 43

43)&> :3* &9 &2 11 .39*7*89*) '.))*78 <-4
WANTED TO BUY: Silver 900# ROLLER w/pillar bearings. Pull-
-&;* 8:'2.99*) 8*&1*) '.)8 2&> '* 57*8*39 &9 9-* 45*3.3, 4+ 9-*
dollars. Paying cash. Call type. New Carlisle 937-308-2909
'.)8 &3) 2&> 7&.8* 9-*.7 '.)8 ):7.3, 9-* 7*'.)).3, 574(*88 $*11*7
Buck, Eldorado, 937-273-3165
51 IH FARMALL CUB: VGC! Good 7*8*7;*8 9-* 7.,-9 94 &((*59 47 7*/*(9 &3> &3) &11 '.)8 %-* 8:(
KILLBROS 350 bed, $400; 13 harrow, working cond. With plow & snow/ (*88+:1 '.))*7 8 8-&11 *39*7 .394 & (4397&(9 +47 9-* 5:7(-&8* 4+
$75; AC 18 field cult., $350; cult. grader blade cultivators. Carb rebuilt. 9-* 7*&1 *89&9* 11 '.)8 2:89 '* &((425&3.*) '> &3 4++.(.&1 '&30
parts. Rossburg 937-564-0719 Good rubber. $2,350 OBO. Lewisburg (-*(0 5&>&'1* 94 $ %7:89 ((4:39 .3 9-* &24:39 4+
937-839-4540 &8 *&73*89 243*> %-* '&1&3(* 4+ 9-* 5:7(-&8* 57.(* 8-&11 '*
CLEAN, BRIGHT Wheat Straw: Tight ):* &3) 5&>&'1* &9 148.3, <-.(- 8-&11 4((:7 43 47 '*+47* :1>
bales. Easy loading. St. Henry CUSTOM LOG SAWING: Using
9 148.3, & .):(.&7> **) <.11 '* )*1.;*7*) 94 ":7
419-305-9854 Wood Mizer mill. Keith Marshall,
(-&8*7 #*&1 *89&9* 9&=*8 &7* 94 '* 5747&9*) 94 9-* &9* 4+ 148
Greenville 937-548-0463
MASSEY-FERGUSON 40: Diesel. .3, "488*88.43 4+ ,74:3) .22*).&9*1> :543 148.3, 8:'/*(9 94
Front loader. New engine overhaul. ALFALFA HAY: Nice! No rain. 2nd or 7.,-98 4+ 9*3&398 +47 & 5479.43 4+ 5*7 1*&8* &,7**2*39 3>
Shuttle transmission. 3 pt. hitch. Live 3rd cutting. $5.50/bale. Approx. 200 89&9*2*398 2&)* 43 )&> 4+ 8&1* 8-&11 9&0* 57*(*)*3(* 4;*7 &3>
PTO. Make offer. Franklin bales. Russia 937-526-4091 89&9*2*398 2&)* .3 9-.8 &);*79.8*2*39 '.) 5&(0*9 .3(1:).3,
937-474-9899 & 2&5 4+ 9-* 7*&1 5745*79> &3) '.) +472 <.11 '* &;&.1&'1* &9 9-*
08 SUNNYBROOK Titan 5th Wheel 4++.(* 4+ :89.3 # $5.11*78 $ 4:79;.*< *39*7 $:.9*
SLAVENS MINIATURE HERE- Camper: 31 ft. Stored in heated build- $4:9- &.3 ;*3:* $.)3*> !-.4 47 (&11
FORDS: Registered. Both polled & ing. Extremely GC! Three slide-outs. +&= 47 * 2&.1 /85.11*78 +,08 1&< (42 &3)
horned. Small & gentle. Ken, DeGraff $56,706 new. Asking $26,000. New & '.) 5&(0*9 (&3 '* 2&.1*) 47 * 2&.1*) 94 57485*(9.;* '.))*78
937-539-6019 Bremen 419-305-1994
Page 16 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

! # ! "

,+"*: '4 '7.*4

9'5 19

.7/' !
"$ "4',.*4 & ! # #
.7/' #" #"$ "4',.*4 9'5 19 9'5 19

& ! # ,+"*: 4'81 : "47(- *)
% # " 37,2/*06 "4',.*4 0(.15*) 1')*4 ,65 1)+* 7'..;
9'5 19 9'5 19 9'5 19 9'5 19
Page 17 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
LAKEFRONT PROPERTY 06 CARDINAL 30 LE 5th Wheel: 2 LAWN TRACTOR Dump Trailer: WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres
PRICE REDUCED!!! slides. Rear living room. Stand- up $49.50. Cash only. Piqua of land in Miami Co. or Darke Co. Pre-
On Lake Loramie. Two bdrms., 2 full bdrm. w/queen. Larger shower. New 937-570-2419 fer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls
baths, kitchen, living room w/stone tires. VGC! $11,500 or reasonable 937-698-6611
fireplace, laundry room, full sunroom, offer. Eaton 937-603-1509
2-1/2 car garage, one outbuilding.
New seawall, driveway, patio. New MILLER PRO 1800 Avalanche Merg-
Carlisle937-308-2909 er: Dual pick-ups. Recent belts. Spare
belting, lacing, & parts. $24,500.
CURED ASH FIREWOOD: Cut at Piqua 937-606-0807
21-22 in. Mostly limb wood & some
split. Approx. 3 cords. Reasonably WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, &
priced. Covington area. saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622
937-473-3635 245/70R-19.5 TIRES: Good spares.
CLUTCH ASSIST for tractor without $25 ea. Call/text: St. Marys
live power. Great for bushhogging! 419-305-9547
$75. 61 Harmony acoustic guitar. 15 TRAMPOLINE w/safety enclo-
Great cond. $200. Brookville sure. Kept inside year-round. EC!
937-687-2235 $175. Troy 937-295-2807
Plains or JD planter. 3.5 or 4 milliliter.
Rossburg 937-564-0719
Easy to install. Save your tripwill !$% # & $ # $
ship! Coldwater 419-678-2594
WATER STOCK TANKS: 40 gal. & EQUIPMENT TRAILER: 3-axle. 20 ft. !
100 gal. Make offer. Ludlow Falls With ramps. GC! $2,250. Lewisburg
937-698-6611 937-839-4540
5-PERSON HOT TUB: VGC! $1,500. ALUM-ALUM. Sulfate Hydrate: Treats
(4) extra heavy-duty swivel casters. 5 pond algae growth. 50# bags, $25 !
hard rubber. With grease zerk. $15 ($20 for 2+). New Air fine bubble tube
ea. Englewood 937-789-8996 diffusers for pond aeration. $30. New % $ " !& $ !&# '% #! %
BALDOR Elec. Motor: 10/13hp. Bremen 419-305-1994
1,725rpm. 3-phase. Misc. used elec. NH MODEL 331 Manure Spreader:
motors. New Paris 937-533-7456 $1,500 OBO. New Lebanon
VERTICAL TILL LANDOLL: 19 ft. 937-687-2334
Only 2 years old. All safety lights. Fac- APPROX. 1,000 small, square bales
tory rear hitch. Like new! Exc. cond. of straw. Easy load. Sidney
Makes more bushels per acre. Call for 937-726-4143
details. $26,000. Gery Monnin, Troy
937-216-4664 CATERPILLAR 955H Track Loader:
Nice, older machine. Runs & operates
(4) LIGHTNING RODS: With ground great. 4-in-1 bucket. Very good under-
cable. 7x14 hay wagon. Diamond carriage. Power shift trans. $9,950.
Plated toolbox. Pleasant Hill Lewisburg 937-839-4540
JD HEADLIGHTS: 6 volts. Old style.
GEHL 1540 Vortex silage blower. EC! IH IH 6 volt lights. Old style. $10 ea.
Ft. Loramie 419-953-2574 New Lebanon 937-687-2334
savings on in-stock items. Dealer for AND REMODELING
20 years. Call for catalog & Concrete, walls, bin pads, foundation
brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 work, curtain work. All types of
DODGE RAM Truck Mirrors: 1500, agricultural.
2500, 3500. 98-02. Sport mirrors, not Bryant, Indiana 765-209-2692
tow. Brand new pair. St. Marys. Call/ WHIRLPOOL TUB: Brand new, still in
text: 419-305-9547 box. Has 30 jets. Pictures can be pro-
85 FORD BRONCO: 4WD. Parting vided. Wapakoneta 937-538-8960
out engine, transmission, drive line, CONTINENTAL Utility Trailer: 27 ft. V-
axles, misc. body & int. parts. nose. Front & rear ramps. A/C.
Brookville 937-902-6727 Heater. 110 outlets. Very nice! $5,900.
PORT. BASKETBALL System: New Paris 937-533-7456
Adjusts from 76 to 10. Avg. cond. JD 9500 COMBINE: Field ready!
$100. Troy 937-295-2807 Went thru JD shop fall 16. 643 corn
JD MOWER BLADES: (3) new sets head. 925 platform. Prefer to sell as
for a 7 iron 72 deck. $50/set. Troy unit. Runs great! Eaton 937-336-3601
937-295-2807 JD GEARS, $650; flatbed w/side-
50s MURRAY Pedal Car: Needs boards, $600; J&M kick bale, $650.
restored. Speedway Pace Car. $175. Rossburg 937-564-0719
Call/text. St. Marys 419-305-9547 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones.
Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435
Page 18 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge CASE 930: Diesel. 90hp. New engine CLEAN, BRIGHT WHEAT STRAW: SEVERAL FORDS & Fergusons for
savings on in-stock items. Dealer for overhaul. Wide front. Make offer or Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy Parts: Will sell reasonable or cheap.
20 years. Call for catalog & trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 loading or delivery available. West Tires & wheels for all tractors & all
brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 Milton 937-875-1220 or sizes. Several 28 tires. Franklin
937-698-3541 937-474-9899
CHAINSAW SCULPTURES: Stumps KOHRING 6608 Excavator: 4 cyl.
in your yard or items on display. dkl- Isuzu dsl. engine. Good undercar- riage. Offset boom. 3/4 yard bucket.
765-977-4563 or 937-839-4183. Pho- Enclosed cab. Runs good. $18,500.
tos on facebook. See Dayle Keith 937-839-4540
MINI. JERSEY HEIFER: 10 mos. old.
JOHN DEERE 1010 Gas Utility Trac- Elam E. Wickey, 4373E100S, Mon-
tor: Live hyd., Independent PTO, roe, IN 46772
power steering, remote hydraulics,
Float Ride seat, etc. Asking $4,900. 01 JD 4600 TRACTOR: 4WD loader.
Hamilton 513-726-4736 Rear weights. 462 hrs. Dsl. $18,000.
EC! Russia 937-526-3606
BOAT: Fiberglass 8 Bass Buddy
w/live well. $400. Retails for $1,200. AMANA 18,000 BTU window air
Cash only. Piqua 937-570-2419 cond. 220V. LN! Camden
STIHL CHAINSAW: Model 360. $340.
Runs good! New Lebanon 2nd CUTTING small, square bales
937-687-2334 orchardgrass clover hay. $3/bale.
South Vienna area. 740-506-2358
FORD NH 5030: 62hp. Forward &
reverse shuttle. Roll bar & canopy. 14 IH Cultimulcher: $1,000. Belle-
New restoration. Dual hyd. Runs & fontaine 937-593-2197
looks like new! $9,600 OBO or trade. HAY WAGON: 7x14 NH. Gear. 4-ton.
Franklin 937-474-9899 $325. Cash only. Piqua
SNAPPER Z 1804 K Zero-Turn Rid- 937-570-2419
ing Mower: 42 deck. 18hp Kohler FORD 6600: Diesel. 70hp. New
Magnum engine. $650. Tipp City restoration. New engine overhaul.
937-750-9966 eves. $9,000 OBO or trade. Franklin
1,000 BALES clean, bright, long- 937-474-9899
stemmed wheat straw. Tight, heavy JD 770 Dsl. Tractor: With loader & 72
bales. $3/bale. Russia 937-538-1131 Woods finish mower. 4WD. GC! Runs
INSECT. & HERB. BOXES for JD good. $7,500 for all. Arcanum
7000 planter. $40 ea. New Lebanon 937-692-8425

German 937-687-2334
DeWALT Mitre Saw: Heavy-duty.
IH 1300 7 Sickle Bar Mower: $1,200.
Greenville 937-548-8191
$100. JD B tractor w/Woods 59 belly
Farmers mower. $2,200.
937-448-2956. Mon.-Fri., 8-5
FOR SALE: (2) 18.4Rx42 used tires.
Portland, Indiana 260-335-2128
CALUMET Model 2250 Vacuum
Insurance TO30 53 FERGUSON Tractor: All
manuals. No rust. Always shedded.
$3,000 OBO. New Madison
Tank: Versailles

937-996-0635 A JOHN DEERE 9 wheel disk. $300.

