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Crew Boats: High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft

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High Speed, Light Craft and

Naval Surface Craft


Crew Boats
JULY 2012

The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version

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DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life,
property and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and
consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and
carries out research in relation to these functions.
The Rules lay down technical and procedural requirements related to obtaining and retaining a Class Certificate. It is used
as a contractual document and includes both requirements and acceptance criteria.

Det Norske Veritas AS July 2012

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If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to
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Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Changes Page 3

This document supersedes the January 2011 edition.

Text affected by the main changes in this edition is highlighted in red colour. However, if the changes involve
a whole chapter, section or sub-section, normally only the title will be in red colour.

Main changes coming into force 1 January 2013

Sec.3 Structures and Equipment
Item D204 reg. minimum requirement to thickness of toughened safety glass above the bulkhead deck is
Table F1and F2 are amended.
Item F602 is amended.
Item F605 is added.
F700 is completely rewritten.

Corrections and Clarifications

In addition to above stated main changes, a number of corrections and clarifications may have been made to
the existing text.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Contents Page 4


Sec. 1 General Regulations ........................................................................................................................... 6

A. Classification.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
A 100 Application............................................................................................................................................................ 6
A 200 Type notations....................................................................................................................................................... 6
A 300 Service area restriction notations .......................................................................................................................... 6
A 400 Operation limitation .............................................................................................................................................. 6
B. Periodical Surveys......................................................................................................................................................... 7
B 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
C. Documentation .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
C 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
C 200 Technical manual .................................................................................................................................................. 7
C 300 Operation manual.................................................................................................................................................. 7
Sec. 2 Arrangement....................................................................................................................................... 8
A. General ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
A 100 Accommodation.................................................................................................................................................... 8
A 200 Cargo deck ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
B. Seats................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
B 100 Design and installations ........................................................................................................................................ 8
B 200 Safety belts............................................................................................................................................................ 8
C. Baggage and Store Compartments .............................................................................................................................. 8
C 100 Arrangement ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
D. Decks .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
D 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 8
D 200 Railing................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Sec. 3 Structures and Equipment ................................................................................................................ 9
A. General ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
A 100 Certificates ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
B. Subdivisions and Arrangement.................................................................................................................................... 9
B 100 Watertight bulkheads ............................................................................................................................................ 9
B 200 Fendering system .................................................................................................................................................. 9
C. Hull Structural Design.................................................................................................................................................. 9
C 100 Fendering arrangement ......................................................................................................................................... 9
D. Openings and Closing Appliances ............................................................................................................................... 9
D 100 Doors and hatches ................................................................................................................................................. 9
D 200 Windows ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
D 300 Air Intakes and ventilation openings .................................................................................................................. 10
E. Intact and Damage Stability....................................................................................................................................... 10
E 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 10
F. Anchoring and Mooring Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 10
F 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 10
F 200 Documentation.................................................................................................................................................... 10
F 300 Structural arrangement........................................................................................................................................ 10
F 400 Equipment number.............................................................................................................................................. 10
F 500 Equipment tables................................................................................................................................................. 10
F 600 Anchors ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
F 700 Anchor chain cables............................................................................................................................................ 12
F 800 Windlass and chain stoppers............................................................................................................................... 12
Sec. 4 Machinery and Systems ................................................................................................................... 13
A. General ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
A 100 Certification ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
B. Piping Systems............................................................................................................................................................. 13
B 100 Bilge system........................................................................................................................................................ 13


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Contents Page 5

C. Electrical systems ........................................................................................................................................................ 13

