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Discipline Policy Charter School

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04 Identify the procedures for school discipline, suspension, and potential removal of a child
from the program; 118.40 (1m)(b)12

This handbook highlights the various discipline levels, disciplinary due process procedures, and
the rights of students with disabilities involved in the disciplinary process. The intent of
implementation of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is also highlighted
in this section.

Levels of Disciplinary Action include:

1. Conference/Intervention
2. Probation
3. Suspension
4. Recommendation for Expulsion

Due Process Procedures for Suspension include:

1. The Principal or Assistant Principal will ensure that the appropriate personalized learning
and support strategies and discipline options have been applied and documented. This
ensuring that the appropriate support personnel available have been involved
ensuring that discussion has occurred with student and parents/guardians regarding
specific misbehavior which the school considers unacceptable.
develop, alongside appropriate personnel, specific personalized learning and support
plan to assist the student to manage inappropriate behavior.
provide a formal written caution detailing inappropriate behaviors along with
expectations of what is required of the student in the future
record all action taken.
2. The Principal or Assistant Principal will hold a conference with student who committed the
violation of discipline and his/her parents or guardians before decision for suspension is
made. If the administrator feels that the students presence may be a source of immediate
danger of disrupting the schools regular operation or student/staff safety, suspension could
occur without a conference. In this case parents/guardian or emergency contacts will be
notified prior to the child being sent home.
Immediate suspension may administered to a student who:
- is physically violent
- is in possession of a firearm, prohibited weapon, or knife
- uses, supplies, or is in possession of, a suspected illegal substance or
supplies an illegal or restricted substance.
3. A notice of suspension is sent for parents with the student as well as mailed.
4. During the time of suspension, the student may not enter school property at anytime without
prior authorization of the Principal, Assistant Principal or Administrator.
5. Length of suspension is decided by Principal, Assistant Principal or Administrator based on
specific discipline violation.
6. Parents/guardians may appeal a suspension.

The following conduct if repeated and serious may lead to Expulsion:
1. Classroom disruption
2. Chronic disruption or violation of school rules
3. Gang posturing which provokes an altercation
4. Involvement in gang fight - exchange of blows
5. Verbal abuse and use of profanity
6. Verbal abuse and harassment
7. Sexual harassment
8. Fighting - physical exchange
9. Assault
10. Hazing
11. Battery
12. Extortion
13. Robbery
14. Sexual assault
15. False fire alarms
16. Possession/ownership/use of a weapon other than a gun
17. Bomb threats
18. Possession/ownership/use of a gun
19. Vandalism
20. Possession of stolen property
21. Theft
22. Burglary
23. Arson
24. Possession/ownership/use of alcohol
25. Possession/ownership/use of illegal drugs
26. Possession with intent to distribute illegal drugs/alcohol/prescribed medication

____________ shall not discriminate in disciplinary actions, including suspensions and

expulsions, on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion, color, ancestry, creed, pregnancy,
marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability
or handicap. Discrimination complaints shall be processed in accordance with established
It is believed that good behaviors is the responsibility of the students and his/her parents or
guardians. It is expected that students will behave in an orderly and reasonable manner and will
not tolerate any behavior that disrupts the school environment or interferes with school
programming or endangers the safety of others.

Building principal will develop rules and regulations for student conduct that include specific
disciplinary actions to be taken in the event of a violation.

____________ has a responsibility to provide an environment which is safe and conducive to

the development of each students potential. __________ recognizes that exclusion from
educational programs by suspension or explosion is severe and thus will be used only as
deemed appropriate by the Administration.

Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support (PBIS)

In the efforts to establish a safe, welcoming and purposeful learning environments, the
implementation of a program called Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) is
intended. PBIS encourages students to achieve and reach their academic potential while
behaving and demonstrating good character. This program focuses on the emphasis of a
school-wide system of supports that include strategies for defining, teaching and supporting
appropriate behavior. The goal is to create an effective learning community with the best
outcomes for students. Unlike discipline from the past - discipline in response to student
behavior - PBIS teaches behavioral expectations and rewards students for following them.
Establishing an environment where appropriate behavior is the norm is the ultimate goal of the

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