A IH 10 wheel disk. $300. New West-
BARN WOOD WANTED: Looking for on 937-338-6187
Home Farm Auto old barn wood in large quantities.
Beams, sleepers, dimensional mater- 59 JD 730D: Runs well. 3 pt.
ial. Let us know what you have! Well Weights. New tires. Good tractor.
be happy to come out & take a look. $9,000 OBO. Donnelsville
Thanks! Located in Arcanum, Ohio. 937-882-9652
Call 970-596-3151. www.back-
(8) METAL Chicken Feeders: Big &
little. $40 for all. Springtooth harrow.
WANTED: (1) white goose. Rossburg (2) 3 sections. $15 ea. Versailles
419-336-7476 937-564-3638
208 West Spring Street 6 NEW HOWSE Rotary Mower:
98 SIDEKICK 3-Horse Slantload Alu-
New Knoxville, OH 45871 minum Trailer: Full living quarters. Heavy-duty 80hp gear box. $1,450.
Rear & mid tack. Awning. Well main- Middletown 513-571-3360
(419) 753-2575 tained. Wapakoneta 567-356-0322 FOR SALE: 3 pt. JD 6 603 rotary cut- LARGE ASSORTMENT of Pax ter; JD plow, 4-16 350; (1) rubber
hog feeder parts. Lids, hinges, tub, 30? bu. Bradford 937-447-2689
dividers, etc. West Milton
FOR SALE: New, custom built dog
houses. Various shapes, colors, &
FOR SALE: 5 sets of license plates: sizes available. Also, clothes hanging
21, 22, 26, 27. (1) 44 trailer plate. dryer. A. Wickey, 620S650E,
419-953-1506 Decatur, IN 46733-8984
Page 19 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
Page 20 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

Silos Unloaders
Feeders & Conveyors
New Silo Roofs
and Repairs
Silo Fillpipe, Ladders
and Distributors
Wood Doors For All Silos Available
Urbana, Ohio 43078 !
Phone: 937-653-7429 !

Post Driving Split Rail Vinyl
Board Fence High Tensile
Electric Chain Link Max-Flex !
5410 N. County Rd. 25-A, Piqua, OH
(937) 773-0215

,0 ).
STRAW AVAILABLE: Out of field for BOER GOATS FOR SALE: Jan.-born.
!!&" *) 17. Also, hay. Russia 937-638-4212 Fullblood doelings & bucklings. Also,
2 yrs.-6 yrs. does. ABGA reg. UTD on
20HP ADVANCE YR. 1910: Excellent shots & deworming. Mark, West Mil-
boiler & wheels. Good gears. 150# ton 937-371-6511
Ohio Cert. $70,000 OBO. Arcanum
937-692-5841 WANTED: Honeybee swarms. Miami,
Montgomery, & Darke Co. area. West
RIDING MOWER: Craftsman Milton 937-698-5240
GT5000. Kohler 25hp. 54 cut. Snow
(&-% blade. 42 vac system. Chain for tires.
Extra blades. $975. Versailles
MAYRATH in-line elec. motor drive kit
for 10 auger. Portland, Indiana

/&'. 937-564-3638
BACHTOLD MOWER: 8hp. Whirlpool
PULL-TYPE 1-rotor hay rake. 10
window air cond. 110V. Camden rotary rake. M&W. Works good. Field
" !* '' .0+"- *# *)-.,/ .&*) 513-796-2194 ready! Middletown 513-571-3360
- %+ ' %%' WANTED: Haylage or net-wrapped CRAFTSMAN Wet/Dry Vac: 3.0hp.
, "! $ %%' round bales. Within 20 mi. of Professional, w/all the fittings &
- , $ %, hoses. $25. Versailles 937-564-3638
'*(( ' ) ' %$ $) ' Jamestown. Robin, 937-503-4561
' ) PAYING CASH for large quantities of 51 JD MODEL B Tractor: Beautiful
cloth/burlap seed/feed sacks, old show tractor! Great cond. $4,500.
- %+ ' %%' seamless & hybrid seed corn sacks. Springfield 937-882-1384
- (" ' %%' Email/call with quantity & price.
, "! $ %%' HAY FOR SALE: Square bales. Gratis
'' 0*/, $ /$" + &)."! or Sidney
- , $ %, 937-533-0081
-.""' /. .* 0*/, -+" &#& .&*)- '*(( ' ) ' %$ $) '
5,000 BALES STRAW. Small amount
*'*,- )! '' 0*/, .,&(- ' ) 96 1500 CHEVY hHandicap Van:
of hay from 16. 00 Volvo single-axle
With lift. 150K mi. EC! $4,000. Carl,
tractor for parts. Russia
.' ) %"%' "$ ) - %+ ' %%' Ft. Recovery 419-852-2695. Leave
% '' $). "$ ) - (" ' %%' msg.
, "! $ %%'
"+ "*# "$ ) - , $ %, PAIR OF GOOD 16.9x26 tires &
39 STYLED JD D: Starts & runs
good. Has PTO. $8,500 OBO.
"+ "*# "$ ) '*(( ' ) ' %$ $) ' wheels. $250. Covington
Arcanum 937-692-5841
"+ $/ "$ ) ' ) 937-214-5798
WOODS 3 Pt. Ditch Bank Mower:
- %+ ' %%' Single arm. Works perfectly! $2,200.
I do custom sawing with a Wood-
' ( (* ) )% $ - (" ' %%' mizer sawmill. 16 years experi-
Middletown 513-571-3360
, ) %*) &' %' $%) , "! $ %%'
'*(( ' ) ' %$ $) '
ence. Your place or mine. Hard- (2) 36 RIDGID pipe wrenches. $40
*). . !!&" *) ' )
wood lumber for sale. Pleasant ea. 50-plus yardsticks. $1 ea. Ver-
Hill 937-216-7292 sailles 937-564-3638
Page 21 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

+( $3'8$3( 513( ",5+ 1 6&+ 13(

+$7,0*4 69 #163 80
$8'645 312$0( $0-
! $7( 10(9
! 120 gal. $450 Propane
! 250 gal. $550
330 gal. $625
500 gal. $850
1,000 gal. $1,700 Service

"( 223(&,$5( #163 64,0(44

; )),&,(05
; !4(3 3,(0'.9

$3/ $5(4 (('(34

< "( 51&- < $.( 2($34 $..(5 13-4

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$3'(0 (('4

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1634 10'$9 3,'$9 $563'$9 .14(' 60'$94
$37,0 1%.(05: 80(3 2(3$513
Page 22 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
DEUTZ ALLIS 9150 w/duals &
weights. 4,800 hrs. GC! Int. 140
w/belly mower. Avg. cond. $2,200.
67 HONDA DREAM: 14K mi. Runs
good. New tires & battery. $2,600. Ft.
Recovery 419-305-6191
Droesch Farm Service
Russia 937-638-4212
1st CUTTING Hay & Wheat Straw:
Easy pick-up or we can deliver. Text/
Honored by Vermeer Corp.
Easy access. Gratis 937-533-0081 call Mendon 419-303-5681 Droesch Farm Service in Maria Stein has received the coveted Vermeer
Master Dealer award from Vermeer Corporation, the Pella, Iowa-based compa-
ORIGINAL Advance Rumely Water JD X700 MOWER: 54 deck. 550 hrs.
ny. Vermeer Forage Dealers earn Master status by reaching or exceeding specif-
Wagon: Meyers tank pump. Orig. $4,750. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or
seat. No leaks. $17,000 OBO. 937-238-7901 ic sales, service, and dealership management criteria established by the manu-
Arcanum 937-692-5841 facturer.
LOOKING TO BUY land or country As a Vermeer Master Dealer, Droesch Farm Service offers hay and forage
ULTRA LIGHT Transport Chair: Easy home in St. Henry or Versailles School customers an industry-leading dealer resource, with outstanding forage knowl-
to fold & push. Supports 300 lbs. Foot District. Call/text St. Henry edge and exceptional service skills.
rest & brakes. Used 4 times. $75 937-564-6670 Don Droesch accepted this prestigious award for his Vermeer dealership.
OBO. Ansonia 937-547-0399. Leave Droesch reinforces his companys passion for quality service and support. At
msg. 91 JD 9500 Combine: Field ready.
4,300 engine hrs. 2,200 sep. hrs. 643 Droesch Farm Service, we understand the importance of excellent customer ser-
(2) MALE ALPACAS: $375 ea. One corn head & 215 grain table. Includes vice from the time of sale and throughout the ownership of the equipment,
black & one multi-colored. Laura wagon-type cart. $30,000. West asserted Droesch. We are proud to be a Vermeer dealer, and we work hard to
937-604-8530 Alexandria 937-902-9670 uphold the standard associated with the status of a Masters Dealer by providing
our customers with an experienced sales and service staff, and ensuring we
94 TOYOTA Pick-Up: 4x4. 135K mi. 00 BLAZER PARTS; Remington 870; understand and meet their unique needs.
Blue. Recent new tailgate, bumper, 09 Ford 150 Tonneau Cover. Lima Droesch Farm Service is entering their 15th year of serving West Central
Firestone Destination tires, radiator, & 419-647-6327 or
Ohio area with Vermeer Forage Equipment.
viscous fan clutch. $2,800. New Bre-
men 419-305-1994
JD 10 PTO-DRIVEN Grain Binder:
SNOWMOBILE TRAILER: 2-place. New canvases. $1,200. Arcanum 4HP EVINRUDE Boat Motor: In GC. WANTED: 17-21-24 etc. jeweled
Tilt bed. $300. Laura 937-459-0394 937-692-5841 3.3 hp Johnson boat motor. Also in watches. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E
GC. Sidney 937-295-3553 100S, Monroe, IN 46772
JD & MF 5 Btm. Plows: 880 & 1450. J&M 10-TON hopper wagon, $999; JD
$500 ea. (2) kicker wagons. GC. w/new tires, $750; small hopper, $500. FULL-TIME GMC Grain Truck Engine: 305. Big
$1,800 & $2,250. Russia Rossburg 937-564-0719 HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED block. V6. Ran when pulled. Make
937-638-4212 Hourly position, with benefits. offer. Covington 937-216-0271
FOR SALE: Ariens front-tine tiller. 24 Apply in person at 15 Industry
ALFALFA/GRASS HAY: $4/bale. in. $300. Maria Stein 419-925-4526 or Park Court,Tipp City. 2-PLACE Snowmobile Trailer: In GC!
Laura 937-604-8530 419-733-1823 $300. Laura 937-459-0394

