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Social Dimension

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Social Dimension of Education

1. Mr. Soriano has been is a Sociology Professor foe almost a decade. In his class, he asked this
question: “What type of learning environment should a teacher implement in a highly pluralistic
society”? If you are his student, what will your answer?
a. Safe, Secure and Gender Sensitive
b. Safe, Secure and Gender-Biased
c. Safe and Gender-Biased
d. Secure and Gender-Biased

2. In some cultures, women never experienced to be in school. School is no longer necessary for them
since their essence is to server their families and perform domestic responsibilities.
Is this CORRECT?
a. Yes, women are domestic partners.
b. No, there is gender equality in education.
c. It depends on what kind of culture that a women is accustomed to.
d. No, women are skilful just like men.

3. “Man in nature is good” according to Confucius, Rousseau and Mencius. This characteristic of man
makes him easier to be_______.
a. Motivated
b. Taught
c. Rewarded
d. Respected

4. For Teacher Wendell, to promote fairness among his students of diverse gender, family background
and culture, he should ensure a learning environment that is
I. Inclusive
II. Gender-sensitive
III. Exclusive
a. I and II
b. I and III
c. II and III
d. I, II and III

5. What do the school campus expressions “promdi” and barriotic” indicate”?

a. The power of the rich
b. The prevalence of ethnocentrism
c. The powerlessness of the poor
d. The low literacy rate of the country
6. With R.A 9155, to which body were all the functions, programs, and activities of the Department of
Education related to Sports competition transferred?
a. Philippine Sport Commission
b. National Commission for Culture and the Arts
c. Technical Education Services Department Authority
d. Commission on Higher Education

7. Which pillar of learning is vital in building a genuine and lasting culture of peace in the world?
a. Learning to do
b. Learning to Know
c. Learning to Live Together
d. Learning To Be

8. “The Principles of Spontaneity as against artificially will make you accomplish something. Leave
nature to itself and you will have harmony. “This is an advice from the_____.
a. Hindu
b. Taoist
c. Shintoist
d. Buddhist

9. The government’s educational program on ______ made the Philippine Education Placement Test
accessible for adults and out-of—school youth.
a. Equitable
b. Quality
c. Quality and relevance
d. Relevance

10. In a multicultural education, much emphasis is given on…

a. Perspective
b. Curriculum
c. Achievement
d. Environment

11. How can you best describe the role of the teacher under the Pillar of Learning to Know?
a. guidance counselor
b. instructor
c. facilitator
d. author
12. What best describes the Doctrine of Salvation?
a. set of moral teaching and values
b. belief in the existence of deity
c. highest goal of the faithful
d. acts and ceremonies of religion

13. Which among the following is the first essential characteristic of culture?
a. ideational
b. diverse
c. cumulative
d. learned

14. Which of the following is the most important component in educational form?
a. student’s participation
b. school’s good relationship with parents
c. parent’s involvement
d. teacher’s interaction with parents and students

15. Macky, an 8-year-old child, immediately kisses the hand of his elders whenever he meets them. He
learned this value by observing his elder sisters and parents. This pattern of acquiring values is based
on this principle.
a. Values are intrinsically motivated.
b. Values are taught not caught.
c. Values are caught not taught.
d. Values are innate.

16. What is man’s ultimate vocation and destiny according to Paulo Freire?
a. rationalization
b. humanization
c. secularization
d. deregulation

17. Which according to RA 9155 is considered as the “heart of the formal education system”?
a. pupil
b. teacher
c. classroom
d. school
18. Teacher makes Roel full use of the question-and-answer as a model for discussion. From whom is
this question-and-answer method?
a. Kant
b. Socrates
c. Aristotle
d. Plato

19. Teacher Lyn knows of the illegal gambling that his neighbor is operating. However, he chooses to be
quit about it for the fear of getting involved in any investigation that this may cause. Which among
the following principles of morality does Teacher Lyn fail to apply?
a. Choose what is good and avoid what is evil.
b. Choose the lesser evil.
c. The end justifies the mean.
d. The end does not justify the mean.

