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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART)

ISSN: 2454-9290, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2017

Implementation of Five Level H-Bridge Inverter with

Less Number of Switches and Reduced Harmonics
Pradeepa.K, Krishnan.S, Dhivyya Dharshinii.M, Akshaya.S.R

Abstract--A multilevel inverter is a power electronic device II. PROPOSED CIRCUIT

that is used for high voltage and high power applications, with
the added advantages of low switching stress and lower total
harmonic distortion (THD), hence reducing the size and bulk of
the passive filters. This paper proposes a new topology of a
cascaded multilevel inverter that utilizes less number of switches
than the conventional topology. Therefore with less number of
switches in the circuit, there will be a reduction in the gate
driver circuits and also in effect fewer switches will be
conducting for specific intervals of time. The circuitry consists
of smaller multilevel inverter blocks connected in series to
achieve its characteristic output waveform. A five level inverter
will be simulated and its effect on the harmonic spectrum will be
analyzed. The system will be modelled with the help of
In this paper a new topology of the cascaded multilevel
inverter has been shown to produce an increased stepped output
with less number of semiconductor switches. With fewer
switches, controlling the overall circuit becomes less complex,
the size and installation area reduces. Based on the simulation
results there is a decrease in the overall THD.
Figure 1.Single phase five level multilevel inverter for
Index Terms--Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter, Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD).
Proposed system

I. INTRODUCTION A. Proposed Circuit Operation

A multilevel inverter is a power electronic interface that Mode 1 Operation

Synthesizes a desired output voltage from several DC In the circuit two different voltage source are used
voltages as inputs. The research and development for these for the below circuit the input potential is V and the above
types of converters are gaining popularity especially for high circuit input potential is V/2.To achieve the positive half
power and high voltage applications due to the reduction in voltage the switches S1and S4 will conduct .The current start
THD. Due to this the size of the passive filter will be smaller from voltage source and flow through the switch (S1) and
making the overall system compact. In addition to this, it through resistance and switch (S4) and end with the voltage
produces output waveforms with a better harmonic spectrum, source.
hence improved power quality and also has good
electro-magnetic compatibility. Conventional multilevel
inverters include diode clamped converter, flying capacitors,
cascaded H-bridge. The cascaded H-bridge and the diode
clamped are the most popularly hardware implemented
topologies at present, especially in the growing technological
field of renewable energy. Multilevel inverters have some
disadvantages. One of the most obvious disadvantages is the
numerous of power Semiconductor switches required. Every
switch requires a gate driver circuit, therefore increasing the
complexity and size of the overall circuit. The requirement of
multiple gates Driver circuit leads to large expense;
consequently in practical applications a reduction in the Mode 2 Operation
number of switches used is crucial. This paper presents a new To achieve the positive peek voltage the switches S1, S4
topology of a cascaded multilevel inverter that has fewer and S5 will conduct. The current start from voltage source and
semiconductor switches and gate driver circuits with higher flow through the switch (S1) and through resistance and
number of steps in the output. switch (S4) and end with the voltage source.

Implementation of Five Level H-Bridge Inverter with Less Number of Switches and Reduced Harmonics


Simulation has become a very powerful tool on the
industry application as well as in academics, nowadays. It is
now essential for an electrical engineer to understand the
concept of simulation and learn its use in various applications.
Simulation is one of the best ways to study the system or
circuit behavior without damaging it .The tools for doing the
simulation in various fields are available in the market for
engineering professionals. Many industries are spending a
considerable amount of time and money in doing simulation
before manufacturing their product. In most of the research
Mode 3 Operation and development (R&D) work, the simulation plays a very
To achieve the zero voltage the switches S1, S4 and important role. Without simulation it is quiet impossible to
S6 will conduct. The current start from voltage source and proceed further. It should be noted that in
flow through the switch (S1) and through resistance and flow Power electronics, computer simulation and a proof of
through the voltage source and flow through the switch(S6) concept hardware prototype in the laboratory are
and flow through the switch (S4) end with the voltage source. complimentary to each other. However computer simulation
must not be considered as a substitute for hardware prototype.
The objective of this chapter is to describe simulation of
impedance source inverter with R, R-L and using mat lab tool.
Bridge inverter is called as H-Bridge Inverter. It is
used to convert DC to AC. It is one type of Multilevel
inverters. Cascade multi level inverter has the simple
configuration compare than other multi level inverters. It is
generate less harmonic and high level output voltage. Five
level inverter shown in figure 6.has only six switches but
conventional method require eight switches.

