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SALAMANDRA 47(1) 1729 Herpetofauna

20 February 2011 of Lore

ISSNLindu National Park area

The amphibians and reptiles of the Lore Lindu National Park area,
Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
1,2 2 3 4
Thomas Cherico Wanger , Iris Motzke , Shahabuddin Saleh & Djoko T. Iskandar

Environment Institute and School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide, SA 5095, Australia
Agroecology, University of Gttingen, 37073 Gttingen, Germany
Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tadulako Palu, Indonesia
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 40132-Bandung, Indonesia

Corresponding author: Thomas Cherico Wanger, e-mail:

Manuscript received: 03 April 2010

Abstract. While land-use change is rapid throughout Southeast Asia, the island of Sulawesi (Indonesia) is of pressing con-
servation concern because of its exceptional number of endemic species. However, a lack of good identification literature
for certain taxa such as amphibians and reptiles (apart from snakes) substantially delays ecological research in this region.
Here, we compile an illustrated species list based on three years of research in and around the Lore Lindu National Park
(LLNP) area and supplement it with data from the literature. In total, our survey and the literature review revealed 25 am-
phibian and 54 reptile species in five and 13 families, respectively. Our results highlight the LLNP area as an important her-
petological endemism hotspot in the region. Appropriate utilization of species lists like this may facilitate capacity-building
of local scientists and knowledgable local guides working in ecotourism.
Key words. Biodiversity, capacity-building, conservation, ecotourism, species list, Southeast Asia, Sulawesi.

Abstrak. Seiring dengan cepatnya konversi lahan di Asia Tenggara, Sulawesi (Indonesia) menjadi kawasan yang sangat
penting untuk dikonservasi atas dasar tingginya keanekaragaman jenis, terutama untuk jenis yang endemik. Walaupun
demikian, keterbatasan kepustakaan yang mutakhir untuk pengenalan jenis (kecuali untuk jenis-jenis ular) menjadi peng-
hambat utama dalam penelitian ekologi di daerah ini. Untuk tujuan tersebut, artikel ini yang berisi daftar jenis dan dileng-
kapi dengan gambar yang dihasilkan dari penelitian selama tiga tahun di dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Lore Lindu
maupun daerah sekitarnya dan ditambah dengan informasi dari kepustakaan yang ada. Berdasarkan informasi yang telah
dihimpun, 25 jenis amfibi dan 54 jenis reptil dijumpai di dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Lore Lindu, mewakili lima famili
katak dan 13 famili reptil. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa TNLL merupakan kawasan endemik yang penting untuk Sulawesi.
Artikel ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat untuk memberikan data dasar bagi masyarakat setempat dan juga berguna untuk
kepentingan ekoturisme.

Introduction cause these two taxonomic groups contain many of the

most threatened vertebrates on the planet (IUCN 2009,
Based on deforestation rates, climate change predictions, and the ecological impacts of
and the extent of current land-use change, Southeast Asia land-use change urgently need to be better understood
is a region of high conservation priority (Sodhi et al. (Sodhi et al. 2010b). Based on three years of collecting sur-
2010a, Brooks et al. 2006). However, ecological research vey data and the available literature, we provide the first
efforts and suitable protection of species naturally depend herpetological species list with IUCN threat status and in-
on the knowledge of species occurrences in a particular formation on abundance, habitat use, and maximum ele-
area. This information in readily accessible form is lack- vation range, supplemented with pictures for most species
ing for several taxonomic groups and regions in Southeast encountered in the Lore Lindu National Park (LLNP) area
Asia (Sodhi and Brook 2006). In order to facilitate argu- in Central Sulawesi province. We discuss how studies like
ments to policy makers for the protection and preservation this may greatly benefit capacity-building of local scientists
of invaluable conservation areas and informed ecotourism and tourism in the LLNP region, one of the largest rainfor-
(i.e., knowledgeable local guides), such accessible data is of est national parks in Indonesia.
crucial importance.
The island of Sulawesi (Indonesia) is a hotspot of en-
demism even on a global scale (Whitten et al. 2002), but Material and methods
knowledge about both herpetological diversity and iden-
tification literature are very limited (but see de Lang and We collected our data in and around the LLNP, situated
Vogel 2005 for snakes). This is a worrying tendency be- south of Palu, the capital of Central Sulawesi province

2011DeutscheGesellschaftfrHerpetologieundTerrarienkundee.V.(DGHT), Rheinbach, Germany

All articles available online at 17
Thomas Cherico Wanger et al.

