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Manukan National High School Rules and Regulations

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Manukan National High School shall maintain discipline inside as well as outside the school
premises when learners are engaged in activities authorized by the school. The School Head shall
have authority, accountability and responsibility for creating an environment within the school that
is conducive to teaching and learning. Teachers shall be deemed persons in authority when in the
discharge of lawful duties and responsibilities, and shall, therefore, be accorded due respect and
protection. Therefore, this school shall impose appropriate and reasonable disciplinary measures in
case of offenses or infractions of good discipline.

Duties and Responsibilities of Students (Batas Pambansa Bilang 232, Section 15; DepEd Order
No. 40, s. 2012, Section 9) – every student shall:

1. Exert his utmost to develop his potentialities for service, particularly by undergoing an
education suited to his abilities, in order that he may become an asset to his family and to
2. Uphold the academic integrity of the school, endeavour to achieve academic excellence and
abide by the rules and regulations governing his academic responsibilities and moral
3. Promote and maintain the peace and tranquillity of the school by observing the rules and
discipline, and by exerting efforts to attain harmonious relationships with fellow students,
the teaching and academic staff and other school personnel. 4
4. Participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of the general welfare, particularly
in the social, economic and cultural development of his community and in the attainment of
a just, compassionate and orderly society.
5. Exercise his rights responsibly in the knowledge that he is answerable for any infringement
or violation of the public welfare and of the rights of others.
6. Comply with the school’s regulations, as long as they are in harmony with their best
7. Pupils, students and learners shall refrain from:
i. Engaging in discrimination, or leading a group of pupils or students to
discriminate another, with reference to one’s physical appearance, weaknesses
and status of any sort;

ii. Doing any act that is inappropriate or sexually provocative;

iii. Participating in behavior of other students that is illegal, unsafe or abusive;

iv. Marking or damaging school property, including books, in any way;

v. Engaging in fights or any aggressive behavior;

vi. Introducing into the school premises or otherwise possessing prohibited

articles, such as deadly weapons, drugs, alcohol, toxic and noxious substances,
cigarettes and pornographic material; and
vii. Performing other similar acts that cause damage or injury to another.

8. Conduct themselves in accordance with their levels of development, maturity, and

demonstrated capabilities, with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other persons;
9. Respect another person’s rights regardless of opinion, status, gender, ethnicity, religion, as
well as everyone’s moral and physical integrity; and
10. Observe the Code of Conduct for pupils, students and learners.


A. Attendance; Punctuality; Uniform & I.D

a. The following guidelines in attendance and punctuality as stated in the Paragraph 1.2,
Section 1, Chapter III, Part IV of 2000 DECS Service Manual shall be observed.

i. Regularity of attendance and punctuality are required in all classes. A student who has
been absent or has cut classes is required to present a letter of explanation from his/her
parents or guardians or to bring them to school for a short conference with the section
adviser or guidance counsellor as the case may be.

ii. Attendance of students in special holidays, activities relative to their religions shall be
allowed provided permission of the school head is sought.

iii. Habitual tardiness especially during the first period in the morning and in the afternoon
shall not be allowed. Teachers concerned shall call for the parents of the student concerned or visit
him/her at home.

b. Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 45 s. 2008 and DepEd Order No. 46 s. 2008, wearing of
school uniform is not mandatory:

i. The wearing of a school uniform shall not be required in public schools. A student’s attire
should reflect respect for the school as an institution for learning. A student’s attire should not
become a cause for discrimination particularly for students belonging to a lower socio-economic

Given the above principles, the suggested attire for secondary learners should be:

For Male Learners

 Polo shirt/T-shirt with sleeves – any plain color, with a minimum prints
 Pants (long or short) – any color; short must be knee level
 Footwear – any

For Female Learners

 Dress, skirt and blouse, blouse and pants – any color, print; skirt must be knee level
 Footwear-any

For LGBTQIA+ Students

 Shall wear appropriately based on his/her preferred gender as it should reflect respect for the
school, and should not become a cause for discrimination
ii. Learners with existing uniforms may continue using these uniforms, if they so desire, in
order to avoid incurring additional costs for new attire.

iii. Learners are discouraged from wearing expensive (signature or designer brands) or
flashy clothes, tight-fitting pants/blouses/dresses, mini-skirts, short shorts, blouses with plunging
necklines, tattered jeans and sleepwear.

iv. Promoting physical hygiene and proper school decorum is part of the teaching- learning
process in schools, thus a student’s attire and physical appearance should manifest learnings from
this process.

