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Additional Fire Protection Requirements For Multi-Storeyed, High Rise and Special Buildings (Regulation No 6.34)

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34) GENERAL In addition to the provisions of Part IV Fire Protection National Building Code of India, the Fire Officer may insist on suitable provisions in multistoreyed, high rise and special buildings or premises from the fire safety and fire-fighting point of view depending on their occupancy and height. 2. CONSTRUCTION 2.1 Load bearing elements of construction and elements of construction for which the required fire resistance is one hour or more shall be of noncombustible material. Interior finish materials (wall paintings, floor coverings etc.) may be permitted of materials having their rating for flame spread and smoke developed not exceeding a very low flame spread limit in accordance with IS:1642, 1960 (Class I). Ceiling linings shall be noncombustible or of plasterboard. 2.2 Stairways and corridors shall not contain combustible materials. 2.3 Structural members such as supports and load bearing walls shall have fire resistance rating of 3 hours, whereas transoms and ceilings shall have fire resistance rating of at least 2 hours. 2.4 Internal walls and partitions separating corridors from areas on floors that are used for any purpose other than circulation shall have a fire resistance of not less than one hour. There shall be no openings in such walls other than for doors or delivery hatches with fire resistance not less than half an hour. Fire sections (fire walls) sub-dividing the building to prevent fire spread, shall have a fire resistance rating not less than two hours. 2.5 Facades excluding windows and doors shall consist of non-combustible building materials. The minimum distance between the top of the opening on a lower floor and the sill of that on the floor above it shall be 0.9 m., so that the fire would have to travel at least 0.9 m. between storeys. 3. STAIRCASE ENCLOSURES 3.1 The internal enclosing walls of staircases shall be of brick or R.C.C. construction with a fire resistance of not less than two hours. All enclosed staircases shall be reached via a ventilated lobby and shall have access through self-closing doors of at least half an hour fire resistance. These shall be single swing doors opening in the direction of the escape. The door

shall be fitted with check section door closers. The floor landing of staircases shall not form part of common corridor. 3.2 The staircase enclosure on the external wall of a building shall be ventilated to the atmosphere at each landing or mid-landing. 3.3 A permanent vent at the top equal to 5 percent of the cross sectional area of the enclosure and openable sashes at each landing level with area not less than 0.5 sq.m. on the external wall shall be provided. The roof of the shaft shall be at least 1 m.above the surrounding roof. There shall be no glazing or glass bricks in any internal enclosing wall of a staircase. If the staircase is in the core of the building and cannot be ventilated at each landing, a positive pressure of 5 mm. water gauge by an electrically operated blower shall be maintained. 3.4 The mechanism for pressuring the staircase shaft shall be so installed that it operates automatically and also manually when the automatic fire alarm operates. 4. LIFT ENCLOSURES 4.1 The walls enclosing the lift shafts shall have a fire resistance of not less than two hours. Shafts shall have permanent vents at the top having a clear area of at least 0.2 sq m or 1800 mm. diametre Lift motor rooms should preferably be sited at the top of the shaft and shall be separated from lift shafts by the enclosing wall of the shaft or by the floor of the motor rooms. 4.2 Landing doors in lift enclosures shall open into the ventilated or pressurised corridor/lobby and shall have fire resistance of not less than one hour. 4.3 The number of lifts in one lift bank shall not exceed four. The shaft for the fire lift in a lift bank shall be separated from other shafts by a brick masonry or R.C.C. wall of fire resistance of not less than two hours. Lift car doors shall have fire resistance of not less than one hour. 4.4 If the lift shaft and lift lobby are in the core of the building, a positive pressure of not less than 2.5 mm, and not more than 3mm, water gauge by an electrically operated blower shall be maintained in the lift lobby and positive pressure of not less than 5 mm water gauge shall be maintained in the lift lobby and positive pressure of not less than 5mm water gauge shall be maintained in the lift shaft. The mechanism for pressurising the lift shaft and lift lobby shall be so installed that they shall operate automatically when the automatic fire alarm operates. The mechanism shall have facilities to operate manually.

