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Epistemology of Social Science - Unesco

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Published quarterly by Unesco

Vol. X X X V I , N o . 4, 1984

Editor a.i.: AM Kazancigil

Design and layout: Jacques Carrasco
Picture research: Florence Bonjean

Bangkok: Yogesh Atal
Beijing: Li Xuekun
Belgrade: Balsa Spadijer
Buenos Aires: Norberto Rodrguez
Canberra: Geoffrey Caldwell
Cologne: Alphons Silbermann
Delhi: Andr Bteille
Florence: Francesco Margiotta Broglio
Harare: Chen Chimutengwende
Hong Kong: Peter Chen
London: Cyril S. Smith
Mexico City: Pablo Gonzalez Casanova '.'.Aw';*,'-.
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Moscow: Marien Gapotchka
Nigeria: Akinsola A k i w o w o

Ottawa: Paul L a m y
Singapore: S. H . Alatas
Tokyo: Hiroshi Ohta
; m<
Tunis: A . Bouhdiba
United States: G e n e Lyons

Topics of forthcoming issues:

International comparisons
Food structures

Eye reflecting a theatre, drawing by the French
architect Nicolas Ledoux (1736-1806). Edimcdia '
The mystery of human mind, drawing from Robert
Fludd, Utriusque Cosmi Historia (1619). Explorer


Editorial 565

General analyses

Ernest Gellner T h e scientific status of the social sciences 567

Stefan Nowak Philosophical schools and scientific working methods
in social science 587
Emrita S. Quito Value as a factor in social action 603
Claude A k e Commodification of the social sciences 615


Philippe Braillard The social sciences and the study of international

relations 627
Edmund Burke III The institutionalization of sociology in France:
its social and political significance 643
Milton Santos Geography in the late twentieth century: n e w roles
for a threatened discipline 657

T h e social science sphere

T . V . Sathyamurthy Development research and the social sciences in India 673

G . B . Benko Regional science: evolution over thirty years 699
Jacques Lombard The teaching of anthropology: a comparative study 713

Books received
Recent Unesco publications 725
' ' - 727

There are ways in which scientific activity scientifically, or should it b e left to the
resembles the practice of a sport. A sports- philosophers and poets? Gellner has no ready-
m a n must observe his movements and analyse m a d e answer to offer, but h e eloquently
them in detail, in order to improve his demonstrates the weakness of attempts to
performance. Similarly, the researcher should exclude the social sciences from the scientific
not overlook professional self-analysis and realm. Stefan N o w a k broaches the relations
reflection about the direction and scope of his between the scientific methods used in socio-
work, finding theoretical and methodological logy and various philosophical schools and
ways to improve his results and better domi- shows h o w methodological choices indicate
nate his subject. philosophical and epistemological prefer-
Indeed, this type of analysis cannot be ences. Emrita Quito's contribution analyses
isolated from research activity itself. This is of the relations between values as an object to
particular importance in the case of the be studied, and values as factors influencing
sciences of m a n and society, where the re- social science research. Claude A k e offers an
lations between the researcher and his field of approach that could be called a political
research present certain special characteristics economy of the social sciences, showing that
different from those prevailing in the sciences the latter, operating under the constraints of
of life and nature. H o w e v e r , the epistemo- market laws and within an environment domi-
lgica! foundations of social science research nated by exchange value and not use value,
are not always explicitly stated; neither are are commodified. T h e last three articles of the
they analysed as systematically as they should thematic section are epistemological analyses
be. The theory of knowledge provides oppor- of specific disciplines in various contexts.
tunities for a refreshing look at the social E d m u n d Burke III studies the social and
sciences, provided that the Charybdis of economic forces that shaped the institutional-
obsessive preoccupation with epistemology is ization of sociology in France, at the turn of
avoided as clearly as the Scylla of a narrow- the century, Philippe Braillard discusses the
minded empiricism. case of international relations, and Milton
Santos, that of geography.
The articles in this issue are devoted, to
such a self-examination of the social sciences, The texts that appear in ' T h e Social
and present viewpoints o n certain of their Science Sphere' are not foreign to the the-
epistomological, axiological and institutional matic section: T . V . Sathyamurthy describes
aspects. Ernest Gellner raises the question the striking growth of the social sciences in
of ascertaining whether the social sciences post-independence India; G . B . B e n k o writes
should be admitted into the exclusive club of about regional science, an interdisciplinary
the sciences. C a n the social world be studied field that has developed over the last few
566 Editorial

decades; and Jacques Lombard provides a his- W e take this opportunity to inform our
torical account of the teaching of anthro- readers of a recent change in the editorial
pology in Belgium, the Federal Republic of team. Peter Lengyel, editor of this Journal
Germany, France, the Netherlands and the since 1963, has left Unesco, which he joined
United Kingdom. in 1953. His career in the service of the
Past issues of the ISSJ devoted to topics Organization, devoted to m a n y aspects of
related to the current one include: Vol. X V I , international co-operation in the social sci-
N o . 4, 1964; Vol. X X , N o . 2, 1968; Vol. ences, was characterized above all by his
XXII, N o . 1, 1970; Vol. X X I V , N o . 4, 1972; achievements with the ISSJ.
and Vol. X X I X , N o . 4, 1977. The complete A.K.
list of back issues is provided at the end of this
volume. [Translated from French]

The scientific status
of the social sciences

Ernest Gellner

The idea of the 'scientific' could they mislead us in this case, by falsely
identifying the object, or cluster of objects,
with which w e are to b e concerned, namely
T h e problem of whether the social sciences are the social sciences? N o . T h e central object of
genuinely scientific immediately raises two our inquiry is precisely the social sciences, as
questions: W h a t are the social sciences? W h a t actually practised and identified in contem-
is it to be scientific? porary societies. Public opinion, however
T h efirstof these questions raises no deep loosely defined, cannot here mislead us,
problems and can be answered by ostensin because the object that concerns us is, pre-
or by enumeration. T h e social sciences simply cisely, one defined by reference to current
are what social scientists cultural norms. W e m a y
professionally practise. of course also be in-
Ernest Gellner, formerly at the Lon- terested in s o m e trans-
The definition thus con-
don School of Economics and Poli- social, culturally neutral,
tains a covert (but hardly tical Science, is n o w Professor of
very covert) reference Anthropology at King's College, ideal social science, if
to the consensual or m a - , Cambridge, United Kingdom. His there is such a thing; but
jority or uncontested main publications are Words and our primary concern is
Things (1959), Thought and Change with the concrete prac-
judgements prevalent in (1965), Saints of the Atlas (1969), tices recognized currently
contemporary societies Muslim Society (1981) and Nations
and Nationalism (1983). as 'social sciences'.
and identifying, by their
tacit or express ranking, But the situation is
which universities, pro- quite different w h e n w e
fessional associations, c o m e to the second term,
individuals, are as it were which needs to be de-
norm-setting or paradig- fined'scientific'. H e r e ,
matic and, in effect, de- ostensin or enumeration
fine, by their o w n attribution of labels, the are of n o help whatever. W e are not specially
nature and range of the social sciences. interested in the question of what society
This covert reference to public opinion or happens to call 'scientific', or at any rate, the
consensus does not vitiate the definition or actual use of this label by our contemporaries
m a k e it circular. Majorities, consensus, the is not conclusive. A s a matter of fact, society is
general cultural 'sense of the meeting'all disunited on this issue, and there is a lot of very
these are of course not infallible or stable or significant pushing and pulling going o n about
unambiguous. There is n o contradiction in the just h o w far the blanket of the 'scientific' is to
suggestion that public opinion at a given date reach. B u t w e are not interested in holding a
is in error. If such sources can be mistaken, referendum about this, or in seeing which of
568 Ernest Gellner

the m a n y warring groups manages to impose saved and the damned, of defining the licit
its view at any given time. Instead, w e are and the illicit, of discovering an important
deeply concerned with s o m e normative, genu- and given truth, and not of just allocating
inely authoritative sense of 'scientific'. W e are labels.
interested in finding out whether the social Conventionalism with respect to the de-
sciences are really scientific. limitation of concepts was only invoked, with
This is in itself an interesting and sig- some embarrassment and visible lack of con-
nificant fact. In formulating our question viction, w h e n the theorist found himself cor-
A r e the social sciences scientific?we seem nered by, for instance, the insistent question
to employ for our subject a term which is concerning the status of the 'verification
defined conventionally or by denotationany- principle' itself. W a s it itself an experiential
thing currently in fact called by that n a m e , report, or a convention determining the limits
ipso facto falls under itwhile our predicate is of a term?
Platonistic or normative, and intended not be The pretence was maintained that the
be at the mercy of h u m a n w h i m or conven- verifiability demarcation of meaning or of
tion. T h e rules of its application are meant science was merely a convention of ours. But
to be based o n s o m e higher, independent the real spirit in which this delimitation was
authority. proposed was obviously quite different. It was
O u r sentence thus seems logically a propounded as an objective, authoritative,
hybridthe subject is nominalistic or conven- Platonic norm. It circumscribed cognitive
tional, the predicate is Platonistic, essentialist salvation.
and prescriptive. Is such double-talk per- There is not a shadow of doubt that
missible? I do not think this situation is actu- discussions concerning what is and is not
ally all that anomalous or unusual. But it is 'scientific' are carried on in this utterly Pla-
significant. tonistic, normative and non-conventionalist
If both terms were defined convention- spirit. These are debates about whether
ally, by reference to the actual or majority or something is really, really scientific. T h e
agreed use of the term, the question would be debates seem based on the assumption that
easy to answer and lack any profundity or what is at issue is an important conceptual
importance. All w e should need to do would boundary, in the very nature of things, and
be to commission a survey, set up tofindout altogether beyond the reach of what w e
whether and to what extent people use one choose to call what.
label ('social sciences') in a manner such that Another explanation is available: w e are
it falls within the range of use of another and not conceptually rigid because w e are Pla-
broader label ('scientific'). But no such survey tonists; w e become Platonists because w e are
would in fact be felt to be relevant, or at any conceptually rigid. It is w h e n concepts con-
rate conclusive, to the question which w e are strain us, that w e turn Platonist malgr nous.
effectively asking. , W e cannot always choose our concepts, and
This 'Platonism of the predicate', which our concepts do often have authority over us.
obliges us to treat the term in question as M a n can do as he will, but he cannot will as
though it referred to something constituted he will; and he cannot always choose his
quite independently of our choice and custom, concepts at will. Sometimes they have an
and endowed with authority over us, is authority over us w e cannot resist. A n d w h y
interesting and significant. are w e in s o m e cases so conceptually rigid,
Note that it is an old and pervasive and w h y do w e allow ourselves to be bonds-
feature of discussions concerning the delimi- m e n to the values and imperatives incapsu-
tations of 'science' or 'meaning'. Those lated in s o m e ideas?
famous demarcation disputes had all the Generically, one m a y say that this hap-
passion and intensity of circumscribing the pens because some cluster or syndrome of
The scientific status of the social sciences 569

features, locked in with each other in this or mere opinion, and with the even m o r e acute
that concept of a given language or style of concern with the identification of the true
thought, has good reasons, so to speak, for faith. In the latter case, w e knew only too well
being locked in with each other in just that w h y the notion was so important: personal
manner, with that particular set of ingredi- salvation and damnation depended on it. But
ents, and for having some kind of compul- the demarcation of the scientific, though it
sive hold over our thought. Moreover, the m a y overlap, certainly is not co-extensiv (let
moral charge, positive or negative, with which alone co-intensive) with either true knowl-
such concepts are loaded, cannot be prised edge or with the true faith.
away from them. The reasons that lead to the If this be granted, then what is it?
crystallization of such concepts binding a
cluster of traits m a y be general or specific;
they m a y be inherent in the h u m a n condition Sociologizing science to the
as such, or they m a y be tied to some definite second degree: Popper and Kuhn
social or historic situation. But the overall
formula for this occurrence must be some- T h e 'scientific' has not been a crucial and
thing like this: situations arise (and some- authoritative notion in all ages and all so-
times persist) which impel a given speech and cieties. In societies in which the institution of
conceptual community to think in terms of a the 'sage' was well established, it was natural
concept T, defined in terms of attributes, a, b, that the preoccupation with the distinction be-
c, etc. ; moreover it is of great importance for tween real and spurious knowledge, genuine
the community as to whether a given object or and fraudulent access to recipes for good life-
practice does or does not fall under T, is part styles and excellence, should become wide-
and parcel of the very life, use and hence spread. It was a kind of consumer protection
operational definition of that concept. So is itsservice for those w h o entered the market-
moral charge. S o m e conceptual boundaries place for wisdom and counsellor services
have an importance for given societies, which about the 'good life'; and it seemed to provide
arises from the very nature of their situation, the first powerful stimulus for the develop-
and which cannot be abrogated by fiat. ment of the theory of knowledge. In the days
There is no doubt in m y mind that, in of competing putative messiahs, the criteria
modern society, the concept of the 'scientific' for identifying the true one seemed to b e
is precisely of this kind. W e need it, and it demonstratively spectacular rather than epis-
cannot but be an important and authoritative temological. B y the time Revelation came to
notion. A s so often, w e m a y or m a y not be be monopolized and scripturally codified, the
able to specify precisely what it is that w e central preoccupation became, naturally, the
m e a n by it; what m a y b e called Socrates' identification of the unique or nearly unique
paradox, namely that it is possible to use a point of revelation, and of the authenticity of
notion without being able to define it, does the putatively unique message, messenger, or
apply here, as it does so often. But whatever of the permanent institution or series of
it is that goes into the cluster of traits which personal links between the authentic point of
defines the idea, the idea is indisputably communication and the present. Against the
important, and is so to speak non-optional. background of these various institutional and
W e do not k n o w precisely what it is, but w e doctrinal assumptions, each of these ques-
do k n o w that it is important and that w e tions, and no doubt other variants of them,
can'not tinker with it at will. m a d e sense. Although they do have some
overlap and affinity with the question that
The idea of the 'scientific' is such a concerns us here, obviously they are not
notion. But it has not always been so. N o identical with it.
doubt it has some mild affinity with the old
desire to define true knowledge as against The main point of overlap is that in all of
570 Ernest Gellner

these questions, m e n were concerned with the But it would treat this as s o m e h o w contingent
validation or legitimation of more specific and inessential. A Robinson Crusoe could, for
claims, in terms of some more general cri- such a theory, practise science. Given re-
teria. W h e n one determines whether or not sources, longevity, ingenuity and ability, no
something is 'scientific', one is ipso facto achievement of science as w e k n o w it would,
deciding whether or not it has a certain 'in principle', be beyond his powers. Those
legitimate claim on our attention, and perhaps w h o hold theories of this kind are not de-
even on our credence. T h e status of being barred from admitting that, in fact, criticism,
'scientific' is not necessarily the only or the testing and corroboration are, generally
dominant way of conferring such authority on speaking, social activities, and that they de-
specific claims; but it is most certainly at least pend for their effectiveness on a mathemat-
one a m o n g such widely heeded and respected ical, technological and institutional infrastruc-
ways of validation. T i m e was when it was not ture, which is far beyond the power of any
even one a m o n g m a n y ; when it was, in fact, individual to establish; but they are, I sup-
unknown. pose, committed to holding that whether or
This, to m y mind, is a crucial clue. W e not a social environment makes these pre-
needfirstof all to identify those background conditions available is, as it were, an external
social conditions that have engendered this condition of science, but not in any essential
particular manner of validation, which bring way part of it.1
forth this n e w and potent notion or 'the There are various ways and degrees of
scientific', and e n d o w it with authority. injecting a sociological element into such an
This automatically pushes our inquiry individualistic vision. Minimally, one might
into a sociological directionby obliging it to insist that society constitutes an essential pre-
be sensitive to and concerned with general conditionbut only society as such, and not
differences in kinds of society. A t the very necessarily this or that kind of society. Emile
least, w e shall need to be concerned with the Durkheim would be an example of such a
difference between the kind of society that position: he held that thought was impossible
does and the kind that does not engender the without conceptual compulsion, which in turn
concept in question. depended on the existence of society and,
There are at least two ways of approach- above all, on communal ritual. This, if true,
ing the problem of defining 'science': the turns society into an essential pre-condition of
philosophical and the sociological. T h e philo- science and, indeed, of all thought; a genu-
sophical can be characterized as follows: the inely pre-social individual, however able,
practitioner of this approach works in terms of long-lived and well-equipped, could never
s o m e kind of model of discovery or of the rise to the formulation of a general idea.2
acquisition of knowledge, where the elements A second degree of the sociologizing of
in that model are items drawn from individual the theory of science involves insisting not
activities, such as having ideas, experiences, merely o n the presence of a society, but of a
setting up experiments, relating the lessons of special kind of society. Popper's theory of
experience or the results of experiments to science seems to be of this kind: society is not
generalizations based on the initial ideas, and enough, the w o m b of science requires the
so forth. A n extreme individualistic theory of 'critical spirit'. Closed societies cannot
science would be one that offered a theory engender science but an 'open society' can do
and a demarcation of science without ever so. A n open society is one in which m e n
going beyond the bounds of a model con- subject each other's views to criticism, and
structed in this way. Such a theory might which either possesses institutional under-
concede or even stress that, in fact, scientists pinning for such a practice, or at least lacks
are very numerous and that they habitually the institutional means for inhibiting it. Pop-
co-operate and communicate with each other. per's views on this matter have a number of
The scientific status of the social sciences 571

Promethean Science: the rainmaker, D . R .
572 Ernest Gellner

aspects that m a y not be altogether in harmony. fully eliminated each other, but not hypoth-
W h e n stressing the continuity of trial and eses; for s o m e reason they allowed ideas to sur-
error as the basis of all cognitive advancement vive, or rather they uncritically preserved
throughout the history of all life, it would them, instead of eliminating them. Harsh
seem that the core secret of scientific method with each other, they showed tender soli-
is something w e share with all organic life and citude for ideas. Modern scientific m e n elimin-
never needed to learn. ( W e have only some- ate hypotheses, but not each other, at any
h o w learnt to do it a bit faster and to show rate w h e n on their best behaviour. The curi-
mercy to carriers of unsuccessful ideas.) N o ous consequence of Popper's philosophy of
special institutions seem to be required. In the history is that there is a kind of Dark A g e
context of turning the tables on relativists w h o or Fall, which took place between the, first
invoke the h u m a n inability to overcome emergence of humanity and the beginnings
prejudice and interest, however, Popper of science and the open society. The amoeba's
seems prepared to concede that m a n y (perhaps birthright was lost somewhere during the
most?) m e n are unwilling to correct their o w n early tribal, over-collectivistic period of
views in the light of contrary considerations, h u m a n history, and was miraculously, her-
and perhaps even need prejudice to m a k e oically recovered in Ionia. It is interesting
discoveries at all; but he insists that science is that the Dark A g e theory is shared by
the kind of institution that is not at the mercy Christianity, Marxism and Popper, though in
of the virtues or vices of the persons w h o m a n different forms.
it. Public testing by a diversified and uncon- The second currently most influential
trollable community of scientists ensures the philosopher of science, T h o m a s K u h n , would
ultimate elimination of faulty ideas, however also seem to sociologize the subject to the
dogmatic and irrational their individual ad- second degree. Society appears in his view to
herents m a y be. In this version, science and be essential for the existence and advance-
its advancement clearly does depend on the ment of science, and not just any society
institutional underpinning of this public and will do: it has to be one endowed with a para-
plural testing. O n the other hand again, in the digm. There appear to be societies not so en-
context of the discussion of the origin of the dowedfor instance, the community of social
scientific spirit, Popper is inclined to invoke scientists.3
the figures of heroic, Promethean Ionian A s far as one can m a k e out, the crucial
founder-liberators, w h o s o m e h o w overcame differentia between science-capable and sci-
their o w n h u m a n proclivity to dogmatism, and ence-incapable societies in this view is just
encouraged their disciples to criticize, thereby thisthe absence or presence of a paradigm.
inventing science. T h e Ionian proto-Popper K u h n does not seem to have any views
plays a role in this system, similar to that of concerning the difference between scientific
the philosopher in The Republic: he and he and -scientific paradigms; a crucial weak-
alone, by his somewhat mysterious emerg- ness in his position, to m y mind. Paradigms
ence, can break through the vicious circle, to seem to be not merely incommensurate, but
which otherwise mankind is in thrall. also to constitute a curiously undifferentiated
Popper's overall philosophy is curious in class. T h e prophet of their incommensura-
that science had to be invented in h u m a n bility seems to have little sense of h o w very
history, when seen as the great act of liber- different in kind they arethat some of them
ation from the 'closed society', though it had are more incommensurate than others. But in
not originally needed inventing in the general so far as the importance of paradigms, and the
history of life, for the amoeba had it as its fact that they are socially carried, perpetuated
birthright. Within nature, organisms elimin- and enforced, leads him openly and avowedly
ated faulty hypotheses by eliminating each to turn to sociology, he does lay himself open
other. Savage, pre-scientific m e n also glee- to Popper's taunt: Which sociology is the
The scientific status of the social sciences 573

philosopher of science to use? Which socio- evidently retaining the right of occasional
logical paradigm m a y he trust, when using rebellion (during similarly ill-defined, and I
sociology to grapple with the general problem think in principle indefinable, conditions of
of the nature of science, so as to illuminate 'scientific revolution'). W h a t is relevant for
the standing of all sciences, including socio- our purpose is to single out an error that they
logy itself? B y making all scientific activity both share. T o define science, one needs to
relative to paradigms, and the philosophy of sociologize the philosophy of science to the
science dependent on sociology (which is third, and not merely the second, degree. It is
presumably n o more exempt from paradigm- not sufficient to allow the relevance of society
dependence than any other science or in- and to distinguish between science-capable
quiry), his position would seem to have an and science-incapable societies; it is also
element of circularity in it.4 necessary to m a k e this distinction in terms of
W h a t concerns us h e r e is this: both features of society that do not pertain to their
Popper and K u h n sociologize the philosophy cognitive activities alone, and to consider
of science to the second degree, i.e. they those societies w h e n involved in activities
m a k e science dependent not merely on the other than cognition. W e shall need to look at
sheer existence of society, but on the avail- the impact of cognition on its other activities.
ability of a special kind of society. This, in m y terminology, is to sociologize the
T h e manner in which they do so, h o w - subject to the third degree; and it needs to be
ever, is contrasted and indeed diametrically done. H o w is it to be done?
opposed. For Popper, the only science-
capable society is one so loosened up in its Characteristics
social control as to permit criticism even of its of science-capable societies
most respected sages (or better still, perhaps,
one endowed with institutional guarantees of: If w e are to understand w h y the notion of
the possibility or even the encouragement of being scientific is so potent, w h y this accolade
such criticism); for K u h n , science is m a d e is so very significant, w e must look at what it
possible only by the presence of social- is that 'science' does to society, and forget for
conceptual control sufficiently tight to impose a m o m e n t the usual and fascinating question
a paradigm on its m e m b e r s at most (though of h o w it manages to do it. Philosophical
not quite all) times, notwithstanding the fact theories of science, such as those that are in-
that paradigms are not logically, so to speak corporated in various philosophical attempts
objectively, binding. They are m a d e binding to demarcate science, basically endeavour to
by social pressure, which thus makes science answer the question concerning h o w it is that
possible. Unless the deep questions are arbi- science works, h o w it is that the great mir-
trarily prejudged, science cannot proceed, it acle of scientific progress and consensus is
appears. But just as T h o m a s Hobbes insisted achieved. But from the viewpoint of ident-
that any sovereign is preferable to anarchy, so ifying what it is that confers such magic and
T h o m a s K u h n insists that any paradigm is charm onto science, w e must look not so
preferable to the dreadful freedom of contem- m u c h at h o w it is done, but what it is that
porary social scientists, ever questioning and 1 is done which is so enchanting. W h y is it
debating fundamentals and for that very that science makes so m u c h difference to
reason, through their great 'openness', in- society, that a special prestige attaches to
hibiting the emergence of genuine science in any activity that m a y be included within its
their o w n midst. charmed circle, and can be withheld from
It is not necessary here to choose be- anything that fails to qualify as 'scientific'?
tween the near-anarchism of Popper and the This contrast, as I formulate it, somewhat
authoritarianism of K u h n , recommending loy- simplifies a m o r e complex reality: philos-
alty to paradigms at most times though ophers of science are of course also concerned
574 Ernest Gellner

with the features of the output of science, T h e notion of a fully developed agrarian
with the kind of theory it produces. Neverthe- society includes not merely that of reliance on
less, that tends to be a datum for them: their food production, but also two other important
problem isHow was it achieved? It is the features: literacy and political centralization.
sociologist w h o is concerned primarily with Developed agrarian societies are marked by a
the effects and implications of the kinds of fairly complex but relatively stable division of
knowledge that science provides. In the labour. But it is a mistake to treat the division
interest of simplicity of exposition, I shall of labour as a, so to speak, homogeneous
pretend that this division of labour is neater commodity: its implications for society vary
than in fact it is. according to just what it is that is being turned
This question as posed can best be into a specialism. Literacy and political cent-
answered by offering a highly schematic but ralization, the emergence of a clerisy and a
nevertheless relevant sketch history of m a n - polity, have quite distinctive consequences,
kindone that divides this history into three which cannot simply be assimilated to the
stages. Trinitarian philosophies of history are minor economic specializations that occur
c o m m o n : there is for instance Auguste C o m - within the process of production taken on its
te's theory of the religious, metaphysical and own.
positivestages, or Sir James Frazer's doctrine Agro-literate polities are not all alike. In
of the successive dominance of magic, religion fact, they differ a great deal a m o n g them-
and science, or Karl Polanyi's less intel- selves. T h e diversity of agrarian political
lectualist account of the succession of the regimes is well k n o w n . T h e clerical classes of
c o m m u n a l , redistributive and market so- agrarian polities also vary a great deal in their
cieties. T h e n e w pattern of world history organization, recruitment and ethos. In one
which is n o w crystallizing in our time and place, they m a y be part of a single, cen-
which constitutes, I believe, the unofficial, tralized, and jealously monopolistic organiz-
unformulated and sometimes unavowed, but ation; in another, they m a y be a loose and
tacitly pervasive view of history of our age, open guild, open to all m e n of pious learn-
is somewhat different. It shares some of the ing. Elsewhere again, they m a y be a closed
intellectualism and the high valuation of but uncentralized caste, or constitute a bu-
science with the Comtist and Frazerian reaucracy selected by competitive examin-
schemes, though it is m o r e preoccupied than ation, with an administrative but not a re-
Frazer at least with the impact of science ligious monopoly.
on the ordering of society. Notwithstanding this variety, certain im-
T h e crucial stages of h u m a n history are portant c o m m o n or generic traits can be ob-
the following:first,that of hunting and food- served. Recorded knowledge in such societies
gathering; then, that of food production is used for administrative records, notably
(agriculture and pastoralism); and, finally, those connected with taxation; for communi-
that based on production, which is linked to cation along a political and religious hier-
growing scientific knowledge. Theories of his- archy; as parts of ritual and for the codifi-
torical stages in terms of social organization cation of religious doctrine, which has a kind
do not work: it is the cognitive productive of shadow in the form of word magic, the
; base that seems to provide the 'big divide'; compliment paid by manipulative magic to
and on either side of the big divide w e find a scriptural religion. Conservation of the writ-
diversity of social forms. In the present ten truth, and possibly its implementation, are
context, the world of hunters and gatherers central concerns, rather than its expansion in
does not greatly concern us. But the differ- the form of acquisition of more truth. (Cogni-
ence between the agrarian and the scientific/ tive growth is not yet a plausible ideal.)
industrial world does concern us a very great Despite inner complexity, sometimes very
deal. considerable, both the status systems and the
The scientific status f the social sciences 575

'Cognitive despair'. Roger-Viollet.

576 Ernest Gellner

cognitive systems within such a society tend to this can be done, which endows abstract and
be fairly stable, and the same tends to be true written assertions with independent authority,
of its productive system. T h e normative and he names 'rationalism', in a highly pejorative
conservative stress, on the written word, in the sense, and he clearly holds it to be the bane of
keeping of the clerisy, tends to produce a modern life. Oakeshott's doctrine vacillates
cultural dualism or pluralism in such a society, somewhat between, on the one hand, a global
a differentiation between the great (literate) pan-populism, endorsing all traditions, and
tradition and little tradition or traditions. damning all their scholasticisms, which they
Parts of the written great tradition m a y develop w h e n they adopt writing and printing
contain general ideas of great penetration and and take it too seriously, and, on the other
potential, or acute and accurate observations hand, the endorsement of one specific and
of reality, or deductive systems of great blessed tradition, which, thanks presumably
rigour; none the less, generically speaking, to an unwritten constitution, c o m m o n law,
one m a y say that a corpus of this kind and the pragmatic wisdom of W h i g politicians,
s o m e h o w or other had no firm grip on, and has resisted 'rationalism' somewhat better
cumulative penetration of, nature. Its main than othersthough about 1945, it did so less
significance and role, lies rather in social well than it should and aroused his wrath. If it
legitimation, edification, record-keeping and is the achievement of one distinctive tradition,
communication, and not in a genuine cogni- can it also be a valid recipe for all of
tive exploration of nature. W h e n it comes to themwithout implicitly contradicting its
the manipulation and understanding of things, o w n central principle, namely the absence of
the cognitive content of the corpus tends any abstract and universally valid principles?
to be inferior to the skills, such as they are, T h e reason w h y this Oakeshottian pos-
of the craftsman or artisan or working prac- ition is highly relevant for our argument is
titioner. T h e cognitive despair expressed this: whether or not it provides a good diag-
with such vigour in the opening speech of nosis of the political predicament of modern
Goethe's Faust is clearly a commentary on m a n , it does unwittingly provide a very accu-
this situation. rate schematic account of the role of abstract
With less anguish and perhaps m o r e knowledge in the agro-literate polity. It is a
indignation, and with a missionary zeal on rather good account of the relation between
behalf of a putative alternative, a similar codified knowledge and practical skills in the
sentiment can be found, for instance, in what agro-literate politybut only in the agro-
might be called the pan-human or carte literate polity. T h e scriptures, law codes,
blanche populism of Michael Oakeshott. 5 epics, manuals and so forth, in the keeping of
Oakeshott's work enjoyed a considerable its scribes, jealously preserved and fairly
vogue in post-war Britain, and he probably stable over time, are not superior to the
continues to be the United Kingdom's fore- inarticulate practical wisdom of the life-long
most conservative political philosopher. His m e m b e r of the clan or guild. They echo,
w o r k is highly relevant for the present pur- formalize, distort and travesty that wisdom;
pose because, at its base, there is a premiss and though, contrary to the anti-'rationalist'
that is half-epistemological, half-sociologi- diatribe, reverence for the codified version of
cal, and which runs as follows: genuine the wisdom m a y on occasion be beneficial
knowledge is 'practical', which means that it is because, for instance, reverence for the
maintained and transmitted by the practice of codified rule makes it less amenable to oppor-
a skill, and can be perpetuated only by a living tunist manipulationnevertheless it is true
tradition; and its content can never be ad- that the absolute authority claimed for the
equately seized in written' documents, and writ in the scribe's keeping is not justified.
certainly cannot be transmitted from one m a n The written theory is parasitical on the
to another by writing alone. The illusion that lived praxis. So be it; or at any rate, so it was,
The scientific status of the social sciences 577

once, in the agro-literate polity. It is so no label. I believe this kind of 'continuity thesis'
longer. to be mistaken.)
But it is conspicuously untrue of modern This, as it were, external, sociological
science and the society based on it. A s a social account of science, described from the view-
p h e n o m e n o n , modern natural science has a point of what it does to the cognitive m a p and
number of conspicuous features: productive processes of society (leaving aside
1. Though not completely consensual, it is the question of its inner mechanics, the secret
consensual to an astonishing degree. of its success), m a y of course be challenged. It
2. It is intercultural. Though it flourishes m a y be denied that science constitutes the
m o r e in some countries than in others, it victory of trans-social, explicit, formalized
appears capable of persisting in a wide and abstract knowledge, over privately, inef-
variety of cultural and political climes, and fably communicated insights or skills or sensi-
to be largely independent of them. tivities. It m a y be asserted that the golden-
3. It is cumulative. Its growth rate is astonish- egg-laying goose is not, after all, radically
ing. This is also, a m o n g cognitive systems distinct from the old practical skills. The
in general, unique. perception and understanding of a scientific
4. Though it can evidently be taught to m e n problem, the capacity to propound and test a
originating in any cultural background, it solution, 'requiresit can be arguedsome
requires arduous and prolonged training, in flair or spirit or 'personal knowledge' which is
thought styles and techniques that are in no beyond the reach of words or script, and
w a y continuous with those of daily life, and which cannot be formalized. Fingerspitzenge-
are often highly counter-intuitive. fuehl (adroitness) is alive and well, and, more
important, remains indispensable. Michael
5. T h e continuously growing technology it
Polanyi was only one adherent, though poss-
engenders is immeasurably superior to,
ibly the best k n o w n one, of such a view. 7
and qualitatively distinct from, the prac-
tical skills of the craftsmen of agrarian It is difficult to say h o w one could
society. evaluate this claim. It is sometimes supported
It is these features, or others closely related to by arguments such as the infinite regress of
them, which have engendered the persistent formalization, which can never catch up with
and haunting questionwhat is science? T h e itself; whatever is asserted is only a case of
question is no longerwhat is truth, wisdom 'knowing that', and presupposes further prac-
or genuine knowledge? M e n possessed by the tical 'knowing h o w ' to apply itand if that in
haunting question concerning the nature of turn is articulated and m a d e explicit, the
science do not necessarily deny that knowl- initial argument applies once again, and so on
edge or truth also exist outside science; they for ever. O r it can be supported by the widely
do not all say, as an anti-scientistic book once held and plausible view that while there can
ironically put it, 'extra scientiam nulla salus'.6 be a logic of testing, there is no logic of
But they are generally imbued with the sense discoveryonly free-floating, uncontrollable
of the distinctiveness of this kind of k n o w - inspiration, which comes or does not c o m e as
ing, and wish to locate its source. They do not it wills, but appears to be m o r e willing to
want to kill the goose that lays the golden descend upon well-sustained, but elusive and
eggs, they only wish to identify it, so as to use indefinable, research traditions.
it to the full, and perhaps to guide it to n e w But even if all this is admitted, what
fields. (Some do wish to equate knowledge matters from the social viewpoint is that the
with scientific knowledge, not because they ratio, the entire balance, between ineffable
despise and abjure pre-scientific cognitive practical skill or flair on the one hand, and
styles, but because they consider them to be explicit formal knowledge, is transformed out
basically similar to science, being merely of all recognition in a science-using, industrial
earlier and feebler, and to deserve the same society. E v e n if an element of flair or tra-
578 Ernest Cellner

dition, which is beyond words, is crucial copia temporarily dries up or even just slows
for the occasional outstanding great n e w dis- d o w n , as from time to time in the nature of
covery, or, in small regular doses, for the sus- things it must.
taining of a vigorous research tradition, yet These seem to be the generic traits of sci-
the enormous mass of ordinary research and ence-using society. They differentiate it pro-
technological activity works quite differently: foundly from most or all agrarian societies,
it rather resembles the old explicit scholasti- which are Malthusian rather than growth
cisms of agro-literate society, except in one oriented, cognitively and productively stable
crucial wayit works. Scholasticism, for all rather than growing (innovations when they
its ineffectiveness, seems to have been a occur involve changes of degree rather than
good preparation of genuinely productive kind, and in any case come as single spies, not
vigour. Talmudic societies take to science in battalions). Theories of historical stages or
with alacrity. . epochs in terms of social organization (capi-
Its general implications for the society talism/socialism is the most popular) seem to
which uses science are also fairly obvious. A have failed, in as far as science-using (i.e.
society endowed with a powerful and con- industrial) society appears to be compatible
tinuously growing technology lives by inno- with diverse forms of organization, within the
vation, and its occupational role structure is limits of their shared generic traits; but those
perpetually in flux. This leads to a fair amount traits, in turn distinguish it from all its prede-
of occupational mobility and hence to a cessors. T h e question about the nature of
measure of equality, which, though not suf- science is in effect the issue of the nature of
ficient to satisfy out-and-out egalitarians, is this distinctive style of cognition, which in
nevertheless far greater than that of most turn defines an entire stage in the history of
agrarian societies. It is egalitarian because it is mankind.
mobile, not mobile because it is egalitarian.
Mobility, frequent abstract transmission of
ideas, and the need for universal literacy, i.e. S o m e main philosophical
fairly context-free communication, also lead theories of science
to a completely n e w role of culture in society:
culture is linked to school rather than h o m e Philosophical theories of science, as here
and needs to be fairly homogeneous over the defined, do not define science, as was done
entire catchment area of an educational sys- above, in the sociological manner, in terms of
tem. A t long last, 'great traditions' really what it does to society. They tend to ignore
dominate, and to a large extent supplant, that. Instead, they try to identify the secret
'little traditions'. So the state, which once m a y that enables it to do it.
have been the defender of the faith, n o w It is impossible to list here all the con-
becomes in effect the protector of a culture. tending theories in thisfield,and even if w e
In other words, the m o d e r n national state, listed them, w e would have no w a y of de-
(based on the principleone state, one cul- ciding between them. There is no consensus
ture) becomes the n o r m , and irredentist in this area. Science m a y be consensual; the
nationalisms emerge where this norm fails to theory of science is not.
be satisfied. T h e unprecedented.potential for But it is worthwhile, for our purpose, to
growth leads to cornucopianism, the attempt list some of the main contenders:
to b u y off discontent and to smooth over 1. Ultra-empiricist: stick to observable facts.
social incremental Danegeld all Accumulate them, and only go beyond
roundand this in turn, as w e n o w k n o w only them w h e n the accumulated data strongly
too well, becomes a dreadful trap w h e n , the point in.some one direction. A b o v e all, do
incremental Danegeld having become an en- not trespass into the transcendent! This
grained, as-of-right expectation, the cornu- cautious version of empiricism, associated
The scientific status of the social sciences 579

with B a c o n or H u m e , and surviving in cannot possess. This is the much-dis-

m o d e r n behaviourism, has been m u c h de- cussed theory propounded b y T h o m a s
cried of late. Its detractors d o not always Kuhn.9
fully appreciate the fact that the interdict 6. T h e successive improvement of collectives
o n cognitive trespass once had a great of propositions with a view to enhancing
value. T h e belief systems of agrarian so- both external predictions and manipulation
cieties were often so constructed as to b e and internal coherence and elegance, b y
cunningly self-maintaining in a circular m e t h o d s asserted to b e continuous with
w a y , and the 'interdict o n trespass' w a s the those which governed biological evolution.
best w a y of eliminating these. This is pragmatism, ably represented in our
2. T h e Kantian diagnosis, which is a mixture time by W . v a n O . Q u i n e . 1 0 In his ver-
of the 'interdict on trespass' with rec- sion, it asserted the 'continuity thesis' m o r e
o m m e n d e d daring within proper bounds, coherently than is the case in the w o r k of
and within the conceptual limits allegedly P o p p e r (where it clashes with the disconti-
imposed by the structure of the h u m a n nuity between 'open and closed' thought).
mind. If a major break in the cognitive history of
3. Collective self-propulsion by the resolution life occurred at all, in this logical-pragma-
of internal contradictions, with deference tist version, it arose at the point where
to privileged praxisthe praxis of the abstract entities c a m e to b e used and in a
privileged class is a privileged praxisand w a y acquired reality, thus permitting the
to the direction of a prescribed social dramatic growth of mathematics.
development. This is the nearest I can get This is not the place to debate the merits of
to formulating o n e of the theories of these theories. N o doubt there are others. But
knowledge c o m m o n l y associated with w e shall need to refer to the themes that occur
Marxism. in themsuch as accurate observation,
testing, mathematicization, shared concep-
4. M a x i m u m daring of hypothesis within the
tual currency, and the abstention from tran-
limits of testability, the Popperian theory.
scendence or circularity.
5. Obedience to a given background picture
(thus eliminating the chaos characteristic of
unscientific subjects, and ensuring c o m - M y argument has been that b y 'science' is
parable w o r k and thus cumulation) except m e a n t a type of cognition which has radically,
at rare, 'revolutionary' occasions, which qualitatively transformed m a n ' s relation to
cannot b e generically characterized nor things: nature has ceased to b e a d a t u m and
presumably predicted, and which then b e c o m e eligible for genuine comprehension
lead to a progressive replacement of o n e and manipulation. Science is a distinctive
background picture b y another. Within cognitive system with s o m e mysterious built-
the limits of this theory, which declares in m e c h a n i s m ensuring sustained a n d per-
these successive background pictures to be petual growthwhich has been profoundly
incommensurate, there cannot however beneficial for h u m a n productive systems, and
be any rational w a y of showing that the corrosive for our systems of social legit-
post-revolutionary picture is superior to imation. W e d o not really k n o w h o w this
the one it replaced. T h o u g h the idea of sustained and consensual growth is achieved,
scientific progress is presupposed, a n d but w e d o k n o w that it is achieved, and
indeed sets the problem, it cannot coher- 'science', is the n a m e for the m a n n e r in which
ently b e asserted, for it would require it is d o n e , whatever it m a y b e . H e n c e the
the comparison of successive 'paradigms', question concerning whether social studies are
which are said to b e incommensurate, or are not to b e properly included within the
by comparing them to s o m e meta-para- limits of science is b y n o m e a n s merely
digm, which ex hypothesi w e do not and terminological: W e are asking whether the
580 Ernest Gellner

same kind of thing is happening in our social or historical phenomena either are
understanding and manipulation of society. inherently individual; or our concern is
But this w a y of presenting the issue with their individual and idiosyncratic
contains one important simplification. It aspects; or, of course, both.
suggests that the evaluative charge contained 2. T h e argument from holism. Society is a
in the appelation 'science', because of its unity; the 'principle of internal relations',
implied promise of understanding and con- which insists that everything is what it is in
trol, is entirely, wholly and unambiguously virtue of its relationships to everything else
positive. This is by no means so. Though there within the same system, applies to it. If the
exists one major academic industry of produc- main device of old metaphysics was the
ing books telling social scientists what science reality of abstract objects, then this idea, in
really is and h o w they can turn themselves various terminologies, is the central device
into genuine scientists, there also exists of modern socio-metaphysics. Empirical
another, with at least asflourishingan output, inquiry, however, can ex hypothesi deal
putatively establishing that the study of m a n only with isolated facts, and it cannot seize
and society cannot be scientific, or, alterna- any totality. Hence empirical inquiry essen-
tively, if the positively loaded term 'scientific' tially distorts and misrepresents social re-
is to be retained, that they are scientific, but ality. This doctrine can be combined with
in a sense radically different from that which the view that it is the actual function,
applies in natural science. The idea that the conscious or latent, of empirical factual
methods of natural and social science are inquiry to hide social reality and distort our
basically identical, is nowadays almost a perception of it, in the service of the
definition of 'positivism', and positivism is a established order, which has cause to fear
term which in recent years has more often clear-sighted perception of social reality on
than not been used pejoratively. This is the part of the less privileged members of
significant: originally, the central theme of society. This view can also naturally be
positivism was the interdict on transcendence. fused with a special dispensation for the
M o d e r n anti-positivism seeks to escape from propounder himself and those like-minded,
the weaknesses that flesh and fact are heir to w h o possess some means of privileged
(notably contingency and corrigibility), no cognitive access to the real nature of
longer to some transcendent realm of pure society, insights that are beyond the reach
and certain truths such as were fashionable in of mere atomic empirical facts, garnered by
agrarian days, but to the social and h u m a n the ideological watch-dogs of the estab-
realm; and to do so, it must insist that the lished order. 11
h u m a n or cultural is radically distinct 3. T h e argument from the complexity of
from nature. O n e also sometimes has the im- social p h e n o m e n a can be used to reinforce
pression that a 'positivist' is anyone w h o the preceding two arguments.
subjects a favoured theory to the indignity of 4. T h e argument from meaning. H u m a n
testing by mere fact. actions and institutions are identified not
T h e arguments purporting to prove that by some shared physical traits, but in terms
the study of m a n and society cannot be of what they m e a n to the participants. This
scientific (variant reading: can only be scien- fact (if such it is) can be held, wholly or
tific in a sense radically different from that partly, to entail the exemption of h u m a n or
applicable to the. study of nature) can also be social phenomena either from causation or
catalogued. Authors upholding this view of from external and comparative empirical
course often combine or conflate these vari- investigation, or of course from both. The
ous points. N o n e the less, it is useful to list argument can be put thus: the nexus that
them separately. exists between natural phenomena or
1. T h e argument from idiography. H u m a n , classes of events is independent of any one
The scientific status of the social sciences 581

'The Pirandello effect', a w a y of breaking d o w n the neat distinction between actors and spectators of a
play. A scene from Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author. A 1936 performance by the Pitoeff
C o m p a n y in Paris. Rogcr-vioiict.

society, c o m m o n to t h e m all, and blind to generalization in which o n e of the links is a

the meanings prevailing in any o n e of class of actions, i.e. events b o u n d together
t h e m . B u t actions are identified b y w h a t only b y the so-to-speak collectively private
they m e a n to the participants, a n d the m e a n i n g s that h a p p e n to b e in use in a
m e a n i n g s that identify t h e m are d r a w n given culture, for these d o not overlap with
from the, as it w e r e , semantic pool of a any so-to-speak natural kind or category.
given culture, w h i c h n e e d not b e , a n d Nature could not recognize a n d identify
perhaps never is, identified with the reser- t h e m a n d thus cannot apply a n y causal
voir of meanings used b y another culture. lever to t h e m . A s for the links obtain-
H e n c e there cannot b e a valid causal ing b e t w e e n t w o or m o r e such socially
582 Ernest Gellner

meaningful categories, they are themselves criticism). This movement stands to the
established in virtue of the semantics of the 'social construction of reality' as Fichte did
culture in question, and can only be appre- to Hegel; the ego rolls its o w n world,
hended by penetrating, learning that sys- instead of the world rolling itself in a kind
tem, and not by external investigation. of collective effort. But the temporal order
Comparative intersocial research and gen- seems reversed this time round, for Fichte
eralizations are absurd and impossible, in preceded Hegel. This view combines ideal-
so far as the systems of meanings of diverse ism with idiographism.
cultures are not comparable or overlap- 7. The Pirandello effect. The allusion is to the
ping, or only contingently and partially device most powerfully developed by Luigi
so. 12 A historical c o m m e n t one m a y allow Pirandello for breaking d o w n the neat
oneself on this position is that idealism is distinction between characters, actors, pro-
alive and well, and operates under the n a m e ducers, authors and spectators of a play.
of hermeneutics. T h e views that had once His plays, in which characters discuss the
been articulated with the help of terms further development of the plot with each
such as Geist or spirit n o w see the light of other and, seemingly, the author or m e m -
day in terms of 'meaning' or 'culture'. bers of the audience, are of course meant
5. 'The social construction of reality'.13 This to induce bewilderment in the audience by
argument clearly overlaps with the preced- undermining the comfortable separation
ing one; perhaps it is identical with it, of stage and auditorium, by compelling
differing only in the style of presentation involvement by the spectator. T h e play,
and in its philosophical ancestry. T h e he seems to say, is not a spectacle but
preceding formulation is rooted above all a predicament. So in observation of
in the work of L . Wittgenstein, whereas social realityand this, it is claimed, dis-
this one springs from the ideas of E . H u s - tinguishes it from nature. O n e charge
serl and A . Schutz. which has been m a d e against empiricist or
6. T h e so-called 'individual construction of scientistic social research (though it has not
reality'. This slogan, though not as far as I as yet been m a d e in these words) is that it
k n o w actually used by the movement in pretends that a society can be a spectacle,
question, could be used to characterize the and not a predicament, for the investi-
approach of a recently fashionable school gator. This pretence, the critics insist, is
k n o w n as 'Ethno-methodology' and associ- false. It constitutes deception of others
14 and, if sincere, constitutes self-deception
ated with the n a m e of Garfinkel. T h e
central doctrine of this m o v e m e n t appears into the bargain. W e m a k e a commitment
to be that of our ability to describe (make in our choice of ideas or problems or
'accountable') events is something w e indi- interpretations, and the choice is not or
vidually achieve, and that consequently the cannot be impartial or guided by logical
only scientific understanding available is criteria alone, or perhaps at all. Thus, the
the description (?) or highlighting (?) or inescapable involvement of the investigator
exemplification of the very acts of indivi- in his subject-matter makes any pretence at
dual accountability-creation. T h e m o v e - 'scientific objectivity' spurious. In actual pre-
ment is not marked either by lucidity of sentation, this argument is generally fused
expression or by willingness to indulge in with several others in the preceding list.
rational discussion (a reluctance that can in 8. Special cognitive status for the inquiry into
turn be rationalized in terms of its central m a n or society can also be claimed not so
insight, which would preclude the testing of m u c h in virtue of general considerations,
interpersonal generalization, there not be- such as those listed so far, but in virtue of
ing any such; but which also conveniently alleged special substantive characteristics
places the m o v e m e n t out of reach of of the specific object or style of inquiry.
The scientific status of the social sciences 583

For instance, in the lively debate concern- mined by the pattern found on the reels which
ing the scientific status of psycho-analysis, is being transmitted from the projection room.
the claim is sometimes m a d e (in defence of T h e meaningful connections which interest us
the legitimacy of this technique) that the and which appear to guide and give sense to
eccentric methods employed in it (by the the series of events observed in the story on
standards prevailing in other inquiries) are the screen are really quite epiphenomenal and
justified by the very peculiar nature of the powerless. W e do not actually k n o w that our
object investigated, i.e. the unconscious. life is like that, and most of us hope that
Its cunning and deviousness in the face of indeed it is not; but the argument from the
inquiry, which it tries to evade and deceive, meaningfulness of social life, alas, in no way
justify cognitive emergency measures, establishes that it cannot be so.
which would be held illicit by the rules If on the one hand the arguments pur-
of evidence prevailing in the normal court- porting to establish that h u m a n and social
rooms of science. Faced with so ruthless an life cannot be subject to scientific explanation
e n e m y , the investigating magistrate is are invalid, then, on the other hand, any
granted special powers and dispensed inspection of the lively and vigorous dis-
from the normal restrictions on methods cussions in the field of the philosophy of
of inquisition. T h e unconscious cannot be science indisputably reveal one thingthat
apprehended in any other way, and the the issue of the nature of science, of the
difficulty and urgency of the task justifies identification of that secret which has m a d e
extreme methods. (Whether these really possible the unprecedented, totally unique
serve to outwit the quarry, or merely pro- rate of cognitive growth since the seventeenth
tect the reputation of the hunter, by en- century, remains unsolved. W e have some
suring that he is never convicted of fun- very impressive candidates for the solution,
damental error, is another question.) powerfully and elegantly presented. But to
There is no space here to attempt any kind of have an impressive short list is one thing, and
thorough evaluation of all these negative to have a firmly identified, recognized, ac-
arguments. Suffice it to say that none of them claimed winner is quite another. A n d that
seem to m e remotely cogent. Take for in- w e do not have. T h e situation simply is that
stance the one which m a y seem most power- science is consensual, and the philosophy of
ful, namely the one to the effect that the science is not.
categories of actions or events in a given
culture are defined in terms of the meanings T h e two contentions which have been
current within that culture, which are so to affirmedthe putative demonstrations of the
speak private to that culture, and not coexten- impossibility of science in social spheres are
sive with 'natural kinds'. This, though true as invalid, and the absence of an agreed account
far as it goes, in no w a y precludes even a of w h y and h o w science works in thefieldsin
physical determinism for the events within the which plainly it does workwill be crucial in
culture in question. It merely precludes the answering the question to which this essay is
identification of the determined events (if devoted, namely whether or not the social ~
such they are) in terms of the meanings cur- sciences are indeed scientific.
rent in the culture. T h e determining forces,
so to speak, will select the events they
bring out in terms of s o m e characteristics that Conclusion
only accidentally and contingently overlap
with the meanings that accompany and seem The question n o w in effect answers itself
to guide the events. For instance, w h e n w e once w e have broken it up into its constituent,
watch afilm,w e k n o w full well that what will normally conflated subquestions or variant
happen is already determined; and it is deter- interpretations.
W e canfirstof all check the activits of
584 Ernest Gellner

social sciences for the presence or absence of w e nevertheless k n o w that a well-trained

the various traits that figure prominently in practitioner of the subject possesses under-
diverse theories of science. Those traits are: standing and information simply not available
T h e presence of Well-articulated hypotheses prior to the development of the subject. In all
and their systematic testing. these senses, social studies are indeed scien-
Precise quantitative measurement, and the tific. Large areas of them do satisfy one or
operationalization of concepts. another of the m a n y available, and convinc-
Careful observation b y publicly checkable ing, theories of the sacred fire. A n d our
methods. collective life would be m u c h poorer without
Sophisticated and rigorous conceptual struc- them.
tures, and great insights. So m u c h for the satisfaction of the
Shared paradigms, at any rate over sizeable hallmarks of science, as they are specified by
communitites of scholars, and persisting the philosophy of science. But w e obtain a
over prolonged periods. different picture if w e look at it from the
There can be no serious doubt that all these viewpoint, not of methods employed, but of
traits, often in combination, can be found in the impact o n our cognitive world: if w e ask
diverse social sciences. M a n for m a n , or whether there is a generally overall consen-
community for community, it is doubtful sual cognitive activity, radically discontinuous
whether social scientists are inferior, in intel- from the insights and techniques of ordinary
lectual daring and ingenuity, in formal rigour, thought, and unambiguously cumulative at
in precision of observation, to the prac- an astonishing and unmistakable rate. T h e
titioners of disciplines whose scientific status answer is obvious. In this crucial sense, in
is not normally doubted. A s a distinguished terms of their impact on our social order,
philosopher of science, Hilary Putnam, ironi- social studies are not scientificmuch as they
cally and compassionately observed, 'the poor m a y rightly claim to be so by the previous
dears try so m u c h harder'. 15 A s indicated, w e criterion or criteria. They claim to have stolen
do not k n o w the secret of science; w e do not the sacred fire. Does anyone pay them the
k n o w just which of the m a n y blazing beacons compliment of wishing to steal it from them?
w e are being offered really is the 'sacred fire'. W e can try to break up this failure into its
W e do k n o w that m a n y beacons are ablaze, constituent parts. The quantitatively accurate
and given the short-list supplied to us by the descriptive techniques are not accompanied
philosophers of science, w e rather think that by correspondingly convincing theory of simi-
one of them (or perhaps a number of them larly accurate prediction. T h e sophisticated
jointly) is it. But which one? abstract models do not firmly mesh in with
M o r e concretely, w e do k n o w that m a n y empirical material. The powerful insights are
of the indisputable characteristics of science not consensual. Paradigms exist and prevail,
are often present in social research. T h e but only in subcommunities; and when they
aspects of social life that are inherently succeed each other the situation is quite
quantitative or observable with precision (e.g. different from that which prevails in natural
in fields such as demography or social ge- science. In natural science, w e are generally
ography) are indeed investigated. with pre- sure that there is progress, but have great
cision and sophisticated techniques; w e k n o w difficulty in explaining h o w it is possible that
on the other hand that sophisticated and elab- w e can k n o w that this is so, given that there is
orate abstract models are developed in vari- no c o m m o n measure for comparing successive
ous areas and serve as shared paradigms to visions. In the social sciences w e are spared
extensive communities of scholars (e.g. econ- this worry. W e need not puzzle about h o w it is
omists); and on the other hand, in spheres that w e can k n o w that w e are progressing,
where the conceptual apparatus is not so very because w e are not so very sure that w e have
far removed from the ideas of c o m m o n sense, indeed progressed. T h e partisans of a n e w
The scientific status of the social sciences 585

paradigm m a y , of course, b y sure concerning be so. If indeed the sacred fire of science has
their o w n particular leap (they usually are); not yet b e e n identified, w e d o not k n o w h o w
but they are seldom sure about the w h o l e to r e m e d y this situation. T h e question re-
series of leaps that constitute the history of mains o p e n . B u t I suspect w e shall k n o w that
their subject. O n the contrary, their o w n leap the social sciences h a v e b e c o m e scientific,
is very often a reverse leap, a return to an w h e n their practitioners n o longer claim that
earlier m o d e l . they have at long last stolen the fire, b u t
If I a m right about the logical inadequacy w h e n others try to steal it from t h e m ; w h e n
of the alleged proofs of the ineligibility of the the philosophy of social science b e c o m e s a
social world for science, w e need not despair- search for an ex-post explanation of a cogni-
ingly conclude (or confidently h o p e , as the tive scientific miracle, rather than for a recipe
case m a y b e ) that this will always continue to or promise for bringing it about.


