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Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 8 (2020)
Journal homepage:

Original Research Article

Effect of Pretreatment and Drying Methods on Nutritional Composition of

Ripe Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)

Anju K Dhiman1, Pritika Chauhan1, Surekha Attri1, Deepika Kathuria1*,

Preethi Ramachandran1 and Anshu Sharma2

Department of Food Science and Technology, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and
Forestry, Nauni, Solan, HP 173230, India
Amity International Centre for Post Harvest Technology and Cold Chain Management, Amity
University Noida, UP 201313, India

*Corresponding author


Value added dried pumpkin cubes and slices were prepared using ripe pumpkin (Cucurbita
moschata Duch ex Poir). Prior to drying of pumpkin cubes and slices, different
Keywords pretreatments (blanching, potassium metabisulphite (KMS) treatment, sulphur fumigation)
were standardized and among them treatment involving steam blanching for 4 min + 1500
Ripe pumpkin,
Drying, Blanching,
ppm KMS dip for 30 min was observed to be the best, retaining maximum nutritional
Pretreatment, characteristics and sensory scores. Further both traditional and mechanical drying methods
Recovery were used to dry pretreated pumpkin cubes and slices viz. sun (T 1), solar (T2) and
mechanical cabinet (T3). The comparison of different drying modes showed that cubes and
Article Info slices of treatment T3 possessed higher values for chemical parameters and received
maximum sensory scores. During storage for six months, the maximum retention of
Accepted: chemical constituents like β-carotene (33.99, 33.16 mg/100 g), ascorbic acid (8.54, 8.58
22 July 2020 mg/100 g) and total phenols (9.21, 9.17 mg/100 g) was observed in mechanical cabinet
Available Online: dried cubes and slices, respectively. However, the sensory scores were found to decrease
10 August 2020 during storage but remained well above the acceptable limits. The study indicated that the
dried products from ripe pumpkin can be stored safely up to six months with minimal
changes in chemical and sensory attributes.

Introduction considered as the cheaper source valuable

sources of functional components such as
Pumpkin, as the marvels of vegetable belongs carotenoids, zeaxanthin, vitamin E, ascorbic
to the family Cucurbitaceae and the genus acid, phytosterols, selenium and linoleic
cucurbita. The name pumpkin was derived acids. These components acts as antioxidants
from a Greek word Pepon which means large in human nutrition and therefore protect
melon. This vegetable comes from tropical human beings from certain types of cancer,
and subtropical zones of Mexico and South cardiovascular disease and macular
America. When used at ripening stage, it is degeneration (Thakur et al., 2019). In

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

addition, ripe pumpkin is also recommended blanching in hot water for 6-9 min followed
for arthrosclerosis and reduction of by dipping in 0.075 % sodium metabisulphite
cholesterol in people suffering from obesity for one hour prior to drying helped in
(Danilchenko et al., 2000). In many countries retaining the ascorbic acid and carotene
such as China, Yugoslavia, Argentina, India, (Rahman et al., 2010). Further, Sra et al.,
Mexico, Brazil and America pumpkin has (2011) also observed that blanching in water
been used as traditional medicine as well. at 90 °C for 4 min followed by dipping in 6 %
KMS solution improved the rehydration ratio,
Though pumpkin has been appreciated for colour, retention of ascorbic acid and
high yields, nutritional value, fitness in carotenoids content of dried carrot slices.
transportation, good storage and longer period Therefore, keeping in view the nutritional
of consumption, yet like most vegetables, is a significance of pumpkin and the need of an
perishable crop whose characteristics are hour to preserve the pumpkin, the study was
changed with time. Due to its bulkiness and under taken to evaluate the effect of
large size, there are chances that it may get pretreatments (blanching) and drying methods
spoil early when it is cut open. Further, the on quality of dried pumpkin cubes and slices.
large size and heaviness also reduce its
consumer acceptance and poses transport Materials and Methods
problems. Moreover, to make it available
throughout the year, it is essential to reduce it Preparation of dried pumpkin cubes and
to desirable shapes and sizes. Preservation slices
methods are required to increase the shelf life,
conserve properties and protect the The ripe pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch
perishables from insect and microbial growth. ex Poir) was used for pretreatment, drying and
dehydration. It was procured from local
There are various methods like canning, market of Solan. The ripe pumpkin was
drying and freezing which are used to washed and cut into halves. After removing
preserve fruits and vegetables. One of the the fluffy portion and seeds, the halves were
most commonly used methods for cut into strips. The strips were peeled and
preservation is drying, which is considered to divided into two lots. From one lot, the strips
be the oldest and an important method of food were converted into cubes of uniform size of
preservation. Several studies have been approximately 2.5 cm3 while other lot was
reported on dehydrated fruit and vegetables used to prepare slices of approximately 3.0 x
products like wild pomegranate arils using 0.7 x 0.6 cm3.
sun drying, glass solar drying and mechanical
cabinet drying (Bhat et al., 2014; Thakur et The cubes and slices thus prepared were
al., 2020a); sun, solar tunnel dried horse subjected to three different pretreatments i.e.
chestnut flour (Kumar, 2017). But prior to steam blanching for 4 min, steam blanching
drying different pretreatment was done in for 4 min followed by dipping in 1500 ppm
order to maintain the quality of the product. potassium metabisulphite (KMS) solution for
Sen et al., (2015) studied the effect of SO2 30 min and sulphur fumigation (steam
concentration on the quality and nutritional blanching for 4 min followed by fumigation
properties of dried apricot and found that @ 4 g/kg for 30 min). For control no
fumigation doses of 3500 ppm SO2 helps in pretreatment was given to cubes and slices.
the retention of β-carotene and total phenolic After pretreatment the best combination
content. Pretreatment of carrot slices by selected on the basis of nutritional and

