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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-9, September 2015

Evaluation of the Chemical Composition, Nutritive

Value and Antinutrients of Terminalia catappa L.
Fruit (Tropical Almond)
Justina I. R. Udotong, Michael I. Bassey
Terminalia catappa L. is a large, deciduous tree (Plate
Abstract Terminalia catappa L. fruits were analyzed to 1.0) with smooth grey bark and whorled branches that form a
establish their chemical composition and nutritive properties in canopy and is found in tropical and subtropical regions. The
order to investigate the possibility of promoting their usage as fruit is large (1.2-2.3), edible, fleshy, green (unripe) and
human food or animal feed. The seeds (enclosed in the hard
yellow or red (when ripe) containing a single seed. The fruit
stone-like core) and the pulp (succulent exocarp and fleshy
fibrous mesocarp) were analyzed. Proximate analyses showed
has a husk (34.08%), a porous and fibrous pericarp (8.97%),
that the seeds and pulp contained 47.340.03% and an exocarp which is relatively thin and smooth while the hard
80.930.05% moisture, 28.700.59% and 8.750.01% crude endocarp (46.63%) encloses an edible kernel (10.32%) [5].
protein, 5.190.08% and 4.790.17% ash, 3.760.34% and
3.100.03% crude fibre, 44.640.11% and 0.510.02% fat,
17.711.12% and 82.850.23% carbohydrate and
587.407.28kcal and 370.991.14kcal of energy, respectively.
Percentage organic matter was higher in the pulp than in the
seed (95.21% and 94.81%, respectively). The seed was found to
be a good source of phosphorus (44.3670.025mg/100g) as the
highest value, followed in descending order by magnesium
(33.2860.110mg/100g), potassium (30.3550.082mg/100g),
sodium (26.8450.072mg/100g) , zinc (25.9520.038mg/100g),
calcium (20.1340.007mg/100g) and iron (0.0230.001mg/100g).
In the pulp, phosphorus was also found to be the highest mineral
with a value of 22.5660.012mg/100g. Other minerals were
present in trace quantities in the pulp. The pulp was found to be
rich in vitamin C (797.950.11mg/100g). Vitamin A was low in
the seed (0.130.02mg/100g) and pulp (0.380.03mg/100g).
These fruits were seen to contain antinutrients mostly in the
pulp. Oxalate was the most abundant (205.1230.021 and
396.6450.017mg/100g) in the seed and pulp, respectively while Plate 1.0: Photograph of a Terminalia catappa L. tree.
the least, phytic acid was 2.0650.033 mg/100g (seed) and
4.6750.014mg/100g (pulp). The fruit should be eaten by all as it Botanically, tropical almond is not a nut but a fruit [6]
is seen to be rich in nutrients. and can be classified thus:
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Index Terms Antinutrients, Minerals, Nutrients, Proximate Superdivision: Spermatophyta
analyses, Terminalia catappa L., Vitamins.
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida Subclass: Rosidae
Order: Myrtales
Family: Combretaceae
Terminalia catappa L. is a tropical tree of the Combretaceae Genus: Terminalia L.
family encountered in many tropical regions [1]. Terminalia Species: Terminalia catappa L.
catappa L. grows, reaching heights of 20-45m and shows
strong salt-, drought- and wind-tolerance. It produces fruits The common vernacular names include castanhola (Brazil),
(3-7cm long) with a thin flesh surrounding a large fibrous nut miich (Palanan), bedan (Yemeni) and ebelebo (Nigeria)
which encloses the seed [2]. The fruit of Terminalia catappa amongst others [7]. Terminalia catappa L. contains
L. is classified as a drupe (fleshy mesocarp and stone-like hydrolyzable tannins, flavonoids and triterpenoids [8] which
stiffened endocarp, where the seed is). The plant is believed to are the active constituents of the fruit.
have originated in Malaysia [3]. Terminalia catappa is native Traditionally, the leaves, fruits and bark of Terminalia
to tropical Asia. It was introduced to Cote dIvoire during catappa L. have several uses [9]. It is considered to have
colonization for urban ornamentation [4]. aphrodisiac and antibacterial properties and it is thought to be
useful in the treatment of certain forms of sexual inadequacies
such as premature ejaculation [10]. Terminalia catappa L. is
known to have antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancer, antiviral,
Justina I. R. Udotong, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic
Medical Sciences, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. antifungal and antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic,
Michael I. Bassey, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic aphrodisiac and anti-sickling of human SS erythrocytes
Medical Sciences, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. activities. The fruit shell of Terminalia catappa L. has proved