1. Sir Karl Popper has an essentialist rather than holist correlative with social life as
propounded the much-discussed terminology for indicating the such, whereas M a x W e b e r is
doctrine of methdological same facts? I suppose it depends preoccupied with it as a
individualism, which requires all on whether all such cultural differential trait, present in o n e
explanations in the social worlds are simply parts of one tradition far more prominently
sciences to be, ultimately, in and the same third world, or than in all others. So one sees
terms of the aims and beliefs of whether they are allowed, each rationality as ever-present, and
individuals, and which precludes of them, to m a k e its o w n its explanation is ipso facto the
the invocation of holistic social world, which need not be explanation of society: there w a s
entities, other than as a kind of commensurate or compatible indeed a social contract, but it
shorthand (see for instance, with others. In the former case, had the form of ritual, not of a
Karl Popper, The Open Society a Platonic language for compact. The other sees it as
and Its Enemies, Princeton describing this would seem more present in an uneven m a n n e r ,
N . J . , Princeton University appropriate; in the latter, a and its explanation coextensive
Press, 1966). At the same time, sociological-holistic one. It not with society as such, but of
Popper has more recently should be added that his the emergence and distinctive
argued in favour of a 'World individualism does not oblige nature of one kind of society,
Three' (see Karl Popper, him to see science as only namely that which concerns us
Objective Knowledge, Oxford, contingently social; on the most, our o w n .
Clarendon Press, 1972), a realm contrary, in the appropriate
of objects of thought, in sense, he sees it as essentially 3. T h o m a s K u h n , The Structure
addition to the relatively well- of Scientific Revolutions, 2nd
social. This is discussed later in
established Cartesian worlds of ed., Chicago, 111., University of
this essay.
external objects and internal Chicago Press, 1970.
experiences. It is interesting that
some of the arguments invoked 2. mile Durkheim, Elementary
Forms of Religious Life, tr. 4. Ibid., pp. vii-viii.
in support of this doctrinethe
incorporation in a social Joseph W . Swain, Free Press,
tradition and its equipment of a ' 1954. T h e main contrast 5. Michael Oakeshott,
wealth of ideas never accessible between the two great Rationalism in Politics and Other
to any one manare precisely sociologists, Durkheim and Essays, London, Methuen
those which led some others to Weber, is precisely in their & Co., 1962.
be tempted by social holism. Is attitude to rational thought:
there m u c h gained by option for Durkheim sees this as a 6. Paul Feyerabend, Against
characteristic of any society and Method, N . L . B . , 1975.
586 Ernest Gellner

7. Michael Polanyi, Personal Dispute in German Sociology, London, Routledge & Kegan
Knowledge: Toward a Post pp. 68-86, London, Paul, 1973.
Critical Philosophy, Chicago, Heinemann, 1976.
111., University of Chicago Press, 13. Peter L . Berger and
12. A n argument of this kind is Thomas Luckman, The Social
1974. found in: Peter Winch, The Idea Construction of Reality: A
8. Gilbert Ryle, 'Knowing H o w of a Social Science and its Treatise on the Sociology of
and Knowing That' Presidential Relation to Philosophy, Knowledge, Irvington Press,
Address, Aristotelian Society, Humanities Press, 1970. A n 1980.
Proceedings, Vol. X L V I , even more extreme formulation
1945/46, pp. 1-16; Lewis of this position, combined with 14. See Harold Garfinkel,
Carroll, 'Achilles and the an ideographiom outrance, is Studies in Ethnomethodology,
Tortoise' in The Complete found in: A . R . Louch, Englewood Cliffs,
Works of Lewis Carroll, Explanation and Human Action, N.J., Prentice Hall, 1967. For
Oxford, Blackwell, 1966. This critical comments, see a very
N e w York, Random House,
position has been frequently witty article by A . R . Louch,
criticized; see, for instance, 'Against Theorizing',
9. Kuhn, op. cit. Robin Horton's 'Professor Philosophy of the Social
Winch on Safari' in Archives Sciences. Vol. V , 1975,
10. Willard van O r m a n Quine, europennes de sociologie, pp. 481-7, or m y o w n ,
From a Logical Point of View: Vol. X V I I , N o . 1, 1976; or 'Ethnomethodology: the R e -
Nine LgicoPhilosophical Percy Cohen, 'The Very Idea of enchantment, Industry or the
Essays, 2nd. rev. ed., a Social Science', in I. Lakatos Californian W a y of Subjectivity',
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard and A . Musgrave (eds.), Spectacles and Predicaments,
University Press, 1961. Problems in the Philosophy of Cambridge, Univeristy Press,
Science, North Holland Press, 1979.
11. Theodor Adorno et al., 1968. Or m y own 'The N e w
'Sociology and Empirical Idealism', in I. C . Jarvie and 15. Bryan Magee (ed.), Men of
Research' in Theodor Adorno et J. Agassi (eds.), Cause and Ideas, p. 233, Viking Press,
al. (eds.), The Positivist Meaning in the Social Sciences: 1979.
Philosophical schools
and scientific working
methods in social science

Stefan Nowak

Philosophical orientations B y philosophical schools, from the point

in empirical social science of view of sociology, w e understand here
different metasociological orientations. T h e
editors of a volume of metasociological
T h e title of this article announces an analysis studies characterize this term in the following
of relations between the 'working methods' of way:
the social sciences o n the one hand and
'philosophical schools' o n the other. A m o n g 'Metasociology', a term popularized by Paul
the different 'philosophical schools' w e will Furley in The Scope and Method of Sociology: A
discuss only those that are (or are believed to Metasociological Treatise, refers to that branch
be) relevant for the of sociology concerned
social sciences, and es- with investigating the
pecially for ways of Stefan N o w a k holds the chair of assumptions and value
conducting sociological methodology of sociological investi- judgements underlying the
gations at the Institute of Sociology, theories and methods e m -
studies. T h e term 'work- University of Warsaw. A m o n g his
ing methods'- denotes for ployed by sociologists.
principal publications are: Method-
us here: (a) the different ology of Sociological Research (1977) Such assumptions and
ways (standardized pat- and Sociology: The State of Art (1982, value judgements often
co-editor). begin with the assertion
terns) of asking ques- that sociology is a science
tions about social reality; and proceed to incor-
(b) the different stan- porate the various theo-
dardized ways of deliv- retical (ontological) and
ering answers to these methodological (epistemo-
questions, meaning both logical) choices made
the logical structure of daily. Needless to say,
propositions which m a y such assumptive choices di-
constitute such answers and the ways of rectly affect the very content of sociology,
thereby making metasociology an enormously
substantiation of these propositionsboth
important and far-reaching area of inquiry.
deductively and inductively; and (c) finally,
In m a n y ways, metasociology represents' a
the different standardized ways of organizing
mechanism for mapping the discipline of soci-
the whole sets of these propositions into m o r e
ology. . . . In doing so, discussions underlying
comprehensive and (in different meanings of assumptions remain analytically distinct from
the term), m o r e coherent descriptive or those of substantive sociology.1
theoretical pictures of that reality concerning
which the initial questions have been ad-
This passage stresses that the analysis of
assumptions (at least s o m e of which are
588 Stefan Nowak

ontological) and of value judgements belong 1. A t one extreme of the first problem dimen-
to sociology. I agree that it is correct that sion w e locate those w h o believe that m a n
these assumptions are often used for mapping is a thinking and feeling being and whose
different 'theoretical approaches' to the study patterned feelings and ways of thinking
of social p h e n o m e n a . about the world, society and himself consti-
But w h e n used for mapping different tute such essential components of social
approaches and theories, they are usually reality that without proper 'understanding'
regarded as essential components. T o quote (Verstehen) of these p h e n o m e n a in the w a y
J. H . Turner: Dilthey, W e b e r or Znaniecki wanted us to
understand them, any attempt to study
M u c h of what is labelled sociological theory is,
social p h e n o m e n a is fruitless. A t the other
in reality, only a loose clustering of implicit
assumptions, inadequately defined concepts, and extreme w e usually locate behaviourists
a few vague and logically disconnected prop- with Skinner in thefirstplace and those
ositions. Sometimes assumptions are stated theoreticians of early positivist sociology
explicitly, and serve to inspire abstract theor- (like D o d d or Lundberg) w h o believed that
etical statements containing well-defined con- the study of society and of nature have one
cepts, but most of sociological theory constitutes most important feature in c o m m o n b o t h
a verbal 'image of society', rather than a rigor- should be based only upon the observation
ously constructed set of theoretical statements of reality and any other method, like
organized into logically coherent format. Thus
Verstehen, is n o more than pre-scientific
a great deal of so-called theory is rather a
general 'perspective' or 'orientation' for look- mysticism.4
ing at various features of the process of insti- 2. T h e second frequent problem dimension
tutionalization which, if all goes well, can be deals with the question of whether groups
eventually translated into true scientific theory. are real, or whether the attribute of real
T h e fact that there are m a n y such perspec- existence should be reserved for h u m a n
tives in sociology poses problems of exposition; individuals only. Sometimes this question
and these problems in turn, are compounded by
refers not to groups or other collectivities
the fact that the perspectives blend into one
but to their properties. Here w e observe
another, sometimes redering it difficult to ana-
lyze them separately.2 the clash between holists (sometimes called
'realists') and methodological individual-
For these reasons, it seems m o r e fruitful not ists (or in other discussion contexts
to analyse here all 'theoretical-philosophical 'nominalists').5
approaches' to the study of society, but rather 3. T h e third problem dimensionoften dis-
particular assumptions that underlie, or m a y cussed jointly with the secondis to what
underlie, m o r e than one such school. Fortu- degree the different propositions, and
nately, these assumptions have been the sub- especially various generalizations and laws
ject of analysis and discussion for m a n y about h u m a n aggregates and social systems
years, both in the philosophy of science and of can be explained by the propositions and
social science. T h e latter have led to the crys- laws about 'lower level units' and especially
tallization of a certain n u m b e r of generally by the psychological laws of h u m a n behav-
formulated questions, the answers to which iour. Here again the reductionists dis-
m a y be regarded as equivalent to those as- agree with the emergentists, i.e. those w h o
sumptions mentioned above. A n y fairly c o m - believe that, at each level of analysis, n e w
prehensive monograph in the philosophy of regularities and properties m a y emerge,
the social sciences3 usually presents a longer basically irreducible to the properties and
or shorter catalogue of such 'problem dimen- mechanisms of the lower level.0
sions' and defines a certain n u m b e r of poss- 4. Then w e have the old dispute between
ible positions on each. Let us mention here determinists and indeterminists about the
s o m e of those most frequently discussed. applicability of the notion of causality to
Philosophical schools and scientific working methods in social science 589

the world in general, and to social life in thoroughly by M a r x , Simmel, Coser, Dahr-
particular. T h e applicability of causal endorf and contemporary Neo-Marxists,
thinking to social life in particular. T h e that internal conflict and dysfunction are
applicability of causal thinking to social the essential features of any social system,
phenomena can be rejected either in prin- at both the macro and the micro levels.
ciple ('man has free will') or on more 7. If w e look at theories that deal with social
practical groundsby demonstrating that behaviour and man's ways of thinking and
causality implies a both exceptionless (i.e. feeling about himself and the external
general) and spatio-temporally unlimited social world, w e m a y also find a number of
(i.e. universal) character for the discovered polarized dimensions along which ap-
regularities, whereas in the social sciences proaches and theories can be located. For
w e usually discover regularities which are example, w e m a y believe (with Skinner and
both statistical and 'historical', i.e. limited some radical behaviourists) that h u m a n
to some spatio-temporal area. In other nature is basically reactive, that people
words, philosophers of science (and socio- react to external stimuli, and that the pat-
logists themselves) differ in their opinion as terns of rewards and punishments shaping
to the degree to which the model of the learned patterns of behaviour in
universal causal theories, so successful in society m a y be apprehended in a w a y
certain natural sciences, is applicable to the similar to the study of rats in an experimen-
world of h u m a n thinking and actions and to tal maze. But w e can also believe with
the functioning and change of the social 'humanistic psychologists', that h u m a n
systems.7 nature has a creative potential and that
5. A t a slightly lower level of abstraction of aiming towards self-realization is more im-
philosophical discourse w e find the polarity portant than reaction to the m a z e of con-
of two approaches to the study of a straints imposed by the social structure,
multiplicity of people. O n e (called 'plural- and the need to exchange rewards and pun-
istic behaviourism' by D o n Martindale ) 8 ishments with others according to certain
assumes more or less consciously that rules of distributive justice.
society is something of an aggregate of hu- 8. Quite another aspect of h u m a n behaviour
m a n individuals, each of w h o m can be ex- is usually analysed along the dimension
plained by their o w n 'background charac- 'rational-irrational'. Here w e m a y believe,
teristics' taken in isolation from the following m a n y 'purposeful action theor-
characteristics and behaviour of other ists' from W e b e r to Parsons and contem-
peopleas w e do in analysis of survey porary proponents of the application of
data. T h e other approach assumes that normative models of mathematical de-
society or social groups and institutions cision-theory to the explanation of real
constitute a system of interdependent el- h u m a n actions, that looking into conscious
ements; the nature of the elements can h u m a n motives of behaviour interpreted in
properly be understood only by taking terms of rationally oriented goalsmeans
into account their systemic contexts.9 relations m a y give us the proper insight.
6. Even w h e n scientists agree that a systemic But w e m a y also follow the line of Freud
perspective is essential, some of them are and Pareto and assume that what people
more inclined to believe (following Spen- perceive as the motives of their actions are
cer, Durkheim, Malinowski or Parsons in usually by w a y of being rationalizations
this belief) that the dominant internal (derivations) from actions not themselves
relations are those that guarantee the necessarily guided by principles of ration-
system its harmonious functioning and ality. A n d even if there is agreement that
homeostatic balance, while others have the knowledge of conscious motives is
more sympathy for the idea stressed so necessary for the proper explanation of
590 Stefan Nowak

behaviour, there m a y b e disagreement at all? That most philosophers and, m o r e

about the methodological scheme of such reflective sociologists believe in their import-
explanations. S o m e insist that w e must ap- ance does not constitute sufficient proof of
ply certain 'covering laws' in the scheme of relevance, especially as there are some w h o
deductive-nomological explanations, while are inclined to reject the whole matter c o m -
others stress the non-nomological charac- pletely. T h u s , Barry Hindess says:
ter of 'understanding explanations'.11
All these assumptions (and m a n y others) deal
with the nature of reality as applied to social I propose no methodology or epistemology to
the positions criticized here. O n the contrary, I
studies. But w e also find differences of ap-
argue that the problems which these disciplines
proach to sociology rooted in the differences pose are false problems and they arise only as a
of opinion about what should be the socio- function of a conception of knowledge which can
logist's attitude towards his o w n studies, or be shown to be fundamentally and inescapably
opinions about h o w these studies can or incoherent. Epistemology and such derivative
should be conducted. H e r e w e c o m e across doctrines as methodology and philosophy of
the old issue of 'objectivity' of social studies science have no rational and coherent foun-
with s o m e w h o believe that studies can be dation. In particular there can be no rational
value-free while others stress that it is imposs- or coherent prescriptive methodology. 13
ible to get rid of one's values; therefore the
best thing a social scientist can do is initially to
Methodology, stresses Hindess, tries to pre-
declare his value preferences continuing to
scribe those procedures supposed to be useful
express them both in his problem-formulation
either for generating or for testing n e w
and in the conduct and findings of his study.
propositions, and tries to validate them on the
All those w h o recall the disputes around this
basis of philosophical argument. These pro-
problem in the late 1960s k n o w h o w m a n y
cedures define what is, and what is not a
different meanings were attached to each.
possible attitude along this dimension. 12 This
applies not only to this particular problem
dimension in the philosophy of social sciences Scientific knowledge is thought to be valid only if
but to most of them, because not only can it conforms to the prescribed procedures: it
different attitudes be taken along each but follows that the prescriptions of methodology
also the dimensions themselves can be, and cannot be validated by scientific knowledge. . . .
were understood in different ways. Methodology lays down procedural rules for
scientific practice which it derives by means of a
U n d e r such circumstances, any attempt
'knowledge' provided by philosophy. Method-
to discuss the relevance of such assumptions ology is the product of philosophy and the
to the whole process of development of sciences are a realization of their methodology.14
research methodology would probably require
at least a whole volume. H e r e , w e intend to
look only into s o m e m o r e general problems of W e r e this the only possible pattern of re-
relations between the assumptions underlying lations between science and its methodology
sociological studies and the ways these studies on the one hand and metascientific assump-
are or should be conducted. tions on the other, I would agree with Hindess
that this would constitute either a case of
nice tautological circularity or, even worse,
The validity of philosophical a situation in which the whole of scien-
arguments for research tific thinking constitutes nothing more than
methodology in sociology carrying out the orders of a dogmatic dic-
tatorship of philosophers. Fortunately, this is
W h y should these assumptions play any role not the case, for several reasons.
Philosophical schools and scientific working methods in social science 591

A n allegory of logic, seventeenth-century etching. Explorer.

592 Stefan Nowak

The empirical, normative and have been stated explicitly or only implicitly,
analytical premises of problem but if a study is begun from a wrong set of
assumptions, one discovers pretty soon
formulations and research
that the questions do not apply to the selec-
methods in sciences ted objects and phenomena since one obtains
answers that reject the initial assumptions.
Before w e look at these reasons, let us first The validity of the assumptions implies
remind ourselves here of the role of less only that w e m a y ask the questions with
questionable assumptions in the research pro- respect to a given object or class of objects.
cess.15 Every empirical study begins (or at Whether w e ask or not depends additionally
least it should begin) with a set of ques- upon our values. Only they can provide the
tions, to which it is supposed to deliver the motivation to undertake a study seeking
answers. 16 A s is well k n o w n , the formulation answers to given problem formulation.
of each question logically presupposes that Whether w e specify our values (curiosity
certain assumptions about the studied objects being definitely one of them) explicitly or
or p h e n o m e n a are accepted as valid. Ifas take them for granted does not matter.
is often the casethese assumptions are not Similarly for the assumptions underlying
explicitly formulated, it is because they m a y the use of a certain research method. T h e
seem so obvious that no one cares to recall formulation and use of m a n y research
them. They would become more obvious if methods is based upon certain identical or
one were to undertake a study of problems descriptive propositions necessary for their
based on obviously false assumptions. Should validity. W e m a y recall h o w m u c h theoretical
one propose to study the attitudes of the physics and engineering science underlies the
representatives of the Hispanic minority in availability of such 'research tolls' as the
Poland towards the country's political system, cyclotron, electron microscope, or Wilson
one would be reminded that the question is chamber for elementary particles. T h e situ-
'wrong' because it is based upon the obviously ation in the social sciences is similar. Thou-
false assumption that a Hispanic minority sands of studies have proved that 'projection'
exists. O n the other hand, for the undertaking as described by Freud really exists. Hence w e
of a similar study in N e w York, the assump- n o w use 'projective tests' if w e suspect that
tion would be taken for granted. A question is subjects m a y have difficulties in revealing
only applicable to the object or objects that their needs, motives or aspirations. Again, w e
satisfy its assumptions. But the assumption use information about the m a k e of a respon-
does not prescribe any specific answer to the dent's car, or visible level of consumption
question. O u r assumptions only classify re- as 'indirect indicators' of income, because the
ality into two subsets: onein which it correlation between income and levels of
'makes sense' to ask questions, and the other living has been well established.
oneto which the questions do not apply. W h a t these propositions usually imply is
T h e same applies to theoretical ques- that w e are free to use a given method for a
tions. If one proposes to study in a n e w given cognitive purpose. Whether w e do use
experimental project what kind of people are any particular method often depends also
more likely to 'reduce cognitive dissonance' upon certain normative premises (value
than others, one starts from the (explicit or assumptions), e.g. the degree of accuracy
implicit) assumption that 'cognitive disson- yielded by different methods, possible mar-
ance' exists and that one wants to develop a gins of error connected with their use, com-
more detailed theory describing the conditions bined with the costs of applications of each.
under which this phenomenon is likely to Sometimes methodological decisions involve
occur. If a study starts from a set of valid as- strictly ethical premises like those which
sumptions, it does not matter whether they exclude the application of certain (otherwise
Philosophical schools and scientific working methods in social science 593

efficient) methods for the study of h u m a n tions can usually not be found in the tested
subjects. T h efinalmethodological design of body of existing scientific knowledge. O n e
any study arises from interaction of empirical must go beyond this knowledge and risk some
considerations relating to accuracy, with cer- bold, more or less hypothetical guesses about
tain normative, axiological premises. the nature of reality.
Another kind of premisethe analyti- W h e r e d o such guesses belong at the
cally valid theorems ('laws') of formal logic or m o m e n t w h e n they are formulated, thus
mathematicsis used in the process of reas- opening the w a y to basically n e w scientific
oning, in the transformation of the logical questions? O n e might say that they are no
or mathematical implications of one body of more than bold scientific hypotheses at the
information into another in deductions, in highest level of generality, from which the
deriving fresh propositions from those that formulation of lower-level hypotheses were
have already been tested, etc. Sometimes stimulated. But if w e look closely at the
these laws or theorems of logical thinking are history of science in its relation with the
so simple (or w e are so used to applying them) history of philosophy, it seems more reason-
that w e are unaware of using them at all. In able to say that m a n y such assumptions were
other cases they are so complex that w e merely taken from philosophy or could be
employ the most powerful computers to fol- classified with it. 'Visions' of society as an
low correctly (and with sufficient speed) the organism go far back in our history,., but
prescribed paths of formal reasoning which anthropology as a science had to wait for
have their source in certain tautologies of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown to use such
logic and mathematics. ideas as starting-points for explanatory prin-
ciples in empirical studies. There is no doubt
that the idea of Verstehen as formulated by
'Visions' of social reality Dilthey belonged to philosophy, but all its
subsequent uses to explain concrete social
as sources of philosophical
phenomena and for the development of cor-
assumptions responding methodologies belong to social
sciences. It is extremely difficult to point to
W h a t has been said so far proves only that
the border-line between philosophy and 'pos-
sciences do indeed develop in a cumulative
itive' empirical theory in Karl Marx's think-
manner, n e w research problems arising from
ing, but there is no doubt that Hegelian
the state of knowledge in different disciplines
dialectics, transformed by M a r x into ' m a -
and n e w methodologies attempting to apply
terialistic dialectics', played an important role
positive knowledge about reality to devise
in his empirical thinking about society, guid-
more efficient research tools. It does not
ing it in the formulation of testable hy-
prove that philosophyontology or epistem-
potheses about the relationships between class
ologyare enlisted for such purposes.
structure, class conflict, and other aspects of
But the body of existing knowledge only social p h e n o m e n a .
delivers the premises for n e w questions, if
these are not dramatically n e w , or in other W h a t happens when the theory or re-
words, that the process of development is search generated from such philosophical as-
what K u h n calls 'normal science'. The devel- sumptions actually works? It implies that as-
opment of 'normal science' is safe enough, sumptions can also be regarded as indirectly,
because it occurs within the existing and ac- and partly, i.e. only inductively, confirmed
cepted paradigms; n e w questions m a y there- by the empirical findings, thus confirming the
fore be based upon well-tested empirical theory. T h e validity of initial philosophical
assumptions. If the questions are so new that assumptions is then proven at least for those
the answers- might constitute a 'scientific areas of reality where a theory works. But this
revolution', then the corresponding assump- applies only to such philosophical prop-
594 Siefan Nowak

ositions as are logically directly or indirectly Even w h e n vaguely formulated, and

related to the questions of the theory or the when they are closer to pictures than to
conceptual scheme of reality. propositional hypotheses, these visions often
In principle one could try to formulate stimulate s o m e kind of strictly scientific ac-
these philosophical assumptions, hypothetical tivity, by suggesting both the questions and
as they are, by the rule of maximal parsimony, hypotheses. T h e y m a y determine an approach
i.e. postulating only what is absolutely necess- to studied reality, understood narrowly as a
ary for the n e w questions, e.g. postulating set of research questions; consequently such
the existenceor possibility of existenceof visions or vague notions m a y eventually lead
certain n e w entities, the possibility that they to propositional theories.
might be interrelated in a given way, that Visions of this sort are usually 'struc-
they might change or that they might be tural', including certain components of the
stableand nothing m o r e . If research pro- visualized wholes. These components m a y
duces sensible answers, it would m e a n ad- later be denoted by the concepts of the n e w
ditionally that indirectly and partially it approach (if they have been properly concep-
confirms (or at least does not falsify) the e m - tualized) or at least by a certain theoretical
pirical validity of those assumptions on which terminology, the meaning of which is m a d e
the questions were based. more or less clear. These concepts constitute
But as w e k n o w , parsimony is not the the verbalizations of the structure of such
most typical w a y the h u m a n mind likes to aspects of social reality as are in the focus of
work at the pre-theoretical and equally most interest of the approach; they constitute a
creative stage of scientific thinking. N o r does classificatory pattern or frame of reference in
it like to limit itself to strictly verbal formu- which p h e n o m e n a are located and from which
lations of such assumptions or to strictly logi- they derive their more or less theoretical
cal procedures in their formulation. In think- meanings.
ing about the possible existence of basically Both the 'visions' and their ultimate
n e w p h e n o m e n a or relationships, w e often verbalizations m a y also embrace, explicitly or
use imagination and our tendency to visualize implicitly, relationships between phenomena,
things m u c h more than our logical, verbal thus transforming them into interconnected
thinking. A neuro-physiologist would say that structures. These seem to be the actual
the creative but pre-theoretical stage of a propositionlike elements of the approaches,
basically n e w scientific study engages m u c h but can seldom be classified as general prop-
m o r e of the right (imaginative and spatial) ositions. E v e n if they sound general it is
hemisphere of the brain than of the left because their generality has been overstated.
one, believed to be responsible for logic and In reality they usually are so-called 'elliptical
verbalization. That is w h y n e w theories and propositions', which, for testability require
areas of study are so often manifested in additional qualifiers, stating to what degree,
'images' and 'visions' and w h y so m a n y spatial where and under what conditions they are
metaphors occur in such visions. These meta- true. Usually the appropriate formulation for
phors usually pass into theoretical language: these propositionslike elementsshould
groups occupy 'higher' or 'lower' positions in be: 'x is sometimes related to v' or 'x m a y be
the social structure even though it is k n o w n related to y', etc.
that they do not actually differ in spatial But these propositions assuming the
location; systems are visualized as structures existence, or even the possibility of existence
composed of boxes with arrows between of certain p h e n o m e n a and possible relations,
them, even w h e n their elements are abstract m a y play the role of assumptions which
properties of these systems and the inter- permit us to formulate research questions,
relations between them are in no way simi- which determined the study of phenomena
lar to wires in a television set. from that particular angle, and hypotheses
Philosophical schools and scientific working methods in social science 595

'Ontological Models': a philosopher inscribing a m a n and a w o m a n in geometrical figures, seventeenth-

century. Snark/B.N.

which are then empirically testable (to the cally necessary as elements of a n e w Gestalt
degree that w e can test any general prop- which allows the familiar to be viewed in a
osition at all). basically n e w w a y , as philosophy often does.
If the 'images' of the p h e n o m e n a in- For at least twenty-five centuries of E u -
volved in a given approach are detailed ropean intellectual tradition (and probably
enough it m a y happen that, from a strictly longer in certain other areas) philosophy
logical point of view, only certain of their played a reconnaissance role, trying to say
elements are needed as assumptions of those something about the nature, origin, function-
n e w questions leading to research on hypoth- ing and development of the world or of such
eses, while others m a y not be necessary. of its components as caught the philosophers'
Yet, while unnecessary for direct stimulation attention even w h e n science had little to say
of science they m a y be needed for other el- about them. T h o u g h usually rather specu-
ements which are direct assumptions of our lative, imprecise, and sometimes almost n e b u -
questions or at least they m a y be psychologi- lous, the products of philosophic thinking
596 Stefan Nowak

nevertheless yielded a certain knowledge (true formulation of the research problem, or are
or not) thus satisfying curiosity, and also determined in their choice or in their charac-
played an essential role in stimulating scien- ter by it, the implications of these assumptions
tific research and theories. S o m e philosophic reach d o w n to the research methodology.
guesses were verified as scientific theories, but 'Research method' is often understood to
others obviously proved false on the basis of imply or involve questions of a special kind,
the research they stimulated. T h e history of including special concepts for the formulation
science within the last twenty-five centuries of these questions. Robert Merton's analysis
give ample illustration of such a process; of 'manifest and latent functions' is, no doubt,
almost all scientific disciplines evolved from a contribution to 'functionalist methodology'.
philosophical speculation (the rest evolved W h a t it yields usalong with the result of
from practical skills) proving it to be at least certain reflections on the nature of social
partly right. realityare certain concepts, by using which
The same also holds true for social special kinds of functionalist questions can be
philosophy and the social science evolving asked. These will lead to the formulation of
from it. T o say that the visions of social reality functionalist explanations or theories regard-
postulated by various approaches, or at least ing certain specific social phenomena. Marxist
s o m e of their m o r e speculative elements, methodology consists primarily in asking M a r -
belong to the area of philosophy, does not say xist questions along with the use of special
enough about them. T h e tradition of philo- concepts, because a Marxist vision of social
sophical thought usually distinguished be- reality in which these questions and concepts
tween several branches: gnoseology, ontology are rooted is adopted. Neither approach tell
and axiology. T h e 'visions' under discussion us m u c h about h o w concepts and the corre-
include in a m o r e or less disguised form all sponding questions are transformed into a
these three branches. First they often say concrete research design, or what data o r .
something about the process of cognition of research tools are used for testing hypotheses
the social world, hence encompassing strictly and propositions. O n the other hand the
gnoseological assumptions usually matching methodology of survey research, which consti-
the approach adopted with its specific meth- tutes a detailed study design involving all the
odology. Second, the images of phenomena, techniques of data collection and analysis,
which include or imply as well the concepts of seems to be based on the assumptions that
this approach and guideat least conceptu- what is being dealt with is a rather loose
allythe formulation of research problems aggregate of persons whose thinking and
and more or less general hypotheses often behaviour depend primarily upon their indi-
belong to the ontology of the social world. vidual characteristics. This corresponds to the
Finally, these approaches either explicitly or philosophy of pluralistic behaviourism rather
implicitly involve certain normative, axiologi- than to any coherent system in which behav-
cal assumptions which lend the various iour is primarily governed by interconnection
elements or aspects of the 'visions' their posi- between people, both actions and reactions
tive or negative values. being shaped by the network of systemic
constraints, which might, of course, m a k e
quite a difference to research methodology.
Philosophical assumptions of W h a t about the method of gathering data
scientific research methodology or of testing hypotheses themselves? Certain
underlying assumptions about the nature of
Empirical and ontological assumptions also studied p h e n o m e n a seem to underlie most of
have their importance for research method- them. B y adopting any method of indirect
ology. First, w e m a y say that to the degree assessment of what is in people's minds
to which the methods of study include the (whether by survey questionnaire or clinical
Philosophical schools and scientific working methods in social science 597

interview, a projective test for assessing groups at random, or must take them in
anxiety or an intelligence test for the assess- their natural clusters or series. All this
ment of verbal skills), w e are assuming (with (which can, of course, be empirically tested
Dilthey) that people d o thinkor at least that or manipulated) has essential implications
they m a y think) and that one m a y obtain both for the choice of method of causal
indirect but s o m e h o w valid access to the analysis and for the conclusion concerning
contents of their minds. Yet in order to use the causal connections between the studied
any of the methods mentioned above, it is not phenomena. It implies the use of empirical
enough to assume that 'people m a y be under- knowledge in the context of a broader philo-
stood'. W e must m a k e m a n y additional as- sophical doctrine of social causality.
sumptions about the condition under which Let us look a little more closely at the
understanding takes place, the possibility of relations between the assumptions on the one
linguistic or. other kinds of communication hand and the research methods on the other.
between the researcher and his subjects in Assuming that w e seek results sufficiently
given conditions, circumstances under which close (=) to the characteristics or relation-
people feel free to reveal what they really ships in the real world, w e m a y designate the
think, etc. Most of these assumptions are results of study by R s , the nature of things in
empirically verifiable, but they m a y all be the real world being represented by R w . What
m a d e only on the validity of the most general w e seek is a method which will result in Rs=*
assumptions about the possibility and necess- R w . The method applied is then designated by
ity of understanding what is going on in M, the assumptions on the basis of which
other people's minds. T h e same applies to method M is supposed to yield results suf-
m a n y other situations in which the philo- ficiently close to the characteristics of the
sophical conditions constituting the most gen- real world being designated by A M . Schema-
eral frame f interpretative reference are tically the relationships in this area can then
interwomen with empirically controllable be set out thus:
(and controlled) statements about the studied
fragment of the world. In adopting any (AM M) - > (Rs = R w ) .
method to assess causal connections between
M o r e simply, if the assumptions are correct,
variables, whether it be an experiment
the method will lead to correct results. In
in cross-cultural comparison, 'path analysis'
some cases w e k n o w that the assumptions of
of biographical data or traditional multi-
our method are correct because they have
variate analysis, w e assume (more often im-
already been tested in research or belong to
plicitly than explicitly) that the phenomena
c o m m o n knowledge. S o m e examples of this
(or at least some of them) m a y be causally
kind were given earlier.
interconnected. Without such an assumption,
no attempt to discover causal connections O n the other hand, m a n y methods are
would m a k e any sense. not based upon assumptions that are or can be
proved to be completely valid. There is no
In addition, however, a lot more is way to verify finally whether people really do
known about situations. It is known, for think. But were w e to reject this assumption,
instance, whether the variables are quantitat- w e would have to invent another and probably
ive or qualitative, whether one can postulate extremely complex philosophy of the social
one-way causation or causal feedbacks with world to account for what can be explained by
mutual interdependences; whether it is means of the assumption of the 'Dilthean
reasonable to believe that external, uncon- model of minds'.
trolled variables ('errors') are mutually depen- Nevertheless basic re-interpretations of
dent or one should rather postulate their collected data and accepted generalizations do
mutual statistical dependencies; whether one sometimes occur, constituting a basic change
is able to select experimental and 'control' of 'paradigm' or 'scientific revolution'. Basi-
598 Stefan Nowak

cally n e w assumptions are then m a d e , which imaginable reality which conforms to it.
m a y compel a change in the meaning of all Certain m o r e abstract formulations of 'func-
previous findings and the indicative validity of tionalism' (for example, those of Ernest
m a n y research tools and techniques. Fortu- Nagel) are typical examples of a formal ap-
nately scientific revolutions d o not occur proach, as are certain analyses of the dynam-
often. A s long as the old paradigm obtains ics of given processes.
the formal process, by which m a n y elements S o m e specialized sciences construct what
of what was originally tentative and hypo- I call ontological models of possible phenom-
thetical, more philosophical than theoretical, ena, for example, by cybernetics and general
but is slowly transformed into positive science systems theory to the degree that they are
unfolds. This applies both to the assumptions strictly formal, i.e. free from any reference to
on which the questions of the accepted para- substantive empirical science. In other cases it
digm are based, and to the hypothetical m a y be suspected that content-involvement of
guesses which underlie the construction of authors of a certain type of mathematical
research tools and validation of scientific model of social phenomena or a cybernetic
methods. In this w a y s o m e elements of visions system is a pretext which permits them to lay
or ontological models of reality are trans- claim to empirical work w h e n , in fact, they
formed into scientifically tested propositions, are m u c h m o r e interested in the construction
others are rejected by research, while a third of logically or mathematically possible worlds.
category remains in the realm of philosophy. The distinction I have proposed above
W e can distinguish two kinds of 'onto- is rather analytical, because in the real ap-
logical model' of aspects or components of proaches to social phenomena the substan-
studied reality. T h efirstconsists of reality, tive and the formal 'structural' assumptions
e.g. the postulation of existence of social usually occur together, being mutually inter-
classes, h u m a n minds. Most approaches to the connected. E v e n the simplest 'visions' as-
background of m a n y theories belong in this sume that the variables postulated by a
category of substantive ontological models, causal model constitute a loose cluster of
their concepts denoting m o r e or less clearly causes or effects of the variable.
defined, specific h u m a n and social p h e n o m -
ena, even if these are very general.
Another kind of ontological model is The need for 'middle-range
strictly formal or content-free. T h e concepts
denote no particular substantive phenomena,
because they denote any phenomena in any sci-
ence which satisfies their formal assumptions. The assumptions discussedboth the empiri-
They are formulated by the use of formal, cal and the philosophical onesmust be valid
logical tools alone. T h e typology of elabor- at least for the studied area of reality. Can w e
ations of statistical relations proposed by say that they deserve to be called philosophi-
Lazarsfeld, for example, constitutes only a cal assumptions? It is usually assumed that
strictly formal model of a multivariate causal philosophy and especially ontology deal with
process that could be valid for any cluster of the most general characteristics of the world.
variables attaching to a loose collection of A s Barry Hindess observes, quoting Winch:
elements, being either cumulative or inter-
active, either parallel or ordered in a causal The difference between the respective aims of
the scientists and philosopher might be ex-
chain, etc. T h e reduction of one relationship
pressed as follows: Whereas the scientist investi-
or theory to another m a y work in any sci- gates the nature, causes and effects of particu-
ence, but before proof of its applicability to a lar real things and processes, the philosopher is
particularfieldis established, it is but a con- concerned with the nature of reality as such in
tent-free, abstract ontological model of any general.17
Philosophical, schools and scientific working methods in social science 599

This puts the philosophers' claim to universal ceeds to a conceptual restructurization, defin-
validity of their views rather well. 'Ontology' ing certain n e w concepts, usually enumerating
conveys the notion of a set of concepts in a apparently relevant variables and denoting
way all-inclusive, embracing the totality of them by certain 'boxes'. Finally, he draws
social reality, and with an extremely broad arrows between these bases and leaves it open
area of applicability. But if w e remember which values obtain for particular variables,
that these ontological models are mere sup- or whether and h o w strongly they are inter-
plements to necessarily partial knowledge, related in each particular case. Thus the
that they are added by insight and imagin- approach, the 'model', defines the research
ation to what is k n o w n about various as- strategy. A scientist would not be unhappy if
pects or fragments of reality, or that they research were to reveal certain generalizable
stimulate these fragmentary pictures of scien- constant relationships between the variables:
tific knowledge, then w e understand that this would imply a nice propositional theory.
ontological models are not all-inclusive. They But, surely he would not advance the claim
are merely a partial picture of social reality that his model constitutes a universal ap-
from one particular perspective. proach to explain everything, from the class
W h a t certain contemporary philosophical struggle to the formation of unconscious
perspectives in sociology have in c o m m o n defence mechanisms. T h e partial nature of
every ontological model is obvious.
with traditional philosophiesor at least did
have until recentlyis their claim to ultimate That m u c h should be equally obvious for
and universal validity, and to total truth, at most other ontological assumptions about
least as some of their proponents are inclined problems and research methodologies in
to believe. Thus, psychoanalysis is all of science in general, and social sciences in
psychology for those w h o believe that Freud particular. There are societies for which it
said everything essential about the h u m a n makes more sense to assume that conflict is
mind. A n y attempt even to supplement Freud the basic feature of relations between various
therefore constitutes a danger of revisionism. groups and others in which the idea of
For believers in ethnomethodology, the multi- harmony gives a better fit and m a y lead to
variate analysis of standardized questionnaire the formulation of more fruitful research
responses is a pseudo-science, and vice versa. hypotheses. There are patterns of behaviour
O n the other hand, ontological models about which it makes sense to assume that
visualizing societies as torn by internal con- they have been conditioned by external re-
flicts are as partial as those that focus primar- wards and punishments and others that have
ily on their integrative forces. If by analogy arisen as a result of intense moral or social
Merton's well-known 'theories of the middle reflection in the course of a prolonged de-
range' were to be extended, the notion of cision-making process. There are situations
'middle-range ontologies', i.e. partially per- in which w e work better on the assumption
spective, mutually complementary philosophi- of dealing with an aggregate of people and
others w h e n w e learn more by assuming
cal models of social phenomena could be
that w e deal with a coherent social system.
Fortunately some such 'ontological' The same is true for most general as-
approaches to the social world are consciously sumptions. T h e choice between reductionism
partial and consequently usually called and holism m a yfinallyturn out to be a
'models'. A n author w h o presents a 'model' as spurious one: in some areas of reality w e m a y
a starting-point for empirical research m a y find interconnection between laws or theories
begin with certain commonsense assumptions at different levels, while certain theories
about the existence of objects or their charac- remain without reductive interrelation, even if
teristics or m a y include assumptions based this goes against the grain. Such is the
upon earlier research. Then he usually pro- situation in contemporary science, there being
600 Stefan Nowak

both plenty of reductionist connections as well flicting ones operate strongly while in another
as reductionist gaps. T h e same m a y turn out neither conflict nor cohesion seem to be at
to be true for the assumption of causality. work because the different groups and indi-
O n e has been accustomed to explanations in viduals m o r e closely resemble a loose aggre-
causal terms in complex situations; but one is gate than a system marked by powerful
not able to explain everything in that manner. internal feedbacks both positive and
E v e n in physics two basic theories exist: negative.
strictly deterministic relativity geometry and That, in the tradition of the philosophy of
basically interdeterminate quantum theory. science (or in substantive, methodological or
Almost all other lower-level philosophi- philosophical disputes in sociology), two
cal alternatives listed at the beginning of this 'opposite' assumptions are believed to be m u -
article are definitely spurious as disjunctive tually exclusive, thus requiring a 'philosophi-
alternatives. A s already pointed out, they are cal option' in favour of one or the other,
complementary in the sense that different does not m e a n that they are empirically
fragments of social reality m a y satisfy the contradictoryas long as they are not logi-
assumptions of different philosophical (onto- cally contradictory. It is only as a result
logical) schools. But their complementarity of empirical knowledge or of more or less
m a y go even further. If two polarities of a intuitive philosophical (ontological) guesses,
given problem dimension are not defined so that one can decide whether, for each particu-
that one of them constitutes a simple logical lar case regarded separately, or for a whole
negation of the other (or in other words, generally defined class of cases, both (or
w h e n their joint existence in one particular none) of the 'opposite' ontological positions
fragment of reality is logically impossible), can be the source of valid and fruitful as-
cases m a y well exist for which the postulation sumptions for the formulation of more precise
of joint validity of assumptions believed to be research problems and a m o r e complex re-
mutually exclusive is justified, and theoreti- search design. A n d it is for consecutive
cally fruitful. O n e m a y assume, for instance, empirical studies, aiming towards the verifi-
that the h u m a n thought processes can be cation of hypotheses or towards answering
understood as partly rational and partly of initial questions, to show to what degree
irrationalaccording to various meanings one or m o r e 'ontological options' believed
of these termsthereby attempting to explain by some to be mutually exclusive turn out to
group beliefs and ideologies. O n e m a y also be valid either for the actual cases studied
sometimes have to assume that in a certain or for the broader areas of reality around
society both the cohesive forces and the con- us.
Philosophical schools and scientific working methods in social science 601

1. W . E . Snizek, E . R . (eds.), Macrosociology, 2. Reductionism versus

Fuheman and M . K . Miller, Research and Theory, Boston, anti-reductionism ;
Contemporary Issues in Theory Mass., 1970. See also 3. Cognitivism versus activism;
and ResearchA R . C . Bealer, 'Ontology in 4. Neutralism versus
Metasociological Perspective, American Sociology'. axiologism; 5. Passivism versus
p. vii, Westport, C o n n . , autonomism; 6. Collectivism
Greenwood Press, 1979. 6. See E . Nagel, 'Reduction of versus individualism.'
Theories', The Structure of (P. Sztompka, Methodological
2. J. H . Turner, The Structure Science, N e w York, 1961. See Dilemmas, p. 28).
of Sociological Theory, p. 9, also 'The Logic of Reductive
H o m e w o o d , 111., T h e Dorsey Systematizations of Social and 12. See 'Empirical Knowledge
Press, 1979. Behavioural Theories', in and Social Values in the
N o w a k , op. cit. Cumulative Development of
3. See, for example, M . B . Sociology', in N o w a k , op. cit.
I Brodbeck (ed.), Readings in the 7. See 'Comparative
' Philosophy of the Social Social Research and the 13. Barry Hindess, Philosophy
Sciences, N e w York, 1968; Methodological Problems of and Methodology in the Social
S. N o w a k , Understanding and Sociological Induction'; and Sciences, p. 2, Brighton, T h e
PredictionEssays in the 'Causal Interpretation of Harvester Press, 1977.
Methodology of Social and Statistical Relationships in 14. Ibid., p. 4.
Beavioural Theories, Dordrecht, Social Research', in N o w a k ,
Netherlands, D . Reidel Publ. op. cit. 15. See another formulation of
C o . , 1976; Snizek et al., op. cit.; the following views in:
P. Sztompka, Sociological 8. See D o n Martindale, The 5. N o w a k , 'Approaches,
DilemmasToward a Dialectical Nature and Types of Sociological Theories and Sociological
Paradigm, N e w York, Academic Theory, Boston, Mass., 1960. Subdisciplines', in:
Press, 1979; D . E m m e t and T . Bottomore, S. N o w a k and
9. See P . Sztompka, System and M . Sokolowska (eds.),
A . Maclntyre (eds), Function, Toward a Theory of
Sociological Theory and Sociology, the State of Art,
Society, N e w York, Academic N e w York. Sage Publications,
Philosophical Analysis, N e w Press, 1970; see also
York, Macmillan, 1970. 1984. For an analysis of the
J. W . Sutherland, A General nature of assumptions in
System Philosophy for the Social induction, see 'Logical and
4. For a detailed discussion and Behavioural Sciences, N e w
of this problem see 'Concepts ' Empirical Assumptions
York, 1973. of Validity of Induction',
and Indicators in
Humanistic Sociology', in 10. See analysis of this problem in N o w a k , op. cit.
N o w a k , o p . cit. . in G . C . Hempel, 'Explanation 16. In social sciences, of course,
by Reasons', Aspects of the research problem is often
5. For an excellent discussion of Scientific Explanations, N e w finally formulated after the data
this problem, see M . Brodbeck, York, 1965. have been collected and
'Methodological Individualism,
analysed but it should be then
Definition and Reduction', 11. P . Sztompka discusses the
rather called the 'problem of the
in Brodbeck, op. cit. See following list of what he called
research report' and not of the
also J. Coleman, 'Properties of 'methodological dilemmas' in his
Collectivities', in J. Coleman, book: '1. Naturalism versus
A . Etzioni, and J. Poster anti-naturalism; 17. Hindess, op. cit., p. 3.

