Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
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As an important control unit of the brushless alternator, the
excitation system and its dynamic performance has direct impact
on the stability and reliability of the alternator. The literature
on dierent types of excitation systems are extensively reviewed
in section 2.3.
In machines designed for mission-critical and sophisticated applications, certain output parameters and performance characteristics are signicant. Hence, accurate prediction of machine
parameters during design stage itself minimises cost and time incurred towards development. Virtual prototyping is a method
usually adopted for parameter prediction in electrical machines
during the machine design process. FEM is a numerical method
being used for virtual prototyping of brushless alternators for
accurate prediction of machine parameters. The applications of
FEM in brushless alternator modelling and analysis are reviewed
under sections 2.4 and 2.5.
For a brushless alternator, among the important machine parameters, output voltage harmonics play an important role. THD if
allowed beyond certain limits, introduces ill eects in the machine performance like reduced eciency, excessive temperature
rise and increased neutral current. Hence, employing methods to
minimize THD in the output voltage of the machine and accurate
prediction of the same is very important in the machine development process. The literature on dierent methods for reduction
of output voltage harmonics in brushless alternators is reviewed
in sections 2.6 and 2.7. Various winding congurations implemented in alternators for minimisation of THD in the output
voltage are also reviewed.
The literature reported on third harmonic excitation systems are
reviewed in section 2.8 and the knowledge gaps identied are also
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Evaluation of electrical machine behaviour under various operating conditions has always been a challenging issue. Depending
on the requirements, various approaches are possible for performance evaluation and in certain cases, dierent methods are to be
combined to get satisfactory results. When traditional methods
are used for the analysis of electrical machines, there are lots of
approximations made and the magnetic eld calculations are only
fairly accurate (Yilmaz, 2008). The analytic methods for the performance prediction in electric machinery are based on the rough
idea of the magnetic eld distribution in the machine core and
the air gap. Therefore, the results are not reliable for prediction
of dynamic behaviour of the machine. Because of these reasons,
lot of research is undertaken for parameter predictions associated
with numerical eld computations (Tandon et al., 1980; Chari,
Originally, the theory of electrical machines was based on
construction of equivalent circuits and their analysis. The conventional methods used for machine analysis were construction of
vector diagram, symbolic method, circle diagram method (Heyland, 1906; Blondel, 1913; Behrend, 1921) and method of symmetric components (Fortescue, 1918; Lyon, 1937). Subsequently,
theory and analysis of electrical machines was developed in the
framework of generalised theory of electric machines, which was
stimulated by the problems arose during the construction of synchronous generators and power systems. The rst works concerned with the mathematical theory of electrical machines appeared in the middle of 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. Among the
authors, Park (1928; 1929; 1933), Kron (1939; 1942) and Petrov
(1963) made valuable contributions for development of the theory.
A signicant contribution to the development of the mathematical theory was made by Park in a set of three papers (Park, 1928;
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1929; 1933). These papers presented not only the general twoaxes equations of the synchronous machine, but they indicated
how the equations can be applied to many important practical
problems. Parks transformation provided the development of
Krons generalised theory, which was published in a series of papers and books (Kron, 1942; 1951; 1957). Kron (1957) suggested
the model and equations for generalised (primitive) electrical machine. The generalised electric machine is an idealised two-pole
machine with two pairs of windings on the stator and two pairs
of windings on the rotor. A variety of constructions are available
for electric machines and any electrical machine with a circular
eld in the air gap could be reduced to the generalised electric
machine. Later, Blondel (1913), Steinmetz (1916) and Kostenko
(1962) extended and advanced the theory of steady-state operation of electric machines.
The next important step in the development of mathematical
theory of electrical machines was the creation of mathematical
models describing the transient processes. Initial studies of transient processes in power systems were conducted in the beginning
of 1920s and the results of this work were published by Doherty
and Nickle (1927; 1930), Longley (1930), and Rudenberg (1942).
A large contribution to the development of the theory of transient processes was made by Adkins (1957), White and Woodson
(1959) and Kostenko (1962). On the basis of the generalised
electric machine, the general theory of electrical machines was
explained by Adkins (1957) and many examples of its application for analysis of individual machines were demonstrated. In
the fundamental work of White and Woodson (1959) the equations for generalised electric machine were derived. On the basis
of these equations, almost all electro-mechanical converters were
analysed and a good deal of attention was paid to the dynamic
modes of operation of electro-mechanical devices. But, all the
analytic methods for machine modelling could give only approximate results owing to complex geometry of the machine and
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presence of non-linear magnetic materials.
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sition limitations of the conventional d-q approach, a sectoral
model of a pole of the machine was developed and solved iteratively. Monorchio et al. (2004) described a hybrid technique that
combines FEM, FDM and the integral equation based method
of moments (MoM) in time domain to analyse complex electromagnetic problems related to thin wire antennas. This method
is applicable to electro-magnetic waves in high frequency domain
and not for low frequency domain of electrical machines.
