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Drying and Reconstitution of Cassava Foo Foo: Opara C.C, Akangbou N.M, Evbuomwan B.O, Ogbodo M.N

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-7, July 2015

Drying and Reconstitution of Cassava Foo Foo

Opara C.C, Akangbou N.M, Evbuomwan B.O, Ogbodo M.N.
Industrial Research [4]. Cassava tubers, when harvested,
Abstract The study of drying and reconstitution of cassava contain a high moisture content and when foo foo is produced
foo foo is aimed at determine if cassava foo foo can be dry and to from it, it also contain little moisture content; this moisture
measure the rate of drying; subsequently the dried product has to be removed in processing to foo foo flour or before
would be reconstituted to establish whether it will return to the
preservation can be adequately ensured.[5].
original cassava foo foo properties. The experiment was
performed in other to obtain the rate of drying and
It is considered that the consumer preference for foo foo has
reconstitution using the principle of thin film (solar dryer) for reduced due to its inherent undesirable characteristics of poor
drying process and application of hot and cold water for odour, short shelf life and tedious preparation [6]. Its
reconstitution process. The plots of drying and reconstitution preparation involves efficient dehydratum of pre-cooked
rate with moisture content, moisture content with time and their cassava (manihotesculentacrantz) and cocoyam
rates with time were made showing the characteristics of (xanthosomamaffiafa) or plantain (musa) or yam
cassava foo foo. Results showed reduction in moisture content in (DioscoraSpp) followed by milling and mixing with small
cassava foo foo from 54.36% to 13.56% during ten hours of proportion of cassava starch to improve the binding of the foo
drying. From the drying curves obtained, constant drying rate
foo flour when reconstituted. Pounded foo foo is traditionally
for cassava foo foo is 4.7 grams moisture per hour, is the falling
rate period commenced at critical moisture of 36.37%.The
prepared by pounding boiled cassava roots together with
changes were observed in colour (darkening in colour) harder cocoyam/plantain/yam pieces in a wooden using a pestle into
texture, shrinkage, case hardenings and reduction in offensive a thick paste. It is therefore associated with lot of drudgery.
odour of the cassava foo foo. Finally, cassava foo foo cannot be Foo foo flour as a convenient staple is increasingly becoming
reconstituted due to breakage of the polymeric bond existing very popular in West Africa [7].
between the moisture of the cassava foo foo but can be used as Drying is the removal of moisture or water vapour from a food
cereals for breakfast. substance by means of thermal energy relative term and other
bone-drying moisture content from an initial value to an
Index Terms Cassava, Drying Foo Foo, Reconstitution.
acceptable final value [8]. Drying May required for several
reasons. First and most often, water is removed from the
cassava to extend its useful life [9]. The dried product is later
reconstituted prior to use in order to produce a food closely
resembling the fresh crops or they can be ground into flour
Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) belongs to be the [10]. Also cassava is sometimes dried so that a new product
family Euphorbiaceease. It is a major carbohydrate staple distinctly different from its original form can be produced
consumed in various forms by humans. It forms a base for a [11]. Total cyanide content of cassava chips could be
wide variety of fermented foods in Africa, Asia and Latin decrease by only 10-30 percent through fast air drying. Peeled
America [1].Foo foo is a fermented wet paste made from cut pieces of roots gave a HCN concentration lower than
cassava that is widely consumed in Eastern and 10mg/100g and loss was more effective than over drying
South-Western Nigeria and other parts of West African Such [12].Drying may be in the sun or over a fire [13]. Drying
as Sierra Leone [2]. It is ranked next to garri as an indigenous lowers the moisture content which inhibits the growth of
food of most Nigerians in the South. In Nigeria, it has decay-causing organism. Drying also has the advantage of
commercial potential that has been reported to be increasing reducing of foodstuff to about 1/5 of the original while
[3], in West Africa; foo foo is usually made from yams, reconstitution increases the moisture content which helps in
sometimes combined plantains, in central Africa, foo foo the growth of decay-causing organisms.
often made from cassava tubers like Batonde manioc. The Reconstitution or rehydration is the restoration of a drying or
rural and urban demand for garri is higher than that of foo foo. dehydrated material in this case food product to its original
Garri is the preferred product for higher income consumers edible condition by the simple addition of water, usually just
because of the ease with which it is prepared for consumption. prior to consumption or further processing. The objective is to
Several products are processed in Nigeria, in recent years obtain product that upon reconstitution will obtain adequate
consumer preferences for the various products have shown to textural characteristics after a short time. The analytical
be dynamic. Though the 1960s and early 1970s, cassava was model applied in drying process is extended for modelling of
consumed in the following forms, 15% as fresh roots; 5% as the reconstitution process [14].
garri: 60% as foo foo; 10% as starch; and 10% as flour. By the
early 1980s, the consumption of foo foo had declined to 14% II. MATERIALS AND METHOD
of all cassava eaten, whilst consumption of garri rose to 65%
according to a natural consumption survey by the federal
In this experiment, fresh bitter Cassava tubers were pealed,
washed and soaked in a bucket with water to allow
fermentation take place and a thermometer was inserted to
Opara C.C, Akangbou N.M, Evbuomwan B.O, Ogbodo M.N.*,*
Department of Chemical Engineering University of Port Harcourt, Port note the temperature of the fermentation for three days, the
Harcourt, Nigeria. temperature of the first, second and third day were 26C,37C