Value as a factor
in social action

Emrita S. Quito

The question of value is so complex and yet renders it impervious to scientific scrutiny.
so c o m m o n that it is discussed in almost all T h e long discussion on the question of
fields of h u m a n knowledge. T h e list of books value is not to be repeated here. O u rfieldof
and articles on value never seems to end. inquiry is philosophical, and because it will
Ethics no longer holds exclusiverights-over it seek to determine the origin, levels and extent
for the social as well as the physical sciences of value in social action, it will also be
openly discuss it: whether the social sciences sociological.
can be value-free1 or whether the physical F r o m the outset, the following principles
sciences are exempt from the scientists' value- are to be laid d o w n : (a) that the values of
judgements in choosing their facts and data. 2 individuals are retained in the values of the
Value is ever-present society to which they be-
in all conscious and long; (b) that secondary
deliberate h u m a n acts Emrita S. Quito is Chairman of the values cannot be separ-
and yet this presence is Department of Philosophy of D e La ated from h u m a n free-
Salle University, Manila, and the
elusive, difficult to en- holder of the Professorial Chair of d o m ; and (c) that sec-
close in a definition; it Humanities. A m o n g her principal ondary values are con-
is still m o r e difficult to publications are: A New Concept of stantly being modified, if
determine its etiology Philosophy, (1967), Oriental Roots of not drastically changed,
and development. O n e Occidental Philosophy (1975) and throughout h u m a n life.
Homage to Jean-Paul Sartre (1981).
has but to look at the T h e central question
spectrum of definitions is whether value con-
formulated by a host of cerns the ethical or 'what
philosophers and social ought to be' or whether it
scientists to emphasize is simply a 'calculus of
this point.3 pleasure'.4 There is n o
Its very complexity, doubt that both these
however, stems from the fact that, if it is ever- views are correct for both conform to our
present in all conscious and deliberate h u m a n experience. W h a t has not been so widely
acts, it should be taken for granted; and if the discussed is that there are two levels of h u m a n
sciences are not exempt from value-judge- values.
ments, then value must at least be a scientific
datum, and hence accessible to scientific A theory of values
analysis. It is, of course, impossible to take
value for granted owing to its determining role H u m a n beings have a deep sense of values
in h u m a n behaviour and its far-reaching effect about good and evil or about 'what ought to
in social action; yet the indefinability of value be' which begins to be formed at the very
604 Emrita S. Quilo

inception of consciousness and continues to Value plays an active role in purposive

take firmer shape during formative years. This h u m a n behaviour. Every goal set, every
level of values is referred to by moralists as motivation responded to, involves a value.
man's second nature, a system of right and For this reason, the social sciences cannot be
wrong deeply ingrained until the age of 12 s value-free any more than physics can be
after which no moral agency can supplant or energy-free, or mathematics, quantity-free.
re-create it. This level constitutes the h u m a n It is also w h y physical sciences cannot be
ethical system of primary values, a Freudian exempted from value-judgements, because
super-ego which oversees actions. T h e indi- the scientist unwittingly bases his choice of
vidual is very rarely conscious of this deeply data on a system of values which determines
embedded ethical system, and even if he were, their degree of importance. Gunnar Myrdal
would perhaps not be able to understand h o w maintains that the biases or inclinations of
the system was formed in thefirstplace, scientists are so deep-seated that they can in-
considering that it took place in early child- sinuate themselves into thefieldsof research
hood of which he has no m e m o r y . at all stages.6 Thus a system of values ac-
There is also another and more super- companies all deliberate h u m a n actions.
ficial level of secondary values of which H o w does an individual initially form his
people are conscious because it is of a later primary sense of values? T h e origin is to be
formation. A t this level, the choice between sought in early childhood. W h e n children are
good and evil, right and wrong, black and rewarded or punished before the age of 12, a
white is no longer m a d e since such choices sense of values is unconsciously formed.
were already m a d e at the deeper level. A t this Spankings and lollipops are determinants of
m o r e superficial level, h u m a n beings operate primary values. Until the age of 12 when real
in a grey area, a spectrum of better or worse, freedom is not yet exercised, the child forms
of pleasure or pain, of convenient or incon- its primary sense of values, i.e. of right and
venient, of n o w or later, of here or there, wrong, of good and evil. This becomes a part
in short, a scale of relative values, not of of its second nature for the child imbibes it as
absolute ones. naturally as mother's milk. In later life, this
This secondary level of values is the sense of values m a y lie buried under thick
immediate basis of our choices being, in turn, layers of experience, but exists none the less
rooted in the primary or deeper level of which at a deeper level of consciousness. '
w e are no longer even conscious. The super- In succeeding years, the individual con-
ficial level of values is not permanent; it is sciously or unconsciously forms a hierarchy of
consciously modified throughout life as one values but always within the framework of the
acquires fresh knowledge or experience. N o primary scale, i.e. between the extremes of
amount of fresh knowledge or experience, right and wrong. The individual erects a scale
however, can shake the primary- or deeper of pleasures, conveniences, of more or less, of
foundation of values; no modification is poss- better or worse. This secondary scale of
ible of this solid basis which firmed up in values is modifiable throughout life, and in-,
early childhood. While the deeper level is the deed it is modified, and sometimes drastically
bedrock of 'what ought to be', it is at the changed. Only in old age does this second-
secondary level that deliberate choices are ary scale of values become set, when at last
m a d e in later life. N o freedom in the forma- the primary and secondary scales coincide.
tion of the level of primary values exists since W h e n the individual transfers from the
it is received from parents, teachers or surro- family fold into a wider society, the secondary
gate parents, and thus belongs to the past that scale undergoes rigorous re-evaluation. Cen-
can n o longer be recalled or recast. In a sense, sure, ridicule,-praise can modify these values;
this deeper sense of values belongs to the education can alter them to a great extent.
unconscious. W h e n one acquires fresh knowledge, this
Value as a factor in social action 605

Relativity, etching by Escher. Snark.

acquisition impinges itself on the secondary continue to c o m m a n d a high priority in one's

scale of values. N e w insights, theories, per- scale of values? In fact, every factor or event,
spectives, n e w or alternative forms of behav- be it economic, social or political, impinges
iour rectify or recast one's scale of-values. upon the scale of secondary values.
Mass media can also manipulate it. If tele- D o e s the individual retain his scale of
vision affords every opportunity to win an values w h e n he joins the wider society or
electronic gadget by simply phoning in the group? ' T h e institution is but the lengthened
right answer to a simple question; if news- shadow of one m a n . ' 7 '. . . individual praxis
papers offer extravagant prizes for easy-to-fill is the synthetic mould from which must flow
obligations, h o w can one's scale of values c o m m o n action'.8
remain unaffected? If the rewards of work are Contrary to popular belief, an individual
attainable by other means, can the work ethic never really surrenders his values w h e n he
606 Emrita S. Quito

becomes a m e m b e r of an institution, party, individual retains his full scale of values

social group, etc. Group or collective action is in the institution.
a juxtaposition of individual actions. Only in a Are there, then, values that can m o v e society
m o b where the individual subsumes his per- as a whole?,As a general rule, people w h o
sonality to the group does he really lose his share a culture, mores or mentality share the
individuality and, with it, his individual same values. Every type of society has a
values. c o m m o n scale of values and hence a c o m m o n
A n individual can belong to three kinds code of conduct. Honour for the Japanese is a
of groups, and in each, retains his values to a socially accepted value that can m o v e them
varying degree. T h e cohesiveness of groups to voluntary self-destruction. T h e defence of
depends largely on the objectives of those democracy and justice can m o v e the A m e r -
w h o comprise them. ican and British people into war. Trampling
1. There are groups that c o m e together be- of Christian values can m o v e Christians into
cause of an identity of purpose, such as a collective action. Redress of grievances,
group of people w h o wait for transpor- oppression, rampant injustice are some of the
tation or w h o form a queue to enter a more urgent and dramatic motives for social
cinema. O n c e the single purposes are action. Inequality of the sexes in terms of job
achieved, the group disperses. It is evident opportunities and compensation inspired the
that here the total scale of secondary W o m e n ' s Liberation M o v e m e n t to seek to
values is retained. correct these anomalies.
2. There are also groups whose objective m a y A s a general rule, the people of the East
be m o r e difficult to attain, as in the case of (by this is meant all Asians) differ from the
revolutionary groups which aim to topple a people of the West (i.e. Europeans, North
political regime. T h e coming together of and South Americans) because of socially
this group is spontaneous because it e m a - accepted Eastern and Western values.
nates from a deep-seated purpose which The Easterner, or Oriental, is person-
has become habitual and which for the oriented, whereas the Westerner is thing-
same reason is less conscious than in the oriented and from these value-orientations
first group. Those forming such a group are flow their value-judgements and conscious
desirous of a single, collective aim which actions.
can be achieved only through collective The thing-oriented Westerner values ef-
action, but this collectivity does not rescind ficiency and productivity. For every effort
individual values. expended he must accomplish m a x i m u m re-
3. There are groups that congregate for sults. Hence, time is precious for the West-
mutual benefit or concern: institutions, erner. Every 'unforgiving minute' must be
social clubs, political parties, unions or filled with sixty seconds' worth of exertion.
syndicates belong to this kind. There is no There is a standard of excellence that must be
urgency in the objectives of such groups. lived up to: failure to conform to this stan-
M e m b e r s coalesce because of social con- dard is a fault for which one can be censured.
cern, which at bottom is really self-interest Self-reliance is another Western value.
or utility. This is the very basis of in- Self-help is the true ideal. Parasitism on the
stitutions, collectivities the objective of family is frowned upon. A s a result, young
which is an abiding one. Institutions are people leave the family fold as soon as they
not questioned as to their social utility can survive on their o w n and, conversely,
because no society can really exist without when parents grow old, they are sent to
the stability afforded by them. T h e state, homes for the aged. T h e cycle is repeated
for example, can be called an institution be- when these children become parents them-
cause citizens view membership in it as selves. D u e to the emphasis on efficiency and
desirable for protection and benefit. T h e the apparent inability of certain Westerners
Value as a factor in social action 607

The scale of faculties and their transcendance, from Robert Fludd, Utriusque Cosmi Historia (1619). Explorer.

to cope with these socially accepted values, can easily b e g off b y saying that h e w a s
m a n y suicides are committed. slightly indisposed and therefore could not
T h e Oriental, o n the other h a n d , is fulfil his contract. This is n o major calamity in
person-oriented. His regard for h u m a n feel- Oriental culture: o n e does not fly off in a rage
ings is supreme. All other values are subordi- because one's shoes or shirt w e r e not finished
nate to- this supreme value. T i m e or the at the appointed time. Forbearance is an
emphasis o n punctuality is not a rule. T h e Oriental trait.
shoe-maker or tailor m a y have promised to A n o t h e r value that flows from personal
finish a job o n a specific day and time, but h e or h u m a n feelings is 'saving face'. In the East
608 Emrita S. Quito

A n Easterner does not stand alone. H e rises

or falls with his family.
D o these Eastern, or Oriental, and West-
ern, or Occidental, values belong to the pri-
mary sense of values or to the secondary
scale of values? O n e sure w a y offindingout
is to determine whether a person acts uncon-
sciously (instinctively) or consciously (freely).
The primary sense of values belongs to the un-
conscious because it was formed when the
child exercised neither freedom nor epistemo-
logical awareness. W h e n a person acts almost
instinctively, i.e. without ratiocination, the
act emanates from the primary level of
values, hence from a 'sense of values', or the
lack of it. W h e n a person acts with knowl-
edge and epistemological awareness of the
consequences of his acts, then this act e m a -
nates from the secondary level, hence a 'scale
of values'.
The dispute over the question of values
stems from the argument that m a n does not
K ' u n g Fu-tZU (Confucius), 551-479 B.C. Edimedia.
always act with full awareness of a scale of
values. Indeed, because some actions e m a -
nate from the primary level they are totally
one does not trap a person between the two devoid of a scale of values. T h e Chinese sage,
horns of a dilemma. O n e always leaves an Confucius, m a d e the difference between yi
opening for the other person to exit grace- andft'.9A person acts out of yi when he acts
fully. Even when a person falls short of a out of a sense of Tightness or 'what ought to
standard of excellence, he is handled with be done at the m o m e n t ' . Thus, when someone
velvet gloves. O p e n embarrassments are is drowning or is in immediate danger, the
avoided in the East. action of one w h o saves him is out of yi if no
The Oriental is group- or family-oriented. conscious deliberation was previously made.
Smooth personal relationships are of enor- W h e n someone saves a person only after
m o u s value. Giving in to the majority's will determining w h o the drowning person is, and
without question is part of the Eastern sense the extent of possible danger to his o w n
of values. Wranglings or bickerings destroy safety, then he acts out of li. Acts of heroism
harmonious h u m a n relationships and have which transcend concern of one's own safety
therefore no place in the Eastern code of are m a d e out of yi, whereas acts for profit or
conduct. In this connection, the family is gain are m a d e out of //. Yi corresponds to the
supreme, and parents are honoured and primary level of values and li corresponds to
venerated. A s a result of this close contact the secondary level of values. O n e and the
with the family, the Oriental, as a general same act can therefore be both out of yi or out
rule, does not develop singly or in isolation of //. A conscious act without deliberation
from the family and often becomes too emanates from yi or the primary level of
dependent on it. Even w h e n a son or daughter values, and a conscious, deliberate act stems
can afford it, they stay within the family fold from // or the secondary level of values.
until and even after marriage, continuing to Oriental values have been so woven into
consult their parents on important decisions. the very texture of the life that there is no
Value as a factor in social action 609

longer consciousness of them. A n Oriental acts has any contact with parents or society, will
out of yi when he tries to 'save face'. Western have neither the primary sense of values nor
values likewise have become part of the the secondary scale of values;10 a person w h o
second nature of a Westerner so that idleness was subject to another, even in isolation, can
and waste of time and energy are ruled out. and does form a primary sense of values but
While there are always exceptions, these hardly any secondary scale of values; while
oriental and Western values constitute unwrit- one w h o , without submission to authority at
ten codes of conduct. While some Westerners an early age, was immediately projected into
and Orientals do violate these codes, it is a society, like an unwanted child, will only
certainly out of li. develop a secondary scale of values that will
A s a modification of the Confucian doc- be fragile and foundationless. T h e difference
trine, it m a y be useful to qualify that an adult between one w h o was under the tutelage of
very rarely acts out of pure yi. In other words, parents or surrogate parents and one w h o was
a person does not act simply from the primary projected into a society at a very early age
level of values, which would imply that one without supervision is that the former will
can revert to that state of innocence whereby always have a basis, a last recourse should the
one acts out of a sheer perception of good or secondary scale of values fail, whereas the
evil, or from 'what ought to be done'. In adult latter will act only out of expediency because
life 'oughtness' depends largely on situations, he does not k n o w any better.
circumstances, convenience, selfishness, altru- Very often, a person is judged by the
ism, nationalism, friendship and a host of laws of society according to prescribed stan-
other motives, in short on //. These motives dards of behaviour drawn from clearly estab-
are learned from the group or society one lished principles of right and wrong. These
joins. Rousseau asserted that m a n is good principles are rigid because they are based on
only in the state of nature, and that once he primary values; but people do not act only out
joins a society is slowly corrupted by it, of primary but also out of secondary values. If
implying that without society, m a n would h u m a n beings always acted out of a primary
retain his original virtue. sense of values, they could d o no wrong.
This theory of original virtue must, h o w - Socrates was right in saying that 'if m a n knew
ever, be refined. H u m a n beings are born the law, he would not violate it'. Expressed in
neither good nor evil: they are born in a state another way, if the primary sense of values
of tabula rasa on which is slowly written a were always the basis of deliberate actions,
'sense of values' through tlje rewards and then h u m a n beings would do no wrong. It
punishments received. O n e w h o is never would be like Kant's categorical imperative,
rewarded or punished will never form an whereby a m a n must because he must. Unfor-
ethical sense or a deeply ingrained sense of tunately, people are never in a primitive state
vales. H e would be akin to an animal with no where there are n o conventions, n o social
sense of right or wrong and would live pressures, no h u m a n complications. H u m a n
according to his o w n pleasures. Rousseau behaviour is always in function of a society
was, however, right in postulating that society with its o w n values to which one must con-
can corrupt an individual in the sense that he form: ' W h e n in R o m e , do as the R o m a n s do'
makes re-adjustments to his scale of values to as the saying goes. The degree of adaptation
conform to socially accepted behaviour. of an individual depends largely on h o w well
he is able to conform to the values of society.
The secondary scale of values is formed
within society, i.e. in the company of others. A n Oriental m a y find great difficulty in
It is therefore a sheen of culture, a gloss adapting to Western values just as it is
of civilization, a mere 'patina which, when difficult for a Westerner to adapt to Oriental
scraped off, reveals the primary values. A values. Compromises can be found only at the
savage w h o grows up in a jungle and never secondary level, never at the primary. It is
610 Emrita S. Quito

Changing relations between religious values and science: Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) is forced by the
Inquisition to forswear the theory of the rotation of the earth, D.R.

therefore essential to determine a person's have n o place in science. A n d yet, values

life-beginning, for the values inculcated at thiscontinue to bedevil the sciences, for their very
stage can never be taken away. choice of experimentation and ends are value-
loaded. T h e list of published works on value is
long because social scientists attempt to quan-
Philosophy of values tify what is unquantifiable, while physical
scientists attempt to analyse value with their
T h e primary level, however, resists quanti- o w n tools. T h e project is d o o m e d to fail from
fication and, therefore, analysis. There is no the very start.
yardstick whereby the sciences can determine Axiology, or the philosophy of values,
the depth and extent of primary values. T h e alone can disentangle the knotty discussion on
social sciences propose to study values to values, for values are rooted in freedom. If
determine h u m a n behaviour, but motivations m a n were an animal, it would be easy to plot
and goals are only the consequences of values. his behaviour, for animals are structurally
Before one can set a goal or be motivated by oriented towards values inherent in their
it, there is an anterior scale of values or species, from which there is no deviation. H u -
priorities which m o v e s one. T h e physical m a n beings, on the other hand, are oriented
sciences seek to eliminate value-judgements towards happiness, being free to seek this
from the scientific field, believing that values end through means of their o w n choosing.
Value as a factor in social action 611

Demonstration of the rotation of the earth by Lon Foucault's (1819-68) pendulum, in St Paul's Cathedral,
London. Camera Press.

A n d herein lies a g a m u t of imponderables entire spectrum of culture, experience, edu-

that cannot be plotted. W h y does a person cation, w h i m s , caprices, etc.
pursue an objective relentlessly? W h y not T h e topic of values can never be exhaus-
abdicate in the face of overwhelming odds? ted b y social scientists because of the exist-
O n the other hand, w h y does a person ence of freedom. N o h u m a n agency can
surrender to laziness at the slightest diffi- predict a future, free act. All h u m a n sciences
culty? O r w h y does a m a n exchange his for- are reduced to impotence where freedom is
tune a n d g o o d n a m e of a lifetime for a few involved, for an individual can deny his entire
m o m e n t s or m o n t h s of pleasure? In each scale of values b y o n e supreme act of free-
case, w h y d o people value o n e good higher d o m . H e can even d o violence to his sense of
than another? primary values. Values are guidelines and
A s Louis Lavelle points out, whenever or indices of behaviour but they are not the sole
wherever there is an 'inequality a m o n g things' determinants of social action because of hu-
or whenever o n e thing is to b e placed before m a n freedom. T h e w i s d o m of Bergson's
another, or o n e is to b e judged superior doctrine thus transpires: states the essence of
or inferior to another, a scale of value which is to flow like life, consciousness,
applies.11 F o r this reason, values are always freedom a n d duration, can never be under-
philosophical in character because they in- stood by intellect; only by intuition.12 W h a t
volve a choice, an option, thereby evoking the intellect grasps are things that can be arrested
612 Emrita S. Quito

or are already accomplished, but it can never these values. Socialization is a complex pro-
grasp things in a state of flux. Since values cess. It is the transmittal of a totality of
cannot be divorced from freedom and con- culture accumulated through m a n y gener-
sciousness which are continuously in a state of ations and for which reason, the term 'incul-
flux, it follows that values are inscrutable to turation' is n o w preferred.14 There is no
the intellect. way to measure the degree of reaction to this
W h e n m a n joins a society, he carries with inculturation for the element of freedom is
him his sense and scale of values. Social action always involved.
is therefore always tinged with individual All the boons of modern technology, all
freedom. For this reason, man's behaviour in the statistical sophistication of present-day
society will remain an enigma. The question disciplines are impotent w h e n faced with
of value is reduced to only one question: 'To intractable freedom. It is perhaps salutary to
be or not to be', and to this question only the m a n that not all of his faculties can be
individual, whether alone or in society, can predicted or managed by computers.
respond. Contrary to general observation, Philosophy has lost a lot of ground to the
society, as society, does not respond. Society social and physical sciences in the twentieth
is m a d e up of individuals enjoying free-will or century. In the universities, the slots for
a liberty of indifference. Social action is philosophy are being replaced by more quan-
therefore individual action first. M a r x was tified subjects. A n d yet, have the sciences
right in saying that living h u m a n individuals really encompassed all h u m a n faculties? It is
are 'thefirstpremise of all h u m a n history'.13 evident that as yet, the twin faculty of m a n , as
There is of course a reciprocal interaction a free-willed and evaluating being has not yet
between the individual and society. Society been successfully plotted. Freedom and values
can influence the individual through its belong to man's deepest humanity, making
accepted values just as the individual can him what he is. In a sense, it can well be said,
influence society through his reactions to 'I value, therefore, I a m . '
Value as a factor in social action 613


1. M a x Weber, The docile and capable of imbibing born and raised in a jungle, he
Methodology of the Social ethical or moral laws of would still know the moral law.
Sciences, N e w York, T h e Free behaviour. This doctrine, however,
Press, 1949. bordered on the theological.
6. Gunnar Myrdal, Objectivity Summa Theologiae, P.I, Q . 79,
2. Ernst Nagel, The Structure of in Social Research, p. 57, N e w A. 12.
Science, N e w York, Harcourt, York, Pantheon Books, 1969.
Brace & World, Inc., 1961. 11. Louis Lavelle, Trait des
7. John F . Emling, Value
valeurs, Vols. I and II, Paris,
3. See two volumes of Perspectives Today, p. 21, N e w Presses Universitaires de
W . H . Werkmeister, Historical Jersey, Associated University France, 1951-55; see Vol. I,
Spectrum of Value Theories, Presses, Inc., 1977. p. 3.
Lincoln, N e b . , Johnsen P u b .
C o . , 1970. These two volumes 8. Jean-Paul Sartre, Critique de
la raison dialectique, p. 543, 12. Henri Bergson, Essai sur les
contain only German and donnes immdiates de la
Anglo-American writers on Paris, Presses Universitaires de
France, 1960. conscience, Paris, Presses
values. Not even French writers Universitaires de France, 1961.
are included. 9. Confucius, Analects,
4. Ibid., Vol I, p . 3. T h e Book IV, p. 16. N e w York, 13. German Ideology, Part I, on
expression belongs to Jeremy Vintage Books, 1938. Feuerbach.
Bentham. 10. The Catholic philosopher- 14. S. Takdir Alisjahbana,
5. Child psychologists including theologian, T h o m a s Aquinas, Values as Integrating Forces in
Piaget consider the age of 12 as teaches that m a n is born with Personality, Society, Culture,
the end of the age of innocence. synderesis, a quasi-angelic p. 132. Kuala L u m p u r ,
Until the age of 12, the child is power to discern between good University of Malaya Press,
considered impressionable, and evil so that even if m a n were 1966.


A L I S J A H B A N A , S. T . Values as Associated University Presses, N A G E L , . The Structure of

Integrating Forces in Personality, Inc., 1977. Science. N e w York, Harcourt,
Society and Culture. Kuala Brace & World Inc., 1961.
Lumpur, University of Malaya F A C I O N E , P . A . , et al. Values
Press, 1966. and Society. Englewood Cliffs, S A R T R E , J.-P. Critique de la
N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1978. raison dialectique. Paris,
B A I E R , K . ; R E S C H E R , N . Values Gallimard, 1960.
L A V E L L E , L . Trait des valeurs.
and the Future. N e w York, T h e Vols. I and II, Paris, Presses S I N G S O N , J. M . Philippine
.Free Press, 1969. Universitaires de France, 1951- Ethical Values. Manila,
55. Integrated Research Center, D e
B E R G S O N , H . Essai sur les
L O W E , C . M . Value Orientations L a Salle University, 1979.
donnes immdiates de la
conscience. Paris, Presses in Counselling and W E B E R , M . The Methodology of
Universitaires de France, 1961. Psychotherapy. San Francisco, Science. N e w York, T h e Free
Calif., Chandler Pub. C o . , 1969. Press, 1949.
C O N F U C I U S . Analects. N e w
York, A Vintage Book, N e w M U R P H Y , G . Personality. N e w
York, Random House, 1938. York, Harper, 1947.
Historical Spectrum of Value
M Y R D A L , G . Objectivity in Theories. Vols. I and II.
E M U N G , J. F. Value Social Research. N e w York, Lincoln, Neb., Johnsen Pub.
Perspectives Today. N e w Jersey, Pantheon Books, 1969. C o . , 1970.
Commodif cation
of the social sciences

Claude Ake

T h e social sciences have been commodified of production is revolutionized by the instru-

and it would appear that problems associated ments of labour which are n o w machines. T h e
with commodification constitute the greatest take-over of production by machines was
challenge to the social sciences today. C o m - really the essence of the revolutionary charac-
modification limits in very fundamental ways ter of the Industrial Revolution. W h e n m a -
the scientific development of the social sci- chines m o v e in as the basis of production,
ences and their contribution to h u m a n well- science begins to dominate production and
being. M o r e specifically, it divorces the pro- opens up infinite possibilities for innovation.
duction of the social sciences from social For, by its very nature, science never accepts
needs, renders social science knowledge m o r e the present situation as what must be, it never
prone to aid domination accepts absolute sol-
than enlightenment and utions or limits and is
focuses research o n Claude A k e , a Nigerian political forever straining beyond
problems of limited scientist, is Dean of the School of present achievements to
Social Sciences, University of Port-
scientific value. These Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria. n e w challenges. M a r x was
problems can only b e H e has published books and articles right in saying:
seen and grasped in the on political science and the political
context of the speci- economy of Africa.
Modern industry never
ficities of the process of looks upon and treats the
commodification. W h a t existing form of a process
are these specificities? as final. T h e technical
basis of that industry is
therefore revolutionary,
The genesis of while all earlier modes of
commodification production were essen-
tially conservative. B y
T h e principal impetus means of machinery,
towards the commodification of the sciences chemical processes and other methods, it is
stems from the Industrial Revolution. Indeed continually causing changes not only in the
commodification of science lies in the very technical basis of production, but also in the
essence of this revolution. Following M a r x functions of labour, and in the social combi-
nations of the labour-process.
one can divide the revolution into two phases:
an earlier phase of manufacture, in which the
m o d e of production is revolutionized essen- This is all the m o r e so on account of the
tially by labour power and the instruments of dynamism of capitalism, which emanates from
production are still largely tools; a second competition. W h e n machines b e c o m e the
phase, 'modern industry' in which the m o d e pivot of production, competition tends to take
616 Claude Ake

the form of using science to improve the pre-capitalist production relations and expro-
technical basis of production in a ceaseless bid priated, then they had to be dissuaded from
to maximize efficiency and corner the market. occupying themselves in 'unproductive' ways
In so far as capitalism lives up to its ideal such as begging and thieving, and induced to
character, that is, remains competitive, it has offer their labour power as a commodity. T h e
an insatiable appetite for science, a fact foundations of contemporary social sciences
epitomized by the ever-increasing corporate were laid in the context of these problems and
investment in research and development. Not grew in step with the development of indus-
surprisingly, capital (corporate and state) has trial capitalism. This can easily be seen in the
become the major consumer of science and, case of political economy. Political economy
as such, the decisive influence on the pro- developed as the discipline for understanding
duction of science. and rationalizing industrial capitalism, and its
Inevitably, the production of science growth has followed the development of
responded to and became conditioned by capitalism. During its earlier history it was
effective demand. A s capital pressed science easy for political economy to assume an
into its service and gave impetus to its pro- appearance of objectivity and universality.
duction, science was progressively commodi- But as the contradictions of capitalism grew
fied, for it was increasingly produced as an its ideological character was more and more
intermediary product, a necessary input for exposed. B y the middle of the nineteenth
production of commodities or in demand from century, political economy had entered what
consumers and therefore exchanged. H o w - Isaac Rubin called (in his A History of
ever, there is a certain ambiguity in the Economic Thought) a 'vulgar phase' in which
commodified nature of science. A t one level its investigations were increasingly restricted
there are ever larger armies of scientists to 'superficially studying phenomena as they
toiling at research, trying to produce ex- might appear to the capitalist, instead of
change values, just like workers in a shoe probing into the internal connection between
factory. F r o m this perspective the commodity them'. This was the period of the marginalist
character of science is unambiguous. A t school when political economy became more
another level, especially in larger corpor- and more engrossed in the refinement of
ations, there is a tendency to internalize the technique while the questions it posed got
consumption of the scientific product, to narrower and more specific, and increasingly
monopolize aspects of it so that it is not unhelpful for understanding the social system
available for indiscriminate use or purchase. as opposed to its manipulation for desired
F r o m this perspective it is seen that science is effects.
not only commodified but also 'accumulated' T h e process of commodification of the
and hoarded. sciences was reinforced by the development of
These tendencies hold both for the natu- the modern state, itself a product of industrial
ral sciences and the social sciences, although capitalism. T h e state is the political correlate
in the social sciences their manifestations are of capitalism. Ideally the state is the modality
m o r e subtle. T h e Industrial Revolution cre- of class domination specific to the capitalist
ated an immense demand not only for natural m o d e of production. For what is unique about
science knowledge but also for knowledge this modality of domination is that it is
about the social sphere. In the wake of the mediated by commodity exchange. It is be-
process of primitive accumulation which pre- cause of this mediation by commodity ex-
ceded the Industrial Revolution, there was a change that the institutional mechanisms of
serious problem of controlling behaviour, of domination are differentiated and dissociated
finding adequate ideological representations from the ruling class and even society and thus
of the emerging m o d e of production. First, appear as an objective force 'standing along-
masses of people had to be dislodged from side society'. Unfortunately, this must remain
Commodification of the social sciences 617

In Praise of Dialectics, painting by R e n Magritte (1898-1967). Giwudon.

618 Claude Ake

a dogmatic assertion as its elaboration will out the production of social science knowl-
take us too far afield. edge to client institutions which are formally
Like the corporations, the state had a outside governments but largely dependent or
huge appetite for science. A s the classic controlled by them. Notable among these
institutional expression of the capital relation client institutions are University Social Sci-
the state necessarily epitomized the uncom- ence Faculties and quasi-independent aca-
promising rationalism of capitalism. It needed demic establishments. T h e process of com-
science to maintain the conditions for ac- modification is inherent in these conditions for
cumulation, to resolve the contradictions be- the production of the social sciences, for
tween private capitals and also between social production is carried out by specialized insti-
capital and private capitals. These contradic- tutions not for their o w n consumption but for
tions had to be resolved for capitalism to that of the state and the hegemonic classes. It
survive but could not be done efficiently is well to note that this is a rather unique form
without science at a time w h e n science had of commodity production; in some ways it is
m o v e d to a dominant position in material rather like the putting-out system of guild
production. Also as arbiter, the state was in production. For here, the commodity pro-
competition with private capitals (if it could ducer and the consumer of the commodity are
not match their power it could not discipline not really independent. It is not difficult to
them to maintain the conditions for accumu- imagine h o w this form of commodification
lation) and had to be well equipped, in fact, impairs the scientific development of the
better equipped than the corporations which social sciences.
were obliged to engage in the assiduous T h e commodification of the social sci-
accumulation of science. Also, capitalism's ences has received impetus from contempor-
tendency towards globalization brought the ary functional specialization and the peculiar
age of competing nation-states and competing circumstances in which science has been or-
imperialisms and colonial struggles, and the ganized as a vocation. T h e production of
nation-state needed science to maintain itself scientific knowledge demands lenghty, tedious
as a going concern in the n e w system. These and very expensive training which has to be
were the circumstances in which states them- constantly updated. It is an entirely absorb-
selves became avid consumers of science. ing commitment. For those w h o produce it,
They consumed science in a manner science is a vocation. O n e notable feature of
which gave impetus to their commodification. science as a vocation is that it invariably takes
This w a s particularly so in the case of the the form of commodity production. Only in
social sciences. Since the social sciences deal very exceptional circumstances is anyone
with h u m a n beings and social relations, they likely to enjoy the luxury of independence
are directly relevant to the maintenance of with personal facilities and freedom to pursue
existing social orders or their subversion. any line of scientific inquiry that captures his
Naturally, governments felt that they could fancy. M o r e often than not the scientist seeks
not afford to encourage the production of work in an institution which pays him a salary
social science knowledge in a generally uncon- and in addition offers access to facilities such
trolled w a y . They have been very concerned as libraries, laboratories and research funds
about controlling the conditions under which necessary for the application of scientific
social science is produced. T o some extent talent. In short, scientific talent is divorced
they have tried to exercise this control b y from the objective conditions for its un-
establishing units within their structure for the folding, the scientist obtains access to such
production of such social science as they need. objective conditions only as a commodity
But this manner of dealing with matters raises producer. T h e scientific product is thus a
other serious problems which need not detain means of exchange and scientific activity less a
us here. It has been m o r e convenient to farm free expression of creativity or a disinterested
Commodification of the social sciences 619

quest for truth than routine application to survival w h o are not in a position to exercise
tasks in which the individual is not necessarily domination over others. Even if the need for
interested. Because of the value generally such knowledge came to.popular attention,
placed o n material well-being and status, there would b e little means of satisfying
scientists are often keen to exchange their it. In the circumstances, effective demand
scientific skills in a manner that will maximize is exercised by those narrow but powerful
these 'utilities' rather than knowledge or interests which control the state and the
h u m a n well-being. Scientists are under- corporations.
standably anxious to avoid devaluing their This is unfortunately reinforced by what
skills and reducing their exchange value. This happens on the supply side. O n e can normally
sometimes makes them into obstacles to expect some dissociation of supply from de-
scientific progress and the spread of enlighten- m a n d in the sense that effective demand
ment; for instance, they m a y denigrate n e w decides what is supplied only to. a limited
and better scientific thrusts and mask the extent. Actual products depend to some
irrelevance and deficiencies of certain skills, extent on what suppliers or-commodity pro-
procedures and theories in order to ensure ducers can offer while producers can often
continued d e m a n d for their o w n services. create a certain demand for their products
H o w e v e r , in our case, producers do not have
m u c h autonomy from those w h o wield effec-
Problems of commodification tive d e m a n d for the social sciences. The state
and the corporations provide the material '
Problems associated with commodification are conditions for the creation of social science
perhaps the greatest obstacle to the develop- knowledge, it is they w h o supply the insti-
ment of the social sciences and their contri- tutional context, the libraries and labora-
bution to h u m a n welfare. A comprehensive tories, the grants and research tools which
treatment of these problems will not be enable the social scientist to produce. This
attempted here. Only a few of the most lack of autonomy is reinforced by the socio-
salient features can be indicated and those economic specificity of social scientists. Those
only impressionistically. w h o are in a position to produce significant
social science knowledge are themselves highly
Whenever production is commodified it
privileged with essentially identical class
tends to be dissociated from social need. This
positions as those of the powerful interests
is especially so in the case of the social
that control the state and the corporations:
sciences. W h e n a good becomes commodified
indeed, the social science establishment is
the conditions of its production and the nature
a mechanism of such control.
of the product become defined especially
within the range of interaction between de- T h e import of all this is that social science
m a n d and supply. O n the one hand, the type knowledge is largely produced in response to
of social science produced is dictated by the very narrow interests. It is dissociated from
nature of the effective d e m a n d for it. In this social need, if not actually antagonistic to it.
case the effective d e m a n d comes from a For by virtue of their objective interests the
limited source, namely, the corporations, the controlling groups in the corporations and the
state and its apparatuses. There is very little state d e m a n d a very specific kind of social
effective popular d e m a n d for social science knowledf -, namely, one that reproduces their
- and that which exists is not sufficiently fo- exploitative domination of the rest of society.
cused to compel changes in the types actually N o w h e r e is the dissociation of the pro-
produced. T h e need for social science knowl- duction of social science knowledge from
edge on, for example n o w to maintain order, needs more apparent than in post-colonial
does not immediately compel the attention of Africa. Outsiders tried to influence the
people engrossed in the urgencies of daily characters and teaching of the social sciences
620 Claude Ake

in Africa in order to further their imperial was quite unsuitable and indeed inimical to
purposes. This was done largely through the the elaboration of change, especially the
big foundations, the provision of university wholesale change that the underdeveloped
teachers to Africa, the award of scholarships countries need. Hence the contradiction; the
to promising African students as part of uni- tools of social science were dissociated from
versity staff-development programmes, and the goal which it set itself.
the sponsorship of textbooks. Such an effort, The dissociation of the production of
combined with the legacy of Western edu- knowledge from social need is related to the
cation surviving from the colonial experi- fact that those interests promoting the pro-
ence firmly established Western mainstream duction of social science knowledge are ex-
social science in most of Africa. H o w e v e r cessively class-bound. This class bias is not
these social sciences with their foundations in just contingent, it is objectively necessary. It is
the well-known classics, were oriented towards inherent in the nature and origin of the social
defending the values of order and capitalism. sciences. A s sciences of h u m a n relations, the
A n d that m a d e them exactly what African social sciences actually arose from class differ-
countries did not need. T o illustrate briefly entiation and the need for exploitative con-
with the value of order: those w h o were trol of h u m a n behaviour and relations. U n -
producing and propagating order-oriented fortunately space does not permit a detailed
social sciences were the ones w h o labelled the argument of this thesis but a skeletal argu-
newly independent countries underdeveloped ment can be presented. In simple pre-capi-
and submitted that they must, as a matter talist societies such as those that Durkheim
of the highest priority, break out of their characterized as having 'mechanical soli-
condition because underdevelopment means; darity', the need for social sciences does not
a m o n g other things, crushing poverty, debili- really arise. While contradictions and conflict
tating dependence, ignorance and disease, do exist knowledge of social relations is un-
technological backwardness, limited freedom problematic, everyone knows their station
and political instability. In other words, under- and duties, there is no need for specialist in-
developed society is thoroughly undesirable terpretation of role expectations, laws and
and needs to be changed drastically, quickly. punishment, or even of culture. Knowledge
If that is granted, then it is a blatant contra- of social relations is so widely shared, so
diction to study such societies in the context well inculcated as part of the socialization
of social sciences the value assumptions and process that a specialized study of social re-
conceptual apparatuses of which are primarily lations would be largely redundant. For the
concerned with h o w to maintain order. It same reason m a n y forms of functional and
would appear that the type of social sciences structural specialization are absent (for in-
required would b e that with an affinity for stance, the presence of a specialized adminis-
revolution. trative apparatus) and roles can be function-
T h e received social sciences in Africa ally diffuse without any risk of orientational
broke d o w n in contradiction even in relation confusion.
to their o w n purpose. In an attempt to seduce But w h e n mechanical solidarity gives way
by an appearance of relevance, they adopted to individualism and the differentiation of
a developmental thrust; societies were seen as interests, w h e n society splits into conflictual
existing along a continuum, the underdevel- social groups struggling for hegemony, the
oped ones being assessed in terms of the situation changes fundamentally. Social re-
possibility of m o v e m e n t towards develop- lations become problematic and so does
ment. Unfortunately, while the conceptual knowledge of social relations. T h e established
and theoretical apparatus of Western main- and widely shared knowledge of social re-
stream social sciences was perfectly capable of lations becomes m o r e and m o r e irrelevant as
elaborating on the problem of order, it the centrifugal pulls of the n e w social forces
Commodification of the social sciences 621

c o m e to the fore. T h e salient problems of Implications for the scientific

social relations n o w are those of co-ordination development of the social
for goal attainment, integration, system main-
tenance and the maintenance of order. It is
precisely these problems that the social sci-
ences deal with. Interest in them is essen- I n o w turn to consider the implications of the
tially class-specific; they arise primarily w h e n nature of social sciences and the conditions of
antagonistic contradictions have developed, their production for their scientific develop-
w h e n the maintenance of hegemony has be- ment. Since the social sciences are largely the
c o m e problematic and w h e n some people product of very narrow interests tendentially
must control and administer others. in fundamental conflict with the rest of
T h e class biases of the social sciences society, they tend to be ideological represen-
are not a historical accident. They are not tations rather than tools of scientific under-
contingent on the fact that a certain class standing. T o illustrate with political economy:
at a certain point in time captured control of cause is deliberately confused with effect by
a system of objective sciences and pressed representing as h u m a n nature m o d e s of
them into the service of its narrow interests. being (e.g. acquisitive individualism), which
They are inherent in the nature and genesis are the historical product of the capi-
of the social sciences. B y the same token, talist m o d e of production; the unequal ex-
they are not a product of the particular change of the market-place is misrepresented
manner in which conditions for the pro- as the exchange of equivalents, the contri-
duction of social science are constituted. But, bution of labour-power to value is minimized
of course, these conditions reinforce the or glossed over while self-seeking is rep-
class character of the social sciences not least resented as the vehicle for the optimization
by ensuring their commodification. For, as of the public interest.
w e have seen, the peculiar character of the W e can illustrate the ideological charac-
conditions of production of this commodity ter of social sciences more concretely by
is that its producers are not autonomous of reference to s o m e of the mainstream scholar-
its primary consumers w h o constitute a highly ship on the developing countries. Because of
monopolistic group. the interests of those w h o sponsored this
A t this point w e are in a better position effort, the central problem of development
to clarify the dissociation of the production of was essentially reduced to the question of h o w
social science knowledge from social needs. the developing countries could be m o r e like
This should not be construed in an absolute the West, and the practical concern became
sense. The social sciences serve some social that of fashioning these countries after the
needs. But they are primarily those of the image of the West. Not surprisingly this did
small hegemonic social group, which, by not conduce to m u c h scientific evolution as
virtue of its hegemony, controls the pro- development was trivialized and confused
duction of social science knowledge in ac- with a particular type of change; the desira-
cordance with its objective interests. T h e bility, feasibility or even the necessity of
problem, of course, is that these needs are effecting this particular change w a s not left
dissociated from and tendentially antagonistic an open question, but rather taken for
to those of the vast majority of people in granted. There was limited interest in under-
the social formation. It is in this sense, standing the uniqueness of these countries
that is, taking the social formation as a and their o w n laws of development.
whole, that one can refer to the dissociation In these circumstances, the work pro-
of the production of social science knowledge duced very limited scientific understanding of
from social need. development and of the countries in question.
Yet in the developed countries the social
622 Claude Ake

"Contemporary social sciences grew in step with the development of industrial capitalism.'
Above: Pre-capitalist industry: carpet-maker in El-Minya, Egypt. H . Cartier-BressonyMagnum.
Opposite: Powell's steam engine, which won a gold medal at the 1867 Paris Universal Exhibition. Explorer.