C 100 Emergency source of power................................................................................................................................ 13
Sec. 5 Fire Safety ......................................................................................................................................... 14
A. General ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
A 100 Rule references and documentation .................................................................................................................... 14
B. Structural fire protection and arrangements ........................................................................................................... 14
B 100 Structural fire protection ..................................................................................................................................... 14
B 200 Escape ways and arrangement ............................................................................................................................ 14
C. Ventilation.................................................................................................................................................................... 15
C 100 Operation of fans, dampers and closing appliances............................................................................................ 15
D. Fire detection ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
D 100 Fire detection systems......................................................................................................................................... 15
E. Extinguishing systems................................................................................................................................................. 15
E 100 Extinguishing in machinery spaces..................................................................................................................... 15
E 200 Other extinguishing systems ............................................................................................................................... 15
F. Fire pumps and fire main ........................................................................................................................................... 15
F 100 Fire pumps .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
G. Portable extinguishers ................................................................................................................................................ 16
G 100 Number, type and capacity ................................................................................................................................. 16
H. Miscellaneous............................................................................................................................................................... 16
H 100 Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................................... 16


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.1 Page 6


A. Classification
A 100 Application
101 The rules in this chapter apply to craft carrying workers between shore and offshore installations and
similar types of transportation.
Guidance note:
The rules in this chapter are different from the rules for the class notation Passenger because workers are considered
as more professional and fit than ordinary passengers. It is assumed that workers are trained in safety aspects and are
familiar with the subject type of sea transportation.
The notation Crew is based on the same level of safety as specified by a standard reported to IMO for crew boats up
to 100 gross tons with equivalent arrangement accepted under Regulation 5 of Chapter I of SOLAS, although this
notation is applicable to high speed and light craft in accordance with the IMO Code specified in 103.
National Authorities may have additional requirements for crew transportation.

102 The rules do not apply to craft carrying ordinary passengers as defined under the class notation
103 Craft of 500 gross tonnage and upwards or craft carrying more than 150 workers shall comply with the
requirements for cargo craft in accordance with the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (HSC
104 The craft is to comply with the maximum speed requirement of the HSC code:
0, 1667
v 3.7

= maximum permissible displacement (m3)

v = maximum speed at displacement (m/sec).
A 200 Type notations
201 High speed and light craft built in compliance with the main class requirements of the Rules Pt.1, Pt.2,
Pt.3 and Pt.4, with the modifications and additional requirements given in this Chapter, may be assigned the
type and service notation:
202 Craft intended for carriage of cargo in addition to the crew transportation shall comply with Ch.3 and will
be assigned additional class notations denoting both service categories e.g.:
1A1 HSLC R1 Cargo A Crew
203 Craft having special equipment or systems found to satisfy relevant requirements in Pt.6 will be given
corresponding additional notation, i.e. E0, NAUT etc.
A 300 Service area restriction notations
301 Craft with the type notation Crew will be given one of the following service restrictions R1, R2, R3,
R4 or R5.
302 For the service restrictions R4 and R5 modified requirements of this chapter may be considered.
A 400 Operation limitation
401 Limitations of speed versus sea state (significant wave height) will be given corresponding to the design
vertical acceleration at longitudinal centre of gravity LCG.
402 The class notation allows for operational restrictions based on 1.5 g vertical acceleration at LCG
compared with maximum 1.0 g for the notation Passenger.
403 The approved maximum number of persons for which the craft is designed and equipped for normal
operation at sea, will be stated in the Appendix to the Classification Certificate.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.1 Page 7

B. Periodical Surveys
B 100 General
101 In general, the rules in Pt.7 apply to craft with the notation Crew.
102 Craft with the notation Crew is to be regarded as cargo craft under the HSC Code in these rules.

C. Documentation
C 100 General
101 Details related to an additional class regarding design, arrangement etc. are in general to be included in
the plans for the main class.
102 Additional documentation not covered by the main class are specified in the appropriate sections of this
103 For instrumentation and automation, including computer based control and monitoring, see Pt.4 Ch.9
C 200 Technical manual
201 The technical manual is normally at least to contain the following information:
main particulars of the craft
description of the craft and its equipment
maximum number of persons onboard
maximum baggage and store capacity
cargo loading and lashing plan (if applicable)
main drawings for the craft
list of openings/doors to be kept closed at sea
operating speed versus wave height (sea state) and acceleration limits
operating range as function of service speed
description of the operation of systems (machinery, auxiliary, remote control, alarm, warning, electrical,
fire protection, radio and communication, navigation)
lifesaving appliances and their use.
C 300 Operation manual
301 The operation manual shall normally at least contain the following information related to the use of the
craft for crew transportation:
procedures for checking the integrity of buoyancy compartments
damage control procedures
emergency stations and procedures for evacuation
procedures related to safety at high speeds
instructions to order the crew seated
use of safety belts
use of light in crew accommodation during night operations
restrictions to number of crew in wheelhouse underway
use of survival suits if specified
transfer operations in open sea
recovery operations for man overboard.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.2 Page 8


