Energies 14 01132 v3
Energies 14 01132 v3
Energies 14 01132 v3
Procedure for Detection of Stator Inter-Turn Short Circuit in AC
Machines Measuring the External Magnetic Field †
Remus Pusca 1, *, Raphael Romary 1 , Ezzeddine Touti 2,3 , Petru Livinti 4 , Ilie Nuca 5 and Adrian Ceban 1
Abstract: This paper presents a non-invasive procedure to detect inter-turn short circuit faults in the
stator windings of AC electrical machines. It proposes the use of the stray external magnetic field
measured in the vicinity of the machine to determine stator faults. The originality introduced by this
procedure is the analysis method presented in the paper, which when compared to usual diagnosis
methods, does not require any data on the healthy state of the machine. The procedure uses the
Citation: Pusca, R.; Romary, R.;
magnetic unbalance created by the rotor poles and the load variation in faulty cases. The presented
Touti, E.; Livinti, P.; Nuca, I.; Ceban, method can be applied to induction and synchronous machines used as a motor or generator. It is
A. Procedure for Detection of Stator based on the variation of sensitive spectral lines obtained from the external magnetic field when the
Inter-Turn Short Circuit in AC load changes. Analytical relationships are developed in the paper to justify the proposed method
Machines Measuring the External and to explain the physical phenomenon. To illustrate these theoretical considerations, practical
Magnetic Field . Energies 2021, 14, experiments are also presented.
1132. https://doi.org/10.3390/
en14041132 Keywords: AC machines; magnetic field; non-invasive fault diagnosis; spectral analysis
an expertise level even more advanced than the method hereto described, making it dif-
ficult to ensure real democratization of those techniques. Therefore, monitoring systems
are applied only to systems that require high operational safety (for example, in power
generation plants). A reliable diagnosis technique which can detect a failure and avoid
total damage of motors or generators with a simple and non-invasive monitoring system
is of great importance. For this reason, the technology in this field is still in permanent
evolution to develop advanced methods [11–16].
In the 1970s, a new technique using the analysis of external magnetic field was devel-
oped by Penman [17]. It is a non-invasive technique and easy to implement. The drawback
of the latter is the modeling of the magnetic field which depends on the motor housings
with an important shielding effect or on the stator yoke. The determination of the external
magnetic field requires the modeling of the internal sources and the ferromagnetic influence
and the machine conducting materials. The computation of such a problem can be made
using finite element software. However, the accurate modeling requires a large computa-
tional effort [18,19], especially when 3D modeling is performed. Another approach consists
of adapting analytical solutions existing for simple geometries [20] but these methods,
based on simplified geometry and under particular hypotheses, can be hardly exploited
for electrical machines. In [21], a method based on the definition of attenuation coefficients
can be easily combined with an analytical model of the machine.
Fault detection methods using the external magnetic field analysis are based on the
property that any fault changes the magnetic field in the near vicinity of the machine.
Difficulties for modeling and in the interpretation of this variable lead to exploit only
qualitative features of the spectrum, like the appearance of sensitive spectral lines [22].
More usually, studies on the exploitation of the external magnetic field for fault detection
are generally limited to model internal consequences of the fault such as: changes in the
m.m.f. distribution [23], interaction with the slotting effect [24], magnetic of electrical
unbalance [25]. Other researchers prove that the axial field can provide additional informa-
tion [26–28]. In [29], it is shown that the analysis of the stray flux after supply disconnection
can be useful for diagnosis. Advanced exploitation has been developed to provide deeper
information: In [30], a sophisticated inverse problem is used for fault detection. In [31], it is
shown that the external magnetic field can give information concerning the location of the
fault. To improve the diagnostic process, the use of two flux sensors is proposed in [32].
Furthermore, all the diagnosis methods usually require the knowledge of the healthy state
of the machine regardless of the physical variable considered. The fault detection is then
based on the comparison of the signature for a given state with that of the presumed
healthy state by considering an indicator determined from a measurement that is known to
be sensitive to a fault. On the other hand, the machine load can be a disturbing factor for
diagnosis, because it induces several healthy states. A further difficulty lies in the fact that
the healthy state is practically never known until the failure occurs because the user never
records the healthy signature beforehand.
This paper proposes a new solution that exploits the information of the external
magnetic field measured around the machine. Generally, the load is a disturbing factor
for diagnosis methods. However, in the proposed solution, the load variation is used
to improve the diagnosis with the advantage that it does not require the knowledge of
the machine’s healthy state. The detection of a stator fault is based on a comparison
between no-load and load operating conditions. Initially, the analytical modeling of the
stray flux analysis in the presence of the stator inter-turn short circuit is proposed. Then, the
experimental validation for an induction machine (IM) working in a motor and generator
case and a wound smooth rotor synchronous generator are presented. The reliability of
the method has been tested in a self-excited induction generator (SEIG) which makes it
possible to test an unbalanced load case with large frequency slip. The experimental safety
measures that have to be taken to ensure the reliable diagnosis are also presented.
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 22
Energies 2021, 14, 1132 3 of 22
2.1. Air-Gap
Air-Gap Permeance
To determinethe
determine theexpression
expressionofofthe air-gap
the air-gappermeance,
permeance, a specific model
a specific is considered
model as
is considered
presented by Figure 1. In this model defined in [33], the slot shape is considered
as presented by Figure 1. In this model defined in [33], the slot shape is considered rectangular
and the fieldand
rectangular linesthe
crossing the air-gap
field lines crossingaretheradial.
air-gap are radial.
Figure Geometricalparameters
Inthis model,Λ
thismodel, kskr is aa permeance
kskr is permeance coefficient
coefficient that
that depends
depends on the slot geometry:
(ks rsdsπrd)sin d )
s r
4 A sinsin(k
sr ) sin(k r r)
(kr rrd π
Λkskr kskr= 4µ A 0 sr
, , (1)
s s 2k2k
r r
where 0 4107 is−7the permeability of the vacuum approximately equal to that of air:
where µ0 = 4π10 is the permeability of the vacuum approximately equal to that of
rds slsd =
air:r / (llses/l(sd l)s, +psls)l,se p/ 5s ,=rdrls/5, ldrl)r ./(lr + lr ).
ldr /r(lrer =
d d e d e d d e d
In(1)(1)the thecomponent,
component,AA srsr is defined as:
In is defined as:
eM e
AsrA sr= 4p4p
s rp eM2 + se r
s r
p 2 seer e e, , (2)
π ee e eM M
where es e ps , er e pr , e e ps pr .
where es = e + ps , er = e + prM, eM = e + ps + pr .
