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An Update Review On Polyherbal Formulation: A Global Perspective

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Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy.

, 2016;7(1):35-41
A Multifaceted Review Journal in the field of Pharmacy and Allied Sciences |
Review Article

An Update Review on Polyherbal Formulation: A Global

Muhammad Shahzad Aslam1*, Muhammad Syarhabil Ahmad1, Awang Soh Mamat1, Muhammad Zamharir Ahmad2, Faridah Salam2
School of Bioprocess Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Jejawi 3 (KPPJ3), Kawasan Perindustrian Jejawi, 02600, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
Biotechnology and Nanotechnology Research Center, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

Polyherbal formulation has been used all around the world due to its Hepatoprotective, Anti-inflammatory and anxiety disorder.
medicinal and therapeutic application. It has also known as polyherbal therapy
or herb-herb combination. This article enlists some commercial and non- Keywords: Polyherb; Traditional medicine; Herbal combination; Polyherbal
commercial polyherbal formulation all around the world. The authors have therapy; phytotherapy
focused last six years of Publications on Polyherbal formulation in different
countries and found that India have topped among the number of publica- Correspondence:
tions on polyherbal formulation followed by Nigeria, South Korea, Pakistan Muhammad Shahzad Aslam, School of Bioprocess Engineering, Universiti
and Bangladesh. List of other countries also mentioned on scientific contri­ Malaysia Perlis, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Jejawi 3 (KPPJ3), Kawasan
bution of polyherbal therapy. The authors have mentioned list of publications Perindustrian Jejawi, 02600, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
on polyherbal formulation in the treatment of different diseases are based Phone no: 0060193009674
on pharmacological activity in the year 2015 and found that most polyherbal E-mail:
formulation found in the treatment of diabetes followed by an antioxidant, DOI : 10.5530/srp.2016.7.5

Dependence of human beings on plants dates back to the origin of the often produces a promising effect in treatment of diseases over a single
human race. The basic needs of life for human being are shelter, clothing, drug. The concept of drug combination has been well established in
food, flavors and fragrances and not the least, medicines. Plants are a Western medicine and remarkable success has been achieved over the
common source of medicine. Plants have shaped the creation of refined decades. In recent years, drug combination therapies in cancer and
traditional medicine structures among which are Ayurvedic, Unani and infectious diseases have offered new hope to patients.9 Naturally occu­
Chinese are common. In Indian, Egyptian, Chinese, Roman and the rring herbs and herbal ingredients organized into certain formula
Greek civilizations, plants were the very foundation of care system and have been shown to have potential interaction effects. These include
deemed to possess a divine and supernatural power of healing.1-2 The mutual enhancement, mutual assistance, mutual restraint and mutual
Edwin Smith Papyrus (1700 BC) is an ancient Egyptian medical text on antagonism.10 In the Ayurvedic system of medicine mainly polyherbal
wound healing.3 Since ancient times, herbs have been used as natural compounds are used for treatment of various infections. Bharangyadi
remedies for curing many physiological disorders. Traditional medicinal polyherbal is a mixture of Clerodendrum serratum, Hedychium spicatum
literature appreciated their value as nature’s gift to mankind for the healing and Inula racemosa.11 Indukantha Ghritha (IG) is a polyherbal prepara-
of illnesses.4 tion consisting of 17 plant components widely prescribed by ayurvedic
physicians for various ailments.12 The Unani system of medicine is also
Traditional medicines gaining global acceptance due to the amazing clinical efficiency of the
The treatment of injury or disease by plants or plant material, either in formulations. Although Unani medicines have long been used, there is
the crude or processed state, is known as traditional herbal medicine. negligible documented evidence regarding their safety and effectiveness.
The medicinal plants with ethnomedicinal values are currently being The lack of evaluation has, in turn, slowed down the development of
screened for their therapeutic potential.5 The ethnopharmacological regulations and legislations.13 Majoon Suranjan (MS) is a polyherbal
approach toward the understanding and appraisal of traditional and formulation consist of Lawsonia inermis, Foeniculum vulgare, Capparis
herbal medicines is characterized by the inclusions of the social as well spinosa, Terminalia chebula, Ipomoea turpethum, Apium graveolens,
as the natural sciences. Anthropological field-observations describing Zingiber officinalis, Convulvulus scammony, Colchicum luteum, Cassia
the local use of nature-derived medicines are the basis for ethnopharma- angustifolia, Piper nigrum, Coriandrum sativum, Rosa damascus, Origanum
cological enquiries.6 Herbal product has been used abundantly over the vulgare, Pyrethrum indicum, Plumbago zelanicum, Verbascum thapus,
years in curing several diseases. Natural products and related structures Ricinus communis oil used in Unani system of medicine for the treatment
are essential sources of new pharmaceuticals, because of the immense of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).14 A successful attempt has made using
variety of functionally relevant secondary metabolites of microbial and Cissus rotundifolia leaf extracts, Cassia abbreviate bark extract, Zanthoxylum
plant species.7 chalybeum bark extract and Zanthoxylem chalybeum leaf extract form
the polyherbal formulation and further evaluated for in-vitro studies.15
Herb-herb combinations
Herb-herb combinations also known as polyherbal therapy have been Polyherbal Formulation
used in Chinese medicine practice for thousands of years, yet scientific Studies showed that selected individual plants contained abundant
evidence of their therapeutic benefits is lacking.8 Drug combination quantity of phenolics and flavonoids and their polyherbal combination