Dependable, Economical, Friendly Service

Page 23 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
CORN STOVE: LN! Paid over $3,900
new. Used 2 yrs. Works great. Put in
outdoor wood boiler, no longer need-
ed. $1,900 OBO. Arcanum
WOODS RM360 Bare Mower Deck
Only: New, never used. Make offer.
Brookville 937-902-6727
IH 3 PT. BACKHOE: Model 3082
Series A. 15 bucket. VGC! No leaks.
$2,500. Venedocia 419-203-9014
08 C+C GOOSENECK all alum.
2-horse slant trailer with Showtime
Weekend L.Q. New tires. Extremely
clean. $18,500. Neil, Decatur, Indiana
2-PLACE Snowmobile Trailer: In GC!
$300. Laura 937-459-0394
WANTED TO BUY: New old stock &
used motorcycle parts. Any model.
Any quantity. Ft. Recovery
JD 757 Zero-Turn Mower: 850 hrs.
60 deck. $3,850. Ansonia
937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901
WANTED: Land or country home in
St. Henry or Versailles School District.
Call/text: St. Henry 937-564-6670
doors. Lima
16 STRAW: Non-rotary. No rain. Avg.
40# per bale. $3.50/bale. Russia
EGGS: Non-GMO. Grass-fed hens.
$1/dozen. Castine 937-678-2409
15 TRAMPOLINE w/safety enclo-
sure. Kept inside year-round. EC!
$175. Troy 937-295-2807
03 CF27RL CRUISER by Crossroads
5th Wheel: One slide-out. Beautiful!
EC! Stored in garage w/heat & A/C.
Used 6 times. Greenville
BRILLION 14 Cultipacker: 4 axle.
End transport. Packers in good cond.
New Paris 937-437-5562
05 BAY ROAN AQHA Gelding: 90
days barrel training with Bob Jaqua.
Has worked cattle & flag. Really nice
horse. $5,500. Neil, Decatur, Indiana
(2) 72 CHEVY C50 Grain Trucks: 300
bu. DMI center-dump hopper beds.
350 engine w/4 spd. Allison auto. 540
trans. 900x20 tires, w/PS. $1,800 ea.
West Alexandria 937-902-9670
YOUNG FAMILY looking for farm-
ground to rent. Competitive wages &
exceptional care for your property.
Darke & Miami Counties. Arcanum
WANTED TO BUY: Old motorcycles.
Ft. Recovery 419-305-6191
Page 24 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
Page 26 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

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Advertising Deadline for July Country Living

~~ FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 4:00 PM ~~

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Page 27 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
3 PT. HITCH Buzz Saw: Belt-driven. SEEKING FARMGROUND to rent in WORK WANTED FOR SALE: Claas 760 double rotor
Off PTO. $350. 44 9N Ford. New Darke & surrounding counties. Using Interior & Exterior rotary rake. $8,000. Maria Stein
paint. $2,000. Englewood manure as fert. Offer competitive Specializing in barn/house 419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823
937-789-8996 rates. Versailles 937-417-2969 repair, remodeling, replacing
oak beams, foundations, wood CUSTOM BUSH HOGGING & Trim
OASIS Water Fountain: Looks LN! ALUM. DIAMOND plated toolbox. /metal siding, & roofing. Mower Available: Reasonable rates.
Cooler not working. Great for just 7x14 hay wagon. (4) lightning rods SCHWARTZ ODD JOBS Call Gery, Troy 937-216-4664
water fountain. $100. Venedocia w/ground cable. Pleasant Hill Bryant, Indiana 7 NEW TGM Rototiller: $2,600 OBO
419-203-9014 937-676-3632 260-710-1345 or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
JD HYD. CYLS: Fits all JD combines. POLLED 3YO Mini. Hereford Bull:
Feeder house. Heavy-duty. For Drap- Halter broke. Frame 00. DNA tested.
er heads. $1,200 new. Asking $600. AHA #43472133 reg. herd sire. Robin,
Laura 937-459-0394 Jamestown 937-503-4561
TRAMPOLINE: 14 diam. No enclo-
sure netting. $50. St. Henry
CAMPFIRE Log Tender & Bellows:
New Carlisle 937-308-2909
WELL BALER: 4 or 6; dorm new
Hill-T Farm
SMALL, SQUARE 16 Wheat Straw:
2,500 bales. $3/bale. Ansonia
water heater; Ruger 10/22; Enfield
303. Lima 419-647-6327
16-1/2 TIM PILAND saddle cutter on
Used - New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts
(2) FLATBED WAGONS/Uprights:
One with JD running gear. St. Marys
working cow horse. $4,000 new. Ask-
ing $2,200. Neil, Decatur, Indiana.
Sales & Service
419-305-7371 260-413-0626 WANTED: FIRE or WRECK-DAMAGED TRACTORS
INT. HARVESTER Vibra-Shank 6 nar- 91 GMC P/U: Reg. cab. 4WD. 7.4 TRACTORS NOT FEASIBLE for REPAIR!
row row 30 corn & bean cult. 3 pt. liter. Auto. 8 bed. 218K mi. New parts.
hitch. Rolling shields. $200 OBO. For Fair cond. $2,700. Brookville REBUILT REBUILT USED
pictures, email 937-902-6727 TRANSMISSIONS ENGINES ENGINES Sidney
937-492-1065 LIMESTONE GRAVEL DRIVEWAY Find us at...
WORK; Chicken Manure; General 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio
HITACHI 55 high definition TV. Works Hauling; Farm & Garden. Call/text:
great! $100. Brookville 937-687-2235 Eldorado 937-533-0811 937-548-0718
1/2 mile south of Palestine

$ # '5)6 #)5< 2-')

5%2', :)67 3* 5))29-00) -7',)2
825331 '%5 +%5%+) = &%52 39) 2 32(-7-32

! " ! '5)6 :-7, 7-00

%&0) Our name says it all!

! # '5) *%51 :-7, ,31) 937-456-4672 456-4673 Fax 456-1523

%2( 2):)5
; ,356) &%52 5)%7 6)77-2+ :-7, 5300-2+ 723 Yost Rd. West Alexandria, Ohio
! ! '5) *%51 :-7, 039)0< 6732) %2(
7:30 AM TO 5 PM M-F, 8-12 SAT.
')(%5 ,31) 75%'/ *35 7,) ,356)6 %2( &8-0(-2+6 300-2+
0%2( '5))/ %2( 4%6785)6 Distributors of...
Ads Pipe
'5)6 1 .867 )%67
3* 5'%281 )%561-00 ( 4453; %'5)6 %5) :33()(
Hancor Pipe
Snyder Tanks
!! " 39)0< =6 &5-'/ -2 %2 35-+ Septic - Cistern
-2%0 ,-3 '3827< ,31) 7,%7 ,%6 &))2 &538+,7 84 73 (%7)
300-1500 gal.
:-7, '329)2-)2')6 3* 73(%<=6 0-9-2+ 063 -2'08()( -6
%7, ,31) Infiltrator
Leaching Systems
!$ ! PVC, SDR
& Metal Culvert
Page 28 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

Apple Farm Service Named to Top 10

New Holland Dealers in North America
New Holland has announced that Apple Farm Service has been
awarded their most prestigious membership the New Holland
Presidents Club. This membership is only offered to a select few deal-
erships that have met strict requirements. These requirements are that
the dealership has demonstrated commitment to business excellence in
Service, Business Management, Sales, Marketing, and Customer Focus.
Each category is given a specific point score, and Apple Farm Service
finished in the top 10 in total points in North America for All New
Holland locations.
All of Apple Farm Services New Holland locations Covington,
Botkins, and Mechanicsburg qualified for this distinguished award.

# "

$ !
Page 29 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
FOR SALE: John Deere 335 round GARAGE SALE: Call for appt. Bike; SHED RENT: For most anything on LARGE SELECTION of Cats Meow:
baler. 4x4 bale. $5,800. Maria Stein tools; furn.; equipment; (2) chain wheels. $1/ft. of length per mo. Also, Troy 937-339-8198
419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823 hoists, $100 & $150. And much more! mow storage. 4565 Farrington Rd.,
Englewood 937-789-8996 Covington. 937-473-3635 HAY: 1st cutting. Red clover, big
CLAAS Triple Mower: 27 ft. Tine con- squares. Wheat straw, big squares.
ditioner. Belt collectors. Several 5000 DIESEL row crop with wide CPL TOOL CHEST on tool cart. Will Versailles 937-564-0145
updates. Spare parts. $21,500. Piqua front. Make offer. Franklin hold over 200 tool items. $250. St.
937-606-0807 937-474-9899 Paris 937-368-3058 BRILLION Cultimulcher: 12 working
width. $2,000 OBO. Eaton
FOR SALE: Cub Cadet LTX1046 lawn GRASSHOPPER 52 Lawnmower SIMPLICITY Conquest Riding Lawn- 937-336-3601
tractor. 46 deck. $800. Maria Stein Deck: Manual fold. Fits 618 or 721 mower: 20hp. 50 deck. 224 hrs. LN
419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823 mower. EC! $300. St. Henry cond. Rossburg 937-417-9091 6 PULL-TYPE Bush Hog: Laminated
419-678-3659 wheels & slip clutch. $500. New Bre-
WANTED: Chiappa 12 ga. lever- JOHN DEERE 1023E: 23hp. Brand men 419-305-7556
action shotgun w/pistol grip stock. (2) BALE QUEEN kicker wagons new. 40 hours. 4-wheel drive. Front
Elam E. Wickey, 4373E100S, Mon- w/running gears. (1) 32 elev. w/motor. end loader. Weight box. 3 pt. hitch. WANTED TO BUY: Older Corvette,
roe, IN 46772 Maria Stein 567-644-2000 PTO. Hydrostatic drive. $11,000 OBO 50s, 60s, or 70s. Any cond. Ludlow
or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 Falls 937-698-6611
99 FORD F150 4x4 Pick-Up Truck: 25 GOOSENECK livestock trailer w/2
125K miles. Gas. Auto. Dependable. cut gates. American Alum-Line.
$1,500. Versailles 419-303-8537 $7,000 firm. Bradford 937-447-7691
loader. Good cond., but not running.
to 20hp. $250 to $1,500. Rossburg FORESTRY MULCHING
Versailles 937-417-2837 937-417-2219
BALE WAGONS: (1) 14 ft.; (3) 16 ft.; (4) LIGHTNING RODS: With ground
(1) 18 ft. $500 to $2,000. Covington cable. 7x14 hay wagon. Diamond
937-623-5725 or 937-308-1350 Plated toolbox. Pleasant Hill
CASE IH 8575 Big, Square
Baler: Silage Special. 3x3. FORD 555A Tractor / Loader / Back-
$30,000 Covington hoe: Came from OSU. Very well
937-903-8897 maintained. Enclosed cab. Low Jared Gaier
hours. Starts & runs like new! Very
(6) 16 ROUND BALES HAY: 4x5 ft. powerful. Best offer or trade. Franklin (937) 538-8527
$75. Tipp City 937-750-9966 eves. 937-474-9899

Trust the
Farm Insurance
Ask about the ! 1/"$1-/
Farm Protection Program /"*&0 1/"$1-/
%)0$#),& 3)1( +-"%&/
%)0$#),& '"0 1/"$1-/
Mennonite Mutual Insurance Companys / #"+&/ ,&1 13),& 3)1( +-"%&/
authorized agent: / #"+&/ ,&1 13),& 3"'-,0
+ 0*)%+-"%&/ (/0 ("4#),&0
2.&/ 1&&/ 1/"$1-/ 20( -'0
Insurance Services $! % $ # "

272 W. Main
Saint Paris, Ohio 43072
! !
phone: (937) 663-5891 fax: (937)-663-4745
& &
Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company
""" ! ! !
Page 30 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

200 S. Main St.

Piqua, Ohio

Batteries For Everything!

