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Using Scientific Method in Agriculture

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What Is This Module About?

Do you earn a living as a farmer? When planting season approaches, how do

you decide what seeds to plant, where to plant them and how much of each you
should plant? The decisions you make will determine your productivity come
harvest time. In our country, almost 60% of the population depend on agriculture
for their livelihood. Hence, farming-related decisions are crucial to a lot of
In this module, you will learn the steps involved in the scientific method and
learn to apply these in solving problems related to agriculture. You will also plan
and carry out simple investigations to identify farming-related problems and
formulate ways to address these.
This module is composed of five lessons. These are:
Lesson 1 The Scientific Method
Lesson 2 Using the Scientific Method in Seed Selection and Irrigation
Lesson 3 Using the Scientific Method in Choosing Fertilizers
Lesson 4 Using the Scientific Method in Crop Rotation
Lesson 5 Applying the Scientific Method in Contour Planting

What Will You Learn From This Module?

After studying this module, you should be able to:

identify the steps in the scientific method; and

apply the scientific method in solving problems related to agriculture such

as seed selection, irrigation, choosing fertilizers, crop rotation and contour

Lets See What You Already Know

Before you start studying this module, find out first how well you know the
topics to be discussed by answering the following. Write your answers on the lines





Name the steps of the scientific method (in the correct order).












Give two advantages of using the scientific method.





Give two characteristics of seeds that are ideal for planting.





State two reasons why irrigation is needed in farming.





Define what a fertilizer is.



Give two advantages of crop rotation.





Well, how was it? Do you think you fared well? Compare your answers with
those in the Answer Key on page 50 to find out.
If all your answers are correct, very good! This shows that you already know
much about the topic. You may still study the module to review what you already
know. Who knows, you might learn a few more new things as well.
If you got a low score, dont feel bad. This means that this module is for you.
It will help you understand important concepts that you can apply in your daily
life. If you study this module carefully, you will learn the answers to all the items
in the test and a lot more! Are you ready?
You may go now to the next page to begin Lesson 1.


The Scientific Method

Every day, you encounter problems that need to be solved. These problems
may be simple, like figuring out what to wear for work or for a party. They may
also be complex, like thinking how to build a machine for a science project. To
solve these problems, you usually follow a series of steps that will lead you to the
solutions. The scientific method is a process that you can use to solve problems. It
involves a series of organized steps that lead toward a conclusion.
In this lesson, you will study the scientific method of problem solving. You
will identify the steps you can follow to solve a problem and how to apply these to
simple activities in your daily life.
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

define scientific method;

enumerate the steps of the scientific method; and

know how to apply the scientific method in solving a simple problem.

Lets Study and Analyze

For a class activity in biology, Jose was instructed to plant corn seeds and
study their growth. He planted ten corn seeds in a glass jar filled with pieces of
newspaper soaked in water. After a week, Jose brought his project to class.

Jose noted that his corn seeds did not become small corn plants, like his
classmates. Their corn seeds had transformed into small plants, complete with
roots and leaves.
Joses setup

His classmates setup

no growth

with growth

Jose realized that he might have done something wrong, preventing his corn
seeds from sprouting. He wanted to find out what this was. He went to the library
and read about what makes plants grow. He learned that for plants to grow they
need soil, water and sunlight.




Jose thought that his plants must have lacked one of the three factors important
for plant growth. He thought that it could not be soil nor water because he placed
the corn seeds in a glass jar that contained pieces of newspaper soaked in water.
Could it be that his plants lacked sunlight? To find out, Jose prepared two glass
jars with corn seeds in pieces of newspaper soaked in water. He placed one jar
inside his room just like he did with his previous setup. He placed the other jar on
the terrace where there was enough sunlight.

After a week, he checked the two jars. The seeds in the jar he left inside his
room did not sprout but the ones in the jar that he left on the terrace had already
sprouted. In fact, the small corn plants had already grown about 4 inches tall!

no growth

with growth

If you were Jose, what would you conclude from your observation? Jose
concluded that his corn seeds did not sprout because they lacked sunlight. He
reported his findings to his teacher who commended him for his discovery.

Lets Try This

Write on the lines provided the steps that Jose followed to find out what
prevented his corn seeds from growing. The first item has been done for you.
1. Jose identified the problem, which was the corn seeds he planted did not
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________
Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on page 50.

Lets Learn
In the preceding activity, you listed the steps that Jose followed to solve his
problem. These steps enabled Jose to arrive at a conclusion, that is, he was able to
identify the cause of his problem and find a solution to it. Jose followed the
scientific method in solving his problem.
Have you heard of the scientific method before? If you have, what do you
remember about it? What do you think being scientific implies? Why is it
The scientific method is a way or method of learning things and solving
problems. It involves a series of steps that are followed when making decisions. It
is a very effective process of coming up with the best decision and solution
possible based on the available information.
The term scientific means of, or employing the procedure or method of
science. Recall the definition of science. Science is a systematized body of
knowledge. Being systematized means being orderly. Science requires that
knowledge be based on facts that have been investigated and established. Facts
are things that are known to exist. The best way to determine if something is
factual is to observe it. A fact is an observable event.
Let us recall the steps that Jose followed in solving his problem. First, he
identified his problem. His problem was, Why didnt my corn seeds sprout?
Next, he thought of possible reasons or solutions to his problem. This is called
making a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a tentative solution or answer to a problem.
He read about what makes plants grow and he discovered that most plants need
sunlight, water and soil to grow. His three hypotheses were:
1. The seeds lacked soil.
2. The seeds lacked water.
3. The seeds lacked sunlight.
Jose ruled out the first two hypotheses because the newspaper soaked in water
substituted for the soil and water. He chose to test the third hypothesisthat the
seeds lacked sunlight. The third step he followed is called testing the hypothesis.
Jose tested his hypothesis by preparing two sets of jars and placing them in
different locations, one exposed to sunlight and one shaded from sunlight.
Testing a hypothesis involves data gathering. Data means information.
Gathering data involves looking for evidence that will either support or reject a
hypothesis. In science, the process of gathering and analyzing data is called
experimentation. Have you conducted an experiment before? Experiments are
basically investigations to come up with a solution to a problem. It is the scientific
method at work. Jose gathered data by observing his two setups and analyzing the