A learner who violates the above guidelines is required to present a letter of explanation
from his/her parents or guardians or to bring them to school for a short conference with the section
adviser or guidance counsellor, and/ or school head as the case may be.

c. Wearing of Identification (ID) cards of all students is a MUST while inside the school

B. Violations on attendance, punctuality, uniform and ID are not subject to administrative

discipline warranting penalty/ies.


A. Appropriate haircut and haircolor; Piercings

i. Suggested haircut for boys: at least 1 inch above the ear and 3 inches above the collar

ii. Students haircolor must be in natural color, black or brown and or blonde if
naturalized citizen.

iii. Ear piercings of male students, and piercings in any parts of the face aside from
the ears of female students are prohibited in school premises.

iv. For LGBTQIA+ Students

 Shall have haircut, haircolor, piercings appropriately based on his/her preferred gender as it
should reflect respect for the school, and should not become a cause for discrimination

A learner who is not in proper haircut and haircolor, and improper piercings is required to
present a letter of explanation from his/her parents or guardians or to bring them to school for a
short conference with the section adviser or or guidance counsellor, and/ or school head as the case
may be.

B. Other cases subject to disciplinary action

Considering the foregoing, the following are the infractions or violations of the learners that
may be subjected to interventions and penalties as warranted. The penalty shall be commensurate to
the offense committed. The following are the corresponding penalties that shall be given to a

I. Disciplinary Cases (Minor Offenses)

1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense

1. Wearing dress/ attires Reprimand Community Community Shall be

inappropriately to the dress code with service service treated as a
counselling within the within the less grave
2. Visible piercings for males; and
with parent school school offense,
other than ears for females;
and class premise for 1 premise for thus 1 or to
3. Inappropriate haircut and
adviser hour, in 2-3 hours, 3 days
(using presence of in presence suspension
4. Littering (plastic cups, bottles,
incident authorized of
candy wrappers or any waste)
report or personnel authorized
inside the school campus specially
intake sheets) personnel
inside the classroom and corridors
5. Loitering and staying inside or
outside the school campus during
class hour
6. Uttering profanities/
swearwords inside the school
7. Tampering of school ID such as
placing stickers and other objects
on school ID
8. Not giving letter and/ or
important document to parents or
to school
9. Bullying acts (for minor case)–
physical, emotional, mental and
cyber-bullying (Bullying cases or
offenses shall be handled in
accordance with Republic Act
10627 and DepEd Order No. 55,
s. 2013)
10. Public display of affection
11. Other analogous acts that may
endanger/threaten any learner,
school personnel, or the school.

II. Disciplinary Cases (Less Grave Offenses)

1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense

1. Cheating/ dishonesty  Reprimand  Community  Community  Shall be
2. Stealing (for minor case) with service service treated as a
3. Vandalism – writing on school counselling within the within the grave
property like chairs, tables, with parent, school school offense,
windows, books, laboratory class adviser, premise for 3 premise for thus 7 days
equipment and others (for minor and/ or with hours, in 10 hours (2 suspension
case) school head presence of hours each
4. Gambling of any sort (for (using authorized day for 5
minor case) incident personnel; days), in
5. Extortion or asking money or in report or presence of
kind from others (for minor case) intake authorized
6. Fighting, causing light injury to sheets); personnel;
7. Instigating, leading or
participating in concerned And Or
activities leading to stoppage of Or
classes  Community  Suspension
8. Unruly behavior inside the service  Suspension for 4-5 days
classroom or school premises, within the which shall
during assemblies, school school not exceed
activities, etc. premise for 1 three (3)
9. Going to restricted places (for hour, in days
minor case) presence of
10. Bullying acts (less severe authorized
case) – physical, emotional, personnel
mental and cyber-bullying
(Bullying cases or offenses shall
be handled in accordance with
Republic Act 10627 and DepEd
Order No. 55, s. 2013)
11. Disrespecting our national
flag and of during the conduct of
the flag ceremony
12. Other analogous acts that may
endanger/threaten any learner,
school personnel, or the school.