Cordless Telephone Cell Phone Camcorder
AA - AAA - C - D - 9 Volt 2 Way Radio Coin Cell
Cars Trucks Farm Equipment Golf Cart
Motorcycle Marine Deep Cycle & Starting ATV
Wheel Chair Emergency Power Lawn & Garden
Snow Mobile Jet Ski Toy Cars Battery Chargers
Cables Jump Start Units

WOODS 3 pt. 8 Cat. 2. Blade

#RB-800-2. S/N 002491. $800.
Retails for $1,400. Cash only. Piqua
LOOKING TO BUY tractor w/front
loader or skidloader. In good cond.
Conover 937-362-2068. Leave info &
! #!" $ %
(42) PATIO Layer Bricks: 18x18x2
thick. Brown. $1 ea. Jackson Center
Kiln Dried Livestock Bedding HAY TEDDER/fluffer, Pequea 910,
PTO driven, $2,350; JD 953 gear
CUSTOM-BUILT Doghouses: Diff.
Homestead Quality Livestock Bedding colors, sizes, & shapes available. w/hoist, no bed, $750; JD 655 tractor,
proudly offers the highest quality livestock bedding Clothes hanger dryer. Amos Wickey, $5,750; 8N fenders, $150/pair. Yellow
available in 120 cubic yard semi load quantities. 620S650E, Decatur, IN 46733 Springs 937-572-5486

Ideal for: Turkeys, Calves, Steers, Dairy, Horses & Ducks G690 AG BAGGER: 9 ft. Hesston 5 CARONI finish mower, $500. Hay
silage blower. Versailles Tedder Galfre, 3 pt., 9 ft., 2-rotor.
A family owned and locally operated business $750. Brookville 937-687-4138
Contact Wade Kohler, Ft Recovery (260) 729-2658 85 MF HIGH BOY: Good rubber.
84 CHEVY C60 Truck Sprayer: 750
gal. tank. 65 booms. Raven controller. 54hp. High & low. Live power & steer-
500 gal. tank. On frame. With 50 ing. Covington 937-418-1047
84 BOX TRUCK: 14 ft. 350 over drive. PATIO PAVING BLOCKS: Dark
booms. Was on pick-up. Troy
Rebuilt engine. Ready to work! With brown. EC! 7-3/4L x 3-3/4W x 2-1/4 CUSTOM-BUILT Doghouses: Diff.
ramps. First $1,950. Covington thick. 1,800 blocks at 30 cents each colors, sizes, & shapes available.
937-418-1047 or what you want. Jackson Center 100 SQ. FT. FILTER-EEZE flooring for Clothes hanger dryer. Amos Wickey,
937-638-1414 farrowing crates or raised decks. 620S650E, Decatur, IN 46733
WANTED: Straw to bale in Union Twp. Brand new. In orig. packing cases.
& surrounding areas. West Milton BRILLION 12 cultimulcher, $3,250; TRACTOR BARS for 3 pt. hitch. $30
Make offer. West Milton 937-698-5240
937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 JD 10 AW disc, new blades, $825; ea. New Paris 937-248-5953
pair of duals, 16.9x38 T-rail, PULL-TYPE CAMPER: 83 Real Lite.
1206 FARMALL Pulling Tractor: 414 w/clamps, $275. Brookville SEYMOUR COPPER Hog Rings: 4
LN! Fully equipped with air. $1,600.
engine. Runs in high 3rd. $10,000 937-687-4138 sizes, w/2 pairs antique pliers. $20.
Covington 937-418-1047
OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 Eaton 765-965-5246
7/8 SQUARE Steeling Tubing: 16 4x30 GLEANER Corn Head: Fits F or
200+ BALES alfalfa/orchardgrass hay. pcs. 18 long. Covington area. (2) ROUND Bale Feeders: 8 x 4 high.
FII. $1,250. Brookville 937-687-4138
4th cutting. Exc. quality. No rain. Easy 937-473-3635 $75 ea. Maria Stein 419-852-7042
load. West Milton 937-698-5240 GOOD TO EXC. TIRES: Car & truck
69 PONTOON with 30hp motor. Sell PAINT PONY: 11 yr. old gentle geld-
tires. 14 thru 18 (all diff. sizes). Jack-
HOMEMADE, heavy-duty truck rack. or trade for 5x8 light utility trailer. Rus- ing. 10.2H tall. Very well mannered.
son Center 937-638-1414
GC! Made with 2-1/2 pipe. Fits most sia 937-916-5920 $650. Spotted 2 yr. old mini. donkey
longbed Chevy trucks. $120. New IH 1256: New restoration. Looks like jenny, $350. Both LOVE attention!
Paris 937-533-7456 HEAVY WINCH: GC! Hand-crank. 40 new. Best offer or trade. Franklin Houston 937-295-3901
of cable. $50. Venedocia 937-474-9899
IH 3788: Selling as is. Needs work. 419-203-9014 15 JD QUIKTRAK zero turn, $9,000;
Franklin 937-474-9899 GEHL 4625 SX Skidloader: 2,900 hrs. Woods L306 belly mower, $550; 06
14 JD ROTARY HOE; JD 815 6-row 50hp Kubota dsl. 1,500 lb. lift capaci- Kawasaki KFX Quad, $4,000. For
FORD 5000: Dual power. New paint. cult.; 30 field sprayer; Int. #120 7 ty. Asking $7,900. Hamilton more information, call Greenville
Make offer. Franklin 937-474-9899 mower. Troy 937-339-8198 513-726-4736 937-417-4929.
Page 31 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
MASSEY-FERGUSON 2640: 95hp. WHITE 5100: 6R. No-till. Rebuilt top (2) NEW 11.2x28 rear tractor tires.
Front wheel assist. Cab. Very reliable. to bottom. Lots of extras. Retiring. 8-ply. Fit most small Ford tractors.
Starts & runs like new. $9,500. Best Vandalia 937-898-1830 $550/pair. Greenville 937-621-4580
offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
NH DUAL rake hitch, hyd., $2,250; SHED RENT: For most anything on
WOOD-FRAMED 60x40 BARN: Free, King Kutter 5 rotary cutter, $700; wheels. $1/ft. of length per mo. Also,
for materials to be taken down. Hand- PTO generator, Winco, 20K watts, on mow storage. 4565 Farrington Rd.,
hewn beams, hay mow, standing trailer, 540 PTO, $1,350. Yellow Covington. 937-473-3635
seam roof, 60x16 lean-to, separate Springs 937-572-5486
crib-style shed. Eaton 937-456-5340 16 XL-70MG mechanical detach
HUFFY 26 in. Good Vibrations 48x102 trailer. 17.5 tires. Swing-out
CLEAN, BRIGHT WHEAT STRAW: boys bike. GC! $50. Venedocia outriggers. $45,000. Ft. Recovery ! #!" $ %
Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy 419-203-9014 419-852-0102
loading or delivery available. West STRAW: 4x5 round bales. Net-
Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 03 CHRYSLER Concorde LX: 3.5 32 COLOR TV: 97. Purchased new
engine. Runs good. $1,750 or rea- for $650. EC! Used less than average. wrapped. Stored inside. Delivery
JD 213 Flex Head: Black reel. Dial-A- sonable offer. Covington Not a flat screen. $25. Covington available. Wapakoneta 937-210-0349
Matic header control. Nice skid plates. 937-214-5798 937-418-3202 MASSEY-FERGUSON 245: Diesel.
Asking $2,900. Hamilton Only 1,200 hours. Starts & runs like
513-726-4736 JD 18 KW wing-fold disk with single- 83 FORD F600: 16 flatbed. 4x2
bar harrow. Nice condition. Asking trans. V8 engine. Runs good! $2,950 new! Beautiful tractor. 40hp. Comes
86 CHEVY C70 w/8.2 Detroit dsl. w/5 $850. Hamilton 513-726-4736 OBO. Lewistown 937-210-0349 with 6 Bush Hog. Best offer or trade.
spd. & 2 spd. rear. 14 bed. PS. Franklin 937-474-9899
900x20 tires. Starts & runs great! JOHN DEERE 3020: Diesel. New INTERNATIONAL MACHINE & King
restoration. New engine overhaul. Kutter rotary mowers. 5ft., 3 pt. $350 SET OF 15.5x38 duals. 40% tread. (1)
$2,500. West Alexandria 15.5x38 tire. 90% tread. Case fender.
937-902-9670 Wide front end. New paint. Best offer to $550. Hamilton 513-726-4736
or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 Fits DC, 400 & 800. Versailles
FORD 5000: Gas. Row crop. Narrow LAND SURVEYING SERVICES 937-423-5379
front. Very nice collectors item. Make NI UNI 6221 feeder house for silage Serving Miami & surrounding
offer. Franklin 937-474-9899 chopper. Adapts to JD heads. counties. Offered by Neil CASE IH 17-1/2 1020 grain table.
Cloverdale 419-233-1601 Teaford, Registered Land Fore & aft. New cutter bar. EC! Low
(2) 9x7 INSULATED Overhead Doors: Surveyor. FOR FREE QUOTE, acres. $7,500 OBO. Russia
Complete. $175 ea. Many other sizes BIG BUCK INSERT: For house or call 937-339-4732. 937-638-8088
to choose from. Arcanum other buildings. $350 OBO. 6x18 ft.
SS chimney pipe, foil-wrapped. New 12 CLAAS Model Round Baler: Like WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, &
937-459-0128 saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622
Carlisle 937-308-2909 brand new. St. Henry 419-852-4259

%" (
" $#

" "( " " !" $ $

" '$
& " '$

Maria Stein, OH Milroy, IN

Page 32 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017


Equipment Repair & Modification

Restoration, Painting and more
Grasshopper Mower Sales & Service Grasshopper Parts
After-Market Tractor & Equipment Parts
Mobile Unit for On-Site Welding or Repairs

