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Vol. 74 No.

2 February 2017

Country Living

Real Estate
Ag Services
& So Much More

Buy | Sell | Trade

Great Deals! Big Selection! Local Sellers!

Cover Picture Country Kitchen
Country Living We have two delicious
recipes on our Country
is a great sourCe Kitchen page we think
For aLL your Farm youll enjoy, especially if
& you like things a little
spicy! Turn to page 45
residentiaL needs
and check them out!
if youre in the market
for a particular item or service
this spring, selling a no longer KEEP THOSE RECIPES COMING!
needed article, or providing Share Your Favorite Recipe
a valuable service, With Our Readers
check out Country Living first! And Have A Chance To Win $5
front & back of farrowing crates. Brand 20hp. $250 to $1,500. New 1-1/2hp feed

COUNTRY LIVING new. In orig. packing cases. Make offer.

West Milton 937-698-5240
auger motor.
$125. Rossburg

Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION

P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318
937-473-2028 937-473-2029 FAX: 937-473-2500
When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include
your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)

Never Write Your

Return Address Again!
240 Mary Jones
118 Chestnut St.
Self-Stick Springfield, MA 01103

Just Peel
4 25
Add 75 Postage & Handling
and Stick!

Arens Corp.
Send order now to:
P.O. Box 69
Covington, Ohio 45318
Shipping Label (Print clearly, 3 lines only)


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WTB: MACHINE GUNSLooking for CAT WHEEL LOADER: 1-3/4 yard buck-
NFA transferable Sears, M16s, MACs, et. Fair tires. 80hp dsl. eng. Lightly used.
H&Ks, etc. Top dollar paid for your old Compact stance for smaller work space.
guns gathering dust. New Carlisle $5,500. Lewisburg 937-839-4540
300+ BALES alfalfa/orchardgrass hay.
16 SITREX 2-rotor pull-type tedder. 4th cutting. Exc. quality. No rain. Easy
$2,395. Call North Star Implements, 419- load. West Milton 937-698-5240
KINZE 2600 12/30 Corn Planter: Liquid
285 MF DIESEL: 75hp. Two sets of out- fert. E-set meter. Good shape. German-
lets. Dual PTO. Runs like new! $7,500 town 937-974-6690
OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
WANTED: Used 3-phase motor. Old
WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & tarps, off grain trailers. Rossburg
saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 937-417-2219

70 FORD Cab Over Grain Truck: Steel ASH FIREWOOD: Cut & split. 18 to 20 in.
bed. 24Lx4H. End gates. No rust. Good long. $80/cord. Versailles 937-548-8391
tires. Electric fuel pump. 128K mi.
WANTED: Horse-drawn manure spread-
$8,000. New Paris 765-914-5048
er; hay mower; plow; & such. Also, Jack
04 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Electra Glide Russell or Rat Terrier female. Jake E.S.
" $ ! " $ Classic: 22K mi. New tires & battery. EC! Schwartz, 5350S525E, Berne, IN
$ % % Lots of extra chrome. One owner. 46711
! $ & $ # Brookville 937-687-2235
SMALL, SQUARE Bales Grass Hay: Very
good, heavy bales. $4/bale. Sidney
$ ! "! " ! 937-492-2845
WANTED: Large size Ohio National
Bank Notes. I buy all U.S. large size
paper money. Pay cash. Buck,
Bumper pull. One slide-out. EC! Queen
Eldorado, 937-273-3165
bed. Stainless steel appliances. Sofa
BOBCAT orig. 60 smooth bucket, $500; w/air bed. LN! $18,000. Cambridge City,
Indiana. 317-509-3248
Skid Steer 48 fork attachment, $600;
7x14 hay wagon, $500; JD running gear,
$600. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
Cab. 4-wheel drive. 90hp. $12,000 OBO
IF YOU VOLUNTARILY SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTRY LIVINg, you are eli- WANTED: Chiappa 12 ga. lever-action or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
gible to submit a LIMIt OF 4 NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED ADS (20 WORDS OR LESS) shotgun w/pistol grip stock. Elam E.
with the understanding that they will be published free of charge if they qual- Wickey, 4373E100S, Monroe, IN
40hp. 1,200 actual hours. Like new. With
ify. tHE COSt IS $21.95 PER YEAR. 46772
6 Bush Hog. $8,500 OBO or trade.
CLAAS Triple Mower: 27 ft. Tine condi- Franklin 937-474-9899
Publisher reserves the right to reject certain ads. They should always be in
good taste, and LIMITED TO 20 WORDS. PLEASE PRINT LEgIBLY, and be tioner. Belt collectors. Several updates.
CLOVER Stubble Hay: Mixed with grass.
Spare parts. $22,900. Piqua
sure to include your area code and phone number. Classified ads should come Templeton manure loader. Off Oliver 88.
from a farmer or other country resident who is not using them for a commer- Versailles 937-423-5379
cial purpose in which he is regularly engaged. They must bear the name and KONGSKILDE Triple K field cult. w/dou-
6-1/2 BAGS TRUPOINTE Liberty Link
address of the writer, along with his or her customer number, which tells us ble rolling baskets. Barn-kept. GC!
Beans. Left from 16. Make offer. Jackson
you are among the subscribers of our Country Living Honor Roll of Friends. $2,900. Maplewood 937-492-8246
Center 937-596-5414
MUST RE-SUBMIT ADS EACh MONTh. PAIR OF brand new insulated Carhartt
Can haul 3 or 4 baby calves. 4x4x4 ft.
coveralls. Size 44 Short. $50. Versailles
Two people can lift it. $150. Sidney
YOUR ADS will be seen in more than 17,000 country homes, and can be sub- 937-492-8705
mitted in four ways: SOLEUS AIR 70 pint dehumidifier: Used
STRAW: 3x3x7 ft. square bales. No rain.
1) Mail them to Country Living, Arens Corp., Publishers, P.O. Box 69, 1 year. Too large. $100. Empire Corcho
Exc. quality. Greenville 937-423-4967 or
Covington, Oh 45318. ventless propane heater. 3 settings.
2) Telephone our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2029 any time Monday 15,000 BTU. Maplewood 937-935-2003
thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Remember, you must give our receptionist LOG SPLITTER: Huskee. 22-ton. Vert./
USED FURN.; glassware; hand tools;
your customer number or you will be billed for the ad(s) submitted. LIMIt OF horiz. Ball hitch. Only used once. $785.
tins & bottles; toys; forge; shop stove; &
more. Buy & sell. Second hand & antique
3) Fax your ad(s) to: 937-473-2500 FORD 4000: Gas. Nice tractor. Runs store. Jake E.S. Schwartz, 5350S
4) Email your ad(s) to: well. 50hp. Franklin 937-474-9899 525E, Berne, IN 46711
COUNTRY LIVINg is published monthly. Free non-commercial classified ads POWER CHAIR & scooter lift for in-vehi-
WANTED: 17-21-24 etc. jeweled watch-
will be accepted for publication in the following month's issue as late as possi- cle storage; plastic swine flooring system
es. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E100S, Mon-
ble. The earlier we receive your ad, the better chance it has to get in the next roe, IN 46772 w/fiberglass beams & stands, 12x35
issue. When ads arrive too late to meet the deadline for a given issue, they are area. Pleasant Hill 937-216-4784
held over and given priority in the following issue. STEFFEN Accumulator: Model 950.
Does 10 bales. Flat. Built in 06. Have SMALL 4-year-old Horse: Broke to ride &
10-bale high lift grabber. West Alexandria drive, but needs tuned up. $135. Baby
Deadline For Next Month's Issue Is 937-260-9981 Potbelly pigs. Tame. $40. Sidney
FRIDAY, FEB. 24 at 4:30 p.m. FORD 345 utility dsl. tractor w/540

loader. 5 bucket with Quick Tach hyd. 48 G ALLIS TRACTOR: Recent paint/rear
COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING is not acceptable for publication and the free classified tires. Runs great. $3,000. JD 1010 dozer,
grappling forks. 3 pt. hitch. Independent
ad copy submitted to us is carefully scrutinized to reject commercial ads. Our com- 4 cyl. gas, hyd. winch, manual tilt/angle
PTO. Power steering, etc. Asking $5,900.
mercial advertising rates are available on request. Among the types of ads frequently Hamilton 513-726-4736 blade, 1 hyd. outlet. On farm 30 years
submitted to us as free copy but rejected because they are commercial, are the fol- with little use. $5,000. West Alexandria
lowing: 1) Ads calling for the purchase, sale or rental of real estate; 2) Ads calling for 4 NERF Running Boards: Off 05 Chevy 937-902-9670
the sale or rental of mobile homes; 3) Ads calling for the sale of motor vehicles less Crew Cab. No rust. EC! Lewistown
937-538-5343 FORD 9600 with new engine & dual
than seven years old. To control the volume of the free ads, we also have found it nec- power. Great tractor! Franklin
essary to automatically reject offers to give away, sell, trade or breed pets. All of these BIRDHOUSES: $8 ea. while supply lasts. 937-474-9899
types of ads are acceptable at commercial rates at 50 cents per word. Greenville 937-417-2469
1800 OLIVER: Diesel. Completely FULL-TIME
restored. Four new Firestone tires. Looks HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED
like brand new! Engine overhauled. Dual Hourly position, with benefits. Apply in
hyd. outlets. Factory wide front. Indepen- person at 15 Industry Park Court,Tipp
dent live PTO. Best offer or trade. City.
Franklin 937-474-9899
08 KINZE 8/16 No-Till Bean Planter:
GEHL Bale Handler: 3 pt. hitch. Recently rebuilt. Center pivot. Monitor.
BH-1500, with unwrapper. VGC! $500. VGC! $42,000. Germantown BYRON SEEDS DEALER
West Alexandria 937-839-4071 937-974-6690 MASTERS CHOICE CORN LATE HEADING GRASSES
HAY: 1st cutting alfalfa / orchardgrass WEIGHTS for 16 wheels; scissor hoist FULL LINE OF COVER CROP SEED
mixed. Small, square bales. No rain. for 16 bed, $150; Ford tilt cab parts.
Easy loading. St. Henry 419-305-9854 Rossburg 937-564-0719 419-852-3477 419-375-1047

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,- +( #$) , & $(" ! +' ( & ( +)% +

DRAFT HORSE harness w/steel hames. 15 GRAIN HEAD for M or L Gleaner & KOHRING 6608 Excavator: 4 cyl. Isuzu 98 FORD AEROMAX Tractor: Day cab.
100 bu. hopper wagon on MH gear. other used parts for M & L Gleaner com- dsl. engine. Good undercarriage. Offset Tandem. 400 Cummins w/jac 9 spd.
Brass-mounted 8 pull-type disc. Pleas- bines. 6-row 30 corn head. West Alexan- boom. 3/4 yard bucket. Enclosed cab. Ready to go. Many updates. Arcanum
ant Hill 937-676-3632 dria 937-839-4071 Runs good. $19,500. 937-839-4540 937-417-2535
Serving Miami & surrounding
counties. Offered by Neil Teaford,
Registered Land Surveyor. FOR FREE
QUOTE, call 937-339-4732.
WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of
land in Miami Co. or Darke Co. Prefer
west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611
235/55R17 TIRES: 75% tread. Set of 4.
# (&'$"!* #) %# &! # $150. Call/text St. Marys 419-305-9547
TINY HOME, wood shed, animal shelter,
coop, etc. Unfinished. Three finished
sides. Metal roof. On trailer for transport.
$3,950. Lewisburg 937-839-4540
DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition,
such as old swimming pools, barn foun-
dations, porches, etc. Also, general exca-
vating work. Greenville 937-232-7380
Darke & surrounding counties. Using
manure as fertilizer. Offer competitive
rates. Versailles 937-417-2969

WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini-
bikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or
4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington
9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 7 0 5 .

+ FIELD FENCE: New & unopened. Two

rolls. 1047-6-11. Best offer. Lewisburg

"" F O R YO U R
B U S IN E S S ! !
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" # & "
" # &

& # &
$ # " % ! &! & SW I N E
# & '

% "% #"' # & % $ ( (

"" #! " $ $ %" % " % & &&& "" #! " #!
WANTED: Guitars, banjos, & mandolins. CLEAN, BRIGHT WHEAT STRAW: Twine-
Any cond. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or
delivery available. West Milton
FORD 6610: Series II. With ditch bank 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541
mower. Looks like new. Low hours.
Franklin 937-474-9899 79 400cc HONDA motorcycle with Honda-
O-Matic transmission. Only 17K mi. 80
WANTED: Used blades of Great Plains or 200cc Honda dirt bike. Only 898 mi.
JD planter. 3.5 or 4 milliliter. Rossburg Arcanum 937-448-0660 $ $ "$ ' $ " $$
(50) FENCE POSTS; alum. Diamond plat- ' $ " $ #$ % %$ " $
CLEAN, BRIGHT WHEAT STRAW: ed toolbox. Pleasant Hill 937-676-3632
Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy
loading or delivery available. West Milton JD TURBO 7720 Combine: 920 grain head
937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 & 643 corn head. Arcanum 937-947-1495
DUAL TIRES & RIMS: Fit 14.9x28. 8 in. TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge sav-
Rim extensions. T-clamps included. Ask- ings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20 years. C #-;-9*13; :-41 07 ); 41 65 6=-90)<3 C D :;--3
ing $225/pair. Titan radials. Made in USA. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 0677-9 *;4 > 5-> ;)97 D )3<4 +6)3 *<+2-; ,<47 ;9)13-9 (
West Alexandria 937-603-9865 937-238-6661 ;9)+;69 ;9)+;69 ,<)3: 09: ):- /): ;9)+;69
MILLER PRO 1800 Avalanche Merger: CHAINSAW SCULPTURES: Stumps in /): ;9)+;69 (01;- +64*15-: > /9)15 0-),: B +695
Dual pick-ups. Recent belts. Spare belt- your yard or items on display. dklchain- 0-),: ,6A-9 09: 9-*<13; <5,-9+)991)/- )/-9 -)=-9 D
ing, lacing, & parts. $25,750. Piqua 765-977-4563 or ;65 ;)5,-4 )?3- ;9)13-9 <;3-9 D *< /9)15 *15 ,1:4)5;3-, 65
937-606-0807 937-839-4183. Photos on facebook. See ;9)13-9: B ' :@:;-4 > 07 70):- 46;69
Dayle Keith Lewis.
WIDE FRONT END row crop Ford 5000
w/cab. Everything works. 4,756 hrs. Day- JD GEARS, $650; flatbed w/sideboards,
ton 937-572-1499 $600; J&M kick bale, $650. Rossburg %)3.69, $&% D =-9; ;133)/- ;663 ):- &1/-94);- ED .1-3,
22 WEBER Charcoal Grill: GC! Some +<3; > *)9 0)996> D ,1:+ %<5.36>-9 D 3)5, .151:0-9
briquets included. Covington WANTED: Farmground to rent for 17. D :613 +65,1;165-9 D .1-3, +<3; > 0@, .63, D 963315/
937-473-3635 Darke & surrounding counties. Rent *):2-; D :15/3- 963315/ *):2-; 9),@ D .1-3, +<3; 9133165 D +<3;17)+2-9
payable spring of 17. Versailles D >0--3 ,1:+ D >0--3 ,1:+ %<5.36>-9 :0)52 ,1:+
WHEAT STRAW: Nice, small, square 937-417-2254
bales. $3/bale. Wapakoneta +01:-3 3-5+6- :0)52 ,1:+ +01:-3 -<;A 331: :0)52 ,1:+ +01:-3 9133165
419-941-1196 CLEAN, BRIGHT Wheat Straw: Long- :0)52 ' 9177-9 *;4 736> "D 655-33 7<33 ;@7- ;13- 736> (01;-
stemmed, tight bales. Easy loading. St. B 73)5;-9 > 318<1, .-9; /9)15 ,9133 0677-9
SLAVENS MINIATURE HEREFORDS: Henry 419-305-9854 >)/65: > *9)2-: 31/0;: 312- 5-> *< 0677-9 >)/65 65
Registered. Both polled & horned. Small /-)9 > :--, )</-9 ;)97 *< 0677-9 >)/65: *< ;)5
& gentle. Ken, DeGraff 937-539-6019 ALFALFA Mixed Hay: Nice, small, square ,-4 /66:-5-+2 ;9)13-9 > ;)97 ( /9)15 +)9; )@9);0 B? D :>15/ )>)@
bales. 1st cutting, $4/bale. 2nd & 3rd cut-
MF 300 Straw Chopper: $200. West tings, $5/bale. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 )</-9 )9,15)3 B? D )</-9 1)465, D 31=-:;6+2 ;9)13-9 -37: D
Alexandria 937-839-4071 /66:-5-+2 31=-:;6+2 ;9)13-9 /)3 5<9:- ;)52 > 7<47 !
/915,-9 41?-9 C ! *1/ :8<)9- *)3-9 > *)3-: ):-
D ,1:+*15- D :1+23- 46>-9 >0--3 15315- 9)2-: 9)2-
3)): *):2-; 0)@ ;-,,-9 -03 :13)/- *36>-9 > 9-+<;;-9 -03 .69)/-
>)/65 96> +0677-9 0-), 51/0; & $ C 6<3- B? ED 7;
4)5<9- 7<47 > D? B 06:- )3<4-; 318<1, 4)5<9- ;)52 -;
,! 0#" '+ 0&# ),!( ,$ '0# " & *- '%+ , &', ;-9 13; /)3 =)+<<4 ;)52 )/-,695 0@,9) 7<:0 4)5<9-
' ' :79-),-9 )+ 65 4)5<9- :79-),-9 ):; B 4);-91)3 *<+2-; B ,19;

