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Social Science-Course Outline

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Communication Studies Programme

This is a three-year undergraduate program that prepares our students to work within a fast
and developing media and communication environment on graduation. They are equipped
with both theoretical and practical skills. They are given exposure and trainings to allow them
to handle real-life communication problems. With problem and outcome based learning, our
program emphasizes the development of our students who aspires to be future
communication and media specialists.
Learning Outcomes
After completing their program of study, our graduates will be able:
1. Apply and
Learning Outcomes
On graduating from this program, students will be able:

Menguasai teori dan ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang Komunikasi,

Menguasai kemahiran dalam aspek penulisan, rekaan media cetak, perancangan dan
pengurusan acara,
Mempamerkan keprihatinan dan kepekaan terhadap isu dan masalah masyarakat,
Menerapkan nilai profesionalisma dan etika ketika berkomunikasi,
Menguasai kemahiran menulis, mendengar, berucap dan berinteraksi secara efektif,
menyerlahkan keterampilan kepemimpinan secara berkesan ketika menangani situasi
genting, serta mampu bekerja sebagai ahli yang mengutamakan semangat
Menyediakan penyelesaian kreatif dan inovatif dalam masalah, isu dan cabaran yang
Mencari dan mengurus maklumat dengan mahir serta berminat dan berkebolehan
belajar sepanjang hayat, dan
Menerokai dan melaksanakan peluang keusahawanan secara kreatif dan inovatif
dalam melaksanakan aktiviti yang dirancang secara berkesan.



Entry Requirement
Courses offered during the three years program are as below:
Year 1
All social science students enrolled in the following courses during their first academic year
to provide them with basic social science concepts essential for their development as social
science graduates.
SSF 1013 Introduction to Social Science
This course contextualises the historical development of the social sciences within
world civilization. It introduces students to important social science terminology in
preparation for the understanding of other courses in the faculty. It also gives
students an opportunity to conceptualise and explain social reality through social
science perspectives.

SSF 1023 - Contemporary Pschology

The course introduces students to the application of psychological concepts in
contemporary society. Main areas of psychology taught in this course are general
psychology, developmental, social and abnormal psychology. This also includes key
topics such as learning, memory, social communication and motivation which will also

be discussed in-depth in order to bring about understanding their relevancy to

everyday life and work. Different core psychological domains such as cognition,
social, perception and emotion that are fundamental to understanding of human
behaviour will be examined.

SSF 1033 - Introduction to Malaysian Social History

This is not a conventional history course which deals with events in a chronological
order. Instead, it discusses history thematically and exposes the student to the
processes of social and historical transformation.

SSF 1053 - Introduction to Politicial Science

This course highlights in detail the range of academic topics in political science to
include theoretical approaches, basic concepts and definition of politics in the context
of formal government institutions, power relations, value distribution systems and
public policies. In addition, concepts about power, states, sovereignty and political
culture will be covered. This course also discusses basic political concepts which
later pave the way for constructing debates and discussions of current political
affairs. There are four components in this introductory course namely; the field of
political science, political institutions, political processes and politics and society. With
emphasis on these four areas, it is hoped that students will be able to critically
analyse and understand the subject of political science

SSF 1074 - Modern Economics

This course is divided into three major sections, namely, Section I: Understanding
basic economic concepts, principles and theories; Section II: Understanding national
and global Economy, and Section III: Analysing social issues from the economic
perspective. Section I exposes students to topics related to the definition of
economics, some basic economic concepts, principles and theories and their
relationship to us. Theories of demand and supply, the application of elasticity
concept, as well as different market structures will be discussed in Section I. Section
II helps students to relate national economy to their daily lives. Topics covered in this
section include measuring a nation?s income, measuring the cost of living, money
and banking system, unemployment, foreign exchange, international trade and its
importance among nations. Some basic concepts of open-economy macroeconomics
as well as economic growth and public policy will also be discussed in Section II. The
final section provides students with the opportunity to apply their understanding and
knowledge concerning basic economic principles on contemporary social issues that
are related to their respective field of study.

SSF 1044 - Introduction to Anthropology and Sociology

Anthropology and sociology are two distinctive disciplines BUT at the same time
fundamentally share one common characteristic, that is, the study of human
phenomena. More often than not sociology is perceived as the study of human social
life in urban societies whereas anthropology is the study of human cultures and rural
communities. While sociology is usually perceived to study social behaviors such as
juvenile delinquency, family structure and criminal behaviors, anthropology tends to
study cultural functions such as the rites of passage, kinship and ritual chastisement.
In this course, the student is expected to understand that anthropology and sociology
do not merely give them the academic insight to society but also plays a fundamental
role in their lives as they attempt to understand the wider facets of social
relationships and experiences. More importantly, introducing anthropology and
sociology will hopefully enable the student to critically question what they already
know and claim to understand as being part of their society.