ALUM. 80 GAL. fuel tank, $100; 55 (2) GRAVE PLOTS / (2) VAULTS: WOOD-FRAMED 60x40 BARN: Free, 86 WILDERNESS 25 Camper: GC!
gal. barrels, $10; 1 gal. buckets Heritage Hills Memory Gardens, Rt. for materials to be taken down. Hand- (2) twin beds & queen. Everything
w/lids, $1.25; milk can, $20; Coke 48, Springboro, Ohio. Garden hewn beams, hay mow, standing works. 2 yr. old tires. $1,800 OBO.
crates, wood, $8. West Milton Cross, Lot #B46Space #5&6. seam roof, 60x16 lean-to, separate Call/text: Tipp City 937-524-9324
937-901-7212 $4,000 value. Asking $3,000 OBO. crib-style shed. Eaton 937-456-5340
Brookville 937-687-2235 FREEZER PORK: Processed & ready
JD 630F Hydraflex Grain Head: 30 48 G ALLIS TRACTOR: Manual lift. to go. $125 a half + processing or
full finger. Shedded. GC! $7,500. J&M JOHN DEERE 5-wheel hay rake, Runs great. $2,800. Belly mower $225 for whole hog + processing.
head cart available. Lewisburg $475; King Kutter 5 bush hog, 3 pt., available. Call/text: West Alexandria Lewistown 937-210-0349
937-962-2364 $550. Hamilton 513-726-4736 937-902-9670
(2) FENDERS & grill for VAC Case
FORD 6610 Series II: Mowtrim on HARDWOOD LUMBER: Walnut, COMBINE: ADCO R52, 6-row corn tractor. Nice shape. $150. Coulter for
rear. Trims trees. Will reach up or out cherry, ash, red & white oak, & bass- head, 20 grain table. Includes both Case plow. $75. Greenville
20 ft. Extra heavy-duty. Nicest wood. Also, live edge wood & planer carts. Cummins engine. Low hours on 937-621-4580
around! Cab heat/air. Best offer or shavings available. Ft. Loramie engine & separator. Inspected every
trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 937-489-9949 year by North Star dealership. CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE:
Extended unload auger. Quality mon- Trucking & spreading available. Ver-
NEW 28 6-loop rims for Ford-Fergu- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ sailles 937-564-3399
itor. Tires are good. Ready to go to
son-IH tractors & others. $125 & up. WANTED: Large size Ohio National the field now. Only $89,000. Financ- 1st CUTTING Hay & Wheat Straw:
Greenville 937-621-4580 Bank Notes. I buy all U.S. large size ing available. Like new! Exc. cond. Easy pick-up or we can deliver. Text/
12 NEW HOLLAND Center-Pivot paper money. Pay cash. Buck, One of a kind! Gery Monnin, Troy
Eldorado, 937-273-3165 call Mendon 419-303-5681
Haybine: Operates very well. Make 937-216-4664
offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 PULLETS: Assorted brown & white SEVERAL WAGON TIRES: Cheap
JD 6600 hydrostatic combine w/216 prices! Some mounted on wheels.
REMCO 3-phase converter w/400 egg layers. About half-grown. Should grain table. GC! $4,750. Greenville
start laying in Aug. or Sept. $3.50 ea. Franklin 937-474-9899
amp disconnect panel. Used on grain 937-547-0446
drying system. $3,500 OBO. Lewis- Up to 35 available. Text/call: WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, &
Somerville 937-205-1483 (2) ARMSTRONG 20.8x42 radials. saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622
town 937-538-5351
80% tread. $1,500 for pair. Lewistown
96 PETERBILT 379: Cummins N14. S6031 TANK Cub Cadet zero-turn 937-210-0349 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones.
475hp. 13 spd. 335 ratio. 265 wheel comm. mower w/steering wheel. 60 Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435
deck. Maria Stein 419-925-4526 or NEW HOLLAND Haybine: 7 ft. No
base. 48 flat-top sleeper. 24/5 tires.
419-733-1823 clog sickle bar. $3,000. Franklin 03 CF27RL CRUISER by Crossroads
$48,500. Ft. Recovery 419-852-0102
937-474-9899 5th Wheel: One slide-out. Beautiful!
SUPER C Farmall: Wide front. 1 btm. 8000 FORD: Completely restored. EC! Stored in garage w/heat & A/C.
New engine. 540 & 1000 PTO. Dual PUREBRED Polled Hereford Bull: 18 Used 6 times. Greenville
& 2 btm. plows. $3,100. Super W6
power (works like new). Best offer or mos. old. Quiet. West Liberty 937-548-0463
McCormick. $4,500. Maplewood
trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 937-465-7520
Page 33 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
Page 34 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
FORD 9600: New engine overhaul. FRIGIDAIRE Elec. Range: Self-clean- TRUCK TIRES: New 235x70-195 560 FORD 3600: Dsl. 567 orig. hrs. With
New dual power. Very reliable tractor. ing oven. Works good. Older model. Firestone on 10-lug GM wheels. $450 hyd. snow blade. $6,250. Greenville
Two sets hyds. & dual PTOs. Best $50. Brookville 937-902-6727 OBO. Job trailer. 10x32. Needs work. 937-547-0446
offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 $500 OBO. West Milton
ALAMO side-mount, arm flail ditch 937-901-7212 FORD 3910: Diesel. With Bush Hog
REG. TAMWORTH BOAR: 2 yrs. old. mower. Off Case IH 695. Will fit oth- front loader. Make offer. Franklin
Generator x Rusty. Possible delivery. ers. VGC! Greenville 937-423-4967 NH 258 HAY RAKE: Dolly wheel. 937-474-9899
$300. Union City, Indiana. Call/text: or 937-547-1767 Nice! $2,300. Ludlow Falls
260-251-9660 937-751-2052 NH TRACTOR: TD5050. FWA. Only
CAMP STOVE, $15; camp toilet, $25; 539 hrs. 80hp. GC! Lewisburg
BUSH HOG MOWER: 6 ft. GC! 3 pt. port. fire pit, $10; sleeping bags, $10 DIAMOND ALUM. full-size P/U truck 937-962-2364
Cuts small trees & weeds. $750. ea.; bug zapper, $25; walkie-talkies. toolbox. $70. Ron, Ludlow Falls
Lewisburg 937-839-4540 Farmersville 937-696-2184 937-902-3655. Call/text. 500 GAL. 37 PTO driven sprayer
w/new tire. $800. RJ, Ludlow Falls.
OLIVER DISC: 8 wheel lift. Includes PAIR OF Torsion Axles: $350. Anna WANTED: Dead or alive! Good-dam- Call/text: 937-902-3655
cylinder. $350. Dayton 937-572-2808 937-507-2457 aged plastic or metal 1-6 gal. gasoline
kerosenediesel fuel cans w/caps SHUCKS! Theres money in them
SEVERAL Hay Rakes: $500 H FARMALL: Parade ready! Fenders. there old rusty gas cans! Paying cash
& spouts. Steve, St. Marys
$1,200. Franklin 937-474-9899 Very pretty. Nice tires. $1,700 OBO or for gas-fuel cans, spouts, & caps.
trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 Steve, St. Marys 419-236-9102
MOVING SALE: 32 alum. ladder
SEVERAL Front Wheel Assist Tires:
w/jacks; fence post driver; fence CUB CADET SLT 1554 lawn tractor, WHEAT STRAW: Baled in 16. Big
Franklin 937-474-9899
stretcher; dehumidifier; sump pump; $900; MoJackPro lawnmower lift, squares & rounds. All stored inside.
20 Remington chainsaw. Troy $150; Stihl backpack blower, $250; QUICK ATTACH rock bucket for skid- Lewistown 937-538-5351
937-703-9022 Scotts drop spreader, $15. Farm- loader. 72 width. Used very little.
ersville 937-696-2184 $1,200. New Paris 937-997-2384 WOODS rotary cutter, 3 pt., 6 ft.,
69 PONTOON with 30hp motor. Sell $1,350; 6 ft. grader blade, $250; SS
or trade for 5x8 light utility trailer. Rus- 85 ATC250SX 3-Wheeler: In pieces. IH 490 32 7-1/2 space disc. Needs pallet forks, 48 in., JD brand, $900;
sia 937-916-5920 Needs put back together. Have all repair. IH & Hiniker field cults. Hiniker MF weights w/bracket for MF 275,
parts! $250 OBO. Tipp City. Call/text: has knock-on sweeps. Both have sin- $300. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
2710 LEGEND Bush Hog Mower: 10 937-524-9324 gle-bar harrows. 18.4x34 9-bolt duals.
ft. One wing. GC! Ready to work. THOMPSON CENTER Firehawk 54
No hubs. CIH 183 8/30 hyd. fold row
$6,500. New Bremen 419-305-1994 IH 530 Manure Spreader: Upper beat- cal. inline muzzle-loader. SS barrel.
crop cult. Collinsville 513-523-9933
er. PTO. Used weekly. $1,600. Union Real walnut stock. Scope mounts.
FORD NEW HOLLAND 8240: 100hp. City, Indiana. Call/text: 260-251-9660 CASE MODEL 600 Forage Blower: Nice! $150. Greenville 937-621-4580
Shuttle forward & reverse. 12 spd.
EC! St. Henry 419-852-4259
transmission. Open station. Dual hyd. FORD 420 Tractor / Loader / Back- UNVERFERTH 23 Field Cult.: Tan-
Dual PTO. Front & rear weights. New hoe: Came from OSU. Very well SEVERAL TIRES: All sizes. For trac- dem wheels. Few acres since new.
paint. Very nice, operator friendly maintained. Enclosed cab. Low tors, combines, & heavy equipment. $14,000. Anna 937-507-2457
tractor. $15,000 OBO or trade. hours. Starts & runs like new. Very Several truck tires. All sizes. 9.00x20,
Franklin 937-474-9899 powerful. Best offer or trade. Franklin 10.000x20. Low profiles. 24.5, Miche- SALFORD 18 I2118 RTS vertical
937-474-9899 lin Super Singles. Franklin tillage tool. $33,500. Maria Stein
CASE MX-240: FWD tractor. 01. 419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823
4,400 hrs. VGC! Solid. Good rubber. HONEY, can you believe someone is
Well maintained. Greenville paying cash for old gas cans, USED COMBINE Tires & Rims: BRILLION Cultipacker: 9 ft. $250.
937-417-2315 kerosene & diesel fuel cans? Yep, he 30.5x32 Firestones, 12-ply. Mounted Dayton 937-572-2808
is! Steve, St. Marys 419-236-9102 on rims. Selling as a unit. Off JD (2) HG NEWELL 506 curtain
83 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille: 13K
9560. Includes spacers & bolts. machines; 3 Flex auger motors
mi. Excep. cond. inside & out. $7,500 GRASSHOPPER 718 Mower: GC! Lewistown 937-538-5351 w/gear boxes; used gating, AP brand,
firm. West Liberty 937-465-7520 Always stored inside. $2,400.
Greenville 937-547-0446 SHAVER 10 post driver, $2,000; out of finisher barn. Greenville
NH 492 HAYBINE. (4) NH3 running 937-423-4967 or 937-547-1767
Frontier 84 finish mower, $3,250; SS
gears, 11Lx15 tires. Steiger 11-shank SS TRACKS, Grouser 12x16.5 tires, 48 fork attachment, $600; 7x14 hay NH 273 Square Baler: Twine tie. GC!
disc chisel. NH 16/31 planter, no-till $1,350; SS bale spear by Bradco, wagon, $500; JD running gear, $600. $2,100. Ludlow Falls 937-751-2052
coulters, bulk fill, row clutches. $450; boat motor, 5.5hp Evinrude, Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
Collinsville 513-523-9933 $300; Chevy 350 engine/trans., $500. REAR END for mini rod. Pulling trac-
Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 5-KNIFE anhydrous tool bar w/fluted tor tires, wheels. 1550x15 Goodyear.
64 CHEVY 2-1/2 ton truck w/300 bu.
coulters & disc closers. 6 ft. 3 pt. Bush 51.25 wide. $250 OBO. West Milton
grain box. 2700 JD ripper. 200 JD MOVING SALE: Craftsman circular Hog. 3 pt. blade. Versailles 937-901-7212
rolling basket finisher. Big A 2000 saw; 30-30 ammo; 54 JD mower 937-423-5379
sprayer. Brookville 937-701-8010 w/trailer, only 149 hrs.; andirons FORD 7000: Diesel. 80hp. Roll bar &
w/screen & cover, really old; 380 JOHN DEERE 344 3-Row Corn canopy. 2 hyd. outlets. 4 ports.
95 TRAILMOBILE 48x102 Van Trail- Cobra w/extra mag. Troy Head: Best offer. Franklin 16.9x38 rubber on spin-out wheel.
er: 22.5 tires. Air ride. Road worthy. 937-703-9022 937-474-9899 34 wheels available or any other
$3,000. Ft. Recovery 419-852-0102
99 SUBARU Legacy Outback: For FLATBED WAGON: 8W x 14L. All sizes. Starts & runs like new! Best
04 5th WHEEL CAMPER: 29 ft. Two parts only. Repairable front end. Colli- offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
Diamond plate bed. $895. Ferguson 2
slides. Queen bed. New A/C. Clean & sion damage. Good engine. 165K mi. btm. 3 pt. plow. $300. Greenville JD 750 no-till drill w/front dolly
ready to go! $9,200 OBO. Rockford $750 firm. West Liberty 937-465-7520 937-621-4580 wheels, markers, & tarp. St. Henry
JD 6-ROW corn head; Case 400 5 12 DUMP TRAILER: Brand new. 419-852-4259
WHITE 4-150: Needs work. Make btm. plow; Farmall M 2-row cults.; 12,000 lbs. Powder coated paint. LED FARMALL C w/2-row cult. GC! 3 pt. 2
offer. Will sell cheap! Franklin saddle tanks to mount on both sides lights. $5,850 OBO. Russia btm. plow. Versailles 937-423-5379
937-474-9899 of tractor. All in GC! Kept inside. 937-638-8088
NEW HOLLAND TRACTOR: 05. Greenville 937-417-2315 KINZE 3500 Corn Planter: 8R-30.
STEEL TRACKS for skidloader. GC! Liquid fert. $31,500. Anna
Model TS110. With loader bucket, ROTOTILLER: Older. Very nice Farm Used about 100 hrs. Fits tire size 937-507-2457
front wheel assist, shuttle control. & Fleet Model #609085. 4 front tires. 10.00x16.5. $1,000. New Paris
Like new! Exc. cond. I am the second Forward & reverse. 5hp. Runs great. WANTED: Used 3-phase motors.
owner. $39,000. Gery Monnin, Troy $75 firm. Covington 937-418-3202 Used skidloader wheels. Rossburg
937-216-4664 937-417-2219
Page 35 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