20. Which among the following pillars of learning aimed for the wholistic development and complete
fulfilment of man?
a. Learning to Do
b. Learning to Live Together
c. Learning to Be
d. Learning to Know

21. Which among the following situations violate the principle of respect?
I. Teacher Val tells her student that what Teacher Max taught is wrong.
II. Teacher Angelique, upon learning what Teacher Val did, asked the students not to attend his
III. Teacher Jon is giving special favour to students to please the students so that he can get a
remarkable result in the evaluation.
a. I and II
b. I and III
c. II and III
d. I,II and III

22. What pillar of learning is concerned on the material development rather than human development?
a. Learning to Live Together
b. Learning to Be
c. Learning to Know
d. Learning to Do
23. It is the responsibility of the teacher to promote the cultural and educational heritage of the nation.
As such, it is his/her obligation also to convey all of these to the students. In this case, which among
the following will make the teacher accomplish this obligation?
a. Use innovation in his teaching
b. Implement interactive teaching strategies
c. Study the life of the Filipino heroes
d. Continue professional education

24. When all other requirements are met, when should religion is taught in public schools as provide for
in the Constitution/
a. Outside regular class hours
b. Once a week during lunch break
c. Once a week after class hours
d. Within the regular class hours

25. A researcher narrated: I observe that when there is an English-speaking foreigner in class, more
often than not, his classmate perceives him to be superior. “To which Filipino trait does this point?
a. Friendliness
b. Colonial mentality
c. Hospitality
d. Lack of Confidence

26. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to
a. unpreparedness
b. ambivalence
c. high degree of independence
d. high degree of dependence on authority

27. How will you describe the idea of higher education according to Plato?
a. Designed to train and blend gentle and fierce qualities in the individuals and create a
harmonious person
b. trains the suitably gifted so that they may be qualified to assume the role of a ruling class
c. maids the soul responsive to the environment
d. helps the soul to search for truth which illuminated it

28. What does UNESCO mean?

a. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
b. United Nations Environmental, Scholar and Cultural Organization
c. United Nations Educational, School and Civic Organization
d. United Nations Environmental, Scholar and Civic Organization

29. The medium/media of instructions in schools during the Spanish era, was/were_____.
a. The vernacular
b. English
c. Spanish
d. Filipino

30. The following philosophers are proponents of perennialism, except______

a. Roberty Hurtchins
b. Paolo Freire
c. Mortimer Adler
d. Greeks

31. Which among the following should be developed in the curriculum to counteract the growing
number of shooting incident in schools abroad?
a. inclusion of socio-emotional teaching
b. stress the idea to compete on oneself rather that with others
c. emphasizing on cooperative learning rather that of competition to others
d. all of the above

32. Which among the following describes fully the basis of partnership between community and school?
a. commonality of interest and success
b. mutual trust for other’s values and perspective
c. admiration of one’s talent and aspirations

33. How can you best describe the philosophy of Confucius?

a. Moralistic]
b. Humanistic
c. Egoistic
d. Idealistic

34. Most countries outside the Philippines observe______ high school education.
a. 4 years
b. 5 years
c. 6 years
d. 7 years
35. The DECS was changed to DepEd because of this RA
a. RA 7722
b. RA 7796
c. RA 9155
d. RA 7836

36. This diagram shows the different positions in the school structure and the different channels
available should a person wish to talk to a superior.
a. Chain of command
b. Organizational chart
c. Officer chart
d. Plantilla

37. Teacher Rochelle affirms that being a teacher is a task entrusted to her by this world. She therefore
believes that teaching is a ______.
a. Mission
b. Profession
c. Vocation
d. Bread butter

38. Which of the following is not a teacher’s responsibility?

a. Keep school records
b. Write lesson plans
c. Conduct dialogue/conference with parents
d. Clean the school garden

39. Who among the following philosophers is against the “banking concept of education”?
a. Paulo Freire
b. Neil Noddings
c. Allan Bloom
d. Jerome Bruner

40. A father tells his daughter “You are woman. You are meant for the hoe and so for you, going to
school is not necessary.” Is the father CORRECT?
a. It depends on the place where the daughter and father live.
b. Yes, women are meant to be mother only
c. No, today women can take the job of men
d. No, there is gender equality in education
41. For Aristotle, what aspect (s) of the subjects taught must be given emphasis;
a. Practical aspect
b. Theoretical aspect
c. Practical and Theoretical aspect
d. One of the above

42. Who chaired the report “Learning the Treasure Within,” published by the UNESCO in 1996, by the
International Commission on Education for the 21 st century? This advocates four pillars of education.
a. Edgar Faure
b. Paolo Freire
c. Harry Broudy
d. Jacques Delors

43. What does the acronym EFA imply for schools?

a. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and for girls
b. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of alternative learning systems
c. Practice of inclusive education
d. The concentration of formal education system