The next step of the scientific method is making a conclusion. A conclusion is a

statement of decision. Jose concluded that his plants did not grow because they lacked
sunlight. The last step is making and implementing recommendations. Jose reported
his recommendations to his teacher. He could now implement his recommendations
to achieve success in growing his corn plants.
Lets enumerate the steps involved in the scientific method:

Identifying the problem

Formulating a hypothesis
Gathering data (which includes conducting experiments)
Analyzing the data
Making a conclusion
Making and applying recommendations

You have just learned the steps followed in the scientific method of problem
solving through Joses experience. Remember these steps well. Are you now ready
to use the scientific method in solving problems in agriculture?

Lets Think About This

You may not notice it, but you use the scientific method every day to solve
problems and make decisions. Think of a problem you have had before. It could be
a problem related to home or work. Recall the steps you followed in solving that
problem. Did you follow the scientific method then?
Now that you learned the scientific method, how will you use it to make your
life easier? Imagine how it would be if the scientific method were not applied.
Would problems be solved?

Lets See What You Have Learned

Read the statements below. On the line below each statement, write which step of
the scientific method is being applied.
1. Your harvest for the year is not as much as last years.
2. You assign someone to guard your rice field at night to see if there are any
3. You decide that this years harvest is much less because rats infested your
rice field.
4. You set up traps and poisons to eradicate the rats.
5. You are thinking that a type of disease might have infested your rice plants.
6. You suspect that somebody is stealing your rice.
7. You set up scarecrows in the rice field.
8. You decide that birds are not the reason for this years lower rice harvest.
9. You discover that the rice plants are not growing as fast as before.
10. You decide to assign different varieties of rice for each plot of land.
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 51. Did you get a
perfect score? If you did, thats very good! If not, dont worry. Just review the parts of
the lesson that you did not understand very well. Afterward, you may proceed to
Lesson 2.

Lets Remember

The scientific method involves a series of steps that one follows to come up
with an effective solution to a problem.

The steps involved in the scientific method are:


Identifying the problem

Making a hypothesis
Gathering data
Analyzing the data
Making a conclusion
Making and implementing recommendations



Using the Scientific Method

in Seed Selection and Irrigation
In Lesson 1, you learned what the scientific method is and what steps one follows
to apply it. The scientific method is a logical and orderly method or procedure of
investigation. In the scientific method, the problem is analyzed carefully and a
hypothesis is made and tested through a process called experimentation. Data are
obtained, analyzed and interpreted. Based on the results of the research and analysis,
conclusions and recommendations are made. These recommendations are
implemented in order to solve the problem.
Farmers today are encountering many problems. These problems include the
mismatch of soil to crops, uneven effects of fertilizer application, planting during
the wrong season and the destruction of the environment by pesticide use. These
problems all contribute to a lower yield of crops and a reduction in farmers
The scientific method of investigation and problem solving combined with
scientific-based technologies and approaches can help farmers address these
problems. With the scientific way of selecting seeds, for instance, farmers can be
assured of a higher percentage of germination and an expectedly higher harvest.
In this lesson, you will learn how to use the scientific method in selecting
which seeds to plant and irrigation techniques. You will discover the importance of
the scientific method in making decisions that can affect your life as a farmer.
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

apply the scientific method in choosing seeds that are good for planting;
enumerate the characteristics of good seeds;
know the importance of water and irrigation to plants; and
learn some irrigation techniques.


Lets Read
Mang Gusting has just bought a piece of land from a friend. He was glad because
he could now have more rice and earn more.
Now, I wont have to buy
rice anymore.

When are you going to


As soon as

Immediately, Mang Gusting bought rice seeds and planted them in his field. He
imitated what other farmers from nearby fields are doing. He was so excited to see
the results of his efforts. After three months, it was harvest time. However
What happened,
Pareng Kanor? I
harvested only a few
sacks. It is much less
than what I expected.
My rice harvest
cannot even cover my
expenses in planting
and maintaining the

You know, Pareng Gusting,

you should have considered

What do
you mean,

As a farm
I would
advise you
and not
simply copy
what other
farmers do.

From what you have learned about the scientific method in Lesson 1, what
could have Mang Gusting done before planting his field?
The scientific method is a very useful tool for farming. Mang Gusting could
have followed the steps of the scientific method to prepare his farm for planting.


I understand what you mean, I

should have planned carefully

Being a farmer
is not as easy as
it sounds. There
should consider.
I am

Thats correct, Pareng Gusting. There are a lot of

factors that you have to consider before planting. You
have to decide what crops would be most suitable for
the type of soil in your field. Also, you have to
consider how to choose seeds properly for planting.
After the field has been prepared, you should also
consider irrigation and pest management.
Well, you can take it one at a time.
First, I think you should consider
what seeds to plant and how to
plant them.

Lets Learn
Let us help Mang Gusting solve his problem. First, Mang Kanor identified a lot
of possible problems. When using the scientific method, it is important to identify a
specific problem first. Mang Kanor suggested that Mang Gusting should consider
what seeds to plant. Below are the steps to follow when using the scientific method.
Below each step is what Mang Gusting can do. Study these steps carefully.
1. Identifying the problem
Mang Gustings problem is choosing the right type of crops or seeds to
plant on his field.
2. Making a hypothesis
The right crop to plant depends on a lot of factors, such as the special
characteristics of the soil. (For example, some crops grow best in sandy
soil rather than in loamy or moist soil.) Other factors are the temperature
of the environment and the amount of rainfall and water supply that can
affect productivity.
Since other rice fields surround Mang Gustings farm, there is a big
possibility that crops that grow well in the farms nearby would also grow
well in his.


