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2.2.2 Circuit Coupled FEM

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Circuit Coupled FEM

Intensive eorts are being undertaken to explore suitable

methods to couple nite element machine models with external
circuit equations for analysing power electronic drives in time domain. There are situations where properties of the machine signicantly aect behaviour of the external circuit (Krause, 2013).
The trends and accomplishments in coupled eld circuit problems have been presented by Tsukerman et al. (1993). There
are two dierent approaches to couple nite element models with
circuit equations: the direct method in which equations of FE
model and circuit model are handled as a single system and the
indirect method in which the nite element model of the machine is handled as a separate system which communicates with
the circuit model with the aid of coupling coecients. Direct
coupling was used in conjunction with time domain simulation
by Hecht (1990) and Sadowshi et al. (1993). Drawback of direct coupling is that the circuit equations are to be so formulated
that the sparse matrix solution technique still works when the
circuit models are added in parallel with the FE model, which
limits the freedom with circuit modelling. Vaananen (1996) proposed a method for coupling FE models with circuit equations
based on indirect coupling. In this method, FE model is handled as a circuit theoretical multi-port element which is treated
in same way as ordinary non-linear circuit elements within the
Newton-Raphson (N-R) iteration of the circuit equations.
Fixed parameter models give good insight into the operation of
the system as a whole, but are not accurate enough for design
optimisation. FE models give an exact representation of the magnetic eld inside the machine, enabling iron saturation and skin
eect to be accounted with great accuracy. However, they are
expensive to time step at the rate demanded by the fast transients caused by the converter (Preston et al., 1991). Williamson
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and Volschenk (1995) proposed a hybrid technique which used a
circuit model and a FE model for representation of the generator
feeding rectier load. The circuit model was time stepped until changes in ux linkage indicated that the parameters needed
updation. Using the known orientation of rotor and the known
set of currents, the eld model was run and the circuit model
parameters were updated. In this way, expensive eld solutions
were carried out only when needed, rather than at a frequency
dictated by the fast acting transients generated by the converter.
This method is suitable for analysis of machines in which currents ow in well dened paths, for e.g., conductors of a winding
and bars of a damper cage. But, the method poses restriction to
accommodate eddy currents induced in massive iron structures
such as solid rotors in certain alternators.
Fu and Ho (2010) presented a general formulation of 2D FEM for
computation of magnetic eld and electric circuit coupled problems. The authors extended the concept of windings to include
group of solid conductors and all excitations including stranded
windings and solid conductors were regarded as special cases of
the basic winding.


Excitation Systems in Alternators

Excitation system in brushless alternators has an important

role on machine dynamic performance, ensuring the quality of
generated voltage. More precisely, in brushless alternators, it
is the role of the excitation system to keep voltage regulation
within a specied tolerance band over the entire operating range.
Hence, all modern machines are equipped with a well designed
excitation system with automatic voltage control equipment as
shown in Figure 2.1 which serves to maintain a constant terminal
voltage under all load conditions.

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Chapter 2

Fig. 2.1: Schematic of brushless excitation systems (Source: Operation manual, BHEL EML, Kasaragod )


Brushless Excitation Systems

The brushes and slip ring assembly for feeding power to the
rotating eld of conventional synchronous generators results in
spark at the brushes, increased losses and frequent maintenance.
To overcome these disadvantages, the concept of brushless alternators was introduced in 1980s. Since then, there was a continuous up-gradation of the technology and today, all modern
brushless alternators are designed to be self generating and self
regulating, for maintaining the quality of power generated. To
meet this requirement, dierent congurations of the excitation
system are presently available.
Shibata et al. (1983) introduced the concept of a brushless, selfexcited 3-phase synchronous generator. Subsequently, Shibata
et al. (1990) developed brushless and exciter-less, single-phase
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and 3-phase synchronous generators. In the 3-phase generator,
the stator armature winding was connected electrically with the
secondary winding of a transformer and the rotor was provided
with a bridge type eld winding. In the single-phase generator,
armature winding was electrically connected with the excitation
power-supplied winding through a capacitor and the rotor was
provided with a balanced 2-phase eld winding. In these generators, AC excitation current ows in the armature winding simultaneously with the load current and thus, the generator was
made brushless and exciter-less.
Inoue et al. (1992) proposed a brushless self-exciting 3-phase synchronous generator which comprised 3-phase armature windings
on the stator, one eld winding, one exciting winding on the rotor
with ve times as many poles as that of the armature winding
and a 3-phase reactor connected to the terminal of the armature
windings. By utilising the 5th space harmonic component of armature EMF, small voltage regulation for various loads and no
oscillatory tension occurring at the rotor shaft were realised. The
basic constitution, principle of operations, and exciting characteristics were also described.
A new variable speed synchronous generator system was proposed by Nonaka and Kawaguchi (1992) which consisted of a
brushless self-excited synchronous machine and a voltage source
pulse width modulated (PWM) frequency changer. In this generator, the eld current was obtained by superimposing another
eld on the stator rotating eld, which was achieved by control
of the PWM converter so that AC voltages are induced and half
rectied in the rotor eld windings. This generator did not require an exciter or additional exciting equipment and in order to
superimpose the additional eld on the stator eld, two modulation schemes of the PWM converter of the frequency changer
were provided.
Nonaka and Kesamaru (1994) described a new brushless genera32