(Fig.1). The park covers 230,000 ha of mostly pristine trop- plemented with data from the literature (for references
ical rainforest that partly covers mountain ranges with a see Tabs. 1, 2). IUCN status was obtained from the IUCN
maximum altitude of 2356 m above sea level (Mount Nok- RedList database (IUCN 2009, http://www.iucnredlist.
ilalaki). The surroundings are dominated by agricultural org).
land-use, mainly for cacao and coconut plantations, as well Nomenclature used here follows Frost (2009) for am-
as rice cultivation. Native forest diversity is highly threat- phibians and McDiarmid et al. (1999) and de Lang and
ened by hunting activities and the land-use change of pris- Vogel (2005) for snakes. For other reptiles, we used the
tine forest into agricultural plantations. literature sources cited in Table 2.
We sampled amphibians and reptiles on 110 m transects
with visual and acoustic encounter surveys (Heyer et al.
1994) and a 25-minute time constraint. More than 100 Results
transects in six habitat types (primary and secondary rain-
forest, two cacao agroforest types, rice paddies, and open We identified 25 amphibian species in five families and 54
areas) were checked up to six times (three times during the reptile species in 13 families (Tab. 1). Reptiles comprised
day and night each). Our sampling from December 2007 22 snake, 28 lizard, and four turtle species (Tab. 2). While
until October 2009 covered wet and dry seasons and an el- 32.0 % of all amphibian species found are not yet classified
evational range from 400 to 2300 m above sea level (Mount in the IUCN Red List, only four of the reptile species (the
Nokilalaki). turtles) have been assessed until now. Our elevation data
In addition to our sampling, the species list including suggests that four of the new Limnonectes species are po-
abundance, habitat use, and elevation ranges was com- tentially high-elevation specialists and one rhacophorid is

Figure 1. Map of the Lore Lindu National Park (LLNP) area in Sulawesi at three different scales: within Southeast Asia (A); in Sulawesi
(B); in Central Sulawesi (C). The map shows the mountainous terrain of Central Sulawesi with the two highest peaks, both inside
(Mount Nokilalaki, 2357 m, indicated by a white dot) and outside the LLNP (Mount Rore Katimbu 2610 m, indicted by a star). Land-
use change from pristine forest into agricultural areas is evident all around the park, but most prominently in the northern and eastern
sections. The park boundary is indicated by a white line; the arrow in (C) indicates north for (A) to (C).

Herpetofauna of Lore Lindu National Park area

Table 1. Amphibian species of the Lore Lindu National Park. Red List classifications follow the criteria of IUCN (IUCN 2009, http:// CE = Critically Endangered; E = Endangered; V = Vulnerable; NT = Near Threatened; LC = Least Concern; DD =
Data Deficient; NE = not evaluated by the IUCN; Specialist [Y/N/?] = species considered a pristine-forest specialist/disturbance-tolerant
species/not known; Habitat encountered = habitat where we encountered the species during the three-year survey; abbreviations used:
PF = Rainforest; SF = secondary forest; AF = Cacao agroforest; CP = Cacao plantation; OA = Open area; RF = Rice paddy. Abundance
was classified as C = commonly encountered; R = rare (as mentioned in the literature). Source LLNP = literature source that lists the
species for Central Sulawesi Province/Lore Lindu National Park. Note that the studies by Wanger et al. (2009, 2010a) employed the
same sampling methods and were conducted over the same time period as this study. Data from Amphibia Web (2009, http://amphibi- Elevation = maximum elevation range in metres above sea level given in the Source El reference. If no elevation data could
be found in the literature, we present the elevation at which we found the species (indicated with F before the figure). The symbols <
and > denote occurrence below or above the elevation given, respectively. The word lowland is used when it was mentioned that the
species would occur in the lowland without giving an elevation in metres. NA = information on the elevation range is not available.