As the
As the field
field lines
lines never
never join
join the
the bottom
bottom of of the
the slots,
slots, practically,
modeled considering fictitious slots with a depth equal to the fifth of their
modeled considering fictitious slots with a depth equal to the fifth of their opening. With opening. With
that assumption,λcan
thatassumption, can bebedefined
where Ashs is a function which depends on the winding coefficient corresponding to the
rank hs defined by: hs = 6k + 1, where k varies between −∞ to +∞.
(1 + krN r (1 − g))ωt
b= ∑ b̂hs kskr cos
− p(h + ksN s + krN r ) as + krN r pθ0
s , (6)
hs ,ks,kr
b̂hs kskr = I0s Ashs Λkskr . (7)
After regrouping the components of the same frequency and same polarity, it comes:
b= ∑ bK,H , (8)
where bK,H is an elementary component of K frequency rank, and H pole pair number
defined as:
bK,H = b̂K,H cos (Kωt − Hαs − ϕK,H ), (9)
K = 1 + krN r (1 − s)
. (10)
H = p(hs + ksN s + krN r )
The frequency rank K only depends on the rotor rank permeance kr. kr = 0 leads to
define the fundamental (K = 1), kr = ±1 leads to the first slotting harmonics.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Geometrical parameters
parameters of
of machine
machine used
used in
in the
the analytical
analytical model.
In the analytical model used to determine the flux density, only the normal
In of the traverse field tois determine
considered. theIt flux
takes into consideration thecomponent
In the
analytical model
modelused used to determine density,
the flux only the normal
density, only the normal
of the C
traverseH related to the stator yoke that influences the magnitude of bK,H component.
field is considered. It takes into consideration the attenuation coefficient
component of the traverse field is considered. It takes into consideration the attenuation
CIt depends on the magnetic permeability μr influenced by the bK,Hstator lamination, H pole
H related to
coefficient CHthe stator
related toyoke that
the stator influences
yoke thatthe magnitude
influences theof magnitude component. It depends
of bK,H component.
s s
on thenumber, on and
depends the geometrical
the magnetic parameters
µr influenced
permeability inner
the statorRintby andthe outer
lamination, statorHRlamination,
ext and
pair number, can
H pole
and the geometrical s s
parameters inner Rint and outer Rsext radius and scan be defined as
be defined
pair number, asand
the [35]:
geometrical parameters inner Rint and outer Rext radius and can
follows [35]:
be defined as follows [35]:C H 2 2 .
CH =
s /Rint
s s H 1
s H
s | H |− 1 . (11)(11)
µr ( Rint ( R s / R−| H )|− 1 (
−2 ( RintR
s /R / R
int s ext ) 1
ext ) ext )
CH .
rH (pole s H 1 H 1 (11)
( Rint
s s
Rint / Rext )
The evolutionofofCCHHversus
versus H pole pair number
pair number with/RRR
with s )
s ext
int =
int 71.6 mm, Rextsext 121
, R s
= 121 and
mm mm
μr =µr = 1000
1000 is presented
is presented in inFigure
Figure3.3.One Onecan cannotice
notice that that value of the attenuation
The evolution of CH versus H pole pair number with Rints the 71.6 value
mm ,ofRextthe
s attenuation
121 mm and
increaseofofH. H.
μr = 1000 is presented in Figure 3. One can notice that the value of the attenuation
coefficient decreases with the increase of H.
Attenuation coefficient CH
Attenuation coefficient CH
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 H 4 5 6 7
Figure Attenuationcoefficient
evolutionCCH versus pole pair number H.
H versus pole pair number H.
allowing to consider in the model C H bˆthe
only K , H cos ( Kt H s Supposing
CH coefficient. K,H ) . the sensor placed(12)
radius x = Rext , the normal traverse flux density bx is defined as:
s K , H
Let us introduce bKxx the harmonic of K rank of bx at the given point M’ in the closed
b = ∑ CH b̂K,H cos (Kωt − Hαs − ϕK,H ). (12)
, 0s ), corresponding to the center of the wound flux
sK,H s
vicinity of the stator (x = Rext
Let b
sensor. us can be defined
K introduce harmonic of K rank of bx at the given point M’ in the closed
bKx theby:
vicinity of the stator (x = Rext , αs = αx 0s ), corresponding
s to the center of the wound flux
bK bˆK cos ( K t Kx ) .
sensor. bKx can be defined by: (13)
b̂K can be computed by introducing complex quantities:
bKx = b̂Kx cos (Kω t − ϕKx ). (13)
j ( H 0s K , H )
bˆK C H bK , H e ˆ
b̂Kx can be computed by introducing complex quantities:
. (14)
At given 0s , the resulting ∑density
b̂Kx =flux e− j( Hα0 + ϕK,Hat) Kω
CH b̂K,Hharmonics . angular frequency is com-
posed of several elementary components of different polarity H.
At given α0s , the resulting flux density harmonics at Kω angular frequency is composed
3. Analytical Approach
of several elementary for Faulty of
components Machine
different polarity H.
