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Year 8 Crusades

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Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F Date: _24/02/17_ Time: 11:35 Year:

Learning Area: Topic: Medieval History (Crusades)
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)
Significant developments from the crusades
Relationships between the Islam and the West during this period
Effects of the crusades on feudalism
Students prior knowledge and experience:
The students have a firm grasp on Feudalism, trade routes, contact conflict, way of life in the
medieval period, Voyages and discovery, religious control, social classes and roles and
relationships, recognizing the medieval manuscripts. Cultural, economic and political features
of the period.

Learning purpose:
Enable an understand of the significant developments of the crusades and effects that the
Crusades had on the Wests social classes, religious scene, economic and political features.

Learning objectives: Evaluation:

On completion of this lesson, students
will be able to: 1. Students will demonstrate an
1. Enable the students to have a holistic understanding of the
understanding of the fundamentals of the fundamental aspects of the first
effects of the Crusade on religion, feudalism, crusade when they can share
social classes and economic outcomes on information back to the class.
the people.
2. Can recall information from a short video
and share with the class.

Preparation and Resources:

Students will need,
Pen and paper for the group of 4-5
Teacher will prepare
Power-point preparation to guide lesson
Appropriate short video to cover the crusade
Facts about the crusade on hand in order to have the confidence of information with
the students.
Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for
educational/resource adjustments)

Group work will designate a scribe to write down the rest of the groups ideas as they can
remember them.

No need for extension activity as the time allows only for small group work followed by a
class discussion

Have awareness of students who may not remember as much from the video, or have
anxiety about getting involved in the group work.

ASD student high functioning: social and anxiety

Make sure at least a few ideas from every group is heard by the class.

Timi Learning Experiences:

1. Introduction
(Students are seated down in the usual class seating
arrangement) During this time, I will be
3 Introduce the lesson and the objectives of the lesson stood at the front of the
from the power point guided slides and allow for a class and the class will be
min teacher lead brief introduction of the Crusades. beginning to settle and be

2. Ask the students to move into groups of 4-5

(depending on numbers) and make sure they
6 can all see the board. Ask the groups to
assign a scribe (so they are not thinking
min about that when they need their memory
Students will be seated in
3. Tell the students that there will be a brief
groups and I will be at the
video played and they are not to write ANY
front watching and
notes during the video but they need to pay
waiting to stop the video
5 attention because there will be a challenge
at the appropriate time.
4. Once the video is stopped, ask the students
(in their groups), to remember and tell the
scribe as many facts as they can remember
I will be walking around
5 from the brief video and my class
the room reminding them
introduction. Tell them they have 4 minutes.
min of how much time they
have left and prompting
5. Stop the class and ask them all to share their
information, one group at a time with the
2 class, while they are doing this ask the scribe
I will be writing the main
min to write down some of the facts that they
points on the board and
missed. This is also a time that the class is to
this is a time for ALL
write down their own notes for reference
students to write down
import notes.

21 6. Summarize the lesson and the objectives in

min the last slide, focus on religious stance,
economic stance and flow of knowledge
between the two religions.

7. The linking questions;

What are a few reasons why peasants joined
the crusades?

What impact did the crusades have on

western civilizations economy and social

Lesson Evaluation:

Overall my lesson went for 25 minutes, my initial challenge was as the kids

walked into the room they were surprised by the seating changes. The ASD

student had trouble with adjusting to the seating plan. I managed this by

comforting him and saying they he could work on his own and only if he

wanted to contribute he could. He worked throughout the lesson and had

some great questions and ideas. The other distraction was a boy who had a
fight at lunch came in, in tears, so Emily dealt with that as I started the


I had a little bit of trouble settling the class down as they adjusted to me

being the teacher for that period, but I persisted until they acknowledged me

well. I presented the topic of Crusades and probably wasnt clear enough

when I gave instructions on how the activity would evolve. It sort of

snowballed from me telling them to sort a scribe out in their own group, into

the activity of remembering everything from the video. I had a lot of great

feedback and most of the students remembered the important dates and

they could right down facts as I wrote them on the board.

I felt I rushed the opening introduction to the topic but my closing questions

ignited a great class discussion on why so many peasants joined the




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