3. Gathering data
Mang Gusting can ask for seeds from the other farmers and plant these
seeds in his own soil. He can observe the growth rates of the seeds he
planted in his own soil.
4. Analyzing the data
Mang Gusting will compare the growth rates of his plants with those of
the plants in the nearby rice fields.
5. Making a conclusion
Based on his observations and analysis, Mang Gusting can now tell
which type of seeds he should plant in his soil.
6. Making and implementing recommendations
Based on his conclusion, Mang Gusting can now choose the type of
seed he will plant and he can now go about planting on his farm.

Lets Learn
Early next morning, Mang Gusting consulted Mr. Cruz, a farm technician. A
farm technician is someone who can analyze soil characteristics in terms of salinity
(salt content) and acidity. A farm technician can help Mang Gusting choose which
crops are suitable for his field.
Mr. Cruz, I wish you
could help me choose
the right crops to
plant on my farm.

I suggest you plant rice,

Mang Gusting, like the
farmers do in the nearby
fields. I already made a
survey of your area and
suited for growing rice.

But I dont know

how to choose
which seeds to


To get a good harvest, you should get

good-quality seeds. These can be
obtained from accredited government
agencies like the Bureau of Plant
Industry. This agency has an office in
our town. You could also ask the
regional office of the Department of
Agriculture. I am sure they can refer
you to a place where you
can get good seeds. I am
sure the farmers around
you have good seeds from
this years harvest. Maybe
you can ask some from
them too.

Mang Gusting followed Mr. Cruzs advice. He went to the different government
agencies which provided him with some seed samples. He was also able to ask for
some seeds from his neighbors.

Lets Try This

I have decided to plant on my rice
here. Which variety should I choose?

Use the scientific method to help Mang Gusting choose which variety of rice will
grow best on his farm. On the lines below, write the steps of the scientific method and
how each method can be applied to Mang Gustings problem. The first step has been
done for you.
1. Identifying the problem: Mang Gusting has to choose which rice variety
from among the six will grow best on his farm.
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________
Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on page 51. Were
you able to help Mang Gusting?


Lets Learn
Mang Gusting has finally decided to choose the C-4 rice variety to plant on his
farm. He visited Mr. Cruz once more.
Good for you, Mang Gusting,
I see that you are catching
on quite well.

Thanks for your advice, Mr. Cruz. I

decided to use the C4 rice variety
for my farm. It grows the fastest
and has the best yield.

I have a few
though. Can you
tell me the
of a good seed?

Mr. Cruz explained to Mang Gusting the characteristics of a good seed which

Good seeds easily germinate or develop seedlings.

Seeds that germinate slowly could
not be easily penetrated by water.

They also have thick seed coats.



seed coat

You can do any of the following to make a seed germinate faster:


Mechanical scarring
For bigger and thicker seeds, such as anonas, atis and guyabano
seeds, scarring can be done mechanically by rubbing the seeds lightly
with sandpaper. This promotes the development of the embryo within
the seed.


Scalding is good for hard seeds with waxy coatings such as atis
seeds. Scalding is done by pouring very hot (but not boiling) water
over the seeds and allowing the seeds to soak until they swell and
sink. The water decreases the waxiness of a seeds outer covering to
enable it to absorb water better.


Fire treatment
For very hard seeds such as lumbang and acacia, fire treatment can be
done to promote cracking and seed germination. Place the seeds in a
tray with a depth about twice the diameter of each seed. Place a layer of
dry leaves and small twigs on top of the tray and set on fire for 5 to 10
Shown below are the different ways of promoting seed germination.

2. Good seeds must be smooth and harvested from mature fruits. Small
and wrinkled seeds may not contain enough food to sustain their initial
3. Good seeds are plump, well developed and without insect marks.
Insects often leave scars on seeds. Such seeds seldom bear good
4. Good seeds come from good plants. Healthy plants usually bear fruits
with healthy seeds.
5. Good seeds are well stored. Moist, smelly seeds with fungal growth are
usually not healthy.
Mang Gustings healthy rice seeds are plump and even in appearance. Rice
seeds from a good harvest will likely produce good rice later on.


Lets Think About This

Seeds are baby plants inside a protective covering. Why do healthy-looking
seeds usually develop into healthy plants?
Like healthy babies having a better chance of developing into healthy children
and adults, healthy-looking seeds are more likely to develop into healthy plants.
This is because the plant embryo inside a seed is very delicate. If the seed appears
unhealthy, (that is, it has insect marks or signs of fungal growth), there is a big
chance that the embryo inside is also unhealthy or may even be destroyed already.
Study the illustration below to understand this better.

A healthy plant embryo is similar to a healthy human fetus.

Lets Try This

Help Mang Dado, a fruit farmer, choose which seeds are good for planting.
Draw an arrow from Mang Dado to the characteristics of the seeds that he should
choose for planting. An example is given.

Comes from a healthy plant

Well stored
With scars from insect infestation
Easily germinates
Smaller than usual size
Evenly colored


Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 52.
Dont Forget!
For a better harvest, use only seeds from well-ripened fruits of healthy
parent plants that consistently yield high-quality fruits. The parent plant should
be free from disease and insect scars.

Lets Learn
After consulting a farm technician, Mang Gusting went to a certified rice
grower and purchased the rice seeds he needed. He then asked the help of his sons,
Jose and Pong, in preparing the seeds for planting.
Father, what
shall we do

How do we
know when
seeds have

We are going
to make the
germinate or

Well, the small embryo inside

the seed becomes bigger and
the seed swells. Also, a small
plant or a seedling starts to
come out.