Of the several methods propagated, FEM has gained increasing acceptance from industry for modelling rotating electrical machines with complicated geometry and non-linear material properties. The formulation of FEM and its application to magnetic
eld analysis has been adequately detailed by Chari and Silvester
(1971), Ranejad et al. (1976), Sarma (1979), Tandon et al.
(1983), Belforte and Chiampi (1984), and Brauer (1993). To keep
up with more stringent design requirements that the industry demands, designers of electrical machines have turned to computer
aided design (CAD) and especially to nite element techniques
for design and analysis of electrical machines (Chang et al., 2003;
Premkumar, 2006; Trowbridge and Sykulski, 2006; Yilmaz and
Krein, 2008; Guptha et al., 2009). Finite element method has
evolved as the fastest and the surest way to the prediction of
machine parameters at the design stage. Electro-magnetic eld
solution is only the rst step in the analysis process and further
the machine parameters are derived from the eld solutions by
post-processing. The availability of aordable desk-top computing power and the arrival of powerful menu-driven softwares have
largely contributed to the acceptance of such methods in the design process.
Chiricozzi and Napoli (1978) developed a method for machine
modelling by FEM based on state-variable approach, for accounting the saturation eect in the iron parts and eddy currents in the
rotor winding. The method was based on assumptions that mag22
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netic eld is produced by a step current impressed to the rotor
slot bar and the stator windings have three phase linear current
density which is a deviation from reality under actual situations.
Chari et al. (1981) presented the method of determining internal
state of a synchronous machine during steady state load operation. A two dimensional (2D) nite element model was employed
to compute the excitation values and direct and quadrature axes
reactances. The authors employed realistic representation of stator currents by allowing actual instantaneous coil currents in the
slots and discarded harmonic components of phase currents. This
is a compromise between the sinusoidal current sheet representation which is simple for analysis and the coil current representation in which the analytical solution is complex.
Ashtiani and Lawther (1983) described a possible technique for
using FEM to directly obtain values of the load angle and eld
current in an alternator from the knowledge of terminal operating
conditions. The novelty of the method was that even in presence
of non-sinusoidal ux linkages, the terminal parameters could be
related to nodal MVPs which is important for analysis of salient
pole machines. The disadvantage of the method is that resulting
set of equations was non-symmetric and hence faced diculty for
Benet assessment of nite element based saturation model of the
synchronous generator is done by Schulz et al. (1987) and the
saturation representation of the machine model is improved by
non-linear magnetic nite element analysis (FEA). A comparison
of nite element algorithm and conventional algorithm is done
based on B-H characteristics of the magnetic material.
An improved model for the transient analysis of saturated salient
pole synchronous motors was presented by Ojo and Lipo (1989)
with the aid of saturation factors obtained by test or with nite
elements. Parks equations (Park 1929) for the synchronous maSchool of Engineering, CUSAT
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chine were modied to independently account for the saturation
of d and q-axes magnetic ux linkages in the region of stator teeth
and rotor pole face as well as saturation of total ux linking the
stator core.
Small salient pole synchronous generators are normally skewed in
order to eliminate slot ripples from the induced EMF and current
waveforms. Williamson et al. (1995) outlined a technique which
enables two dimensional FE analysis to be applied to skewed
machines which involves representing the continuous skew in a
series of discrete steps. Each two dimensional slice corresponds
to a dierent position along the axis of the machine and nonlinear eld solution is performed for each slice at each time step.
The disadvantage of this method is that deep bar eect is not
automatically included in the eld solution since magneto-static
eld solutions are used.
According to IEEE standard 115-1995, the d-axis dynamic reactances and time constants can be computed from 3-phase short
circuit tests and the negative sequence reactance can be derived
from the line to line short circuit test. Susnjic (1997) reported on
numerical simulation of the sudden short circuit in the q-axis by
which the q-axis parameters of the synchronous generator were
predicted. Arjona and McDonald (1999) presented a steady state
model that describes synchronous reactance over the whole operating region of the machine, taking into account main and cross
axis magnetic saturation. The analysis presented saturation as a
function of total air gap ampere-turns of the machine. Wamkeue
et al. (2003) proposed a 2D time stepped nite element method
to simulate the line to line and 3-phase short circuit tests for parameter prediction of large hydro-generators. In the FE model
generated, the stator and rotor windings were not taken into account because of their small physical dimensions in comparison
with the overall machine geometry. But, this method suered a
discrepancy of shift in the time axis between the computed and
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experimental parameters, which, as explained by the authors, is
due to the diculty in matching of the initial rotor angle during
simulation with that in the experiment.