6 -*
*<+2-; -/-34)5 D *3),- > 46<5;: .69 :-91-: ;9)+;69 -65 D
*3),- #);A *)3- +0677-9 9),@ D :;)32 +0677-9 ( #&" /-5
-9);69 65,) % >0--3-9 7; 36/ :731;;-9 D :)5, :066;-9 -5:+0
&! . . ' ,*3 %&! * ! -. :)>,<:; :066;-9 *<32 *15: E ;65 ;65 ;65 D 06/ 36),15/
(%'!- .* %.! * )*,.$ (%'! .* +,*+!,.3 ,*( !-.0%''! +0<;- ":*695 06/ .--,-9: E ;65 06/ .--,-9: &0697 B
:;)153-:: .--,-9: # B :;)153-:: .--,-9: (01;- *966,-9
. &! -*/.$ (%'!- .* ' ,*3 %&! * 1!-. (%'!- .*
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%.! * )*,.$ (%'! .* +,*+!,.3
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( ( ,-9: +);;3- >);-9-9 D 717- /);-: :;--3 .-5+- 76:;: >0--3 :--,
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( "##
FOR SALE: Cub Cadet Z Force 48FAB FREE FIREWOOD: Tree tops to make for
zero-turn mower. 48 deck. $1,599. Maria firewood. Oak & other hardwoods. Anna
Stein 419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823 419-628-0031

+ (' & !#
! ! ! % ! !!
" % , % !
LARGE QUANTITY locally grown alfalfa CURED ASH FIREWOOD: Cut at 21-22
! )$ ! $ % ! ! * hay & straw. Round & square bales. Celi- in. length. Approx. 3 cords. Covington
# # " na 567-279-3781 937-473-3635
! ! " ! $ " DODGE RAM Truck Mirrors: 1500, 2500, 94 JD 4960: Front wheel assist. Quick
! & " ! 3500. Sport mirrors, not tow. Brand new. hitch. Duals. 6,600 hrs. $48,000. Ger-
$150/pair. Call/text: St. Marys mantown 937-974-6690
# % # "! ! ATV TOOLBOX: Alum. diamond plate.
18.4R46 TIRES; 16.5L16.1 Goodyear, For Polaris. Never used. Lock & key
4-rib, new; (4) used 16.5L16.1 on 8-hole included. Asking $85 OBO. West Alexan-
" " % $ % " " wheels. Franklin 937-474-9899 dria 937-603-9865
KEMIN Acid Applicator: For small, square 77 1086 IH TRACTOR with 5,700 hrs. &
* )&' $#' $& ( ! &% (# & & '
baler. 170# fresh cut plus. St. Henry
T-rail duals. $9,500 OBO. Wapakoneta
& # ( $&(! #
WHEAT STRAW: $3.50/bale. Arcanum (3) DAVID BRADLEY walk-behind row
$& 937-692-6137. Leave msg. cultivators, springtooth packer, blade,
! ' !! $& " ! )' ( ($)& ' * )&' $#' $" sickle, & attachments. Also, Wisconsin
JD 4425 COMBINE w/grain & corn head. engines. Make offer. Greenville
Russia 937-526-4091 937-548-7416
30 motorhome for shed storage,
from Arcanum, please call me?
Covington 937-473-3635
FORD 532 Hay Baler: GC! Always shed-
ded. 7 mower & 3 pt. hitch rake. Lewis-
burg 937-884-5601
FOR SALE: 4x5 round bales alfalfa/grass
mix. Also, straw. St. Paris 937-244-1954
do custom sawing with a Woodmizer
sawmill. 16 years experience. Your
place or mine. Hardwood lumber for
sale. Pleasant Hill 937-216-7292
BARN WOOD WANTED: Looking for old
barn wood in large quantities. Beams,
sleepers, dimensional material. Let us
know what you have. Well be happy to
come out and take a look. Thanks! Locat-
ed in Arcanum, Ohio. Call 970-596-3151.
FOR SALE: Mersman 28 round table.
Plus a thick glass top included. Versailles
LOOKING TO BUY: Building lot, 2-5
acres, for custom home. Road-front
access. In western Miami Co. or eastern
Darke Co. Covington 937-613-0965
ALFALFA HAY: 1st, 2nd & 3rd cuttings.
1st cutting grass w/red clover in it. $4/
bale. Wapakoneta 419-233-0397 after
80 BALES Grass Hay: Horse mixture. $5
/bale. Sidney 937-492-6033
8600 INT. SEMI: C-13 motor. 577K mi.
Too many new parts to list! $17,000. New
Bremen 937-538-7433

# #



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,,7 '6;8 ;905,99

Complete Auction Service
!! Antiques Estates
Real Estate Farm Equipment Appraisals
"3(*, '6;8 + ,8, Bradford, Ohio
(5+ % !% Cell: 937-417-4799

PAIR OF OLIVER flat-top fenders. $150.

SHED RENTAL: For anything on JD MODEL 1460, 5 btm., 16 moldboard HOELSCHER 100 grapple for small, Wapakoneta 937-596-5262
wheels. $1/ft. of length per plow. GC! Field ready. Make offer. Ft. square bales. Picks up 10 bales. $2,800.
month. Covington 937-473-3635 Loramie 419-953-2574 Waynesfield 567-242-4689 8 HUTCHINSON vertical auger w/6
unload & power sweep. 36 diameter bin.
OLD BARNS WANTED: Recycle your old NEW HOLLAND 851 round baler with 8x12 BARN-LOOKING SHED: $1,600 Sold together or separate. Arcanum
barn or building. We often pay for old hyd. tie. Asking $950. Rotary mower. 6 OBO. You haul. Portland, Indiana 937-423-3645
barns & clean your barn site. Located in cut. 3 pt. Asking $550. Hamilton 419-852-0129
Arcanum, Ohio. Call 970-596-3151. 513-726-4736 WOOD SPLITTER: 3 pt. hitch type. Runs INT. 700 on land pull-type 16 bottom, 7 off hyd. 30T. Vert./horiz. $1,000. Retails
GARDEN TRACTOR Front Wheels: (1) furrow plow. Auto. reset. Tires good. Ask- for $3,000. Cash only. Piqua
CLEAN, BRIGHT WHEAT STRAW: Deestone 15x6.00-6. (1) Turfsaver ing $3,500. New Lebanon 937-654-3531 937-570-2419
Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy 15x6.00-6. (2) other 15x6.00-6 wheels.
loading or delivery available. West Milton Make offer. New Lebanon 937-367-0233 STRAW: 100 small, square bales. $1.75 SPLIT Seasoned Firewood: Ash. 8 ft.
937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 ea. West Manchester 937-336-2414 pick-up, $60. Minster 419-305-9509
97 R62 GLEANER w/both heads &
header carts. Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389
(2) 3-TON Bulk Feed Bins: With about 65
of flex auger & tube w/feed drops &
motor. Sidney 937-726-4143
NEW SNOW JOE Snowblower: With
RESIDENTIAL - FARM-COMMERCIAL light. Electric. Model S1621. 18 in. Nice!
Convert Sliding Doors To Overhead New price, $199. Asking $75. Celina
(Includes Framing)
(1) BLUE & (1) brown recliner. GC! $50
Any Size Doors Available ea. Camden 513-796-0005
(Specializing in Big Barn Doors)
JD COMBINE: 6600. 216 GH. 444 CH.
Many Different Carriage House Door Styles & ' "& ! % EC! Snowblower. Snow L 1101. 8 wide.
HAVE A DOOR PROBLEM? WE CAN FIX IT! & # % # $% Firewood, split. Botkins 937-693-3771
(INCLUDING SERVICE) # & %&# ( $%#& % hyd. chute. $1,500. Scott, New Bremen
Many ReferencesAvailable! #& $ # #$ 937-538-7433

937 448 0465 ' &$ FEMCO #896 tractor weather break.
New. Fits mid-size tractors. Side entry.
$329.95 new. Asking $275. New
Knoxville 419-204-4401 (cell)
BOAT: Fiberglass 8 Bass Buddy w/live
WANTED: JD 318 or 420 lawn tractors. well. $400 (cash only). Piqua
For parts. Bellefontaine 937-597-9240 937-570-2419
16 LONG STRAW: Non-rotary. No rain. 88 JD 316: 42 in. Hyd. blade. 50 in. deck.
Avg. 40 lbs. per bale. $3.50/bale. Russia Sleeve hitch & plow. Trade or $1,200
937-526-3467 OBO. New Lebanon 937-367-0233

,0 ).

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(24) BAGS of Cement Mix: Brand sold by 02 JD 1770 Conservation Planter:
Menards. Not hard. $15. Celina 12-row. 30 spacing. Liquid fert. Finger
419-942-1356 pick-up. No-till coulters. GC! Celina
hitch & hyd. $10,000. Scott, New Bremen WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARM: Easy to
937-538-7433 install. Save your tripwill ship! Coldwa-
ter 419-678-2594
Model 1716. Great shape! Extra punch- WANTED: 20 or 22 ft. grain head for
es. Manual included. Casstown Gleaner L2 combine. Metal reels.
937-418-6710 Delphos 419-692-3126 (home) or
419-905-9193 (cell)
WANTED: British & European motorcy-
cles, collections, & parts. And parts TANDEM AXLE running gear from Better-
inventories. Ft. Recovery 419-305-6191 Bilt liquid manure spreader. West Man-
chester 937-336-2414
EARTH BRAND Pellet Stove: 35K-50K
BTU. Works great. $900. Vents straight WANTED TO BUY: Old motorcycles &
!$% # & $ # $
out thru wall. Springfield 937-408-0882 parts. Harley, Indian, BMW, BSA, Tri-
umph, Norton, etc. Ft. Recovery
82 COMMEMORATIVE U.S. Stamps: 50 419-305-6191
State Birds, Flowers. Mint Set. Stamps,
mounts, book. Mint New. $35. Includes ROCK DOOR for a Gleaner rotary com- !
shipping. Eldon, West Alexandria bine. Sidney 937-726-4143
REGULATION Size Pool Table: 9x5. 1 !
12-HOLE GALV. round hog feeder. Large slate. Leather pockets. Very level. Good
capacity. Small mare pony & gelding don- pockets & rails. 12 sticks, extra balls,
key & saddle & bridle. Make offer. Hous- racks, etc. $450. Houston 937-726-5798 !
ton 937-726-5798 anytime
DEERE 730-D: Orig. New tires. 3 pt.
% $ " !& $ !&# '% #! %
06 CARDINAL 30 LE 5th Wheel Runs well. $9,000 OBO. Donnelsville
Camper: Two slides. Rear LR. Queen 937-882-9652
bed. Larger shower. Ceiling fan. New
tires. VGC! $15,900 OBO. Eaton JD ANTIQUE 2-Row Planter: $500.
937-603-1509 Model 247. Good shape. Casstown
CASE IH 530B 5-shank disc ripper.
$13,500. Case IH 15 crumbler. $2,500.
Or $15,000 together. New Bremen
18-1/2HP CRAFTSMAN Lawnmower:
46 deck. New battery & starter. Trade for
12 ga. or sell for best offer. New Lebanon
5-YEAR-OLD purebred Santa Gertrudis
bull. Bred my cattle three years with only
one open. Lewisburg 937-884-7833
EZ-GO GOLF CART: 06. Gas. Street
legal. Rear seat. EC! $3,250. Wapakone-
ta 567-204-4711
3-SEAT oatmeal sofa, GC, $50; 3-seat
floral sofa, end seats recline, VGC, $75.
Camden 513-796-0005
SMALL, SQUARE, heavy bales wheat
straw. Very clean. Sidney 937-726-4143
91 JD 430: 20hp Yanmar dsl. 1,150 hrs.
Runs great. Best offer. New Lebanon
ROTOTILLER: $1,600. Land Pride
1558-32. 58 reverse till, slip clutch. GC!
Workhorse. Manual included. Casstown
JD 4430 130hp tractor w/cab, heat & air.
Looks good, runs good. Field ready. Ft.
Loramie 419-953-2574
pumps (one free); lots of 3-4 alum. pipe;
many fittings; sprinkler heads; (2) trailers;
(2) Farmall Cubs. First $9,000 takes all.
Troy 937-335-1433
JD 7000: 12-row. No-till. Spike close
wheels. Kinze brush units for beans.
Stored inside. Front fold. $5,000. Urbana
WHITE 5 BTM. PLOW w/good mold-
boards. Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389
1,000 BALES Long-Stemmed Straw: J&M 250 wagon w/tarp, side windows, &
Clean. Tipp City 937-667-3778 lights. Large tires. Pleasant Hill
LAYING Hens & Roosters: Brookville
937-475-3526 WANTED TO BUY: Chopper motorcycle
w/Triumph or Honda engine. Buying
VICON Sprayer Parts: Nozzles, Ts. chopper partsgas tanks, seats, front
Make offer. Pleasant Hill 937-676-2089 ends, etc. Call with what you have! Ft.
ALFALFA HAY: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th cuttings. Recovery 419-305-6191
Piqua 937-570-5201 89 MACK CS300 Dump Truck: Single-
FORD 2-12 Breaking Plows: $185. New axle, w/air brakes, pintle hitch, new trans.
Lebanon 937-687-2334 clutch & PTO. Good tires & brakes.
$6,200 OBO. Houston 937-726-5798
WORK WANTED: Retired & looking for
harvest or spring planting. Miami, Darke 4-ROW IH CULT.; steel cable, 1/2 & 3/4
& surrounding counties. Experienced in., 100 ft. of each. Tipp City
w/farm equipment. Vincent, Covington 937-667-3778
937-473-3958 CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Truck-
HAY WAGON BED: 7x14. No running ing & spreading available. Versailles
gear. West Manchester 937-336-2414 937-417-4137 or 937-564-3399
27-1/2 JD Field Cult.: $2,800. 15 Brillion
cultimulcher. $2,800. Lima 419-233-4286
02 FORD WINDSTAR wheelchair
Irish Electric accessible van. With electric
ramp. Low miles. Leather interi-
Motor Service or. Casstown 937-469-3279
Service All Your ALLIS CHALMERS WD45 w/6 sickle bar
Motor Needs mower. 12V. Runs good. Good tires.
Lewisburg 937-839-4540
Home Farm Industry
New Used Repair Rebuild WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARM: Easy to
install. Save your tripwill ship! Coldwa-
419-394-3284 ter 419-678-2594
Fax: 419-394-7128 USED GARAGE DOOR OPENER: Late
1600 Celina Rd. model. Sidney 937-295-3553
St. Marys, OH 45885 (2) OLD BIKES: Berne, Indiana