What does
mean, father?

When a seed germinates,

the embryo or the small rice
plant inside the seed is
allowed to develop.

How do Istilldontknow,
we do it, son. Maybe we can
do an experiment to
see what makes rice
seeds germinate.


like what we
do in school?
Im excited

Mang Gusting decided to follow the scientific method. He indicated that he and
his sons needed to find out what makes rice seeds germinate best. He stated that
maybe moisture is needed because water makes plants grow. He tested this hypothesis
by preparing two sets of seeds. One set was soaked in water first, while the other
seeds were placed in a tray and covered with an inch of soil.

After four days, Mang Gusting and his two sons checked the seeds. This is what
they saw.

What can you conclude from Mang Gustings experiment?

Mang Gusting discovered that moisture is needed by the rice seeds to germinate.
The seeds soaked in water developed into small plants while the seeds covered with
soil did not.
Mang Gusting visited Mr. Cruz, the farm technician, once more. From Mr. Cruz,
he learned the proper way to germinate rice seeds. He was correct. Moisture is
needed for the seeds to germinate. He found out that heat is needed as well. He
learned that rice seeds are germinated in the following manner:
1. Soak the rice seeds in water overnight so that water can penetrate them
and make the embryos develop.


2. Collect the seeds and drain the excess water from the container where the
seeds were soaked.

3. Transfer the seeds to a cemented surface and cover the seeds with thick
layers of sacks or damp cloth for warmth. Heat is needed for seed

4. After three days, the seeds should have already germinated. If the seeds
failed to germinate, further heating may be necessary. This can be
achieved by adding more layers of damp cloth.
5. When the seeds have swollen and started to look like small plants, they
have already germinated.


6. They can then be transferred to trays of moist soil to encourage further

development into seedlings. These can later on be transferred to the field.

rice seeds have

Yes, Pong. Thanks for helping

me germinate them.

I want to help you

plant the seeds in the
Come on, son, lets
make these little
plants grow!

Lets Review
On the lines provided, write down your answers to the following questions.
1. What does seed germination mean?


2. How can you tell if the seeds have already germinated?

3. If the rice seeds failed to germinate after 3 days, what should you do?
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 52.

Lets Learn
You learned that moisture is needed for seed germination. In this part of the
lesson, you will learn that plants need water to grow and mature. As a farmer, you
should keep in mind that the water that your plants receive has to be regulated.
Water is essential for plants to perform photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the
process by which plants make their own food. Water is also important for
dissolving the mineral nutrients in the soil so that plants can absorb them through
their roots.

We have already finished

planting the seedlings in

Yes, Pong. But we need to

do something else.

What is it?


How much water do

our plants need?

We have to provide
water for our
seedlings to grow

How about
doing another

Lets Try This

Let us help Mang Gusting decide how much water his rice plants need. Can you
recall the scientific method? First, identify what the problem is. Mang Gusting needs
to determine how much water to provide his plants. Now, follow the other steps of the
scientific method and do the following experiment.
You will need:
3 big cans half-filled with soil
3 rice plants about 6 inches high. (You may also use other plants such as tomato,
corn or mungo.)
a marking pen

Using the marking pen, label one can Dry, another can Moist and the third
can, Wet.


Plant the rice plants in the cans. The plant in the can labeled Dry should
not be watered. The plant in the can labeled Moist should be watered
until the soil feels moist or damp to touch. The plant in the can labeled
Wet should be watered until the water reaches a height of about 2 inches
above the soil. Place the cans beside one another under adequate sunlight.

Check the plants every day for 5 days. Record the height of each plant each day.



Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5


Afterward, answer the following questions:


Which plant grew tallest?


Which plant was the shortest?


What could be the reasons for the differences in the growth of the three

Seeds from different plants require different amounts of water to make them
grow best. These differences in water requirement are determined by the structure
and other unique characteristics of the plants. This experiment is one way to
determine how much water is needed by the plants you chose. You may also
consult a farm technician about this.

Lets Learn
If you used rice for the above activity, like Mang Gusting, you will discover
that rice grows best in wet soil. Rice farmers often keep their rice fields wet
through a process called irrigation. Irrigation refers to the regulated water supply
of a plot of land that is available for plants. Rice fields usually require at least 5
inches of water above the soil for optimum plant growth.


Other plants may have different water needs. Cacti thrive in deserts. These plants
do not need a lot of water to survive. Garden plants usually need moderate amounts of
water, just enough to keep the soil damp. Kangkong needs muddy water while
seaweeds need to be submerged in salt water to survive.

Why do plants have different water requirements? What is it about these plants
that make them need a certain amount of water?
Plants, like human beings, are different from one another. Each plant has a
structure and function that helps it adapt to its environment. For example, the cacti
in the desert have very thick coverings that prevent water loss. Seaweeds, on the
contrary, have very thin, almost transparent membrane coverings. Their specific
structures make these plants adapt well to their environment.
Since plants have different water needs, there are also many ways of irrigation.
Water can be artificially supplied to plants through the following means:
1. Sprinklers are very useful for places with sandy soil and where the water
supply is limited.
2. Trickle irrigation is the process by which water is supplied to the roots
of the plants from fine plastic tubes or drippers. Fine spray nozzles are
sometimes fitted to give a wider spread of water.
3. Furrow irrigation is the process in which water is channeled toward a
plot of land through a system of canals or furrows. This method is
commonly used in rice fields and orchards and requires a large water


You have studied the different ways of artificially delivering water to plants. The
effective delivery of water to plants is very important in agriculture. The scientific
method can be used to devise ways through which this need is met.