Evaluation of the Chemical Composition, Nutritive Value and Antinutrients of Terminalia catappa L. Fruit
(Tropical Almond)

to be useful precursor material for the preparation of carbon III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
adsorbent used in the removal of Hg (II) from aqueous
solutions [11]. A. Proximate Analyses
The fruit of Terminalia catappa L. is known to attract The results of the estimation of the moisture, ash, crude
fruit flies. Stands of tropical almond appear to be somewhat protein, crude fibre, crude fat and carbohydrate contents of
isolated from other known hosts of oriental fruit fly but the Terminalia catappa L. are presented in Table 1.
fruit infestation levels suggest that this tree may contain a
powerful attractant for female oriental fruit flies. TABLE I
The sole aim of nutritionist, food scientist and biochemist PROXIMATE ANALYSES OF NUTRIENTS IN Terminalia
is to explore the various sources in which the different catappa L. FRUITS
nutrients could be obtained especially from sources which
abound in our immediate environment. This has led to various
researches, to determine the various compositions of sampled Crude fat 44.640.11 0.510.02
fruits which are less commonly eaten in our society. One of Crude protein 28.700.59 8.750.01
such fruits is the fruits of Terminalia catappa L. Crude fibre 3.760.34 3.100.03
The research work is aimed at analyzing the fruit (pulp Total ash 5.190.08 4.790.17
and seed) of Terminalia catappa L. to establish their chemical Carbohydrate 17.711.12 82.850.23
compositions and nutritive values in order to investigate the Moisture 47.340.03 80.930.05
possibility of promoting their usage as food for humans or Values are mean standard deviation of triplicate determinations
feed for animal consumption.
The moisture content is given in terms of % wet weight of the
samples. The moisture present in the pulp is almost double
that in the seed. This is mainly because the fresh pulp is more
A. Collection and Sample Treatment succulent than the seed. The moisture content of food usually
The seeds and pulp was obtained from ripe fruits of serves as an index of stability and susceptibility to microbial
Terminalia catappa L. located in the University of Uyo, infection [18]. Hence, the higher the moisture level, the
Town campus, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. About fifty shorter the shelf life and vice versa.
ripe fruits were collected and taken to the University of Uyo The ash content was found to be slightly higher in seeds
herbarium for proper identification of the variety. The (5.190.08%) compared to the pulp (4.790.17%). The seeds
succulent portion of the fruit was scrapped off from the hard contained more of crude protein (28.70 0.59) than the pulp
core nut using a knife to obtain the pulp. The hard core nut (8.750.01). Proteins serve as component of nuclear and
was broken using a hammer to obtain the seeds. cytoplasmic structure that takes part in maintaining cellular
organization, including full component of enzymes involved
B. Proximate Analysis in metabolism during maturation and growth [19]. The crude
Proximate analyses carried out on the samples included fibre contents of seeds and pulp were approximately the same
moisture, crude protein, crude fat, fibre, ash and carbohydrate (3.760.34% and 3.100.03%, respectively). Fibre consists
contents. This was done following the method of [12]. largely of cellulose together with lignin and hemicelluloses
Carbohydrate content of the samples were obtained after [20]. Dietary fibres have been reported to have beneficial
subtracting values of crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre and effects on muscles of intestine during peristalsis [21]. Fibre is
ash content from 100%. not digested by man but provides roughages that aid digestion
Carbohydrate = 100 (a+b+c+d), where a = crude protein, b [22]. Fibre is a rich source of silicon (element found in the
= crude fat, c = crude fibre, d = ash content. Organic matter connective tissues and arterial walls).
was obtained by subtracting the ash content from 100. i.e Crude fat is richly abundant in the seed (44.64 0.11%) and
Organic matter = 100 - %Ash. The caloric value was obtained merely present in the pulp (0.510.02%). Fats are vital for
by multiplying the values of the protein, lipid and structural, biological functions in the cell and dissolution of
carbohydrate by 4kcal, 9kcal and 4kcal respectively and nutritionally essential fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E
taking the sum of its products obtained. i.e. Caloric value = & K).
(protein x 4kcal) + (lipid x 9kcal) + (carbohydrate x 4kcal). The pulp contains higher quantities of carbohydrate
C. Determination of Mineral elements composition (82.850.23%) than the seed (17.711.12%). Carbohydrates
Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn were estimated by atomic absorption are the significant sources of energy for cellular metabolism.
spectrophotometry (AAS) method of [13]. Na and K were It can also perform functional and structural roles in the
estimated following flame photometric method of [14]. animal body.
Phosphorus was estimated following [15] method of analyses. The results of the organic matter and measure of the energy
content in the seeds and pulp of Terminalia catappa L. are
D. Determination of Antinutrients composition presented in Table II.
HCN was estimated following the method of [12]. Oxalate
estimation was done following the method of [16]. Phytic acid TABLE II
was estimated following the method of [12]. Tannin was
Terminalia catappa L. FRUITS
estimated following the method of [17]. MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION
E. Determination of Vitamins composition SEED PULP
Organic matter 94.810.002% 95.210.06%
Vitamins A and C were estimated following the method of Caloric value 587.807.28 kcal 370.991.14 kcal
[12]. Values are mean standard deviation of triplicate determinations