44. This law expresses the mandate that the state “shall establish”, maintain and support a complete,
adequate, and integrated system of education.”
a. RA 7722
b. RA 9155
c. 1987 Constitution
d. BP Blg. 232

45. This government agency is tasked to identify “centers of excellence” in program areas needed for
the development of world-class scholarship, nation-building and development.
a. DepEd

46. What are the necessary skills needed under the “learning to live together”
a. Communication, self-control and handling emotions
b. Interpretation of behaviours, problem solving and critical thinking
c. Relationship building and cooperation, negotiation and meditation
d. All of the above.
47. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Child Friendly School System?
a. Child-centered
b. Gender-sensitive
c. Promotes good health
d. Instills love of country

48. Professor Jerick Tan tends to appoint male students as group leaders. Which of the following biases
best applies to Professor Tan’s habit?
a. Group bias
b. Work bias
c. Result bias
d. Gender bias

49. Which of the following situations best depict the role of politics in influencing educational
institutions as agents of change in society?
I. Filipino students were forced to adopt English as a medium of instruction during the
American regime.
II. Filipino students had to learn Japanese during the Japanese occupation.
III. Filipino students were not allowed to use English during the Japanese occupation.
a. III only
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. I, II, III

50. This educational program promotes equality among students belonging to a multi-cultural and inter-
faith classroom.
a. Indigenous development
b. Sectoral solidification
c. Multicultural education
d. Cultural immersion

51. “Man by nature is good” according to Confucius, Rousseau and Mencius. This characteristic of man,
makes him easier to be________.
a. Motivated
b. Taught
c. Rewarded
d. Respected
52. Which among the following are the basic assumptions of behaviorists?
I. All behaviors are shaped by environmental events.
II. Man is free and his behavior can never be shaped by environment.
III. The mind of a new born child is ‘tabula rasa’.
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. All of the above

53. Which among the following should be developed in curriculum to counteract the growing number of
shooting incidents in school’s abroad?
a. Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching
b. Intensify the focus on academic achievement and productivity
c. Emphasize cooperative learning rather than competition to others
d. All of the above

54. Teacher Jon knows of the illegal gambling that is neighbor is operating. However, he chooses to be
quit about for the fear of getting involved in any investigation that may lead to this. Which among
the following principle of morality does Teacher Jon fail to comply?
a. Choose the good and avoid evil
b. Choose the lesser evil
c. The end justifies the mean
d. The and does not justify the end

55. Teacher Tisha has a death threat over her head. She was asked to pass an undeserving student. In
line with the philosophy of utilitarianism, what should Teacher Tisha do?
a. Pass the student. Her life is far important than that of the passing of the undeserving student.
b. Pass the student. She is a good teacher and does not deserve to receive a death threat only
because of an undeserving student.
c. Pass not the student and live to her principle that reward may not be here but in the next line.
d. Pass not the student. She does not like someone to always give her a death threat in order to

56. Which of the following level of educational institutions is not covered by The Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers?
a. Preschool
b. Elementary
c. Secondary
d. Tertiary?
57. Principal Thea is very much interested I in a quality professional development program of her
teachers. Which of the following should she consider to realize this?
a. Prescribed by top educational leaders
b. Dependent on the availability of funds
c. Required for renewal of professional license
d. Responsive to identified teachers’ needs

58. Mrs. San Rafael is the Principal of Matimbo Elementary School. For her to ensure high standards of
teachers’ personal and professional development, which of the following measures should she
I. Plans the professional development of her teachers.
II. Allows each of her teachers to formulate their own professional development.
III. Monitors her teachers as they implement what they learned in training.
a. I only
b. I and III
c. II and III
d. II only

59. Aside from being a Teacher, Mr. Sandoval is also a community leader. Which of the following should
Mr. Sandoval NOT do as a teacher and community leader?
a. Support effort of the community to improve his status in life
b. Make himself aloof to ensure that his decisions will not be influenced by community politics
c. Solicit donation from philanthropists in the community
d. Play an active part in the activities of the community

60. Teacher Angel, aside from being a competent teacher, is also a community leader in their place.
Which of the following should Teacher Angel not do as a teacher
a. Develop projects that will benefit the community
b. Participate actively in the activities of the community
c. Beseech donations from philanthropists in the community
d. Make herself detached to everyone in the community so that her decisions will have no
influence in community politics.
Teaching Profession