sciences have not fared m u c h better. Their the research they encourage does not contrib-
scientific unfolding has been hampered by ute m u c h to progress in the social sciences.
their preoccupation with the preservation W e have already touched on one reason for
and rationalization of the existing social this state of affairs, namely, the tendency to
order. T h e assumption that the existing avoid certain kinds of problems. In addition,
social order is as it ought to be forecloses in- there is the bias caused by their preference
teresting scientific questions, depriving the for research supportive of their o w n policies.
social sciences of essential stimulus and con- They tend to lean heavily towards research
fining them to relatively trivial problems that will solve largely short-run policy pro-
and the refinement of technique. W e can see blems. There is very little basic research of an
these tendencies in the famous 'end of ideol- open-ended nature that questions fundamen-
ogy' -stance associated with authors like tal assumptions of existing social science
Daniel Bell, the confusion of empiricism with practice. Research problems are often defined
science and incremental mathematicization by official functionaries and entrepreneurs
of minor problems with scientific progress. w h o want unambiguous answers to rather
T h e groups that control the production of narrow questions. A n d research is more
the social sciences, especially government and often than not evaluated and the possibilities
the corporations, do encourage research. But or further work determined not by those
Commodification of the social sciences 623

i #

' i -..,

IIi ii

interested in scientific progress but by those the values of those same hegemonic groups.
with practical concerns for w h o m the advance- Worse, some enter into active opposition to
ment of science is a peripheral issue. novel and m o r e scientifically promising de-
T h e situation is not helped by the trans- velopments which threaten to devalue their
formation of social scientists into commodity o w n skills. Taking account of all these factors,
producers. A s is to be expected, they gear it m a y well be that the limited scientific de-
their productive effort to the locus of effective velopment of the social sciences is due less to
demand and highest returns on their input. the complexity of their subject-matter than
This has encouraged some social scientists to to the circumstances in which they are pro-
go along with the utilitarian concerns of duced and consumed.
governments and corporations, to collaborate
in the use of science to rationalize instead of
promoting understanding. Since the market- Conclusion
ability of their skills depends so m u c h on
social recognition which is largely controlled Problems associated with the commodification
by the hegemonic social groups, social scien- of the social sciences limit in very fundamen-
tists are under pressure to remain in the tal ways their scientific development and con-
'mainstream' where practice is dominated by tribution to h u m a n well-being. These prob-
624 ClaudeAke

lems are perhaps the greatest challenge to modification of the social sciences which have
the social sciences today. H o w is this chal- been discussed here have little to do with the
lenge to be met? T o begin with, it is necessary expropriation of surplus value. A s to the
to intensify criticism of current social science state, it represents a modality of domination
practice. A considerable amount of critical and presupposes antagonistic contradictions
work is being done but there is need for an and class struggle. T h e state is never really the
increase in scope, depth and concreteness. In state of all, but rather expresses the he-
the-past insufficient attention has been paid to gemony of some. A s a relation of domination
the conditions under which social science is characterized by intense hegemonic struggles
produced or to the phenomenon of corn- the state can never be democratic in the
modification and its effects. Also, certain concrete sense. This is all too clear in the case
questions about the objective character of of capitalist formations. However, it is also
the social sciences have not been examined true, though to a lesser extent, even for social
closely enough, in particular, whether the formations in which the popular class has
problems under review here are due to the become hegemonic.. For one thing the necessi-
historical specificities of particular producers ties of domination and class struggle impose
or consumers of the social sciences, or the hierarchic structures that tendentially alienate
condition of production, or whether the social those w h o directly control state power from
sciences c o m e into being essentially as sci- those they are supposed to be representing.
ences of exploitative domination. Here it is Thus Marxism in power invariably falls into
pertinent to point out that even the existence serious contradiction with Marxism in oppo-
of radically critical social science, such as sition and is unable to provide a reliable
Marxism, does not even settle such questions image of what a social science rooted in
conclusively. Marxism arose from the contra- popular interests would look like. The prob-
dictions of what w e have called mainstream lem is not solved by invoking the authenticity
social sciences and is ultimately their ne- of Marxism in opposition and extrapolating
gation. But as the product and antithesis of from it. For Marxism is so completely in
the older social sciences it is paradoxically in dialectical unity with the system it seeks to
dialectical unity with them and it is not at all negate that such an exercise will be futile,
clear h o w Marxism can be constructed as a and it is so geared to the limited purpose of
social science beyond this negation. negation that it does not formulate what
N o r does the experience of contemporary happens afterwards. Indeed, the doctrine
socialist formations mitigate such uncertainty. would have contradicted its very essence if it
T h e differences between them and the capi- did not leave the determination of the future
talist formations are fundamental enough; to the dialectics of history.
none the less the problems of the social sci- T h e conditions under which social science
ences reviewed here largely apply to them also knowledge is produced and consumed render
because these problems are inherent in the the task of broadening and deepening critical
nature of the state and the phenomenon of work along the lines suggested very difficult.
commodification. Commodification is clearly However, there is some leverage in the
a feature c o m m o n to both socialist and contradictions of prevailing social science
capitalist formations. In contemporary social- practice: the contradiction between its latent
ist formations, labour power is also divorced functions as ideology and its manifest func-
from its means of realization and alienated as tions as science, the contradiction between its
a condition for gaining access to the means of practical utility for the manipulative purposes
its realization. T o be sure, in this case, its of hegemonic groups and its uselessness far
alienation m a y not be exploitative, that is, it making sense of social life. These contradic-
m a y not entail the expropriation of surplus tions provide an objective basis for the pro-
value. However, the adverse effects of corn- motion of the kinds of heightened critical
Cotnmodification of the social sciences 625

consciousness which has been suggested serve the well-being of humanity to the extent
here. that social scientists decide to commit them-
T h e n e w critical consciousness will not selves firmly and concretely to popular
just materialize from anywhere but must be interests in their practice. This commitment
based on objective conditions, especially con- will provide the greatest stimulus to the de-
tradictions in material life. T h e implication is velopment of the social sciences. For with this
that the task of dealing with the problems of commitment the social sciences enter into the
commodification in the social sciences is first mainstream of history, confront and concern
and foremost a 'political' task and only inci- themselves with the problems that are critical
dentally a scientific task. For thefirstorder of for mankind and develop from the impetus of
business must be to decide what and whose their challenge. Whether the social sciences
problems are to be solved by the social can m o v e decisively in this direction must
sciences, what interests are to be served, what remain an open question. But if they do, they
values maximized. A n d these are clearly will be radically different from what they are
political decisions. T h e social sciences will today.
The social sciences and the study
of international relations

Philippe Braillard

T h e rapid development of the social sciences as to call fundamentally in question the idea
is no doubt one of the m o r e striking p h e n o m - of the social sciences as a rigorous scientific
ena of our century. T h e diversification of discipline, on the grounds that the inevitable
approaches, adoption of n e w research tools ethnocentrism ideological commitment of any
and methods, broadening of analytical scope researcher impose radical limitations on her
and penetration into n e w areas have caused a or him.
profound upheaval in the social science land- Since the impression given by the social
scape, especially in the last few decades. T h e sciences today is of a complex field in a state
n u m b e r and pace of these developments have of flux, it is legitimate and indeed necessary to
led the social sciences to lay a claim to proper ask what functions m a y be assigned to them
scientific status, and to and what challenges and
recognition and a role of difficulties, and even
their o w n in academic Philippe Braillard teaches the theory limitations, they encoun-
institutions and in the and sociology of international re-
ter in their development.
lations at the Graduate School of
world of research in International Studies, Geneva. H e Rather than indulge in
general. W h a t is m o r e , has published several books, including general, abstract specu-
a large n u m b e r of n e w Thorie des systmes et relations inter-lation, however, w e felt
fields have emerged as a nationales (1977), L'imposture du that it would be useful to
result of the desire to Club de Rome (1982) and Tiers
focus our attention on one
Monde et relations internationales
give the social sciences a (1984). particular aspect of social
direct active role to play. reality. This will enable us
However, these to adopt a m o r e precise
changes have not oc- and m o r e concrete ap-
curred entirely smoothly proach to s o m e of the
and without clashes be- problems faced today by
tween different concep- the social sciences.
tions of the actual nature of social relations O f the various aspects of social reality
and between different approaches and analyti- that m a y be investigated, there is one that
cal methods. They have also had the effect of seems to lend itself particularly well to this
bringing about increasingly marked specializ- kind of inquiry, namely international re-
ation in the various disciplines, and this has lations, for here w e have a subject of research
led to increasing criticism and expressions of that, m o r e than any other, is n o w c o m m o n
concern over the tendency in the social ground for the various social sciences.
sciences to reflect in a piecemeal and often Whereas, traditionally, political philosophy,
reductionistic manner the richness and c o m - diplomatic history, international law and pol-
plexity of real life. S o m e even go so far today itical e c o n o m y all used to contribute to the
628 Philippe Braillard

study of international relations, in the course in weaponry and theat least potentialglo-
of this century m a n y of the social sci- balization of conflicts: they are also the result
encessociology, political science, ethnology, of the growth of economic, technological
psychology, anthropology, demography, etc. and cultural exchanges between the various
have progressively laid claim to the subject. societies. This growth, which is one of the
This is w h y it can be said that ever since the end results of the modernization process set
period between the two wars not only have in train by the Industrial Revolution, has un-
international relations earned themselves the questionably provided the framework for a
position of an independent field of study but complex network of interdependent relations
there has also been a degree of decentraliz- between the various societies. While this
ation in research o n the subject, which has p h e n o m e n o n is no doubt characterized by
been increasingly extended to include m a n y of the existence of serious inequalities or imbal-
the rapidly developing social sciences in ad- ances within that interdependence, to the
dition to traditional disciplines. point where it has often become a means
Furthermore, the growing importance of for penetration and domination, the fact re-
international relations today in the life of mains that on a global scale there is n o w
societies cannot leave social scientists indif- more interpntration between societies, it is
ferent, as attested to by the swift expansion m u c h m o r e difficult to distinguish foreign pol-
of research on the subject. W e live in an era icy from domestic policy and there are m a n y
deeply marked by conflict and one in which transnational forces and non-state actors that
the potential for destruction available to us tend to restrict governments' scope for
renders the consequences of a major confla- manoeuvre. International relations, therefore,
gration quite incalculable. After the Second are tending to play an ever more decisive
World W a r , the cold w a r , reflecting the role in the functioning and development of
strategic and ideological antagonism of the our societies.
two superpowers, deeply affected the struc-
ture, development and lives of m a n y societies, The need for interdisciplinarity
particularly as a result of the building of
systems of alliance dominated respectively It is not unusual to hear researcherspar-
by the United States of America and the ticularly political scientistsassert that the
U n i o n of Soviet Socialist Republics. Again, study of international relations has, in the
the emergence of the Third World on the course of its development, given birth to a
international scene hs opened u p a n e w separate, self-contained discipline.1 A s -
dimension in international relations and has sertions of this kind are usually based on
led to confrontation between the developing the belief that it is essential to take ac-
countries and the industrialized countries. count of the specific nature of international
Within the Third World itself, there are ever- relations as an object of study. Particular
growing conflicts whose consequences often emphasis is placed on the difference between
reach far beyond the borders of the regions the structures and political processes specific
directly concerned. In the course of this to integrated societies and the international
century the international system has thus system, the latter being characterized by a
b e c o m e truly worldwide in scale; international low degree of intergration and by the ab-
relations have acquired a global dimension, sence of political structures binding its
it being no longer possible for any single m e m b e r s . In other words, the conceptual
country to stand outside the international and methodological tools developed in the
strategic context. study of integrated societies are considered
These changes and the importance of to be inoperative and even dangerous as a
international relations today do not, however, means of studying a social system in its
stem solely from technological developments natural state.
The social sciences and the study of international relations 629

It seems difficult to dispute the specific tory, for it applies strictly to something whose
nature of international relations. T h e exist- existence m a y be limited in time. It is con-
ence of an international sphere m a d e up of ceivable, for instance, that state structures
sovereign state entities able, within certain will disappear one day. Such a change would
limits, legitimately to resort to armed force to not only m a k e this definition obsolete but
defend their interests2 characterizes a specific would even render the very notion of inter-
field of social relations. Admittedly, it is national relations meaningless. 3
increasingly difficult today to draw the line T h e fact that international relations are
between domestic and foreign policy, and recognized as possessing a specific natureif
there is clearly an increasing part played in only relative and partialis a legitimate
international relations by non-state entities reason for making them a clearly defined
such as multinational corporations and trans- object of study or field of analysis but does
national forces, which tend to restrict the not, in m y view, justify the claim for a n e w
power of states. T h e swift development of discipline within the social sciences under the
bonds of economic, technological, cultural n a m e of 'international relations'. T h e fact is
and strategic interdependence and the emerg- that what is properly characteristic of any
ence of countless co-operation structures, discipline is not just its object but the ap-
whether governmental or non-governmental, proach adopted in the study of that object
are also signs that international relations are and therefore the w a y of delimiting the field
becoming increasingly highly organized, re- of analysis. W h e n w e look at the study of
ducing the gap between the international international relations today w e are bound to
system and the various integrated political recognize that, far from being conducted by a
systems of nation-states. single discipline, it involves a great m a n y of
Despite this growth in international re- the social sciences, such as political science,
lations, however, there is no denying the sociology, economics, law, history, anthro-
existence of states and of frontiers between pology, social psychology, etc., with each of
the various societies forming states. T h e these disciplines approaching the subject from
specific characteristic of international re- a particular standpoint. There are in fact
lations is the fact that they constitute flows m a n y aspects to inernational relationsecon-
that cross frontiers. International relations are omic, political, social and culturaland,
therefore determined primarily not by the unless international relations are reduced to
nature of the actors involvedstates or other just one aspect considered to be of paramount
social entitiesbut by the structure of the importance, it is not possible to explain the
system in which they developthe existence eminently complex subject of international
of frontiers crossed by communication flows. p h e n o m e n a through just one discipline, n e w
The specific nature of international relations though it m a y be.
can thus be brought out by defining them as A n d yet, as has already been suggested
social relations that cross frontiers and link above, is it not likely that the social sciences
the various societies forming nation-states. m a y be unable to study international re-
Describing them as relations established lations to any good effect by using concepts
between various societies covers not only and models developed in the analysis of
intergovernmental relations, in which the integrated societies? T h e specific nature of
actors are states but also infra-govern- international relationssocial relations across
mental relations, in which the actors are frontiersdoes not preclude the existence of
such diverse social groups as enterprises, s o m e degree of organization and co-operation
scientific societies, sporting and religious in those relations. Moreover, there is a
associations, etc. widespread tendency in the study of what are
There is no doubt that this definition of k n o w n as integrated societies to rejectand
international relations is conditioned by his- in this they are following the path opened up
630 Philippe Braillard

by Marxist sociologythe model of a society increasing numbers of scientists are doing,

exempt from conflict and proof against anar- is to start out more modestly from the pre-
chy. A s a result, the social sciences have to a cise needs that emerge from the study of a
great extent included in their approaches the phenomenon or a structure and to seek to
conflictual dimension characteristic of any achieve cross-fertilization between different
social relationship, and this enables them to standpoints w h e n analysing the object in ques-
develop models that m a y shed light on inter- tion. Thus, to take but a few examples in the
national relations. field of international relations, subjects like
Because there are several disciplines the study of development, that of trans-
involved and hence a number of different national corporations or international organ-
approaches, the study of international re- izations and that of international conflicts
lations today gives the impression of being might lend themselves to interdisciplinary
piecemeal or even completely disjointed. T h e working methods.
wealth of knowledge gained from a multi- A n initial approach to such working
plicity of approaches tends to be achieved at methods might be to incorporate into a
the expense of coherent analysis. W h a t at the discipline dimensions, variables and hypoth-
outset was meant simply to be a guarantee of eses taken into account and brought to light
comprehensiveness has tended t become by other disciplines. Thus, for example, the
actually a source of incoherence. W e have political scientist wanting to study the strati-
c o m e to the point today where the study of fication of the international system and par-
international relations is broken up into a host ticularly the ascendancy of the industrial-
of different approaches and disciplines with ized countries over the developing countries
all too often little or n o connection between must consider in his analysis the norms of
them and too little concern to relate their international public law as an element of that
different approaches to an overall view of the stratification and as an instrument of domi-
object studied. W e have here a phenomenon nation.4 Conversely, a jurist looking at the
that is typical of all the social sciences today progressive emergence of development law
and one scientists have become increasingly cannot afford to overlook the power structure
aware of, prompting m a n y of them to characterizing the contemporary international
advocate an interdisciplinary attitude and system, for it is against that structure that the
approach. Third World countries seeking to establish the
Interdisciplinarity has thus become a broad principles of a n e w international econ-
fashionable cry, and the study of international omic order are fighting.
relations has not remained outside its range. H o w e v e r , this initial form of interdisci-
It must be admitted, however, that there has plinary enrichment cannot alone meet all the
not been m u c h progress beyond solemn pro- requirements that arise in the study of certain
nouncements about the virtues of integrating phenomena. It1 is not enough merely to
the various disciplines, which has prompted incorporate into one particular discipline
m a n y people to accuse interdisciplinarity of viewpoints stemming from other disciplines,
being a failure or in any event an illusion. In because certain phenomena must be con-
m y view it cannot in fact be otherwise as long sidered globally from the outset. Only a
as interdisciplinarity continues to be seen as a transdisciplinary approach going beyond tra-
global, undifferentiated exercise that has the ditional disciplinary frameworks and opening
effect of merely juxtaposing different view- the way to a paradigm of complexity5 can do
points in a haphazard fashion. T h e inter- justice to the multidimensional and complex
disciplinary enrichment based on integration nature of certain objects. The study of devel-
of the various dimensions of social reality opment is highly revealing in this respect. It is
cannot be brought about either on a global n o w realized that the phenomenon of devel-
scale or by decree. W h a t must be done, as opment, which plays a very important role in
The social sciences and the study of international relations '631

'An increasing part is played by multinational corporations and transnational forces'. Rapho.

the study of international relations, cannot be Looking for a paradigm

apprehended satisfactorily from models de-
veloped within the frame of a specific disci- T h e study of international relations is frag-
pline, even if such models take into account mented or piecemeal not only because of the
the contributions of other disciplines.6 There diversity of disciplines or viewpoints upon
is n o such thing as economic development, which it is based but alsoand to a far greater
social development or political development extentbecause of lack of agreement a m o n g
taken separately. Development is a global scientists about what it is that constitutes the
p h e n o m e n o n that must be seen as such from specific nature, the essence, of its object and
the start in all its m a n y dimensionsecon- about the general explanatory framework to
omic, political, social, cultural, etc. This be built for organizing the research. In other
requirement can be satisfied only by a trans- words, the study of international relations is
disciplinary approach in which an attempt is characterized by the absence of a paradigm 7
m a d e to cut across the boundaries of tra- and by the fact that there are several gen-
ditional disciplines, developing n e w concep- eral explanatory models pitted against one
tual frameworks and models. It is by seeking another, several conceptions of its object.
to respond to this need for transdisciplinarity This situation is not in fact peculiar to the
that the study of international relations will n o study of international relations: it is charac-
doubt m a k e s o m e progress in the future teristic of the whole field of investigation
beyond its present fragmented state. covered by the social sciences.
An initial conception of international
632 Philippe Braillard

relations, which stems from T h o m a s Hobbes' W a r as a result of the development of tech-

theory of the natural state, puts emphasis on nology and growth of international exchanges
the non-integrated anarchical and therefore has helped to construct a complex pattern of
conflictual nature of the international system. interdependence between the various societies
It sees the specific characteristic of internatio- and has led to the emergence of new types of
nal relations in the recourse to conflict, or actors in international relations. This modern-
m o r e precisely in what R a y m o n d Aron calls ization process has for instance given rise to
'the legitimacy of recourse to armed force on n e w needs and demands in our societies and
the part of states'. F r o m this standpoint, the to value systems based on economic and social
state is seen as the central actor in inter- welfare. T h e development model progress-
national relations, whose dynamic is the ively adopted by the various societies,
evolving pattern of the balance of power whether in the Third World or in the indus-
a m o n g states. T h e sphere of foreign policy is trialized countries, has placed n e w social
quite distinct from that of domestic policy, and economic responsibilities on the state,
and its central concern in the security of the which has proved less and less1, capable of
state. Foreign policy options are rational meeting these n e w demands on its o w n . Other
choices m a d e in the national interest. T h e forcessupranational, transnational and sub-
foreign policy of states, while it does not nationalhave thus emerged on the inter-
succeed in obliterating the profoundly an- national scene and in m a n y cases have tended
archical nature of the international system, to restrict states' room to manoeuvre, as
can nevertheless ensure a m i n i m u m degree testified to, for example, by the development
of order and s o m e balance of power, of transnational corporations. In order to
notably through diplomacy and the develop- meet the demands for economic and social
ment of international law and international development, states have as a rule had to
organizations.8 open themselves up increasingly to exchanges
F r o m the end of the Second World W a r with the outside world, thereby heading
onwards, this conception of international towards growing interdependence and as a
relations was widely disseminated by the direct consequence, a restriction of their
American realistic school of thought which set o w n autonomy. This is w h y it is becoming in-
itself up in opposition to the Wilsonian ideal- creasingly difficult to distinguish foreign
istic and legalistic view of an international policy from domestic policy and to account for
society progressing towards pacification and the international behaviour of a state in
integration as a result of a process of d e m o - purely strategic and military terms.
cratization. T h e failure of the League of In this context the development of inter-
Nations, the Second World W a r and then the national co-operation with, in particular, a
development of the cold war unquestionably growing number of co-operation mechanisms
lent weight to this 'conflictual' conception in the form of international organizations,
of international relations, which prevailed reflects a far-reaching change in international
until the 1960s and still has a considerable relations, whose conflictual nature is coming
following. to be of secondary importance, and a tend-
A second conception of international ency towards the organization of an inter-
relations places emphasis on interdependence national system characterized ever more
and co-operatjon and subscribes to the view deeply by interdependence and community
that contemporary international relations do of interest.
not correspond to the conflictual and inter- This view of international relations was
state model of the realistic paradigm. T h e already to be found in the functionalistic ideas
dynamic of modernization set off by the of such theorists as David Mitrany, w h o saw
Industrial Revolution and given an unpre- the foundations of a n e w , more integrated
cedented impetus after the Second World international system in the demand for func-
The social sciences and the study of international relations 633

tional, technical and economic co-operation,9 international relations is today central to the
and it served as an ideological framework for demands for a n e w international economic
the development and functioning of m a n y order and to a significant school of thought on
international organizations after the Second development problems that rejects an analysis
World W a r . It has also taken on increasing of underdevelopment in terms of endogenous
importance since the beginning of the 1960s in factors alone (cultural, political, social, etc.)
political-science studies on international re- and attempts to explain the p h e n o m e n o n by
lations, particularly those on international or- the dependence of Third World societies and
ganizations,10 the settlement of conflicts,11 m o r e specifically by the incorporation of these
the formulation of foreign policy12 and certain societies into the world capitalist economy.
other themes. In addition, it is central to T h e development of international relations,
m a n y analyses of North-South relations.13 with, in particular, the division of the world
A third conception of international re- into rich and poor countries, is thus alleged to
lations, stemming more or less directly from be a logical corollary of the word capitalist
a Marxist view of social relations, considers system. 15
that the international system today is the direct T h e compartmentalization of the object
expression of the functioning, development of research that emerges from these three
and contradictions of capitalism. In other paradigms of international relations is, no
words, the international system is held to be doubt, not entirely insurmountable. It is clear
marked by the dynamic of capitalism, which, that each of these conceptions of international
because of its contradictions, is a vehicle for relations is based on an important dimension
imperialistic policy. This conception of inter- of the p h e n o m e n a studied and that by at-
national relations was formulated in the works tempting to highlight that dimension it tends
of Rudolf Hilferding, Nicholas Bukharin, to overlook other no less important aspects. It
Rosa Luxemburg and Lenin in an attempt to can also be seen that the development of each
account for colonial expansion at the end of paradigm is connected with the way in which
the nineteenth century and the conflicts that international relations have themselves de-
arose a m o n g the imperialist powers. After veloped and that each conception of inter-
decolonization, a great m a n y neo-Marxist national relations tends to reflect certain
I schools of thought or those drawing on certain trends and concerns of a particular period,
Marxist-Leninist theories m a d e attempts to neglecting quite naturally other factors that
demonstrate that imperialism was still the m a y have been brought to the fore previously.
dominant factor in international relations and Thus for instance the second paradigm, by
the reason for the underdevelopment of the according somewhat less attention to conflict,
Third World. gives precedence to the growth of interdepen-
They suggested that capitalism, in order dence and the development of non-state
to survive, has to rely on the exploitation of a actorssignificant phenomena of the 1960s
'periphery' to which it can export its capital at that, in the prevailing climate of dtente,
higher profit rates and where it can find an seemed to be conducive to an abatement of
outlet for part of its production and secure East-West conflict. Hence, as is beginning to
raw-material supply sources. This state of de- be realized today, the various paradigms m a y
pendence of the 'periphery', maintained and well be complementary rather than irrevo-
reinforced by various meanstransnational cably antagonistic in that they show up the
corporations, international organizations, aid, various facets of a single reality m a d e up, like
export of capital, self-colonization, the part any social reality, of both harmony and
played by Third World lites as relays of conflict, interdependence 16
and dependence,
imperialism, thus held to lead to a balance and change.
plundering of the Third World by the indust- There is, however, a fundamental limita-
rialized capitalist countries.14 This view of tion to this complementarity of paradigms as
634 Philippe Braillard

they can be seen today in that their taking into tion of the field of study, a departure to
account this or that aspect of international s o m e extent from notions of c o m m o n sense
relations is based o n philosophies of history, and the possibility of intersubjective control,
on views of social relations and on ideological rather than indiscriminate adherence to
options that are difficult to reconcile. In other rigid procedures. 18
words, although one can hope to integrate T h e question remains whether there is
within a c o m m o n model the various aspects of not an essential difference in kind between
international relations channelled by the para- the social scienceswhether nomothetic or
digms, that integration can be effected only by idiographicand what are k n o w n as the
dissociating those aspects from the philosophi- exact sciences. A s Jean Piaget clearly d e m o n -
cal and ideological frameworks within which strated:
they appear. It stills remains to be seen h o w
they can be integrated within a coherent having h u m a n beings in their countless activities
structure that might one day b e c o m e the as their object and being developed by human
paradigm around which the research could beings in their cognitive activities, the human
develop. This is n o easy matter, however, for sciences find themselves in the distinctive pos-
it is not a technical problem but one that ition of depending on h u m a n beings both as
involves the philosophical and ideological subject and as object.19
choices o n which such a paradigmatic struc-
ture would be based. This epistomological situation means that
it is m u c h m o r e difficult to separate the
epistemic subject from the egocentric subject.
Towards a scientific approach It is even doubtfulif one agrees with Jrgen
H a b e r m a s that the social sciences derive from
In the last three decades a marked feature of gnoseological interests (Erkenntnisinteresse)
the study of international relations, as of fields that are different from those upon which the
of social reality, has been the trend towards natural sciences are based 20 whether such a
acquiring scientific status. Increasing numbers separation is really possible in the social
of scientists have been striving to adopt a sciences. This is w h y the scientist studying
scientific approach to the study of inter- social reality must constantly be ideologically
national p h e n o m e n a , and several debates critical of his o w n approach and of his o w n
have grown u p over the criteria for such an situation in relation to its object, while recog-
approach. nizing the relative and partial nature of such
T h e fallacious argument consisting in an approach. Only then can the social sciences
contrasting the so-called classic approaches acquire a genuinely critical dimension, adopt
relying to a great extent on intuition and a critical outlook on society and avoid being
qualitative analysis with the so-called scientific merely techniques for solving problems and
approaches based o n the quantification of instruments that, under cover of a value-free
social p h e n o m e n a and recourse to formal- approach, tend to justify an established social
ization is fortunately n o w a thing of the order.
past. It has n o w been realized that neither This, however, has all too often been the
quantification nor formalization can m a k e case until n o w in the study of international
an approach scientific, for these are merely relations. W h o l e areas of research have been
instruments that c o m e into play only once determined largely by ideological optionsof
an object of study has been delimited, the which the scientists themselves have been
problem areas identified and a conceptual unawarechannelled by the choice of analyti-
framework and certain initial assumptions cal tools or conceptual frameworks. A n
adopted. It is coming to be accepted that a example of this is systems analysis. For one
scientific approach involves precise defini- thing it is all too often reduced to a mere
The social sciences and the study of international relations 635

... *

'The positivist illusion is firmly rooted in the collective mentality', Temple of Humanity, the Positivist
Church of Brazil. Edimedia.

pseudo-scientific language that b y a confused high value o n the status q u o , treating as

use of terms and concepts employed by the normal anything that contributes to the in-
various exact sciencessystem, structure, ternal h a r m o n y of the system by maintaining
function, balance, homoeostasis, morphostasis, existing structures a n d as deviant a n d dys-
morphogenisis, feedback, designed to functional anything that upsets the balance of
confer scientific status and social recognition the system. 23 T h u s , for example, John B u r -
on the social scientists. M o r e seriously, sys- ton considers that in studying international
tems analysis as it has usually been employed systems, systemic patterns of behaviour must
in the study of international relations tends to be distinguished from non-systemic patterns,
have a highly normative effect by placing a the former implying integrative processes and
636 Philippe Braillard

the latter disintegrative processes based on a merely a technique, entail the danger of a
differentiation of power. 2 4 return to the positivism its function is to
T o take another example, the fact of bring- combat, by giving the illusion of an approach
ing into playas is increasingly done today that has been thoroughly purged of all ideo-
the concept of interdependence, which is logical contamination. This danger is all the
indeed the basis of one of the paradigms of greater in that the positivist illusion is firmly
contemporary research on international re- rooted in the collective mentality, a fact that
lations, also tends to introduce implicit ideo- moreover enables some scientists to speak of
logical choices into the analysis. Emphasis on scientific and ideology-free analysis for the
the growth of interdependence and its depic- purpose of deliberately concealing their ideo-
tion as a symmetrical situation (the mutual logical commitment and political options.
dependence of social actors) to obscure the A good example of this attitude is to be
conflictual aspect of international relations found in the approach adopted by the Club of
and the stratification of the international R o m e , which is a grouping of about a hun-
system. This type of attitude is very clearly to dred leading figurescompany directors, aca-
be seen in m a n y analyses of North-South demics, etc.and has set itself the aim of
relations that underscore the bonds of inter- shedding light on the complex problems of the
dependence between industrialized and Third world today and proposing new courses for
World countries, ignoring the asymmetrical action so that the world m a y be saved from
nature of that interdependence and the far- the dangers threatening it.25 T h e Club of
reaching clashes of interest between the two R o m e maintains that it has 'no ideological or
groups of countries, as are attested to by the political prejudice'.26 It has moreover at-
breakdown of the negotiations to define in tempted to authenticate its analysis of the
concrete terms the structure of a new inter- contemporary world by several reports drawn
national economic order. T h e report of the up by research-teams, sometimes using math-
independent commission chaired by Willy ematical analysis and computers. 27 The stated
Brandt provides a good illustration of this. aim is thus to replace the myth of growth,
T h e report endeavours to show that the which lies at the heart of the model for the
conflict between the North and the South can development of our societies and threatens to
be resolved only if there is a recognition, both lead them to their downfall, by a scientific,
in the North and in the South, of interdepen- clear-sighted view of the world today and its
dence reflecting a profound community of problems.'However, as w e have shown else-
interests. B y proclaiming that the develop- where, 2 8 the picture that emerges from all
ment of the North necessarily involves the the reports presented at the Club of R o m e
development of the South, and vice versa, and and sanctioned by it and from the publications
that that interdependence should be the basis and declarations m a d e by the Chairman of the
for a new international economic order foun- group, the Italian Aurelio Peccei, remains a
ded on a community of interests, the Brandt fanciful hypothesis and surreptitiously intro-
report obscures the fact that such interde- duces a whole set of political options which it
pendence is asymmetrical and supports a plan tries to pass off simply as self-evident con-
for restructuring the world economy de- clusions drawn from lucid, scientific analysis.
signed merely to reinforce the Third World While proclaiming that it speaks on behalf of
countries' incorporation into a world econ- mankind, and more specifically as the de-
omic system in which their situation is one of fender of the survival of the human race,
dependence. the Club of R o m e is trying, by means of a
A s can be seen, ideological criticism is technocratic ideology, to impose on us a
essential, both in the study of international planned world society whose leadership takes
relations and in that of other sectors of social as its model the transnational corporation.
reality. It does, however, if it is considered
The social sciences and the study of international relations 637

> i
*"** "^.i/ " < . . ' * a r - i ^ - ' ; W

Le Pre Ubu, the central character of the satirical plays of Alfred Jarry (1873-1907), exploring modern
absurdity. Lithography by the author. Snark.
638 Philippe Braillard

The nature and limitations of international relations very little satisfactory

theory progress has been m a d e towards any such
process of selection and ordering. Most of
In their bid for scientific status and social the 'explanatory models' that have been de-
recognition, the various nomothetic social' veloped are in fact merely taxonomies or
sciencessociology, political science, econ- conceptual frameworks pointing up a set of
omics, etc.set themselves in their study of variables that m a y have a bearing o n the
international relations the goal of developing p h e n o m e n a and processes studied, without
an explanatory theory of an abstract, general there being really any selection and arrange-
and timeless nature. Their approach w a s ment of the kind needed in developing an
based on a positivistic epistemology modelling explanatory model.
the social sciences on the natural sciences. T o take just one example, w h e n G r a h a m
T h e aim was to single out a number of Allison attempts to shed light on the processes
recurrent themes from all the various events of foreign-policy decision-making, he places
coming within the scope of international emphasis, in each of the three paradigms he
relations and to formulate the explanatory proposes (rational, organizational, bureau-
models or laws governing the behaviour of cratic), on a number of variables that m a y
those involved in international relations. In have a determining role in decision-making
other words it meant developing explanatory but does not establish any precise relation-
models composed of a n u m b e r of variables ships between these variables and confines
and putting these models to the test by using himself m o r e to a description of the process
history as a laboratory, either by comparing governing the formulation of a particular
the models to the past record of international foreign policy (that which w a s behind the
relations or by endeavouring to apply them C u b a n missile crisis in 1962).31 W h a t is m o r e ,
to the present time, or again by making he does not really tell us h o w to integrate
forecastswhich would in due course b e the three different interpretations he makes
testedof the future pattern of international of the decision-making process in terms of
relations. T h e collection of statistics in an the three paradigms h e presents. Allison's
attempt to find correlations in the study of contribution is therefore descriptive and
international conflicts29 and the construction taxonomic.
of models in sectors like foreign policy O n e might of course be tempted to
decision-making30 are altogether representa- bypass this difficulty in incorporating the
tive of approaches directed at this type of various potential explanatory variables into a
objective. model by resorting to a reductionistic ap-
T h e fact must be faced today that this proach basing the explanation o n a single
goal is far from being attained and that the factor.32 But it has been amply d e m o n -
quest for a general, timeless explanatory strated that such an approach is unable to
theory applicable regardless of w h o is apply- explain the multidimensional character of
ing it or where and w h e n it is applied has social p h e n o m e n a and their m a n y and varied
brought research to a dead end. causes.
A n y explanatory model involves a T h e current block to finding an explana-
choice, a selection from a m o n g the huge tory theory of international relations, without
range of variables relating to a set of p h e n o m - any progress in fact having been m a d e beyond
ena. It means singling out from the c o m - the taxonomic stage, can but lead scientists to
plexities of real situations those factors that become m o r e fully aware of the possibilities
are significant and leaving aside those that and limitations to which the formulation of a
are not. In addition, precise relations must be theory is subject. In opting for a general
established between the variables selected. approach, the representatives of the n o m o -
T h e fact is that in the contemporary study of thetic social sciences strove to devise too
The social sciences and the study of international relations 639

timeless a theory, w h o s e only link with history taking into consideration the other basic
would c o m e from the scientist's neutral action structural characteristics of each of these two
in a particular experimental field. T h e y did systems (in particular stratification a n d the
not realize however that it is not possible to degree of ideological and cultural h o m o g e n -
understand international relations without eity) and the dynamic of their development. 3 3
incorporating the dynamic of history into It is n o doubt possible to conceive of
the explanatory models themselves. E v e n if spheres of generalization other than that of
the establishing of a set of potential explana- highlighting potential explanatory variables.
tory variables m a y b e valid in general terms B y elaborating various explanatory models
and is hence not linked to a specific situation, concerning specific historical situations,
it is only b y interpreting a given set of scientists m a y reasonably expect to discern
historical circumstances that the scientist can certain trends evolving as laws 3 4 and certain
and must select and arrange those variables. explanatory structures c o m m o n to different
In other w o r d s , progress beyond the taxo- phenomena.35
n o m i c stage can be m a d e only by taking into Trying to find a general theory in the
consideration a specific historical dynamic, study of international relations should not,
by analysing a given set of historical however, m e a n negating the cultural dimen-
circumstances. sion of international relations, as has unfortu-
N o doubt there are explanatory factors nately too often the case in the past. 36 It is
c o m m o n to latter-day conflicts like the cold not by generalizing from the study of a
w a r or the Viet N a m W a r and to the major particular societyparticularly the United
conflicts of European history in the eighteenth States of A m e r i c a in the case under dis-
and nineteenth centuries. Explanatory models cussionin other words by refusing to con-
of these various conflicts cannot be con- sider cultural diversity, that the theory of
structed, however, without taking into ac- international relations can acquire a genu-
count the dynamic and the forces at w o r k in inely transcultural, transsocietal and trans-
the international system during the period national dimension consistent with the
in question. Furthermore, o n e cannot set out requirements of anomothetic approach. Cul-
to infer laws governing the functioning and tural diversity, as indeed the dynamic of
balance of international systems merely from history, m u s t b e central to the social sciences'
a comparison of the polarity of the con- proposed theory for the study of international
temporary system with that of the E u r o p e a n relations.
system in the nineteenth century and without [Translated from French]


1. See for example Hoffman 3. O n e might in that case See, for example, Immanuel
(ed.), I960, pp. 2-3. See also speculate whether it would not Wallerstein's works in which he
Taylor (ed.), 1978, p. 1. be preferable to see sets out to develop a theory of
international relations as the world systems, in particular The
2. This is the characteristic expressionat a given m o m e n t Capitalist World Economy,
emphasized by Raymond Aron in historyof the development 1979. Thus the possible
(1962) to identify the specific of a world systemwhich would disappearance of state entities
nature of international relations. thus become the object of study. would not m a k e the object
640 Philippe Braillard

studied a dead letter, being just Ralph Dahrendorf (1967, 29. See, for example, Singer
one stage in the evolution of a p. 486), w h o stresses the and Small, 1962.
social system. While not denying necessary complementarity of
the danger of a reductionistic the co-operative and conflictual 30. See Snyder, Brck and
approach seeing all international models in the study of society. Sapin (eds.), 1962; Rosenau,
relations merely in terms of state 1971.
entities, and therefore while 17. O n this fallacious argument,
acknowledging the merits of a Knorr and Rosenau, 1969, m a y
31. See Allison, 1971.
systems approach of this kind be consulted.
(see m y work Thorie des
systmes et relations 18. See on this point m y Thorie 32. For example, the sociology
internationales, 1977), I do not des relations internationales, of conflicts as seen by Gaston
think it possiblewithout 1977, pp. 21-2. Bouthoul, w h o , in the final
resorting to another form of analysis, reduces conflictual
reductionismto overlook the 19. cf. Piaget, 1970, p. 45. interaction to population
fact that the state is a structuring dynamics (1970).
20. See Habermas, 1976.
element in international affairs.
21. Cox speaks of 'problem- 33. This is w h y the various
4. See Bedjaoui, 1979, on the solving theories'. See his study analyses made until n o w of the
subject. 'Social Forces, States and World stability of international systems
. Orders . . .', 1981, p. 129. seen from the standpoint of their
5. See Morin's comments in
polarity are so unconvincing.
Science avec conscience (1982,
22. See Himmelstrand's See for example: Deutsch and
p. 273).
comments (1982, p. 542). It Singer, 1964; Waltz, 1964; Haas,
6. See in this connection the m a y also be noted that in the 1970.
comments by McGranahan development of peace research
(1974). in Europe over the past twenty 34. O n e of the attendant
years there has been, at the dangers in trying to ascertain
7. O n the paradigm concept, instigation of Johan Galtung in such laws lies in adopting a
see K u h n , 1972. particular, an attempt to adopt a teleological approach whereby,
genuine critical attitude, which it is thought, an evolving process
8. See, for example, has strongly influenced the study can be explained and justified by
Morgenthau, 1955. of international conflicts. its outcome, as has often been
9. See Mitrany, 1946. done by the advocates of
23. See m y work Thorie des functionalistic analysis.
10. See Haas, 1964. systmes . . ., op. cit.,
pp. 99-101. This conservative
trend is not, however, in m y 35. See on this subject the
11. See Burton, 1969. highly pertinent comments by
view inherent in the system
12. See Morse, 1969. concept itself. Boudon and Bourricaud in their
Dictionnaire critique de la
13. See, for example, the 24. See Burton, 1968, Chapters sociologie, 1982, pp. 261-7.
Brandt Commission report, 1980. VI and VII.
36. See Preiswerk's comments
14. See the work by Jale, 1973. 25. See Peccei, 1976, pp. 128-9. in 'La place des relations
O n the various theories of interculturelles . . .', 1975. The
imperialism, see Braillard and 26. See Peccei, 1975, p. 75.
study of foreign policy is a field
de Snarclens, 1981. that illustrates particularly well
27. See, in particular, M e a d o w s
15. See, for example, et al., 1972; Mesarovic and this negation of the cultural
Wallerstein, 1974. Pestel, 1974. specificity of the societies
constituting the international
16. See in this connection the 28. See m y work, L'imposture system. See on this subject
highly pertinent comments by du Club de Rome, 1982. Korany's comments (1974).
The social sciences and the study of international relations 641


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The Wages of War. A Statistical Longman. pp. 881-909.
T h e institutionalization
of sociology in France:
its social and political significance

Edmund Burke III

Introduction: consequences. M y argument is that the insti-

structures, discourses, crises tutionalization of a n e w discipline is not
simply the result of strong ideas, strong
personalities and moneyto take a prevailing
H o w d o disciplines b e c o m e established, im- notionbut that it must be situated in its
pose their authority and decline? These particular political and intellectual context.
questions are central to the sociology of T h e results of reconstructing the origins of
knowledge, and have renewed relevance disciplines and schools of thought can often be
today. Perhaps because our o w n time is a surprising, as a consideration of the case of
m o m e n t of' intellectual openness and epis- the Durkheim school in France in the period
temological self-con- 1880-1914 m a k e s clear.
sciousness, in which T h e autonomous de-
the boundaries between Edmund Burke III is professor of velopment of colonial
disciplines are blurred history and director of the Compara- sociology in France in
tive and International Studies re- the same period points to
and the governing para- search activity at the University of
digms are being called California, Santa Cruz. H e is the a de facto division of
into question, concerns author of Prelude to Protectorate in labour within the field,
about the origins of the Morocco: Patterns of Protest and and constitutes our sec-
m o d e r n social sciences Resistance (1977) and (co-editor with ond topic of discussion.
Ira Lapidus) Islam and Social Move- Here I shall be particu-
and their impact upon ments (in press).
society are at the centre larly concerned with
of intellectual discussion. tracing the emergence
In this m o m e n t of open- of the field of the soci-
ness, the basic presuppo- ology of Islam. A n insig-
sitions of social thought nificant back eddy in the
stand revealed with onrushing stream of Pari-
special clarity, and it is possible to trace the sian science, the sociology of Islam was none
formation and crystallization of disciplines, the less tied into metropolitan politics in ways
and the discourses to which they have given that had a direct bearing upon the nature of
rise.1 its production. Ideologically saturated but
intellectually flabby, the discourse of the
Through an examination of the develop-
sociology of Islam was none the less politically
ment of the discipline of sociology in France
powerful. H o w authoritative discourses are
in the period 1880-1925 this article seeks to
generated, h o w they impose themselves, and
shed light o n s o m e of the more general
with what effect are all subjects that can be
processes at work in the institutionalization of
examined through the study of this case.
the social sciences, and its social and political
644 Edmund Burke III

Finally, through the exploration of the dissatisfied with the explanatory value of this
approach, at the same time as they have
role of controversies in the life of disciplines, I
shall examine the crisis of authority to which become suspicious of the assertion of auth-
all disciplines are subject, arguing that such ority it necessarily involves. T h e emergence
crises are integral to the development of of the disciplines has been seen not as the
disciplines, and are the vehicle by which n e w inevitable triumph of stronger ideas over
views are imposed or resisted by establish- weaker ones (as was implied by the history
ments. T h e struggle for a scientific paradigm of ideas approach), but as a multi-faceted
is integral to this operationcompetition for- struggle for intellectual and political advan-
epistemological domains and objects of study tage between different groups and factions.
are inseparable from the advance of science. The sociology of knowledge has thus m o v e d
At the core of the institutionalization of the towards a m o r e sociological understanding
social sciences, as w e shall see, is the inter- of the question.
relation of ideological, scientific, political and The establishment of the Durkhim
rational processes. T h e problem of the auth- school in France (1880-1914) is one of the best
ority of scientific pronouncements is thereby studied cases of institutionalization in the
posed: h o w is this authority created, im- literature on the sociology of knowledge. A s a
posed and institutionalized? F r o m the work result, w e k n o w more about the exact cir-
of Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu cumstances in which Durkheim and his fol-
w e k n o w that science arises not from the lowers were able successfully to establish the
naivety of the m o m e n t of critical insight, but
discipline of sociology in France than w e
in a given social and intellectual conjuncture.2 do about any other case in the history of
All knowledge is therefore contingent. This the social sciences.4 Precisely because it has
raises s o m e important questions about the been studied in such detail, the establish-
sociology of knowledge and the institutional- ment of the Durkheim school is an especially
ization of the social sciences which will be useful one to consider in coming to some
dealt with in a brief conclusion. understanding of h o w disciplines are formed.
T h e central discipline in the French
university system in the nineteenth century
Institutionalization: was philosophy. It attracted the best and
the case of sociology in France most ambitious students, awarded the most
degrees, and by virtue of its control of
Recent studies of the origins of the modern the baccalaurat and agrgation examinations,
social science disciplines have considerably exercised its dominance over the educational
altered our sense of the ways in which they system. Towards the end of the century it
became institutionalized. Previously the study entered a period of prolonged intellectual
of the history of ideas had focused upon the crisis as a consequence of a fatal attraction of
intellectual origins of contemporary social spiritualism. This m o m e n t of crisis provided
science thought, stressing the influences of the opportunity for the emergence of n e w
successive generations of thinkers upon one disciplines. U n d e r the influence of positivism,
another, and the importance of intellectual Kantianism and rationalism (distinct minority
innovation.3 T h e implicit or openly avowed tendencies at the time), the intellectual con-^
aim of this approach was to valorize one's o w n ditions were created for the launching of
intellectual genealogy by connecting it to a proposals for the reorganization of the
prestigious chain of authorities, while simul- teaching of philosophy in the university which
taneously delegitimizing that of one's adver- stood s o m e chance of success. T h e D u r k -
saries by demonstrating the relative weakness heimian enterprise, it has been suggested,
of their intellectual tradition. can best be seen as one of the major efforts to
M o r e recently, scholars have b e c o m e resolve the crisis of philosophy in the univer-
The institutionalization of sociology in France 645

the French A c a d e m y . H o w can the insti-

tutionalization of sociology in the French
university system b e explained? Clark asks.
W h y only in its Durkheimian version? Clark
notes that at the end of the nineteenth cen-
tury four schools of sociology existed in
France, yet only one of them, the D u r k -
heimians, were able to establish themselves
successfully in the university. T h e four schools
were: (a) the several groups of followers of
L e Play, (b) the social statisticians Bertillon
and Levasseur and their associates, most
of w h o m were employed in the government;
(c) the somewhat anomalous group gath-
ered around R e n W o r m s , and his journal,
Revue internationale de sociologie and
Gabriel Tarde; and (d) the followers of
Clark's approach focuses u p o n the insti-
tutional structures and emphasizes an inter-
active perspective. 'For most n e w fields to
develop,' h e argues, 'three fundamental el-
ements are essential: good ideas to build on,
talented individuals, and adequate insti-
tutional support.' 6 Clark notes that the
Durkheimians were able to succeed because
they were recruited from the most prestigous
mile Durkheim (1858-1917), played a leading role academic backgrounds, were-more coherently
in the institutionalization of sociology in France; organized than their rivals, were able to
portrait from Leons de sociologie (reproduced impose their definition of the field within the
with permission from Presses Universitaires de
France). university (via Durkheim's The Rules of
Sociological Method,1 and his definition of a
'social fact'), and because they enjoyed the
sity b y changing the intellectual content of patronage of the president of the Sorbonne,
the p r o g r a m m e of study, as well as replacing Louis Liard. Rival groups, h e notes, were'
the spiritualists in the teaching corps with less favourably placed and less adroit in as-
n e w professors having a scientific and posi- serting their o w n claims to predominance.
tivist approach. 5 T h e importance of crises Through their writings, and still m o r e
in the authority of intellectual fields in the through the review, Anne sociologique, the
emergence of n e w disciplines is a subject w e Durkheimians h a d the m e a n s to impose
will return to at the end of this essay. For their authority and definitions of the field.
the m o m e n t it is sufficient to note the intel- Clark argues that Durkheim's highly publi-
lectual context of the development of socio- cized debates with rivals, notably Gabriel
logy in France. Tarde and Georges Sorel enabled him to
clarify the boundaries of the field, and to
O n e of the first to study the emergence of
draw the attention of the public to his school.
the social sciences in m o d e r n France was
Terry N . Clark, whose b o o k and articles B y de-emphasizing Durkheim's ideas and
focused upon the context and strategies e m - focusing u p o n the strategies he employed to
ployed by the different contending groups in establish the n e w discipline, Clark provided a
646 Edmund Burke III

n e w perspective o n the subject. Informative osophy. In s u m m a r y , from the perspective

as it is, however, Clark's approach has its of the dominant system of values of the uni-
limits. Thus, for example, it cannot explain versity, the requirements for advancing in a
the reception of Durkheim's ideas in France, career, and the hierarchy of the disciplines
nor the sociological conditions that governed in the French academic world, the Durkheim
their institutionalization. Indeed, upon reflec- school achieved at best only a partial success.
tion, Clark's schema stops asking questions Finally, to round out the discussion, it is
just at the point it should begin to do so. His important to consider the political and social
lack of close attention to the intellectual and significance of sociology within the political
political context in which thefieldof sociology field of fin de sicle French society. T h e
developed makes his conclusions unsatisfac- central role of the social sciences in the period
torily vague, if not wrong. H o w e v e r , thanks was to aid in the elaboration of the republican
to the work of the G r o u p e d'tudes D u r k - ideology of the embattled Third Republic.
heimiennes, it is possible to c o m e a lot closer T h e contribution of the Durkheimians was to
to understanding precisely this aspect of the inculcate correct ideas facilitating the life in
question.8 A s a result, w e can attain a m o r e c o m m o n of individuals and classes. Thus at
satisfactory and complete understanding of the close of his first year at Bordeaux,
the general process by which the social sci- Durkheim concluded his class o n the social
ences have been institutionalized. sciences with a definition of the social role of
In order fully to understand the D u r k - sociology. According to him, since the social
heim strategy, it is necessary to situate problem resulted from the weakening of the
sociology in the intellectualfieldof its day, as spirit of the collectivity, it w a s necessary to
well as to the institutional setting in which it reinstil a consciousness of the organic unity of
developed. According to Victor Karady, a society:
leading specialist, despite the unquestioned
prestige and charisma of Durkheim and the Well, gentlemen, I believe that sociology is more
Durkheimian quasi-monopoly of sociology capable than any other science of restoring these
positions in the French university system, ideas. It is sociology which will m a k e the
individual understand what society is, as it will
their institutional weakness is clear. Karady
complete him, and [show him] h o w small he is
m a k e s a useful distinction between intellec-
[when] reduced to his o w n power. Sociology will
tual and institutional prestige. H e argues that teach him that he is not an empire in the midst of
despite the unquestioned intellectual auth- another empire, but the organ of an organism. It
ority of Durkheim and the recognized social will show him h o w good it is to carry out
utility of the field, major institutional w e a k - conscientiously his role as organ.9
nesses seriously impeded the development of
the Durkheim school within the university. B y virtue of its republicanism, anti-clerical-
Durkheimian sociology w a s never able to ism, Dreyfusard convictions, and non-Marxist
establish its institutional autonomy from phil- concern with the social question, Durkhei-
osophy, could not find a job market for its mian sociology was politically near the centre
graduates, and had degree programmes that of the politicalfieldof pre-war French society.
led nowhere. Also, the fact that sociology The Catholicism and internationalism of its
developed in the Faculty of Letters, rather chief rivalsthe L e Playists and the followers
than in the Faculty of L a w , meant that it had of R e n Wormsplaced them in a less-
greater difficulty in establishing itself, since favourable position, and helped seal their fate.
the social science fields that developed in the T h e political centrality of sociology in the
law faculty were better able to assure their liberal effort to reform society was not limited
autonomy and prestige. But it also benefited to France. Neither was the ambiguous re-
from the higher intellectual standing of the lationship to the intellectual and political
classic disciplines in letters, particularly phil- legacy of Karl M a r x . T h e formation of the
The institutionalization of sociology in France 647

modern social science disciplines resulted the lack of prestige of the study of colonial
in the emergence of separate specialized subjects in France played an important part in
studies of different aspects of h u m a n exist- the establishment of this de facto division of
ence. T h efieldof sociology split off from labour. But the resolutely metropolitan intel-
political economy in the English-speaking lectual orientation of the Durkheim group had
world, or from philosophy in France, and perhaps even more to do with it: in contrast to
elected as its domain the study of social re- the- emerging anthropological profession in
lations. Its formation, w e can n o w see, was the English-speaking world, with its cel-
directly connected to the ripening of the ebration of field-work, the Durkheimians
'social question' in nineteenth-century were against such participant observation and
Europethe emergence of an increasingly in favour of utilizing printed sources.11 T h u s
militant working class, and the challenge to it was that sociology as an academic discipline
bourgeois order produced by the breakdown in France emerged bifurcated, with the high-
of social structures. T h e work of Ferdinand prestige Durkheimians focusing o n the di-
Tnnies, M a x W e b e r , Henry Maine, Auguste lemmas of modern society, while the soci-
C o m t e , Emile Durkheim, Robert Redfield ology of the colonies was left to ethnologists.
and Talcott Parsons all in various ways can be O n e of the most important branches of
perceived as responses to the dangers posed French colonial sociology was the sociology of
by social anomie arising from the Industrial Islam. A n exploration of its several dimen-
Revolution, and as so m a n y dialogues with sions can help us to understand not only the
the ghost of Marx. Thus, in some ways, the process of institutionalization, but also the
development of Western sociology can be political and social context of ideas, and their
seen as an attempt to deal with the social consequences in policy. T h e most important
disorder arising from the collapse of com- aspect of the sociology of Islam, as w e shall
munity by offering a theory of social order. see, was less its intellectual importance or its
The basic postulates of the emerging disci- institutional significance in France, than the
pline of sociology considered social relations political potency of its discourse.
as causal in their o w n right, apart from the
The French tradition of the empirical
political or economic context.10
study of Muslim societies began in 1798 with
the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt. T h e
central paradigms of the tradition were laid
d o w n in the volumes of the Description de
The sociology of Islam:
l'Egypte (23 vols., Paris, 1809-23), and devel-
a discourse of domination oped subsequently in Algeria (1830-70) and
Morocco (1900-30). T h e major phases of its
The definition of the field of sociology in development correspond to the shifting pat-
France excluded for all practical purposes the terns of French colonialism. B y the outbreak
study of colonial societies. This was left to the of the Algerian war in 1954, it had become a
odd amalgam of gifted amateurs, enlightened mummified version of its former self, and in
colonial officials and (somewhat later) pro- its evident inability to explain the outbreak of
fessional ethnologists whose writings taken the war, or its raison d'tre, collapsed under
together comprise the corpus of what was its o w n weight. S o m e h o w a tradition that had
then called colonial sociology. Despite the begun with aspirations of bringing the fruits of
extremely broad coverage of subjects in the French Revolution to the lands of Islam
Anne sociologique, Durkheim showed little had become an apologist for empire, a dis-
interest in colonial societies, while Marcel seminator of racist stereotypes, and a pro-
Mauss and his other principal collaborators ducer of irrelevant folklore. It is n o accident
were only slightly m o r e attracted by colonial that the life-span of this intellectual tradition
subject-matter. There seems little doubt that m a y be demarcated by the beginnings of
648 Edmund Burke III