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-9, September 2015
The result shows that the seed has a higher caloric value than respectively). Oxalic acid is an antinutrient that inhibits the
the pulp i.e the seed has more energy value than the pulp. The absorption and utilization of calcium by precipitating it to
organic matter in the seed and pulp is approximately the same. form insoluble calcium oxalate. Oxalate also forms insoluble
complexes with Mg, Zn and Hg [25].
B. Mineral elements composition
The Terminalia catappa L. fruit contains higher quantity of
The results of the estimation of the mineral elements (Ca, K,
phytate in the pulp than in the seed (4.6750.014mg/100g and
Na, P, Fe, Zn and Mg) in Terminalia catappa L. fruits (seed
2.0650.033mg/100g, respectively). Phytic acid is an
and pulp) are presented in Table III.
antinutrient that is known to cause deficiency of Ca and Fe
TABLE III due to the formation of insoluble phytates. When present in
MINERAL ELEMENTS COMPOSITION IN large amount, they act as a major inhibitor of iron absorption.
Terminalia catappa L. FRUITS Phytate have been reported to reduce growth and feed intake
COMPOSITION SEED (mg/100g) PULP (mg/100g) when fed in large amounts [26].
Calcium Ca 20.1340.007 1.1930.025 Tannin is the second most abundant toxicant in Terminalia
Potassium K 30.3550.082 2.2880.092 catappa L. fruit. Its level is higher in the pulp than in the seed.
Sodium Na 26.8450.072 1.9520.074
Phosphorus P 44.3670.025 22.5660.012 Tannin is known to bind irreversibly to proteins, rendering it
Iron Fe 0.0230.001 0.0010.000 indigestible by intestinal enzymes. Tannins such as catachin
Zinc Zn 25.9520.038 0.1630.019 are found in the leaves of Terminalia catappa L. thus
Magnesium Mg 33.2860.110 1.2640.054
Values are mean standard deviation of triplicate determinations explaining its characteristic therapeutic application. This
Mineral element analyses reveal that the seed contain more antinutrient also have its beneficial role i.e. it can diminish
proportion of minerals compared to the pulp of the fruit. perspiration and cause relieve to asthmatic patients [27].
Phosphorus was the highest (44.3670.025mg/100g) in seed Generally, the pulp is seen to contain a higher quantity of the
and (22.5660.012mg/100g) in the pulp of the fruits. For the antinutrients than the seed.
seed of Terminalia catappa L., the level of elements were as
follows P > Mg> K> Na > Zn > Ca> Fe with values D. Vitamins composition
44.3670.025, 33.2860.110, 30.3550.082, 26.8450.072, The result of the estimation is presented in Table V.
25.9520.038, 20.1340.007 and 0.0230.001mg/100g,
respectively. TABLE V
For the pulp, the level of elements were as follows P > K> VITAMINS COMPOSITION IN Terminalia catappa L. FRUITS
Na> Ca> Mg > Zn> Fe with values 22.5660.012, COMPOSITION SEED (mg/100g) PULP (mg/100g)
2.2880.092, 1.952 0.074, 1.1930.025, 1.2640.054, Vitamin A 0.130.02 0.380.03
0.1630.019 and 0.0010.000mg/100g, respectively. Fe was Vitamin C 180.090.03 797.950.11