Amphibian species IUCN Specialist Habitat Abun Source LLNP Elevation Source El
Red List encountered dance
Ingerophrynus biporcatus LC N O Iskandar & Tjan <1000 Sodhi et al. 2008
Duttaphrynus melanosticus LC N AF, CP, HS C Wanger et al. 2009, <1800 Sodhi et al. 2008
This study
Ingerophrynus celebensis LC N PF, SF, AF, CP, O Wanger et al. 2010a, <1000 Sodhi et al. 2008
OA Wanger et al. 2009
Callulops sp. NE Y PF R This study F1200 This study
Kaloula baleata LC N C Amphibia Web 2009 <800 Sodhi et al. 2008;
updated from our study
Kaloula pulchra LC N PF C Wanger et al. 2010a F800 This study
Oreophryne sp. 1 NE N PF, SF R Wanger et al. 2010a F800 This study
Oreophryne sp. 2 NE Y PF R This study F800 This study
Hylarana celebensis LC N PF, SF C Wanger et al. 2010a, <800 Sodhi et al. 2008;
Wanger et al. 2009 updated from our study
Hylarana erythraea LC N C Amphibia Web 2009 <1200 Sodhi et al. 2008
Hylarana macrops NT Y PF, SF R Amphibia Web 2009, <1000 Sodhi et al. 2008
This study
Hylarana mocquardii LC N PF, SF, AF, CP, C Inger et al. 2009, This <1000 Sodhi et al. 2008
OA study
Fejervarya cancrivora LC N PF, SF, AF, CP, C This study <400 Sodhi et al. 2008;
OA, RF updated from our study
Fejervarya limnocharis LC N PF, SF, AF, CP, C This study <2000 Sodhi et al. 2008
Limnonectes modestus LC N C Amphibia Web 2009 <1550 Sodhi et al. 2008;
updated from our study
Limnonectes cf. arathooni NE Y PF R Wanger et al. 2010a, F2300 This study
Wanger et al. 2009
Limnonectes cf. modestus NE N PF, SF R Wanger et al. 2010a, F1400 This study
Wanger et al. 2009
Limnonectes cf. heinrichi NE Y AF R Wanger et al. 2010a F1600 This study
Limnonectes sp. (medium 3) NE Y PF R Wanger et al. 2009 F1550 This study
Occidozyga celebensis LC N C Amphibia Web 2009 <1550 Sodhi et al. 2008;
updated from our study
Occidozyga semipalmata LC Y PF C This study <1550 Sodhi et al. 2008;
updated from our study
Polypedates leucomystax LC N PF, SF, AF, CP, C Amphibia Web 2009, <1550 Sodhi et al. 2008
OA This study
Rhacophorus edentulus DD ? ? Iskandar & Tjan <1000 Iskandar & Tjan 1996
Rhacophorus monticola NT Y C Amphibia Web 2009 >1000 Sodhi et al. 2008
Rhacophorus sp. NE ? PF, SF C J.A. McGuire, pers. <300 Iskandar & Tjan
comm. 1996; this study

Thomas Cherico Wanger et al.

Table 2. Reptile species of the Lore Lindu National Park. For a detailed column header explanation of abbreviations used see legend
of Tab.1. Further abbreviations: + D.T. Iskandar noted that Rhabdophis chrysargoides does not occur in Sulawesi, despite the record
in de Lang & Vogel (2005); ++ we found shops selling specimens collected in the Lore Lindu area; this was confirmed by locals.
Note that the works by Wanger et al. (2009, 2010a) were also based on this three-year sampling survey and consequently employed
the same sampling methods. $ contains a key to the Cyrtodactylus species of Sulawesi.