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! " " !
EZ TRAIL 872W running gear. 11Lx15 ROUND HAY BALES: 4x5. 1,000# bales.
tires. Extension tongue. Minster Alfalfa timothy grass mix. $25/bale. New
419-733-5601 Paris area. 937-416-2959
WHEAT STRAW: 3x3x7 bales. No rain. 11 SCHAVEN 6500 Sprayer: 1,000 gal.
$30/bale or $110/ton. Versailles tank. 60 booms. Foam marker. 440
937-526-3012 Raven rate controller w/speed sensor
cables. Triple nozzle bodies. 15 gal.
NH 275 square baler w/thrower. GC! inductor. GC! Celina 419-852-1142
$2,500. (2) multi-bale wagons. $1,000
ea. Maplewood 937-726-0524 OLD ROLLER COASTER w/2 cars:
Berne, Indiana 260-589-2080
for mare in foal. Approx. 450-500 ft. $800. ANTIQUE HOMEMADE square bale
New Carlisle 937-902-2294 (cell) or wood hay elevator. Stored inside. Works
937-902-2295 great! $300. New Carlisle 937-902-2294
(cell) or 937-902-2295
5 BUSH HOG: Fair cond. Pleasant Hill
937-477-9389 ANGUS BULL: Young. Approx. 625+ lbs.
$760. Bradford 937-448-2439
1,500 GAL. nurse tank w/transfer pump.
West Manchester 937-336-2414 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge sav-
ings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20
WANTED TO BUY: Old motorcycles built years. Call for catalog & brochures. Rus-
before 80. Call with what you have! Ft. sia 937-238-6661
Recovery 419-305-6191
! $! % ! GAITED MULE: 8 year old sorrel. 17H
FREE FERT. & Garden Mulch: Horse
' ' ' ' ' ' manure mixed w/sawdust. Not smelly or
"# & $ tall. Good on trails. Smooth gait. Pleasure messy. Easy pick-up. Near Laura.
to be around! $2,500 OBO. Houston 937-947-1218
" & $! $ 937-726-5798 anytime
! #" PATIO PAVING BLOCKS: Dark brown.
WANTED: Snowblower for 35hp tractor,
60-72 in. wide. 3 pt. New Bremen
"# EC! 7-3/4L x 3-3/4W x 2-1/4 thick. 419-629-3443
1,800 blocks. 30 cents each or what you
want. Jackson Center 937-638-1414 HAY: Approx. 150 bales 1st cutting alfal-
(cell) fa-orchardgrass at $4.50. 120 bales 4th
cutting at $5.50. Gettysburg
HAY FOR SALE: Square bales. Gratis 937-447-2845
95 CHEVY Ext. Cab: 4WD. 5.7. 1/2T.
ANTIQUE Woodburning Stove: Cast iron, Red. 165K mi. Reece. Bedliner. No dam-
w/lots of chrome. 2x18x3 tall. age. No longer needed. $2,800. New
Wapakoneta 567-356-7235 Paris 937-437-0925
ALFALFA/Orchardgrass Hay: High quality. PRIDE Mobility Victory Series Model C9 LP GAS Restaurant-style Grill: 17x18 in. WORK WANTED: Retired & looking for
3rd & 4th cuttings. 120 bales. $6/bale. Scooter: Used about six weeks. $1,200. Great for food truck. $150. Wapakoneta harvest or spring planting. Miami, Darke
Can deliver. New Paris 937-437-0925 Sidney 859-753-5106 567-356-7235 & surrounding counties. Experienced
w/farm equipment. Vincent, Covington
MF 520 DISC: 20 ft. Good blades. $2,200. GOOD TO EXC. TIRES: Car & truck tires. FREE: Firewood to cut. Hedge. Burns like 937-473-3958
22 ft. Brillion packer on transport. $2,400. 14 thru 18 in. All different sizes. Jackson coal. Easy access. Gratis 937-533-0081
Elida 419-302-0267 Center 937-638-1414 (cell) BALDOR ELEC. motor, 10/13hp, 1,725
WANTED TO BUY: 7.50x24 farm imple- rpm, 3-phase; Baldor elec. motor,
USED BROCK Hopper Bin: 12 diam. 45 MF #65 Multi-Power with 727 loader & ment tire. Covington 937-214-5798 10/16hp, 1,760 rpm, 1-phase; misc. used
degree hopper. VGC! $3,950. New Paris grader. Berne, Indiana 260-589-2080 elec. motors. New Paris 937-533-7456
28L26 TIRE: 30%. $75. Elida
937-533-7456 419-302-0267
GREAT BUY! 2-for 1! Two Meter Radios FRONT TRACTOR Tires & Rims: Sizes
(283) 3rd CUTTING Mixed Hay: Alfalfa, (Kenwood). Power Packs (Pyramind Gold 15/16/18. Wagon tire & 6-lug rim. Sizes
Series). Power Meter (Daiwa). $300. New (4) ANGUS/Gelbvieh Feeder Calves: 625
clover, orchardgrass. $5.45/bale. Brad- lb.-plus avg. weight. $1.22/lb. Bradford 15/16. Good. Used. Wapakoneta
ford 937-448-2439 Carlisle 937-902-2294 (cell) or 937-596-5841
937-902-2295 937-448-2439
WANTED TO BUY: 7.00 or 8.00 x 145 72 AC TRACTOR: #200. With cab.
8-ply or heavy trailer tires. Jackson Cen- $5,900. Lima 419-233-4286
ter 937-638-1414 (cell) SEWING MACHINES: Portables & all
WHITE DSL. 6 Cyl. Engine: 750 hour. models. Brookville 937-475-3526
$1,000. Runs great. Wapakoneta 6-ROW WHITE 6100 bean planter
567-356-7235 w/7-row splitter. $12,500. Ft. Recovery
" PLASTIC PALLETS: For indoor or out- 419-852-7056

# # door use. $5. New Paris 937-533-7456 MF 880. 518 trip back plow w/harrow.
CLUTCH ASSIST for tractors w/o live Tipp City 937-667-3778
power. Great for bushhogging! $75. 61 24 TRAILER: House trailer frame. Bad
Harmony acoustic guitar. GC! $200. floor. Used to haul hay. $100. Pleasant
Brookville 937-687-2235 Hill 937-676-2089

GET READY for Summer! Canning jars. LEON SILAGE BLADE: 14 ft. Have
Quarts, $5/doz. Pints, $4/doz. New bracket to fit Case IH 275, 305, 335, 290,
Carlisle 937-902-2294 (cell) or 315, 340. $12,900. Ft. Recovery
937-902-2295 419-852-2608
ing & spreading available. Versailles 937-473-5121
937-417-4137 or 937-564-3399
(200) 4x5 ROUND BALES Wheat Straw:
USED GARAGE DOOR OPENER: Late Sidney 937-726-8178

model. Sidney 937-295-3553

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STIHL CHAINSAW: Model #360, w/extra (60) LARGE, square bales of wheat 76 FORD F250 4x4 Pick-Up: Less than
chains. VGC! $380. New Lebanon straw. $115/ton. St. Henry 419-852-8903
100K mi. $5,500. Lima 419-233-4286
AC 6060 TRACTOR w/front wheel assist.
SALES & SERVICING 7x14 HAY WAGON w/sideboards. New New rubber. EC! Lewisburg
FORD Tractor HD Bumper: Red. VGC!
New Lebanon 937-687-2334
Post Driving Split Rail Vinyl floor. Pulls good. $700. Arcanum 937-533-1240 or 937-533-1241
937-902-0031 FLOOR MODEL Drill Press: Works good.
Board Fence High Tensile CARGO VAN: 98 Chevy Express. $190. St. Henry 419-852-8903
Electric Chain Link Max-Flex 16 SITREX QR12 12-wheel rake. 22 Extended. 3500 Series. High miles. Fair
raking width. With kicker. $7,695. Call body. Runs great. $1,200 OBO. New 32 ALUM. LADDER w/jacks; 30 gal.
WESTERN OHIO FENCE North Star Implements, 419-336-7361 Carlisle 937-925-0177 sprayer w/trailer; 200-300 old bricks; 6
jointer; 6 or 8 concrete blocks. Covington
& SUPPLY KILLBROS 250 bu. hopper wagon. Min- (6) GOLDEN COMETS & (5) Araucanas. 937-473-3792
5410 N. County Rd. 25-A, Piqua, OH ster 419-628-2101 Laying now. Will sell all for $25. Xenia
937-901-9350 PLOWS: 588 White, 5 or 6 btm. 18; MM
(937) 773-0215 NH 469 & 489 HAYBINES: Both in good 4 or 5 btm., semi-mount; MM 3 or 4 btm.,
working cond. $1,200$2,200. Rushsyl- KILLBROS 350 wagon w/tarp & 11.15 pull-type. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841
vania 937-468-2439 tires. With or without Killbros hyd. seed
auger. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841 NH SNOWBLOWER: Model #74CSR.
45-50# BALES OF LONG STRAW: $4/ PTO driven. $1,750. Anna 937-726-3885
bale. Quantity discount for orders over AGCO 14 KW Generator: PTO driven.
200 bales. St. Paris 937-605-6629 $1,200. Anna 937-726-3885 14 SUNFLOWER 4511 9-shank disk
chisel. Still has orig. points on it. $27,900.
Ft. Recovery 419-852-2608


makes & models. Early 70s & older.
Control DeGraff 937-585-9904
6620 TITAN II Combine: 3,812 hrs. With
Better Seed 918 GH. EC! Pictures available. Very
nice. $13,500. Arcanum 937-423-1100
Spacing (24) CAST IRON press wheels; CIH
Better Results 6-row cult.; Brillion 12-row cult.; JD 30
rotary hoe. Celina 419-953-2324
Get all three from: IH 10 WHEEL DISK, $700; JD 3 btm.
plow, 3 pt. hitch, $500. Greenville
Kiln Dried Livestock Bedding Greg Bridenbaugh 937-232-7380
Homestead Quality Livestock Bedding 4045 S. Davis Rd., West Milton 08 CASE IH Puma Pro 155: MFWD,
proudly offers the highest quality livestock bedding 4,000 hrs., 18.4x42 w/duals, 3 remotes, 3
937-698-6030 pt. hitch, buddy seat. Well maintained.
available in 120 cubic yard semi load quantities. 937-546-6126 $59,000. Urbana 937-605-6166
Ideal for: Turkeys, Calves, Steers, Dairy, Horses & Ducks
NH 1411 DISCBINE: $7,500; 03 Case IH
A family owned and locally operated business Seed Meter DCX 101 discbine, $9,900. Both field
ready. Rushsylvania 937-468-2439
Contact Wade Kohler, Ft Recovery (260) 729-2658 Calibration
SMALL BALES of alfalfa / orchardgrass
Were your authorized mix. Small bales of straw. Round bales of
MeterMax* System repre- straw. Versailles 937-423-2379
sentative. We can inspect, STRAW: Approx. 300 bales. $3/bale.
clean, recondition and Greenville 937-232-7380
precision calibrate your (19) HOLSTEIN STEERS: 200 lbs.
Weaned. Castrated. De-horned. On full
seed meter to eliminate feed. $245/head OBO. Arcanum
skips, doubles and costly 937-621-0430
spacing errors. E-Set for KOOIMA ADAPTER for Claas chopper,
J.D. vacuum planter avail- to make earlage. Fits 492 & 494 Series
choppers & JD & Case IH corn heads.
able. Call for information. $6,900. Ft. Recovery 419-852-2608
GEHL 1540 Vortex silage blower. EC! Ft.
Loramie 419-953-2574
WANTED: 7.50x15 bud wheels, 6-lug.
Fountain City, Indiana 765-847-2355
HELP WANTED: Part-time or full-time
positions available on dairy & crop farm.
Versailles 937-423-1154
FARM FANS Grain Dryer: CF 225. Sin-
gle-phase. LP gas. EC! Portland, Indiana
JD 920F grain platform with SCH cutter
bar. GC! $6,000. Maplewood
JD 9 Side Delivery Hay Rake: Repaint-
ed. Great cond. Arcanum 937-621-0430
WANTED: Dropped deer antlers. Coving-
ton 937-573-8877

Experience the Horse World

NI 5209 DISCBINE; (1) round bale feed-
er; (1) big, square bale feeder; 12
2-wheel load chute for cattle or swine.
Celina 419-953-2324

