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An Assessment I So 12215 Craft Hull

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ISO 12215 provides requirements for small craft hull construction in an engineering format. It aims to reflect good industry practice worldwide but such practice was found to vary substantially. ISO 12215 development took a long time due to differing interests that needed to be resolved.

ISO 12215 scantling requirements were found to be at the lower one third level compared to classification society rules for craft over 12m length. Below this length, ISO 12215 scantlings were somewhat less than class rules. ISO 12215 format is similar to class rules but there are differences identified.

The scantling requirements of ISO 12215-5 were verified by comparing with ABS, BV, GL, LR and RINA rules for typical motor yachts and sailing yachts. The second stage of verification compared ISO 12215 scantlings with the band of classification society scantlings.


An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction

with Classification Society Rules
R. Curry, ABS Europe Ltd, UK

Presented at the International Conference on Small Craft Regulations, London, October 20 -21, 2004
Reproduced with grateful acknowledgement to the Royal Institution of Naval Architects


ISO 12215 is in the final stages of completion. Part 5 is being reviewed for approval by National Standards
Organizations, Parts 1 to 4 are already EN, BS and ISO standards and Parts 6-9 are still in the developing stages. While
ISO 12215 is similar in format to classification society Rules there are differences. These are identified and discussed so
that users of ISO 12215; designers, builders and perhaps flag Administrations are aware of the differences and are also
aware of additional measures that could augment ISO 12215 to provide an approval and compliance process closer to that
of classification.

The discussion addresses ISO 12215, Parts 1 to 5, Parts 6 to 9 are not considered as they are still being developed.

1. DEVELOPMENT Third, during the first 14 years the membership of WG

18 was about 30 total, with maximum attendance at any
1.1 General one time generally not more than 15, the membership
changed considerably. Membership comprised
designers, builders, material manufacturers and
Development by ISO WG 18 started in the late 1980s
classification society representatives, most of whom
and has taken considerable time, for which there are
also represented a National Standards Organization.
several reasons.
When membership changed, often due to the
First, the task was to provide requirements in an
introduction of new National Standards Organization
engineering format as parametrically complete as
representatives, the new members had to become
possible to reflect good industry practice. However,
familiar with the requirements already developed. Each
good industry practice was found to vary substantially
time this required increasingly lengthy explanations and
worldwide. Good industry practice was found to have
discussions, generally until the new members agreed
evolved largely from experience without apparent
with the requirements and on a few occasions, until the
reference to any consistent worldwide engineering
requirements were revised.
criteria, as evidenced by the very wide band of existing
craft scantlings for the same type, length and speed Mr. Fritz Hartz was Convener of WG 18 from the
craft. This was in part due to relatively few craft less outset. In spite of the inherent difficulties in developing
than about 20m being designed or built to classification such an extensive standard, he successfully attained the
society Rules. objectives of the task. Tragically, Fritz died in 2002.
This was and remains a big loss to the small craft
Second, the Convener of WG 18, responsible for about
14 years for the development of ISO 12215, wisely
realized that as far as possible, all members of WG 18
Mr. Gregoire Dolto was appointed Convener and has
should understand and agree with the requirements at
since effectively directed WG 18 to completion of the
all stages in the development. This was to ensure as far
as possible, minimum objections during approval of the
standards by the National Standards Organization a
75% approval of the National Standards Organizations 1.2 Scantling Verification
is required for adoption of the standard. This required
lengthy discussions and explanations to resolve There were two stages of verification of the scantling
sometimes conflicting interests. requirements of ISO 12215-5 Hull Construction