61. Cris is a sophomore student who complains to his teacher about his feeling grade. When his teacher
recomputed his grade, he found out that he committed an error in his grade computation. The
teacher decided not to accept the erroneous computation before Cris and so leave the failing grade
for the fear that he may lose credibility. Is this morally right?
a. No, the reason for not accepting the error before Cris is a sign of weakness.
b. No, the end does not justify the mean.
c. Yes, the end justifies the means.
d. Yes, as a teacher you must maintain your credibility

62. Teacher Wendell knows of the illegal activities of Mr. Cordero, his neighbor but keeps quiet in order
not to be involved in any investigation. Which foundational principle or morality does Teacher
Wendell fail to apply?
a. The end does not justify the means.
b. The end justifies the means.
c. Always do what is right.
d. Between two evils, do the lesser evil

63. Which of the following action of Teacher Ford is an INAPPROPRIATE way to manage off-task
a. Redirect a child’s attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing work.
b. Make eye contact to communicate what you wish to communicate.
c. Move closer t the child to make him feel your presence.
d. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task.

64. Teacher Filemon is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide
reinforcement and soon the student learns to perform the behavior on his own. On which principle
is Teacher Filemon’s conviction based?
a. Environmentalism
b. Behaviorism
c. Cognitivism
d. Constructivism

65. Ms. Paguiligan wants to report on Ms. Sandoval’s act of immorality but doesn’t have the courage to
confront her. To end the illicit affair with a married man, Ms. Paguiligan writes and secretly
distributes copies of her anonymous letter against her fellow teachers. What should have been done
a. Ask a third party to write the anonymous letter to prevent her from being involved.
b. Talk to the married man with whom Ms. Sandoval is having an illicit affair.
c. If the charge is valid; present such charge under oath before her school head.
d. Secretly give anonymous letter only to the people concerned.
66. Principal Jon asked his good teachers to write modular lesson in Filipino, then he had them
published with his name printed as author. Which is unethical in this case?
a. He was the exclusive beneficiary of the royalty from the modules.
b. He had the modular lessons published when they worth publishing.
c. He got merit which was due for his teacher-writers.
d. He burdened the teachers with work not related to teaching.

67. Teacher Tonette asks one of her students “What do you want to become when you grow up?”. This
question is an indication of what kind of philosophy
a. Progressivism
b. Naturalism
c. Existentialism
d. Idealism

68. Student Anton pursues a degree in Education to fulfill his dream of becoming a Teacher. This action
demonstrates this kind of philosophy.
a. Progressivism
b. Perennialism
c. Realism
d. Reconstructivism

69. The “banking concept in education” viewed student as :

a. Clear account to be filled up by the teacher
b. Dormant account to be activated by the teacher
c. Wobble account to be balanced by the teacher
d. All of the above

70. Mrs. Cristobal is admired for being an effective classroom manager. She is not only friendly but at
the same time be_________.
a. confident
b. businesslike
c. analytical
d. buddy-buddy

71. Teacher Divine, a teacher for thirty two years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims that her thirty
two years of teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to attend. Are her actuation and
thinking in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teacher?
a. No, non-attendance to seminars would mean no increase in salary.
b. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching experience, ought to go through continuing
process of education.
c. Yes, because, she taught for thirty two years and may have mastered the traded.
d. Yes, provided she has an excellent performance rating.
72. Teacher Riean has not only explained the concept of Philosophy of Education but also imparted this
to her students. This demonstrates what kind of philosophy?
a. Naturalism
b. Idealism
c. Realism
d. Perennialism

73. Which of the following would be the most fitting action of a teacher who is having a relationship
with his/her student?
a. Deny the relationship
b. Enjoy the relationship while it lasts
c. Defer the relationship until they are ready to admit it
d. Continue the relationship and exercise utmost professional discretion about this

74. Ms. Lopez is a sickly teacher. She gets to school even late and not feeling well. What provision in RA
7836 does she violate?
a. Teachers must be devoted, honest and punctual in performing their duty
b. Teachers should be physically, mentally and morally fit to teach
c. Teachers should manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble profession
d. All of the above

75. Teachers Helen’s class is engage in problem solving activity which in a way is a reflection of the
personal and social experiences. The purpose of this activity is for the students to acquire the skills that
can help them in solving their own real-life problems. What philosophy can best describe this?
a. Realism
b. Idealism
c. Progressivism
d. Existentialism

76. Teacher Cris views his students as a unique, free choosing and responsible individuals. He
encourages them to develop their own individualities. What philosophy does Teacher Cris adhere to?
a. Humanism
b. Existentialism
c. Reconstructivism
d. Essentialism