A. General
A 100 Accommodation
101 The accommodation is to be designed and arranged so as to protect the occupants from unfavourable
environmental conditions and to minimise the risk of injury during normal and emergency conditions.
102 Controls, electrical equipment and other items from which injury to persons onboard could result, are to
be adequately shielded, isolated, or otherwise protected.
103 Operating controls in the accommodation are to be located and protected so that their operation is
unlikely to be impeded by others than the crew operating the craft.
104 The accommodation may be part of the control station without smoketight divisions as required for
passenger craft. In such case the control station is to be shielded from illuminated parts of the accommodation.
A 200 Cargo deck
201 Cargo deck, hatches and doors are to be in compliance with the requirements for cargo craft in Ch.3.

B. Seats
B 100 Design and installations
101 Permanent seats are to be provided for all persons onboard in accordance with the maximum number of
persons stated in the Appendix to the Class Certificate.
102 All seats and furniture are to be permanently attached to the structure of the craft.
103 The seats and their attachments are to be designed to withstand forces corresponding to the design
acceleration level.
B 200 Safety belts
201 In high speed craft safety belts are to be provided for all seats from where the craft is operated.
202 Safety belts may be required for seats in open deck areas for craft with design acceleration exceeding 1.0
g if these are used at sea.

C. Baggage and Store Compartments

C 100 Arrangement
101 Provisions are to be made to store baggage in a way which does not effect the escape ways from the craft.
102 Controls, electric equipment or other items, the damage or failure of which could affect the safe operation
of the craft, are not to be located in baggage or store compartments unless such items are adequately protected
so that they cannot be damaged or inadvertently operated by movement of the contents of the compartment.

D. Decks
D 100 General
101 Decks, walkways, stairs etc. may be required to be of non-skid type. However, wood, varnish, paint etc.
will be accepted when normal passageway is arranged to prevent falling overboard.
D 200 Railing
201 Areas on deck intended for normal use and operation of the craft are to be arranged with adequate railings
of minimum 1000 mm height.
202 Entrances, stairs, gangways etc. are to have handholds at least on one side.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.3 Page 9


A. General
A 100 Certificates
101 Materials for hull and superstructures are to be product certified according to Pt.2.
102 For other materials onboard certificates from the manufacturers confirming delivered standard, to be
made accessible for the surveyor.
103 Anchor equipment and weathertight closing appliances to be type approved or delivered with equivalent
certificates and test documentation.

B. Subdivisions and Arrangement

B 100 Watertight bulkheads
101 Collision bulkhead and fore and aft engine room bulkheads are to be provided as for cargo craft.
B 200 Fendering system
201 Efficient fendering system to protect against side damage is to be arranged.

C. Hull Structural Design

C 100 Fendering arrangement
101 To obtain sufficient protection an arrangement of outside horizontal and vertical profiles on the exposed
parts of the sides may be required.

