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Name of Learner: ________________________________ Grade Level: ______

Section: _________________________________________ Date: ____________


The Scientific Method

Background Information for Learners

The scientific method is a tool used by scientists to answer questions about the world. It
follows step-by-step procedures which are logical and sequential. This is often conducted in
scientific investigations which seek to find out the truth regarding a certain phenomenon.

There are series of steps involved in Scientific Method.

The first step is to make OBSERVATIONS. It consists of receiving knowledge through our
senses from our environment. Observing things around us will lead to good scientific questions
that will recognize a problem we wanted to resolve.

Second step is to conduct a BACKGROUND RESEARCH in order to learn more on the

problem. Learning what others have been discovered about the problem will be easier to
conduct an investigation.

Third step is to formulate a HYPOTHESIS. This is also known as an educated guess for
the possible solution to a problem. It is in the form of statement that is used to predict the
outcome of an experiment.

Fourth step is to design a procedure for an EXPERIMENT. This is done to test the possible
solution to a problem or hypothesis. When you design an experiment, you are controlling and
measuring variables. The things that are changing in an experiment are called variables. There
are three types of variables in an experiment. The controlled or constant variable (cannot
changed), independent variable (can stand, changed and controlled) and dependent variable
(one that is tested and measured).
Fifth step is to ANALYZE DATA OR INFORMATION collected during an experiment
and to draw CONCLUSIONS (summary of findings) whether to accept or reject the
hypothesis. Data can be qualitative (describes qualities or characteristics) or quantitative
(measures values).
And last step is to COMMUNICATE THE RESULTS. This is to present findings of the
conducted experiment for the information of others.

Learning Competency with Code

The learner should be able to describe the components of a scientific investigation


Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 1

Activity 1: You Complete Me!
Directions: Solve the crossword puzzle using the important terms in Scientific Method. Use
the given clue to complete the puzzle.

Activity 2: Know Your Steps

Directions: Identify which step in the Scientific Method is described in each statement.
Write only the letter of your choice.

A. Recognize a problem C. Test the hypothesis (testing implies experimenting)

B. Formulate a hypothesis D. Draw a conclusion

__________1. Mark thought that cactus would grow faster if he puts pebbles through
the soil in which they were planted.
__________2. Hanna’s data showed that ants moved away from raw cucumber slices.
__________3. Maria wondered if she could extract dye out of gumamela flowers
and leaves.
__________4. Peter grew molds from spoiled bread. He placed drops of different
vinegar to see how bread molds react with the substance.
__________5. Aling Nena’s experiment showed that duck eggshells were whiter and
stronger when she fed the ducks with commercial feeds combined with corn, to which
extra calcium had been added.
__________6. Jose saw ticks crawling in his dog’s body. He asked the veterinarian,
“How are ticks able to grow with his dog?”

Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 2

__________7. Vivien soaked her stained white blouse in water for 24 hours. She used
different kinds of soap and detergents to get rid of the stain.
__________8. Jojo said, “If I plant monggo seeds in the afternoon, I think the plants
will grow more robust than the plants grown in the morning.”
__________9. If 50 mL of water are added to my plants each day and they grow, then
adding 100 mL of water each day will make them grow even more.
__________10. After working in the laboratory, the student found out that bacteria
grow more on less acidic environments.
__________11. The barista filled two identical glasses with the same amount of tap
water. He added varied amounts of salt into the substance. He then placed the mixtures
into the freezer overnight.
__________12. The singer predicted that there is an increase or decrease in a person’s
heart rate if people listen to music.
__________13. A kindergarten observed that his apple slices turned brown after few
minutes. He asked his mom if there is any way he can help stop the apple from turning
__________14. After finishing his breakfast, Angelo said that hot choco melts faster
in hot water than in cold water.
__________15. Malunggay trunks shall be planted in different areas. The plants will
be watered daily. Over a period of a week, the plants will be measured to see which
ones grew the tallest.

Activity 3: What’s The Problem?

Directions: Write one scientific problem based on the situation given in each item.

1. Lance and his classmates went to the farm to gather

different kinds of leaves needed for their assignment.
Before going to the area, Lance sprayed his favorite
body cologne. When they were done gathering, one of
his classmates noticed that Lance got a lot of insect
bites on his back while the rest of the group who did
not put some cologne on their body got none. Lance
became curious if this has something to do with
spraying his favorite body cologne.

2. During their school intramurals, a volleyball match between competing teams took place on
the school grounds under the heat of the sun. Team A wears white jersey shirts while Team B
has black jersey shirts as their uniform. After the game, their respective coaches noticed that
Team B players felt hotter and produced more body sweat than Team A players. They are trying
to figure out if their observations are connected with their respective jersey uniforms.

Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 3

5. After preparing food for lunch, Manang
Elsa put the eggshells in the pots of her
orchid plants instead of throwing in the
garbage bin. She wanted to see her plants
grow healthier soon but did not want to
use chemical fertilizer to speed up the
growth of her orchid plants. After five
days, she woke up to see the plants
increased in size and had even greener


Activity 4: Let’s Analyze!

Directions: Read the scientific investigation story below. Choose the letter that corresponds to
your answer.

A group of Grade 7- Rizal students came across

one interesting vlog of their favorite social media
influencer that touches the idea of giving music to plants.
It is from this fascinating idea that they thought of
conducting similar investigation as part of their
requirements in their science subject.

They started to read books, surf the internet and

study researches on the effect of music to plant growth.
Members from the group continued to formulate their
respective hypotheses. They went on performing a simple

The group selected two San Francisco plants of

similar size planted on the same type of soil and kind of
pots. Both plants were healthy. Each plant were placed in
separate rooms with a window exposed to full sunlight and
were watered with equal amounts every day. They
measured the height of the plants.

Once a day, they played classical music on room 1

for about one hour while leaving room 2 with no music
played. Over a period of two weeks, they noted significant
differences in each plant’s growth.

Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 5

Multiple Choice:

1. What was the problem in the Grade 7-Rizal’s experiment?

a. Which San Francisco plant is taller?
b. What kind of music should be given to plants?
c. How long can plants grow?
d. Does music make a plant grow faster?

2. What do you think their hypothesis was?

a. San Francisco plants grow because of sunlight.
b. There is no change in size of the San Francisco plants because it got equal
amounts of water.
c. Music can help plant grow faster.
d. Plants need good soil to grow faster.

3. How did they test their hypothesis?

a. They placed two plants in one room and gave music to each.
b. They planted the San Francisco in different pots and gave music to each.
c. Same plants in similar soil and pots; both receive music.
d. Same plant in similar soil and pots, with equal water and sunlight; only one
plant received music.

4. What was the variable in the experiment?

a. Presence of sunlight
b. Giving of music to one plant and no music to the other
c. Amount of water
d. Similar soil and pots for both plants

5. What do you think the group’s conclusion was?

a. Plants grow with enough nutrients
b. There is an increase on plants height when given music
c. Music has no effect on plant growth
d. Rich soil, water and sunlight are needed by plants

6. Which is not a step in the scientific method?

a. Formulate hypothesis c. Research
b. Conduct experiment d. Ask people’s personal opinions

7. What is the first step in conducting a scientific investigation?

a. Arrive at a conclusion c. Observe and ask questions
b. Analyze data d. Test the hypothesis

8. What is the independent variable in the experiment?

a. Location of the plants c. Type of soil
b. Amount of sunlight d. Music given

9. What is the dependent variable in the experiment?

a. Amount of water c. Plant growth
Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 6

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