Amaya et al. (2003) reported on synchronous machine parameter
identication by simulation using FEM. By nite element analysis of the machine, the reactances and time constants in the d
and q-axes were obtained. Compared to the test procedures for
calculation of reactances and time constants, the results are more
accurate as it also considered the eect of saturation. Shima et
al. (2003) described a method for calculating the steady and
transient state leakage ux distributions, based on FEM. The
method analysed the leakage inductances that represent the corresponding leakage uxes with magnetic saturation taken into
account. Kolondzovski (2004) explained the calculation of synchronous generator reactances by FEA and compared results with
analytic solutions and experimental results. The magnetic ux
pattern in the machine was plotted and the prediction of transient
and sub-transient reactances of the machine was done. Kolondzovski and Petkovska (2005) reported on the determination of
synchronous generator characteristics like open circuit characteristic (OCC), ux and ux density distribution in the air gap of
the machine, by nite element analysis.
Petkovska et al. (2008) described two dierent methods based on
FEM for computation of steady state and transient d-axis and qaxis parameters. First method combined the results of magnetostatic FEM analysis as well as Matlab/Simulink simulation and
transient performance characteristics were predicted. Using the
machine parameters obtained by simulation of FE model of the
machine, the mathematical model of the synchronous generator in Matlab/Simulink environment was developed. Simulating
this model for 3-phase symmetrical short circuit, the time dependant transient characteristics were also predicted. In the second
method, the transient analysis of the 2D FE model of the machine
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was done using the FE software, which took into account the end
winding eects and saturation of core in the machine. The results
obtained by time stepping FE method proved to be more precise
and in close agreement with the experimental results. Okafor
et al. (2009) applied FEM for prediction of magnetic ux pattern and the magnetisation curve of DC machines. The author
presented variational formulation for Poissons equation which
governs the approximating function, and the functional minimisation using rst order triangular nite elements.
The properties of permanent magnet brushless (PMBL) alternators like high power to weight raatio, small size, high eciency,
high reliability, variable speed operation and good dynamic performance make them suitable for aircraft and automobile applications. Due to stringent performance requirements like highly
competitive costs, low acoustic noise, high eciency and unique
operating conditions, design of PMBL machines is challenging
and designers are constantly in search of eective methodologies
for design and performance prediction of such machines. Hence,
a wide variety of designs for such machines are proposed by researchers. Spooner and Williamson (1996) designed and constructed two small multi-pole radial ux permanent magnet test
machines for use as a direct coupled generator in wind turbines.
The authors later proposed a modular design of permanent magnet generators for wind turbine. Chen et al. (2000) proposed the
methodology for design and nite element analysis of an outer
rotor permanent magnet generator for directly coupled wind turbine applications. Comanescu et al. (2003) reported on the design and analysis of a 42 V permanent magnet generator for automotive applications.
Bhim Singh and Jally Ravi (2006) proposed a method based on
FEM for design and analysis of a 3 KVA, 28 V PMBL alternator for light combat aircraft. Main objective of the design was
to maximise the eciency and minimise the volume of the al26
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ternator. The preliminary design was done based on analytic
equations and FE model developed based on these dimensions
was subjected to simulation. The simulation results were veried
for critical values of ux density in various parts of the machine.
Chan et al. (2005) studied the performance of a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) with inset rotor construction
by using a time stepped coupled eld circuit FEM. The focus was
on the eect of inverse saliency on voltage regulation. The study
was limited to linear R-L loads and only steady state operation
was considered. Further, Chan et al. (2010) applied time stepping nite element analysis to study steady state and transient
performance of the PMSG when supplying an isolated resistive
load, at constant speed.
Synchronous reluctance machines are used in applications requiring high dynamics, high eciency and high ux weakening capacity (Welchko, 2003). A permanent magnet is sometimes buried in
rotor ux barriers for the purpose of saturating iron bridges and
increasing the power factor. The anisotropy of the rotor causes a
high content of ux density harmonics which results in increased
iron losses. Barcaro and Bianchi (2010) developed an analytical model for the machine which on validation by FEM shows
the dependence of ux density harmonics on the rotor geometry.
A number of authors have presented models for calculating iron
losses in synchronous machines with anisotropic rotor (Mi, 2003;
Magnussen, 2004; Yamazaki, 2006; Roshen, 2007).
Shima et al. (2002) analysed the leakage ux distributions in a
salient pole synchronous machine using nite elements. The authors presented a method for calculation of steady state and transient state leakage ux distributions in the machine. The method
analysed leakage inductances that represent leakage uxes with
magnetic saturation also taken into account. The leakage inductances were divided into the self-leakage, gap leakage, and
winding-dierential leakage inductances. Cross-magnetizing inSchool of Engineering, CUSAT