An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules 265

The first compared category A craft scantling presumed, thus increasing the requirements obtained
requirements with the scantling requirements of ABS, from the standard for the existing craft.
BV, GL, LR and RINA for six typical motor yachts and
six typical sailing yachts over the parametric range of If the values for laminate 4a in Table 1 were presumed
the standard. The scantling requirements of the standard to be the mechanical properties of the existing craft hull
were at about the lower one third level within the band laminates, the required section modulus for shell plate
of classification society scantlings for lengths of over panels from ISO 12215-5 would be increased by 29%.
about 12m. Below this length the scantlings of the The required thickness for single skin shell laminates
standard were somewhat less than class society would be increased by about 14% and the required
requirements. thickness of the skins of sandwich laminates would be
increased by 29.5%, possibly giving better correlation
It was an agreed intent of WG 18 that the scantlings of between the standard and existing craft.
category A craft should be not less than classification
society requirements for craft over about 12m length for 2. ISO STANDARDS AND CLASS SOCIETY
comparable service. RULES
The second and much later verification process 2.1 General
compared existing craft scantlings with the standard.
Builders and designers were requested to apply the There are a number of inherent differences between ISO
standard to yachts they had built or designed and standards and classification society Rules.
compare the standard with their practice and forward
results to the National Standards Organizations. An ISO standard is a stand-alone document; very
Participation in this process was not as extensive as WG specific, limited in content, scope and text; applicable
18 members had hoped. generally to relatively simple items of equipment,
materials, fittings, or auxiliary machinery.
However one member of WG 18 received many
existing boat scantlings from various countries and Because of this there is generally no need for
builders and was able to develop an extensive interpretations. ISO standards are written to be referred
comparison of the results with the standard. to in specifications and statutory regulations, where
they are applied by and conformance is verified by an
The existing craft scantlings showed a very wide band appropriately qualified engineer.
of scantlings for the same craft type, length and speed;
very much wider than the scantlings band for the five By contrast, classification society Rules are developed
classification societies scantling requirements. This in to be applied to complex ship or craft structures. They
itself confirmed that class society requirements had not contain many inter-related engineering equations based
been used generally for these existing craft. on a number of different modes of failure, with
extensive text on application. There are numerous
The results indicated existing craft scantlings to vary supporting requirements for materials, welding,
between being notably greater than to being less than structural detail, workmanship and quality control.
the standard.
Because of this interpretations on application are
The existing craft scantling band width and the frequently needed.
comparison of the mean value with the standard was
closer for single skin hulls. Verification of compliance with and interpretations of
classification society Rules can only be given by
For sandwich laminate hulls the existing craft scantling qualified members of the particular classification
band was wider and comparison of the mean with the society who have a sound understanding of the
standard differed substantially with existing craft development of and background to the Rules.
having greater scantlings. This was possibly due to
laminate stiffness criteria and core shear strength 2.2 ISO 12215
criteria exceeding the laminate bending strength
criteria. ISO 12215 is applied to relatively complex craft
structures; of different type and displacement craft,
No doubt the accuracy of the comparison was affected operating in different modes and speeds, with different
by not being able to get the actual mechanical hull forms, design loads, of different construction
properties of the existing craft hulls, both for the skins materials and modes of failure.
and for the core materials.
Because of this there were two possible methods of
In assessing the results of the comparison it should be development of ISO 12215-5:
understood therefore that the mechanical properties of
the actual existing craft may well have been less than

266 An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules

A simple method in which a very limited number interpretations compared with the interpretations made
of parameters are used, i.e. length, speed, motor of classification society Rules.
craft or sail craft. Because many of the other
relevant parameters are excluded; i.e. displacement, This is not due to any deficiencies in ISO 12215-5 but
hull form and vertical acceleration, etc, the is inherent in the nature and mode of application of an
requirements have to be conservative with larger ISO standard to structures as complex as those of small
factors of safety to cope with the effects of craft hulls.
variation in the values of the excluded relevant
parameters. 2.3 Application Process
A more complex method, similar in format to
classification society Rules, in which as many ISO standards and class society Rules differ in their
relevant sea load, hull form and structural response application processes.
parameters as possible are included. The inclusion
of these relevant parameters means the factors of 2.3(a) ISO 12215
safety can be reduced and the scantlings much
more closely engineered to the predicted sea loads; ISO 12215 is applied by a type approval process. This
hull form and hull structural response of the craft. comprises a design approval stage and a manufacturing
stage carried out under a builders quality control
The latter method was adopted for the main body of system called the Builders Conformity Assurance
ISO 12215-5. The format used for motor craft is procedure.
similar to that in ABS Guide for Building and Classing
Motor Pleasure Yachts, requirements of which are For craft less than 12m length, both the design approval
based on the work of Heller and Jasper [1], Savitsky & stage and manufacturing stage may be certified by the
Brown [2] and Allan and Jones [3].The format and builder.
requirements are similar to those in the Rules of several
For craft of and over 12m length for Category A, B and
other classification societies.
C craft, both the design approval stage, compliance with
The format for sailing craft was taken from ABS Guide the relevant parts ISO 12215, and the manufacturing
for Building and Classing Offshore Racing Yachts, stage, compliance with ISO 12215-4 and the builders
which was developed by ABS and the International quality system, are certified by the Notified Body.
Technical Committee (ITC) of the Offshore Racing
Plans to be approved in the design approval stage are
Council (ORC) in 1978 1980. The Guide for Building
not specified in ISO 12215, but would include the shell
and Classing Offshore Racing Yachts was reviewed,
structure, deck structure, bulkheads, deckhouses /
revised and updated as necessary from 1981 until 1994
superstructures, closing appliances, structural details,
by ABS together with the ITC.
rudders, keels and chain plates.
It is still used by ABS, modified for lengths greater than
The builder is required to provide the Builders
24 m, to class sailing yachts over 24m length for
Conformity Assurance procedure that is addressed in
Yachting Service or Commercial Yachting Service;
ISO 12215-4. It is not indicated if this procedure is to
and by designers to qualify racing yachts of and under
be submitted for approval to the Notified Body or
24 m length for ocean races governed by ISF and for
approved as part of the Notified Body audits. Nor is the
Volvo RTW races.
frequency of Notified Body audits given in ISO 12215.
For craft up to 12m length a simplified method similar 2.3(b) Classification Society Rules
to that referred to above was developed and is included
in ISO 12215-5 Annex A. The only variable parameters Classification society Rules are applied by approval of
in this simplified standard are length, speed, and craft structural plans and by construction in accordance with
type, motor or sail. Other relevant parameters are the Rules, the approved plans, and the builders class
implicitly included as numerical constants. society approved Building Process Description and
Quality Manual.
Annex A provides a much simpler and, by necessity, a
more conservative standard that is very easy to apply The classification society specifically lists the plans to
and will not require interpretations. be submitted and the information to be included in the
Building Process Description and Quality Manual
For the parametrically complete method used in the
main body of ISO 12215-5, interpretations will During construction the class society surveyor attends
inevitably be needed. If interpretations are not made by to verify compliance with the Rules, the approved
the people that developed the standard there will be a plans, the Building Process Description and the Quality
greater possibility that the standard will not be applied Manual. The surveyor checks that the builder is
as intended and there will be more inconsistencies in monitoring and recording the required quality control