110' reach
We paint metal siding!
Interior & Exterior House and PIPES
Barn Church Roof Coating
Brush & Spray Also
Paint Aluminum Siding BRICK
(Old & New)
For All Your Painting Needs
Rodney D. Saintignon SINCE 1969 Morgan Doppler
937-968-3828 765-964-4303
10881 Stateline Rd., Union City, OH 45390

!00&3 ! " ! 04#28 544'2 ; !+&4* 1.

!00&3 ! #47+/) 07'2 ; !+&4* 1.9
!00&3 " 253*$5-- 0+/4 07'2 ; 54 !+&4*9
!00&3 " 253*$5-- 0+/4 07'2 ; 54 !+&4*9
!00&3 '6'23' +/' 04#28 +--'29
!00&3 '6'23' +/' 04#28 +--'29
!00&3 '#2 +3%*#2)' +/+3* 07'2 ; 549
!00&3 '#2 +3%*#2)' +/+3* 07'2 ; 549
!00&3 ! '#2 +3%*#2)' +/+3* 07'2 ; 549
!00&3 ; 2#&+/) %2#1'2 14+0/#- %#2+(+'39
!00&3 ; 2#&+/) %2#1'2 14+0/#- %#2+(+'3 9
!00&3 ; 2#&+/) %2#1'2 14+0/#- %#2+(+'3 9
!00&3 ! #47+/) +/+3* 07'2 ; 549
2#33*011'2 : -+1 51 '%, 239
2#33*011'2 : 07'2(0-& '%, 9
2#33*011'2 7 : '%, 23 0*-'2 /)+/'9
5$ #&'4 #/, : '%, +&.05/4 23 2'#4 0/&+4+0/9

# !# # !
Page 36 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
SALFORD 22 I1122 RTS vertical
tillage tool. $39,500. Maria Stein
419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823
NEW LARSON 34 Storm Door: In
box. $75. Camper alum. steps,
841 St. Rt. 29, Celina, Ohio 419-942-1456 w/handrail. 18 high. $95. Greenville
Parts Department OLD BARNS WANTED: Recycle your
Body Shop old barn or building. We often pay for
Frame & Alignment old barns and clean your barn site.
Located in Arcanum, Ohio. Call
TRUCK REPAIR SPECIALIST 970-596-3151. www.backroad-
WOOD Fence Posts: 7 ft. Used. $2
ea. 100 available. Dayton
STRAW: 3x3x7. $85/ton. WANTED
Irish Electric TO RENT/BUY: Farmland. Greenville
937-423-4967 or 937-547-1767
Motor Service
BUSH HOG: Woods Cadet 60. Slip
Service All Your clutch. Sharpened blades. Works
Motor Needs good! $600. Ludlow Falls
Home Farm Industry
New Used Repair Rebuild BEDSIDE COMMODE w/disposable
supplies. EC! $25. Standard wheel-
419-394-3284 chair. VGC. $30. Ultralight foldable
Fax: 419-394-7128 transport chair. Used twice. EC! $75.
Farmersville 937-696-2184
1600 Celina Rd.
St. Marys, OH 45885 NI 212 Manure Spreader: 3-beater.
Good working order. $2,400. Union
City, Indiana 260-251-9660
Page 37 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
BABY DOLL Southdown Sheep: TRACTOR CAB: Full vision cab. Was
Unregistered. Rams & ewes. Born in mounted on AC tractor. $150.
17. Hamilton 513-892-1342 Casstown 937-875-1030
FORD 6-ROW 30 cult. w/rolling bas- WANTED: Earlage adaptor for Claas
kets. 3 pt. mounted. $450 OBO. Eaton chopper. 491 Series. Adapts to JD 643
765-965-5246 corn head. Cloverdale 419-233-1601
TEMPERED GLASS display unit 4 YR. OLD Female Jack Russell:
w/brackets. 9 in. x 16 in. Can set up in Farm dog, but housebroken. $50. Sid-
various configurations, height, width, ney 937-492-8705
& depth. Approx. 80 pcs. $100. Get-
tysburg 937-447-2845 8210 FORD: 120hp. Turbo. New
engine overhaul. Cab heat/air. New
83 N5 GLEANER Combine: 15 grain paint. Front wheel assist. Heavy-duty
table w/floating SCH cutter bar & poly Miller loader. Best offer or trade.
skid plates. Auto. header height. Hyd. Franklin 937-474-9899
reel spd. 6-row 30 cornhead w/head-
er cart. GC! $12,500 OBO. Ft. Loramie KILLBROS. Grain Cart: Model 490.
937-295-2906 Sideboards & tarp. EC! Lewisburg
937-533-1240 or 937-533-1241
36 mo. Rent to Own
$250 / mo.

36 mo. Rent to Own $130 / mo.
$( " %& "&$ ! # Sale expires 7/1/17
%& "&$ ! " "
& '$ $ " ! '$ $ 20% Off this Shed! 1 AVAILABLE

! !
Page 38 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017


Jackson Tractors
Construction Equipment
) " % $ %
" #%
" % %%
& %(
#!$ ' " " $ %

# " ' "

TRUSSES: Used. 32-8 span. 5/12

pitch. 18 tails. 13 commons. 2
gables. $750. Dayton 937-572-2808
FREE! Portable building. Has 100
amp elec. All wired. About 28x12 ft.
On steel I-beams. Fair cond. Needs
some repair. Greenville 937-423-4967
or 937-547-1767
LN! $4,200. Ludlow Falls
NI 214 Manure Spreader: 3-beater.
VGC! $4,000. Union City, Indiana.
Call/text: 260-251-9660
PROPERTY: 60 acres in Miami Co.
Woods & tillable land. Newton School
District. Greenville 937-417-2315
Manure spreader, faded red, 12 long,
18 sideboard, 40 wide, steel wheels,
with steel seat. Original. Exc. cond.
$1,200. Box wagon with bench seat,
faded green, 12 long w/18 side-
board, 40 wide, faded red wood
wheels wrapped with steel, $1,200.
Wagonette, 6-passenger, bench seat,
access steps at the rear, adjustable
top, lights, brakes. Brand new repro-
duction. $3,500. Gery, Troy,
FOR SALE: Cub Cadet M60 tank
commercial zero-turn mower. 60
deck. 10 model. $4,795. Maria Stein
419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823
your yard or items on display. dklchain- 765-977-4563 or
937-839-4183. Photos on facebook. See
Dayle Keith Lewis.
Page 39 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

), 03-15)#*

7 !12%01 (.)#% .0- 7 3-*%0 .4%01

7 !2% %!$)-' 0!11%1 7 )+!'% "!'1
7 )-' )1(%0 +&!+&!1 7 !+% %2 0!/
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2!"03-15)#* "0)'(2 -%2 555 "&11!+%1 #.,

' $ " " " $

Pond Chemicals / Management

Certified Aquatic Applicators
Custom / Pond Aeration
Water Features / Fountains

# # & "# ! #%!! #

! $

DUAL HAY rake hitch, hyd. by Kel-

WHEAT STRAW: $3.50/bale. 8x70 HUTCHINSON grain auger (5) YOUNG Netherland Dwarf Rab- derman, $1,750; 80 tooth bar, $350;
Arcanum 937-692-6137. Leave msg. w/hyd. lift motor. $750. Sidney bits: With pedigree paperwork. (3) MF disk, 8 ft., 3 pt., $950; planter
937-492-0538 does, (2) bucks. $25 ea. or all 5 for dolly, 3 pt., hyd., $650. Yellow Springs
400 CASE Diesel Western: $5,000.
$100. Frank, Ludlow Falls 937-572-5486
Maplewood 937-726-5365 300 GAL. SKID dsl. tank, $200; 6 sin- 937-902-3655
gle-gang horse disc, $500. West 99 CHEVY S-30 Cut-Away Van: Fire
HP DESK COMPUTER w/20 screen,
Chester 513-755-7328 7710 FORD SERIES II: New engine damage. Good metal. 125K mi. Box
2 keyboards, & mouse. EC!
overhaul. Two sets of outlets. New has side door. $1,500 firm. West Lib-
Greenville 937-417-2315 JD MODEL 1065 running gear, for paint. Starts & runs like new. New erty 937-465-7520
parts. Left front spindle & hub bad. seat. $7,500 OBO or trade. Franklin
QUILTERS & Crafters Cutting Mat:
Tongue bent. Wheels & tires optional. 937-474-9899 YOWZA! Paying CASHJingle
48x36 in., w/printed grid lines. New.
West Alexandria 937-572-0642 ScratchMoola for plastic-metal 1 to
Includes new Fiskars rotary cutter &
BRILLION 14 Cultipacker: 4 axle. 6 gal. gas cans, spouts, & caps!
extra blades. $30. Farmersville HOOSIER kitchen cupboard, $350. End transport. Packers in GC! New Steve, St. Marys 419-236-9102
937-696-2184 Plywood, 40x48, $2. Utility trailer, Paris 937-437-5562
$150. Sack truck, $25. Box truck TW25 FORD: Cab heat/air. New
GOATS: 50% Boer, Nubian cross.
alum. walk ramp, $75. West Milton 32 GERLACH ELEV. with 3/4 elec. paint. Less than 2,000 hours. 145hp.
Bucklings, $150. (1) beautiful creamy
937-901-7212 motor. St. Henry 419-852-4259 Triple hydro. $11,000. Best offer or
white doeling. $200. Bucklings can be
wethered by request. Somerville. Call FREE: Maple firewood. Not split. Get- CLOVER Stubble Hay: Mixed with trade. Starts & runs like new! Franklin
/text: 937-205-1483 tysburg 937-447-2845 grass. Made in big bales & w/o rain. 937-474-9899
Versailles 937-423-5379 BOER GOATS FOR SALE: Jan.-
TROY-BILT Horse Tiller: Briggs Intek STRAW: 40 lb. bales. Bright yellow.
born. Fullblood doelings & bucklings.
IC motor. Looks LN! Low hrs. $895. Easy to load. $3/bale. Russia 98 JETTA TDI: 222K mi. Runs good. Also, 2 yrs.-6 yrs. does. ABGA reg.
Greenville 937-621-4580 937-638-8088 5 spd. Good MPG. Nice daily driver. UTD on shots & deworming. Mark,
Black. $2,500 OBO. Tipp City. Call/ West Milton 937-371-6511
(16) 40 TRUSSES FOR SALE: Ft. NI V-10 Pull-Type Wheel Hay Rake: text: 937-524-9324
Recovery 419-852-2172 VGC! $2,800. New Paris (16) 40 TRUSSES FOR SALE: Ft.
937-997-2384 WANTED TO BUY: Tractors, running Recovery 419-852-2172
or not. Small 3 pt. equipment. 2-row
We can remove your unwanted hay WANTED: Honeybee boxes & equip- planters. Paying cash. Greenville
mows/lofts or other sections of your ment. Lewisburg 937-962-2364 CHAINSAW SCULPTURES: Stumps
barn at no cost to you. We do all the in your yard or items on display. dkl-
work so we can recycle the wood INTERNATIONAL 1800 grain truck
from your barn. We may even pay WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini- w/live tandems & 500 bu. bed. 765-977-4563 or 937-839-4183. Pho-
some $$$ to do so. Give us a call to bikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or $4,250. Greenville 937-547-0446 tos on facebook. See Dayle Keith
discuss. Thanks! Were located in 4-wheelers. Running or not. Lewis.
Arcanum, Ohio. Covington 937-473-2705 VAC PUMP 5hp motor, $250; Surge
970-596-3151 tube cooler, $250. Anna FULL-SIZE BDRM. SUITE: Brookville
937-507-2457 937-475-3526 4 NERF Running Boards: Off 05
Chevy Crew Cab. No rust. Nice! $100 CLAAS 4000 DISCO 3 pt. disc MM TRACTORS: 4 Star Super. 3 pt.
BRILLION 14 Cultipacker: 4 axle. Model U. Model GVI. Dsl. All in good
End transport. Packers in GC! New OBO. Lewistown 937-538-5343 mower. 12.5 ft. $13,900. Maria Stein running cond. Wapakoneta 937-596-
Paris 937-437-5562 419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823 5841
Page 40 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