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

sensory characteristics were subjected to Results and Discussion

drying. The weighed pre-treated pumpkin
cubes and slices were spread on the perforated Chemical characteristics of ripe pumpkin
aluminium trays and kept for open sun drying,
solar drying and mechanical cabinet drying at Table 1 highlights the chemical characteristics
60ºC. Drying was done continuously till the of ripe pumpkin used in the study. A perusal
weight of sample become constant. The dried of data reveals that ripe pumpkin had an
cubes and slices were then evaluated at average moisture content of 88.90 %. The
storage interval of 0, 3 and 6 months at room TSS and titratable acidity was reported to be
temperature after packing them in 10°Brix and 0.066 %, respectively. Further,
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) jars. The the data showed that the total and reducing
whole experiment was conducted in the sugars were 4.85 and 2.05 %, respectively.
Department of Food Science and Technology, The functional component present in pumpkin
UHF, Nauni, Solan, HP, India. was found to possess 13.27 mg/100 g β-
carotene and 13.37 mg/100 g ascorbic acid. In
Quality evaluation addition, results also indicated 14.09 mg/100
g of total phenols in ripe pumpkin. The
Pumpkin cubes and slices were analysed for analysis of proximate composition in ripe
moisture, TSS, total sugars, reducing sugars, pumpkin revealed crude protein, fat, fibre and
titratable acidity, β-carotene, ascorbic acid, ash content to be 5.04, 0.77, 0.87 and 1.03 %,
total phenols, crude protein, crude fat, crude respectively.
fat, total ash and non-enzymatic browning.
The chemical parameters including moisture Effect of pre-treatment on ripe pumpkin
content, TSS, titratable acidity, total sugars, cubes and slices
reducing sugars, ascorbic acid, β-carotene and
non-enzymatic browning were evaluated as A perusal of data in Table 2 indicates that un-
per the analytical method given by Ranganna treated pumpkin cubes and slices took
(2009). Total phenols were determined using maximum time (9.07 and 7.84 h) for drying in
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (Singleton and Rossi, comparison to treated pumpkin cubes and
1999). For sensory score evaluation, a panel slices, respectively. The recovery of dried
of 10 semi trained judges were subjected to pumpkin cubes were ranged from 14.66 to
pretreated and dehydrated pumpkins cubes 14.81% as compared to pumpkin slices i.e.
and slices for its colour, texture, flavour and from 14.00 to 14.32 %. Different chemical
overall acceptability on 9-point hedonic scale characteristics of pretreated pumpkin cubes
ranging from 1 to 9 (Ranganna, 2009). and slices which were analysed after drying
them in mechanical cabinet dehydrator at 60
All the experiments were performed in three ºC are presented in Table 2. The data
replications and the results of those replicate elucidate that maximum (7.51 %) value for
were determined with standard deviations. moisture was observed in U1 while minimum
The data for quantitative analysis of various (7.20 %) in U3 and U4 of pumpkin cubes. The
chemical attributes during storage were pumpkin slices showed maximum (7.23 %)
analysed by Completely Randomized Design moisture in V1 and minimum (7.05 %) in V3
(CRD) while the data pertaining to sensory and V4. Further, the effect of different
evaluation were analysed by Randomized treatments showed a significant effect on TSS
block design (RBD). with the highest value (48.25 °B) of pumpkin
cubes was noticed in U4 whereas, in case of

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

slices (48.58°B) was observed in V3. Similar fat and ash content in cubes and slices were
to TSS, the highest value of total sugars was found to be non significant and also the
recorded in U3 (35.05 %) and V3 (35.12 %) values for crude fibre did not show much
while reducing sugar in U1 (25.40 %) and V1 difference among different treatments. Data
(23.97 %). The acidity was found to be more depicted the maximum (0.72 OD) non-
in pre-treated cubes and slices with maximum enzymatic browning in U1 while minimum
amount of 0.80 % in both treatment U3 and (0.12 OD) in U3. Similarly in slices the
V3. highest (0.71 OD) value for non-enzymatic
browning was observed in V1 and lowest
The data for β- carotene content of pumpkin (0.13 OD) in V3.
cubes indicated the highest (36.28 mg/100 g)
value for U3 and lowest (30.81 mg/100g) for An appraisal of data (Table 2) for sensory
U1. Similarly in slices the highest (36.30 scores of pumpkin cubes revealed that
mg/100 g) value for β- carotene was obtained maximum mean score for color (8.70), texture
in V3 and lowest (30.98 mg/100g) in V1. A (8.56), flavor (8.56) and overall acceptability
significant difference was noticed in ascorbic (8.66) was awarded to U3 followed by U4, U2
acid content of different treatments. The and U1. In case of pumpkin slices, treatment
maximum value was observed in cubes of V3 recorded the highest score for colour
treatment U3 (10.08 mg/100g) and slices of (8.70), texture (8.56), flavor (8.55) and
V3 (10.01 mg/100g). Further, the highest overall acceptability (8.53) followed by V4,
(12.06 mg/100 g) total phenols were recorded V2 and V1.
in U1 and lowest (10.69 mg/100 g) in U2.
Similar to cubes, the highest value for total Among all the treatments, the cubes of
phenols (11.89 mg/100g) were recorded in V1 treatment U3 and slices of treatment V3 (steam
lowest (10.62 mg/100g) in V2 of dried slices. blanching for 4 min + 1500 ppm KMS dip for
30 min) was found to be best on the basis of
The data in Table 2 also indicated that the physico-chemical and sensory characteristics,
crude protein was highest (4.52 %) in U3 therefore was selected for drying and
while lowest in U1 in cubes and in dried slices dehydration by different modes.
it was highest (4.22 %) in V3. The results for