An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules 267

data and verifies that the required material tests and The given minimum mechanical properties for the
production tests are carried out in accordance with the reference glass reinforced laminate are to be used in
Rules. ISO 12215-5. The reference laminate is a glass fibre,
chopped strand mat, 30% glass by mass laminate.
2.3(c) Differences
The resin manufacturer is to declare in writing that the
There is much more responsibility delegated to the resin, as delivered, is capable of attaining the minimum
builder in the ISO certification process than in the mechanical properties given in ISO 12215-1 with the
classification process and the requirements to be specified reference glass CSM reinforcement. This
complied with by the builder are much less specific again implies that the resin manufacturer is to carry out
than they are in the classification process. the relevant tests.

Unlike classification society Rules, ISO 12215 does not Table 1 shows the recently compiled mechanical
require that the mechanical properties of the hull properties of E glass CSM from a number of recognised
material be verified by testing. This is not so important sources, in which for each source, quality control was
for steel and aluminium but it could be significant for probably at least at an average / good level.
FRP hulls where the building process has a much
greater effect on the material mechanical properties, Comparison with ISO 12215-1 suggests the minimum
mechanical properties given in ISO 12215-1 are
noting that ISO 12215 uses the same design loads and
associated with a fairly good level of quality control.
design stresses as in classification society Rules.
ISO 12215-5, Annex C, in reference to the mechanical
properties of laminates predicted by methods in Annex
Another difference between ISO 12215 and class
society Rules is that ISO 12215 has no requirements for C, cautions builders that the values are not absolute
verifying the in-service condition of the hull, or for minimums and may exceed values which are achievable
by lower quality production methods. In such cases, it is
approval of repairs in the event of damages.
in the interest of the builder to conduct material tests
The classification process requires periodic surveys and This is a very important caution that should also be
damage surveys as a condition of maintaining class. In applied to the minimum mechanical properties of the
addition to operational safety these surveys provide reference laminate given in ISO 12215-1.
valuable feedback on the performance of the vessels
and on the Rules to which they were designed and built. It seems implicit in this caution that the only way
Assessment of this feedback is an essential part of the builders can verify that their hull laminates are
classification society Rule development process. manufactured to the ISO standards quality production
level is to carry out tests on a typical manufactured
The final difference between ISO 12215 and class laminate.
society Rules is that changes to the latter can be
implemented on short notice whereas changes to an ISO 3.1(b) ISO 12215-2
standard take much longer time.
ISO 12215-2, Annex A, gives the minimum required
3. MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS mechanical properties for foam cores and balsa cores.
The mechanical and physical properties addressed are
3.1 FRP similar to those required by classification societies
except no minimum densities are specified.
3.1(a) ISO 12215-1
The minimum mechanical properties for Grade 1, core
ISO 12215-1 contains minimum requirements for materials for the hull and first tier superstructure /
resins, glass reinforcement and for the reference cured deckhouses, are similar to those associated with cores
glass reinforced laminate. of density 60 to 80 kg/m3.