IUCN Specia- Habitat Abun- Source LLNP Elevation Source El

Red List list encountered dance
Snake species
Ahaetulla prasina NE N SF, AF, CP C Wanger et al. 2009 < 1300 deLang & Vogel 2005
Boiga dendrophila gemmicincta NE Y C deLang & Vogel 2005 Lowland de Rooij 1917
Boiga irregularis NE N AF C Wanger et al. 2010a < 1400 deLang & Vogel 2005
Calamaria nuchalis NE N C deLang & Vogel 2005 < 610 de Rooij 1917
Calamaria sp. NE N SF C This study F800 This study
Calamaria virgulata NE N C deLang & Vogel 2005 NA deLang & Vogel 2005
Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis NE N C deLang & Vogel 2005 < 1300 deLang & Vogel 2005
Dendrelaphis pictus pictus NE N AF, CP C Wanger et al. 2009 < 1400 deLang & Vogel 2005
Elaphe erythrura celebensis NE N C deLang & Vogel 2005 < 1100 deLang & Vogel 2005
Gonyosoma jansenii NE N R deLang & Vogel 2005 < 1000 deLang & Vogel 2005
Lycodon stormi NE Y PF, SF, AF R This study F820 This study
Oligodon waandersi NE Y C deLang & Vogel 2005 < 1200 deLang & Vogel 2005
Rabdion forsteni NE N SF C This study < 1830 deLang & Vogel 2005
Rhabdophis callistus NE N SF R Wanger et al. 2009, < 1200 This study
Wanger et al. 2010a, +
Psammodynastes pulverulentus NE N SF C Wanger et al. 2010a < 2000 deLang & Vogel 2005
Ptyas dipsas NE N PF, SF, AF, R This study < 1100 deLang & Vogel 2005
Xenochrophis trianguligerus NE N PF, SF, AF, C This study < 1400 deLang & Vogel 2005
Cylindrophis melanotus NE Y C deLang & Vogel 2005 < 1200 deLang & Vogel 2005
Ophiophagus hannah NE N PF, SF, AF, R This study; ++ < 1800 deLang & Vogel 2005
Python reticulatus reticulatus NE N C deLang & Vogel 2005 < 1300 deLang & Vogel 2005
Tropidolaemus subannulatus NE N C deLang & Vogel 2005; < 1300 deLang & Vogel 2005
Vogel et al. 2007
Xenopeltis unicolor NE N AF, CP C Wanger et al. 2009, < 1300 deLang & Vogel 2005
Wanger et al. 2010a

Lizard species
Bronchocela celebensis NE N PF, SF,AF, CP C Wanger et al. 2009 < 1200 This study
Bronchocela cristatella NE N PF, SF, SF, CP C This study < 1600 Manthey &
Grossmann 1997
Draco spilonotus NE ? ? McGuire et al. 2007 < 1016 McGuire et al. 2007
Draco walkeri NE ? ? McGuire et al. 2007 < 1840 McGuire et al. 2007
Cyrtodactylus spinosus NE ? ? ? Wanger et al. 2009 ~ 600 Linkem et al. 2008
Cyrtodactylus wallacei NE ? ? Hayden et al. 2008, $ NA Hayden et al. 2008
Cyrtodactylus jellesmae NE Y SF, AF R Wanger et al. 2009 < 850 Wanger et al. 2009
Gekko gecko NE Y CP, OA C This study < 900 Manthey &
Grossmann 1997
Gekko monarchus NE N PF, SF,AF, CP, O This study < 1500 Manthey &
OA Grossmann 1997

