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Diversity, Conservation Status and Habitat Preference of Bats Found in Select Area in Paragua Forest Reserve, Dinagat Islands, Philippines

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Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences

College of Science and Mathematics
MSU- Iligan Institute of Technology
Iligan City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Biology

RedjeeYmanuelle G. Sayson
July 2019

A. Background of the Study

There are more than 1,300 species of bats—or almost a quarterof the world’s mammal
species. From the tiny “bumblebee bat”—the world’s smallest mammal—to the Giant Golden-
Crowned Flying Fox, whose wingspan exceeds five feet. The most distinctive features of bats are
their wings and nocturnal habits. Fossils show that bats have been around for over fifty-two
million years (Fenton and Simmons, 2014). As mammals, each of us can probably think of some
key features that we share with other mammals. These could include having hair or fur, giving
birth to live young and feeding them with milk and having two generations of teeth (baby or milk
teeth and permanent teeth). From the time of Aesop, there have been stories suggesting that bats
are otherworldly, part mammal and part bird.

But before shrinking in fear from these furry “creatures of the night,” consider the bat’s
fundamental role in our ecosystem. Within island tropical ecosystems, such as the Philippines,
bats fulfill unique and 36 crucial roles, and when displaced, the entire structure and function of
the ecosystem is likely to alter considerably (Cox and Elmquist 2000; Jones et al. 2009; Kunz et
al. 2011). Bats provide wide range of essential ecosystem services –from pollination, seed
dispersal, pest control to tourism (Wiles et al. 2010; Kunz et al. 2011; Bumrungsriet al. 2013;
Wangeret al. 2014) making these taxa good ecosystem health indicators for they respond to
changes in habitat conditions (Medellin et al. 2000; Russo and Jones 2015). Approximately 32%
bat species in the Philippines are frugivorous or nectarivorous and the remainder is
predominantly insectivorous (Tanalgo, 2018).

However, unprecedented environmental change poses a threat to many bat populations

and their habitats.Intensification of agriculture and other land-use changes have also meant ever-
increasing pressure on native habitats. The increasing conversion of natural habitats into
agricultural areas has driven extensive loss and fragmentation of natural habitats and frequently
the degradation of remaining habitats in the Philippines (Carandang, 2005; Posaet al., 2008;
Apanet al., 2017).Additionally, land-use change combined with climate change is projected to
significantly alter species richness and range of most Southeast Asian bats in the future and have
an important implication in the Philippine bat biodiversity (Hughes et al., 2012).

In general, bats seek out a variety of daytime retreats such as caves, rock crevices, old
buildings, bridges, mines, and trees. Different species require different roost sites. Knowledge as
to where different species of bats prefer to inhabit will be of great help to its conservation and

The Dinagat Islands liesoff the northeast coast ofMindanao, between Mindanao and Samar.
A thorough description ofthe island may be found in duPont and Rabor (1973); the followingis a
brief summary. Dinagat, centered at 10°N, 125"45'Ewith an area of 671 square km; it is a
rugged,mountainous island, with one peak (Mt. Redondo) reaching 929 m anda second (Mt.
Kambinlio) reaching 770 m. Dinagatis 14km from Mindanao at their closest points. The Dinagat
Islands is one of the most environmentally-significant provinces in the Philippines as it is highly
forested, where endemism of fauna is unique in its region. Unfortunately, having called as a
Mineral Reserve, the entire island has been introduced to mining which caused Dinagat Islands
to lose much of its forest ecosystem. Unfortunately, having called as a Mineral Reserve, the
entire island has been introduced to mining which caused Dinagat Islands to lose much of its
forest ecosystem. Studies of Heaney and Rabor (1982) showed a substantial percentage of bat
fauna in the island. Apparently, a high proportion of Philippine bats rely on primary forests
(Heaney et al., 2006; 52 Sedlocket al., 2008). The local officials expressed optimism in being
able to transform this island province from its present mining image into an eco-tourism and
conservation haven.Hence, it is for this reason that the researcher conducted this study in order to
provide adequate information that would significantly help in the conservation and management
of the bats in the island.