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tor without a rotating exciter, and having a stator with two independent windings designed for dierent pole numbers, the rst
being single-phase load winding and the second, exciter DC winding. This generator had the advantage of presenting an almost
constant output voltage for large load variations and dierent
More recently, Chan and Lai (2001) analysed the steady state behaviour of a single-phase self excited generator where the equations were derived using the symmetrical component method.
Detailed discussions of excitation control systems for brushless
synchronous generators were presented by Godhwani and Basler
(1996) and Erceg et al. (1999). Erceg proposed digitally controlled excitation systems for the synchronous brushless generators. The control system had two feedback loops: one based on
generators voltage and the other based on excitation current of
the exciter. Besides basic function of a voltage controller, the
digital system had more control functions like limits of minimal
and maximal exciter current, compensation of the voltage, voltage/frequency characteristic, and possibility of communicating
with higher system levels. Dierent methods for control of eld
excitation for better voltage regulation in generators were proposed by Rabelo et al. (2004) and Boldea (2005).
Brown and Haydock (2003) presented a new brushless synchronous
alternator which combined permanent magnet and wound coil
excitations to provide a single stage brushless alternator. The
design procedure followed was based on lumped parameter magnetic circuit model. Singh et al. (2012) proposed a synchronous
generator with asynchronous excitation and uncontrolled rectier bridge. The terminal voltage of the machine was regulated
through the eld current. The methodology for modelling the
machine neglected harmonics due to saliency as well as rotor eld
winding resistance and assumed the rotor speed to be constant.
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Chapter 2

Brushless Exciter Modelling

Complete study of dynamic transient performance of brushless alternators needs development of a total gen-set system model
for which modelling the exciter machine is essential. Conventional models of brushless exciters employ transfer functions, the
parameters of which usually decided by test, and the use of such
models is limited to small disturbances. Kabir and Shuttleworth
(1994) proposed a brushless exciter model which uses d-q parameters rather than a transfer function. The model was based on
steady state phasor diagrams, by the two-axis approach.
Darabi and Tindall (2002) reported on a methodology for prediction of self and mutual inductances of a brushless exciter of
gen-set alternator for dierent rotor angle positions, by using
FEM. A real time model for the exciter, the load and the diode
bridge mounted on the rotor was proposed which was analysed
for parameter identication using a FE package. Subsequently,
Darabi et al. (2004) presented the model of a small brushless
generating set linking the nite element and time stepping circuit model of the main alternator as well as load, the real time
model of the analog AVR and a model based on the self and
mutual inductances of the exciter machine along with the diode
bridge rectier. The complete model was used to study the transient and steady state performance of the whole generating set
under dierent load conditions including synchronous operation
in parallel with the mains. But, the composite model had the
limitation that the diesel engine dynamics was not included for
complete gen-set investigation.
Recently, Grio et al. (2013) proposed the design methodology
and characterisation of a 3-phase brushless exciter for air-craft
generator. The authors evaluated a 3-phase AC main exciter
for a wound eld synchronous starter generator for air-crafts,
capable of operating in both starting and generating modes. The

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output capabilities of the machine were predicted in all operating
conditions using 3D nite element model together with lumped
parameter circuit approach.


Virtual Prototyping and Parameter Prediction of Electrical Machines

Electrical machines and devices experience transient electromagnetic disturbances during operation either in a stand-alone
mode or in conjunction with a system or network to which other
electrical apparatus are connected. Some of the more common
disturbances are switching transients, system faults, lightning
surges, and electromagnetic interference in communication lines.
Such occurrences result in over-voltages, which impair the dielectric strength of the insulation, or current surges which causes
overheating and high mechanical stress in structural members,
thus aecting the performance and reliability of electrical machines. The severity of the disturbance is further enhanced by
saturation of iron parts and ow of induced currents in conducting media. To achieve design integrity and assure reliability of
operation, it is essential to evaluate the impact of these transient eects on machine performance at the design stage. As a
necessary rst step, the designer has to determine the magnetic
eld distribution accurately and in detail enabling performance
prediction of machines.
The performance analysis of synchronous generators employs steady
state two axis (d-q) model, transient two axis model or nite element model. When harmonic eects are neglected and linear
passive loads are considered, the steady state performance of the
machine can be computed using two axis model. Saturation effects may be taken into consideration using appropriate values of
synchronous reactances.
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Chapter 2
Conventionally, eld computation in rotating electrical machines
under steady state and transient conditions are carried out by
closed form and analog methods for simplied machine representation (Chari et al., 1982). Numerical methods for solving
transient eld problems have become popular these days and
techniques based on time-step integration procedures using either
explicit or implicit solution algorithms or a combination of the
two (Hughes and Liu, 1978) have been developed. In these methods, the solution to the eld problem is expressed as a product of
functions in space and time. The function in space is determined
using an established nite element (Silvester and Chari, 1970)
or nite dierence technique (Fuchs and Erdelyi, 1973) and the
function in time is evaluated by a time stepping procedure (Myers, 1971). Other methods applied to the solution of transient
electromagnetic eld problems are the state-space technique as
reported by Demerdash and Lau (1976) which uses a nite dierence model, the model analysis technique described by Konrad
et al. (1976) and the Fourier transform technique discussed by
Lawrenson and Miller (1978).
Owing to rapid advances in computational magnetics, FEM has
become a popular and powerful tool for performance analysis
of electrical machines. FEM is useful for dealing with irregular
geometries, complex material properties, local saturation, harmonic eects and circuit non-linearities. Nonaka et al. (1991)
presented the magnetic eld analysis of brushless 4-pole, 3-phase
synchronous generator in which the rotor of the generator consisted of short circuited eld coils with diodes. The characteristics of this generator were analysed using nite element method.
Zhou Ji et al. (2000) presented a method for determination of
power angle curves of synchronous machines including saturation
and cross magnetizing eect, by FEM. The authors compared
two methods where in the rst, the saturated power angle curve
was determined directly by FEM and in the second method the
saturated reactances were calculated by FEM and subsequently

