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CSEN1112A EAPP Ig J 19 21

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Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process by
using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

School Misamis Occidental National High School Grade Level Grade 12 HE 1

&Montol National High School
Teacher Chrisitine Joy Ciprado & Karen Mae Learning Area EAPP
Time & Dates September 15, 2017 at 3:00 PM Quarter First

A. Content Standards The learner understands the principles and uses of a concept paper.
B. Performance Standards The learner produces a well-balanced concept paper in a specific discipline.
C. Learning Competencies / At the end of the 120-minute period, the learner is expected to:
Objectives 1. define what a concept paper is; CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-19
2. determine the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by
definition, explication and clarification; CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-20 and
3. identify situations in which a concept paper may be effectively used
to improve our society. CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-21
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp 80-85
2. Learner’s Materials pages pp 88-89
3. Textbook pages NA
4. Additional Materials from NA
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Latop, projector, PPT, visual aids, etc.
Unlocking of Difficult Words: Text Twist
Introductory Activity Learners will be grouped into four. Each group is given mini boards to write
on. The teacher shows a set of scrambled letters, and then provides the
definition. The groups are to determine what these words are and write
their answers on the mini boards.
- (noun) a long strip of metal (such as leather) that is used to
attach something.
- (verb) to become dry and wrinkled from heat, cold, or old age.
- (verb) to persuade someone to do something by saying nice
- (adjective) having flat feet.
- (noun) a playful or amusing quality: a sense of humor or
Activity Activity: Fill That Box
In the same group, each group is given metacards to analyse. (Each
metacard contains an excerpt of the concept paper “Months of the Year”.)
In 10 minutes, the groups are expected to complete a similar table as shown
below. They will write their answers on a manila paper.

Month Roman/ Meaning/Des English Meaning/

Italian cription origin Description
January Janus Two-faced god Wulf- The bitter cold
looking to the monath or made wolves
past and the wolf month forage for food
future in the villages
February Februaria Thong (februa) Sprote- Cabbage
– beating of Kalemonath sprouting
goddess barren women month
of by two young

The groups are then given 3 minutes to present their output.

Analysis The teacher asks the following questions:
1. What did you do in the activity?
2. What is in the text?
3. How are the concepts (months) explained?
4. Is the text difficult/easy to understand? Why?
5. What were the ways in which the word was explained?

Abstraction The teacher asks the students to define what a concept paper is based on
the previous activity. Teacher then adds input about concept paper and its

(can use the PPT of Dr. Jayvy)

Application Activity: Frayer’s Model

Learners are grouped into four. They will be asked to explain a word using
the Frayer’s Model of Four Square.

The words to be given are:

Group 1: Baking
Group 2: Cooking
Group 3: Ingredients
Group 4: Dressing
Allotted time: Five minutes for preparation & two minutes for the
presentation per group

Assessment Day 2
Given a list of possible topics, groups will identify one situation in which a
concept paper can be effectively used to improve the society. Then, the
groups will identify one concept from that situation which would be best for
a concept paper.
1. Waste Management
2. War on Drugs
3. Marawi Crisis
4. Reasons why students drop out from classes
5. Global Warming
Group 1: Interview
Group 2: Poem
Group 3: Song
Group 4: News Brodcasting

Assignment/Agreement Enhancement: Individual Task

Use the Frayer’s Model of Four Square to explain the concept that they have
chosen from the previous activity.

A. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No.of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Assessment Rubric:

CATEGORY (5) (4) (3) (2)

Oral presentation Well prepared, Engages audience, Clear and Not clear, not
speaks clearly, fluid delivery, uses understandable, understandable
makes eye contact different approach uses limited
with audience, other than simply delivery techniques
delivers with ease, reading screen,
invites questions invites questions

Teamwork Willingly accepts Fulfills individual Works toward Works toward

and fulfills role within group group goals with group goals only
individual role in without prompting, occasional when prompted,
group, sensitive to respectful of others prompting, needs occasional
feelings and needs maintains positive reminders to be
of group members attitude sensitive to others

Very prepared and Most of the time Somewhat Does not appear to
Preparedness and organized during prepared and prepared and have prepared for
Organization the presentation. organized during organized for the the presentation.
the presentation. presentation.
Critical thinking Thoughtfully and Identifies relevant Usually justifies Misinterprets data,
accurately arguments, justifies results and offers gives unjustified
interprets results, results, offers reasons arguments
shows in-depth reasons
understanding of
major ideas

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