Up Close & Personal at Equine Affaire EGG CARTONS: Cleaned. Used. One
dozen size. Best offer. Arcanum
It doesnt matter whether you have only a budding interest in horses or youre a seasoned veteran of
the horse world, your destination of choice this April will be Equine Affaire in Columbus. The 2017 IH #10 18-hole grain drill w/double disc
openers & grass seeders. EC! $1,500.
Equine Affaire will take place April 6-9 at the Ohio Expo Center and offer what Equine Affaire has 14 hay wagon, $500. Rushsylvania
become famous for fabulous horses, phenomenal opportunities, and unforgettable experiences. 937-468-2439
Horse people from throughout the country will convene at the 55th Equine Affaire for their spring-
time dose of all things equine and to share their passion for horses with family and friends throughout OPEN HEIFERS: Born spring 16.
Angus, Maine, Simmental cross. Sired
the four days of the event. With an educational program that is second-to-none, the largest horse-related A.I. & from reg. Angus herd bull. J&J
trade show in this hemisphere, top equine entertainment and competition, and endless opportunities to Ranch, Ft. Loramie 937-295-3942
experience, buy, and sell horses of all types, Equine Affaire is where you see, feel, touch, compare, try
on, experience, and smell the horse world in person . . . and in horse. SEMI TRAILER TIRE: New 11R 24.5 tire.
$300. Piqua 937-570-5201
At the heart of Equine Affaire is an educational program designed to help horsemen of all riding and
driving persuasions reach their equestrian goals at home, on the trail, or in a competitive arena. Hundreds CORN FODDER BALES: 4x5. $25 ea.
of clinics, seminars, and demos by many of the foremost trainers, coaches, competitors, judges, TV per- Celina 419-925-4616 or 419-733-7325
sonalities, and industry professionals will be presented in seven venuesso a little advance planning will STRAW: $3/bale. Easy loading. Ft.
be required to know just what to do and when. Clinic topics will cover the gamut from the English dis- Loramie 937-295-2293
ciplines of dressage, jumping, eventing, driving, English pleasure, and hunter under saddle through the
40 METAL Light Pole: $90. Clarksville
western sports of cutting, reining, western pleasure, barrel racing, and trail. 937-603-8585
If youre inclined to do more than just watch clinics at Equine Affaireyou and your horse can also
participate. Through Equine Affaires Ride With The Best program you can receive individual instruc- FULL-SIZE BDRM. SUITE: Brookville
tion from or have your horse trained by one of the top clinicians at the event for a very reasonable clin- 937-475-3526
ic fee that includes stabling and event admission. The deadline to apply to participate is February 15, KILLBROS 10-ton running gear w/20
so check out all of the great clinicians and clinic opportunities at flatbed. $1,200. Ft. Recovery
If youve never ridden a horse or havent ridden in a long time, youll have an opportunity to connect 419-852-7056
or reconnect with horses this April. Equine Affaire is partnering with the American Horse Councils Time ATTACH-O-MATIC Quick Hitches: 3 sets.
to Ride program to provide opportunities for new and aspiring horse lovers to have their first encounter 40 locking & 32 non-locking heifer stan-
with a horseto learn about the basics of horses, horse care, horsemanship, and to actually ride a horse chions. 12 sets galv. calf bucket holders.
for the first time. Representatives of area horse farms and trainers affiliated with the Time to Ride pro- Celina 419-953-2324
gram will provide instruction and seasoned lesson horses for first-time and returning riders who sign up LOOKING FOR FARMGROUND to lease
to ride. New riders and horse owners of all ages may also acquire basic horse and horsemanship exper- or rent. New Lebanon & surrounding
tise through demos, video presentations, interactive exhibits, and special activities at Equine Affaires areas. 937-903-4319
Equine Fundamentals Forum.
ALUM. Feed Trough: 10 long. Good for
Of course, the focus of any horse fest is obviously the horses, and youll find plenty of ways to dis- cattle. Tipp City 937-667-3778
cover and appreciate the amazing diversity of the horse world in the Breed Pavilion, Horse & Farm
Exhibits, and breed demos throughout the weekend. Get up close and personal with equines from minia- 98 2344 CASE IH Combine: EC! For
tures to drafts, gaited to easy gaited breeds, and stock horses to sport horses. Representatives of dozens information, call Portland, Indiana
of horse, pony, color, and breed associations and registries will be on hand to answer your questions and
share their exceptional horses with you. (4) 18.4x34 TRACTOR tires, tubes, &
Equine Affaires ultimate test of horsemanship, the Versatile Horse & Rider Competition, will once rims. Make offer. Arcanum 937-459-0340
again be an entertaining as well as educational part of the event. Up to 25 pre-selected horse and rider 255 MF TRACTOR with Bush Hog &
teams will race through a challenging obstacle course in the coliseum on Friday, April 7, in pursuit of Scraper Blade. $6,800. Greenville
$5,500 and the coveted title of Versatile Horse & Rider Competition Champion. The VHRC is open to 937-232-7380
adult riders of all disciplines and horses of all breeds and has evolved over the years into one of the most FREEZER BEEF: Covington
popular features of Equine Affaire. Put your skills to the test, or come and cheer on your favorite con- 937-473-5121
testants in this exciting, fast-paced event! The deadline to apply to compete is February 15.
At the end of a great day of learning and shopping at Equine Affaire there can be nothing more grat- (150) SMALL, SQUARE 3rd cutting alfal-
fa orchardgrass. Sidney 937-726-8178
ifying than settling into a seat to enjoy the very best in equine entertainmentand you can do that at the
Fantasia, Equine Affaires magical and musical celebration of the horse. The Fantasia, sponsored by YEARLING Angus Bull: Born Dec. 15.
Absorbine, will take place at 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday in the coliseum and offer unforgettable per- Riveracres Stock Farm, St. Marys
formances by some of the foremost equine and equestrian entertainers in the country, including Guy 419-560-2028
McLean, Bobby Kerr, Matt McLaughlin, and Dan James. The Fantasia will take you on a journey through 250 BU. HOPPER WAGON: GC! $750.
various disciplines and breeds and quickly remind you why we find horses so enchanting. Advance tick- Arcanum 937-902-0031
ets are on sale through March 30. TREE TOPS for Firewood: Make offer.
Theres shopping onlineand then theres SHOPPING at Equine Affaire! At the largest horse-relat- Minster 419-628-2101
ed trade show in North America youll be able to see, touch, try on and compare everything you and your
horse need and some things youll discover you simply must have! With large super stores to H&S 10-wheel hay rake. LN! $3,900.
Case IH 8465 round baler. Net or twine
wander, hundreds of exhibit booths, and acres of trade show to cover, youll want to review the vendor wrap. EC! $9,900. Rushsylvania
list online in advance before shopping in person at the show. You can also plan to find bargains on qual- 937-468-2439
ity horse-related items including tack, training equipment, and riding apparel for sale on consignment at
The Marketplace, conveniently located this year in the Voinovich Livestock & Trade Center. 2-WHEEL feed trailer w/sideboards &
roll-top cover. $190. St. Henry
Visit, click on the Ohio event, and follow the links to detailed information on 419-852-8903
everything that Equine Affaire has to offerand everything you need to know to attend and/or partici-
pate in the event. Or call our helpful staff of dedicated horse people at (740) 845-0085 from 9:00-5:00 TRAXXAS SPARTON VXL-65 Boat: (2)
ET for personal assistance. Get together with your family and horse-loving friends to make a weekend 5400 11.1V batteries. Onyx 245 AC/DC
dual balancing charger. Very fast. Used
of Equine Affaire and share your passion for horses at North Americas premiere equine exposition and very little. $475. Cambridge City, Indiana
equestrian gathering! 317-509-3248


841 St. Rt. 29, Celina, Ohio 419-942-1456

Parts Department
Body Shop
Frame & Alignment
FOR SALE: Cub Cadet Z Force 48FAB
zero-turn mower. 48 deck. $1,599. Maria
Stein 419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823
KILLBROS Grain Cart: Model 490. With
sideboards & tarp. EC! Lewisburg LIVESTOCK Bulk Bins: 23 ton, $690; 4
937-533-1240 or 937-533-1241 ton, $390; 2-1/2 ton, $290. Ft. Recovery
GRAPPLE: 7 ft. Blue Diamond. Heavy-
duty. Fits JD 500 Series loader. New.
$2,100 OBO. New Carlisle 937-925-0177
(4) COKER Redline Radials: Off 67
Vette. 7.75x15. $200. Xenia
PREMIUM QUALITY timothy orchard-
' % ( ! % 87
grass hay. 2nd cutting. Firm, small,
837 0090 ,098 &<97: #$ ")! %
square bales. Middletown 317-432-0179
;455 ! !
HAY: Grass. Horse quality. No rain. Small 189 68 &' -4 # 3&)*5
squares. $4-$5/bale. Conover &' -4 # 3&)*5
937-609-7930 47-7.472 -4 # 3&)*5
! " -4 # * ;)53 39*5
20 CANOE: Needs repairs. Covington *9 300&2) -4 # 5327 0&)*
937-473-3792 87 , , -4 # 3&)*5 39*5
, -4 # 3&)*5 39*5
16 FLAT WAGON w/hoist & grain sides.
$950. Tandem axle trailer w/550 gal. poly %# #$ ! 87 !
tank. $800. Lima 419-233-4286 0994: 40:05 ,098 &<97: 47 .7(- !239'039*5 +7 ;) -87*
-7/ 8/05: +7 3&)*5 0&)*
MODEL A Radiator Outer Shell: $50. New 47 +7 #33)6 586-'800 37&5; 877*5
Lebanon 937-687-2334 #5<: 47 +7 #33)6 3: 0&)*
10-WHEEL in-line break w/wind guards 189 68 < !239'0&)* +35
on wheels. Breaking w/controlled hydro. 47-7.472 " #
EC! $1,490. St. Henry 419-852-8903 *&5(&7 < -4 32)& !
FREE FIREWOOD: Tree tops to make for
%# '+ "!
% !"
firewood. Oak & other hardwoods. Anna
419-628-0031 % -4 "9**06
*55.6 % -4 < %*53 "852 .*6*0 <
REAR TRACTOR TIRES: Rim sizes: *55.6 % -4 < % %*53 "852 &9 <
24/30/34/36/38. Good used. LN! *55.6 % < 5327 %" 5327 39*5 ! <
Wapakoneta 937-596-5841 *55.6 ! % -4 < 8670*5 %*53 "852 -4 &9 <
*55.6 ! % -4 < ! ! % %*53 "852 -4 <
WANTED: Used carports. Anna *55.6 ! % < ! ! % %*53 "852 -4 <
937-726-3885 !!" %*53 "852 -4 <
*55.6 < 311*5(.&0 #&0/ 9.7- !80/;
both sides. Works great! $300. Pleasant =;45 87 $ ! !
$ -4 < &,
Hill 937-676-2089
" ! $ $ &5)*2 "5&(735 -4 <
TRACTOR PARTS FOR SALE: Many * * 89 * &9-.;89: $ &5)*2 "5&(735 < 9 &,,*5
makes & models. Early 70s & older. 189 68 87 * :0940: $ &92 "5&(735 < 39*5 !7**5
DeGraff 937-585-9904 $ &92 "5&(735 < &, !239'039*5
% ( '#
&" $ -4 < # !7**5
96 MERCURY SABLE: 180K mi. $1,500. =;45 $ &92 "5&(735 < 80(- 39*5
00 Mercury Sable, 111K mi. $1,500. -7/ 189 68 !.140.(.7; &92 "5&(735 -4 <
Greenville 937-232-7380
*'( ) 68 " !
ANTIQUE Oliver bulldozer parts. Late 35 *'( 4 ) 1986 68
. &735 814 .2*5 586- 8&5)
to 43. Has no motor. Clarksville *'( 4 % ) #-::07209 68
. &735 : &'
937-603-8585 *'( 4 ) 1986 68
"$ $ &735 39*5 814 &'
*'( 4 % ) #-::07209 68
86 FORD E250 Ext. Van: 7 or 9 passen- " $( (* %& ' %( % ' "% ' %% & ! ! ! & # (& #%" " "% "!&( % (& ""! +& "% ' & '"% # * !'& & "% "!' & ! ! ( & ")! # * !'
ger. EC! No rust. Extra seats & swivels.
New Madison 937-423-7014
71 JD 3020D: Ser. #154.080. 1,655 hrs.
71hp. Wide Syncro 8F2R. 15.5x38 front
weights. Second owner. Retiring hobby
farmer. $12,500 OBO. South Charleston +&.0/( +-- ( .+-) 0* " 300,7+--) )8 )'&/0/
! $
#+)8 63 26+1.)/5 &5 888 '00/)4 64
FOR SALE: Claas 4000 Disco 3 pt. disc WANTED TO BUY: Ear corn. Casstown
mower. 12-1/2 ft. Maria Stein 937-857-9451
419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823
CHOICE: Fulton, Red Chief, Black Hawk
SEASONED FIREWOOD: Ft. Loramie hand-crank box-type corn shellers. $50.
937-295-2338 Versailles 937-548-8391
(2) KILLBROS 400 center dump hopper IH WHEEL WEIGHTS: Full round & half
wagons. $3,000 ea. or both for $5,750. round sets. $80/set. St. Paris
Anna 937-538-1680 937-663-0374
SERIES III 8210 Ford Tractor: Front MEDIUM Red Clover Seed: Cleaned. In
wheel assist. Heavy-duty front end 60 lb. bags. $120/bu. Haviland
loader. Cab-heat-air. New complete 419-513-0250 or 419-587-3388
engine rebuilt. Professionally done. Two
sets of hyd. remote. 540 & 1,000 PTO. WHEAT STRAW: Big, square bales.
Make offer or trade. Franklin Stored inside. Versailles 937-423-5404
937-474-9899 FOR SALE: 806 Diesel. Houston
STRAW: Twine-tied, small, square bales. 937-773-7945
$2/bale. Delphos 419-303-8474 WANTED TO RENT: Barn space in
CLOVER SEED: Professionally cleaned Arcanum & New Madison area. Small
& bagged. In bushel bags. Versailles equipment storage and/or mow space.
937-621-0229 Arcanum 937-621-0430

!,) %4(9%4) 624) #-6, 2 7', 24)

,%8-1+5 7: $274 91
%9(756 423%1) !%1.
! %8) 21):
! 120 gal. $450 Propane
! 250 gal. $550
330 gal. $625
500 gal. $850
1,000 gal. $1,700 Service

22.-1+ *249%4( 62 (2-1+ &75-1)55 9-6, :27 -1 6,) )9 $)%4

! 7'.
! "

< **-'-)16
< "5)4 4-)1(/:

%40 %6)5 ))()45

= #) 62'. = %/) 3)%45 %//)6 24.5

423%1) /)'64-'
%1( )425)1)
)%6)45 8%-/%&/)

2 ( )//) )16)4 <

2745 21(%: 4-(%: %674(%: /25)( 71(%:5
%48-1 2&/)16; 91)4 3)4%624

"%#$ %) . ( *!$

For information, call

- "*+,)"* / %!&% %)&'"*

Equipment Repair & Modification

Restoration, Painting and more
Grasshopper Mower Sales & Service Grasshopper Parts
After-Market Tractor & Equipment Parts
Mobile Unit for On-Site Welding or Repairs

