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Social Media Influence in Adolescence

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Submitted by,
Alphonsa K
B. Ed Physical Science

What is Adolescence?
• Adolescence is one of the stages of human growth.

• The World Health Organisation (WHO)

defines adolescents (or teenagers) as
people in the range of 10-19.

• Young people aged 10-14 years are

defined as being in their early
adolescence, and those aged 15-19
in their late adolescence.
• Adolescence is a transitional phase of growth and
development between childhood and adulthood.

• It is a transitional stage of physical and psychological

development that generally occurs during the period from
puberty to legal adulthood.
Some Characteristics of Adolescence
 Physical changes: Primary characteristic. Changes in skeletal structure,
muscle and brain development, hormonal and sexual

 Socialization: Begin to socialize more with peers and separate themselves

from family.

 Cognitive development: Experience higher thinking, reasoning and abstract

thought. Develop more advanced language skills
and vebalization, allowing for more advanced

 Personal and Emotional Characteristics: Emotions begin to run high.

Development of argumentative
and aggressive behaviours.
Common problems in adolescence
 Physical changes
 Behavioural changes
 Social media influence- Addiction to cyberspace
 Emotional changes and problems
 Psychological problems
 Educatonal challanges
 Health problems
 Drug and substance abuse
 Social problems- dating and relationships
 Aggression and violence
 Stress
 Bullying
 Depression
 Anxiety
 Unwanted prgnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
 Peer pressure

What is Social media?

 Social media are interactive technologies
that facilitate the creation and
sharing of informations, ideas and
interests through virtual communities
and network.
Eg: Instagram, youtube, facebook,
pinterests, snapchat etc.

 Social media influence: It is a marketing term that describes

an individual’s ability to affect other people’s thinking in a
social online community.
Media influence on adolescents

 The growth of technology has changed

the world, which in turn has changed the
daily lives of children and adolescents.

 Many adolescents use the internet, cell

phones, television and computer video
games on a daily basis.

 Through social media networks they can create new friendships, express
their views and opinions and even create new identities.

 Increased use of technology may cause decrease in amount of sleep, increase

in behavioural problems and attention difficulties and poorer academic
Enhanced learning opportunities

• It has widened the use of online learning.

• Students discuss among themselves about

their home assginments and
project works through social media.

• Students can depend on internet to know more about different subjects

and lessons.

• Helps in skill developing.

• It helps students and teachers to share idea among themselves.

Socialization and communication

• Develop friendship with mutual respect and tolerance.

• They can improve their creativity.

• Adolescents develop attitude among themselves, society and events taking

place around them.

Accessing health information

• Adolescents got detailed information

about health issues, infectious diseases,
reducing mental stress.
Impact of using Television
 Mass media can exert both positive and negative influence on personality
development, behaviour and attitude of children and adolescents.

 Medical consequences: Excessive television viewing encourages passivity,

causes cardiovascular diseases, cultivates the habbit of snacking leads to

 Television addiction: Watching television more than 2-3 hours a day leads
to television addiction with signs such as telexification and euphoria,
depletion of social relationships, mental passivity towards contents shown
on television.

 Effect on school achievement: Frequent television viewing may lead to

attention problems, learning difficulties etc.
 Sleep disturbances and associated problems:
Heavy use of television, computer video games
have been reduced sleep time. It leads to
difficuties associated with sleepness,
tiredness, short- term memory, sustained

 TV induced stereotyping: It will propagate wrong messages and values

such as smoking cigarette and drinking alcohol are part of heroism.

 Physical hazards: Children trying to duplicate television and movie stunts

and adventurous actions.
Impact of Mobile Phone on Adolescents

• Mobile phones have become an essential

part of the daily lives of Indian adolescents
in recent times.

• Physical health risks: Excessive use of cell phones and too much exposure to
electromagnetic radiation may lead to different health problems like
headache, fatigue, concentration difficulties etc.