Drying and Reconstitution of Cassava Foo Foo

and 45C respectively before fermentation took place. The IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
softened tubers were mashed with the hands and washed over
a sieve placed on top a basin. The slurry obtained was allowed
to settle. The clear liquid above the pulp was removed; further
removed of liquid was accomplished by subjecting the pulp
under high press. The fleshing fermented cassava pulp was
dissolved completely in little quantity of water and poured in
a pot placed on a 1000w electric stove. The mixture was
stirred continuously for about 25 minutes, a thermometer was
inserted in the cooking pot to note the temperature and time
interval was also noted with the help of stopwatch. This
cassava foo foo was then used for experiment.
A. Drying Method:
Figure: 1 Effect of drying rate of cassava foo foowith time.
The dryer used in this experiment was solar dryer; the weight
of the weighing pan was measured and noted with a triple
beam balance. Thereafter, the cassava foo foo was prepared
for drying using the principle of thin-film drying. The cassava
foo foo was spread across each of the three the weighing pans
with the required thickness placed at the edges and rolled over
with damped rollers to give the required thickness of 1mm
each. The three drying bins were transferred into the drying
chamber of the dryer, and the whole system was mounted
under the sun facing the direction of the suns ray. An
anemometer was mounted beside the dryer and the wind
velocity was determined at one hair intervals. The wet bulb
and dry bulb temperature were determined with a minimum Figure 2: Effect of moisture content with time.
and maximum thermometer. The collector temperature and
drying air temperature were also determined at an interval of
one hour. The weights of the three samples were constantly
checked at one hour interval and recorded from which the
drying rate and the moisture content were calculated. After
solar drying of cassava foo foo was completed, perceptions
were carried out by some individuals on the changes in
physical property of the dried cassava foo foo. Changes were
observed in colour (darkening in colour, harder texture,
shrinkage, case hardenings and reduction in offensive odour
of the cassava foo foo. The experiment is stopped when there
is no more appreciable change in the weight of the sample
with time.
Figure 3: Effect of drying rate of cassava foo foo with
The bore-dry weights of the three samples were used for the
reconstitution experiment using cold and hot water. The RECONSTITUTION GRAPH FOR POWEDERED
bore-dry cassava foo foo sample was grinded into powered CASSAVA FOO FOO USING COLD WATER.
form. The grinded cassava foo foo was then sieved using a
400 mesh size sieve. In the cold water experiment, 30ml (30g)
of distilled water at 24C in temperature was poured in
calibrated test tube, 20mm diameter and 2mm thick
containing 3.7g of the sieved cassava foo foo sample.
Prior of this, the height in millitres of the calibrated test tube
was recorded. After the water was poured; the change in
height of the powered cassava as the water was being
absorbed was recorded at four minutes interval. The change in
height of the water was also recorded at same time interval.
The results were recorded until a point where water was no
longer absorbed. The water above was measured and
decanted. This was repeated, using hot water at 100C. The
experiment is stopped when there is no more appreciable Figure 4: Effect of Absorption rate of cassava foo foo with
change in the weight of the sample with time. moisture content.