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Table 1: List of commercially available polyherbal product

Commercial Formulation with scientific names Country Pharmacological Scientific Reference
Name Activity evaluation
Diabrid Gymnema sylvestre,Momordica India Anti-diabetic Clinical trial 22
charantia,Eugenia Jambolana,Trigonella Phase-1
Hepax-A Plumbago zeylanica, Picrorrhiza kurroa, Piper India Hepatoprotective In-vivo 23
nigrum, Zingiber officinale, Sodii carbonas
impura, Phyllanthus emblica, Terminalia chebula,
Calcii oxidum Potassii carbonas impura.
Majoon Lawsonia inermis, Foeniculum vulgare, India/Pakistan Antiarthritic activity In-vivo 14,24
Suranjan Capparis spinosa, Terminalia chebula, Ipomoea
turpethum, Apium graveolens, Zingiber officinalis,
Convulvulus scammony, Colchicum luteum,
Cassia angustifolia, Piper nigrum, Coriandrum
sativum, Rosa damascus, Origanum vulgare,
Pyrethrum indicum, Plumbago zelanicum,
Verbascum thapus, Ricinus communis oil
Praneem Azadirachta indica (Neem) along with purified India Vaginal microbicides Clinical trial 25,26
Saponins from Sapindus mukerosi and Mentha Phase-2
citrata oil
Zyflamend Ocimum sanctum, Curcuma longa, The United Prostate cancer In-vitro 27
Zingiber officinale, Camellia sinensis, Rosmarinus State of America
officinalis,Polygonum cuspidatum,Berberis
vulgaris, Origanum vulgar, Scutellaria
baicalensis and Coptis chinensis
Varunadi Crataeva religiosa, Strobilanthes ciliatus, India Head and neck Clinical trial 28
Ghritha Asparagus racemosus, cancer Phase-1
Plumbago zeylanica,
Chenomorpha fragrans,
Aegle marmelos, Aristolochia bracteolate,
Solanum melongena, Aerua lanata,
Pongamia glabra, Holoptelia integrifolia, Premna
corymbosa, Terminalia chebula, Moringa olifera,
Desmostachya bipinnata,
Semicarpus anacardium,
Ovoutoline Glycyrrhiza glabra, Saraca indica, Symplocos India post-menopausal In-vitro 29
racemosa, Tinospora cordifolia, Asparagus symptoms
racemosus, Valeriana walchii and Holarrhena
Daouri Khaya senegalensis , Odina acida ,Lophira Togo/Ghanna Anti-diarrhoel, anti- In-vivo 30
lanceolata, Paullinia pinnata L. and Pteleopsis malarial
Yoyo Bitters Unknown Nigeria Anti-Oxidant In-vivo 31
KOB03 Atractylodis RhizomaAlba, South Korea Anti-allergic In-vivo 32
Astragali Radix,
Saposhnikoviae Radix,
Osterici Radix,
Scutellariae Radix
DHU001 Ficus carica Linn, South Korea contact dermatitis In-vivo 33
Liriope spicata Lour.,
Platycodon grandiflorum Jacq.,
Schisandra chinensis Baill.,
Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.,
Zingiber officinale Roscoe.,
Mentha arvensis Linne var piperascens
Okudiabet Stachytarpheta angustifolia, Alstonia congensis Nigeria Anti-diabetic In-vivo 34
bark and Xylopia aethiopica fruits extract

Joshanda Zizyphus jujuba , Onosma bracteatum and Pakistan Anti-bacterial, In-vitro 35

Glycyrrhiza glabra common cold


36 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, Vol 7, Issue 1, Jan-Dec, 2016

Projected cancer incidences

Table 1: List of commercially available polyherbal product

Commercial Formulation with scientific names Country Pharmacological Scientific Reference
Name Activity evaluation
Entoban Aegle marmelos, Berberis aristata,; Butea Pakistan Anti-oxidant In-vitro 36
frondosa, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Myrtus
communis and Quecrus infectoria
Wu-Zi-Yan- Cuscuta chinensis Lam. China neuroinflammatory In-vivo 37
Zong Lycium barbarum L. disease
Rubus chingii Hu.
Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. Plantago
asiatica L.
Epimedium brevicornu Maxim
IBS-20 20-herb Chinese medicinal formula China Anti-inflammatory In-vivo 38