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the saturated power angle curves determined indirectly based on
Among dierent machine parameters, iron loss is an important
parameter directly aecting the eciency and temperature rise
of the machine. Hence iron loss prediction is an important issue in the machine design process. Due to complexities in the
machine structure, ux distribution and variation of ux under
rotor movement, prediction of iron losses in rotating electrical
machines is cumbersome. Ma et al. (2003) investigated on the
prediction of iron losses in the core of rotating machines, by FEM.
By this method, accurate prediction of iron losses was possible by
considering the inuence of ux vector rotations and ux density
harmonics. Later, Nakahara et al. (2004) extended this method
by computing the additional losses in metal portions other than
the steel laminations.
Petkovska et al. (2008) presented a methodology for FEM coupling for transient performance analysis of a salient pole synchronous generator. The methodology focused on time-stepped
simulation of transients during 3-phase bolted short circuit at
the generator terminals. The analysis was based on the combined solution of magnetic eld equations and circuit equations
of windings. Ranlof et al. (2010) presented a permeance model
that was employed to estimate the no load damper current loss
and voltage waveform harmonics in large turbo-generators. The
computed harmonics were compared with the time-stepped FE
calculations and inuence of pole to pole damper bar connections
and number of damper bars, on the voltage waveform was also
Merkhouf et al. (2012) conducted a study on loss calculation
by simulation of core loss models including nite element model,
to predict the magnetic core losses in hydro-electric machines.
Petrinic et al. (2012) reported on a methodology based on FEM
for determination of synchronous generator load condition paSchool of Engineering, CUSAT


Chapter 2
rameters, awareness of which gives insight into the possible operational problems and helps prevention during design stage itself.
Calvano et al., (2013) introduced a technique based on integral
formulation of non-linear magneto-static model for investigations
on the inuence of end eects on ux linkages of a large turbine


Modelling Methods for Virtual Prototyping of alternators

Dierent analytic methods are available for modelling magnetic eld problems to obtain closed form solutions (Mukhopadhyay, 2007). Some of these analytic solutions are obtained assuming certain situations, thereby making the solutions applicable to idealised situations. Analytic solutions have an inherent
advantage of being exact and they make it possible to observe
behaviour of the solution when there is variation in problem parameters. However, analytic methods have the limitation that
solutions are available only for problems with simple congurations. This poses diculty in the electro-magnetic analysis of
rotating electrical machines as the geometry is very complex and
the magnetic materials used are non-linear. In general, analytic
models of rotating electrical machines support fast simulation but
at the cost of limited accuracy and exibility.
When the complexities of analytic formula became intractable,
non-analytic graphical, experimental and analog methods are
used for solution of the eld problem. Application of graphical
methods is a cumbersome and tedious process and is limited to
linear problems with constant material characteristics. Owing to
the eect of temperature and humidity variations and their eect
on measurements, the experimental and analog methods can not
be relied upon for accurate and consistent results. Hence all these

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methods are applicable only for limited cases where the geometry
of the problem domain is simple and the material characteristics
are linear.
The practical eld problems in rotating electrical machines involve complicated domains with regard to geometry, material
constitution, loads and non-linearities which forbid the use of analytic solutions and the only alternative is to nd solution using
numerical methods.


Lumped Parameter Models

In lumped parameter models, the inherently distributed nature of the electro-magnetic interaction inside the generator is
lumped into a fairly limited set of equations. The eld variables
in the problem domain are computed by solving these equations.
Permeance Model
The rotating eld method determines air gap ux density in
an electrical machine and the same is calculated as product of
MMF and a permeance function. A calculation scheme that uses
this approach to derive the air gap ux density is referred to as
a permeance model (Knight et al., 2002; Ranlof et al., 2010).
The permeance model uses Amperes law to solve for magnetic
uxes and magnetic elds. Simplifying assumptions must be
made, and hence this method cannot always give accurate results. For very simple problems, its results are often reasonably
accurate, but for electrical machine analysis, the geometry being
complex, the results are unreliable.
The permeance model when applied for electrical machine analysis, has several limitations as given below:
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