LOOKING FOR big, square bales of

straw, out of field, for 17. St. Paris FOR SALE: Gehl 5640 Skid Steer cab
'*8*3 4=562 -=4< *:5.:; 937-206-4681
with heat. Very good cond. $18,500.
Maria Stein 419-925-4526 or
# $B# INT. W-9: 52. Live hyd. Like new 18.4x34
tires. Runs very good. Show quality paint.
$4,900. St. Paris 937-663-0374
JOHN DEERE 1937 Unstyled B tractor.
# $%" ( !" *5 BUSH HOG ATH720 Finish Mower: LN!
Fully restored. Round spoke rear wheels.
New Firestone tires all around. Very nice
#*4. ?244 +.026 *< *5 *6- ?244 ;842< *< *5 ;.44260 +7<1 4*:0. *6- $1,400. New Madison 937-423-7014 cond. Asking $6,200. Hamilton
;5*44 2<.5; < <774; 4*?6 57?.:; .<, ?244 +. ;74- $:*,<7:; 513-726-4736
CLOVER SEED Cleaned & Debucked: 1
,75+26.; <7 +. ;74- *< 85 :260; ;25=4<*6.7=;4@ =6<24 /262;1.- bu. bags. Ft. Loramie 937-295-2338 TW25 FORD: 150hp. Triple hydro. Dual
7 <2<4. >.12,4.; ?244 +. ;74- PTO. 1,900 hours. Cab-heat-air. $14,000
# * &%*! % 0&,) &.% (,!'$ %+ .!+ + &##&.!% ' &'# USED GARAGE DOOR OPENER: Late OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
model. Sidney 937-295-3553
"76 :7?6 *5 85 7: */<.: 85 CHAINSAW SCULPTURES: Stumps in
1:2; $=:6.: */<.: 85 WORK WANTED: Retired & looking for your yard or items on display. dklchain-
$7-- !4*,. harvest or spring planting. Miami, Darke 765-977-4563 or
& surrounding counties. Experienced 937-839-4183. Photos on facebook. See
" (B # "#B " ##%" B B & "$ # w/farm equipment. Vincent, Covington Dayle Keith Lewis.
" B$ # # $ # MORITZ 20+5 tandem-axle dual wheel
&$$!**!&% &$$!**!&% CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Truck- trailer. Less than 6K miles. Always shed-
ing & spreading available. Versailles ded. Dual 2-spd. jacks. One owner.
,0 " ,0 "
937-417-4137 or 937-564-3399 $7,300. Casstown 937-689-0344
!%!$,$ &$$!**!&% !%!$,$ &$$!**!&%
/!$,$ &$$!**!&% B /!$,$ &$$!**!&% CLEAN, BRIGHT WHEAT STRAW: 79 INT. Grain Truck: Tandem 18 bed.
Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy Gas engine. 5 & 4 spd. 01 Mack 612 sin-
+ $* )!% !% # ** + % $!%!$,$ &$$!**!&% .!## &%*! ) &% +!&% loading or delivery available. West Milton gle-axle, 330hp, 10 spd. Conover
% ++ $'+ +& # % ,' + * # (, #!+0 + ) .!## $ /!$,$ & !+ $* ' ) ,* 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 937-658-1204
+&$ ) ,%# ** !- % *' ! # ' )$!**!&% 0 ) )&.% ) # &) ) ,)% )
CHAINSAW SCULPTURES: Stumps in HIGH QUALITY Alfalfa Hay: 1st to 5th
9=285.6< ?244 +. <*3.6 *:,1 /:75 85 your yard or items on display. dklchain- cuttings. Big, square bales. Versailles
=6<24 85 *6-B76 *:,1 /:75 *5 =6<24 85 765-977-4563 or 937-417-7677
937-839-4183. Photos on facebook. See
# .!## $ % % &% , + 0+ %%!* & # ) , +!&% )-! Dayle Keith Lewis. SEASONED FIREWOOD: All hardwood.
% # ++ % ) B " " % # $120/cord. Greenville 937-548-0533
GRIST MILL: Hand-crank. $125. With
& **,) & - )+!*!% *,) +& $ " &%+ + 0 ) + stand, $150. Versailles 937-548-8391 2-ROW corn head & chopper for E
# '&%*&) 0 Gleaner combine. Sidney 937-492-2845
53 INT. SuW4: Restored. Show quality
B & #B #%" B B B #%" B " %! paint. Runs like new. Like new tires. NEW HOLLAND 1220: 18 hp. With snow
Everything works. $4,800. St. Paris blade & belly mower. Great shape!
A *:5 6;=:*6,. =: #8.,2*4<@ Franklin 937-474-9899
FIELD FENCE: 2 rolls. 14 ga. 4x50 ft.
New, never unrolled. $45 ea. New Paris
(7) MF Suitcase Weights: 80 lbs. ea.
$350 for all. Maplewood 937-492-8246
3 PT. BRADCO Backhoe: Model 485. 12
& 24 buckets. LN! Used 200 hrs. $7,000.
Waynesville 937-287-3374
8x51 PTO Cardinal transport auger. EC!
$300. St. Henry 419-678-3659
STRAW: Small, square bales. Delivery
available. $3/bale. Botkins 937-693-2384
LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to cut & split !
wood on shares. 30+ ash trees. Dead.
Easy access. Splitter on premises. Half !
down. Piqua 937-773-0250
WHITE 6100 Row Units: (8) 6100 White !
row units. GC! $450 per unit. New Bre-
men 567-644-8546
WANTED: Canning jars; crocks; butcher- !
ing kettle; sausage stuffer; meat grinder;
hand tools. Jake E.S. Schwartz, 5350S
525E, Berne, IN 46711
BRADY 14 field cult., $500. JD round !
baler. Model 500. Needs work. $1,000. !
Sidney 937-492-8705
IHC 15 Cultimulcher: Good tires & cyl.
Rear hitch. Barn-kept. $2,500. Maple-
wood 937-492-8246
(2) JACK STANDS: Thick metal. $15 ea.
Office chair on rollers. GC! $20. New
Paris 937-248-5953
08 FRONT LOAD Frigidaire washer &
dryer w/pedestals. EC! Paid $2,408 new.
Asking $500 OBO. Camden
ONE PAIR 16.9-38 Tires: 8-ply. 95%
tread. Kelly Springfield. VGC! $1,200.
Casstown 937-689-0344
BOBCAT BACKHOE for skidloader.
Model 709. With 12 & 16 buckets.
$3,800. Greenville 937-417-2469
MINI. 1/2 JERSEY1/2 Dexter breed
heifer. Make nice family milk cow. 20
mos. old. Mini. Jersey heifer. 6 mos. old.
Elam E. Wickey, 4373 E100 S, Monroe,
IN 46772
860 FORD TRACTOR: One owner. Very
sound. Good rubber. $3,000 OBO or
trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
30 GREAT PLAINS Drill: Solid stand.
$3,800. 77 Oliver. Ready to be restored.
NH folding disk 226 heavy-duty front
rock flex. West Alexandria 937-839-4071
WANTED: Katahdin ewe lambs. Sidney
FORD 4000: Gas. With new engine over-
haul. 67 flat deck. Nicest around! New
paint. $7,000 OBO or trade. Franklin
WHEAT STRAW: 3x3x7 bales. Nice,
bright straw. Baled in 16. Easy access.
Delivery available. Versailles
SKID STEER Rock Hound, $2,950; MQ
180 gas welder/generator, $1,250; hay
wagon / NH gear, $900; Troy-Bilt tiller,
$175; JD lawn vac w/engine, $500. Yel-
low Springs 937-572-5486

! $ " #
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$ & %& ,!( . +++ &#'(&%$ - & )"! %#
%$ . ,
( #$ & !$ % #$ $ $
(! $ #% ' #$ # $$ $ $% # #%$
# $ ! &# # %% #( # #$
$ & "& ! %
! ! %

JD A: 38. Older restoration. Cast wheels FORD 5600: Diesel. With roll bar &
on rear. $2,000. Maplewood canopy. Dual power. Good rubber. Very
PRE-CONDITIONED 937-935-2003 well cared for. Franklin 937-474-9899

FEEDER CATTLE JD 4630: Syncro range. Very good tires.

Duals. 3 remotes. Cold A/C. Runs well.
NEW JOHN DEERE 1023E with 4x4 &
loader. 3 pt. hitch & weight box. Franklin
GC! $11,500. Piqua 937-214-1961 937-474-9899
FOR SALE: Cub Cadet Z Force 48S STRAW: 4x5 round bales. Net-wrapped.
zero-turn mower with steering wheel. 48 Stored inside. Delivery available.
deck. $1,999. Maria Stein 419-925-4526 Wapakoneta 937-210-0349
or 419-733-1823
SCHLAGEL Posi-Closing Wheels: New
18.4x38 AXLE-Mount Duals: 85% tread. price: $175/pair. Used price: $120/pair.
Hubs. Came off Case IH 5250. Will fit VGC! (8) pairs available. Lewistown
AGLER LIVESTOCK tractor w/comparable axle. $1,850 OBO. 937-210-0349
Lewistown 937-210-0349
FOLEY GRINDER: Model 310. New,
81 110 HONDA 3-Wheeler: EC! $500. never used. Approx. $4,500 value. Asking
Maplewood 937-935-2003 $1,000. Greenville 937-417-2469

Our name says it all!
937-456-4672 456-4673 Fax 456-1523 Home Farm Auto
723 Yost Rd. West Alexandria, Ohio
7:30 AM TO 5 PM M-F, 8-12 SAT.
Distributors of...
Ads Pipe
208 West Spring Street
Hancor Pipe
New Knoxville, OH 45871
Snyder Tanks
(419) 753-2575
Septic - Cistern
300-1500 gal.
Leaching Systems
& Metal Culvert

ONE OWNER 99 Ford F-250: 7.3 dsl. ASH FIREWOOD: Cut & split. 18 to 20 in.
Ext. cab. 8 bed w/liner. Gooseneck hitch. long. $80/cord. Versailles 937-548-8391
Low mi. Excep. cond. $13,900. Casstown ESTABLISHED IN 1971
WANTED: Horse-drawn manure spread-
JD 350 Cycle Bar 3 Point Mower: 9 ft.
er; hay mower; plow; & such. Also, Jack
Russell or Rat Terrier female. Jake E.S.
bar. GC! $1,100. Maplewood Schwartz, 5350S525E, Berne, IN
937-492-8246 46711
MAGNAVOX TV: 60 screen. Great for SMALL, SQUARE Bales Grass Hay: Very
rec room! VGC. $100. New Paris good, heavy bales. $4/bale. Sidney
937-248-5953 937-492-2845
FORD 4000: 64. With Select-O-Speed 12 KEYSTONE VANTAGE 32FL5:
transmission. Good engine. Needs over- Bumper pull. One slide-out. EC! Queen
hauled. Franklin 937-474-9899 bed. Stainless steel appliances. Sofa
w/air bed. LN! $18,000. Cambridge City,
WANTED: Farmland to rent or buy. 30 mi. Indiana. 317-509-3248
radius of Greenville. 937-423-4967 or

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page 30 - COUnTRY LIVInG - FeBRUARY 2017
SEVERAL BOBCAT tires & some mount- TRUCKING POSITION AVAILABLE SPRAYER: Schaber 8500. 10. 1,000 gal.
tank. 90 boom. $15,000. Bradford
ANTIQUE steel-wheeled walk behind
1-row cult.; saddle tanks w/brackets, 400
ed on wheels. New & used. Franklin GRAIN HAULING
937-474-9899 Send resum to: 937-469-2781 gal. capacity. Pleasant Hill 937-216-4784
WANTED: T.E. Booher & Sons large A.M. KnApKe TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge sav- (2) HORSE Trailer Axles: $200 OBO.
3-ring binder w/merchandise literature in 7688 Arcanum-Bears Mill Rd. ings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20 Russia 937-295-2855
it. West Chester 513-755-7328 Greenville, OH 45331 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Rus-
sia 937-238-6661 JD X700 MOWER: 54 deck. 560 hrs.
89 DODGE 1-ton dually pick-up. Needs FORKS FOR FORKLIFTS: 36, 42 & 45 in. Nice! $4,900. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or
trans. 90 Dodge 1-ton dually flatbed. $200 for 48 in. Hyd. cyl., 8 in.30 in. (2) FORD TRACTORS: 54. NAA. VGC! 937-238-7901
Needs trans. (6) 3/4 hp 3 flex auger stroke. 2-4 in. diam. Wood splitter cyl. One w/new tires. One changed to 12-volt.
motors w/gear boxes. Greenville $150. Rossburg 937-417-2219 Take pick. $2,000. New Bremen FLATBED Gooseneck Trailer: 15 + 5
937-423-4967 or 937-547-1767 419-629-3510 beavertail & ramps. Dual wheel. Tandem.
JOHN DEERE 855: 30hp. 4x4 & loader Eaton 937-456-2150
CASE IH 5100 grain drill w/cultiplanter. with belly mower. Great shape! Franklin 18 BALE KING wagon w/nice J&M gears.
EC! $4,200 OBO. Versailles 937-474-9899 $1,800 firm. 6-row Brillion cults. $400. HAY RAKE: H&S, 10-wheel, V-style,
419-303-8537 Houston 937-658-4742 (call/text) w/kicker wheel, hyd. fold. Used very little.
(2) HG NEWELL 506 Curtain Machines: Field ready. EC! $3,800. St. Paris
PONY SADDLE: EC! Black/red. $50. Greenville 937-423-4967 or ATLAS 7B 7 metal-working shaper. For 937-663-4503
Piqua 937-773-7371 937-547-1767 parts or restore. $75. Covington
937-473-2485 WELDER: Century, 230A, $150; Skid
FOR SALE: Lots of tractor parts. Mainly BIG ROUND BALES Grass Hay: Average Steer bale spear by Bradco, $450; boat
Ford. Franklin 937-474-9899 700 lbs. $34/bale. Sidney 937-492-2845 QUICK ATTACH rock bucket for skid- motor, 5.5hp Evinrude, $300; Chevy 350
FIREWOOD: Reg. size pick-up. Rounds, loader. 72 width. Used very little. $1,200. engine & trans., $500. Yellow Springs
SHAVER 10 post driver, $1,850; Skid New Paris 937-997-2384 937-572-5486
Steer pallet forks, 48 HD, JD brand, $50. Split, $60. Greenville 937-417-2469
$950; MF weights w/bracket for MF 275, CUSTOM-MADE leather harness, wal- (4) 11-22.5 IMPLEMENT TIRES: Off JD FIREPLACE SET: 5 pcs. Handmade from
$300. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 lets, checkbooks, belts, & more. D.J. 1790 planter. Main frame. Make good welded steel. New Carlisle 937-308-2909
Leather, 5350S525E, Berne, IN 46711 spares. Make offer. Ansonia
ALFALFA HAY: 600 bales 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 86 CHEVY C70 w/8.2 Detroit dsl. w/5
4th cuttings. Made with no rain. Small, NEW WALK-THRU gates for round pen spd. & 2 spd. rear. 14 bed, ps, 900x20
square bales. Good for horses or cows. or pasture. 4x8 ft. $70. Sidney POCKEY TABLE: 2-in-1. Air hockey/pool tires. Starts & runs great! $2,500. West
Russia 937-295-2855 937-492-8705 table. VGC! Complete w/all sticks, balls, Alexandria 937-902-9670
& pucks. $75. Venedocia 419-203-9014
HEAVY-DUTY 14-ply trailer tires. 91 JD 9500 Combine: Field ready. 4,300 ALL-PURPOSE Quality Trailers: Dump,
235/85R16. Lots of truck tires. New & engine hrs. 2,200 sep. hrs. 643 corn 4-H SHOW PIGS: Out of top sires. Cross- enclosed, landscape, equipment, live-
used. All different sizes. Franklin head. 215 grain table. Includes wagon- bred barrows & gilts. Vaccinated. $100 stock. Call 7 days for info. Pictures avail-
937-474-9899 type cart. $30,000. West Alexandria ea. Union City, Indiana 260-251-9660 able. Conover 937-362-2068
IH 18-1/2 field cult. & Hiniker 24 field cult. 937-902-9670 (call/text) PUREBRED Polled Hereford Yearling (3) EZ-TRAIL 9x18 kicker wagons; (2)
Both have hyd. fold & single-bar harrows. GEHL 95 feed grinder, $1,950; NH 850 Bull: Big & quiet. West Liberty 8x18 Bale King wagons; Int. 140
(4) anhydrous running gears. Collinsville round baler, EC, $2,950; 300 bu. DMI 937-465-7520 w/Woods belly mower, $2,200; (40)
513-523-9933 center dump hopper wagon, $2,750. school desks & (20) tables w/adj. legs.
WOODEN HAY WAGON: Great for hay, $10 ea. Russia 937-638-4212
12 FARMALL 140A Tractor: Front wheel Piqua 937-773-4016 straw, wood, etc. Always kept out of
assist. Cab. New radial tires & duals. 450 LARGE ASSORTMENT of Pax hog feed- weather. Greenville 937-417-2315 NH 570 Square Baler: 05. Made total of
hrs. $59,000. Springfield 937-964-1510 er parts. Lids, hinges, dividers, etc. West 13,500 bales. Hyd. tension. $13,500. Ver-
CIRCULAR SAW BLADES: (2) 14 in. & meer 505SI round baler, low bale count,
WESTFIELD 61x10 grain auger Milton 937-698-5240 (2) 16 in. 1 in. pilot hole. Used on large twine-tie. West Alexandria 937-260-9981
w/swing-away hopper. $2,200. Springfield DEUTZ ALLIS #9150 w/duals. Approx. radial arm saw. $55/entire lot. Troy
937-964-1510 4,900 hrs. Recent overhaul. Extra GC! 937-845-2122 or cell: 937-238-3992 3 PT. VIBRA-TINE Wak-A-Trac, $200; bin
$28,000. JD 1450 5-16 plow, $500. Rus- sweeps for 24 bin; 6x16 straight auger;
1st CUTTING alfalfa grass mixed hay; HAY: 3rd cutting wet hay. 4x4.5. Individu- 4x6 trailer, $125. Piqua 937-773-4016
18.4x34 dual rims & tires, rail clamps; sia 937-638-4212 ally wrapped. $50. 1st cutting wet hay,
split & seasoned all hardwood firewood. NI PULL-TYPE sickle mower, 7 ft., 5x4. Individually wrapped. $40. Feed STRAW: Round bales & big squares. 16.
Pleasant Hill 937-216-4784 mechanical lift; 30 ft. sprayer, 30 in. on value available. Bradford 937-469-2781 All stored inside. Clean & bright. Never
center tips, 500 gal. Pleasant Hill rained on. Lewistown 937-538-5351
(5) HEAD HOLSTEIN Feeder Calves: IH PLOW: #710, 4-16 semi-mounted, 3
Dehorned, castrated, vaccinated. Approx. 937-216-4784 pt., VGC, $650; JD plow, #2700, 5 btm., FORD 3 PT. mounted 2-14 plow. Throw
450-500 lbs. each. Market price. Piqua WALKER Floor Jack: 2-ton. Heavy-duty. 16 to 20 adj. $900. New Bremen away shears & coulters. Very nice! Asking
937-773-7371 4 base. Leaks oil. $25. Lewisburg 419-629-3510 $350. King Kutter 5 rotary mower. Asking
937-962-2364 $550. Hamilton 513-726-4736
(2) 72 CHEVY C50 Grain Trucks: 300 bu. FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-
DMI center-dump hopper beds. 350 FOR SALE: New Holland BR740A round fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 KINZE double frame 6-row no-till planter.
engine w/4 spd. Allison auto. 540 trans. baler. $14,900. Maria Stein 419-925-4526 Martin row cleaners & closers. Precision
900x20 tires. Power steering. $1,800 ea. 5,000 SMALL SQUARES of straw, $3/ corn & bean units. JD 200 radar popula-
or 419-733-1823 bale; 3x3x8 1st cutting alfalfa/grass, $160
West Alexandria 937-902-9670 (call/text) tion monitor. $6,000. West Alexandria
FREEZER BEEF Custom Processed by /ton. Houston 937-658-4742 (call/text) 937-902-9670
REMCO 3-phase converter w/400 amp Half or Quarter: Call for prices! Eaton
load panel. Used on grain drying system. WANTED: Farmground to rent in Darke & 95 GMC Cab Only: Great cond. IH 490
937-456-4803 surrounding counties. Paying $260-plus
$3,500 OBO. Lewistown 937-538-5351 32 disc. Needs repair. Collinsville
CORVAIR PARTS for 60-64 Cars: per acre. Greenville 937-547-0446 513-523-9933
NH 358 grinder mixer w/electronic scales. Doors, windshields, bumper. Troy
Badger 3,300 gal. liquid manure spread- STEEL TRACKS for Skidloader: GC! JD 5500W generator, elec. start, $900;
937-845-2122 or cell: 937-238-3992 Used about 100 hrs. Fits tire size
er. LN! Versailles 937-423-5379 High Boy sprayer dolly, $500; Barge
METAL-WORKING cross-slide table for 10.00x16.5. $1,100. New Paris Wagon body w/hoist, $500; bumper for
SEVERAL 5000 Ford Diesels: Best offer drill press or milling operation. Older. 937-997-2384 Ford 801 tractor, $150. Yellow Springs
or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 Heavy cast iron. $60. Covington 937-572-5486
CABELAS 2-Person Tent Cot: Retails at
FORD 961 Tractor: PS, 3 pt., Indepen- 937-473-2485 $380. See details & reviews on their web- S6031 TANK Cub Cadet zero-turn com-
dent PTO. Nice tires & paint. Always WANTED: Big Ford tractors. In any con- site. $175. Covington 937-473-2485 mercial mower w/steering wheel. 60
shedded. Asking $3,500. Hamilton dition, even burned or wrecked. Franklin deck. Maria Stein 419-925-4526 or
513-726-4736 IH 3 PT. BACKHOE: Model 3082. Series
937-474-9899 A. 15 bucket. VGC! No leaks. $2,500. 419-733-1823
JD GATORS! 2- or 4-wheel drive. Gas & JD X340 MOWER: 54 deck. 260 hrs. Venedocia 419-203-9014 JET POST DRIVER, $1,250; Woods
dsl. All run & look good. PIctures avail- GC! $3,250. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or RB8400 7 blade, $650; SS bucket, Kub-
able. Conover 937-362-2068 3rd CUTTING Mixed Hay: Minimum of 50
937-238-7901 bales. Will deliver within 35 mi. for $6/ ota, 72 in., $950; JD 953 wagon gear,
USED GARAGE DOOR OPENER: Late bale. Pequea 7 tedder fluffer, PTO drive. $650; Ford 800 hyd. lift cover, $650. Yel-
PUREBRED Polled Hereford Cow: With low Springs 937-572-5486
model. Sidney 937-295-3553 calf at side. West Liberty 937-465-7520 $1,400. West Alexandria 937-260-9981