4.5 Exit from the lift lobby, if located in the core of the building, shall be through a self closing smoke stop door of a half-hour fire resistance. 4.6 The lift machine room shall be separate and no other machinery shall be installed therein. 4.7 Lifts shall not normally communicate with the basement. However, one of the lifts may be permitted to reach the basement level provided the lift lobby at each basement level is pressurised and separated from the rest of the basement areas, by a smoke-actuated fire resisting door of two hours fire resistance . These doors can also be kept in hold-open position by an electro-magnetic device to be linked with a smoke detector. 5. EXTERNAL WINDOWS The area of the openable external windows on a floor shall be not less than 2 5 percent of the floor area. The locks for these windows shall be fitted with budget lock or the carriage key type (which can be opened with the point of a fireman's axe). 6. FIRE LIFTS : The following provisions shall be made for a fire lift:6.1 To enable fire service personnel to reach the upper floors with minimum delay, one or more of the lifts shall be so designed as to be available for the exclusive use of such personnel in an emergency and be directly accessible to every dwelling/livable floor space of each floor. 6.2 The lift shall have a floor area of not less than 1.4 sq.m. with a minimum dimension of 1.12 m. It shall have a loading capacity of not less than 545 kg.(8 persons lift ) with automatic closing doors. 6.3 There shall be an alternate electric supply from a generator of an adequate capacity, apart from the electric supply in the building and the cables shall run in a route isolated from fire, i.e. within the lift shaft. In case of failure of normal electric supply, it shall automatically trip over to alternate supply. For apartment buildings, this change over of supply could be done through a manually operated change-over switch. 6.4 The operation of a fire lift shall be by a simple toggle or two button switch situated in a glass fronted box adjacent to the lift at the entrance level. When the switch is on, landing call-points will become inoperative and the lift will be on car control only or on priority control device. When the switch is off, the lift will return to normal working. This lift can be

used by the occupants in normal times. 6.5 The words `FIRE LIFT' shall be conspicuously displayed in fluorescent paint on the lift landing doors at each floor level. 6.6 Collapsible gates shall not be permitted for lifts. The lifts shall have solid doors with fire resistance of at least one hour. 6.7 The speed of the fire lift shall be such that it can reach the top floor from ground level within one minute. 7. BASEMENTS 7.1 Each basement shall be separately ventilated. Vents with cross sectional area (aggregate) not less than 2.5 percent of the floor area spread evenly around the perimeter of the basement shall be provided in the form of grills or breakable stall board lights or pavement lights or by way of shafts. Alternatively, a system of air inlets shall be provided at basement floor level and smoke outlets at basement ceiling level. Inlets and outlets, may be terminated at ground level with stallboards or pavement lights as before but ducts to convey fresh air to the basement floor level shall have to be laid. Stallboards and pavement lights should be in positions easily accessible to the Fire Bridage personnel and rescue teams and clearly marked `SMOKE OUTLET' or `AIR INLET' with an indication of area served, at or near the opening. 7.2 The staircase of basements shall (a) be of enclosed type having fire resistance of not less than two hours; (b) be situated at the periphery of the basement to be entered at ground level only from the open air and in such a position that smoke from any fire in the basement shall not enter any exit serving the ground and upper storeys of the building; and (c) communicate with the basement through a lobby provided with fire-resisting self-closing doors of one hour fire resistance. If the travel distance exceeds 18.50 m., additional staircases at proper places shall be provided. 7.3 Intake ducts may serve all basement levels but each basement and basement compartment shall have separate smoke outlet duct or ducts. 7.4 Mechanical extractors for smoke-venting system from lower basement levels shall also be provided. The system shall be of such design as to operate on actuation of heat sensitive detectors or sprinklers if installed and shall have a considerably higher performance than the standard units. The system should also have an arrangement to start it manually and shall be designed to function at a temperature not less than 550 C. 7.5 Kitchens working on gas fuel, departmental stores and shops shall not

