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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 788

ISSN 2250-3153

Odonata Fauna of Riparian Habitats in Selected Areas of

Luzon and Mindoro Region
Randel D. Estacio 1, Reagan Joseph T. Villanueva 2, and Hendrik Freitag 3

1 College of Arts and Sciences, Quezon City University

673 Qurino High way, San Bartolome, Novaliches, Quezon City, 1116 Philippines
2 College of Arts and Education, University of Mindanao

Matina, Davao City, 8000 Philippines

3 Ateneo de Manila University, Department of Biology, School of Science and Engineering

Loyola Heights Quezon City, 1101 Philippines

DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.10.08.2020.p10498

Abstract- Odonata is considered as potential indicator of predatory, aquatic and occur in all manner of inland waters
environmental disturbances. Despite of great efforts in recording (Kalkman et al. 2008; Orr et al. 2004; Corbet 1999).
the Odonata Fauna of the Philippines in general, the Riparian The Philippine Odonata and its taxonomy are still
habitats in Bataan/Subic Bay (Luzon) and Mt. Hinunduang/Baroc insufficiently known (Hämäläinen 2004). As described by
River Catchment (Mindoro) are still unexplored. Due to the Hämäläinen (2004), the country has high percentage of
continuous forest and freshwater habitat destruction, faunal endemism in terms of its Odonata Fauna. Luzon, being the
survey of Odonata species is urgent. The present study surveyed largest island in the Philippines has wide ranging lists of
selected riparian habitats in these regions in December 2015 to interesting Odonata Fauna, some of which are endemic to the
April 2016. A total of two hundred six species belonging to island or in a particular region of the island (Villanueva et al.
twenty genera (Heteronaias, Brachydiplax, Diplacodes, 2012; Gapud 2004; Hämäläinen 2004).
Macrodiplax, Neurothemis, Orthetrum, Pantala, Potamarcha, The study of Villanueva and Gil (2011), in the island of
Trithemis, Zyxoma, Neurobasis, Cyrano, Rhinocypha, Catanduanes provided forty two Odonata species that are a new
Agriocnemis, Ischnura, Pseudagrion, Teinobasis, Euphaea, record of the island and three species are new to science. In 2012,
Coeliccia, and Risiocnemis) were recorded and seven endemic a total of sixty Odonata species were recorded in Isabela and
species of the family Platycnemididae, Euphaeidae, and Quezon province and three of which were new to science and
Calopterygidae were documented in both regions. From the four were new island records in Luzon (Villanueva et al. 2012).
collected specimens, one species under the family Odonata recorded in Dumaran island in the northeastern Palawan
Platycnemididae is new to science but additional collection and sub-region also supports the claim that endemism per region or
evaluation are needed. The data collected contribute to the per island is very high in the country. These discoveries denote
understanding of Odonata diversity and distributions in the that there are still more to explore (Villanueva 2011), from
regions and support future conservation and management virtually unexplored main islands up to the smallest islands in the
strategies. archipelago. However, the number of critical or nearly
endangered species is also significantly increasing (International
Index Terms- Odonata, Riparian habitats, Faunal Survey, Union for Conservation of Nature 2011). Species that were
Diversity and Distribution, Conservation. previously identified are not actually seen and remain elusive at
present time (Villanueva 2011). Human activities and increasing
number of population contribute to the deterioration and
I. INTRODUCTION destruction of habitat, which leads to the increased number of
Odonata species that are considered critical or nearly endangered
O rder Odonata is an order of carnivorous insects,
encompassing the dragonflies (Anisoptera) and the
damselflies (Zygoptera) and they are among the most ancient of
(Hämäläinen 2004).
Odonata became the subject as an ecological indicators
winged insects, which have existed since the Triassic (Kalkman (Tiple and Koparde 2015; Henning 2008; Smith et al. 2007),
et al. 2008). Adult odonates are medium to large size, their occurrence in a particular area could indicate good land
conspicuous and/or brightly colored insects and are aerial water condition (Septianella 2014; Henning 2008) since odonates
predators hunting by sight (Kalkman et al. 2008). have both aquatic and terrestrial life stages (Bried 2005) and they
Dragonflies are generally larger, and perch with their are also very sensitive to differences in environmental factors
wings held out to the sides while damselflies have slender such as temperature, oxygen levels, and amount of forest covers
bodies, and hold their wings over the body when at rest (Orr et (Ramirez 2000). Recent studies also revealed that certain
al. 2004). They are generally found at or near fresh water Odonata species demonstrate high association with particular
although some species roam widely and may be found far from habitats (Gomez-Anaya and Novelo-Guttierrez 2010; Smith et al.
their breeding sites (Orr et al. 2004; Corbet 1999). The larvae are 2007).

