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OT1-Pentateuch (Redemption Anticipated) : Genesis

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OT1- Pentateuch

(Redemption Anticipated) § Different people wrote the Bible

(Example: the priests wrote
The Pentateuch is: § The Israelites are the recipients
1) Covenantal scripture of the Pentateuch before entering
2) Biblical covenant the Promise Land. The Lord
3) “Ancient Near East” instructed Moses to write
4) “the five scrolls” Pentateuch in order to remind the
people why they were entering
The Old Testament is the redemptive the Promise Land.
purpose of God throughout history § Take away Christ, no Christianity.
revealed and fulfilled in Jesus Christ. It § We cannot know God’s will
is the unfolding of fulfillment of God’s entirely, only a glimpse of it.
promises. (Deut. 29:29)
§ See Scripture through the lens of
What is COVENANT? the Covenant and God’s people.
It is important to know first the meaning § Christ fulfills “I will be your God
of “sovereign” and “vassal”. This make and you will be my people.”
up the biblical covenant.
Sovereign means strong. PURPOSE OF OT: To remind the
Vassal means weak. people of God about their covenantal
relationship with YHWH and what is
§ The covenant comprises of the expected from them.
sovereign protecting the vassal,
but the vassal shall serve the RELIABILITY OF OT: Very reliable, but
sovereign and remain faithful to not if we reject the above two.
§ Genesis 1:1 is the beginning of GENESIS
the covenant.
§ Abraham entered in the
• ABRAM: “AB” (father) “RAM”
Covenant of Grace when he was (exalted/high), ABRAHAM “AB”
90 years old. (father), “RAHAM” (many)
§ The Bible does not prove that
ISSUES: God exists; it presumes that God
1) Authorship exists.
2) Purpose § Romans 1: the whole creation
3) Reliability attests that God exists.
On authorship
APPEARED” is the biggest
1) Traditional: Moses (accepts fallacy of atheism.
Moses as the author of the § God speaks to us using “baby
talk” via the Bible.
2) Non-Traditional: Not Moses
(progressive approach)
§ finitum non capax infinitum § Add, subtract and deny
(Latin: the finite cannot Scripture.
comprehend the infinite)
§ Pre-incarnate appearances of FOUR TYPES OF CREATIONISM:
Christ can be found in the Old § YE (Young Earth): The earth is
Testament (Christ in flesh). 5,000 years old and is expected
Incarnation is retrieved from the to be made in literally just 24
words “in” and “carnal” which hours.
means flesh. Jesus Christ is fully § Gap Theory: The skip between
divine and fully human but pre- Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2; might
incarnate appearances DO NOT include the pre-Adamic race and
equate to salvation (Luke 4:24) it is theorized that Gen 1:3 is
CREATION believers perceive a § Old Earth: Unlike YE, Old Earth is
concept of “Imago Dei” (Image of God). countless aeons.
This is a fact that you are given § Time Relative: Time is not
dominion over creation, creativity and constant.
relationship but these are often
marred/distorted because of sin. THE ACCOUNT OF CREATION & THE
EVOLUTION believers do not perceive ANE MYTHS
any concept of creation and therefore, § The Enuma Elish: Apsu, Tiamat
all is for nothing and you shouldn’t care. and Mummu (creation account of
the Babylonians)
§ There is only one God and He is § The Epic of Gilgamesh
YHWH. The Father is God, The
Word/Son is God, and the Holy THE TOLEDOTH (Genesis is 8
Spirit is God. They can never be accounts) – The generations
interchangeable. § God
§ Everything in the OT points to § Adam
Christ whether directly, indirectly § Noah and sons, Shem
or implied. § Abraham
§ We cannot know God’s will § Isaac
entirely, only a glimpse of it. § Jacob
§ OT anticipates our redemption § Joseph
and it is the unfolding of
fulfillment of God’s promises. It is THREE (3) APPROACHES TO
the redemptive purpose of God UNDERSTAND THE MEANING:
through history revealed and 1) Traditional Approach (the
fulfilled in Jesus Christ. approach of the church until
§ We are able to relate to others 1800’s, also called The Biblical
and our God our Creator. Approach). It accepts that the
§ Our primary duty is to obey and Bible is God’s word through and
worship God. through. Deals with “What is God
§ Shamar: “keep” saying?”
§ Drama (Narrative)
§ Doctrine (Teaching) § Primeval generally means
§ Doxology (Praise) unrecorded history.
§ Discipleship (Obedience) § East in the OT means “away from
2) Liberal Approach (1800’s) does the Lord”.
not accept that the Bible is God’s § Federal Headship is where
word but rather, man-made and descendants either get blessed
a study to be dissected by a vast or cursed depending on Adam.
majority of Bible scholars. Because Christ is now the head,
3) Neo-orthodox Approach we are thoroughly graced and
proclaims that the Bible blessed.
“sometimes” will contain God’s
word. Includes “bible-cutting”. THE IDENTITY OF THE SONS OF GOD
§ Sola scriptura (Latin: “by 1. Fallen Angels cohabited with
Scripture alone”) daughters of men and produced
§ Tota scriptura (Latin: “the whole the Nephilim (“mighty ones”)
of Scripture”) 2. Godly lineage of Seth merging
§ Solo scriptura (Latin: “The Bible with the ungodly women (Cainite
by itself”) women)
§ The Church recognizes that the 3. “Sons of God” are the mighty
Bible alone is the highest and rulers of the day. A title of
inerrant authority, in matters of authority abused because they
life and faith. confiscate women left and right.
§ There are two covenants in the The daughters of men can have
Bible: The Covenant of come from the ungodly line of
Redemption and the Covenant of Lamech.
§ The Covenant of Redemption has EXODUS
The Trinity as parties. The Father
chooses, The Son dies and The Why Pentateuch?
Holy Spirit applies the salvation. The purpose of the Pentateuch is to
§ We read the Bible literally but we remind the Israelites where they came
should never take it in a from, why they are here and how they
literalistic approach. came to be.
§ Anthropomorphic: described or
thought of as having a human 586BC Judah falls exile to Babylon
form or human attributes. 1450BC (roughly) Moses and the
§ There are two ways how God is Exodus/Deuteronomy
referred to in the Bible: 1) Elohim
and 2) YHWH, which is also read See Scripture through
as Adonai by Jews. a. Covenantal approach
§ El means “God”. Elohim means b. Christ-centered
“Gods” but it is only in singular
form in the Bible.
§ Pharaoh means “great/grand Satan cannot move unless God
house”, “household of the king”, had ordained it (Book of Job).
§ Moses was a representation of § The 10 Commandments are
God and by disobeying, Moses made up of two parts: 1) Love
misrepresented Him. God and 2) Love your neighbor
(considering our neighbor ahead
Some Egyptian people that can possibly of ourselves). It is in two tablets
hold of importance in the Exodus: which serve as two copies (a
§ Thutmose III – exile of Moses
§ Amenhotep II – Pharaoh of the LEVITICUS
§ Hatsepsut – expected to be the § The building of the tabernacle
one who retrieved Moses from where God dwells in a tent to live
the river among His people (end of
Exodus). But in Leviticus, God
Moses’ arguments (why he shouldn’t says, “don’t come near the
go): tabernacle too much because
you are sinful.”
1. Who am I to lead them out of
Egypt? § The depiction of sacrifices show
2. Who are you [to God] and who that sinning is very graphic in the
are you for me to listen to your eyes of God and not a laughing
voice? matter. Only blood/sacrifice to
3. I cannot speak. satisfy the wrath of God, and for
4. Send someone else instead. you to come in the presence of
God. The incense shields the
There is somehow a connection sinner from God.
between God against the Egyptian
Gods during the plague. § The Ark of the Covenant consists
§ In Genesis 1, it is said that God of 2 tablets (law), 1 jar of manna
made everything. (provision) and 1 rod (leadership).
§ In Exodus, the Egyptians worship You sin by rejecting these three.
everything. The Ark also includes the
By the plagues, God wants to show the seraphims/cherubims that are
Egyptians that He is greater than all repsentatives of God’s judgment.
these things (battle between the God of This depicts that God looks
Israel & God of the Egyptians). down on sin.