Ben-Cha-Lo- Unknown Thailand Anti-pyretic and In-vivo 39,40

Ka-Wi-Chian antinociceptive

AVS022 H. perforate, C. micracantha, C. indicum, F. Thailand Anti-oxidant In-vitro 41

racemosa,and T. triandra

Tongkat Ali Eurycoma longifolia Jack., Malaysia Increase Sexual In-vivo 42

Cistanche deserticola Y.C.Ma. stamina

Pasak Bumi Eurycoma longifolia., Curcuma longa L. Malaysia Increase passion in Not found 43,44

EMSA eritin Glycine max, Cocos nucifera and Red rice. Indonesia Stimultaion of In-vivo 45

Wanderer plus, Paeonia lactiflora, poria cocos fungus, China Depressive disorder In-vivo 46
Atractylodes macroephala, Paeonia suffruticosa,
Gardenia jasminoides, Zingiber officinale,
Glycyrrhiza uralensis,Bupleurum chinense,Anglica
sinensis, Mentha haplocalyx
Nefang Mangifera indica, Psidium guajava, Carica Cameroon Anti-malarial In-vivo 47
papaya L,
Cymbopogon citratus, Citrus sinensis, Ocimum
Prasarani Paederia foetida L., Bangladesh Immunomodulatory In-vivo 48
sandhan Piper longum L.,
Piper chaba Hunter.,
Plumbago zeylanica L.,
Zingiber officinale Roscoe.,
Allium sativum L.

with green tea was found to produce best antioxidant activity among all anti-inflammatory activity in both the experimental models and the
individual extracts.16 In majority of traditional systems, diabetes is better activity was comparable to that of the standard drug, indomethacin.19
managed by the herbs combination (Polyherbal) instead of single herb BHUx, a patented polyherbal formulation consisting of the aqueous
because of synergism and less side effects.17 Diabetic wound cream fraction of five medicinal plants of the ayurvedic system, has significant
prepared by using polyherbal formulation was found to be effective anti-inflammatory properties through inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2
as well as safe in healing diabetic foot ulcers like the standard silver and lipoxygenase-15.20
sulphadiazine cream.18 The polyherbal formulation “RIPARE” containing ingredients such as
The antiinflammatory activity of the polyherbal formulation Entox(®) Boswellia serrata, Commiphora mukul, Cissus quadrangularis, Vitex
consist of Allium cepa, Allium sativum, Aloe vera, Cajanus cajan, Coccinia negundo, Centella asiatica, Tinospora cordifolia, Curcuma longa, Euphorbia
indica, Caesalpinia bonducella, Ficus bengalenesis, Gymnema sylvestre, hirta and Piper nigrum. This formulation is known to possess antiarthritic
Momordica charantia, Ocimum sanctum, Pterocarpus marsupium, Swertia activity.21 List of some important polyherbal formulation worldwide
chirayita, Syzigium cumini, Tinospora cordifolia and Trigonella foenum is mentioned in table 1 and table 2. Table 3 represents publications on
graecum was investigated in rats for acute and sub-acute models of Polyherbal formulation in different countries since 2010 till now whereas
inflammation using carrageenan-induced rat paw edema and cotton table 4 specifies list of number of publications on polyherbal formulation,
pellet granuloma methods respectively at a dose of 300 mg/kg and evaluated in treatment of different diseases or pharmacological activities
600 mg/kg administered orally. The formulation showed a significant in year 2015.

Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, Vol 7, Issue 1, Jan-Dec, 2016 37

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Table 2. List of other polyherbal extract under evaluation

List of Plants Country Treatment Status of evaluation References
Coccinia indica, Sida cordata, Scoparia dulcis. India Hepatoprotective In-vivo 49
Moringa oleifera, Raphinus sativus, and India Anti-ulcer In-vivo 50
Amaranthus tricolor
Picorrhiza kurroa , Emblica officinalis , India Dyslipidemia In-vitro 21
Syzygium cumini , Trachyspermum ammi ,
Musa paradisiacal , Terminalia arjuna , Pistacia
vera , Zingiber officinale , Allium cepa , Aloe
vera , Eugenia caryophyllus , Avena sativa
A. conyzoids, C. scandens and M. villosus Nigeria Wound healing In-vivo 51
Terminalia arjuna, Centella asiatica and India Wound healing In-vivo 52
Curcuma longa
Morinda Citrifolia L. and Beta Vulgaris L. India Anti-oxidant In-vitro 53

