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Molino Bacoor, Cavite
First Monthly Exam
NAME: _________________________________

SECTION: ________________ SCORE:

Multiple choice. Write the letter that corresponds with the best answer

_____ 1. It is the belief that one is good and worthy of being treated well
a. Acceptance
b. Self-Respect
c. Respect


_____2. A state of endurance under difficult circumstances

a. Annoyance
b. Persistence
c. Tolerance d.
_____3. If one has a lenient attitude towards diversity, one is known to manifest
a. Indifferences

b. Forbearance

c. Prejudice d. Tolerance

_____4. The system of human organizations generating distinctive cultural

patterns and institutions is called ____.
a. Culture
b. Alliance
c. Society
d. Organization
_____5. The proximate norm of personal morality for discerning good and evil.
a. Conscience actsb. Morality
c. Self-Control
_____6. Martin has a mastery of his own behavior, he manifest strong ____.
a. Self- Constraint b. Self-Respect
c. Self-Indulge
_____7. The inner voice that act as a guide to the rightness and wrongness of
ones behavior is ___.
a. Conscience
b. Morality
c. Discipline d. Id
_____8. The excessive gratification of ones own desire.
a. Satisfaction
b. Self-Indulgence c. Intolerance


_____9. This is a trait that helps in self-development through managing physical

attributes, weight, smoking, temper etc
a. Self-Indulgence b. Self-Respect
c. Self-Constraint
Self Control
_____10. Which statement is true about conscience?
a. It is the choice of the person to follow what is right and good.
b. A moral judge of the mind that makes the person see what is good
and bad.
c. An attitude of a person whether favourable or not favourable
towards something.
d. It is a remorseful feelings about what one has done.
_____11. Dina is being teased by her classmates as a copycat. She would
imitate whatever she sees on TV even if it doesnt suit her. She went to school

wearing a cropped-top and a short shorts as worn by an actress she saw on TV.
Does Dina shows self-respect?
a. Yes, she likes fashion and dressing-up.
b. Yes, she has the right motivation and mindset.
c. No, she has to follow school rules and regulation.
d. No, she doesnt recognize that others disrespect her.
_____12. Candy is a fan of Justine Biebers songs and her friend Melissa is a fan
of Hillsongs songs. They support each other and respect their favourites. The
two shows ____.
a. Friendship
b. Tolerance c. Self-Discipline
_____13. Finn has a positive outlook in life. Despite being short for his age, he is
cheerful and gets along really well with his friends and classmates. Finn has a
high regard in the virtue of ____.
a. Confidence
b. Self-Reliance
d. Self-respect
_____14. Kris saw her classmate Jen being bullied by their senior schoolmates.
If you were Kris, what would you do?
a. Act as if you didnt see them, they might bully you instead.
b. Hold Jens hand and run as fast as you both can.
c. Inform the authority-in-charge about what is happening.
d. Ask some friends to help Jen out.
_____15. Theres a long queue in the jeepney terminal and you wanted to go
home badly. You are next-in-line but the old lady in the back asked you politely
if she can go first due to an emergency. You would
a. Hurriedly board the jeep since you are next.
b. Allow her to board and wait in line for the next one.
c. Allow her to board although she saw you sneer.
d. None of the above
_____16. Mark is late for school. He skipped breakfast and went to school with
mismatched socks. Mark shows disrespect for his ____.
a. School
b. Self
c. Food
d. Parents
_____17. His story in the Bible is a great epitome of patience.
a. The Good Samaritan
c. James
b. The Prodigal Son
d. Job
_____18. Mykha follows everything her parents would say. She knows that by
following them she pleases God as well. She values .
a. Self-Control
b. Reliance c. Obedience
d. Love
_____19. Trina has been arguing with her classmate on how popular JaDine love
team over KathNiel. Some of her classmates disagree and are now mad at her.
How couldve Trina avoided this?
a. She should accept the fact that theirs is more popular than hers.
b. She couldve accept that not everyone like what she likes.
c. She should push her classmates to like what she likes.
d. Both parties should just settle to LizQuen
_____20. Brandon has been friends with Brent since gradeschool. Recently he
noticed Brent has been cutting-class to play DOTA. Brent invited him to join.
How could Brandon show self-respect?
a. Accept the invitation but play only for one hour.
b. Refuse the invitation and talk to Brent about the consequence of his
c. Refuse the invitation unless his friend Brent would treat him.
d. Refuse the invitation but inform you will go after classs.

_____21. It is a virtue that originates from your inner being, as St. Augustine
said, its the companion of wisdom and friend of good conscience.
a. Persistence
b. Discipline c. Patience d. Character
_____22. Hellen Keller said, the highest form of tolerance is education. This
simple means .
a. Education is only for those who have high tolerance.
b. The goal of education should be acceptance of ideas; new, diverse
and transformative.
c. One has to be fully educated to be able to understand similarities
and remove differences.
d. Education is discouraging diversity and acceptance should be
_____23. For Catholic or Christian, self-control helps in
a. Making correct and sound decision
c. Developing physical
b. Reconciling and accepting others
d. Modifying the truth
_____24. What is one of the norms given by the Cathechism of the Catholic
Church in guiding the formation of a clear conscience?
a. The end justifies the means
b. Do good as how you view it.
c. Follow the golden rule.
d. Your values are different from others
_____25. In Romans 5:3-4
Troubles produce ____. And ____ produce character and character
produce hope.
a. Hatred
b. Discipline c. Patience d. Control

Modified true or false. Write

if the statement is correct and write
if the statement is wrong and underline the word/phrase that
makes it incorrect.
____1. I am competent and worthy is a statement that shows selfrespect.
____2. America is called to be the melting-pot, having a rich blend of
cultural traditions from all over the world. This is a practice of tolerance.
____3. Patience can be learned, deepened and passed on. It can help you
surmount any hardships in life
____4. Negative relationships contribute to the advancement of
____5. Filipino culture is a conglomeration of various elements mostly
derived from its history as a Catholic country.