be permitted in basements. 8. FLOOR SPACE DIVISION (FIRE SECTION) If the undivided floor space on a floor exceeds 750 sq.m. it shall be separated into compartments each not exceeding 750 sq.m. by means of fire walls of not less than two hours fire resistance. In extended building, fire walls should be erected at distances not exceeding 40 m. For floors with sprinklers, the area mentioned above may be increased by 50 percent. 9. SERVICE DUCTS 9.1 Service ducts shall be enclosed by walls having a fire resistance of not less than two hours. Doors for inspection or access shall also have a fire resistance of not less than two hours. 9.2 If the cross sectional area of a duct exceeds 1 sq.m. it shall fit as closely as possible around any such pipe or trunk. 9.3 A permanent vent shall be provided at the top of the service shaft of cross-sectional area not less than 460 sq. cm. or 6.25 cm. dia. for each 900 of the area of the shaft, whichever is more. 10. REFUSE CHUTES AND REFUGE CHAMBERS 10.1 Hoppers under refuse chutes shall be situated in a well ventilated position and the chutes shall be continued upward with an outlet above roof level and with an enclosure wall of non-combustible material with fire resistance of not less than two hours. The hoppers shall not be located within the staircase enclosure. 10.2 Inspection panels and hopper (charging station) openings shall be fitted with light fitting metal doors, covers, having a fire resistance of not less than one hour. Flap doors/covers i.e. push-in or lift-up type shall not be permitted. 10.3 Refuse chutes shall not be provided in staircase walls and air conditioning shafts, etc. 10.4 Refuse chambers shall have walls and floors or roofs constructed of non-combustible and impervious material and shall have a fire resistance of not less than two hours. They shall be located at a safe distance from exit routes. 11. BUILDING SERVICES

11.1 Electrical Services 11.1.1 The electric distribution cables/wiring shall be laid in a separate duct. The duct shall be sealed at every alternate floor with non combustible materials having the same fire resistance as that of the duct. 11.1.2 Water mains, telephone lines, intercom lines, gas pipes or any other service line shall not be laid in the duct for electric cables. 11.1.3 Separate circuits for water pumps, lifts, staircase and corridor lighting and blowers for the pressurising system shall be provided directly from the main switch gear panel and these circuits shall be laid in separate conduit pipes so that a fire in one circuit will not affect the others. Master switches controlling essential services circuits shall be clearly labelled. 11.1.4 The inspection panel doors and any other opening in the shaft shall be provided with airtight fire doors having a fire resistance of not less than two hours. 11.1.5 Medium and low voltage wiring running along shafts, and within a false ceiling, shall run in metal conduits. 11.1.6 An independent and well-ventilated service room shall be provided on the ground floor with direct access from outside or from the corridor for the purpose of termination of electric supply from the licensees services and alternative supply cables. The doors provided for the service room shall have fire resistance of not less than two hours. 11.1.7 If the licensees agree to provide meters on upper floors, their cables shall be segregated from consumers cables by a partition in the duct. Meter rooms on upper floors shall not open into staircase enclosures and shall be ventilated directly to open air outside. 11.1.8 PVC cables should have an additional sheathing or protection provided by compounds sprayed on after installation. 11.2 Town gas/L.P. Gas supply pipes - These pipes shall be run in shafts exclusively for this purpose and shall be on external walls, away from the staircases. There shall be no interconnection between these shafts and the rest of the floors, Gas meters shall be housed in a suitable constructed metal cupboard located in a well ventilated space at ground level.

11.3 Staircase and Corridor Lightings -

11.3.1 The staircase and corridor lighting shall be on separate circuits and shall be independently connected so that they could be operated by one switch installation on the ground floor easily accessible to firefighting staff at any time irrespective of the position of the individual control of the light points, if any. 11.3.2 Staircase and corridor lighting shall also be connected to alternate supply as defined in sub-regulation (4) below. However, for assembly and institutional buildings of less than 24 m.height the alternate source of supply may be provided by battery continuously tricklecharged from the electric mains. 11.3.3 Double throw switches should be installed to ensure that the lighting in the staircase and the corridor do not get connected to two sources of supply simultaneously. A double throw switch shall be installed in the service room to terminate the stand-by-supply. 11.3.4 Emergency lights shall be provided in the staircases/corridors for multi-storeyed high-rise and special buildings. 11.4 Alternate source of electric supply - A stand-by electric generator shall be installed to supply power to staircase and corridor lighting circuits, fire lifts, the stand-by fire pump, pressurisation fans and blowers, smoke extraction and damper systems in case of failure of normal electric supply. The generator shall be capable of taking starting current of all the machines and circuits stated above simultaneously. If the stand-by pump is driven by diesel engine, the generator supply need not be connected to the stand-by pump. 11.5 Transformers 11.5.1 A tank of RCC construction capable of accommodating the entire oil of the transformers shall be provided at lower level, to collect the oil from the catch-pit in an emergency. The pipe connecting the catch-pit to the tank shall be of non-combustible construction and shall be provided with a flame-arrester. 11.6 Air-conditioning 11.6.1 Escape routes like staircases, common corridors, lift lobbies etc. shall not be used as return air passages. 11.6.2 The ducting shall be constructed of substantial gauge metal in accordance with IS:655-1963 Metal Air Ducts (Revised).