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Advertising Deadline for July Country Living

~~ FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 4:00 PM ~~
Page 41 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017


Aerial Seeding, Fertilizing, Weed Control
Defoliation and Insect Control
Roger Trump
Certified Aerial Applicator
G.P.S. Guidance

5992 Kruckeberg Rd 937-548-2397

Greenville, Ohio

PAINT PONY: 11 yr. old gentle gelding. WIN-POWER PTO generator on cart.
10.2H tall. Very well mannered. $650. 18KW continuous. 30KW start. 72
Spotted 2 yr. old mini. donkey. $350. Both amps. Ronk disconnect & cord.
LOVE attention! Houston 937-295-3901 $1,200. Yorkshire 419-852-0378
6 3 PT. LIKE NEW BLADE: $200. 69 PONTOON w/30hp motor. Sell or $' 3 $& ( + (" + 0( +,
Lewisburg 937-336-9051 trade for 5x8 light utility trailer. Russia
06 HONDA Exhaust System: $20.
Coldwater 419-678-3289 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge
savings on in-stock items. Dealer for
FREE KITTENS! Arcanum 937-902- 20 years. Call for catalog & brochures.
0031 Russia 937-238-6661
$' + (" + ).+-# -
30x50 SHED LUMBER:Includes 50 FREEZER BEEF:No hormones.
30 8x8 beams, rafters, etc. Stored #)( $(,- + #$)
Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435
inside for 15 years. Lima 419-371-3033 %$'*+ (" + &$/ )'
WANTED:150-250 bu. grain gravity to install. Save your trip will ship!
bed; lawnmower or ATV trailer. Coldwater 419-678-2594
Versailles 937-526-435
15.5-38 ALL TRACTION Field & Road
273 NH SQUARE BALER w/Super Firestone tractor tire. Arcanum 561-
Sweep. New Paris, Ohio. 317-557- 301-8063
5099 after 5:30 or weekends
PONY CART: Made by Taylor Cart of drill. $675. Celina 419-305-0187
Ohio City. Heavy-duty wheels. Celina
419-586-4388 2-HORSE GOOSENECK Trailer:
Ramp load side & back. 73 tall. New
CASE INT. 8580 big, square baler tires, rims, & brakes. EC! $3,800 OBO.
w/accumulator. GC! $12,500. Arcanum Portland, Indiana 260-251-2208
SKID STEER Rock Hound, $2,950; Marys 419-560-2028
MQ 180 gas welder/gen., $1,200; hay
wagon, NHgear, $900; Troy-Bilt tiller, 07 HONDA REFLEX full windshield.
$175; JD lawn vac w/engine, $500. St. Paris 937-663-4654
Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
97 TERRY 24 Travel Trailer: Used 2 .$& $(" * $+$(" - +- +, &- +( -)+,
WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & very little. Orig. stove (never used). ( + -)+, !)+ .-) "+$ .&-.+ ( ( .,-+$ &
saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 Barn stored. Trailer cover & hitch.
$4,500. Englewood 937-836-8876 +$( )-)+ 1 & ( && *)+-, #$ & ,
1st CUTTING Hay & Wheat Straw:
Easy pick-up or we can deliver. NH 489 HAYBINE: New Paris, Ohio.
Mendon. Text/call 419-303-5681 317-557-5099 after 5:30 or weekends
Page 42 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

"( +$8( 37%/,&/: $11271&(' $1' $'236(' $ 57%5&4,36,21 342*4$0 62 *7$4$16(( 6+$6 :274 &23:
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Page 43 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017