B. Statement of the Problem

Bats present a panoramic view of one of the world’s most fascinating yet least-understood
species. As stated, there are over a thousand different bat species.How to protect an area rich in
natural wealth and biological diversity is theproblem for Dinagat and its people(De Alban et al.,

C. Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to identify different species inhabiting select area in
Dinagat Islands and assess their diversity in the area, and their conservation status. Specifically,
the study aims to:

 To identify the different bat species within the sampling site

 To record and assess the relative abundance of each species within the sampling
 To provide information about the current conservation status of the different bat
species found in the area
 To determine and assessthe preferred habitat of the bats in the area
 To evaluate factors/threats (eg. human disturbance)that will provide knowledge
and adequate information to the current status of the different bat species
 To develop recommendations for the protection of the bats in the area

D. Significance of the Study

Through the aforementioned objectives, future bat status can be predicted.Detailed

knowledge of the habitat preferences provides protected area offices with information conducive
to local management style. Areas of special interest such as endangered species’ habitat can
easily be addressed, understood, and incorporated into management plans and monitoring
routines. This study would also provide initial information for further researches.
E. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study will solely focus on the bat species found in the area and determination of their
habitat preference. Surveys and interviews will also be conducted in this study. It is also limited
to collecting and analyzing published and unpublished information about the forest,biodiversity,
resource use, and local development plans. The study is primarily a fieldwork. It excludes the
behaviorial and ecological aspects associated to the species. It is also limited to the measurement
of diversity and relative abundance of each species excluding other assessment calculations.
Disturbances in their roosting site may also cause inaccuracy to the population estimate.

Bats provide wide range of essential ecosystem services – from pollination, seed
dispersal, pest control to tourism. They have developed various dietary habits including
insectivory, carnivory, frugivory, nectarivory, piscivory (fish eating) and even sanguinarivory
(blood feeding). These features make bats remarkable: no other group of mammals exhibits such
ecological diversity (Fenton and Simmons, 2014). However, they are one of the least studied
species in the world. Tanalgon and Hughes (2017) summarized scientific information on
Philippine bats from 2000- 2017. They examined relationships between thematic areas and effort
allocated for each species bat guild, and conservation status. They found that an average of 7.9
studies was published annually with the majority focused on diversity and community surveys.
The most recent and comprehensive review of Philippine bats was detailed in the ‘Synopsis of
the Philippine Mammals’ by Heaney et al. (1998) which was updated in 2010. In addition, Ingle
et al. (2011) reviewed the status of cave bats including known roosting cave and karst
ecosystems. Their reviews have provided essential information on conservation status and
threats; however, the reviews largely focus the distribution of species and diversity patterns, and
further reviews are needed to identify conservation gaps in Philippine bat biodiversity.

Biodiversity and Conservation Status

Whether is it natural or man-made cause, in the present day, many species are labeled as
vulnerable, threatened, and endangered. As of 2016, bats are considered as threatened. Of the
1,296 bat species that have been assessed by the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature, almost a third are considered either threatened (vulnerable, endangered, or critically
endangered) or data deficient, indicating the need for more conservation attention to these
species. The IUCN continually updates information on species assessments and numbers may
vary slightly as new assessments are completed (Bat Conservation International, 2019).
The 7000+ islands of Philippine archipelago hosts over 70 bat species belonging to seven
families. In terms of endemism, 35% (n=27) of species are known to be endemic to the country,
with the highest described endemism in the Old-world fruit bats (Pteropodidae), with 60%
endemic in the country, and often restricted to Islands or single localities (Tanalgon and Hughes,
2017). Heaney et al. (2002) emphasized that though basic information on the diversity and
distribution of Philippine mammals has been collated, further information is needed to develop
effective priorities and action plans (i.e., species ecology, the extent of distributional range).
Effective science-based conservation priorities and policies are crucially important to effectively
maintain biodiversity into the future. For many threatened species and systems insufficient
information exists to generate priorities, or the mechanisms needed to effectively conserve
species into the future, and this is especially important in megadiversity countries like the
Philippines, threatened by rapid rates of development and with few overarching strategies to
maintain their biodiversity.