French imperialism in the Middle East, and There was thus little incentive to study them.
its bloody and convulsive end. Between 1871 and 1919 the stereotypes of
If w e examine the French tradition of the the colonial vulgate crystallized into a racial-
sociology of Islam in historical perspective, it ist image of Algerian society.14 Though el-
can be seen to consist of three broad strands, ements of this view can be found in earlier
the complex patterning of whose interactions writings, what is n e w about the post-1871
over a century and a half constituted the version is its comprehensive character, and
field.12 T h e Algerian experience is in m a n y the effort to forge a systematic policy based
ways paradigmatic for what was to come later. upon them. I shall have more to say about
These were the traditions of the Arab B u - the development of the discourse of the socio-
reaux, the civilian amateurs, and the aca- logy of Islam further on in this essay.
demics. Attached to real social forces with French academics, the third strand of the
real interests and perceptions of the so- sociology of Islam, emerged as a distinct
ciety, these three groups are of primary im- group only after 1871, in response to the
portance in understanding not only the un- expansion of French education and the devel-
folding of the intellectual field, but also opment of the social sciences in their modern
m u c h of the dynamics of French colonial forms. T h e individual w h o more than any
politics. other endowed the academic study of Alge-
T h e most important of the three as they rian society with prestige and legitimacy was
developed in colonial Algeria was the military Emile Masqueray. His Formation des cits
tradition of native-affairs officers embodied in chez les populations sdentaires de l'Algrie
the Arab Bureaux. F r o m these 'Robinsons appeared in 1886. 15 A graduate of the pres-
galonns', as Jacques Berque has called them, tigious cole Normale Suprieure, Masqueray
came a major share of the most important was at the centre of the intellectual currents
works on Algerian society, customs and re- of his time, rather than on the fringes as
ligion.13 T h e officers were especially con- were the other French Algerian academics.
cerned with uncovering the structures of Although he did m u c h to establish the cole
tribal society, no less than its 'moral topo- d'Alger as a respectable provincial institution,
graphy' and material culture. T h e second and might have been the Durkheim of the
major strand of French sociology of Islam sociology of Islam (he was not lacking in
was the work of civilian amateurs and ex- ambition: his thesis was a frontal attack on
plorers, whose writings were coloured by the work of Fustel de Coulanges, the leading
their direct interest in the acquisition of historian of his time), he wasfinallyunable
land, and the well-being of settler society. to transcend the crippling effects of the pol-
Their intellectual contribution to the field iticization of colonial sociology, and had no
was the weakest of the three. If that contri- disciples.
bution is assessed in political terms, however, The emergence of a group of French
it emerges as fundamental. academics interested in the study of Algerian
The intensification after 1871 of the society comes into sharp focus with the
debate in colonial Algeria between settler establishment of the cole d'Alger, in par-
, interests and the chief protectors of the ticular with the group that gathered around
Muslim populations, the Arab Bureaux, led to Ren Basset at the end of the century. A
the growing politicization of French eth- manifestation of m a n y of the same forces that
nography. F r o m a quasi-autonomous intel- had led to the transformation of French
lectual by-product of the Arab Bureaux, the higher education at the end of the nineteenth
ethnography of Algeria became increasingly century (including the crystallization . of the
dominated by the discourse of French col- Anne sociologique group which gathered
onial politics. N o longer a serious threat, around Durkheim), the cole d'Alger group
Muslims did not have to be taken seriously. possessed considerable ambitions. In E d m o n d
The'institutionalization of sociology in France 649

Doute, they had an important intellectual bution is to show h o w the development of the
leader, whose sociology was largely self- discourse of orientalism was shaped by the
taught, but w h o w a s able to attach himself particular context and auspices under which
through s o m e artful manoeuvring to the D u r - thefielddeveloped.
kheimians. 16 T h e intellectual production of Orientalism is thus a timely effort at the
the cole d'Alger group focused upon the deconstruction of an entire intellectual tra-
study of folklore, popular religion, and dialec- dition, and its political and cultural corre-
tologythat is to say, subjects of lesser lates: imperialist domination and the literary
interest and intellectual ambition. It was also and artistic image of the exotic East. Through
highly politicized, exacerbated especially by a detailed study of the work of some of the
the atmosphere of chauvinism which domi- major orientalists of the period (chiefly
nated the period that led to the Morocco French and British)Silvestre de Sacy, Ernest
Crisis of 1905. O n the eve of its professional- R e n a n , E d w a r d Lane, Louis Massignon, and1
ization, then, the sociology of Islam (and of H . A . R . GibbSaid explores the c o m m o n
Algerian society) had generated a discourse assumptions and attributes of the practice of
that was profoundly imbued with and shaped orientalism. His chief concern is with oriental-
by the fact of the French colonial presence. ism as a discourse of power, which by a series
H o w and w h y did this c o m e to be the case, of calculated intellectual moves was able to
and with what effect? H e r e a brief detour assert the dominance of the West over East-
seems in order. ern peoples. B y drawing attention to the
T h e study of Islamic subjects in France ways in which orientalism represents its sub-
was dominated by the discipline of oriental- jects, through figures of speech, rhetorical
ism, an intellectual tradition grounded in the flourishes, and narrative devices, as well as to
discipline of philology and concerned with the the audiences for w h o m orientalist production
study of classical texts produced by Asian was intended. Said shows the pervasiveness
peoples as exemplary models of the different of the orientalist version of the history of
aspects of their civilizations. In its Islamic Asians. Said argues that orientalism creates
studies variant (which here includes what I a m not only knowledge, but in a sense the very
calling the sociology of Islam), Orientalism reality it claims to describe. B y reducing
claimed to speak in an authoritative voice Islamic civilization to a few key texts that
about Islamic civilization based on a knowl- purport to explain everything that needs to
edge of the relevant languages. Like other be k n o w n about it, rather than confronting
Asian civilizations, Islamic civilization was the universe of alternative texts not selected,
said to be defined by s o m e essential traits, or the manifold complexities of actual
which the orientalist, by virtue of his training existing Muslim societies, the orientalist as-
was best placed to discern. T h e highly serts his authority over them: that which can
interested (not to say racialist) character be k n o w n , can be controlled. T h e connections
of m u c h of orientalist production has been that bound orientalism to imperialism were
pointed out by numerous authors, myself never very far from sight.
T h e critics of orientalism have d e m o n -
strated the numerous ways in which it w a s Crises in authority
characterized by distortions, misrepresen-
tations, and errors in the portrait it painted All disciplines in some sense generate a
of Islamic societies. But it has taken the publi- dominant discourse, and are outgrowths of
cation of Edward Said's remarkable Oriental- particular intellectual contexts. All as well are
ism18 to demonstrate the ways in which located within the politicalfieldof their time.
orientalism constitutes a discourse in the W h a t the example of the sociology of Islam
Foucaultian sense of the term. 19 Said's contri- makes clear in a particularly dramatic way is
650 Edmund Burke III

'Orientalism creates not only knowledge, but in a sense the very reality it claims to decry.'
A n Orientalist painter at work in El-Kantara, Aurs region, Algeria, at the turn of the century. Roger vioiiet.

that discourses are powerfully moulded by stand the relationship between the institution-
these contextual factors, often in ways quite alization of the social science disciplines,
unforeseen. Both the authority of dominant the consequences (both political and intel-
schools (like the D u r k h e i m school, or the lectual) of the discourses they generate, and
cole d'Alger), and their political potency in the fact of change? A consideration of the
the societies in which they existed derive from role of crises in the authority of disciplines
these considerations. W h a t w e c o m e to under- in their fates and that of the discourses. to
stand as a result of these examples is the which they have given rise can illuminate this
degree to which and the manner in which all question.
knowledge is knowledge for, that is connected A curiosity of the word 'discourse' not
to, power and its exercise. But, w e m a y ask, remarked by either Foucault or Said, is that in
are social science discourses (as Said uses the its root meaning, it implies a shuttling back
term) iron cages that irrevocably trap the and forth between subject and object, in-
minds of their practitioners, orienting terrogator and interrogated. A discourse,
thoughts and feelings without alternative, then, refers less to an assertion of power
even as they generate authoritative versions and authority, than to a m o r e complex and
of their object.of study? H o w can w e under- dialectical relationship. Such an observation
The institutionalization of sociology in France 651

Algerian Women in Their Quarters, oil painting by Eugne Delacroix (1798-1863), Louvre M u s e u m . Buiioz.

prompts a reassessment of h o w the dis- from this unpublished study brings the ques-
course of orientalism w a s constructed, but tion of the nature of the discipline into high
also of the ways in which discourses and disci- relief: it is the compilation of thefirstSans-
plines c o m e into existence. Finally, it suggests krit-English dictionary. W h a t C o h e n has dis-
a reconsideration of the role of crises of covered is the extent to which the diction-
authority in the production and reproduction ary was not just a manifestation of British
of knowledge. power to n a m e and control the very language
Is orientalism the authoritative represen- of India, but a m u c h m o r e complex and
tation of Asian realities as part of a discourse mediated joint product in which both British
of power and domination? Such a view, while orientalists and Indian pundits were active.
coveying a certain truth, places the emphasis T h e words included in the dictionary, n o less
upon what orientalism as a discourse does, than those discarded, and the meanings at-
rather than o n the process by which it has tached to them were the result of discussion
emerged, and reifies rather than explains. and debate. M u c h the s a m e w a s the case of
B . S . C o h e n , in a forthcoming work, studies the mapping of the boundaries of the Indian
the emergence of the tradition of British languagesagain the result is far from a
orientalism in India.20 A crucial example straightforward application of power. T h e
652 Edmund Burke III

discourse thus generated was reflective of the ship was necessarily both an intellectual and a
interests of the informants no less than of the political one. Both the origins and significance
imperial designs of the colonial overlord. If of the crisis of orientalism of the present era
there is a textualism of the orientalist, w e are take on a rather different coloration when seen
reminded, there is also the textualism of the from this angle, and the limitations of the study
guardians of the sacred scriptures. Each makes of discourse appear more clearly.
use of the other; each serves and is served in the W h a t is the role of crisis in the trans-
elaboration of the resultant product. formation of disciplines? W h a t sorts of crises
T h e image of a discourse as a mere result in enduring transformations in disci-
expression of authority and power is false in a plines, and which ones do not? It is in the
second respect which a brief consideration of nature of things that disciplines are always
the so-called crisis of orientalism makes clear. undergoing challenge. It is also clear that
T h e intellectual origins of nationalism in m a n y disciplinary paradigms can be consolidated
Asian and Islamic countries have been care- only by excluding those elements of. the
fully studied. O n e finding, not generally m a d e discipline that call the credentials of the disci-
in this context, is the w a y in which the pline into question. H o w can w e distinguish a
writings of orientalists could and did serve as serious crisis likely to result in a n e w break-
authorizing and legitimizing sources of the through from the quotidian trumpeting and
emerging nationalist counter-discourse. These clash of academic elephants?
philo-orientals, as they m a y be called, played For example, just n o w in the United
a crucial role, for example, in the intellectual States m u c h has been m a d e of the attack
roots of Indian nationalism. David K o p f Derek Freeman has launched on the work and
(among others) has shown h o w the work of reputation of the late Margaret M e a d . 2 4 The
E . L . Jones and his collaborators were seized challenge is directed at fundamental issues:
upon by some of the earliest nationalists the validity of field-work (the hallmark of the
( R a m m o h u n R o y a m o n g others) to validate discipline) and beyond it some of its basic
the greatness of the past of Indian civilization, assumptions. W h a t has m a d e Freeman's at-
and the hope of its resurrection in the pre- tack significant is that he explicitly connected
sent.21 Similar observations have been it to a generalized assault on what he calls
m a d e for nationalism in Turkey, Egypt and 'cultural determinism', and with it the school
Iran, where once again the writings of the of Franz Boas, A . L . Kroeber, and Robert
philo-orientals (men like Leon Cahun, W . S. Lowie. In its place he argues for the primacy
Blunt, and Arthur de Gobineau) played an of biological determinism, and the socio-
important role in providing inspiration and biology of Edward Wilson and his school. In
legitimation for thefirstgeneration of cultural fact, in the guise of an attack on M e a d ,
nationalists.22 M u c h the same uneasy re- Freeman seeks to discredit the governing
lationship between nationalists and revisionist paradigm in American anthropology since the
Western historians can be observed in the 1920sthe notion that h u m a n beings are the
development of the Algerian nationalist coun- products not only of nature (as propounded at
ter-version of the colonial period of Algerian the time by the pseudo-science of racist
history.23 If w e study the elaboration of a eugenics), but also of 'nurture', that is of
nationalist counter-discourse, then, once again culture. Franz Boas and his disciples (among
w e remark the complex relationship between them Margaret M e a d ) werefightingto estab-
the orientalist and oriental. In s u m , orien- lish the legitimacy of their position in the
talism was a negotiated product deriving from 1920s. T h e stakes in the Freeman/Mead
the reciprocal relationship between the debate are therefore extremely high. But it
studiers and the studied, the seeds of its is unlikely to result in any significant trans-
destruction as a discourse already planted at formation of the discipline.
the m o m e n t of itsfirstsprouting. This relation- A complete explanation cannot be given
The institutionalization of sociology in France 653

here. It is perhaps sufficient to note the founder, Alfred LeChatelier, w h o held the
marginal position of both M e a d and Freeman chair of Muslim Sociology and Sociography at
in the discipline, the lack of any rival insti- the Collge de France. I have elsewhere
tutional network (Freeman's attack, despite reviewed the remarkable openness of the
its claims to wider relevance, is largely ad Revue to the currents of the age, its refusal to
feminamhe himself has no school, and is hypostasize Islam and Muslims, its love of
not a m e m b e r of one). Finally, the challenge dialogue. All of these traits were distinctively
of psycho-biology to the discipline of anthro- new, and posed a sharp challenge to the older
pology (and indeed the whole nature/nurture orientalist view, which concentrated upon
debate) has long been settled as far as texts, spoke of Islam as a timeless essence,
American anthropologists are concerned: in- and resolutely refrained from recognizing the
deed it was precisely this debate which helped dynamism of Muslim societies in the period.
launch the profession in its modern form. A s a W h y then did thefirstcrisis of oriental-
result, the positions taken by each side are ism, though it possessed m a n y of the features
k n o w n , and established defences exist against of the crisis that gave birth to sociology in
them. It is not in this way that the discipline of France, not giveriseto a modern discipline of
anthropology will be overthrown. the sociology of Islam? It is not possible to
A second negative example will permit us give a fully adequate answer here, because of
to grasp the point more completely. In m y constraints of space. Those interested are
o w n research on the French sociology of Islam referred to m y above-mentioned essay. But
I have argued that the field underwent a the answer has several parts. O n e has to do
period of profound crisis in the period 1890- with the particular historical context for re-
1914. T h efirstcrisis of French orientalism, as lations between France and Islamic societies
I have called it, was an expression of the more early in the twentieth century. T h e uncertain-
general crisis of French higher education out ties of the French colonial offensive in M o -
of which the modern disciplines (notably the rocco in the period 1890-1904 created an
Durkheim school) emerged. 2 5 That is, it was opening for views that did not agree with the
a crisis in the conception of the field, its stereotypes of the colonial vulgate view of
internal organization, and its relationship to Muslim society.
the larger intellectualfieldof French science. Secondly, and more generally, the period
In this period something called the sociology is one of unusual openness in the relations
of Islam in a modern sense first emerged. between European and Muslim liberals. In
N e w institutions were created, n e w journals their c o m m o n hope for the establishment of
launched, claims were m a d e to the scientific constitutional regimes, representative govern-
status of the n e wfield,and n e w conceptions ments and the principle of the rule of law, and
of the work process were developed: just their c o m m o n awareness of the forces in their
the sort of thing that characterized the o w n societies which threatened these pos-
Durkheimians. itions, European and Muslim liberals had
T h e crisis was simultaneously a crisis m u c h upon which they could agree. T h e
within the orientalist paradigm itself, a break Revue du monde musulman is the fruit of this
with its stereotypes and essentialism, a m o - joint political expectation. T h e shifting of
mentary openness to the historicity and var- political winds with the First World W a r
iety of the Muslim peoples, a time when M u s - undermined the basis on which this m o m e n -
lims themselves where permitted to appear as tary openness could exist, and the old orien-
both the subjects and objects of study. T h e talist paradigm reasserted itself.
prime expression of this aspect of the crisis The primary reason w h y the so-called
was the journal, Revue du monde musulman, first crisis, of orientalism did not yield a new
which appeared from 1906 to 1926. It was school or a modern discipline of the sociology
'ni orientaliste, ni colonialiste', according to its
of Islam, then, is because the field itself was
654 Edmund Burke III

so politically saturated that any h o p e of a to lead to a transformation of thefieldand

fundamental transformation was crucially de- lead to the forging of a n e w paradigm and the
pendent u p o n particular political conjunc- crystallization of a n e w discipline, but which
tures. A slight shift in political currents, and did not, is therefore particularly interesting. It
the opening w a s closed. Finally, the relatively permits us to see h o w the ways in which the
marginal intellectual position of both the authority of discourses is created, imposed
cole d'Alger and of Alfred LeChatelier to and institutionalized depends u p o n a complex
the emerging French mainstream social sci- interrelationship of intellectual and political
ence disciplines further w e a k e n e d any possi- forces, as well as u p o n the place of the
bility of a m o r e fruitful outcome of this intellectual challenger within them. T o study
fortuitous m o m e n t . the institutionalization of the social sciences
T h e study of a crisis which in fundamen- and their impacts must necessarily involve an
tal w a y s might very well have been expected uncovering of these relationships.26

1. See, for example, Clifford Allen Lane, 1973; and the 8. The following is based upon
Geertz, 'Blurred Genres', several special issues of the two articles of Victor Karady,
American Scholar, 1980, Revue franaise de sociologie on 'Durkheim, les sciences sociales
pp. 165-79. Durkheim ' propos de et l'Universit: bilan d'un semi-
Durkheim' Vol. XVII, N o . 2, chec', Revue franaise de
2. Michel Foucault, The Order 1976, and 'Les Durkheimians' sociologie, Vol. XVII, N o . 2,
of Things: An Archeology of the Vol. X , N o . 1, 1979, especially 1976, pp. 267-311, and
Human Sciences, Paris, the articles by Philippe Besnard . 'Stratgies de russite et modes
Gallimard, 1966, Vintage Books and Victor Karady. de faire valoir de la sociologie
edition, 1973; Pierre Bourdieu, chez les durkheimiens', ibid.,
Esquisse d'une thorie de la 5. Victor Karady, 'Stratgies de Vol. X X , N o . 1, 1979,
pratique, Geneva/Paris, Droz, russite et modes de faire valoir pp. 49-82, as well as Philippe
1972. de la sociologie chez les Besnard, 'La formation de
durkheimiens', Revue franaise l'quipe de l'Anne
3. For two of the most de sociologie, Vol. X X , N o . 1, sociologique', ibid., Vol. X X ,
influential examples of this 1979, pp. 54-6. N o . 1, 1979, pp. 7-31. See also
approach, see Raymond Aron,
Lukes, op. cit.
Main Currents in Sociological 6. Clark, op. cit., p. 242. See
Thought, 2 vols., N e w York, also his 'Emile Durkheim and 9. Durkheim, quoted in
Basic Books, 1965; French the Institutionalization of Georges Weisz, 'L'idologie
edition: Gallimard, 1967; Sociology in the French rpublicaine et les sciences
Talcott Parsons, The Structure University System', Archives sociales: Les durkheimiennes et
of Social Action, 2 vols., europennes de sociologie, la chaire d'conomie sociale la
N e w York, McGraw-Hill, 1937; Vol. IX, 1968, pp. 37-71. Sorbonne', Revue franaise de
reprint: Free Press, 1968. sociologie, Vol. X X , N o . 1,
7. First published in 1895, and 1979, p. 84.
4. O n Durkheim, see among now a classic in the history of
other works Terry N . Clark, the social sciences, this volume 10. Leon Bramson, The
I Prophets and Patrons: The is important for its authoritative Political Context of Sociology,
French University and the definition of the scope of the Princeton, N.J., Princeton
Emergence of the Social field. It played an important role University Press, 1961; also
Sciences, Cambridge, Mass., in shaping the parameters within Alvin W . Gouldner The
Harvard University. Press, 1973; which sociology developed in Coming Crisis of Western
Steven Lukes, Emile Durkheim: France until the Second World Sociology, N e w York, Basic
His Life and Work, London, War. Books, 1970.
The institutionalization of sociology in France 655

11. O n the relationship of literature, see among others, in Turkey, Montreal, McGill
French ethnography and the Anouar Abdel-Malek, 'The E n d University Press, 1964; Albert
Durkheimians, see Donald R a y of Orientalism', Diogenes, Hourani, Arabic Thought in the
Bender, Early French Vol. 44, 1963, pp. 103-40, and Liberal Age, London, Oxford,
Ethnography in Africa and the Abdallah Laroui, La crise des 1962; and Nikki R . Keddie,
Development of Ethnology in intellectuels arabes, Paris, Roots of Revolution An
France, Northwestern Maspero, 1974. English Interpretative History of Modern
University: Anthropology, 1964 translation: The Crisis of the Iran, N e w Haven, C o n n . , Yale
(Ph.D. dissertation). Arab Intellectual, Berkeley/Los University Press, 1982.
Angeles, University of
12. The following account is California Press, 1976. See also 23. Here the locus classicus is
drawn from m y 'The Sociology m y essays 'The Image of the Yves Lacoste, Andr Nouschi,
of Islam: The French Tradition', Moroccan State in French and Andr Prenant, Algrie
in Malcolm H . Kerr (ed.) Ethnological Literature: A pass et prsent, Paris, ditions
Islamic Studies: A Tradition and N e w Look at the Origin of Sociales, 1960.
its Problems, pp. 73-88. Malibu, Lyautey's Berber Policy,' in
Calif., Undena Publications, Ernest Gellner and Charles 24. Derek Freeman, Margaret
1980. Micaud (eds.), Arabs and Mead and Samoa: The Making
13. Jacques Berque, Le Berbers From Tribe to Nation in and Unmaking of an
Maghreb entre deux guerres, North Africa, pp. 175-99, Anthropological Myth,
p. 124, Paris, ditions Seuil, London, Duckworth, 1973, and Cambridge, Mass., Harvard
1962. 'Fez, the Setting Sun of Islam: A University Press, 1983. Freeman
Study of the Politics of Colonial attacks Mead's early work on
14. O n the French colonial Ethnography', The Maghreb Samoa, especially her Coming of
vulgate and the Kabyle myth, Review, Vol. II, N o . 4, 1977, Age in Samoa (New York,
see Charles-Robert Ageron, 'La pp. 1-7. William Morrow, 1928). A
France a-t-elle eu une politique debate of major proportions had
kabyle ?' Revue historique, 18. Edward Said, Orientalism, been going on for the past six
Vol. 223, 1960, pp. 311-52. N e w York, R a n d o m House, months. A m o n g the more
1978. important contributions, see
15. Recently reissued, with an 19. For an important critical George E . Marcus, New York
important introduction by Fanny examination of Foucault's and Times Book Review, 27 March
Colonna, Aix-en-Provence, Said's use of the term 1983, and James Clifford, Times
Edisud, 1983. See also her essay 'discourse', see the review Literary Supplement, April
(with Claude Brahimi) ' D u bon article by James Clifford in 1983. For a Samoan view, see
usage de la science coloniale', History and Theory, Vol. 19, Robert Trumbull, 'Samoan
Le Mal de voir. Ethnologie et N o . 2, 1980, pp. 204-23. Leader Declares: 'Both
orientalisme: politique et Anthropologists are Wrong'.
pistemologie, critique et 20. B . S. Cohen, 'The New York Times, 24 M a y 1983,
autocritique, Cahiers Jussieu, C o m m a n d of Language and the p. 18.
N o . 2, Paris, Collection 10/18, Language of C o m m a n d ' ,
1976, pp. 221-41. unpublished manuscript, 1983. 25. For a more complete
Also his lecture, 'The Colonial discussion, see m y article, 'The
16. Lucette Valensi, 'Le Sociology of Knowledge', Santa
Maghreb vu du centre: sa place First Crisis of French
Cruz, University of California, Orientalism', in Vatin, op. cit.
dans l'cole sociologique February 1979.
franaise,' in Jean-Claude Vatin
(ed.), Connaissances du 21. David Kopf, British 26. Pierre Bourdieu, 'Les
Maghreb : tude compare des Orientalism and the Bengal conditions sociales de la
perceptions franaises et Renaissance, Berkeley/Los production sociologique:
amricaines, Aix-en-Provence, Angeles, University of sociologie coloniale et
ditions du C N R S (in press). California Press, 1969. dcolonisation de la sociologie',
in Henri Moniot (ed.) Le mal de
17. For an introduction to what 22. See, for example: Niyazi voir, Paris, Collection 10/18,
has become an extensive Berkes, The Rise of Secularism 1976.
Geography in the late twentieth
century: n e w roles for
a threatened discipline

Milton Santos

W h e n w e consider the multi-faced reality of of the Second World W a r , w h e n , through the

the world today, it is essential to recognize the shiftjo ajlobal outlook, an entirely n e w page
revolution in both history and science which in the history "of mankind was turned?
gives the sciences of m a n and society a O r course, today's world has been long in
prominent position a m o n g all fields of the making, and the internationalization pro-
knowledge. In a world thus restructured, a cess is no recent phenomenon. T h e trend
special role should be allocated to the science towards worldwide economic, social and poli-
of geographythe science of h u m a n space tical relations began with the pushing back of
and w e must ponder the problems of ensuring trade frontiers in the early sixteenth century,
that this special science realizes its full poten- m a d e a rapid headway during the centuries of
tial and keeps pace with capitalist expansion, and
modern progress. Will hasfinallybecome an es-
inertia prevent geogra- Milton Santos is professor of geog- tablished fact at a time
raphy at the University of So Paulo,
phy from developing, or Brazil. H e has published several w h e n a n e w scientific and
will a n e w , re-invigorated books, including Les villes des pays technical revolution is
discipline begin to assert soiis-dvelopps (1971), The Shared occurring and patterns of
itself? Space (1979) and Por uma geografia life on earth are suddenly
nova (1978). His address: rua Nazar changing: relations be-
Paulista 163, apt. 64, 0548 So Paulo,
Brazil. tween M a n and Nature
The rediscovery have reached a turning-
and remaking of point as a result of
the world in the the tremendous power
age of science n o w at man's disposal.
Startling qualitative
and technology
changes are occurring: in
and the n e w role particular, the possibility
of the sciences of knowing everything and using everything
on jt_\yorld._ scale, which from n o w on will
From international to global form the background to social relations. It
makes sense to speak of a world-system,
K . Polanyi (1957) rightly spoke of The Great whereas in the past there w a s simply "a
Transformation when hailing the far-reaching tendency towards an international system
changes that have affected our civilization (Amin, 1980, p. 188).
since the beginning of the century. W h a t , Given the n e w scope of history, 'the en-
then, can be said of the.profound upheaval tire structure of the postulates and prejudices
that the world has experienced since the end on which our world-view was based' must be
658 Milton Santos

revised, according to G . Barraclough (1965, through dominant forms and techniques of

p. 10). M o r e recently, Katona and Strum- production which use the universal scientific
pel (1978, pp. 2-3) have critized our concep- labour envisaged by Marx (Mandel, 1980,
tion of economics, in which n e w phenomena p. 132). All these forms of production also
play too small a part, and have deplored a have a universal basis, and n o w depend on the
state of affairs in which factors such as finance existence of a world market.
are still being studied in a purely national Is the globalization process n o w com-
setting and not in their world context. Socio- plete? For m a n y , there can be no question of
logy as developed in the second half of the establishing universal social classes (Navarro,
nineteenth century, according to A . Bergesen 1982; Bergesen, 1980, p. 10) or a universal
(1980, p. 1), should be replaced by_a_wprldr- moral code, even if this were to be the moral
system approach, better adapted to the n e w code of states. Although multinational cor-
reality. porations are everywhere producing a trans-
C a n w e conclude that this world-system national middle class (Sklar, 1977), and
(Bergesen-and Schoenberg, 1980), regardless although institutions of a similar nature exist
of whether it is called world society (Pettman, in all countries, social classes are still defined
1979), or global system (Modelski, 1972) on a territorial basis, just as the aspirations
actually exists? It is alleged to be the corollary and characteristics of a people are still deter-
of linkages connecting the most distant and, in mined by their historical inheritance. States,
every respect, the most disparate of national which have increased in number with n e w
societies, as a result of the n e w conditions historical circumstances, m a k e up a world
governing life in society, namely, a capitalist system, but, taken individually, they offer
division of labour on a world scale, based on both an invitation and a barrier to outside
the development of the forces of production influence. Their action, even when authori-
throughout the world and operated by states tarian, is rooted in the past, and therefore the
and giant corporations or transnational underlying structures of the nation never
companies (Mazazavala, 1976, p. 43.) become fully universal. Nevertheless, global-
Universalization is n o w a fact: universal- ization is a phenomenon to be reckoned with.
ization of production, including agricultural Today, anything which is not globalized must
production, production processes and market- be defined in terms of globalization.
ing, trade, capital and the capital market,
goods, prices and m o n e y as a standard c o m -
modity, finance and debts, the model for An age of science and technology?
utilizing resources through universally inter-
related techniques (Breton, 1968, p . 112), O n e m a y disagree about the features of the
labour (i.e. the labour market and non- present age and about what it should be
productive work), the working environment called. W e are living through it, and nothing is
of firms and households; and universalization, more difficult than defining the present.
too, of tastes, consumption, food, culture and However, w e k n o w already that our age has
models of social life, universality of rationality encompassed a worldwide revolution which is
' in the service of capital, which have c o m e to not yet quite complete, but'whose effects are
enshrine an equally universal standard of apparent in every area of life. A s Lucien
morality, universality of a trade ideology Goldmann (1978, pp. 185-6) has said:
imported from abroad, universalization of
space, of society which has become a world
Since the Second World W a r , it has become
society, and of m a n , threatened with total more and more obvious to serious-minded re-
alienation. searchers that w e are faced with a third type of
W e live in a world in which all production capitalism, which goes by a whole series of
is governed by a worldwide standard of value, names: organizational capitalism, mass society,
Geography in the late twentieth century 659

Global economic relations: a Panamanian vessel at Kawasaki shipyard, K o b e , Japan. Pierre Biouzard.
660 Milton Santos

etc. It is still capitalism, without a doubt, but by Herrera (1977, p. 159), has far-reaching
fundamental changes have occurred. consequences; for its use throughout the
world, most frequently without regard for
The w a y w e live today should prompt us to local natural resources or manpower, causes
remember Marx's warning that n e w historial seriously false situations. This has come about
departures are doomed to be regarded as only because scientific work has always been,
mere counterparts of earlier, even defunct, directly or indirectly, harra&ed to production.
forms of social life, which they resemble Science n o w has a directly productive role to
(Marx, 1970, p. 58). play (Thibault, 1967). ^ ^ ^ .
W e believe, like m a n y others, that the
upheavals characteristic of this phase of hu-
m a n history are largely the consequence of
Misguided globalization
the unprecedented progress achieved in sci-
and misuse of science !
ence and technology. This is the age of tech-
nological capitalism, according to L . Karpik
(1972), or of the technological society, in I T h e present-day shift to a world scale is
the words of H . Lefbvre (1971). \ misguided (Santos, 1978). T h e concentration
W e m a y , of course, object that economic and centralization of the economy and of
development has always depended on scien- political power, mass culture, the scientific
tific progress (Tsuru, 1961; Jalee, 1969; invasion of bureaucracy, and over-centraliz-
Bettelheim, 1967; A r o n , 1961; Ellul, 1954), or ation of decision-making and information,
recall, like Mandel (1980), that this is only the are the root causes of worsening inequalities
third scientific revolution; on the other hand, between countries and between social classes,
Heilbroner's question (1967), ' D o machines as well as causing oppression and alienation of
m a k e history?' must be . raised again and individuals. It is thus not surprising that there
again. S o m e thinkers believe in a kind of is a connection between world society and
technological determinism (Ferkiss, 1969, world crisis. N o r is it surprising, though
p . 30), while others warn against the dangers regrettable, that this general trend has affec-
of believing in a 'technological illusion'. ted scientific activity itself.
W e prefer to side with the latter without, The rediscovery of the planet Earth and
however, underrating the fundamental role of m a n , in other words, the growth of
played by scientific and technological progress knowledge about them, yields only the two
in recent changes that have occurred on this terms of a single equation. That equation in
planet. Such a 'total transformation of the conditioned by production, in both material
foundations of h u m a n life' mentioned by and immaterial forms. T h e state of our
Bernai would have otherwise been impossible knowledge affects the tools that w e use, while
(Richta, 1970, p . 43.) at the same time it often changes them
There is n o w a true interdependence abruptly, and introduces constraints or ben-
between science and technology that did not efits, according to the conditions under which
exist before. A s R . Richta (1970, p. 37) has they are used.
stated, nowadays 'science precedes technical ! W h e n science is co-opted by a technology
knowledge', although scientific achievement is / whose objectives are economic rather than
increasingly dependent on it. T h e resultant social, it becomes subservient to the interests
technology is used worldwide and, where of production and of producers w h o reign
circumstances are favourable, nothing matters supreme, and it abandons any vocation to
apart from a frantic .quest for profit. This is a serve society. It becomes a body of knowledge
salient feature"of the present situation. T h e confined to its practical uses, in which meth-
fact that technology has become a foreign odology replaces method.
element for m u c h of mankind, as pointed out Knowledge that is corrupted by vested
Geography in the late twentieth century 661

A fifteenth-century m a p of the world. Arts Dcoratifs.

interests and institutionalized on rigidly w h o commission research work or control

restrictive lines eventually splits apart: the educational institutions. W h e n scientific work
result is not the desirable autonomy of scien- is chained to utilitarian goals, theory is div-
tific disciplines, but their separation.- Econ- orced frompraxis (Gouldner, 1976). Hence
omic developments widen these gaps and in- i the likelihood-of" false theories achieving
creasingly obscure the global perspective.], practical success (Bunge, 1968). It is appro-
and its corollary, a critical awareness of the priate, then, to talk of the corruption of
world as a whole. T h e work of the scientist science (Ravetz, 1977, p . 79).
is thus deprived of a sense of purpose, and T h e social sciences are no exceptions to
must be carried out from purely pragmatic this rule. They have also been distorted by
motives to meet the requirements of those this tendency. N o t enough emphasis has been
662 Milton Santos

laid on the dangers of a monodisciplinary reference accounts for the key role played by
social science that is unconcerned by the this discipline in the inegalitarian reorganiz-
relationsalbeit universallinking the multi- ation of space and of society, both locally and
farious components of society as a whole. O n e internationally.
of the most potent causes of the current crisis
in the social sciences m a y well prove to be
their insularity. M u c h of the intellectual Fresh possibilities
output in this field neglects comprehensive, for the h u m a n sciences
worldwide studies. This short-sightedness in
planetary terms is one of the signs that the Although the present historical period is
h u m a n sciences have gone astray. typified by scientific activities that are very
Since they have become incapable of often channelled into short-term, utilitarian
distinguishing between principles and stan- concerns, it is also showing signs of a different
dards (Catemario, 1968, p. 74), and have trend. W h e n science becomes a direct force of
thus become degenerate, it is not surprising production, there is a corresponding increase
that they n o w serve,theJnterests, often some- in the importance of manthat is, of h u m a n
what inglorious, of the world of production knowledgein the production process.
in m a n y and various ways. Sometimes, Knowledge permits broader and deeper fam-
they commit themselves, without demur, to iliarity with the planet, a true rediscovery
the marketing of what is called h u m a n re- of the world and its vast possibilities, since
lations, to all kinds of 'social engineering' new value is attached to h u m a n activity itself.
and to the production of ideologies to order O n e need only harness these tremendous re-
(Useem, 1976), thereby gradually reducing sources to m a k e them serve mankind. This
their scope. T h e social sciences, then, support a long-term, though not impossible, task,
a tendentious selection of major contradic- and it calls for the autonomy of science as
tions: the state and transnational corpora- defined by W u t h r o w (1980, p. 30).
tions, the state and the nation, growth and For the time being, local conditions
impoverishment, East and West, develop- under the international economy tend to give
ment and underdevelopment, etc., while ob- priority to technological requirements and
scuring the real causes and predictable results technical units, which are regarded as fixtures,
of interlinked phenomena. since the postulates of economics itself seem
B y narrowing their scope in this manner to be organized around rigid technical
and curtailing their field of action, they equations. W e must n o w find a w a y of
b e c o m e internationalized while at the same escaping from the dictates of technology and
time they are incapable of taking a compre- subordinating technological choices to goals
hensive and critical view of the world. Over- that are m u c h wider even than the economy.
specialization and loss of ambition to attain Clearly, then, this is by no means a technical
any degree of universality are two aspects of issue, nor does it concern the natural sci-
one phenomenon which leads to misuse of the ences; on the contrary, it concerns the social
social sciences. sciences, and gives them added responsibility.
Geography does not escape this trend. Although historical needs inevitably pro-
Developed partly for utilitarian ends, and duced it, the recent rediscovery of nature and
based on neo-classical and therefore aspatial m a n should be attributed more particularly to
^economics, it was bound to contradict its o w n the biological and physical disciplines known
nature. Its weaknesses therefore include a as 'the sciences'. It has also infused n e w
lack of a clearly defined purpose and the value, as yet inadequately measured, into the
shaky theoretical and epistemolgica! foun- 'non-sciences', the disciplines concerned with
dations on which its practice rests. Moreover, society and m a n , in the reasoned construction
the absence of a more reliable system of of history.
Geography in the late twentieth century 663

N e w 'scientific' knowledge points to the (1982, p . 1) noted that the so-called tra-
realm of the possible, whereas its concrete ditional subject-matter of geography w a s
embodiment depends m o r e on economic, being increasingly taken over b y various
cultural and political circumstances. A s the specialists. ' O u r subject' is apparently better
future is not unique but has to be chosen, the studied by others, complains V . D . Dennison
social sciences should take the lead in the (1981, pp. 271-2).
voluntary construction of history, by ex- Moreover, geography, which has suc-
panding their philosophical frame of refer- c u m b e d to the blandishments of the world of
ence to include the postulate that the teleo- production, m a y well be a victim of over-
logical concerns are not an obstacle to the specialization. A s early as 1957, M . Sorre
faithful transcription of p h e n o m e n a . (p. 10; p p . 35-6), wrote of a threat of 'dis-
N e w circumstances are both cause and m e m b e r m e n t ' . J. Allan Patmore (1980)
effect of a host of latent or actual possibilities drew attention to these dangers, and, de-
whose multiple patterns are a ^factor j) spite his scepticism, R . J. Johnson (1980)
growing complloty^r^differentiation. T h e nevertheless suggested that if it continued
present Tieed is not to adapt tH^ past, but along the s a m e route, the discipline w a s
to overturn fundamental concepts, methods heading for anarchy. T h e same concern
of approach and paradigms of analysis. Conse- prompted Brian Berry (1980, p . 449) to say
quently, content, methods, categories of in his presidential address to the Association
study and keywords must all change at once. of American Geographers that the trend was
A s a promise for the future, the growth from pluralism to a free-for-all. Must w e there-
of possibilities concerns the entire world and fore agree with M . E . Eliot Hurst (1980, p. 3 ) ,
all mankind, but the historical and geographi- w h o claims that it is a dying discipline? It
is, without a doubt, a threatened discipline;
cal implications of the possibilities are subject
but as things stand at present it is threatened
to the laws of necessity. Divisions are seldom
m o r e from within than menaced by related
clear-cut between the variousfields,but there
is reason to believe that, in tomorrow's world,
it is the h u m a n sciences that will broaden this T h e issue becomes m o r e complicated if
scope. Moreover, m a n y of the combinations one adopts the view of R . J. Johnson (1980)
n o w possible are not desirable; others, that there are as m a n y geographies as ge-
equally numerous, cannot be applied indis- ographers, or if one agrees with H . Lefbvre
criminately to any country or region. (1974, p. 15) that

specialized texts inform readers about all kinds

of fields that are themselves specialized . . .
of a threatened discipline there is probably an infinite number of fields:
geographical, economic, demographic, socio-
A threatened discipline logical, ecological, commercial, national, conti-
nental, global, etc.
T h e current importance of territory (to avoid
the term 'space') in the making of history is Y . Lacoste (1981, p . 152) summarized these
probably indicated by the growing interest
two points of view to s o m e extent w h e n he
that it attracts, not only a m o n g geographers
but also, and increasingly, on the part of town
planners, planners in otherfields,scientists in
In fact there are as many concepts of 'the
fields as diverse as economics, sociology, geographicalfield'or of 'the social field' as there
ethnology, political science, history, popu- are 'schools of thought' in geography, sociology
lation studies, etc. Both Neis Anderson (1964, or ethnology; in the extreme case, there are as
p. 5) and, m o r e recently, Pierre George m a n y ways of viewing things as there are
664 Milton Santos

individual personalities conducting investi- cally only if it rests on a 'conception of the

gations within a scientific procedure. nature of space'.
Space is neither a thing nor a system of
Perceptions of the same things do indeed i things, but a relational reality: things and
differ because individuals differ. But should | relations together~(Maboguhj,' 1980, p . 58).
all attempts to achieve an objective definition "Hence it can be defined only in relation to
of something be abandoned on that account? other realities: nature and society, through
If so, one would not k n o w where to begin the m e d i u m of work. Space is therefore not,
scientific work and one would always be as in conventional definitions of geography,
vulnerable to ambiguity. In fact, with regard the result of interaction between m a n and
to the issue at hand, what is seemingly a nature in the raw, or even an amalgam of
twofold problem must be reduced to a single present-day society and the environment.
one. T h e problem is that of defining the field Space must be consideredas an indi-
of geography, whether regenerated or re- visible whole, comprising both a certain ar-
defined, and thus of determining its subject- rangement of geographical, natural and
matter and its limits (Holt-Jensen, 1981, p . 4). social objects, and the life that runs through
them, that is to say, society in motion.
Content (society) is not independent of form
In search of subject-matter: space (geographical objects) and each form
contains a fraction of the content. Space,
A system of reality, that is, a system m a d e up then, is a set of forms, each containing frac-
of things and the life that sustains them, tions of society in motion. Forms therefore
implies laws: a structure and rules of oper- have a role to play in the achievements of
ation. A theory, i.e. its explanation, is itself society.
a system, constructed in thought and with A s a totality, society is a set of possi-
categories that reproduce the structure that bilities. Totality, according to Kant, 'is plu-
determines the interlinking of facts. It m a y be rality viewed as unity', or 'the unity of di-
called spjtialjDrganization, spatial.structure, versity' according to A . Labriola (1902) and," territorial structure or E . Sereni (1970). That unity is none other
simply space, but only the n a m e changes, and than n e w or regenerated essence whose pur-
this"is not of vital importance. O u r concern is pose is to cease to be a potentiality and
to find the analytical categories that will to become action. That contentessence
enable us to build up systematic knowledge of can be compared to a society on the m o v e .
it, so that both analysis and synthesis become O r better yet, to its as yet unrealized
feasible with the same components. present.
M u c h time and talent have recently been . Embodied content, being that has
wasted by geographers in fruitless semantic already become existence, is society moulded
debate. They have even indulged in the g a m e into geographical forms, society which has
of inventing new names. For example, some become space. Hegel's phenomenology would
prefer to speak about the spatiality or even speak of the transformation of total society
the spatialization of society, while rejecting into total space. Society would be being and
the word 'space', even if they m e a n social space would be existence. Being is metamor-
space. However," the n e w geography calls for phosed into existence by processes imposed
a refinement of the concept of space and a by its o w n determining factors, which m a k e
quest for new categories with which to analyse each form appear as a 'form-content', a sep-
it. W h e n A r m a n d o Correa da Silva (1982, arate entity capable, in its turn, of influencing
p. 52) said that there is no geography without social change. It is perpetual motion, and
a consistent spatial theory, he also said that through this infinite process society and
this 'consistent spatial theory' is valid analyti- space evolve dialectically.
Geography in the late twentieth century 665

'Do machines make history?' from Stanley Kubrick'sfilm2001: A Space Odyssey (1967). Edimedia.

