Wireless Power Transfer
Wireless Power Transfer
Wireless Power Transfer
Abstract—Recently, safety concerns related to electro- resonant frequency (f) [8]-[10]. Consequently, the
magnetic fields (EMFs) in inductive power transfer (IPT) magnetic coupler should be designed to provide high
systems for electric vehicles applications are pointed out. coupling and quality factors to meeting the power transfer
Magnetic flux concentrators are commonly used in the requirement [11]. Typically, an inductive pad consists of
system to direct magnetic field lines and enhance the power
a copper Litz wire that carries the high-frequency current,
transfer capability and efficiency. This article explores the
performance of an IPT system for two different shapes of a magnetic core for directing the flux lines from the
magnetic flux concentrators in terms of magnetic field transmitter toward the receiver, and an aluminum
distribution and power transmission efficiency. The dish- shielding plate for limiting the leakage flux around the
shape and plate-shape flux concentrators are examined and system. Spiral planar coils are typically used in the
compared with a coreless IPT system. A simulation study system to reduce the pad thickness and increase the flux
based on three-dimensional finite-element analysis is carried loops’ travel distance. The magnetic core is placed behind
out to design the magnetic couplers and analyze the IPT the spiral coils to reduce the magnetic path reluctance,
system’s performance. The simulation results are verified enhance the coupling performance, reduce the leakage
analytically and good matches are achieved.
flux and thus increase the values of both k and PTE.
Index Terms—Inductive Power Transfer (IPT), magnetic Exposure to high-frequency EMFs presents a safety
flux concentrator, magnetic field distribution, power concern that has the potential to cause health problems
transfer efficiency, Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) for humans and living objects in the long-term. Therefore,
the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
I. INTRODUCTION Protection (ICNIRP) and the World Health Organization
Nikola Tesla dreamed of a ‘‘wireless world’’ at the end (WHO) have attested and issued some guidelines to
of the last century [1]. In fact, we, as researchers, have a ensure the safety of the living objects [12], [13]. For an
dream of providing electrical energy wirelessly through IPT system to meet these safety requirements, leakage
the air as well. The dream has come true recently, as EMFs around the system should be suppressed. For EV
many applications today are based on wireless power inductive charging applications, more attention should be
transfer (WPT) technology, including medical devices, paid to the problem related to exposure to magnetic fields
cell phones, laptops, home appliances and electric due to the high-power operation and large airgap (10-40
vehicles (EVs). Therefore, massive attention has been cm) [7], [14]-[16]. Fig. 1 shows the structure of a typical
given to improve the performance of WPT systems, EV inductive charger along with the distribution of
which is typically measured by the power transmission magnetic fields around the transmitter and receiver coils.
efficiency (PTE) and the compatibility with the safety As it can be noticed, a significant portion of both leakage
requirements [2]-[6]. On this basis, the inductive power and coupled EMFs extend around the system and may
transmission system (IPTS) is one of the best-known present a safety issue if they exceed the standard limits.
WPT technologies that offers the best performance for
high-power applications, such as EV charging. It consists
of two electrically isolated sides. Each side consists of a
power converter, a compensation network, and a power
pad. The power transfer from a primary coil (in the road)
to a secondary coil (in the vehicle) by magnetic induction
while the system operating at resonance [7]. The PTE
depends on the coupling coefficient between the two coils
(k) and the quality factor of each coil, which is related to
the coil’s parameters (inductance and resistance) and
Manuscript received February 11, 2020; revised April 15, 2020; Fig. 1. Structure and operation of an IPT system.
accepted April 29, 2020.
