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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

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I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students are able to;
a. Define the Todorov Narrative Theory by Tzvetan Todorov.
b. Explain the five(5) stages/patterns of Todorov Narrative Theory.
c. Recognize the five(5) stages/patterns of Todorov Narrative Theory in the story.
 II. Subject Matter
a. Topic : Todorov Narrative Theory
b. Reference : ( Miss Jane Marie Lozada's book and ppt)
c. Materials : Pictures, flashcards, and visual aids.

III. Procedure/ Learning Activity


1. Preliminary activities

In the name of the father and the

a. Prayer son and the holy spirit, Amen.

 Let us all stand and let us pray.

Good morning ma'am, good

b. Greetings morning classmates and Good
morning everybody!
Good morning class!  So far it's been good and
productive  ma'am.
How's your day everyone?
That's great news class.

c. Checking of  attendance  Yes Ma'am.

Yes ma'am noted.
 From now on  I will assign a secretary for
checking the attendance in this  subject
( Pointing one student) please make a list of
the students who are absent and present.

Yes, Ma'am.
d. Review
Class, do you still remember the character, Ma'am, characters are the people or
setting and plot? the animals who act in the story.
Okay who can define character? Ma'am, settings is where and when
it is taken.
That's right! How about the settings?
That's right! So in other words, setting Ma'am, plot is the sequence of
involves both time period and geographic events. Whereas it consists of
region. Lastly, what is the plot? exposition, complication, climax,
That's right! Plot is the sequence of events in denouement, and resolution.
the story and the plot structure consists of the
following that your classmate said earlier.

      2.  Motivation

Class, look at the pictures on the board. Describe each

Picture. What have you noticed in these pictures?
Possible answers;
  Ma'am, those pictures are
well-known stories.
 Those are book stories that
have happy endings.
 Ma'am those pictures are the
story of  folktales.

 So now, let me ask you.

What are these pictures about?

What kind of story are those pictures?

Yes ma'am.

That's right! Those pictures are book stories or

folktales and fairytales. These stories are very famous
before until today, especially here in the Philippines.

So Class, are familiar with the story of the monkey

and the turtle right?
Actually this story is still renowned here in the
Philippines. Of course this story was made in the ( Students are reading)
Philippines, so probably most Filipinos know about
this poem.
Before we proceed to the story let us know first the
unfamiliar words.

1.susông-paitan (a kind of snail with a small and

pointed shell as its house)
2.sprouted - it means that it started to grow.

So that's all class.

So let us all read the story.


(Translated into English by Paolo Ven B. Paculan and
Kristine Anne P. Valdellon )

A monkey and a turtle found a banana tree on a river. 
They fished it out and because each wanted the tree
for himself, they cut it in half.
Now the monkey, being the stronger one, took the par
t with leaves despite the turtle’s protests, and
carefully planted it in his backyard.The turtle did the
same for his
part.  But because the part the monkey got had no roo
ts, it died, while the turtle lived and sprouted leaves.
Oneday, the monkey visited the turtle and they talked
about their banana plants.
“Alas! My banana tree is dead!”wailed the monkey
tearfully.“And Yours?”
“Alive,and bearing fruit! But because I can’t climb
“Don't Worry!”interrupted the monkey.“I'll Climb up
for you.”
The turtle became very happy and accompanied the m
onkey to the place where the banana tree was. The mo
nkey climbed the tree at once and started eating, fillin
g both cheeks.
“Give me some,too,”begged the turtle.
“Krrr!Note even the peels!”answered the monkey.
So, to get even with the monkey, the turtle nailed thor
ns and susông-
paitan (a kind of snail with a small and pointed shell a
s its house) on the trunk of the banana tree, and went
to hide under a coconut shell.
“Ow! Ow!” said the monkey as he came down from t
he tree, and with much pain, went to sit on the
coconut shell to tend his wounds.
But while he was pulling out the thorns and snails, his 
restless tail went inside a hole in the coconut shell. Th
e turtle, who saw a good opportunity, bit it. The monk
ey jumped and saw stars from the pain.
“So it’s you!” exclaimed the monkey coarsely as he li
fted the coconut shell. “Now I will make you pay for
everything you did!”
You Shall Die!
But How?
Do you want me to crush you in this mortar or I'll
throw you  into the river?”
“Crush me in the mortar but please don’t throw me in 
the river: I don’t want to drown!”
“Aha!So,you're afraid of drowning? I guess I’ll have
to drown you then!”
And into the river he threw the turtle who swam away
As The Saying Goes:
The monkey may be smart yet he can still be fooled. Possible answers; › sitePDF  No.
Areté Ateneo  Maybe

3. Presentation of the lesson

 Our lesson for today is all about the Todorov

Narrative Theory by Tzvetan Todorov. Class, is this
approach familiar to you? Or not?

 Okay. I think most of you didn't know what this

approach is. So let us know first the theorists who
made this approach.

Tzvetan Todorov is the one who made this theory.