Table.1 Chemical and nutritional characteristics of fresh pumpkin

Characteristics Fresh pumpkin

Moisture (%) 88.9
Total soluble solids (ºB) 10.00
Total sugars (%) 4.85
Reducing sugars (%) 2.05
Titratable acidity (%) 0.066
β-carotene (mg/100g) 13.27
Ascorbic acid (mg/100g) 13.37
Total phenols (mg/100g) 14.09
Crude protein (%) 5.04
Crude fat (%) 0.77
Crude fibre (%) 0.87
Total ash (%) 1.03

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

Table.2 Chemical and sensory characteristics for standardization of pretreatments for preparation of dried pumpkin cubes and slices

Characteristics Dried pre-treated pumpkin cubes Dried pre-treated pumpkin slices

U1 U2 U3 U4 CD0.05 V1 V2 V3 V4 CD0.05
Drying time (h) 9.07 8.32 8.10 8.00 0.01 7.84 7.21 7.02 7.07 0.02
Yield (%) 14.81 14.70 14.66 14.67 0.01 14.32 14.12 14.00 14.05 0.01
Moisture (%) 7.51 7.33 7.20 7.20 0.02 7.23 7.12 7.05 7.07 0.01
Total soluble solids (ºB) 48.15 48.20 48.24 48.25 0.01 48.49 48.50 48.58 48.55 0.02
Total sugars (%) 34.89 34.94 35.05 35.05 0.03 34.90 34.97 35.12 35.08 0.02
Reducing sugars (%) 25.40 25.30 25.23 25.24 0.02 23.97 23.89 23.84 23.86 0.02
Titratable acidity (%) 0.76 0.78 0.80 0.79 0.01 0.76 0.77 0.80 0.79 0.01
β-carotene (mg/100g) 30.81 32.13 36.28 36.24 0.02 30.98 32.21 36.30 36.27 0.02
Ascorbic acid (mg/100g) 9.40 8.96 10.08 10.06 0.01 9.30 8.83 10.01 9.99 0.01
Total phenols (mg/100g) 12.06 10.69 10.81 10.79 0.02 11.89 10.62 10.74 10.71 0.02
Crude protein (%) 4.16 4.48 4.52 4.51 0.01 3.81 4.08 4.22 4.20 0.01
Crude fat (%) 1.23 1.24 1.24 1.24 NS 1.23 1.24 1.24 1.24 NS
Crude fibre (%) 1.63 1.61 1.60 1.60 0.02 1.82 1.81 1.81 1.80 0.01
Total ash (%) 4.50 4.51 4.51 4.52 NS 4.96 4.97 4.98 4.97 NS
Non-enzymatic 0.72 0.31 0.12 0.14 0.01 0.71 0.32 0.13 0.15 0.01
browning (OD at 440 nm)
Colour 6.63 6.70 8.70 7.36 0.26 6.63 6.70 8.70 7.36 0.26
Texture 6.70 6.76 8.56 7.76 0.32 6.70 6.76 8.56 7.76 0.32
Flavor 6.73 6.86 8.56 7.63 0.46 6.73 6.83 8.55 7.56 0.22
Overall acceptability 6.70 6.86 8.66 7.53 0.38 6.66 6.86 8.53 7.43 0.49
U1 = Without blanching (control) V1 = Without blanching (control)
U2 = Steam blanching for 4 min V2 = Steam blanching for 4 min
U3 =Steam blanching for 4 min + 1500 ppm KMS dip for 30 V3 = Steam blanching for 4 min + 1500 ppm KMS dip for 30 min
min V4 = Steam blanching for 4 min + Sulphur fumigation @ 4g/kg for 30 min
U4 =Steam blanching for 4 min + Sulphur fumigation @
4g/kg for 30 min
CD= Critical difference

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

Table.3 Effect of different drying modes on physical characteristics of pumpkin cubes and slices

Characteristics Pumpkin cubes Pumpkin slices

T1 T2 T3 CD0.05 T1 T2 T3 CD0.05
Dehydration ratio 1:0.80 1:0.82 1:0.85 0.007 1:0.80 1:0.84 1:0.86 0.01
Drying time (hrs) 51 39.33 8.1 2.73 44.00 35.29 7.00 0.34
Product recovery (%) 19.66 18.00 14.66 0.08 17.50 16.00 14.00 0.01
Shrinkage (%) 90.20 92.50 94.81 0.11 95.00 95.87 97.20 0.07
T1= Sun drying, T2= Solar drying and T3= mechanical cabinet drier, CD= Critical difference

