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Marine Harvest: Scotland's #1 Seal Killer

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The Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture, 25 June 2017

Marine Harvest: Scotland's #1 Seal Killer

- Sainsbury's & Waitrose In Firing Line Over Seal Shooting

Data published by the Scottish Government reveals that Marine Harvest killed over a quarter
of the seals shot in Scotland in 2016. Since 2011 (from when official figures are publicly
available), Marine Harvest has killed 102 seals shooting up from 5 seals killed in 2013 to 26
seals killed in 2016. Marine Harvest - the world's largest salmon farming company - supplies
Sainsbury's as well as Waitrose.

Ben Hadfield, Managing Director of Marine Harvest Scotland, told today's Sunday Times: If
seals keep attacking the fish, then, like a farmer kills foxes, we shoot them. Read more via:
"Seals shot to save Waitrose salmon".

Photos: Seals killed near Marine Harvest's salmon farm in Loch Alsh Special Area of Conservation
(download high res images online here and online here)

According to the latest seal-killing data published online by the Scottish Government, Marine
Harvest killed 26 out of the 98 seals reported as killed in 2016 (more than any other
company). A total of 15 Marine Harvest salmon farms reported seal kills including sites in
Loch Ewe, Torridon, Greshornish, Linnhe, Colonsay, and Lochalsh - that represents 30% of
Marine Harvest Scotland's 49 salmon farms killing seals.

Salmon farming companies - Marine Harvest, Scottish Sea Farms, Cooke Aquaculture, Loch
Duart, the Scottish Salmon Company, Wester Ross Fisheries and Balta Island Seafare -
accounted for 77% of the seals killed in Scotland in 2016 (76 out of 98 seals killed). That's a
leap from 49% of the seals killed in Scotland in 2015, 39% in 2014 and 38% in 2013. The
rise in the % of seals killed by salmon farms is largely due to the end of the slaughter of seals
by Usan Fisheries on the East coast of Scotland following a campaign by Sea Shepherd
Society and the Hunt Saboteurs Association.

Scottish Sea Farms supply Marks & Spencer via their fake Lochmuir brand whilst Loch
Duart supply restaurants and fishmongers; Cooke Aquaculture is certified by Whole Foods,
the Soil Association and accredited via RSPCA Assured/Freedom Foods; and the Scottish
Salmon Company supplies Waitrose via Aquascot.

Whilst Marine Harvest continue their seal-killing spree, Grieg Seafood completely eliminated
seal killing during 2016. In 2013, Grieg Seafood killed 32 seals falling to 7 in 2014, 4 in
2015 and zero in 2016. Grieg Seafood's decision to hang up their guns comes in the wake of
an ITV News investigation and the installation of anti-predator nets at an estimated cost of 1
million per farm.

As Marine Harvest has cranked up the slaughter of seals other companies have reduced the
number of seals killed. The Scottish Salmon Company killed 30 seals in 2015 (the most of
any company) falling to 2 in 2016. Cooke Aquaculture killed 28 seals in 2015 falling to 8
seals in 2016. Scottish Sea Farms killed 14 seals in 2016 compared to 6 in 2015, 33 in 2014
and 33 in 2013 [1].

"Marine Harvest Scotland is a serial seal killer," said Don Staniford, Director of the Global
Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture. "In the horrific world of Scottish salmon farming
bullets are much cheaper than predator nets. It costs 1 million per salmon farm to install
seal-friendly predator nets - as Grieg Seafood has done in Shetland leading to zero seal kills
in 2016 - yet some trigger-happy companies such as Marine Harvest, Scottish Sea Farms,
Cooke Aquaculture and Loch Duart continue to slaughter seals. Shame on Sainsbury's for
sourcing salmon from Scotland's #1 seal-killer Marine Harvest [2] and shame on the RSPCA
for certifying seal-killing salmon farms via their Freedom Food/RSPCA Assured scam [3].
People buying Scottish salmon have the blood of dozens of seals on their hands. If you want
to stop the killing of seals please stop buying Scottish salmon."
The shameful news comes amidst rumours that Marine Harvest Scotland's Managing Director
Ben Hadfield and Marine Harvest Scotland's Operations Director Gideon Pringle have
recently been on safari in Africa killing wildlife including giraffe. According to a tip-off
from someone working for the company, some staff at Marine Harvest Scotland are sick to
the stomach at the gruesome actions of Marine Harvest management.
Photo: Did Marine Harvest Scotland's Managing Director Ben Hadfield and Marine Harvest
Scotland's Operations Director Gideon Pringle kill a giraffe on safari in Africa?