D. Openings and Closing Appliances

D 100 Doors and hatches
101 Weathertight doors or hatches are to be fitted in all external access openings in:
bulkhead deck and superstructure decks
superstructures and deckhouses.
102 All doors are to open the same way as the escapeway out of the craft.
103 Weathertight doors are to be so arranged that they are operable from both sides.
D 200 Windows
201 Windows are generally to be of toughened safety glass. Except for front windows in the wheelhouse,
other materials may be found acceptable based on consideration of strength, impact resistance and ageing
202 Window glass with baked-in heating elements, bolted mechanical fastenings or other strength reducing
arrangements, are to be specially considered with regard to thickness.
203 Window glasses are in general to be firmly mounted in stiff frames with due respect to impacts. In
superstructures and deckhouses other types of mounting, gluing etc. are to be documented to the satisfaction of
the surveyor.
204 Windows below the bulkhead deck will be specially considered.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.3 Page 10

205 The number of deadlights in relation to number of windows is at least to be as given in Table D1,
depending on the service restriction notations (R).
Table D1 Deadlights in relation to windows
Location R1 R2 R3
Below main deck 100% 50% 25%
Superstructure front 1st tier 50% 25% 1 each type
Superstructure sides 1st tier 1 each type 1 each type 0%
D 300 Air Intakes and ventilation openings
301 The lower edge of air intakes and ventilation openings above the waterline is to be located at a height Hv,
but not less than that given in Table D2.
Table D2 Air intakes and ventilation openings
Service restriction notation Hv (m)
R1 0.05 L; minimum 2.30 m
R2 0.04 L; minimum 2.00 m
R3 0.035 L; minimum 1.50 m
R4 and R5 will be specially considered.
302 For openings which are not necessary for the operation of the craft at sea, a reduced Hv may be
considered. In that case permanently fitted closing devices are to be available.

E. Intact and Damage Stability

E 100 General
101 The intact stability requirements are to be as for the main class given in Pt.3 Ch.6 Sec.1 A and B.
102 The damage stability requirements are to be as for the class notation Passenger as given in Ch.1 Sec.3.
103 For craft with service restriction R3 and R4 in national trade the prescribed damage is assumed between
bulkheads only. The distance between the bulkheads shall be longer than the defined length of damage.
For craft with service restriction R5 in national trade no damage stability requirements apply.

F. Anchoring and Mooring Equipment

F 100 General
101 The requirements in this section apply to equipment and installation for anchoring and mooring of craft
with service restriction notation R1, R2 and R3.
F 200 Documentation
201 Plans and particulars to be submitted for approval according to A200 in Pt.3 Ch.5 Sec.3.
F 300 Structural arrangement
301 The general requirements for structural arrangement for anchoring equipment are to be according to Pt.3 Ch.5
Sec.3 B100.
F 400 Equipment number
401 The equipment number is calculated according to Pt.3 Ch.5 Sec.3 C100.
F 500 Equipment tables
501 The equipment is in general to be in accordance with the requirements given in Table F1 reduced as per
Table F2.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.3 Page 11

