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Me Lcs Pre Test Intro To Philosophy

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TANAGAN, SAN ANDRES, ROMBLON ____11. What is the act of using or other resources
wisely and practically?
a. Aesthetics c. Frugality
PRE-TEST/POST TEST b. Prudence d. Economics
INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE ____12. Lila wants to buy an expensive phone using
HUMAN PERSON the money she has been saving since last year. She
NAME: __________________________________ asked for her friends’ opinions in making her decision.
Which among her friends is frugal?
GRADE LEVEL & SECTION: ________________ a. Jen suggested that she should spend the
money for travel abroad.
DIRECTIONS: Read each questions carefully and write b. Marco advised her to spend the money on
the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheets. the expensive phone.
c. Aiza said that she should go on a shopping
____1. The word Philos is a Greek word means____. spree using the money.
a. Love c. Philosopher d. Jack suggested that she should keep the
b. Wisdom d. Philosophy money for future, more importat uses.
____2. It focuses on specific aspects of a situation, as ____13. In which of the following scenarios is
an individual focuses on certain areas or aspects of a prudence demonstrated?
problem in order to understand it. a. Ordering food that you can consume
a. Doubt c. Holistic Thinking b. Searching assignment answers over the internet
b. Academy d. Partial Thinking c. Keeping the lights on all day
____3. He was considered the foremost philosophers d. Being friendly to neighbors
of ancient times. He was credited with formulating the ____14. Your best friend humiliated you, making you a
Socratic method___________. laughing stock in your school. As her best friend you
a. Plato c. Socrates also knew a lot about her that would humiliate her as
b. Aristotle d. Democritus well when exposed. What then are you going to do?
____4. It requires a person to be willing to examine a. You will not do what she did to you because you
one’s thoughts, feelings, and action and to learn more know that it will not do any good.
about one’s life and experiences. b. You will expose her secrets so that she will
a. Reflection c. Knowledge have the same fate as you.
b. Observation d. Doubts c. You will confront and start a fight with her.
____5. A student of Socrates, he wrote down his d. You will not do the same, instead you’ll do
mentor’s teaching and incorporated some of his own actions that will gain back your friendship.
ideas into them included his Theory of Forms______. ____15. Your family is experiencing financial difficulty.
a. Plato c. Socrates You are being enrolled in a private school with a high
b. Aristotle d. Democritus tuition fee but your parents do not want you to transfer
____6. What do you call the state of being or existence to a public school despite your situation. As their
above and beyond the limits of material experience? daughter/son what are you going to do?
a. Transition c. Transformation a. You are going to stay in your school because
b. Transcendence d. Transgression that is what your parents want you to do.
____7. Which of the following is a biological limitation b. You won’t mind because that is your parent’s
for transcendence fora student whose goal is to be a problem.
valedictorian? c. You will explain to your parents that transferring
a. Joining a dance troupe school is the best way to resolve the family’s financial
b. Being absent for a week due to fever problem.
c. Watching videos over the internet d. You will stop going to school.
d. Criticism from his teacher on his science project ____16. It refers to the separation of the soul and
____8. Which statement about transcendence is true? body.
1. It only starts during old age a. happiness c. sadness
2. All personal limitations are clearly defined. b. life d. death
a. Both statement 1 and 2 ____17. It is a kind of good that is found only on what it
b. Neither statements 1 nor 2 can provide.
c. Statement 1 a. useful good c. permanently good
d. Statement 2 b. pleasurable good d. noble good
____9. Why do some people fail to experience ____18. It means that our lives are temporary.
transcendence? a. temporality c. body
a. They have a feeling that it will not occur. b. permanent d. spirit
b. They are not meant to experience it. ____19. It is a kind of good that provides form of
c. They are not hardworking. pleasure.
d. They have a goal that is too challenging for a. noble good c. useful good
them to achieve. b. pleasurable good d. permanently good
____10. Magie is a poor 17-year-old girl whose ____20. It is a kind of good that is pursued for its own
ultimate dream is to finish her studies. What sake.