"In view of Marine Harvest's trigger-happy approach to killing seals in Scotland, it would not
surprise me if the rumours concerning Marine Harvest Scotland's Managing Director Ben
Hadfield and Operations Director Gideon Pringle killing giraffe were true," said Don
Staniford, Director of the Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture. "If true, it's just
another reason to boycott cheap and nasty Scottish salmon. It's unclear if Marine Harvest
staff were in Africa researching alternative feedstuffs for Scottish farmed salmon which are
already permitted to be fed with chicken, pig and cattle by-products. Whatever the case,
Marine Harvest's salmon leaves a bad taste in the mouth."

GAAIA has now written to Fergus Ewing, the Scottish Government's Cabinet Secretary for
the Rural Economy and Connectivity (pictured below with Ben Hadfield, Marine Harvest
Scotland's Managing Director) asking him to investigate Marine Harvest Scotland's slaughter
of wildlife.

GAAIA has also asked Marine Harvest Scotland's Managing Director (and COO of Marine
Harvests fish feed segment) Ben Hadfield (contact details: +47 45395642 and for a public comment on the rumours circulating within
Marine Harvest staff that he recently killed a giraffe on safari in Africa.
Photos (from left to right): Ben Hadfield, board member of the Scottish Aquaculture
Innovation Centre; dead giraffe

In December 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature officially listed
giraffes as a vulnerable species after giraffe numbers dropped below 100,000 in 2015 (read
more via "Giraffes In Trouble: Trophy Hunting Tourists Trigger Silent Extinction" and
"Wildlife Groups Want Giraffes Added To Endangered Species List").

Last year, a documentary - "Giraffes - Africa's Gentle Giants" - narrated by Sir David
Attenborough warmed that giraffes are facing a silent extinction with just 90,000 animals
still roaming the African plains, far fewer than the endangered African Elephant. "These
gentle giants have been overlooked," said Sir David. "Its well known that African elephants
are in trouble and there are perhaps just under half a million left. But what no one realised is
there are far fewer giraffes. Giraffes have already become extinct in seven countries. They are
killed for their meat and their habitats are being destroyed. Time is running out" (read more
via "Sir David Attenborough: giraffes are facing 'silent extinction'").

GAAIA has also written to Marine Harvest's CEO and Board of Directors asking the
company to stop killing seals as well as investigate claims that Marine Harvest Scotland's top
management have brought the company into disrepute by slaughtering vulnerable wildlife in
Africa in breach of the "high ethical standards" demanded by Marine Harvest's Code of

"We are committed to developing our business in a way that safeguards the planets natural
capital, including its biodiversity," stated Marine Harvest's 2015 Appendix to Integrated
Annual Report. "Animal welfare is at the very heart of what we do," stated Marine Harvest's
CEO in Marine Harvest's 2016 Integrated Annual Report. "It is our responsibility to preserve
the pool of biological diversity available to future generations," continued the report. "For
this reason, we strive to keep our impact to an absolute minimum."

"Is Marine Harvest confident that Ben Hadfield, as Managing Director of Marine Harvest
Scotland, imbues a genuine ethical commitment to preserving biological diversity?" asked
GAAIA. "Marine Harvest is now Scotland's #1 seal-killer and rumours of Marine Harvest
Scotland's top management engaged in wildlife slaughter in Africa hardly inspire confidence.
Surely the Directors of Marine Harvest Scotland should lead by example rather than advocate
animal cruelty?"