The importance of space today whether natural or social, pre-existing or

acquired according to selective interventions.
T h e globalization of society and of the A s production becomes globalized, the possi-
economy lead to the globalization of geo- bilities of each place assert themselves and are
graphical space, infusing it with new signifi- differentiated o n a world scale. With the
cance ( A m i n , 1980, p. 226). In the develop- growing internationalization of capital and the
ment of society, each component has a dif- rise of transnational corporations, w e shall
ferent role in the m o v e m e n t of the whole, and observe a trend towards global rather than
the roles differ from m o m e n t to m o m e n t . national fixing of production costs, and
Space today is acquiring fundamental towards the equalization of profit returns^
importance, for nature in its entirety is owing to the international mobility of capital
becoming a productive force (Prestipino, (Mandel, 1978, p p . 187-8), while the search
1973, 1977, p . 181). W h e n all places have for the most profitable areas will be a constant
been affected, directly or indirectly, by the factor.
needs of the production process, patterns of So it is that geographical distinctions are
selectiveness and hierarchies of utilization acquiring basic strategic importance, as noted
also develop, with the active or passive by Y . Lacoste (1977, p . 147). T h e ideal
assistance of various agents. Hence there is a location for a given firm can be chpsefl^frprn_
reorganization of functions a m o n g the various '|ar~Ross"et al. (1980) have recalled in this
fractions of territory. Each point in space thus connection that local projets today are sub-
becomes potentially or actually important; its jected to world constraints.
importance depends on its o w n virtualities, With regard to these new developments,
666 Milton Santos

w e m a y thus conclude that such specialized known as physical geography (Voropay, 1978,
uses of territory, whether originally natural or p. 616), whereas success has been more,
cultural, or due to political and technical difficult to achieve in the sphere of social
interventions, imply a true rediscovery of factors. In fact, it is hard for attempts at
nature, or at least, a total reassessment, in theorization in this field to get beyond the
which ^a^h gart,_each_lpcation, is given a n e w embryonic stage, even supposing that they do
"rol and acquires a n e w value. not fail miserably or lapse into mere verbiage.
A s the phenomenon is a general one, it The internationalization of economics
might be claimed that the geographical nature , had m a d e it possible to speak of global cities,
of society which C . van Paassen referred to in I authentic links in the chain of multiple re-
1957 (Grano, 1981, p. 22) is n o w coming to Ilations which determine the shape of social
the fore. M a n isfinallygaining analytic and life on this planet (Santos, 1978). But, in
synthetic knowledge of the whole of nature, fact, space in its entirety has been globalized,
and is acquiring the ability to m a k e general and there is no longer a single point on the
use, on a world scale, of things around him. globe which can be regarded as isolated.
W h e n nature is given a n e w definition and its Geographical theory should therefore be
relations with h u m a n beings are cast in a n e w constructed on m u c h broader lines. A s long
mould, it becomes necessary to renovate the ago as 1950, J. F . Unstead was advocating
disciplines with which it is studied. In ge- the need for a 'world geography' or 'global
ography, n e w outlooks and a n e w ability to geography'. But plans to achieve this goal
work with universal laws will be needed. were not followed through. Vacillating be-
tween description and generalization from
Towards a global geography antiquity to the nineteenth century, geogra-
phy has never been able to describe every-
But was not geography already global? A thing or avoid generalizations that have
century ago, K . Ritter and Vidal de la Blache often been inconsistent. In the late nineteenth
spoke of the unity of the earth. A n author and early twentieth centuries, it opted for
such as K . Boulding (1966, p. 108), though theorizationor at least scientific indepen-
an economist, unhesitatingly affirmed that of dencewith the postulation of principles.
all the disciplines, geography was the one However, m u c h remains unknown about the
which viewed the earth as a global phenom- earth, and m a n y other branches of knowledge
enon to be studied. But, in a recent article, are still in their infancy. However, geography
V . D . Dennison (1981, pp. 271-2) seems be is making a tremendous effort to become
answering both yes and no in reply to the established as a science, although it has not
question, although, in his opinion, this disci- been entirely successful.
pline is synonymous with world studies. W e believe that the reason for these
T h e ambition to m a k e it global, that is to failures lies not in geographers' lack of talent,
say, the desire to embrace the totality of but in the fact that actual historical conditions
phenomena and express them in scientific were not ideal; hence the difficulties of
terms, is one thing; success in doing so is working out a geographical theory. Through-
another (McConnell, 1982, pp. 1633-4). out this century, while the debate on the true
The old tradition of national schools of nature of geography has merged with dis-
geography, or, at any rate, the historical cussion of its claims to be a science, more
assumptions underlying the development of substantial epistemological concerns have
geographical science in various national con- been set aside. Even efforts m a d e after the
texts, m a y have hindered attainment of the Second World W a r have yielded only a small
stage of global geographical studies. It is true portion of the expected results. W e believe,
that the concern to be all-encompassing has however, that historical conditions are n o w
w o n greater success in thefieldof what is ripe for establishing a geography that is
668 Milton Santos

both global and theoretically based, thereby empirical events and relationships prior to
fulfilling a century-old ambition. being grasped by the intellect.
W e can n o w say that the great universais
become empirical when, on the one hand, the
T h e globalization
practical development of technologies occurs
and the empiricization of categories independently of the recipient environment
and w h e n , on the other, all the technologies
N o w that the world has become global, what used are potentially the same everywhere.
will happen to geography? T h e world has, Technologies' independence of the environ-
undoubtedly, always.been-a-single-unit. H o w - ment and the globalization of the technologi-
ever, it has not always been possible to grasp cal model m a k e technology an authentically
its oneness,,, except in the, case of a few concrete universal (Ladrire, 1968, pp. 216-
p h e n o m e n a with more general impact, which 17; Breton, 1968, p. 114), the instrument of a
tend to occur outside the social field. Today, growing bond between times and places. W e
with the internationalization of techniques, are dealing with a homogeneous collection of
production and products, capital and labour, techniques which has become systemic be-
tastes and consumption, the globalization of cause it is governed and animated by global-
social relations in every respect (economic, ized international relations, and consequently
financial, political, etc.) is a guarantee of these are also unified in a system. Supra-
universality that allows every inch of space in national institutions and transnational cor-
the world to be understood in terms of global porations have a part to play in this scenario,
space. ' ','""""" together with major centralized bureaucratic
Only through such universality, which is organizations which o w e their existence to the
empirical, can certain philosophical categories worldwide expansion of transport and com-
be translated into geographical language with- munications.
out loss of meaning. This is true of the The universal value of the m o d e of
categories of universality, particularity andj production at the present m o m e n t is the
singularity and of the categories of form,| stepping-stone to universal concepts. Samir
function, process and structure, this last being A m i n (1980, p. 4) states that concepts of
synonymous with essence, defined through general applicability are generally valid, re-
the oppositionnot yet sufficiently studied calling that the feudal m o d e of production
between landscape and society of even be- does not necessarily have universal validity,
tween landscape and space. since it was an intrinsic part of a period of
Geography is n o w equipped to go beyond history and a place, namely Europe. H e also
the 'palaeo-dialectic' of classical and even thinks that M a r x failed to arrive at certain
present-day geographers. A s the 'zero law' of universal laws because of his limited ex-
the dialectic proposed by E . Marquit (1981, perience of social conflict and ignorance
pp. 309-10)the law of universal intercon- of non-European countries, which at the time
nectioncan be verified empirically, the role was quite usual. This is perhaps not quite
of contradiction in the process of developing true, but since internationalization has not yet
knowledge, rightly emphasized by Sean reached its current stage of development, it
Sayers (1981-82), is an absolute require- was often impossible to work out universal
ment. W e are succeeding precisely because categories.
the internationalization process that started T h e quantity of relations involved in the
nearly five centuries ago has become a functioning of society, the economy and the
globalization process. Until then, the concept political scene increases exponentially, so that
of totalization with which w e were able to the range of variables related to one particular
work was primarily an intellectual one, and object or phenomenon is m u c h greater today
not a fully fledged fact. Today, it occurs in than it was in the past. Broad generalizations
Geography in the late twentieth century 669

are therefore not only possible, but necessary, ral and h u m a n resource systems, and it is
and they are becoming both more systematic superimposed on differing economic and
and more sophisticated. Their basis, it should social situations. T h e results, which create
be recalled, is empirical. distortions and inequalities everywhere, give
So w e could return to the old theme of each place special combinations, which are all
geography as a 'science of places', associated specific forms of the complexity of social life.
with such names as Vidal de la Blache and The problem is therefore that pLrecognizing
C. Sauer, or w e could revive this same dis-, the effects of these jugerimpositions o n the
cussion with the debate on uniqueness, par-i life of each society.
ticipants in which have inclu3a"Hartshorne W a y s of bridging gaps between half-
(1955), James (1972), Schaefer (1953), G o u - formed possibilities and of building a n e w
rou (1973), Grigg (1965), Kalesnik (1971) and history will be found in the complex sphere
Bunge (1966, 1979). where these data occur, in varying combi-
A s places become more globalized,, so nations. Hence the renewed importance of
they become more singular and specific:, unique / the sciences of space and of m a n , that is to
in other words. This is attributable to the unre- say, of geography, if w e are to gain proper
strained specialization of components of control of the forces n o w at our disposal.
spacepeople, firms, institutions, the en- Outgrowing the old framework, the n e w ,
vironmentthe ever-widening dissociation larger and differentiated store of knowledge
of the processes and subprocesses required and possibilities calls for a general re-ordering
for greater accumulation of capital, the in- of all the sciences, with redivisions and re-
creasing number of actions which turn space arrangements in scientificfields,the creation
into a field of multidirectional and variously of n e w disciplines and the regeneration of
complex forces, where every place is very existing ones. T h e sciences must start afresh
different from every other but also clearly from real circumstances which influence their
bound to alUh,others.by_a^ngle_nexus_pro;y development and which are a challenge to
duced by the driving forces behind the he- them. That challenge is primarily defined by
gemonically_uniyersal ...pattern of accumu- the n e w relations, already established or
lation. Thus it seems that w e are faced with already a possibility, between a society that
a concrete totality, perceptible through a con- has become universal and the resources of the
crete dialectic, as presented by G . Lukacs world as a whole.
(1960) and by Karel Kosik (1967). For geography, the n e w and dominant
W e can no longer speak of a contradic- factor is that which w e m a y call its historical
tion between uniqueness and globalism. T h e maturity, or all the n e w data that world
two are complementary and mutually ex- history imposes on the history of the disci-
planatory. A place is a point in the world pline. For geographers, w h o are professionally
where some of the world's possibilities be- concerned with h u m a n space, the n e w situ-
come reality. A place is part of the world and ation is a fascinating one. O n the one hand,
plays a role in its history, or, to quote their_hflrizo_ns_are.^wid^ning, _since so-called
Whitehead (1938, p . 188), 'any local agitation geographical space has become, m o r e than
shakes the whole universe'. T h e world has ever before, IT fundamental "feature of the
always been a set of possibilities; today, h u m a n adventure. O n the other, the global-
however, those possibilities are all inter- ization of space creates the necessary condi-
dependent. tionshitherto unfulfilledfor the establish-
ment of a conceptual framework, a system of
Towards a new geography reference and an epistemology, a stock-
in-trade which has always been lacking in
Today, as w e have seen, technology is used this discipline, and which has accordingly
everywhere without reference to local, natu- narrowed its field of study so far this century.
670 Milton Santos

T h e pledge of universality is a trump oping a science that is critically aware. T o d o

card, for it entails the possilility of better this w a s impossible before the world b e c a m e
understanding of every fraction of world truly a world-system, that is, before it b e -
space in terms of global space, a n d thus c a m e at each and every the point the object
m a k e s it possible to recognize and interpret in- of action by variables o n a planetary scale.
terventions that have occurred while devel- [Translated from French]


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Development research and the
social sciences in India

T. V . Sathyamurthy

Introduction effort and the difficulties of gaining access to a

critical awareness of work done all over the
During the last decade or so there has been a It is not our purpose to list, let alone
veritable explosion of institutions of higher summarize, the substantive concerns of the
learning and research throughout India in the fifty-odd institutes of research and develop-
fields of social science study as well as various ment in India or to focus upon any specific
aspects of development. N o t only traditional aspect of their work 1 or on the methods used
centres of higher learning such as universities, to organize research and the criteria applied
but also the central government, state govern- to choose questions for research. Our purpose
ments and various is to set the emergence of
autonomous and semi- an impressive number of
autonomous bodies, such T . V . Sathyamurthy is Fellow at such institutes in a con-
as the Indian Council of the Christian Michelsen Institute, text of development of
Bergen, Norway.
Social Science Research ideas concerning social
(ICSSR), and the Uni- science research and its
versity Grants Com- priorities as part of inde-
mission ( U G C ) , have pendent India's intellec-
taken initiatives in es- tual history. W e leave
tablishing such insti- out of account the great
tutions. Interdisciplin- volume and range of re-
ary, multidisciplinary as search carried out in
well as discipline-orien- numerous institutions or
tated research; policy ad hoc bodies on behalf
studies; data-gathering; of or under the aegis of
commissioned work as important government
well as work of more or less purely intellectual ministries, international agencies and other
or academic interest; and, research of a statutory bodies such as the Universities
speculative or future orientated kind, pour Grants Commission ( U G C ) .
out of these institutes. Yet, surprisingly,
It is useful to point out that, in no other
although individuals from these various insti-
developing country (with the possible excep-
tutes m a y have knowledge of what research
tion of Sri Lanka) w a s there already in
others are doing, there is a notable lack of
existence, at the time of independence, such a
knowledge of each other's work at an inter-
pool of trained personnel in the social sciences
institutional level. This has certain disadvan-
which could be entrusted with the bulk of
tages, the most serious being duplication of
research needed as a continuous back-up for
674 T. V. Sathyamurthy

policy-making and for the generation of e m - of higher learning, even though these were
pirical data, theoretical models, or the ostensibly applied to problems of a specifi-
specification of relevant research problems as cally Indian nature in such fields as econ-
could be found in India. T h e interesting omics and, to a lesser degree, sociology and
feature, given such an initial advantage, lay in anthropology. This meant that the same
the fact that, during the firstfifteenyears of educated and academically highly trained
independence, the growth of institutions of people w h o gave their unqualified support to
higher learning and research in thefieldof the nationalist m o v e m e n t (led by Gandhi,
social science and development was incredibly w h o attached great importance to Indians
slow and partial. It was only during the period refusing to be a part of the colonial, i.e.
subsequent to the early 1960s (and especially Western, value system), were, in the context
during the 1970s) that centres of development of post-colonial India and by virtue of their
study and various other bodies devoted to intellectual training, to provide a direction
research in social sciences began to appear in to India's economic, social, and political
considerable numbers. T h e reasons for this development that would be essentially along
delayed fruition of India's potential are not . the path that had already been followed in
far to seek, as will become evident in the the past by countries that are n o w regarded as
course of this account. industrialized, modern or advancedbe it
Psychologically, too, it must be r e m e m - capitalist or socialist.
bered that in India the climate for indigen- This duality of orientation derived from
ously initiated research on problems facing their psychological preferences and intellec-
the country's economy, society, political sys- tual training being wide apart, was a dominant
tem and culture was far more favourable than feature of Indian research in the social sci-
research based on mechanically following the ences until a n e w generation of scholars and
example of developed countries. The psycho- researchers emerged during the 1960s which
logical predilection in favour of nationally questioned the relevance of colonially in-
rooted thinking is partly attributable to a herited world views from different stand-
preference based on qualitative consider- points, e.g. by returning to neo-indigenous
ations, buttressed by the specific course that modes of formulating urgent problems facing
the nationalist m o v e m e n t took (stressing, for the country, by turning to n e w forms of
example, swadeshi; indigenously evolved Marxism specifically responsive to conditions
techniques of non-cooperation and struggle of underdevelopment and dependence, or
against the colonial power; the importance, by re-formulating Gandhian ideology to
at least in principle, of the c o m m o n m a n as suit contemporary Indian conditions.
the main beneficiary of social reform, pro-
gress, development, etc.), and partly also to
the fact that, in sheer quantitative terms, the The first phase (1947-60)
country had, at independence, a vast pool of
qualified social scientists (initially consisting During thefirstfifteenyears after indepen-
mainly of economists) which could be drawn dence, the main responsibility for research
upon for extending horizons. and higher study in development and the
A caveat must, however, be added to this social sciences was borne by universities. For
general observation on Indian intellectuals. decades before independence, departments
Let us bear in mind that, at independence, of economics (as indeed departments of
almost all Indians w h o had received university history) of a number of universities (chiefly,
education in the country or abroad had been but not only, the three Presidency universities
intellectually moulded by ideas, values, of B o m b a y , Calcutta and Madras) had suc-
theories, models and techniques generated ceeded in building up a corpus of research
over a long period in Western institutions on problems relating to the Indian economy
Development research and the social sciences in India 675

and to Indian economic and social history. a disproportionate amount of importance

The B o m b a y School of Economics, under was attached to a knowledge of economics,
C . N . Vakil, and the Madras University de- considered as the queen of social sciences
partment of economics under the leadership by the more intellectually inclined leaders
of John Mathai and P . J. Thomas, had been of Indiaboth in government (e.g. Nehru,
specially active in research in the field of Rajagopalachari, Krishnamachari and
Indian economics though they concentrated Krishna M e n o n ) and in the opposition (e.g.
on fairly orthodox fields such as public Asoka Mehta, Minoo Masani and Hridaya
finance, taxation, budgeting problems, Nath Kunzru). But neither interdisciplinarity
national income, etc., rather more than on (or, for that matter, multidisciplinarity) nor
questions of development per se. even balanced economic development (rural
Yet, at independence, university depart- and urban; agricultural and industrial) was
ments of economics had an infrastructure and given m u c h importance during this phase.
adequately trained personnel which could A great deal of attention was paid to the
serve as nuclei for development-focused study of economics with special reference to
research. In a limited sense, even prior to planning (and, of course, to modern theory)
independence, these university researchers in and statistics (and latterly econometrics), as
economics had taken an interest in questions well as to the economics of industrialization
of a developmental nature. Thus, the B o m b a y and modernization of the Indian economy. 2
School of Economics had been successful in The main thrust of development-oriented
generating an impressive array of empirical study of social sciences and research was felt
knowledge on the agrarian scene (though as in n e w schools of advanced learning which
yet without the theoretical sophistication that were established with government patronage
was to follow during subsequent years) under and liberal financial support. Within a few
the leadership of such teachers as Jathar and years of their establishment, centres of re-
Beri; and all the three Presidency universities search and higher study such as the Delhi
departments of economics were engaged in School of Economics (subsequently also the
work directly relevant to India's industrializ- Institute of Economic Growth) and the Indian
ationwork upon which, for example, those Statistical Institute at Calcutta (subsequently
engaged in drawing up the B o m b a y Plan both at Calcutta and at Delhi) under the
relied to some degree. leadership, respectively, of V . K . R . V . R a o
While the study of economics (and econ- and K . N . Raj; and P . C . Mahalanobis
omic and social history) in universities had and C . R . R a o , acquired a considerable de-
been raised to a fairly sophisticated academic gree of national and international prestige.
level according to the standards prevailing in The more traditional departments of econ-
metropolitan universities, the level of instruc- omics in the older universities were, to some
tion and research in the other social sci- extent, eclipsed by these n e w centres of
encessociology, anthropology and political research. A t the same time, a few indepen-
sciencewas low (here again with certain dent centres of researchmainly in the field
exceptions, e.g. Calcutta and Lucknow in of economicssuch as the National Council
anthropology, and B o m b a y and Pune in of Applied Economic Research ( N C A E R ) ,
sociology) while interdisciplinary social sci- initially under the leadership of P . S . Loka-
ence was conspicuous by its near total ab- nathan, also came into being.
sence throughout the Indian higher edu- Researchers w h o received their training
cation system. in these n e w institutions went on to teach
T h e first crop of n e w economists re- economics and statistics in some of the estab-
turning from abroad constituted the nucleus lished universities; but a substantial number
of higher studies and research in the field in of them started departments of economics
independent India. In the new political order, in n e w universities (e.g. Jadavpur, Pune,
676 T. V. Sathyamurthy

Baroda, Saugor, etc.) established during scope and standards of higher education in
the 1950s and 1960s. They inculcated in their almost all states.
students a n e w awareness of quantitative At the same time, the demand for devel-
rigour and the need for empirical thorough- opment of technological education was keenly
ness, as well as of appropriate research felt. Indian universities, which had had a long
methods and techniques. T h e better depart- tradition of engineering as well as medical
ments of economics in India thus became education, lacked (with the exception of very
the production line of a vast corps of quali- few such as Benares Hindu University and the
fied economists and statisticians, a large pro- much less well-known Pilani College and
portion of which were absorbed in govern- Madras Institute of Technology) centres of
ment posts in the field of development and technological education and research. During
planning, the remainder becoming teachers thefirstdecade of independence, the govern-
and university researchers. There was also ment sought to fill this gap by planning to
s o m e brain-drain to more advanced countries establish, with the help of models adopted
and to bodies such as the United Nations from different advanced countriesthe Fed-
and its Specialized Agencies from the ranks eral Republic of Germany, the United States
of this n e w generation of Indian economists. and the USSRIndian Institutes of Tech-
B y and large, during.thefirstphase of nology (IITs) to which recruitment of
India's independence, disproportionate atten- students would be on the basis of an all-India
tion was focused on economic aspects of competitive entrance examination. In these
development in the research carried out in institutes (at Kharagpur, Madras, Powai near
universities. Other social sciences were not B o m b a y , Kanpur and Delhi), undergraduate
encouraged nearly to the same extent, though and postgraduate students have been trained
sociology was gradually beginning to c o m e in the entire gamut of technological and
into its o w n by the early 1960s. Apart from associated 'pure science' disciplines, while aca-
economics, only in thefieldof economic and demic staff have engaged in research and
social history was there a steady growth and publication activities in addition to their
accumulation of freshly researched knowledge normal teaching and examining work.
in Indian universities during this period. A characteristic feature of IITs has been
During the latter half of the 1950s, the importance attached in their curricula and
however, it was already becoming evident research programmes to the socio-economic
that Indian universities were subject to enor- aspects of modernization and technological
m o u s pressures that rendered sustained re- development as well as to the humanities. The
search of a high quality difficult to ensure on a departments of humanities in these centres
continuous basis. First, education being a of learning are not mere adjuncts to a core of
state prerogative under the Constitution, technological subjects but consist of fine
most universities (with the exception of complements of established scholars with
national universities of which there was only intellectually sound programmes of research
a handful) were controlled by state govern- on the social and h u m a n implications of
ments which had to cater to large numbers of technological developments in the Third
students with limited resources. Second, the World in general and India in particular.
quantitative increase in access to education India's experience of this n e w kind of
of ever larger numbers meant that the qual- educational enterprise has, however, thrown
ity of teaching and research inevitably suf- into bold relief a few problems. IITs, by
fered. Third, the question of whether and virtue of their sheer size and the vast number
to what degree higher education ought to of disparate departments, soon became hot-
be in the language of the state concerned was beds of interdepartmental competition for
never satisfactorily settled, and this led to resources. It was not long before the penchant
a great deal of confusion about the aim, for heavily hierarchical bureaucratic styles of
University of Bombay, India. Roger Viollct.

functioning, for which India is noted, invaded product, has thus resulted in a considerable
the corridors of power in these centres of loss to the Exchequer while depriving the
higher learning. Resentment and frustration country in the long term of the services of
mounted not only among students but also some of its best-trained talent.
among the academic staff.' B y 1960, universities could no longer be
More serious even than the erosion of depended upon to ensure, on a predictable
academic morale was the gap between the basis, the promotion of research and higher
quality, range and number of qualified young learning in the social sciences or in thefieldof
m e n and w o m e n (belonging, it might be economic, social and political development. 3
added, to the cream of the Indian intelligent- A t the same time, the narrower vision of the
sia) produced by IITs on the one hand, and, first decade of independence according to
on the other, the capacity of the government which development was seen as essentially
and various industrial and other establish- economic in character and the crux of econ-
ments in the country to absorb them in omic development was thought to lie in strat-
suitable employment. A s a result, large n u m - egies of rapid industrialization and in the
bers of graduates and research degree holders development of modern capitalist relations of
from IITs have, oyer the years, emigrated to production under the auspices of state plan-
the advanced countries of Western Europe ning, was rapidly yielding place to a wider
and North America. The very success of the and much more complex vision of the Indian
Indian Government's policy of technological reality.
education, judged in terms of the quality of its Economic development was seen, not least
678 T. V. Sathyamurthy

by the more sensitive a m o n g the econom- graduate study) were well placed to emerge.
ists themselves, as only a part of the overall Even so, it must be remembered that, during
process of development which was integrally this phase, social scientists continued to be
tied to social, political and cultural develop-shy of widening their disciplinary horizon to
ment; most important, in the Indian econ- m a k e economics a truly interdisciplinary part
o m y , the rural sector was going to be the of social science taken as a whole, though
dominant sector for the foreseeable future, there was a m u c h greater readiness on their
and, as such, agricultural production, agrarianpart to diversify their interest within econ-
relations, land reform, rural sociology, mofus-omics itself to include close attention to the
sil politics and agriculture-linked industry problems posed by the rural economy.
would have to be brought within the ambit of Thus, interdisciplinary research, initially,
academic research in a more systematic and had as its votaries researchers drawn from
rigorous manner than had hitherto been the non-economic subjects. A m o n g these were
case. the founders of what was thefirstcentre for
Thus the feeling grew, during the late the study of development, as an integrated
field of studythe Centre for the Study of
1950s, a m o n g academics, professional people,
government leaders and some bureaucrats Developing Societies ( C S D S ) established in
that Indian development problems should 1963 under the leadership of Rajni Kothari, a
be studied in a genuinely interdisciplinary leading political scientist, with the help of
manner and that, even in economic research, foreign finance, which, at the time, was not
greater attention should be focused on rural tainted by suspicion. Here, research was
society, and on the balance between agricul- undertaken on political participation, psycho-
ture and industry in the emerging Indian logical aspects of politics, psychiatry, rural
economy. A t the same time, with the rapid sociology, cultural psychology, studies
expansion of the public sector and the increas-of political attitudes, politics of intercommu-
ing interest evinced by the state governments nal relations, urban development, d e m o -
in economic and social development and cratic decision-making and problems of
planning within their jurisdiction, the climatenation-building. The approach was largely be-
had become suitable for establishing separate havioural though in more recent years this
centres of research and higher study in the has been tempered somewhat by other orien-
field of social sciences and development rathertations and by systematic attempts to collect
than continuing to rely on universities to takeand store different kinds of empirical data
over an expanded agenda and to carry out the of state and district level politics obtained
tasks involved to which, clearly, they were no from various parts of India.
longer equal. T h e uneasiness expressed in a number
of quarters throughout India over foreign
funding of development and social science
research institutes4 indirectly served to stimu-
The second phase (1960-70) late the establishment of national and
indigenous higher institutions in these
T h e years of prospective thinking underlying fields. In fact, the 1960s constituted the
the Third Five Year Plan in the government, seed time of such activity, and the period
which reflected to a considerable degree the during which more and more thought was
need for information and knowledge in fields bestowed upon development studies as a cog-
that ranged far beyond economics, narrowly nate field of research and higher education.
or technically conceived, spawned a general Apart from C S D S and a few centres of
climate in which centres of development area studies established in certain universities
studies and social science research (with or (e.g. Delhi, Rajasthan and B o m b a y ) , the
without facilities built into them for post- period under review was noteworthy for the
Development research and the social sciences in India 679

emergence of three different types of higher sociologists, political scientists, geographers,

research institutions. anthropologists, environmentalists and others
First, the central government itself gave were recruited to the ranks of social scientists.
recognition to the importance of interdisci- Unlike economics, the other social sciences in
plinary research and data collection and Indian universities were, by and large, either
storage in respect of rural India by establish- antedeluvian or underdeveloped (or both)
ing the National Institute of Community D e - and lacked academic distinction. Under such
velopment ( N I C D ) in Hyderabad. 6 Here, circumstances, social scientists in these n o n -
equal importance was given to public ad- economic disciplines returning from abroad
ministration, community development, econ- had n o indigenous intellectual moorings or
omics and sociology. T h e work was of im- academic loyalties. This meant that, apart
mediate use to such central government from those locally educated (disadvantaged
ministries as Food and Agriculture, Rural since their intellectual training was widely
(and Community) Development, Health and regarded as substandard by any normal inter-
Family Planning, Planning, etc. C . Subra- national reckoning), an increasing number of
manian, the then Food Minister, took a keen specialists had as their academic reference
interest in the functioning of this institute. group or peer group the foreign research
H e was responsible for the highly contro- schools where they had received their training.
versial treaty relationship under which the Thus, any institution of higher study or
data gathered from all over India, as a result research infieldsother than economics could
of laborious field-work at N I C D was m a d e be expected to become a battleground in
automatically available (at no cost) to the which protagonists of different methods,
University of Michigan for storage and use. 7 techniques, theories, models and intellectual
The establishment of an institution of values would c o m e into conflict, rather than a
higher study and research such as N I C D also centre in which divergent orientations would
served as an occasion to illustrate another blossom together to yield the best possible
problem faced, from time to time, by social results. Sharp clashes sometimes took place
scientists on the Indian academic scene. T h e between, say, those w h o took a 'nationalistic'
first generation of social scientists (mainly approach to problems of research and those
economists) bred in Indian and British univer- w h o were thought of as 'pro-American', or,
sities were, by their academic provenance and between those w h o were 'Marxist' orientated
training, characterized by a more or less on one hand, and, on the other, those w h o
homogeneous outlook, and their ideological were regarded as 'functionalist' or 'behav-
inclinations blended well with the Nehru iouralist' in inclination.
Government's general policy of creating the Academic differences thus tended to
conditions for the emergence of a domestic become translated into wider ideological div-
mixed economy ('the socialist pattern of isions yet the interesting feature during this
society') and equidistance from both super- period was that there were not m o r e of such
powers (with a commitment to identify with clashes. T h e reason lay in the fact that Indian
poor countries) abroad. This generation of academic establishments have in general a
social scientists was followed by others w h o record of toleration on the one hand, while,
constituted a mixed bag, both by virtue of the on the other, there has been, over the years, a
number of social science disciplines to which strong sympathy for approaches of a broadly
they belonged, and by virtue of the fact that liberal or leftist character.8
they received their academic training in Second, the idea of establishing national
foreign universities in ideologically and universities, exclusively devoted to postgradu-
politically diverse environments. ate education and research and designed to
Although economists continued to consti- become centres of academic excellence, w a s
tute the largest contingent, more and more strongly canvassed, a m o n g others, by Nehru.
680 T. V. Sathyamurthy

Even though such centres were to be engaged to establish a well-provided research insti-
primarily in 'pure' research, their concerns tution to which established senior scholars in
would be directly relevant to the problems different disciplines could repair from their
faced by Indian society in different spheres; normal teaching duties in order to write up
thus, they would not be far removed from the their latest books or monographs in peace. Its
concerns of 'applied' research. In the event, actual functioning did not begin until 1965, a
however, that thefirstof these centresthe year after Nehru's death, the old Viceregal
Jawaharlal Nehru University ( N e w Delhi) Lodge in Shimla being converted into the
did not c o m e into being until the latter part premises of the Indian Institute of Advanced
of the 1960s; to be followed, over a decade Study ( H A S ) . 1 0 A small core of permanent
later, by a similar institution in Hyderabad. 9 Fellows in the historical and social science
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has disciplines acted as catalysts to attract and
been the focus of student politics, and, it must stimulate academics, drawn from different
be pointed out that it is not a research centre parts of the country. T h e turnover was im-
in the same sense as those with which this pressive. A large number of publications of
article is primarily concerned. But the latter, varying calibre resulted while research con-
like the former, almost invariably have a ferences, symposia and seminars were also
certain proportion of researchers w h o are organized from time to time on interdisci-
registered for higher degrees (M.Phil, and plinary social science themes.
D.Phil.); at the same time the'former, being a B y virtue of the direct patronage of the
university, has a large concentration of central government (as well as the political
students preparing for higher degrees, and identification of some of its permanent senior
staff time in it is divided between post- staff), H A S also attracted some adverse criti-
graduate teaching and research. Even so, it cism. W h e n , in 1977, the Janata government
would be a mistake to ignore such national came to power, Prime Minister Morarji Desai
postgraduate universities while, at the same was inclined to close it d o w n , as a prelude to
time, remembering that research focused on restructuring it radically into an autonomous
social sciences and development is bound to body akin to the 'think tanks' in some West-
represent only a fraction of their total output ern countries. With the return to power of
of research and intellectual work. M r s Gandhi's government in 1980, however,
In particular, the centres for political the institute was given a new lease on life.
studies, economic studies, historical studies, Towards the end of the 1960s, two major
social studies, and the various area studies in ideas began to circulate in higher education
the School of International Studies at Jawa- and policy-making circles concerning the
harlal Nehru University are engaged in a wide organization and funding of research in the
variety of theoretical and empirical research social sciences. There was a growing feeling
affecting India's development and throwing that research in development should take
light on problems of comparative develop- place in a number of centres, and that these
ment in the Third World. However its very should be set up in different states (their
situation and highly articulate student body capitals as well as other towns) and not be
places it in the maelstrom of national politics, crowded into the national capital or the
leading to the criticism, often voiced by those metropolitan cities. T o some extent, experi-
in authority, that J N U has not really justified enced academics entertained the notion that
the hopes of its founders and the expectations the existence of a number of decentralized
of the wider community. facilities pursuing similar goals would, in
A t about the same time that the idea of and of itself, betoken a will to national inte-
setting up such national centres of academic gration in a country in which, they felt, the
excellence was conceived, the central govern- pull of regionalism to be growing stronger
ment (and especially Nehru) also undertook with each passing year.
Development research and the social sciences in India 681

T h e urge to decentralize development charge that its style of functioning is a trifle

and social science research went hand in hand too bureaucratic, it performs the tasks ex-
with a burgeoning consciousness of the need pected of a huge umbrella organization, e m -
to diversify work beyond the disciplinary bracing the whole of India, in a generally
realm of economics to include other social commendable manner. Its overall organiz-
sciences, as afirststep in the long-term task of ational responsibilities include evaluation of
building up a corpus of genuinely interdisci- projects, general supervision andfinancingof
plinary research. In the general ambience the various centres of research, and keeping
provided by such thinking, a number of an inventory of work done in different
different institutions emerged towards the disciplines by commissioning trend reports,
end of the second phase and throughout the compiling bibliographies, and conducting
current phase. For our purposes, it would be seminars and research conferences at which
fruitful to take the view that, while the latter latest results of work in progress in different
part of the period with which this section is specified fields m a y be more or less directly
concerned witnessed the birth of the idea communicated to scholars drawn from differ-
of institutional decentralization, it was only ent institutions of research.
in the subsequent period that a truly p h e n o m - Given the complexity of the tasks in-
enal growth of institutions and of substantive volved, it would appear that I C S S R has de-
research was going to take place. W e shall, veloped the skills necessary to encourage
accordingly, consider in detail the emergence the various centres of development research
of these institutions in the following section. to push forward the frontiers of their chosen
Here, w e shall simply note that, under this disciplines and to contribute to our knowledge
rubric, four different kinds of institutions and information relating to the developmental
were brought into existence.11 problems faced by the country as a whole and
1. Academies or institutes of administration its various parts severally.
(both at the central government and at the
state government levels).
2. Institutes of management. The current phase (from 1970)
3. T h efirstfew of the centres of development
studies and social science research.12 T h e main point to note about this period is
4. Centres of research devoted to the that it has witnessed no innovations in the
study of different forms of 'alternative realm of ideas concerning development re-
development'. search, but it rather represents a period of
Let us conclude with a brief reference to the ramification, growth and development; or the
methods available for central co-ordination implementation of ideas that had already
and financing of such centres and their work. begun to gstate during an earlier period.
T h e main body concerned is the Indian However, it should be noted ithat policy-
Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), makers as well as professional administrators
which was set up during the 1960s, and which and academics have, during the last fifteen
occupies a position of crucial importance in years, c o m e to appreciate the need for a
the organization, funding and commissioning multi-pronged approach to the task of build-
of all social science work throughout the field ing n e w research institutions. Three main
of research and higher learning. It received its areas have been identified as requiring
original impetus from the indefatigable attention.
labours of its founding secretary, the late First, of course, research and application
J. P . Naik, and its work n o w is conducted by of the findings of research to the general area
a rapidly expanding army of social science of policy: in other words, centres where
researchers drawn from different disciplines. social sciences c o m e to be seen not only as
Although I C S S R is open to the familiar subjects of basic research but also as instru-
682 T. V. Sathyamurthy

ments of policy or simply as policy sciences. Indian managers w h o were being trained to
Second, the area of training managers in take over these large n e w institutions, and
a systematic manner in modern methods, managers imported to train them from the
tailored to suit Indian conditions, has also advanced capitalist and socialist countries,
received m u c h attention in recent years. T w o along with industrial and other plants and
kinds of managers and administrators con- turnkey projects. T h e rise of an indigenous
stitute the target groupsmiddle-level and technocracy is one of the main indicators of
higher-level managersof large enterprises in social and economic change in the urban and
the public sector and administrators entrusted industrial sectors of the society. A rising tide
with the tasks of development (rural and of political radicalism a m o n g the intelligent-
urban) as well as with the maintenance of law sia, however questions the relevance of tech-
and order. nocratic power for the wider problems of
Third, there has been a growing tendency poverty and underdevelopment faced by a
to impart training for management on a vast majority.
scientific and academically sound basis Another educational innovation is the
through intensive short-term courses under rising consciousness, a m o n g policy-makers, of
the direction of experts (drawn from both the the need to give prominence to the develop-
public and the private sectors, as well as mental needs and imperatives of the country-
from academic institutions). Legal, financial side. Rural development and agricultural (and
(auditing and accounting), organizational, extension) education were seen as areas in
operational, and research and development need of fresh injections of vigour and im-
( R & D ) aspects, a m o n g others, are focused aginative expansion. Agricultural education
upon in these courses in which the substan- and research, which received only peripheral
tive material m a y be drawn upon either from attention during the colonial period, n o w
a body of theoretical literature or from case- began to attract a larger slice of resources ]
studies or both. twenty-two agricultural universities being es-
T h e sociological significance of such : tablished on the initiative of both the central
heavy emphasis laid on managerial training and the state governments.
must not be missed. Despite claims that such T w o main influences have been at play
courses encourage India's managers to adopt in this vast process. T h e few successful ex-
a rational approach to the h u m a n , economic periments in the private and governmental
and social dimensions of their work, it is spheres in agricultural education and re-
difficult to overlook the fact that the resources search constituted models for this sphere of
poured into thefieldof managerial in-service education. A t the same time, the Indian
education betoken a bias in favour of those Council of Agricultural Research (under the
enjoying power and privilege and exercising Ministry of Food and Agriculture), led suc-
control over the m u c h m o r e numerous work- cessively by M . S. R a n d h a w a and M . S.
force where production takes place. The class Swaminathan, 13 provided vigorous leader-
basis of the Indian state (emphasized by the ship in the field of agricultural education
dirigisme of this managerial lite), despite the during the period of its greatest expansion.
claims of its rulers that they are engaged in A s in the case of Indian Institutes of
the task of creating conditions suitable for the Technology (IITs), agricultural universities
emergence of 'a socialist pattern of society', is too have become prone to the addictions of
clearly evident from the growth and general hierarchism and bureaucratism as well as to
direction of such elitist institutions. some of the undesirable features of the
Managerial consciousness on the part of general tendency of upper-echelon academics
the bureaucracy and the public enterprise and administrators to adopt feudal attitudes
sector rose rapidly as a consequence of the of work. A t the same time, the student in-
close proximity between a rising generation of take has been, by and large, a reflection of the
Development research and the social sciences in India 683

class structure of Indian rural society: the financed by the central government a n d
largest proportion tends to come from the situated in Delhi. It has its o w n scholarly
families of rich peasants, to a lesser degree journal, the quarterly Indian Journal of Public
from middle peasant families, very few having Administration, containing thematically ar-
a poor peasant social background, let alone ranged articles based on research o n a wide
one in agricultural or landless labour.14 variety of relevant topics.
Despite such difficulties, a generally high During the tenure of Gobind Ballabh Pant
standard of academic and research work as India's H o m e Minister, and subsequently
(subject tofluctuationsof the general political during the Prime Ministership of Lai B a h a d u r
climate of the milieu in which these univer- Shastri, fresh thought w a s devoted to the
sities have to function) has been maintained. training appropriate for new recruits to I A S
Unlike IITs, the agricultural universities and the allied central services. S o m e dissat-
have, for understandable reasons, not isfaction w a s felt o n the ground that I A S
been very prone to brain-drain to advanced probationers were still being trained16 as
countries. though they were ICS probationers of the
The sharper awareness of rural con- colonial epoch and not as public servants of
ditions that agricultural education necessarily independent, democratic India. A t the s a m e
provides, as well as the fact that students are, time, dispersion throughout India of the
despite all bias, drawn from a wider social centres of training for probationers recruited
spectrum than the largely urban meritocracy to over a dozen different central services w a s
from which the student intake of IITs is thought to involve not only a waste of infra-
drawn, have led to a rise of political radical- structural facilities and teaching personnel but
ism and a clearer understanding of the also an unnecessary repetition of teaching
problems faced by the poorer sections of a number of core subjects c o m m o n to all the
the Indian peasantry which is often reflected
in the research problems chosen by some of A n initiative of Pant, a single National
the academics.15 A c a d e m y of Administration in Mussourie
(subsequently n a m e d as the Lai B a h a d u r
Academies and institutes Shastri National A c a d e m y ) was established to
of administration which all probationers recruited by competi-
tive examination (with the exception of IPS),
At the time of independence, there were are sent for initial training in c o m m o n sub-
practically no such institutions, though re- jects before they disperse to different centres
cruits to the Indian Administrative Service for further training in subjects relevant to
(IAS) and the Indian Police Service (IPS) their particular service. For IPS, a separate
(and, to a lesser degree, those recruited to the academic centre was established in H y d e r a -
administrative and police services of the bad.
states) and the other central services were A major impetus for such restructuring
given probationary training in establishments was provided by the rise in development-
set up for the purpose. consciousness of politicians and administra-
The importance of public administration tors in the growing realization that ruling or
as an academic discipline, integrally related to administering, predominantly rural India, w a s
the tasks and policies of development, was a radically different kind of responsibility
first recognized through the establishment of from that involved in maintaining law and
the Indian Institute of Public Administration order seen by m a n y as the colonial viewpoint
(IIPA) which has a large staff engaged in of government. In both the national acad-
research on various aspects of administration emies, therefore, curricula consist not only
spread across the entire spectrum of social of manuals of rules and regulations and laws,
sciences. IIPA is an autonomous institution but also of case material put together as exer-
684 T. V. Sathyamiirthy

cises in research by qualified social scientists. curricula available both to young graduates
During the lastfifteenyears. T h e initia- seeking higher academic qualifications, and
tive provided by the central government has to others belonging to various professions
stimulated the creation of state-level acad- seeking to improve their efficiency an3
emies. Their aim is to train administrative career prospects.
service recruits to the state governments (and The Institute of Management (IIM),
in s o m e cases even lower-grade officials) the established at A h m e d a b a d twenty years ago,
training offered generally consisting of a was modelled on the Harvard School of
mixture of academic courses and practical Management and Business Administration.
work. Its staff m e m b e r s were largely theoretically
While these academies are primarily con- orientated and the curriculum steered clear of
cerned with the relations between the admin- case material, preferring instead to generate a
istrators and the public, a small number of body of first principles applicable to con-
centres have also been established which ditions of underdevelopment on the basis of
address themselves to the task of toning up which concrete problems in various spheres
the managerial cadre in the governmental, could be tackled. This somewhat resembled
public and private sectors. T h e best k n o w n the generalist approach to administrative
and most high-powered is the Administrative training associated with the colonial period,
Staff College of India (ASCI) in Hyderabad. but the similarities should not be stretcched
It has a staff of well-qualified experts w h o too far. IIM (Ahmedabad) has, by and large,
have the advantage of combining high aca- retained its professionalism and steered clear
demic attainment with long and varied prac- of politics (both in the sense of party politics
tical experience in senior administrative or and in the sense of ideological politics), while
managerial positions. They have the re- of course making itself useful in planning and
sponsibility for designing short and intensive public sector economics. Its staff is also
courses on different subjects for carefully marked by a spirit of camaraderie rare in
chosen groups of recruits. In addition A S C I Indian institutions of higher learning.
also employs a number of experts as consult- Not long after the establishment of IIM
ants commissioned to carry out research (Ahmedabad), another group interested in
projects or provide teaching skills in subjects management from a very different vantage
of a highly specialized character. A S C I is point started the Institute of Management at
thus a highly prestigious institution, com- Calcutta. Its orientation was much more
parable to a military staff college. sympathetic to the use of case material, IIM
(Calcutta) being modelled on the school of
Institutes of management management of M I T .
However, not long after IIM (Calcutta)
In India, problems of development and social, was founded, the radical politics to which
economic and regional policy-making, as well West Bengal was prone reached its portals. A t
as the shaping of suchfinancialand banking the height of the Naxalbari uprising in the
institutions of immense social depth as the mid and late 1960s, the majority of the
Reserve Bank of India and the State B a n k of academic staff was split up between varying
India, with their numerous lending and other shades of left-wing sympathies ranging over
facilities reaching d o w n to the villages, have the entire spectrum.
c o m e to be seen as requiring systematic The interesting feature of this phenom-
m a n a g e m e n t for which training is needed in a enon of politicization was that some of the
n u m b e r of related disciplines. A n approach to academics (the majority being social scientists
m a n a g e m e n t , adapted from the American of considerable international stature) viewed
institutions to suit the particular problems of their politics as integrally related to their
developing India was sought in the form of academic activities, including the choice of
Development research and the social sciences in India 685

problems for research, methods of teaching, the directorate was criticized for a degree of
choice of subject-matter for intensive dis- arbitrariness and dirigisme. After such teeth-
cussions, etc. Thus, even though IIM (Cal- ing troubles were over, I I M (Bangalore) at
cutta), like IIM (Ahmedabad), is a privileged the start of its second decade, has indeed
institution, its political sensitivity and the become, like its two older sister IIMs, a
sympathies of its senior staff with generally power house for generating n e w information
popular policies, has led to the use of the and data as well as fresh knowledge about
case-method approach in originally unin- different aspects of developmental policies
tended ways and have radically changed its and institutional performance. Perhaps, our
character over the lastfifteenyears or so. remarks about IIMs should be brought to a
T h e emergence of two such institutions, close with the observation that, despite their
strongly identified in the first instance with sympathy for applied and policy-related work,
two major American schools (and, in fact, they are essentially institutions of an academic
set up with foreign aid and under close character and, in this sense, they are vitally
supervision of their metropolitan counter- different from the academies of adminis-
parts) provoked some thought in certain tration and A S C I discussed in the previous
quarters. It was felt that no amount of subsection.
adaptation to suit the specific conditions of
India could really bring the staff and students Centres for d e v e l o p m e n t studies a n d
of such heavily borrowed institutions close to social science studies a n d research
Indian reality. W h a t was needed, it was
argued, was an institute of management that It was not until the mid-1960s that national
was entirely homespun and capable of gener- centres for the study of development began
ating the interdiscipline of management with to appear in different places and, not until
special local reference by immersing itself in the mid-1970s that centres of development
the research and teaching problems of Indian studies sponsored and financed by various
society and economy. state governments were started. A s already
Ten years after the IIM (Ahmedabad) noted, these centres predominantly tended,
was established, a third Indian institute of at least in the beginning, to have a rather pro-
management was set up in Bangalore in 1973, nounced inclination towards a study of the
staffed largely by professionals essentially quantifiable, which meant that economic
(and, it should be noted, paradoxically) of the development studies involving collection of
IIM (Ahmedabad) vintage. It was directed by hard data and the use of statistical tech-
an engineer-economist, N . S. R a m a s w a m i , niques were pursued by staff drawn largely
whose main claim to fame has been his work from the allied disciplines of economics, econ-
on h o w to m a k e draught animals more ef- omic history, demography, planning, economic
ficient and h o w to persuade the ordinary statistics, etc.
peasant to be more responsive to elementary But this picture soon changed, partly
innovations in the field of locomotive power. because institutions that started as centres of
Under his IIM (Bangalore) rapidly ex- research in economic development problems
panded as an institution in which such fields as quickly saw the need to root economic re-
the sociology of law and civil rights, rural and search in sociological and subsequently also
urban development problems, agricultural pro- political understandings of a complex society,
duction, financial management, and various and partly also because n e w centres emerged
others were included in the curriculum and in which there was an explicit initial commit-
among the projects investigated. Because of ment to interdisciplinary research reflected in
the smaller scale on which IIM (Bangalore) the staffing and the choice of long-term re-
began, it was thought by some to be rather search priorities, programmes and initiatives.
more personalist in its initial direction, and It should not, however, be thought that
686 T. V. Sathyamurthy