Herpetofauna of Lore Lindu National Park area

IUCN Specia- Habitat Abun- Source LLNP Elevation Source El

Red List list encountered dance
Gehyra mutilata NE N C Whitten et al. 2002 < 1500 Manthey &
Grossmann 1997
Hemidactylus frenatus NE N OA C This study < 1600 Manthey &
Grossmann 1997
Hemidactylus platyurus NE N C Iskandar & Tjan 1996 < 1200 de Rooij 1915
Sphenomorphus celebense ? ? ? Iskandar & Tjan 1996 < 1200 de Rooij 1915
Emoia atrocostata NE Y O Iskandar & Tjan 1996 Lowland de Rooij 1915
Emoia caeruleocauda NE Y C Iskandar & Tjan 1996 < 920 de Rooij 1915
Eutropis sp. NE N SF, AF, CP, C Wanger et al. 2009, < 900 This study
OA Wanger et al. 2010a
Eutropis multifasciatus NE Y CP, OA C Wanger et al. 2009, < 1800 Manthey &
Wanger et al. 2010a Grossmann 1997
Eutropis rudis NE N PF, SF, AF, C Wanger et al. 2009, < 900 This study
CP Wanger et al. 2010a
Lamprolepis smaragdina NE ? ? Iskandar & Tjan 1996 < 300 de Rooij 1915
Parvoscincus sp. NE ? PF, SF, AF, ? Wanger et al. 2009, < 850 This study
CP Wanger et al. 2010a
Lipinia inconspicua NE ? ? ? Wanger et al. 2009, < 1200 de Rooij 1915
Wanger et al. 2010a
Sphenomorphus cf. textus NE ? PF, AF, CP, ? Wanger et al. 2009, this < 900 This study
OA study
Sphenomorphus nigrilabris NE Y PF, SF, AF, ? Wanger et al. 2009, < 900 This study
CP Wanger et al. 2010a
Sphenomorphus tropidonotus NE ? ? Iskandar & Tjan 1996 < 900 This study
Sphenomorphus cf. variegatus NE N PF, SF, AF, ? Wanger et al. 2009, < 900 This study
OA Wanger et al. 2010a
Tropidophorus baconi NE ? ? Hikida et al. 2003 < 1000 This study
Dibamus celebensis NE ? R Iskandar & Tjan 1996 < 1400 de Rooij 1915
Varanus salvator NE N C Iskandar & Tjan 1996, < 1200 McKay 2006
this study

Turtle species
Cuora amboinensis V N C D.T. Iskandar, pers. Lowland Manthey &
observ. Grossmann 1997
Leucocephalon yuwonoi CE ? R Ives et al. 2008 Lowland D.T. Iskandar, pers.
Indotestudo forstenii E ? R Ives et al. 2008 Lowland de Rooij 1915
Amyda cartilagnea V ? ? ? Koch et al. 2008 Lowland de Rooij 1915

adapted to lower elevations. The remaining amphibians oc- Being a global endemism hotspot, our species list supports
cur in the lowland or within a broad elevation range. None the notion of Iskandar and Tjan (1996) that Central Su-
of the reptiles seem to be high-elevation specialists. For lawesi is a very valuable area for the herpetofauna of the
pictures of most of the encountered amphibian and lizard island. However, many areas in the region have not yet
species see the Appendices. Photographs of most snakes of been covered by herpetological surveys and the fact that
Sulawesi can be found in de Lang and Vogel (2005). dozens of species are awaiting formal description suggests
that many more are likely to be discovered (D.T. Iskandar,
pers. obs.). Our current result of few high-elevation spe-
Discussion cialist amphibian and no such reptile species may just re-
flect an under-sampling of mountainous habitats. A better
Due to its geological past, Sulawesis herpetofaunal diver- estimate of an approximate number of elevation specialists
sity is lower compared to the neighbouring islands such as is crucial, because these species will be most severely af-
Borneo, the Moluccas or Papua (e.g., Whitten et al. 2002). fected by climate change.

Thomas Cherico Wanger et al.