Lets See What You Have Learned

Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the lines provided.
1. Why is water important to plants?
2. What is irrigation?
3. Why do plants need different amounts of water?
Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on page 52. Did you
get everything right? If you did, thats very good. If not, thats okay. Just review the
parts of the lesson that you did not understand very well. Afterward, you may move on
to Lesson 3.


Lets Remember

Healthy plants grow from healthy seeds. It is best to choose seeds carefully
before planting. Healthy seeds come from healthy parent plants, are well
stored and appear plump. Also, healthy seeds do not have insect scars and
other signs of infection.

Seeds can be made to germinate better through mechanical scarring, scalding

or fire treatment.

Irrigation is the process of artificially delivering a controlled amount of

water to plants. All plants need water to survive. However, the amount of
water needed varies from plant to plant.



Using the Scientific Method

in Choosing Fertilizers
In Lesson 2, you learned the characteristics of good seeds and how to irrigate
plants. However, this is not enough. For you to become a successful farmer, you
need to know more about plants and how to take care of them.
In this lesson, you will learn how to identify some of the nutrients needed by
plants to grow as well as differentiate between natural and commercial fertilizers.
Knowledge about fertilizers is very important in agriculture. The scientific method,
too, can be used in choosing fertilizers that are best suited for plants.
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

identify some of the nutrients needed by plants;

know what fertilizers are and state their importance in agriculture; and
differentiate between commercial and natural fertilizers.

Lets Read
Three weeks have passed and the rice plants were already tall. Mang Gusting
and his sons started to pull out weeds from the rice field. In one part of their field,
Pong noticed that the rice plants were small and pale; their growth seemed to be
stunted. What might have happened?
here look unhealthy.
Do you think they need

I am also
why, son.

Good morning,
Mang Gusting,
Im here to


Its good you came, Mr. Cruz. A

portion of our rice field seems
to be unhealthy. The plants look
pale. There might be something
wrong. Kindly take a look at

Hmmm, its not a big problem. The plants

look like they need to be fertilized. You
can buy a commercial fertilizer or use an
organic fertilizer such as compost.

What does a fertilizer do to the

plants? We also have plenty of
dried carabao manure in our
backyard. Can we use it?

Carabao manure is a good natural fertilizer,

Pong. Of course you can use it. Fertilizers
supply the necessary food that plants need
which the soil cannot provide.

Lets Learn
Mr. Cruz was right. Plants need nutrients too. Most of these nutrients are
supplied by the soil. However, the nutrients from the soil may not be enough.
Thats why fertilizers are needed. These nutrients are elements that are essential to
the plants growth. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sodium are just some of
them. If nutrients are lacking, plants will not grow healthy and strong.
There are two main kinds of fertilizers. The first type is called commercial
fertilizer. Commercial fertilizers are chemicals that are produced and sold by a
chemical company. A farmer adds them to the soil to make plants grow faster and
healthier. Commercial fertilizers are readily available. However, since they are
chemicals, they can be harmful to the environment and even to the plants
themselves when not properly applied. They are also more expensive than natural

Natural fertilizers are derived from decayed plants and animal. Decomposing
plants, animal manure and vegetable refuse can be made into a compost. A
compost is a layered heap of decayed organic matter.

wood chips and sawdust

grass lawn clippings

mud, weeds and

other garden

kitchen wastes




If you would like to find out more about preparing compost, you may study
the module on composting. Compost and other natural fertilizers are preferred
because they are inexpensive and effective. However, natural materials need to
undergo decomposition first and hence, may take time to prepare. Handling them
can be quite messy too.
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

The steps in composting


Whether natural or commercial, fertilizers are mixed with the soil where plants
grow. Plants will absorb the nutrients supplied by these fertilizers and use these for
Thanks for telling me
Cruz. I will use them
to make these
unhealthy rice plants
grow stronger and

Thats okay, Mang

Gusting, I have to
go now. I still have
to visit Mang Crispin
and see if his plants
are growing well

I forgot to ask Mr. Cruz which

rice plants. I dont know which
one to choose.

When Mang Gusting identified his problem of choosing which type of fertilizer
to use for his rice field, he decided to use the scientific method and find out for
Pong, I want to
know which

I have a suggestion,
father. Why dont we use
small portions of our rice
field to conduct an


Maybe we can
choose the
portion with

would be
So, what
should we
do now?

Thats a great idea! Then

we can observe which
side will have better
looking plants after a

two. Let us use a commercial fertilizer
on one part and a natural fertilizer on

worked as well as the
means we can use
instead of expensive
That way, we can save

Look, Pong, our rice

field looks better than
before. The plants seem
to be healthier and
which side is which.
Both areas seem to have
the same improvement.

Mang Gusting and Pong were able to arrive at a decision because they used the
scientific method. Can you identify the steps they took? What did you learn from
Mang Gusting first identified the problem: which type of fertilizer is best for
their plants. They conducted an experiment by dividing a small portion of their rice
fieldthe one with the unhealthy rice plantsinto two. They added a commercial
fertilizer to one portion and a natural fertilizer to the other. The rice plants in both
areas showed the same degree of improvement. Mang Gusting and Pong concluded
that since both fertilizers are effective, they would use the cheaper natural
fertilizer. Through the scientific method, Mang Gusting and Pong were able to
come up with an effective solution to their problem.
Farming requires a lot of decision making. Mang Gusting and Pong were able
to make a sound decision because they followed the scientific method.


Lets See What You Have Learned

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Which of the following is not needed by plants to grow?



Which of the following chemicals provided by the soil is utilized by



vegetable refuse
animal manure

What refers to the process of decomposing plant materials for use as




Which of the following is not an example of a natural fertilizer?



both a and c

This is something that farmers add to the soil to restore nutrients.



nutrients from the soil


Which of the following is not an advantage of natural fertilizers over

commercial fertilizers?

easier to prepare
less expensive
less harmful to the environment
does not need to be decomposed



This is how fertilizers are applied.



added to water
added to the soil
sprinkled on plants

Carabao manure is a form of _____________.


commercial fertilizer
natural fertilizer

Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on page 52. Did
you get everything right? If you did, thats good! If not, thats okay. Just review the
parts of the lesson that you did not understand very well before moving on to
Lesson 4.