• Drowsiness: Cell phone dependency adversely affect the quality and quantity
of sleep. This in turn lead to loss of appetite, fatigue and frequent irritation
in adolescents.

• Eye strain: Continually focussing on small screen and typing on small buttons
will be srtainful to eyes and thumb in the form of repetitive strain injuries.
• Brain tumours and low sperm counts: The electromagnetic radiation from
cell phones in close proximity to the body may cause increased risk of
cancer, low sperm counts and increased chances of infertility.

• Physical dangers: Careless use of mobile phones can also become physically
dangerous. The trend of attending calls or texting while driving causes
thousands of accidents and casualities.

• Cyber crimes: Cyber bulying, sexual harassment in the form of ‘sexting’

(sending vulgar messages), spreading gossip, misinformation and
sexually suggestive messages are very serious offences and adolescents
get involved into it very easily through mobile phones.

• Deterioration of mental health: Addictive and problamatic use of cell phones

causes low self esteem, anxiety and depression.

• It also causes classroom distraction.

Impact of Internet on Adolescents
• Internet has become an important tool for
social interation, information and

• The internet can enrich he children and their

school- based learning.

• When abused internet usage can have a number of adverse effects on the
health, behaviour and adjustments of youngsters.

• INTERNET ADDICTION is term that refers to the compulsive need to

spend a great deal of time on internet, to the point where relationships, work
and health are allowed to suffer.
 Heavy internet users (more than 4 hours per day) show addictive behaviour
patterns called Internet Addiction Disorders (IAD).

 Using computer for gratification, pleasure, or relief from stress; feeling

irritable and out of control when not using it; spending increasing amounts
of time and money on computer- related activities etc are symptoms of IAD.

 Adverse effects on life cycle: IAD results in irregular dietary habbits,

physical inactivity, short duration of sleep, and increased use of alcohol
and tobaco among adolescents.

 Diminished physical and psychological health: Social disengagement due to

internet addiction is associated with poor quality of life. When people have
more social contact they are happier and healthier both physically and
 Cyber crimes: Adolscents use internet for experimentation. This may lead
to intrusion to others’ data, plagiarism, sending anonymous messages etc.

 Adverse effects on thinking and creativity: Overstimulation in the internet

demand the brain to give most of its attention towards short-term decisions.
This situation reduces the deep thinking that leads to true ceativity.

 Information fatigue syndrome: Internet dependent children are exposed

to vast amount of information which their immature cannot process
(information overload). This results in information fatigue syndrome
with symptoms such as poor concentration, lack of focus, irritability
and ill temper.

 Effect on span of attention and wastage of productive time.

 Decline in social skills and participation.

 Adolescence is the span of years during which boys and girls move from
childhood to adulthood mentally, emotionally, socially and physically.

 It is the period of development fom onset of puberty to the age of maturity.

 It is a period of transiton when changes of attitude and behaviour are most


 Adolescents become intensly emotional, selfconisousness is too much

developed, peer group relationships are too much intense, they show
interest in physical attractiveness.

 There are several problems faced by te children during adolescent period.

It incudes social media influence, depression, stress, anxiety, psychological
problems, educational challanges, health problems etc.
 Social media has a great influence on children in adolescent period.

 They use television, mobile phone, internet etc everyday.

 Social media has several positive influences on adolescents; it helps in skill

developing, helps to share ideas, get more informations regarding different
subjects and health problems, students can improve their creativity.

 But the negative influences of media on adolescents is also very important.

 The continuous and uncontrolled use of television, internet and mobile

phone may cause several health issues and psychological problems.

 Excessive use of social media may cause drowsiness, eye strain, brain
tumours, sleep disturbances and physical hazards.
 Internet addiction has adverse effect on long-term memory, critical thinking
and creativity, span of attention and deterioration of mental health.

 Also cause wastage of productive time, decline in social skills and

participation, classroom distraction, reduction in academic performances.

 Because of the influence of social media adolescents may get involved in

cyber crimes.

 Therefore, while using social media the students must be careful.

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