The required properties of liquid and cured form resin As with resins and glass reinforcements, manufacturers
are similar to those included in classification society of core materials are required to provide data on the
Rules. mechanical properties of the delivered core material,
including guidance on thermal limits in manufacture
The resin and glass manufacturers are required to and in operation.
declare in writing that their materials, as delivered,
comply with the minimum requirements in 3.1(c) Classification Society Rules
ISO 12215-1. This clearly implies that the
manufacturers are to carry out tests to verify Classification societies give minimum required
compliance with the minimum mechanical and physical mechanical and physical properties for resins, fibre
properties given in ISO 12215-1. reinforcement, core materials and cured laminates.

268 An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules

Some classification societies require resins, In the requirements for aluminium the non-heat
reinforcements and core materials to be type approved treatable alloys are the 5000 series (Al Mg / Mn) and
by the Society. This requires classification society the heat treatable alloys are the 6000 series (Al Mg Si).
approval of the manufacturers quality system, class Unlike steel, the mechanical properties of aluminium
society audits and tests to verify compliance with class alloys of both the 5000 and 6000 series are substantially
society requirements. reduced locally by welding; particularly the yield
Other societies require the resins, reinforcements and
core materials to be provided with certificates and As-welded yield strengths are given in class society
results of tests as conditions of acceptance by the Rules but they vary considerably and the IACS Unified
builders and the class society. Requirement for aluminium gives only the unwelded
mechanical properties.
Generally the class society approve the builders
Building Process Description, in which are to be ISO 12215-3 should refer to EN 13195-1 Aluminium
included not only the minimum required mechanical and Aluminium Alloys Wrought and Cast Products
properties of the materials, including the cured for Marine Applications.
laminates, but also all of the necessary guidance for
receiving, storing, handling and using the material in It is suggested that builders and designers refer to EN
the manufacturing process. 13195-1 for the as-welded mechanical properties of the
5000 and 6000 series alloys and for the very useful
3.1(d) Additional measures guidance on specific alloys given in Annex A to this EN
If the builders, designers or flag Administrations wish
to follow a process for resins, reinforcement and core 3.2(b) Classification Society Rules
materials closer to class society requirements they
should: Classification society Rules give detailed specifications
and minimum mechanical properties for steel and
require resin, fibre and core manufacturers written aluminium (unwelded and as-welded). Unless the steel
declarations to be supported by test certificates mills or aluminium manufacturers have a quality system
indicating mechanical properties in accordance approved by the society, the materials are generally
with ISO 12215 Parts 1 and 2 required to be tested at the manufacturers, witnessed by
have the ISO 12215-4 required Builders the class society surveyor.
Conformity Assurance procedure include the more
extensive and specific material requirements of the Class society Rules also specify the appropriate
class society. electrodes or welding consumable to be used for the
as considered necessary, determine the laminate various grades of steel and various aluminium alloys /
mechanical properties by material testing and / or tempers.
use laminate production tests to verify actual hull
laminate is same as approved design laminate. 3.2(c) Additional measures

3.2 Steel and Aluminium If builders, designers and flag Administrations wish to
follow a process closer to class society requirements
3.2(a) ISO 12215-3 they should:

ISO 12215-3 gives requirements for steel, aluminium use class society grade A steel up to 20 mm
wood and other materials. Due to the intended scope of thickness, noting that the upper limit is 12.5mm for
the paper, discussion is limited to steel and aluminium. the use of rimmed steel.
use electrodes and welding consumables for steel
The minimum mechanical properties for steel are and aluminium alloys as specified in class society
minimum ultimate strength = 340 N/mm2 and minimum Rules.
yield strength = 235 N/mm2. At present the ISO
standard does not give a maximum value for ultimate It is also suggested that reference be made to EN
tensile strength. This needs to be given as while the 13195-1 for the as-welded mechanical properties of the
minimum yield strength establishes the basis for the 5000 and 6000 series alloys and for the very useful
design stress, an upper limit to the ultimate tensile guidance on specific alloys given in Annex A to this EN
strength serves as a means of quality control, relating to standard.
the notch toughness and the weldability of the material.