Table.4 Effect of different drying modes on chemical characteristics of dried slices during storage

Parameter Drying Pumpkin cubes Pumpkin slices

mode 0 3 6 Mean CD0.05 0 3 6 Mean CD0.05
month months months month months months
Moisture T1 14.82 15.30 15.82 15.31 T=0.05 14.55 15.08 15.57 15.06 T=0.15
T2 10.52 11.44 12.25 11.40 S=0.05 10.25 10.74 11.21 10.73 S=0.15
T3 7.20 8.12 8.40 7.91 TxS=0.09 7.05 7.48 7.95 7.49 TxS=NS
Mean 10.85 11.62 12.16 11.54 10.61 11.10 11.57 11.09
Water activity T1 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.54 T=NS 0.52 0.54 0.55 0.54 T=NS
T2 0.44 0.45 0.47 0.45 S=NS 0.43 0.44 0.44 0.44 S=NS
T3 0.37 0.38 0.40 0.38 TxS=NS 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.37 TxS=NS
Mean 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.45
TSS (°B) T1 40.46 40.27 40.03 40.25 T=0.18 40.80 38.59 35.98 38.46 T=0.37
T2 42.36 42.21 42.07 42.21 S=0.18 42.36 41.90 39.25 41.17 S=0.37
T3 48.24 48.18 48.00 48.14 TxS=NS 48.58 47.47 45.53 47.19 TxS=0.65
Mean 43.69 43.55 43.36 43.53 43.91 42.65 40.25 42.27
Total sugars (%) T1 32.06 31.91 31.28 31.75 T=0.09 32.26 29.94 28.69 30.29 T=0.08
T2 33.56 33.27 32.16 32.99 S=0.09 33.56 32.12 30.96 32.22 S=0.08
T3 35.05 34.88 34.61 34.85 TxS=0.16 35.12 33.92 33.00 34.01 TxS=0.14
Mean 33.56 33.35 32.68 33.20 33.65 31.99 30.88 33.18
Reducing sugars (%) T1 23.20 24.80 25.66 24.57 T=0.04 21.82 23.04 24.32 23.06 T=0.01

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

T2 24.30 25.35 25.98 25.21 S=0.04 22.73 23.94 25.15 23.94 S=0.01
T3 25.23 26.03 26.56 25.94 TxS=0.07 23.84 24.98 26.18 25.00 TxS=0.01
Mean 24.24 25.41 26.06 25.24 22.79 23.98 25.21 24.00
Titratable acidity (%) T1 0.64 0.58 0.45 0.56 T=0.01 0.64 0.58 0.45 0.56 T=0.01
T2 0.75 0.69 0.65 0.69 S=0.01 0.75 0.69 0.65 0.69 S=0.01
T3 0.80 0.77 0.72 0.76 TxS=0.02 0.80 0.77 0.72 0.76 TxS=0.02
Mean 0.73 0.68 0.61 0.67 0.73 0.68 0.61 0.67
β-carotene (mg/100g) T1 5.20 3.85 1.94 3.66 T=0.05 5.26 3.85 1.94 3.68 T=0.10
T2 28.64 23.92 19.62 24.06 S=0.05 28.64 23.49 18.62 23.58 S=0.10
T3 36.28 34.92 30.77 33.99 TxS=0.09 36.30 33.92 29.27 33.16 TxS=0.17
Mean 23.37 20.89 17.44 20.57 23.40 20.42 16.61 20.14
Ascorbic acid T1 7.66 5.72 4.21 5.86 T=0.05 7.62 5.67 4.18 5.82 T=0.01
(mg/100g) T2 8.33 6.47 4.57 6.45 S=0.05 8.29 6.41 5.31 6.67 S=0.01
T3 10.08 8.50 7.04 8.54 TxS=0.10 10.01 8.55 7.18 8.58 TxS=0.02
Mean 8.69 6.90 5.27 6.95 8.69 6.88 5.55 7.02
Total phenols T1 7.55 5.72 4.14 5.80 T=0.01 7.58 5.72 4.12 5.80 T=0.01
(mg/100g) T2 8.13 6.36 4.81 6.43 S=0.01 8.13 6.41 4.83 6.45 S=0.01
T3 10.81 9.14 7.69 9.21 TxS=0.01 10.74 9.11 7.65 9.17 TxS=0.01
Mean 8.83 7.07 5.54 7.15 8.81 7.08 5.53 7.14
Non-enzymatic T1 1.21 1.23 1.26 1.23 T=0.01 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.23 T=0.01
browning (OD at 440 T2 0.71 0.74 0.75 0.73 S=0.01 0.71 0.74 0.75 0.73 S=0.01
nm) T3 0.12 0.16 0.19 0.16 TxS=NS 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.16 TxS=NS
Mean 0.68 0.71 0.73 0.71 0.69 0.71 0.73 0.71
Rehydration ratio T1 6.26 5.90 5.23 5.80 T=0.09 6.26 5.90 5.46 5.87 T=0.13
T2 7.10 6.80 6.50 6.80 S=0.09 7.10 6.80 6.80 6.80 S=0.13
T3 8.0 7.80 7.33 7.71 TxS=0.16 8.16 7.80 7.36 7.77 TxS=NS
Mean 7.12 6.83 6.35 6.77 7.17 6.83 6.83 6.81
T1= Sun drying, T2= Solar drying and T3= mechanical cabinet drier, T= Treatment, S= Storage interval, NS= non-significant, CD=
Critical difference