North Hampton, Ohio 45349


Rebuilt Torques & Clutch Parts

Business Home
937 937-964-1629
964-1486 937-964-8914

EQUINOX LT Chevy 13 SUV: One FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-

owner. 38K mi. VGC. $15,500. 08 Chevy fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435
2500. reg. cab P/U. VGC. 130K mi.
$11,000. New Bremen 419-629-3510
WORK WANTED: Retired & looking for
harvest or spring planting. Miami, Darke
classified advertisers
NI V-10 pull-type wheel hay rake. VGC!
$3,000. New Paris 937-997-2384
& surrounding counties. Experienced
w/farm equipment. Vincent, Covington Please NOte
937-473-3958 Many of our customers wanting to repeat their ads from the previous month
06 BLACK FORD 150 Crew Cab: V8
eng. Spray-in liner. Tonneau cover. Rub- FRONT BUMPER (painted) for 73-87 simply call or write, saying Please pick up last months ads. Due to the large
ber in GC. Good, solid truck. Greenville GMC/Chevy C50 thru C70. $40. (2) used volume of ads we receive, the time factor in looking up these ads is prohibitive.
80K BTU oil furnaces. $50 ea. West
Chester 513-755-7328
When requesting your ads from a previous edition be repeated, please indicate
HOUSE: Logan Co. Three bdrms. the page number on which your ads were located. If mailing your request, its
Garage. Needs some work. 214 Jeffer- WILL RENT, rent to own, fix up country helpful if you would either cut out or copy the ads you wish to repeat.
son Ave., Quincy, Ohio. $25,000 OBO. house/mobile home. Miami, Shelby,
937-362-2068 Darke, or Auglaize Counties. Where dogs
are permitted. Russia 937-726-1649 or
900# ROLLER w/pillar bearings. Pull- 937-295-2855
type. New Carlisle 937-308-2909
46 KEWANEE elev.; J&M hopper wagon;
JD CAT. 3 Quick Hitch, $450; (150) big,
square bales clover hay; 79 Int. Scout
(250) Gerlach hopper wagon; NH 315
baler; JD 15 rotary hoe. Rossburg we
trailer. Fair cond. $1,000. Russia
937-621-1113 help
PALLETS of 2x4, 2x6, 2x8. All 38-1/2
16.9x38 T-RAIL DUALS; 6 Bush Hog; 2
btm. mtd. plow; 6 3 pt. scraper blade.
long. Used for temporary shelving. 110 Versailles 937-423-5379 who
gal. rectangular fuel tank. Never used.
$200. Piqua 937-773-4016 ANTIQUE wooden flop-over hay rake measure
INT. 1800 Grain Truck: Live tandem. 550
from the 1800s. Russia 937-526-3168
FIREPLACE Log Tender & Bellows: New
bu. bed. 68K orig. mi. $4,250. Greenville
937-547-0446 Carlisle 937-308-2909

ROUND BALER: NI 4845. 5x4 bales. Net CENTURY Pull-type Sprayer: 500 gal.
get results.
/twine. Controller. Sev. new bearings. tank. 45 booms. With 3 sect. electric con-
trol. EC! $1,650. Greenville Youve made enormous
Field ready. GC! $5,500. St. Paris
937-547-0446 investments in time, money
and inventory -- all intended
USED COMBINE Tires & Rims: 30x5.32 HAY RAKE: H&S, 10-wheel, V-style, to make you a profit.
Firestones, 12-ply. Mounted & selling as w/kicker wheel, hyd. fold. Used very little.
a unit. Spacers & belts. Off JD 9560. Field ready. EC! $3,800. St. Paris But now, you find yourself
Lewistown 937-538-5351 937-663-4503 asking: Is it all worth it?

NI 484 Round Baler: $2,000. Maria Stein SALFORD 18 I2118 RTS vertical tillage Its time to create a consistent,
419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823 tool. $33,500. Maria Stein 419-925-4526 customer-pulling ad campaign
or 419-733-1823 that gets results!
ROUTER TABLE w/router, fence. No bits.
$45. Troy 937-845-2122 or cell: TRANSPORT CHAIR: Used 3-4 times. Let us help you measure your
937-238-3992 Easy to push. $90 OBO. Ansonia current budget and marketing
937-564-8345 scheme... and turn it into one
83 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille: 13K mi.
Excep. cond. inside & out. $7,500 firm. 05 FORD Transtar pass. transit van. New that will get results fast!
West Liberty 937-465-7520 tires. Handicap lift. 114K mi. Runs good.
Needs brake lines. $2,500. Piqua
HARDWOOD FIREWOOD: Well sea- 937-214-1961
soned oak, hickory, ash, & elm. Split or arens corporation
small round pcs. Also, planer shavings for DECEMBER Tamworth Gilts: Registered PO Box 69 Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028
animal bedding. Ft. Loramie & vaccinated. Bulldozer & Oxbo. Nice
937-489-9949 females. For breeding or show. Union
City, Indiana 260-251-9660


BEDLINER from 14 Chevy Silverado 3 PAIR Bantam Black Mottled Cochins: COMPUTER DESK: Shelves by monitor. BIG DRILL PRESS: Very old, but very
Double Cab: LN! $100. WANTED: Radial Hatched in July. NPIP certified. Ideal 4-H One drawer on right. Keyboard tray. good. Make offer. Ansonia 937-337-7901
tire for dual wheels. 460-85R-38 (same project. New Knoxville 419-733-7111 (call Broke down. LN! $75. Russia or 937-238-7901
as 18.4x38). Russia 937-726-5460 /text) 937-726-5460 AC FIELD CULT.: 12 ft. New shovels.
20 CASE DISK: Manual fold. 18 blades. 2390 CASE TRACTOR: With duals. Rear (13) HOLSTEIN Feeder Calves: 300-350 $400. Rotary mower. 5 ft. HD. VGC.
Always stored inside. Cuts well. Good fin- tires LN! Runs exc. $16,500. Ron, Ludlow lbs. Dehorned, banded, wormed. Sidney $400. AC tractor. Series 4D17. $4,500.
ishing disk. $2,200 OBO. Jackson Center Falls 937-902-3655 937-492-3313 New Bremen 419-629-3510
HINIKER 12/24 Field Cult. Single bar har- CURTAIN STRETCHER: Russia WATER TANKS: 100 gal. & 50 gal. $50
FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain- row. Versailles 937-423-3108 937-526-3168 ea. Heavy-duty 2 in. gates, 4, 6, & 8 ft.
fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 $50 ea. West Alexandria 937-260-9981
20 KW ONAN Generator: Mounted on STIHL CHAINSAW: MS180C. 2 yrs. old.
CLAWFOOT TUB: $150. Houston trailer. 540 RPM. PTO drive. $1,250. New 16 chain. $175. Lewisburg PUREBRED Shorthorn Bull Calves: Fall-
937-658-4742 Yorkshire 419-582-3669 937-962-2364 born. Weaned. New Paris 937-997-2384

OASIS Water Fountain: Looks new. Cool- 5 BDRM. RANCH-STYLE HOME: Barn JD #5 Sickle Bar Mower: $350. Eaton MAGNAVOX 45x35 Screen TV: Great
er not working. Great for just water foun- w/hayloft. Garage. Two acres. Franklin- 937-456-6442 for Man Cave, family room, kids games,
tain. $100. Venedocia 419-203-9014 Monroe Schools. Arcanum 937-448-0660 etc. VGC! Ideal for rental or second
IH 470 17.5 manual fold disk, $2,800; JD home. Greenville 937-417-2315
(2) HAY & GRAIN FEEDERS: Heavy- WOODS 720 rotary cutter, $1,350; PTO 40 manure spreader, $750; 18 harroga-
duty. Made to last. $150 ea. Russia generator, Winco 40KW, on trailer, tor, manual fold, $1,300. St. Marys WANTED TO BUY: Livestock trailer, skid-
937-295-2855 $3,000; MF disk, 8 ft., 3 pt., $950; planter 419-305-7371 loader, or loader tractor. And JD Gator. In
dolly, 3 pt. hyd., $650. Yellow Springs GC. Conover 937-362-2068
IH PARTS for M, SuM, 400 & 450. St. 937-572-5486 06 CARDINAL 30 LE 5th Wheel
Paris 937-663-0374 Camper: Two slides. Rear living room. 92 FREIGHTLINER 120 w/29 flatbed.
POLARIS RANGER 4x4: 800 motor. Queen bed. Larger shower. New tires. 11.1 Detroit 9 spd. GC. $7,500. 93 Bay-
18.4x34 DUALS: T-rail Windshield. Winch. Dark green. 600 hrs. liner 2655 Cierra. Sleeps 6. $8,500. Rus-
VGC! $15,900 OBO. Eaton
Goodyear. 30%. $600. Call North Star GC! $8,500. Versailles 937-417-5876 sia 937-638-4212
Implements 419-336-7361
GEHL 4625 SX Skid Steer: Kubota dsl. ASH FIREWOOD: $25/truckload. JD 609 rotary cutter, $1,750; remote
JELLY JARS; lard can; bushel baskets; valve for Ford tractor, $200; buzz saw, 3
3,200 hrs. Quick Tach bucket. Asking You cut & load. Casstown
antique wall mirror; & other items. Russia pt., w/PTO gear box, $200; IH Cub snow
$8,900. Hamilton 513-726-4736 937-469-3279
937-526-3168 blade, $150. Yellow Springs
IH 766: Diesel. Nicest one around! Low JD 7200 6-Day Fert. Boxes: 30 central 937-572-5486
16 LONG STRAW: Non-rotary. No rain. hours. Make offer or trade. Franklin fill. Hyd. auger. (12) single disc openers.
Avg. 40 lbs. per bale. $3.50/bale. 937-474-9899 245/70R-19.5 TIRES: Good spares. $25
$1,950. New Paris 937-417-3796
937-526-3467 ea. Call/text: St. Marys 419-305-9547
WANTED: IH spring-loaded plow coulter. LOG SPLITTER: Gas eng. Hyd. Timber
KILLBROS 350 bed, $400; 13 harrow, Collinsville 513-523-9933 STORY & CLARK piano w/bench. Very
Wolf brand. Mfg. in Houston, Ohio. Older
$75; AC 18 field cult., $500; cult. parts. nice. $150. (2) wood dinette tables.
model. Horiz. beam. $300. Covington
Rossburg 937-564-0719 J&M 10-TON hopper wagon, $999; JD Choice, $75. Piqua 937-773-4016
w/new tires, $750; small hopper, $500.
GAITED HORSE: Buckskin Paso Fino Rossburg 937-564-0719 1st & 3rd CUTTINGS Grass Hay: Big
gelding. Arcanum 937-448-0660 squares. Feed tested. Lewistown
your yard or items on display. dklchain-
100 BU. HOPPER wagon on MH gear. 765-977-4563 or 937-538-5351
FORD 841 with Sherman 12 spd. trans. Brass-mounted Draft Horse harness
New engine overhaul. PS. New paint. 937-839-4183. Photos on facebook. See ALUM. 2-MAN Walk Pick (Plank): 20W x
w/steel hames. 8 pull-type disc. Pleasant Dayle Keith Lewis.
Runs like new! $5,000 OBO or trade. Hill 937-676-3632 24L. $475. Troy 937-845-2122 or cell:
Franklin 937-474-9899 937-238-3992
99 SUBARU Legacy Outback: For parts 800 FORD TRACTOR w/Sherman back- ROUND BALER: NI 4845. 5x4 bales. Net SHAVER post driver, #1450; disk, MF, 3
only. Repairable front end. Collision dam- hoe & loader w/hyd. bucket. Arcanum /twine. Controller. Sev. new bearings. pt., 6 ft., $750; PTO generator, 22KVA,
age. Good engine. 165,099 mi. $750 937-448-0660 Field ready. GC! $5,500. St. Paris phase 1 or 3, on trailer, $1,650; Ford 9N
firm. West Liberty 937-465-7520 937-663-4503 1942, $3,000; JD 620 hood, $250. Yellow
WINDSHIELD for Polaris ATV: Handlebar Springs 937-572-5486
20 PONTOON: Clean. Many extras. mount. $35. West Alexandria SALFORD 22 I1122 RTS vertical tillage
Stored inside. New Carlisle 937-603-9865 tool. $41,500. Maria Stein 419-925-4526 SPRAYER: Schaber 8500. 10. 1,000 gal.
937-308-2909 or 419-733-1823 tank. 90 boom. $15,000. Bradford
JD GEAR hopper wagon w/hyd. auger, 937-469-2781
SITREX 4-Basket Tedder: Hyd. fold. plus hoses. $850. Rossburg HARDWOOD FIREWOOD: Well sea-
$3,150. Greenville 937-547-0446 937-564-0719 soned oak, hickory, ash, & elm. Split or FREEZER PORK: No hormones. Natural
small round pcs. Also, planer shavings fed. West Alexandria 937-603-9865
for animal bedding. Ft. Loramie
937-489-9949 BENCH VISES: $50 & up. Chain hoist,
1/4 ton to 10 ton. Rollers are heavy-duty.
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge sav- 10 in. 10 ft. long. $90. Rossburg
ings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20 937-564-0719
years. Call for catalog & brochures. Rus-
sia 937-238-6661 9-15 GRAIN HEAD: Very good cond.
(Sold combine). Make offer or trade. 344
20 CASE DISK: Manual fold. 18 blades. corn head. Franklin 937-474-9899
Always stored inside. Cuts well. Good fin-
ishing disk. $2,200 OBO. Jackson Center NEW OLIVER Superior grain drill. Seed
937-596-5414 tubes. Wapakoneta 419-738-8475 or
ALFALFA: Nice, small, square, heavy
bales. 2nd & 3rd cuttings. $6.50/bale. 4HP ALUM. TRAILER: 81 Turnbow.
Russia 937-526-4091 Make offer. Bethel 513-535-8283