An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules 269

4. WORKSHOP AND MANUFACTURING 4.1(c) Additional measures

4.1 FRP If builders, designers or flag Administrations wish to

follow a process closer to the classification society
4.1(a) ISO 12215-4 requirements, they should:

ISO 122154 gives requirements for workshop and include all of the items in Table 3 in the ISO
manufacturing. The production requirements cover the required Builders Conformity Assurance
same areas as classification societies; workshop procedure.
conditions; materials receiving, storage, handling, where the builders practice is found to be use of
molds, resin preparation, laminating process, curing and laminates of thickness and fibre content (g / m2) in
inspection. excess of the requirements of ISO 12215-5 and this
practice is to be continued:, check and record the
There is a general requirement that certain specified thickness and the fibre content (g / m 2) on each
procedures are to be carried out in accordance with the boat from cut-outs for portlights, water intakes and
resin and core manufacturers recommendations. overboard discharges to verify they are not less
than required by ISO 12215-5.
Some of these are required to be included in the where the builders practice is found to be use of
Builders Conformity Assurance procedure and some are laminates in excess of the thickness and fibre
required to be monitored and documented; see Table 2. content (g / m2) of the requirements of ISO 12215-5
and the builder opts to reduce the laminate
ISO 12215 gives the option for the builder to use the thickness / fibre content (g / m2) to that required by
mechanical properties of the reference laminate in ISO ISO 12215-5: carry out tests to verify that the
12215-1,or to use the mechanical properties predicted mechanical properties are not less than those used
by the equation methods in Annex C (12215-5) or to to determine the laminate thickness / fibre mass
verify the laminate mechanical properties by tests. This required by ISO 12215-5. This should be done
puts a much greater responsibility on the builder than initially with the tested laminate cured thickness
does the classification society process. and fibre content recorded.
The only laminate quality control check in the use of where the builders practice is found to be use of
non-tested laminates is the required check on fibre laminates of thickness and fibre content (g / m2)
content during lamination, for which neither the less than ISO 12215-5 and they are increased to
required test nor frequency are specified. Nor does it meet ISO 12215-5: check and record thickness and
appear to require this be recorded, although we believe fibre content (g / m2) on each boat from cut-outs
it should be. from portlights, etc., to verify they are not less than
the requirements of ISO 12215-5.
4.1(b) Classification Society Rules
Classification society requirements are generally more
extensive and specific; see Table 3. 5.1 General
The major difference is that the classification societies In selecting a format for ISO 12215 it was decided to
procedure requires qualification testing of the cured adopt those of a classification society, including for
laminate during manufacture. This is to verify that the category A and B craft essentially the same acceptance
mechanical properties of the manufactured laminate are criteria, i.e., design pressure / design stress. The reason
not less than those on which approval of the structural for this is that classification society requirements are
plans has been based. Burn-out tests of the recognised as proven industry standards having been
manufactured laminate sample are to be carried out, applied to many vessels for many years with
including determination of the number, the glass performance monitored and documented by survey.
content and the type of plies of the laminate.
There are nevertheless a number of differences between
In addition, production tests are required to ensure the ISO 12215-5 and classification society requirements.
laminates of the hull, as built, are the same as those on Some of these are:
the approved plans and those on which the qualification
tests were carried out. This is determined by burn-out 5.2 Operating Categories
tests as referred to above.

During construction the surveyor attends to verify at The definitions of the categories in which the craft are
regular intervals that the builders are monitoring and intended to operate did not originate in ISO 12215 and
documenting the required quality control data and to they are not entirely consistent with the classification
attend key steps in the construction procedure. society definitions. There is still ongoing discussion on
this issue.