"Is Marine Harvest's Gideon Pringle related to the Pringles listed as members of the
Professional Hunters Association of South Africa?" asked GAAIA. "Is Gideon Pringle
related to Stuart Pringle of Pringle's Legendary Safaris, Andrew Pringle of Crusader Safaris
(who clients have killed zebra and killed buffalo) or Ben Pringle of Ben Pringle Safaris
(whose clients are taken to see giraffe)? Have Marine Harvest Scotland's management paid
10,000 to kill giraffes?
Or other wild animals killed on various Pringle-led safaris?"

Read more on the public outrage concerning the killing of giraffes via "Hes a MONSTER
Fury as wildlife hunter poses with slaughtered giraffe draped around NECK" and "Who
would kill a giraffe?"
GAAIA has also written to the RSPCA asking that Marine Harvest Scotland is suspended
immediately from the RSPCA Assured/Freedom Food certification scheme.

In 2015, GAAIA won a landmark victory following a decision by the Scottish Information
Commissioner to name and shame the companies killing seals.

Read more on the slaughter of seals by Scottish salmon farming companies via:

Herald: "US warning over continued killing of seals by Scots fish farms"
Seal-killing salmon farms caught in cross-hairs of Scottish Parliament
Take Scotland's Seals Out of the Cross Hairs!
"All At Sea: Seal-Killing Salmon Farms"
"The Two Billion Dollar Salmon Ban"
"Concern as crucial forum for protection of seals abandoned"
"Scottish salmon exports at risk if seals keep being shot"
"Stop the slaughter now"/"Cruelty and pollution have no place in Scotland's waters"
"Sunday Herald: "Scotland's 'trigger-happy' salmon farmers risk losing 200m US export
"Seal of Approval for U.S. Ban on Salmon"
"Scottish Sea Farms points to progress in seal management"
"Exposed: the inhumane shooting of hundreds of seals"
"Scottish salmon has five years to cut seal deaths before NOAA action"
"Five-Year Stay of Execution for Scottish Salmon's Serial Seal Killers - U.S. outlaws killing
of marine mammals by 2022"
"Campaigners claim new NOAA rules could see Scottish salmon banned from US"
"End the slaughter of seals in Scotland now"
"U.S. ban for lethal Scottish salmon- 200 million in exports killed off by seal slaughter"
"Charity makes plea to end seal shooting in Scotland"
"Seal culling in scientists crosshairs"
"Closing the Net On 'Seal-Friendly' Scottish Salmon: last orders on the RSPCA's abuse of
'last resort' killing of seals?"
"Staniford calls on RSPCA to drop Marine Harvest, Scottish Sea Farms, SSC"
"RSPCA defend record as anti-seal cull campaigners allege salmon farms are not 'last resort'
Dear RSPCA, please wash the blood of Scottish seals off your hands!
Video Message to the RSPCA - stop the killing of seals on salmon farms!
"Anti-salmon farm campaigners petition Queen over RSPCAs seal-shooting sanction"
Petition to the RSPCA: End your support for the killing of Scottish seals!
"RSPCA Savaged Over Seal Killing in Scotland"
"Scottish Salmon Blinded by Seal Killing"
"Salmon farmers are shooting seals instead of installing non-lethal deterrents, campaigners
"Protests planned as number of seals killed in Scots salmon farms rises by 20 per cent"
"Stop Shooting Seals for Salmon Meals"
"Cecil the Seal Killers Named & Shamed in Scotland - Call for Boycott of "Seal Unfriendly"
Scottish Salmon"
"VICTORY: Disclosure of Seal-Killing Salmon Farm Data Ordered by 21 August"
"Scottish Salmon's Secret Seal Killers! - FOI refusal prompts call for boycott of farmed
"Lethal Scottish Farmed Salmon: Serial Seal Killers Named & Shamed!"
"Scottish Salmon's Seal Killers Named & Shamed!"

