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Plants and Animals As Home Remedies

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Plants And Animals As

Home Remedies

Uses of plants and animals as home remedies for

treating diseases by village communities.

Types of medicinal plants
Plants used for treating diseases
Location of plants and animals on maps
Animal model used in study of diseases
Examples of animals for curing diseases
Use of plants as a source of
Use of plants as a source of medicine has been an ancient
practice and is an important component of the health care
system in India. In west also the use of herbal medicines
is growing with approximately 40 per cent of population
reporting use of herb to treat medical diseases within the
past year. General Public, academic and government
interest in traditional medicines is growing rapidly due to
the increase side effects of the adverse drug reactions
and cost factor of the modern system of medicine.
Types of plants :-
There are about 45,000 medicinal plant species in India, with concentrated spots in the region of Eastern
Himalayas, Western Ghats and Andaman & Nicobar Island. India is the largest producer of medicinal
herbs and is called the botanical garden of the world.
In India, many forms of alternative medicines are available for those who do not want conventional
medicine or who cannot be helped by conventional medicine. Ayurveda and Kabiraji (herbal medicine) are
two important forms of alternative medicine that is widely available in India.
Ayurvedic form of medicine is believed to be existent in India for thousands of years. It employs various
techniques and things to provide healing or relief to the ailing patients. One of the things that ayurveda
uses is medications of plant origin.
It is estimated that about 80,000 species of plants are utilized in some form or other by the different
systems of Indian medicine.
Guggulu(Commiphora wightii)

Guggulu (Commiphora wightii) is an armed

shrub or small tree found in the arid and semi-
arid zones of India, particularly Rajasthan.

The oleo gum resin from its stem constitutes an

important therapeutic agent used in the treatment
of various categories of ailments like neurological
conditions, leprosy, skin diseases, heart
ailments, cerebro vascular diseases and
Brahmi(Bacopa monnieri)

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is a

herbthat spreads on ground, having
fleshy stems and leaves. It is
found in moist or wet places in all
parts of India.
Brahmi is useful for treating the
diseases of the brain and to
improve memory power. Brahmi-
formulations are prescribed in
rheumatism, mental disorders,
constipation and bronchitis. It is
also a diuretic.
Amla(Emblica officinallis)

Amla (Emblica officinallis) is a

medium sized deciduous tree found
throughout India. It yields a globose
pale yellow fruit known for its varied
medicinal properties.

It is regarded as an digestive,
carminative, laxative, anti-pyretic
and tonic. It is prescribed in colics,
jaundice, hemorrhages, flatulence and
many other disorders.
The common name is Arjun .Its botaical name is Terminalia
arjuna.It belongs to a family called Combretaceae (rangoon
creeper family). Arjuna is a large, evergreen tree, with a
spreading crown and drooping branches. Grows up to 25 m
height, and the bark is grey and smooth. Leaves are sub-
opposite, oblong or elliptic oblong. Flowers small, white, and
occur on long hanging recemes. Fruit is 2.3-3.5 cm long, fibrous
Arjun Tree
woody, glabrous and has five hard wings, striated with
numerous curved veins.

Some of its medicinal uses are :-

Every part of the tree has useful medicinal properties. a reputed .
According to Ayurveda it is alexiteric, styptic, tonic, anthelmintic,
and useful in fractures, uclers, heart diseases, biliousness, urinary
discharges, asthma, tumours, leucoderma, anaemia, excessive
prespiration etc. According to Yunani system of medicine, it is
used both externally and internally in gleet and urinary
Some of the Important medicinal plants that we find in India
along with their scientific names....
Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera) Bandicoot Berry (Leea indica)
Amaltas (Cassia fistula) Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra)
Apple Mangrove (Sonneratia Bell Weed (Dipteracanthus
caseolaris) prostratus)
Arjun Tree (Terminalia arjuna) Bellyache Bush (Jatropha
Arni (Clerodendrum phlomidis) gossypiifolia)
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) Bengal Sage (Meriandra
Bush Grape (Cayratia trifolia) benghalensis)
Cabbage Palm (Sabal palmetto) Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis)
Calabash Tree (Crescentia cujete) Bengal Sage (Meriandra
Ashwagandha (Withania benghalensis)
somnifera) Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
Banchalita (Leea asiatica)
Location of national parks on maps
where these plants are found

o Maps
Animal model used in study of diseases
Animals can help humans in ways other than providing natural
remedies,Certain animal models have played significant roles in
the study of particular diseases and have led to the development
of effective interventions. For RA, polio and hepatitis C successful
treatments. In the case of TSEs, animal models have been
essential for increasing our understanding of the nature of the
diseases and in the development of public health measures to
limit their spread. The animals involved in this type of research
usually suffer from the characteristic symptoms of diseases such
as hepatitis C, RA or scrapie. Where possible, animals are
euthanised at humane endpoints, although this may not always be
the case if the long-term implications of the disease are under
Horses: Blindness and Blisters

Animals can help humans in ways other than providing

natural remedies. Horses, for example, have provided
scientists with a detailed genome map to help explain skin
and vision problems. Researchers who examine human
and horse DNA have attributed superior horse eyesight to
the lack of certain genes.
Further observations of horse genetic material revealed
genetic mutations linked to those causing the human
disease pachyonychia, a disorder that causes painful
blisters. Scientists hope these discoveries can offer more
insight into blindness and pachyonychia.
Sharks Squalamine: Infectious Diseases

In 2011, a study showed that sharks have natural

resistance to certain viral diseases. Squalamine, a
compound found in dogfish sharks' tissue, has
antiviral benefits and could be used to combat
diseases, such as dengue fever and hepatitis.

The study demonstrated that squalamine could

be effective in fighting infectious diseases in
human blood vessel and liver cells.
Scientists at the Life Sciences College of
Nanjing Agricultural University in China
have discovered one more reason to
prevent the extinction of the Giant panda:
their blood.

A compound found in the endangered

panda's blood, cathelicidin-AM, has shown
powerful antibiotic properties. A research
team at the university determined that
the compound was responsible for killing
bacteria and fungi found in the Giant
pandas' bloodstream. Panda blood can be
used to create new drugs to treat
resistant superbugs.
Viper Venom: Hypertension

If viper venom sounds dangerous, that's

because it is: An attacking viper injects a
deadly poison that can damage the vascular
system. The toxic effects of the venom come
from a quick, but drastic, drop in blood
This unfortunate reaction led to a miraculous
discovery, however. Scientists found that viper
venom could be useful in treating patients with
high blood pressure, or hypertension.
Snake venom eventually played an important
role in the development of the commonly used
blood pressure drugs called angiotensin
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.

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