WANTED: 61 or 62 Chevy Corvette. Any NH FP 230 Chopper: 3-row corn head.

cond. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 Hay head. Includes kernel processor.
$15,000. Minster 419-230-6697
83 FORD F600: Straight truck. V8
engine. 4x2 trans. 16 flatbed. Runs TORO PULL SAW (gas chainsaw): With
good. $3,250 OBO. Lewistown trimmer attachment. Make offer. Ludlow
937-210-0349 Falls 937-698-6611

SPRAYING EQUIPMENT: 47 ft. 3 pt. 9700 FORD TRACTOR: Open station.

spray boom. Numerous nozzles. Sat Loc Well cared for. 140hp. Weights. 2 sets of
lite bar for guidance. Lil Thumper ground outlets. 540 & 1,000 PTO. New engine
driven pump. Springfield 937-964-1510 overhaul. Starts & runs LN! Dual wheels
available. Best offer or trade. Franklin

Lininger Trailer Sales & Service

02/&2 0' 4 4 "/% -9/700% &7 /086*--& %
-9/700% &7 /086*--& % 4 "293 )*0

Top Hat 20, 14,000# Equipment Trailer

< '-"4 %&$, 7*4) " < %06&4"*- "/% < 312*/( "33*34 '0-% 51 2".13
(Perfect incline for loading a skid loader!)
; 7*%& #&47&&/ 4)& '&/%&23 ; 1-9 2"%*"- 4*2&3
7)&&- &-&$42*$ #2",&3 (003&/&$, 349-& %201-&( +"$,
-30 "6"*-"#-& */ '4
4)&2 .",&3 "/% .0%&-3 "6"*-"#-&
&84&2 -,0 8-&3 312*/(3 $)"33*3 $0.10/&/43 #2",&
$0.10/&/43 "/% #2",& "33&.#-*&3 7)&&-3 "/% 4*2&3 '&/%
&23 -*()43 #2",& $0/420-3 2&$&*6&2 )*4$)&3 7*2*/( ! Dependable, Economical, Friendly Service
(003&/&$, )*4$)&3 31*/ 054 (003&/&$, #"--3 2"4$)&4 342"13
"/% 4*& %07/3 0' "-- 3*:&3 1-53 .5$) .02&
Hours: Monday Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-12
NH DUAL hay rake hitch, $500; NH 615 ORGANICALLY Raised Jerry Oats: Non- MF 699: Dsl. 90hp. Open station. Dual 9700 FORD TRACTOR: Open station.
disc mower, $3,650; Skid Steer carry all, certified. For feed or seed. Made 92 bu. hyd. Looks LN! New engine overhaul. Well cared for. 140hp. Weights. 2 sets of
$450; Woods 9000 3 pt. backhoe, $4,500. per acre spring of 16. $5/bu. Bradford $8,000 OBO or trade. Franklin outlets. 540 & 1,000 PTO. New engine
Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 937-448-2217 937-474-9899 overhaul. Starts & runs LN! Dual wheels
available. Best offer or trade. Franklin

Smiths RED CLOVER SEED: Mixed clover seed.

All other types of cover crop seed.
Wapakoneta 419-236-8132
LAB PUPS: Black. Born 12/31/16. (5)
males. $250 ea. Troy 937-545-6486 or
937-543-2279 after 1pm
(4) CROSSBRED Dairy Steers: Born
Sept. & Oct. Ft. Loramie 937-489-3523
SNOWBLOWER: Single stage. 2 cycle.
LN! $225. Brookville 937-902-6727
16 STOCK TRAILER w/reinforced floor.
$2,500. Casstown 937-308-0194

'+ 0 STRAW: 3x3x8 ft. Anna 937-394-7657

'+/0#. (6) 900x20 TRUCK TIRES on Dayton

#/'"# '. ,,0 rims. $300/all. Ft. Loramie 937-726-5386
LC loader. 16x16 trans. 3 remotes. 2,000
hrs. Good tires. $26,500. Winchester,
Indiana 765-749-8762
3 # 1')"'+% #- '.'+% 0 .0#./ )0#.+ 0,./ HOLSTEIN BULLS: Breeding age on
down. Genomic tested. Avg. GTPI 2400.
#+#. 0,./ $,. 10, %.'!1)01.# +" +"1/0.' ) $1,300$1,550. New Weston
.'+# ,0,.!2!)# +" )) -,.0/ #&'!)#/ 419-305-9616
3 ,*-)#0# '+# ,$ #( 00#.'#/ ,. )# 14 ALUM. Boat & Trailer: $650. New Bre-
men 419-234-8334

$( " %& "&$ ! #

%& "&$ ! " "
& '$ $ " ! '$ $


Jared Gaier
(937) 538-8527

(2) 18 MEYER Silage Wagons: EC! New 6640 FORD NH: 4-wheel drive. 75hp.
09 CENTURY HD 1000 Sprayer: 60 hyd. Roll bar & canopy. Two sets of hyd. out- HAY: 3rd cutting wet hay. 4x4.5. Individu-
fold booms. EC! Delphos 419-303-0686 Bremen 419-230-6697 ally wrapped. $50. 1st cutting wet hay,
lets. Dual PTO. $14,000 OBO or trade.
WHEAT STRAW: (120) 8 big squares. Franklin 937-474-9899 5x4. Individually wrapped. $40. Feed
6 SAND SHOOTER: St. Henry value available. Bradford 937-469-2781
419-852-9460 $125/ton OBO. Ft. Recovery
419-375-4346 SNOW PLOW: Fits 92 Chevy truck.
Lewisburg 937-962-4297 86 FORD RANGER Brake Parts: Rotors,
HAY TEDDER/fluffer, Pequea 910, PTO calipers, pads. LN! Plus tires & wheels.
driven, $2,350; JD 953 gear w/hoist, no STRAW: Big squares, big rounds, or
small squares. Maria Stein 419-925-4432 VAN DALE 50 12 trip btm. feed bunk Make offer. Ft. Loramie 937-726-5386
bed, $750; JD 655 tractor, $5,750; 8N auger. $1,500. Ft. Recovery
fenders, $150/pair. Yellow Springs or 567-644-3226 TRAILER: Homemade. Tandem. Steel.
937-572-5486 SKID STEER snow blades, Bobcat Used for skidloader. 11 ft. 3 ft. ramps.
brand. 7 ft., $3,500. 5 ft., $2,750. PTO ELEC. RANGE: Self-cleaning oven. $550. Union City, Ohio 937-417-1071
2-AXLE TRAILER: 16 ft. tilt bed. Lights. Works good. Older model. $65. Brookville
Good tires. Maria Stein 419-925-4547 generator, Winco, 20K watts, on trailer, HAY: Clover. Roughly 200 bales. Made
540 PTO, $1,350. Yellow Springs 937-902-6727
early June 16. 3x3x8 bales. $150/ton.
5-SHANK Tank Anhydrous Applicator: 937-572-5486 NAA FORD tractor w/new clutch, loader, Houston 937-570-1777
New paint & new Yetter set-up. Lewisburg & accessories. $1,500. Casstown
937-603-9036 CLOVER SEED: 60# bags. $85/bu. Ft. JAYLOR 4425 TMR Mixer: $12,500. 16
Loramie 937-726-5386 937-308-0194
dump trailer. $3,000. Minster
3650 IH Round Baler: Elec. twine tie. 6 MODEL 278 8 Bush Hog Mower: $300. 419-230-6697
bales. 36A JD loader. 140 JD lawnmower (6) NEW 12-volt Deep Cycle Batteries:
Celina 419-586-4043 Lewisburg 937-603-9036
(for parts). Cedarville 937-708-9887 FORD 7000: Dsl. Engine overhauled.
1st & 2nd CUTTINGS alfalfa/orchard- 3 PT. SNOW BLADE: From highway New paint. 80hp. $8,000 OBO or trade.
HIGH TENSILE wire, springs, & tighten- truck. 8 wide. Wapakoneta 419-738-8475 Franklin 937-474-9899
ers. Black plastic water lines. North Star grass hay. Small squares. Red clover hay.
Both round & small squares. Wapakoneta or 567-356-1747
419-336-7418 ROUGH-CUT LUMBER: Oak. (60) 2x4s,
419-236-8132 SEVERAL USED Semi Tires: Low Pro. 9 long, 13 & 17 long. (20) 2x4s, 16 long.
OUTDOOR wood boiler with 10-15 cords $25 ea. Bethel 513-535-8283 (100) 1x6s. (16) 2x6s, 16 long. Ash &
seasoned firewood. Celina 419-586-4043 3 PT. LOG SPLITTER: St. Henry
419-852-9460 hickory, also. Make offer. Ft. Loramie
MANURE BUCKET to fit IH 2250 loader, 937-726-5386
ALFALFA/Orchardgrass Hay: 2nd, 3rd, & $300. Ft. Loramie 937-726-5386
4th cuttings. Small, square bales. $5/ 96 WINNEBAGO RV: 34 long. EC!
Sleeps 6. $12,000. Maria Stein CASE IH 955 6-Row Planter: Ottawa
bale. Russia 937-622-2246 7-1/2HP HARVESTORE silo motor 419-538-6460 or 419-615-8646
419-925-4432 or 567-644-3226 w/control box. Celina 419-586-4043
WALLENSTEIN BXM42 chipper shred- THOMPSON CENTER Venture 270 cal.
der, $3,250; Bobcat hyd. breaker, B950, 9 DISC MOWER, 3 pt., Rhino, $4,350; 94 HONDA 400 4-Wheeler: $1,250. New
Gravely L w/attachment, $450; winch, rifle w/3950 scope. LN! $500. Laura
$3,500; SS large, square, bale squeeze, Bremen 419-234-8334 937-947-1120
$1,750; SS plate, $175. Yellow Springs Warn 8274, $600; winch, portable, 110V,
937-572-5486 $200; JD top link, $400. Yellow Springs CB RADIOS: Tube type & transistor. 6640 FORD NH: 4-wheel drive. 75hp.
937-572-5486 Lewisburg 937-962-4297 Roll bar & canopy. Two sets of hyd. out-
OLIVER wheel weights; MH wheel lets. Dual PTO. $14,000 OBO or trade.
weights; Coleman Powermatic 8hp CLEAN WHEAT STRAW: Tight bales. RABBITS: New Zealand breeding stock,
Easy loading. $3/bale. Bradford Franklin 937-474-9899
4,000-watt generator. Rossburg fryers. $5 ea. Troy 937-545-6486
937-338-5673 937-448-2217 FORD 5500 TractorLoaderBackhoe:
(4) ORGANIC Crossbred Dairy Heifers:
JD 5-WHEELER: $1,250. New Bremen New engine overhaul. Very heavy-duty &
20,000-WATT Generator: Portable. Brand Born Sept. & Oct. Ft. Loramie
419-234-8334 strong. $5,500 OBO or trade. Franklin
new. Lewisburg 937-962-4297 937-489-3523
SPRAYER: JD 28 pull-type, $500; PTO 11 NH T8010 TRACTOR: Front wheel
generator, Generac 80/40KW, on trailer, assist. Space duals for planting. 180hp.
$2,750; Skid Steer 42 forks, $550; lifting RTK guidance system. Front & rear
boom, $250. Yellow Springs weights. 1,100 hrs. One owner. Russia
937-572-5486 937-414-3934
FORD 6610 with 3 pt. hitch. With mow WANTED: Moldy or junk hay. Round or
trim mower. Reaches 20 ft. in the air. Cab- square bales. For mulch. Can clean out
heat-air. $12,000 OBO or trade. Franklin your barn! Bradford 937-547-2161, Ext. 3
50 FERGUSON TO20 Tractor: GC!
LOOKING FOR small utility shed. Anna $1,300. 2 btm. mounted plow.
937-394-7657 Spencerville 419-204-7179
JD 1770 NT 16x30 Planter: Liquid fert. ROUND bale wagon, Pequea, 8-bale,
Vacuum Precision corn units. Pop-up fert. $3,500; hyd. 3 pt. boom, $500; JD 911
kit. With Keetons. Always shedded. front mower, $2,000; front end 67-72
$53,500. Winchester, Indiana Chevy P/U, $500. Yellow Springs
765-749-8762 937-572-5486
90 PATZ Belt Conveyor: VGC! $1,000.
New Weston 419-305-9616
WHEAT STRAW: Easy loading. $3/bale.
Ft. Loramie 937-295-2293 Jackson Tractors
(32) 750 JD no-till drill blades. $100 OBO. Construction Equipment
Delphos 419-303-0686 Repair
AKC COLLIE PUPS: Beautiful markings. ) " % $ %
Sable & white. 7 weeks old. Covington " #% # "
937-418-6355. No Sunday calls.
" % %%
FORD 7740: Cab-heat-air. Front loader. & %(
Works like new. $16,500 OBO or trade. #!$ ' " " $ %
Franklin 937-474-9899
WANTED: 540 pump for Case Int. 800 $ !
Cyclo planter. Also, dry fert. coulters for
Case Int. 800 Cyclo planter. Greenville # " ' "
937-423-2842 after 6pm
WHITE Corn Planter: 5100. 4-row. 30 in. WANTED: 8 roll-away hopper for grain.
Liquid fert. No-till. EC! $4,250. Ft. Recov- St. Henry 419-852-9460
ery 419-375-4346
WANTED: Good, used Poulan 3400-3700
STEEL COMM. entry door & frame. chainsaw (for parts). Wapakoneta
Right-handed. Hyd. closure mechanism. 419-738-8523. Leave msg.
Has window. $115. Brookville
937-902-6727 FREE: Plywood boxes. Minimum of 6 or
you load. 30x30x54 in. Arcanum
STEER STUFFER: $500. Casstown 937-417-2535
8-1/2 ROUND BALE hay manger w/wood
48 DANVILLE EXPRESS Chemical bottom. GC! $225. Ft. Recovery
Roller: LN! 1/3 of the cost. $250. Old bicy- 419-375-4346
cles. $200. Lewisburg 937-603-9036
37 UNSTYLED JD A w/add-on road gear.
ALUM. Maple Syrup Evaporator Pan: 3 ft. Exc. tires. GC! $2,300. Arcanum
x 6 ft. x 6 in. Wapakoneta 419-738-8475 937-423-1100
or 567-356-1747
AC BLACK Corn Head: 36 rows. GC.
MECHANICS SPECIAL! 93 Ford F150 185 NH manure spreader. EC! North Star
truck w/topper. New spark plugs. 140K 419-336-7418
mi. Needs tires, radiator, transmission
flush. $900. Covington 937-418-3202 TRANSPORT CHAIR: Used 3-4 times.
Easy to push. $90 OBO. Ansonia
QUALITY Grass Hay: Big, square 3x3x8. 937-564-8345
$35/bale. Middletown 317-432-0179
WANTED: Pair of Firestone 15.5x38 151
FORD 1910: 33hp. Diesel. 4-wheel drive. tires w/35% tread. Rossburg
Only 1,300 hours. Like new cond. PS. 937-338-5673
PTO & 3 pt. hitch. $6,500 OBO or trade.
Franklin 937-474-9899 79 IH TANDEM Grain Truck: 404. Gas.
18 alum. bed. Roll tarp & freight doors.
JD FOLD-UP DISK: 22 ft. Hyd. fold. GC! Air Lift axle. Nice truck for age. $10,500.
$4,900. Arcanum 937-947-1545 Winchester, Indiana 765-749-8762
850 NH Round Baler: Elec. twine tie. FORD 4610 SU DSL.: New complete
Good running order. 83 Suzuki G650L engine. Two sets of hyds. Very nice!
motorcycle. Shaft drive. Cedarville 52hp. $8,500 OBO or trade. Franklin
937-708-9887 937-474-9899