Lets Remember

Plants need nutrients from the soil in order to grow. Some of these
nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. However, the
soil may not be able to provide all the nutrients that plants need. Hence,
farmers need to fertilize the soil.

Fertilizers can either be commercial or natural. Both are effective in

enhancing the growth of plants.



Using the Scientific Method in Crop

In the last two lessons, you learned about choosing seeds, irrigation methods and
fertilizers. You also learned how to use the scientific method in solving problems in
agriculture. In this lesson you will study crop rotation, a technique in farming that
could help you increase your harvest and protect the soil.
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

define crop rotation;

state the importance of crop rotation; and
explain how crop rotation is done.

Lets Learn
Mang Gusting was very happy with his rice field. He applied the scientific
method in choosing the seeds to plant and in irrigating the field. He was also able
to choose an effective and economical fertilizer that is best suited to his plants.


While waiting for the rice plants to be harvested, Mang Gusting decided to raise
vegetables in his backyard. His family invited Mr. Cruz again to help them in
gardening. Aling Tinay, Mang Gustings wife, was very eager and excited to start
the project.
harvest the
vegetables from
my own garden.

vegetables do
you intend to

Im thinking of
cabbages and

As soon as possible.
I want them all
growing at the same

Thats great. When do you

intend to plant them?

I would like to
tell you what I
learned from my
own vegetable

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the scientific method in getting the
most from the soils potential or farming through crop rotation. Crop rotation is a
system of alternating the types of plants to be grown in a plot of land. This allows
the soil to recover its lost nutrients. Crop rotation is the regular succession of
planting crops for two or more years.


Lets Read
I also have a
garden at home. I
planted a lot of

Like eggplants
and tomatoes?

Yes, Aling Tinay. And carrots and

radishes too. However, I noticed
that after about two years, the
vegetables were not as healthy as
when I first planted them. They
were smaller and had a low yield.

I am not really sure, perhaps the soil must

have lost its nutrients. I planted one part of
the garden with mungo. When the mungo
was harvested, I planted eggplants in the
same soil where it grew. I noticed that after
a month the eggplants growing in the soil
where the mungo was
planted were healthier
than the eggplants in

What happened?

could be

I realized that it could be the

mungo. I went to the Department of
Agriculture extension office to
inquire about it. I learned that I had
just practiced crop rotation, a
method of alternating crops to make

From Mr. Cruzs story, can you see how he used the scientific method in solving
his problem with his garden?


Lets Try This

Fill up the following table.
Steps of the Scientific Method

What Mr. Cruz Did

After answering, compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
page 53.

Lets Learn
Mr. Cruz was able to discover crop rotation in his garden by using the
scientific method. Let me tell you more about crop rotation.
Plants get their nutrients from the soil. Remember what you learned about
fertilizers? Fertilizers are needed because the soil can lose its nutrients.

The soil loses its nutrients because of soil erosion. Another factor that can
reduce soil fertility is the type of crops that are planted in the soil. Study the three
types of vegetables on the next page.


Leaf crops are soil robbers. Vegetables with large leaves, such as mustard,
cabbage, cauliflower and lettuce, take away a lot of nutrients from the soil.

Legumes are soil enhancers. Beans such as peas, peanuts and mungo give back to
the soil the nutrients used up by other plants. The bacteria that infect the roots of
these legumes fix nitrogen, that is, they convert nitrogen from the air into nitrogen
compounds that can be used by plants. When the legume dies, it releases the stored
nitrogen as it decomposes. Thus, the released nitrogen enriches the soil.

Root crops are hardy plants. Tubers such as ube and cassava do not require many
nutrients from the soil to survive. Carrots and turnips are root crops too. These are
planted when the soil has not yet fully recovered its nutrients.


In crop rotation, the crops planted in a plot of land are alternated. Soil robbers are
alternated with soil enhancers to allow the soil to recover its lost nutrients. This way,
plants will grow healthier and yield more produce. Also, rotating crops will help
control the pests and insects in the area since each one prefers a specific type of
plant. Changing crops can limit the number of harmful organisms present in a farm or
A typical crop rotation program would be:
First year
root crops


leaf crops

leaf crops

root crops

Second year

Lets Try This

Can you practice crop rotation in your own garden? If you have a vegetable
garden, do the following activity. If you do not have a vegetable garden, you can
look for one in your community.
Make a map of the vegetable garden. Based on what you have learned about
the different types of vegetable crops, label each area according to the type of
crops planted there. Below is a map of Mang Gusting and Aling Tinays vegetable
garden. Use this as reference.



leaf crops



Study the map of your own garden. Where are the roots crops located? Where
can you find the legumes and the leafy crops? Based on these, determine the
possible nutrient level in the soil where each type of plants is located. You can
then plan your own crop rotation program based on the map.

Lets See What You Have Learned

Draw a line connecting the vegetable crop to its appropriate classification in
terms of its effect on the soil. The first one has been done for you.
Vegetable Crop



Root crop




Leaf crop


Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on page 53. Did
you get a perfect score? If you did, thats very good! If not, thats okay. Just review
tha parts of the lesson that you did not understand very well. Afterward, you may
move on to Lesson 5.

Lets Remember

Crop rotation is a system of alternating the types of plants to be planted in

a plot of land. This is done to allow the soil to recover its nutrients after a
planting season.

There are three main types of vegetable crops based on their effects on
the soil. These are the leafy crops (soil robbers), root crops (hardy plants)
and legumes (soil enhancers).