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

Table.5 Effect of different drying modes on sensory score of dried slices during storage

Parameter Drying Pumpkin cubes Pumpkin slices

mode 0 3 6 Mean CD0.05 0 3 6 Mean CD0.05
month months months month months months
Colour T1 4.83 4.38 4.18 4.46 T=0.10 5.16 4.41 4.18 4.59 T=0.09
T2 7.43 6.79 6.42 6.88 S=0.10 7.40 6.80 6.42 6.87 S=0.09
T3 8.46 7.88 7.59 7.98 8.43 7.88 7.59 7.97
Mean 6.91 6.35 6.06 6.44 7.00 6.36 6.06 6.47
Texture T1 5.03 4.42 4.27 4.57 T=0.16 5.26 4.42 4.27 4.65 T=0.17
T2 7.30 6.44 6.19 6.64 S=0.16 6.63 6.44 6.19 6.42 S=0.17
TxS=NS TxS=0.30
T3 8.60 7.97 7.58 8.05 8.43 7.97 7.58 7.99
Mean 6.97 6.28 6.01 6.42 6.77 6.28 6.01 6.35
Flavour T1 5.43 4.84 4.05 4.77 T=0.15 5.10 4.84 4.05 4.66 T=0.21
T2 7.26 6.60 6.17 6.68 S=0.15 6.90 6.63 6.20 6.58 S=0.21
T3 8.56 7.92 7.23 7.90 8.60 7.92 7.23 7.91
Mean 7.08 6.45 5.81 6.45 6.86 6.46 5.82 6.38
Overall T1 6.26 5.43 4.69 5.46 T=0.15 5.16 5.07 4.69 4.97 T=0.17
acceptability T2 7.36 7.14 6.82 7.17 S=0.15 7.03 6.84 6.82 6.89 S=0.17
TxS=NS TxS=0.29
T3 8.60 7.81 7.32 7.91 8.36 7.79 7.32 7.83
Mean 7.41 6.79 6.28 6.83 6.85 6.56 6.28 6.56
T1= Sun drying, T2= Solar drying and T3= mechanical cabinet drier, T= Treatment, S= Storage interval, NS= non-significant,
CD= Critical difference

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

Fig.1 Drying curve for pumpkin cubes dried by different methods






0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54

Sun Solar Cabinet

where x-axis is Time (h) and y-axis is Weight of cubes (g)

Fig.2 Drying curve for pumpkin slices dried by different methods

where x-axis is time (h) and y-axis is weight of cubes (g)

Fig.3 Effect of storage on β-carotene, ascorbic acid and total phenols of dried pumpkin cubes

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

Fig.4 Effect of storage on β-carotene, ascorbic acid and total phenols of dried pumpkin slices

Standardization of drying method for slices. An interaction of treatments and

pumpkin cubes and slices storage interval revealed significant
difference in dried cubes while non-
The maximum time taken to dry 5 kg of significant difference in dried slices during 6
pumpkin cubes and slices in mechanical months of storage. The water activity for both
cabinet drier (T3) was 8.01, 7.00 h, whereas, it dried cubes and slices had non-significant
was 51.00, 44.00 h and 39.33, 35.29 h for sun effect for treatment as well storage period.
drying (T1) and solar drying (T2), respectively Further the mean TSS was found to decrease
(Figure 1 and 2). Further, the yield of dried from 43.69 to 43.36 ˚B and from 43.91 to
cubes and slices was recorded maximum 40.25 ˚B during 6 months of storage of dried
(19.66 and 17.50 %) in T1 while minimum cubes and slices. The mean maximum value
(14.66 and 14.00 %) was observed in T3, of TSS was observed to be highest in T3 and
respectively (Table 3). In addition, due to lowest in T1. An interaction of treatments and
faster drying rate of mechanical cabinet storage interval indicated significant effect for
drying the dehydration ratio and shrinkage dried slices during 6 months of storage.
was maximum in T3 while minimum in T1 in Further, mean total sugars and titratable
case of both dried cubes and slices. acidity found to decrease while reducing
sugars was increased during storage. The
Effect of storage on quality characteristics interaction effect of treatment and storage had
of dried pumpkin cubes and slices significant on total and reducing sugars and
titratable acidity as well. Among different
The storage stability of dried pumpkin cubes treatments, mean maximum value of 34.85
and slices were evaluated at storage interval and 25.94 % was recorded in dried cubes of
of 0, 3 and 6 months under room temperature treatment T3 and minimum value 31.75 and
after packing them in Polyethylene 24.57 % in T1 for total and reducing sugars,
terephthalate (PET) jars. The data presented respectively. On the other hand, in dried slices
in Table 4 revealed a significant increase in mean maximum value of 34.01 and 25.00 %
moisture content during storage. Among was recorded in T3 and minimum (30.29 and
different treatments, mean maximum value of 23.06 %) in T1 for total and reducing sugars,
15.31 and 15.06 % was recorded in T1 and respectively. Further the mean total sugars
minimum of 7.91 and 7.49 % in T3 after 6 found to decrease from 33.56 to 32.64 % and
months of storage of both dried cubes and from 33.65 to 30.88 % in dried cubes and