observed to be the least amount in both seed and pulp with Values are mean standard deviation of triplicate determinations
values of 0.0230.001mg/100g and 0.0010.000mg/100g of
dry matter of seed and pulp, respectively. For the whole fruit, The Terminalia catappa L. fruit has low content of vitamin A
the level of the element were found to be P > Mg> K> Na > Zn in the seed (0.130.02mg/100g) and pulp
> Ca> Fe. (0.320.03mg/100g). Vitamin A plays key role in visual
processes. It promotes growth and differentiation of cellular
C. Antinutrients composition epithelium, prevents keratinization of skin and eye and
Antinutrients are natural or synthetic compounds that promotes resistance to bacterial infection [28].
interfere with the absorption of nutrients [23]. Table IV. Vitamin C was found to be abundant in the pulp
presents the results of the antinutrients composition of (797.750.11mg/100g) of the fruit (accounting for the sour
Terminalia catappa L. fruits (seeds and pulp) taste of the pulp when eaten) compared with that present in the
seed (180.090.03mg/100g). Vitamin C functions in
TABLE IV formation of collagen, promotes use of calcium in bone and
ANTINUTRIENTS OR TOXICANTS COMPOSITION IN teeth, promotes elasticity and strength of capillaries and also
Terminalia catappa L. FRUITS converts follacin to its active form. Vitamin C stimulates the
TOXICANT MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION phagocytic activities of the leucocytes [29].
COMPOSITION SEED (mg/100g) PULP (mg/100g)
Hydrocyanic acid (HCN) 6.0350.012 7.3440.025
Oxalate 205.1230.021 396.6450.017 IV. CONCLUSION
Phytic acid 2.0650.033 4.6750.014
Tannin 35.0000.006 44.0000.003 The analyses carried out on the ripe fruits of Terminalia
Values are mean standard deviation of triplicate determinations catappa L. was to estimate the proximate composition,
The pulp of Terminalia catappa L. fruits contains higher mineral elements and composition, vitamin composition,
quantity of HCN (7.3440.025mg/100g) compared to the seed antinutrient constituents and caloric values. Proximate
(6.0350.012mg/100g). It is the presence of this HCN that gives analyses show that the fruits have high moisture content
the tropical almond its characteristic taste. Depending on its relatively higher in the pulp than the seed. The seed of the fruit
dosage, the fruit can be toxic as the cyanide ions are known to is a good source of lipid, protein and some minerals like P,
arrest electron flow in the electron transport chain at Cytaa 3 Mg, K, Na, Zn and Ca. It also has a higher caloric value.
(complex IV) [24]. The pulp is rich in vitamin C and carbohydrate. The
Oxalate is the most prevalent antinutrient present in the fruit availability of vitamins makes the toxicants in the fruit less
of Terminalia catappa L. Oxalate is very high in the pulp than harmful to humans. In view of all these potentials, it is
in the seed (396.6450.017mg/100g and 205.1230.021mg/100g,

Evaluation of the Chemical Composition, Nutritive Value and Antinutrients of Terminalia catappa L. Fruit
(Tropical Almond)

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