Corresponding author: Marwan H. Mohammed (mar600r@ Different types of EMF shielding techniques are
gmail.com). presented in the literature: passive, active and reactive
shielding, as indicated in Fig. 2 [17]-[19]. Passive shields dimensional (3D) finite-element models (FEMs) for the
show an effective performance for low-power chargers different shapes are developed and analyzed using Ansys
(<50 kW), which can be either a magnetic core, Maxwell software. In addition, circuit models for the
conductive plate or both [20]-[24]. Magnetic core is entire system, including coupler, power converters, and
typically made of a high permeability material such as series-series compensation networks are developed and
ferrite to concentrate and confine the magnetic flux evaluated in the same environment. Both FEMs along
between the coils [18], [19], [25]-[27]. Another fact is with circuit-based models are utilized to design and
that the coil shape has significant impact on the system optimize the proposed dish-shape flux concentrator.
performance and leakage flux. Several coil shapes are
proposed, investigated and compared in the literature; II. NUMERICAL MODELING OF INDUCTIVE COUPLER
however, circular and square coils are the most
A simulation study based on finite element analysis
commonly used due to their simple structure and high
(FEA) has been used to model, design, and analyze the
EMF [28]. Several researches have been conducted
considering the different shapes of the magnetic core for IPT system. The geometric design and the flux
the circular coil. In [29] and [30], a convex-magnetic flux distribution analysis of the inductive coils and their
magnetic flux concentrators have been carried out with
concentrator was proposed in [22], which shows a
the Ansys Maxwell tool. The coils’ parameters are
significant reduction in the magnetic leakage flux and
consequently increasing the coupling performance. extracted from FEA and inserted into a circuit-based
model in Ansys Simplorer to analyze the entire system’s
performance, considering power converters,
compensation networks, and battery load.
A. Design of the Magnetic Coupler Circuit
As stated, the utilization of the ferrite core along with
aluminum plate significantly reduces the leakage flux and
improve the system’s performance [16]. Another
important factor that impacts both k and EMFs is the
shape of the pad. Several shapes pad are presented and
analyzed in the literature, which can be classified into
Non-Polarized Pads (NPP) and polarized pads (PPs).
NPPs consists of a single coil that generates vertical flux
Fig. 2. Types of EMFs shielding for IPT systems. components, such as circular (CP) and rectangular (RP)
pads. PPs consist of multiple-coil that generate both
Different from the abovementioned studies, this paper horizontal and vertical flux components, such as Double-
proposes a dish-shape magnetic flux concentrator for the D (DD), Double-D Quadrature (DDQ), bipolar (BP) and
circular pad. It investigates its performance compared to Quadruple-D pad [31]. These shapes are presented in Fig.
the plate-shape and an air-core coil in terms of coupling 3 and compared in [3] and [32] in terms of design and
factor, PTE, and leakage EMFs. Both dish-shape and applications.
plate-shape flux concentrators are made of ferrite. Three-
The CP is easy to develop and offers the same tolerance B. Compensation Topologies
for misalignment in all directions. In addition, it offers An effective and efficient power transmission in IPT
the best coupling during the perfect alignment case [26]. systems requires compensation for the large leakage
inductance due to the large air-gap. Resonance network is
typically added to the transmitter and receiver circuits for
this purpose. Four compensation topologies are mainly
used in IPT systems: Series-Series (SS), Series-Parallel
(SP), Parallel-Series (PS), and Parallel-Parallel (PP), as
depicted in Fig. 7. SS topology is considered in this work
due to its simplicity in design, and control, which does
not depend on k and load conditions [26], [33].
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Magnetic flux concentrators (a) Plate-shape design. (b) Dish-
shape design.
TABLE III: WPT CIRCUIT PARAMETERS A simulation analysis is performed for measuring the
Parameters Air-core Plate-shape Dish-shape input power (Pin) and output power (Pout) to find out the
concentrator concentrator efficiency of the IPT system. The maximum achievable
Primary coil
resistance, Rp 0.178 Ω 0.178 Ω 0.178 Ω efficiency can be expressed mathematically by (2) [3].
Secondary coil
1 ?
