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Midterm Exam

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Personal Development

Name_________________________________ Grade/Section ________________Score:__________

Note: Avoid erasures.

I. Multiple-Choice Directions: Read each questions carefully and write the letter of the best answer on the
space provided for.

______1. Are parts of one’s identity, such as being a son daughter to your parents.
a. Developing or regaining self-esteem b. roles c. Career Choice d. Relationships
______2. The ______ is the primary role of an adolescent who is still in school.
a. responsible b. self-esteem c. role of a student d. role
______3. Being ______ is called for when dealing with academic challenges.
a. responsible b. self-esteem c. role of a student d. role
______4. Grooming is also an important aspect of an adolescent lifestyle, which can affect his self-esteem.
a. False b. True c. somewhat true d. somewhat false
______5. Envy is genuine when the intent is to help other person develop his or talent and potentials
according to personal values.
a. False b. somewhat true c. True d. somewhat false
______6. Roles is based on respect for other person’s uniqueness
a. somewhat false b. somewhat true c. True d. False
______7. Expectations are tied to one’s roles and responsibilities.
a. False b. somewhat true c. True d. somewhat false
______8. The following are causes of stress, except ______.
a. Christmas Season b. Separation from relationship
c. Being diagnosed with cancer d. Watching funny movie with friends
______9. Which of the following persons has the best coping mechanism?
a. A student who failed the exam after being dumped by her boyfriend
b. A employee who has been recently terminated from work and tries to find new job.
c. Lina has been diagnosed with leukemia, so she took medicine more than her doctor told her to
do so.
d. It’s a Christmas day and Lino hide from his godchildren to escape from giving Christmas present.
______10. Which of the following is NOT a form of bullying?
a. Forcefully grabbing your classmate snack b. Saying discriminating words to your
c. Your friend is letting you be involved in trouble d. Persuading your friend to excel in class
______11. What will you do if you can’t meet your parent’s expectation?
a. Disobey your parents and do what you want to do with your life.
b. Obey your parents even if against your will
c. Explain to your parents about your real capabilities
d. Make them believe that you are living up to their expectations.
______12. What may be a good effect if your teacher has high expectation in you?
a. You might feel so much pressure b. You might fail in class or in your subject
c. Your classmates might get envious with you d. You will work hard to meet your teacher’s
______13. This stress is commonly happen in students like you, it is both physical and verbally abuse that
can cause emotional and psychological trauma to the individual experiencing it.
a. Bullying b. Separation c. Family demand and expectations d. none of this
______ 14. Hitting your classmate with a stick is what form of bullying?
a. Verbal b. Mental c. Physical d. Psychological
______15. Saying hurting words to your classmate is what form of bullying?

