Lab 4
Lab 4
Lab 4
Objectives In this lab, you will get introduced to the concepts of time-division multiplexing and scalability. You will also see a multiplexer-demultiplexer scheme, and discuss how it scales. 1 Pre-lab
Imagine you telephone a friend in Asia. While you are talking, there is one signal connecting you and your friend. However, it would be too expensive to directly wire every telephone in North America to every telephone in Asia. Laying one wired connection across the Pacic Ocean is expensive enough. Have a look at the animation at multiplexer system.gif. Here we see a solution to how to wire telephones in North America to telephones in Asia: have one wire between the continents, and connect telephone conversations as needed. (This technique is known as time-division multiplexing.) TODO (pre-lab): In the animation, ve conversations are being connected. Draw what would it would look like if six conversations were being connected.
The connection scheme in the animation uses a circuit called a demultiplexer to undo the eect of the multiplexer. A 1-to-2 demultiplexer has two inputs: s, analogous to s (select) in our multiplexer, and y, an input wire. It produces two outputs: x0 and x1, the demultiplexed signals: When s=0, x0 outputs the value of y, and x1 outputs LOW. When s=1, x1 outputs the value of y, and x0 outputs LOW. TODO (pre-lab): Fill in a truth table for the demultiplexer. s 0 0 1 1 y 0 1 0 1 x0 x1
Last week you saw that you can make a 1-of-4 multiplexer out of three 1-to-2 multiplexers. TODO (pre-lab): Provide a diagram of how you could make a 1-to-4 demultiplexer using 1-to-2 demultiplexers. Your 1-to-4 demultiplexer will have 4 outputs: x0, x1, x2, and x3. It should output the value of y on: x0 x1 x2 x3 when when when when select1 select1 select1 select1 is is is is 0 0 1 1 and and and and select0 select0 select0 select0 is is is is 0 1 0 1
TODO: Implement a 1-to-2 demultiplexer on the Magic Box, using an AND chip (LS08) and a NOT chip (LS04). Verify it works as anticipated, and then show it to your TA. Next, nd another team that has also completed their 1-to-2 demultiplexer. One of your two teams will use the demultiplexer wired on their Magic Box to decode the output from a multiplexer, which you should together wire up on the second teams Magic Box. The instructions below will help you to properly connect the two Magic Boxes: 1. Turn o the power to the Magic Boxes while wiring. 2. Leaving your original power and ground wires still connected, connect the ground input of one Magic Box to the ground input of the other one. This gives the two circuits a common reference for voltages. Do not connect the power signals together. Each Magic Box has its own voltage regulator that converts 9 volts from the AC power adapter to 5 volts for the breadboards. While the output voltages are very close to 5 volts, there will be slight dierences between the boards. If you connect the outputs of two voltage regulators together, they can ght over what the right output voltage is. This violates the specication for how the regulators are supposed to be used and could lead to a malfunction. 3. Add a 1-of-2 multiplexer chip (LS157) to one of the Magic Boxes. Connect power, ground, and the enable input. (Remember from Lab 3 that enable should be low.) Also connect one pair of inputs, A and B, to two switches. 4. Connect the two select inputs by wiring the s input of the demultiplexer chip to the s input of the multiplexer on the other Magic Box. 2
5. Now connect the y input of the demultiplexer to the out output of the multiplexer. The multiplexer and demultiplexer should now be connected as in this diagram:
6. Verify that your mux-demux scheme works as expected by trying out dierent combinations of d1, d0, and s. Now connect the select inputs of the multiplexer and demultiplexer to a clock output: remove the s input of demultiplexer from the switch it is connected to, and connect it to the Magic Boxs clock output. TODO: See what happens for all four combinations of d1 and d0 when your clock output is set to 1 Hz. Then do this again with a clock output of 2 Hz. Then again at 1 kHz. What do you notice? (Note: see the Magic Box User Manual page 6 for changing the clock frequency.) Show this circuit to your TA before moving on.
TODO: Draw a circuit with three inputs: a, b, and s. This circuit should work as follows: when s is o, the output is a AND b. When s is on, the output is a XOR b. As such, the s input will be selecting which function to apply to a and b do we AND or XOR? Once you have drawn your circuit, implement it in Logisim, and then show both of these circuits to your TA before moving on.
Download the le conciseALU.circ from the 121 website, and load it in Logisim. It will look like the image below. This circuit simulates a component of a fully-functional computer processor, like the one in your computer. Over the course of the term, you will gain the tools needed to explore and understand any part of this circuit. Today, we will only look at one component of the processor: the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). The ALU is the processors calculator, responsible for its arithmetic and logical calculations. Notice there are three inputs: aluA, aluB, and function. There are two outputs: valE, and valO.
TODO: By analogy to the last circuit from Section 3, describe how the aluA, aluB, and function inputs determine the value of valE what does this value represent?
TODO: By analogy to the last circuit from Section 3, describe how the aluA, aluB, and function inputs determine the value of valO what does this value represent?
Further Analysis
The Concise Y86 ALU only has the functions to add, subtract, AND, and XOR. TODO (further analysis): How could the Y86 ALU be used in a larger circuit to multiply numbers? Or divide? Can you think of something that it cant evaluate? Why?
TODO: To help us improve these labs both this term and for future oerings, complete the survey at
Marking scheme
All labs are out of ten marks, with two marks for pre-labs, and eight marks for in-lab work. In more detail: Two marks - Pre-lab questions Five marks - In-lab questions. In this lab, it is one mark for the demltiplexer implementation, one mark for the mux-demux scheme, one mark for the multiplexing circuit, and two marks for the concise ALU questions. Two marks - Further analysis. One mark - End of lab survey. TAs may at their discretion award one bonus mark, such as for completing the challenge problem.
Challenge Problem
Addition is a basic operation in many ALUs. Look up the adder (LS83) chip in the Magic Box User Manual. TODO (challenge): Wire up an adder chip on The Magic Box, and get it to add two 2-bit numbers together. Also include a carry output. 5