3.1. Structure of the Faulty Machine
3. Analytical
In orderApproach
to determine for Faulty Machineof the faulty turns in the change of the flux
the influence
3.1. Structure
density, of theconsidering
a model Faulty Machine
a three-phase stator winding was developed. In this model,
In order tothat
it is supposed determine
“y” turns thefrominfluence
the n’ ofs turns
the faulty
of anturns in the change
elementary sectionofbelonging
the flux density,
to the
model considering
q are a three-phase
short-circuited and thatstator winding
y is small was developed.
compared with pns, the In this
number it is
supposed that “y” turns from the n’ s turns of an elementary section belonging to the phase
turns per phase. Therefore, it can be assumed that the current remains unchanged and has
qtheare short-circuited
same values in each and phase thatin y the
is small
faultycompared with pns , the
case. This hypothesis cantotal number
therefore of turns
per phase. Therefore, it can be assumed that the current remains
the short circuit thanks to a model that preserves the original structure of the machine. unchanged and has the
This model assumes that the stator winding in presence of the fault is equivalent to the
values in each phase in the faulty case. This hypothesis can therefore characterize the
healthy circuit thanks
winding, to a model
associated to that
“y” preserves
independent the turns
original structure
in which theof the machine.
short-circuit This
model assumes
circulates. It willthatbethe stator winding
assumed that these in presence of thehave
two circuits fault independent
is equivalent to the healthy
running. The
winding, associated to “y” independent turns in which the
healthy part of the winding generates therefore the same flux density components without short-circuit current circulates.
It will be assumed that these two circuits have independent running. The healthy part of
the winding
The model generates therefore
of a faulty the same
winding flux density
is presented incomponents
Figure 4 where without the fault.
whole phase
The model of a faulty winding is presented
winding is composed of an elementary healthy section and one with short in Figure 4 where the whole phase winding
circuit turns.
For both structures, it is assumed that the magnetic reaction of the rotor is such thatboth
composed of an elementary healthy section and one with short circuit turns. For only
the fundamental of the stator currents for a running at no load will be consideredthe
it is assumed that the magnetic reaction of the rotor is such that only to
fundamental of the stator currents for a running at no load will be considered to characterize
characterize the air-gap flux density. This way, the resulting air-gap flux density b * is equal
the air-gap flux density. This way, the resulting air-gap flux density b* is equal to the initial
to the initial one, b, to which the flux density bsc generated by the “y” turns flowing
one, b, to which the flux sdensity bsc generated by the “y” turns flowing through by the
throughisby: the
current b ∗ = current
b + b sc
: b* b bsc is added.
s s
iqsc iqsc
iqs iqs
= +
iqs iqscs ns turns y s.c.turns
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Proposed model
model for
for aa faulty
faulty winding.
The short
short circuit
circuit current
current is
is defined
defined as as follows:
qsc I
s s Is 2 cos(t ) .
isqsc i= sc sc2 cos(ωt − ϕsc
sc ). (15)
ϕsc is the phase lag between the short circuit current and the phase 1 current as shown
in Figure 5. This phase actually depends on several parameters such as the impedance
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 22
is thethe
phase short
lag circuit
between current, thecircuit
the short shortcurrent
circuit and
winding, and1the
the phase position
current of the
as shown
Figure 5. This air-gap
phaseflux density
actually relativeon
depends to several
the phase q current such
parameters (depending
as the on the load).
that limits the
that limits the short
short circuit current, the short circuit winding, and the positionofofthe
circuit current, the short circuit winding, and the position the
fundamental i
iqscs i1 s
Figure 5. Current diagram in faulty case.
Figure 5. Current
3.2. Faulty Turns diagram
m.m.f ininfaulty
faulty case.
Figure 5. Current diagram case.
3.2. Faulty Turns m.m.f
The magnetomotive force qscs
generated by the “y” short circuit turns, shifted of
3.2. FaultyThe Turns m.m.f
magnetomotive force ε s generated by the “y” short circuit turns, shifted of αsq
qs from ds, is shown on Figuresqsc 6 in the case of a 4 poles machine. It also shows the m.m.f
from Theds,magnetomotive force6 in
is shown on Figure the case of a 4 poles machine. It also shows the m.m.f
qsc generated by the “y” short circuit turns, shifted of
generated byby
elementary winding.
isunidirectional m.m.f
an unidirectional and and
m.m.f can
be from ds, is shown
q decomposed in on Figure
rotating 6
fields in the
that case
ina 4 poles
opposite machine. It also
directions. In ashows
stator the m.m.f
can be decomposed in rotating fields that rotate in opposite directions. In a stator
s s can be written as follows:
εqelqsc generateds by the healthy elementary winding. qsc is an unidirectional m.m.f and
referential, can be written as follows:
can be decomposed in rotating fields that rotate in opposite directions. In a stator
εsqsc = sIsc
I sc
sA 0 h cos (ω(tt −
A'hs cos
s − hϕ) h. ).
hhα (16)
referential, qsc can be written as follows:
s qsc
h (16)
I sc
A'hs cos ( t h s h ) . (16)
i q
s 2
is s 0 s
ns sq iq
2 2
0 s
i s
n iqsc
s qs
y 2 2
4 (a)
0 s s
is qsc
s qsc
y 4 qs 2
4 (b)
0 s
qs by the faulty turns.
