This document contains instructions for reciting a mantra 108 times daily to gain benefits like vocal abilities, children, removing obstacles, good health and prosperity. It also contains a passage about blessing others by going around and mentally wishing good things for every person encountered. The passage describes how the author's vocal abilities developed after practicing blessing birds, people and dogs under a banyan tree for a day.
This document contains instructions for reciting a mantra 108 times daily to gain benefits like vocal abilities, children, removing obstacles, good health and prosperity. It also contains a passage about blessing others by going around and mentally wishing good things for every person encountered. The passage describes how the author's vocal abilities developed after practicing blessing birds, people and dogs under a banyan tree for a day.
This document contains instructions for reciting a mantra 108 times daily to gain benefits like vocal abilities, children, removing obstacles, good health and prosperity. It also contains a passage about blessing others by going around and mentally wishing good things for every person encountered. The passage describes how the author's vocal abilities developed after practicing blessing birds, people and dogs under a banyan tree for a day.
This document contains instructions for reciting a mantra 108 times daily to gain benefits like vocal abilities, children, removing obstacles, good health and prosperity. It also contains a passage about blessing others by going around and mentally wishing good things for every person encountered. The passage describes how the author's vocal abilities developed after practicing blessing birds, people and dogs under a banyan tree for a day.
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This mantra should be recited 108 times daily till 1,00,000 is completed and aft er wards 108 times daily to be continued. This mantra will provide Sadhak Vak Siddhi, children, removal of all obstacles, free from long standing diseases and prosperity in life. ------II JATAVEDA SE SUNAVAMA SOMA MARATE YATO NIDAHATI VEDAH SAH ! NAH PARSHADATI DU RGANI VISHVA NAVEVA SINDHUM DURITATYAGNIH II----Durga Stuti. One has to recite this mantra 108 times so that all Manokamnah will be fulfilled . ============ Even if you take time to make it an organized effort, you can just sit out and t hat does not need any time, method or technique. Or you are travelling in the pu blic bus, train, even there go on blessing every individual. Let you be blissful , let you be successful, let only good things happen to you, let auspicious thin gs happen to you. go on blessings. You will see the power of it! Today I will re veal one of the important meditation technique. This will be the annam, nourishe r to your being. This action will be a great Yajna, great sacrifice through whic h your God consciousness will grow. You will start having Vaak siddhi. If anybod y believes I have vaak siddhi and believes you also want to have the vaak siddhi I have, take this as a technique. Try one day like giving a chance. Whole day w hoever you see, go on blessing. Go on blessing. I tell you within a day you will catch the joy in it. You will see you are raising your consciousness. Even if y ou feel shy to do it aloud, mentally you do it and you can t say today I bless all the people I meet. No, that is cheating. Whenever you see any individual, for e very individual do it. You can do it mentally. But for every individual without forgetting, without missing you have to do. Take this as a conscious practice. I tell you. (BIOGRAPHY) I still remember when Kupammal trained my tongue, actuall y she did a unique process. She heated a small thin gold needle and inserted in my inner tongue like a center line for the tongue. It did not hurt my tongue. It created a kind of electricity. She heated the gold wire and energized it throug h some mantra process. By holding wire outside, she chanted some verses. Then sh e said go and sit under the Banyan tree. I had a Banyan tree in the Arunachala t emple. All of you must know that Banyan tree and this Banyan tree are from the s ame root. I had a vision that I planted both of them in my previous advent. Anyh ow, I sat under that tree and I started blessing birds, dogs, people who go arou nd the temple, I was continuously blessing people. My first Kalpataru darshan! I t created such a powerful effect on me, impact on me. May be after that only the vaak siddhi has started expressing. Even people who are against me are afraid o f my tongue! The vaak siddhi because anything comes out of my tongue really happ ens. I tell you I promise on that same vaak suddhi, do this, you will have vaak sudhi. Go on blessing people. But don t stop with one day. In one day you will lea rn it. but after that few days make it as a habit consciously for one month go o n blessing people. After that one month, you don t need to do it anymore. You will carry an aura that will automatically radiate blessings to people. Blessed are those who carry the blessing aura. ==========