502 The required anchoring equipment is suitable for use in reasonably sheltered waters only.
Table F1 Equipment table, R1, R2 and R3
Equipment Bower anchors Stud-link chain cables 4) Mooring lines
Mass per anchor Diameter and Steel or fibre ropes
kg steel grade Minimum
Exceeding Equipment Total
letter NV NV NV breaking Minimum Minimum
Number length
1) K1 K2 K3 strength number breaking
Not 2) 3)
exceeding HHP SHHP m and length strength
mm mm mm kN
m kN
30 to 40 a0y1 1 70 46 82 11 51 4 40 32
40 to 50 a0y2 1 88 58 82 11 51 4 40 32
50 to 60 ay1 1 106 70 82 12.5 11 66 4 40 34
60 to 70 ay2 1 123 81 82 12.5 11 66 4 40 34
70 to 80 by1 1 141 93 109 14 12.5 82 4 50 37
80 to 90 by2 1 158 104 109 14 12.5 82 4 50 37
90 to 100 cy1 1 185 122 109 16 14 107 4 55 39
100 to 110 cy2 1 211 139 109 16 14 107 4 55 39
110 to 120 dy1 1 238 157 137 17.5 16 127 4 55 44
120 to 130 dy2 1 264 174 137 17.5 16 127 4 55 44
130 to 140 ey1 1 282 186 137 19 16 150 4 60 49
140 to 150 ey2 1 300 198 137 19 16 150 4 60 49
150 to 160 fy1 1 326 215 164 20.5 17.5 175 4 60 54
160 to 175 fy2 1 352 232 164 20.5 17.5 175 4 60 54
170 to 190 gy1 1 378 249 164 22 19 200 4 60 59
190 to 205 gy2 1 414 273 164 22 19 200 4 60 59
205 to 220 hy1 1 449 296 192 24.5 20.5 237 6 60 64
220 to 240 hy2 1 484 319 192 24.5 20.5 237 6 60 64
240 to 260 iy1 1 528 348 192 26 22 20.5 278 6 60 69
260 to 280 iy2 1 572 378 192 26 22 20.5 278 6 60 69
280 to 300 jy1 1 616 407 219 28 24 22 321 6 70 74
300 to 320 jy2 1 660 436 219 28 24 22 321 6 70 74
320 to 340 ky1 1 704 465 219 30 26 22 368 6 70 78
340 to 360 ky2 1 748 494 219 30 26 22 368 6 70 78
360 to 380 ly1 1 792 523 246 32 28 24 417 6 70 88
380 to 400 ly2 1 845 558 246 32 28 24 417 6 70 88
400 to 425 my1 1 880 581 246 34 30 26 468 6 70 98
425 to 450 my2 1 933 616 246 34 30 26 468 6 70 98
450 to 475 ny1 1 986 651 246 36 32 28 523 6 70 108
475 to 500 ny2 1 1047 691 246 36 32 28 523 6 70 108
1) Two anchors may be accepted.
2) HHP = ordinary high holding power anchors.
3) SHHP = super high holding power anchors.
4) Chain cable may be substituted by steel wire or synthetic fibre ropes.

Table F2 Equipment reductions for service restriction notations (see Table F1).
Service restriction Anchors Stud-link chain cables
notation Number Mass change per anchor Length change Diameter
Alternative 1
1 No reduction No reduction No reduction
R1, R2, R3 1 30% No reduction No reduction
Alternative 2
2 30% +60% No reduction
R1, R2, R3 2 50% +60% No reduction
R4 and R5 will be specially considered.
F 600 Anchors
601 Anchor types normally dealt with are:
H.H.P. (High Holding Power) anchor,
S.H.H.P. (Super High Holding Power) anchor, ordinary stockless bow anchors or other types of anchors
may be specially considered.
602 When two anchors are chosen, the mass of individual anchors may vary by 7% of the table value in
Table F1 as reduced in Table F2, provided that the total mass of anchors is not less than would have been
required for anchors of equal mass.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.3 Page 12

603 For anchors the notation in the Register of Ships will be according to Pt.3 Ch.5 Sec.3 D103 and D104.
604 For anchors the materials, shackles, type approval, testing and identification are normally to be in
accordance with Pt.3 Ch.5 Sec.3 D200, D300, D400, D500 and D600. Anchors made from stainless steel is
permitted provided the mass and the strength is not less than required for steel.
605 The mass of the head of the anchor is not to be less than 60% of the table value.
F 700 Anchor chain cables
701 Anchor chain cables to comply with requirements stipulated in Pt.3, Ch.5, Sec.3 E100 to E800.
702 The diameter of stud link chain cable shall not be less than given in F500.
703 Anchor chain cables made from stainless steel will be permitted provided the material strength is not less
than for the steel.
F 800 Windlass and chain stoppers
801 General design, materials and testing are normally to be in accordance with Pt.3 Ch.5 Sec.3 F100, F200
and F300.
Stainless steel material will be accepted for this equipment.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.4 Page 13


A. General
A 100 Certification
101 Main and auxiliary machinery are in general to comply with the main class requirements.
102 For diesel engines, reduction gears, flexible couplings, waterjets and propellers which are type approved
for a maximum power rating of 2500 kW, product certification is not required and such units may be delivered
with Makers test report only.