can she do to make her dream possible? a. permanently good c. noble good
a. Join the school choir to lessen her stress in her b. useful good d. pleasurable good
studies ____21. Socrates claims that if death is a state of
b. Start on organization that fights for human rights nothingness, then
c. Work during her free time to gain extra money for a. One should be very afraid of death.
b. One should enjoy this life and live to excess, for d. How does knowledge exist?
this is all you get. ____32. The ability of one’s freedom in any manner is
c. It would be like a dreamless sleep and eternity called ____________.
will be but a single night. a. Freedom of Choice c. absolute choice
d. None of the above. b. limitations of freedom d. will
____22. Which of the following is true of philosophy ____33. An act of the intellect in judging the best
but not true of science? means by which to fulfill an intention is:
a. It is concerned with the origin of the a. election c. consent
universe. b. simple volition d. decision
b. It is concerned with the nature of the mind. ____34. This theory believes that the living
c. It is swamped in unanswered questions and environment should be respected and regarded as
intellectual controversy. having the right to flourish, independent of its utility to
d. None of the above. humans.
____23. When examining people to see who is wise a. social ecology c. deep ecology
and who is not, Socrates found that? b. John donne d. Thomas Aquinas
a. The poets were truly wise. ____35. The act of making sound judgment that allows
b. The politicians were truly wise. a person to avoid risk.
c. The rhetoricians were truly wise. a. limitations c. frugality
d. None of the above. b. prudence d. freedom
____24. The Dialectic, as employed by Socrates ____36. You have noticed that evey month, your
a. Was a conversational method involving a parents find it difficult to pay your electrib bills. How
series of questions and answers. can you help your parents solve the problem to
b. Was used to lead the student to realize his efficiently save energy?
own ignorance. a. cut down your use of lights, heaters and
c. Was used to lead both the student and the computers.
teacher towards a clearer understanding. b. eat more veggies and less meat.
d. All of the above. c. close your window blinds
____25. Ethical intellectualism is the view that __. d. anything that can be turned off should be
a. Being ethical is a matter of memorizing facts. especially when not in use.
b. Knowledge and virtue are one. ____37. How does an authentic relationship occur
c. One should only learn about what is ethically between two individuals.
acceptable. a. When the self realizes that the other is a unique
d. None of the above. individual
____26. Which of the following is a question that b. When two individuals begin to view each other
belongs primarily in epistemology? c. When they acknowledge each other as distinct
a. What is an adequate justification for a belief? individuals.
b. Is stem cell research morally acceptable? d. All of the above.
c. Is art important to society? ___38. Which term describes the philosophy of “living
d. What is a good argument? in harmony with nature”
____27. A fallacy is? a. bahala na c. pakikisama
a. The same thing as a factual error. b. bayanihan d. kalooban
b. A claim that has two or more meanings but ___39.What do you call the type of fallacy that uses
it is not clear which is intended. emotions such as pity.
c. A mistake in reasoning. a. ad hominem c. appeal to emotion
d. None of the above. b. appeal to force d. appeal to tradition
____28. According to the Ancient Greek poets, the ____40. This refers to being thrifty with the use of ones
Greek gods is? resouces.
a. We’re nothing like humans. a. prudence b. equity c. frugal d. reselient
b. Had human flaws and imperfections.
c. Were perfect and all knowing.
d. None of the above.
____29. When assessing an argument from authority it
is important to consider the _________.
a. The number of authoritative examples
provided. Prepared by:
b. Whether the authority is biased or not. ANNE ROSEVEE F. VILLANUEVA
c. Whether the authority is well paid or not.
d. Whether the authority is popular or not.
Subject Teacher
____30. Which of the following would be primarily a
question in aesthetics?
a. Is beauty subjective or objective? Approved by:
b. Is stem cell research morally wrong? CEZAR G. ATUN, JR.
c. How do we know there is an external world?
d. What provides the foundation for the right of
Head Teacher III/OIC
free speech?
____31. Which among the questions is addressing
a. What is the meaning of life?
b. What is beauty?
c. What is right and what is wrong?

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