11.6.3 Wherever the ducts pass through fire-walls or floors, the opening around the ducts shall be sealed with fire-resisting materials such as asbestos rope or verniculite concrete glass wool. 11.6.4 As far as possible, metallic ducts shall be used even for the return air in the space above the false ceiling. 11.6.5 The material used for insulating the duct system (inside or outside) shall be of noncombustible materials such as glass wool, spun glass with neoprene facing. 11.6.6 Area more than 750 sq. m. on an individual floor shall be segregated by a fire-wall and automatic fire dampers for isolation shall be provided where the ducts pass through fire walls. The fire dampers shall be capable of operating manually. 11.6.7 Air ducts serving main floor areas, corridor, etc. shall not pass through the staircase enclosure. 11.6.8 The air handling units shall, as far as possible, be separate for each floor and air ducts for every floor shall be separate and in no way interconnected with the ducting of any other floors. 11.6.9 Automatic fire dampers shall be provided at the inlet of the fresh air duct and the return air duct of each compartment on every floor. They shall be so arranged as to close by gravity in the direction of the air movement and to remain tightly closed upon operation of a smoke detector. 11.6.10 If the air handing unit serves more than one floor, the requirements given above shall be complied with in addition to the conditions given below : Proper arrangements by way of automatic fire dampers working on smoke detectors for isolating all ducting at every floor from the main riser shall be made. When the automatic fire alarm operates, the respective air handling units of the air-conditioning system shall automatically be switched off. 11.6.11 The air filters of the air-handling units shall be of non-combustible materials. 11.6.12 The air handling unit room shall not be used for storage of any combustible materials.

11.6.13 Inspection panels shall be provided in main trunking to facilitate the cleaning of the duct of accumulated dust and to obtain access for maintenance of fire dampers. 11.6.14 No combustible material shall be fixed nearer than 15 cm. to any duct unless such duct is properly enclosed and protected with noncombustible material (glass wool or spun glass with neoprene facing enclosed and wrapped with aluminium sheeting) at least 3.2 mm. thick and which does not readily conduct heat. 11.6.15 Materials used for false ceilings, runners and suspenders shall be of non-combustible type. 11.7 Boiler room Boiler and boiler rooms shall conform to the provisions contained in the Indian Boilers Act. The following additional aspects should be taken into account in the location of boiler/boiler room:11.7.1 Boilers shall not be allowed in a lower basement but may be allowed in basements at first level and away from the escape routes. 11.7.2 The Boilers shall be installed in a fire-resisting room of 4 hours fire resistance rating situated on the periphery of the basement. Catch-pit shall be provided at the low level. 11.7.3 Entry to this room shall be provided with a composite door of two hours fire resistance. 11.7.4 The boiler room shall be provided with fresh air inlets and smoke exhausts directly to the atmosphere. 11.7.5 The furnace oil tank for the boiler, if located in the adjoining room, shall be separated by-fire resisting walls of 4 hours rating. The entrance to this room shall be provided with double composite doors. A kerb of suitable height shall be provided at the entrance in order to prevent the flow of oil into the boiler room in case of tank rupture. 11.7.6 Foam inlets shall be provided on the external walls of the building near the ground level to enable the fire services to use foam in case of fire. 12. PROVISION OF FIRST AID AND FIRE-FIGHTING APPLIANCES : 12.1 First-aid fire fighting equipment shall be provided on all floors including basements, lift rooms, etc. in accordance with IS:2217 -1963

Recommendation for providing First-Aid Fire Arrangements in Public Buildings. 12.2 The fire fighting appliances shall be distributed over the building in accordance with IS:2190-1971 Code of Practice for Selection, Installation and Maintenance of Portable First-Aid-Appliances. 13. FIXED FIRE FIGHTING INSTALLATION 13.1 Building shall be protected by wet riser, wet riser-cum-down comer, automatic sprinkler, installation, high pressure water spray or foam generating system as prescribed in sub-regulation(2) to (7) below :13.2 The wetriser/riser-cum-down comers installation with capacity of water storage tanks and fire pumps shall conform to the requirements specified in Table below. Water Supply and Pump Capacity Requirements for Wet Rises Requirements Water supply Pump capacity Type of the building / Occupancy Non -apartment buildings a) Above 16 m. in height Type of Underground Terrace Underground Terrace installation static tank tank static tank tank Wet riser- 50,000 ltrs cum-down comer 10,000 1350 ltrs per 450 ltrs ltrs minute giving per a pressure minute not less than giving a 3.2 kg / cm2 at pressure the top most not less hydrant than 2.1 kg / 10,000 ----cm2 at ltrs the top most hydrant -----Note 1 :- Any of the above categories may incorporate an automatic sprinkler / drencher system, if the risk is such that it requires such protective methods. Note 2 :- A minimum of two hydrants shall be provided within a courtyard.