270 An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules

5.3 Material Testing By introducing these various structural details and

theoretical design presumptions the potential for
Hull material mechanical properties are not required to problems they could perhaps cause needs to be
be verified by tests as being not less than the values on considered.
which the structural plans are approved. Nor are
production tests required to verify that the actual hull One set of classification society Rules, or other specific
laminate is similar to that on which the mechanical standard, may have numerous implicitly interdependent
properties were verified. related requirements that combine to form one specific
How much this will affect the reliability of an FRP craft
in physically complying with the strength requirements If these different interrelated requirements are replaced
of the standard will depend on how accurately ISO with those from another source, there is the possibility
12215-5 Annex C equations predict the mechanical that the standard may be critically affected.
properties of any specific laminate and on the quality of
Where a craft built to classification society scantling
the manufactured laminate to comply with these
requirements which, because of their more complete
predicted mechanical properties.
parametric format, may engineer the structure more
ISO 12215-5, Annex C is a key part of ISO 12215 closely to the sea loads and structural response of the
where mechanical tests are not carried out. Paragraph structure, the structural details and theoretical
the C.1.2 cautions builders that the Annex C predicted presumptions in that class society Rules need to be
mechanical properties are not absolute minimums and applied, or if different structural details or theoretical
that should builders have doubts, it is in their interests concepts are introduced they need to be carefully
to verify that the mechanical properties of their assessed. Assessment would be of the acceptance
manufactured laminate are not less than the values on criteria, i.e., design pressure / design stress, the
which the structural plans have been approved. equations and parametric context in which they are
applied and the operational service of the source from
It would also be in the interests of builders to ensure which they were extracted.
they have the required documentation from the
manufacturers that the resins, reinforcements and core Considering the foregoing, the following changes
material comply with ISO 12215, Part 1 and 2. introduced in the closing stages of ISO 12215-5 are
discussed below.
The mechanical properties, thickness and glass content
(g / m2) of the design laminate should be indicated on 5.4(a) Snipe ended stiffeners
the approved plans and would likely be similar to those Snipe ended frames, longitudinals and bulkhead
given in ISO 12215 1 or predicted from ISO 12215-5 stiffeners were introduced in which the section modulus
Annex C. is increased by 50% for the simply supported end
The builder can verify the mechanical properties of the
manufactured laminate by carrying out tests. This Classification society Rules generally only permit snipe
would either verify or not verify compliance with those ended members (with the same 50% increase in section
on which plan approval is based, or it would allow modulus) where they are not subject to repetitive
credit for laminate mechanical properties found in flexural loads, or to vibration, i.e. to bulkhead stiffeners
excess of those predicted in Annex C or given in ISO and floor stiffeners, generally clear of the engine room.
12215-1, and allow an appropriate reduction in the
thickness / fibre content of the laminate. Service experience has shown that the stress raising
features at the sniped ends of shell frames and shell
In carrying out the tests the thicknesses of the longitudinals result in fatigue fractures.
manufactured laminates should be recorded as if they
differ from the design thickness or Annex C thickness, Also where snipe ended members are permitted,
an appropriate adjustment would need to be made to the requirements need to be given for the strength of the
mechanical properties for the effects of the thickness plating in way of the sniped ends to carry the shear
difference. force on the snipe ended stiffeners.

In doing this it should be noted that for FRP

5.4 Scantling Equations construction, the plating design shear stress should be
based on the inter-laminar shear strength of the plating
In the concluding stages of development there were a laminate, and not on the in-plane shear strength, on
number of changes introduced from sources other than which the stiffener web design shear stress is based.
the classification society requirements on which the
standard was based.

An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules 271

5.4(b) Curved frames and beams The problem with this form of construction is that the
unstiffened edges of the webs of the bottom transverses
A factor has been introduced to reduce the section
supporting the longitudinals are inadequate to resist
modulus requirements for curved beams and frames by
buckling under the compressive bending stresses
up to 30%. Engineering theory indicates the effect of
experienced by the webs of the transverses under
curvature on beams to be negligible where the radius of
bottom slamming loads.
curvature is more than 10 times the depth of the beam.
This scantling reduction method appears in the Rules of In addition, especially where flat bar longitudinals are
one classification society. used, the connections of the longitudinals to the
transverse webs, due to the lack of lateral support of the
How valid this factor might be when applied out of its
longitudinals at the connections ,can result in tripping
Rule context needs to be determined, for example what
of the longitudinals at these connections under impact
is the level of acceptance criteria, i.e., design pressure /
design stress, used with this factor in its original source.
Separate default minimum requirements are also 6. CONCLUSION
generally used with such factors and may have been
contained in the original source of the factor. There are clearly differences between ISO 12215 and
classification society requirements. They are in part
5.4(c) Shear strength of stiffeners due to ISO 12215 being to some degree a design
The equation for the required shear strength of the webs standard more than a design and construction standard
of frames, stiffeners, longitudinals etc includes typical of classification society Rules.
consideration for the shell or bulkhead plating to carry
some of the shear force on the member where the area They are even more due to the fact that ISO 12215 5 is
of the plating exceeds the stiffener web area. This for craft of and over 12 m, by necessity, a complex
results in a substantial reduction in the required area of standard based on classification society format that had,
the stiffener web. as far as possible in its development, to reflect industry
This provision is not to our knowledge included in any
class society requirements. The source and validity of Also for craft less than 12 m length, classification
this reduction provision needs to be assessed, society Rules did not fully address such very small craft
particularly as it is applied to flat plating. features as unstiffened hulls.