4 6. m.m.f generated
A0shs is a function that can be determined from the Fourier series of εssqsc and h is a
Figure A'm.m.f
non-null is agenerated
h relative function
integer, that
by the can
which becan
faulty determined
turns. from the Fourier
take consequently series of
all the values of hsqsc and φ
. Here, h isisa
non-nullas: φh = hα
relative s
q + φscwhich
integer, . can take consequently all the values of hs. Here, h is
'hs as:
defined bissca =
h λε
s s, the
function that .can be determined
q sccalculus
hqsc developments fromleadthe toFourier
this of qsc
quantity and h isref-
in the a
erence frame related
non-null relative integer, to which can take consequently all the values of h . Here, is
d . A grouping of parameters with same polaritys and same
As bsc
frequency qsc
, the calculus developments lead to define this quantity inh the
defined as: h hq sc . s
sc ∑ A 0 h cos
s s
reference frame related toε qsc d s. =
A Igrouping ω t − hαs − ϕ
of(parameters h ), same polarity and same
with (17)
frequencyb s
sc provides:
qsc , the calculus developments
h lead to define this quantity in the
reference frame related bsc =to ∑ ds. Ab̂scK
scI sc
sc ,H
cos parameters
('hsKcos ( −
sc ωt hscsαswith
t H − same polarity and same
h ) ϕsc,Ksc ,Hsc ), (18)
frequency provides: Ksc ,Hsc h ,
with: qsc
I sc
A'hs cos0 (r t h s h ) (17)
K = h1 + kr N (1 − s)
bsc bˆsc sc
K sc , H sc cos 0( Kssct 0 H sc s, . sc, K sc , H sc ) (18)
K sc , H scHsc = h + p(ks N + kr N r )
where ks0
and kr0
permeance bsc rank
K sc , H sc
( K sc
rotort and
H sc s
stator which
sc , K sc , vary
H sc
) from −∞ to(18)
+ ∞,
equivalent to ks and krKdefined
sc , H sc in (10). bsc,Ksc calculated at the point M’ is, the harmonic of
K rank, of magnitude b̂sc,K : K sc 1 kr ' N r (1 s)
with: sc . (19)
H sc h p(ks' N s kr ' N r )
' N r ((1Kscs)ω t − ϕsc,K
bsc,Ksc K= sc,K
sc b̂ 1x sckrcos x
), (20)
. sc (19)
H sc h p(ks' N kr ' N )
s r
− j( Hα0s + ϕsc,Ksc, Hsc )
b̂sc,Ksc = ∑ CH b̂sc,Ksc ,Hsc e
. (21)
Energies 2021, 14, 1132 8 of 22
By comparing the values of the frequency rank Ksc given by (18), which appears in the
case of short circuit with frequency value taken by K in healthy case defined by (10), we can
notice that, there is no bring new frequency in the signal spectrum. Therefore, to detect the
failure, the classic diagnosis method which analyzes the increase (or decrease) of already
existing lines needs to know the amplitude value in the healthy case as a reference, thus
limiting their practice application. Concerning the polarities H and Hsc , one can observe
that Hsc can take all positive and negative integers whereas H is a multiple of p. Hsc can
especially be equal to ±1 corresponding to components that are weakly attenuated by the
stator iron. In the following, the properties relating to the dissymmetry generated by such
components will be exploited.
In Tables 1 and 2, it can be observed that the highest components in the external
magnetic field are mainly issued from air-gap components of the lowest polarity. In healthy
conditions, the first slotting harmonics are obtained for:
Kr = 1, ks = −1, hs = 7 lead to K = 17, H = −2 (f = 850 Hz); kr = −2, ks = 1, hs = 7 lead
to K = −31, H = −2 (f = −1550 Hz); and kr = −1, ks = 1, hs = −5 lead to K = −15, H = 6
(f = −750 Hz).
In faulty conditions, the same harmonics are obtained for:
kr’ = 1, ks’ = −1, h = 15 lead to Ksc = 17, Hsc = −1 (f = 850 Hz); kr’ = −1, ks’ = 1, h = −15
lead to Ksc = −15, Hsc = 1 (f = −750 Hz),
and kr’ = −2, ks’ = 1, h = 17 lead to Ksc = −31, Hsc = 1 (f = −1550 Hz) with frequencies
given for s = 0.
In the following, one will consider the harmonics of rank K = Ksc = 17 (f = 850 Hz)
because it is generated by components of the lowest polarity in healthy and faulty con-
ditions (H = −2, Hsc = −1). These components are highlighted in grey in Tables 1 and 2
and they will be considered as the sensitive components for the inter-turn short circuit
fault. The sensitivity has been shown in previous works [24]. It can also be noticed that
for the healthy machine, only one predominant component can be associated to one given
harmonic whereas for the faulty machine, one given harmonic is generated by several
components of different polarity and of similar magnitude. In this case, the components
with the highest magnitudes has the polarity Hsc = +1 and Hsc = −1. Moreover, these
components, weakly attenuated by the stator frame, have a magnitude similar to that of
the component related to the healthy machine as those highlighted in yellow in Table 2.
Therefore, the fault does lead to a significant change in the magnitude of the spectral line
at 850 Hz in the external magnetic field. In order to improve the detection, the analysis will
be focused on the load-induced variation of sensitive spectral lines measured at two points
in the transverse external magnetic field.
observed that the resulting magnitude has increased in Pos. 1 ( b̂*Kx1 ) and has decreased in
Energies 2021, 14, 1132 Pos. 2 ( b̂*Kx2 ). The theoretical approach neglects the phase variation, which10leads
of 22 to a par-
tial justification of the physical phenomenon.
bscxK1 bK* x1
x bscxK1 bK* x1
scK sc
sc x
scK sc
bscK sc bKx
b K
x2 *x2
b scK sc b K
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Phasor
7. Phasor diagram
diagram variation
variation (a)(a)
nono loaded
loaded condition
condition (b)(b) loaded
loaded condition.
Tables 3 and 4 give the magnitude of the components relative to the magnitude of
the fundamental respectively for the healthy and for the faulty synchronous machines
with 4 poles, and Ns = 18. The short circuit current rms value is three-time that of the line
current: Isc s
s = 3I0 .
Energies 2021, 14, 1132 11 of 22
The results are similar to those of induction machine. It appears that each harmonic at
given kr mainly originates from the components of lowest polarity. It also appears that the
sensitive harmonics are:
kr = 7, ks = 0, hs = −5 lead to K = 15, H = 18 (f = 750 Hz); kr = 7, ks = 0, hs = 1 lead to
K = 15, H = 30 (f = 750 Hz);
and kr = 8, ks = 0, hs = −5 lead to K = 17, H = 22 (f = 850 Hz). In faulty conditions, the
same harmonics are obtained for:
kr = 7, ks = 0, hs = −5 lead to K = 15, H = 23 (f = 750 Hz); kr = 7, ks = 0, hs = 1 lead to
K = 15, H = 29 (f = 750 Hz),
and kr = 8, ks = 0, hs = −5 lead to K = 17, H = 27 (f = 850 Hz).