Actually he was born on March 1, 1939 in Sofia,
Bulgaria. He was a philosopher, literary theorist and
historian of ideas. He finished his undergraduate
degree in Sofia,Bulgaria  and emigrated to France  in
1963. He completed his doctorate under Barthes at
the ecole de hautes Études en sciences sociales in
1966. He studied classic fairy tales and stories. He
discovered  that narrative moves forward
chronologically, which is he believes that one action
follows another action. In other words, they have a
clear beginning, middle, and end. In this theory he
mentioned that there are five (5) stages/ patterns that
a character will go through; those are Equilibrium, Equilibrium, disruption,
Disruption, Recognition, Attempt, and Enhanced/ recognition, attempt, and enhanced/
New Equilibrium. new Equilibrium, ma'am.
So again what are those five(5) stages/patterns in
Todorov Narrative Theory?

That's right!
So let's discuss those stages/patterns.

So first the stage/pattern is Equilibrium. This is the

first part of the story that displays a happy  start,
where the characters are content and everything is as Possible answers;
it should be.   Ma'am, it's on the part that
both of them saw a banana
Okay now, class, let me ask you. tree that satisfied them.
In the story that we read entitled the monkey and the  Ma'am, in the scenario that
turtle, where do you think is the Equilibrium stage in both of them are happy to
that story? see a banana tree because it
can satisfy their needs.

Okay, all your answers are correct.

It's when both of the characters saw a banana tree.

The monkey and turtle are happy to see that plant
because it gives satisfaction to their needs. They lived
happily and they have cooperated to supply their
needs for living. In other words, both of the
characters are content and in that scenario they are
still friends despite the selfishness of the monkey.

The next stage/ pattern is the disruption. This second

part of the story features a problem or something that Possible answers;
will disrupt happiness.  Ma'am, when the monkey
was being stingy and
So, class.  In the story that we read, where is the cunning the turtle.
disruption there?  When they cut the banana
tree into two pieces, ma'am.
Okay, that's a good idea.

Actually the description here is when the monkey

deceived the turtle.

The next stage/pattern is the recognition. This part of

the plot is when everyone realizes the problem and it's
chaos. Possible answers;
 Yes, ma'am.
Class, did you already notice where the characters  When they both fished it
realized the problems? out, the part with a lot of
leaves was planted by the
monkey and it died. While
That's good. the turtle planted the part
that has a root carefully and
When the turtle accepted the help of monkey and it grows.
make deal with him.He wants to share reconcile  When the monkey didn't
towards monkey  however the turtle has been double- stick to their deal. The turtle
dealt by the monkey. Because of that, he can't eat realizes that the monkey
even a peel of the banana. In other words, the turtle betrayed him.
already knew that he was just being played by the

Okay class, did you understand?

Yes ma'am.
Okay, so now let's proceed to the fourth stage/pattern
of Todorov Narrative Theory , which is the Attempt.
This part of the plot is when the character/s  attempt
to repair the damage and restore the problem.

Class, have you already noticed which part of the

story does the character attempt to restore the
Possible answer;
  Ma'am, when the turtle
takes revenge for the
Okay that's a good idea! monkey's selfishness and
deceit through nailing thorns
In this story, the turtle takes revenge on the monkey. and susong-paitan.
By nailing thorns and susong-paitan. He wants to
punish the monkey  for him to realize his mistakes.

Did you already understand what this stage/pattern is?

And where it may be found out?


So the last stage/pattern of Todorov Narrative Theory

is the enhanced/ new Equilibrium. This is the final
part of the plot where the problem is resolved and
normality resumes again.
Yes ma'am.
Okay class, this is a very easy to find stage. So where
do you think we may find this stage?

Okay, that's a good idea.

So the last pattern is when the turtle also deceives the

monkey and he was thrown away into the river and he
swam freely and happily.

Possible answers;
Did you understand that class?   Ma'am, it's on the last part
which is when the monkey
asks him if he wants to be
IV. Generalization crushed in mortar or thrown
into the river.
Okay class again the Todorov Narrative Theory is the  Ma'am when the turtle
theory of structure of a narrative. It was discovered cheats on the monkey that
by Todorov that most narratives move forward with a he doesn't want to drown.
chronological order. He mentioned that there are five
stages or patterns of Todorov Narrative Theory,
namely equilibrium, disruption, recognition, attempt,
and enhanced/new Equilibrium.

Okay, understand?
Yes ma'am.
So again in the stage equilibrium what happened in
this part?

So how about in the second part of the plot line

pattern, what happened here?

In the stage recognition, what will happen to the


That's right. How about in the stage of attempt, what


How about the last stage/ pattern of Todorov Yes ma'am.

Narrative Theory?
This is the first part of the story that
V. Application displays a happy start, where the
  Okay class I will group you into five. characters are content and
Group 1 will identify the equilibrium and explain everything is as it should be.
Group 2 will identify the disruption. Disruption is the stage that features
Group 3 will identify the recognition. problems or disrupted happiness.
Group 4 will identify the attempt.
And Group 5 will identify the enhanced or new In this stage, the characters realized
equilibrium. the problems and it's chaos.
Each group must identify and explain which part of
the story would be found at those stages. Class did In the attempt stage, the characters
you understand? attempt to repair the damage and
The story that your going to read is the The Legend of restore the problem.
the Pineapple: A Filipino Folk Tale
The last part of the plot line is the
enhanced or new Equilibrium, where the problems are resolved
fashionista-adventures/ and normality resumes again.