During this survey, we did not encounter some of the park bureau to fund the paying of often insufficient salaries
species found during previous surveys. One reason for this for local rangers.
could be that species have declined in numbers or became Future research efforts should target an extensive and
locally extinct due to the rapidly progressing deforestation. complete coverage of the herpetofauna of Sulawesi based
This development is evident in the northeastern parts of on genetic and morphological analyses of species, many of
the park (the Dongi-Dongi area), where immigrants from which have so far remained undescribed. Simultaneously,
South Sulawesi, but also other parts of Indonesia, rapid- explorative surveys in the region should continue in par-
ly convert the forest into cacao plantations (Weber et al. ticular in remote mountainous areas where no herpetofau-
2007). As, for example, one of the study areas of the cited nistic sampling has so far been conducted. More ecologi-
studies (Iskandar & Tjan 1996) focused in parts on this cal studies are needed to assess the effects of pesticides on
particular site, several species are likely to have since be- amphibians and reptiles as well as biodiversity in general,
come at least locally extinct. In addition, the present study as forest is converted into plantation habitats (Wanger et
has not exhaustively sampled the area, even though most al. 2010b). Conservation value assessments may provide
relevant habitat types were covered. We did not use pitfall guidelines of how to make secondary habitats more hospi-
traps because the effort required to maintain these setups table to biodiversity. However, this will only work if we can
are cost- and labour-intensive, but may not trade off well take potentially detrimental pesticide effects into account.
in terms of what they add to the species list. The penalty
is that we likely have missed several secretive and fosso-
rial species such as Dibamus spp., Calamaria spp., Pseu-
dorabdion spp., and small skinks. The high herpetological Acknowledgements
diversity we found within this endemic hotspot is, how-
We would like to thank our assistants in Sulawesi, who made this
ever, severely threatened by the rapid forest conversion for project possible and in particular, the people of Toro for their
cacao plantation; already one million ha of Sulawesis land hospitality and support. We thank S. Howard and U. Manthey
surface have been converted into these plantations to serve for providing comments on the species list and G. Gillespie,
the global demand for cocoa (Direktorat Jenderal Perke- S.Howard, J. A. McGuire and U. Manthey for giving us per-
bunan 2008). mission to use their photographs. Surveys were conducted un-
Recently, two ecological studies explicitly investigated der the research permits from Kementerian Negara Riset dan Te-
the effects of land-use change on amphibians and reptiles in knologi Republik Indonesia (RISTEK; #1899/FRP/SM/VIII/2008;
the Lore Lindu National Park (Wanger et al. 2009, 2010). to T.C. Wanger) and Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia
(LIPI; #7374a/SU/KS/2007; to T.C. Wanger). Funding was pro-
Results indicated clearly that amphibians will be severely
vided through the German Science Foundation (DFG), an En-
impacted by forest conversion, most likely due to their sen- deavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, and a
sitivity to desiccation. For these animals, extensive pristine University of Adelaide Scholarship (to T.C. Wanger).
forest coverage is crucial for survival. Many reptiles, how-
ever, may benefit from agricultural habitats, as their life
histories in general are more dependent on thermoregu-
lation in open canopy spots (Huey et al. 2009, Wanger References
et al. 2010a). The sensitivity of both groups to climatic al-
terations (Pounds et al. 2006, Huey et al. 2009, Wanger Brooks, T. M., R. A. Mittermeier, G. A. B. da Fonseca, J. Ger-
lach, M. Hoffmann, J. F. Lamoreux, C. G. Mittermeier, J.
et al. 2009) can to a certain extent be compensated by
D. Pilgrim & A. S. L. Rodrigues (2006): Global biodiversity
a considerate structural management of these agricultural conservation priorities. Science, 313: 5861.
habitats. Cacao plantations with sufficient canopy cover,
de Lang, R. & G. Vogel (2005): The snakes of Sulawesi: a field
leaf litter thickness, and branch piles have a likely potential guide to the land snakes of Sulawesi with identification keys.
for sustaining greater herpetofaunal species richness and Frankfurt/M.: Edition Chimaira.
abundance than heavy-handedly managed, cleared lands.
De Rooij, N. (1915): The Reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archi-
However, the main beneficiaries will certainly be common pelago. Vol. I. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
and robust species such as the Celebes toad (Ingerophry-
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nan Indonesia 20062008. Jakarta: D. P. D. J. Perkebunan.
Besides supporting conservation arguments with data
(i.e., giving rough figures of how many species occur in Frost, D. R. (2009): Amphibian Species of the World: An Online
Reference. Version 5.4. American Museum of Natural His-
an area), such species lists may greatly facilitate capacity- tory, New York, USA.
building of local researchers and field guides for ecotour-
Hayden, C. J., R. M. Brown, G. Gillespie, M. I. Setiadi, C. W.
ism. For local researchers, learning the members of a local
Linkem, D. T. Iskandar, Umilaela, D. P. Bickford, A. Ri-
fauna by their scientific names is important for conducting yanto, Mumpuni & J. A. McGuire (2008): A new species of
sound scientific projects. Moreover, if ecotourists come to bent-toe gecko Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1827 (Squamata: Gekkoni-
remote places to see wildlife, amphibians are often the only dae) from the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Herpetologica,
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Thomas Cherico Wanger et al.