Habitat Preference
Bats are the only mammals that have evolved powered flight. They made it possible to
seek shelter in different types of structure (Murray & Kunz 2005). Many species roost in caves,
foliage, rock crevices, hollows of trees, beneath exfoliating bark, and different man-made
structures (Jones et al. 2009). They are the only group of vertebrates that have successfully
exploited caves for permanent shelter (Kunz, 1982).
Historically, bats appear to have been abundant in many urban areas including Greater London;
one contributory factor is thought to be the higher density of insects as a consequence of poorer
living conditions (Guest et al. 2002). Subsequent reductions in insect abundance, disturbance and
increased persecution all contributed to a decline in the abundance of many bat species. Studies
of foraging habitat use and preference by bats are nowadays common inmany ecological surveys
and nature conservation projects (Hayes 2000, Gannon et al. 2003, Milleret al. 2003). There is an
increasing need to consider habitat requirements of bats in landscapemanagement activities
(Miller et al. 2003).Generally, the purpose for determining habitat preferences of a species is to
evaluate habitatquality – its contribution to the sustenance of the population. Importance of a
habitat is its qualityrelative to other habitats.Most studies either infer habitatuse from where bats
were observed and/or caught (Heidemanand Heaney, 1989; Widmann, 1996) or focus onhabitat
at roost sites and the surrounding vegetation(Eby, 1991; Palmer and Woinarski, 1999; Brooke et
al.,2000; Vardonet al., 2001). In some cases, foraging habitatuse on a local scale has been
inferred from observations(Widmann, 1996; Brooke et al., 2000; Palmer et al.,2000). The study
of Lintott (2015) showed that in many situations, smaller habitats may be assessed as preferred
foraginghabitats and extensive habitats are regarded as “avoided”, in spite of the fact that the
animalspends most of the time there. McLellan (1986) argued that habitat use (based on time) is
a better indicator of selection (but not automatically preference!) than use relative to availability
(in their case; flight activity or use-availability). He reasoned that an animal familiar with its
home range knows the availability and location of resources, and therefore the animal’s location
at any given moment represents selection. A similar conclusion for habitat use in general was
made by Garshelis (2000), who reviewed delusions in habitat use studies. Their study showed
high endemism patterns of bats in forests and pristine ecosystems in the Philippines warrants a
more intensive protection of remaining forested areas in the country. Consequently, to evaluate
foraging habitat preference, they said that it is important to consider habitat selection as well as
habitat availability and prey abundance. They suggested that, if resources are not limited, the
observed use (time spent in a habitat) is also the best parameter for assessment of habitat
preference. The prevalence of many species within the urban environment depends on their
ability to survive and adapt to heavily modified landscapes and anthropogenic disturbances.
Adaptation to the built environment is highly species-specific, for example species with high
mobility (e.g. those with fast, high flight) are often able to utilise habitat patches of high foraging
potential in an otherwise unsuitable landscape as their movement is relatively independent from
structural features. In contrast, slow flying bats may respond more strongly to small-scale
features (e.g. road networks) and therefore their ranging ecology and habitat selection may be
more heavily impacted (Russo &Ancillotto 2014). For example, in the Eastern pipistrelle
(Pipistrellussubflavus), the location of foraging sites is influenced more strongly by the distance
to hibernacula than the level of urbanisation or degree of woodland fragmentation (Johnson et al.
2008). If there are limitations, comparative studies in areas of different habitat compositions may
help to answer, whether a given habitat typed is preferred. Understanding what factors influence
bat presence within each of these habitats is therefore essential in understanding how to conserve
bats within the urban landscape.

More than half of the world’s bat species are either in decline or already considered
endangered, and all these research papers conclude with suggestions for what we can do to
protect these species for future generations to benefit from and enjoy.

Study Area
The study will be conducted at selected areas of Maraguing Forest Reserved (MFR)
under the jurisdiction of Cagdianao Mining Company, Nickel Asia Corporation site specifically
located at Brgy. Valencia, Cagdianao, Dinagat Island, Philippines, which is situated at
approximately 10.1317, 125.6311. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 431.4 meters or
1,415.3 feet above mean sea level.


Figure 1.Location of study site at Cagdianao, Dinagat Island, Philippines (Fig. 1A.Philippines;

Fig. 1B.Mindanao; Fig. 1C.Dinagat Island; Fig. 1D.Cagdianao Municipality).