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 789
ISSN 2250-3153

Despite of the effort in understanding the Odonata

Fauna and diversity in the country in general and in Luzon in
particular, the Odonata of selected riparian habitats in
Bataan/Subic Bay (Luzon) and Mt. Hinunduang/Baroc River
Catchment (Mindoro) are still unexplored. Due to continuous
forest destruction and other habitat stresses, a faunal survey of
Odonata species is urgent. The present study records the Odonata
species composition of selected riparian habitats in Bataan/Subic
Bay (Luzon) and Mt. Hinunduang/Baroc River Catchment,
Oriental Mindoro province. The Collected data will contribute to
the information about Odonata in the island and will support the
future conservation and management strategies.
Most of the endemic odonate species in the Philippines
that are still waiting to be officially described and named are said
to be vulnerable to endangerment in the near future due to the
loss of their suitable habitats. Primarily, the study focuses on the
survey of adult Odonata species in selected riparian habitats in
Bataan/Subic Bay (Luzon) and Mt. Hinunduang/Baroc River
Catchment (Mindoro) during the months of December 2015 to
April 2016. Sites of different altitude and varying vegetation /
land use are selected for sampling however, limited to places
where government permit are available. The study is limited in
determining the diversity, abundances, and richness of Odonata
species in Luzon and Mindoro region; identifying adult Odonata
species based on their anatomical and morphological
characteristics; and classifying them according to species level.

2.1 Study Areas Figure 1. Map of the Three Sampling Sites (A-SBMA,
Zambales; B-Bataan; and C-Municipality of Roxas, Oriental
The study was conducted in selected riparian habitats in Mindoro)
Bataan (c. 14°64’ N, 120°48’ E)/Subic Bay (c.14°79’ N, 120°23’
E) in Luzon and Mt. Hinunduang/Baroc River Catchment, 2.2 Sampling Sites
Roxas, Oriental Mindoro (c. 12°35’ N, 121°30’ E) (see fig. 1).
Before the field study was conducted, official consent was Site 1, Boton River (ca.14°78'67''N 120°29'76''E). This site has
obtained from the respective local government units (LGUs), an elevation of 110 m asl and is located within the Subic Bay
DENR, SENRO, PENRO, and NCIP. Metropolitan Area. This sampling site is considered as a
disturbed primary forest. The Boton Falls is one of the main
attractions in Subic Bay wherein travelers from the nearby cities
visit the area.

Site 2, Batalan River, Subic Bay (ca.14°43'01''N 120°18'41''E).

This area has an elevation of 65 m asl and it is classified as a
secondary forest.

Site 3, Orani River (ca. 14°44'15'' N 120°24'58'' E). The

elevation of this site is 460 m asl. The area is located at the foot
of Mt. Natib in Bataan. The area is characterized by very steep
forested slope.

Site 4, Lower Baroc River (ca.12°35'51''N 121°28'11''E). This

area is located in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro and has an elevation
of 27 m asl. The sampling area is considered as disturbed
farmland. The area is also near the quarrying site.