SSF 1063 - Communication and Society

This course will discuss the changes in patterns of communication within a society by
focusing on the historical transition from traditional communication system, its
transformation processes, to its contemporary modern forms. The characteristics of
communication that will be focused in this course are human and mass
communication. Among the topics that will be discussed will be culture and society,
media literacy, general opinion, persuasion, new communication technology and its
effects on society, and towards information society.

SSF 1083 Gender, Ethnicity and Class

Societies are not just simply an amorphous mass of people. A society is
characterised by differentiation of people into various categories according to social
divisions such as gender, ethnicity and class. These divisions form the basis for the
distribution of power, status and opportunities. Who we are depends on how and
where we fit into society. An understanding of how the intersection of these forces
work in the life of an individual is imperative for all students of social sciences.

SSF 1093 - Statistics for Social Sciences

This course is an introduction to statistical concepts in various fields of the social
sciences. The course consists of: (1) Descriptive statistics which cover univariate and
multivariate data, probabilities, the normal distribution and variability sampling; (2)
Inferential statistics which deal with hypothesis testing, analysis of variance
(ANOVA), linear correlation and regression analysis.

Year 2

SSF 2034 - Social Theory

SSK 2014 - Communication Theory
This course offers an introduction to the various principles, models, theories, and
paradigms in the field of communication, which includes verbal and nonverbal
communication, intercultural communication, and mass communication.

SSK 2024 - Mass Media

Kursus ini adalah berkaitan dengan salah satu aspek sistem komunikasi.
Mempelajari media massa amat penting kerana peranan signifikannya dalam
masyarakat. Media massa di Malaysia memainkan peranan penting dalam
memberitahu, mendidik dan menghiburkan khalayak. Media massa mempengaruhi
kepercayaan kita, cita rasa, dan tingkah laku, selain menetapkan agenda sosial,
politik, dan budaya. Pelajar akan didedahkan kepada pelbagai bentuk media seperti
akhbar, majalah, buku, filem, televisyen, radio, dan internet dengan penekanan
khusus diberikan kepada perkembangan dan keadaan, perkembangan, peranan dan
cabaran industri media di Malaysia.

SSK 2034 - News Writing

The main topics that are covered in this course are definition, characteristics and
types of news. The emphasis is given on the ability to write simple news that is
comprehensive, clear and interesting. Hence, the students are given intensive
training in writing lead, body and heading of the news. At the same time, students are
taught on how to conduct interview. Students are also required to be involved in the
publication of Madah Samarahan that is specially designed to train students on how
to handle newspaper production starting from looking for news, writing the news,
forming the editorial team, doing layout, selling space for advertisements and
marketing the newspaper.

SSF 2014 - Research Methods in Social Sciences

The purpose of this course is to give students exposure to the techniques of doing
research in the social sciences. Various types of research design such as descriptive
research, experiments, case studies, correlation studies, and expost facto research
will be discussed. Students will be exposed to the various data collection techniques
including observation, survey, document analysis, historical data collection, and
library research. Data processing and analysis will also be included in the discussion.
Students will also get the experience of using computer in data analysis and report
SSF 2063 - Approaches to Social Inquiry
This course examines the philosophical foundation for the creation of knowledge in
the social sciences. Students will be exposed to the major school of thoughts
concerning social sciences as a science. The course explores the intersection
between knowledge, society and culture, and interrogates knowledge production from
a social science perspective. Topics that will be included in this course are the
theoretical debates in sociology of knowledge, the relationship between empirical
knowledge and cultural values or ideologies.
SSK 2044 - Public Speaking
Kursus ini, yang menekankan aspek teori dan praktis, akan membincangkan
pelbagai teknik pengucapan awam yang berkesan. Teknik berucap dengan yakin,
memilih alat audiovisual, dan teknik menulis ucapan yang berkesan akan
diperincikan. Nasihat praktis akan diberi untuk meningkatkan keyakinan pelajar bagi
membolehkan mereka berdepan dengan situasi sebenar secara profesional. Antara
tajuk yang akan disentuh ialah pelbagai jenis ucapan, menganalisis khalayak,
merancang ucapan, menyediakan pendahuluan dan penutup ucapan, jenis
penyampaian yang efektif, bahasa badan, penulisan ucapan, dan kuasa bahasa.
SSK 2053 - Principles and Practices of Public Relations
This course is divided into a series of effective public relations approaches.
Discussions will center on contemporary public relations practices; principles of
public relations; basic research both formal and informal; target population or
audience analysis; startegic plans for actions; relevant mass media selections and
other communication processes needed.
Year 3

SSF 3036 - Final Year Project

Kursus Disertasi merupakan sebahagian daripada syarat untuk penganugerahan
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Sosial.