B. Piping Systems
B 100 Bilge system
101 Piping systems are to comply with the main class requirements and the following additional
102 The craft is to be provided with an efficient plant serviced by two independent power operated bilge
pumps capable of pumping from and draining any watertight compartment which is neither a permanent oil
tank nor a water tank. Providing the safety of the ship is not impaired, the bilge pumping arrangements can be
dispensed with within particular compartments.
103 A ballast or general service pump may be accepted as the independent power operated bilge pump
provided it is fitted with the necessary connections to the bilge pumping system.
104 Means are to be provided for sounding every compartment which is served by the bilge pumping system
and not readily accessible at all times during the voyage.
105 In any unattended propulsion machinery space, an automatic bilge level alarm is to be fitted.

C. Electrical systems
C 100 Emergency source of power
101 The craft is to include an emergency source of electrical power situated above the uppermost continuous
deck and outside the machinery casings in addition to the principal source of electrical power.
102 This emergency source of electrical power may be a generator or an accumulator (storage) battery
provided with an emergency switchboard installed as near to the emergency generator as possible or in the case
of the accumulator battery in a different but nearby space.
103 The capacity of the emergency source of power shall be such that the following consumers will be
provided for a minimum period of 3 hours:
1) Emergency lighting at stowage positions of life-saving appliances, at all escape routes, in machinery spaces
and the main and emergency generating spaces including their control positions, at control stations, at
steering gears.
2) Main navigation lights and not under command lights.
3) Daylight signalling lamp (intermittent operation).
4) Electrical internal communication equipment.
5) Craft radio facilities (GMDSS).
6) Craft's whistle (intermittent operation).
7) Fire detection system. Fire alarm to have capacity for 0.5 hour.
8) General alarm system (0.5 hour capacity for alarm).
9) Remote control devices of fire-extinguishing systems (if fitted).
10) Emergency fire pump when electrically driven (if fitted).


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.5 Page 14


A. General
A 100 Rule references and documentation
101 Crew boats shall comply with the fire safety requirements for cargo boats in 2000 HSC Code, with the
modifications specified in this section and the applicable interpretations as specified in Pt.4 Ch.10 App.A and
102 Documentation shall be submitted as required by Table A1.
103 For a full definition of the document types, see Pt.0 Ch.3.
Table A1 Documentation requirements
Object Document type Additional description For approval (AP) or
For information (FI)
Fire Safety General G040 - Fire control plan Equipment as described in 2000 AP
HSC Code Ch. 7.9.1
Structural Fire G060 - Structural fire protection Including specification of insulation AP
Protection drawing material and fastening of insulation,
hatches and doors
Fire main G200 - Fixed fire extinguishing Specification and location of AP
drawing system documentation pumps, hydrants hoses and
isolation valves
Specification and routing of
Fixed fire- G200 - Fixed fire extinguishing Including equipment certificates AP
extinguishing in system documentation
machinery spaces
Escape G120 - Escape route drawing AP
Fire detection and I200 - Documentation for control Including specification/certificates AP
alarm and monitoring systems. of central unit, detectors, manual
Z030 - Arrangement plan call points and alarms
Ventilation S012 - Ducting diagram Including position, details and AP
fastening arrangement of fire

B. Structural fire protection and arrangements

B 100 Structural fire protection
101 Machinery spaces of major fire hazard and galleys above 10 m2 shall be enclosed by fire resisting
102 The structural fire protection time for fire resisting divisions is 30 minutes. For steel structures, A-0
towards void and open spaces is considered sufficient.
103 No structural fire protection requirements are applicable to areas other than specified in 101.
104 No requirements related to restricted use of combustible materials and smoke-tight division will apply.
B 200 Escape ways and arrangement
201 All spaces shall be provided with satisfactory means of escape through corridors, stairways or other
spaces independent of the space considered, all with a minimum free opening of 700 mm in all directions.
Where a secondary means of escape is required, this can be provided by a permanent ladder and hatch
arrangement with a free opening of minimum 500 mm in all directions. Doors and hatches not capable of being
unlocked from both sides shall not be regarded as an escape way.
202 For accommodation spaces, two means of escape from every restricted space or group of spaces shall be
203 For machinery spaces of major fire hazard, two means of escape shall be provided, except where the
spaces has a length of less than 5 m and direct access to open deck is provided.
204 Fire doors need not be remotely operated or self closing. However, where fire doors bounding areas of