If the material testing and the more extensive and

5.4(d) Chineless monolithic frameless hulls explicit quality control required by classification
This is an important requirement for very small craft societies, as discussed in this paper, are adopted in the
that is not, to our knowledge, addressed in any class process of applying ISO 12215, one of the major
society requirements. Some of the conditions in the differences with the classification process would be
means of assessing the self-supporting characteristics of eliminated.
a curved unstiffened shell do not reflect classification
society practice nor engineering theory. These The other differences are generally in the scantling
conditions need to be further assessed and validated equations in ISO 12215-5, in the form of reduction
against many existing frameless craft. factors or structural design theories from other sources.
A number of these are identified and discussed in this
5.5(e) Floating frames paper. As most of these tend to result in reduced
scantlings they need to be further assessed and
This form of construction is not addressed in ISO validated.
12215-5, but it could be proposed in a steel or
aluminium hull design. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
It generally comprises shell flat bar longitudinals The author wishes to acknowledge the support of BSI to
supported by transverse webs, of which the unstiffened attend the ISO WG 18 meetings and the understanding
outboard edge of the web of the transverse is notched of ABS in respect of the time allowances. The opinions
over the shell longitudinals, but is not welded to the given in the paper are those of the author and are not
shell plating. There being a gap between the web of the necessarily those of WG 18, BSI or ABS.
transverse and the inner surface of shell plating of 25 to
35 mm, depending on the depth of longitudinals.

These arrangements are not permitted by some

classification societies and are not, as far as we know,
considered in the Rules of any classification society.

272 An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules


1. On the Structural Design of Planing Craft S. R. Robert Curry is Senior Staff Consultant, Hull
Heller and N. H. Jasper, RINA Transactions. July Structures, ABS London office. Prior to this he was
1960. Manager Rule Development, ABS Europe. He has been
a member of WG 18 (ISO 12215) since 1991 and is also
2. Procedures for Hydrodynamic Evaluation of a member of BSI GME / 33 Small Craft Committee.
Planing Hulls in Smooth and Rough Water D.
Savitsky and P. W. Brown. Marine Technology, He is a member of UK MCA Large Charter Yacht
Vol. 13 No.4. Oct 1976. Technical Committee, UK MCA High Speed Craft
Advisory Group and Chairman IACS CG / Ro-Ro
3. A Simplified Method for Determining Structural Safety. He was ABS representative on the International
Design Limit Pressures on High Performance Technical Committee of the Offshore Racing Council
Craft R. G. Allen and R.R. Jones, AIAA. 1978. from 1981 to 1995.

Prior to the London office, he held several hull plan

4. Guide for Building and Classing Offshore Racing
approval and Rule Development positions with ABS in
Yachts. American Bureau of Shipping, (1994 with
the New York HQ and in South America.
amendments to 1997).
Before joining ABS he worked at Vickers Armstrong
5. Guide for Building and Classing Motor Pleasure Naval Yard and Sir J.W. Isherwood, Naval Architects,
Yachts, American Bureau of Shipping, February London.

6. Guide for Building and Classing High Speed Craft,

American Bureau of Shipping, October 2001.

7. NBS-VTT Extended Rule 1997, VTT

Manufacturing Technology, 1996.

8. Rules for Classification and Construction I Ship

Technology Part 3 Pleasure Craft, Chapters
1 5, Germanischer Lloyd, 2002.

9. Rules for Classification and Construction I Ship

Technology Part 1 Seagoing Ships,
Germanischer Lloyd, 2002.

9. Tentative Rules for Certification and Classification

of Boats Det Norske Veritas, December 1997.

10. Rules and Regulations for the Classification of

Special Service Craft, Lloyds Register of
Shipping, 2002.


ISO 12215-1 Materials Thermosetting resin, glass-fibre reinforcement, reference laminate
ISO 12215-2 Materials Core materials for sandwich construction
ISO 12215-3 Materials Steel, aluminium, wood and other materials
ISO 12215-4 Workshop and construction
ISO 12215-5 Design pressures for mono-hulls, design stresses, scantlings determination
ISO 12215-6 Structural arrangements and details
ISO 12215-7 Multi-hulls
ISO 12215-8 Rudders
ISO 12215-9 Sailing craft attachments

An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules 273

Table 1
Glass chopped strand mat mechanical properties

Laminate content T ET C EC F EF
mass %

1 30 88.6 8000 143 7000 176 6000

2 33 93 6952 128 6952 6500
3a 25 65 5517 138 6896 172.4 4827
3b 30 96.5 6896 146.6 8621 193 5655
4a 24 62 96 124
4b 28 96 103 158
4c 35 138 131 213
5a (25-30) 90 7500 120 8000 155 6500
5b (30-35) 90 7500 120 8000 155 6500
5c (35-40) 110 9000 140 9500 175 8000
ISO 12215-1 30 80 6350 135 5200