NIL b)Educational Wet riserbuilding cum-down above 16 m. comer

Note 3 :- Wet riser-cum-down comer is an arrangement for fire fighting within the building by means of vertical rising mains of not less than 10 cm. internal dia. with hydrant and hose reel on each floor landing connected to an overhead water/storage tank for fire fighting purpose through a booster pump check valve and non-return valve near the tank end and a fire pump gear and non return valve over the underground static tank. A fire service inlet at ground level filled with a non-return valve shall also be provided to the rising main for charging it by a fire service pump in case of failure of static fire pumps over the underground static tanks. Note 4:- The performance of pumps specified above shall be at R.P.M. not exceeding 2,000. Note 5 :- The above quantities of water shall be exclusively for fire fighting and shall not be utilised for domestic or other use. Note 6 :- A facility to boost water pressure in the riser directly from the mobile pump shall also be provided to the wet riser system with suitable fire service inlets (collecting head with two 63 mm inlets for 10 cm rising main and four 63 mm inlets with cheek valves for 15 cm dia.rising main) and a non-return valve and a gate valve . Note 7 :- Hose Reel- The Internal diameter of rubber hose for the hose reel shall be a minimum of 19 mm. A shut-off branch with a nozzle of 4.8 mm. size shall be provided. 13.3 Wet Riser Installations:- They shall conform to IS;3644 Code of Practice for Installation of Internal Fire Hydrants in multistoreyed or high rise buildings. In addition, the wet riser shall be designed for zonal distribution ensuring that unduly high pressure does not develop in riser and hose pipes. In addition to wet riser cum down comer, first hose reels shall be installed on the floors of buildings above 24 m. and shall conform to IS:884-1969 Specifications for First Aid Hose Reel for Fire Fighting (Fixed Installation). The first aid hose reel shall be connected to nose of the female couplings of twin couplings of landing valves directly to the wet riser in the case of single outlet of the wet riser installation by means of adapter :13.3.1 Static Water Storage Tank :- A satisfactory supply of water for the purpose of fire fighting shall always be available in the form of an underground static storage tank with capacity specified for each building with arrangements of replenishment by main or alternative source of supply at 1000 litres per minute. The static storage water supply should

easily be accessible to fire engines. Provision of suitable number of manholes shall be made available for immersion, repairs and inspection of suction hose etc. The covering slab shall be able to withstand a vehicular load of 18 tonnes. The domestic suction tank connected to the static water storage tank shall have an overflow capable of discharging 2250 litres per minute to a visible drain point from which by a separate conduit the overflow shall be conveyed to a storm water drain. 13.3.2 To prevent stagnation of water in the static water storage tank, the suction tank of the domestic water supply shall be fed only through an overflow arrangement to maintain the level therein at the minimum specified capacity. 13.3.3 The static water storage tank shall be provided with a fire brigade collecting breaching with four 63 mm. dia, (1 woof 63mm dia for pump with capacity 1400 litres/minute) instantaneous male inlets arranged in a valve box at a suitable point at street level and connected to the static tank by a suitable fixed pipe of not less than 15 cm. dia to discharge water into the tank when required at a rate of 2250 litres per minute. 13.3.4 Automatic Sprinklers - Auto-sprinklers shall be installed13.3.4.1 In basements used as car parks except in apartment buildings and residential hotels if the area exceeds 500 sq.m. In basements of multistoreyed and high rise buildings used as car parks and for permissible essential services ancillary to a particular occupancy In any room or other compartment of a building exceeding 500 sq. m. In departmental stores or shops with an area exceeding 750 sq.m. In all non-domestic floors of mixed occupancy considered to constitute a hazard and not provided with staircase independent of the reminder of a building ; In godowns and warehouses as considered necessary ; In dressing rooms, scenery decks, stages and stage basements of theatres. 13.4 Automatic High Pressure Water Spray (emulsifying) :- This system shall be provided for protection of indoor transformers of a substation in a basement area.