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

slices, respectively during a period of 6 The data presented for NEB elucidate that
months. An interaction of treatment and mechanical cabinet dried cubes and slices had
storage interval revealed significant effect on minimum (0.16 OD), whereas sun dried had
both total and reducing sugars. Maximum maximum (1.23 OD) value. The combined
(0.80 %) titratable acidity was observed in T3 effect of NEB was found to be non
and minimum (0.64 %) in T1 were found in significant. In case of rehydration ratio,
both dried cubes and slices at 0 day of maximum value in the dried cubes and slices
storage. Further the mean titratable acidity was recorded in T3 (7.71 and 7.77) and
was found to decrease from an initial value of minimum in T1 (5.80 and 5.87) among
0.73 to 0.61 % during a period of 6 months. different drying modes. The rehydration ratio
was decreased with 6 month storage interval.
An appraisal of data depicts a highly The combined effect of treatments and
significant difference in β-carotene, ascorbic storage interval on rehydration ratio was
acid and total phenol content of dried found to be non significant.
pumpkin cubes and slices of different
treatments (Figure 3 and 4). The maximum The sensory quality of dried cubes and slices
(33.99 and 33.16 mg/100g) value in T3 and evaluated for various attributes during storage
minimum (3.66 and 3.68 mg/100g) in T1 was is presented in table 5. The score for all
observed in dried cubes and slices when sensory quality of dried cubes and slices
stored for 6 months. The overall effect of ranged from 4.0 to 8.0 out of 9.0. During
storage period recorded a significant decrease storage, T3 recorded the maximum (8.46 and
in β-carotene from 23.37 to 17.44 and from 8.43) scores for colour followed by T2 (7.43
23.40 to 16.61 mg/100 g during storage for 6 and 7.40) and T1 (4.83 and 5.16) in dried
months in dried cubes and slices, respectively. cubes and slices at 0 day of storage,
The ascorbic acid content of cubes of respectively. Among different drying modes
different treatments at 0 day had maximum mean maximum (7.98 and 7.97) scores for
(10.08 mg/100 g) value in T3 followed by T2 colour was recorded in dried cubes and slices
(8.33 mg/100 g) and T1 (7.66 mg/100 g) while of T3 and minimum in T1 (4.46 and 4.59).
slices had mean maximum (10.01 mg/100 g) Further the mean score for texture was found
value in T3 followed by T2 (8.29 mg/100 g) to decrease from 6.97 to 6.01 and from 6.77
and T1 (7.62 mg/100 g). Further, the mean to 6.01 during 6 months of storage of dried
ascorbic acid content was found to decrease cubes and slices. The mean maximum value
from an initial value of 8.69 to 5.27 and 5.55 was observed to be highest in T3 and lowest in
mg/100 g after 6 months of storage, T1. Further, among different treatments, mean
respectively in dried cubes and slices. Highly maximum value of 7.90 and 7.91 was
significant differences were observed in total recorded in dried cubes and slices of T3 and
phenols of different treatments with minimum (4.77 and 4.66) in T1 for flavor,
maximum content in T3 (9.21 and 9.17 respectively. On the other hand, the score for
mg/100 g) and minimum in T1 (5.80 and 5.80 overall acceptability in dried cubes and slices
mg/100 g) during storage for 6 months in decreased from 7.41 to 6.28 and from 6.85 to
dried cubes and slice, respectively. The 6.28, respectively. An interaction of treatment
overall effect of storage shows decrease in and storage interval revealed non-significant
total phenols from 8.83 to 5.54 mg/100 g and effect on score of sensory attributes except for
from 8.81 to 5.53 mg/100 g in dried cubes and texture and overall acceptability of dried
slices, respectively during a storage period of slices.
6 months.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

The variation in different chemical best in terms of nutritional parameters viz.