Site 5, Tagaskan River (ca.12°34'39''N 121°22'24''E),

Hinundugan River Tributary at the upper Baroc River

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 790
ISSN 2250-3153

Catchment. The area is located in Brgy. San Vicente, Roxas and caught samples for 60-120 minutes, then proceeded to the
Oriental Mindoro and it is classified as an extensive farmland next sampling site. The samples were collected from eight
with an elevation of approx. 410 m asl. o’clock in the morning to five o’clock in the afternoon.
Preservation of the specimen was based on the methods
Site 6, Taugad Daka (ca.12°38'05''N 121°19'33''E), Taugad River used by Mapi-ot, Taotao, Nuneza, and Villanueva (2013). Each
Tributary at the upper Baroc River Catchment. The area is captured specimen was placed in an empty white triangular
located in Brgy. San Vicente, Roxas Oriental Mindoro and it is envelope with its wings folded and labeled according to the time,
classified as a disturbed primary forest with an elevation of place and day it was collected. Specimens from each site were
approx. 530 m asl. euthanized using small amount of acetyl acetate. Preservation of
the specimen using acetone depended on the respective suborder
Site 7, Taugad Diit (12°36'39''N 121°20'47''E), Taugad river (24 hours for dragonflies while 12 hours for damselflies). After
tributary, upper Taugad Diit River at the upper Baroc River soaking in acetone, specimens were air dried and placed in tissue
Catchment, this site has an elevation of approx. 525 m asl and is paper and stored in a cool and dry place.
characterized as a secondary forest.
2.4 Specimen Identification

Odonate specimens were identified based on their

morphological characteristics, such as head, thorax, abdomen,
anal appendages, and wing venation. Specimens were examined
and measured using OLYMPUS CX21 compound microscope,
OLYMPUS SZ40 stereo microscope equipped with digital
adapter LW Scientific MiniVid DCM310 and LEICA EZ4
dissecting microscope. Species were identified from family up to
species level using published identification keys (van Tol and
Gassmann 2007; van Tol, 2005; Gassmann and Hamalainen
2002; Hamalainen and Müller 1997; Hamalainen 1991; Needham
and Gyger 1939; Needham and Gyger 1937). Furthermore, the
primary researcher also visited the collections of Dr. Reagan
Joseph T. Villanueva in Davao City and Dr. Victor L. Gapud in
University of the Philippines, Los Baños for comparison,
confirmation and verification of the collected specimens.
Photographs of the site and representative species were
taken during the sampling by the use of a smartphone. The
preserved specimens where photographed by the use of a digital


3.1 Diversity, Abundance, and Richness of Odonata in Luzon

and Mindoro

The study surveyed selected riparian habitats in Luzon

and Mindoro region during the months of December 2015 to
Figure 2. Sampling Sites (A. Boton Falls, B. Boton River, C.
March 2016. A total of 206 specimens belonging to twenty eight
Batalan River, Subic Bay, D. Orani River, E-F Tagaskan River,
species in twenty genera (Agriocnemis, Ischnura, Pseudagrion,
G. Taugad Daka, and H. Taugad Diit)
Teinobasis, Risiocnemis, Coeliccia, Rhinocypha, Cyrano,
Euphaea, Neurobasis, Heteronaias, Diplacodes, Neurothemis,
Orthetrum, Pantala, Potamarcha, Trithemis, Brachydiplax,
2.3 Collection and Preservation
Macrodiplax, and Zyxomma) were recorded and seven endemic
species of the family Platycnemididae, Euphaeidae, and
The sample collection was conducted twice at all sites
Calopterygidae were documented in the study sites (Table 1 and
during the months of December, 2015 and April, 2016.
Table 2). Sample species of Anisoptera and Zygoptera collected
Opportunistic sampling (Jumawan et al. 2012) was employed to
from this study were found in figures 3 and 4.
all sampling sites. Odonata were captured through hand picking
and by a catching net made from silk cloth with a measurement
of 25 x 60 cm. A stretch of 10-15 meters of the river served as
the sampling site. Upon arriving at the site, the researcher stayed

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 791
ISSN 2250-3153

Table 1. Species’ Abundance and Diversity in the Different Odonata species were collected from Mindoro while there are
Sampling Sites in Luzon only thirteen (13) Odonata species collected in Luzon.