77. In the Social Science class of Ms. Macatangay, students identify the various social and economic
problems that require urgent solutions. They not only discuss the ways to address it but also agreed to
participate in solving them. What kind of philosophy does this class uphold?
a. Naturalism
b. Contructivism
c. Nationalism
d. Reconstructivism
78. A curriculum should only include those that have survived the test of time and combine the symbols
of literature, history and mathematics. Thus, curriculum like this contains values that are constant and
universal. What philosophy describes this kind of curriculum?
a. Idealism
b. Perennialism
c. Humanism
d. Essentialism

79. “Education is a continuous process of experiencing and of visiting or reorganizing experiences”

according to Progressivist. What does it mean?
a. Education begins and ends in school
b. Education takes place anytime and anywhere
c. Education happens formally or informally
d. Education goes on throughout life

80. In the National Election, the Chairman of Precinct 34 asked Teacher Emily to change the entries in
the election returns in exchange for special favors. It would be best for Teacher Emily to_________.
a. Change some discretely
b. Follow what the Chairman has instructed
c. Say yes to the Chairman but don’t do it
d. Say no to the Chairman and be firmed about it.

81. If you have a foreign visitor, what would be the best gift to buy?
a. Imported antiques
b. Expensive Buddha figurines
c. Porcelain wares
d. Embroidered product from Quezon province

82. Which of the following would manifest best the Teacher-Student Relationship?
a. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment to offending student upon the approval of parents
b. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment on offending student secretly
c. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment of offending student at all times
d. Teacher to inflict no corporal punishment on offending student at all times

83. Teacher Jenny is an inspiration to almost all of her students. Her efficiency and effectiveness in the
profession is truly outstanding. Which of the following describes this attitude of the students toward
a. Progressivism
b. Naturalism
c. Idealism
d. Perennialism

84. Ms. Demetrio exemplifies an ideal teacher and daughter. She is competent in her field based on the
various recognitions that she received from her school. As a dutiful daughter, she assumes all the
responsibilities of raising her family (this includes her parents, siblings and their own families) – giving all
their needs and wants.
The fulfillment of those is the neglected of the responsibilities to herself. This attitude of Ms. Demetrio is
against what kind of philosophy:
a. Existentialism
b. Constructivism
c. Essentialism
d. Humanism

85. Teacher Mario ensures to put a certain amount of his monthly earnings to the bank. At the end of
the school year, he used all his savings in visiting places rich cultural heritages rather than of buying
expensive clothes, jewelry and latest gadgets. Favoring the former action over the latter exhibits that
Teacher Mario follows this kind of philosophy
a. Essentialism
b. Existentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Behaviorism

86. This also shows that Teacher Mario is an advocate of this philosophy:
a. Pragmatism
b. Perennialism
c. Naturalism
d. Essentialism

87. Teacher Jenny rates the art work of her students not just on the merit of its appeal to the senses but
also considers its uniqueness and the responsibility that every student has given in accomplishing the
task. This practice shows how Teacher Jenny upholds this kind of philosophy:
a. Realism
b. Reconstructivism
c. Idealism
d. Existentialism

88. Teacher Veena is a newly appointed teacher. The Principal told her to avoid any conducts that will
discredit the teaching profession. Which of the following do you think will not in any manner discredit
the teaching profession?
a. Revealing confidential information of the school
b. Writing anonymous letter maligning colleagues
c. Joining social drinking
d. Practicing entrepreneurship with the students as clients

89. Mrs. San Pedro is aninstitution in her school. She is not only competent but also known for her
integrity. One time, she finds herself in need of money to settle an honest obligation in the bank. To her
surprise, Mr. Almiro, (the manager of the bank where her priority was mortgaged) is the father of
Juliane, her student who is a candidate for failure. The manager offers her the amount she needed.
Which of the following would you think would be the best action of Mrs. San Pedro?
a. Accepts the help, after all, this is an offer and she never asks for it
b. Accepts the help but emphasize to Mr. Almiro that there is no string attached to it
c. Accepts not the help and inform her principal and the PTA board regarding this matter
d. Accepts the help and politely explains that as a professional you are not allowed to receive any favor
from the parents or relatives of the student that may lead to conflict of interest
90. Philippines’ Elementary Curriculum emphasizes on the development of the skills in writing, counting
and reading. This manifests the great consideration given to this philosophy.
a. Idealism
b. Naturalism
c. Progressivism
d. Essentialism