a. Verbal b. Mental c. Physical d. Psychological
______16. It is defined as a reaction of the mind and body to stimulus that disturbs the well -being, state of
calm, or equilibrium of a person.
a. Stress b. Stimulus c. Bullying d. Pressure
______17. What will you do if are experiencing bullying in school?
a. Fight back by bullying them also b. Ignore them
c. Report them to proper authorities d. Cry
______18. It is when a person experiencing stress takes a step back to look at the situation that is causing
the stress and assess it.
a. Stress b. Stimulus c. Bullying d. Stress as relational
______19. Which of the following situation show coping of stress through learning to manage your time?
a. Doing your homework after watching TV late at night
b. Doing your household chores but still has time to study
c. You spend your whole weekend with your friends to gain happiness
d. Spending too much time on social media
______20. Which is NOT a consequence of an irresponsible relationship?
a. Teenage pregnancy b. Sexual transmitted diseases
c. Good scholastic standing d. Too much stress
________ 21. _________ vs. __________ is the conflict faced during adulthood.
a. Generativity vs. Stagnation b. Identity vs Role Confusion c. Integrity vs Despair
_______22. During the _________________ stage, one's ability to cope with demands is challenged and
either competence or inferiority are the outcomes.
a. Infancy b. Early childhood c. Pre-School d. School Age
________23. Which of the following is the first stage in Erikson's theory of development?
a. Generativity vs. Stagnation b. trust vs. mistrust c. Integrity vs Despair
_______24. The psychosocial crisis of early childhood is ___________
a. Infancy b. Early childhood c. Pre-School d. Industry vs inferiority
_______25. Helga spends most of her time in her retirement home and likes to visit her doctor once a
week. She never wants to go out and get involved. What psychosocial crisis or conflict to be resolved?
a. Generativity vs. Stagnation b. trust vs. mistrust c. Integrity vs Despair
_______26. Kristina and Tome just got married and moved out of their houses with their parents and
started living together. What psychosocial crisis or conflict to be resolved?
a. Intimacy vs Isolation b. Generativity vs. Stagnation c. Integrity vs Despair
______27. Maddie is often left crying in her crib. When she gets fed, she is propped up and has to hold the
bottle herself, since she can’t the bottle often falls and she left crying. What psychosocial crisis
or conflict to be resolved?
a. Intimacy vs Isolation b. Trust vs Mistrust c. Integrity vs Despair
______28. Daniel wants to help out with making dinner, he tries to set the table but breaks a plate and
doubts his abilities. What psychosocial crisis or conflict to be resolved?
a. Initiative vs guilt b. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt c. Integrity vs Despair
______29. Erik Erikson characterizes development as a series of _________.
a. psychosexual stages b. physiological stages c. psychosocial stages
_______30. Psychosocial crisis results in development in sense of self and identity or weak sense of self?
a. trust vs mistrust b. identity vs role confusion c. intimacy vs isolation
_______31. Why is the successful completion of the trust versus mistrust stage important?
a. Because if this stage is not successfully completed, the individual will become anxious and
b. Because if this stage is not successfully completed, the individual will not understand the
concept of trust.
c. Because if this stage is not successfully completed, the individual will become a liar.
_______32. What is likely the main conflict faced by an adolescent, according to Erikcson?
a. Autonomy vs shame and doubt b. identity vs role confusion c. intimacy vs isolation
_______33. Erik Erickson crisis that arises in young adulthood is concerned with:
a. Autonomy vs shame and doubt b. identity vs role confusion c. intimacy vs isolation
________34. Eight-year old Steven has a difficult time making friends at school. He has trouble completing
his schoolwork accurately and on time, and as a result, receives little positive feedback from his
teacher and parents. According to Erikson's theory, failure at this stage of development results in
a. Mistrust b. feeling of inferiority c. a sense of guilt
________35. The stages that occurs between 65 years old to death is concerned with:
a. Integrity vs despair b. Intimacy vs Isolation c. Generativity vs Stagnation
________36. Erikson believed that people move through a series of ___ psychosocial stages throughout
the lifespan. a. 10 b. 8 c. 5
_______37. At each stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, people experience a(n) ______
that serves as a turning point.
a. Conflict b. gestalt c.heredity

II. Choose the right answer inside the box. Write your answer on the space provided.
Physical Development Adolescence Heredity Development
Psychosocial Development Rene Descartes Stages Self-concept
Personal Effectiveness Actual Self Holism Whole Person
Psychology Cognitive Development Gestalt
Gen. Jan C. Smuts Environment Maturation
Task Ideal Self Stage Development Carl Rogers

______________________1. This influence that affect Human development is came from the world outside of ourselves
and experiences with other.
______________________2. Came from the Latin word adolescere means to grow into maturity.
______________________3. It is the self that we aspire to be.
______________________4. This influence that affect Human development is came from the natural progression of the
brain and body that affects the cognitive, psychological and social.
______________________5. This aspect or domain of human development which includes our social interaction with
other people, attitudes and values.
______________________6. This aspect or domain of human development covers our capacity to learn, to speak, to
understand and to create.
______________________7. This aspect or domain of human development covers the growth of the body and brain,
motor and sensory skills and even physical health.
______________________8. It is who we actually are and can be seen by others.
______________________9. This means making use all of your personal resources.
____________________10. Something that is made of many parts and yet is somehow different from the combination
of its parts.
____________________11. It is about seeing things as a whole and as something that is bigger than the sum of its parts.
____________________12. The study of human thinking and behavior.
_____________________13. This influence that affect Human development is came from the inborn traits passed by
both biological parents to their offspring.
_____________________14. Refers to your awareness of yourself.
_____________________15. A military leader and philosopher wrote about Holism.
_____________________16. Modern philosopher that influenced mankind thinking with his theory of duality.
_____________________17. A step, level, or period in the development or progress of something.
_____________________18. Is the process of growth and change that people go through in life .


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