In the proposed method, which is the same as in the induction machine, the harmonics
obtained for kr’ = ±7 and ±8 can be analyzed. The choice between two harmonics must be
made taking into account as practical measurements of harmonics amplitudes
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Presentation of the IM Test Bench
The tests are performed using a three-phase squirrel-cage induction machine with
4 poles, 50 Hz, 11 kW, 380/660 V, 22.3/13A, 1450 rpm, 48 stator slots, and 32 rotor bars
(Ns = 24, Nr = 16). This machine presented in Figure 8a is supplied by the grid and is
specially modified to enable inter-turn short circuits. For measurement of the external
magnetic field, the sensors are 180◦ spatially shifted around the frame of the machine
(Figure 8b). The output connections to the terminal box can short-circuit an elementary
section housed in a slot, which corresponds to 12.5% of the full phase winding for the
induction machine (Figure 8c).
The equipment above the machine makes it possible to simulate a fault by short-
circuiting the coils. The machine can operate under no-load or various loading conditions.
For the induction machine, the short circuit current is limited to 15.3 A using an external
15, H = 30 (f = 750 Hz);
and kr = 8, ks = 0, hs = −5 lead to K = 17, H = 22 (f = 850 Hz). In faulty conditions, the
same harmonics are obtained for:
kr = 7, ks = 0, hs = −5 lead to K = 15, H = 23 (f = 750 Hz); kr = 7, ks = 0, hs = 1 lead to K =
Energies 2021, 14, 1132 15, H = 29 (f = 750 Hz), 12 of 22
and kr = 8, ks = 0, h = −5 lead to K = 17, H = 27 (f = 850 Hz).
In the proposed method, which is the same as in the induction machine, the harmon-
ics obtained for kr’ = ±7and ±8 can be analyzed. The choice between two harmonics must
rheostat. Figure 8b displays locations 1 and 2 of the flux sensors required for the method.
be made taking into account as practical measurements of harmonics amplitudes
The tests consist of measuring and analyzing the magnetic field outside the machine in
order to validate the proposed diagnosis method. The measurements are performed using
4. Experimental Results
two identical manufactures wound flux sensors, placed against the machine. It has been
4.1. Presentation
checked that theofwirethe IM Test Bench
current from the machine to the terminal block does not disturb the
The tests are Asperformed
announcedusingin thea previous
three-phasesection, the position
squirrel-cage of sensors
induction mustwith
machine be on 4
the one
poles, 50hand
Hz, 11 α1s kW,
= 0 380/660
(Pos. 1)V,and, on the 1450
22.3/13A, otherrpm,
hand,48as accurately
stator as possible
slots, and 32 rotor in α2s (N
bars = sπ=
24, Nrthe input
= 16). This(Pos. 2) so that
machine the measurements
presented in Figure 8acould be interpreted
is supplied in the
by the grid andcontext of the
is specially
proposed to
modified method.
enableFor both measurements,
inter-turn short circuits.theFor
sensor signal measured
measurement of theby the PULSE
external in the
input Signal 1 and Signal 2 is placed in the middle of the machine to reduce
field, the sensors are 180° spatially shifted around the frame of the machine (Figure 8b). the influence
of end
The windings.
output connectionsTeststohave been performed
the terminal on the two induction
box can short-circuit an elementarymachines
sectionfor three
operating conditions (motor, generator connected to the power system,
in a slot, which corresponds to 12.5% of the full phase winding for the induction machine and self-excited
(Figure 8c).generator).
4.2. Induction
Induction Machine
Machine in
in Motor
Motor Case
The equipment above the machine makes it possible to simulate a fault by short-cir-
Thethetime variation
time The machine
variation of
of the electromotive
the can operate under
electromotive force (emf)
(emf) and
forceno-load the
the spectrum
or various
and loadingof
spectrum the signal
the signal
For by
by the
the inductionthe sensor
sensor in
machine,in the
the case
the of
of the
short the healthy
circuit induction
currentinduction machine,
to 15.3measured
is limited measured
A using an in the
the near
in external
vicinity of the
the machine
machine are
are shown
shown in
in Figure
Figure 9a
9a where
where the
the magnitudes
rheostat. Figure 8b displays locations 1 and 2 of the flux sensors required for the method. are
are presented
presented in
in dB.
The first
The first tooth
consist harmonics
of measuring at 750 and
at 750 and 850 850 Hz can
Hz can the
analyzing be clearly
be clearly
magnetic observed
observed in
in Figure
field outside Figure 9b.
the The studyThe
order is validate
is focused
to focused on proposed
on the the
line the lineHz,
at 850 atdiagnosis
850 Hz,
where where
the the
method. theoretical
The analysis analysis
measurements aare shows
polarity a polarity
performed than
two ofthan
the that
that identical line of the
at 750 line
manufacturesHz. at 750isHz.
wound Thissensors,
flux is by
a greaterby amagnitude
placed greaterthe
against magnitude
of ofItat
the line
machine. the
has line
850 at
850 Hz, athat
a property
checked property
measuredis measured
current experimentally.
from the machine to the terminal block does not disturb the
measurement. As announced in the previous section, the position of sensors must be on
the one hand 1s 0 (Pos. 1) and, on the other hand, as accurately as possible in 2s
with the input (Pos. 2) so that the measurements could be interpreted in the context of the
proposed method. For both measurements, the sensor signal measured by the PULSE in
the input Signal 1 and Signal 2 is placed in the middle of the machine to reduce the influ-
ence of end windings. Tests have been performed on the two induction machines for three
(a) (b)
Figure 9.
9. Signal
Signal delivered
delivered by
PULSE acquisition
acquisition system;
system; (a)
(a) emf
emf delivered
delivered by
by flux
flux coil
coil sensor,
sensor, (b)
(b) signal
signal spectrum
spectrum delivered
for the
the healthy
healthy machine.
It should
mindthat inin
that practice, thethe
practice, lineline
studied cancan
studied move withwith
move the slip, but
the slip,
will be identified
but will as the
be identified as line at 850
the line Hz.Hz.
at 850 TheThe
results obtained
results for for
obtained thisthis
machine operating
machine operatingas
a motor in healthy and short-circuit fault conditions are presented, taking into account the
variation of the spectral line at 850 Hz under the load influence. Figure 10a gives the var-
iation of the spectral line at 850 Hz on the signal delivered by the sensor in Pos. 1 and
Figure 10b by the sensors in Pos. 2.