13.5 Foam Generating System - This system shall be provided for protection of boiler rooms with ancillary storage of furnace oils in a basement. 13.6 Carbon-dioxide (CO2) Fire Extinguishing System - Fixed CO2fire extinguishing installation shall be provided as per IS:6382-1971 Code of Practice for Design and Installation of Fixed CO2 Fire Extinguishing System on premises where water or foam cannot be used for extinguishing fire because of the special nature of the contents of the buildings/areas to be protected. Where possible, BCF installation may be provided instead of CO2 installation. 14. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM All buildings mentioned below shall be equipped with fire alarm system as given below :14.1 Special buildings above 16 m in height :14.1.1 Such buildings shall be equipped with a manually-operated electrical fire fighter so located that one or the other of them shall be accessible to all occupants of the floor without having to travel more then 22.5 m. 14.1.2 The call boxes shall be of the 'break-glass' type without any moving parts where the call is transmitted automatically to the control room without any other action on the part of the person operating the call box. 14.1.3 All call boxes shall be wired in a closed circuit to a control panel in the control room located as given in this rule so that the floor number where the call box is actuated is clearly indicated on the control panel. The circuit shall also include one or more batteries with a capacity of 48 hours normal working at full load. The battery shall be arranged to be continuously trickle-charged. The circuit play be connected to an alternate source of electric supply as in sub-regulation (4) in Regulation 11 in this Appendix. 14.1.4 The call boxes shall be arranged to sound one or more sounders so as to ensure that all occupants of the building are warned whenever any call box is actuated. 14.1.5 The call boxes shall be so installed that they do not obstruct the exitways and yet their location can easily be noticed from either direction. The base of the call box shall be at a height of 1 m. from the floor level. 15. PROTECTION AGAINST LIGHTING

All Stilt + 5/ Ground + 5 or more storeyed buildings shall have the lightning protection provided as per the stipulations of part III of the National Building Code of India 1970. 16. CONTROL ROOM For all buildings mentioned in regulations 14 of this Appendix, except residential buildings, there shall be a control room on the entrance floors of the building with communication system (suitable public address systems) to all floor. Panels along with the details of fire fighting equipment and installations shall be maintained in the control room. The control room shall also have facilities to detect a fire on any floor through indicator boards connecting fire detecting and alarm systems on all floors. The staff in charge of the control room shall be responsible for the maintenance of the various services and fire fighting equipment and installations. Control room shall be manned round the clock. 17. FIRE DRILLS AND FIRE ORDERS Fire notices/orders shall be prepared indicating the requirements of fire fighting and evacuation of the building in the event of fire or other emergency. Occupants shall be thoroughly familiarised with their contents and action needed in the event of an emergency. Such notices should be displayed prominently. 18. AMENDMENTS TO THE APPENDIX With the approval of Government, the Planning Authority, in consultation with the Fire Officer, may, from time to time, add or amend the provisions in this Appendix.

APPENDIX-XIX SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PERSONS (See Regulation No. 6.28) 1.0 DEFINITIONS: 1.1 Non-ambulatory Disabilities:Impairments that, regardless of cause or manifestation, for all practical purposes, confine individuals to wheelchairs.

1.2 Semi-ambulatory Disabilities:Impairments that cause individuals to walk with difficulty or insecurity. Individuals using braces or crutches, amputees, aribritics, spastics, and those with pulmonary and cardiac ills may be semi-ambulatory. 1.3 Hearing Disabilities:Deafness or hearing handicaps that might make an individual insecure in public areas because he is unable to communicate or hear warning signals. 1.4 Sight Disabilities:Total blindness or impairments affecting sight to the extent that the individual, functioning in public areas, is insecure or exposed to danger. 1.5 Wheel Chair:Chair used by Disabled people for mobility. The standard size at wheel chair shall be taken as 1050 mm. X 750 mm. 2.0 SCOPE: These bye laws are applicable to all existing and proposed buildings and facilities used by the public. 3.0 SITE DEVELOPMENT: Level of the roads, access paths and parking areas shall be described in the plan along with specification of the materials. 3.1 Access path/walk way:Access path from plot entry and surface parking to building entrance shall be of minimum of 1800 mm. wide having even surface without any slope. Slope if any shall not have gradient greater than 5%. Finishes shall have a no slip surface with a texture traversable by a wheel chair. Curbs wherever provided shall blend to a common level. 3.2 Parking:- For parking of vehicles of handicapped people, the following provisions shall be made:a) Surface parking for two car spaces shall be provided near entrance for the physically handicapped persons with maximum travel distance of 30 mt. from building entrance. b) The width of parking bay shall be minimum 3.60 mt. c) The information stating that the space is reserved for wheel chair users shall be conspicuously displayed. 4.0 BUILDING REQUIREMENTS:

The specified facilities for the buildings for physically handicapped persons shall be as follows:1. Approach to plinth level. 2. Corridor connecting the entrance/exit for the handicapped. 3. Stairways. 4. Lift. 5. Toilet. 6. Drinking Water. 4.1 Approach to Plinth Level:Every building should have atleast one entrance accessible to the handicapped and shall be indicated by proper signage. This entrance shall be approached through a ramp together with the stepped entry. 4.2 Ramped Approach:Ramp shall be finished with no slip material to enter the building. Minimum width of ramp shall be 1800 mm. With maximum gradient 1.12. Length of ramp shall not exceed 9.0 mt. Having 800 mm. High hand rail on both sides extending 300 mm. Beyond top and bottom of the ramp. Minimum gap from the adjacent wall to the hand rail shall be 50 mm. 4.3 Stepped Approach:For stepped approach size of tread shall not be less than 300 mm. And maximum riser shall be 150 mm. Provision of 800 mm. High hand rail on both sides of the stepped approach similar to the ramped approach. 4.4 Exit/Entrance Door:Minimum clear opining of the entrance door shall be 900 mm. And it shall not be provided with a step that obstructed the passage of wheel chair user. Threshold shall not be raised more than 12 mm. 4.5 Entrance Landing:Entrance landing shall be provided adjacent to ramp with the minimum dimension 1800 x 2000 mm. Finishes shall have a non-slip surface with a texture traversable by a wheel chair. Curbs wherever provided should blend to a common level. 4.2 Corridor Connecting the Entrance/Exist for the Handicapped:The corridor connecting the outdoors to a place where information concerning the overall use of the specified building can be provided to visually impaired persons either by a person

or by signs, shall be provided as follows:(a) The minimum width shall be 1500 mm. (b) In case there is a difference of level slope ways shall be provided with a slope of 1:12. (c) Hand rails shall be provided for ramps/slope ways.

4.3 Stair Ways:One of the stair-ways near the entrance/exist for the handicapped shall have the following provisions:(a) The minimum width shall be 1350 mm. (b) Height of the riser shall not be more than 150 mm. And width of the tread 300 mm. The steps shall not have abrupt (square) nosing. (c) Maximum number of risers on a flight shall be limited to 12. (d) Hand rails shall be provided on both sides and shall extend 300 mm. On both sides and shall extend 300 mm. On the top and bottom of each flight of steps. 4.4 Lifts:- Wherever lift is required as per bye-laws, provision of at least one lift shall be made for the wheel chair user with the following cage dimensions: Clear internal depth : 1100 mm. Clear internal width : 2000 mm. Entrance door width : 900 mm. (a) A hand rail not less than 600 mm. Long at 1000 mm. Above floor level shall be fixed adjacent to the control panel. Also, switch control shall be at an operating height equal to that of hand rails. (b) The lift lobby shall be of an inside measurement of 1800 x 1800 mm. or more. (c) The time of an automatically closing door should be minimum 5 second and the closing speed should not exceed 0.25 M/sec. (d) The interior of the case shall be provided with a device that audibly indicates the floor the cage has reached and indicates that the door of the cage for entrance/exist is either open or closed. 4.5 Toilets:One special W.C. in a set of toilet shall be provided for the use of handicapped with essential provision of wash basin near the entrance for the handicapped:(a) The minimum size shall be 1500 x 1750 mm.

(b) Minimum clear opening of the door shall be 900 mm. and the door shall swing out. (c) Suitable arrangement of vertical/horizontal handrails with 50 mm. Clearance from wall shall be made in the toilet. (d) The W.C. seat shall be 500 mm. from the floor. 4.6 Drinking Water:Suitable provision of drinking water shall be made for the handicapped near the special toilet provided for them. 4.7 Designing for Children:In the buildings meant for the predominant use of the children, it will be necessary to suitably alter the height of the handrail and others fittings and fixtures etc.

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