Once upon a time, there was a woman who lived with

her daughter Pina in a tiny hut in the village. They
were poor, and the mother worked day and night to
make both ends meet. No matter how hard she
worked, though, she never got any help from her
Yes ma'am.
Pina was a lazy, spoiled kid who liked to play in the
backyard all day. Whenever her mother asked for
help around the house or tried to send her on an
errand, she would always find an excuse by saying (Students are reading)
she can’t find the object that was needed to complete
that task. If her mother asked her to sweep the house,
for example, she would say she cannot find the
broom, even if it was right there in front of her.
Needless to say, her mother always ended up doing
the work herself.
One day, her mother became very ill. She called out
to Pina, who as usual was playing in the backyard.

“Pina! Pina! Come over here, anak. I am very sick.

Can you cook some porridge for me please? I am too
weak to get up.”

Pina ignored her mother and continued to play.

“Pina, come over here this very instant, or else!”

Pina’s mother mustered all her strength just to say
this, but it worked. Pina grudgingly stopped playing
and went inside the house. She poked her head inside
her mother’s room.

“What do you want, Nanay (mother)? You really

expect me to cook for you? That’s too hard,”
protested Pina, pouting and stomping her feet.

“Pina, it is very simple. Just put some rice in a pot

and add water. Once the water boils, let it simmer for
a while. Stir it occasionally with a ladle. Everything
you need should be right there in the kitchen.”

Pina reluctantly left and went to the kitchen. Her

mother could hear her banging the drawers and
cabinets. Then her mother heard her open the back
door and sneak out into the backyard. Her mother
waited and waited. Finally, she called out to Pina

“Pina, did you cook like I told you to?”

“No,” was the defiant response.

“And why not?” was her mom’s exasperated


“Because I could not find the ladle,” was her flippant


“Oh, you lazy child! You probably did not even

bother to look for it! What am I going to do with you?
Here I am, sick, and I cannot even count on you!”

Her mother wept bitterly. In her anger, she shouted,

“I wish you would grow a thousand eyes all over your
head! Then you can find what you’re looking for.
Maybe then you won’t have any more excuses.”

As soon as she said this, there was complete silence.

Her mother thought, “She is trying to be quiet so I
will forget about asking her again.” She sighed.

She waited a little bit to see if Pina would come back.

Realizing the wait was futile, she wearily got up to do
the cooking herself. When she looked out into the
backyard, Pina was nowhere to be found. She sighed
again and said to herself, “That lazy kid probably
went to a friend’s house so she did not have to do any
more errands for me.”

Exhausted from the exertion, she soon went back to

her room for a much-needed rest. Weak as she was,
she just tried to do everything by herself, having
given up on any help from Pina.

Hours passed by, and then days. Still no sign of her

wayward daughter. With a heavy heart, she thought
that Pina had ran away for sure.

When she finally recovered from her illness, the first

thing she did was look for Pina. No one had seen or
heard from her. It was like she disappeared into thin

Months passed and still no sign of her. The mother

felt bad for her angry outburst, and she feared that she
might probably never see her daughter again.

One day, she was sweeping the backyard where Pina

used to play. For months now, she had noticed this
strange plant growing on the very spot where she last
saw Pina. By this time, the leaves of the plant had
fully opened. Inside, she saw this strange yellow fruit
that resembled a child’s head with a thousand eyes. A
thousand eyes…

She suddenly remembered the spiteful words she used

that fateful day. With horror, she realized that in the
same way her mother’s love had spoiled her daughter,
so did her anger unwittingly curse her. Somehow, her
daughter had been turned into this plant.

To honor the memory of her beloved daughter, she

named the fruit Pina. She took such loving care of it
like it was her own daughter. The fruit flourished so
well that it bore more and more fruits, and became
popular among the village and the entire country. Its
name later evolved to pinya, or pineapple in English.

And that’s how the pineapple came to be, according

to folklore, named after a spoiled child who was
cursed with a thousand eyes…

 Okay class are you done?

Okay let's proceed to group 1 followed by group
Okay present your assigned activity.


Activity no. 1
 Direction ; Write T  if the statement is true and F if 
it is false.

1. Tzvetan Todorov is the theorist who

developed the Todorov approach.
2. Disruption is the plot line whereas the
characters realize the problems and it's chaos.
3. Enhanced or new equilibrium is the happy
ending of the plot.
4. The recognition stage is when the character/s
attempt to repair the damage and restore the
5. Todorov is also known as Traditional
Narrative Theory.

Activity no. 2
 Direction ; Define the five stages or patterns in your
own words.

VII. Assignment
Yes ma'am.
Direction ; Identify the five stages or patterns of Yes ma'am.
Todorov Narrative Theory in the Cinderella story. ( Presentation of the answer nlby


2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T

(Answers of the learners)

(Answers of the learners)

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