Applying the Scientific Method

in Contour Planting
Six months have passed. Mang Gusting was able to get a good harvest because he
applied what he learned about choosing seeds, fertilizers, irrigation and crop rotation.
Because of his earnings, he was able to buy the hill next to his field. He planted corn
on that hill. Sadly, a part of the hill was washed away when a strong typhoon came.
The corn plants were washed
away? What could have
happened? How can I plant on
this eroded part of the hill?

In this lesson, you will learn contour planting. Like what you learned in the
previous lesson, the scientific method can also be applied to address Mang
Gustings problem.

Lets Read
If you were Mang Gusting, how would you use the scientific method in solving
the problem of erosion on his hill? Recall the steps of the scientific method and
study the story on the next page.


I think my neighbors are correct.

Planting different crops on different
elevations of the hill can prevent
the soil on the hill from being
washed away by a storm.

My problem is how to
prevent the rain from
eroding my hillside
farm. I think a way to
prevent this is to plant
different crops on each
terrain. This is what my
neighbors do.

How is your
farm going,

Thats a wise observation, Mang

Gusting. What you have just
done is called contour farming.
It is something that we teach
farmers in order to prevent the
soil on the slopes of hillside
farms from eroding too much.

You know, Mr. Cruz, I have

just discovered something.
Planting different crops on
my hill helps prevent the
soil from eroding.


Can you tell

me more

Lets Learn
This is what Mr. Cruz told Mang Gusting:
Farmers usually plant on terrain that is not flat like rice fields. However, when
farmers plant on hillsides where the terrain slopes (slants upward and downward),
contour farming is recommended.
Contour farming is a farming technique applied on sloping land. It is very useful
for farms on the sides of a hill or a mountain. Contours are areas in the field having
the same elevation. Study the diagram below. The different contours are marked.

Trace the contours with your finger. Did you notice that the hill has different
contours? Different contours make elevated farms more prone to erosion. To solve
this problem, planting a row of crops on a contour and planting a different crop on
another can be done. Study the picture below. Notice how the different contours
are planted with different crops.


To enhance contour planting, one or two cultivated contours can be followed by

strips of cover crops. This practice is called contour strip cropping. Cover crops
are creeping, bushy plants with thick growth and expansive root systems. Cover crops
include species of grass such as centrosema and crotolaria. You can inquire from the
Bureau of Soil Management office in your area about these grasses and where to get
them. Legumes such as peanuts and peas are also good cover crops. Study the picture
below showing contour strip cropping.

Cover crops have wide root systems and are usually not tall. They reduce erosion
by holding the soil in place especially during heavy rainfall. Aside from this, they
cover the soil from the heavy impact of rainfall. They slow water down as it goes
down the sides of a hill. Their roots bind the soil together and when they decompose,
they add nutrients to the soil. Study the picture of a cover crop below and imagine how
it protects the soil from erosion.


Lets See What You Have Learned

Below is a picture of a hillside farm. Practice contour farming by assigning what
plants are to be planted on each contour.

Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 54.

Lets Remember

Contour farming or planting is a technique wherein different contours of

land are planted with different crops. This prevents erosion.

Cover crops are low-lying plants that have expansive root systems. They
prevent erosion by holding soil in place, shielding it from rainfall and
lessening the impact of water as it flows down the slopes from an elevated
field like a hill.


Well, this is the end of the module. Congratulations for finishing it! Did you
enjoy studying this module? Did you learn a lot from it? Below is a summary of its
main points to help you remember them better.

Lets Sum Up
This module tells us that:

The scientific method is a series of steps that one follows when solving a
problem or making a decision. These steps are:

Identifying the problem


Making a hypothesis


Gathering data


Analyzing the data


Making a conclusion


Making and implementing recommendations

The scientific method can be used in solving problems in agriculture, such


Choosing seeds for planting




Deciding whether to use natural or commercial fertilizers


Using farming techniques such as crop rotation and contour planting


What Have You Learned?

Its harvest time on Mang Gusting and Aling Tinays farm and the rice is ready for
harvesting. They have to decide what is the better method for harvesting their crop in
terms of cost effectivity. Should they use a harvesting machine or hire people to
harvest the rice by hand? Help the couple decide by using the scientific method.
In the blank spaces in the table below, write the steps of the scientific method in
correct order. In the space opposite that step, write what the couple should do. The
first item has been done for you.
Steps of the Scientific Method

What Mang Gusting and Aling Tinay

Can Do

1. Identifying the problem

What is the more cost-effective

method of harvesting rice, by
machine or by hand?






Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on page 54. If you
got 5 or 6 items right, congratulations! You are now ready to use the scientific
method in solving problems not only related to agriculture but to other situations as
If you got a lower score, thats okay. You should just study this module again
more carefully.


Answer Key
A. Lets See What You Already Know (page 2)





Identifying the problem


Making a hypothesis


Gathering data


Analyzing the data


Making a conclusion


Making and implementing recommendations


It is a logical and organized way of solving problems.


Usually, the best solutions are arrived at if the scientific method is



Must be from good parent plants


Plump, smooth and without scars


Irrigation provides adequate water supply to the plants.


Proper irrigation increases a fields productivity.


A fertilizer is a mixture of chemicals added to the soil to provide

additional nutrients such as sodium, potassium and phosphorus that
plants need.



Crop rotation restores nutrients to the soil.


Crop rotation limits the number of pests in a farm by varying the

availability of food for these organisms.

B. Lesson 1
Lets Try This (page 6)

He thought that maybe his corn seeds lacked sunlight and this
prevented them from growing.


He made two setups of corn seeds inside jars. He placed one under
sunlight and the other inside his room.


He observed the growth of the seeds and analyzed his observations.