an awareness of the need for a broad inter- career in the academic profession culminating
disciplinary approach to the study of devel- in political experience as a Cabinet Minister in
opment was n e w to the Indian intellectual the Union Government, conceived the idea of
scene. In fact, a number of the senior social concentrating research of both applied and
scientists w h o took the initiative to set up fundamental kinds in centres intended exclus-
such centres had been occupying positions of ively for the purpose.
influence in the policy-making sections of the A few years of later, another centre of a
central and state governments, in universities similar nature, the Madras Institute of Devel-
and in other public institutions. opment Studies ( M I D S ) was set up in Tamil
At the same time, a few institutions and N a d u by Malcolm Adiseshiah, retired Deputy
university departments, with a m u c h longer Director-General of Unesco. Both C D S (Tri-
history of promotion of research in social vandrum) and M I D S started as centres of
science disciplines directly related to Indian economic research, but soon appreciated the
problems, provided inspiration to the n e w importance of broadening their interdisci-
centres, even though there was a difference of plinary scope to include other social science
emphasis between the older institutions disciplines. Over a period of years, socio-
(which are m u c h more discipline-orientated) logists, anthropologists, political scientists and
and the newer centres (which tend to focus economic historians were recruited as full-
m u c h m o r e on specific problems and concrete time academics. C D S (Trivandrum) and
policies). M I D S fulfilled both a student programme
T h e Gokhale Institute of Politics and for postgraduates and a research programme
Economics (GIPE) in Pune (under the di- for staff and doctoral candidates. I S E C
rection of the late D . R . Gadgil and V . M . started as an interdisciplinary centre with an
Dandekar), and the precursor of the Insti- ambitious programme and a m u c h larger
tute of Social Studies in Surat, South Gujarat staff than the other two institutions.
(under the direction of I. P . Desai, an emi- In order to grasp the nature and scope of
nent sociologist), were centres well k n o w n the work done in thefieldof social studies and
and respected for the quality and range of development research, it is useful to describe
their output. In fact, unlike the founding di- the activities of these three institutes, which
rectors of a majority of the new centres w h o happened to be pace-setters for the many
had had a career in government policy- more that followed suit during the mid and
making bodies prior to devoting their whole later 1970s.
time to directing research, the staff of the First, these were centres in which there
Gokhale Institute contributed to a flow of was an initial dominance of economic research
talent in the reverse direction. Thus, for and scholarship, a bias that has never quite
example, the institute m a d e available D . R . been overcome despite a great show of
Gadgil's services to the Planning Commission willingness on the part of the founders to
to which he gave distinction as its vice- widen the scope of work to include the other
chairman for a number of years. major social science disciplines. A n important
O f the centres for development studies reason for this lies in a certain intellectual
and those for the study of social science (both modesty on their part that prevents them from
referred to as C D S s , unless otherwise speci- 'dabbling' in other social sciences; this m o d -
fied), the Centre for Development Studies esty is often combined with a commitment
( C D S ) at Trivandrum and the Institute for to m a x i m u m theoretical and methodological
Social and Economic Change (ISEC) at Ban- rigour in the practice of their o w n disci-
galore were started by the economists K . N . pline, which, in this case, happens to be the
Raj and V . K . R . V . R a o respectively. T h e relatively harder social science of economics.
former, after a distinguished academic career A s has already been suggested, I S E C
and public life, and the latter, after a long overcame the difficulty of accommodating all
Development research and the social sciences in India 687

social sciences as equals by starting with a abroad, especially from the Scandinavian
number of academic staff members drawn countries), engaged in projects of their o w n ,
from the various disciplines. M I D S is n o w with a sound intellectual base and a local
making conscious efforts to widen its inter- infrastructure to back.up their work. It has a
disciplinary input by following an advisedly large number of ongoing projects of its o w n
cautious policy of recruiting permanent staff in the different social science disciplines
from the sociological and political disciplines. ranging over the entire field of development
C D S , on the other hand, with its almost in which its o w n staff as well as others
entirely economics-trained professoriat, has visiting I S E C are engaged.
started a policy of ramifying into the other Like the other two centres at Trivandrum
social sciences by recruiting middle-rank aca- and Madras, I S E C also holds conferences on
demic staff in such fields as sociology and topics of contemporaneous relevance. Thus,
anthropology. at the height of the national controversy on
Second, almost equal importance is at- centre-state relations, I S E C organized a sem-
tached in these institutions to the two facets inar (August 1983) on the subject to which a
of producing original work of quality on the large number of participants drawn from
one hand, and on the other, of training various walks of lifeacademic, political and
qualified economists (and, to a limited de- professionalwere invited. T h e papers that
gree, other social scientists) by putting them emerged from the conference were not only of
through a rigorous academic course leading topical importance but, in some-cases, also
to a M.Phil, degree and supervised research constituted excellent researched contributions
leading to a P h . D . degree. This teaching on a subject.on which there has of late been a
activity, with a full programme of academic pronounced tendency to produce more heat
work, is a part of C D S ' s (Trivandrum) normal than light.
activities, and has already paid rich dividends Third, these institutes, in their o w n
in the form of an excellent annual crop of separate ways, concentrate on problems of
students ready to undertake independent re- development at two interrelated levels. In the
search or jobs in thefieldsof social, economic first place, of course, they are involved in
and agricultural development. problems on a global (i.e., in this case, all-
A rather interesting variation of this kind India or India-wide) scale in the fields of
of experience is M I D S ' s emphasis on training planning, resource mobilization, energy con-
university and college teachers (mainly but servation and use, industrialization, rural
not only of economics) in the state of Tamil development, agricultural production, etc. In
N a d u to teach effectively and with a greater the second place, and more important, they
sense of commitment as well as with a better also tend to concentrate on local problems
awareness of their disciplines. A t Madras, centred in the states, districts and villages
unlike Trivandrum, there is no full-time within them, and often in the states of the
academic course leading up to a M.Phil, region in which they are situated.
degree. Instead, a number of workshops are Their task is threefold in this latter
organized throughout the year for university respect: gathering raw data and storing them,
and college teachers of economics at which as well as making them available to those
rigorous and intensive short-term courses are interested in research within the region or
given on methodological, theoretical and outside; undertaking policy-orientated studies
interdisciplinary questions. T h e staff input in an academic setting, either at the request
as well as the teaching work carried out by of appropriate state or central government
guests has indeed been truly impressive. bodies or both, and generating their o w n re-
Tne I S E C is m u c h more an institution search programmes linking the needs of the
that provides a variety of established re- region with the needs of the country as a
searchers (including young scholars from whole, comparing different regions or sub-
688 T. V. Sathyamiirthy

regions, and providing links of understanding from a cursory observation of their func-
encompassing the different aspects (and not tioning. These centres attach a great deal of
merely a particular one defined narrowly in value to their autonomy and intellectual free-
terms of a single discipline) of the specific d o m which they have no wish to compromise,
problems with which they m a y be concerned either by too great an involvement in the
at a given time. affairs of the state or central government, or
Thus, M I D S has become, over the last by becoming enmeshed in too close a relation-
decade or so, a very advanced data bank ship with the local university or other insti-
giving an up-to-date account of the political tutions of higher learning.
economy of Tamil N a d u (within an all-India They are indeed jealous of their pro-
setting) through its monthly Bulletin. C D S fessional and research time, which they are
and I S E C have produced a vast quantity of commendably keen to put to the best possible
literature covering different aspects of the use. This applies both to individual re-
political economy and sociology of Kerala and searchers on the staff of these centres as
Karnataka. well as to these institutions in a collective
Mention should also be m a d e of the sense. A spirit of dedication is universally to
rather fewer occasions on which members of be found in these centres. A t the same time,
these institutes undertake research com- it must be pointed out that there is a great
missionsjointly as well as individually deal of variation of style in their internal func-
from such international bodies as the Econ- tioning, and in the relationships that prevail
omic and Social Commission for Asia and the within them between staff and students,
Pacific ( E S C P ) , the International Labour among staff members on different levels of
Organisation (ILO), the World Health O r - seniority, or between academic and non-aca-
ganization ( W H O ) and the Food and Agricul- demic (e.g. karmacharis) staff.
ture Organization ( F A O ) (but not, it m a y be Over the past decade or so, these centres
added, generally, from the International B a n k and especially their senior scholars have been
for Reconstruction and Development ( I B R D ) in great d e m a n d as advisers, consultants and
and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). members of government committees of in-
In n o centre has this aspect of the work been quiry, both at the centre and in various state
given more than minor or secondary im- governments. T h e amounts of advisory and
portance to the task of generating an even policy assistance expected is far out of
flow of information and knowledge about the proportion to the time scholars are able to
problems of economic development and social spare from their teaching and research re-
change of the region in particular and India sponsibilities and obligations, which have to
in general. Consultancy work on an inter- be carried out in an institutional setting
national (developed country) scale is not with fairly limited infrastructural facilities
usually considered to be a socially useful way (by international standards).
of utilizing scarce academic skills. Academic The general atmosphere of stimulation
researchers in the field of development w h o for development research provided by these
have a tendency to deploy their skills in this centres coincided with the interests shown
direction to a disproportionate extent often by I C S S R in encouraging the establishment
forfeit the respect of their colleagues. of a string of such institutes of higher learning
Lastly, attention must be drawn to the and research specifically devoted to the study
style of functioning of these centres of ad- of social sciences. At the same time, there was
vanced study and research. T o be sure, each a growing feeling in the minds of a number of
has its o w n idiosyncracies and academic folk- social scientists and politicians that, in a
ways and mores, not to speak of values gen- country divided by language and culture on
erated over a period of time. Yet certain the one hand, and, on the other, by problems
c o m m o n characteristics can be gleaned even engendered in its uneven economic develop-
Development research and lhe social sciences in India 689

ment, centres of scientific research on scientist and teacher with fine reputation at
problems of political, economic and social Allahabad University for nearly three dec-
development, set up in different parts of ades. Within a brief span, he has been able
the country, would represent a unifying influ- to gather a varied group of scholars drawn
ence. Although such thinking never really from the neighbouring disciplines of sociology,
gained sufficient force, the impetus for the political science, economics and geography.
emergence of a large number of centres G B P S S I , like similar institutes in India,
of development and social science studies, does face certain problems. First, the fluctu-
funded in most cases on afifty-fiftybasis by ation of political power within the state,
I C S S R and the state government, was indeed between the different factions of Congress (I)
considerable. as well as between the Congress Party and the
Certain state-level political leaders as Janata/Lok Dal combinations, has imparted a
well as social science academics teaching in degree of uncertainty to the prospects of (if
universities in state capitals perceived the not sometimes an altogether destabilizing
need for social and economic research de- effect on) such institutions, dependent as
voted to problems at the state level and be- they are on thefinancialsupport of the state
low. Anugraha Narayan Sinha, a former Chief government. T o some degree, this has been
Minister of Bihar, w a s one such. T h e first offset by the I C S S R providing 50 per cent
centre for development research to be started of the annual running cost in the form of
on the initiative of a state government was recurring grants. But there is n o denying
the A . N . Sinha Institute of Social Studies that these institutions are vulnerable to the
(ANSISS), Patna, founded in 1964. In the pressures and counter-pressures of state
neighbouring state of Uttar Pradesh, a similar politics.17
institute, n a m e d after Gobind Ballabh Pant Second, bringing together very senior
(the first Chief Minister after independence), and quite young social scientists researching
was established sixteen years later in Allaha- in different disciplines can sometimes be
bad. There are several other institutes of difficult to handle. T h e generation gap in a
similar provenance by n o w which owe their setting in which hierarchical social relations
origin to the initiative andfinancialencour- are invariably carried into the work-place
agement of state governments. inhibits free exchange or communication
A N S I S S , as a typical product of the between the two sides, each having certain
1960s, started with a rather heavy emphasis preconceptions about the other which it finds
on economic research. It has been influenced difficult to shed. T o this must be added the
by the interests of sociologists and political problems created by disciplinary insularity of
scientists as well as academics engaged in which certain older specialists are readier
labour and agrarian studies at Patna Uni- victims than s o m e younger ones. T h e result of
versity. In recent years, A N S I S S has under- such tensions tends to be a dilution of that
taken a number of projects embracing politi- interdisciplinary orientation which is so im-
cal sociology and political economy as well portant a founding premiss.
as research focusing on the economic social A slightly different subgroup of centres is
and political conditions of the tribal peoples constituted by those that start from a specific
of Bihar. disciplinary orientation other than economics
G B P S S I , a m u c h younger centre, was and m o v e from there into the recesses of
conceived and founded at a time when inter- interdisciplinary work. A n example is the
disciplinary social science was very m u c h in Centre for Studies in Social Sciences (CSSS)
vogue and the dominance of economics at Calcutta, started by a group of economic
among the social sciences was no longer axio- and social historians about ten years ago.
matically or universally accepted. A m b a Datt They strongly felt that history w a s an im-
Pant, its founding director, is a political portant social science and held the key to a
690 T. V. Sathyamurthy

scientific understanding of the background to further its disciplinary scope by recruiting

the current problems of development. During social scientists from anthropology, political
his ten-year stint as CSSS's first director, science, education, economics and women's
Barun D e , a well-known historian, strength- studies. T h e Giri Institute of Development
ened the historical side of the work of the Studies ( G I D S ) at Lucknow was founded in
centre with the help of a number of colleagues 1973 and attained national status in 1977,
already well k n o w n for their contributions to headed by T . S. Papla, originally an econ-
the economic and social history of Bengal and omist but whose formative years were spent
the north-eastern part of India. t IIM (Ahmedabad). Before his arrival in
T o this team was added A m i y a K u m a r Lucknow, the institute had virtually been the
Bagchi, one of India's most distinguished research a r m of the Department of Econ-
economists, w h o cheerfully abandoned the omics of the University of Lucknow but had
temptations of international jet-setting and a far-sighted approach to interdisciplinary
academic power-wielding as professor of econ- research in development studies from as far
omics at the University of Calcutta to be- back as the 1950s.
c o m e a Fellow at C S S S . His role in promot- At G I D S , a number of economists, socio-
ing, leading and picking up cues for further logists, anthropologists and political scien-
work from younger researchers and, above tists are engaged in a joint study of Uttar
all, in keeping the level of research at the Pradesh's agarian problems with special refer-
centre both academically unimpeachable and ence to the poorer areas in its eastern parts,
socially and politically appropriate to India's the districts of the Terai region, and the
problems, cannot be exaggerated. H e is in- poorer sections of the areas covered by the
deed a m e m b e r of that rare species of scholars Green Revolution. G I D S is indeed an example
w h o are able to combine an excellent knowl- of a centre which,- between 1973 and 1977,
edge of their o w n subjects with a penetrating when it graduated from transitional to
insight into the core concerns of other social national status, showed its capability of suc-
science disciplines.18 cessfully ramifying its previous orientation
T h e Centre for Social Studies (CSS) at towards economics to include other social
Surat in South Gujarat is an institute of very sciences. This was a particularly sensitive
long standing started by I. P . Desai, a socio- period both in national and in Uttar Pradesh
logist of high repute.19 His total dedication politics. Immediately after the Emergency
enabled the centre to develop into a power- (1975-77), both the n e w Janata Government
house for the generation of academic knowl- at the centre and its counterpart in the state
edge concerning Gujarat, one of the most were suspicious of the credentials of G I D S ,
dynamic and economically advanced states of not being altogether happy with institutions
India. A s a sociologist with sympathy for the that had enjoyed the patronage of previous .
condition of the poor and oppressed, he has Congress regimes.-
been able to stimulate research to highlight T h e fact that the newly appointed direc-
the oppression and social relations of domi- tor had had n o close political association with
nance to which agricultural labour, migrant the Congress, as well as the encouragement
workers, urban industrial workers, w o m e n , provided by senior Indian Administrative
tribal peoples and backward communities as Service (IAS) officers of a scholarly dispo-
well as communal minorities are subject. sition and with intellectual interests which
After I. P . Desai's retirement, C S S came n o w enjoys an eviable position as a gener-
under the direction of Ghanshyam Shah, a ator of reliable sociological, economic and
young sociologist with an excellent record of political data relating to different levels in the
empirical andfieldresearch, especially in the state.
states of Gujarat and Bihar. C S S has m a d e an O u r last example of centres, starting with
effort, in recent years, to broaden even disciplinary commitments somewhat different
The Observatory of Jaipur, dating from 1740. H . Cartier-Bresson/Magnum.

from the first three, is the Institute of Devel- This was quite unnecessary in view of the fact
opment Studies in Jaipur (IDSJ). The moving that, by the late 1970s, India had accumulated
spirit behind its establishment in 1980 was the rich and varied experience of setting up
Professor S. P . V a r m a , a highly respected sound indigenously conceived institutions of
political scientist whose long association with this kind with excellent results, from which
the University of Rajasthan led to IDSJ being fledgling institutes and centres could easily
located in the sprawling premises of the derive the inspiration they needed.
former. But it is an autonomous research Second, after C S D S (which was founded
institute set up with the help of the govern- nearly twenty years prior to the establishment
ment of the state of Rajasthan and I C S S R in of the IDSJ), this was the first development
equal proportions in the same manner as research institute to be started on a disciplin-
similar institutions in a number of other ary base provided by political science. Inter-
states.20 disciplinarity at IDSJ has certain character-
T w o interesting features relating to the istics that stem from this fact alone. Like
origin of IDSJ deserve to be noted: First, it is C S D S , IDSJ is not likely to engage in research
consciously modelled on similar institutes in on problems relating to the Indian political
the Western world. A s its founding docu- economy; but it does have an interest in
ment 2 1 makes clear, it traces its establishment interdisciplinary work involving problems of
back to a blueprint that a Canadian visiting environment, energy and science policy ques-
scholar (who happens to be of Indian origin) tions, and in thefieldof administration.
prepared at the request of both the Honorary O n paper, however, the commitment of
Director-Designate of IDSJ and the Vice- IDSJ to interdisciplinary research is far more
Chancellor of the University of Rajasthan. wide-ranging in character,.though, from the
692 T. V. Sathyamurthy

w a y this is phrased, it is by no means clear technological innovations at the cost of

whether what is intended is bringing different indigenous crafts and small industries.
disciplines to focus on a set of problems, or Hitherto, the demand for fundamental
making institutional r o o m at IDSJ available structural transformations to put the people
for a number of disciplines in order to enable at the centre of the political process and
them 'to d o their o w n different things'.22 democratizing decision-making by increased
IDSJ, being still in a formative stage, has yet political participation at all levels in an
to prove its mettle, but there is no reason to essentially decentralized polity, has been
doubt that it will, in its o w n w a y , m a k evoiced only by parties on the left of the
significant additions to our knowledge of political spectrum.
India's development problems in general and In recent years, however, the initiative
Rajasthan's in particular. for this kind of thinking and action has c o m e
T h e era of expansion of social science; from grass-roots organizations in different
and development research is perhaps rapidly parts of the country, often starting as ener-
drawing to a close. During the next few years, getic campaigns in respect of specific issues,
with at least one such centre based in each such as environmental questions, campaigns
state and funded by both the central and state against deforestation as in the chipco m o v e -
governments, the main task will be to consoli- ment, questions relating to agricultural labour
date by producing research work and generat- conditions in specific areas where the
ing data likely to be useful to policy-makers stranglehold of caste manifests itself with
and social activists. S o m e adjustments m a y undue severity, the w o m e n ' s health m o v e -
well b e required such as a shift from rigid ment in rural Maharashtra, issues affecting
academic approaches to more supple policy- the living conditions and social oppression
orientated approaches, or a m o v e away from of tribal people or the conditions of urban
data-gathering to problem-solving, or a slum dwellers.
change of methodological focus from hard At the same time, such thinking is also
empiricism to theorizing or vice versa, or reflected in the distinction that some of the
a variation of interdisciplinary strategy in aid donors m a k e between aid so packaged as
order to solve n e w problems that confront re- to reach the beneficiaries direct and aid
searchers in the course of their work. channelled through governments. Implicit in
this general orientation is a distrust of the
countries of the North and, in particular,
Research centres devoted to Western countries which are widely believed
'alternative' studies of development to have stayed the hand of progress by their
policies of encouraging military dictatorships
T h e strengthening of state power in India (as and repressive anti-democratic and counter-
indeed in the Third World countries as a revolutionary regimes in a number of poor
whole) during the last two decades, and the countries.
increasing remoteness of left-wing alternatives Unfortunately, however, not all of this
to the populist politics of the day, have acted n e w awakening in the form of 'micro' as well
as a stimulus to thinking in certain quarters as 'large-scale' popular movements points in a
about a serious, indigenously based alterna- progressive or democratic direction. A s one
tive path of development. T h e enormity of the observer has pointed out, massive disillusion-
power wielded by the state is seen as directly ment of the kind experienced over the past
related to the policies of modernization; rapid two decades in a number of poor countries,
industrialization and government policies instead of leading to changes in a more
aimed at supporting industry in favour of democratic direction,
agriculture, mechanized agriculture in favour
of labour-intensive agriculture, and large may breed retrogressive movements that tend to
Development research and the social sciences in India 693

push these societies towards attempts at reviving In a number of institutes of research,

the dark periods in their history, or movements Gandhian ideas are m o r e or less systemati-
that feed on the newer and much darker shades cally pursued within the disciplines of the
of chauvinist and fascist assertions. Both types social sciences, while, in a few, far greater
of movement are in fact emerging today.23 energy is expended o n elaborating and
deepening Gandhi's thoughts and beliefs in
T h e Indian scene has already begun to absorb the development especially suited to rural
this n e w tendency to think outside the frame Indian conditions.
of reference of the m o r e conventional ap- T h e Gandhi Peace Foundation ( G P F ) ,
proaches as yet another dimension of insti- with its headquarters in Delhi, has been
tutionalized social science research, under engaged in giving Gandhism an international
the broad rubric of 'alternative approaches focus in addition to encouraging w o r k o n it
to development'. T h e key to the evolution bearing upon domestic problems. A third type
of this particular feature of study and re- of institute engaged in Gandhian studies is
search lies in the involvement of intellectuals devoted almost entirely to rural development
and activist workers in research focusing on (e.g. Gandhigram Rural Institute of Higher
social and economic problems at different Education). 27
levels. Already, C S D S has accumulated T h e Gandhian Institute of Studies at
several years of experience of this kind of Varanasi ( G I S V ) is perhaps the, most high-
work in its project k n o w n as Lokayan.24 powered research institute engaged in social
M e m b e r s of the Lokayan project have, science research, as it is commonly under-
over the last four years or so, undertaken a stood, using Gandhian methods and para-
kind of social science research equivalent of digms in a critical and sensitive manner. O n e of
padayatra25 with the express purpose of the projects, for example, makes an interesting
identifying the various efforts that have been differentiation between two mutually contra-
initiated in 'alternative development' at the dictory strands of Indian political, social and
grass roots in various parts of the country. Its economic, as well as scientific, experience
aim is to change 'the existing paradigm of one based o n a conscious act of withdrawal
social knowledge and its use'. In order to from the colonial value structure, and the
work towards the creation of n e w paradigms, other based on willing incorporation into
the researchers engaged in Lokayan, led itboth of which run through the political
by Rajnai Kothari, have identified 'action experience of the nationalist and anti-
groups and micro movements and the key colonial m o v e m e n t in all their phases and
participants of these processes' w h o are then have persisted throughout the period since
brought together 'in dialogues among them- independence.
selves, as well as with intellectuals, journal- In the work carried out at G I S V , an
ists, and w h e n possible, even concerned awareness is shown of other theoretical
public officials'.26 positions besides Gandhi's ideaspositions
Given the fact that such projects as originating in the West as well as elsewhere
Lokayan are still oriented towards 'opinion with a view to subjecting Gandhism to a
makers' and 'trend setters' in the local areas, general critique, and not simply to putting it
it is difficult to avoid a degree of scepticism forward as a panacea for India's problems.
that, in thefinalanalysis, the emphasis in this Such institutes receive support from the
approach m a y not have been shifted away government in one form or other, G I S V
from local power-holders (or those beholden itself being recognized and funded by the
to them) and lites in the direction of the ICSSR.
voice of true democracy, to a sufficient
extent. It m a y really turn out to be old wine in
n e w bottles.
694 T. V. Sathyamurthy

Conclusion rigidity not tended to induce a premature

ossification of the system as a whole, given the
In both their qualitative and quantitative enormous initial advantages with which it
dimensions, interest on the part of India's started?
social scientists in the complex endeavour of In social science research, the main factor
improving the living conditions of the most of interest is that the political system as a
disadvantaged sections of society has paid whole is undergoing a crisis of confidence, one
s o m e important dividends, not least the enor- of the main characteristics of which is to put
m o u s push given by a sense of commitment on the long-term future of the institutional struc-
the part of large numbers of them to socio- tures through which state power is exercised
political goals as well as to intellectual rigour in some doubt. U n d e r these circumstances, it
of analysis, fact-finding, data-gathering and is difficult for active social science and devel-
generalizing o n a sound basis. opment-oriented researchers, w h o have been
Yet it would be folly to ignore that, in nurtured in a relatively stable atmosphere, to
certain spheres of research and higher learn- become suddenly aware of the demands of a
ing at any rate, s o m e hard lessons have had to system in the throes of change, the precise
be learnt. Thus, for example, in thefieldof directions of which it is as yet difficult to
technological education, two questions are predict.
often raised in attempts at reappraisal of the Even so, there is a vanguard among
nature and scope of IITs. H a s the expansion social scientists and policy analysts in socio-
occurred too fast for the infrastructure of economic and political development which is
technological education to cope with the well placed to experiment with different kinds
pressures generated by numbers as well as by of possible scenarios to which political
the rapid strides m a d e in the field internally? changes involving different kinds of tensions
Further, is it too far in advance of the rate and the need to resolve acute social and
of technological development of the country economic contradictions could possibly give
as a whole? There is some truth in the view rise in the next quarter of a century. T o give a
advanced by critics of IITs that higher techno- rough estimate, if even 20 per cent of the
logical education has developed in a lopsided total n u m b e r of researchers in the different
manner so that Indian industry has not been social science fields are tuned in to these
able to m a k e the best use of the graduates of problems, the investment of financial re-
these institutions. Lastly, has the rapid expan- sources and h u m a n talent will have been
sion of such a rarefied field in a political worth while. O u r assessment would point to
atmosphere of hierarchical and bureaucratic India as a whole having achieved such a target.
Development research and the social sciences in India 695


1. A s , for example, the links of Rajasthan. Over a period of orientated' before leaving India,
between social science research time, such institutions have or, have returned from their
and public policy, which were come under complete financing American experience rather less
examined in a controversial from Indian sources, usually by sympathetic to 'functionalism',
paper some years ago by M y r o n means of annual recurring 'positivism', 'behaviourism' or
Wiener. See his 'Social Science grants given by I C S S R . It is 'number crunching' of most
Research and Public Policy in quite another point, however, descriptions.
India' (in two parts), The that I C S S R itself is a recipient of
Economic and Political Weekly, resources of foreign provenance, 9. Jawaharlal Nehru University
Vol. X I V , Nos. 37 and 38 (15 but since it is a body responsible differs from other longer
and 22 September 1979), to the central government which established national or central
pp. 1579-87; and pp. 1622-8. in turn is responsible to universitiesBenares, Aligarh,
For controversial Parliament, this is a problem of Santiniketan, and Jamia
correspondence on it, see ibid., a quite different order.^It is true Miliain one essential respect.
Vol. X I V , 1979, p. 2029, and that, for nearly two decades The latter are based essentially
Vol. X V , 1980, p. 49. n o w , no institution of higher on undergraduate training with
learning in India has been postgraduate education and
2. It is interesting that, during allowed to raise financial research added to it, while the
this period, economists focusing resources directly from abroad. former, as has already been
attention on agricultural indicated, has no undergraduate
problems in a big way tended to 6. Founded in 1958, N I C D was departments (except in the field
be of foreign extraction, or thefirstorganized research body of foreign languages).
Indians w h o happened to be to collect an impressive range of
orientated to economic history raw data of all sorts from the 10. The founding director, the
as their main discipline (e.g. whole of rural India. Its art historian N . R . Ray was
Daniel Thorner; Irfan Habib). Directors of Sociology and succeeded by S. C . D u b e , a
Political. Science, during the social anthropologist. It is worth
3. It must, however, be pointed noting that a characteristic
out that, despite odds, there 1960s, travelled throughout the
length and breadth of the feature of the H A S has been to
seemed to be a determined give less importance to
though small corps of teachers country, solely with a view to
mapping out the social and economics than to the other
and researchers in most social sciences. Apart from the
universities w h o were able to political forces in the
countryside with the aid of data social sciences and history,
carry out work of a high culture, archaeology, linguistics,
standard and reliable quality. derived from direct observation.
and philosophy seem to have
4. This reached particularly 7. Indian social scientists, claimed a good deal of
acute proportions in 1967, including a sizeable proportion attention. In fact, D u b e was
when, for thefirsttime, the CIA's of those employed in N I C D , succeeded by B . B . Lai, a well-
involvement in social science deeply resented the fact that a k n o w n archaeologist, w h o is at
research activities throughout the foreign university (and present holding the fort as
Third World was admitted to in American at that) had access to caretaker-director, pending the
Washington, D . C . , in the wake of sensitive data on India. Given restructuring of the institute.
an international scandal that the fierce independence of social
broke out around a social science scientists in such matters, and a 11. This categorization does
research project in Chile code- general tendency on their part to not, of course, include a whole
named 'Camelot'. be wary of American academia, host of institutions that are
the then Food Minister's brazen directly or indirectly concerned
5. There are indeed very few policy of sharing (or rather with development-orientated
instances of research institutes giving away) information in this research, but in such highly
in the social sciences in India specialized and exclusive
manner was widely criticized.
that were started with foreign contexts as labour union
resources. Another example 8. A sizeable proportion of research, productivity research,
of American-financed social science scholars w h o have pollution research, research
institution of higher study and gone to American universities relating to Antyodaya, which is a
research is the Centre of South (especially in the post-1960 homespun term for alternative
Asian Studies of the University period) were either already 'left- development steering clear of
696 T. V. Sathyamurlhy

modernization in both the 15. I have c o m e across several itself (which happens to be the
Western and the socialist commendable examples of such seat of the Government of
senses. It gained wide currency teachers and researchers w h o , Rajasthan). There is no
in India during the Janata by dint of their commitment, intention to suggest any bad
regime. have been able to amass a motive on the part of the
wealth of research material governments concerned, but
12. It should be noted that, germane to an understanding of these examples are given merely
henceforth, Centres for the character of exploitation to point out the bureaucratic
Development Studies and suffered by the Indian peasantry bottle-necks that stand in the
Centres for Social Science in a number of different parts of way of quick and effective
Research or Studies will be used the country. translation of promises into
interchangeably in the text, concrete results before it
because, in both of these, the 16. Until the mid-1950s, that is, becomes too late.
same kind of activity takes place. for nearly ten years since India's
13. M . S. Randhawa was a independence, IAS probationers 18. A m o n g the m a n y projects in
senior ICS officer w h o was used to be given their initial which Professor Bagchi is
sympathetic to rich farmers and general training at Metcalfe involved is a history of the State
highly knowledgeable about House in Civil Lines, Delhi, Bank of India (SBI),
practical agriculture. where they were turned into commissioned by the authorities
little sahibs w h o were expected of the bank, thefirstvolume of
M . S. Swaminathan is a
to maintain the traditions of which has already been
scientist w h o recently resigned
their ICS forbears when they completed. There is little doubt
from the Planning Commission
went to their subdivisions and that Bagchi's history of SBI will
in order to take up the
districts. T h e m e n in charge of become an important source
directorship of the International
the training, needless to say, material for a study of
Rice Research Institute in
were, during this period, senior contemporary India's economic
Manila. Before joining the
members of ICS. It must, in and banking history.
Indian Council- of Agriculture
fairness, be added that a good
Research in Pusa, he had had a 19. I. P . Desai received his
proportion of officers trained in
long scientific and research training in Pune where he
this manner have subsequently
career as a scientist and studied sociology and
sloughed off the cultural
subsequently as the director of anthropology under
'whitewash' to which their
the Indian Rice Research G . S. Ghurye and Iravati
training at Metcalfe House
Institute in Bhubaneswar. Karve, w h o were highly
subjected them, in order to
14. There are, however, a few become sensitive discerners of respected not only for their
Naxalite sympathizers both Indian problems, if not exactly learning but also for their radical
a m o n g students and a m o n g staff true servants of the Indian brand of political liberalism.
in some of the agricultural people.
20. Under the sixth Five Year
universities. These pockets of Plan, Orissa was to have its o w n
left-wing sympathy become 17. A t the time of this writing, Social Science Research
activated from time to time, G B P S S I , which is housed in Institute at Bhubaneswar in
w h e n there is some glaring temporary accommodation, is 1978/79, and Assam was to
injustice that needs to be fought, trying hard to persuade the follow suit. T h e Lalit Narayan
or, on occasions when the government to part with the Mishra Institute of Social
authorities adopt an attitude of m o n e y already committed for Sciences ( L N M I S S ) , named
arrogance or complacency or building n e w premises into after the former Union Railway
patronizing indifference to which its expanding staff could Minister w h o was killed in 1974
elementary demands concerning m o v e . Constant trips to at Samastipur, was set up by the
working conditions, learning Lucknow to get the ministers to Government of Bihar at Patna,
conditions, food in the hostels, agree to release funds, already mainly as a result of the efforts
etc. In the agricultural committed long since, is quite of his brother, D r Jagannath
universities in the Punjab at the wasteful, for the effort involved Mishra, w h o was Chief Minister
present time, for example, there in making frequent cross- of Bihar during the Emergency,
is a considerable degree of country trips to the state capital and again during the period
political activity, not all of which is great. IDSJ is experiencing 1980-83.
by any manner of means similar problems with the
Naxalite in nature, that is government of Rajasthan, 21. This document is entitled
directed against the centre's though its good fortune consists Institute of Development Studies,
policy, on the Punjab crisis. in its being situated in Jaipur Jaipur: Genesis and Growth of
Development research and the social sciences in India 697

an Idea. It was written by 24. Lokayan (of Sanskrit 26. Sheth, op. cit., p. 11.
Professor S. P . V a r m a and derivation), literally means,
published in Jaipur towards the 'people's movements', i.e. 27. T h e inspiration for this
end of 1981 or the beginning of movements o / a n d by the people originally came from the
1982. for the people. Sheth refers to Bhoodan movement, which was
the project as being 'action cum started by Vinoba Bhave not
22. See, for example, the research' in kind, and describes long after independence. T h e
following passage: 'Professor it as operating 'at the interface movement itself was not
Somjee was requested to of social knowledge and social successful, but the various
prepare a note on the Institute, institutions, of academic institutes of rural studies
and it was on the basis of that institutions and activist groups'. spawned as vehicles for the
note that Professor Ibid., p. 11. propagation of Gandhi's ideas
S. P.' V a r m a drew up a on rural development and
proposal for the setting up of the 25. Padayatra is a special term cooperation have been
Institute of Development used to refer to political leaders functioning without interruption.
Studies. [The institute] while in quest of the social truth or
confining itself mainly to social, political reality, by going out on 28. For a recent critical
economic, cultural and political their o w n two feet throughout evaluation of the work of
problems, would, it was the length and breadth of the research institutions in the
envisaged, be able to take up country on a fact-finding walking sphere of agricultural
problems of research tour. The most recent political economics, see a report entitled
transcending social sciences' figure to undertake such a 'Agricultural Research: Decline
[emphasis added] Ibid., pp. 7-8. padayatra (1983) was Chandra of Agro-Economic Research
Sekhar, the Janata party leader. Centres' (by a special
23. D . L . Sheth, 'Grass-Roots In their times, Gandhi and correspondent), The Economic
Stirrings and the Future of Vinoba Bhave, the 'Sage and Political Weekly,
Polities', Alternatives, Vol. IX, Paunar' (d. 1982), used to Vol. XVIII, N o . 23, 4 June
1983, pp. 1-24 (p. 8). undertake periodic padayatras. 1983, pp. 993-6.
Regional science:
evolution over thirty years

G. B . Benko

The essentials of regional cases presented by the region, certain basic

science: an attempt at laws concerning the distribution of activities.
a definition A t the centre of gravity of regional
science w e find economics and, m o r e particu-
Regional science is perhaps the newest branch larly, a specialized branch k n o w n as spatial
of social science. It owes its existence to the economics, which is mainly concerned with
m a n y problems that could not be adequately the location of economic activities, the spatial
dealt with by the traditional methods of social behaviour of firms, territorial accounts, etc.
science. With the introduction of this n e w T h e spatial economists felt at a disadvantage
science, existing lines of research are the a m o n g their colleagues and, in order to lend
richer for m a n y theories, greater weight to their
techniques and concepts. concerns, broke away
Regional science is a G . B . Benko is a researcher at the from general economics
Centre for Spatial Research and to form a separate m o v e -
discipline situated at the Analysis (University of Paris I
crossroads where econ- C N R S ) and the author of studies on ment. In their studies,
omics, geography, soci- regional development and urban they turned to math-
ology, political science geography. ematics and econo-
and anthropology meet. metrics to test the hy-
Its main subject of study potheses advanced.
is h u m a n intervention on Along with the
the terrain. T h e descrip- economists, the geogra-
tions given by engineers, phers are the most
geologists, meteorol- closely concerned with
ogists or biologists are regional study inasmuch
of scant relevance to re- as h u m a n geography by
gional science, but it definition describes and
makes use of them if need be. A research explains the distribution of h u m a n beings,
worker or practical user of this discipline their actions and their works on the surface of
takes a m o r e quantitative view; he shows the earth (Claval, 1984). A t the time w h e n
interest in population distribution, the lo- regional science emerged, geography w a s
cation of activities, environmental pollution, radically changing; the old methods devel-
tourism, urban development, etc. oped by the various national schools n o longer
In short, regional science is by nature a satisfied the researchers' curiosity. In the
science of synthesis: from the analytical data 1950s the research workers set about develop-
supplied by various specialists it is possible to ing the n e w instruments they needed in order
deduce, from among the aggregate specific to meet the n e w social demands. In the post-
700 G. B. Benko

war period, economic and population growth elements of social life by identifying the
was strong and there was an increasing need geographical distribution of peoples and cul-
for land-use planning and for control of urban tures throughout the world. Anthropology has
development. Towards the 1970s changing greatly influenced the development of post-
economic and social conditions brought a war social sciences, contributing both theor-
m o r e insistent demand for pollution control, etically and empirically to the building of
energy conservation, environmental protec- development policy models, especially in the
tion, social balance and, in general, environ- Third World, and to the preparation of
mental management and planning: afieldthat economic and social plans in which regional
was invaded by the geographers in connection science plays a dominant role.
both with economic and with social problems. Political science provides administrative
F r o m the standpoint of sociologywhich and legislative support for the implementation
studies social reality and h u m a n action in of regional development. T h e mid-twentieth
different social and physical settingsas from century brought a new awareness of regional
the standpoint of economics and political disparities in development, with the result
science, the physical environment and the that town and country planning (which can
spatial prospect are minor considerations. also b e termed regional planning or spatial
F r o m the standpoint of regional science, on organization, and which is a political and
the other hand, knowledge and understanding economic development of space) is a concern
of the objectives, goals and interests of c o m m o n to all industrialized or developing
different social groups situated at different countries. T h e United Nations and its Special-
points in space are priority concerns. Thus the ized Agencies are making efforts to promote
study of family life, of relationships between the economic and social advancement of
individuals and between social groups, and of economically weak countries whose inhabi-
social classes provides the data needed for the tants live under precarious conditions. Even
examination of societies as a whole. It is in the most advanced countries, economic
essential to understand the aims and values of growth is unevenly distributed in space, re-
different social groups in the various regions sulting in regional disparities and inequalities.
of the world and to follow their development This has attracted the attention of economists
and their approaches to regional problems if and politicians, w h o are trying to reduce the
w e are to find the means of attaining social imbalance using the instruments of regional
objectives and settling social conflicts. Thus science.
regional science has m a d e a great contribution A s w e have just seen, the difficulty of
to economic development; o n the social defining this discipline stems from its c o m -
plane, o n the other hand, it contributed plexity; there are almost as m a n y definitions
nothing, at least in its early days, and so as there are researchers. Walter Isard, in his
far as the environment is concerned, it m a y Introduction to Regional Science (1975), gives
even be said to have been destructive. A s thirteen definitions. B y comparison with
w e k n o w from wide experience, economic earlier publications, which put economic con-
development cannot be set in motion with- siderationsfirst,relatively recent descriptions
out a knowledge of the social and physical tend to focus on the environment, ecology
environment. and m a n ; hence the following summary defi-
A s to anthropology, a distinction must be nition: 'in brief, regional science as a disci-
drawn between physical anthropology, which pline concerns the careful and patient study
is concerned with the biological factors affect- of social problems with regional or spatial
ing the h u m a n being and his relationship to dimensions, employing diverse combinations
his physical environment, and cultural anthro- of analytical and empirical research'.
pology, which studies vanishing societies and
cultures, and, above all, the unidentified
Regional science: evolution over thirty years
Regional Econometrics Regional Economic and Regional Political sociology
science science social geography science and sociology

a. .b a. .c a. .d

. Social and politica1 science

E. Spatial eco nomics G. Human geogr






(e) Economic geography f) Land-use and devel (h, i) Human ecology and

oo* >

and location analysis, demograph town-and-country planning

[Spatial organization] [Human organization] [Land-use policy]
Spatial or *aniz ion




Human organizatic



Land-us e policy

Fig. 1. An attempt to define regional science in terms of set theory.
702 G. B. Benko

T h e historical foundations different schools of thought; and he gave n e w

and birth of regional science impetus to the multiplier theorya trail
blazed by H o m e r Hoyt (1933), one of the
T h e earliest origins of regional science go founders or urban economics, w h o applied the
back to van Thiinen, w h o published Der multiplier concept in 1937. Isard was quick to
isolierte Staat in 1826. Its true precursors were provide regional analysis with an essential tool
economists and geographers like August for use in theoretical discussions and practical
Lsch and Walter Christaller, w h o showed applications alike.
interest in problems connected with the lo- During the post-war period of economic
cation of activities. Their theoretical models expansion this teaching was of great social
represent what is termed central-place theory. value. Furthermore Isard had no difficulty in
A t the beginning of the century, space was a bringing together researchers and decision-
variable u n k n o w n to or neglected by the makers from different walks of life in a n e w
world of science, and of economics in particu- association aimed at facilitating the spread of
lar. Only the geographers, by vocation, knowledge. In December 1954, the Regional
formed an exception to the rule; beginning in Science Association was established and held
the nineteenth century, they developed the its first meeting. T h e expression 'regional
concept of the region that was later to serve as science' has been in regular use ever since.
a framework for m a n y spatial studies. From The association, which is international, has
the 1930s onwards, research became more set itself scientific objectives which it ap-
systematic; it progressed from sectoral ana- proaches along economic, social and political
lysesagriculture, industry, trade, tertiary lines.
activities in generalto the general schema of In s o m e respects, Isard's approach to this
the spatial balance of the system: a schema n e w discipline resembles Auguste Comte's
established by Lsch which constituted the approach to sociology. C o m t e believed that
unifying concept for specific models and also scientific thought would continue to evolve
served as the link with general economic until it reached what he called 'a positive
theory. During this period the Germans and stage' marking the culminating point of scien-
Scandinavians in particular emerged as the tific evolution. Comte m a d e use of the idea
pioneers. In the United States Edgar Hoover that the knowledge embodied in different
(1948) broke n e w ground in thefieldof sciences was unified and correlative, and he
transport costs and devised a general theory assumed that the different strands of scientific
of the 'margin line' as a factor in enterprise thought would ultimately converge in a posi-
location. During the war years, territorial tive sociology. H e obviously overestimated
accounting techniques m a d e progress and the capacity of scientists for keeping abreast
were brought into use in regions and cities. of the latest developments in allfieldsof
Various models were built to measure mi- thought. H e believed, for the distant future,
gratory movements of population and areas in a single unified science. Similarly, at the
capable of attracting commercial activity; the beginning, Isard and his followers regarded
gravity model m a d e its appearance; and the regional science, not as an interdisciplinary
notion or urban hierarchy, Zipfs rank-size activity, but as a n e w , unified discipline.
rule (1949) and the density-distance relation- Growing attention was paid to this
ship came into increasing use. The first stages branch of science. Annual symposia have
in urban analysis were past. been held regularly in Europe since 1961, and
Walter Isard, an economist by training, since then other regions of the world have fol-
remains a major influence to this day. His lowed suit. Associations have been founded
works are grounded in Keynesian economics. one after another: in France, on the initiative
H e s u m m e d up the work of his predecessors, of Jacques Boudeville and Franois Perroux
introducing n e w ideas and drawing upon with Isard's support; in Scandinavia, Japan,
Regional science: evolution over thirty years 705

Contrasted uses of space.