Table 2. Species’ Abundance and Diversity in Different

Sampling Sites in Mindoro

Table 1 and 2 revealed that in terms of the number of

individuals per species or abundance, the surveyed areas in
Mindoro region is more abundant as compared with the surveyed
areas in Luzon region. A total of one hundred forty three (143)
individual species were collected from Mindoro, while there are
sixty one (61) individual species which were collected in Luzon.
In terms of total number of species, a total of twenty one (21)

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 792
ISSN 2250-3153

Figure 3. Sample Anisoptera: A. Heteronaias heterodoxa (Selys,

1878) (male); B. Brachydiplax chalybea chalybea Brauer, 1868
(male); C. Diplacodes trivialis (Rambur, 1842) (male); D.
Macrodiplax cora (Brauer, 1867) (female); E. Neurothemis Figure 4. Sample Zygoptera: A -B. Neurobasis luzoniensis
ramburi ramburi (Brauer, 1866) (male); F - G Neurothemis Selys, 1879 (A) male (B) female; C-D. Rhinocypha colorata
terminata terminata Ris, 1911, (F) male and (G) female; H. Hagen in Selys, 1869 (C) male and (D) female; E. Euphaea
Orthetrum chrysis (Selys, 1891) (male); I. Orthetrum pruinosum refulgens Hagen in Selys, 1853 (male); F. Coeliccia brachysticta
clelia (Burmeister, 1839) (male); J. Orthetrum sabina sabina Ris, 1912 (male); G. Risiocnemis asahinai Kitagawa, 1990
(Drurry, 1770) (male); K. Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798) (male); H. Risiocnemis pulchra Hämäläinen, 1991 (female).
(female); L. Potamarcha coengener (Rambur, 1842) (female);
M. Trithemis aurora (Burmeister, 1839) (male); N. Trithemis Using the data from the tables 1 and 2, the diversity
festiva (Rambur, 1842) (male); O. Trithemis pallidinervis (Kirby, index of the surveyed areas from the two regions were calculated
1889) (male); P. Zyxoma obtusum Albarda, 1881 (male). using Shannon-Wiener Index and Simpson’s Index. Based from
the results, Mindoro region is considered to have a diverse
community of Odonata with Shannon-Wiener Index value of
4.96 and Simpson’s index value of 8.96 as compared to Luzon
region with Shannon-Wiener Index value of 3.95 and Simpson’s
index value of 5.23. This means that species collected from
Mindoro is greater than the number of species collected from
Luzon. The results also denotes that the species found in
Mindoro are evenly distributed as compared to Luzon. Thus,
surveyed areas in Mindoro are diverse than the surveyed areas in
Luzon (see Table 3).

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 793
ISSN 2250-3153

Table 3. Shannon-Wiener Index and Simpson’s Index Values of

the Sampling Sites

Furthermore, Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson’s

index values shown in Table 3 which denotes that when it comes Figure 5. Species records among families occurring in Luzon
to the surveyed areas in Mindoro, Tagaskan River is considered and Mindoro
to be the most diverse area among the four sampling sites with
Shannon-Wiener index value of 3.73 and Simpson’s index value High altitude hosts endemic species such as Risiocnemis
of 8.03. This denotes that Odonata community in Tagaskan River pulchra and Risiocnemis asahinai, this is because endemic
has a large number of species that are evenly distributed within species of Odonata prefers forested and apparently undisturbed
the area as compared to the other. Furthermore, sampling areas in areas.
Luzon is primarily dominated by few number of species, and There are several species that are expected on the
among the three sampling sites is Orani River which is regions but that have not yet been found. Procordulia moroensis,
considered to have a diverse community with Shannon-Wiener Rhinocypha turconi, Vestalis melania are some of the previously
index value of 3.95 and Simpson’s index value of 5.92 as recorded species which were not found during the survey. The
compared to Boton River, and Batalan River with the least absence of several expected and previously recorded species
diverse among the three sampling sites. might be accounted for by the weather condition affecting the
The results revealed that majority of Anisoptera are region during the survey. Further, surveying on the regions is
found in the low altitude area, similar results were also found in necessary during more favorable weather conditions. This is
the study of Medina et al. in 2015, this pattern is attributed to the especially important to locate the “expected” species and find
generally large body size of the species in this suborder, which more material of some interesting species. From the collected
increases the ability of the organism to move freely or migrate specimens, one species under the family Platycnemididae is new
and consequently dispersion and distribution (Van Tol and to science but considered as an additional collection of the
Gassmann 2007). Furthermore, in larger species, specimen and an evaluation is needed.
thermoregulation is made possible by solar radiation, and thus
they are more frequently found in open areas (Van Tol and
Gassmann 2007). Meanwhile, Zygotera are commonly found in IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
high altitude area, due to smaller body size, thermoregulation Tagaskan River and Taugad Diit at the upper Baroc River
seems to be by convection, thereby permitting occupation of Catchment in Mindoro Region has the highest number of species
shaded places such as forest (Van Tol and Gassmann 2007). collected among all the studied sites, but their fauna consist
Given that most of the sampling areas were mainly surrounded mainly of a widespread species. Anisoptera are predominant
by open areas (pasture) and degraded riparian forest, it is to be species which found in the two regions because most of the
expected that species of the suborder Anisoptera are predominant sampling areas were mainly surrounded by an open areas and
in the two regions. degraded riparian forest. The Anisoptera are found in the low
Libellulidae was the most diverse family and with the altitude area, while the Zygotera are found in the high altitude
highest number of species being collected. This cosmopolitan area.
family is considered to be the largest among other families with Both regions are considered to be a diverse areas, although
1,012 species identified worldwide and 190 species of this family endemism is low. Libellulidae is the most diverse family with the
are oriental. According to Mapi-ot et al. (2013), oriental species highest number of species collected, while the endemic species
are most likely found in disturbed areas (Figure 5). such as Risiocnemis pulchra and Risiocnemis asahinai are found
in higher altitude due to habitat preferences. Furthermore, from
the collected specimens, one species under the family
Platycnemididae is new to science but it is already an additional
collection of the specimen and an evaluation is needed.
Previously recorded species from the respective regions
were not found during the survey due to unfavorable weather
condition affecting the region during the survey and the
increased disturbance (e.g. conversion of forest into agricultural
land). Further surveys in these sites are necessary to prove
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2020 794
ISSN 2250-3153