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Signal delivered by PULSE acquisition system; (a) emf delivered by flux coil sensor, (b) signal spectrum delivered
Energies 2021, 14, 1132 for the healthy machine. 13 of 22
It should be kept in mind that in practice, the line studied can move with the slip, b
will be identified as the line at 850 Hz. The results obtained for this machine operating
as a motor in healthy
a motor and short-circuit
in healthy fault conditions
and short-circuit are presented,
fault conditions taking into
are presented, account
taking into account t
the variation ofvariation
the spectral
of the spectral line at 850 Hz under the load influence. Figure 10athe
line at 850 Hz under the load influence. Figure 10a gives gives the v
variation of the iation
spectral linespectral
of the at 850 Hzlineonatthe
Hz ondelivered
the signalbydelivered
the sensor
byin Pos.
the 1 and
sensor in Pos. 1 a
Figure 10b by the sensors
Figure 10b in
byPos. 2.
the sensors in Pos. 2.
(a) (b)
Figure 10.Figure
Harmonic components
10. Harmonic at 850 Hz under
components at 850both measurement
Hz under positions for positions
both measurement healthy motor and load
for healthy variation (a)
measurement in position 1, (b) measurement in position 2.
and load variation (a) measurement in position 1, (b) measurement in position 2.
Figure 10 showsFigure
that a10 shows that
difference a difference
appears appears
between between theof
the amplitudes amplitudes
significant lin
at 850 Hz for the healthy machine in positions 1 and 2. Actually, due
at 850 Hz for the healthy machine in positions 1 and 2. Actually, due to the real geometry to the real geome
of the machine, the elements that lead to the attenuation are not exactly the same allthe same
of the machine, the elements that lead to the attenuation are not exactly
around the machine. the machine.
However, However, as in
as aforementioned aforementioned in the analytical
the analytical development, onedevelopment,
finds o
finds the same direction of variation (positive) of this component for both positions wh
the same direction of variation (positive) of this component for both positions when the
the machine is loaded.
machine is loaded.
For the faulty machine (Figure 11), the presence of the shorted turns introduces two-
pole flux density components that will be combined with those presented for the healthy
machine. Analyzing the results presented above, it can be seen that:
• in healthy conditions, the lines at 850 Hz evolve in the same direction with the change
of the load,
• in faulty conditions, the lines at 850 Hz in position 1, compared with those in position
2 vary in opposite directions.
• the value of the short circuit current Isc can influence the evolution of the lines
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 11. Harmonic components at 850 Hz under both measurement positions for faulty motor and load variation (a)
Figure 11. Harmonic components at 850 Hz under both measurement positions for faulty motor and
short-circuit current Isc limited at 8.2 A, (b) short-circuit current limited at 15.3 A, (c) load variation for a sensor in position
1 andload variation
Isc = 15.3 (a)variation
A, (d) load short-circuit current
for a sensor Isc limited
in position at=8.2
2 and Isc 15.3A,A.(b) short-circuit current limited at 15.3 A,
(c) load variation for a sensor in position 1 and Isc = 15.3 A, (d) load variation for a sensor in position
2 and Isc = 15.3 A. Induction Machine in Generator Case
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 22
A second test of the proposed method is carried out in the case where the machine is
used as a generator connected to the grid. The results are shown in Figure 11.
For this kind of operation, the angle sc of short-circuit undergoes a phase change
of approximately compared to motor operating mode. As in the case of motor operation,
the obtained results show that for a healthy machine, the magnitudes of lines at 850 Hz
increase with the load (Figure 12a). In both measurement positions, they vary in the same
direction. For the faulty machine with the short-circuit current Isc limited to 8.2A (Figure
12b) harmonics magnitudes change the variation, its decrease in position 1 for 3.3 kW
power load and increase in position 2. Figure 12c,d gives a zoom in the evolution of flux
harmonics at frequency 850 Hz measured in Pos. 1 and Pos. 2. The experimental results
confirm that the proposed method can be applied also as an induction machine operating
as a generator.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 12. Harmonic components at 850 Hz under both measurement positions for generator operating at load variation
in healthy faultyHarmonic
and 12. components
case: (a) healthy at case,
case, (b) faulty 850 (c)
faultymeasurement positions
case for measurement for 1,generator
in position (d)
variation at load
in the faulty variation
case for in healthy
measurement and
in position 2. faulty case: (a) healthy case, (b) faulty case, (c) variation
in faulty case for measurement in position 1, (d) variation in the faulty case for measurement in
4.4. Synchronous Machine
position 2.
In order to test the efficiency of the proposed method, the following tests are per-
formed on a synchronous machine operating as a generator. This machine is a 4 poles
wound smooth rotor (cylindrical rotor) with concentric rotor windings presented in Fig-
ure 13 and the following characteristics: 10 kVA, 230/400 V, 25/15 A, 50 Hz, 54 stator slots,
(Ns = 27), Nr = 16, R sint 113.5 mm , R sext 165 mm .
(c) (d)
Energies 2021,12.
1132 components at 850 Hz under both measurement positions for generator operating at load variation15 of 22
in healthy and faulty case: (a) healthy case, (b) faulty case, (c) variation in faulty case for measurement in position 1, (d)
variation in the faulty case for measurement in position 2.
orderto to test the
efficiencyofofthethe proposed
proposed method,
method, the the following
following teststests are per-
are performed
formed on a synchronous
on a synchronous machine machine operating
operating as a generator.
as a generator. This machine
This machine is a 4wound
is a 4 poles poles
wound rotor (cylindrical rotor) with
rotor (cylindrical rotor)concentric rotor windings
with concentric presented
rotor windings in Figurein13Fig-
presented and
ure characteristics:
and the following 10 kVA, 230/400
characteristics: 10 kVA,V,230/400
25/15 A,
V, 50 Hz,A,
25/15 5450
stator slots,
Hz, 54 (Nsslots,
stator = 27),
(N Rsint
16, N r ==16,113.5
R sint mm, Rsext
113.5 mm = ,165 165 mm .
R sextmm.
Figure 14.Experimental
synchronous generator
generator modified
modified to to enable
enable inter-
turn short circuits.
short circuits.