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SILVER 10 oz. bar. Starter silver kit. Sil-

ver American Eagle, Canadian Maple
Leaf, Walking Liberty. 1/2 oz. Walking
Liberty. (5) 1/10 oz. Walking Liberty.
Uncirculated. Laura 937-947-1120
500 GAL. TANK & pump on flatbed
wagon & gear. 500 gal. sprayer & hyd.
pump. 45-50 ft. booms. Rossburg
Will deliver. Coldwater 419-678-3661
137K mi. Super Cab. No rear seat. Good
truck! $5,500. Call North Star Imple-
ments 419-336-7361
12 JD CULTIPACKER: $500. Russia
(35) HIGH QUALITY Grass Hay:
3x4x7-1/2 ft. New Bremen 419-230-6697
8240 HAGIE SPRAYER: Bradford
62 FORD 800 tractor w/ps & front end
loader. $3,700. Camden 937-787-3767
WANTED: Small bulk feed bin w/auger.
GC! Wapakoneta 419-941-1196

WANTED: Broken or non-running
John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel
Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or
22 CULTIPACKER: $3,500. Wapakoneta
95 FORD F450: Bad motor. $1,500. New
Bremen 419-234-8334
58 CHEVY bumpers; (2) old wooden oil . .
pumps. Lewisburg 937-962-4297 &)-.#, %&*
FOR SALE: Massey-Ferguson 1372 cen-
ter pivot 12 disc mower conditioner. Exc.
cond. Less than 1,000 acres. $22,900.
Maria Stein 419-925-4526 or /// +,#)$#, "*(
419-733-1823 #(!&' -!'#- +,#)$#, "*(
HAY: 200 square bales timothy / clover,
$3.50/bale; 200 bales timothy / orchard-
grass, $4.50/bale. Germantown
937-855-3069 or 937-371-3065
FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain- FOR SALE: New Holland HT15414 10) SLIDING closet doors, $5 ea.; deer JD 606 Rotary Mower: $875. IH rotary
fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 wheel rake. $7,500. Maria Stein hunting tree stand, $10. Coldwater hoe. 4-row wide. $375. Greenville
419-925-4526 or 419-733-1823 419-678-3289 937-620-5952
18.4 R42 FIRESTONE TIRES; 30.5x32
Firestone tires. Mounted on grain cart (2) MASSEY-FERGUSON 35: Diesels. SINGLE-SHANK Sub-Soiler for AC WD, CLOVER SEED: Minster 937-726-0955
wheels. Good cond. Franklin Needs some TLC. Make offer. Franklin WD45. $100 OBO. Bradford
937-474-9899 937-474-9899 937-448-2217 SINGLE- & DOUBLE-sided SS nursery &
finish feeders. Pin gates & waterers. 1st
RYE HAY: Round bales. Wet bales CLEAN, BRIGHT Wheat Straw: Long- FIREWOOD FOR SALE: All hardwood. cutting small bales alfalfa mix. $4/bale.
clover hay. Wapakoneta 419-236-8132 stemmed, tight bales. Mixed hay. No rain. Top quality. Delivery available. Russia Can deliver. Winchester, Indiana
Greenville 937-548-0533 937-623-0312 765-749-8762
1,000 GAL. Propane Tank: $800.
Arcanum 937-371-0779 01 GENERAC Series 2000 Generator: 48 SEMI BOX TRAILER: Good tires. 10 MIZER SAW: Good working cond.
3-phase 50KW Daewood diesel engine. Very roadable. Make exc. trailer for water $75 OBO. Work bench vise. Maria Stein
WANTED: (2) silage blowers in good Low hours. Thornville 740-536-7472 or fert. tank. Wapakoneta 419-236-8132 419-925-4547
cond. 65 or longer Patz belt feeder. Must ________________________________
be in good to exc. cond. Celina 15 GAL. & 55 GAL. Plastic Barrels: St. (30) ROUND BALES 4x5 Grass Hay: $30
419-953-2324 850 NH Round Baler: Elec. twine tie. Henry 419-852-9460 ea. Bradford 937-423-1650
(2) FENDERS & new carpet. 1930 Good running order. 83 Suzuki G650L FARMALL 806: Diesel. New brakes. New
J&M Elevator: 51 ft. $2,000. Maria Stein
Chevrolet carpet. Airstream grain dryer. motorcycle. Shaft drive. Cedarville PTO rebuild. 540 & 1,000. Starts & runs
419-925-4432 or 567-644-3226
LN! Camden 937-452-3512 937-708-9887 like new. Best offer or trade. Franklin
WANTED TO BUY: Silver dollars.
Paying cash. Call Buck, Eldorado, 4-BASKET Hay Tedder: Hyd. fold. Russia
937-273-3165 937-622-2246
55 GAL. STEEL Trash/Burn Barrels: $5 FARMALL C: With 2-row cults. VGC! Ver-
ea. Bradford 937-448-2217 sailles 937-423-5379
86 19 BOAT: Make offer. Bethel JD 3020: Dsl. New engine overhaul.
513-535-8283 Wide front or narrow. New paint. $8,500
OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
(3) CUB CADET Garden Tractors: Not
running. (2) snowblowers (one front- 94 FREIGHTLINER : Small bunk. 370
mount & one walk-behind). Celina Cummins w/jac 10 spd. New paint. Good
419-586-4043 tires. Many updates. Ready to go!
$12,000. Arcanum 937-417-2535
WANTED: NI Uni shucking beds, throats,
corn heads. Prefer late model. Arcanum 01 BUICK CENTURY: 80K mi. $2,500
937-417-2535 OBO. Greenville 937-621-0033

t eel Bolt-Up
B uildings


# !

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'!!%(#$$! "#& ) Hill-T Farm

'' , & "# Used - New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts
!* $) # (#" ( !%)+
Sales & Service
!* $) # (#" ( !%)+ TRACTORS NOT FEASIBLE for REPAIR!
Find us at...
4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio
1/2 mile south of Palestine

Guidelines for event advertising Attention suBsCriBers

Occasionally, questions arise as to whether or not an organization
must pay for classified advertising for an upcoming event. We have noticed some subscribers are submitting classified
If your organization is hosting an event to raise funds for a wor- ads under different phone numbers. Each subscriber is entitled
thy cause, with 100 percent of the proceeds donated, for example, to to four free ads each month under the phone number assigned
assist with medical expenses for a family facing a health crisis, to their account. Sharing YOUr SUbScriptiOn With Oth-
Country Living would, of course, like to help that cause by not charg- ErS iS nOt pErmittEd.
ing for advertising.
However, if your organization is hosting an event for which it in the future, all classified ads will be published with the phone
charges admission, or there is a cost for food or entertainment, with number of the subscriber. if you wish to include your cell phone
all proceeds benefitting your organization, that event would not qual- or your work number, that is acceptable.
ify for free advertising. Thank You
Thank You

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS snapshot of the month entries sought
our readers tell us one of their favorite pages is the snapshot of the
It has long been the policy of Country Living to publish four free classi-
month. winners who are always pleasantly surprised to find their picture
fied ads each month 20 words or less per ad for our customers
published say they enjoy the reaction of friends, neighbors, and family
with paid subscriptions. However, many customers submit ads far exceeding
their 20 word limit, and many submit more than their four allotted ads per
all you need to do is send an interesting CoLor picture (original pho-
we have tried to accommodate our customers. However, due to the large
tos preferred, or if emailing, use either a jpeg or tiff format) of good quality,
volume of ads we receive each month, we are experiencing serious space lim- along with some background information. Farm-related photos are best suit-
itations. ed for Country Living. when taking your pictures, make sure the lighting is
we regret it will now be necessary to enforce the 20 word lImIt per sufficient, and that your subjects are centered in the viewfinder. stand back
ad (within reason). ads running considerably longer will be shortened or not far enough so that heads arent cut off. If need be, we can crop photos to
published. eliminate any unnecessary background.
we know how important Country Living classified ads are to our cus- dont forget to include your actual mailing address if you email your
tomers, and it is our wish to please as many customers as possible with pub- picture and information to us, so your prize can be mailed out to you.
lication of free classified ads. mail your entry to:
we thank you for your cooperation in this matter and look forward to Country living snapshot of the Month Contest
serving you. P.o. Box 69, Covington, oH 45318
entries can also be emailed to us at:
Word Limit on Free CLassiFied ads INDUSTRIAL COMPANY has full-time
of horse collars. 18-19 in. LN! 2-14 Little
Due to space limitations, we ask our readers to please limit their employment. Laborer, $11/hr. CDL Driver, Genius IH plow on steel. Pleasant Hill
FREE classified ads to 20 words or less. ADS THAT ARE $18/hr. Training provided. Benefits. Apply 937-676-3632
at: 15 Industry Park Court, Tipp City.
LONGER THAN 20 WORDS MUST BE EDITED to allow suffi- WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of
(2) GRAVE PLOTS / (2) VAULTS: Her- all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid.
cient space for the volume of ads we receive each month. itage Hills Memory Gardens, Rt. 48, Roll-off container services. Call for pric-
We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Springboro, Ohio. Garden Cross, Lot ing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277
#B46Space #5&6. $4,000 value. Asking
Country living $3,000 OBO. Brookville 937-687-2235 INDUSTRIAL skidloader fork attachment.
$500. Rossburg 937-564-0719

"( +$8( 37%/,&/: $11271&(' $1' $'236(' $ 57%5&4,36,21 342*4$0 62 *7$4$16(( 6+$6 :274 &23:
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Many of our Country Living customers enjoy spending the
winter months in Florida or one of the other states not prone
to snow, ice, and cold temperatures. If you would like to con-
tinue receiving your Country Living subscription without inter-
ruption while youre away, just contact our office and well
make all the necessary arrangements for you! &, $ 0 #*& )&' 0&,) ) *,$1 & + &,) &
Our Office is Open Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. #& + + + % &- % +&% &,)* )
937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020 &% 0 + ), ) 0 $ '$

You are invited to share your favorite recipe for a main dish,
casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert or snack. If its chosen a 1st
Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $5! Recipes should be
clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to:

0+' &,/41 3/13),,!2 ,"2 -),$ 3!,)!. 2!42!'%

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( ! #'(&) ( $#' $& " , # # & #(' ' + !! ' $* # ( "% & ()& # (" (

snapshot of the month entries sought

UPCOMING Our readers tell us one of their favorite pages is the Snapshot of the
Month. Winners who are always pleasantly surprised to find their picture
published say they enjoy the reaction of friends, neighbors, and family

All you need to do is send an interesting color picture (original pho-
tos preferred, or if emailing, use either a jpeg or tiff format) of good quality,
along with some background information. Farm-related photos are best suit-
ed for country living. When taking your pictures, make sure the lighting
is sufficient, and that your subjects are centered in the viewfinder. Stand
back far enough so that heads arent cut off. If need be, we can crop photos
to eliminate any unnecessary background.
Dont forget to include your actual mailing address if you email your
picture and information to us, so your prize can be mailed out to you.
Mail your entry to:
Country living snapshot of the Month Contest
$' $&"#!%$# P.o. Box 69, Covington, oH 45318
( Entries can also be emailed to us at:

saTUrday, feBrUary 11 aT 9 a.M. Coldwater Young

Farmers Consignment Auction located at Coldwater Football PREFER TO RENEW
Stadium, Coldwater, Ohio. Semi; Tractors; Combines; Dozer; YOUR COUNTRY LIVING
Grain Bin; Grain Vac; Farm Equipment. Sale conducted by
Coldwater Auction Service. see Page 7 SUBSCRIPTION ONLINE?
TUesday, feBrUary 28 aT 5 P.M. Absolute Real Estate Use oUr seCUre paYment terminaL!
Auction located at Mad River Township Hall, 2772 Vance Rd.,
St. Paris, Ohio. 28.25 Acres located on Kite Rd., Champaign 1) Simply go to
County, Ohio. Estate of Merlyn Evilsizor. Ohio Real Estate 2) Click on the Rates & Info tab
Auctions L.L.C. Jack Goodbar, Auctioneer. see Page 7 3) Drop down to: Subscriptions
tHis WiLL taKe YoU to oUr seCUre paYment terminaL
saTUrday, aPril 1 aT 9 a.M. Wapak FFA Alumni/Adult
Farmers Consignment Sale located at Auglaize Co. Fairgrounds, We Thank You For Your Interest in Country Living
Wapakoneta, Ohio. Tools; Lawnmowers; Tractors; Combines. And Look Forward To Being of Service To You
Large & Small Items. Dennis Kohler Auction Service. see Page


Real Estate, Farm Equipment, and Personal Property Offered in

February and March. see Page 8


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of the MONTH

Its Kidding Season!!!

In addition to the two human kids in this picture, youll see eight
adorable kids from three does. Two does had triplets and one doe
had twins. Its our familys favorite time of the year and its so
much fun to watch them grow. Most of the goats will become our
childrens 4-H projects, wrote Jack and Annette Baker of Fort
Loramie. Pictured are their own kids, Jared and Aubrey.

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c/o Country Living P.O. Box 69 Covington, Ohio 45318
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DELIVER February 6 - February 8, 2017 perMIt no. 21


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