T = tensile strength, N / mm2 ET = tensile modulus, N / mm2

C = compressive strength, N / mm2 EC = compressive modulus, N / mm2
F = flexural strength, N / mm2 EF = flexural modulus, N / mm2

274 An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules

Table 2
ISO 12215-4 FRP Construction Quality Control

Item Requirement Documentation / Action

Workshop Conditions In accordance with resin Temperature and humidity monitored
manufacturers requirements in appropriate locations in mould shop
and recorded
Material Receipt, Storage and In accordance with material Verification that received material is
Handling manufacturers requirements as specified and in accordance with
ISO 12215-1 and ISO 12215 -2
Materials Data sheets of all materials including
material manufacturers
recommendations/requirements and
(if any) test reports
Resin Preparation In accordance with resin Where resins blended by builders
manufacturers requirements results of tests to verify suitability
of blended resin
Where resin contains
fillers/addition outside
manufacturers limits, results of
tests to verify suitability of resin
Laminating process In accordance with resin and core Uniformity of the laminate and glass
manufacturers requirements content to be checked at regular
Spray up equipment calibrated
and monitored for required
resin/catalyst setting and
resin/reinforcement at beginning
of each day
Laminate Curing In accordance with resin Curing schedule
manufacturers requirements, and for Post cure temperatures
post cure of sandwich laminates also
with core manufacturers requirements
Sandwich Construction In accordance with resin and core
manufacturers requirements
Faults and Repairs Acceptance/rejection criteria not Record of faults and repairs
Final Inspection & (if any) product Acceptance/rejection criteria not Report of final inspection and (if any)
testing given results of product testing

An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules 275

Table 3
Classification Society Requirements FRP Construction Quality Control

Item Requirement Documentation / Action

Building Process Description Approved in accordance with Rules To be complied with by builder,
verified by Surveyor
Quality Manual Approved in accordance with Rules To be complied with by builder,
verified by Surveyor
Structural plans & structural details Approved in compliance with Rules To be complied with by builder,
verified by Surveyor
Workshop Conditions Approved Building Process Records of temperature and humidity
Description and material in laminating shop
manufacturers requirements
Material receipt, storage and handling Approved Building Process Verification that material meets
Description and material the specifications in the approved
manufacturers requirements Building Process Description
Results of tests on materials
Material type approval
Materials Rules and approved Building Process Specifications and data sheets for
Description resins, reinforcing materials and core
materials and material manufacturers
requirements for
Resin preparation
Laminating instructions
Curing control
Vacuum bagging
Post curing
Resin preparation Building Process Description and Types and amounts of catalyst,
resin manufacturers requirements accelerators, hardeners, additives and
Laminating process Building Process Description and Record of ply lamination in each
resin and core manufacturers laminating session
requirements Record of resin/fibre content in
each laminating session
Record of temperature and
humidity during each laminating
Record of spray up equipment
calibrated and resin/catalyst and
resin/reinforcement amounts
Laminate Curing Building Process Description and Temperature to be recorded and
resin and core manufacturers checked against resin/catalyst for
requirements control of curing cycle
Record of time of start of vacuum
bagging in relation to resin gel
time and record during vacuum
Record post cure temperature and
Sandwich Construction Building Process Description and core Manufacturers requirements
manufacturers requirements
Secondary bonding Rules and Building Process

276 An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules

Table 3 (continued)
Classification Society Requirements FRP Construction Quality Control

Item Requirement Documentation / Action

Faults and repairs Acceptance/rejection criteria in Reports on faults and repair
Building Process Description inspections
Laminate Qualification tests Rules and Building Process Results of tests carried out to verify
Description mechanical properties of laminates to
verify they are not less than values
used in plan approval
Laminate Production Tests Rules and Building Process Results of burn-out tests carried out
Description on a suitable number of plugs from
the actual hull to verify fibre content
not less than qualification tests and
that ply number, ply fibre content
and ply type comply with approved
plan laminates
Barcol hardner tests Rules and Builders Process Recorded values prior to mould
Description release
Final Inspection Building Process Instruction and Verification that construction
Quality Manual processes and inspections are
completed, documented with no
outstanding non-conformities

An Assessment of ISO 12215 Small Craft Hull Construction with Classification Society Rules 277

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