Simulation Circuit of Conventional Five Level H-Bridge

Mode 4 Operation Inverter for RL-Load

To achieve the negative half voltage the switches S2, Figure 2.Shows the simulation circuit of conventional five
S3 will conduct. The current start from voltage source and Level H-Bridge inverter for RL-Load.
flow through the switch (S2) and through resistance and
switch (S3) and end with the voltage source.

Mode 5 Operation

To achieve the negative peek voltage the switches S2, S3

and S6 will conduct .The current start from voltage source and
flow through the switch (S2) and through resistance and flow
through the voltage source and flow through the (S6) and end
with the voltage source.

Figure 2.Simulation circuit of conventional Five level H-

Bridge inverter for RL-Load

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART)
ISSN: 2454-9290, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2017
Input Voltage Figure 6.Shows the simulation circuit of proposed five
Figure 3.Shows the DC Input voltage for the inverter Level H-bridge inverter for RL-Load.

Figure 3. DC Input voltage for inverter Circuit

Output Voltage
Figure 4.Shows the output voltage across the RL- load.

Figure 6.Simulation circuit of proposed five level H-bridge

inverter for RL-Load

Input Voltage
Figure 7.Shows the DC Input voltage for the inverter

Figure 4.Output voltage across the RL-Load

FFT Analysis
Figure 5. Shows FFT analysis for conventional five
levels H-Bridge inverter for RL Load was performed and the
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) was found to be 21.56% at
the fundamental frequency 50 Hz

Figure 7.DC Input voltage for the inverter Circuit

Output Voltage
Figure 8. Shows the output voltage across the RL-load

Figure 5.FFT analysis for conventional five level

H-Bridge inverter for RL-Load

Simulation Circuit of Proposed Five Level H-Bridge

Inverter for RL-Load Figure 8.Output voltage across the RL Load

Implementation of Five Level H-Bridge Inverter with Less Number of Switches and Reduced Harmonics

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Table 1 shows that the Total harmonic distortion between

conventional and proposed five level multilevel inverter.

FIVE LEVEL MULTI TOTAL HARMONIC Pradeepa.K/Assistant Professor, EEE department, Vel
LEVEL INVERTER DISTORTION Tech, Chennai, India. Completed BE.,(EEE) in Rajalakshmi Engineering
Conventional Five Level College, Chennai and ME., (PED) in S.K.R Engineering College, Chennai.
Multilevel Inverter 21.56%
Proposed Five Level
Multilevel Inverter 11.80%

Krishnan.S/Assistant Professor, EEE department, Jaya
Institute of Technology, Chennai, India. Completed BE.,(EEE) in T.J
Thus a cascaded multilevel inverter that utilizes less Institute of Technology, Chennai and ME.,(PED) in S.K.R Engineering
College, Chennai.
number of switches was implemented. With fewer switches,
controlling the overall circuit becomes less complex, the size
and installation area reduces and there is a decrease in the
overall THD. A five level inverter was simulated and its effect
on the harmonic spectrum was analyzed. The system was
simulated using MATLAB. The resulting system is used for
high voltage and high power applications, with the added Dhivyya Dharshinii.M /Assistant Professor, EEE
advantages of low switching stress and lower total harmonic department, Vel Tech, Chennai, India. Completed BE.,( EEE) in Vel Tech
Multi Tech, Chennai and ME.,( PED) in Rajalakshmi Engineering College,
distortion (THD), hence reducing the size and bulk of the Chennai.
passive filters.


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