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-7, July 2015

Figure 8: Effect of moisture content of cassava foo foo with


Figure 5: Effect of moisture content of cassava foo foo with

Figure 9: the effect of Absorption rate of cassava foo foo with
moisture content.

Figure1: Effect of drying rate of cassava foo foo with time.
From the graph it can be observed that the drying rate has a
constant period at 4.7 with increase in time from 1-3 hours
before the drying rate decreases with increase in time and
become constant again with increase in time at time (9-10)
indicating there is no further drying.
Figure 2: Effect of moisture constant with time. Drying of
Figure 6: Effect of Absorption rate of cassava foo foo with
cassava foo foo with warm up period of 54.36% to 49.60%
moisture content at time (0-1) hour and decrease with increase
in time interval (0-10) hours. The moisture content
concentration falls linearly over at time (1-6), time (5-8) show
nonlinear drop of moisture content. The slope of the graph
decreases in magnitude with increasing time and drying rate
progressively diminishes. At time (5-9) represent falling rate
periods. The slope of the curve has a discontinuity at time 9
hours. The equilibrium moisture content is reached at the time
9 hours after which the graph becomes flat indicating no
further loss of moisture.
Figure 3: Effect of drying rate of cassava foo foo with
moisture content. Increase in moisture content increases the
drying rate. At moisture content of 49.60% to 54.36%, the
rate of drying is constant at 4.7gram per hour.
Figure 4: Effect of Absorption rate of cassava foo foo with
moisture content. From the graph, it can be observed that
increase in moisture content decreases the absorption rate of
cassava foo foo. The absorption rate of cassava foo foo
reached its peak level at 1.75gram per minutes with moisture
content of 65.42% after which the curve becomes flat
Figure 7: Effect of Absorption rate of cassava foo foo with
indicating no further loss of moisture. Also the graph shows
the reconstitution of dried cassava foo foo using cold water
with constant rate period of absorption rate of (0.86-1.75)and
linear increase in moisture content of 0%-65.42%.
Figure 5: Effect of Absorption rate of cassava foo foo with
moisture content. From the graph, it can be observed that
increase in time decreases the moisture of cassava foo foo.
The moisture content of cassava foo foo reached its peak level
at 65.42% with time at 4 hours after which the curve the
becomes flat indicating no further loss of moisture. Also the
graph shows the reconstitution of dried cassava foo foo using
cold water with initial increase in moisture content of 65.42%
with falling rate period (1.75-0.25) and it decreases linearly
with increase in time (4-10) minutes.