0.178 Ω 0.178 Ω 0.178 Ω 2
resistance, Rs
Primary side max k 2QP Qs 1 k 2Qp Qs (2)
capacitor, Cp 31.78 nF 20 nF 18.7 nF
Secondary side 31.78 nF 20 nF 18.7 nF
capacitor, Cs where k is the coupling coefficient between coils, Qp, Qs
are quality factor of transmitter and receiver respectively.
The relation between k and the mutual inductance is
given as follows
kM Lp Ls (3)
The quality factors (Qp and Qs) of the coils are related to
their parasitic resistances and self-inductances, as
described by (4).
w0 Lp w0 Ls
Qp , Qs (4)
Rp Rs
where w0 is the angular resonant frequency.
Substituting (3) and (4) in (2), the following equation
is yield:
M 2 wo2 M 2 wo2
max 1 1 (5)
Rp Rs Rp Rs
According to (5), it can be concluded that the
transmission efficiency is related to M, W0, Rp, and Rs.
The above presented equations are depicted in Fig. 9.
(b) Where, Fig. 9 (a) represents (3) for the variation of k with
Lp and Ls. Whereas, Fig. 9 (b) illustrates the relation of
PTE with k and Q according to (2). Fig. 9 (c) shows the
effect of M and the resonant frequency (w) on the PTE
based on (5). The correlation-free between the PTE with
both Lp and Ls has appeared in Fig. 9 (d).
Fig. 11. The variation of the k coefficient with the air-gap
Fig. 12. FEA results and the calculated results of PTE for the three cases.
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS control,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 585–595,
Marwan H. Mohammed conducted the research and [16] R. Mai, Y. Liu, Y. Li, P. Yue, G. Cao, and Z. He, “An active-
wrote the paper; Dr. Yasir M.Y. Ameen and Dr. Ahmed rectifier-based maximum efficiency tracking method using an
A. S. Mohamed both made the necessary adjustments and additional measurement coil for wireless power transfer,” IEEE
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 716–728, 2018.
analyzed the data; all authors had approved the final
[17] T. Campi, S. Cruciani, F. Maradei, and M. Feliziani, “Active coil
version. system for magnetic field reduction in an automotive wireless
power transfer system,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Electromagn.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Compat. Signal Power Integr., 2019, pp. 189–192.
The authors thank the University of Mosul and the [18] J. Park, D. Kim, K. Hwang, H. H. Park, S. I. Kwak, J. H. Kwon,
and S. Ahn, “A resonant reactive shielding for planar wireless
supervisors who supported this effort. The National power transfer system in smartphone application,” IEEE Trans. on
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the current Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 695–703, April
address for the third author only. NREL and the U.S. 2017.
Department of Energy (DOE) did not contribute to this [19] S. Kim, H. H. Park, J. Kim, J. Kim, and S. Ahn, “Design and
work. analysis of a resonant reactive shield for a wireless power electric
vehicle,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 62, no. 4, pp.
1057–1066, 2014.
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Electrical Engineering from the Electrical
Copyright © 2020 by the authors. This is an open access article Power and Machines Department, ZU, Egypt.
distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY- He finished his Ph.D. degree in Electrical
NC-ND 4.0), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any Engineering at FIU, Miami, FL, USA, in
medium, provided that the article is properly cited, the use is non- December 2017. Dr. Mohamed is currently a
commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. Research Engineer at the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO
Marwan H. Mohammed received the B.Sc. 80401-3393, USA. From 2008 to 2013, Dr.
degrees from the Electrical Power and Mohamed served as a faculty member at ZU, Egypt. His research focus
Machines Department, Mosul University, Iraq, on electric vehicle wireless charging, power electronics, transportation
in 2014, where he is currently pursuing his electrification, as well as PV power systems. Dr. Mohamed is a Senior
M.Sc. degree in power electronics. His current IEEE member and he was a recipient of the Outstanding Doctoral
research interests include the design and Student Award in fall 2017 from FIU.
analysis of wireless power transfer systems.