characteristics of ripe pumpkin in the present acidity, total and reducing sugars as compared
study and earlier reported by different to the other treatments. Also, the retention of
researchers may be due to the due to varied different quality attributes such as moisture,
agroclimatic conditions. These findings of ascorbic acid, reducing and total sugars were
chemical characteristics are near to the values found optimum when tomato halves were
analyzed by Dhiman et al., (2009) and in dried by applying the treatment of blanching
accordance with the range given by Noelia et at 95 °C for 1 min followed by dipping in 6 %
al., (2011), Fedha et al., (2010), Olurin et al., KMS solution for 10 min (Shilpa et al., 2008).
(2012), Bhat and Bhat (2013) and Dhiman et Even Kumar et al., (2018) also reported that
al., (2018). pre-treatment comprising of steam blanching
followed by 2000 ppm KMS dip for 60 min
A perusal of data (Table 2) reflects the effect was found to be best for carrot roundels.
of pretreatment on ripe pumpkin cubes and
slices and indicated that pumpkin slices were The elucidation of data reveals that β-carotene
more efficient in removal of moisture due to has increased to 36.28 % in pumpkin cubes
its higher surface to volume ratio. The while 36.30 % in case of pumpkin slices, as
recovery of dried slices was lesser than cubes slices have more heat penetration. The higher
which may be due to thin layer of slices retention of β-carotene in KMS pretreated
causing more solid losses during blanching. cubes and slices might be due to the
Comparing different pretreatments, KMS and antioxidant properties of SO2. A significant
SO2 were able to maintain the quality of difference was noticed in ascorbic acid
pumpkin cubes and slices to great extent content of different treatments. Although the
when subjected further to drying. The ascorbic acid content was reduced but was
minimum moisture in KMS pretreated cubes more in case of slices due to high surface to
and slices might be due to the combined volume ratio, reflects greater heat penetration.
effect of blanching and sulphiting, which Further, KMS pretreated samples minimize
reduces the moisture content by means of the losses of ascorbic acid in dried fruits due
exposing the cells by rupturing their to higher retention of SO2 (Sra et al., 2011).
membrane, thus facilitating their plasmolysis Negi and Roy (2001) while studying the
due to heat (Karki 2009). Taiwo and Adeyemi effect of blanching on quality attributes of
(2009) also noticed that blanching of banana dehydrated carrot slices revealed that
at 60 °C for 10 min resulted in better moisture blanching in hot water for 90 seconds
loss from the samples as compared to the followed by dipping in 0.50 % KMS solution
control (without blanching). Also, the lower for 60 seconds contained higher β-carotene
values for reducing sugars in KMS treated but lower ascorbic acid to that of unblanched
cubes and slices might be due to the part after cabinet drying. On the other hand,
protective effect of sulphites towards Rahman et al., (2010) revealed that
hydrolysis and inversion of non-reducing to pretreatment of carrot slices by blanching in
reducing sugars (Sra et al., 2011). In hot water for 6-9 min followed by dipping in
accordance to present finding, Prajapati et al., 0.075 % sodium metabisulphite for one hour
(2011) studied the effect of pretreatment on prior to drying helped in retaining the
quality of value-added dried aonla (Emblica ascorbic acid and β-carotene. Sen et al.,
officinalis Gaertn) shreds and stated that (2015) studied the effect of SO2 concentration
product with 0.1 % KMS blanching followed on the quality and nutritional properties of
by addition of 3 % salt was found to be the dried apricot and found that fumigation doses

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

of 3500 ppm SO2 helps in the retention of β- Sharma (2016) in dried wild pomegranate
carotene and total phenolic content. arils and Kumar (2017) in sun, solar tunnel
dried horse chestnut flour. Further, the effect
The higher amount of proximate composition of different drying modes viz. solar tunnel
in cubes and slices was due to loss in moisture drying and mechanical cabinet drying on
content when dried after pretreatment. In case various physico-chemical and sensory
of non enzymatic browning, the less browning characteristics of wild pomegranate fruits
in KMS and SO2 pretreated cubes and slices were evaluated by Thakur et al., (2020b). He
might be due to the action of KMS and SO2 as concluded that mechanical cabinet drying to
an antioxidant that helps in preventing cubes be the best drying mode and recommended 60
and slices from browning. Similar pattern of °C temperatures for preparation of good
NEB in dried tomato halves and dried carrot quality anardana.
slices has been reported, respectively by
Shilpa et al., (2008) and Sra et al., (2014). During storage, difference in the moisture
content under different drying methods might
In similarity to present investigation, different be due to the fast and efficient moisture
researchers have also noticed that removal in the mechanical cabinet drier (T3)
pretreatment have significant effect on the because of the continuous air movement and
sensory quality of the dried products. Use of controlled temperature as compared to the
KMS and SO2 has improved the colour fluctuating and low temperature in solar drier
characteristics of the dried pumpkin cubes (T2) and open sun (T3) as has been reported
and slices. Similar results are reported by by Sharma (2016). The increase in moisture
Verma and Gupta (2004) who observed that during storage might have occurred due to the
pretreatment with KMS or blanching prior to hygroscopic nature of the dried product as
drying prevent discoloration and maintain revealed by Sra et al., (2014). The changes
better texture of aonla flakes. Latapi and were more in dried pumpkin slices as
Barrett (2006) found that sodium compared to dried pumpkin cubes. Maximum
metabisulphite treated sun dried tomatoes had retention of total sugars and titratable acidity
significantly better color and carotenoids were found in T3 due to the reduced rate of
content as compared to gas sulphur (SO2) involvement of these chemical constituents in
treated sun dried tomatoes. Shrivastava and the formation of NEB, HMF and furfural
Kumar (2007) reported that SO2 fumes act as because of the faster drying and lower
a disinfectant and prevent the oxidation and moisture retention in the dried cubes and
darkening of fruits on exposure and thus slices (Sharma 2016). The increase in
retain their colour. Prajapati et al., (2009) also reducing sugars during storage might be due
reported that blanching of aonla shreds with to slow inversion of non reducing sugars and
hot water or with KMS before drying starch in to reducing sugars. Similar trend of
improves the colour and texture. decrease in total sugars and titratable acidity
and increase in moisture content and reducing
Table 3 indicated that sun drying took sugars was noticed by Sharma et al., (2006) in
maximum time for complete drying of cubes dehydrated apple rings, Shilpa et al., (2008)
and slices in comparison to solar drying and in dried tomato halves and Sharma (2016) in
mechanical cabinet drying. Drying was more dried wild pomegranate arils during storage.
efficient in case of pumpkin slices as
compared to pumpkin cubes. Similar results Among different treatments maximum
were obtained by Bhat et al., (2014) and retention of β- carotene and total phenols in