For diagnosis, we weuse
deliveredby bytwotwoflux
which are 180°◦ spatially shifted around the frame of the machine
which are 180 spatially shifted around the frame of the machine as shown in Figure as shown in Figure 8b.
Here, the load induces a variation of the spectral line delivered by both
8b. Here, the load induces a variation of the spectral line delivered by both sensors at sensors at 750 Hz.
For Hz.
750 presented results, aresults,
For presented single turn is short-circuited
a single (0.26%) in(0.26%)
turn is short-circuited phase Ainofphase
the stator. Fig-
A of the
ure 15aFigure
stator. gives the
gives the of the line inofhealthy
variations the lineconditions
in healthyand Figure 15b,
conditions andinFigure
faulty ones.
in faulty15c,d
ones.shows the15c,d
Figure zoomshows
of harmonics
the zoom variation in the faulty
of harmonics variationcaseinfor
for in Pos.
signals 1 and Pos.
measured 2. One
in Pos. can Pos.
1 and notice2. in
Onea healthy
can notice caseinan identicalcase
a healthy evolution of the
an identical
spectral line
evolution withspectral
of the load variation.
line withInload
the faulty case, In
variation. it isthe
measured an increase
faulty case, in position
it is measured an
2 and a wave variation in position 1. This asymmetry evolution is in agreement
increase in position 2 and a wave variation in position 1. This asymmetry evolution is in with (22),
(23), and phasor
agreement diagram
with (22), presented
(23), and in Figurepresented
phasor diagram 7. For theinexperimental
Figure 7. Fortests, the synchro-
the experimental
nous the
tests, machine has been
synchronous modified,
machine haspermitting
been modified,a small short-circuit
permitting fault.
a small short-circuit fault.
For presented results, a single turn is short-circuited (0.26%) in phase A of the stator. Fig-
ure 15a gives the variations of the line in healthy conditions and Figure 15b, in faulty ones.
Figure 15c,d shows the zoom of harmonics variation in the faulty case for signals meas-
ured in Pos. 1 and Pos. 2. One can notice in a healthy case an identical evolution of the
spectral line with load variation. In the faulty case, it is measured an increase in position
Energies 2021, 14, 1132 2 and a wave variation in position 1. This asymmetry evolution is in agreement
16 of 22with (22),
(23), and phasor diagram presented in Figure 7. For the experimental tests, the synchro-
nous machine has been modified, permitting a small short-circuit fault.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
15. Harmonic components
15. Harmonic at 750 Hz under
components at 750both measurement
Hz under positions for synchronous
both measurement positions forgenerator operating at
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW
variable load: (a) healthy case, (b) faulty case, (c) faulty case in position 1, (d) faulty case in position 2. 17 of 22
generator operating at variable load: (a) healthy case, (b) faulty case, (c) faulty case in position 1,
(d) faulty case in position 2.
Self-Excited Induction
4.5. Self-Excited Induction Generator
To confirm
proposed method,
method, another
been carried
been out
out an induction machine
an induction operating
machine as a self-excited
operating induction
as a self-excited generator
induction in a balanced
generator in a and
anced load as it is load
and unbalanced indicated inindicated
as it is Figure 16.inThis machine
Figure is a machine
16. This three-phaseis asquirrel cage
squirrel generator
cage inductionwith 4 poles, 50
generator Hz,4 3poles,
with kW, 380/660
50 Hz, 3V,kW,
7.3/4.2 A, 1420
380/660 rpm, 54
V, 7.3/4.2 A,stator
slots, 54
rpm, and 36 rotor
stator slots,bars
and(Ns = 27, Nr
36 rotor bars= (Ns
18). = 27, Nr = 18).
This machine
This machine does
does not
not offer
offer the
the possibility to create
possibility to create artificial
artificial faults,
faults, but
but tests
tests with
variable frequency
variable frequencyand andthe
waswas carried
carried outout in order
in order to estimate
to estimate the
the reli-
reliability of the method in case of an unbalanced load. Actually, the aim is
ability of the method in case of an unbalanced load. Actually, the aim is to check that the to check
that the method
method providesprovides
a healthya healthy
responseresponse in unbalanced
in unbalanced operatingoperating conditions.
conditions. For IM
For IM operat-
operating as SEIG, the frequency changes with load and reactive power. If
ing as SEIG, the frequency changes with load and reactive power. If an unbalanced loadan unbalanced
load appears,
appears, the symmetry
the symmetry of theof the magnetic
magnetic field around
field around the machine
the machine will bewill be disturbed.
disturbed. How-
However, this dissymmetry should not be confused with that created by a
ever, this dissymmetry should not be confused with that created by a stator short-circuitstator short-
circuit fault.
For the tests, a resistive load star connected is used and the unbalanced case is ob-
tained by disconnecting phase A of the SEIG from the load. The reactive power is kept
constant and the flux sensors are placed 180° spatially shifted around the machine frame.
In this case, the frequency changes with the slip which is negative in generator oper-
ating condition (s < 0). Figure 17a shows the harmonic evolution for the load variation in
Figure 16. Self-excited induction generator connected to a resistive balanced and unbalanced load.
This machine does not offer the possibility to create artificial faults, but tests with
variable frequency and the unbalanced load was carried out in order to estimate the reli-
ability of the method in case of an unbalanced load. Actually, the aim is to check that the
Energies 2021, 14, 1132 method provides a healthy response in unbalanced operating conditions. For17IM of operat-
ing as SEIG, the frequency changes with load and reactive power. If an unbalanced load
appears, the symmetry of the magnetic field around the machine will be disturbed. How-
ever, this dissymmetry should not be confused with that created by a stator short-circuit
For the tests, fault.
a resistive load star connected is used and the unbalanced case is obtained
by disconnecting phase ForA the
oftests, a resistive
the SEIG fromloadthestar connected
load. is used power
The reactive and the is
unbalanced case is ob-
kept constant
tained by disconnecting
◦ phase A of the SEIG from
and the flux sensors are placed 180 spatially shifted around the machine frame.the load. The reactive power is kept
constant and the flux sensors are placed 180° spatially shifted around the machine frame.