III. Disciplinary Cases (Grave Offenses)

1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense

1. Stealing (for Major Case/s)  Counselling  Suspension  Suspension  Expulsion –

2. Assaulting a teacher, or any with parent, for seven for one (1) refer to the
other school authority or his class adviser, days or more year or District
agents, or other learner/s guidance but not more more – Supervisor
3. Smoking inside the school counsellor, than one (1) refer it to and
premises and bringing tobacco and with year – refer the District Division
products, vapes, etc. school head to the Supervisor Superintend
4. Vandalism – destroying school (using District and ent for
property like chairs, tables, incident Supervisor Division approval
windows, books, laboratory report or and Division Superintend
equipment and others intake Superintende ent for
5. Gambling of any sort (for sheets); nt for approval
major case) approval
6. Drinking intoxicants and liquor
or entering the school premises And Or Or
under the influence of liquor, or
bringing of alcoholic beverages  Public or  Any legal  Any legal
7. Carrying and concealing deadly Private and and
weapons or instruments apology appropriate appropriate
8. Extortion or asking money or action that action that
in kind from others (for major And serves the serve the
case) legal rights legal rights
9. Fighting, causing severe injury  Community of the of the
to others service student, and student, and
10. Hazing in any form or manner within the protects the protects the
whether inside or outside the school dignity of the dignity of
school premises premise for school and the school
11. Sexual abuse, immorality, 10 hours (2 its and its
illicit relationships hours each constituents constituents
12. Preventing, threatening day for 5
learners or faculty members or days), in
school authorities from presence of
discharging their duties or from authorized
attending classes or entering personnel
school premises
13. Forging or tampering with
school records or transfer forms Or
14. Patronizing suspected
prostitution den, gambling and
pornographic places  Suspension
15. Bringing, using and selling of for seven (7)
pornographic materials days
16. Selling stolen goods in school
17. Going to restricted places (for
major case)
18. Drug dependency or drug use,
possession, and sale of prohibited
drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy,
shabu, etc. (it shall be subject to
the Guidelines prescribed by DO
40 s. 2012 entitled Guidelines for
the Conduct of Random Drug
Testing in Public and Private
Secondary Schools, and RA 9165
and its IRR)
19. Joining fraternities, sororities,
and gangs
20. Bullying acts (for severe case)
– physical, emotional, mental and
cyber-bullying (Bullying cases or
offenses shall be handled in
accordance with Republic Act
10627 and DepEd Order No. 55,
s. 2013)
21. Disrespecting our national
flag and of during the conduct of
the flag ceremony (for severe
22. Posting on social media that
attacks, defame, humiliate
students, school personnel, or the
school; and or posting indecent
and sexually provocative content
23. Other analogous acts that may
endanger/threaten any learner,
school personnel, or the school.

Procedure in Learner Discipline

A. The Guidance Counselor and/ or the School Head shall issue a Notice in writing to the learner
through the Parent/Guardian by personal service or any other means of service within 5 three (3)
working days from date of incident/report.

B. The Answer in writing of the learner with the assistance of the parents/guardian must be
submitted within three (3) working days from receipt on Notice.

C. A Notice of Conference with parents/guardian shall be issued within three (3) working days
from receipt of Answer. The conference shall be before the School Head if it is a first minor
offense; otherwise, before the Child Protection Committee.

i. The parties shall be given a chance to be heard.

ii. The conference must be recorded through a minutes of conference duly signed by all
die parties and members present.

D. The Decision in writing shall be issued within 3 working days by the School Head/

For information and strict compliance.


Regional Order No.07, Series 2018 from May B. Eclar, Ph.D., CESO V, Regional Director, Deped
CAR dated November 13, 2018, entitled “Basic Guidelines in the Development of Learners’
Discipline Manual

Prepared by: Recommending Approval:


SSLG Adviser Head Teacher IV

Recommending Approval:


SHS Guidance Advocate Head Teacher II/ JHS Guidance Advocate

Approved: Noted:


Principal III Public Schools District Supervisor
Address: Manukan, Zamboanga del Norte Tel. No.: 918-2621 (065)
Email: Website:
FB: DepEd Tayo- Manukan National High School 303710

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