SSK 3014 - Advertising and Marketing Communication

The course is designed to introduce the students to advertising and marketing
foundations and environment. We will discuss how advertising began, and where it
fits in today's marketing mix. Social issues, ethics, regulation, and responsibility are
The students will become familiar with the elements of advertising and marketing
such as the consumer audience, segmentation and positioning, research, and
strategy. Print, broadcast, and interactive online media are also analyzed. The
creative process for print, broadcast and direct response media are discussed, and
integrated marketing communication elements - promotions, public relations, and
personal selling are also covered.

SSK 3024 - Corporate Publishing

This course introduces the students to concepts of desktop publishing (DTP), which
includes an overview of word processing, graphic and page composition. It
familiarizes students to the concepts of layout, message, color, typography, format
and components of various publications such as brochures, newsletters, and
corporate slides. At the end of the course, students will develop skills that enable
them to plan and manage a publication project from conceptualization of ideas,
design to production.

SSK 3033 - Interpersonal Communication

This course introduces the students to the concepts and practices of interpersonal
communication in two broad parts. Firstly, the basic concepts of interaction among
individuals. Students will be introduced to the definitions, functions and ethics of
interpersonal communication. Topics on the self and perception in interpersonal
communication, listening and responding with empathy, verbal and nonverbal
messages, assertiveness and conflicts are also covered in the first part.
Secondly, students will be exposed to the more specific contexts of interpersonal
communication that are interpersonal relationships of friendship, love, family; conflict;
and electronically mediated interpersonal communication.

SSK 3044 - Communications Law & Policy

Media law and policy is concerned with the policies and laws that directly shape how
the media operate, that determine the content and channels of expression. The main
focus of this course is on the relevant aspect of current legal principles. This course
is designed for communication students who anticipate working as professional
media practitioners in varied capacities as journalists, editors, writers, broadcast
program directors, photojournalists, public relations officers, web site managers, or
TV news anchors. Studying media law and policy is important because of
their significant roles and influences in the daily operation and decisions of the media
and communication industries related to them. The students will be exposed to
various acts like Printing Press and Publication Act, Internal Security Act (ISA),
Official Secret Act (OSA), Copyright Act, Defamation Act, and other rules
concerning routine operation of the media.

SSF 3014 - Sociology of Development

It is imperative for social science students living in the developing world to have an
understanding of the theories which govern development practices. Development is a
controversial term and far from that which has a taken for granted meaning. This
course takes students not only through the various theories on development but also
introduces feminist critiques to these development theories. An understanding of
these critiques is imperative as development is a gendered process.

SSF 3036 - Final Year Project

Kursus Disertasi merupakan sebahagian daripada syarat untuk penganugerahan
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Sosial.

SSK 3054 - New Technologies of Human Communication

This course discusses the development and evolution of human communication
technologies, focussing on computer-mediated communication and its impacts on
individuals, society, business, education, government, and organisations.

SSK 3064 - Campaign Strategies for Corporate Communications

Kursus ini terbahagi kepada lima segmen utama iaitu pengenalan kepada kempen
perhubungan awam. Ini termasuk menyentuh jens-jenis kempen dan teori dan model
yang berkaitan. Seterusnya, segmen penyelidikan kempen di mana melihat kepada
kepentingan dan metod yang digunakan. Perancangan kempen merangkumi
penentuan sasaran, jadual, belanjawan, tema dan media. Penilaian juga akan
disentuh dari segi penilaian positif dan negatif. Di samping itu juga melihat kepada
lelebihan dan kelemahan sesuatu kempen yang dijalankan. Akhir sekali, pelaksanaan
kempen melihat kepada aktiviti dan teknik penyampaian, pelancaran dan

SSK 3074 - Organisational Communication

The purpose of this course is to examine intra-organizational communication from the
system perspective as a basis for human behavioral interactions within an
organizational environment. Lectures will emphasize on, among others, the roles and
structures of communication within organization, convergence of organizational
theories and communication, basic concepts of conflict resolution and negotiation
and external communications..

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