Watch a video report from Don Staniford via "Marine Harvest: Stop Shooting Seals!":


Don Staniford: 07771 541826 (

Notes to Editors:

[1] Annual data on the killing of seals in Scotland is available online via the Scottish
Government for the years 2011-2016. Since 2011, Marine Harvest has killed 102 seals
shooting up from 5 seals killed in 2013 to 26 in 2016:
2011: 34 seals killed by Marine Harvest Scotland
2012: 16 seals killed by Marine Harvest Scotland
2013: 5 seals killed by Marine Harvest Scotland
2014: 7 seals killed by Marine Harvest Scotland
2015: 14 seals killed by Marine Harvest Scotland
2016: 26 seals killed by Marine Harvest Scotland

The Marine Harvest salmon farms - all understood to be certified via the RSPCA
Assured/Freedom Food scheme - reported by the Scottish Government as killing seals in
2016 included:

Eilean Grianain (FS1176); Isle Ewe (FS0767); Torridon (FS0814); Greshornish (FS0698);
Maol Ban (FS0839); Cairidh (FS0252); Hellisay (FS1261); Ornish (FS0531); Marulaig
(FS0865); Linnhe (FS0240); Creag an t Sagairt (FS0605); Kingairloch (FS0241); Camas
Glas; Colonsay and Lochlash (sic).

Here's Scotland's top seal killers in 2015:

[2] In 2015, Marine Harvest poached a 100 million Sainsbury's contract from Young's
Seafood (racking up huge losses in the process).

Sainsbury's Aquaculture & Fisheries Manager Ally Dingwall has since 2008 had
"responsibility for fish sourcing policy in line with Sainsburys business commitment to
sourcing with integrity" (; Tel: 0207 695 2414).

Ally Dingwall used to work for Marine Harvest - a company which has Freedom Food
(RSPCA Assured) certification on all the farms which supply Sainsbury's (watch video online

In 2005, Jamie Oliver was asked to apologize after promoting Marine Harvest's polluted
salmon farm in Loch Hourn in an advert for Sainsbury's (read more via "Campaigners want
polluted salmon farm endorsed by Oliver to be shut" and "Fat Lady calls Naked Chef 'whore'
over Sainsbury's salmon").

In 2005, Marine Harvest was shamed over the slaughter of seals in Loch Alsh (a Special Area
of Conservation).
Watch a video report via "Marine Harvest's Slaughter of Seals in Loch Alsh, Scotland".

In 2005, environmental campaigners attended an EGM of Nutreco (then the owners of

Marine Harvest) urging Marine Harvest to stop shooting seals:

In 2008, The Guardian reported: "The retailer Sainsbury's has also promised it will phase out
suppliers associated with seal shooting". Andy Ottaway of the Seal Protection Action Group
said in a press release: "We are calling on Sainsburys and other major retailers to use their
considerable purchasing power to persuade Scottish salmon producers to stop shooting our

In 2010, Shetland News reported: "Salmon farmers, retailers and animal welfare groups have
formed a unique coalition to tackle the problem of seals being killed at salmon farms. In what
is believed to be a world first, Marine Harvest, one of the world's largest salmon farming
companies will work with the Seal Protection Action Group alongside Sainsbury's, Freedom
Food, the RSPCA, the Sea Mammal Research Unit and International Animal Rescue."

Intrafish reported in 2010:

In 2015, GAAIA wrote to retailers including Sainsbury's urging an immediate ban on seal
killing on salmon farms.

In 2016, Sainsbury's came under fire for breaking a promise not to sell salmon from farms
infested with lice in breach of guideline limits. Salmon & Trout Conservation Scotland
challenged Sainsbury's to live up to their claims of environmental responsibility and stop
putting Scottish farmed salmon on their shelves from regions in the west Highlands and
Islands where sea lice infestation is still rampant.

[3] For background on RSPCA Assured/Freedom Food salmon farms killing seals please
read RSPCA/Freedom Food & Seal Killing FOI Backgrounder (May 2017) - including:
In 2017, GAAIA filed a formal complaint against Freedom Food with regard to the killing of
seals at salmon farms in Scotland with the Charity Commission and Scottish Charity
Regulator (email for a copy).

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