Appendix 1. Agamidae: A = Bronchocela celebensis; Gekkonidae: B = Gekko gecko (West Malaysia; Photo by U. Manthey); C = Cyrto-
dactylus jellesmae; D = Cyrtodactylus spinosus (reproduced with permission from the authors and Allen Press); E = Cyrtodactylus wal-
lacei (reproduced with permission from the authors and Allen Press); F = Gekko monarchus (West Malaysia; Photo by U. Manthey);
G = Gehyra mutilata (Photo by G. Gillespie); H = Hemidactylus frenatus (Thailand; Photo by U. Manthey).

Herpetofauna of Lore Lindu National Park area

Appendix 2. Gekkonidae: A = Hemidactylus platyurus (Thailand; Photo by U. Manthey); Scincidae: B = Emoia atrocostata (Photo by
G. Gillespie); C = Eutropis n. sp.; D = Eutropis multifasciatus; E = Eutropis rudis; F = Parvoscincus sp.; G = Sphenomorphus cf. textus;
H = Sphenomorphus nigrilabris.

Thomas Cherico Wanger et al.

Appendix 3. Scincidae: A = Sphenomorphus tropidonotus (Photo by G. Gillespie); B = Sphenomorphus cf. variegatus; C = Tropidopho-
rus baconi (Photo by J. A. McGuire); D = Lamprolepis smaragdina (Photo by S. Howard); Dibamidae: E = Dibamus celebensis (Photo
by G. Gillespie); Varanidae: F = Varanus salvator; Agamidae (both pictures reproduced with permission from the authors and Allen
Press): G = Draco walkeri; H = Draco spilonotus.

Herpetofauna of Lore Lindu National Park area

Appendix 4. Bufonidae: A = Duttaphrynus melanostictus; B = Ingerophrynus celebensis (juvenile); Microhylidae: C = Callulops n. sp.;
D = Kaloula baleata; E = Kaloula pulchra (West Malaysia; Photo by U. Manthey); F = Oreophryne n. sp.1; G = Oreophryne n. sp.2; Di-
croglossidae: Fejervarya cancrivora

Thomas Cherico Wanger et al.

Appendix 5. Dicroglossidae: A = Limnonectes cf. modestus; B = Limnonectes cf. arathooni; C = Limnonectes cf. heinrichi;
D = Fejervarya limnocharis; E = Occidozyga semipalmata; Ranidae: F = Hylarana celebensis; G = Hylarana erythraea; H = Hy-
larana macrops.

Herpetofauna of Lore Lindu National Park area

Appendix 6. Ranidae: A = Hylarana mocquardii; Rhacophoridae: B = Polypedates leucomystax; C = Rhacophorus sp. (Photo by J. A.


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