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.5 Page 15

major fire hazard are not self closing, they shall be normally shut and fitted with indicators to provide warning
in the control station when the doors are not completely closed.
205 Fuel oil tanks may be located contiguous to machinery spaces of major fire hazard provided the boundary
between such spaces and fuel oil tanks are protected with 60 minutes fire-resisting divisions.
206 Petrol for auxiliary purposes may be stored in limited volume. Petrol is only to be stored on open deck
or in compartments effectively ventilated to open deck. The storage position shall be so arranged that under no
circumstances can inflammable or explosive fluids or gases accumulate, for example, in lower parts of the hull.

C. Ventilation
C 100 Operation of fans, dampers and closing appliances
101 The requirements of 2000 HSC Code Ch.7.6 apply as amended and modified below.
102 Controls for closure of ventilation and operation of fans may be located outside the control station if
located in a safe and readily available position.
103 Fire dampers need only be operable from outside the engine room. Arrangement for remote and
automatic closing of fire dampers is not required.
104 Steel dampers of robust design will be accepted for ventilation outlets from areas of major fire hazard to
open decks in lieu of fire dampers.

D. Fire detection
D 100 Fire detection systems
101 The requirements of 2000 HSC Code Ch.7.7 apply as amended and modified below.
102 An approved automatic fire detection and alarm system shall be installed, to indicate, at the craft's control
station, the location of outbreak of a fire. In the event that the control station is unmanned, an audible alarm
shall be automatically sounded throughout the crew compartments.
103 All enclosed spaces, except areas of no fire risk and limited areas of minor fire risk such as void spaces
and bathrooms of limited area within cabins, shall be provided with fire detectors. Spaces with floor area below
4 m2 and ceiling area below 6 m2 are in this context considered to be spaces of limited area.
104 Crew boats need not be fitted with TV cameras in main propulsion machinery room.

E. Extinguishing systems
E 100 Extinguishing in machinery spaces
101 Spaces of major fire hazard, except for galleys below 10 m2, shall be fitted with a fixed fire extinguishing
system according to 2000 HSC Code Ch. 7.7.3.
102 For areas of major fire hazard, remote control of the fixed extinguishing system from the control station
is not required provided local manual control is in a safe and readily available position.
103 The quantity of gas required for one discharge is accepted as being sufficient where gas is used as the
extinguishing medium. A minimum capacity of 40% of the gross volume of the complete machinery space is
to be provided for when using CO2 systems.
E 200 Other extinguishing systems
201 Fixed extinguishing systems for deep fat cooking equipment and galley ducts are not required.
202 Sprinkler system in accommodation is not required, irrespective of size.

F. Fire pumps and fire main

F 100 Fire pumps
All craft shall be provided with minimum one main fire pump.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2012
Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.5 Page 16

The capacity shall be at least 25 m3/hr.

The pressure at hydrants shall be minimum 2.7 bars with any two hydrants in simultaneous operation.
102 Craft with an overall length of more than 40 m, or where the main fire pump is installed in a space not
protected by a fixed fire extinguishing system, shall be fitted with an emergency fire pump with minimum
capacity of 15 m3/hr.
103 With regard to hoses, hydrants and nozzles, 2000 HSC Code Ch.7.7.5 applies.

G. Portable extinguishers
G 100 Number, type and capacity
101 The number and type of extinguishers shall be according to MSC/Circ 1275, but in no case less than 1
for each deck in addition to 1 in main engine room.
102 The capacity shall be according to Fire Safety Systems Code (FSS Code) Chapter

H. Miscellaneous
H 100 Miscellaneous
101 A duplicate set of fire control plans is not required to be stored outside the deckhouse.
102 Crew boats need not carry fireman's outfits.


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