4x4 net-wrapped corn fodder. in- 200 Gal. front-mounted poly tank pullets: Golden Comet laying hens.
tedder: rotary 2-basket, $1,250; Jd w/plumbing. $100. arcanum 937-947- 12 weeks old June 1. $8 ea. eaton 937-
5500w generator, elec. start, $800; line plastic wrapped. $25/bale.
arcanum 937-459-0340 1731 533-7241
High Boy sprayer dolly, $500; Barge
wagon body w/hoist, $500. yellow 6 iHMachine Bush Hog: GC! $450. Got Bees? will remove swarms & (20) 1-year-old layinG Hens:
springs 937-572-5486 west elkton 937-787-3143 bees. 937-545-8737 Brown eggs. $5 ea. new Madison 937-
(2) 14.9x38 firestone tires: antique 1,000 lb. platform scales BaBy pHeasants: Hatching weekly.
approx. 50% tread. Good tires. $125 w/all weights. 4 steel wheels. arcanum $1 ea. new weston 419-305-9616 Jd siCkle Bar Mower: 9 bar. $650
ea. arcanum 937-459-0340 561-301-8063 oBo. portland, indiana 260-251-2208
(2) Male alpaCas: $375 ea. one
GeHl 980 forage wagon: front Jd 6620 CoMBine: Hyd. drive. GC! black & one multi-color. laura 937-604- wanted: pottery equipment. 937-
unload. 18 long. GC! $7,500. st. Marys $9,000. Heads available. arcanum 8530 545-8737
419-953-3487 937-417-2535
aC d-17 traCtor: series 4, wf/ps. Century Hd 1000 sprayer: 60
BadGer 10-ton, 20 bed, $850. Gehl 18 kiCker Bale waGon: GC! Good shape. snap coupler. $4,000. aC hyd. fold boom. eC! delphos 419-303-
10-ton gear. $700. new pins & always kept inside. $1,500. 60 8 grain field cult. 11 ft. new shovels. $300. 0686
bushings on both. papec silage wagon, auger. GC! $450. used last year. wings, if wanted. $75 ea. new Bremen
unloads both ways. rossburg 937-564- 419-629-3510 sMall, square Bales wheat
Covington 937-564-1404
0719 straw: over 1,000 bales available.
Jd 609 6 rotary cutter, 3 pt., $1,550; (2) 14x38 douBle Beveled rims: sidney 937-726-4143
48 Jd a: runs good. newer carb & remote valve for ford tractor, $200; sandblasted & painted. $225.
electronic ignition. $1,650. west elkton versailles 937-526-3371 or 937-658- Jd 980 field Cult.: 20 ft. ft. loramie
buzz saw, 3 pt., w/pto gear box, $200;
937-787-3143 4855 937-295-2293
iH Cub snow blade, $150. yellow
2-wHeel tilt trailer: 5x8. springs 937-572-5486 Hay wrap Bale wrapper on 3 pt.
sewinG MaCHines: portables & all
arcanum 937-548-2078 models. Brookville 937-475-3526 hitch. st. Marys 419-560-2028
20 rod rolls fenCe: 9 stave. 4
15-Bale steffen bale grappler high. never unrolled. 2 full rolls & 1 08 Honda silver winG w/rear
old Conservo, $10; deer hunting
w/rotator. $2,000. ottawa 419-233- partial roll. new cond. Celina 419-586- storage. st. paris 937-663-4654
tree stand, $10; (8) sliding closet doors,
4362 4388
$5 ea. Coldwater 419-678-3289 Case iH 1190 HayBine: 9 cut. two
woods Cadet 84 rotary cutter, 3 Cereal rye seed: Call for price. extra sickles. eC! $2,700. rossburg
wanted: rims & tires for farmall H &
pt., $1,200; ss bucket kubota, orig., 6 Celina 419-305-0187 937-459-8589
460. winter front for farmall H & 460.
ft., $850; Jd 953 wagon gear, $650; wanted to Buy:ni husking beds & versailles 937-526-4350 (1) 7.50x24 Clete tire: 8-lug rim.
ford 800 hyd. lift cover, $650. yellow corn heads. arcanum 937-417-2535 $75. rossburg 937-564-0719
springs 937-572-5486 fenCe stretCHer: $50. yorkshire
Jd n Manure spreader: 3-beater. Can 419-852-0378 4400 Jd CoMBine: 443 corn head. 13
McCulloCH 20 push reel mower. be pulled w/sub-compact. ready to Jd grain head. arcanum 937-548-2078
adj. heights. Celina 419-586-4388 489 HayBine: Good rolls. GC! $3,000.
work! always shedded. $1,200.
Huntsville 937-464-2148 Clover seed: Cleaned red &
CriMson Clover seed: Call for lewisburg 937-423-5453
84 Jd 2950: open station. Good Bagged. ottawa 419-233-4362
price. Celina 419-305-0187 Gleaner Mii CoMBine w/20 grain
rubber. vGC! 5,827 hrs. one owner. 56 MH50: new paint. Good rubber.
6 BusH HoG & 5 Bush Hog: head. $5,000 oBo. a630 corn head.
$13,500. troy 937-216-0025 $4,000. lewisburg 937-336-9051
lewisburg 937-336-9051 $2,500 oBo. Bradford 937-547-2161.
leave msg.
Page 44 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017
colors. Ready to go June 16. $20 ea. WANTED TO BUY: Silver cable. 7x14 hay wagon. Diamond
Arcanum 937-459-0340 dollars. Paying cash. Call Plated toolbox. Pleasant Hill
H&S 12-wheel rake w/kicker. $6,500. EC!
OLIVER 8 WHEEL DISK: GC! $375. 32 bale elevator. $600. Lewisburg 937- Buck, Eldorado, 937-273-3165 937-676-3632
West Elkton 937-787-3143 423-5453
KILLBROS 350 bed, $400; 13 harrow, GEHL 1540 Vortex silage blower. EC!
1,500 GAL. POLY round water tank. CLOVER Stubble Hay: $3/bale. Small $75; AC 18 field cult., $350; cult. Ft. Loramie 419-953-2574
Arcanum 561-301-8063 squares. Russia 937-622-2246 parts. Rossburg 937-564-0719
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge
GEHL 1065 Forage Chopper: Field 35 GAL. NEW BARREL of fuel additive.
CLEAN, BRIGHT Wheat Straw: Tight savings on in-stock items. Dealer for
ready. With hay head & 2-row corn Made by Schaffer Oil Co. Wapakoneta
419-738-8475 or 567-356-1747 bales. Easy loading. St. Henry 20 years. Call for catalog & brochures.
head. $4,500. St. Marys 419-953-3487 Russia 937-238-6661
7x8 TRAILER: All steel bed. Tilt bed & FORD TRACTOR: 54 NAA. Changed
over to 2V. Runs good. $1,700. Glencoe MASSEY-FERGUSON 40: Diesel. DODGE RAM Truck Mirrors: 1500,
16 sideboards. $350. Covington 937-
field cult. 13 ft. $200. New Bremen 419- Front loader. New engine overhaul. 2500, 3500. 98-02. Sport mirrors, not
629-3510 Shuttle transmission. 3 pt. hitch. Live tow. Brand new pair. St. Marys. Call/
TILLAGE RADISH SEED: Call for PTO. Make offer. Franklin text: 419-305-9547
prices. Celina 419-305-0187 WANTED TO BUY: JD 5 btm. plow.
Reasonably priced. Wapakoneta 419- 937-474-9899
85 FORD BRONCO: 4WD. Parting
NI CORN PICKERS & new & used 941-1196 WANTED: Guitars, banjos, & man- out engine, transmission, drive line,
picker parts. Arcanum 937-417-2535
FORD 9700: 140hp. Dual outlets. New dolins. Any cond. Ludlow Falls axles, misc. body & int. parts.
PAINT PONY: 11 yr. old gentle gelding. restoration. New paint. $12,000 OBO or 937-698-6611 Brookville 937-902-6727
10.2 hands tall. Very well mannered. trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
$650. Spotted 2 yr. old mini. donkey. DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demoli- PORT. BASKETBALL System: Adjusts
Jenny. $350. Both LOVE attention. WANTED TO TEAR DOWN: Barns or tion, such as old swimming pools, from 76 to 10. Avg. cond. $100. Troy
Houston 937-295-3901 small outbuildings w/weathered barn barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, 937-295-2807
siding. Prefer 10-12 in. with little to no general excavating work. Greenville
200 GAL. POLY field sprayer w/30 paint. Sidney 937-570-3282 after 5pm 06 CARDINAL 30 LE 5th Wheel: 2
booms. Pump included. $300. 937-232-7380
slides. Rear living room. Stand- up
Arcanum 937-947-1731 KRAUS 1588 Rock Flex Disk: With 1-bar
harrow. New Carlisle 937-286-1263 SEEKING FARMGROUND to rent in bdrm. w/queen. Larger shower. New
JD 4450: Hub duals, u/wheel drive. Darke & surrounding counties. Using tires. VGC! $11,500 or reasonable
New tires. 165hp. 5,710 hrs. Ser. FORD 6 Flail Gas Mower: $400. (4) old 1 manure as fertilizer. Offer competitive offer. Eaton 937-603-1509
#RW4450PO11707. Laura 419-204- btm. horse plows. $75 ea. Wapakoneta rates. Versailles 937-417-2969
7955 937-596-5841 MILLER PRO 1800 Avalanche Merg-
er: Dual pick-ups. Recent belts. Spare
DAIRY GOAT & Several Kid Goats: Ft. INT. 300 TRACTOR: Wide front. IH 400
tractor, wide front, w/fast hitch & PS. WANTED: Broken or non-running belting, lacing, & parts. $24,500.
Recovery 937-459-8228 John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Piqua 937-606-0807
Farmall H tractor. Wapakoneta 419-302-
PUREBLOOD Belted Galloway Heifer: 3148 Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705
JD MOWER BLADES: (3) new sets for
Born 10/14/16. Eligible for registration. or
HIT & MISS orig. engine cart w/12 steel a 7 iron 72 deck. $50/set. Troy
St. Paris 937-788-2734
wheels, on 1-1/4 solid axles. 25 wheel SLAVENS MINIATURE HERE- 937-295-2807
JD3 PT. Quick Hitch: Celina 419-942- base. Pivot front, w/40 V-shape handle. FORDS: Registered. Both polled &
1004 Heavy wood base. 31x11x12 - $475. 50s MURRAY Pedal Car: Needs
horned. Small & gentle. Ken, DeGraff
Eaton 765-965-5246 restored. Speedway Pace Car. $175.
2-YEAR-OLD Grass Hay: $4/bale. Eaton 937-539-6019
Call/text. St. Marys 419-305-9547
937-477-4342 (4) 8-LUG BOBCAT Wheels & Tires:
12x16.5. New Carlisle 937-694-9699 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, &
FORD 6000 Commander: $4,500. employment. Laborer, $12/hr. CDL
saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622
Farmall 300. $2,500. White 5100 planter, MOUNTAIN VIEW 5th Wheel RV: One Driver, $17-$19/hr. Training provided.
6-row, 30 in., w/monitor. $4,000. Bradford slide-out. New canopy. GC! Sleeps 4. Benefits. Apply at: 15 Industry Park 245/70R-19.5 TIRES: Good spares.
937-547-2161. Leave msg. $4,000. Germantown 937-974-6690 Court, Tipp City. $25 ea. Call/text: St. Marys
WANTED: Farmground to rent for 17.
419-230-4925 HORSES: Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 Darke & surrounding counties. Rent 15 TRAMPOLINE w/safety enclosure.
WANTED: Electric kiln. Complete. In ANTIQUE Coca-Cola Radio: 24 tall. payable spring of 17. Versailles Kept inside year-round. EC! $175.
working cond. or not. Also, kiln furniture. 937-417-2254 Troy 937-295-2807
937-545-8737 Made of Bakelite. Exc. cond. PRICE
REDUCED! Phillipsburg WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARM:
NH 276 BALER: EC! Maintained 937-832-7124 of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar Easy to install. Save your tripwill
professionally. With Hoelscher 1,000 bale paid. Roll-off container services. Call
4.6 ACRES or 2 Building Lots: At Rt. ship! Coldwater 419-678-2594
accumulator & bale grapple. EC! Always
shedded. Field ready. $13,000. 49 & Blank Rd., Phillipsburg, Ohio. for pricing or pick-up. Celina
419-363-2277 EQUIPMENT TRAILER: 3-axle. 20 ft.
Lewisburg 937-423-5453 937-832-7124 With ramps. GC! $2,250. Lewisburg
HANDICAP SHOWER STALL: White. 98 CLASS A MOTORHOME: 35 JD 4430 130hp tractor w/cab, heat & 937-839-4540
$150. Handicap high-rise white toilet. Airstream Land Yacht. One owner. air. Looks good, runs good. Field
$35. Kenmore A/C. 12,000 BTU. 110V. ready. Ft. Loramie 419-953-2574 ALUM-ALUM. Sulfate Hydrate: Treats
Garaged from day one. EC! 54K mi. pond algae growth. 50# bags, $25
$100. Greenville 937-670-2841
$22K firm. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 BENCH VISES: $50 & up. Chain hoist, ($20 for 2+). New Air fine bubble tube
OXYGEN ACETYLENE gauges & hoses. 1/4 ton to 10 ton. Rollers are heavy- diffusers for pond aeration. $30. New
Both tips. With cart. $100 OBO. MF 300 Straw Chopper: $200. West
Alexandria 937-839-4071 duty. 10 in. 10 ft. long. $90. Rossburg Bremen 419-305-1994
Wapakoneta 419-230-9996
WANTED: Sulky to tow tricycle type 15 GRAIN HEAD for M or L Gleaner & NH MODEL 331 Manure Spreader:
tractor. Celina 419-305-8692 other used parts for M & L Gleaner COWS & CALVES: Hereford & Angus $1,500 OBO. New Lebanon
combines. 6-row 30 corn head. West crossbreds. Freezer beef. West 937-687-2334
ULTRALIGHT Transport Chair: Easy to Alexandria 937-344-2967
fold & push. Supports 300 lbs. Footrest & Alexandria 937-839-4071 APPROX. 1,000 small, square bales
brakes. Used 4 times. $75 OBO. Ansonia 30 GREAT PLAINS Drill: Solid stand. 3x5 MULCH TRAILER w/3 sides, of straw. Easy load. Sidney
937-547-0399. Leave msg. $200; elec. motors1/4hp, 1/3hp, & 937-726-4143
$3,800. 77 Oliver. Ready to be
restored. NH folding disk 226 heavy- 1/2hp. 8 pie-shape wheel weights.
FORD 7740: Cab heat &air. Late model CUSTOM LOG SAWING: Using Wood
loader. Low hrs. Very nice unit! $16,000 duty front rock flex. West Alexandria Englewood 937-789-8996
Mizer mill. Keith Marshall, Greenville
OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 937-839-4071 937-548-0463
Page 45 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

You are invited to share your favorite recipe for a main dish,
casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert or snack. If its chosen a 1st
Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $5! Recipes should be
clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to:
$ #!' # $ #!' % & % #

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,#* (+!&#,
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Page 46 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2017

snapshot of the month entries sought

UPCOMING Our readers tell us one of their favorite pages is the Snapshot of the
Month. Winners who are always pleasantly surprised to find their picture
published say they enjoy the reaction of friends, neighbors, and family

All you need to do is send an interesting color picture (original pho-
tos preferred, or if emailing, use either a jpeg or tiff format) of good quality,
along with some background information. Farm-related photos are best suit-
ed for country living. When taking your pictures, make sure the lighting
is sufficient, and that your subjects are centered in the viewfinder. Stand
back far enough so that heads arent cut off. If need be, we can crop photos
to eliminate any unnecessary background.
Dont forget to include your actual mailing address if you email your
picture and information to us, so your prize can be mailed out to you.
Mail your entry to:
Country living Snapshot of the Month Contest
$' $&"#!%$# P.o. Box 69, Covington, oH 45318
( Entries can also be emailed to us at:

FRIDAY, JUNE 16 At 5 P.M. Private Sale of Real PREFER TO RENEW

Estate by Sealed Bid. 80 Acres (M/L) Agricultural
Property with Residence, Buildings, & Other YOUR COUNTRY LIVING
Improvements. Loramie Township - Shelby County, SUBSCRIPTION ONLINE?
Ohio. The Grillot Family Trust, Owners. Faulkner,
Garmhausen, Keister &Shenk, Attorneys. See Page 15 Use oUr seCUre payment terminaL!
1) Simply go to
SAtURDAY, JUNE 17 At 10 A.M. Public Auction 2) Click on the Rates & Info tab
located at 5394 Sebring-Warner Rd., Greenville, Ohio. 3) Drop down to: Subscriptions
Construction Equipment; Trucks; Lawn & Garden this WiLL take yoU to oUr seCUre payment terminaL
Equipment; Antique Tractor; ATV; Construction
We Thank You For Your Interest in Country Living
Equipment. Everett Hart, Owner. Ron Crist,
And Look Forward To Being of Service To You
Auctioneer. See Page 10


Real Estate, Personal Property, Restaurant Equipment,
& Featured Farms Offered in June. See Page 8

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P.O. BOX 69 - 395 S. HIGH ST. standard
COVINGTON, OHIO 45318-0069 us postage
DELIVER June 5 - June 7, 2017 perMIt no. 21
April 3 - April 5, 2017

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