Enumeration. Write the answer legibly.


The role of our conscience in our life. (3pts)

2. Give atleast 2 importance of having self-control. (2pts)

3. The virtues needed in having a peaceful coexistence in the society.



1. Illustrate and explain in maximum of 3 sentences only the similarities
and differences of self-respect and self-esteem (10pts)
2. Briefly explain in 3-5 sentences the Bible verse (10pts)
The truth of the law is written upon our hearts -Romans 2:15


Molino Bacoor, Cavite
First Monthly Exam

NAME: _________________________________

SECTION: ________________ SCORE:

Multiple choice. Write the letter that corresponds with the best answer

_____ 1. The representation of the twins in the story, The Writers of the Dark
a. Ryan & Ken
b. Every individual c. Every kids
Adam & Eve
_____2. An act provided by one person to another without expecting anything
in return.
a. Service
b. Helpfulness
c. Stewardship
_____3. A state in which two or more groups live together while respecting
each other.
a. Respecting
b. Understanding c. Coexistence
_____4. The dark walls is a symbolism of
a. Negative outlook in life
b. Trials and challenges in life

c. Ups and downs of life

d. Dimmed structure

_____5. A virtue that endures discomfort without complaint and live through
hardships with acceptance
a. Positivity
b. Awareness
c. Patience d.
_____6. It is the practice of getting goods and service in a restrained manner
and resourcefully using already owned to achieve a longer-term goal
a. Simplicity
b. Contentment
c. Frugality d. Lavishness

_____7. A phrase that refers to someone who is ordinary and simple but acts
with a purpose.
a. Salt of the earth
c. Worthy individual
b. Light of the world
d. A good person
_____8. Generally a person who have a happy outlook in life
a. Happiness
b. Simpleness
c. Positivity d.
_____9. A fulfilled life is a happy life, a life well lived.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe

d. Possibly

_____10. The Bible verse that metaphorically describe the purpose of human
on earth
a. Mark 9:50
c. Matthew 9:50
b. Mark 5:13-14
d. Matthew 5:13-14
_____11. Who is a perfect example of being a salt of the earth?
a. Dr. Kenneth Hemphill c. Mother Teresa
b. Mark Graham
d. Dr. Jose Rizal
_____12. Life is full of twist and turns. It simply means that life ____.
a. Can have unexpected challenges
b. Is not a straight path
c. Is not about positive but also negative
d. Has its left and right outcomes
_____13. You and your bestfriend Alex is a fan of Charlie Puth. You got two
tickets for the concert, unfortunately his parents did not allow him to go. You
a. Tell Alex to watch it with you even without his parents permission
b. Understand Alex and would go to the concert since the ticket is
c. Go to the concert and inform Alex they can go next time
d. Go still to the concert and break friendship wit him
_____14. A big fire consumed all the houses on the street next to yours. To help
out, you
a. Help in providing free clean-up
b. Conduct a donation drive for the affected
c. Do an informative alert to avoid the same thing to happen
d. Pray for them so they will be guided & helped by God
_____15. You really wanted to have a new laptop. Your parents cannot afford it
as of now so you
a. Ask your aunt who is in the U.S. to buy you one
b. Understand the situation and keep using the current one you have
c. Save money for it by not eating lunch
d. Insist to your parents that you badly need a new one
_____16. Its easy to be human its hard to stay humane means that
a. All human beings are born with a heart.
b. It could be sometime difficult to live a life of compassion.
c. There are hindrances in living a life of full benevolence.
d. Its demanding to behave like a civilized person.
_____17. Lifes a journey not a destination implies that living
a. Is a travel on a long and winding road
b. Are a series of different experiences
c. Is enjoying what you can and what you have
d. Should focus on the goal and dreams one has

_____18. Lifes a journey not a destination implies that living

a. Is a travel on a long and winding road
b. Are a series of different experiences
c. Is enjoying what you can and what you have
d. Should focus on the experience of getting there
_____19. Each will have a pen and each will be sent to a place where the street
has no name. A place where the walls are dark and continuously moving
around. What is there is here, and what is here is there. In this place , the last
will be first and the first will be last. All is one and one is all . Nothing is
everything and everything is nothing the voice of the light added
(excerpt from The Writers of the Dark Walls)
a. It state the total oneness of the body and the soul and the mind
with the heart.
b. That everyone should unify and practice equal rights for all.
c. Imagination helps us in contextualizing thoughts.
d. That all is granted respect with each other for a peaceful
_____20. The difference of mans decision among other living things is base on
his higher faculties which are
a. Intellect and free will
b. Natural and divine laws
c. Rules and regulation
d. Freedom and dignity


1. Answer the questions below

a. What would be the reaction of the man and animal upon seeing the
signage? (5pts)

b. What would be the difference of man among other living things, eg

animals? (5pts)

2. In a paragraph form of five-eight sentences, explain (10 pts)

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. The Philippines has just recently elected its 16 th President, if you were
given a chance to propose a law on coexistence, what would it be and
why? (10 pts)

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