Bat Survey Techniques

The fieldwork will be carried out on July to August 2019.
Roosting sites will first be located through interviews in the locality. Three sampling sites
will be established with an area of at least 50m by 50m each covering the different habitat
classes: caves, rock crevices, old buildings, bridges, mines, and trees (if there are any).Bats will
be captured away from roosts in mist nets as they disperse, forage and drink at night. A mist net
will be set in each site, along watercourses, along small ponds and edges of lake perpendicular to
patches of trees, across likely “flyways”. Mist nests may occasionally be used around roosts as
bats emerge at dusk (typically a half hour before sunset) or return at dawn (typically a half hour
before sunrise). Mist nets (6-18 m in length) will typically extend 2-3 m high with bottoms set at
or near ground or water level, but we also will use a portable pulley system (Gardner et al. 1994)
to raise nets an additional 10-15 m above ground should bats be regularly observed in flight at
greater heights. In forested areas, trees may be used to support vertical stacked nets, by rigging a
natural pulley system over branches near the canopy (Hodgkison et al. 2002). Nets will be tended
continuously beginning at sunset until nightly sampling is complete (typically 3-5 hours after
sunset). Nets will be taken down and sampling will discontinue in inclement weather. Aside from
taking into account the bats that will be captured, small clusters of bats (up to 50 individuals)
will be counted directly at each roosting site. Photograph of larger groups of bats will be taken
using DSLR camera andImageJ software to estimate the number of individuals. The researcher
will also determine the species of observed bats using the available literature as a reference.
Captured bats will be studied immediately after the collection. Measurement of forearm, hind,
tail vertebra, total length will be taken using a vernier caliper. A weighing scale will be used in
weighing the captured bats. Information on the sex and reproductive status of female bats will
also be taken. After taking biometric data, all individuals will be marked to avoid repetition for
the next inventory and will be released without further disturbance. There will be no voucher
specimens to be collected during this study.

Assessment of Roosting Sites

A. Habitat Structure
In caves, the presence of stalagmites stalactites, and columns, holes and crevices
will be noted. The sizes of chambers will also be measured using a tape measure, taking
into account the cave’s width, height and length. In foliage, the type of plants and trees
surrounding the roosting site will also be noted.The canopy covering the sampling sites
will also be scaled from 0% to 100% covered.
B. Air Temperature
Air temperature will be taken from thermometer reading. The thermometer should
remain in place for a sufficient period of time for the temperature to stabilize, typically 3
to 5 minutes. Wind, heating, ventilation ducts or other such conditions must be avoided
also to prevent interference and error.
C. Humidity
Humidity will be determined using an improvised psychrometer by tying together
two thermometers in opposite directions. The first thermometer (dry bulb) will measure
the ambient temperature. The second thermometer (wet bulb) will be covered with cotton
and wetted prior to use. This “wet bulb temperature” represents the heat loss from the
evaporation of water in the cotton. Then, the thermometers will be whirled rapidly for 3
minutes through the air to obtain the two temperature values. The wet bulb will be read
first because it would begin to change when the air movement stops. The test should be
repeated until 2 or more wet-bulb readings equal the lowest reading obtained. Then,
relative humidity table will be used to determine relative humidity for the recorded

Statistical Analysis
Shannon- Weiner Index (H) will be used to measure diversity which takes into account
the number of species present, as well as the relative abundance of each species. As species
richness and evenness increase, so diversity increases.
The number of recorded bats in particular habitat classes (their use)will be used for the
analysis of habitat preference. If higher, then the habitat was selected, whereas if lower, then the
habitat was avoided.

In addition to the field surveys, the researcher will interview local people about their
conservation programs and activities conducted in the area. Questions shall include about
visitation, hunting, other uses of the area, and awareness about bat populations, focusing on
farmers and landowners living near the location.The Locals will also be asked if there are any bat
species that they feed unto. Also, additional anthropogenic activities in and out of the roosts will
be assessed by direct observation (e.g. evidence of graffiti, waste, footprints, entrance blocking
or traces of resource extraction inside the roosts). Records of land use activities (agriculture,
deforestation, quarrying) in the site shall also be taken. Depending on the dimension of the
activities, evaluation is on a scale from 1 to 4, 1 being the highest and 4 the lowest disturbance.

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