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

dried cubes and slices of treatment T3 might dried cubes and slices while drying. The
be due to controlled drying conditions and no decrease in colour scores during storage
exposure of cubes and slices to intermittent might be due to oxidative biochemical
drying cycles. Also, photo-oxidation of the β- reactions which might have affected the
carotene of dried cubes and slices in open sun colour of cubes. Similar decreasing trend in
might have contributed towards their colour of dried cubes during storage was
degradation. These results are in conformity reported by Sagar and Kumar (2006) in dried
with the findings of Thakur et al., (2020b) aonla shreds and Shilpa et al., (2008) in dried
and Sharma (2016) in wild pomegranate arils. tomato halves. A slight decrease in texture
Further ascorbic acid was observed to be scores upon storage may be attributed to the
retained more in case of dried slices in degradation of pectic substances and picking
comparison to dried cubes as slices cause of moisture (Sharma et al., 2004). The
efficient drying, lesser exposure to heat. Also, decrease in flavor scores might be due to the
higher retention of ascorbic acid in T3 oxidation of the compounds. A significant
followed by T2 and T1 might be due to decreasing trend in texture and flavor has also
reduced loss because of fast drying rate and been observed by Sagar and Kumar (2006) in
less exposure time of cubes for oxidation as dried aonla shreds, Shilpa et al., (2008) in
has been revealed by Sharma (2016). dried tomato halves, Sra et al., (2014) in dried
According to Sra et al., (2014) loss in carrot slices and Thakur et al., (2020a).
ascorbic acid during storage might be due to
its oxidation to dehydroascorbic acid followed In conclusion the study showed that
by further degradation to 2, 3-diketogluconic pretreatment, have a significant effect on the
acid and finally to furfural compounds which quality characteristics of dried products. The
enter browning reactions. Loss of total steam blanching for 4 min + 1500 ppm KMS
phenols during storage may be due to dip in water for 30 min was found to be the
oxidation and polymerization of phenolic best for drying of pumpkin cubes as well as
compounds as reported by Kapoor and slices on the basis of different chemical and
Aggarwal (2015) in dried carrot slices. A sensory attributes. Pretreated pumpkin cubes
significant increase in NEB of dried cubes and slices dried in the mechanical cabinet
and slices during storage including maillard drier were found to possess better quality and
reaction might be attributed due to reduction were awarded higher sensory scores as
in residual SO2 during storage (Shilpa et al., compared to solar and open sun. During
2008). Similar findings were revealed by storage the maximum retention of chemical
Sharma et al., (2006) in dehydrated apple and sensory quality was observed in cubes
rings, Sagar and Kumar (2006) in dehydrated dried in mechanical cabinet drier. Similar
aonla shreds, Sra et al., (2014) in dried carrot trend was observed in slices during six
slices and Kumar et al., (2020). During months of storage. The dried cubes and slices
storage, the decline in the rehydration ratio can be utilized for the production of excellent
might be due to changes in macromolecular quality pickle and sauted vegetable, etc.
components including cellulose, pectin, Therefore, it is concluded that ripe pumpkin
hemicelluloses and protein content (Sra et al., which otherwise is not extensively utilized for
2014). processing, can be used for the production of
dried cubes and slices. The products can be
Among all drying method, mechanical cabinet safely stored for more than a period of six
drying was able to retain maximum sensory months under ambient conditions when
quality due to less browning experienced in packed in appropriate packaging material.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(8): 2536-2552

Acknowledgment kernel powder for supplementation in

weaning mix and cookies.
We gratefully acknowledge Department of International Journal of Chemical
Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, Studies, 6(5): 167-175
India, for providing all kind of support to Dhiman, Anju. K., K. D. Sharma, D., and
facilitate this experiment through their Project Attri, S. 2009. Functional constituents
“Development of low cost value added and processing of pumpkin: a review.
processed products from ripe pumpkin Journal of Food Science and
(Curcurbita moschata) and dissemination of Technology, 46: 411-417.
technology to the farm women of Himachal Fedha, M.S., Mwasaru, M. A., Njoroge, C.K.,
Pradesh”. Ojijo, N.O., and Ouma, G.O. 2010.
Effect of drying on selected proximate
Conflict of interest composition of fresh and processed
fruits and seeds of two pumpkin
The authors declare that there are no conflicts species. Agriculture and Biology
of interest in the course of conducting the Journal of North America, 1(6): 1299-
research. All the authors had final decision 1302.
regarding the manuscript and decision to Kapoor, S., and Aggarwal, P. 2015. Drying
submit the findings for publication. methods affects bioactive compounds
and antioxidant activity of carrot.
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How to cite this article:

Anju K Dhiman, Pritika Chauhan, Surekha Attri, Deepika Kathuria, Preethi Ramachandran and
Anshu Sharma. 2020. Effect of Pretreatment and Drying Methods on Nutritional Composition
of Ripe Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(08): 2536-2552.


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