Rhynchosia resinosa., Anti-ulcer, anti-microbial In-vitro/in-Vivo 54

Ozoroa insignis., Tanzania
Entada abyssinica .,
Maytenus senegalensis.,
Lannea schimperi.
Artemisia afra, O. asteriscoides South Africa Respiratory Infection In-vitro 55

Achillea millefolium L., Agathosma betulina South Africa Anti-oxidant In-vitro 56

Bartl. & Weidl., Salvia officinalis. L., Taraxacum
officinalis L., Thymus vulgaris. L., Trigonella
foenum-graecum L. and Urtica urens L.
Achillea millefolium L., Hyssopus officinalis L., Romania Anti-oxidant In-vitro 57
Equisetum arvense L. and Echinacea purpurea
Allium sativum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Iran Anti-diabetic In-vivo 58
Citrullus colocynthis, Juglans regia, Nigella
sativa,Olea europaea, Punica granatum,
Salvia officinalis, Teucriumpolium, Trigonella
foenum,Urtica dioica,andVaccinium
Malva sylvestris and Solanum nigrum Iran Wound healing In-vivo 59
Cystoseira trinodis, Allium sativum, Glycyrrhiza Egypt Anti-diabetic In-vivo 60
glabra, Zingiber officinale
Nigella sativa, Hemidesmus indicus),Smilax Sirilanka Antihepatocarcinogenic In-vivo 61
Persea americana, and Vernonia amygdalina Ghanna Anti-hypertensive In-vivo 62

Alchornea cordifolia, Psidiumguajava, Tridax Ghanna Superficial mycoses In-vivo 63

Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides, Eugenia
Zingiber officinalis, Terminalia belerica and Pakistan Anti-hypertensive, In-vivo 64
Orchis mascula antidyslipidemic, endothelial
Foeniculum vulgare and Brassica alba Bangladesh Antidiabetic In-vivo 65

38 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, Vol 7, Issue 1, Jan-Dec, 2016

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Table 3: Publications on Polyherbal formulation in different DISCUSSION

countries since 2010 till Dec 2015.
Currently scientist are trying to explore development of new Polyherbal
therapy or using old traditional polyherbal formulation that have been
India used for many decades such as Ayurveda, whose history goes back to
Nigeria 5000 BC., is one of the ancient health care systems,66 Korean traditional
South Korea medicine such as Mahwangyounpae-tang (MT), consisting of 22 types
of herbal extracts in treatment of respiratory disorder,67 African Herbal
Formula (AHF) consists of a combination of plant materials originally
Bangladesh developed by a family in southern part of Nigeria and passed on to
China generations. Over the years, AHF has been applied by members of
Ghana the family and close-associates for all kinds of health problems and it
is very popular among the low socio-economic class,68 Haya people of
South Africa
Kagera region in north western Tanzania are endowed with a culture
Iran rich in traditional Medicine practice owed to an extensive intercultural
Thailand exchange among the diverse ethnic tribes of the Lake Victoria Basin69
Indonesia and Traditional Unani medicine in Pakistan and India where it is popu-
larly practiced among the large segment of its population. It originated
The United State of America
in Greece, founded by old ancient Greek philosophers, and was docu-
Malaysia mented by Muslims during the glorious period of Islamic civilization.
Spain It was brought to the Indo-Pak subcontinent by Muslim scholars and
Canada practiced here for centuries.70
Sri Lanka
Although polyherbal formulation is commonly used in many parts of the
Tanzania world, but the scientific evidence is still lacking. Many herbal therapies
are still under in-vivo evaluation and have not been evaluated by clinical

Table 4: List of number of publications on polyherbal formulation, evaluated in treatment of different diseases in
year 2015
Treatments/Pharmacological activities Number of publications
Diabetes 13
Anti-Oxidant 7
Hepatoprotective 6
Anti-inflammatory 5
Arthritis 4
Anxiety disorder 4
Antidiarrheal 2
Anti-malarial 2
Anti-cancer 2
Anemia 2
Wound 2
Analgesic 2
Anti-allergic 2
Immunomodulatory activity 2
Abortifacient activity 1
Antiurolithiatic Activity 1
post-menopausal symptoms 1
Anthelmintic 1
Fever 1
Anti-spasmotic 1
Anti-asthmatic 1
Osteoporosis 1
Anti-microbial 1

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trials. Moreover, safety evaluations such as toxicological studies have 26.  Joglekar NS, Joshi SN, Deshpande SS, Parkhe AN, Katti UR, Mehendale SM. Ac-
ceptability and adherence: findings from a Phase II study of a candidate vaginal
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pounds and mechanism of action for the future world. 27.  Huang E-C, Chen G, Baek SJ, McEntee MF, Collier JJ, Minkin S, et al. Zyfla-
mend Reduces the Expression of Androgen Receptor in a Model of Castrate-
Resistant Prostate Cancer. Nutr. Cancer. 2011;63(8):1287–96.
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