In this case, the frequency changes with the slip which is negative in generator operat-
In this case, the frequency changes with the slip which is negative in generator oper-
ing condition (s <ating
0). Figure
condition 17a
(s <shows the17a
0). Figure harmonic
shows theevolution for the load
harmonic evolution variation
for the in in
load variation
balanced mode. Here, themode.
balanced line atHere,
564 the
(corresponding to s = −3.5%,
at 564 Hz (corresponding to s =kr = −1krand
−3.5%, = −1funda-
and funda-
mental harmonic mental
frequency 32 Hz)
harmonic evolves
frequency 32 in
Hz)the sameindirection
evolves when the
the same direction load
when theincreases.
load increases.
(a) (b)
Figure 17. Amplitude variation for SEIG harmonic components at load variation: (a) healthy machine with balanced re-
Figure 17. Amplitude variation for SEIG harmonic components at load variation: (a) healthy machine
sistive load, (b) healthy machine with unbalanced resistive load.
with balanced resistive load, (b) healthy machine with unbalanced resistive load.
In practice, the studied line moves with the slip, but here it will be identified as the
In practice, the
at 564 Hz.line
The moves with of
time variation thetheslip, but here force
electromotive it will be identified
measured by both as the and
Energies 2021, 14, at 564PEER
the time variation
spectrum of the
of the signal electromotive
delivered by sensor force measured
1 in a balanced caseby
areboth sensors
presented in Figure
18 of 22
and the spectrum18. ofWethecan
noticedelivered by curves
identical emf sensormeasured
1 in a balanced case are
by flux sensors presented
in Pos. in2. As
1 and Pos.
Figure 18. We can notice identical emf curves measured by flux sensors in Pos. 1 and Pos.
2. As in 11 kW IM, in the
11 kWanalyzed harmonics
IM, the analyzed is chosen
harmonics to take
is chosen intointo
to take account (10)
account (10)and
and the
the highest
highest measured value. measured value.
(a) (b)
Figure 18. Signals measured by the flux sensors for balanced load: (a) emf measured in position 1, (b) emf measured in
Figure 18. Signals measured by the flux sensors for balanced load: (a) emf measured in position 1,
position 2, (c) signal spectrum delivered from flux sensor in position 1.
(b) emf measured in position 2, (c) signal spectrum delivered from flux sensor in position 1.
Figure 17b shows the magnitude of the line at 617 Hz (36 Hz for the fundamental
Figure 17b shows the frequency)
harmonic magnitude in of
caseline at 617 Hzresistive
of unbalanced (36 Hz load
for the fundamental
connected at the SEIG out-
harmonic frequency) in the case of unbalanced resistive load connected at the
put. In this case (which is not a faulty case), the lines show the sameSEIG output.
variation in the two
measurement positions although the emf curves shown in Figure 19 are not identical.
Figure 18. Signals measured by the flux sensors for balanced load: (a) emf measured in position 1, (b) emf measured in
position 2, (c) signal spectrum delivered from flux sensor in position 1.
Energies 2021, 14, 1132 18 of 22
Figure 17b shows the magnitude of the line at 617 Hz (36 Hz for the fundamental
harmonic frequency) in the case of unbalanced resistive load connected at the SEIG out-
put. In this
In this casecase (which
(which is not
is not a faulty
a faulty case),
case), thethe linesshow
lines showthe
in the
the two
measurement positions although the emf curves shown in Figure 19 are not identical.
(a) (b)
Figure 19. Signals
Figure 19. Signals measured
measured by
by the
the flux
flux sensors for unbalanced
sensors for unbalanced load:
load: (a)
(a) emf
emf measured
measured in
in position
position 1,
1, (b)
(b) emf
emf measured in
measured in
position 2.
position 2.
Figure 20.Illustration
Figure20. Illustrationof
Then, when the obtained results give at least one position with opposed magnitude
variations with the load, then a fault can be suspected. AI methods can be also used to
limit the number of measurements [36].
• case of inverter fed: it should be checked that the chopping frequency is higher than
the sensitive one.
5. Conclusions
This paper presents the application and the reliability of a noninvasive procedure
for the detection of inter-turn short-circuit faults in the stator winding of induction and
synchronous machines. This procedure uses the stray external magnetic field measured
in the vicinity of the AC machines by two sensors placed at a specific angular shift to
extract information about the faulty state of the machines. The analysis is carried out
considering the change of the transverse field obtained from the air-gap flux density which
brings up the properties related to the characteristics of the flux density components being
found in the transverse external field. The new contribution of the proposed diagnosis
method is the analysis strategy which eliminates the main disadvantage presented by other
diagnosis methods using the comparison with a healthy state assumed to be known before
the fault appears. Moreover, the described procedure is non-invasive and inexpensive,
characterized by the exploitation of the spatial dissymmetry of the field created by a
short circuit current in the area where the fault appears. This dissymmetry modifies the
rotor slotting harmonics and induces specific signatures in the external magnetic field
spectrum which are analytically demonstrated, identified, and presented in this paper. In
order to eliminate the constructive dissymmetry which exists practically, the presented
diagnosis method proposes a procedure where the external field is measured in the vicinity
of the electrical machine in the two cases: loaded and not-loaded machine. In order to
test the reliability of the method, different Isc levels and an unbalanced load are tested.
The paper shows that the proposed procedure can be applied to induction and synchronous
machines with wound smooth rotor, considering specific spectral lines for each machine,
with frequencies depending on the number of rotor slots. These specific frequencies
facilitate the use of this procedure in the presence of other magnetic fields as is the case
in an industrial environment. It is also shown that unbalanced operating conditions does
disturb the procedure, especially in the healthy case.
Energies 2021, 14, 1132 20 of 22
Author Contributions: Data curation, E.T., I.N.; Formal analysis, R.P., R.R. and A.C.; Funding
acquisition, P.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: University Agency of Francophonie” (UAF), the Institute of Atomic Physics Bucharest
and LSEE.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thanks the “Francophone University Agency” (FUA)
(Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) and the Institute of Atomic Physics Bucharest for the
financial support brought by Contract No. 19-AUF.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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