Drying and Reconstitution of Cassava Foo Foo

Figure 6: Effect of Absorption rate of cassva foofoo with [3] Da-Wen, S. (2007): Computational Fluid Dynamics in Food
Processing CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. Page 251
time. It can be observed that in the early hour there was a
[4] Federal Industrial Research (2005) cassava processing FIRO, Oshodi,
sharp rise in absorption rate of cassava foo foo and sudden Lagos, Nigeria.
later hour sloppy collapse. The increase in time decreases the
absorption rate. Also the graph shows the reconstitution of [5] Lucas E.B. and Olayanju, T.M.A., (2003): Effect of Moisture
dried cassava foo foo using cold water with initial Content on some physical properties of Beni seed Accession. Journal
of Applied Science and Technology. Volume 3, Number 1. Page 7-12.
reconstitution of 1.75 and constant rate period of (0.25-0.00) [6] Okokon, F.B (2002): Shrinkage and moisture loss of dried Melon
of absorption rate with time (12-40) minutes. Seed.
[7] Johnson PNT, Gallats, Oduro-Yeboah.C,Osei-Yaw .A and Westby .A.
Figure 7: Effect of Absorption rate of cassava foo foo with (2006):Sensory properties of Instant Fufu flour from four
high-yielding Ghanaian Cassava. Tropical Science, 46(1): 134-138.
time. It can be observed that in the early hour there was a [8] Itodo, I.N, Adewole, A.M, Edemeka, S.K. (2002): Development of
sharp rise in absorption rate of cassava foo foo and sudden Active Solar Crop Dryer: Design Analysis and performance
later hour sloppy collapse. The increase in time decreases the Evaluation. Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy.10(1 &2).
absorption rate. Also reconstitution of dried cassava foo foo [9] Taiwo K.A. (2006): Utilization potentials of cassava in Nigeria. The
Domestic and Industrial products. Food Review International, 22-42.
using hot water with initial reconstitution of 3.8 with constant [10] Satori, E. (2000): A Critical Review on equation employed for the
falling rate period of (3.08-0.68) and it decreases with calculation of the Evaporation rate from free water surfaces. Solar
constant rate period of (0.18-0.00) of absorption rate with Energy 68 (1): pages 77-89.
time (12-28) minutes. [11] Abera, S. and Rakshit S.K. (2003):Comparison of physiochemical
and functional properties of cassava starch extracted from fresh roots
Figure 8: Effect of moisture content of cassava foo foo with and dried chips. Starch/starke, 55: 287-296
time. From the graph, it can be observed that increase in time [12] Exell, R.H.B. (2001): A Simple Solar Rice Dryer, Basic Design. Sun
decreases the moisture content of cassava foo foo. The World 4, pages 186-191.
moisture content of cassava foo foo reached its peak level at [13] McCabe, W.L, and Harriot, P. (2001): Unit Operation of Chemical
Engineering. Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill,New York, pages
76.88% with time at 4 hours after which the curve becomes 797-800.
flat indicating no further loss of moisture. Also the graph [14] Crank, N. (2005): Mathematics of Diffusion. Oxford Press, New
shows the reconstitution of dried cassava foo foo using hot Jersey.
water with initial increase in moisture content of 76.88% with
falling rate period (3.08-0.68) and it decreases linearly with
increase in time (8-10) minutes.
Figure 9: Effect of absorption rate of cassava foo foo with
moisture content. The graph shows the reconstitution of dried
cassava foo foo using hot water. Increase in absorption rate of
cassava foo foo increases the moisture content and absorption
rate is linearly increase with moisture content at 0%-76.88%.

From the plot of drying and reconstitution rate (rehydration)
against moisture content and time, results showed reduction in
moisture content of cassava foo foo from 54.36% to 13.56%
during ten hours of drying. From the drying curves obtained,
constant drying rate for cassava foo foo is 4.7grams moisture
per hour and the falling rate period commenced at critical
moisture of 36.37%. Changes were obtained in colour
(darkening in colour), harder texture, shrinkage, case
hardening, and deduction in offensive odour of cassava foo
foo after solar drying. Increase in volume of the powdered
cassava foo foo is greater in the hot water than cold water
during reconstitution process. Cassava foo foo could not be
reconstitution by either cold or hot water due to the breakage
of its polymeric bonds as a result of the drying and grinding
processes. Therefore the knowledge of the rate of drying and
rate of reconstitution in this study can be used in the design of
dryer that will minimize the deterioration in the eating quality
and nutritive value of cassava foo foo in order to extend its
shelf life.

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Burundi food Review International, 22-1-27.
[2] Chiou, D. Langrish, T.A.G, Braham, R. (2008):Partial
Crystallization Behaviour during Spray drying.


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