Jose concluded that his seeds did not grow because they lacked


Lets See What You Have Learned (page 9)


Identifying the problem


Gathering data (through experimentation)


Making a conclusion


Making and applying recommendations


Making a hypothesis


Making a hypothesis


Gathering data (through experimentation)


Making a conclusion


Identifying the problem


Gathering data (through experimentation)

C. Lesson 2
Lets Try This (page 15)
(Answers will vary. The following are sample answers.)

Identifying the problem: Mang Gusting has to choose which rice variety
from among the six will grow best in his field.


Making a hypothesis: One of the six rice varieties will grow faster than
the rest.


Gathering data: Mang Gusting can divide his plot of land into six areas
for planting the six rice varieties. He can visit the field every day after
planting the rice varieties and note his observations.


Analyzing data: Mang Gusting can now carefully study his observations.


Making a conclusion: The C-4 rice variety grew the fastest and yielded
the most rice. Therefore, Mang Gusting can say that this rice variety
will grow best in his field.


Making and implementing recommendations: Mang Gusting can now

start planting the C-4 variety on his rice field.

Lets Try This (pages 1819)


Comes from a healthy plant

Well stored
With scars from insect infestation
Easily germinates
Smaller than usual size
Evenly colored

Lets Review (pages 2223)

1. Seed germination is the process in which the embryo inside the seed
sprouts or develops.
2. You can tell that the seeds have germinated if the seeds swell and
you can see small plants starting to develop from the seeds.
3. You can add more layers of moist cloth to cover the seeds. This
increases the heat which is needed for germination.
Lets See What You Have Learned (page 27)
1. Water is important to plants because water is required for the plants
vital functions needed for growth and survival.
2. Irrigation is the technique by which plants are artificially supplied
with water.
3. Plants need different amounts of water because they have different
structures and functions. For example, cacti in deserts have less need
for water because they have thicker coverings that prevent water from
evaporating in warm conditions.
D. Lesson 3
Lets See What You Have Learned (pages 3435)



E. Lesson 4
Lets Try This (page 39)
Other answers are possible. Below are some suggested answers.
Steps of the Scientific Method

What Mr. Cruz Did

1. Identifying the problem

He noticed that the vegetables were not as

healthy as when he first planted them.

2. Making a hypothesis

He thought that maybe the soil had lost its


3. Gathering data

He planted mungo before planting eggplants. He

then observed the rate of growth of the

4. Analyzing data

He then compared the growth rates of


5. Making a conclusion

He then concluded that eggplants tend to use up

the nutrients in the soil but mungo plants restore
these nutrients.

6. Making and implementing


He decided that planting mungo every now and

then can help maintain the fertility of the soil.

Lets See What You Have Learned (page 42)

Vegetable Crop



Root crop




Leaf crop




Lesson 5
Lets See What You Have Learned (page 47)

G. What Have You Learned? (page 49)

(Answers will vary. Below are sample answers.)
Steps of the Scientific Method

What Mang Gusting and Aling Tinay

Can Do

1. Identifying the problem

What is the more cost-effective method of

harvesting rice, by machine or by hand?

2. Making a hypothesis

Their hypothesis could be harvesting by

machine will save more money than
harvesting by hand.

3. Gathering data

Two rice fields of equal areas will be

chosen. The rice in one field is to be
harvested by machine and the other, by

4. Analyzing data

Mang Gusting and Aling Tinay can

tabulate the cost of harvest and the
amount earned from selling the harvested
rice. They can then compare the profit with
the cost of harvesting per rice field.

5. Making conclusion

They conclude that harvesting by

machine is cheaper.

6. Making and implementing


They can now harvest rice by using



Agriculture The study and discipline of cultivating plants for human use and
Biology Study of life and living things.
Commercial fertilizers Fertilizers made and sold by chemical companies.
Compost Layered heap of decayed organic matter that can be used as a
Conclusion A reasoned judgment based on data gathered and analyzed.
Contour farming Farming technique used for sloping land; involves planting
different types of crops for each contour to prevent erosion.
Contours Areas in a field that have the same elevation.
Contour strip farming Alternating cover crops between contours.
Cover crops Low-lying plants such as grasses and legumes, with wide
extensive root systems that protect the soil from erosion.
Crop rotation A system of alternating the types of plants to be grown in a
plot of land.
Data Facts; information.
Decomposition Process of breaking down plants and animals.
Experimentation The process of gathering and analyzing data based on
Fertilizers Substances that, when added to soil, provide additional nutrients
that plants need.
Furrows Small canals.
Germination Development of the embryo inside a seed.
Hypothesis A tentative solution to a problem.
Irrigation A man-made system of providing adequate and regulated water
supply to plants.
Leaf crops Plants that are leafy and rob the soil of nutrients.
Legumes Beans and related plants that give back nutrients to the soil.
Method A way of doing things.
Natural fertilizers Fertilizers derived from plants and animals.
Photosynthesis Process by which plants make food using sunlight.


Root crops Tubers and hardy plants that do not require much nutrient from the
Scalding Pouring hot water over something.
Science Systematized body of knowledge.
Scientific method A series of steps used in solving problems and coming up
with decisions.
Tubers Plants whose roots are used as food, such as camote and cassava.


Agricultural Studies Curriculum Committee. Agricultural Studies Stage 1.
Australia: Education Department of Southern Australia, 1977.
Bailey, John. Limiting Factors. Canberra, Australia: The Curriculum
Development Centre, 1979.
. Managing Soil Fertility. Canberra, Australia: The Curriculum
Development Centre, 1979.
Bautista, Oelia K., et al. Tropical Crop Production. Los Baos, Laguna:
Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, UPLB.
Eligio, Danilo T. and E.M. Ricamonte. Agriculural Arts for Secondary
Schools. Philippines: Mercantile Inc., 1980.
Horticulture Student Resource Handbook. 2nd ed. Australia: Education
Department of Western Australia, 1983.


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