91. Which of the following is a characteristic of a Pragmatist Teacher:

a. Equipping the learners with the basis abilities and skills
b. Providing the learners with opportunities to apply theories and principles
c. Requiring the learners the full mastery of the lessons
d. Encourage the learners to memorize factual knowledge

92. In line with the philosophy of Reconstructivism, which of the following should be given emphasis in
a. To seek for a better position in the society
b. To compare oneself with the less fortune
c. To become economically self-reliant
d. To designate one’s superiority over the others

93. “Life is what you make it” exemplifies best what _______________ is:
a. Existentialist
b. Humanist
c. Idealist
d. Realist

94. One of the responsibilities of school administrators and faculty members is to communicate and
cooperate harmoniously with the community. Which of the following attributes best applies to this
a. Interfacing
b. Alignment
c. Partnership
d. Kinship

95. This principle was violated when Mrs. Judy Chan talked badly about the new school principal Dr.
Heidi Yang in front of her students by telling them that Dr. Yang is incompetent yet arrogant.
a. Respect for authority
b. Fidelity
c. Confidently
d. Loyalty

96. Which of the following is an integral part of the teaching process?

a. teachers and principal
b. lesson plan
c. classroom management
d. rubric
97. Which of the following is the Fundamental Moral Principle?
a. Stealing is wrong.
b. Health is Wealth.
c. Do good and avoid evil.
d. Cheating is immoral

98. “Moral example has greater effect on pupils’ discipline than laws an codes of punishment “is an
advice for teacher form _______
a. Confucius
b. Mohammed
c. Lao Tzu
d. Mencius
99. According to Max Scheler’s Hierarchy of Values, _______ is the highest form of values.
a. Pleasure values
b. Vital values
c. Spiritual values
d. Values of the Holy

100. Christians’ morality, which guides their behavior, dealing with moral issue is based on the ______.
a. The eight fold path
b. Five pillars
c. Ten Commandments
d. Christian Ethics

101. You want or report on a colleague’s act of immortality. You don’t have the courage to confront her.
To end her illicit affair with a married man, you write and secretly distribute copies of your anonymous
letter against your fellow teacher. What should have been done instead?
a. Ask a third party to write the anonymous letter to prevent yourself from being involved.
b. Talk to the married man with whom she is having an illicit affair.
c. If the charge is valid, present such charge under oath before your school head.
d. Secretly give anonymous letters only to the people concerned.

102. Teacher Kris, a teacher for forty years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims that her forty years of
teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to attend. Are her actuations and thinking in
accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
a. No, non-attendance in seminars means no professional growth.
b. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching experience, ought to go through a continuing
process of education.
c. Yes, because she taught for forty years and may have mastered the trade.
d. Yes, provided she has an excellent performance rating.

103. A principal asked her good teachers to write modular lesson in Social Science, then she had them
published with her name printed as author. Which is unethical in this case?
a. She was the exclusive beneficiary of the royalty from the modules.
b. She had the modular lessons published when they worth publishing.
c. She got the merit which was due for her teacher-writers.
d. She burdened the teacher with work not related to teaching.
104. In a faculty recollection, the teachers were asked to share their thoughts of the learner, their
primary customer. Teacher A said this:
“The learner is the product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice. He is determined by his
Teacher B: The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment
Teacher C: The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with others
Teacher D: The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers.

Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher A’s?

a. Rationalist’s
b. Behaviorist’s
c. Existentialist’s
d. Progressivist’s

105. Pleasure is not the highest good. “This teaching is against what philosophy?
a. Realism
b. Essentialism
c. Epicureanism
d. Empiricism

106. “The subject matter should help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique
individuals who accept complete responsibility of their thoughts, feeling, and actions.” From which
philosophy is this thought based?
a. Perennialism
b. Essentialism
c. Existentialism
d. Progressivism

107. Which of the following prepositions is attributed to Plato?

a. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
b. Human beings create their own truth.
c. Leaning is the discovery of truth as talent ideas are brought to consciousness.
d. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.

108. If a teacher employs more cooperative learning in helping students develop social values, then the
teacher is governed by what philosophy?
a. Essentialism
b. Perennialism
c. Existentialism
d. Progressivism

109. If reality is politically, socially and economically formed, this philosophy is being followed.
a. Essentialism
b. Perennialism
c. Existentialism
d. Progressivism

110. A theory of philosophy that defines views about the learner, the teacher, and the school.
a. Curriculum
b. Philosophical
c. Philosophy of Education
d. Pedagogy

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