whether these taxa still occur in the areas and to record further [14] Medina, M., Cabras, A. & Villanueva, R. (2015) Odonata fauna of
Compostela Valley, Mindanao Island, Philippines. International Journal of
rare taxa that were probably missed out. Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology. 2(10):104-109
[15] Needham and Gyger (1937) The Odonata of the Philippines. The Philippine
Journal of Science 63:21-101
ACKNOWLEDGMENT [16] Needham and Gyger (1939) The Odonata of the Philippines, II Suborder
Zygoptera.The Philippine Journal of Science 70(3): 239-314
The authors would like to thank the late Dr. Victor Gapud
[17] Orr, A., Butler, S., Hämäläinen, M. &Kemp, R (2004) Freshwater
(University of the Philippines Los Baños) for identification and Invertebrates of the Malaysian Region. Academy of Sciences Malaysia,
verification of some species. The primary author would like to Editor: Yule, C.M and Yong, H.S., ISBN: 983-41936-0-2
thank CHED for a Faculty Development Scholarship, and to his [18] Ramírez, A. (2000) Dragonflies and Damselflies of Costa Rican Cloud
family especially Mrs. Clarissa De Leon Estacio and Mr. Rolito Forests In: Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud
Forest, Nalini M. Nadkarni and Nathaniel T. Wheelwright, eds. Oxford
Arcamo Estacio, his parents for their unwavering support. Also University Press, New York, NY, pp 97.
sincere thanks are also due to the CHED PHERnet program for [19] Septianella, G. (2014) Odonata Diversity Relationship with Plant
funding the field sampling in Mindoro. Lastly, the authors are Vegetation Diversity in Palimanan Quarry, Cirebon, West Java. Quarry
Palimanan Cirebon- 2014, University Al-Azhar of Indonesia
very thankful to DENR, NCIP and all involved LGUs of
[20] Smith, J., Samsway, M., & Taylor, S. (2007) Assessing Riparian Quality
Mindoro, especially Bgy. San Vicente, Roxas, Capitan Sescar, Using Two Complementary Sets of Bioindicators. Biodivers Conserv.
Barangay Tanod Rodel and Inoy for their support and permission 16:2695–2713. DOI 10.1007/s10531-006-9081-2. Springer
to conduct this study. Science+Business Media B.V.
[21] Tiple, A. & Koparde, P. (2015) Odonata of Maharashtra, India with Notes
on Species Distribution. J. Insect Sci. (2015) 15(1): 47; DOI:
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