§ The 10 Plagues are either § The Day of Atonement is the only

supernatural or not. God is still day that the ark is sprinkled with
the one behind everything behind blood and sin cannot be seen
the supernatural event. He is still anymore.
the one controlling everything.
The three categories of the law: § It is the fifth book derived from
1. Civil Laws govern the running of deuteronomion meaning the
the nation Israel. “second law”, “repeat of the
2. Ceremonial Laws deal with how law”, the neglected book.
people should interact with God. § It provides a template for the rest
3. Moral Laws show the immutable of the OT. It is the summary of
morality of God and how we their journey from Exodus. It also
respond. serves as a commemoration and
§ The law does not take away sin, § Here, it shows what the Lord has
rather, it curbs your sin. To curb done and what you’ve done in
means to limit/restrain/temper. response to His goodness. It is a
The law is not perfect but it is the reminder that the Lord takes sin
law. seriously but He has been
generous to a fault.
NUMBERS § The cities of refuge were
assigned by the Lord for the
§ In the Book of Numbers (Greek: people who committed
“arithmoi”, Torah: “in the accidental murder for protection.
desert/wilderness”). It contains It protects the rights of the
the census for fighting men 20 accidental murder, gives time for
years and above as well as 12 investigation and withholds
spies for every tribe. It also immediate justice. The accused
contains the census of rebellion is saved as long as the High
and punishments (the second Priest is alive. This parallels to
census), Joshua’s Christ being your city of refuge
commissioning (ch. 27) and the and your eternal High Priest. Our
bronze serpent. salvation in Him is perfect. He
§ The bronze serpent was welcomes all manner of sinners
produced when the Lord plunges unlike the earthly city of refuge.
fiery serpents upon the Israelites.
When they finally repented, He
commanded for the bronze
serpent to be produced for their
healing just by looking up at it.
This points to Christ lifting up all
men to Himself (Jn. 3)
§ The tribe of Levi has no particular
real estate because they are the
line of Aaron (the lineage of


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