Opposite: an urbanized countryside. Magnum.
Above: a bit of countryside in an urban setting. Magnum.

entity such that it is possible to describe natural ; with o n e another, and particularly with the
and h u m a n p h e n o m e n a , to analyse socio-econ- dominant nodes, than with the neighbouring
omic data and to apply a policy. It is based o n region', strongly influenced spatial thinking
two principal featureshomogeneity and func- and town-and-country planning alike.
tional integrationand culminates in a sense of
Since the early 1950s the developing
practical solidarity and in relations of interde-
countries have engaged the attention of the
pendence with other regional aggregates and
with national and international space. theorists, w h o have looked into the difficulties
experienced b y enterprises in those countries.
Studies o n the regional development process Their failure to function properly has to d o
began in France with Claude Ponsard (1955, with external e c o n o m y . T h e first to explore
1958) w h o , in neo-classical vein, started by the problem and propose remedies w e r e
reviewing the w o r k already d o n e ; at the s a m e Ragnar N u r k s e (1953) a n d Albert O . Hirsch-
time h e broke n e w ground b y constructing m a n (1958), w h o suggested that investment
mathematical spaces to correspond to econ- - should b e m a d e in strategic sectors in order to
omic spaces. In the mid-1950s Franois achieve rapid and lasting growth and to
Perroux (1955) invented both the term and benefit from ; external economies. T h e first
the theory of polarisation, which gave n e w analyses m a d e of this p h e n o m e n o n , b y Alfred
impetus to research and m a r k e d the starting- Marshall, w e r e taken further b y M e a d a n d
point for original thinking in French in this Scitovsky (1954), and Balassa (1962) e x a m -
field. T h e notion of the rgion polarise or ined the question of economic integration.
nodal region, defined as a 'heterogeneous T h e techniques of spatial analysis evolved
space w h o s e various parts are mutually rapidly in the 1950s and 1960s. T h e widest
complementary and maintain m o r e exchanges field of study w a s that of m e s o - a n d m a c r o -
Regional science: evolution over thirty years 703

the United K i n g d o m , the Federal Republic even values, motives and social goals. It inter-
of G e r m a n y , Hungary and Latin America, laces all these systems via interregional systems
and, m o r e recently, o n other continents. of interindustry (interactivity) linkage, of com-
Initially this n e w science was taught in modity flows and money flows, of population
movements, and of communications, and, in
traditional departments such as those of
general, of socio-cultural interaction inclusive of
economics and geography; then specific
decision-making processes.
courses in regional science as such began
to be offered, especially at the higher edu- Research to clarify the concept of the region
cational level. M o r e than thirty specialized goes back a very long w a y . In the nineteenth
journals and various collections on regional and early twentieth centuries, the geographers
science topics appear every year. in particular displayed great curiosity about
T h e research worker practising this disci- this problem; from the 1950s onwards, the
pline is not an active planner but an analyst economists and political scientists ventured to
w h o makes a critical approach to present-day define the concept of the region and to m a k e
problems, formulates hypotheses and verifies it operational. A n initial stage witnessed a
them, drawing conclusions and submitting gradual shift away from the notion of the
recommendations; he thus plays a key role in natural region to that of the economic region;
the decision-making process. T h e second then c a m e a renewal of ideas inspired by
phase of regional action is in the hands the spatial economists and impelled by the
of decision-makers, w h o usher in the stage of ' n e w geography', which sought to explain
'town-and-country planning' or 'regional plan- regional p h e n o m e n a . T h e first essays in defi-
ning', which is k n o w n as amnagement du nition were of a piecemeal nature (Brocard,
territoire or planification rgionale in French, Lsch, Leontief, etc.); then Isard, the foun-
as Raumordnung in G e r m a n and as piani- der of regional science, held that the concept
ficazione territoriale in Italian. T h e purpose ofof region was deceptive and n o m o r e than an
town-and-country planning is to define the abstract generalization. H e therefore attached
operational concepts and major political great importance to a sound analysis of the
options through which the organization of structures and flows characterizing the portion
land use and of national space becomes a of space under consideration. A t the third
reality. stage of this fundamental research, Perroux,
Boudeville and Richardson complemented
one another in economic space analysis ap-
The main schools of thought plied to the region, distinguished between: (a)
the homogeneous region (la rgion homo-
After the concept of space was introduced gne), which is essentially agricultural and
into economic theory at the turn of the whose touchstone is that the characteristics of
century, regional sciencethat concerted syn- each elementary unit vary very little from the
thesisgave fresh impetus to studies working general average; (b) the nodal region {la
this vein. They were spurred by a shared rgion polarise), which is essentially indus-
interest in 'the spatial dimension of life' and trial and corresponds to the concept of space
were conducted in a n e w spirit whose first as afieldof force; and (c) the planning region
discoveries lay in the maze-like interdepen- {la rgion-plan ou de programme), which is
dence of regions (Isard, 1960):
essentially forward-looking, an operational
r concept designed for action in the service of
This maze interlaces interregional systems of business and the public authorities. In the
populations, resource patterns, industrial lo- light of previous studies, Lajugie (1979) for-
cations, local economies, social accounts, balance mulated a synoptic definition:
of payments positions, markets, central places
and urban-metropolitan areas, administrative
and political structures and institutions, and The region is a geographical area constituting an
706 G. B. Benko

economics: afieldinfluenced by neo-classical gravity models, highlight significant aspects of

theory, which held it essential not only to social mobility, particularlyamong other
define a geometry of space but also t meet factorsinterregional migratory movements.
certain immediate imperatives regarding lo- Gravity models are also used to measure the
cation. T h e researchers tried to discover uni- hinterland of towns or, as in their first
versal principles and apply them to regional application by Reilly (1931), to study com-
planning. B y way of illustration w e shall petition in thefieldof retail trade! The model
mention a few methods that have helped the is built by analogy with physics (phenomenon
experts to grasp regional realities. of magnetism or universal gravity).
A variety of analytical instruments were The concept of entropy employed in
used to determine the number and nature of the social sciences also has its origin in
industries that could be established and de- physics, and particularly in the second law of
veloped in a region. Thus the comparative thermodynamics; as a result of Shannon's
cost method, a very convenient technique for research it became the principal measure of
regional planning, was conceived. T h e object information theory. Its use has been the sub-
is to identify the region where a particular ject of m a n y articles, especially in the English-
industry could produce and distribute its speaking countries, represented by Wilson,
product at lowest total cost; so as to justify M e d v e k n o w and Semple, and in France,
the establishment of that industry in the area. represented by B . Marchand.
This technique makes no allowance for non- The dividing-line between meso-econ-
economic factors such as cultural models; as a omics and micro-economics is difficult to draw
result, m a n y attempts at industrial develop- because the criteria are inevitably arbitrary,
ment have failed. In addition several econ- but a fundamental distinction emerges from
ometric models and locational coefficients the analyses. In meso-economics the indi-
have been used to measure the advantages vidual is not the basic decision-making unit,
and then describe and rank the regions ac- whereas in micro-economics he is.
cording to their location quotient. The foundations of spatial micro-econ-
Input-output tables, a very important omics also go back to Isard and, in France, to
technique for the formalization and interpret- Ponsard. Next, the functionnal and h u m a n
ation of data, have been the subject of study organization of space was studied using, on
and have revealed certain processes underly- the one hand, quantitative methods like graph
ing the links between the regions of a territory theory and, on the other, the perception of
and between various aspects of their econ- spacewhich is at the stage of fundamental
omies. W . Leontief (1953), winner of the research into the epistemology of the h u m a n
1973 Nobel Prize in economics, in collab- sciencesand the cycle of information and
oration with A . Strout, broke n e w ground decision. A behaviourist approach to de-
with his work in this field. Researchers like cision-making by firms is developing among
Miernyk (1965), Isard (1971) and Gerking researchers influenced by the thinking of
m a d e advances in the application of this H . Simon (Nobel Prize in economics, 1978),
method. Cyert and March. Hamilton and his co-
The technique of interregional linear authors analyse the logic of organizations'
programming emphasizes the general interde- behaviour in space by highlighting such
pendence of activities; it is applied to the factors as information or the environment,
study of an interindustry linkage system, and which influence the decision-makers.
proceeds by optimization. This method pro- The neo-classical and neo-positivist ap-
vides an efficiency model while tackling proach of contemporary geography is charac-
the problem of different types of regional terized by the development of quantitative
scarcities. methods; marked progress has been m a d e in
Other quantitative approaches, such as the formulation of spatial programming
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708 G. B. Benko

models, spatial econometrics, data analysis theories. S o m e models have become oper-
and classification, which are employed in ational and have been applied to regional
explaining the spatial organization and policy.
dynamics applied to urban systems and in- The theoretical hypotheses have been
dustrial structures. continuously revised and renewed, and the
G a m e theory explains the logic of de- contribution of the ' n e w geography' and of
cisions taken in a situation of uncertainty sociology is increasingly apparent. It has
about partners' intentions. Cyberne'tics made possible a more thorough analysis of
under the impetus of Norbert Wiener, its social behaviour in space: a field in which
founder, in the 1950safforded a n e w angle theoretical, epistemological and philosophical
from which to view the problem of social debate between different schools of thought
regulation, and also prompted the first in- has recently intensified without, however,
quiries into systems. losing sight of the fundamental objectives of
T h e third major trend in researchthe revealing and explaining the role of space in
critical approach to spaceis Marxist in social practices, society being wholly com-
inspiration. This critical school of thought mitted to the task of giving shape to space.
came into being in France, Italy and the Latin
American countries in the 1950s and 1960s, N e w prospects for spatial
and since the 1970s has gained an increasing analysis
foothold in the United States and the United The whole controversy surrounding the re-
K i n g d o m . T h e great debate on the ideological gional idea makes a pluridisciplinary approach
role of space in modern society hinges on such essential. Hence economists, geographers,
vital questions as spatial justice, equality, sociologists and others have m u c h to gain by
environmental balance and the strategies of banding together; for a region can be ex-
dominant groups. plained as m u c h by its economic character-
These Marxist and neo-Marxist studies istics as by its geographical, socio-cultural and
are contributing to economic analyses by historical attributes. People can be seen cling-
making a systematic inquiry into real property ing to a scrap of space for reasons that have
markets, the economic theory of residential nothing to do with economics. T h e important
rent and the housing question, as d e m o n - role played by such space in the social science
strated by Lipietz (1974), Topalov (1973) was discovered rather late in the day. Analy-
and Castells (1972) a m o n g others. This de- ses and research in this area have been given a
bateas yet epistemolgica! rather than truly structure only in the last thirty years. T h e
operationalextends also, with the con- studies carried out have revealed to us, on the
tribution of Y . Lacoste, to questions of one hand, the spatial framework of the
strategy and geopolitics at the international economy and, on the other, the ideological
level. T h e efforts of the economists and socio- role of space in modern society. Regional
logists are supplemented by socio-geography, science, as w e have seen, is the case-study of
as represented by D . Harvey and K . C o x , phenomena of economic, social and political
w h o deal with the problems of modern cities; behaviour from the standpoint of a spatial
phenomena of segregation and, in general, dimension; with the discovery of the distinc-
the impact of the capitalist system on the tive features of space, it has become an
modern city. independent branch of knowledge.
F r o m this rapid review, it will be clear Regional policies do not always conform
that regional science research began with the. smoothly to the analyses and recommen-
development of analytical methods, the better dations of regional theory, with the result
to grasp spatial reality by recourse to such that researchers are increasingly to be found
varied means as spatial models, econometrics in an academic setting. H o w will regional re-
and quantitative methods based on the latest ality evolve? T h e Industrial Revolution shook
Regional science: evolution over thirty years 709

up the regional structure which until then territorial organizations, b l o w u p in our faces?
could b e explained b y criteria of homogeneity. O n e thing is certain: it will not stand still.
Notions of operationality a n d functionality A n enlightened pluridisciplinary approach is
had to b e a d d e d , the better to grasp that m o r e essential than ever before. T h e contra-
structure a n d m a n a g e it. A t the d a w n of a dictions b e t w e e n analysis a n d action can b e
technological revolution that is witnessing a o v e r c o m e , to enable us to m e e t the interests
speed-up a n d territorial expansion of of m a n k i n d , to harmonize o u r space a n d
exchanges (goods a n d services, capital, infor- attain a better 'spatial setting' for our lives.
mation, etc.), are w e to see 'our space', o u r [Translated from French]


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The teaching of anthropology:
a comparative study

Jacques Lombard

A t the Second World Congress on Anthro- teacher should remain master of his teaching.
pology, held in Copenhagen in 1938, the For this reason, a group of anthropol-
Standing Committee o n Research stressed the ogists from a variety of countries, involved
value of making a study of the teaching of with both teaching and research, decided that
anthropology and ethnology in the countries it would be a good idea to meet o n the
represented at the Congress, and of the occasion of the Eleventh International C o n -
obstacles to the introduction of such teaching. gress of the Anthropological Sciences, held in
Today, more than forty-five years later, this Quebec City in August 1983, to exchange
project is still unrealized, and it is sad to see views o n the current situation of anthropology
h o w little attention is devoted by scholarly teaching, so very different n o w from what it
meetings to the most el- was in 1938 w h e n the
ementary aspects of the value of conducting a
perpetuation of research Jacques Lombard is Professor of study o n the subject
and improvement of the Anthropology at the Universit des was first emphasized.
Sciences et Techniques in Lille,
transmission of knowl- France. H e is a former president Anthropologists from
edge. of that university and is the author of Belgium, France, the
Nevertheless, the various works, including Structures Federal Republic of
de type fodal en Afrique Noire, G e r m a n y , the Nether-
addition of a discipline and l'Anthropologie britannique lands, Portugal, South
to a system of educ- contemporaine.
ation is one of the most Africa, the United King-
reliable means of making dom a n d Yugoslavia
it grow and ensuring took part and an initial
that it reaches a situation report was pre-
' broader public. Curi- pared o n the basis of five
ously enough, the inves- countries. T h e report
tigation of the methods dealt for the most part
used to teach either the techniques of research with what is termed 'social and cultural'
in the discipline or the body of general anthropology, and referred only in passing to
knowledge pertaining to it is something that is teaching in related areas such as physical and
rarely discussed at scientific gatherings of biological anthropology, anthropolinguistics
researchers or academic specialists. In and prehistory. Transcending the differences
France, in particular, it is left to the initiative that can be seen a m o n g teaching systems,
of a few specialists associated with the Minis- each of which has its o w n traditions, deep-
try of Education, and these in turn, in the rooted similarities are observable, especially
n a m e of the academic freedom of universities as regards current developments in teaching
and examination boards, consider that the which has been deeply affected by the econ-
714 Jacques Lombard

omic crisis. This crisis has had a severe impact kunde, the branch of anthropology that is
on European universities and on n e w trends concerned with local, i.e. European, folklore
in anthropology, which is itself frequently said and traditions. However, it is not u n c o m m o n
to be experiencing an internal crisis. nowadays to find the term 'Sozial und Kultu-
ranthropologie' used in certain publications,
and this, here again, indicates the growing
Anthropology or ethnology? influence of Anglo-American usage. Even so,
anthropologists in the Vlkerkundler tradition
Terminology provides one initial point of tend to be wary of these terms, as in France
convergence, with the term 'anthropology' anthropology has always been strongly as-
becoming more popular than 'ethnology'. A s sociated with physical and biological anthro-
everyone knows, in the United Kingdom, pology.
where social anthropology originated, and in However, this general trend in favour of
the United States, the h o m e of cultural the term 'anthropology' is mirrored by a
anthropology, the term 'ethnology' w a s nearly identical development in the relations
dropped very early on since the word is as- of anthropology with its neighbouring sci-
sociated in English-speaking countries with ences. Within a few decades, the close re-
evolutionary theories and the conjectural lationships that used to exist between pre-
historical approach. 'History of contemporary history and linguistics on the one hand and
archaic peoples, I a m prepared to let that social and cultural anthropology o n the other,
discipline g o to ruin,' said Kroeber, w h o especially with respect to the teaching of
shared the view of his British colleagues that physical and biological anthropology, have
it had become too concerned with the enu- been progressively displaced by a closer
merative investigation of cultural character- association with sociology, particularly in the
istics or attempts to achieve the historical United Kingdom, France and, to some
and ultimately unscientificreconstruction of extent, the Netherlands.
races and cultures. This preference for the Early in this century, a British anthro-
term 'anthropology' has been imitated in pologist would also be a specialist in archae-
m a n y other countries, like the Netherlands' ology and physical anthropology, and C a m -
and nowadays France as well. In France, bridge had a Faculty of Archaeology and
anthropologie is increasingly coming to be Anthropology, Oxford a Department of
regarded as synonymous with ethnologie, even Ethnology and Prehistory. Since the 1960s,
though it had- traditionally been associated the options open to a Cambridge student
with the study of races and h u m a n physical have been m o r e or less restricted to anthro-
characteristics, in contrast to ethnologie, and pology, sociology or social psychology,
despite the fact that, o n occasion, anthro- rather than archaeology or physical anthro-
pologie assumes a broader connotation than pology. T h e same thing can be seen in
ethnologie, denoting a general study of m a n - France. Until 1968, the Muse de l ' H o m m e in
kind in space and time, as in the writings of Paris offered a course that included social and
Lvi-Strauss. However, 'ethnologie' continues cultural anthropology, linguistics, prehistory
to be used in the administrative nomenclature and physical and biological anthropology.
of the disciplines taught at university level. In After the reform of higher education, the
the Federal Republic of G e r m a n y , the term establishment of growing numbers of chairs
'Ethnologie' can still be found in scientific of ethnology in the universities and the
writing, as is apparent from the titles of a general tendency to attach them to the former
number of recent articles. Ethnologie c o m - faculties of literature and social science
prises the twofieldsk n o w n traditionally in caused anthropology in the broad sense to
that country as Vlkerkunde, the anthro- break up, leaving it with only its ethnological
pology of non-European peoples, and Vlks- aspect. Ethnology became an ancillary subject
The anthropologist and her objects: Margaret Mead. Rapho.

in sociology and the social sciences generally. and this tends to isolate anthropologists from
In the specialized institutes, with the possible archaeologists, sociologists and biologists, and
exception of the Institut des Langues et to m a k e interdisciplinary work difficult in
Civilisations Orientales, anthropology is practice.
taught either as a separate discipline or with
reference to a cultural area, as is the case with
the cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences The historical background to the
Sociales. In the Netherlands, departments of teaching of anthropology
anthropology are still part of Faculties of
Social Science, and the subject is taught in These similarities, which, with variations, are
close association with non-Western sociology. to be found in allfivecountries can probably
A similar but less systematic situation is also be accounted for to some extent by fairly
occasionally found in France and the United similar historical circumstances. In Western
K i n g d o m as well. T h e same is also true of Europe more than elsewhere, anthropology
Belgium, anthropology being associated with was 'the daughter of colonialism', and this
sociology at one university, psychology at inevitably influenced the nature and content
another, and so on. In the Federal Republic of the subject.
of G e r m a n y , by contrast, ethnology is taught T h e anthropology of far-away, alien
as a specific subject which has come to be lands flourished primarily in France, T h e
distinct both from archaeology and prehistory United K i n g d o m , Portugal, Spain, Belgium,
on the one hand and from the empirical the Netherlands, Germany and Italy. M u c h
sciences of culture (Empirische Kulturwis- less attention w a s paid to it in the Central
senschaften) on the other. Only linguistics, European nations, where research tended
and to a lesser extent the history of civiliz- rather to concentrate on the study of regional
ations, are incorporated into the curriculum, customs and folklore in an effort to reinvig-
716 Jacques Lombard

orate the local cultures of peoples in search of Beginning in the 1960s, w e find an increasing
their national identities (Poland, Hungary, number of ethnological studies on France and
and so on). Then in some countries an to some extent a shift,in curriculum content,
intermediate situation prevailed, the study of particularly in provincial universities. A simi-
'exotic' communities being prompted by the lar development occurred in the United King-
need to build an integrated pluralistic nation d o m . Whereas earlier generations of research
in response to domestic political concerns. workers and teachers had devoted the bulk
Anthropology in the United States concerned of their efforts to the countries of Africa,
itself initially with Indian reservations, ex- Oceania and India, anthropological research
tending its purview further afield as time went nowadays extends to other parts of the
on. T h e situation was similar in Australia and world, including the British Isles themselves.
South Africa. These diffrent historical back-
grounds had a decisive influence even on the
basic approach to the teaching of anthro-
T h e crisis in anthropology and
pology. In this connection, the example of
France is highly instructive. T h e French col- the crisis in the universities
onial empire and the political wish for French
cultural unity, one and indivisible, naturally The growing success enjoyed by anthropology
resulted in a lower level of interest in folklore after the 1960s, and the growing numbers of
and regional peculiarities and correspondingly students from all backgrounds w h o have
greater interest in countries overseas, particu- turned to it cannot conceal the depth of the
larly African countries. However, while col- crisis besetting it. Before the war, there were
onialism gave a particular direction to scien- only six universities in the United Kingdom
tific activity, different approaches to colonial- with anthropology departments, whereas the
ism itself m a y also have played a role in the subject is n o w taught in over thirty univer-
development of research, and hence of teach- sities, not counting those in which sociology
ing. It has been observed, for example, that and anthropology are lumped together. T h e
anthropological studies began earlier in Bri- teaching of anthropology has also taken root
tish territories than they did in French terri- and grown in unrelated departments, such as
tories, largely because the British used a education or psychiatry. T h e same thing has
system of indirect rule so that it was more happened in France where n e w courses were
important to k n o w something about local introduced after 1960 in the universities, and
customs, whereas the assimilationist policy departments were set up in specialized insti-
followed in French colonies m a d e the study of tutes such as the cole des Hautes tudes
social organizations and cultures a less urgent en Sciences Sociales. Concurrently, there was
matter. substantial growth in the number of investi-
O n the other hand, the end of the gators engaged in research at the C N R S
colonial era produced the opposite effect, and (Centre National de la Recherche Scienti-
both in the United Kingdom and in France fique) until 1976 or thereabouts. In the Nether-
there w a s a noteworthy revival of interest in lands, out of eight major universities, six offer
regional customs and provincial character- a complete training in anthropology in their
istics. For political and alsofinancialreasons, Faculties of Social Science to over 2,000
access to 'thefield',in newly independent students (anthropology and sociology of the
countries, had become m o r e difficult for Third World). In the Federal Republic of
investigators. Another factor, in the case of Germany, the number of students increased
France, was the wish to support a broad fourfold between 1974 and 1983, with 8,300
decentralization m o v e m e n t matching the registered in all, over 4,000 of w h o m were
wishes of a people suffering more and more concentrating o n sociology. T h e reasons ;
from imposed uniformity and urban pressures. for success o n this scale are unclear, and
The teaching of anthropology: a comparative study 717

A . Doutreloux, of the Catholic University of This crisis in anthropology is evident

Louvain, has expressed curiosity about w h y everywhere. There isfirstlya crisis in its sub-
there has been such a strong demand from ject-matter with the disappearance of what are
students of psychology, law, literature or termed 'traditional' societies and the shift of
architecture n o less than from students of the its specific focus from a vanished subject to a
social sciences. Conceivably the explanation research method and research techniques that
is not so m u c h the students' desire for ex- are less dominated by quantitative tools than
plicit knowledge about anthropology as their are those of sociology. There is a crisis in its
vaguely felt wish to dissociate themselves boundaries as a discipline, which are some-
from their o w n society and to look for cultural what unclear; and above all there is a crisis in
enrichment and a source of humanistic values the use to which anthropologists can be put,
in cultures that are remote and less anony- since there are too m a n y of them for the few
m o u s than our o w n . employment opportunities still available.
It seems clear, at all events, that this In s o m e universities, themselves with
success has caused anthropology to develop reduced staff andfinancialresources, anthro-
into a discipline aimed at cultural enrichment pology for a time was able to gain a n e w lease
and supplementing a large number of other of life with the upsurge of research on the
fields, while at the same time it has lost the development of Third World countries.
specific character and professional, training Experience has shown, however, that in this
function that it formerly had. Accordingly, it field, the natural sciences, such as the earth
offers the student m o r e in the way of 'culture' sciences, marine biology, and so o n , have
and 'ideas' than of 'technique' or ' k n o w - h o w ' . attacted m o r e researchers than the social
This is the price that has had to be paid for the sciences. E v e n a m o n g the social sciences,
striking growth in universities of newfieldsof economics and demography have fared better
science and technology associated with occu- than anthropology or even sociology.
pations calling for training that is both precise T h e current situation of the universities
and specialized. T h e result has been the does not offer m a n y grounds for optimism,
development of a considerable degree of either. J. S . Eades has pointed out that in the
opposition between teaching which is special- United K i n g d o m , n o w that the government
ized and technical but geared to occupational has decided to put a stop to the growth of the
purposes, and teaching which is general and university sector and m a n y professors are
'cultural' but offering no assurance of employ- being offered early retirement, the ranks of
ment. All observers agree that there is vir- eminent anthropologists will doubtless not be
tually no recruitment either to the ranks of replenished by n e w appointments, and this
teachers or to those of investigators, and this will jeopardize the renewal of the teaching
is due not only to the crisis in anthropology or body and h a r m the promotion prospects of
in the universities generally, but also, and the most outstanding lecturers. Increases in
indeed primarily, to the economic crisis as university fees also seem likely to inhibit entry
such. to universities, especially for Third World
F . Valjavec showed that in the Federal students. This has already been observed in
Republic of G e r m a n y , ethnology benefited Belgium in respect of Zairian students w h o
very little from the expansion of higher edu- are transferring to universities in northern
cation during the years of economic growth. France where lower fees are charged.
Surveys at the universities have shown that T h e fact remains, however, that this crisis
the teacher/student ratio in ethnology was 1 to has not yet brought growth in the teaching of
85 in 1983, whereas the average for all fields anthropology to a halt, even though its
was only 1 to 4 7 . Similar figures would purpose and subject have changed somewhat,
doubtless b e found in the case of other losing part of their former specific focus.
718 Jacques Lombard

The organization of teaching greater degree of independence,, with longer

courses of study. T h e United Kingdom, in
T w o important things mentioned above are particular, has universities (eight or nine) with
going to exercise a considerable influence on separate departments of anthropology, offer-
the w a y the teaching of anthropology is ing courses up to the postgraduate level,
organized: (a) the progressively and steadily universities in which the departments of soci-
closer relationship between anthropology and ology and anthropology are associated, others
sociology (whether Western-oriented or in which anthropology is more widely taught
Third-World-oriented) at the expense of the in the social science departments, and still
former type of training, which was more others in which the subject is even more
broadly interdisciplinary, incorporating as it interdisciplinary and is spread over a number
did prehistory, ethnolinguistics and physical of different faculties. T h e situation is similar
anthropology; and (b) the general trend for in the Netherlands, where there are six
anthropology to be the teaching of 'culture', universities with departments of anthropology
open to an ever-growing extent to students offering afive-yeardegree course, and also in
from otherfields,and compelled as a result to Belgium, where there are full courses in
provide a progressively less specialized form anthropology at the Free University of Brus-
of instruction for students w h o are less di- sels and the Flemish Catholic University of
rectly committed to the discipline than was Louvain. Lastly, in the Federal Republic of
formerly the case. Germany ethnology is taught as a major
These two trends, c o m m o n to all five subject in s o m efifteenuniversities, the largest
countries, are accompanied by a divergence in of which, in terms of enrolment, are West
those countries' respective traditional views of Berlin, Munich, Gttingen, Cologne, Frank-
the teaching of anthropology. In France, in furt, Mainz and H a m b u r g . T h e curriculum
particular, this subject has rarely been re- for a Master's degree extends over a period of
garded as the goal of a long course of study four to five years, during which anthropology
extending over the number of years required is a required subject.
to earn a university degree or matrise. Until H o w e v e r , the traditional organization of
1968, ethnology was a specialfieldof univer- anthropology as a subject can vary. In ad-
sity study which a student could choose after dition to the independence or specific nature
two years of higher education, i.e. specialized of the subject in relation to others, the inde-
subject open to advanced students only. A t pendence and specific nature of the university
s o m e institutions, indeed, such as the Ecole with respect to the kind of teaching and the
Pratique des Hautes tudes in Paris and the curricula are also a factor. F r o m this stand-
M u s e d e l ' H o m m e , it was intended for point, British and Netherlands universities
postgraduates wishing to learn something m a y conveniently be set in opposition to
about research. After 1968, degrees and universities in France and the Federal Repub-
matrises in ethnology were awarded by some lic of G e r m a n y . In the United Kingdom,
universities, but it was not taught as a subject departments of anthropology have remained
in its o w n right until the third year (eight faithful to the traditions of certain professors
universities out of seventeen offering anthro- and heads of department, whose names are
pology, according to a recent survey con- associated with various universities. These
ducted by the Association Franaise des include Evans-Pritchard at Oxford, Fortes
Anthropologues). Elsewere, the subjects of and Leach at Cambridge and Gluckman at
ethnology and sociology are associated, lead- Manchester, each of these universities being
ing to degrees and matrises in sociology, with marked by a particular approach to anthro-
compulsory or in some cases optional courses pology and by concentration on particular
in anthropology. In other countries, by con- fields. Each university was linked to a
trast, the discipline has traditionally enjoyed a 'school', and consequently somewhat inward-
The teaching of anthropology: a comparative study 719

Amateur ethnology: an Easter Island scene sent by the nineteenth-century French author of'exotic'
novels, Pierre Loti, to the famous actress, Sarah Bernhardt. Edimagcs.
720 Jacques Lombard

looking. In the Netherlands, specialization countriesthe 1960s were years of m o n o -

has occurred mainly in relation to particular graph studies dealing typically with a single
regions or cultural areas, or else around ethnic group from a rural area in a colon-
specialfieldswithin anthropology, e.g. Black ized country. T h e study of traditional activi-
Africa and Indonesia at Leiden; Europe and ties was seen in an ethnographic present. In
the Mediterranean, South-East Asia and 1970, Gluckman's dynamic approach and
linguistics at Amsterdam; Latin America at Marxist influence progressively pushed investi-
Utrecht; the Pacific Ocean and economic gators in the direction of the study of social
anthropology at Nijmegen. change, complex societies and work-related
This tendency for universities to special- migrations. In 1980,finally,the Marxist con-
ize is not found in France or the Federal tribution increased even further, while the
Republic of G e r m a n y , where teaching tends outlines of an anthropology that was m u c h
to be more interchangeable and specialization more closely associated with the problems of
depends on the personalities and experience development began to take shape, within the
of different professors, each of w h o m organ- context of a m u c h greater degree of inter-
izes his lectures and research in accordance disciplinarity (involving economics, history,
with his o w n concepts. O n the other hand, in political science, and so on). O n the other
s o m e institutes in the Federal Republic of hand, some countries, notably the Federal
Republic of G e r m a n y and Austria, were sub-
G e r m a n y and in France (including the Institut
des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, the ject for years to the influence of the dif-
cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales fusionist school (Kulturkreislehre, Kulturmor-
phologie), and that influence was widely felt
and the M u s e de l ' H o m m e in Paris), teach-
ing m a y be quite specialized, especially since in the approach to teaching at all univer-
it is aimed at advanced students. It is another sities. T h e long-continued popularity of
distinctive feature of the French system that it diffusionism (the ethnohistorical. school)
has to some extent dissociated general edu- crowded out the other trends.
cation, which is provided essentially in univer- While the teaching of anthropology is
sities, from practical teaching arid research determined by the approach characteristic of
training, which are concentrated mainly in a particular university (as is the case in the
Paris and in specialized institutions. United K i n g d o m to some extent) or even of
an entire country (as was formerly the case in
Teaching and the students the Federal Republic of G e r m a n y ) , it is also
determined by the nature of the teaching
Approaches to teaching and educational material itselfin this instance, the anthro-
methods have changed over time as have the pological literature that the students can be
foci of interest in anthropological research. provided with.
T h e attention devoted to various societies or In France, for example, some publishers
continents is itself influenced by fashion, as have brought out translations of a great many
m a d e k n o w n by the press and other media. works by Malinowski, Evans-Pritchard or the
In France, for example, Africa was very American anthropologists. T h e publication of '
m u c h in vogue between 1950 and 1965, but these works in paperback editions has helped
shortly thereafter began to lose ground in to generate wider awareness of the ideas and
favour of the South American Indian and, interests of these authors a m o n g beginners or
subsequently, in the 1970s or thereabouts, non-specialist students, even though sub-
there was a wave of enthusiasm for the sequently more advanced study m a y lead
regions of France. them to adopt a more critical attitude
T h e same applies to teaching methods. towards this initial basic information. Only
Eades emphasizes that in the United King- later, in the context of work at a higher level,
d o m a n d doubtless the same is true of other is it possible for the teacher to abandon this
The leaching of anthropology: a comparative study 721

general, 'cultural' aspect of his teaching and even longer in the case of a student w h o
turn instead to what he considers to be more wishes to obtain a doctorate. In such cases the
fundamental, namely transmission of 'field' programme m a y be as long as five or seven .
experience, which was formerly regarded as years.
the key ingredient in the ethnologist's training In the United Kingdom, the first year of
and k n o w - h o w . A n additional factor is con- studies is highly multidisciplinary, with so-
centration on a particular, more specialized ciology, law, economics and political science
field of anthropological research (kinship, alternating with anthropology (University of
economy, ritual, political life, and so on). T h e Kent). In the second year the student is
fact remains, none the less, that in France a introduced to the various specialfieldswithin
specialized field cannot be taught to the anthropology, and in the third year,
majority until cheap paperback editions, of- specialization by cultural area or themes of
fering in one volume articles by various application to development are introduced.
authors on a single theme, become c o m m o n . In the Netherlands, where anthropology
Generally speaking, interdisciplinarity is is still a clearly defined subject in its o w n right
coming to be an increasingly prominent fea- and is not taught as a form of 'culture' to the
ture of the teaching of anthropology, except same extent as in France and Belgium, the
perhaps in the Federal Republic of Germany work of the first and second years also
where the pace of change is slower. In the includes a substantial multidisciplinary
United Kingdom, some courses are given by component which includes sociology, political
groups of lecturers from different disciplines. science, philosophy and the economics of
In the Netherlands, anthropology is taught in development, anthropology being taught in
combination with other social sciences, es- combination with the sociology of the Third
pecially those that are of use in research on World (Free University of Amsterdam).
development in the Third World. In France, a Specialization begins in the third year, both
tradition going back to Durkheim and Mauss in anthropology and in a related discipline,
is used as a theoretical basis for the increas- the choice of which is left to the student.
ingly close association between sociology and For example, a student w h o intends to work
anthropology, which is also justified on the in Latin America m a y decide to specialize in
grounds of the small number of professional political anthropology with religious anthro-
opportunities available in anthropology. In pology as his second subject, choosing Spa-
Belgium, as A . Doutreloux emphasized, the nish-language subjects as an option. Research
anthropologist tends through force of circum- training really begins in the fourth and fifth
stances to become a 'sort of general prac- years w h e n the student is preparing for his
titioner of the social sciences', and anthro- doctorate. T h e doctorate is based on the fields
pology 'the art of interdisciplinarity' in that of specialization selected in the student's third
its function has become not so m u c h to year.
answer to a theory as to be able to take into
In France, o n the other hand, anthro-
consideration, w h e n confronted with an
pology is not really taught until the third
actual phenomenon, the various levels or
year, and then only at universities that offer
orders of reality constituting that phenomenon.
undergraduate degrees and matrises in eth-
The curriculum itself varies not only from nology. In some instances, however, courses
country to country, but also from university to m a y be given in the second year, or even the
university and hence, a fortiori, from one first, as part of the sociology programme.
specialized institution to another. Except in Training in specialist anthropology does
France, where the course of study is not so not really begin until the fifth year {diplme
long, even in universities that offer a Master's d'tudes approfondies), at the doctoral level
degree in ethnology, the general rule is a and in seminars given in specialized institutes
three- or four-year course, which of course is such as the Muse de l ' H o m m e and the cole
722 Jacques Lombard

des Hautes tudes. Such training m a y also interested in events in the non-European
occasionally be available at a few universities world. They have filled the lecture halls of
offering different fields of specialization at Western universities and displayed consider-
this level. able interest in anthropology since the years
In the Federal Republic of Germany, a, 1965-70. Those were the years of the great
Master's degree is awarded after the fourth debates about ideas and the reassessment of
year, study beyond that level leading to the Western society. This interest in other
doctorate. T h e teaching of the subject, some- peoples and different cultures also arose out
what as in France, is related to the personality of the success of great theories such as Lvi-
of the professor concerned rather than to the Strauss's structuralism which have gone well
nature of the university as in the Netherlands beyond the bounds of the academic world. In
and the United Kingdom. Consequently, it is France, in particular, books on anthro-
less susceptible of overall organization as it is pology were widely read in secondary schools
neither homogeneous (same training in all and were extensively used by teachers at
universities) nor specialized (each university that level.
having its o w n area of specialization defined At present, the economic crisis and the
in relation to an overall structure). According rise of unemployment, along with the decline
to F . Valjavec, there is n o course planning of the traditional general disciplines in favour
and no course differentiation, apart from the of technological subjects that lead on to
formal distinctions between undergraduate, employment, have changed the attitudes and
Master's and doctoral studies. In the Federal expectations of students, w h o are more
Republic of Germany, Belgium and to a interested in acquiring k n o w - h o w than knowl-
considerable extent in France as well, the edge. T h e n e w aids in education (such as
complaint is that excessive emphasis has been statistics and computers) are being progress-,
placed on theory, which is frequently divorced ively introduced into social science curricula
from field experience. A . Doutreloux stresses and are a contributing factor in the choices
that students frequently find it difficult m a d e by students. Those w h o learn to
to 'perceive a practical fact as it actually handle these techniques best will tend to
isordinary, diversified or even disparate', prefer economics to sociology, and at a later
even though in m a n y instances they are stage, will prefer sociology to anthropology.
cramed . with concepts and theories In France, where there is no selection for uni-
and well armed with reading matrices and versity entrance, a survey taken in October
methods. 1983 at the University of Lille I showed
This trend is also observable in France, that 75 per cent of the students entering the
where the Marxist school of anthropology first year of sociology were girls, whereas
has developed a formidable body of theory on boys tended to choose that subject as their
pre-capitalist formations and forms of tran- subsidiary field of study. In the Federal
sition between production systems, in m a n y Republic of Germany as well, increasing
instances on the basis of formerly fashionable numbers of w o m e n students are going in for
concepts such as the 'Asian m o d e of pro- ethnology.
duction'. O n the other hand, the swing back Doubtless there is a cause-and-effect
t local ethnology and the study of regional relationship between the lack of opportunities
customs has led to a renewal of interest in the for employment and the trend of anthro-
descriptive approach and in ethnography, pology towards a general 'cultural' approach.
formerly used in monographs about the exotic This trend can only grow stronger if the
'field'. number of students from related fields in-
T h e students, discouraged by the lack of creases, or if, in addition to their degrees
any professional opportunities, look less for and jobs, they display an increasing tendency
training than for 'culture' and are increasingly to regard a degree in anthropology as a 'cul-
The teaching of anthropology: a comparative study 723

tural passport' for any intelligently prepared tation, associated with the problems of
stay in a distant country. today's world, but this would lead to a frag-
mentation of the discipline in view of the
W h a t can be done about these various crises need for genuinely interdisciplinary research.
in education, the universities, and anthro- Anthropologists would have to affiliate,
pology? This is what J. S. Eades asks with themselves, both theoretically and empiri-
respect to the United Kingdom in wondering cally, with specialists in the other social
what the short- and long-term prospects are sciences, working with them in closer collab-
for anthropology as an academic discipline. oration than they worked in the past with
In the short term, he thinks that it would their former colleagues in other special fields
be desirable to continue to meet the demand of anthropology.
of a minority of students by preserving Anthropology has already given the other
anthropology education in its entirety. T h e social sciences its specific techniques such as
departments of anthropology exist, and participant observation and small-group
they must continue to meet the demand of a analysis and it has already turned to the
public that is still attracted by the exotic. For study of complex societies, even though the
the longer term, there are two possible techniques just referred to have sometimes
courses. In thefirstplace, anthropology edu- proved to be less appropriate there than in
cation could be given a m o r e historical orien- the study of rural societies. Furthermore, in
tation, concentrating on vanishing cultures interdisciplinary debate, anthropology has
and demanding a m o r e searching study of the always been able to emphasize the reality
substantial quantity of material accumulated and complexity of any socio-cultural situation.
by earlier scholars. This approach might be It still faces the task of adapting m o r e fully to
of interest to a small number of students, the contemporary world, even if in so
even though it has no institutional basis in the doing it must lose some part of what its
academic system. Alternatively, anthropology 'substance' originally was.
could be given a more contemporary orien- [Translated from French]


1. Eleventh International J. S. Eades, University of Kent (France), 'L'enseignement de

Congress of the Anthropological (United Kingdom), 'The l'anthropologie en France' [The
and Ethnological Sciences. teaching of social anthropology Teaching of Anthropology in
Phase IQuebec City, 14-17 in the United Kingdom'. France].
August 1983, symposium A-208: A . Koster, Free University of F. Valjavec, University of
'The teaching of anthropology'. Amsterdam (Netherlands), Tbingen (Federal Republic of
A . Doutreloux, University of 'L'enseignement de Germany), 'L'ethnologie en
Louvain (Belgium), 'Enseigner l'anthropologie aux Pays-Bas' Allemagne fdrale'
l'anthropologie en 1983' [The Teaching of Anthropology [Anthropology in the Federal
[Teaching Anthropology in in the Netherlands], Republic of Germany].
1983]. J. Lombard, University of Lille I
Books received

Generalities, documentation Universita J. E . Purkyn, 1983. Sternberg, Ghitta. Stefanesti:

189 pp., graphs, tables, bibliog. Portrait of a Romanian Shtetl.
Roberts, Stephen A . (ed.). Aca- Oxford/New York/Toronto, Per-
demic Research in the United g a m o n Press, 1984. 289 p p . ,
Kingdom. Its Organisation and figs., illus., tables, bibliog. 20.
Effectiveness: Proceedings of a
Symposium of the Association Social sciences Trappe, Paul. Entwicklungsso-
of Researchers in Medicine and ziologie. Basle, Social Strategies
Science. London, Taylor Gra- Ander-Egg, Ezequiel. Metodolo- Publishers Co-operative Society,
h a m , 1984. 112 p p . , figs., ga del trabajo social. Instituto 1984. 711 p p . , index. (Social
tables. 12. de Ciencies Sociales Aplicadas, Strategies: Monographs o n So-
1982. 244 p p . , figs., illus., tables. ciology and Social Policy, 12.)
Cronin, Blaise. The Citation 60 Swiss francs.
Process: The Role of Signifi- . Tcnicas de investigacin
cance of Citations in Scientificsocial. [Alicante], Humanitas,
Communication. L o n d o n , Tay- 1983. 500 p p . , figs., graphs, illus.
lor G r a h a m , 1984. 103 p p . , Demography
bibliog. 10. Bilsborrow, R . E . ; Obrai,
A . S.; Standing, G . (eds.). Mi- Franco Biffi (ed.). International
Marien, Michael (ed.); with gration Surveys in Low Income Federation of Catholic Univer-
Lane Jennings. Future Survey Countries: Guidelines for Sur- sities. Centre for Coordination
Annual, 1983: A Guide to Re- vey and Questionnaire Design. of Research. Demographic Poli-
cent Literature of Trends, Fore- London/Sydney, C r o o m H e l m ; cies from a Christian View Point,
casts, and Policy Proposals. 1984. 552 p p . , tables., bibliog. Symposium, Rio de Janeiro,
Bethseda, World Future Society, 14.95. 27-30 Sept. 1982: Proceedings.
1984. 240 p p . , index. 25. R o m e , Herder, 1984. 587 p p . ,
Sri Lanka. Natural Resources, figs., tables.
Tedd, Lucy A . An Introduction Energy and Science Authority.
to Computer-based Library Sys- Social Science Research Meth- Nations Unies. Dpartement des
tems, 2nd ed. Chichester/New odology, Seminar, Peradeniya, Affaires Economiques et Sociales
York/Brisbane, John Wiley & 24 Aug.-13 Sept.1980: Seminar Internationales. Tables types de
Sons, 1984. 262 p p . , figs., Report. C o l o m b o , Natural R e - mortalit pour les pays en dve-
tables, index. sources, Energy and Science loppement. N e w York, United
Authority, 1983. 268 p p . , tables. Nations, 1984. 351 p p . , tables.
(ST/ESA/SER. A/77.)

United Nations. Department of

Psychology International Economie and
Sociology Social Affairs. The World Popu-
Guguen, Ccile; Leveau, H - lation Situation in 1983: Concise
lne T . Rendez-vous la crche. Grenier, Philippe. Chilo et les Report. N e w York, United
Toulouse, Privat, 1984. 164 p p . , Chilotes: Marginalits et dpen- Nations, 1984. 108 p p . , tables.
illus. (Msop.) 65 francs. dance en Patagonie chilienne. (ST/SEA/SER.A/85.)
L a Calade, Aix-en-Provence,
Martino, Jol de. Formation pa- E D I S U D , 1984. 585 p p . , figs.,
radoxale et paradoxes de la for- maps, illus., tables, bibliog.,
mation. Toulouse, Privat, 1984. index. 240 francs. Political science
228 p p . , figs., bibliog. (Histoire
contemporaine des sciences h u - Kwasniewski, Jerzy. Society and International Federation of
maines.) 98 francs. Deviance in Communist Poland: Catholic Universities. The Peace
Attitudes Towards Social Con- Movements/Les mouvements de
M o z n y , Ivo. Rodina vysokoSkol- trol. Leamington S p a , Berg la paixlFriedensbewegungen
sky vzdlanych manzel. Brn, Publishers, 1984. 209 pp'. Analysis and Evaluation; Mo-

tivations and Aspects, Sym- Nordic Perspective. Stockholm, Social relief and welfare
posium, Salzburg, 18-21 Feb. The Industrial Institute for
1983: Proceedings. R o m e , R e - Economic and Social Research, International Labour Office.
search Centre of the I F C U , 1984. 373 p p . , figs., tables. Financing Social SecurityThe
1984. 333 pp., tables, bibliog. ( S E K 223.) Options: An International Analy-
sis. Geneva, International Labour
Whitaker, Ben (ed.). Minorities: Rose, Jos. En qute d'emploi: Office, 1984. 145 pp., $14.25;
A Question of Human Rights? formation, chmage, emploi. Pa- 25 Swiss francs.
Oxford/New York/Toronto, Per- ris, Econmica, 1984. 196 pp.,
g a m o n Press, 1984. 131 pp. tables., index, bibliog. 98 francs. World Health Organization. Re-
gional Office for Europe. Family
Tolnai, Gyrgy. The Role of the Planning and Sex Education of
Peasant Small-Scale Commodity Young People. Copenhagen,
Economics Producing Sector in the Third W H O Regional Office for Euro-
World. Budapest, Institute for pe, 1984. 41 pp. ( E U R O Re-
A g h , Attila. National Develop- World Economy of the Hunga- ports and Studies, 89.)
ment in the Third World. Buda- rian Academy of Sciences, 1984.
pest, Institute for World Econ- 51 pp. (Studies on Developing
o m y of the Hungarian Acad- Countries; 114.)
e m y of Sciences, 1984. 68 pp. Social anthropology
(Studies on Developing United Nations. The Voluntary
Countries, 115.) Fund for the U . N . Decade for Koenig, Jean-Paul. Malagasy
W o m e n . A Guide to Community Customs and Proverbs. Mont-
Australia. Department of Revolving Loan Funds. N e w real, Sherbrooke, 1984. 50 pp.,
Foreign Affairs. The Develop- York, United Nations, 1984. illus., bibliog.
ment Crisis and the North-South 158 pp., illus., tables.
Dialogue: An Australian Per- Polo, Jaime B . The Binalayan
spective. Canberra, Australian Fishing Ritual-Drama: A Fellow-
Government Publishing Service, ship at Sea. Tacloban City,
1984. 93 pp., tables. Divine W o r d University Publi-
cations, 1983. 110 pp., illus.,
Inter-Regional Coordinating
Law bibliog.
Committee of Development
Universit de Paix. Les droits des
Associations. Third Inter-Re-
humains: textes fondamentaux
gional Meeting on Development
pour l'ducation et l'action. H u y , Literature
Research, Communication and
Belgium, Georges Malempr,
Education, Kuala Lumpur, Collet, Paulette. Les romanciers
[1984]. 143 pp. (Critres pour
Malaysia, 7-9 June 1983: franais et le Canada, 1842-
l'action.) 25 francs.
Beyond the North-South Dia- 1981: Anthropologie. Sher-
logue/Au-del du dialogue Nord- brooke/Paris. Editions N a a m a n
Sud. Kuala Lumpur, Asian and Agence de Coopration Cultu-
Pacific Development Centre, relle et Technique, 1984. 163
1983. 130 pp. (English/French.) pp., gloss., index.
Public administration
Jennings, Anthony (ed.) Our
Response to the Poorest of Kleczkowski, B . M . ; Roemer,
the Third World. Oxford/New M . I.; V a n der Werff, A . Les History
York/Toronto, Pergamon Press, systmes de sant nationaux: r-
1984. 64 pp., index. orientation sur la voie de la sant Pichardo, Hortensia. Biografa
pour tous. Geneva, World del Colegio de San Cristobal de
Mikkelsen, Arne; Vartia, Pentti; Health Organization, 1984. 136 la Habana. Havana, Editorial de
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(eds.). Economic Growth in a publique, 77.) Cuba, 1979. 292 pp., bibliog.
Recent Unesco publications
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lingual Vocabularies, Thesauri, D e a n , P . Hartmann, and M . 8.) 60 francs.
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,bles. ( W o m e n in a World Per- World Directory of Peace Re-
spective.) 30 francs. search Institutions, 5th ed rev.
World List of Social Science
Paris, Unesco, 1984. 228 p p .
Periodicals/Liste mondiale des
World Directory of National (Reports and Papers in the priodiques spcialiss dans les
Science and Technology Policy Social Sciences, 55.) 36 francs.
sciences sociales/Lista mundial
Making Bodies/Rpertoire mon- de revistas especializadas en
dial des organismes directeurs de World Directory of Social Sci- ciencias sociales, 1982, 3rd rev.
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sables de la poltica cientfica y instituciones de ciencias sociales, diaux d'information en sciences
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Unesco, 1984. 99 p p . (Science co, 1982. 535 p p . (World Social de informacin sobre ciencias
Policy Studies and Documents/ Science Information Services, sociales, I.) 72 francs.

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Past topics1

From 1949 to the end of 1958, this Journal appeared under the n a m e of International Social Science
Bulletin, not all issues of which were devoted to a main topic.
Microfilms and microcards are available from University Microfilms Inc., 300 N . Zeeb R o a d , A n n
Arbor, M I 48106 (United States of America). Reprint series are available from Kraus Reprint
Corporation, 16 East 46th Street, N e w York, N Y 10017 (United States of America).

Vol. XI, 1959 Vol. XVII, 1965

No. 1. Social aspects of mental health* N o . 1. M a x W e b e r today/Biological aspects of
N o . 2. Teaching of the social sciences in the U S S R * race*
N o . 3. The study and practice of planning* N o . 2. Population studies
N o . 3. Peace research*
No. 4. Nomads and nomadism in the arid zone* N o . 4. History and social science
Vol. XII, 1960
Vol. XVIII, 1966
N o . 1. Citizen participation in political life*
N o . 2. The social sciences and peaceful N o . 1. H u m a n rights in perspective*
co-operation* No. 2. M o d e r n methods in criminology*
N o . 3. Technical change and political decision* N o . 3. Science and technology as development
N o . 4. Sociological aspects of leisure* factors*
No. 4. Social science in physical planning*
Vol. XIII, 1961
Vol. XIX, 1967
No. 1. Post-war democratization in Japan* N o . 1 Linguistics and communication*
No. 2. Recent research on racial relations N o . 2, The social science press
No. 3. T h e Yugoslav c o m m u n e N o . 3 Social functions of education*
No. 4. T h e parliamentary profession
N o . 4. Sociology of literary creativity*
Vol. XIV, 1962 Vol. XX, 1968
No. 1. Images of women in society* N o . 1. Theory, training and practice in
N o . 2. Communication and information management*
No. 3. Changes in the family* N o . 2. Multi-disciplinary problem-focused
N o . 4. Economics of education* research*
N o . 3. Motivational patterns for modernization
Vol. XV, 1963 N o . 4. T h e arts in society*
N o . 1. Opinion surveys in developing countries
N o . 2. Compromise and conflict resolution Vol. XXI, 1969
N o . 3. Old age N o . 1. Innovation in public administration*
N o . 4. Sociology of development in Latin America N o . 2. Approaches to rural problems*
N o . 3. Social science in the Third World*
Vol. XVI, 1964
N o . 4. Futurology*
No. 1. Data in comparative research*
No. 2. Leadership and economic growth Vol. XXII, 1970
No. 3. Social aspects of African resource N o . 1. Sociology of science*
development N o . 2. Towards a policy for social research
N o . 4. Problems of surveying the social sciences N o . 3. Trends in legal learning
and humanities
N o . 4. Controlling the human environment

1. The asterisk denotes issues out of print.


Vol. XXIII, 1971 Vol.XXX, 1978

N o . 1. Understanding aggression No. 1. The politics of territoriality
N o . 2. Computers and documentation in the social No. 2. Exploring global interdependence
sciences No. 3. H u m a n habitats: from tradition to
N o . 3. Regional variations in nation-building modernism
N o . 4. Dimensions of the racial situation No. 4. Violence

Vol. XXIV, 1972 Vol. XXXI, 1979

No. 1. Development studies N o . 1. Pedagogics of social science: some
No. 2. Youth: a social force? experiences
No. 3. The protection of privacy No. 2. Rural-urban articulations
No. 4. Ethics and institutionalization in social No. 3. Patterns of child socialization
science N o . 4. In search of rational organization
Vol. XXV, 1973
Vol. XXXII, 1980
N o . 1/2. Autobiographical portraits
N o . 3. The social assessment of technology No. 1. The anatomy of tourism
N o . 4. Psychology and psychiatry at the cross-roads N o . 2. Dilemmas of communication: technology
versus comunities?
Vol. XXVI, 1974 No. 3. Work
N o . 4. O n the state
N o . 1. Challenged paradigms in international
N o . 2. Contributions to population policy Vol. XXXIII, 1981
N o . 3. Communicating and diffusing social science No. 1. Socio-economic information: systems, uses
N o . 4. The sciences of life and of society and needs
N o . 2. At the frontiers of sociology
Vol. XXVII, 1975 N o . 3. Technology and cultural values
N o . 1. Socio-economic indicators: theories and N o . 4. Modern historiography
N o . 2. The uses of geography Vol. XXXIV, 1982
N o . 3. Quantified analyses of social phenomena
N o . 4. Professionalism in flux No. 91. Images of world society
No. 92. Sporting life
Vol. XXVIII, 1976 No. 93. M a n in ecosystems
No. 1. Science in policy and policy for science* No. 94. Makings of music
No. 2. The infernal cycle of armament
No. 3. Economics of information and information Vol. XXXV, 1983
for economists No. 95. Burdens of militarization
N o . 4. Towards a new international economic and No. 96. Political dimensions of psychology
social order No. 97. The World economy: theory and reality
No. 98. W o m e n in power spheres
Vol. XXIX, 1977
N o . 1. Approaches to the study of international
organizations Vol. XXXVI, 1984
N o . 2. Social dimensions of religion No. 99. Interaction through language '
N o . 3. The health of nations N o . 100. Industrial democracy
N o . 4. Facets of interdisciplinarity N o . 101. Migration

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